1855 Kelleys Directory of Kent, Bromley Chapter
BROMLEY is a respectable town in the western division five years ago, with a residence for the master and mistress ;
of the county, situated on the Hastings line of road, it is about 2 miles from Bromley, on the main road from
through Sevenoaks and Tunbridge, near the east bank of Sevenoaks. Bromley College is an establishment at the
the Ravensbourne, 10 miles from London, 14 from Seven- entrance of the town from the London road, which was
oaks, and 6 from Greenwich south-by-east ; the nearest endowed and founded by John Warner, D.D., Bishop of
railway station is Sydenham, 41 miles on the Croydon line. Rochester, in 1666, for the benefit of 20 poor widows of
The parish contains also the hamlets of SOUTHBOROUGH, loyal and orthodox clergymen. The funds have been
FARWIG, PLAISTOW and WIDMORE, and extends over subsequently, by the benefactions of Bishop Pearce and
4,646 acres, with a population of 4,127 in 1851; it is in Mrs. Betenson, largely increased, so that 40 widows have
the Hundred of Bromley Ruxley, lathe of Sutton-at- each an allowance of £38 per annum, and a separate and
Hone, and. Union of Bromley, and under the jurisdiction commodious residence. Mrs. Sheppard founded and
of the Metropolitan police, who have a station here, and endowed another charity in connection with this for the
of the Central Criminal Court ; it is a County court benefit of five unmarried daughters of widows, who have
district for 16 parishes, held every month at the White resided here, with a liberal allowance. Bromley is one of
Hart Inn. The manor was conferred by Ethelbert, King the polling places for West Kent. The fairs, on the 14th
of Kent, on the Bishops of Rochester ; and the Bishops February and 5th August, are extensive for cattle of all
had a palace here, a plain brick building, rebuilt in 1777, kinds, and are held in Widmore-lane, and near the church.
now the residence of Coles Child, Esq., who is lord of the The National schools are liberally supported. Here are
manor; in the garden is a chalybeate spring, called four Dissenting places of worship (two Independent and
Blaise's well. The living is a perpetual curacy, value 1160; two Wesleyan). Here is a Savings' bank, and a Literary
the Rev. James Edward Newell, M.A., is the incumbent, institute, with a library of 1,650 volumes. Magistrates'
and the Rev. John M. N isbet, M.A., curate ; the Bishop of meetings are held the second Monday in every month, for
Rochester is the patron and impropriator of the great tithes. the western division of the county, at the Police station,
In the church, Dr. Hawksworth and Bishop Zachary Sidcup ; the third Monday in every month at Locks
Pearce are interred. The church, dedicated to St. Paul, is Bottom, Farnborough ; and all other Mondays at the Bell
an ancient structure. The entrance to the churchyard Inn, Bromley ; R. B. Latter, Esq., clerk. Bromley is
affords a specimen of the ancient lieh-gate through which partially paved and well lighted with gas.
the corpse was borne into the burying-ground. The church WIDMORE is 1 mile east ; BICKLEY PARK, miles
has a low tower at the west end, massy and embattled, and east ; MASON'S HILL, half a mile south-east ; SHOOTING
an excellent peal of 8 bells ; it is in the diocese of Canter- COMMON, 1 mile south-east ; PICKHURST GREEN,11 miles
bury. In 1841 a district church or chapel of ease, dedicated south-west; SUNDERIDGE,1 mile north-east; ELMSTEAD,
to the Holy Trinity, was built in the Gothic style ; it is a 21 miles north-east ; PLAISTOW LODGE, 1. mile north ;
perpetual curacy, value £130, with glebe house ; the SHROFIELD, 2 miles north ; SoUTIIEND, 2 miles north-
incumbent is the Rev. Arthur Rawson, M.A. Near this west.
church a National school was built by subscription about
Devns Frederick, esq. Bromley lodge Moon Mrs. Elizabeth, Masons Hill
Bacon Miss Mary. Widmore lane Devoll Mr. Richard, Common Moyce Mr. Henry, Masons hill
Baldwin Thomas Rider, esq. Elmatead Dunn Mr. Edward, Masons hill Musson Thomas, esq. Rochester place
Banks Mrs. Elizabeth, Common Edwards Mrs. Elizabeth, Masons Hill Need Mrs. Gravel pits
Bannister Mrs. Mary Craven, Rose Elias Ney, esq. Ravensbourne Newell Rev. James Edward, M.A. [in-
villas, Common Ellis Thomas Flower, esq. Widmore lane cumbent of Bromley], Southborough
Barham Mr. Robert, Common Gurney George, esq. Elmstead Nisbet Rev. John M. M.A. [curate of
Barrett Mr. Richard, Common Hehbert Henry, esq. Common Bromley], Mason's hill
Bell Peter, esq. Elinstead lodge Ho lsell Mrs. Common Noad David Innes, esq. Shawfield
I3ilke Edward, esq. Mill cottage Hooper Alfred Dawson,esq.Rocbester pl Norman George Warde, esq. Rookery
Bird George Martin, esq. Stoberry cot Irmous Mr. John, Masons hill Norman Henry, esq. Oakley house
Blaxland Mrs. Widmore lane Jackson Henry, esq. Common Osborn Mrs. Rebecca, High street
Boyd Robert, esq. [county magistrate], Johnson Mrs. CM11111011 Palmer Mrs. Glassmill house
Plaistow lodge Kershaw John, esq. Piaistow Payne Mr. Richard John, Common
Brown General Samuel, Southborough Landon Rev. James, M.A. [chaplain], Petifold Mrs. Marsons hill
Byfield Mr. Robert, Common College Pink Mrs. Widmore house
Child Coles, esq. Palace Latter Robert Booth, esq. Beckenham la Porter Mrs. Mary, High street
Clark M r. Enoch, Common Latter Robinson, esq. Wedmore lane Pott Charles, esq. Freelands
Cleveland Mr. George, Common Wier Mr. William, Common Potter Miss Mary, High street
Collett Miss, High street Leer Miss Mary, Common Pringle Miss Susan, Gyah lodge, Comn
Cooper Miss,Bromley Hill Long Col. Samuel, Bromley hill house Rawson Rev. Arthur, M.A. Common
Dent William, esq. Bickley park Lynn John, esq. Springhill house Rebet Mr. Rafe, Rose villa Common
Reid Sam nel Jackson, esq.Market place Smith Joseph Mackill, esq Verrall Rev. Robert, Widmore lane
Roberts Mrs. Mary, 13eachfield Smith Mr. William, Common Weldon Mr. W. Common
Rolph Mrs. Mason's hill Starling Wm. Jno. esq. Beckenham lane Waller Miss Sarah, Beckenham lane
Scott Mrs. Church house Symons Miss Harriet, Rose villas, Comn Walter Mrs. Elizabeth, Common
Scott Samuel, esq. Sundridge park Telford the Misses, Widmore Wells John J. esq. J.P. Southborough
Scuclamore Thos.Edwd.esq.Rochester pl Torr the Misses, Common White John, esq. New farm
Shaw Mr. William, Widmore Tweedy Co]. George, Bromley house Woolrich Miss, Common
Acton Samuel Poole, wine & spirit merchant, High street Knowles George, grocer & teadealer, High street
Addis Richard, ' Prince Frederick,' & farmer, Plaistow Lamb the Misses, young ladies' school, High street
Alder William.' Crown,' Common Latter Robert Booth & Robinson, solicitors, Market place
Alexander William, butcher, High street Leach Robert, grocer, High street
Atkins George, carpenter & beer retailer, Farwig Lepard William, turner, High street
Ayling Thomas, boot & shoe maker, High street Mallett William Lewis, bricklayer & plasterer, High street
Baker Mary (Mrs.), beer retailer, Common Marshall Henry, farmer, Hail's farm
Bateman William, plumber, High street Middlemiss William, baker, London road
Bath Thomas, veterinary surgeon, High street Milstead Joseph, builder, High street
Battersbee George, ironmonger, High street Mitchell James, baker & confectioner, Market place
Battershee Robert, tailor, High street Mitchell James, farmer, Southborough
Baxter Thomas, auctioneer & appraiser, High street Mitchell Thomas, beer retailer, Common
Baxter William, chemist & druggist, High street Moron William, carpenter & builder, St. Henry's place
Beckley George, saddler & harness maker, High street Muffett Charles, carpenter & builder, High street
Black Alexander, land steward, Sunderidge farm Mullett Francis, boot & shoe maker, Market place
Blake Barnabas, haberdashei & hosier, Market place Nash & Lukey, linendrapers & silk mercers, High street
Bourne Charles, registrar of births & deaths, London road Nettleford John, auctioneer & upholsterer, High street
Brister John, plumber, glazier & painter, High street Osborn Stephen, coachmaker, High street
Broad Ann (Miss), dressmaker, Market place Osmar Hannah (Mrs.), 'Star st Garter,' High street
Brown Joseph,cooper, Market place Osmar William, brewer & beer retailer, Mason's hill
Budding George, Laurel,' London road Parr George, carrier, High street
Burgess William, boot & shoe maker, High street Parry Thomas, leatherseller, High street
Burgess William, grocer, Common Pascall Joseph, brick & tile maker, potter &e. Brick kiln
Burton Robert Barber, tailor, hatter & draper, High street Pash Joseph Alworth, boot & shoe warehouse, High street
Carpenter Jas. Summers,upholsterer & undertaker, High at Pawley William, White Hart hotel 6. posting house, High st
Churcher James, shoemaker, High street Peerless James, carpenter, High street
Churcher James Win. boot & shoe maker, Market place Porter George, 'Rising Sun,' High street
Churcher Clare (Miss), milliner & dressmaker, High street Porter Samuel, draper & hosier, High street
Cooper John, tailor & draper, High street Powsty Mary (Mrs.), fancy repository, Market place
Cooper John, Tiger's Head, & farmer, Mason's Hill Radruall John, grocer & tallow chandler, Market place
Cooper Robert, corn & coal merchant, Market place Rawes Joseph, farmer, Mason's Hill
Cooper William, tailor & draper, High street Rawlinson William, bricklayer, Market place
Crowhorat Robert, draper & clothier, Market place Rose George, tailor, High street
Dackomble Aquila, beer retailer, Common Rumbold William, coal dealer, Common
Dane Wm. Samuel,' Crown,' Plaistow Sanger the Misses, dressmakers, High street
Dayle John, hairdresser, High street Stinger William, blacksmith, Orchard
Downes John, solicitor (& at 38 Moorgate st.), High street Sawyer William, 'Duke's Head,' High street
Draper William, wheelwright, Common Shillcock Joseph Bradley, chemist & dentist, High street
Dunckley Robt. William, smith & farrier, Mason's Hill Skilleter Jeremy, farmer, Southborough
Dunn Sarah (Miss), upholsterer & undertaker, Market place Smith & Son, plumbers, painters & glaziers, High street
Eaton Christopher, butcher, High street Smith John, 'Three Compasses,' Widmore lane
Ely Henry, beer retailer, Common Smith Joseph Staples, artist, High street
Freeman David, greengrocer, Market place Spooner William. boot & shoe maker, High street
French Robert, beer retailer, Farwig Stafford Samuel Ward, corn & coal merchant, High street
Farr Thomas, beer retailer & shoemaker, Widmore Stidolph William, nursery & seedsman, High st. Common
Gahbitas Elizabeth (Mrs.), Rose & Crown, High street Stidol ph William, nursery & seedsman, London road
Gill William, bricklayer, Common Stockman John, grocer, High street
Gomar William, dairyman, High street Stone George, carpenter & wheelwright, Park
Goodger Thomas, omnibus proprietor, Mason's hill Stone Silvanus, beer retailer, Mason's Hill
Gould Henry, Greyhound, High street Storer George, pastrycook & confectioner, High street
Green the Misses, ironmongers, Market place Stringer Moses, blacksmith, Common
Grigg. Thomas, carrier, Market place Sutton William, Bell hotel 4- posting house, High street
Hall John, tallow chandler & plumber & glazier, High st Sweeting George, plumber, painter & glazier, High street
Hammond Sarah (Mrs.), boot & shoe warehouse, Market pl Taylor George, printer, bookseller & stationer, High street
Herber James, wheelwright, Widmore Taylor Robert, farmer, Common
Harradine Joseph, White Swan commercial inn, High st Turner John, land steward, Bickley park farm
Heaysman Thomas, butcher, High street Uridge Isaac, grocer, Market place
Ifinchliffe David, stonemason Veness Isaac, dyer & scourer, Market place
Hodges Richard, hairdresser & fancy repository, High street Walter James Birch, ironmonger & smith, High street
How John, watch & clock maker, Market place Waters John, coal merchant, High street
Hutchinson Stephen, manager of gas works, Farwig Watson Jacob, milkman, Common
Ilott James, surgeon, High street Weeks George, ironmonger, High street
Ilott William, surgeon, High street Wells Ann (Mrs.), grocer, High street
Ingles William Henry, saddler & harness maker, High sit Wells George, china & glass dealer, High street
Isard Edward, wax & tallow chandler, Market place West Mrs. milliner, High street
Isard John, butcher, Market place White Charles, farmer, New farm
Isard Richard, butcher, Gravel pits White James, farmer, Hook firm
Jenkins Thomas, grocer, Common Williams & Morgan, surgeons, High street
Jessop William, 'Bird in Hand,' Widmore Wilson Robert, relieving officer, Common
Jessop Sarah (Mrs.), dressmaker, High street Wilson William, blacksmith, Widmore
Jones David, grocer & teadealer, High street Wood George, 'Plough,' Common
Jones James, grocer, High street Wood Jabez, parish clerk, Market place
Jordan Peter, shopkeeper & coal dealer, Market place Wood Nathaniel, linendraper, High street
Joyce John, baker, High street Wood Thomas, baker, Farwig
Kelsey Ezekiel, brewer & beer retailer, Plaistow Wood Thomas, Chequers,' Southborough
Kemp James, carpenter & joiner, High street Woodall William, fishmonger, High street
King Edward, blacksmith, Farwig Woodhouse John, farmer, Plaistow
POST OFFICE.—Samuel Poole Acton, postmaster, High & 6 p.m.; dispatched at 4 past 8 a.m. to 1 noon, s past
street. Money orders are granted & paid at this office. 3 p.m. & past 7 p.m. Sunday delivery, 7 a.m. ; dis-
London & all letters arrive at 7 a.m. past 10 a.m. 2 p.m. patched past 7 p.m
Savings Bank, open from 12 to 1 on mondays, Thomas Camping, secretary, High street
Depository for the Religious Tract SocietyPublications,
British Industry Life, Isaac Venegs, Market place at Mrs. M. Powsty's, Market place
County & Provincial, J. B. Shilicock, High street Gas Works, Stephen Hutchison, manager, Farwig
Globe Fire & Life, George Taylor, High street; & Nash & Police Station, High street; Robert Carr Ebbs, sergeant,
Lukey, High street k 9 men
Hope Life, R. B. Burton, High street PUBLIC SCHOOLS :.•-••
Kent Fire & United Life, Edward Izard, Market place National, Bromley common ; William Ramsey, master;
Law Property Assurance 8,f Trust Society, John Downes, Miss Sarah Ann Dear, mistress
High street National Central, John Newland, master ; Mrs. Lydia
National Live Stock, R. B. Burton, High street Newland, mistress, Gravel pits
Norwich Union Fire or Life, S. P. Acton, High street Infant, Miss Lydia Newland, mistress, Gravel pits
Phoenix Fire & Life, J. S. Carpenter, High street POSTING Housaa.--White Hart hotel& Bell hotel, High at
Royal Exchange Fire& Lift, J. How, Market place OMNIBUSES TO:—
Royal Farmers' Hailstorm, 0. Smith, High street LONDON—From Westerliam, calling at White Hart hotel,
Sun Fire Life, T. Baxter, flitth street, & R. B. Latter past 9 morning, daily, sunday excepted ; from White
United Kingdom Annuity, T. S. Carpenter, High street Hart hotel to London at 20 min. to 6 even. daily, sunday
Unity Fire, IL B. Burton, High street excepted ; from White Hart hotel to Sdenharn station at
past 8 morning, ;I to 12 noon, 20 min. to 4 'afternoon,
Clerks to Magistrates, to _Deputy-Lieutenants, to Com- to 6 evening, daily, suriday excepted ; from Rising
missioners of Land & Assessed Taxes,* Commissioners Sun' to London at 5 min. to 9 morning, daily, sunday
of all the Courts, Messrs. Latter, Market place excepted.; from Rising. Sun' to 'Greenwich station, at
Vestry Clerk, Perpetual Commissioner for taking AO- 20 min. to 9 morning & 5 min. to 12 noon, & 4 past'2
davits of Married Women, & Clerk to the County Court, afternoon, 6 evening & t vast B evening
R. B. Latter WESTERHAM—Calling at the While Hart hotel, 4 past 4,
Solicitor to Property Protection Society, J. Downes daily, sunday excepted, & 5 evening
Bailiff of County -Court, Stephen Harris LONDON & SEVEN OAKS—Calling at the White Hart
.Registrar of Births & Deaths for Bromley District, hotel, 10 min. to 10 & 10 min. past t0, daily, sunday
Charles Bourne, London road excepted
Deputy Registrar of Births & Deaths for Bromley RAILWAY STATION, GREENWICH Fownes, from Swan
District, Chas. Bourne, jun inn, 4 past 8 morning, 12 noon, & 8 night, daily, sunday
Inspector of Weights & Measures for Bromley Division, excepted
.1. W. Churcher, Market place SEVEN OAKS—From White Hart hotel, 12 noon, 10 min.
to 5 afternoon, & 5 min. past 5 afternoon, daily, sunday
County Court, held at the White Hurt hotel, high in excepted
_Excise Office, Bell inn hotel, High street LowDoN — Prom Reston & Hayes, from Sun inn, past
Stamp Office, William 'Baxter, High street 9 morning, daily; returning 10 min. to 6 evening, daily
Literary Institution, High street ; J. B. Shillcock & CARRIERS TO:—
S. P. Acton, secretaries; B. Wood, librarian LONDON—Grigg, from Market 'place, 12 noon, daily,
_Bromley District Committee of the Society for Pro- sunday excepted ; Parr, from his own house, High street,
moting Christian Knowledge, Thomas Campling, sec. 11 morning, daily, sunday excepted
High street Carriers to & from Tonbridge, Sevenoaks, Shoreham,
_Bromley Union House, Lock's bottom, Farnborough; Rev. Farnborough, Reston, River Head, Brasted, Sundridge,
Benjamin Bray, chaplain ; William Itott & Edward Ilott, Chevening, Westerbam, Chelsfield & Knockholt, calling
esq. surgeons ; Charles R. 'Higham, master ; Mrs. Sarah at the Duke's Head,' Bigh street, daily, sunday
Bighorn, mistress ; Samuel Berridge,-schoolmaster .Mrs. excepted
Maria Berridge, schoolmistress
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