Kelleys 1914 Bromley Directory 29 April 2021
1914 Kelleys Directory of Bromley v1.011 |
Bromley | Beckenham aand Shortlands | Bickley | Chelsfield | Chislehurst | Cudham | Downe | Farnborough | Foots Cray | Grove Park | Hayes | Keston | Knockholt | Mottingham | North Cray | Orpington | Shortlands | St May Cray | St Pauls Cray |
- Introduction
- General
- Index
- Bromley
- Beckenham and Shortlands
- Bickley
- Chelsfield
- Chislehurst
- Cudham
- Downe
- Farnborough
- Foots Cray
- Grove Park
- Hayes
- Keston
- Knockholt
- Mottingham
- North Cray
- Orpington
- Shortlands
KELLY'S Bromley Directory
KELLY'S Bromley 'Directory ("BUFF BOOK")
Aberdeen Buildings Addison Road ... Albert Road Aldermary Road . Aldermen and Councillors of Bromley Corporation . Alexandra Crescent... ... Ambulance Brigade - St. John Amesbury Road Arts and Crafts Society Ashgrove Road... . .. Assistant Overseers Athletic Clubs ... Avenue (Bickley) Avondale Road ... Aylesbury Road Babbacombe Road Balfour Hoad . Banks... . Baptist Church... ... ... Baptist Church, Bromley Common Barfield Road... ... ... Barnett Wood Road Barnfield Wood Road ... Beaconsfield Road Beckenham Grove Beckenhay T,ane ... ... Beckenham and Bromley School of Music and Art Beckenham and Shortlands Commercial Directory ... Directory ... Institutions, & c. and Shortlands Private Resiilents Professional Directory ... Postal Information Education Committee .. , School of Arts and Crafts Street Directory Technical Institute Urban District Council ... Beechfield Cottages Bickley Crescent Directory Park Road Road ... Street Directory BiJd·in·Hand Lane ... Births, Deaths and Marriages-Registrars of Blackbrook Lane Blenheim Road Bloomfield Road Blyth Road ... ... ... Board of Trade Labour Exchange
ADVERTISMENTS. MOTOR VANS FOR HIRE. TELEPHONE 517 BROMLEY (DAY AND NIGHT). J. HUlYIERSTON & 'SONS, Upholsterers and Cabinet Makers, Funeral Furnishers and Licensed Valuers. RElVIOVXNG AND WAREHOUSXNG. FXREPROOF DEPOSITORIES. College Road and East Street, BROMLEY,'Kent. Showrooms and Office: 87, EAST STREET. FURNITURE, LUGGAGE, Etc., AND EVERY DESCRIPTION OF VALUABLE PROPERTY Removed, Warehoused or Packed for Shipment to all parts of the World. ESTXMATES FREE. FURNITURE Repaired, Re-polished and Renoyated. lte-upholstering and Re-covering executed in the best manner. OARPETS Taken up, Beaten, Cleaned, Altered and Re-fitted as required. BLINDS AND CORNICE POLES of every description supplied, or old ones adapted. OURTAINS AND DRAPERIES Cleaned, Re-dyed and Made up, or new ones lupplied. NUMEROUS UNSOLICITED TESTIMONIALS.
Bourne Road ... Bowling Clubs ... Brethren (The) Brethren in Christ Brewery Road ... Broadway Bromley Avenue ... Bromley and Beckenham Joint Hospital Board Bromley and Bickley Commercial Directory Bromley and Bickley Private Residents ... Bromley and Bickley- Professional Direciory ... Bromley Board of Guardians (Members of) Bromley Burial Board Bromley Cab Fares ... Bromley Colle~e ... Bromley College of Music Bromley Common .,. Bromley Corporation .. Bromley, Cottage Improvement Company Limited :~. Bromley and County Club... ... ... ..- Bromley. Crescent ... ... Bromley, Description of Town Bromley Education Committee Bromley Gardens ... Bromley Gymnastic Hall Bromley Grove Bromley Hill ... Bromley, History of ...... Bromley (Kent) Electric Light and Power Co. Ltd Bromley Parish Church ... ... ... Bromley Road (Shortlands) . Bromley Rural District Council Bromley Street Directory ... Bromley School of Science and Art Bromley Union ... Brook Lane Cottages Buildin~ Societies Burford Boad ... Burial Boards Burnt Ash Lane Cammont Road ... Cambridge Road Camera Club Canon Road Carriers Cemeteries Can tral Hall Chantry Lane ... Charitable Society Chatterton Road Chelsfield Directory Cherry Orchard Road Chess Club
Telephone: Bromley 414. E. CLARKE & SON, LIMITED,
DISCOUNT BOOKSELLERS, &0., 53, HIGH STREET, BROMLEY, KENT, ('Opposite The Royal Bell Hotel.) Fancy and Useful Articles for Presents. School Stationery. Engraving and Die Sinking. Plain and Relief Stamping. Pictures Mounted and Framed. Bookbinding promptly executed on the Premises. B!LL POSTING AND ADVERTISING AGENTS. 200 protected Posting Stations guaranteed in Bromley and vicinity.
Chislehurst Directory ... Street Directory ... Commercial Directory Postal Directory ... Private Residents Urban District Council .,. Chislehurst Road Christ Church ... Chrysanthemum Society Church Lane ... Church Road (Shortlands) Church Road ... . Churches and Chapels . Claremont Road Clarence Avenue Clarence Road ... Clubs-Athletic, Working -Men's, & c. Coles Cbild's Cottages ... Collector to the Guardians Collectors of King's Taxes Collectors to Metropolitan Water Board Collectors of Rates College Road ... College Slip .. . .. . Commissioners for Administering Oaths, & c. ... Commissioners of Land and Assessed Taxes-Clerk to Companies-Public Congregational Churcb Coniston Road ... Conservative Clubs & Associations Convalescent Home Co-operative Society ... Corner (The) ... Coroners for tbe County of Kent Coroner's Officer Corporation of Bromley Cottage Avenue... ... Cottage Hospital ... ... ... County Council for the County of Kent County Court ... County Officials Cowper Road . Crescent Road . Cricket Clubs . Croft Road Cromwell .A.venue Cross Road Crown Lane .. Cadham Directory Cumberland Road ... Customs & Excise Officers Den Road Cambridge Road
WatebmaRer, . Jeweller . and ·t~ Silversmitb1 ·~t· 47, Masons Hill, BROMLEY. TWO MINUTES FROM BROMLEY SOUTH STATION. (See projecting Clock.) House and Turret Clocks Wound and Repaired by Contract. TELEPHONE., BROMLEY 1321.
Denmark Road Devonshire Square ... ... Diseases of Animals Acts In~pector Distances to Adjacent Places of Interest Downe Directory... ... ... Drill Hall Durham Avenue Durham Road ... East Street ... ... Education Committee ... Edward Road ......... Electric tight and Power Company ... Element·ary Schools... ... ... Elliott Road . Elmfield Park . Ehnfield Road . Elmstead Lane Elstree Road ... .. . English Church Union Ethelbert Road Exmouth Road Fairfield Road ... Farnaby Road .. ... Farnborough Directory Farwig Lane . Fashoc1a Road ... ... ... Fire Brigade, Bromley Borongh Council First Church of Christ Scientist, Florence Road Football Clubs ... Foots Cray Directory Foxbury Road Freelands Grove Freelands Road Freemasons ... Friendly Societies Garden Lane .. ; Garden Road .. Gas Company . Gilbert Road . Gladwell Road . Glass Mill Lane Glebe Road ... Godwin Road ... Golf Clubs Grand Hall Grasmere Road Gravel Pits ... ... Gravel Road (Upper) ... Gravel Road (Lower) Great Elms Road ... Grove Park Directory... .. Guardians of the Bromley Union
Gwydyr Road ... Gymnastic Club Halls, Public ... Hammelton Road Havelock Road Hawes Road .. Hawkesworth Road Hawthorne Road Haxted Road .... .. Hayes Lane, Bromley Common Hayes Lane, Pickhurst Park ... Hayes Directory Hayes Road Haywood Road Heathfield Road Henry Street . Herbert Road . High Street Highfield Road ... Highland Road Hill Brow Hillbrow Road . Hilldrop Road . Holligrave Road Holwood Road Holy Trinity Church Homceopathic Hospital and Dispensary (Phillips Memorial) Homefield Road ... ... ... .. ... ... Homesdale Road Hooker's Place Hope Park ... Horsley Road ... ... ... Hospital-Infectious & Small Pox Cottage . ... Homceopathic (Phillips Memorial) Lady Margaret Howard Road ... Index. to Names of Advertisers Inland Revenue Valuation Department Inspector, Diseases of Animals Ads . Inspectors of Weights and Measures . Insurance Agents ... ... . Iron Room, Great Elms Road ... Isard's yard Jackson Road Jaffray Road ... Johnson Road ... Kent County Council ... Kent County Council Domestic Economy School Kent County Council Local School Attendance Committee. Bromley Union Area ... ... Kent County Council Tuberculosis Dispensary
123, High Street, BROMLEY, KENT. CLOOKS WOUND BY CONTRACT. ALL KINDS of English and Foreign Clocks, Watches, Jewellery, & c., MADE AND REPAIRED ON THE PREMISES.
Keston Directory King's Avenue King's Taxes - Collectors of .. Kingswood Road Kinnaird Avenue Knockholt Directory ... Labour Exchange Lady Margaret Hospital Lake Avenue ... Langdon Road .. Lansdowne Road Lawn Tennis Clubs Lewes Road Liberal Associations Library, Free Public ... Liddon Road ... ... Literary Institute Local Directories-List of Local School Attendance Committee, Bromley Union Area, Kent County Council ... ... ... ... ... ... Lodge Road ... . London City Mission . London Lane . London Road . Longfield Lord Lieutenant of the County Lower Gravel Road Lowndg Avenue Lychett Uoad ... Madeira A venue Magistrates Magistrates, Clerk to Magpie Hall Lane Manor of Bromley Market Square ... Marlborough Road Martins Road . Masonic Hall . Masons Hill Mavelstone Road Mayor of Bromley Mays Hill Road Meadow Road .... .. Medical Officers and Public Vaccinators, Bromley Union ... Members of Parliament for the County Metropolitan Water Board-Collectors Metropolitan Water Board-Tumcocks Milk Street Minster Road ... Missions. & c. ... Mooreland Road Morgan Road . Mosslea Road
Mrs. DEAN,
THE - 84, High Street, BROMLEY (Opposite t1le College). La~Hes' Own Materials Designed and Traced. Needlework Commenced, Finished or Mounted to Order .. . . . Orests, Monograms and Initials Embroidered.
Mottingham Directory ... Mottingham Street Directory Municipal Offices ... ... Musical Socaties Napier Road ... Nelson Road ... Nettlefold's Cottages New bury Road Newman Road ... Newspapers Nichol Lane ... Nightingale Lane Nurth Cray Directory ... North Road North Street ... Nursing Homes, & c.... Oaklands Road Oakley Road ... Old Age Pension Officer Oldfield Road . Open Brethren . Orchard Road . Orpington Directory: Overseers ... Page Heath Lane Page Heath Villas Palace Grove ... Palace Road ... Palais-de-Luxe ... Parade ... Parish Chnrch . Park Avenue . Park Cottages . Park End . Park Farm Road Park Grove Park House Park Road Park Road (Upper) Park Hill Park Hill Road Pawley's Cottages Pembroke Road .. , ... Philanthropic Society... ... ... ... ..' . Phillip~ Memorial Homreopathic Hospital and Dispensary . Pines Road Pinewood road Places of Worship Plaistow Burial Board Plaistow Grove Plaistow Lane ... Pleasant Sunday Afternoon Brotherhood Plymouth Road
(Six years Cutter with Mr. P. R. Milbank), Ladies' & Gentlemen's 'Practical Tailor, 44, EAST STREET, BROMLEY. PERSONAL ATTENTION CIVEN TO ALL ORDERS. All Garments Cut and Made on the Premises. Fit, Style and Workmanship Guaranteed to be of the Highest Standard. Alterations and Repairs Neatly Executed at the Shortest Notice and at Lowest Possible Prices. CENTLEMEN'S SUITS (to Measure), from 3D/- LADIES' COSTUMES (to Measure), from 45/- Ladies' and Gentlemen's own Materials made up. Satisfaction guaranteed. Testimonials can be seen on request and References given. A Postcard will receive Prompt Personal Attention.
Police .. Political Clubs and Associations Pope Road Population ... Postal Information Presbyterian Church Primitive Methodi"t Primrose League Prospect Place Protestant Reformation Society Public Companies Public Halls ... Public Library Public Officers ... Public Vaccinators Queen Anne Avenue Queen's Road ... Queen's Mead Road Quernmore Road Raglan Road ... Railway Stations Rates, Collectors of ... . .. Ravensbourne A venue, Shortlands Ravensbourne Road ... Reading Rooms, see Clubs Ready Ueckoner Recrea1ion Grounds Recreation Hond ... .. .. , Registrars-Births, Deaths and Marriages Relief Societies ... Relieving and Vaccination Officer Ridley Road ", Ringers Road .,. Rodway Road ... .., Roman Catholic Church Ronald's'Road ... ... Royal Society of St. George ... Rural Di:.trict Council... Rushey Road . St. Andrew's . St. George's Road ... St. John Ambulance Brigade st, John's Church st. John's Parish Room St. Luke's Burial Board St. Luke's Church St. Luke's Missitln Room St. Mark's Chureh ... St. Mark's Church Room St. Mark's Road St. Mary Cray Directory St. Mary's Church, Plaistow .~. St. Mary's Church Ball
15, Market Square, BROMLEY. Naturalist, Seedsman, Agricultural and Horticultural Sundriesman. EXPERT T AX:IDERlYJ:IST. Canaries, Cocks from 6/6 each, Hens from 2/6, Goldfinches, Bullfinches, Siskins, Linnets and other Cage Birds, Fancy Mice, Mealworms, Goldfish, Tortoises, Lizards, and other Reptiles. Fish Bowls and Glass Shades. Also the largest stock and variety of Cages and Fittings in the Town; Cocoanut Fibre, Leaf and Potting Mould, Coarse and Fine Potting Sand, Flower Pots and Saucers, Seed Pans of every description, Garden Mats, Wire Netting, Asphalte, and all Garden Requisites. DELL'S finest selected Bird Food. Nutritine (registered).-A noted food for Blackbirds, Thrushes, Starlings, Jackdaws, Magpies, Jays, Larks, & c. In packets .2d. and 4d. each, 71b. bags, 2/-. Best Spanish Canary Seed,German Rape, Linseed, Teazle, Hemp, Niga, Maw, Millet, Millet Sprays, White Sunflowers for Parrots, Cuttlefish, Doves', Pigeons' and Parrots' Food, Ants' Eggs and Mealworms, Mixed Rabbits' and Poultry Food, Poultry Pills, Pigeon Pills, Shell and Flint, Nest Egg. lfor Poultry Rings and all their requirements. The Largest Variety in the Town of Bird and Poultry Food, Garden and Flower Seeds, Artificial Wreaths, Wreath Cases, Glass Shades, Fish Globes, Solid Indian Rubber, Cages and Fittings of every description. DELL'S SPECIALITIES. FOR BIRDS, & c. PRESERVEDYOLlr OF EGG for Canaries and other Cage Birds. 11; prevents Asthma and Diarrhrea, the most fatal Diseases to Cage Birds, especially in the trying time of Moulting. It gives growth and tightness to feather, clearness to voice, keeps tbem in general health and song. Canaries while breeding require no other egg. In packets, 2d., 4d., and 1/- tins. BIRD SEEDMIXTuRE,'a splendid mixture for Canaries, Mules and all British and Foreign Cage Birds. It contains Seeds of the choicest kinds and quality that form bone and muscle, others that enrich the plumage, promote and improve the song. In packets, Id., 2d., 4d. and Sd. each; SHELL SAND, for all kinds of Cage Birds, in packets, Id., 3d. and 6d. each. GERMANPM?TE,a noted food for Larks, & c., 6d. per lb. TONIC, for all kinds of Birds whell suffering from Asthma or out of condition ill any way, 6d. per boUle. INSECTDESTROYER,for freeing cages of red mites and other insects, 6d. per bottle. NEST BAGS.prepared expressly for Canary breeding, Id. each; Sd. per dozen. POULTRYPOWDEU,a marvellous discovery for promoting winter laying, it also enables them to withstand the gapes, roup, and other weakening diseases, in packets, 2d.': Ad. and Srl. each. Bird!'!and Animal!!!'p.lL Rldn!'!,mil Fp."thp.t'I. Ilr""~Arl
St. Mary's Church Mission Room St. Mary's Convalescent Home St. Paul's Cray Directory ... St. Peter and Paul's (Parish) Church Salisbury Road Salvation Army Sandford Road ... Sanitary Inspector, & c. Saxon Road School Clinic ... School of Music and Art School of Science and Art Schools - Elementary ... Schools - High . Scott's Avenue . Scott's Lane Scott's Road Sewerage Board Shawfleld Park ... Sheppard's College Sherman Road ... Shortlands Directory Shortlands Gardens Shortlands Street Directory Shortlands Grove Shortlands Road Simpsons Road Sinclair's Cottages Siward Road' ... Societies, Miscellaneous South Hill Road .... .. South Suburban Gas Co. (Bromley District) Southborough .... ... Southborough Mission, Room. Southborough Road ... Southlands Grove· Southlands Road (Bickley) Southlands Road ... South Street Spencer Road Springfield Road Stanhope Villas Stanley Road ... Station Road ... .. Station Road (Shortlands) Strict Baptist Chapel Sundridgll Avenue Sundridge Park Sunningdale Road Surveyor of Taxes Talbot Road Tariff Reform League ... Taxes, Collector of Taxes, Surveyor of
415, Exford Street, W. SHARES, £.25 EACH,I DEPOSITS RECEIVED Payable In full or by Inltalment.. In large or small amountl. DIVIDEND, 4 PER CENT. INTEREST, 3 PER CENT. Free of Income Tax. Wlthdrawall at ahort notice. IMMEDIATE ADVANCES UPON HOUSE PROPERTY. EASY MONTHLY REPAYMENTS. LAW AND SURVEY CHARGES FIXED AND MODERATE. Prospectus FREE on application to J. A. McDERMOTT. F.O.I.S., Secretary.
Telephone Service ... Temperance Societies Tennis Clubs ... Territorial Force Times of the World Toots Wood Road Town Hall Trades Directory Trinity Presbyterian Church ... ... ... Tuberculosis Dispensary (Kent County Council) Turncocks Turpington Lane Tweedy Road ,.. Tylney Road ... Union Road ... Unionist Association Upper Gravel Hoad Upper Park Road Vaccination Officer Vale Cottages Valley Road Vestry Clerk ... Victoria Road ... Village Hall Waldegrave Road Waldo Road Walpole Road Walter's Yard ... Wanstead Road Warner Road Warren Avenue Warren Road ... ... Weights and Measures, & c., Inspectors of Wellin~n Road Wells Road Wando Road Wesleyan Church West Kent Main Sewerage Board West Wickham Directory Westmoreland Road Weston Grove .. Weston Road .. West Street Wharton Road ... White Hart Assembly Rooms, .. White Hart Chambers ... Widmore Road, .. Winchester R
The Bazaar,
Have an Immense 5foeR of Novelties, INCLUDING Toys, Dolls, Games, Baskets, Work Boxes, Bags, Albums, Books China .and Glass, Fancy Goods, Stationery, & c. Dolls' Shoes, Socks, & c. local Jlrms £blna. « . local view Post cards.
Account .Book Manufacturers. Clarke E. & Son Ltd., 53, High Street, Bromley and High Street, St. Mary Cray. Telephone 414 Bromley ... 6 ,Advertising Contractors. , Clarke E. & Son Ltd., 53, High Street, Bromley and High Street, St. Mary Cray. Telephone 414 Bromley 6 Agricultural and Horticultural Sundries man. Dell W., 15, Market Squarp.,Bromley 18 Antique Dealer. Catford H., 25, The Broadway, Bromley... 4:10 Appraisers. Dunn H. G. & Sons, 32 to 40,Widmore Road; 36, Park Road and Queen's Road, Bromley 102 Art Needlework. Dean Mrs., 84, High:Street, Bromley 14: Artificial Teeth. Hennah & Roberts, 1, The Corner, High Street, Bromley Outside front cover Auctioneers and Surveyors. Alker & Co., adjoining Bickley Station.. 537 and 561 Baxter, Payne & Lepper, F.S.I., F.A.r., Market Square . (opposite General Post Office), Bromley; Railway Approach, Beckenham and 69, King William Street, E.C. Outside front & back covers, back of book & pages 356 & 560 Carter, Law & Leech, 56, East Street, Bromley and opposite S. Eo & C. Railway, Shortlands ... Inside front cover and page 651 Eastman, Pierce & Eastman & Co., St~ticn Gates, Orpington 638 Salter, Rex & Co., 311, Kentish Town Road, N.W. and 85, London Wall, E.C... ...See page 2 of Insurance Inset (~_ndof Book) ... ~Automobi1e Engineers. Bromley Central Garage, West Street, Bromley ... Outside front cover
Telephone, Bromley 221., SELBY WOOD &, SON,
Riding Masters and Motor Jobmasfers, 19, FREELANDS ROAD. BROMLEY. KENT. Superior Hacks; Hunters, and 'Harness Horses, Let on Hire by the Day, Week or Month. Quiet Horses and Ponies for Invalids and Children. Dog Carts, Wagonettes, Victorias and Landaus. SUPERIOR CARRIAGES FOR WEDDINGS. Private Omnibus for tbeatres, Balls, contracts, Dinner Partits. LUXURIOUS MOTOR CARS. Motors Garaged. Special Terms for Theatres and Balls, also Open Cars for Touring. Cars Overhauled by Skilled Mechanics.
Baby Linen Warehouse. Attwood & Co., 8A & 10, Broadway, Bromley. Bakers and Confectioners. Ackermann F. W.,13,The Broadway, Bromley Top & bottom edges Mannder W. Ltd., 1 & 2, Market Sq., Bromley 88 & Foot notes Band Providers. Phillips Howard Morley & Co., 5, Aberdeen Buildings, High Street and 30, Widmore Roa.d, Bromley Hl6a Banking. Lloyds Bank Limited, 33, Widmore Road. Bromley 255 London City & Midland Bank Limited, High Street, Bromley and 241 Beckenham Road, Beckenham 52 London County & Westminster Bank Limited, 141, High Street, Bromley and at Beckenham, Chislehurst, Orpington and West Wickham ... 279 London & Provincial Bank Limited, 16 & 18, High Street, Beckenham ... 463 London & South Western Bank Limited, 13, Kirkdale.Sydenham; 1, London Road, Forest Hill; U3A, Anerley Road, Anerley & 191, Rushey Green, Catford ... 296 Union of London & Smiths Bank Limited, 33, High Street, Bromley and at Hayes, Kent 60 Bill-Posters. Clarke E. & Son Ltd., 53, Hh.:h Street, Bromley and High Street, St. Mary eray. Telephone 414 Bromley ... 6 Blouse Specialists .. Wright Brothers, High Street, Bromley... 190a Bookbinders. Clarke E. & Son Ltd., 53, High Street, Bromley and High / Street, St. Mary Cr;lY. Telephone 414 Bromley 6 Boot and Shoe Makers. Ayling T. S., 15 & 16, Broadway, Bromley, and Church hill, Beckenham 74 Phillips, 26, East Street, Bromley 78 Bottled Beer Merchants. Uridge's High-Class Stores, 27 & 29, Widmore Road and 25, Masons Hill, Bromley Facing inside back cover, Bread and Biscuit Bakers. Ackermann F. W.,18, The Broadway, Bromley Top & bottom edges Maunder W. Ltd., 1 & 2, Market Sq., Bromley 88 & Foot note
Published ~!1 & WPllintmcnt. Annually. KELLY'S HANDBOOK
~o TIlE Citltd, [andtd, and Official £laSSt$, CONTAHIING OVER Twenty Thousand Names, GIVES AN ALPHABETICAl, LIST OF ALL· MEMBERS OF NOBLE FAMILIES, BISHOPS, PUIVY· COUNCILLORS, BARONETS, MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE OF 001IMONS, LORDS-LJEUTENANT, GOVERNORS OF COLONIES, KNIGHTS AND COMPANIONS OF ORDERS, DIJANS AND AROHDEACONS, JUDGES, SERJEANTS-AT-LAW, KING'S COUNSEL. ETC.. SUPERIOR OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY, COUNTY MAGISTRATES AND OWNERS OF THE PUINOIPAL SEATS IN ENGLAND. The object of this book is to include. ill olle general alphabetical list, all those who have any definite position, or title, from Hereditary rank, Croroer conferreil 011 them by the Sover~igll, or from any of the higher gra\les of the Military, Naval, Legal,. Clcenter>erical, or Colollial Services of the State; al~o Depu ty Lieutellauts. Roy:!1 Acanemician~, Presidents ann Yice-Presinents of Learned Societies, County Comt Judges, and the larger landowners of the United Kingdom. it is to be o!J,erved that it is the only book which ena.bles any oue, by reference to a single li~t, to determine whether any person having a particular title exists, and if so, to lliscovcr his residence. LONDON: KELLY'S DIRECTORIES LTD., Post Office Directory Offices, '182, 123 & 184, HIGH HOLnOI~N, w.e. PRICE 15s.
Builders, Decorators and Contractors.
Amos G. R. & Son, 10, Simpsons Road, Bromley... 66 Arnaud J. C. & Son, 149, High Rtreet, Bromley... 32 Crossley T. & Son, Tweedy Road, Bromley 38 Henham T. & Son, 39, Beckenham Lane. Shortlands i Moore A., R.P.c., 23, Bromley Gardens, Bromley... 650 Palin M., 25, Lansdowne Road and 33, Farwig Lane, Bromley.. Inside back cover Pearce Brothers, Offices,Sherman Road, Bromley ... 206aBuilders' Ironmongers.
Crouch J. Morton, 41, Masons Hill and 25, Widmore Road, Bromley... ... 212a and 252a Darby Brothers, Bromley North Station and Sherman Road, Bromley 210Building Material Merchants.
Darby Brothers, Bromley North Station and Sherman Road, Bromley 210Building Societies.
Church of England, 22, Chancery Lane, London, w.e. 55 Portman Chapel, 415, Oxford Street, W ... 20 Temperance Permanent, 4, 6 & 8,Ludgate Hill, London, E.C. 42Butcher. .
Williams G. H., 53, Beckenham Lane, Sbortlands 652Cab and Fly Proprietors (see also Job and Post Masters).
Hills G., North Street Livery Stables and 13, South Street, Bromley... 34 Sparks Edward, 48, Stanley Road and 34, Napier Road, Bromley 84 Withycombe W. H., College Road, Bromley and 95, Martins Road, Shortlands ... 308 Cabinet Makers. Dunn H. G.& Sons, 32to 40, Widmore Road; 36, Park Road and Queen's Road, Bromley . 102 Humerston J. & Sons, 37, East St. arid CollegeRd., Bromley 4: Carpet Beating and Cleaning. British Window Cleaning Co., Office,93, High St., Bromley 146 Swastika Laundry (The),. Works, 218, Homesdale Road, Bromley; branch receiving shop, 28, Rushey Green, Catford ... 80 Carrier. Sparks Rdward, 48, Stanley Road & 34. Napier Road, Bromley 4: Certified Bailiffs. Carter, Law &. Leech, 56, East Street, Bromley & opposite S. E. & C. Rly., Shortlands ... Inside front cover & page 651
m Boarbing and Day $cbool for Girls. Pupils prepared for Oxford, Kensington and Associated Board of R.A.M. and R.c. M. Examinations. Facilities for Hearing and Speaking French, equal to those of the best foreign Schools. Music, Singing, Drawing and Painting by Certificated Teachers. Dancing, Drilling, Tennis. Spacious House, Extensive and Beautiful Grounds. The Convent, recently rebuilt, offers all modern advantages for Education. The Building is lighted by Electricity, and warmed by Central Heating Apparatus; with perfect sanitation. Private Lessons may be arranged for French or any other Subject.
Chandlers. Isard E. & Son, Market Square, Bromley Circulating LibrarY. Martin T. & Sons, 11 & J2, The Broadway, Bromley P.A.G& 36 Outside front cover 6 18 10 193 648 Top & bottom edges Maunder W. Ltd., 1 & 2, Market Sq., Bromley 88 & Foot notes Copper Plate Printers. Clarke E. & Son Ltd., 53, High Street, Bromley and High Street, St. Mary Cray. Telephone 414 Bromley Corn Merchants. Dell W., 15, Market Square, Bromley ... Grinsted Daniel Limited, Offices& stores, 124:, High Street, Bromley; 18, Market Square, Bromley; Bencewell Granaries, Bromley Common and 57, High Street, Beckenham Costumiers. Attwood & Co., SA & 10, Broadway, Bromley 409 Skinner & Grant, 129A & 130, High Street, Broml~y and at Regent Street, London, W... ... ... ... 194a Clothiers. Pfeil C. F., 20, The Broadway, Bromley... Coach Builder. Dean F., 2, Tylney Road, Bickley and Widmore Road, Bromley 539 Coal and Coke Merchants. Grinsted Dauiel Ltd., Offices & stores, 124, High Street, Bromley; 18, Market Square, Bromley; Bencewell Granarie.~, Bromley Common and 57, High Street, Becimnham 193 Smallbone's Stores, 65, 77 & 79, Beckenham Lane, Shortlands. Telephone No. Bromley 331 Confectioners and Pastrycooks. Ackermann F. W., 13, The BroadWay, Bromley Curiosity Dealer. Hambleton E. W., 10, East Street, Bromley 82 Dairymen, Dairy Farmers and Cowkeepers. The Creamery (G. Trenholm, Manager), 8, Widmore Road, Bromley... 233 & 540 Dental Surgery. Rennah & Roberts, 1, The Corner, High Street, Bromley Outside front cover
GARDENS laid out and kept in order . . . by Contract or otherwise. CUCUMBERS AND TOMATOES FRESH DAILY IN SEASON. £ut '=lo"'Jtrs c!f; WREATHS & CROSSES .;t, Ca.ref~~~~~~~d and , W'" A E T OR Wl by Parcels Post, -===-,;::--- ~ lY.I D 0 DER. Terms on application. Bedd~ng Plants k Scrubs of Every Description. Every Req1uisite for the Garden Supplied. STAND, BROMLEY MARKET, EVERY THURSDAY. D. KNAPPETT & SON,
Nurserymen and Florists, "Park Nursery," London Road, Bromley, KENT.
Depositories. Bishop & Sons, Hugh Street and Ebury St., Pimlico, S.W. Facing page 312 Dunn H. G. & Sons, 32 to 40, Widmore Road; 36, Park Road and Queen's Road, Bromley 102 Humerston J. & Sons, 37, East Street & College Road, Bromley ... ... ... ... ... Soan S. & Son, Head office, 45, College Roa~; depository & warehouses, Farwig Lane & College Road, Bromley... 167 Taylor Charles & Sou, St. George's Road, Southwark, S.E. . Facing page 496 Die Sinkers. Clarke E. & Son Limited, 53,High Street, Bromley and High Street, St. Mary Cray. Telephone 414 Bromley Discount Booksellers. Clarke E. & Son Limited, 53, High Street, Bromley and High Street, St. Mary Cray. Telephone 414 Bromley .. Domestic Machinery Stores. Crouch J. Morton, 41, Masons Hill & 25, Widmore Road, Bromley... ... 212a and 252a Drapers. Attwood & Co., 8A & 10, Broadway, Bromley Dafforn's, 9, Widmore Road, Bromley . Wright Brothers, High Street, Bromley . Dressmakers. Attwood & Co., 8A & 10, Broadway, Bromley Dafiorn's, 9, Widmore Road, Bromley ... Skinner & Grant, 129A & 130, High Street, Bromley and at Regent Street, London, W. Hl4a Dyers and Cleaners. Bloomfield Laundry, Bromley Common New Invicta Sanitary Laundry (The) (E. Trigg & Sons), 23, Elliott· Road, Bromley; branch shop, 14, The Broadway, Bromley 68 Podger & Sons, 3, Market Square, Bromley 62 Sundridge Park Laundry, Scott's Road, Bromley... 90 Swastika Laundry (The), Works, 218, Homesdale Road, Bromley; branch receiving shop, 28, Rushey Green, Catford ... Electrical Engineers. Amos G. R. & Son, 10, Simpsons Road, Bromley ... Crouch J. Morton, 41, Masons Hill and 25,Widmore Road, Bromley ... 212a and 252a Ovenden E., 17, Heathfield Road, Bromley 84 Week~ G.& Sons,61,High Street,Bromley,and at Beckenham 72 and Foot notes
Established 1862. Telephone,Bromley 532. . ESTIMIMATES FOR WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION IN CONNECTION WITH THE ~N BUILDING AND +J ~ =~~G ~~ ~ ~ ~~ 0"" ~t1(. ~W S",(0 ~~ \ ~~ ~ ~\tb'(\ ~f;,t{'I . ~ o,ClrI 40~ ~ /: BUILDERS, DECORATORS, SANITARY- ENGINEERS. DRAIN TESTING AND REPORTS.
Electrotypers and Stereotypers. Clarke E. & Son Limited,53, High Street, Bromley and High Street, St. Mary Cray. Telephone 414 Bromley tj Engineers. Bromley Motor & Engineering Works (R. E. Ant1ony, A.1LI.M.E., Proprietor), Masons Hill, Bromley Outside front cover and page 206b Engravers. Clarke E. & Son Limited, 53, High Street, Bromley and High Street, St. Mary Cray. Telephone 414 Bromley 6 Fancy Goods, Toys and Stationery. Baker M. & J., The Bazaar, 114, High Street, Bromley 22 Fancy and Leather Goods Depot. Clarke E. & Son Limited,53, High Street, Bromley and High Street, St. :Mary Cray. Telephone 414 Bromley 6 Fancy Repository. Dean Mrs., 84, High Street, Bromley 14 Florists. Knappett D. & Son, Park Nursery, London Road, Bromley 30 Foreign Booksellers. Clarke E. & Son Limited, 53, High Street, Bromley and High Street, Bt. lVIary Cray. Telephone 414 Bromley... 6 Foreign and Modern ~anguage Printers. Clarke E. & Son Limited, 53, High Street, Bromley and High Street, St. Mary Cray. Telephone 414 Bromley... 6 Fruiterers and Greengrocers. Smallbone's Stores, 65, 77 & 79, Beckenham Lane, Shortlands. Telephone No. Bromley 33L. 648 Funeral Furnishers. Chappell Francis & Son, 25, High Street; 75, Southlands Road & 45, Stanley Hoad, Bromley ] 90b Humerston J. & Sons, 37, East Street and College Road, Bromley... 4 Furniture Depositories (see Depositories and also Household Removals). Furrier. Krantz l., 18, The Broadway, Bromley ...
NORTH STREET LIVERY STABLES (Close to Bromley North Station). IF YOU WANT A CARRIAGE for DRIVES, CALLS, PARTIES, & c., or a CAB for Station or School, GO TO G. HILLS,
. For 16 Years with a Local Firm and well recommended. TERMS STRICTLY MODERATE. A COOD TURN-OUT ASSURED. PERSONAL ATTENTION TO ALL ORDERS. Private Address: 13, South Street, BROMLEY
Gas and Hot Water Fitters. Arnaud J. C. & Son, 149, High Street, Bromley 32 Crouch J. Morton, 41, Masons Hill and 25, Widmore Road, Bromley... ... 212a and 252a Henham T. & Son, 39, Beckenham Lf\ne, Shortlanos i Moore A., R.P.C., 23, Bromley Gardens, Bromley 650 Ovenden K, 17, Heathfield Uoad, Bromley 84 Pearce Brothers, Offices, Sherman Hand, Bromley... 206a, Weeks G. & ~ODS, 61, High St., Bromley, and at Bcckenham rdand Foot notes Glass and Lead Merchants. Darby Bros., Bromley North Station and Sherman Road, Bromley 210 Goldsmith. Payne E. W., 133, High Street, Bromley Front edges Grocers and Provision Merchants. Smallhone's Stores, 65, 77 and 79, Beckenham Lane, Shortlands. Tel. No. Bromley 331 648 Uridge's High-class Stores, 27 imd 29, Widmore Road and 25, Masons Hill, Bromley . facing inside back. cover Hatters. Pratt G. & Co., 6, High Street, Beckenham; :tlw at Streatham and 148, Leadenhall Street, E.C ii Hay, Strl1,wand Clover Merchants. Grinsted Daniel Limited, Offices & stores, 124, High Street, Bromley; 18, Market Square, Bromley; Bencewell Granaries, Bromley Common and 57, High Street, Beckenham 193 Horticultural Sundriesman; . Dell W., 15, Market Square, Bromley 18 Hosiers and Glovers. Attwood & Co., 8A and 10, Broadway, Bromley 409 Dafforn's, 9, Widmore Road, Bromley... 86 Marler Henry, 54, High Street, Bromley 76 Hospitals, Institutions and Societies. Cancer Hospital, Fulbam Road, S.W .... See Inset facing page 128 Children's Aid Society, Office, Victoda House, 117, Victoria Street, S.W. .,. .... .:.See Inset facing page 128 City of London Truss Society, 35: Finsbury Square, London, E.C. ... See Inset facing page 12S Dr. Barnardo's Homes, 18 to 26 Stepney Causeway, E. See Inset facing page 1~!8
Tallow Chandlers and OIL MERCHANTS, Market Square, Bromley. Agents to Price's and Field's Patent Candle Companies and to Anglo-American Oil Co. and 'for Pratt's Petrol, & c. ROYAL FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT, BUR GLARY, & c., & c., INSURANCE OFFICE.
Hospitals, Institutions and Societies-continued. Field Lane Institution, Vine Street, Clerkenwell, E.O. See Inset facing page 128 Governesses' Benevolent Institution, Head office, ·Walter House~ 418-4~2, Strand, W.O. ... ...See Inset facing page 128 Holloway Discharged Prisoners' Aid Society, Victoria House, 117, Victoria Street, S. W ... See Inset facing page 128 Homes of Hope, 4, 5 & 6, Regent Square, Gray's Inn Road, W. O. ... See In~et facing page 128 Infant Orphan Asylum, Offices, 63, Ludgate Hill, E.O. See Inset facing page 128 Kensington and Fulham General Hospital, Earl's Court, London, S.W.... ." ... See Inset facing page 128 Miller General Hospital for South-East London, Greenwich Road, S.E.... ... ... ... 176a & 176b National Benevolent Institution, Office, 65, Southampton Row, W.C. See Inset facing page 128 National Children's Home & Orphanage, Chief offices, 104-122 City Road, Landolt, E.C. ... See Inset facing page 128 National Refuges for Homeless & Destitute Children, London office, 164, Shaftesbury Avenue, W.C. _" See Inset facing page 128 National Society for the Prevention of Omelty to Children, Central office, Leicester Sq., W.C ... See Inset facing page 128 National Truss Society, 2, Arthur Street, London Bridge, E.O. See Inset facing page 128 Queen Charlotte's Lying-in Hospital, Marylebone Road. London, N.W. See Inset facing page 128 Royal BIitish Orphan Schools, Office, 27, Olements Lane, E.C. See Inset facing page 128 Royal National Mission to Deep Sea Fishermen, 181, Queen Victoria Street, E. O. See Inset facing page 128 Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, 105, Jermyn Street, S.W. See Inset facing page 128 Royal Westminster Ophthalmic Hospital, King William Street, Strand, W.O. See Inset facing page 128 St. Andrew's ·Waterside Church Mission, 65, Fenchurch Street, Londou, E.C. ...See Inset facing page 128 St. John's Skin Hospital, Uxbridge Road, W. See Inset facing page 128 St. Luke's Hospital for Mental Diseases, Old Street, E.C. See Inset facing page 12R St. Thomas's Hospital, Westminster Bridge Road, S.~. See Inset facing page 128 Temporary Home for Lost & Starving Dogs, Battersea Park Road, S.W & Hackbridge, Surrey ... See Inset facing page 128 Westmmster Hospital, opposite Westminster Abbey, S.W. « 8ee Inset facing page 128 Woman's Mission to Women, Offices, Victoria House, 117. Victoria Street, S.W..., ...See Inset facing page 128
CONTRACTORS TO H.M. OFFICE OF WORKS. Sawing, Planing & Moulding. Mills and Offices: Tweedy Road, 1i& BROMLEY. ADJACENT TO THE NORTH STATION. Every description of Work in the Trade promptly executed. THOMAS CROSSLEY & SON
Building Contractors ~ and Decorators. LARGE. STAFF OF EXPERIENCED WORKMEN KEPT. ------. SANITARY TESTS AND SURVEYS MADE. Tehelephoe Bromley 298, Agents for County Fire Oflloe.
House Decorators. Amos G. R & Son, 10, Simpsons Road, Bromley... 66 Newbery J., 47, West Street, Bromley... 211 House Furnishers. DUlln H. G. & Sons, 32 to 40, Willmore Road; 36, Park Road & Quecn's Road, Bromley... 102 Humcrston J. & Sons, 37, East Street and UolJegc Hoa(l, Bromley... 4 Soan S. & Son, Head office, 45, College Road; depository & warehouses, Farwig Lane aud College Road, Bromley 167 Household Removals. Bishop & Sons, Hugh Street and Ebury Street, Pimlico, S.W. Facing page 312 Dunn H. G. & Sons, 32 to 40, Widmore Road; 36, Park Road and Queen's Road, Bromley... 102 Homerston J. & Sons, 37, East St. and College Rd., Bromley 4 Soan S. & Son, Head office, 45, College Road; depositories & warehouses, Farwig Lane and College Road, Bromley 167 Taylor Charles &. Son, St. George's Road, Southwark, S.E. Facing page 496 House, Land and Estate Agents. Alker & Co., adjoining Bickley Hailway :3tation 537 and 561 Baxter, Payne &, Lepper, F.S.I., F.A.I., Market Square (opposite General Post Office), Bromley; Railway Approach, Beckenham and ii9, King William St., E.C. Outside front and back covers; Back of book and pages 356 & 560 Carter Law & Leech, 56, East Street, Bromley and opposite S. l'J. & C. Hailway, Shortlands ... ... Inside front cover & page 651 Chattell David .T. & Sons, 65, Chisleburst Road, Chislehurst, and 29A, Lincoln's Inn Fields, London, W.C. 552 Eastman, Pierce & Eastman & Co., Statioll Gates, Orpington 638 Salter, Rex & Co., 311, Kentish Town Hoad, N.W. and 85 London Wall, E.C See page 2 of Insurance Inset (Endof Book) Insurance.
Confederation Life Association, 23-28, Fleet Street, E.C. See page 10 of Insurance Inset (End of Book) County Fire Office, Limited, 50, Hegent Street, W. and 4, Lombard Street, E.C., London ... ...See page 10 of 1nsurance Inset (End of Book) London Assurance Corporation, 7, Royal Exchange, London, E.U.; West End Office, 22, l'al1Mall, S. \Y See page 13 of Insurance Inset (End of Book) National Mutual Life Association of Australasia Limited, 5, Cheapside, London, E.C.... ... ... See page 1 of Insurance Inset (End of Book)
(I ncorporat ed 1850), 0. Personal Security, Shares, Leases, & c., at moderate interest. Repayable by instalments, or as agreed. Nll preliminary fees. Forms free. 6, Lancaster Place, Waterloo Bridge, Strand, W.O.; 38, SHIP STREET, BRIGHTON; 199, QUEEN'S ROAD, HASTINGS; And 31, Walbrook, Mansion House, E.O. ESTABLISHED OVER 60 YEARS. CHAS. H. wnw BT, .secretary.
Insurance-continued. North British & Mercantile Insurance Co., 61, Threadneedle Street, London, E.C. ... See page 9 of Insurance Inset (End of Book) Norwich Union Mutual Life Office, 49, Fleet Street, E.C. See page 7 of Insurance Inset (End of Book) Ocean Accident & Guarantee Corporation Limited, Head Office, Nloorgate Street, E.C. ... 5 of Insurance Inset (End of Book) Royal Exchange Assurance, Royal Exchange, London, E.C.; West End Branch, 44, Pall Mall, S.W. ... See page 2 of Insurance Inset (End of Book) Royal Insurance Co. Ltd., 24·28, Lombard Street, London, E.C. ... ... See page 1 of Insurance Inset (End of Book) Sun Fire Office, Chief Office, 6R, Threadneedle Street, E.C. 100 Insurance Brokers. Salter, Rex & Co., 311. Kentish Town Road, N.W. and 85, London Wall, E.C. ...See page 2 of Insurance Inset (End of Book) Irish Laces, Linens and Poplins. Irish Warehouse (The), 147, Regent Street, London, W. Facing page 480 Ironmongers. Crouch J. Morton, 41, Masons Hill and 25, Wid more Road, Bromley ... 212a and 252a Weeks G. & Sons, 61, High Street, Bromley, and at Beckenham 72 and Foot notes Jewellers. Dotter K., 123, High Street~ Bromley 12 May John~ 47, ~fasons Hill, Bromley 8 Pfeil C. F., 20, The Broadway, Bromley... 10 Job and Post Masters. Hills G., North Stl·eet Livery Stables and 13, South Street, Bromley Sparks Edward, 48, Stanley Rd. & 31, Napier Rd .. Bromley 84 Withycombe W. H., College Road, Bromley and 95, Martins Road, Shortlands... 308 Wood Selby & Son, 19, Frf~elands Road, Bromley... 24 Ladias' and Children's Outfitters. Attwood & Co., 8A & 10, Broadway, Bromley Ladies' Employment Bureau. Imperial Agency Ladies' Employment Bureau & Servants' Registry Office (Miss Mary Bartlett, Principal), The TO'Hn, Enfield·
Temperance Permanent Building Society,
4, 6 & 8, LUDGATE HILL, LONDON, E.C. THE LARGEST, STRONGEST AND CHEAPEST IN LO~J~ON. Prom pi: Ai'lvances. Easy Redernp~:i:n,s. Light Repayments. Low Costs.· ABSOLUTE SECUI(ITY FO~ INVESTOI(S Shares, 4 per cent. Deposits, 3 per cent. Q.ESER.VE FUND exceeds £140,000. EDWARD WOOD, JJ1a1zager.
Ladies' and Gentlemen's Tailors. Barber n., 44, East Street, Bromley Beverton A. E., Park Honse, 28, Widmore Rmd, Bromley 256ft and 2566 Krantz I., 18, The Broadway, Bromley ... Skinner & Grant, 129a & 130, High Stl'cet, Bromley and at Regent Street, London, W. Walker & Wicks, 67, London Hoad, Bromley Laundries. Belmont Hand Laundry (Grubey & Townsend, Proprietors), 34, Addison Road, Bromley Common 196b Bloomfield L'lundry, Bromley Comma a .. , 144 Bradford's Steam Launrlry, Church Road, Upper Norwood iv Gresham Laundry, Bromley Common 194b New Invicta Sanitary Laundry (The) (E. Trigg & Sons), 23, Elliott Road, Bromley j branch shop, 14, The Broadway, Bromley 68 Podger & Sons, 3, Market Square, Bromley 62 Sundridge Park Laundry, Scott's Road, Bromley... 90 Swastika Laundry (The), Works, 218, Homesdale Road, Bromley; branch receiving shop, 28, Rushey Green, Catford ... 80 Leather Sellers and Grindery Merchants. Phillips, 26, East Street, Bromley 78 Lithographic Printers. Clarke E. & Son Ltd., 53, High Street, Bromley and High Street, St. Mary Cray. Telephone 414 Bromley 6 Loans. Mutual Loan Fund Association Ltd., 5, Lancaster Place, Waterloo Bridge, Strand, W,C. & 31, Walbr~)Qk,Mansion House, E. C. 40 Locksmiths and Bellhangers. Crouch J. Morton, 41, Masons Hill & 25, Widmore Road, Bromley... ... 212a and 252a Weeks G. & Sons) 61, High Street, Bromley, & at Beckenham 72 and Foot notes Machine Rulers, Perforators and Numerical Printers. Clarke E. & Son L ttl. , 53, High Street, Bromley and High Street, St. Mary Cray. Telephone 414 Bromley 6 Meat Carrier. Sparks Edward, 48, Stanley Rd. & 34, Napier Rd., Bromley
for tb¢ Daugbttrs of Gentltmen. HOLWOOD ROAD, BROMLEY, KENT. ESTABLISHED 1866. Principal Mrs. F. Fertel, A.e P. (Hons.), M.e.p. Assisted by a large staff of experienced Teachers. PIANO, HARMONY, SINGING VIOLIN PAINTING GYMNASTICS DANCING .. Mr. F. FERTEL, Ol'guni.t lind Choirmaster Plfrish Churd/. Miss D. A. MASON, L.T.C.L. Miss M. A. BAXTER, National Prize Jiolder, South K!'fI$ington. Miss BEALE. Miss DRA YCOTT. Pupils prepared for Musical and other Public Examinations. A very high percentage ot passes has hitherto been obtained.
Milliners. Attwood & Co., 8A & 10, Broadway, Bromley Dafforn's, 9, Widmore Road, Bromley . Wright Brothers, High Street, Bromley . 45 PAGJ: 409 86 190a Motor BOdy Builder. Dean F., 2, Tylney Road, Bickley nnd Widmore Road, Bromley... 539 Motor Engineers. Bromley Motor & Engineering Works (R. E. Anthony, A.rILI.IILE., Proprietor), Masons Hill, Bromley Outside front cover and page 206b Motor Garage. Bromley Central Gal'8ge, West Street, Bromley Outside front cover Motor Jobmasters. Wood Selby & Son, 19, Freelands Road, Bromley... 24 Musical Instruments. Phillips Howard :Morley & Co., Fl, Aberdeen Bnildinge, High Street and 30 Widmore Road, Bromley 196a Music Printers. Clarke E. & Son Ltd., 53, High Street, Bromley and High Street, St.. Mary Cray. Telephone 414 Bromley ... 6 Naturalist. Dell W., 15, Market Square, Bromley... 18 Newspaper. Kentish Mercury, 6 to 11, Blackheath Road, Greenwich, S.E. 142 Newspaper and Magazine Agents. Clarke E. & Son Ltd., 53, High Street, Bromley and High Street, St. Mary Dray. Telephone 414 Bromley 6 Nurserymen. Knappett D. & Son, Park Nursery, London Road, Bromley ... , 30 Nursing Home. Bromley Nursing Home (Miss Boss, Principal), 34 & 35 Palace Grove, Bromley 206b Oil and Color Merchants. Darby Brotherll, Bromley North Station and Sherman Road, Bromley .,. 210 Oil'Merchants. Isard E. & Son, Market Square, Bromley LIST OF- KELLY'S DIRECTORIES. ("BUFF BOOKS.")
Outfitters. Attwood & Co., 8A & 10, Broadway, Bromley 409 Marler Henry, 54, High Street, Bromley 76 Pratt G. & Co., ti, High Street, Beckenltam; also at StreatLam and 148, Leadenhall Street, E.C. ii' Painters and Paperhangers. Arnaud J.C. & Son, 149, High Street, Bromley 32 Benham T. & Son, 39, Beckenham Lane, Shol'tlands i Newbel'Y J., 47, West Street, Bromley... 211 Paste Manufacturers. Leadenhall Press, Limited, 29.47, ,Garden Row, Southwark, S.E. ", iiL, 40, 50 and 196b Pawnbroker. Pfeil C. F., 20, The Broadway, Bromley... 10 Pianoforte and Music Stores. Phillips Howard Morley & Co., 5, Aberdeen Buildings, High Street and 30, Widmore Hoad, Bromley 196a Picture Frame Makers and Gilders, & c. Clarke E. & Son Limited, fiR, High Street, Bromley and High Street, St. Mary Cray. Teleph?~e 414: Bromley 6 Plumbers and Glaziers. Amos G. R. & Son, 10, Simpsons Road, Bromley... 66 Arnaud .r. C. & Son, 149, High Street, Bromley... 32 Crouch J. Morton, 41, Masons Hill and 25, Widmore Road, Bromley... ... 212a and 252a Benham T. & Son, 39, Beckenham Lane, Shortlands 'i Moore A., R.P.c., 23, Bromley Gardens, BtQmley... 650 Newbery J., 47, West Street, Bromley... ...211 Ovenden E., 17 Heathfield Road, Bromley 84 Pearce Brothers, Offices, Sherman Road, Bromley '~. 206a Weeks G. & Sons,61, High St,reet, Bromley,and at Beckenham 72 and Foot notes Printers and Stationers. Clarke E. & Son Limited, 53, High Street, Bromley and High Street, St. Mary Cray. Telephone 414. Bromley 6 Railway and Shipping Agents. Soan S. & Son, Head office, 45, College Road; depository &. warehouses, Farwig Lane and College Road, Bromley... 16 7 Relief Stampers. Clarke E. & Son Limited, 53, High Street, Bromley and High Street., St. Mary Cray. Telephone 414 Bromley 6
HIGH-CLASS SCHOOL FOR GIRLS~ Shortlands Grove, SHORTLANDS. Principals Miss E. A. KENDALL, A.C.P., Camb. Higher Local (Honours). Miss C. A. KENDALL, A.C.T., Bronze Medallist S. Kensington. Assisted by Competent Staff. Special advantages are offered in Music, Languages and Art; Courses of Lessons are given on Art and Architecture in connection with which visits are made to Picture Galleries, Museums and Churches. Weekly Boarders can be taken. Attention is given to health and deportment, and there is a short interval during morning classes for Recreation and Physical Culture. RAYMONT is situated on high ground with birge garden and full·sized Tennis Lawn
Riding Masters. Wood Selby & Son, 19, Freelands Road, Bromley Sanitary Engineers. Amos G. R. & Son, 10 Simpsons Road, Bromley ... Arnaud J. C. & Son, 149, High Street, Bromley ... Crouch J. Morton, 41, Masons Hill and 25, Widmore Road, Bromley... ...212a and 252a Henham T. & Son, 39, Beckenham Lane, Shortlands i Moore A., R.P.C., 23, Bromley Gardens, Bromley... 650 Palin M., 25, Lansdowne Road and 33, Farwig Lane, Bromley...... Inside back cover Pearce Brothers, Offices, Sherman Road, Bromley ... 20Ba Weeks G. & Sons, 61, High Street, Bromley and at Beckenham 72 and Foot notes Schools and Colleges. Havelock House Preparatory School for Boys (Miss Ray), London Road, Bromley . Hohncroft School (Mrs. F.Fertel, Principal), Holwood Road, Bromley .... ... ... ... ... 44 Holy Trinity Convent, Boarding and Day School for Girls, Bromley... 28 Qnernmore RehooI, Kinnaird Park, Bromley ... 334a and 334b Raymont School for Girls (Misses E. A. and C. A. Kendall, Principals), Shortlands Grove, Shortlands Seedsmen, & c. Dell W., 15. Market Square, Bromley Grinsted Daniel Limited, Officesand stores, 124, High Street, Bromley; 18, Market Square, Bromley; Bencewell Granaries,BromleyCommon and 57,HighSt, Beckenham 193 Servants' Registries, &0. Baker M. & J., The Bazaar, 114, High Street, Bromley Imperial Agency Ladies' Employment Bureau & Servants' Registry Office (Miss Mary Bartlett, Principal), The Town, Enfield Shirt and Collar Dressers. New Invieta Sanitary Laundry (The) (E. Trigg & Sons), 23, Elliott Road, Bromley; branch shop, 14, The Broadway, Bromley Podger & Sons, 3, Market Square, Bromley Sundridge Park Laundry, Scott's Road, Bromley ... Swastika Laundry (The), Works, 218, Homesdale Road, Bromley; branch receiving shop, 2t', Rushey Green, Catford ... Silversmiths. Dotter K., 123, High Street, Bromley . May John, 47, Masons Hill, Bromley . Payne E. W., 133, High Street, Bromley
4-oz. bottle 12-oz. " Gallon Jar Gallon " Brushes .2d. Gd. tfG/- 10/- Photo - Stickphast
The Best and Cheapest Photo-Mountant. British Made by British Workmen. Chemically Pure and non-acid. Absolutely Smooth and free from lumps. Guaranteed not to cockle the print. So cheap that it can be used for all perposes. Guarenteed by the Manufacturers of the well-known STICKPHAST PASTE. Of all Staiioners, Chemists, Photo-Material Dealers, etc., etc
Specialist in Voice Production. Izard-Coltman R., Mountfield, 66, Babbacombe Road, Bromley... . ... 212lJ Stationers, Booksellers, Newsagents, & c. Ularke E. & Son Limited, 53, High Street, Bromley and High Street, St. Mary Cray. Telephone 414 Bromley 6 Martin T. & Sons, 11 & 12, The Broadway, Bromley Outside front cover Stickphast Paste Manufacturers. Leadenhall Press, Limited, 29-47, Garden Row, Southwark, S.E. iii., 40, 50 and 1961J Stone and Monumental Masons. Darby Bros., Bromley North Station and Sherman Road, Bromley... 210 Stoves and Ranges. Moore A., R.P.C., 23, Bromley Gardens, Bromley... ... 650 Weeks G. & Sons, 61, High Street, Bromley, and at Beckenham 72 and Foot notes Surveyors.
Alker & Co., adjoining Bickley Railway Station ... 537 and 561 Baxter, Payne & Lepper, F.B.I., F.AM., Mb.rket Square (opposite General Post Office), Bromley; Railway Approach, Beckenham and 69, King William St. E.C. Outside fron~ and baek covers; Back of book and pages 356 & 560 Carter, La~ & Leech, 56, East Street, Bromley, and opposite S. E. & C. Railway, Shortlands Inside front . cover and page 651 Eastman, Pierce & Eastman & Co., Station Gates,Orpington 638 Salter, Rex & Co., 311, Kentish Town Road, N.W. and 85, London Wall, E.C.... See page 2 of Insurance Inset (End of Book) Krantz 1.,18, The Broadway, Bromley ... Marler Henry, 54, High. Street"Bromley... ... Pratt ..Q-. & Co., 6, High Street, Beckenham; also at Streatham and 148, Leadenhall Street, E.C. Skinner & Grant, 129a and 130, High Street, Bromley and at Regent Street, London,W. ... 194a Walker & Wicks, 67, London Road, ,Bromley 66 Tailors and Habit Makers. Barber R., 44, East Street, Bromley Beverton A. E., Park House, 28, Widmore Road, Bromley 256a-and 256lJ Tallow Chandlers. Isard E. & Son, Market Square, Bromley 3
DIRECTORS. SIlLEDWARD H. HOLDE:S, Bllrt .. 'C'hatrman and lIIatlagi1lg Direr/or. WILLIAM GRAHAJM BRADSHAW, Esq., London, Deputy-Chairman. THE RT. HON. LORD AIREDALE, Leeds. GEORGE FRANKLIN, Esq., Sheffield. "[Il I'BHCY E. BATES, Bart. Li verpool. H. :'\D1r80:-; Gme. l';sq., LeICester. IWIIEltT CI,OVER BEAZLEY. Esq .. Liverpool. JOHN HOWARD GWYTHEB., Esq., London. B[1l W~1. BENJA~UN BOWltING, Bart., Liverpool. AltTHURT. KEE:"!, Esq., llirminll'ham. JOH~ ALEXANDElt CHItI~TIE, Esq., London. THE itT. HaN. LOIU) rlltRIE, K.P., London, DAYIn DAYIE'\, Esq., M.P., Llandinam. THE ItT. Ho};. LOUD ROTHERHA1I1, Manchester. FRANK DUDLEY DOCKER, Esq., C.B.. Birmingham. THOMAS HOYDEN. Esq., Liverpool. 'FREnKltICK H YNDE FOX, Esq., Liverpool. WILLIAM FITZTHOMAS WYLEY. Esq ..Coventry. loitl! Genlf'al Manag",s: J. M. MADDERS, S. B. MURRAY. and F. HYDE. Secretary: EDWARD J. MORRIS. 5, HEAD THREADNEEDLE OFFICE: STREET, LONDON, E.C. Telegraphic Address - CIMIDHO, STOCK, LONDON." SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL PAID-UP CAPITAL RESERVE FUND Telephone-2481 London WaH. £20,873,520 £4,348,650 .£3,700,000 DEPOSIT & CURRENT ACCOUNTS ("an.) 1914 £96,485,878 CASh in hand, at CALL, and at SHORT NOTICE· " £30,055,473 BILLS OF EXCUANGE " £12,718,333 INVESTMENTS . " £7,970,927 ADVANCES, & c. " £52,020,707 OVER 860 OFFICES IN ENGLAND AND WALES. LOCAL BRANCHES. Bromley ... B20!enha~ HIGH STREET... ... ... 241, BECKENHAM ROAD ... Manager, John A. Ellans. " F. F. Jeffery.
Taxidermist. Dell W., 15, Market, Square, Bromley Theatre Ticket Office and Concert Agency. Phillips Howard Morley &, Co., 5, Aberdeen Buildings, High Street and 30, Widmore Road, Bromley ... 196a Tilers, Slaters and Lathers. Darby Brothers, Bromley North Station & Sherman Road, Bromley 210 Typewriting Offices. Carter, Law &, Leech, 5fi, East Street, Bromley and opposite S. E. & C. Railway, Shortlands ... lnside front cover &, page ~51 Clarke E. & Son Limiteo, 53, High Street, Bromley and High Street, St. Mary Uray. Telephone 4.14 Bromley... 6 Uudertakers, & c. Chappell Francis & Son, 25, High Street; 75, Southlands Road and 45 Stanley Road, Bromley 190b Dunn H. G. & Sons, 32 to 40, Widmore Road; 36, Park Road & Queen's Road, Bromley 102 Humerston J. & ~ons, 37, East St. & College Rd., Bromley 4 Upholsterers. Dunn H. G. & Sons, 32 to 40, Widmore Road; 36, Park Road & Queen's Road, Bromley... ... ... 102 Humerston J. & Sons, 37, East 8t.& College Rd.,Bromley Swastika Laulldry (The), Works, 218, Homesdale Road Bromley; branch receiving shop, 28, Rushey Green; eatford ... 80 .. Valuers. Alker & Co., adjoining Bickley Railway Station ... 531 and 561 Baxter, Payne & Lepper, F.B.I., F.A.I., Market Square (opposite General Post Office), Bromley; Railway Approach, Beckenham & 69, King William Street, E.C. Outside front and back covers; Back of book and pages 356 & 560 Carter, Law &, Leech, 56, East Street, Bromley and opposite S. E. & O. Railw-ay, ShortlandS ... Inside front cover & page 651 Eastman, Pierce & Eastman &, Co., Station Gates, Orpington 638 Humerston J. & Sons, 37, East St. & College Rd.,Bromley... 4 Saltt'r, Rex & Co., 311 Kentish Town Road, N.W. and 85 London Wall, E. C. .. ............. See page 2 of Insurance Inset (End of Book) Wardrobe Dealer. Hambleton E. W., 10, East Street, Bromley Watch and Clock Makers. Dotter R., 123, High Street, Bromley May John, 47, Masons Hill, Bromley Pfeil C. F., 20, The Broadway, Bromley ... Wearing Apparel. Hambleton E. W.,10, East Street, Bromley Window Cleaners. British Window Cleaning Co.; Office, 93 High St., Bromley 146 Wine and Spirit Merchants. Smallbone's Stores, 65, 77 and 79, Beckenham Lane, Shortlands .. Telephone No. Bromley 331 ... 648 Uridge's High-class Stores, 27 and 29, Widmore Road and 25, Masons Hill, Bromley... Facing- inside back cover Wood and Process Engravers. Clarke E. & Son Limited, 53, High Street, Bromley and High Street, St. Mary Cray. Telephone 414 Bromley 6
WHERE CAN I INVEST MY SAVINGS WITH SAFETY p. tot bring In a regular non-fluctuating moderate rate of thbl est (Income Tax Free), so that if the money be wltllted, I can give notice and obtain any portion, or thl' whole of it, without unreasonable delay. A Good Inves'tment Is offered by the CHURCH OF ENGLAND BUILDING SOCIETY
in their £25 Shares (4 per cent. interest) payable in full, or by instalments from 5/- per month. Deposits received at 4 per cent. interest, on six months' notice of withdrawal, or 3; per cent. interest on one month's notice, or less. No withdrawal fees. Interest raid half-yearly. June 1st and Dec. 1st. Advances made on House Property at moderate interest repayable by easy monthly or quarterly instalments, extending over 5 t0 20 years. WRITE FOR PROSPECTUS AND BALANCE SHEET TO THE SECRETARY, 'THRIFTDOril,' (Dep, C B.) 22, Chancery Lane, LONDON, w.e.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note. - Where not otherwise stated the district is Bromley. ACKERMANN 1".W., 13. The Broadway ... ALKER & CO., adjoining Bickley Railway Station AMOS G. R. & SON, 10, Simpsons Road ARNAUD J. C. & SON, 149, High Street ATTWOOD & CO., 8A & ro, Broadway... ... AYLING T. S., IS & 16, Broadway, Bromley & Church Hill, Beckenham BAKER M. & J., The Bazaar, II4, High Street BARBER R, 44. East Street ... ... ... ... ... BAXTER, PAYNE & LEPPER, F.S.I., F.A.I., Market Square (opposite General Post Office), Bromley; Railway Approach, Beckenham & 69, King William Street, E.C.... Outside front tf back covers; Back of book tf papes 356 & 560 BELMONT HAND LAUNDRY (Grubey & Townsend, Proprietors), 34, Addison Road ... ... ... ... ". ... 196b BEVERTON A. E., Park House, 28, Widmore Road ." ... ~56a &; 256b BISHOP & tlONS, Hugh Street & Ebury Street, Pimlico, S.W. Facing page 312 BLOOMFIELD LAUNDRY, Bromley Common ." ...144 BRADFORD'S STEAM LAUNDRY, Church Road, Upper Norwood iv' BRITISH WINDOW CLEANING CO., Office, 93 High Street... 146 BROMLEY CENTRAL GARAGE, West street Outside front. coverBROMLEY MOTOR & ENGINEERING WORKS (R. E. Anthony, A.M.I.M.E., Proprietor), Masons Hill ... ... ... Outside front C0rer9" page 206b BROMLEY NURSING HOME (Miss Boss,Principal),34 & 35,Palace Grove 206b CAlS'CER HOSPITAL, Fulham Road, S. W... See Inset faeiny pa,qe 128 CARTER, LAW & LEECH, 56, East Street, Bromley & opposite S.E. & C. Railway, Shortlands... Inside front COVel"9" page 651 CATFORD H., 25, The Broadway... 410 CHAPPELL FRANCIS & SONS, 25, High Street; 75, Southlands Road & 45, Stanley Road Igob CHATTELL D. J. & SONS, 65, Chislehurst Road, Chislehurst, & 29A, Lincoln's Inn Fields, W.C. ... 552 CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY, Offices, Victoria House, 117, Victoria Street, S.W. ... ... ... See Inset facing page J28 CHURCH OF ENGLAND BUILDING SOCIETY, 22, Chancery Lane, W.C. CITY OF LONDON TRUSS SOCIETY, 35, Finsbury Square, E.C. ... See inset .facinq page 128 CLARKE E. & SON LIMITED, 53, High Street, Bromley & High Street, St. Mary Cray. Telephone 414 Bromley 6 CONFEDERATION LIFE ASSOCIATION, 23-28 Fleet Street, E.C. ... See page 10 of Insurance Inset (End of Book) COUNTY FIRE OFFICE LIMITED, 50, Regent Street, S. W. & 4 Lombard Street, E.C. .~. See page 10 of Insurance Inset (End of Book) CREAMERY (THE) (G. Trenholm, Manager), 8, Widmore I{oad 233 & 540 CROSSLEY T. & SON, Tweedy Road ... ...... 38 CROUCH J. MORTON, 41, Masons Hill & 25, Widmore Road 212a & 252a DAFFORN'S, 9, Widmore Road... ... ...... 86 DARBY BROTHERS, Bromley North Station & Sherman Road 210 DEAN F., 2 Tylney Road, Bickley & Wid more Road, Bromley 539 DEAN MRS., 84, High Street 14 DELL W., 15, Market Square 18 DOTTER K., 123, High Street ... 12 DR. BARNARDO't; HOMES, 18 to 26, Stepney Causeway, E.... See Inset facing page 128 DUNN H. G. & SONS, 32 to 40, Widmore Road; 36, Park Road & Queen's Road ... ... ... ... 102 EASTMAN, PIERCE & EASTMAN & CO., Station Gates, Orpington ... 638 FIELD LANE INSTITUTION, Vine Street, Clerkenwell, E.C.... See Inset facing poge 128 GOVERNESSES' BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION, Head office, Walter House, 418-422, Strand, w.e. ... See Inset facing page 128 GRESHAM LAUNDRY, Bromley Common... ... ... 194b GRINSTED DANIEL LIMITED, Offices & Stores, 124, High Street, Bromley; 18, Market Square, Bromley; Bencewell Granaries, Bromley Common & 57, HIgh Street, Beckenham 193 HAMBLETON E. W. 10, East Street .. 82 HAVELOCK HOUSE PREPARATORY SCHOOL FOR BOYS (Miss Ray), London Road ... ... ... 70 BENHAM T. & SON, 39, Beckenham Lane, Shortlands i HENNAH & ROBERTS, l,The Corner, High Street ... Outside front cover HILLS G., North Street Livery Stables & 13, South Street ... 34 HOLLOWAY DISCHARGED PRISONERS' AID SOCIETY, Victoria House, IT7, Victoria StrE\et, S. W. .oo See Inset facing page 128 HOLMOROFT SCHOOL (Mrs. F. Fertel, Principal), Holwood Road ... 44 HOLY TRINITY CONVENT, BOARDING & DAY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS ...... 28 HOMES OF HOPE, 4, 5 & 6 Regent Square, Gray's Inn Road, W.C.... See Inset facing page 128 HUMERSTON J. & SONS, 37, East Street & College Road ... ... 4 IMPERIAL AGENCY LADIES' EMPLOYMENT BUREAU & SERVANTS'REGISTRY OFFICE (Miss Mary Bartlett, Principal), The Town, Enfield ... ... ... ... .., ... 78 INFANT ORPHAN ASYLUM, Offices, 63, Ludgate Hill, E.C.... See Inset facing page 128 IRISH WAREHOUSE (THE), 147, Regent Street, London W. ~Facingpage 480 ISARD E. & SON, Market Square .,. 36 IZARD-COLTMAN R, Mountfield, 66, Babbacombe Road ... 2I2b KENSINGTON & FULHAM GENERAL HOSPITAL, Earl's Court,S. W.~!See Inset facing page 128 KENTISH MERCURY (THE), 6 to 14, Blackheath Road, Greenwich, S.E.I42 KNAPPETT D. & SOl', Park Nursery, London Road... 30 KRAKTZ 1.,18, The Broadway 64 LEADENHALL PRESS LTD., 29-47, Garden Row, Southwark, S.E. iii., 40, 50, I96b LLOYDS BANK LIMITED, ~3, Widmore Road ... 255, LONDON ASSURANCE CORPORATION, 7, Royal Exchange, London, E.C. ; West End Office, 22, Pall Mall, S.W. ... ... See page 13 of Insurance Inset (End of Book) LONDON CITY & MIDLA ND BANK LIMITED, High Street, Bromley & 241 Beckenham Road, Beckenham ... . S2 LONDON COUNTY & WESTMINSTER BA.NK LIMITED, 141, High Street, Bromley & at Beckenham, Chislehurst, Orpington & West Wickham ... 279 LONDON & PROVIN"CIAL BANK LIMITED, 16 & 18, High Street, Beckenham ... .., ... ... ... .,. 463 LONDON & SOUTH WESTERN BANK LIMITED, 13, Kirkdale,Sydenham; I, London Road, Forest Hill; II3A, Anerley Road, Anerley & 191, Rushey Green, Catford ... MARLER HENRY, .')4, High Street ... MARTIN T. & SONS, II & 12, The Broadway MAUNDER W. LIMITED, 1& 2, Market Square MAY JOHN, 47, Masons Hill ... ... MILLER GENERAL HOSPITAL FOR SOUTH-EAST LONDON, Greenwich Road, S.K I76a & I76b MOORE A., n.-p.c., 23, Bromley Gardens ... ...... 650 MUTUAL LOAN FUND ASSOCIATION LIMITED, 5,Lancastel' Place, . Waterloo Bridge, Strand,W.C. &31, Walbrook, Mansion House, KC. 40 NATIONAL BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION, Office, 65, Southampton Row, W.C.... .. ... ... See Inset facing page 128 NATIONAL CHILDREN'S HOME & ORPHANAGE, Chief Offices, 104-122 City Road, London,E.C. ... See Inset/acing page 128 NATIONAL MUTUAL LIFE ASSOCIATION OF AUSTHALASIA LlMITED, 5, Cheapside, London, E.C... See page I of Insurance Inset (End of Book) NATIONAL REFUGES FOR HOMELESS & DESTITUTE CHILDREN, London office, 164, Sbaftesbury Avenue, W.C. See Inset facing page 128 NATIONAL SOCIETY FOR THE PREVENTION OF CRUELTY TO CHILDREN, Central office, Leieester Square,·W.C.·... ... See Inset facing paIle 128 NATIONAL"TRUSS SO"mETY, 2, Arthur Street, London Bridge, ~.C .... See Inset racinripage 128 NEW INVICTA SANITARY LAUNDRY (THE) (E. Trigg & Sons), 23, Elliott Road; Branch Shop, 14, The Broadway 68 NEWBERY J., 47, West Street ... 2Il NORTH BRrrISH & MERCANTILE INSURANCE CO., 61, Threadneedle Street, London, E.C .... See page 9 of Insurance Inset (End of Book) NORWICH UNION MUTUAL LIFE OFFICE, 49, Fleet Street, E.C .... See , page 7 of Insurance Inset (End of Book) OCEAN ACCIDENT & GUARANTEE CORPORATION LTD.. Head Office, Moorgate Street, London, E.C. ...... ... See pafle 5 of Insurance Inset (End oJ Book) OVENDEN E., 17, Heathfield Road ... ... 84 PALIN lV1., 25, Lansdowne Road & 33, Farwig Lane... Inside back cover PAYNE E. W., 133, High Street ... ... ... Front Edges PEA.RCE BROTHERS, Offices, Sherman Road ... 206a PFEIL C. F., 20, The Broadway... ... 10 PHILLIPS HOWARD MORLEY & CO., 5, Aberdeen Buildings, High Street & 30, Widmore Road ... Ig6a PHILLIPS, 26, East Street 78 POl>GER & SONS, 3, Market Square ..... -62 PORTMAN CHAPEL BUILDING SOCIETY, 415, Oxford Street, W... 20 PRATTG. & CO., 6, High Street, Beckenham; also at Streatham & 148' LeadenhalJ Street, E.C. ... ... ... ii QUEEN CHARLOTTE'S LYING-IN HOSPITAL, Marylebone Road,N.W ... See Inset facing pa.qe 128 QUERNMORE SCHOOL, Kinnaird Park ... 334a 334b RAYMONT SCHOOL FOR GIRLS (Misses E. A. & C. A. Kendall, Principals), Shortlands Grove, Shortlands ...... 48 ROYAL BRITISH ORPHAN SCHOOLS, Office, 27 Clement's Lane, E.C. ... ... ... ... See Inset facing page 128 ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE, Royal Exchange, London, E.C.; West End Branch, 44 Pall Mall, S.W. ... ..."... See page 2 of Insurance Inset (End of Book) ROYAL INSURANCE CO. LIMITED, 24-28, Lombard Street, E.C ....... See page I of Insurance Inset (End of Book) ROYAL NATIONAL MISSION TO DEEP SEA "FISH~RMEN, 181, Queen Victoria Street, E.C. ...' ... See Inset lacing page 128 ROYAL SOCIETY FOR THE PREVENTION OF CRUELTY TO ANIMALS, 105, Jermyn Street, S.W.... ...See Inset facing page 128 ROY AL WESTMINSTER OPHTHALMIC HOSPITAL, King William Street, Strand. W.C. ... ... ...See Insetfacing page 128 ST. "ANDREW'S WATERSIDE CHURCH MISSION, 65, Fenchureh Street, E.C. ... ... ... ...See Inset facing page 128 ST. JOHN'S SKIN HOSPITAL, Uxbridge. Road, W. See Inset facing page 128 ST. LUKE'S HOSPITAL FOR MENTAL DISEASES,' Old Street, E.C. See Inset facing page 128 ST. THOMAS'S HOSPITAL, Westminster Bridge Road, S.E. ...8ee Inset facing page 128 SALTER, REX & CO., 3Il, Kentish Town Road, N.W. & 85, London Wall, E.G.... ... See page 2 oj lusllrance In:i£:t (End of Book) SKINNER & GRANT. 129A & 130, High Street, Bromley, & at Regent Street, London, W.... ... ... ... ... ... 194" SMALLBONE'S -STORES, 65, 77 & 79, Beckenham Lane, Shortlands. Telephone No:'Bromley 331... ... ... . ... 648 SOAN S. & SON, Head Office, 45, College Road; Depository & Warehouses, Farwig Lane & College Road_ ... 167 SPARKS EDWARD, 48, Stanley Road & 34, Napier Road ... 84 SUN FIRE INSURANCE OFFICE, Chief Office, 63, Threadneedle Street, E.C. . 100 ,SUNDRIDGE PARK LAUNDRY, Scott's Road ... 90 SW ASTIKA LAUNDRY, Works, 21S, Homesdale Road,. Bromley; Branch Receiving Shop, 28, Rushey Green, Catford ... ... 80 TAYLOR CHARLES &SON, St.George'sRd.,Southwark,S.E .. Pacing page 496 TEMPERANCE PERMANENT BUILDING SOCIETY, 4,6 & 8, Ludgate Hill, E.C. ... ...... . ... . ... 42 TEMPORARY HOME FOR LOS'!' & STARVING DOGS, Battersea Park Road, S.W. & Hackbridge, Smrey ... See Inset facing page 128 UNION OF LONDON & SMITHS BANK LIMITED, 33, High Street, Bromley, & at Bayes, Kent ... .., ... ... .., 60 URIDGE'S HIG H-CLASS STOI~ES, 27 & 29, Widmore Road & 25, Masons Hill Facing inside back cover WALKER & WICKS, 67, London Road... oo' oo. oo. 66 WEEKS G. & SONS, 6r, High Street, Bromley, and at Beckenham ... 72 cf Foot notes WESTMINSTER HOSPITAL, Opposite Westminster Abbey, S. W. . See Insetjaeing page 128 WILLIAMS G. N., 53, Beckenham Lane, Shortlands ... oo. 652 WITHYCUMUE W. fl., College Road, Bromley & 95, Martins Road, Shortlands ... oo. .oo 308 WOMAN'S MISSION TO WOMEN, Offices, Victoria House, II 7, Victoria Street, S. Woo. oo. ... See Inset facing page 128 WOOD SELBY & SON, 19, Freelands Road 24 WRIGHT BROTHERS, High Street ... J90a THE UNION OF LONDON & SMITHS BANK, lTD. ESTABLISHED 1839. £25,000,000 £22,934,100 £3,554,785 Authorised Capital Subscribed Capital Paid-up Capital Reserve Fund £1,150,000 Number of Proprietors-upwards of 10,200,' Os, Os, lOs, Os, ILUIP";TBAD .. .. HAYES (Fridays) 1I0LBlHt7" CIItCUS .. KE"SINGTON .. .. I,ONG ACltE.. .. .. Directors. siR FELIX SCHUSTER, !!art., Governor. LI~IJSAY ERIC S)[lTH, Esq., DePllty-Gorcrllar. ERNEST W. BARNARD, EsQ. HENRY J. B. KENDALL. ESQ. GEIt.\LD D"LDLEY S'lITH. ESQ. THEODORE BASSETT, ESQ. A. B. LESLIE."mLYILLE, ESQ. HERnEltT FHA:'\CIS ""IITH. 1·:'Q. ALFltEU F. BUXTON, ESQ. JIlH~ 11E'\'S, b,~. RT. Hos.C. Il.STl:AIlTWUlll"LEY CIIAULE"; C. CAVE, ESQ. ROllEltT r}':NTO:\ 'tILES. ESQ. K C.. ,,1.r. JOHN ALAN CLUTT(lN-BROCK, HF:NRY W. l'HESCOTT, ESQ ARTHUR ,1. H. \Y \I.RO:\n, FSQ. ESQ. KE1\'NETH L. C.l'lll·,"L'Ol"r, ESQ. R,'. Ho~·. SIR .U,GEl:"';U=" W£:;T, JOI-l:'lDENNJ!;TOUN, ESQ. llEilTILUJ AfiEL S)IlTH, E'Q. a.c.n. HOUAUE GEORGE DEVAS, ESQ. EUSTACE ABEl, S)JJTH, ESQ. CJLUlLESJI.R.WOLLASTON,EsQ H. W. DRUMMO:ND, ESQ. PRINCIPAL OFFICE-2, PRINOES STREET, E.C. Managers. II. H. HART (Town and Foreign). L. E. THOMAS (Co,mtry). F. W. ELLIS, Assistant JIanager. H. G. HOLDERNESS, Deputy Ass;star.t JIanngcr. H. R. HOARE, Secretar!!. L. J. CUItNISH, Assistant Secretary. . TRUSTEE DEPARTMENT: 2, Princes Street, E.C. LOMBARD STREET OFFICE: (Smith, PaYlle &: Smiths), 1, Lombard Street, E.C. CORNHILL OFFIOE: (Prescott s Bank, Limited), 511,Cornhill, E.C. METROPOLITAN AND SUBURBAN BRANCHES. BAYSWATElt .. .. 6i, Bishops Hoad, W. ~IOU-"T STltEET .. 12, 'Iount Htrcet, W. REDFORD ROW .. 24, Bedford Row, W.C. )!l:SWELI. HILL .. 11, T~e Exchange, lIfuswell RI";UOPSGATE.. .. 216,Bishups~ate, E.C. Hill, N. lll.OOMSHURY .. .. 103,Hi.h Holborn, W.C. :NOTTING HILL BROMLEY .... 33,High St. Bromley,Kent GATE........ 8,HighSt.,Notting-lIiIlGate,W. CHANUERY LANE .. 95. Chancery Lane, W.C. OXrOHD STREET .. 455, Oxford Street, W. CHARING CROSS .. 66, Charing Cross, S.W. PADDJNGTON .. .. 22, London Street, W. CHISWICK.. .. .. 56, High Hoad, Chiswick. PICCADILLY Corner of l'iccadilly &: St. CRIl'PLEGATE.. .. 116, Fore Street, E C. James's "treet, W. CltOYDoN .. .. .. High Street, Croydon. PUItI.EY.. .. .. .. Brighton Hoad, l'urley. : EAST FINCHLEY .. 4, Market l'arade, East 1~f:Gl\~~~1~~'~r~i::.. 14,s...r7.?i1l PI~ce, ~'c FE:SCHURCH Finchley, N. SLOANE STREET :: ~: sf~~n~rlt~e~i: S.",,;. / FI~SBURY C~~~~:~ ~~'i~~ngII~~~~tL~~tdo~{Vall, ~g~J.ITcn~I~~~G: Ill, South End, Crllydon. E.C. 'fO~ .. .. .. 18, Cromwell Place, S.W. GOSWELL ROAD .. 9 & 10, Charterhome Build- SOUTH :'\ORWOOD .. 76, High St., South Norwood. ings, E.C. SOUTHW ABK .. .. 12, Southwark St"pet, S.B. 55, High St., Hampstead, N.W. SWISS COTTAGE .. I, Coll"l'e Cresccnt, South Hayes, Kent. TOTTENHAM Hampstead, N.W. ~3~I,~r...~hC~~~I,I~{.;;~ngton,W. COURT ROAD 9i, Tottenram Court HOld, W. YlCTOItIA STREET .. 11i, Victori" Street, "'est- 1, Long Acre, W.C. minster, S.W. COUNTRY BRANCHES. Avlcshury, Barnsley, Bath, Birmin~ham, Bournemouth, I iradford, Brighton, Bristol. Cambridge, Canterbury Cilt'Sham, Derby, Dewsbury, Doncaster, Driffield, EasttJolll'ne, Exeter, l:'a~ersham, Gainsborough, Grantham' Grimsby, Grilll"by Docks, Halifax, Hove, Huddersfield~ Hull, Leeds, Lineoln,lIIailstone, Mansfiuld, Nottin~lIam; !'uncaton, Oxford, Plymouth, gcarborough, Sheflield, I'outhampton, Thornbury, Tonbridge, Trlng, Wlnch€!;ter, Yurk "nd numerous other IJraoches and A;(encies throughnat the Country. TEIDIS: CCRRl':"TAccolJ~ns.-These arc kept according to tl'e Ilsl'al custom of London and Country Bankel'8. . DEPOSIT' Acco,!NTs.-Deposits are received at Interest, subject to notice of withdrawal, 0r by ~pecial a gl'f'Plnent. III accoldan('c WIth the usual C!ls101l1. GE:' EIAL BI'':IN E,-S.-The A, ellCYof COBntry and l'oreign TIanks, whether Joint Stock or Private. Cirr,ular ~,ot", anu I,t tttrs of ('redit i.sucd for all pm-ts of th·, Continent of Europe and elsewhere. Purchase. and Sales 1"1rt'trdin all the British and Foreign Stocks anti Secnrities. IJhidends on Stocks and Shares, the half-pay of OltiCCl'8.l'eosions, Annuities, & c" received for Customel'8 without char:!e. . The Viti crs :,nd Clerks eonnected with the Bank are required to sign a Declaration of Secreey as to the trans. actions of any ofits eustomers. EXBCUT(lU~HH'S AND TRUSTEESHJPS.-The Bank, having the necessary powers are prepared t(\. Ilnlel'- take Ihe Offi('cof Exccutors, Trustee. and Custodian Trustees ou terms, particnlars of which ran be obtained from the Head Office. Nol'E.-Jn pur,uance of the Trcasury Regulations it is hereby stated that no lIabl1lty attaches to the COllSO!!- dated I'unds ot tbe British Governmrnt in rcsrect of any act or omission of the Rank. BROMLEY.
BROMLEY is supposed to have derived its name from . the Saxon word Bromleag, in Latin Bromlega, signifying ,. a field, or heath, where Broom grows; sufficient quantity of the plant existed a few years ago on the waste places near the town to corroborate this etymology.Bromley is a municipal and market town and parish situated ten miles from London (S. E.) and fourteen from Sevenoaks, on the main road to Hastings, and is in the hundred of Bromley and Beckenham lathe of Sutton- at-hone, rural deanery of Bromley and diocese of Rochester. the parish is bounded by Beckenham, West Wickham, Hayes, Keston, Farnborough, Orpington, Chislehurst, Lee, Eltham, and Lewisham, and contains 4,696 acres of land.
Bromley is very healthy place, and to this fact and tbe beauty of he scenery by which it is surrounded, is largely due its popularity as a place of residence. Dr. Codd, the Medical Officer of Health, states in his report for 1912, that the death rate for that year was only y per J ,000, against a death rate Of 13'3 for England and Wales, and 10'2 for the outer ring of London. The water is supplied entirely by the Kent District of the Metropolitan Water Board, whose supplies are drawn from deep wells sunk in the chalk. It is remarkably free from organic impurities, and is quoted as a standard for purity in the metropolitan areas, but is rather hard in consequence of the carbonate of lime held in solution. The centre of the town (The "Bell" Hotel) is situate 200 ft, above the level of the sea.POPULATION AND VITAL STATISTICS.
The population according to the last Census numbered 33,646, being an increase of 6,249 upon that of 1901. The ff)llowing table shows the finet uations- mostly in the way of increase- of the population from 11)01:- " increase 265 182 855 323 decrease 198 increase 1,373 5,174 4,480 6,531 5,712 6,249 POPULATION. 2,700 2,965, 3,147, 4,002, 4,325, 4,127, 5,5°0, 10,674, 15,154, 21,685, 27,397, 33,646, DATE. 1801 1811 1821 1831 1841 1851 1861 1871 1881 1891 IgOI 1911EARLY HISTORY OF BROMLEY.
Of Bromley in pre. historic times not many traces remain, but a pre neolithic implements have been found here from time to time. A wellmade flint Celt of neolithic date was found recently in Sundridge Park and a British urn of red clay in Elmfield Road. In the yeal' 1864 a very interesting trace of a Roman Settlement was discovered at" Beechfield,"
Prize Medalist, 1910, Ladies' High=Class TAILOR & FURIER Owing to increase of Business removed from 19 to more --: stylish and commodious Premises at :-- IS, The Broadway, BROMLEY. LADIES' COSTUMES MADE IN THE LATEST ENGLISH AND PARISIAN STYLES ON THE PREMISES, of NEWEST MATERIALS. Expert Workmanship. Style and Fit Guaranteed. Moderate Charges. Estimates and Designs. Best Scotch Tweed Suitings for Gentlemen.
the residence of the late Jf.l' . .T. W. Ilott. .A workman employed in the m;lking of somc alteration,.,; of the [;Tounl[,.;',turncd up, from the depth of about fonrleen or ~ixteeu inchos lJOlow the snrface, a sepulchral vase of coarse red ware, ornan1l'nt~d with oblique longitulillallines. Dy the side of the ,ase was about a shovelful of hones, old fragments of tile. The vase itself was completely filled with a quant.ity of hones, partly incinerated, somc of which Mr. Ilott pronounced to he human. Further search re\"oalecl two vessels in an upright position, and fragments of about six or eight othors, among which was a fragment of fine red' Samian ware, decorated with two parallel bands. Among them was one vessel of H.oman Salop ian ware, with narrow neck and handle, and one of hluishblack Upchurch ware. There were also some rusty iron nails. Some particulars of this discovery were published in the Bl'omle.1J Record of June, 1864. There can be no doubt that these relics mark the site of a Romano-British burial ground. It is an especially intoresting fact as a proof that this particular spot was inhabited by the llomans. A few fragments of Norman pottery were found among tho old foun(lations when the new chancel was added to the Parish Church. The Manor.
"The oldest historical records, in which Bromley is mentioned, relate to the Manor. Hasted, in his History of Kent, says::-·" Ethelbert, King of Kent, gave to Bishop Eardulph and the Church of Rochester, land in Bromley containing six sulings. King Edgar, in the ninth year of his reign, anno 967, granted to St. "\ndrew, and the Church of Rochester, certain land at the place eomlllonly known by the name ..Et Bram/cage, containing ten hides, called by the Kentish Men Sidings, with all liberties and emoluments whatsoever, excepting the repelling inntsions, and the repairing of bridges and fortifications, which privileges were granted on aecount of the great price which Bishop Alfstan 'had paid for this land, being no less than eighty mares of purest gold, six pounds of fine silver, and thirty marl'S of gold besides to the King's praefect. "Xing Ethelred, son of Edgar, on some dispute with the Bi8hop of Rochester, laid waste the lands belonging to his See, aJl{1 in::19~7gave tohis minister, Aethelsine (by whose advice he had taken several estates from it) ten plowlands at Bromley. But afterwards he, with much contrition, in 998, in the presence of the convent of Rochester, and hi~ principal nobility, declared what he had dono was by tho advice of this Aethelsinc; and then restored to the Church six plow lands here, togother with the privilege of the woods in the Weald, & c
'1La~iea'& Gentlenlen'a EngHab trailors, 67, LONDON ROAD (From WIDMORE ROAD), BROMLEY, KENT. Costumes, Riding Habits, Uniforms, Liveries. Alterations, Repairs, Cleaning and Pressing. Ladies' Furs Re·modelled or Repaired. RRTISTle RBV1U~ING (not eodging) .
Established over 40 Years.
CI After the Conquest, Odo, the great Bishop of Baieux, the King's half-brother, seized on the possessions of the Church of Rochester, at Bromley, among many other estates belonging to it, but Archbishop. Lanfranc did not suffer him to keep them long, for he recovered them, in the solemn assembly of the whole country, held on this occasion, by the King's command, at Pinenden Heath, in 1076, and afterwards restored them to Bishop Gundulph, and the Church of St. Andrew, which donatiou was confirmed by Archbishop Anselm and several of his successors. In the reign of King Edward the Confessor, Bromley continued to be estimated at six sulings. Whether the whole of them came into the hands of the, Bishop of Baieux I do not find; but it is certain only three of them returned after the above adjudication to the Church of Rochester. Accordingly this estate is thus entered, under the general title of the Bishop of Rochester's lands in the survey of Domesday, taken in the year 1080. In Bromley hundred the same Bishop (of Rochester) holds Bromlei. It was taxed at six sulings in the time of King Edward the Confessor, and now at three. The arable land is 13 carucates. In demesne there are now two carucates, and 30 villeins, with 26 borderers, having II carucates. There is one mill of four shillings; and two acres of meadow. Wood for the pannage of 100 hogs. In the time of King Edward the Confessor, and afterwards, it was worth 12 pounds and 10 shillings, now 18 pounds, and yet it yields 21 pounds all but two shillings," The Manor appears to have remained in the possession of the Bishops of Rochester up till the time of the great rebellion, when the parliament passed an ordinance, October 9th, 1646, for the abolition of Archbishops and Bishops and for vesting their lands in possession of trustees, to be disposed of according to the appointment of both houses; and another (November 16th) for the s:tle of them, to satisfy the debts due from the State upon the public faith. In consequence of which the Manor of Bromley, with its appurtenances, lis part possessions of the bishopric of Rochester, was sold in 1648, to Augustine Skinner, for £5,665 lIs. lid., in which situation it remained till the restoration of Chrl.rlesII., in 1660, when it was returned, with the Palace, to Dl', John Warner, Bishop of Rochester. It remained in the possession of the Bishop of Rochester until the year 1845, when it was sold by virtue of an Act of Parliament, .il'Ir.Coles Child, the father of the present Lord of the Manor,being the purchaser.
HIGH-CLASS SHIRT AND COLLAR DRESSERS, Dyers & Chemical Cleaners, Telephone, Bromley 990. BRANCH SHOP _ 14, The Broadway, BROMLEY, Kent. All Ol"del"s I"eceive pl"ompt attention. BEST FAMILY WORK. E> Speciality: GLOVES CLEANED, HAT DYEING AND CLEANING. FEATHERS CURLED, CLEANED OR DYED. NOTXCE.-Lamp Shades and Dresses can be Dyed, Cleaned and Finished on the Shortest Notice without unpicking. VA};S A~D CARTS GO DA.ILY TO ALL PARTS OF THE SURROUNDING DISTRICTS. Contracts for Large Schools and Hotels taken at Lowest Prices, and Highest Recommendations can be given. Price Lists sent on application. The New Invicta Laundry, Dyeing & Cleaning Works, 23, Elliott Road, Bromley, Kent. E. TRIGG & SONS.
Bromley is sOl'veel by tho South Eastern and Chatham Hailway, which has stations in the High Streot and ill East, Street, while also situated within the parish boundaries are Sundridge Park, Bickley and Elmstead stations. Several other stations are within easy reach. Station Masters :- Bickley, Southborough road -George Pl·ivett. Bromley South - George Baldwin. Shortlands - Robert Whitehead. Chislehurst - Henry Joseph Howland. Bromley North - William John Wood. Ellstead - Robert Johnston Walker (inspector in charge). Sandridge Park - Albert John Bryant. There are good services of omnilmsos and Drakes from Bromley to Hayes, Keston, Farnborough and Downe; and thore are buses to new residential estates near Cudham and Downe and, also to Chislehurst. A good service of Tilling's :Motor Buses run between Bromley and Shoreditch via South. oUlI, Catford, Lewisham, Deptford, London Bridge etc. Service every nine minutes. "First Bus leaves Market Square 7.7 a.m. ; last 10.23 p.m.; Sllndays, 9.5 a,m. to 10.5 p.m. On Sundays a motor service is run to and from Oxford Circus.BROMLEY CAB FARES.
If hired by diftance Not exceeding one mile IS. Not exceeding two miles 28. For each additional mile or part of mile IS. H hired by time ... For one hour 0r less ... 28. 6d. Above one hourFor every fifteen minutes Sd. For any less perioll Sel. Extra payments---:whether hired by distance or by time Luggage-for each package carried ontside zd. Extra persons-For each person above two 6d. Two children under ten 6d. Waiting (by distance)-for every 15 miuutes completed .. , Sd
(CORNER OF HOPE PARK), LONDON ROAD, BROMLEY. tppepaFatory ~cnoo{ lOp. YJoyd. MISS RAY, assisted by an efficient Staff. prepares a limited number of Boys for ENTRANCE EXAMINATION and SCHOLARSHIPS at the PUBLIC SCHOOLS and the ROYAL NAVAL COLLEGE, OSBORNE. Instruction in Drilling, Swedi.h Exercises and Gymnastics in the Drill Hall by a Sergt..Instructor. Dancing Classes are held in connection with this School during the two Winter Terms at the Bromley Gymnastic Hall every Friday afternoon, 2.30 to 4 p.m. PROSPECTUS UPON APPLICATION.
WALKS AND DRIVES ROUND BROMLEY. Approximate Di.~tances fl'om Bromley 1\)Wll Hall. Beckenham Station and Church Bickley Station and Church Chelsf1eld Chislehurst Village Chislehurst Station Cudham Downe Farn borough Foots Cray Grove Park Hayes Church and Village Hayes Common Keston Church ... Kaston Common and Ponds Holwood, Keston Knockholt Mottingham Orpington ... Shortlands Sidcup St. MarY Cray St. Paul's Cray Common West Wickham Court alld Clllll'clt ... West Wickham Village 2 3 2 7 6 4 5 z z 4 5 5 5 3 4 Gas, and ADVERTISEMENTS. Hot Water, Sanitary' Electrical Engineers. Plumbers, Locksmiths ~'tIt ..~~~.~:I.~~~gers. ,~CQ~'~~'::' Every description of work by ",'$~t thoro~~~m~~petent ,,~~ .. tQ .~ _'"~ EYERY OSRAM AND ALL OTHER ... L' 'tit IRONMETAL FILAMENT ail MONCERY ELECTRIC LAMPS. 1r",~ ~ REQUISITE ~ S "'OR THE HOUSE ~-A SS y OR CARDEN. NEW INVERTED, ,*,y ~ ~/' BLAND, AND Sole Agents for WELSBACH .. STRANGE'S GAS ~-:y ~ ~ Ai CRYSTAL OIL, BURNERS. The finest and safest Lamp I~-...~_ y Oil in the World. .. ~{Y ~(.~ Tennis, Crioket and all Outdoor Cames. \.J ~ 41#~ii" Trunks, Bags and Travelling Requisites of every desoription. Doulton Art Pottery. The New Thermos Flasks & Bottles. STORE PRICES FOR CASH.
The governing authoriLy of the town is the Bromley 'fawn Council, which displaced tho Urban District Council in November, 1903, which had in itr; turn succeesel1 the Local Board in 1894 and the Vestry in 1867. The parishes of the Bromley Union (17 in number) have a joint Board of Guardian".CORPORATION OF BROMLEY.
Municipal Offices: Tweedy Road, Bromley. Officel·s. Town Clerk: Frederic H. Nonnan, :Mnnieipal Offices. Deputy Town Clerk: W. Jermyn Harrison, B.A. Medical Officer of Health: Arthur F. d. Codd, :lLB., F.R.C.S., Holwooc1 Lodge, 154, High Street, Bmmley. Borough Engineer: Stanley Hawking's, MunicipalOffices. Assistant Borough Engineer: Wilfred A. Cope. Borough Accountant: H. J. K. Wharrie. Sanitary Inspector: Thomas Butler, A.H.S.I. Collector of Rates: George Stone, :Mnnicipal Offices. Librarian: William J. Harris, F.L.A., Public Library, 17, High Street. Inspector, Diseases of Animals Acts: Alfred Henry Sly, Holmfield, 106, London Eoad. Council1Ueetillgs are helU every alternate T~esday at 7.30 p.m., at the Municipal Offices, Tweedy Road, Bromley. The Area of the local Government District is 4,696 acres. The populaticn of 1891 Census was 21,685, and 1901, 27,397, and 1911, 33,646.The Rateable Value of the Borough is £284,801, and the Assessable Value, £265,487. .
The number of Inhabited Houses in the Borough is about 7,5°0. Mayor.
Alderman 'Yo Lindley-Jones, }'.R.G.S., J.P., Park '''ood, Edward Road, Bromley.
Deputy Mayor. Alderman George Weeks, 61, High Street, Bl'orilley
A SMART WALKING SHOE. IIIThis diagranl illustrates a fine 'jJ quality shoe at a moderate cost. Made of best glace kid, with strong damp=proof soles and stocked in half=sizes and various Widths, it is an ideal shoe for real conlfort. May we send you a selection? Our telephone numbers are Bromley 99, :: :: Beckenham 151. T. s. AYLING,
High Class Bootlnaker, 15 & 16, The Broadway, BROMLEY
Aldermen. William L. Crossley, 68, Tweedy Road, Bromley. Thomas Davis, Birkenf~ld, 142, ,Yidmore Road, Bromley. Reginald William James, St. :Miherecl's, 46, Cambridge Hoau, Bromley. W. Lindley-Joncs, F.R.G.S., J. P., Pm'1\: 'Wood, Ed"'ard Road, Bromley. George Lawrence, 80, Bromley Common, Bromley. George Weeks, 61, High Street, Bromlcy. Councillors. Retires Plaistow Ward: in Heaysman, Thomas H., 37, Palace Grove Gibbs, William James, 36, Hammelton Road Hennah, William E., Ladoro, 22, Masons Hill Martin's Hill Ward: Harris, Albert rrhomas, 27, The Broadwa.y, High Street Mordaunt, :Miss Ethel Amy, M.D.nrux., L.It.C.l'.S,Etl., I.,R.F.r.S. alas., Montrose, 118, London Road ... Weller, William George, I, Queen's Mead Road Town Ward: Haywood, George 1914 Gillett, Fred, The Pines, Elmfield Road 1915 Last, George fl., 29, The Broadway 1916 Sundridge Ward: Comins, Charles, Pembroke House, 12, Upper Park Road... 1914 Allen, GeOl'go, 39, Frcelands Road 1915 Pearce, Bertram, Eastville, 7, Hawes Road... 1916 Bickley Ward: Newton, Matthew H., Dover Lodge, Park Hill, Bickley 1914 Hind, Stanley A., Shawfield House, 22, Shawfield Park, Widmore 19'5 Homewood, Wilfrid James, Holmbury, 41, Shawfield Park, Wielmore 1916 Bromley Common Ward: Cox, William Giles,41 Addison Road 19I4 Williams, John, Brockhampton, 24, Bromley Common 1915 Peill, Edwin George, St. Margaret's, 12, High Street 1916 Wards. For the purpose of the election of Councillors, Bromley was, in 1903, divided into six wards. The population of the wards in 1911 was as
54, HIGH STREET, BROMLEY, KENT. Practical TAILOR, Hosier and Juveniles' OUTFITTER. DELIVERIES A SPECIALITY. Large Assortment of Clothing of every description. NOTE THE ADDRESS Opposite THE ROYAL BELL" HOTEL
follows :- Phtistow Ward, 7,078; Martin's Bill Ward, 4,647; Town Ward, 5,644 j Sundridge Ward, 4,465; Bickley Ward, 5.493 and Bromley Common Ward, 6,319. BROMLEY BURIAL BOARD. The Members of tho Borough Council are also Members of the Burial Board. Clerk and Registrar: Frederic H. Norman, Municipal Ollices, Tweedy Road. Superintendent of London Road Cemetery: George Huxley, Cemetery Lodge. Superintendent of Bromley Hill Cemetery: John Warner, The Lodge. There are two Cemeteries, viz. :-London Road and Bromley Hill. The Burial Board meet on alternate Tuesdays at the same place and at the conclusion of the meetings of the Borough Council. ST. LUKE'S BURIAL BOARD.
Members: Dr. J. H. Yolland, 1II.U.C.S. (Chairman); .Messrs. A. Sparkft, .T. Humphrey, William Judd, John Walter Brown, J. Hobben, Rev. C. C. Gosselin, ~f.A., and J. Timmis. Olerk: W. H. P. Priter, Great Elms Road, Bromley. Treasurer: Alfred Wright, Dunsford, 121, Widmore Road, Bromley. Superintendent: John Johnson, Cemetery Lodge. The Cemetery is in Magpie Hall Lane, JJromley Common. Meetings are held on the first Monday in the month at St. Luke'll Institute, Raglan Road, Bromley Common.PLAISTOW BURIAL BOARD.
Members: R. Hitherdoll, G. W. :Morgan, F. A. Threadgold (Chairman), J. Young, A. C. Garrard, H. Gayford and J. Pollock. Clerk: E. G. Holt, Dunster, 5, Crescent Road, Bromley. Treasurer: Alfred Wright, Dunsford, 121, Widmore Hoad, Bromley. Superintendent: Charles Sheldon, Cemetery Lodge. The Cemetery is in Burnt Ash Lane, Plaistow. Non-Parishioner. admitted to burial. The Meetings are held on the first Friday in the month at. the C.emetery Gatehouse, at 3.15 p.m
THE OLD ESTABLISHED FIRM:- PHILLIPS' BOOT MAKERS" LEATHER SELLERS & GRINDERY MERCHANTS, 26, EAST STREET, BROMLEY. , Directly opposite the Drill Hall. Hand·Sewn Work a speciality. Ladies' and Gents' Best Work to Measure. REPAIRS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Bocks, Laces, Dog Collars supplied and engraved. Orders by Post or otherwise receive strict attention. Kinrdre commendations respectfully solicited. ESTABLISHED 1903. Tho Imperial Agenoy Ladies' Employment Bureau and High-class Servants' Registry Offioe, Opposite the Market Place, The Town, Enfield MIDDLESEX. EVERY TUESDAY and THURSDAY Ladles and Servants walt at the 'Oftlce(or engaging purposes. Principa.l-MISS MARY BARTLETT. TELEPHONE 253 ENFIELD. P.S.-Please enclose stamp. for replies. APAINTMENTS, BOARD. PRESIDENCE aud HOMES for PAYING GUESTS can be recommended
Formed 1903. Education Office: Municipal Buildingil, Tweedy Road. Olerk: Frederic Henry Norman, :Municipal Offices. Tweedy Road. Sohool Attendance Officers: 'Walter James Leonard and H, W. Goble. The following Schools are under the authority of the Committee: Council. Valley (Beckenham Lane) (boys, girls &; infants). Raglan Road (boys, girls, juniors &; infants). Aylesbury Road (boys). . Wharton Road (boys, girls & infants). Non-Provided. Bromley Parish (College Road) (boys, girls &; infants). Masons Hill (girls &; infants). Plaistow St. Mary's (boys &; infants). Bickley & Widmore (boys, girls &; infants). Bromley Common (mixed & infants). Addison Road (girls & infants). Special School for Defective Children. Raglan Road (boys & ; girls). Manual Training Centres. Raglan Road and Wharton Road. Cookery Centres. Raglan Road and Wharton Road. # SCHOOL CLINIC (Bromley Education Committee), 12 Park Road. School Medical Officer: ?lIiss Enid M. Walters, M.B., B.s.LOnd. Specialist for Operations : Miss Margaret B. Dobson, M.D.Lond. Anoosthetist: John Mathewson, JlI.n., Secretary: Frederic Henry :Norman. School Nurse : Mary Tattersall.BROMLEY UNION BOARD OF GUARDIANS.
Offices: Park House, Beckenham Lane, Bromley. Chairman: WALTER BOWMAN, Gattons, North Cray. Vioe-Chairman: ARTHUR T. WARING, J.P., c..!. Woodlands, ChelsfielL!. Officers. Clerk: Edward Haslehnrst, Park House, lleekenham Lane, Bromley. Assistant Clerk: P. J. D. Wiley, Park Honse, Reckenham Lane, Bromley. Chaplain: Rev. Ebene;.:er Joseph Welch, L.C.D., X.C.L. The Parsonage, Farn· borough.
Treasurer: Alfred Wright" Dunsford, 121 Widmore Road, Bromley. Inspector under Infant Life Proteotion Aot: H. n. Hamlyn, Tho Willows, Selborne Road, Sidcnp. Registrars of Births and Deaths: Bromley Sub·District (comprising the Civil Parish of Bromley)- "'alter H. Banner, 66, Tweedy Hoad, Bromley; Deputy, Harry Chapman, Park House, Beckenham Lane, Bromley Attendanee - MondaY,9 to 10.30 a.m. and 5 to 7 p.m. ; Tuesday and Friday, 5 to 7 p.m. and Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday, 9 to II a.m. Beckenham Sub·District (comprising the Oidl Parishes of Beckenham, Hayes and West Wicklmm)-Charles Ernest Manger, 18, Beckenham Road, Beckenham; Deputy, II. E. Manger, Council Offices, Beckenham. A ttelllls at Beckenham District Council Offices, Bromley Road, Beckenham, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays,s to 7 p.m.; Thursdays, 10 a.m. to 12 noon; Saturdays, 10 to II a.m. West Wickham, at the Parish Room, Sussex Road, first and third Fridays in each month, I I a.m. to 12 noon. Hayes, at cottage occupied by :Mr. J. Todd, first and third Fridays in each month, 12.30 to !.30 p.m. Orpington Sub-District (comprising the Parishes of Chelsfield, Cud. ham, Downc, Farnborough, Keston, Knockholt, Orpington and St. Mary Cray -J. D. .H!iggins, Moortield Road, Orpmgton; Deputy, Mrs. R. Higgins, Moorfield Road, Orpington. Attends Moorfield Road, Orpington, every "Wednesday and Saturday, 9.30 to II.goa.Ill. and every Monday and Friday,s to 7 p.m. Chelsfield, Mrs. Neal's grocer's shop, ,first and third Monday in each month from 9 to 10 a. m. Oudham, Mrs. Richard's cottage, Single Street, first and third Thursdays in each month, I to 2 p. m. Downa Council's Schools, third Friday in each month, 12 noon to 1 p.m. Farnborough, The Offices, Union Workhouse, first and third Fridays in each month from 10 to 11 a.m. Keston, Mrs. Breckon's Laundry, opposite Fox Inn, first Friday in each month, 11.30 a.m. to
MR. E. WI HAMBLETON, 1~ EAST STR£E~ BROMLEY PURCHASES FOR CASH. Second=hand Furniture Warehouse. LARGE SPACIOUS SHOWROOMS. Wearing Apparel and every description of Property bought. Appointments by Post punctually attended to. SECOND-HAND FURNITURE BOUGHT TO ANY AMOUNT. INSPECTION INVITED
12.30 p.m. Knockholt, Mrs. Graham's, Sidney Terrace, first and third Thursdays in each month, II a.m. to 12 p.lil. Chislehurst Sub. District (comprising the Plnishes of Chislehurst, Foots Gray, Xorth Cray and St. Paul's Cray) -II. B. HamlYll, The '''ilJows, I::ielborne Road, Siucup; Deputy, Mr8. HamlYll, The Willows, Selbornc Road, Sich:up. Attends Monday and Wednesday, 9.30 to II.30 a.m. amI Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, 6 to 8 p.m. Chislehul'st Council's Schools erery Fl'iuay 12.30 to 1.30' p.m.; North Cray, The Village Hall, first and third Saturday in eachl1l0nth, 10.1$ to II.rsa.m. St. Paul's Cray, Mrs. Margoram's house, Cray Hoad, second amI fourth Saturday in each month, I I a.m. to 12 noon. Colleotors of Rates & Assistant Overseers: I"o. I District-George Stone, Munidpal qmces, Tweedy Road, Bromley. Thomas Beeton, Comer House, Church Aven. Sidcup. Herbert Edward Manger, Council Offices, Bromley Road, Beckenham. ,,4 Henry Barnes, Willow Bank, FarnborouglJ.. Master of Workhouse: Thomas Healey, Union Workhouse, Locksbottom, Farnborough. Matron: Miss A. O. Vickery, Union Workhouse, Locksbottom, Yarnborough. Medical Officers: Conslllting-RoberL Alexander Shannon, L.R.C.r., r,.lIr., L.R.C.IS., L.S ..!., Crofton Road, Orpington. Honse-Charles Edwin Price, :lr.R.c.s.Eng., L.R.C.p.!,ond., Whyte. leare,Orpington. No. I District-John Mathewson, M.ll., n.A.a., 45 Tweedy Roa.d, Bromley." J. H. Yolland, M.R.e.S., L.S.A.., 53 Bromley Common. Robert Alexander Shannon, L.R.C.P., L.ll!., L.R.C.S., L.S.A., Crofton Road, Orpington. Thomas William Bailey, M.R.e.S., L.R.C.P., High Street, Orpington. Howard Howse Dummere, )r.R.c.s., L.R.C.P., L.S."'., Brasted, near Seven oaks. George Thomas Giddings, M.D., M.n.C.S., Hillworth, 38, Wickham Road, Beckenham
jobmaster & Carriage Proprietor, -Yards: 48, Stanley Rd. & 34, Napier Rd., Private Address: 48a, Stanley Road, ~ BROMLEY~ I{ent. Licensed to Let Busses, Landaus. Wedding Carriages, Governess Oars, Waggonettes, Pony Traps, Chaises, & c. Horses Jobbed for any period. Vans and Carts on Hire. FURNITURE REMOVALS. BRAKES & BUSSES FOR FOOTBALL & PLEASURE PARTIES. ALL KINDS OF VEHICLES ON HIRE BY DAY, YEAR OR JOB,
PLUMBER Gas and hot Water Engineer. ELECTRIC LIGHTING BELLS AND TELEPHONESI 17, Heathfield Rd., Bromley, Kent.
No.6 District-Patrick Alexander Leighton, :M.D., eh.R Edin., I,illdley Lodge, Grove Park Hoad. Mottingham. "7,, Charles Hobert Arnold Sutton, III.D., Clare House, Sidcup. 8 William Henry Blake, III.R.C.S., L.R.C.p., Bedford Lodge, West Wickham. 9 S. E. Price,L.:IIf.M.S.,L.s.A.vmc1.,Red Hill,Chislehul'st. Public Vaccinators: The Medical Officers arc also Public Vaccinatol's for their respective Districts. The Union comprises seventeen parishes, namel;r, Bromley, Becken~ ham, Chelsfield, Chislehurst, Cudham, Downc, Farnborough, Foots Cray, Hayes, Keston, Knockbolt, ilIottingham, North Cray, Orpington, St. :Mary Cray, St. Paul's Cray and West Wickham. ,The Union has an acreage of 42,259; a population in 191 I of 104,J55; and a rateable value of £84°,501. The Union Assessment Committee meets as occasion requires. Guardians. Beckenham : Vian, Miss Marian, 3, The Knoll, Beckel1ham; Grant, Cardross, C.C., Bruntsfield, 45, Bromley Road, Beckenham; Stanning, Miss F. K, Taversham House, Southend Road, Beckenham; Blake, Charles, I I, The Avenue, Beckenham; Oal'roll, Rev. W. A., Bickley Vicarage, Kent Bromley: Chalmers, Mrs., Blackbrook, Bickley; Hall, Mrs. Emily, Wilbet, Crofton, Orpington; Gedney, Charles William, 17. Glebe Road, Bromley; Peill, Frederick William, C.C., 7, Ravensbourne Road, Bromley; Lawrence, George, The Gardens, 80, Bromley Common. Chelsfteld: Waring, Arthur Thomas, J.P., C.A. Woodlands, Chelsfield. Chislehurst: Allan, James, M.n.,c.M.,Aldborough,Chislehurst Common; Vinson, Mrs., Mavelstone, Sundridge avenue, Bromley; Spurgin, Rev. E. B., The Vici1l~age, Sidcup Oudham: Smither, Charles, Biggin Hill, Cudham. Downe: Haldeman, D.O., The Rookery, Downe. Farnborough: Higgs, Jn. May, Farnborough Hall farm,Farnborough. Foots Cray: Knight, Thomas, Craybrooke, Sidcnp; Dewey, Alfred, 70, High Street, Sidcup Hayes: Russell, James, Hayes. Keston: Haslett, William H., Keston. MILLINER, Xnockholt: Airey, John, Melrose,Knockholt. Mottingham: Floyd, G. G., Santa-Inez, Mottingham. North Cray: Bowman, Walter, Gattons, North Cray. Orpington:- Harlow, Thomas, Skeet Hill, Orpington; Roper, Henry, Gatton Lodge, Orpington. St. Mary Cray: Strouts, R. H., Belgraye Place, St. Mary Cray; Berens, Atherton, Child's, St. Mary Cray St. Paul's Cray: :May, Thomas, Chalk Pit Farm, St. Paul's Cray. West Wickham: Lennard,ColonelSir Henry Arthur Hallam Farnaby, Bart., J.P., C.C., Wickham Court, West Wickham. The Workhouse is situate at Locksbottom, Farnborough (three miles from the centre of the town). The Board meet fortnightly, on Tuesday, at the Workhouse at I I a.m. The visiting days 'to the Inmates of the Workhouse are :Ylondayslind Thursdays, from 9.30 until 11.3° in the morning, and from 2 until 4 in the afternoon, also on Sundays, from 4 until 5, by special order of a Guardian. . . . LOCAL SCHOOL ATTENDANCE COMMITTEE, BROMLEY UNION AREA, KENT COUNTY COUNCIL, Allen, Benjamin, The Lees, Sidcup. Becker, N. H. T" Woode-roft, Mottingham. Berens, Rev. G., The Rectory, Foots Cray. Bowman, Walter, Gattons, North Cray (chairmau). Clowes, Rev. G., The Rectory, Hayes. Crombie J., Highclen, Sidcup. Curtis, Rev. H. A., Cudham Vicarage. Darrell, Beech View, Sidcup. Dawson, Miss, Chislelmrst. Eyles, J., 8 Red Hill, Chislehurst. Jones, Rev. F. Havard, Rectory, Knockholt. Keech, T., Woodlands, Black Fen, Eltham. Lennard, Lieut.-Colouel Sir H. A. H. F., Bart., D.L., J.P., Wickham. Court, Wcst Wickham. Lubbock, A. N., Bassetts, Farnborough. Mansfield, W., Gwynfa, Orpington. May T., c.c., Chalk Pit Farm, St. Paul's eray. Norman, Edward, Chelsfleld House, Chelsfield. ''''"heeler.Bennett, J., J.P., Ravensbourne, K~ston. Whitehead, Alfred, Fairview, Chislehurst West [ diff to scan ] Officers. Clerk: Edmuud Goldsack, Burham Hond, Sevenoaks. School Attendance Officel's : No. 1 District-Frank Burgess, Chclsfield. 2 Charles D. Quint, 26, IJal\Cs Road, Kcston. BROMLEY RURAL DISTRIOT OOUNOIL. Chairman: Colonel Sir H. A. H. F. Lennard, Har!., West Wickham. Vice-Chairman: Thomas Harlow, Orpingt,un Officers. Clerk: Edwaru Haslchllrst, Park House, Bromlcy. Assistant Clerk: P.J. D. Wiley, Park House, Bromlcy. Treasurer: Alfred Wright, Dunaford, 121, Widmore Road, Bromley. Medical Officer of Health : James Scott Tew,M.D"Brooke House,'fonbridge, Sanitary Inspectors : NO.1 District-H. Nightingale, Ailltree, Moortiehl Hoad, Orpington. 2 Andrew Dunlop, cert.n,san.lUst., Wellbrook Road, Farnborough, Kent. Surveyor: Robert Craig, Surveyor's Office, Farnborough. Surveyor of New Streets and Buildings: Walter John Winter, Maulden House, Station Road, Sidcup. The Bromley Rural District Council comprises the Parishes of CheIsfield, Cudham, Downc, Farnborough, Hayes, Keston, Knockholt, Mottingham, North Cray, Orpington, St. Mary Cray, St. Paul's Cray and West Wickham. Members. Chelsfield: Waring, Arthur Thomas, J.P., C"i., Woodlands, Chelsfield. Oudham : Smither, Charles, Biggin Hill, Cudham. Downe : Haldeman, Donald C., The Rookery, Downe. Farnborough : Higgs, John 1Uay,Farnborough Hall :Farm,FarnbQrough. Hayes: Russell, James, Montford House, Hayes. Keston: Haslett, William H., Phcenix House, Keston. Knockholt : Bond, J. H., Knockholt. Mottingham: Floyd, G. C., Santa Inez, Mottingham. North Cray: llowman, Walter, Gattons, North Cray. Orpington: lI:1,rlow,rrhomas, Skeet Hill, Orpington; Hoper, Henry, Gatton Lodge, Orpington. PROMPT COLLECTION AND DELIVERY. Telephone. Bromley 653. THE .. Suodridge Park Laundry, SCOTT'S RD., BROMLEY, KENT. SHIRTS, COLLARS AND CURTAINS R.E=DRESSED . . EQUAL TO NEW. Dyeing and Cleaning in all its branches. All Communications receive Personal Attention . . . PRICE LIST FREE ON APPLICATION. St. Mary Cray: Strouts, R. H., Belgrave Place, St. Mary Cray; Waring, Ed"ard Loxley, Halstead Hall, nearSevenoaks. St. Paul's Cray: !lIay, Thomas. Chalk Pit Farm, St. Paul's Cray. West Wickham: Lennard, Lieut.-Colonel Sir H. A. H. F., Bart., D,l,., J.P., C.C., West Wickham. The CouDcil meets on alternate Tuesdays at 10.30 a,m. at the .Uuiuu Offices, Park House, Bromley. WEST KENT MAIN SEWERAGE BOARD. Offices: Park Honse, Bromley, Kent. Members: Sir George .T. Woodman, J.P. (Chai.rman); Aldermen GLawrence, c.c. (Vice.Chairman), R W. James and G. Weeks; Councillor E. G. Peill; Dr. R. M. H. Randell; :Messrs. J Crease J. C. Hewlett, C.O., A. W. Smale, 'Yo J. Norris, R H. Strouts, T. ?lIay, .T.P., 'Yo Eo Goff, J.P., A. 'Yo Dewoy, J.P. and A. J. Penny, C.c. Secretary: Arthur R. Coomber, Park House, Bromley. Engineers: Alfred Williams & Son, 14. Victoria Street, Westminster s w. Solicitors: Messrs. May, Sykes & Co., Suffolk House, Laurence Pountney Hill, Cannon Street E C. Treasurer: Alfred "·right., Dnnsford, 121, Widlllore Road, Bromley. BROMLEY &'BECKENHAM JOINT HOSPITAL BOARD. Offices: Park-House, Beckenham Lane, Bromley. Members: Dr. R. M.H. Randell (Chairman) ; Atherton 13erens, D. C. Haldenlan, Lieut.-Colonel Sir H. A. H. F. Lennard, Bart., D.L.,J.P., T. :May, J.P., His Worship the Mayor of Bromley (Alderman W. Lindley Jones), Alderman R. 'Yo James, Alderman G. Lawrence, G. Sutton, J.P., J. Crease and A. Dewey, J.P. Medical Superintendent: Dr. Philip N. Randall. Clerk: Frank H. Gedney, Park House, Beckenharn Lane, Bromley. Treasurer: Alfred Wright, Dunsford, 121, Wiclrnore Roacl, Bromley. Matron: Miss F. K. Whitmarsh. LORD LIEUTENANT OF THE COUNTY OF KENT. Camden Marquis, Bayharn Abbey, Lamberhurst, Kent & Carlton&; Marlborough clubs, London; R. Y. S. club, Cowes, Isle of Wight. MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT FOR THE COUNTY. NORTH \\'.:ST Ol/. D.\ltTI·'OUn DIVISION. Rowlands James eS(j. I 19 Mercers rd. Tnfnell park x & Natioluil Libcr-,tl club s w. WEST OR SEYENOAKSDIVISIOK. Forster Henry William esq. D.L. I Hans place s w ; Carlton if;, Wellington clubs s w & Lepe honse, Exbury, Southampton. SOUTH WEST OR TmmmDGE DIVISION. Clay Capt. Herbert Henry Spcnder- ,T.P. 21 Hill street w; Carlton & Turf club.":; I,'orn manor, Lingfield, Surrey. THE MID OR MEDWAYDIVISION. Warde Col. Charles Edward D.L., J.P. Garlton if;, Naval & Military clubs S W & Barham court, Teston, Maidstone NORTH EAST OR FAVERSHAMDIVISION. WhelerGranville Charles Hastings e.!:i(j.D.T,.,.J.P. Carlton, Junior Carlton & Oxford & Cambridge & Royal Automobile clubs s w; Ledston hall, near Castleford, Yorks; Otterden, FUWCl'sham,Kent SOUTH OR ASHFOIm DIVISIOK. Hardy Rt. Hon. Laurence esq. lIl.A., D.L., J.P. 42 Lowndes sq S W; Oxford."; Cambridge & Carlton clubs s W & Sand ling park, Hythe, KCJit EAsT OR ST. AUGUSTINE'SDIVISION. McNeill Ronald JohnM.A., J.P. 18 Cadogan place S w; Carlton club S w; Bath & United Empire clubs W & Glenmona, Cnshendnn, co Antrim ISI.]~ OF THANET. Cl'uig Norman Carlyle esq. K.C. 10 King's Bench walk, Temple E c; 1 Bolton street w; Carlton, St. Stephen's & Pratt's clubs s w; Royal Thames Yacht club W & Fairfield house, St. Peter's, 'fhanet KENT COUNTY COUNCIL. COUNTY OOUNCIL FOR THE COUNTY OF KENT. :',Ieetings at the Sessions House, Maidstone, grd Wednesday in February, May and November, and in August on the Wednesday in the week which commence!! with the Bank Holiday. CHAIRMAN. Cornwallis Fiennes Stanley Wykeham D.L., J.P. Linton park, Maidstone VICE-CHAIRMAN. Hussey Edward Windsor 1\[,A.,V.D., D.L., J.P. Scotney castle, Lamberhurst ACHEl1l1tF.K. j-Hnkel' .Alfred ,John .1.r. ~1.. Ill'allllll"ks, If) SOlll,IWlld I'oat!, Bcckcllll1illl * Bcrry "'alt.el' "'lie(~lci' .1.r. Uw;lllllel'C CUlll't, Hel1in~1FaverHlmm * Child Coles D. I.., J. r. The Palace, BI'OIll/CY,Kent * Cobb Frank Bl'illge, Newton road, Faversham -* Cornwallis Fiennes. Stanley Wykt~Hllll D. I.., J. P.( chairman) Linton pk. Maidestone r Darnley Rig-ht Hon. Earl of D. L., J. P. Cobham hall, GrareseIHI * East Francis Edward J.P. :Marlfidd house, Tonbridge lCGrnnt Hobcrt, J.P. Fernleigh, Birchingtoll, Thanet I-Harris Hight lIon. Lord a.C.S.I., G.C.I.E. Belmont, FaYTsluun & 8 Old Jewry, London 1-: C HIill Col. Itnwlallll Henry Tho>,. ,1.r. Willoughby lodge, Xorthdown aven. :Margate tHussey Edward Windsor M.A., \'.D., D.T.., .LP. (,-icc-chairman), Seotney castle, Lamberhurst '-Lennard Lt.-Col. Sir lIenry Arthur Hallam Farnaby bart. D.L., J.P. Wickham court, Beckenham tLoeke Wehard Goord Edwal D.L., J.P. Dane hOllse, Hartlip, Sittingbourne f;\Iarsham (ieorge D. L., J.P. Harle cottage, Maidstone ·'·.\Ittchell John Lawrence, The Homestead, Dartfonl *:Monins John H('nr~' J.T'. Ringwould house, Hingwould, Dover *Norman Archibhl.Cameron :lLA, J.P. The RookcrY, 90 Bromley Common, Bromley 1"Penfold Col. Stephen Y.D., J.l'. 70 Cheriton road, Folkestonc *Plum ptre Henry Fitzwalter J.P. Goodnestone, Canterbury *Qllestcd John Egerton, The Firs, Cheriton, Folkestone t Roberts William Lee lIenry J.P. Holborough, Snodlallu * Sayer John liLA.. D L., J.P. Clear mount, Charing, Ashford * Waring Arthur Thomas J. P. Woodlands, Chelsfield Watson Charles Hubhack .T.P. Stone castle, Greenhithe ::Ifnrkc,l thus t rctirc in 1911;. Marked thus· rctire iu 191 ft. COUNCILLORS.
Blean Division. Brown Sydney, Westfields, Whitstable (2) WillJee Frel1el'lc Henri J.P. Grosvenor house, Victoria park, Herne Ba~' d) Bl'idf/e J)it'isiOil. :Maxted John Dean, Lower Garrington, Littlebol1rne, Canterbury Bromlcy Divisio'l. Grant Cardross, Bruntsfield, Bromley road, Beckenham (2) Hewlett John Cooke, 1.5 Fox Grove road, Beckenham d) Lawrence George, 80 Bromley common, llrQmley (4) Ma~' Thomas, Chalk Pit farm, St. Paul's Cray (6)Peill Frederick William, 7 Ra\"ensbourne road, Bromley (3) Pillman .Joseph Charlo::, The Cottnge, Foots Cray, Bromley (5) CI'a1!brook Division. Tylden·Pattellsoll William Boys D.L., J.P. Dashmonden, Biddendcll Dar~ford .Divisi~n. Ames Walter, Newlyn house, 88 Church road, Swanscombe (3) Butcher Albert, Belle grove, WeIling (5) Hulkes Cecil James GJaddish B.A., .J.P. Hadlow place, near Tonbridge (1) Penney Alfred John. Homewood, Miskin road, Dartford (4) Vinson Albert, Parsonage farm, Belvedere (6) Vinson Edwin, IIighcroft haJJ, Sw:mley (2) BOI'ollgh of Deal. Radcliffe WiJli\Ml1,Beech Court" Deal Borough of Dover. Leney Alfred Charles, The Garden, Saltwood, Hythe (Town ward) Leney Hugh, Graham house, Shorncliffe road, Folkestone (Castle ward) Shone H. E. Vernon, Castle Mount lodge, Taswell street, Dover (Pier ward) Dover (County) Division. Urnnclall Eric Handolph, Woodside, River, Dover & 5.\, Pont street s w Eastl'Y Division. Unilford Rigut Hon. Earl of D.L., J,P. Waldersbaro park, Dover (1) Rice Henry Edwar(l Harcourt, North court, Tilmanstone, Dover (2) East A.shford Division. Amos Alfred, Spriug Groye farm, Wye Elhmn Division, Rigden Henry, Ridge Hill house, Lyminge Borough of Faversham. Child Henry Ross, 37 Newton road, Faversham Fat!ersham (County) Division. Gascoyne Edward B. Bapchild court, Bapchild, Sittingbourne (2) MiJJes-Lade Han. Henry Augustus J. P. Nash court, Boughton, Lewisham (1) Borough of Folkestone. Harrison William John, 48 Bournemouth road, Folkestone (Division 1) Mumford Charles Edward, Cross Roads house, Folkestone (2) Borough of Gravesend. Davis Henry Edward, Athol house, O,er cliffe, Gra,esend (J.\Iilton ward) t'thodes Capt, Thomas J.P. Ardlui, 27 Pelham road, Gravesend (Gravesend 'lard) HollingboUl'ne Division. Kingsland Henry iVIajer, Grove house, Headcorn BOi'Oltffh of 11faidstone. McAlpine Kenneth, Loose, near Maidstone (1) Mercer Randall, Sandling place, Boxley, :Maidstone (2) Vaughan Edmund, Kelsale honsc, 10 'fonbridge road, Maidstone (3) .J1Iaidsione(County) Division. Hannen Hon. Henry Arthur J.P. The Hall, West, Farleigh (1) Leney Augustus, Orpine Wateringbury (2) .JIalling Division. Jlonckton F. W. The Warren, Ightham (3) Smith Samuel Lee J.P. Larkfield, Maidstone (2) Wilford Joshua, Sunnyside, Snodland (x) Borough of Ramgate. Lewis Allan Fl'..Ulci:; Leach, The College, l\hrgate (Soutuern division) Shea Sidney, The Haven, Arldiscombe road, Margate (Northern division) Jledlcav Divisioil. llillingllUr.:it Edward Ambl·U.:ie,3-1-6 High street, Chatham (2) Driver Rev. 'filliam D.l"We3, Ingle5ide, H ~Iaidstone ro.d, Chath!lm (x) Passby Col. Wchard James, Gad's hill, Gillingham (5) Tapp Alfred William, 10-4- Windmill road, Gillingham (4) Whyman Herbert Francis, 43 New road, Rochester (3) }lfUton Division. Payne Henry, Trotts hall, Sittingbourne (1) Wakeley Richard i\'Iansfield, ~I,)orStreet house, Rail1ham (~) Penge Division. Grant Bryce, 7 Avenue road, Penge S E Borough of Ramsgate. Clutton J. H. 6 Gl"un-ille gardens, Ramsgate (E:tstern division) Tomson )1artil1 John Read, Court Stairs, St. Lawrence, Ramsgate (Western division) Borou,gh of Rochesiel·. Barker W. Oubbett, X3 tiun lUl1c,Strood (2) Knight Alfred Joseph, 66 Maid:5tone road, Rochester (I) RO/filley .3Im·:Jh 1Jivision. Lister-Kay Ellis Cunliffe Li.,ter, Godmersham park, near Canterbury S~l'enoaks Division. Collet Sir Mark E. bart. J.P. St. Clerc, Kemsing, Se\"cnuakg (2) Sack'dUe Right Hon. LorJ, Knole pJ.rk, Sevclloaks (1) Williams Col. Charles Stanley V.D., ~r.A. Ivy house, Bough Beech, ChidJingstone, Edenbridge (3) Sheppey Division. Howe Alfred Whittaker, Manor house, SheernesiS (I) Tower James, Trafalgar honse, Sheerne:os (2) .':ill·ood Division. Clmreh Thomas, 95 .I:;96 Higll street, N ortllfleet (I) Spoor John Lamb J.P. Hede cour~ Strood (2) Tuff Charles, West,field, SinglewelI, Gransend (3) l'entr:rden 1Jil'isiuJ!. l'alll)(T Vivian Tl'ostrail Dampier, Herumlen hall, reuterden Thanet 1Jit·isioJl. Flint Arthm :l1.D. '''c::;tgate lodge, Westgate-oll-;:;ea Tonbi'idge Divisiol!. Uoldsmid Osmond Elim d'Avigc10r:lI.A., LL.B., J.P. Somcrhill, Tonbridge (2) Gower Robert Vaughan, Ferndale lodge, 23 Jrerndale, Tl1nbl'iuge Wells (3) )Ian waring Percy, :MarIe place, Brenchley (I) Nicholson H. Bidborough hall, Bidborough (5) Sladell Col. Edward Sydney St. Barbe J.P. Hustlmll Beacon, Hl1sthall common, Tunbridge Wells (4) West .ls1ifoi'd Division. Batchelor Joseph, Hayes Bank, Ashford (I) Ig-glesden Charles, Heathfield, Ashford (2) OFFICERS OF THE CounTy COUNCIL. Clerk to the C01.wty Council cr· Clerk Of the Peacefor the County.-Waltor Byron Prosser esq. Sessions !louse, Maidstone Gltie;f Consta7Jle.-CoI. Henry ~lurray Ashley Warde, Wren's Cross,.Upper StOI1~ street, Maidstone Deputy Chief Constable.-Capt. H. E. Chapman, Wren's Cross, Upper Stone street, Maidstone Clel''': to Standing Joint Committec.-Charles Turner, West Borough challlbf~r~, Maidstone County Architcct.-Frederick William Ruck. 86 Week street, Maidstone County SUl'veY0r.-Herbert 'furlay Chapman, office, St. Peter's street, Maidstoll8 County Land A.qent.-Albert Barker, Sessions house, Maiclstone County Ti'eWnirej·s.-Henry Tasker & Wm. Frcdk. ;\1ercer, 90 Bank !It. Maidstonc Assistant County TreasUI'el', Accountant and Controller of Local Taxation Licenses. -Edward J. :MarviIll'.A.A. Sessions house, Maidstone Under Shel'w:-Francis Robert Howlett, 9A, King street, Maidstone (}ounty Jledical Officer of Health.-WiIIhlU James Howarth M.D., D.P.H. ,·jet. Sessions house, Maidstolle County Analyst and Official Agricultural Analyst.-F. W. Arnaud F.I.C., F.e.. County laboratory, Sessions house, Maidstone Returning Officei' of the County Council .y Cle/'k to the Lieutenancy,-Cbal'le! Turner, West Borough chambers, Maidstonc Sec/'dalY to the Education Committee,-Francis W. Crook, Seg~iol1Ji ho. Maidstonfl CORONERS
Greenwich District.-Harry Bolton Sewell, 26 Crooms hill, Greenwich S E .iVw· Romney District.-Harold Walker Stringer,The Gables ,North st. New Romney Deal and Sandwich District.-Frederick William Hardman LL.D.4 & 5 Park st. Deal 8ittingbourne District.-Charles Benjamin Harris, 76 High street, Sittingbourne Ashford District.-Rutley MowJl, Dover & Canterbury Cl'anbl'ook District.-Charles Duncan Murton, The Hill, Uranbrook Tonbridge District.-Thomas Buss, Elmcroft, Mount Pleasant rd. Tunbridge Well. Hythe Borough.-Bernard Charles Drake, Town Clerk's office, Hythe Romney Mar;;h Liberty.-Harold Walker Stringer, The Gables, North street, New Romney Penge.-W. P. Morrison, Redhill INSPECTORS OF WEIGHTa AND MEASURES. Chief InspectOJ·.-The Chief Constable Deputy Chief Inspector.-The Deputy Chief Constable A.shford District.-WiUiam E. Allen, Willesborough, Ashford Bearsted and Mallin,q .District.-John Welfare, Sessions house, Maidstone Bromley and .Dartfm'd .District.-Alexander Quinlan, 54 Dartford road, Dartford, attends at North street, Bromley, first & third thursdays in month from 10 a.m. to I p.m. & at 167 Maple road, Penge, first & third fridays in month from 10 a. m. to I p.m Chatham, Sittingbourne and part of Favel'sham .District.-Thomas Roberts i office, Batchelor street, Chatham i private residence, 118 Rochester street, Chatham Ramsgate, Wingham, Home and part of Faversham District.-Egbert W. Ryley, Woodbine cottage, Minster, Thanet Tonbridge, Se'!Jenoaks go part of Cranbrook Divisions q- Parishes of Wrotham, Ightham and Plaxtol.-Joshua Chamberlain, Claireville, Lionel road, TonbridgePUBLIC OFFICERS, & c.
Board of Trade Labour Exchange, West St.; Fredk. E. Bullen, manager. Clerk to Commissioners of Land and Assessed Taxes: Robert Uirling, White Hart Chambers, 137 & 138, High Street, Bromley.Clerk to Magistrates: Edward Latter, Court House, Bromley. Assistant Clerk: L. Beeston. Collector of King's Taxes: J. }'. Croome, 5 Market Square. Collector of King's Taxes (for Chelsfield, Chislehurst, Cudham, Downe, Farnborough, Foots Cray, Keston, Knockholt, Orpington, St. Mary Cray & St. Paul's Cray): W. F. Masters, Laro, 5, Homefield Rise, Orpington. Collector of Rates and Assistant Overseer: George Stone, Municipal Offices, Tweedy Road, Bromley. Commissioners for Administering Oaths in the Supreme Court of Judicature: Edward Latter, 26, Market Square; James Edward Walker, Ravenswood, 7, Ethelbert Hoad; Frederick James Hughes, Bonchurch, 2, Elmficld Road; Alban Chavasse, 17, Sandford Road; William Halsted Dale, Ingleside, 98, Plaistow Lane; Edward Danvers Draper, 5, Park Grove; Charles Edward Walker Ogilvie, 14, Homefield Road; Edmund Shirley Parker, Southernhay, Homefield Road; Henry Sandford, Bladon, 17, Hammelton Road; W. Hubert Smith, liLA., LL.lII. Trevcna, 18, Blyth Road; Frank Woodbridge, The Orchard, 10, Orchard Road; Edward Thomas Lea, Gatton, 28, Tweedy Road; Arthur Robert Besunt, 43, Farnaby Road; Thomas Herbert Edward Foord, Durham Lodge, 42, Westmoreland Road; Moreton Laing Knight, Hillside, Avondale Road; Alfred Hugh Knight Squire, LI..n.LOnd. Whitegarth, Cumberl:1nd Road; Herbert John Moodie, Courtfield, 19, Sandford Road; Tho mas Lamb, Hadley, Sundridge Avenue i Charles Sidney Hind, Cambridge Lodge, 18, Hope Park; Frederick Charles Collyer, 40, London Road; William Frederick Holroyde, 5, Market Square and Greenhayes, 75, Hayes road; Wilfrid Jas. Homewood, Holmbury, 41, Sbawfield Park, Widmore; John Burder Batchelor, South view, 48, Westmoreland Road; Angus Fraser Oakley Walbrook, 9, Park Road; Frederic Walter Beck, Foxlow, Garden Road; John Henry Hodge, I, Widmore Road and 22, Crescent Road; George Charles Hazeldine Jennings, The Rosary, Quernmore Road; John Edward Shaw, Silvermead, Quernmore Road; John Charles Brookhouse, Ailsa 22 Rodway Road; Myer Barnett Lee, Sherwood cottage, Kinnaird Avenue; Percy Tatham, Thorncroft, 6, Oaklands Road; William George Weller, I, Queen's :Mead Road; Charles Frederick Foster, II" Hope Park; Alfred Neale, 4, Elmfield Park; Herbert D. Price, II, Sandford Road; Robert Thomas Wragg, Carisbrooke, Park Avenue; Henry John Welch, Tintagel, 9. Homefield Road; Reuben Winder, Larkfield, 5, Durham Road; James Edward Williamson, Ashdown, Quernmore road; Edgcombe Stevens, Clifton house, 161, Widmore road. Coroner's Officer: P.C. G. Gilmore, Bromley Police Station County Court.-Judge: His Honour Judge Parry. Registrar and High Bailiff Edward Latter. Clerks: William W. White & F. P. Badder. Assistant Bailiffs: R. Lambe and J. Fairweather. Office: Court House, Bromley. Customs and Excise and Old Age Pensions Offioe: A. Woodward, surveyor; Albert Euward Jackson, officer; Park house, Beckenham Lane, Bromley. Gas Works (South Suburban Gas Co., Bromley District)-Homesdale Road: S. Y. Shoubridge, chief engillller; olfice, 156, High Street; Wilfrid Wastell, sec. Inland Revenue Valuation Department-IB, Holwood Road: A. B. Thornton, valuer. Inspector of Weights and Measures, Food and Drugs, Petroleum and Explosives: Alexander (2uinlan, inspector for Anerley, Penge, Beckenlnm, Bromley, Chislehurst and Bickley. Attends at North Street, Bromley, the first and third Thursdays in e\'ery month, 10 a.m. to I p.m. and at 167, Maple RllUd, Penge, the lirst and third Fridays in every month, fl'Oll1 10 a.m, to I p.m. Inspector,' Diseases of Animals Acts, Kent County Council (Bromley Distriot) & Bromley Borough Council: Alfred Henry Sly, HolmfieJd, 106, London Hoad, Bromley. Metropolitan Water Board (Southern District): Loc:ll Offices, While Hart Chamber,;, 137 & 138, High Street: Collectors, W, F. L:ltten, atlcuds Tuesday!', 10 to I and 2.30 to +30 j T. Roffe, attends Tbursdays, 3 to 5· Overseers: George Haywood, Charles Cooling and William Long Crosley ; Assistant Overseer: Geo. Stone, Municipal Offices. Police Station - Town Hall, Market Square: Vincent Coster, chief inspector Registrar of Births and Deaths for Beckenham Sub-District: Charles Ernest Manger, I3 Beckenham Hoad, Beckenham. Attendance as follows: Beckenham, at District pauncH Otfices, Bromley Road, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 5 to 7 p.m. ; Thursdays, 10 a.m. to 12 noon; Saturdays, 10 to II a.m. Hayes, at Mr. J. Dodd's Cottage, The Village, first and third Fridays in each month, 12.30 to 1.30 p.m.
204th YEAn. FOUNDED 1710. u FIRE Copied from Poll ~y dated 17211. The Oldest Insurance Office in the World. Chief Office: 63, Threadneedle Street, LONDON,E.C. BRANCH OFFICES: { 6o, CHARING CROSS, S. W. 332, OXFORD STREET, W. (CORNER OF VERE SrRE1.'lT). LONDON 40, CHANCERY LANE, W.C. (LAW COURTS BRANCU) . . 42, MINCING LANE, E.C. Branches and Agoncies throughout the World. Insurances effected against the following risks:- FIRE DAMAGE .. Resultant Loss of Rent and Profits. Employers' Liability and Personal Accident. Workmen's Compensation, including Siekness and Disease. A.eddents to Domestie Servants. Fidelity Guarantee. Burglar)'. Plate Glass. DIRECTORS. MARLBOROUGH ROBERT PRYOR, Esq. Chairman. THE HaN. WILLIAM HENRY GORCHEN, Dfputy-Chnirman. VISCOUNT OASTLEREAGH, H.V.O., H.P. SIR HUGH a. G. M0:STGOUERY, Bart. IrRANK OJIAPLIN, Esq. R. O. SCOfT :LlIURRAY, Esq. Il:nwAun DENT, Esq. LORD HENny NEVILl,. rRE RlOrrr HON. LORD FABER. FREDERICK Hmmy NORMAN, Esq. ~LFRED FAllQUHAR, Esq. THE HaN. CHARLES L. SCLATER-BOOTR. 8lnw AftD G. GRENFELL, .Esq. LI)RD HEHREllT SCOTT, D.S.O. ~mRICilAIW BlDDULPH MARTIN, Bart. GRAS. W~£. TmUlNSON, Esq. rRE HON. A.LGERNON II. MLLs' GEO. E. MEAD, M,I'1(['l~r and Secre((fry. F. H. MELLERSH, ! Sub-Managers and O. H. GREEN, F. WUITE, l .A&J(. Secs. Jl11nrl'1~r. Acedt, Dept. IODERATE RATES. PROMPT & LIBERAL SETTLE!irENT OF CLAIMS. CAPITAL PAm UP AND OWlER r:iHIiDS £3l
West Wickham, at the Parish Room, Sussex Road, first and third Fridays in each month, II a.m. to 12 noon. Deputy Registrar : Herbert E. Manger, District Council Offices, Bromley Road, Beckenham. Registrar of Births and Deaths for Bromley Sub-Distriot: Walter H. Ba.nner, 66, Tweedy Road, Bromley. Hours of attendance: Morning Mondays, 9 to 10.3°; Wednesdays, 'fhursuays and Saturdays, 9 to II ; Evening-Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays, 5 to 7. Deputy Registrar: Harry Chapman, Park House, Beckenham Lane, Bromley. Registrar of Births and Deaths for Chislehurst Sub·District: H. B. Hamlyn, The Willows, Sclborne Road, Sidcup. Deputy: Mrs. Rose Hamlyn, The Willows, Selborne Road, Sidcup. Registrar of Births and Deaths for Orpington Sub-District: J. D. Higgins, Moorfield Road, Orpington. Deputy: Mrs. R. Higgins, Moorfield Road, Orpington. Registrar of Marriages: Harry Lawrence Gooding F.L.A.A. 43, High Street and Fairholme, 26 Crescent Road, Bromley. Deputy Registral' : Henry R. Hunt, 60, London Road, Bromley. Relieving and Vaccination Officer and Collector to Guardians No. 1 District, Bromley Union: Walter H. Banner, 66, Tweedy Road, Bromley. Sanitary Inspector and Inspector under Petroleum Act: Thomas Butler A.R.S.I. Municipal Offices, Tweedy Road. Superintendent Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages: Edward Haslehurst, Park House, Beckenham Lane, Bromley. Deputy SupaI" intendent Registrar: P. J. D. Wiley, Park House, Bromley. SUrveyor of Taxes: U. H. Hyett, Park House, Beckenham Lane, Bromley. Turnoocks (Metropolitan Water Board, Kent District): Alfred Brook, 7, Walpole Road, Brumley Common (district foreman); Herbert Edward Stanley Hammond, I, Orchard Villas, Perry Street, Chislehurst (inspector); William Henry Taylor, jun. 49, "Iartins Rd. Shortlands (turncock); \ Samuel A. Allen, 3, Rothesay villas, Sevenoaks Road, Orpington (district foreman); Albert Goodhew, 10, Rampore cottages, Bridge Road, Orpington (foreman); H. Monk, 4, Shorter's Cottages, Pratt's .Bottom, Chelsfield (assistant turncock); Harry Curd,s, Orchard Road, Farnborough (turncock). Vestry Clerk: Edward Latter, Pixfield, Beckenham Lane, .Bromley Telegrams: DUNN, BROMLEY, KENT. Telephones' { BROMLEY 42. . BROMLEY 112. HD CD DUNN & SONS,
COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHERS Upholsterers, Cabinet Makers, Undertakers, Appraisers & Removal Contractors, 32 to 40, Widmore Rd., BROMLEY. A large assortment of Secondhand Furniture, Carpets, Bedding and Bedsteads, always on view. --------- , Showrooms: 32 to 40, WIDMORE ROAD. Fireproof Depositories and Cabinet 36 PARK ROAD & QUEEN'S ROAD a
The Public Library Acts were adopted by the ratepayers in the year 1892, and in 1894 a building was erected adjoining the Science and Arc Schools in Tweedy Road, to serve fl."; a Central Library, and was opened by Lord Avebary in December of th;~t year. The new library in the High Street, presented to the Town by tho generosity of Andrew Carnegie esq. LL.D., was opened by him on May 29th, I 9::>6. This building witch extension cost altogether £II,500. It is n. vory hanesome structure and well adapted for the purpose. Borough Librarian: William J. Harris, F.L.A. GeneralThe Reading Room is open to the public every week day from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m., excepting Christmas Day, Good Friday, Bank Holidays, ano. such other days as the Committee may direct. All the more important daily, weekly and monthly periodicals, directories, time tables & c. are displayed in the room. The Lending Department shall be open to the public every week day from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.,except on Wednesclays (when it will be closed at I p.m.), Christmas Day, Good Friday, Bank Holidays, and such other days as the Committee may direct. No one nnder I4 rears of age is eligible to borrow books, or to make use of the Library. Lending Department No person is allowed to borrow books for home reading' eXcept residents in, or ratepayers of, the Distrid of Bromley. The conditions under which books are lent from the Library ure- (a) Any Ratepayer of the District of Bromley who is enrolled on the current County Council ne~ister of the District shall be entitled to borrow books on his own responsibility, but he will be required to sign a voucher, all the form provided for that purpose, und to obtain a Borrower's Ticket. (b) Any other person resiient lJl the District desiring to borrow bool,s shall sign an undertaking on the form provided for that purpose, and must also obtain the recommendation of a Ratepayer whose name appears upon the current County Council H.egister of the District. The voucher must be delivered to the Librarian, and if on examination it be found correct, a book may be borrowed at once. Printed voucher forms may be had from the Librarian.Any person resident in the District unable to obtain the- signature of a ratepayer as a guarantor, may leave, in lieu thereof, a deposit of Ten Shillings with the Librarian, and he is then entitled to borrow books from the Library. The time allowed for reading each book is Jow'teen da,'l/s from the date of issue, and a Fine of One Penny will be charged for each week, or portion of a week, during which any book may be detained beyond that period. Referenoe DepartmentThe Reference Library is open to the public every week day from 10 a.llI. to 10 p.m., except on Christmas Day, Good Friday, Bank Holidays, the last clear week in July, and such other days as the Committee may direct. Any work in the Lending Library, if not in use (excepting books uf Fiction\ may be used in the Reference Library. The Committee are a Society for the purposes of Literature, Science, and the ['ineArts, exclusively within the meaning of 6 & 7 Vic., cap. 36. The Library is supported partly out of the rates and partly by annual and other voluntary contributions. No dividend, gift, division, or bonus in money s~al1 be made unto or between any of the Committee or members. RAGLAN ROAD BRANOH.
Is situated at St. Luke's Instit,ute, Raglan road. All the above rules apply in the case of the Branch, except that the hours for the exchange of books are 6 to 9.30 p.m. each week day evening. Readers may borrow books from either Central or Branch and may return them to either place, without regard to the Library whence they obtained them. Headers at the Branch may also draw upon a large part of the Central collection hy filling in the form of request provided for that purpose. Books applied for in this way will be sent to the Branch and will be available fOl' borrowing all the evening after the delivery of the form. At this Branch a selection of daily, weekly and monthly periodicals is supplied.BROMLEY COMMON LIBRARY STATION.
Situated at Post Office, 77 Bromley Common; Mr. Norman in charge. Books may be exchanged from 2 to 8 p.m. each week day. COLLEGE ROAD LIBRARY STATION. Situated at 55 Gollegeroad; S. S. Dean & Son. Rules as above. SHORTLANDS LIBRARY STATION. Situated at 1O{ Beckenham la.; H.D.Kelf, lIf.p.s.,chemist. Rules as above.LITERARY INSTITUTE.
The Literary Institute was established in the year 1846. The rooms were formerly situated in the Town Hall, but in Ocbber, ISg7, the premises at Widmore Road were entered into. The Library contain, about 7,000 volumes. Newspapers, periodicals, & c., aro abo taken for the use of members. The Institute is open from 10 It. m. till IO p. m. President: A. O. Norman esq. J.P. Treasurer: Alfred Wright. Ron. SecretarIes: T. J. Elliot & F. A. C. Thomas.SCHOOL OF SCIENCE AND ART.
The School of Science and Art, situate in Tweedy Road, was openell in 1878. The building is admirably suited to the purpose, and is fitted with every convenience for teaching drawing, painting and modelling, and is also provided with a good selection of casts from the antique, as well as a plentiful supply of models and examples. There is also a good Laboratory and Science Lecture Room, fitted with vory complete apparatus for the study of Chemistry, Electricity, and other branches of ~cience. The teaching is carried on in both departments of the School, in accordance with the regulations of the Board of Education, and exam· inations for certificates are held in the month of Dray. The Schools were presented to the Bromley Local Board (now Borough Conneil) in 1892, by whom they have since been carried cn, and to the District Council (now Borough Council) has since been handed over the Industrial Institute, situate in Sherman Road, opened by Lord Playfair in May, 1887. The Science and Art Schools were considerably enlarged in 1894, at the time of the building of the rooms for the Public Library. Art Master: Mr. Arthur Schofield A.R.C.A. Art Sc:hool, Tweedy Road, Bromley. Director : Mr. Reginald Airy M.A. Cambridge Road, Bromley. Head Master for the Junior School: Alfred M.Thomas, 19 Amesbury Road, Bickley. Secretary to the Higher Education Committee : George Wilson, School of Science and Art, Tweedy Road, Bromley. ---te-- KENT COUNTY COUNCIL DOMESTIC ECONOMY SCHOOL, 142 College Road. Miss Isabel Duncan, Superintendent.BROMLEY COLLEGE.
Bromley College, situated in the London Road, was founded in 1666 by John Warner, Bishop of Rochester, who endowed it with £450 pel' annum, for the residence and support of twenty widowR of loyal and orthodox clergymen, to each of whom he assigned £20 pel' annum, and to a chaplain £50; this endowment ,vas augmented by many subsequent benefactions. In 1767 the Rev. William Hetherington bequeathed £2,000, Old South Sea Annuities, to purchase coal and candles for the use of the establishment; in 1774 the sum of £5,000, in the same Stock, wa~ given by Dr. Zachary Pearce, Bishop of Rochester, for the augmentation of the pensions; in 1782 William Pearce, the bishop's brothel', bequeathed £10,000 for the erection and endowment of ten additional houses; in 1788 Mrs. Bettinson left £10,000 in the Three per Cents., for building and en· dowing ten additional houses; in 1823 Dr. Walker King, Bishop of Roches· tel', gave £3,000, Three per Cents., for payment of £30 per annum each to three out-pensioners; and in 1824 Mrs. Rose, formerly a member of this college, bequeathed £8,000 to increase the stipend of the widows. There are at present 42 houses (40 for widows) in the college, forming a handsome and appropriate pile of buildings, surrounding two quadrangular areas. The chapel is a consecrated building, seating 130, and measuring 56ft. by 20ft., lind is 33ft. high. The widows receive pensions of £38 each, the five oldest of £44, and free medical attendance.SHEPPARD'S COLLEGE.
On the north-eastern corner of the grounds stands Sheppard's College i it consists of five honses built nearly after the plan of those in the adjoining foundation, and affording similar accommodation. They are allotted to five maiden ladies who ha'Tc previously resided with their mothers in Bromley College. They receive £44 annually, together with gratuitous medical attendance. Mrs. ~heppard, the founder of this charity in the year 1840, was the widow of the Her. Dr. Sheppard, Fellow of Magdalen College, and siHter of Dr. Hauth, president of that house. College Trusteos : The Archbishop of Canterbury, the Bishop of London, the Bishop of Hochester, the Archdeacon of Rochester, the Dean of St. Paul's, the Chancellor of Rochester, A. C. Norman, Esq. (treasurer), Coles Child, Esq., Sir R. B. Martin, Bart., Sir William Ilee Warner G.C.S.I., LL.D. and the Rev. Canon Donald Tait, M.A. (vicar of Bromley). Chaplain: Rev. J. White liLA. Chaplain's House, Bromley College. Ap. pointed 1891.CHURCHES AND PLACES OF WORSHIP.
The Parish Church of Bromley, dedicateu to St. Peter and St. Paul, dates probably from the 14th century, although it possesses a Norman font, carved Bethersllen marble of 1100-1200, and an ancient arched recess, now used as a credence table, which dates from the 12th or 13th century. The other ancient parts of the church 11.r0 an old oak decorated door with massive bolt and lock, and a brass to the memory of Isabella, wife of Richard Lacer, Mayor of London, who died. in 1361. The church is said to have been originally dedicated to St. Blasius, whose name is still associated with a spring in the Palace grounds. The living is It vicarage in the Archdeaconry and Diocese of Rochester, in the gifL uf the Bishop of Rochester, and is held by the Rev. Canon Tait, M.A. (presented 1904). The church, which was considerably iJ1lpro~'ed in 1873, has it low embattled tower at the west end, and au excellent peal of eight bells. A new organ was presented to the church by the late Bir Eo H. Scott, Bart., of Sundridge Park, in 1874, which was enlarged and improved in 1894. A chancel, with aisle and vestries, was built ill 1884, at a cost of nearly £5,000, and -was consecrated by the Archbishop of CanterLury on Dec. 16th, 1884. A stained glass window has now taken Lhe place of the plain one at the east end. The register dates from the year 1558. A Parish Room in 'Yelit Street, in connection with thi.s church, was opened in November, 1881. A new stained glass window has been placed in tho West end in memory of the late vicar, the Rev. A. G. Hellicar. It was dedicated 13th July~ 1906. Vicar: Rev. Donald Tait, M.A. (Rural Dean of Bromley, Hon. Canon of Rochester Cathedral and Surrogate), Bromley Vic:trage, 9 Church road. Curates: Rev. Stanley Ernest Osborne, 'liLA. ; Rev. Arthur Howe Stovenson, M.A. & . Rev. Bernard Nash Car\'er, B.A. Churchwardens: D. G. Simpson, 155 Widmore road; H. G. Dunn, 25 Queen's road. Parish Clerk: William Henry Brown, 107 Widmore road. Organist: Frederic Fcrtel, Holmcroft, 33, liolwood road. Sexton and Verger: G. Harris, Park end. Assistant Verger: Frank Rmith.Times of Service: Holy Communion every Sunday at 8 a.m., first, third and last Sundays at noon, second and fourth Sundays 7 a.m. Holy days and Wedncsdays7.30 a.m. Services at II a.tll., 4.15 p.m. with Baptism", and 6.30 p.m. Children's service, third and fourth Sundays 3.15 p.m. Daily services, morning 7.30 or 11 a.m.; evening 5.30 or 8 p.m. Church Hymns. Bromley Parish Church Committee Rooms, II Church road. ST. MARK'S CHURCH.
The Church of St. Mark, in Westmoreland road, which is a Chapel of Ease to the Parish Church of Bromley, was consecrated on October 22nd, 1898. It has been built at a cost of upwards of £8,000, from designs by Mr. Evelyn Hemcar, A.R.I.B.A. A very handsome tower has recently been built at a cost of about £3,000, largely through the munificence of T. O. Dewey, Esq. ; a clock has been given by E. Soames, Esq. On May 7th, 1910, a new organ was dedicated, which cost about £1,100, raised by subscription. On October 21st, 191 I, the side Chapel of the Annunciation, erected by his widow and relations in memory of the Rev. Lewis James l'~lwin, B.A., assistant curate 1900-1905, was dedicated by the Bishop. Verger: G. Freeman, 3, Westmoreland road. Times of Service: Holy Communion every Sunday at 8 a.m.; first Sunday, 7 a.m. ; first, second and fourth Sundays in the month at noon. Morning service I I a.lll. ; Evening 6.30 p. m. Baptism!'! and Churchings every Sunday at 4.15, notice to be given to the verger. Children's service first & second Sundays ill the mont,h at 3.15. Chureh Hymns.ST. JOHN'S, BROMLEY.
In the year 1872 an iron church, dedieated to St. John the Evangelist, was opened in Park road. In 1879 the memorial stone of a permanent church was laid on an adjoining site, and the church, which cost (including site) £5,400, was consecrated in 1880. It was at first a Chapel of Ease to the Parish Church, hut at the end of 1880 the part of the parish in which it stands was constituted a new ecclesiastical district. Since its consecration it has been improved by the addition of stained glass windows, oak choir stalls, a new organ, and a permanent stone fence surrounding it. Hecently a handsome open oak screen has been erected, adding much to the beauty and dignity of the church. In the yellr 1883 3. commodious Parish Room was erected in North Road in connection with thechurch, and is used for Sunday School and other purposes; it has lately heen enlarged for the sake of hetter accommodation for the Sunday School, and also to provide rooms for clubs both for men and for lads. ;:~Avicarage house was built in Upper Park Road in 1891. A double choir vestry has been added to the church, suitable for classes and small parochial meetings. The present vicar was appointed in 1881. Vicar: Rev. Canon Peter Barker, M.A.(Hon. Canon of Rochester Cathedral), St. John's Vicarage, 13 Upper Park road. Curate: Rev. Edward Ambury Parr, B.A., 10 Hawes road. Churchwardens: J. North, 97 Widmore rd. ; C. F. Nye, 23 HolJigrave rd. Organist: A. F. Burton, 245 Croxted road, West Dulwich s E. Parish Nurse :":Nurse Mawer. Times of Service: Holy Communion at 8 a.m. every Sunday, and first and third Sundays at noon; Chief Festivals at 7 and 8 a.m., and at noon. Morning service at II ; Evening at 6.30. Saints' Days and week days according to notice. Hymns, Ancient and Modern. ST. MARY, PLAISTOW.
The Church of St. Mary, Plaistow, is about half-a-mile from the Market square. The nave was built in 1863; and in 1881 a chancel, vestries, and an organ chamber were added, with some stained glass windows. The south transept was erected in 1891, and the north in 1900, the latter at a cost of about £2,200. A beautiful organ was used for the first time on Easter-Day, 1882. In the summer of 1884 a new east window, containing the richest and most elaborate stained glass, was preMnted to the church by Lady Scott and children in memory of the late Sir Edward H. Scott, Bart., of Sundridge Park, and since then several other stained glass windows have been given by Mr. ~f urray S. Richardson, of Page Heath House, Bickley-other stained glass windows have also been put Jn. In 1884 a scheme was laid before the parishioners to purchase a vicarage for the church, which has since been done. The living is a vicarage, in the gift of the Bishop of Rochester, and is held by the Rev. William Gowans, B.A., Oambridge. Vicar: Rev. William Gowalls, B.A.camb., St. Mary's Vicarage, College rd. Ourates: Rev. Gerald Oscar Morgan-Smith, B.A., andRev. Charles Edgar Payne. Churchwardens : Henry Allan, Coverdale, 9 Spencer road. and Henry C. Quelch, Sunnymede, Kinnaird avenue. Lay Representatives: Henry Allan, Coverdale, 9 Spencer road, and Frederick Alfred Threadgold, 42 Heathfield road.Organist: F. Lewis Thomas, 5 College road, Bromley. Verger and Sexton: Edward Ford, 87 Park end. Times of Service: Sundays-Matins and Sermon, II a.m.; second Sunday, 10.15 a.m.; Children's Catechising, 3 p.m. ; Evensong and Sermon, 6.30 p.m. Holy Communion-first Sunday, 8 and 9.45 a.m.; second Sunday, 8 a.m. and Choral Celebration with Sermon, II a.m. third Sunday, 7 & 8 a.m. and T2 noon (plain); fourth Sunday, 8 a.m. and 12 noon (choral); fifth ~unday, 8 a.m.; additionalcelebrations on Great Festivals. Week days, Holy Communion, Tuesdays, 7.3oa.m.; Thursdays, 7.30a.m.; first Thursday in the month, II.30 a.m. ; Evensong, :Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, 5 p.m. ; Thursday, Friday aud Saturday, 5.30 p.m. Hymns, .Ancient and Modern. Services for Men, quarterly, at St. Mary's; C.L. B. every Sunday at the Church Hall, 4.15 p.m. ; All Saints' Guild, first Tuesday in the month, 5.30 p.m. ; St. Andrew's Guild, monthly. CHRIST CHURCH, BROMLEY PARK.
Christ Church is situate in Highland Road, Bromley Park. The church was opened for public worship in January, 1887, and holds 350. It was built by Mr. S. Cawston, at a cost of £2,600. The architecture is Early English. The principal features of the fittings of this church are the very handsome seats, which are made of Canadian oak and were carved in Glasgow, and the oak pulpit, which was exhibited at the Colonial Exhibition. All the brass work is from Messrs. Evered's, and is some of their best work. The organ in the church is a relic of oIrdtimes in Beckenham, being the old Beckenham Church organ, which was used in that church during the ministry of the late Dr. :Marsh. The church is licensed by the Archbishop of Canterbury. The west wall is only temporary, and space has been left to enlarge the church to the extent of 200 seats. The present incumbent was appointed in 1903. Incumbent: Rev. R,ichard Moore, M.A. Christ Church Lodge, 18 Highland Road, Bromley. Times of Service: Sunday Services, Morning Prayer, II a.m. (followed by the Holy Communion on first Sunday in each month) ; Service for Boys and Girls, 3.15 p.m. on first Sunday in month; Evening Prayer, 6.30 p.m. (followed by the Holy Communion on third Sunday in each month); the Sacrament of Holy Baptism is administered at the Sunday Afternoon Service or at other times in the week, due notice being first given to the Verger. Women's Bible Class, 'Sunday, at Christ Church Hall, 3.30 p.m.; Wednesday, Service withAddress, 7.30 p.m.; Scripture Union Service, at Christ Church . Hail, first-and third Mo'ndaysin the month, 6 p.m.; Prayer Meetings, first Friday in month at Christ Church Hall, 8.15 p.m.; Gleaners' Union Meeting, third Friday in month at Christ Church Hall, 8.30 p.m. during winter; Sunday School at Christ Church Hall, morning 10 a.m. and afternoon 3 p.m. ST. LUKE'S CHURCH, BROMLEY COMMON.
St. Luke's is a red brick church, erected to meet the spiritual wants of the large population adjacent thereto. The chancel was consecrated by the Bishop of Dover in May, 1887, and the nave at Easter, 1890. The spire, with clock and peal of 8' bells, was completed in 1910. The church is free and open, and· affords accommodation for 750. The present vicar was appointed in 1905. Population of parish, 7,000. Vicar: Rev. Charles Carteret Gosselin, III.A., 248, Southlands road,Bickley. Curates: Rev. John Henry Broadhead and Rev. :Frederick William Kay. Churohwardens: J. H. Yolland, Bromley Common; and H. A. Vallings, Page Heath lane, Bickley. Organist and Choirmaster: Ernest John Downer, F.Il.C.O., F.T.C.L., Testore, 7 Queen's Mead road. Verger: W. Blundell, 45 Southlands road. Diocesan Lay Representatives: W. llalchin, J. Humphrey and D. C. Simpson. Parish Nurse: Nurse Grant, IS Homesdale road. Times of Service: Holy Communion, .8a.m. ; second Sunday II a.m. (choral) and fourth Sunday (12 noon) ; first and third Sundays at 7. Matins, II a.m.; Evensong, 6.30 p.m. Holy Days-Holy Communion, 7.30 a.m. and 12 noon, Thursday, 8 a.m. Children's Service each Sunday 3 p.m. Hour of Sacred Music quarterly at 3.15. Matins daily at 9.30 a.m. Evensong,s p.m. Wednesday 8.15 p.m. Wednesday and Friday, Matins and Litany, 12 noon. Hymns, Ancient and Modern.HOLY TRINITY, BROMLEY COMMON.
Holy. Trinity parish church at Bromley Common was built in 1839, at a cost of £2,648. The tower was added three years later. The living is a vicarage, in the gift of the Crown. An addition was made to the burial ground of this church in 1879, and was consecrated by the Bishop of Dover. The church was considerably altered and improved during the year 1881. In June, 1884, an apse was added tothe church as a memorial to the late Mr. G. W. Norman, and was consecrated by the Archbishop of Canterbury. Other improvements were at the same time effected, such 8S a new pulpit, organ chamber, seats, stained glass windows in the south transept, and heating apparatus. There is also a Village Hall, opened in 1896. A new vestry, the work of a former vi~ar, the Rev. C. R. Sharpe, was opened on October 8th, 1905. Vicar: Rev. :M. R. Swabey, liLA., The Vicarage, I Oakley road, Bromley common, Kent. Churchwardens: A. C. Norman, The Rookery, 90 Bromley common and W. Cooling, Croft house, 80A, Bromley common. Times of Service: SundaYS-II a.m. and 6.30 p.m. Holy Cummunion: mid-day on the first and third Sunday, at 8 a.m. on every Sunday. Saints' Days-Holy Communion 8 a.m. Children's service 3 p.m. Hymns, Ancient and Modern. TRINITY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH.
This church is situate in Freelands Road, and was opened in June, 1895. The buildings occupy a site IS0 feet deep by 70 feet frontage, and form a mOl;l convenient and complete block of buildings. They include, besides church, lecture hall, vestry, class-rooms, & c., and have been admirably planned and arranged to meet the varied requirements of church work. The plan of the church is cruciform, and consists of nave, aisles, and transepts, with seating for ovor 700 worshippers - 547 in the area and 174 in the galleries, which are in the transepts and at the west end I)f the nave. The organ is in the north transept gallery. Immediately in the rear of the church is a Lecturo Hall to bold about 240, and so arranged that it may easily be divided, by folding partitions, into separate class. rooms for Sunday School purposes. There are also on the ground floor a session house, vestry, and lavatories, and on the first floor a large class· room and a ladies' or "Dorcas ,J room with lavatory attached. In the basement are a kitchen and heating-chamber. The whole of the exterior walls and the interior of the church are faced with rect brick with Doulting stone dressings. The roof has steel principals and purlins, and is covered with green slates, and the work of the interior is of pitch pine. Solid wood-block flooring is laid throughout t he ground floor of church, hall, and passages. The spire measures 118 feet from ground to vane. Mr. John C. T. Murray was the architect. The cost of the buildings was clolla on £10,000. The church and all the halls and rooms are lit with electricity, the installation in the church being particularly effective.Minister: Rev. F. W. Armstrong, M.A., Dunivaig, 12 Edward road, Bromley. Churoh Offioer: H. Ingleton, I Park grove, Bromley. Organist and Choirmaster: R. J. Cole, B. A., 7 Minster road Application for sittings may be made to William Bushby, Coverside, I I Park grove, or to any of the deacons after any service at the church. Times of Service : Sunday, II a.m. and 6.30 p.m.; Wednesday, 8 p.m. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH.
The original Congregational Chapel in Bromley was built in 1788. In 1835 a second chapel was built on the site of the present building in Widmore Road, and cost £1,4°°. l'hepresentchurch was built in the year 1881, from plans by Mr. J. Sulman, F.R.I.B.A. It was considerably enlarged in 1886 and again in 1894, and will now, with galleries, seat nearly 1,200 per80ns. The school buildings, which have also been enlarged, comprise a school-room, with very large and deep end gallery, subdivided on three sides into 24 class-rooms, with sliding partitions and curtains, Tllaldng complete sepal'ation; an infants' school-room, with raised gallery; church parlour, vestries for ministers and deacons, library, school superintendent's room, and other convenient offices. Adjoining is Ii handsome room for the Guild, the gift of the late Mr. K F. Duncanson, of Bickley Park; and closely connected is a series of rooms used for various purposes of a religious and benevolent character, and named the Morley Institute. The whole block of buildings cost about £25,000, and is free from debt. The church has two branch churches, one at West Wickham and ana at Shortlands, where a new building was erected in 19°8. Minister: Rev. Oswald George Whitfield, M.A. Mansfield, ~6 Camhridge rd. Times of Service: Sunday, II a.m. and 6.30 p.m. Wednesday, 8 p.m. Sunday School, 2.45 p.m. Friendly Bible Class fOl' Men, 3 p.m. Bible Class for Women, 3.30 p.m. i\'londay, Gospel Service fOl' Women, 3.15 p.m. ; Social Union at 8. IS p.m. ; Tuesday, Band of Hope Meeting, Schoolroom, 7 p.m. ; Tuesday, Christian Endeavour, in Guild room, 8.15 p.m.WESLEYAN CHURCH.
The church is situate in the High Street, is in the Gothic style, and will accommodate about 600 people. The interior is prettily decorated, and there are a number of stained glass windows in the apse and sides of the building. The organ is of fine tone, and the choir renders very efficient service. The church is fitted with the electric' light. The school premises are at the rear of the cha.pel, comprising spacious lecture hall, 13 classrooms, gallery, and Chul'chroom. 'fhe Sunday School, under the superintendence of W. J. :Marsh ann F..r. Hughes, numbers 266 scholars, and meets at 10 a.m. and 2.45 p.m. There is a Lending Library, Band of Hope, Missionary Society, and Children's Choir in connection with the Bchool. Classes for Christian fellowship are held: Sunday 10.15 a.m., Monday 8.30 p.m.; Tuesday 11.30 a.m. and 8.30 p.m.; Wednesday 8.iS p.m. and Thursday 3.15 and 8 p.m. A llfothers' 1l1eeting is held on Monday at 2.30 p.m., in connection with which there is a clothing and coal club. There are a Boys' Gymnasium, Girls' Club and Gymnasium, a Ladies' Sewing Meeting, and a Dorcas Society. The church is the head of a circuit including Beckenham, Widmore, Keston, :Fal'nborough. and the Central and Clock House Halls. Minister: Rev. William Arthur Labmm, The Manse, 7 Holwood road. Choirmaster: Mr. Herbert Avery. Organist: Mr. Percy Sharland. Times of Service: Sunday, II a.m. and.6.30 p.m. ; Prayer Meeting, Monday, 7.4-5 p.m.BAPTIST CHURCH.
The Baptist Church is situate in the Park Road, opposite the Palace Lodge. It is a large and commodious structure. The foundation stone was laid by the late Rev. C. H. Spurgeon in 1864, and it was opened in 1865. It has since then undergone great alterations and improvements, and a new organ has been added to it, to which a second manual has been added, The building contains about 550 seats. Handsome new school premises have been erected and furnished at the north end of the church. The main hall has seating accommodation for three hundred. There are four separate vestries beside kitchen, lavatories & c., and nine class recesses separated from the main hall and each other by curtains and wooden partitions. The present pastor commenced his ministry in April, 1913.Pastor: Rev. William Kirk Bryce, Kenilworth, 136 Babbacombe road. Times ofServica: Sunday, II a.m. and 6.30 p.m. ; Sunday School, 9.50 a.m. and 2.45 p.m.; Christian Endea\'our, Friday, 8.15 p.m.; Monday, Prayer Meeting, 8 p.m. ; Wednesday, flervice, 7.30 p.m. ; Friday, Band of Hope, 7 p.m.; Junior Endeavour, Tuesdays, 7 p.m.; Institute, Saturday, 7.30 p.m. ; Mothers' Meeting, Monday, 3 p.m. ; Ladies' Sewing Society, Monday, 3 p.m. ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH.
Ptevious to December, I886, Roman Catholics had to walk to Chislehurst - a distance of three miles--in order to exercise the privileges of their faith. A piece of land in London Road had been purchased as a sIte for a Catholic Church, but further progress was arrested. However, in the month we have alluded to, the Religious of the Holy Trinity -an Order founded by St. John of Matha and St. Felix of Valois, in the year Ilg8-entered into the occupation of Willow Bank, a large house situate in the London Road, where services were held for the Roman Catholics of the neighbourhood-the temporary chapel being kindly lent for that purpose. During 1888 the Religious purchased the fine property known as Freelands. A new church was built in 191 I to seat 450. Mass is said in the Reading Room, Nash, Keston, on the first Sunday of each month at 8.30 a.m. Clergy: Rev. Walter Cooksey and Re,'. Peter Hughes, The Presbytery, 83 Plaistoc,' lane. St. Joseph, Times:of.Service : Sunday-Mass, 8.30 and II ; Catechism for Children at 3; Compline, Sermon and Benediction, 6.30. Days of Obligation, 'i.30 and 10. Week days-Mass, 7.30a.m. ;:~Wednesday, Benediction at 6, Friday at 8; rConfessions; Saturday, II till I and 6 tiJl:8 Cycle accommodation. St. Swithun's, Fashoda road; Rev. 'Walter Cooksey, The Presbytery, 83 Plaistow lane, priest in charge. Times of Service: Sunday-Holy Communion 8 a.m.; Mass 10 a.m. ; Catechism 3 p.m. ; Benediction 3.30 p.m.; Confessions, Saturday II till 12 and 8 till 9.CENTRAL HALL, LONDON ROAD, BROMLEY.
The beautiful and imposing Central Hall, situated in the London Road, was opened on April 14th, 1905. It was erected at a cost of £15,500 to continue the work of the Farwig Wesleyan Mission, which had hitherto be~n carried on for nearly 25 years in iron bllildings J!1 Farwig LaneThe Sunday School is on the front facing the London Road, while the Large Hall, with over 1,250 fixed modern tip-up chairs, is at the rear. There are many class-rooms, also largo rooms on the first floor. Various meetings are held nearly every night in the week throughout the year for children and adults. On Sunday the Services are almost continuous, commencing with a Meeting for Prayer at 7.30 a.m. Rervices are held in the Large Hall at I T a.m. and 6.30 p.m., with a Meeting for Women; also the ThIen's Brotherhood in the afternoon at 3. IS. In the winter months Lantern Services are held after the usual Sunday Evening Service. The Han. Superintendent and Secretary of the Mission is Mr. W. J. Gibbs, 36. Hammelton Road, Bromley. He is supported by a very large number of voluntary helpers. Primitive Methodist-Bromley Common Church. Resident Minister: Rev. William Curry, Mayville, 44 Bromley common. Choirmaster: J. Day, 1 Bloomfield road, Bromley. Organist: Percy Mills, 72 Park road, Bromley. Times of Service: Sunday, II a.m. and 6.30 p.m.; P.B.A. 3.15 p.m. ; Mondays, Women's Bright Hour, 3 p.m. ; Mondays, Band of Hope, 6 p.m. ; Preaching Service, 7.30 p.m. ; Chair Practice, Friday, 8.30 p.m.; Thursdays, Good Templar Lodge, 8 p.m. ; Tuesday, O. E., junior 6,30, senior 8 p.m. Bromley Common Baptist Church-Upper Gravel Road. Pastor: Rev. Lewis Edward Bartlett, 20 Up. Gravel Rd. BromleyCommon. Times of Service: Sunday, II a.m. and 6.30 p.m. Sunday School, 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. ; Band of Hope and Children's :Meeting, alternate Thursdays, 7 p.m.; Dorcas Society (except in summer), alternate Tuesdays, 3 p.m. ; Mothers' Meeting (except in snmmer), Monday 2·30 p.m. ; Service, Tuesday, 7.30 p.m.; Lord's Supper first & third Sunday in every month. Hymns, Baptist Church Hymnal. Open Brethren, East Street Hall, 28, East Street. Times of Service: Sunday, II a.m. and 6.30 p.m. ; Sunday School, 2.45 p.m. Monday & Wednesday, 8 p.m. First Church of Christ Scientist. Bromley, Kent-Services, Town Hall, Market Square. Times of Service: Sunday, 11.30 a.m. & 7 p.m. ; Sunday School (at 16, Widmore Road). 11.30 a.m. Testimony Meeting, Wednesday, 8 p.m. The Reading Room, which is free to the public, and where all Christian Science Literature can be obtained, is open at 16, Widmore Road, daily, from 11 to 3 and 3 to 6 (except Saturday and Sunday) ; Tuesday evening, 8 to 10 p.m. and Wednesday, 3 to 7.45 p.m. Iron Room - Great Elms Road. Times of Service: Sunday, II a.m. and 6.30 p.m. ; Children's Service, 10 a.m ; Sunday School, 3 p.m. ; Men's Bible Class, 3.15 p.m. ; Btble Reading, Tuesday, 8 p.m.; Women's Meeting, Thursday, 3 p.m. ; Prayer Meeting, Saturday, 7.30 p.m. Brethren in Christ - Meeting Room, 16A, Freelands Grove. Times of Service : Sunday, 11 a.m. and 6.30 p.m.; Monday, Prayer Meeting, 8 p.m. Wednesday, Bible Reading, 3 p.m. The Brethren - Sherman Road. Times of Service: Sunday, 11 a.m. and 6.30 p.m. Scripture Reading, every Thursday e"ening at 8. Southborough Mission Room (in connection with the Bromley Common Baptist Church). Superintendent: Walter S. J. Bibby. Times of Service: Sunday, 6.30 p.m. Sunday School, 11 a.m. and 2.45 p.m.; Band of Hope, Mondays, 7 p.m.; Young People's Guild, Thursdays, 7 p.m. ; Service, Wednesday 7.30 p.m. ; Prayer Meeting, Saturday, 7.30 p.m.; Lord's Supper, last Sunday in the month. Strict Baptist Chapel - College Slip. Deacon: W. Wenborn. Times of Service: Sunday, 11 a.m. and 6.30 p.m. ; Bible Class, Sunday, 3.30 p.m.; Wednesday, 7 p.m.; Sunday School, 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. ; Superintendent, E. J. Taylor. Salvation Army Commanding Officer: Adjutant C. Busby. Times of Service: Sunday, 11 a.m., 3.15 and 7 p.m. Week-nights at 8 p.m. Holiness meetings every Sunday morning. Band of Love, Thursday at 6.30 p.m. Young People's Meeting, Thursday at 7.30 p.m. Salvation Army - Officers' Quarters, Elm cottage, 9 North street; Temple, for public meetings, Sherman road London City Mission, Bloomfield Road. Mission Room, Salisbury Road. St. Andrew's, Nichol Lane. Times of Services: Holy Communion, 1st Sunday in month, 7 a. m. ; Great :Festivals, 6, 7 and 9 ~t.m. Children's lesser Catechism, 3 p.m. Matins and Sermon, II a.m. Evensong and Sermon, 6.30 p.m. Churchings before any service. Mothers' Meeting each Monday at 2·3op.m. St. John's Parish Room. Freelands Grove. St. Luke's Mission Room, Elliott road - Secretary; E. Miller, 14 Jaffary road, Bromley; completed in 1901 at a cost of £1,55° ; seating accommodation for 200. St. Mark's Church Room. St. Mark's road, Masons Hill. St. Mary's Church Mission Room (in connection with St. Mary's, Shortlands), Ridley road Mission Service, Sunday at 7 p.m. CEMETERIES.
Bromley possesses four cemeteries, which are controlled by separa.te Burial Boards. The London Road Cemetery (Bromley Hill) was consecrated in September, 1877, by tho Bishop of Dover; but there is a portion set apart for Nonconformits. Plaistow also has a cemetery opened in 1892-situated in Burnt Ash Lane, and St. Luke's parish, Bromley Common, has a cemetery-opened in 1894- situated in Magpie Hall Lane. Interments in Bromley Cemetery. Consecrated Ground Charges: Board Interment Fee, 2S. 6d. Vicar, 38. 6d. Sexton for digging nine feet, l1S.; sufficient depth to contain three bodies. Unconsecrated Ground: Board Interment Fee, 2S. 6d.; Sexton's fee for digging nine feet, lIS ; sufficient depth to contain three bodies. Hours for Interments: From Two till Four p.m. - Week-days only. Special Fees for Interments at other hours: In Consecrated Ground, lOS. 6d.; Unconsecrated, lOS. 6d.Monumental Fees: Erecting Head and Foot Stone, with kerbs, in Consecrated Ground, not exceeding 4ft. 6in., £2 12S. 6d.; exceeding that height, £6 6s. Unconsecrated Ground, not exceeding 4ft. 6in., lOS. 6d.; exceeding that height, £3 3s. Grave Spaces in Consecrated and Unconsecrated Ground can be purchased by Parishioners at a cost of £2 2S. 6d. per space. RECREATION GROUNDS.
The freehold of Martin's Rill was purchased by the Local Board in 1879, ~nd is now held in perpetuity for the benefit of the town. It has been laid out as a recreation ground, and is under the charge of a superintendent. A piece of ground at the foot of the hill, called the Queen's Mead, was purchased by the Local Board for the use of the town in the year 1887, and on the 21st of June (Jubilee Day), in the presence of thousands of spectators, was declared by the Chairman of the Board to be dedicated to the public. An oak in commemoration of the Jubilee was planted by Mr. J. Batten, Chairman of the Local Board, in November, 1888. In connection with the same event, a drinking fountain was erected in a commanding position on Martin's Rill. Land of over 14 acres in extent was purchased by' the Town Council in 1904, and laid out as a recreation ground, and is now known as the Whitehall Recreation Ground. There is also a piece of ground, on the Bromley ComIDon, presented to the town by the late Mr. Whitehall.. of Lewisham. About 2 acres of freehold land was presented to the town as a pleasure ground by Coles Child, Esq., J.P., in the year 1897, in commemoration of Her late Majesty's Diamond Jubilee, which, having been ornamentally laid out, is known as the Queen's Gardens. One of the most beautiful spots of Bromley is that which has recently been laid out as a Recreation Ground, and is now known as the N eelgherries gardens, situated immediately at the rear of the new Library in the High street~ These gardens form a portion of a bequest to the Town by the late Mrs. Dowling, who resided in the house which occupied the site of the new Library. A Recreation Ground for the northern part of the Borough has recently been opened, containing about 9 acres and situate in Burnt Ash lane.BANKS.
The London City and Midland Bank Limited, High Street, Market square. Office hours: 9a.m. to 4p.m.; Saturday, 9 a.m. tal p.m. Manager: John Albert Evans, Bank House, High Street, Market Square. London County and Westminster Bank Limited, a branch of which was opened in 1865 in the Town Hall Chambers, removed to the more ample premises, No. 141, High Street, in 1887. Office hours: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.; Saturday, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Manager: Arthur Vivian Faull, 141, High Street. The Union of London & Smiths Bank Limited, 33 High st. Manager: Arthur Frederic Hobbins, 33 High Street. Lloyds Bank Limited, 33 Widmore road. Manager: R. Adams, 33 Widmore road. Martin's Bank, Limited, of 68, Lombard Street, branch establishment, 126, High Street. Office hours: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.; Saturday, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Manager: Theodore Murly Stan comb, 126, High Street, BromleyTELEPHONE.
Bromley is connected with London and other parts I.>y telephone, under the auspices of the Post Office, and it public call office has been opened at the exchange, Church Road, available for commu.nication by Trunk line with Provincial Towns and the Metropolitan area on payment of the usual tolls. There are also public call offices, which are open during the usual business hours, at J. M. Crouch, 41, Masons Hill; 93, High Street; 1, Aberdeen Buildings, High Street; Rogers & Son, 2, Masons Hill; 145 & 197, Widmore Road; 9, Sundridge Parade; 26, Plaistow Lane ; 31 & 79, Bromley Common; 18 & 54, East Street; Nye & Son, 21, Park Road; 39 & 85, London Road; 39, Freelands Road; 16, Chatterton Road; 82, College Road; Shortlands Post Office, 94, Beckenham Lane; Railway Stlition, Bromley South; Bickley Railway Station, Southborough Road, Bickley; 4, The Parade, Widmore Road; Bromley North Station; Post Office, East Street and Shortlands StationPUBLIC HALLS, & c.
The Town Hall, Market Square, belonging to the lord of the manor, is a large Gothic building, with a clock tower, erected on the sita of the old Markot Hall. The southern end is used as a Police Station. The hall is 60 feet long by 32 feet wide, and is open to the roof, which rises to a height of 40 feet from the floor. . The Drill Hall, a large building in East Street, was opened in May, 1872. The building comprises three halls-the third having been built on ground at the back of the other two in the summer of 1890-af the respective sizes of 100 feet long by 40 feet wide, 43 feet by 22 feet, and 50 feet by 34 feet. Here are the head quarters of the 5th Battalion "The Queen's Own" (Royal West Kent) Regiment. The large hall is licensed for dramatic performances, for which purpose, and for bazaars, exhibitions, concerts, & c., it, is admirably adapted. For eng'l.gement application should be made to Lieut. H. Cooke, Drill Hall, 27, East St. The Grand Hall (Electric Theatre), High Street; A. E. Corrick, manager; holding capacity about 800; principal hall, erected in 1889. The Bromley Gymnastic Hall (head quarters of the Bromley Gymnastic Club) is a new building lately erected by the Bromley Gymnastic Club to meet a want of space required for their classes.. It is centrally situated in College slip off High street, and consists of a large ball 70 feet by 30 feet, two dressing rooms, shower bath, lavatories & c., store or retiring rooms, and is suitable for private parties, classes, concerts, bazaars, committee meetings and religious services & c. For engagement, application should be made to the honaball manager of the Club, D. lVI.Phillips, 5 Aberdeen buildings, High Street, Bromley. The Masonic Hall. Masons Hill, the property formerly known as South Hill House (off Masons Hill, Bromley), has been acquired by the Bromley and West Kent Masonic Hall Co. Limited, for lVIasonic and other purposes. Tbe interior bas been re-modelled and the electric light installed throughout. The premises offer exceptional facilities for public or private gatherings, comprising, on ground floor, handsome banqueting hall or ball room (50ft. by 27ft.), having new parquet floor, retiring room, cloak room and lavatory: on first floor, large hall ( 38ft. by 27ft.), with well-appointed cloak rooms and lavatories. For engagement, apply to the Secretary, H. J. Titford, at the Company's Offices, White Hart Chambers, 137 & 138, High Street, Bromley. St. Mary's Church Hall, a large block of buildings, was erected in Farwig Lane in 1904, under the designation of St. Mary's Church Hall, andis used for Sunday Schools, Working Men's Club and general parish purposes. It can be hired for social functions & c. Application should be made to The Vicar, hon. sec. and Dr. Cogswell, hon. treasurer. Palais-de-Luxe, III High street. The Village Hall, by 68 Bromley common. White Hart Assembly Rooms, High street, by 139. BROMLEY BOROUGH COUNCIL FIRE BRIGADE STATION. 'The Fire Station is situated in South street. Officer in Charge: Charles DIxon . ACTING MAGISTRATES FOR THE BROMLEY DIVISION.
Avebury, Lord, Farnborough. Baker, A. J., Esq. St. Brannocks, 10 Southend Road, Beckenham. Berens, Richard B., Esq., St. Mary Cray. Cave, William John C., Beechfield, 146 Widmore Road, Bromley. Child, Coles, Esq., The Palace, Bromley (chairman). Chubb, Sir George Hayter, Bart., Chislehurst Davis, Thomas, Esq., Birkenfeld, 142 Widmore Road, Bromley. Dewey, Thomas C., Esq., South Hill Wood, Bromley. Elgood, Edgar John, Esq., B.C.L., M.A., Orange Court, Downe. Hambro, Sir E. A., K.C.V.O., Hayes Place, Beckenham. Hawes, A. Travers, Esq., Nizels, Chislehurst. Holt, Vesey George Mackenzie, Esq., Mount Mascal, Bexley. Hyslop, Robert Murray, Esq., Cedar Lawn, 64 Wickham Hd. Beckenham Laidlaw, Sir Robert, F.R.G.S., Warren House, Hayes. Lennard, Lieut. - Col. Sir Henry A. H. F., Bart., Wickham Ct. Beckenham. Lewis, G. E., Esq., PineRidge, Orpington Marsham-Townshend, Hugh Sydney, Esq. Capesthorne, Christchurch, Hants.' Norman, A. C., Esq., M.A., The Rookery, 90 Bromley Common. Powell, Robert Leonard, Heatherbank, Summerhill, Chislehurst. Smithers, Alfred W., Esq., Knockholt. Snelling, Hy.,Esq., Cray Lodge, Sidcup. Stevens, Richard, Esq., Maywood. Beckenham Place Park, Beckenham, Vansittart, Capt. Robert Arnold, 24, Cadogan Square, London. Waring, Arthur Thomas, Esq., Woodlands, Chelsfield. Wheeler-Bennett, John Wheeler, Esq. Havensbourne, Keston. Whyte, Rbt.,Esq., Oakwood, Chislehurst. Woodall, Sir Corbet, Knt., D.SC., Walden, Chislehurst.Ex-officio: W. Lindley-Jones, }'. [~,G.S., Esq., Mayor of Bromley. George Sutton, Esq., Beckenham, Chairman of the Beckenham Urban District Council. Alfred Dewey, Esq., Chairman of the Foots Cray Urban District Council. Tom :M:1Y, Esq., Chairman of the Chislehurst Urban District Council. Petty Sessions are held at the Court House, "Widmore Road, on Monday mornings, at 10.30. -*- BROMLEY AND COUNTY CLUB. The Bromley and County Club is a purely social and non-political Club. It has elegantly-furnished and commodious premises in tho High Streot, adjoining the Grand Hall, consisting of reading room, with a fine library, plentifully supplied with current periodical literature; billiard room, with two full-size tables; card room, dining room, together with all necessary offices and conveniences. The domestic arrangements are vwery perfect, the cuisine being carried out with gas and hot water apparatus. The premises are open to members between the hours of 10 a.m. and 12 p. m. The Club numbers abollt 200 members. Trustee: George Edward' Cotton, Stoberry Cottage, Martins Hill. Hon. Secretary and Treasurer: John Harrage Lepper. Committee: George E. COttOll (chairman), S. A. Smith, B. H. Latter, A. S. liedge, E. A. Burnie, Dr. C. W. Grant Wilson, G. W. Hoghtoll, Stuart Neame, L. W. ilri"towe, J. W. Marsden, E. Crabb and C. L. Urt'gl)ry. TERRITORIAL FORCE.
The early hi"tory of the Volunteer movement in Bromley goes back to the end of the eighteenth century, when, in accordance with the terms of the resolutions made and signed at the church, the fourth day of May, 179g," a Dumoer of local residents formed themselves into a company c,dlecl the Bromley Armed Association"; and later, on the 14th :May, a further number of members enrolled themselves, "in pursuance of Acts of Parliament recently passed, to enable His Majesty effectually to provide for the defence and security of his realm during tho present war." In the year 1859 a corps was established under the name of the 18th KentRifle Volunteers, and attached to the first Administrative Battalion, and when, several years later, the Volunteer forces were consolidated, the title was changed to the 3rd West Kent R. V. Subsequently, under the mobilization scheme, the Detachment became the E and F Companies of the 2nd V. B. The Queen's Own (Royal West Kent) Regiment. In 1908 the Volunteers were transferred to the Territorial Force, the old title being altered to the 5th Battalion The Queen's Own (Royal West Kent) Regiment. The headquarters of the Battalion are at the Drill Hall, 27, East Street, Bromley. There isa capital recreation room at the rear of the Drill Hall connect Ex-officio: W. Lindley-Jones, }'. [~,G.S., Esq., Mayor of Bromley. George Sutton, Esq., Beckenham, Chairman of the Beckenham Urban District Council. Alfred Dewey, Esq., Chairman of the Foots Cray Urban District Council. Tom :M:1Y, Esq., Chairman of the Chislehurst Urban District Council. Petty Sessions are held at the Court House, "Widmore Road, on Monday mornings, at 10.30. BROMLEY AND COUNTY CLUB.
The Bromley and County Club is a purely social and non-political Club. It has elegantly-furnished and commodious premises in tho High Streot, adjoining the Grand Hall, consisting of reading room, with a fine library, plentifully supplied with current periodical litterature; billiard room, with two full-size tables; card room, dining room, together with all necessary offices and conveniences. The domestic arrangements are very perfect, the cuisine being carried out with gas and hot water apparatus. The premises are open to members between the hours of 10 a.m. and 12 p.m. The Club numbers about 200 members. Trustee: George Edward Cotton, Stoberry Cottage, Martins Hill. Hon. Secretary and Treasurer: John Harrage Lepper. Committee: George E. COttOll (chairman), S. A. Smith, B. H. Latter, A. S. liedge, E. A. Burnie, Dr. C. W. Grant Wilson, G. W. Hoghtoll, Stuart Neame, L. W. ilri"towe, J. W. Marsden, E. Crabb and C. L. Urt'gl)ry.TERRITORIAL FORCE.
The early history of the Volunteer movement in Bromley goes back to the end of t.he eighteenth century, when, "in accordance with the terms of the resolutions made and signed at the church, the fourth day of May, 179g," a Dumoer of local residents formed themselves into a company c,dlecl the" Bromley Armed Association"; and later, on the 14th :May, a further number of members enrolled themselves, "in pursuance of Acts of Parliament recently passed, to enable His :Majesty effectually to provide for the defence and security of his realm during tho present war." In the year 1859 a corps was established under the name of the 18th Kented with the Corps, where the two original lists of Bromley's early Volunteers may be seen decorating the walls. Previous commanders of the present Detachment have been Major C. Satterthwaite, Colonel R. Sneade Brown, Colonel E. Satterthwaite, Colonel E. Latter and Colonel A. i::l.Daniell, V.D. The Corps possesses a fine band. The rifle ranges are situate at Milton, near Gravesend, and Shoreham. There is a miniature rifle range in the Drill Hall. Oflloers: Lieut.-Col. F. A. Frazel', commanding; Capt. W. E. I. Butler Rowdon, adjutant; Lieut. H. Cooke, quartermaster; Major C. Douglas Clark, commanding A Company; :md. Lieut. G. C. B. Jenyns, A Company; Capt. It E. Satterthwaite, commanding II Company; Lieuts. J. G. Lepper & J. II. Hay, H Company Sergt.-Major: W. J. Osborne. Sergt. Instructor: A. Reynolds, Drill Hall, 27 East street. The (I A" Squadron of the West Kent .. Queen's Own" Yeomanry numbers 126 all rank:;. Drills take place at Bromley, Catford and Woolwich. Officers: Major Sir S. E. Scott, Hart" M. P.; Lieuts. O. Martin Smith, Han. C. T. :'Ilills, M.P., C. E. Ponsonby and C. \Y. Norman. Squadron Sergt. - Major: W. E. JEll, 80 Habbacombe road, Bromley.RELIEF SOCIETIES.
The Bromley Philanthropic Society was established in January, 1841, for the purpose of giving temporary relief to the necessitous poor residents in the parish. The members meet at the Duke's Head,Market Square, every Wednesday evening during the months of January, February and March. Subscribers of 58. and upwards are entitled to recommend a case for relief. A legacy of £400 was left to the Society by Mr. John Lascoe, and invested, in I8~5, in the names of three trustees. Trustees: H. Hettysman, 24 Ravensbourne road and A. R. Harlow, 9 Station road. Treasurer: Arthur Vh'ian Faull, London County and WestminsteL' Bank Limited, High street. Secretary: F. Essex Webb, 2, Palace grove, Bromley. The Bromley Charitable Society was founded in 1885,with the object of uniting the various existing agencies engaged in the relief of the poor in the district. The relieving work is carried out by branch committees administering in the following seven districts: Martins Hill Ward, Plaistow Ward, Sundridge Ward, Town Ward, Bromley Common Ward (Southlands Section), Bromley Common Ward (Homesdale Section) and Bickley Ward. President: T. C. Dewey, Esq., J.P., South Hill Wood, Bromley. Vice-President: His Worship the Mayor. Treasurer: Councillor Jn. Williams, Brockhampton, 24 Bromley Cummon. Hon. Secretaries: Alban Chavasse, 17 Sandford road, Bromley and Frederick S. Edwards, Lynsted, 27 Elmfield road, Bromley. Distriot Committees Martins Hill Ward, Coles Child, D.L., J.P., Bromley Palace, Widmore road, chairman; E. Porter, 26, Ravensbourne rd. Bromley, secretary. Plaistow Ward, James Simpson Webb, 6 Burnt Ash lane, chairman; Alfred Edwin Garrard, Ridgelands, 4 Blyth road, secretary. Sundridge Ward, John North, 97 Widmore road, Bromley, chairman. Town Ward, Alban Chavasse, 17 Sandford road, chairman; Frederick S. Edwards, Lynsted, 27 Elmfield road, secretary. Bromley Common Ward (Southlands Section), Councillor John Williams, Brockhamptoll, 24 Bromley common, chairman; Alfred Sparkes, Bowmanville. 51 Bromley common, secretary. Bromley Common Ward (Homesdale Section), Bertram Imrie Hellier, Lomond, 66 Westmoreland road, chairman John Bates Dalton, 28 Bromley common, secretary. Bickley Ward, Rev. William Alexander Carroll, liI.A., The Vicarage, Bickley, chairman. HOSPITALS.
COTTAGE HOSPITAL -- Cromwell Avenue, Masons Hill.
This Hospital was established ib IS69 in two cottages, but in 1875 it was found necessary to erect a new building in their place, and in 1886 this accommodation not being sufficient for the requirements of the neighbourhood, the building was considerably enlarged. In 1896 still further accommodation was required, and a new wing was built in the garden of the hospital. A further addition to the building was made in 1901. During 1910 extensive alterations took place, two new wards having been added and other important improvements made, involving an expenditure of over £10,000. 'The hospital, which has now 42 beds, is supported by voluntary contrihlltions, and is open for inspection between 2 and 4 p.m. Medical Officers: HCI'1JCl·t Jame~ I1ott, M.D., C.:I£., lILR.C.S., Charles Westbrooke Grant-Wilson, M.D., :If,R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Cecil Ernest :Millingtoll Lewi~, 1\[,,\., :'LD., Il.c.camb., lI£.n.c.S. ~:n.!.,L. n.c. p.Lond., ~idney R. H. Mathewl:i, L.R.C.I'., ::Ir.R.C.S., jl'thur F. n. Code!, lIf,H., F.Re s., Alh'ed Eo PI'ice, 11[,0., MS., J. H. Volland, :II.R.C.S., L.S.A. Dental Surgeon: G. Ru~sel1 Edey, L.D.S.Eng. HOll. Consulting Physicn : Howard Hy. Tooth, :II.D., ~'.n.L'.p.,0.11£.0. Hon. Consu.lting Obstetric Physician: John Phi1lip.~, ~l.D., F.R.C.T'. Hon. Consulting Dental Surgeon: Ueorge Edey. Hon. Consulting Surgeons: D'Arcy Power, F.R.C.S.; Hlll,:'h ,James Moor,l Pl:tyfail', M.D.Lond., ~,LB., i\[,U.c.p.Lom!., F.II.C.S.Ellg., Frcdcrie Fruncis Burgharc!, ilLD., :lLS.LOIHl., F.R.C.S.EIlg'. Hon. Consulting Ophthalmic Surgeon: Herbert Willoughby Lyle, 1II.D., n.s.1 om!., F.ILc.I'.Eng., F.Z.S. lion. 'ITcasurer: T. U. Dewey, J.P., South Hill Wooel, Bromley, Kent. Hon. Secretary: J. Y. Hay, Warley, 133 Widmorc road, Bromley, Kent. Hon. Assistant Secretary: G. T. P. M. Ladyman, Holmdene, Hawes road, Bromley, Kent. Matron: MISS A. Carter.THE LADY MARGARET HOSPITAL.
The Hospital Was founded in 1903 for the purpose of demonstratmg I. The value of ail' and sunlight in the treatment of disease. 2. The value of a fruitalian dietary in the treatment of disease.3. The feasibility of having the out-patient department of a hospital in London. and the in-patient depart merit in the country. The Hospital has 40 beds and cots, and takes in patients from all parts of the country. No infectious or consumptive cases are admitted. The practice of the Hospital is open to all registered medical practitioners, and any doctor in Bromley or the neighbourhood has full freedom to use the Hospital beds for his patients and to attend them there himself. :Four beds have been named by Lady Lyveden, one by Mrs. Ward, one by Sir 'William Earnshaw Cooper, two cots by Lord Llangattock, one cot by Miss Jennings, one by Mr. Sidney Beard, one by Miss Ellis and one by Mrs. Walter Carey. During the last year 164 patients were admitted, and 54 operations performed. Services are held in the chapel every Sunday at 7 p.m. A fund is in existence for building a Children's Ward. The income for 1912 was over £600, and the expenditure was a few pounds less. Subscribers of one guinea !.Jecomeannual governors, and subscribers of ten guineas become life governors. The Hospital is a training school for nurses, and certificates are granten after 4 years' training. There is a Sftmaritan Guild, of which Mrs. Carey is president, for providing gcl.rments for poor patients. The Convalescent Home is on the Margaret Manor, Sittingbourne. Vice-Presidents: Lady Margaret Campbell; the Countess of Derby; the Countess of Kinnoull ; Lady Victoria Dawnay; Lady Louisa Feilding ; Lady Grove: Lady Evelyn Riddell; Lady Muriel Watkins and Viscountess Vallet art. Council: Dr. Josiah Oldfield, M.A. ; Sidney Beard; Rev. A. M. Mitchell; Charles F. Nye; Ernest Clifford; Miss Sharpe; Capt. & Mrs. Walter Carey; Sir William Earnshaw Cooper; Miss Wilkins; Miss Sturgeon; Mrs. Aldridge; Mrs.Barton; Miss E. J. Hammond and L. N. Thierry. Hon. Standing Council: T. Baty, D.C.L., barrister-at-Iaw. Medical Staff: Drs. Josiah Oldfield, M.A. ; W. A. Potts; R. Hughes; T. G. Vaudrey; D. J. A. Chowry-:Muthu; J. Read-Pooler. Warden: Dr. Josiah Oldfield. Hon. Solicitor: Ronald :McDonald, esq. Han. Architect: J. Gordon Allen, esq. Hon. Secretary: The Han. Florence Colborne. Matron : Miss M. E. Barns. Bankers : London City and Midland Bank, Bromley. HOMEOPATH HOSPITAL AND DISPENSARY
(Phillips Memorial)- (Formerly at .Junction of Park and Widmore Hoads), Lownd·/ A~p,nlle. Market Square. Founded 1889. This Hospital WaS opened to provide Homreopat.hic treatment for the poor of Bromley and district; assistance being provided in three ways: (I) in the wa.rds of the hospital; (2) by visits at the homes of the patients wit hin a mile of the hospital; and (3) by treatment as out-patients in the dispensary department. The new building was opened in .Tuno, 1900, and enlarged in 1907. Honorary Medical Officers: fl. Wynne Thomas, M.R.C.S. and H. R. Ramsbotham 1tLB., B.S. Honorary Dental Surgeon: Albt. Wm. Henly, M.R.C.S.,L.n.S. R.C.s.Eng. Matron: Miss Hyde. Hon. Secretary : O. E. Hill, Home view, 28 Babbacombe road. Hon. Treasurer : Thomas Bennett.BROMLEY AND BECKENHAM INFECTIOUS HOSPITAL
(Bromley and Beckenham Joint Hospital Board), Skym Corner, Lower Gravel road, Bromley Common. Medical Superintendent: Philip Nicholas Randall, III.B vmd. Matron: Miss F. K. Whitmarsh. Sanatorium (Bromley and Beckenham Joint Hospital Board), Lower Gravel road, Bromley Common; Philip Nicholas Randall, M.B.LOnd., medical superintendent; Miss D. Boyle, matron.KENT COUNTY COUNCIL TUBERCULOSIS DISPENSARY,
2, Park road. Tuberculosis Medical Officer: William Charles Dillon Bills, III.R.C.S. Eng., L.R.C.P.Loud., D.P.H.CONVALESCENT HOME.
St. Mary's Convalescent Home, Queen's Mead road. Matron: Miss flamuels.ST. JOHN AMiniLANCE BRIGADE.
The Bromley Division of the St. John Ambulance Brigade (Metropolitan Corps) has its head quarters at the St. Luke's Institute, Raglan Hoad, Bromley Common. The Brigade possesses a complete equipment of ambulance appliances, the whole of which are placed at the disposal of the police. The members meet weekly for Ambulance and first aid drill, and field posts are appointed for duty on publio occasion when required. The
(Founded by DR. STEPHENSON), NATtO-NIL CHILDREN'S (ESTABLIHED) HOME &, ORPHANAGE Chief Offices: 104-122, CITY ROAD, LONDON, E.C. Principal: Rev. W. HODSON SMITH. Assist. Principal: Rev. S: C. MYERS. Treasurersd. R. BARLOW, Esq., J,P. Alderman Sir C. WAKEFIELD, D.L., J,P. Secretary: Mr. C. N. BARNS. The National Children's Home has IS Branches in London, the Provinces, Isle of Man and Canada. More than 2,200 are nON resident. An excellent educational and industrb.l training is given. Children of all creeds and no creed eligible. A Sanatorium for Children threatened with Consumption has recently been opened at Harpenden. . REMITfANCES and alI- COMMUNICATIONS should be addressed to REV. W,HODSON SMITH National Children's Home, 104.122. City Road, London
. , . An Appeal ~cir . . . BRITISH SAILOR BOYS The" ARETHUSA" and" CHICHESTER" TRAINING SHIPS Prepare British Boys r0,. the Royal Navy "and Me,.cantile Marine. Over 150 Boys each year enter Royal Navy. 6000 have entered Merchant Service. 1200 Children now being maintained. SUPPORTED BY VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTIONS. 20,000 BOYS and GIRLS have been rescued and trained. Donations earn~stlv So1i(it~d. Patrons-THEIR MAJESTIES THE KING AND QUEEN. President-THE EARL OF JERSEY, G.C.B, Treasurer....:.W. E. HUBBARD, Esq., 17, St. Helen's Place, E.O. FomWED 1843. The NAT!ONAL REFUGES for HOMELESS and DESTITUTE CtlILDREN, (INCORPORATED 1904,) London Office-164, SHAFTESBURY AVENUE, w.e. Joint Secretaries-H. BlUSTOW WALLEN & HENItY G. COPELAND, NATIONAL TRUSS SOCIETY (Established in 1786 for the gratuitous Relief of the Ruptured Poor of both Sexes throughout the Kingdom), 2, Arthur Street, LONDON BRIDGE, E.C. Patron-HIS GRACE THE ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY . .Hon. Treasurer-NORBURY POTT, ESQ., Ewell, Surrey. Blinkers-1t'hssR8. BARCLAY & CO., LmITED, Lombard Street, E.C. Honorary SurgeonLOUIS ALBERT DUN~, ESQ., M.S., F.R.C.S., Guys Hospital, Southwark. THIS SOCIETY (the oldest'of its kind) supplies gratuitously Trusses, Abdominal Belts, Elastic Stockings, Bandages, anrI other Surgical Appliances. A SUBSCRIBER'S LETTER procures for the patient, advice and an instrument gr'l.tis. LIFE DONORS of Ten Guineas, or Annual Subscribers of One Guinea, are llutitled to relicT. Four Cases. yearly. Half tbe~e amounts Two Cases yearly. AN AVERAGE of 3,200 Cases annually relieved. FULL REPORT on application. SUBSCRIPTIONS and DO~ATIONS are earnestly solicited. Rnd will be gratefully reoelvec! b1 tho Banker., the Honorary Treasurer, or at 2, Arthur Street, London Bridge, E.O., by E. CRANE, ,Secretary.
Westminster Hospital, Instituted 1719. Opposite WESTMINSTER ABBEY. The Oldest Hospital in London supported by Voluntary Contributions. During the past year a large number of Patients have been admitted to the Hospital From all parts of London an the suburbs. £211000 a year Is required For the efficient maintenance of the Hospital. Additional Support is most urgently needed. Chairman-Sir ;T. WOLFE BARRY, Treasurers f H. H. P. BOUVERIE, Esq., and K.C.B., F.R S. t JAMES RORA, Esq. SIDNEY M. QUENNEL!., Secretary. ROYAL NATIONAL MISSION TO DEEP SEA FISHERMEN. ~atrOllS : HIS MAJESTY THE KING. HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN. HER MAJESTY QUEEN ALE!ANDRA. The Treasurer and Councif make an earnest appeal fol' help to maintain its Hospital and Mission Ship_s at sea, and its Homes and Institutes whiCh minister to fishermen aIoound the whole of the British Isles; als:6, the extensive work carried on in the Colony of Newfoundland undel' II Grenfell of L~bI'ador." FRANCIS H. WOOD1 Secretary. lSI, Queen Victoria Street, E.C
CHILDRENS AID SOCIETY In connection with the Reformatory and Refuge Union Incorporated. ( ESTABLISHED 1856.) Patron-HIS MAJESTYTHE KING. 33,118 Children have been Rescued from Destitution or Evil Surroundings or otherwise helped. "f~" THE RESCUE OFFICERS DEAL WITH MORE THAN THREE THOUSAND POOR' CHILDREN ANNUALLY.· The Society has an EMIGRATION RECEIVING HOUSE AT WINNIPEG. FUNDS ARE URGENTLY NEEDED. Bankers i Messrs. BARCLAY &: CO., Ltd., 95 Victoria. Street, S.W.' ,Office: Victoria House, 117, Victol'ia street, S.W . ARTHUR J. S. MADDISON, Secretary
JUBILEE YEAR. ANDREW'S WATERSIDE CHURCH MISSION. ST. Remember the perils of 'a Sailor's life by helping this officially recognised Church of England Society in its work amongst Sailors and Fishermen at Home, Colonial and Foreign Ports. There is no class more deserving of our help and sympathy than Sailors. Gifts or money, books, magazines, illustrated papers warm clothing, which will be thankfully .acknowledged. "Bankers: London County and Westminster', Lomb.rd Sireet, E.C. Secretaries: Rev. A. H. HAIGH. P. J. GEDYE. 65, Fenohurch Street; London, E.C. WOMAN'S MISSION TO WOMEN. President :2 ::= THE MARQUIS OF AILSA. The Christian Missionaries of the FEMALE MISSION TO THE FALLEN, and FEMALE .AID SOCIETY, go -into the streets at night, and in the daytime visit the Workhouses, Hospitals, Lodging Houses, Po:ice Courts, and other places. No penitent woman is refused help. Upwards, of 33,000 have received a fresh start in life. FUNDS ARE VERY URGENTLY NEEDED. Contributions may be sent to the Union of London and Smiths Bank Limited, 117,' Victoria Street, S.W., or to OFFICES: VICTORIA' HOUSE, ARTHUR J. S. MADDISON, 117, VICTORIA STREET, S. W. Secretary
4, 5 & 6, REGENT SQUARE, GRAY'S INN ROAD, LONDON, w.e . . ESTABLISHED 1860. Special efforts are made on behalf of poor betrayed young women, who have taken ONE FALSE STEP. They are admitted into the Homes and receive MEDICAL MATERNITY ATTENDANCE and NURSING, They are also TRAINED in HOUSEHOLD and DOMESTIC DUTIES, and, after a nurse-mother has been found for the infant, the mother is put in the way of EARNING A RESPECTABLE LIVING for HERSELF AND THE CHILD, Every endeavour is used to trace the father and make him jointly responsible with the mother for the maintenance of the infants born to them. A ~OLID, PRACTICAL, and PERMANENT kind of RESCUE WORK. There is also a PREVENTIVE HOME. ,'(here important work is done in RESCUING YOUNG GIRLS from the ;,nares of sin and immorality. Contributions may be sent to the Secretary at abo"e a ldres~e~. or to the Treasurer, RLFRED H~RRE. Esq.. 37. Fleet Street, E.e. Royal British Orphan Schools, SLOUGH. (Formerly known as the BritIsh Orphan Asylum) Patrons: His Majesty The King, Her Majesty The Queen, Her Majesty Queen Alexandra. President: H.R.H. The Duke "of Connaught, K.a. INSTITUTED 1827, for the Maintenance and Education of Fatherless Children from all parts of the"British Empire, of all denominatiom, who:-eparents were once in prosperous circull5tances. Boys and Girl~ are admitted by Election, Presentation, and in some cases by Purchase, between the ages of 7 and 12, and are retained until 15. Forms of Application and all particulars may be obtained from the Secretary. The Committee earnestly appeal for New A.nnual. Subscriptions and Donations, which are much needed, this National Institution being unendowed. . Annual Sub",criptions :-For One Vote. lOs. 6ri. j for Two Vote~, £1 11. Life Subscription: - .For One Vote, £5 5s.; for Two Votes, £10 lOs. Life Presentation, £350. Banken-Messrs. WILLIAMS DEACON'S BANK, Limited, 20, Birchin L', E.C .. JOHN F. W. DEACONt Tresurer. CHARLES T. HOSKINS, Secretary OtDoes; 27, Clements Lane, E,C,
CITY OF LONDON TRUSS SOCIETY For the Relief of the RUPTURED POOR thr9ughout. the Kingdom. IXSTfTDTED 1807. 35, FINSBU,RY SQUARE, LONDON, E.-C. t)atl'oll: HIS MAJESTY THE' KING. The .number of patients relieved by this Societ,y since it was instituted, to December 31, 1912, is""658,391. The Anr,ual At'errtQe number during the last 10 years is over 8,200. The patients are of both sexes,and from all parts of the kingdom. The youngest patient relieved was an infant of seven days 011; the oldest, B woman of 107 years. ADOITlONAL FUNDS ARE URGENTLY NEEDED to ·enahle the Committee to carryon the beneficent work of the Charity, -which necessitates an el:penditure far in excess of its income. Annual subseribfTs of one gu-inefl or more are entitled to recommend four patients within the year for every guinea so subscribed. Every pll.tient attending at" the IlJstitution is treated by the Surgeons of the Society, by W?Olll the "Truss il1 ajJpJied. ONE LETTER OF RECOMMENDATION ONLY is required, however expenbi re the necessury inpnuuent may be. W. K. TAUNTON, Secretary. INFANT ORPHAN ASYLUM, 1M'ANSTE·AD, ESSEX. Offices-63, Ludgate Hill, E.C. Patron-HIS MAJESTY THE KING. pankei's- WILLIAMS, DEACON'::) llA;i'iI\, LTD. This Institution maint"ins M11 edue:ites the Orphans of persons once in prosperity, from their Earliest Infaney uutll Fifteen Years of age. It has received 5,00;JFatherless Children already. Forty-two were admitted last year. A.bout 400 are in the Asylum now . . Elections will be held in :May and November this ;rear. Forty Children .will be elected. Forros of ~omination can be obtained at the Olfice. Nearly the whole of the Y~rly Income arises from Voluntary Contributio~s. l.i'Ul\·DS riLlE URGE;}TLl" ltEEDBD. J.ife Subscription for One Vote . Life Subscription for Two Votes . Anuual Subscription for One Vote Ammal SubscIiption for Two Votes £,.) /) 0 10 10 0 o 10 6 1 1 0 CmUIR. If. C. MARTIN, R.N., Secretary and Superintenaent.
his Is the Work Accomplished by tbis Society, which greatly needs your support . A Year's Record. Cautions for Minor Acts of Cuelty. ANNUITIES OF £21 ~or distressed Members of the upper and middle classes of Society are granted by The National Benevolent Institution, FOUNDED BY THE LATE PETER HERVE. Established 1812. Incorporated by Royal Charter. 'tllnber the protection anb 1Patl'onage of HIS MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY KING GEORGE V. President-THE RIGHT HONOURABLE THE EARL OF HALSBURY .. Treasurer - ROBERT W. DIBDIN, Esq. Pensioners elected half-yearly in May and November, 3415 persons already benefitted. Upwards of 650 Pensioners at present on the books. ADDITIONAL SUPPORT URGENTLY NEEDED. LIFE DONATIONS-£5, Two Votes; £10, Four Votes; and so on in proportion. A1mUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS-58., One Vote j 108., Two Votes; and so on in proportioJ!\" LEGAOIES ARE ALSO' EARNESTLY SOLICITED. Full information to be obtained at the Office, 65, Southampton Row, London, W.C.. HENRY O. LATREILLE, Secretary
BATTERSEA PARK ROAD, LONDON, S.W., and HACKBRIDCE, SURREY. PATRON: HIS MOST GRACIOU" MAJESTY THE KING. President: HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF PORTLAND, K.G. To clear the London Streets of Lost and Starving Dogs, and to provide them with Food and Shelter. To Restore Lost Dogs to their owners, and when Dogs are unclaimed, to find suitable homes for them at nominal prices. To destroy dangerous and worthless Dogs by a Painless and Humane Method in the Leathal Chamber. Over 1,000,000 Dogs have been received ana provided for since 1860. Out-pataint. Department (Dogs and Cats only) at Battersea, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 2.30 p.m. By Letter only. AT HACKBRIDCE, DOCS CAN BE RECEIVED AS BOARDERS OR FOR QUARANTINE UNDER THE BOARD OF AGRICULTURE 'RECULATIONS. SUBSCRIPTIONS and DONATIONS thankfully received by GUY H. GUILLUM SCOTT, Secretary. Some of the operations of the FIELD LANE INSTITUTION' Free Refuges, Ragged Schools, reche. LAST YEAR 55 Tons of Coal given away. 813 Homeless .Poor given a' good Christmas Dinner. 613 Men and Women were sheltered in the Refuges, many of whom were assisted to employment. 3,1132 atte~dances at the Creche. 13,299 attendances weekly .at the Mission Services. 30,410 distributions of Bread and Broken Food. Besides many other form:;; of relief. 15,635 Bread, Tea and Cocoa Meals given to Homeless. 193 Persons placed in or assisted to employment. Contributrons may be sent to the Hon. Treasurer, F. A. -BEVAN, ESQ., 5~, Lombard Btreet, E.C., or to the Secretary, H. BRADBERY PARKER, Vine Street, Clarkenwell Road, E.C.
The. National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children
Seeks to secure to every neglected child in England; Wales and Ireland, proper treatment, proper food, proper clothing in its own home by its own parents. FUNDS URGENTLY NEEDED. The Address of the LOCAL OFFICE will be found in the division, "Churches, Chapels, Institutions," etc. -CENTRAL OFFICE- DIRECTOR LEICESTER SQUARE, w.e. ROBERT ]. PARR. :GOYERNESSES' BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION. Founded in 1843. Incorporated by Royal Charter, -1848. Under the Patronage of the Royal Family. President-Earl of Aberdeen. lIon. Treasurer-LewIs Wfgram HOME & FREE RECISTRATION OFFICE, 47, Harley St., W.'(Telepllone 3828 Mayfair.) FURNEAUX HOLIDAY HOUSE, Fairmount, ShanklIn. HOME FOR ACED COVERNESSES, Chislehurst. The work of the Institutioll is most comprehensive in character. It assists Governesses by invpsting their savings in Annuities, ana helps them in their annual payments; it provides them with a temporary home at a sIllall cost and a Registration Office through which thcy can obtain .ergagements entirely free of expense, not only as is customary to those seeking Governesses but also to the Governesses themselves; also a Seasille Holiday Honse; and it makes them g;ants when in difficulties. It secures them a settled Income in the form of free Annuities and a Home for their declining years. Further, it offers a means whereby, through the payment of an Annual Subscription, they can claim the special consideration of the Society should necessity in ll\ter years compel them to seek its assista11ce. ~,OOO Covernes~es were assisted by the institution last year. 8"lbscriptions and Donations, which are most urgently needed, will be thankfully received by PARR'S BANK, LTD. (Sir S. Scott & CO.'s branch), 1, Oavendish Square, W., orby Mead Office - Walter House, 418-4~2, STRAND, w.c. A. WESLEY DENNIS, (Tel. 1549 REGENT.) Secretary.
Chairman: SIR ALFRED REYNOLDS. Assists poor Women on their discharge from Holloway Prison. About 10,000 women leave the prison annually; a large percentage need the assistance of the Society A House of Help is provided neal' the Prison for those needing temporary shelter. FUNDS ARE URGENTLY NEEDED. Report containing interesting details of the work will be forwarded on application to AIUHUR J. S. MADDISON, Victoria House, 117, Victoria Street, S.W. Bankers-LONDON & SOUTH WESTERN BANK, 403, Holloway Road, N. Kensington and Fulbam General Hospital, Earl's Court, S.W. The President; LORD 'CLAUD HAMILTON, M.P., earnestly appeals for Subscriptions and Donations for this poor Institution. No less than 144,000 cases treated during past five years. 91%women and children. Funds urgently needed. ' -Bankers: Messrs. DRUMMOND. LOUIS McCAUSLAND. Secretary.
The Cancer Hospital (FREE),
FULHAM ROAD, LONDON, -S.W. T~wonly Special Hospital in London for the treatment of Cancer, T umorus and allied diseases. All applicants seen each week day at 2 p.m., and in addition at 5.30 p.m. each Monday. No II Letters II necessary. A number of beds are reserved for life cases. F arm of Bequest of _a Legacy. To those benevolent persons who kindly desire to become Benefactors by ·Will of this Institution, the following Form of Legacy is respectfully recommended: II 1 give and bequeatll unto the Treasurer for the time being and THE CANCER HOSPITAL (FREE), situate in the Fulham Road, Brompton, London, lVliddlesex, the sum o/.............................. Free of Legacy Duty}, to i-eapplied towards carrying on the charitable designs -of the said institution." NEW Subscriptions and Donations urgently needed· for the General Expenses, the R.esearchDepartment and the Radium and Electrical Departments. FREDICK. HOWELL, .Bankers- Secretary. Messrs. COUTTS & CO., 440, Strand, W.C.
KINO WILLIAM STREET, WEST STRAND, W.C. . FOUNDED 1816. patron: HIS MAJESTY THE KING. ~res{bent: H.R.H. THE DUKE OF CONNAUGHY. :d:.\i. tbah'man: THE' EARL OF ARRAN. X.Po The Hospital has recently.been modernised and enlarged at a cost of over £7,000. Funds are urgently needed to meet the increased expenditure. Over 15,000 patient~; representing upwards of 40,000 attendances, are treated annually, and the 40 free Beds are constantly occupied. Subscriptions and Donations will be gratefully acknowledged by JOHN Hy. JOHNSON, Secretary. NoSo-LEGACIES ARE ALSO ESPECIALLY SOLICITED. QueenCharlotte's Lying-In Hospital, MARYLEBONE ROAD, LONDON, N.W. FOUNDED 1152. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER 1885. Patrons: HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN. HER MAJESTY QUEEN ALEXANDRA. President: THE VISCOUNT PORTMAS. Tnasurer: ALFRED C. DE ROTH,;OHILD, Esq., O.V.O, Chairman and Commitlu: SIR SAMUEL SCOTT, Bart" M.P. OBJECTS OF THE CHARITY. J. Tbe admission of Poor Married Worrien for their Confinement; and also of De.ervlng . Unmarried Women with their first child. Z. The provisio.n of skilled Midwives to attend Poor "tarried Women In their Coalla.mellt. at their owa homes.' 3. The training of Medical Pupils, Midwives for the Poor, and .\fonthly Nurses. Last year 1,880 patients were receiveu into the Ho,pital, and 2,361 were attended and nursed at their own homes. ANNUAL EXPENDITURE OF THE CHARITY, £7,500. REIABLE INCOME, £1,000 ONLY. £10,000 'urgently needed for New Out Patient Department and other Improvements. Contributions will be gratefully received by the Bankers, Messrs. COCKS,BmDULPH' & Co. '3, Charing Cross, S.W.; or by . . ARTHUR WATTS, &~tlary.
ESTABLIRHED 1863. 262, UXBRIDCE ROAD, W. 49, LEICESTER SQUARE, w.e . PATRON. H.R.H. PRINCE CHRISTIAN, K.a. PRESIDENT. I VICE. PRESIDENTS. THB EARL OF CHBSTERFIELD, THE EARL OF DBRBY. O.C.V.O. SIR PHILIP SASSOON, Bt., M.P. TREASURER.-aUY PYM, Esq., J.P., D.L., 35, Cranley Ciardens,' S.W. ST. JOHN'S HOSPITAL was founded 50 years ago and is the only Skin Hospital in London with Beds for Men, Women and Children. Persons suffering from Diseases oC the Skin can be seen at Leicester Square every week day at 2, and ever, evening (except Saturday) at 6. FUNDS URGENTLY NEEDED. ONE GUINEA annually constitutes GOl'ernorship ",ith a right to recommend :3 Out-Patients every year. TeN GUINEAS cons~jtutcs Life Governorship. Telepbone No. 5580 GEltHAHn. CED. A. ARNAUDIN, Seoretary, ST. LUKE'S HOSPITAL For MENTAL DISEASES (200 Beds). OLD STREET, LONDON, E.C. Ttlepll(mt- (ESTA.BUSUED 1751). Telegraphic .Jddl't4l1i60S OENTRAL. "ENVOY, FINSQUARE, LONDON." Admission gratuitous; or, by contribution to maintenance, from 21/- to 42/- per week. TRAINED NURSES can be Immediatcly obtained for Mental and Nervou. Cases on npplicat'oll to the :Matron. OONVALESOENT HOMES. NETHER COURT, Ramllgate. standing in its own secluded grounds of 12 acrel, within a few minutes of the sea. Telep.-44 RAMSGATB. I' WeLDe~S," near Oerrards Cross, Bucks, within 18 miles of London, situate in a park \.It 100 .aCl'ee, on high ground, with beautiful garden and beech woods. Telep.-47 GERRABDS CHOU. Voluntary Boarders urc received without Certificates. Full particulars on application to the Secretary at the Hospital. Donation. Earnestly Requested.
Westminster Bridge' Road, LONDO~~, S.E., Serves a very.large POOR· POPULATIONnn the '.f'''' South of the Thames. There are 602 Beds free to the ABSOLUTELY POOR. Admission depends upon the Euitability of the cases applying and the number .of empty beds at' the disposal of the Authorities. OUT-PATIENTS. Letters of Recommendation are not dis· tributed to Subscribers: all persons needing Hospital treatment apply at 12 o'clock each day, and suitable cases are referred to·the Out-Patient Depaf'tments (General and Special), and placed under the care of the members of the Staff .. At least £10,000 per Annum is required from Voluntary Contributions. Contributians to be' sent ta the Treasurer, J. G. WAINWRIGHT, Esq., at the Haspital; or ta G. Q. ROBERTS, Secretary. . ST. THOMAS'S HOME FOR' PAYING PATIENTS. The Resident Medical Officer can be seen daily at 12' noon. For the regulations and terms under which patients can be received into the SPECIAL PAYING DEPARTMENT, ST. THOMAS'S HOME, see the .Prospectus; which may be had on application to the Steward at the Hospital. Telephone-HOP 1637.
A FEW FIGURES. 79,000 Children have passed through the Rescue Doors. 1,213 Permanent Admissions in the past year. About 8,500 Boys and Girls of all ages are always in the Homes. 1,000 of these are Infants. 1,000 arc Crippled, Incurable, Blind, Deaf and Dumb, or physically affiicted. 6,000 are Boarded'out in Rural Districts in England and Canada. 900 Boys and Girls are under Industrial Training. 300 Buys are in training for the Navy and Mercantile Marine. 25,365 Young People have been emigrated to the Colonies. Nearly 1,000 sent to Canada yearly. 95 per cent. of the Emigrants do well. Cheques and Orders payable "Dr. BARNARDO'S HOMES," and Parcels of Clothing 1llay be sellt to the Honorary Director, WILLIAM BAKER, Esq., M.A., LLB., at Head Officls, r8 to 26, STBPNEY CA[;SEf,VAY, LONDON, E.
whole of the members are qualified to render first aid, and a list of their names and addresses is exhiblted at head quarters. Classes for instruction in first aid are he1d by the Hon. Surgeon during the autumn and winter months tor both ladies and gentlemen. President: A. O. Norman, .J.P., c.C., The Rookery, Bromley Common. Hon. Surgeon (A Section): John Horatio Yolland, !I.R.c.B.Rng., 53, Bromley Common. Superintendent: T. Healey, Bromley Union, Farnborough, Kent. Treasurer: William Cooling, Ct'oft house, Bromley Common. Divisional Hon. Seoretary: Corporal O. E. Farrow, 72, Homesdale road, Bromley. Inspeotor of Stores: Pte. Barnett. Committee: First Class Sergt. Field; Sergts. Bush & Clifford: Corporals, Farrow &; T. Barnard; Privates, Bloomfield, G. Harnett, W. Collins, C. Burden, J. Huckle, J. Nutting, C. Waters, Hobbs, & the officer. of the division. B Section. Central Hall, Bromley, J. Mathewson, III.n., hall. surgeon; Corporal Huckle, 24 Croft road, Bromley, hon. sec. ; Prh'ate Waters, inspecto~ of stores. Bromley Nurses' Co-operation - Misses Larkins, Greta, 7, Blyth Rd, Bromley Nursing Home, 34 & 35, Palace Gro. Principal, Miss Bos~. NEWSPAPERS.
Bromley is well supplied with newspapers. They arE' as follow'! : Beckenham and District Times (Friday, 1d.), 39 East strl1et. Bromley Chronicle (Thursday, 1d.), Sherman road. Bromley and District Times (Friday, 1d.), 39, East street. Bromley Local Guide & Advertiser (Saturduy), 46 East litreet. West Kent Times (Friday, Id.), 39 East street.SOOIETIES, & c.
President: Vacant. Vice-Presidents: The Lord Bishop of Rochester j Coles Child, esq., J.p. j Sir Alfred East, A.R.A., P.R.B.A. ; H. W. ForsteChairman of Executive Committee: Dr. J. Scott. Han. Treasurer: Alfred Wright, esq., Dunsford, 121, Widmore road. Han. Secretary: Vacant. Members' subscription, 5/- . BROMLEY AND DISTRICT CHRYSANTHEMUM SOCIETY.
(Atfiliated with tlte National Cltrysanthemmn Society.) The above society was started in 1881 by a few growers, who formed themselves into a Committee for the purpose of management, and now consists of an unlimited number of amateurs, gardeners, aud nurserymen. The object of the society is to promote the superior cultivation of the chrysanthemum, and other plantR, flowers, and fruits, by means of exhibitions, at which all subscribers may compete for prizes. 'fhe annual show of chrysanthemums, & c., is held in Novemb~r. President: Coles Child, J.P" D.L. Vice-Presidents: H. Bennett; J. W. Devon-Astle; T. C. Dewey, J.P. ; H. W. Forster, :M.P.; Sir E. A. Hambro, K.C. v.o.; A. C. Normal~1 J.P. ; E. de Q. Quincey; Sir Samuel Scott, Bart. ; F. Wheatley; J. W. Wheeler-Bennett, J.P.; E. M. Gamar; F. Griffith; W. Cecil Gunn; John Margetson; F. Schooling; W. Farlane; J. Smail; F. C. Tiarks; J. Dewrance; Bert de Q. Quincey; W. Lindley Jones J.P.; Sir Henry J. Oram, K.C.B., n.M. ; Sir Robert Laidlaw, M.P. Han. Treasurer: W. Collings, II4 Verdant lane, Catford SE. Secretary: F. Andrews, 29 Canon road, Bromley.BROMLEY PLEASANT SUNDAY AFTERNOON BROTHERHOOD.
The members of this Brotherhood meet every Sunday afternoon at the Town Hall, Market square, Bromley, from 3 to 4 o'clock, A short address is usually given upon some intel'e,-;ting subject, and the afternoon is brightened by musical performances. The feature of the meeting generally is its brief, bri~ht and brotherly character. LeBider : Robert Whyte, jun., Rillley, Sundl'idgf'. ,,"venue. Treasurer: J. S. "Yebb, 6, Burnt Ash lane. Secretary: Herbert II. Milstead, St. Dennis. Hawes roadTHE ROYAL SOOIETY OF ST. GEORGE.
Founded 1894 .. Patrons: His Majesty the King, Her Majesty Queen Mary and Her Majesty Queen Alexandra. Acting President: The Right Hon. The Earl of Salsbury, p.c. Chairman: (Bromley and West Kent Branch) Richard Foljames, Esq. Hon. Secretary: Sidney Muggeridge, Esq., 15, Sandford road, Bromley.THE ENGLISH CHURCH UNION.
Offices - 31, Russell square, London w c. The English Church Union was formed in the year 1859 for the purpose of uniting the Clergy and Laity of the English Church and of Churches in communion therewith in defence of the doctrine and discipline of the Church, and of the rights and liberties of her faithful children. President: The Right Hon. Viscount Halifax. Bromley Branch-Chairman: A. S. Gedge, Esq. Vice-Chairmen: The Hev. H. Morton Thomson, III.A., Charles Nye, Esq. and Rev. Alfred Lewis. Treasurer: George Stone, Esq. Secretary: S. Muggeridgc, Esq., 15 Sandford road, Bromley.PROTESTANT REFORMATION SOCIETY.
The oldest English Society (established 1827) for maintaining the religious principles of the Reformation, supported by bishops, deans, archdeacons & c. of the Established Church. In addition to a large number of lantern and other religious lectures in Bromley and district, the Society has a large colporteuring work in this part of West Kent. President: John F. W. Deacon, Esq., M.A., J.P., D.L. Literary Seoretary and Editor: Rev. F. J. Hamilton, D.D. Secretary: Walter A. Limbrick, ESQ., F.R.nist.soc. President of West Kent AuxiliarY1 Sir C. R. Lighton, Bart., D.L., J.P. Hon. Local Superintendent: Rev. R. Moore, liLA., Christ Church parsonage, Highland road, Bromley. Hon. Local Secretary and Treasurer: Mrs. J. Stevens Whaley, 14, College road, Bromley. Local Missionary: Erne~t A. Stones, 711Morgan road. Head Office: 57 Berners street1 London w. G. Weeks & Sons, IronmQngersBritish and Foreign Bible Society,
Bromley Auxiliary formed 1866. -Committee: Alderman T. Davis, president, and most (If the local dergy and ministers and a certain number of laymen. There is a Ladles' Committee, Mrs. Brown, han. sec., Penchirche, Oaklands road, Bromley.Bromley Naturalists' Society
-Head Quarters, Literary Institute. 22 Widmore road: H. H. Mellon, han. secretary, 92, London road. Bromley United Friendly Societies' Convalescent Home and Hospital Society-Co-operative Hall, East street.Christian Colportage Association
(Bromley, Beckenham and Chislehurst Branch): Theodore Howard, superintendent; Misses Walter, Ashley, 12 Southlands grove, Bickley; Miss Stannard, 23 Hammelton road, Bromley and Henry Morris, B.SC., F.R.A.S, 202 Croydon road, Beckenham, collectors; Thomas Alfred Tubb, 99 Addison road, colporteur. Girls' Friendly Society, Bromley Brauch (Parishes of Bromley and Bickley), Miss A. J. Rommy, 99 Widmore road, Bromley, han. sec. ; St. Luke's, Bromley Common, Mrs. Vallings, Heath Bank, Bickley, han. ,sec. ; Holy Trinity, Mrs. Swabey, Holy Trinity vicarage, I Oakley road, han. sec. International Bible Students (Local Class), 43 High street; Frederick W. S. Poole, sec. ; studies, Sunday 3.15 and 6.30 p.m. and Wednesday and Friday 8 p.m Kent Archreological Society: Lord Northbourne, F.S.A., president. Rev. G. M. Livett, B.A .. F.S.A., han. editor; Rev. Waterman Gardner-Waterman. han. financial sec.; H.. Cooke, han. see. ; C. W. Powell, Esq., D.L., J.P., hon. treasurer; H. Elgar, Esq., curator; L. M. Biden, Esq., 20, Bueklcsbury, London E e, han. local sec. National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (Bromley, Beckenham, Chislehurst and District Branch) ; Lieut.-Col. Sir Henry A. H. F. Lennard, Bart., J.P., president; J. H. Hodge, bon. sec. ; Albert Lancaster, inspector; local omce, 86 College road, Bromley. Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, Bromley and District Branch: Sir Edwin Grant Burls, e.s.I., president; H. W. Forster, Esq., :M.P., A.. C. Norman, Esq., J.P. and T. C. Dewey, Esq., J.P., vice-presidents; Rev. Canon P. Barker, chairman of committee; Alfred Wright, Esq., Dumsford, 121 Widmore road, han. treasurer; Miss C. Hodgson, 75 College road, Bromley and Miss D. Sketchley, 30 Tweedy road, }~romley, hon. secretaries; W. A. Riley, 58 Howard road, Bromley, inspector;}{epresentati"es of the Society: Chislchttrst Auxiliary, Miss Alston, han. sec. ; St. Paul's Cray, Rev. E. Holroyde; St. Mary's eray, R'lv. Edmund Ball (Miss Brierley, collector); Orrington Auxiliary (L,ttl." Entns, hOIl. see.).; Chelsneld, Rev. J. J. Baddeley; Hayes, Rev. li-. Clowes; West Wickham Auxiliary, Mrs. Chilling-worth, Wentworth, West Wickham, lion. sec. MUSICAL.
The society was founded in 1904, and consists of it chorus of about 100 voices, and about 50 honorary members. Choralmem!Jers are elected 1y !JaUot by the Committee. The society gi\'e two concerti; (with full orchestra) at least during the season, from October to April, honorary members are entitled to two tickets f)r each concert. The subscriptions arc 6/- for active members (who provide their own music) and 10/6 for honorary members. President: T. C. Dewey, Esq. Conductor: F. Fertel, Holmcroft, HoIwood road. HOn. Treasurer: J. H. Hodge, I Wid more road. Hon. Secretaries: Bertram Pearce, 7 Hawes road a.nd T. Alexander Manchip, 6 Palaee grove.BECKENHAM AND BROMLEY SCHOOL OF MUSIC AND ART.
This School (established 1883) is held at 5, Aberdeen Buildings, High street. It offers to elementary and advanced students a thoroughly sound musical education, of which the high character is guaranteed by its staff of Professors, selected from the Royal Academy of Music. President: The Right Hon. the Earl of Plymouth, P.C., c.n. Vice-Presidents: Sir Alexander Mackenzie, MUS.DOC., LL.D., D.C.L. (Principal of the Royal Academy of.Music); Arthur O'Leary, Esq., F.R.A.M.; Prof. Sir Charles V. Stanford, MUS.DOC., D.C.L. (Professor of Music in the Uni\"ersity of Cambridge). Directors of Music Studies: Ernest Inver, A.R.A.lII. ; Henry Tolhurst and Arthur Thompson, F.R.A.M. Art Mastel': W. B. C. Burnet (First Certiflcate of Honour, Slade School, University College, London). Secretary: Ormond Yearsley, 5, Aberdeen Buildings, High street.BROMLEY COLLEGE OF MUSIC.
York house, 6 High street, Bromley. Is established for the purpose of giving a high-class ml1sieal education in all its branches, all students being under the personal supervision of the Directors, who are assisted by a large staff of eminent London professors. The Directors are: Ernest ll. Moss, A.G.S.lII., awl Miss Beatrice E. Youngman, A.G.S.lII. (Mrs. Ernest B. Moss.)FRIENDLY SOCIETIES.
Ancient Order of Foresters - L. U.D., Court PriO'l of Masons Hill, No. 5545, held at the Co-operative Hall, East street (meets on first Tuesday in month) ; William E. P. Betts, 5, Addison road, Bromley, secretary. Freemasons - Hervey Lodge, No. 1692, Masonic Hfl"i. Independent Order of Oddfellows -:M. U., S.L. D., Orphans' Friend Ludge, No. 223, held at the Beech Tree Hotel, London road. F. W. Everest, secretary, I, Horsley road. Independent Order of Oddfellows -Manchester Unity, St. Mary Cray District Lord Bomesdale Lodge, Nu. 6647, held at St. Luke's Institute, Raglan road. A. Elliott, secretary, Leedswood, 54, Albert road. Independent Order of Rechabites -" James Fraser" Tent, held at the Morley Institute, Widmore road. F. Scott, secretary, 22, Gwydyr road, Bromley; George Wicks, treasurer, 34, West street" Bromley. Juvenile Foresters -No. 2629, Parish Room, West street; Charles Wallis, secretary, 2 Weston grove, Bromley. No. 5545, White Hart Assembly Room, High street; \Y.R. Layton, secretary, 57, London road. Juvenile Oddfellows - Technical Institute, Sherman road; H. Hoskins, secretary, 5, Westoll road. Widmore Schools, Tylney road (held every 3rd Wednesday from 7 to 8 p.m.); C. Farrow, s~cretary, 72, Homesdale road, Bromley. Loyal United Order of Anglo-Saxons -Alexandra Lodge, NO,3, held at the Co-operative Hall, East street; A.. C. Marshall, 31 North road.National Deposit Friendly Society -Bromley and Plaistow Branch: Robert Whyte, esq. jun. pres. ; S. J. Brown, chairman ofcommittee, 107,Widmoreroad, Bromley r Harry Parrell Steer, se~retary, 98, London road; London and'Lancashire Fire Insurance Co., agtlnt. Meeting nights-first Monday in month, from 7 to 9.30 p.m. in the Parish Room, West street; Saturday preceding first "londay in month from 7.30 to 8 p.m. at Mission Room, Beckellham lane, ShortIands. National Deposit Friendly Society-Central Hall District, 34 Howard road; J. It OrgIes, sec. National Deposit Fl'iendly Society-Bromley Common District, 53 Crown lane; William Watson Gomer, sec. Rochester Diocesan Girls Friendly Society Lodge-61 Widmore road. TEMPERANCE SOCIETIES.
Bromley and Shcrtlands Womon's Total Abstinence Union (The) -Mrs. Aisbitt Gibson, president; Mrs. Doxford, Petra, 13, Wanstead road, Bromley; Miss Poole Smith, Dewhurst, 131, Widmore road, Bromley and MISSLottie Smith, London road, Bromley, han. sees. Bromley Temperance Council-(C.E.T.S.): Rev. Canon Donald Tait, ~r.A., Bromley viem'age, (;hairman; F. R. Ball, 138 WirimoI'e road, Bromley, treasurer; Alfrcd E. Garrard, ltidgelands, Blyth road and William G. Weller, Victoria chambers, 43 High st. hon. secretaries. Church of England Temperance Society-Bromley HI'anell: Meetings held monthly in St. Mark's Church HOOIll, Masons Hill; Rev. Canon Donald 'fait, liLA., president;' Rev. S. E. Osborne, M.A. I ~xmouth road, han. secretary; C. Hodgkinson, treasurer. St. John's Branch: Meetings held in Parish Boom, Freelands grove, every month; Rev. Canon P. Barker, liLA., president; William G. Weller, hon. secretary, Victoria cbambars, 43 High street. St. Mary's (Plaistow) Branch: Meetings held in the Church Hall, Farwig lane, periodically in the winter; Rev. W. Gowans, M.A., president; C. W. L. Wright, han. secretary, 28, West street. Temperance Institute (The)--Old C:lurtho. :Market sq.; G. S. Badder,sec.ATHLETIC SOCIETIES.
Bickley Park Cricket Club-Ground, Bickley park: P. R. Nelson, hon. secretary, Craig Royston, Bickley; Lionel G. Jackson, honetreasurer, The Vane, Denbridge road, Bickley. Practice-Mondays, Tnesda:ys, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Bromley and Bickley Golf Club-Bromley Common: G. F. Fischer, hOIl. secretary; G. Thake, steward, The Golf Club, Bromley Common, Kent. Bromley Bowling Club -77A, Plaistow lane; Sir Samuel E. Scott, Hart., "'f.P., president; F. Medhurst, treasurer; Hy. Jas. Green, hon. sec. Bromley Common Cricket Club -Private Ground, Oakley road: A. C. Norman, J.P., president; W. B. Stevens, captain; E. C. De'Ath, 86, Bromley Common, han. secretary and treasurer. Practice - Mon. days, Wednesdays and Fridays. Bromley Cricket and Lawn Tennis Club -Ground, Widmoreroad ; A. C. Norman, J.P., president; secretaries, C. L. Gregory, White Hart chambers, 137 & 138 High strret, cricket; F. T. Hewett, Penchester, Shawfield park, tennis; A. J. Hall, lron. treasurer. l"ets up for practice and ground man in attendance e,-ery e,-enillg at 5 o'clock when there is no match. Bromley and District Charity Cup Competition -Patrons, H. Allan, T. C. Dewey, J.P., J. Y. Hay, W. R. G. Hay, A. C. Norman, J.P., C.A.; chairman. William G. Weller; vice-chairman, George W. Hopton; han. treasurer, W. H. Willson; han. secretary, D. T. n. Gray, 24, Heathfield r~ad, Bromley. Bromley Gymnastic C1ub ~Head quarters, Gymnastic Hall, College slip; Alfred Wright, Dunsford, 12r, Widmore road, treasurer; F. Essex Webb, 2, Palace grove, han. sec. Bromley Lawn Tennis Club -Sandford road: F. C. Raphael, hone secretary, 92 Hayes road, Bromley. Bromley Postal Athletic Club -Ground, Queen's Mead: J. Compton, Esq. (postmaster), president; G. Sumners (chief clerk), hon. treasurer; J. Evans, secretary cricket section, 49, Hecration road, Shortlands. Bromley Sports Ground -Hayes lane, Bromley Common; Sydney A. Pearce, han. secretary. Bromley Football Club -Ground, Bromley Sports Ground, Hayes lane. Lawn Tennis Club -The Bromley park: J. Tobin Bush, hone secretary, Morad-I-Munzil, Holwood road.Quean's Mead Bowling Club -Green, Queen's Mectu,Shortlands; Major C. Douglas Clark, president: A. P. Poingdestre, captain; R. Mitchell, vice-captain; W. Thomson, hall. treasurer; Percy ,W. Bleez:e,60, Tweedy road, han. secretary. Ravensbourne Cricket Club -Ground, Queen's Mead; F. \Y. Shoebridge, captain; R. Levey, II, Fail'lield road, Bromley, hon. secretary. Sundridge Park Golf Club -Garden road; T. Caulfeild-Stoker, 30 Burnt Ash lane, Bromley, secretary. Wendover Lawn Tennis Club, Wendover road. INSURANCE AGENTS.
Atlas Fire-G. Weeks, 61, High street. Car and General Insurance Corporation-Bra~ch office, 137 & 138, High street; Robert Girling, branch manager; R. H. Brown, L. G. Bennett and R. H. Lush, inspectors. County Fire and Commercial Union -Waterer & Dickins, White Hart corner, High street. County Fire and Provident Life-J. King, 137 & 138, High street Bert Smith, 77, Beckenham lane~ Guardian Fire and Life-D. Grinsted, 124, High street. London & County Plate Glass Insura.nce Co. Limited-Bert Smith, 77"Beckenham lane. London & Lancashire Fire (and Accident and Employers' Liability) -E. Clarke & Son Limited, 53, High street. London and Lancashire Fire-H. P. Steer, 98, London road. North British and Mercantile-Waterer & Dickins, White Hart corner, High street. Norwich Union Fire and Life-G. Pamphilon and Son, 58, High street. Pearl Life Assurance Co. Limited-Francis Dean (district supt.), 33, East street. Phamix Assurance Co. Limited - Harradine and Ayling,97, High Street. Prudential Assurance Co. Limited-Alfred Henry Buxton (district supt.), 'fawn Hall; J. G. Barns (assistant supt.), 19, Nightingale lane, Bickley; George Frost, I, Albert road; Edgar Spark, 13, Warner road; George Palmer, 7, Station road; Henry Harris (assistant supt.), Beverley, Victoria road James Cook, 75, Bromley common; Alfred Charles Rolfe, 54, Crescent road; George Walford, 187, Homesdale road.Railway Passengers-Baxter, Payne and Lepper, Market sqnare. Royal Fire and United Kent Life - Edward Isard & Son, 7, Market square Royal Insurance Company-Waterer & Dickins, White Hart corner, High street; William G. Weller, Victoria chambers, 43, High street. Scottish Temperance Life-E. Clarke & Son Limited, 53, High street. Scottish Widows' Fund Life-Charles B. Clarke, 53, High street. Sun Fire and Life-Baxter, Payne and Lepper, :Marketsquare; Latter and Willett, Market square. United Kingdom Temperance and General Provident InstitutionE. Clarke & ~on Limited, 53, High street. CLUBS, & c.
Bromley and County Club - see page 123. Bromley Camera Club - 22, Widmore road; T. Arnold Bennett, hon. sec. Bromley Chess Club - Club room, Literary Institute, 22 Widmore road; C. F. Delcomyn, Esq., president; H. V. Read, hon. secretary. Club nights, Mondays and Thursdays 7.30 p.m. Bromley Common Workmen's Club - Oakley road. Girls' Sunshine Club (The ) - 31 Ravensbourne road. I St. Luke's Institute - Raglan road: James Heims, caretaker. St. Luke's Mission Room & Men's Hour Club Room - Elliott road; E. Miller, sec. 14 Jaffary road, Bromley. St. Mark's Men's Club - St. Mark's road, Masons hill: Open every weekday, 6.30 p.m. Billiards, draughts, chess & c. All working men are invited. Slate Club every alternate Monday evening from 8 to 9; W. G. Wright, 50, Newbury road, han. secretary. Sundridge Park Working Men's Club and Institute-Foxbury road; W. White, steward. Young Men's Christian Association-136 High st. ; W. J. Harland, sec. Young Women's Christian Association-Shafteshury House, 67 and 69, Widmore road, Bromley: Mrs. Theodore Howard, han. secretary, Westleigh, Bickley; Miss .Firkin, lady superintendent.. Board ann lodging from IIS. 6d. per week. Club rooms open every evening for the use of girls in business, and furnished with piano, books and periodicals. Bible classes, Sunday, 3.30, and Tuesday, 8.45 p.m. Open to all.HIGH SCHOOLS.
Bromley High School (Girls' Public Day School Trust Limited)-Fern Bank, 30 Elmfield road; Miss Hodge, liLA., head mistress.County School for Boys-Hayes lane, Bromley; Reginald Airy, M.A., head master. County School for Girls - 55, Nightingale lane, Bickley; Miss C. M. Waters, B.A. head mistress. Belmont Boarding & Day School (for the Daughters of Gentlemen)- Southborough road, Bickley; Mrs. Leishman, principal; Miss A. M. Porter, L.L.A.. head mistress. Havelock House (preparatory school for Boys)-82,London road; MissRay. Holmoroft School (for the Daughters of Gentlcmen)-33 Holwood road; Mrs. Fertel, principal. Holy Trinity Convent Boarding & Day School for Girls-8! Plaistow lane; The Rev. Mother Superior. Kinnaird Park Girls'School-Park avenue; Miss Leishman, principal; Miss N. Hackforth, head mistress. Quernmore Sohool-London lane; Charles Frederick Braithwaite B.A.head master; preparatory school, Park avenue. ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS.
Addison Road (Girls & infants) - Miss Lilly, head mistress. Aylesbury Road Council(Boys)-F.Lewis, master; James Green,caretaker. Bickley and Widmore-Tylney Road: H. J. Salter, master; Miss Harvey, mistrl'..5s; Miss Laumann, infants' mistress . Bromley Common (Mixed & infants)-G. W. Moate, master; Mrs. Moate, mIstress. Bromley--T. J. Elliot, master; Miss M. A. Harper, mistress; Miss E. Churcher, infants' mistress, College road. Masons Hill-Miss Barnes, girls' mistress; Miss Longford, infants'mistress Plaistow (Boys & infants)-Alfred Williams, head master. Raglan Road Council-Head teachers: Edwin Owen, Inter.B.A.LOnd.boys; Miss A. M. Mackie, girls; Miss E. :Fluck L.L ..A. juniors; Miss Bertha Hodgson, infants; Mrs. Edwards, special school Valley Council-Head teachers: John J. Webber, B.A.boys; MissS. Agnes Evans, girls; Miss Lucy Warren, infants; Abraham Riley, caretaker, Beckenham lane Wharton Road Council-Head teachers: William Joseph Sunman, Int. Arts, boys; Miss L. Rampling, girls; Mrs. Carlyon, infants.POLITICAL.
Bromley Conservative Club - The Broadway, HIgh Street: Robert T. Wragg, hon. secretary; V. Heasman, assistant secretary. Bromley Conservative and Unionist Assooiation -White Hart chambers, 137 & 138, High street; Coles Child, president; John King, secretary; W. F. Masters, assistant secretary. Bromley and District Liberal Assooiation-9-!, Tweedy road; Kemieth E. Chalmers, president; J. Howard Moore, J.P., han. treasurer; John 't. Grubb, secretary. Bromley Women's Liberal Association - 94, Tweedy road; Mrs. H. Leonard Powell, president; Mrs. Collen, han. t.reasurer; Miss It Harvey, han. secretary, 16, Mays Hillroad, Shortlands. Primrose League - Bromley Habitation, No. 1521: Mrs. Coles Child, dame president, Bromley Palace; Talbot K. Crossfield,J.P. ruling councillor, Clare Croft,s, Elmfield road; C. T. Viney, treasurer, Dartmouth, Durham avenue: Miss G. Adams,'hon. secretary, Courteenhall, Lake aven. Bromley; H. W. Richardson, registrar and financial secretary. The Tariff Reform League - Talbot K. Crossfield, J.P., president; F. Adams, chairman. Executive Committee, Rev. J. White, M.A., han. treasurer; H. G. Langmore, hon. auditor; R. Rithenden, W. Lindlay Jones, W. 'R. Brooks, Herbert Le Ma)', G. F. Fischer, R. Griggs, D. T. H. Gray, J. Crowhurst & E. Kinder; E. J. D. Wjgginton, han. secretary, 40, Tweedy road:- West Kent Liberal Association - A. Mills, secretary; John T. Grubb, assistant secretary, 94, Tweedy road. West Kent Liberal Institute Co. Limited - John T. Grubb, secretary, 94, Tweedy road.PUBLIC COMPANIES, & c.
Bromley and South Eastern Permanent Investment Building Society-Office, 26, Market square: D. Grinsted (chairman), J. F. Arnaud (deputy-chairman), H. G. Dunn, J. H. Lepper, Alfred Wright, D. Payne, directors; F. Payne, surveyor, Market square; W. F. Masters, secretary, 26, Market square, Bromley, Kent; Latter & Willett, solicitors, Bromley. Subs('ription meetings first and third Thursdays in every month, from 8 to 9 p.m., when Shares are allotted, deposits received, and every information given.Bromley and Crays' Co-operative Society, Limited - Offices, The Stores, 41, East Street: John Robert Santer, secretary. Bromley Cottage Improvement Company, Limited-Office, White Hart chambers, 137 & 138, High street: T. Davis, G. Weeks, E. M-. Garnar and D. Grinsted, directors; H. J. 'fitford, secretary. Bromley (Kent) Electric Light and Power Company, LimitedI, West Street; R. R Barker, engineer & manager; C. A. Maby, F.e.I.s., secretary. Bromley and West Kent Masonio Hall Co Limited-137 & 138, High street; H. J. Titford, secretary. South Suburban Gas Company (Bromley distriot)-Oflice, 156, High street; works, Homesdale road: Wilfrid Wastell, secretary; S. Y. Shoubridge, engineer. CARRIERS.
Carter, Paterson & Co. Lim.-District depot, 31, East street ; Chappell, manager. Agents: Germain, 99, High street: Wood, 104, Palace road; : Marsh, College road; Mussell, Homesdale road; Robinson, 60, Bromley common; Matthews, Bird-in-Hand, Widmore j Bashford, 79, Bromley Common; Parker, Orpington; : Martin, Green Street Green; Duck, Keston; Uridge, Widmore road; Skinner, Broadway; Gibbons, 43, Chatterton road; Gilbert" 55, Havelock road; Pearce, 69, :Masons hill; Phillips, grocer, Farnborough ; Stott, stationer, Orpington; Mills, grocer, Oakley road,Bromley; Whayman, Masons hill; Slawson, 35, Freelands road; Uridge, Masons hill ; Brouard,15, Homesdale road; Mitchell,32, Bromley common; Yeates, II, Bourne road; Kennett, North road; Partridge, 24, London road: Fanlkes & Steeden, 176, Widmore road; Tomblin, 213, Homesdale road; West, 2, Napier road; Wells, 43, Tylney road, Bickley. London Parcels Delivery Co.-Agents: Rnsson, 31, Masons hill; BaMns, 186, Homesdale road; McKenzie, 90, High street; Walker, 67, London road; Dean, 55. College road; Legg, 165. Masons hill; Dunford, 29, North road; Patten, 48, Homesdale road; Hubbard,3S, Heathfield road; Gardner, t9I, Widmore rd. ; J{ichenside, Broadway. Pickfords Ltd. - To all parts. Hunt & Goodall, 3, Broadway; Silk, 93. High street; Baldock, Westmoreland road j Sanders, Albany honse, 22, London road; Bannings, Snndridge park; Hockley, 47, Palace road. S. Soan & Son, 45, College road - To and from London daily.
ESTABLISHBD 1833. The Oldest Newspaper in tM Western District of Kent: with which i8 incorporated ~fJe giurre!1 ~aerCUr!1. Chief Offices: Nos. 6 to 14, BLACKHEATH RD., GREENWICH, S.E. Tel.(~~~ h;gs~)~152 City Offices: 2~ GROCERS' HALL COURT....CHEAPSIDE, E.C. Telephone No. 8774 (City). 3;:, & 35, MOOR LANE, MOOGATE. E.C. Telephone Nos. 5644 & 5645 (LonWoolwich Offi.ce-3, Cross STREET. don Wall). Price One Penny- Is published every Friday Morning, at 4 o'clcck, in Greenwich, Deptford, Lewisham, and Woolwich, and circulates chiefly in Greenwich, Deptford, Rotherhithe, Bermondsey, New Cross, Brockley, Forest Hill, Hatcham, Nunhead, Peckham, Dulwich. Hither Green, Camberwell, Lee, Lewisham, Mottingham, B1ackheath. Cattord, Shooters Hill, Plum stead, Eltham, Charlton, Woolwich, Sydenham, Penge, Chislehurst, Sidcup, st. Mary Cray, Bromley, and largely throughout the Western Division of the County, for which it was unanimously selected, in 1850, by the Magistrates of the Quarter Sessions at Maidstone, as the medium for circulating the County Notices. THE KENTISH MERCURY is devoted to the maintenance of the true Protestant faith, and defends the interests of the Church of England.; advocates the principles of progression. ~eekB the elevation of the working classes; upholds the interests-moral, social and physical-of the community in which it circulates; deals in an independent manner with all questions of current interest; supplies the fullest and latest details of the news of Greenwich, Deptford. Lewisham, and Woolwich, with their respective neighbourhoods. Its selections of news and literary notices are judicious and in good taste, and all allusions objectionable to the most refined sense of delicacy and purity are rigidly excluded from every department of the Paper. From the extensive use made of its columns by most of the leading Auctioneers in the County, and by the principal Auctioneers in the Metropolis, whenever they have to issue announcements of sales of property in Kent or Surrey, THE KENTISH MERCURY has become an established channel of reference by capitalists desirous of making investments in property in these districts. THE KENTISH MERCURY is taken by most of the principal Hotels and Taverns and by the industrial c1asses, as well as by the leading Gentry of the two counties. IMPORTANT TO ADVERTISERS. SPECIAL CHEAP RATE (prepayment only) for ADVERTISEMENTS OF HOUSES I SERVANTS I HORSES APARTMENTS SITUATIONS VEHICLES ARTICLES FOR SALE AND WANTED, & c., & c. 24 words 1 s. . Three 25. 6D. times. No. of Words. Once. Twice. 3 times. 13 times. I s. d. 8. d. s. d, :£ B. d. 24 and under 1 0 2 0 2 6 0 10 0 Over 24 " 32 1 4 2 8 3 { 0 13 { II 32 II 40 1 8 3 { 4 2 0 16 8 40 II 48 2 0 4 0 5 0 1 0 0 48 II 56 2 { 4 8 510 1 3 4 II 56 u 64 2 8 5 4 6 8 1 6 8 .. 64 II 72 3 0 6 0 7 6 1 10 0 It 72 It 80 3 4 6 8 8 4 1 13 { 80 88 3 8 7 { 9 2 1 16 8 88 II 96 4 0 8 0 10 0 2 0 0 96 .. 104 4 4 8 8 1010 2 3 4 All Advertisements must reach the Office not later than 8 o'clock on Thursday Evening to ensure insertion the following morning (4 o'clock lor classt1l.catton). LARGEST CIRCULATION IN THE SUBURBS. Exceeds 23,,750 Weekly. CERTIFIED BY PUBLIC OHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS. MERRITT & HATCHER, LTD., Proprietors, PrinterS & Publishers., POSTAL INFORMATION. SUNDAYfl. BROMLEY HEAD POST OFFICE. Postmaster - .Major.J. Co:n ptOll. Superintendent-Mr. George Sumners. Hours of Business: I WI>BK DAYfl. S a.m. to S p.m. Sa.m. to 9 p.m. S a.m. to 9 p.m. { 8.30 to lOa.m. 6 p; 6 p.m. S a.m. to 9 p.m. No Parcel Post Busines Sa.m. to S p.m. For 5ale of Stamps *Registration of Letters and Parcels Delivery of Letters to Callers Parcel Post Business Issue of Postal Orders Payment of Postal Orders :Money Order, Savings Bank Withdrawals, J Government Annuity and Insurance Business Issue of Inland Revenue Licenses Sale of Inland Revenne Stamps j .. Savings Bank Deposits Received Telegraph Business 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. 58.30tolOa.m S a.m. to 9 p.m. 6 p.m. to 6 p.m 1II Letters, & c., and parcels can be Registered up to 16 minutes before the time of posting ordinary lotters. BANK HOLIDAYS-for Sale of Stamps, Registration of Letters and Parcels, Delivery ~f Letters to Callers, and Parcel Post Business, S a.m. to 9 p.m. Money Ordors, t:iavings Bank Withdrawals, Government Annuity and Insurance Business, Issue of Inland Revenue Licenses. and Sale of Inland Revenue Stamps, open until 12 noon. MAILS. From Head Office, Bromley, to London & All Parts (Week-days). Approximate Times of Delivery in London. Time of Posting. E.C. S.E. S.W. Othe Districts. I Suburbs. 2.30 a.m; (Mon- First Londou Delivery next day. days a a.JT,.) S 7.30a.m. .. 10.30to 11.30 10.30to 11.30 10.30Lo 12. 0 10.30to 12. 011.0 to 1.30 10.5a.m. .. 11.30to 12.30 1. 0 to 2. 0 12.15to -'I.Hi 1. 0 to 2. 0 1.30 to 3.30 n.5 a.m. 1.20to 2.30 1. 0 to 2. 0 2. 0 to 3. 0 1.30to 3. 0 1.30to 3.30 11.50a.m. 2.30to 3.30 3. 0 to 4. 0 3. 0 to 4. 0 3. 0 to 4. 0 4.30to 6.30 12.50p.m. 3.30to 4.30 3. 0 to 4. 0 4. 0 to 5. 0 4. 0 to 5. 0 4.30 to 6.0 1.411 p.m. 4.30 to 5.30 2.40 p.m. 4.30 to 5.30 Ii. 0 to 6. 0 4.30 to 5.30 4.30to 5.30 6.30to 8.30 5.20p.m. 8. 0 to 9.30 8. 0 to 9. 0 8. 0 to 9.30 8. 0 to 9. 0 8.30to 10.0 ff6.45 p.m. First London Delivery next day. t7.50 p.rn. ditto. ditto. 8.45 p.m. :9.45 p.m., 10.0 p.m. . For Norfolk generally, part of Suffolk & Essex for first mor.ning delivery. tSussex generally, part of Surrey & W
BROMLEY COMMON, KENT. TELEPHONE, BROMLEY 178. HIGH ...CLASS ... LAUNDRY Dyers and Cleaners. Open Air Drying. Early and Punctual Delivery with Correotness. Moderate Prices.
From Bromley Head Office to Beckenham. Time of Posting ditto ditto ditto ,litto nitto n.15 a.m. 10.45 a.m. 12.0 noon 3.0 p.m. ;;.30 p.m. 10.0 p.m. Approximate time of delivery llitto ditto ditto ditto Following morning 11a.m. 1 p.m. 1p.m. 4 p.m. 8 p.m. From Bromley Head Office to Chislehurst. Tillie of Posting .. 12.30 p.m. Approximate time of delivery ditto 5.10 p.m. ditto 2p.m. 7p.m. From Bromley Head Office to Orpington. From Bromley to Orpington direct, including Chelsfield, Downe, Farnborough, Green Street Green, Lock's Bottom, Pratt's Bottom. Time of Posting. Approximate time of delivery. 11.50 a.m. 1.0 p.m. to 2.0 p.llI. ;l.5') p.m. Pratt's Bottom .. (; 0 p.llI. :; 50 p.m. Orpington only .. li.45 p.w. 9.45 p.m. Following morning From Bromley Head Office to St. Mary Cray. Time of Posting .. 12.50 p.m. Approximate time of delivery.. p.W. ditto 5.20 p.m. ditto 7.0 p.m. From Bromley to Tonbridge, & c., direct, posted 10.0 p.m. delivered first delivery next morning. From Bromley to Tonbridge direct, including Tunbridge Wells, Sevenoaks, HastingR. Canterbury & c., & c. Box cleared at 10.5 a.m. From Bromley to Tonbridge direct (for Kent generally). Box clearell at 5.20 p.m. From Bromley Head Office to Swanley Junction. Time of Posting 12.50 p.m. Approximate time of delivery.. 2.30 p.m. ditto 5.20 p.m. ditto 7.0 p.m. Parcel Post Mails. For London and Suburbs leave Head Office 10.45 a.m., 2.4.3, 7.50 and 9.0 p.m. For the Provinces ditto 10.45 a.m., l.0, 2.45, 5.20, 7.50 and 9.0 p,m. For St. Mary Cray ditto 12.50 p.m. l!'or Beckenham ditto 10.45 a.m., 2.45, 7.50 and 9.0 p.m. For Chislehurst ditto 12.30 and 5.0 p.m. For Orpington ditto 11.50 a.m., 5.20 and 9.0 p.m. Foreign and Colonial Mails. For EVEning, }fails leave Bromley Head Office 5.20 p.m. For Morning, MaiIslcave at 10.0 p.m. Sunday Mails. London and London ron"varl1 .. .. \ 7 p.m. I .For first London Delivery, ano I first Provincial Dar Mails from G.P, D. next day. SUSSJilXand K R,NT, Croydon, t ditto For first DeHvery next day British Window Cleaning Co., WITH WHICH IS AMALGAMATED BROMLEY WINDOW CLEANING CO., 10. Nightingale Lane. Bromley -ANDPAGE HEATH WINDOW CLEANING CO.. 195, Homesdale Rd .. Bromley Mr. J. C. DIPROSE, Manager. ' . Contraotors to the Kent Education Committee. And also the Bromley Publio Library Committee. Office: 93, High Street, BROMLEY. Insured under The Workmen's Compensation Act. Windows (gleaned by contraet or otherwise. TELEGRAPH OFFICES. Hours of Business. 147 I SUNDAY~ XMAS-j BANK WEEK-DAYS. DAY AND GOOD HOLIDAYS. FRIDAY. Bromley (Head Olfice) S a.m. to 9 p.m. { 8.30 to 10a.m. } 8 a.m. to 9 p.n'l. I)p.m. to G p.m Bickley Station 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. -8.30 to 10 a.m. 8 a.m. to 8 p.m, Bromley Common (close 1 } 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. 8.30 to 10 a.m. 8 a.m. to 10 a.m, p.m. on Wednesday) {8a.m. to8p.m.} Bromley Hill .. (Wednesdays 8 Closed. Closell. a.m. to 1 p.m.) } 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.} Simpson's Roa!1 { (Wednesdays 8 CIosea. Closed. a.m. to 1 p.m.) f 8 a.m. to8 p.m.} Shooting Common (Wednesdays 8 Closel], OIosed. a.m. to 1 p.m.) Shortlands 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Olosed. Closed. { 8 a.m. to 8p.m. J Widmore (Wednesdays 8 Closed. Closed. a.m. to 1 p.m.) TOWN DELIVERIES. 1st Delivery, 7. 0 a.m.IFrom London and Provinces, Scotland, Ireland, and the 2nd ditto 10. 0 a.m. ditto ditto ditto [Contlnent.- 3rd ditto 12.30 p.m. ditto ditto aitto '!th ditto 3.45 p.m. From London and Provinces. 5th ditto 7.30 p.m. ditto The TOWIl Deliveries will include all Local Letters, & c., posted at the Head Olfice up to 6.50 a.m .. 9.50 a.m., 12.20 p.m., 3.31)p.m. and 7.20 p.m. On Sundays, Christmas-day, Good Friday, and Bank Holidays, the first Delivery only ism~& Parcels Post Deliveries are HOURS OF CLEARANCES. WEEkAY". SUNDAY~. I SUB OFFICES- : a.ill :l"m a.m a.m I a.m ".ml,,·m p.m p.m p.m r·m p.m ..tBickley Station .. : .. 6.50 8.45 10.20 .. 12.20 1. 0 1.25 6.20 7.35 9.30 7.1511.m. ; C .0 8. 5 9.15 5.55 p.m. tBroml,y Rill .... 1.·. ·>.50 H,!'i5 9.55 10.55 11.40 1.40 4.15 5.55 S. 0 9.35 5.55 p.m. "'Chatterton Road .. 8.50 9.50 10.3' 12. 0 1.35 3.505.35 8. 0 8.55 5.40 p.m. J!'arwig ..... 12.15 5.30 9.LO 10.10 10.55 12. 5 2. 5 4.401,;. 5 S. 5 9.20 6.25 p.m. Freclands Road. . .. ;3.40 8.40 9.55 10.55 11.5;) 1.55 3.5515.'557.55 8.40 6.10 p.m. "'Home-dale Road! 9. 5 10. 5 10.50 12.20 1.50 4. 55.50 8.15 9.10 5.5.5p.m. tl>LondonRoad .... [12.15 i.55 9. 5 10.10 11.10 L1.50 1.50 4.256.10 8. 5 9.50 6.15 p.m. lI>tSimpson's Uoad 1.15 ·j.50 !1.10 10.15 11. 5 12.20 2. [) 1.206.10 8.L5 9.30 6. o p.m. Page Heath ...... .. 5.40 8.45 10. 5 10.5(1 .. 12.10 1.55 4.15 .3.407.55 8.M 5.25 p.m. . "'Iasons Hill .... 5.20 9.10 LO.1510.55 .. 12.20 2. 0 4.15 6. 0 8.20 9.20 6. I'Jp.m. . Park Road ..... 12.15 ·';.i158.45 10.0 11. 0 12. 0 2. 0 4. 0 6. 0 8.0 8.015 6.5p.m . "tPlahtow Lane .. 1.4135.50 8.45 9.40 10.35 L1.40 1.40 l.13 ·j.40 8. 0 9. 0 5.45 p.m. "'tShooting Com. ", .. 9. 0 10. 0110.45 .. 12.15 1.45 4. 0 5.45 8.10 9. 5 5.50 p.m. :~t~h?rtlands ...... .. 5.25 9. 0 LO.15LO.55 .. L2.151.55 '!.IO 5.!i5 8.0 9.25 5.fiOp.m. "'tWHlmore ...... "1 .. .3.45 9. (I 10.151L1.0 .. 12.20 2. 5 1.30 5.50 8. 5 9. 5 5.50 p.m. PIL~~~~~~ WALL Ashgrove Road .. .. 8.15 .. .. .. .. 2. 0 5.30 8.4.j .. .. .. 9.0a.m. Avenue (The) .. .. 8.3:> LO.5 11.30 .. 1.40 3.40 5.45 7.10 8.50 4.20 p.m. Avondale Road .. 8.'0 9.45 10.40 11.45 .. 1.45 4.20 3.45 7.45 9. 5 n.Op.m. BabbacombeRoad .. ·550 8.55 10.10 11.10 .. 12.10 2.10 4.10 6.10 8,11, 8.55 5.25 p.m. Beckenham Grove .. ·3.40 8.40 9.55 10.35 11.50 .. 1.35 3.50 5.35 7.35 9.10 5.30 p.m. Beckenham Lane I .. ,j.O 9.10 10.15 11.15 L1.55 1.55 4.30 6.15 3.10 9.55 5.15 p.m. Belmont.. .. .. . . .. .. 7.30 !l. 0 1l.30 .. 12.45 2.45 4.45 6.50 8.40 5. o p.m. Bickley Park Rd. . . 8.10 9.40 10. o .. 12.0 1.15 3.11'>·3.156.50 9. 0 5.15 p.m. Blackbrook Lane .. 7.50 920 11.30 .. L 5 3. 5 5. 5 7. 0 8.15 Broad way (The) 11.15 6.i5·p.U1. ;J.5;,) 9.20 10.25 11. [, .. 12.30 2.10 4.25 6.10 8.30 9.30 Bromley College 1.30 6. 5 9.15 LO.2011.20 .. L2. 0 2. (j 1.35 6.20 8.15 10.0 6.10 p.m . Bromley Common .. ;U.~ 9.10 11).10jLO..~5 12.20 L5.j 4.l0 :;.55 8.20 9.15 6.0p.m. Bromley Road "1 .. ·5.30 8.30 9.50,10.30 11.45 1.30 3.45 5.30 7.30 !l.20 ii.25 p.m. Cambridge Road 12.15 ·j.30 9. 5 10. 5' 10.50 .. 12. 0 2. 0 4.35 6. 0 8. 5 !l.15 6.20 p.m. Chislchnrst Road .. ·j.35 8.55 10.15 11. 0 .. 12.20 2. 5 4.25 5.50 8. 5 9. 5 5.4,jp.m . Church Road ... '11.15 6.10 9.15 10.25 11. I) .. 12.25 2. 5 4.20 6. 5 8.15 9.25 6.5 p.m. Claremont Road .. 7.25 S.55 11.35 .. 12.40 !AO 4.40 6.55 8.45 5. o p.m . Croft Road ...... : .. S.45 9.45 10.30 11.45 .. ).45 .. 4.15 ~.45 7.45 9. 0 6.0 p.m. Cromwcll Av@n'l .. 8.10 9.55 .. .. .. 12.55 .. 4.20 8.15 .. 4.25 p.m . Crown(The) ...... 1l.4.j !l.45 10.30 11.55 1.3u 3.45 5.30 7.55 8.50 5.35 p.m. Cumberland Rd. .. 8.30 9.50 10.30 11.40 .. 1.30 3.40 ;;.30 7.31\ 8.30 5.20 p.m. Durham Avenue .. ·j.40 8.45 10.5 10.45 11.55 .. 1.45 3.55 ·j.45 7.55 8.45 5.35 p.m. Edward Road ", 1.45 5.50 8.35 9.40 10.30ill.30 1.30 4. 0 5.30 7.30 8.45 5.30 p.m Elmfield Road .. 1.15 5.5 9.15 10.20 11.10 .. 12.25 2.10 4.25 6.15 8.20 9.15 6. 5 p.m. Elmstead Lane .. .. .. 8.30 10.40 .. 1.45 3.J5 ;;.30 7.45 8.45 5.50 p.m. Fairlawn ........ .. 5.15 9.10 10.10 10.55 .. 12.20 1.55 4.10 :;.35 8.20 9.15 6.0 p.m. Farnaby Road .. .. 8.15 10.20 .. 2. 0 ·t?5 6.20 8.li3 9.50 5.10 p.m. Freelands .. 5.45 8.35 9.50 10.50 11.50 1.50 3.50 5.50 7.50 8.35 6. 5 p.m. Freelands Road .. .. 5.55 9.10 10 ~f) 11.10 .. 12.30 2.15 l.40 6. 0 3.15 9.15 6. o p.m. Garden Road .... .. 8.45 11.40 .. .. .. 1.40 4.15 5.40 7.40 8.M> .. 5.40 p.m. Gilbert Road .... 8.15 9.30 'lo;i5 11.15 .. 4.30 8.45 .. 5.0p.m. Glebe Road .... 12.15 1).25 9.15 11. 0 .. 12.10 2.10 4.45 6.10 8.10 9.25 6.25 p.m. Hayes Lane .... .. .. 8.25 10.45 .. .. 1.45 :i. 0 8.20 8.45 a.m. Hayes Road .. 8.55 10.55 .. .. 12. 5 l.55 i. 5 5.55 8..5 8.55 5.45 p.m. ITay,,",d R""'I..I .. 8.45 .. 10.30 .. 1.30 3.45 5.30 8. 0 5.45 p.m. High St. (lower) 1.15 ri. 0 9.25 10.30 11.10 L2.352.15 4.30 G.158.30 9.35 6.20 p.m, High St. (upper) 1.30 6.10 9.15 10.30 11.10 .. 12.30 2.10 1.25 6.10 8.20 9.30 6.10 p.m . Highland Road.. .. 5.50 9. 0 10.0 11. 0 11.45 .. 1.45 4.15 6. o 7.55 9.40 6. o p.m. Hill Brow .... '. . .. 8.35 .. 10.45 .. .. .. 1.504. 0 5.35 7.50 8.50 5.40 p.m. . Money Order and Savings Bank Office. t Telegraph and Express De Hours of Clearances-continued. WEEK DAYS. ;fI.LAR AN~-WAJ.1. -a.m -I~.m~.m a~:---a.m --a.m I ~.m~ p.mip':l-p.mip.m p.m BOXER- I Holwood Road .. 1.15 5. 9.15 10.25 11.1~ .. 12.30 2.154.30 ti.2018.2~ 9.20 Jackson's Road .... /8.1v.. .. 11.4n.. .. 3.15.. .. ,7.1.) Killgswood Roatl 15.50 8.i)0 10. 5 10.45 .. [2. Ii 1.454. 0.5.4'37.4,'1 0. 0 Langdon Road.. .. .. 9. 0 .. 11.30.. .. .. 3.45 .. 8.30 London Lane.... .. 5.40 8.45 9.4510.45 n.30 .. 1.304. 05.45'7.45 n.2·) Long-fieltl ..... 12.155.[>5 n. 0 10. 0 n. 011.45 .. 1.4:)4.206. 5i8. 5 9.40 Matleira Avenue... .. 8.40 10.40.. .. .. 1.2,)3.M) 5.40,7.40 Malvestone Road .. 8.2.) 10.M .. 1.4013.505.257.40 Masons Hill .... .. 5.25 9.15 10'.20U." 0 .. 1~.2f>2...'i4.2~~ ..? 8.~5 Mays Rill ...... .. 5.55 8.55 1O.101O.nO .. 12.101.;:.014.y v.')·) 7.00 Oakley Road .... 7.50 ....... '13.10 Orchard Road .. 5.30 8.30 9.45 10.45 11.15 .. 1.4;)3.4,) .5.457.45 Page Heath Lane .. 5.10 8.40 10. 0 10.50 .. 12. 5 1.5.) Palace Grove .... 1.30 6. 0 8 50 10. 5 11. 5 ., 12. 52. 514. 56 .. 18. 5 Park Avenue.. .. .. 8.55 9.50 10AO11.50 .. .. 1.504.255.507.50 Park Road ...... 12.306. 0 9.15 10.3011.15 .. 12.352.204.456.;j 8.20 Plaistow Road 1.4;J 5.50 8.45 9.4010.3·; 11.40 .. 1.40 4.l'i 5.40 7.40 Queen's Mead Rd. 6. i) 9.10 10.20 n. 0 ., 12.202.;J 4.1i) 6. 08.10 Quernmore . 1.45 .5.35 9. 0 10. 010.45 11.55 .. 1.55 7.M RavensbourneRd. .. 5.50 8.20 9.4510.2511.35 ..,')7.30 (L. P.) R~~l~~.~~~~J~eRd. .. .. 8.20 9.40 ., 11.35 1.20 4. 0.').207.:10 Recreation Hoad .. 5.25 8.15 9.3510.2511.30 .. 1.15,3.40 5.1f>7.15 Hodway Road 1.30 .5.55 8.35 lUO 10.30 11.3J 1.30,4. 05.307.30 Salisbury road.. .. .. 8.35 10.20 1).iiO.. .. 1.203.35 .. 7.45 Sandford Road.. .. 9. 0 . . 12.10.. I~.I~~.(I .. Shortlands Grove .. 5.45 8.45 10. 0 10.40 .. 12 0 1.40,il.5i>~.40 7.40 ShortlandsStation .. 5.SO 9. 0 10.1;310.0[; .. 12.!.)!. !~,4.!? 5.';b 8. 0 Southborough .... 7.40 9.10 lOA.; .. 12.v52',)014.,,;) Southlands Road 8.30 10. 0 !l.40.. .. 1.3),3.55 ·).10 7 0 S.E.Ry. Approach 12.306. 5 8.50 10.1011.10 .. 12.102.10 4.106.10 8.10 South Hill ..... .. .. 8.35 9.55 10.3511.45 .. 1.3.5:3.45:).357.40 Houth Hill Park.. .. 5.35 8.40 10. 010.4011.50 .. 1.403.505.407.45 bouth Hill Road.. .. .. 8.35 9.55 10.35 U.45 1.35~3.45ii.35 7,40 Sonthlands Road .. .. 8.55 9.55 10.40 .. 12. 51.403.555.408. [) Spencer Road.... .. 5.45 8.50 9.5010.50 U.35 .. 1.i35:4. :i.50 7.flO Tylney Road.... .. 5.45 8.50 10.1010..55 .. 12.152. 0 4.2? ~.~?:3. 0 Wanstead road.. .. 5.50 9. 5 10.20 U. 5 .. 12.252.10 4.3il .J.')U 8.10 WestmordandRd. .. 5.45 8.50 10.1010.50 .. L2. 0,l.50 4. 0.5.508. 0 Woodlands Road .. .. 8.1.3 9.45 10.45 .. .. 1.20 149 SUNDAY5. 6.LO p.m. 8.15 5.40 p.m. ~.l~ p.m. u.40 p.m. 6. ij p.m. 5.5 p.m. 5.55 p.m. 6.10 p.m. 5.45 p.m. 8.30 a.m. 6.0p.TIl. 5.30 p.m. 6.20 p.m. 6.;; a.m. 6.10 p.m. .3.45 p.m. 6.0p.m. ~.I~p.m. <>.lu p.m. EXPRESS DELIVERY. Te Post Office will deliver messages, letters, and parcels, hy special Messenger, in all parts of the Town and Rural District. The Fee for Express Delivery in the Local area is 3d. per mile, without charge for postage, when the packet cloe~ not exceed lib. in weight; above I lb. an additional fee of 3d. is charged. The postage charge only applies to Express cOl'respondenee which is fOl'warded by post to be specially delivered on arrival at the office of destination. When the distance exceeds two miles, and a public conveyance is not available, a charge will be made, in addition to the postage and fee, of 11- pel' mile for special conveyance, or the ordinary cab fare. (If the sender whlhes it, a special conveyance may be dsed for any less distance.) The words "Express Delivery" must be clearly written on each Packet by the sender, above the address in the left-hand· corner of the cover. There is no Express Delivery ser\'ice on Sundays, Good Friday, or Christmas Day, except for packets that reach this office from other towns, but :Express letters are accepted for despatch by the Ordinary MaiL RATES OF POSTAGE.
To and from all parts of the United Kingdom, for prepaid letters: Not exceeding 4 oz. Id. Exceeding 4 oz. but not exceeding 6 oz... 1d. 6 oz. 8 oz... zd. g oz. 10 oz... z!d. 10 oz. 12 oz... 3d. 12 oz. 14 oz... 3td. I4 oz. 16oz... 4d. 16 oz. 18 oz... 4td. and so on at the rate of id. for every additional 2 ozs. Letters posted unpaid are charged douhle on delivery; if underpaid, double the deficiency. No letter may exceed Z4 inches in length, 12 inches in width, and 1 1/2 inches in depth.
Aberdeen Buildings.
See High street.Addison Road.-
40 BROMLEY COMMON. Left Side. Alexander George, The Nook Christopher Mrs. St. Martin's 3 Burton Herbert 5 Betts William David 7 Caird Lothian Sherrard 9 Butler James Henry 11 Button Albert Henry 13 Cocks James Alfred 15 Bateman Miss H. 17 Elsdon George 35 Eagle Henry, bootmaker 37 Sheldon Frank 39 Pratt. Mrs. 41 Cox William 43 Boorman Albert C. ChattertonRoad45 Hughes Mrs. 45A Miller Brothers, oil and Italian warehousemen ......... here is Chatterton Road ......... 49 Greenaway John 51 Wright Charles 53 Harris Alfred Walter 55 Kenward Owen 57 Humphries Frederick O. l 59 Bowlan Mrs. 61 Best Mrs. 63 Jenner Charles David 65 Palmer Albert 67 Stace John 69 Day Henry William 71 Greenaway Josiah 73 Blackford Owen 75 Poole Mrs. 77 Lloyd Mrs. 79 Botten Mrs. 81 Skinner William 83 Beck Joseph 85 Pace Edward John 87 Collins Ernest 89 Lewis Frederick 91 Clacey Ernest William 93 Miles Frederick Charles 95 Reeves Frederick 97 Lane Albert Edward 99 Tubb Thomas Alfred, colporteur 101 Rickman Thomas Joseph 103 Deamer Thomas 105 Richards Arthur, shopkeeper .. . . . . . . .here is Cowper Road Cross and Return. St. Luke's Elementary School (Girls ~' Infants), Miss Lilly, mistress 48 Marshall Walter, coal dealer 46 Arundel John Balfour 44 Gregory Thomas 42 Humphrey Sidney 40 Owers Mrs. 38 Westcott Mrs. 36 Stace James William 34 Graham & Townsend, Belmont band laundry ...... here is Chatterton Road ....... 32 Jacquest Mrs. Stephen Gascoigne, confectioner 30 Emilie Mdme. M. D. wardrobe dlr. 28 Mugridge William, fruiterer 26 Picture Framing 00.22 Gumbrell J. G. mat maker 20 Bumstead Charles 18 Browning Henry 12 Durham Mrs. 10 Boxall Arthur 6 Homewood Joseph 4 Trundle James Albert Road.
From 11[ON.~l('{[rOad til Salisbury rd. Right Side. 2 Clothier James 4 Fox William 6 Woodward Aubrey Walter 8 Bloomfield James 10 Haffenden Alfred 14 Ryan Thomas R. 16 Laughorne Edward 18 Britton George 20 Haddock Arthur 22 Hayley Thomas, Lyndalc 24 Meers Henry F. 26 Woodward Robert 28 Lansberry William 30 Saans Charles Herbert, Woodlanrls 32 Anthony L. W. 34 Gosling Charles William 36 Beadle James 38 Reeve Mrs. 40 Anderson William 42 Bond William, Belle Vue 4G Thorpe Thomas Geo. Wm. Mayfield 48 Hoadley Benjamin 50 Northfield Charles Frederick 1 52 Ovenden Henry 54 Elliott Alfred, Leedswood 56 Wickham Albert 58 Dvmond Thos. Edwin, Haslemerc 60 Canfield John 62 Elliott John 64 Richards Edmund 66 Canning Walter, Ryton 68 Canning David, Stretton . 70 Wickens William James, Wolston 72 Eames John 74 Humphrey Edward James 76 Blackett Percy 78 Jenkins Thomas 80 Birtchnell George E 82 Doe Mrs., Ventnor 81 Schopman William Left Side. 1 Frost George, agent Prudential Assurance Co. Limited 3 Temblett Herbert S. 5 Simmons Augustus 7 Gifford John Thomas 9 Earwicker Frederick 11 Oates Albert 13 Armitage William 15 Emery Mrs. 17 Timpson Mrs. 19 Thomas James 21 Mills Edward 23 May Henry [missing] 29 Broadley John W. 31 Brasier 'Charles 33 Holder Walter Frederick 33 Holder W., bootmaker 35 Greenaway Robert, Elizabeth cut 37 Chapman Arthur 39 Carpenter William, White cottage 41 Todd Robert 43 Phillips R. W. 45 Golding Henry 47 Boyle John, Lenham 49 Crabb Frederick James 51 Harris Frederick James 65 Goldsmith Frederick 67 Knott William 69 Agnew Ernest G. 71 Thomas John 73 Edwards Charles E. 75 Craker Thomas Ernest 77 Barber Charles Walter 79 Anderson Herbert John 81 Peters George, Penrose 83 Smith Mrs. M. 85 Woodcock Isaac 87 Gilbert Samuel 89 Collins Henry, Grove CornerAldermary Road.
From 17 Glebe road West Side. 1 Lambert Mrs 3 Good George 5 Bush Henry Charles 7 Isard Miss 9 Rogerson Mrs. 11 Hillier Mrs,13 Curwood John Nicholas 15 Brook Frederick Benjamin 17 McClure Charles 21 Rose W. S. 23 Hamlyn J. 25 Wright Walter 27 Jones Charlee Henry 29 Mortlock T. C. 31 Suffell Miss E. 33 Bateman Henry Samuel 35 Lutz August 37 Tucker K J. 39 Haigh William Henry East Side. 2 Morgan Row land 6 Beaumont Mrs, 8 Irving Ernest Copeland ...... here i.'t Ronalrf.'t )'t! 10 Langmore Hugh Grant 12 Reader Henry 14 Palmer William George 16 Lancaster Fred 18 Atwood Alfred 20 Phillips Ernest Oliver 22 Screeton S. A. 24 Parsons Alfred William ... ... here is Holli'll'ave )'rd......... 26 Plumer Mrs. 28 Greenhill Miss C. )1.,Meadowcroft 30 Cameron Andrew 32 Ximenes Eliodoro Alexandra Crescent.
From Avondale l'onrl. Right Side. Riches George. Ferndale Hutton William, Woodcroft Brooks Harold G., Brasenose Noakes Robfrt Cecil, The Nook de Lisle Hirzel W. T .. The Hut Stayner James Adolphus, Oak cottage Moreton Charles James, Elmdene Moreton Charles Robert, band provider, Oakdene Greatwood Herbert Henry, Lindley Left Side. Beaumont John, Ingestre Malcolm J. A., Eversley cottage Burrows Mrs., Helmside Amy Villas. SCI:' Ilomesdale road,Ashgrove Rd.
-BROMLEY HILL EST_'.TM. From Bromley hilT. Jarvis Charles Turnbull John H., South End 10. 2 Adams CharlesAvondale Road.
From Burnt Ash lane to Lalu~ amf'n. North Side. Wall Letter Box Peters D, West 2 Thompson Herbert 3 Catchpole Albert A. Clark George Ernest J The Beeches Knight Moreton Laing, Hillside Withered Arnold, Wingate Treacher John, Appin lodge ......... here is Aled'and~'rt Cl·es ......... Cook Leonard Barnaby, St. Audries Clubb William .John, road house Shaw Hugh Wybergh, solr., Ahercorn South side Drelheller Paul, The Crossways ... here is Lalw f1 venne . Rarbe Eric, Werder hous(' ... ... here is Q1lel'nl1Wre rd ......... Gwyn George R., Pentborpe Hodge Samuel W., Clovelly O'Conner Peter James, Glenavon Dean Charles Geoffrey, MosmanAylesbury Road. - MASONS HILL
From Westmoreland road. Right Side. Hannaford William, provision stores 2 King Clifford & Son, greengrocers 3 Head Johu, butcher 4 Pocock George 5 Ware William, fishmonger 6 Dodson James 7 Maunton Herbert 8 Harding William E. 9 Fisher Alfred 10 Mantle Archibald 11 Brown Joseph J ohu 12 Lock Albert13 Brice Frank Emery 14 Saunders James 15 Lambourne George 16 Smithard James 17 Hannaford Thomas 18 Norgate William 19 Barton Edward 20 Webster William 21 Bartlett Mrs. A. 22 Maddams James 23 Killick Henry E. 24 Austin William 25 Thomas Jesse 26 Payne Benjamin Wcst 27 Barber Joseph 28 Ashton George 29 Sutton Charles 30 Dean Hedley, cabinet maker 31 Mavnard James 32 Winter Mis:'! 33 Locke W. G. 34 Willbv Charles E. 35 Kite GoorO'e 36 Dawson Siclney, insurance agent 37 White James William 38 Pocock William Joseph 39 Jessop George 40 Wells Mrs. ......... here is iVewll1lr!J road . .. , ......... here is Footbridge ............ Cross aud Return. 48 Hoare Sam ud 47 Rowe Atcher 4G Bax Alfred William 45 Baldwin Henry Charles 44 Booker Richard Francis 43 Pocock Harry 42 Little John 44 Palmer Charles J. COlliwil Se/wohl-F. Lewis,master; James Green, caretaker Babbacombe Road.
From Station rd. to La lIU101/))/{I rd. Left Side. ..... here is Ronald's r0([.(1 .......... ...... here is IIollif/rat'e road ......... 1 Davis Thomas James 3 Hammond Mrs. 5 Wood Philip Alfred 7 Russell Alfred 9 Gilbert Mrs. 13 Humerston H. E. 15 Allen Mrs. 17 Davis Thomas 19 Lowne Joseph William 21 Fay Cyrus Right Side. 2 Hill &; Gurr. builders (yard) 4 Payne Charles 6 Morley Herbert 8 J{ye Edwin 10 Blackman William Alfred 12 Judge Charles, Totnes 14 Home William 16 Trodd Alfred, Ashton 18 JenkinR William Henry 20 Ellis Edwin James 22 Howlett William 24 Walker Edward 26 Jeffrec Frederick 28 Hill Oscar E.. Homevicw 30 Judd Francis ·William 32 Bennett T. Amold 34 Poyser Walter 36 Ede Percy 38 Neilson Harald ....... lwl'c is railway crossinf} 48 Paton William, Derlwyn 50 Fell Thomas, Woodi1ield 52 Sigg.;; William Charles, St. Aylotts 54 Honeysett Edgar William, Ungava 56 Umbers Misses, Warkworth 58 O'Dell David Thomas, Henley 6O Hawtree Fredk. George, Hazelmere 62 Kendrick Joseph Thomas 64 Barling David 66 Coltman R. Izard, specialist in voict production, Mountfield 68 Bacon Samuel H. 70 Beckett Frederic Franklin Manly Percival William, Clovelly 74 Dabr.ll Henry 76 Browne Mrs: E. 78 Bradshaw Raphael, photographer, Ethel wynne 80 Hill Sergt.-Major William Edward LAMP LETTER Box 82 Palmer George, West view 84 Osborn Frederick William, artificial teeth, Nacton 86 Kennedy Alexander Andersol;l, Glenthorne88 Hingley John, Melton 90 Bourne Harry Morton, Wayside 92 Ward Percival 94 Moon Miss 96 Neale Archibald Wm., Woodcote 98 Stanley Geo. Christopher, Carthew ]00 Spencer Frank, Fairhaven 102 Lowes Mrs., Fairlight 104 Harrison Mrs. 104 Whebell Nurse A. (certified) 108 Veness Joseph 110 Baker Albert C. 112 Clark William Owen 116 Rothwell Harold 1]8 Fentiman Arthur John 122 Forbes George, Rosslyn 132 Bennett Robert 134 Alston Edward 136 Brvce Rev. Wm. Kirk [Baptist], Kenilworth 138 Wallis Ralph 140 Tillotson Miss 142 Blanchard Francis Leonard Balfour Road - BROMLEY COMMON.
From, Mosslea rd. to Salisbltry rd. 13 Tyler Edward 15 Lane William Joseph 17 Clare Frederick Stephen 19 Walker John 21 Bird Frederick 21 Ingram Tom ......... here is Union road 25 Barnes Frederick 27 Carter Fred 29 Wright William 31 Dunlop William 33 Morton William James 35 Wicks Thomas 37 Bennett Walter Burton 39 Knowles George 41 Hodgkin Philip 43 Giles Vincent R. 45 Dudley Frederick Henry 47 Gosling Charles 49 Sheppard George James 51 Coppin John 53 Tickner Stephen 55 Rayment Frederick 57 England William Ewart 59 Martin Henry 61 Pratt Thomas 63 Tidy H. 65 Fryer William 67 Gearing Frederick 69 Newman Charles Andrew 71 Morgan Mrs. 73 Waterhouse Tom 75 Lemon John 77 Titchener Mrs. 79 Farley Mrs.Barnett Wood Road - BROMLEY COMMON.
From Oakley road. Adams ErnsL Ralph, Bencewell Orchard Stile Thomas Plummer, Barnett Wood Lewis RobertBarnfield Wood Road.
From top (lj Westmoreland read. LAMP POST LETTER Box Rogers Herbert M., Langley woodBeckenham Lane. - HIGH STREET.
From· 93 Hiqh street to Shortlands S. E.~· O. Railway Station. South-East Side. 1 'Tapp Mrs., The Hill ......... here is Footpath to Bromley Recrcation ground ...... 3 Strong Herbert, The Hollies Wall Letter Box 5 Temple Robert, Glebe Knoll 7 Latter Edward, Pixfield 7 Latter Bertram Henry, Pixfield Latttlr Hugh Robinson, Burrell's Meadow Fire Alarm Valley Council Scltools-John J. Webber, B.A., master; Miss S. Agnes Evans, mistress of Girls; Miss Lucy Warren, mistress of Infants; Abraham Riley, caretaker 39 HenhamT. & Son,builders & dcrtrs. 39 Henham Mrs. C., teacher of music 41 Potter S. 43 Dinmore Miss 45 Moon Hedley Walter 47 Rowe James 49 & 51 Appleton Herbert, draper53 Williams George H. butcher 51 Williams Alfred, baker ......... here is Recreation road ...... PILIAR LETTER Box 57 Kinsman Thomas. greengrocer 51 Aylward Percy 63 Pointer Benjamin 61 Gretton Mrs. 65 SmaUbone Charles Albert, fruiterer & greengrocer 67 Hall Harry, house decorqtor 67 Lampier Mrs. Sarah, dressmaker 69 Ulayden Williain, florist 71 Craker Mrs. 71 Walker Ernest James 73 Bryant Mrs. 73 Ebdon Frederick John 73A. llis & Son, farriers 77 Smith Bert 77 & 79 Smallbonc Chas. Albert, grocr. 81 &, 83 Jenner T. & Son, oilmen 85 Gooch George, butcher 87 Wailing George, coffee tavern 87A Tufnell Philip Arthur, boot makr. 89 Richmond Mrs., tobacconist 9l Davidson Robert Edward 93 Wynn John 95 Abbott William 97 Harris Charles 99 Bartlett Alfred J., rustic & horticultural builder ...... here is Shortlands Railway station ...... Cross and Return. North- West Side. ...... here is Ravensbourne avenue ...... Bartlett Alfred J., rustic works 108 Barl(er Thomas, fruiterer 106 CARTER. LAW & LEECH, auctioneers, house & estate agts.& surveyors (& atBromley) 104 Cuthbert Harry H., chemist 102 Stevens A. S., bootmaker 100 Tolfrey Wm. J.,plumber& decrtr 98 Tolfrey William J., iron monger 96 Rasor Mrs. A., fancy draper ......... here is Meadow road ...... 94 Siwrtlands Post Office-Frank James Barnett, sub-postmaster 94 Telephone Call Office 92 Griffin Charles 90 Alston Walter Thomas 88 Sales Ernest F. 88 Sales Mrs. K., dressmaker 86 Marshall Charles Alfred 84 Bastin Ernest, cycle repairer 82 Sangter & Son, fishmongers 80 Wood Mrs. M., stationer 80 Hansle.v Robert E., who. stationer 78 Bones Joseph 76 Rushton David Joseph 74 Clarke Frederick 72 Lyford Charles 70 Abbott Frederick, rose grower 68 Waters Sidney, plumber 66 Brodrick John 64 Catlett Samuel, naturalist 62 Cheeseman Frederick, builder 60 Howlett Brothers. beer retailers ...... here is Shorttands qardens ... .- 58 Baker Thomas . 5BA HART PERCY E. automobile & general engineer 58 Welford's Surrey Dairies Limited 56 Durling George 54 Sillwood Frank 52 Mummery Harry 50 Messenger William George 48 Britton Mrs. Kate. shirtmaker 46 Stringer Bertie Thomas 44 English Mrs. Thomas 42A Pearson & Cox Limited, steam car manufacturers 40 White Miss F. E., ladies' outfitter 38 Brooks George William, grocer 36 Humphrey Mrs. confectioner ...... here is Farnaby road ...... Reading Percy G., Battledown 12 Goodwin James, Arlescote ......... here is Highland road ......... ........... here is Blyth road ........... Schooling Frederick, Holly Dene r West Kent Main Sewemge I Board office - Arthur B. Coomber, sec ~ I offices of the Board of Guadians of Bromlty Union Edward Haslehurst, clerk; P. ~ I J. D. Wiley, assistant clerk Customs r Excise 9" Old AflC I Pensions Office - A. W.WoodI ward, surveyor; Albert Edward l Jacksolll oUicer ( Bromley Rural District Council I -Edward Haslehurst, clerk; P. J. D. Wiley, assistant clerk I Superintendent Registrars Office -Edward Haslehurst, supt Deputy Superintendent Registrar - P. J. D. Wiley Surveyor of Taxes - G. H. Hyett. . S I Bromley &. Beckenham Joint Hospital Board Frank H. ~) Gedney, clerk ~ I Haslehurst Edward, clerk to Bromley union, Bromley rural district council & supt. regisitrar Chapman Harry, deputy registrar of births & deaths for I Bromley sub-district, Bromley union LLane William, caretaker 8 Riches William 6 Larkin Henry William 4 Osborne Mrs. 2 Dawson Ernest Beechfield Cottages. - WIDMORE.
From 165 Widmore road. 1 Wraight Henry 2 Stacey Edward 3 Smith Albert 4 Wraight Mrs. 5 Dellow William John 6 Glover Walter 7 Wingfielt!. Henry Herbert 8 Pink Frederick 9 Peates Harry 10 Stockwell William 11 Burr RichardBickley Road.
...... from Widrnore road. ...... here is Chislehurst road Wall Letter Box 2 Sidney William, The Old cottage Welford's Surrey Dairies Limited, Widmore farm Pearson Walter (stables of) Widmore court McGlashan A. K. (lodge of) Widmore court ...... here 'is Pine,~ road , . ...... here is Bickley Park road ....... Cross and return. Brodie Robert, Mowbray White Mrs., Caerlaverock Badcock Frederick Owen, Kenmore ...... here is Bird in Hand lane ...... 3 Bird in Hand, Frank Mathews [PH] 5 Wickenden Mrs. E.A., livery stables 7 Copping Mrs. H., laundry ....... ,. here is Widmore road .........Bloomfield Rd. - 45 BRROMLEY COMMON
Left Side. 1 Day George, jun., plumber 3 Shepperd Julius 5 Field Horace Banks 7 Jackson George ........ here is Chatterton road ........ London Oity Mission 9 Walters Charles 11 Price Mr~. 13 Anderson Thomas 15 Vyse Henry J31nes 17 Whitehead Charles 19 Hall George 21 Miles William Bert 23 Lockyer William 25 Gurr Arthur George 27 Asker Frank 29 Sutton James 31 I::imith John Andrew 33 Andrews .Robert Henry 35 Johnson Frederick W. 37 Wallace William 39 Knights Jas. 41 Humphrey John 43 Eade George Henry 45 Smith Harry 47 Clifton Herbert 49A Bartholomew Charles 49 Bloomfield Laundry Cross and return. 46 Polglaze Thomas James 44 Edwards Francis 42 Greenwood Charles 40 Down Robert George 38 rates Herbert Jobn36 Alford Thomas, grocer, & c. 31 BoxaU George Thomas 32 Gardiner Frederick M. 30 Calder Robert, tailor 28 Norman William 26A veling Herbert 27A Wood Edward ......... Here is Chatterton Road ........ 22 Prentice Charles Sohn 20 Pearson Arthur, oil stores 18 Avis Mrs. 1(i Rayfield William, grocer 14 Wood Thomas 12 Mill A. W. & Co sewing machine repairers 10 Archer George 8 Jackson Albert, Glendaira 6 Haylett Thomas William 4 Gibbs Miss 2 Palmer Mrs. Primitive Methodist Chapel Blyth Road. - Bromley PAlace
From 35 London q'oad to BcekenlulUb lane. North Side. 2 Young Sames, Columcille 4 Garrard Alfred Edwin, Ridgelands 6 Griffin James ThackweIl, Elmville 8 Balfour Mrs., Summerland 10 Smith Charles Lacey 12 Mathieson Alec S., Edelstowe 14 Simeons Carl, Dudley 16 Bumsled David Alexander, Sparnon 18 Smith William Hubert, M.A., J.L.M., solicitor & commissioner for oaths, Trevena 20 J0hnsen Wm. Martin, Barnfield 22 Willett Mrs., Woodcote 24 Weber F. A. G. (Blyth Wood) ...... here is Beckenham lane ....... South Side. 9 Gibson Mrs. Aisbitt, Haslemere 7 Bromley Nurses' Co-operation (Misses Larkins), Greta. Tel. Bromley 231 5 Gregory Richard Arman, Walcot 3 Collett Charles Henry, ~herstone 1 Thomas W. G., AvocaBourne Road-
Top OF HAVELOCK RD. Left SUe. 9 Martin Geo. William, shopkeeper 9A & 11 Yeates Herbert, saddler 15 Knott Albert 17 Cronk John 19 Roots Thomas 21 Greenwood Charles 23 Charlo George Henry 25 Stacey William George 27 Jury William 29 Greenwood Albett Gross and Return. Rigt Side. 42 Munn Chas. Whiwell, insur agt. 40 Gretton Henry Charles 38 Lloyd E. J. 36 Smith Arthur 34 AttIe Thomas . ........ here is Elliott road 32 And('rsou George 30 Taylor George Henry 28 Filtness Charles William 26 Walker John Henry 24 Ling Benjamin 22 Clayden Arthur 20 Prust William Henry 18 Peill Frederick William 16 Humphrey Arthur Percy 14 Blundell William Edwin 12 Allen Christopher 10 Lees George 8 Barnett George 6 Milstead Albert John 4 Wyatt John Arthur 2 Parmer Mrs., hand laundryBrewery Road.-
67 BROMLEY COMMOM. Moullin L., Pembury house 21 Cooper John, confectioner 19 DunmaIl Ernest 18 Ely James 15 Roffey George 14 Aylward Mrs. 12 BoxaIl Thomas 11 Johnson Thomas 10 Whitehead Charles 9 DunmaIl Thomas 8 Dunmall Edward Cross and Return.7 Freitag Frederick 6 Johnson Mrs. 5 Harris Henry 4 Whitehead Harry 3 Elliott Frank 2 Winter William Broadway (The).
See High street.Bromley Avenue.
From 3 G}'a.M1lere road to l/arlIaby road. Lardner Harvey William (The Lodge) Cohen Percy L. (Liscard) Stanford Charles, Blair AthollBromley College.
From 101 High street. Barrett John, ,The Lodge White Rev. Jaines, M.A., chaplain Hamilton Col..J., Treasurer's House 1 Taylor Mrs. 9 Temple Mrs. 2 Haslewood Mrs. 3 Thomas Mrs. 4 Dodd Mrs. 5 Godson Mrs. 6 Smith Mrs. Charles 7 Morrell Mrs. 8 Nelham Mrs. 10 Smith Mrs. T. 11 Burrow Mrs. 12 Cumming Mrs. Gordon ]3 Hobbins Mrs. 14 Doughty Mrs. 15 Caswell Mrs. 16 Freeman Mrs. 17 Tyache Mrs. 18 Curtis Mrs. 19 Wensley Mrs. 20 Stubbs :Mrs. 21 Selbv-H~al Mrs. 22 Grabham Mrs. 23 Whitmore Mrs. 24 Hewitt Mrs. Oscar 25 Beynon Mrs. 26 Reaney Mrs. 27 Bedford Mnl 28 Billin2' Mrs. 29 Writ!ht Mrs. 30 yoll~g Mrs. 81 Carlyon Mrs. 32 Collier Mrs. 33 Appleford Mrs. 34 Newham Mrs. 35 Ellis M rs. 36 Goss Mrs. 37 Lewis Mrs. James 38 Burgess Mrs. 39 BartoR Mrs. 40 BUl'l1side Mrs.Sheppard's College.
1 Griffith Miss 2 England Miss 3 M arriott Miss 4 Oxlad Miss 5 Greenslade MissBromley Common.
Left Side -from Homesllale Road. PILLAR LETTER Box Fire Alarm 1 Scott James A. 2 Critchison Rev. James [Wes. J 3 Morgan William T. 4 Payne Herbert 5 SandIe S. S. 6 Abel John 7 Rogers Miss, Laurel Bank 10 Balchin William C., Bexfield 11 Bloor J. Matthew, Oxford lodge 12 Judd William, Walton cottage Field Misses, preparatory day school 14 Browne C. Walter 15 Newton Miss 19 McDougall John 20 Englehardt H. F. It 21 Whelon George W. H. 22 Thomas Arthur S. 23 Wilkins Leonard 24: WiJIiams J ohu, Brockhampton 25 Hodder J\;1rs.,Caris brooke 26 Howard Miss, Ewell house 28 Dalton John Bates 29 & 30 .Pive Bells, Fredk. Matthews 31 Parker Edwin, stationer, & Shooting Common Post Office Telephone Call Office 32 Mitchell Arthur Samuel, baker...... Here is Southlands Road St. Luke's Church 36 Peill Robert 37 McAuslan Henry 38 Rayfield Arthur James 40 Pearson William Walker ......... here is Addison road 43 Childs Misses 44 Curry Rev. William [Primitive Methodist], Mayville 45 Burtt Miss C. E., Frant villa ...... here is Bloomfield road ...... Primitive Methodist Church .............. here is Chantry lane ...... . . . . .. footpath to Southborough. .......... 47 Sandle Henry James, Walpole house. ........ here is Walpole road 48 Brown John Wa.lter 49 Weyman Miss, Clungonas 50 Timmis John, Woodclose 51 Sparks Alfred, Bowmanville 52 Watts Mrs., Esperanza 53 Yolland John Horatio, M.R.C.S., L.S.A., surgeon ............ here is Pope road ...... 57 Sharp H. (Sussex louge) ......... here is Jolmson road . 60 Robinson Wm. T., provision mer 61 Phillips; Lemuel, cycle maker 62 Copus William, baker & confectnr. Pillar Letter Box 63 Croft Albert Edwin 64 Speller E. William. tiori&t ............ here is Crown lane ...... The Crown, Thomas M. Marshall [PH] Fire Alarm ......... here i.~Tllrpington lant! . ...... here is Magpie HalL lane ...... Bromley 0' Bickley Golf Clnb G. F. Fischer, sec.; G. Thake, steward Richards W. T., Cooper's Farm cot Holy Trinity Church ............ here is Chnrch lane ............ 66 Bromley Common Elementary Scltool-G. W. Moate, master; Mrs. Moate, mistress Fire Alarm LAMP POST PILLArt Box Howland Fred .I., Barham house Rowland Fred J. Limited, rustic & horticultural builders. Sedelia wrks ........ here is Brewery road ...... 68 Gill William. flint. & gravel contr. Village Hall ...... here is Lower Gravel Road . 69 Sawyers' Arms. George Reeves [PH] 70 Ward Charles S. 71 Oliver A., harness repairer 71 Wright Wm. G., smith & farrier 73 Roffey James 73 Osborne Miss 74 Stone Henry 75 Cook James, agent Prudential Assurance Co. Limited 76 Ward John Herbert, butcher 77 Norman Charle~, newsagent.. toy and fancy shop, Post O{fire 78 Easy Henry, baker 79 Bashford Thomas, grocer 79 Telephone Call Office .. here 'is Jackson's road . 80 Lawrence George, nurseryman 80A CoolingWm.,nurseryman,Croft ho . Cross and return. 81 The Plough, William Cox [PH] ...... here is Cherry Orchard road ...... 81A King Col. Charles Wallis, )LV.O" Belair . Jones Albert E., Kent villa 83 Yeates William 84 Flight Ernest E. 86 DeAth Edmund Charles ...... here is Grave lroad ............ 87 Whitehead Albert, Cherry orchard 87A Medhurst Frederick 88 Harris John, steward, Oakley farm ............ here is Oakley road ...... Lubboek Sir Nevile, K.C.M.G" Oakley Cowland George Thos., Oakley 10. gO Nonnan Archibald"C., M.A.,J.P., The Rookery 90 Dunmail T., The Rookery lodge 90 Saunders David, The Rookery 10. 90 Lyddiard William J., head gardener to A. C. Norman, esq., The Rookery gardens ...... here is footpath to Hayes ..... 92 Faunthorpe Rev. John P., M.A., F.RG.~., Elmfield Miller.J.& Sons, farmers,Hook frm 93 Miller Ernest, Hook farm 91 Faulkner John 95 Morley Harry 96 Dormer Leonard 97 Butcher J. 98.Beard William 99 Weston James Bromley Crescent - THE VALLEY.
Right Side - from Bromley garJeue. 6 Abel Rowland 8 Gristwood Frederick 10 Oswald Frederick 12 Costin George Frederick 14 Brown William 18 Hoare Charles Edward 20 Lansbury Mrs. H Smith Sidney U5 Webb George !8 Jackson Mrs. A. l2 Vallins George A U Brewer George lG Taylor Henry James cross and Return. ;5 Reau George ,3 Parsons J limes ,I Bates William :9 Borgnis Thomas Gurney '7 Godfrey Albert Harry 5 Lindsey Charles Edward ~3 Heath Charles :l Googe Elijah 9 Wallace Fred :7 Gowers William :5 Maynard Bert 3 Hudd Ernest 1 Passey William 9 Royston Arthur 7 Goddard George :5 Lee William E. 3 Randal Albert, jobbiug gardener 1 Mitchell George 6R..Jl\J. 17 West William Lewis (Horsford viI) 15 Vickery Richard L. 13 Lovell 'Charles 11 Marshall Albert, WiertlJn 9 Knowles Albert 7 Hammond F. 5 Wilkins Edward 3 Church Henry 1 Uden TJconard JohnBromley Gardens. - THE VALLEY.
Left Side - from Queen's Mead road. 1 Wickenden William 3 McIntosh Robert Dunlea vey 5 Rumens William . Edward 7 Fowler William James 11 Menser Mrs. 13 Howard WIlliam 15 Harwood Harry 17 Manger Frank William 19 Widgery John Norman 21 Hopgood John 23 Moore Alfred, builder & decorator ...... here is Bromley crescent ..... 25 Eves Edward William, grocer 29 Hill C. J., stationer, post & money order office 81 Tebby Mrs. 35 Kemp Arthur 37 Doughty Arthur Henry 39 Henham Edward 41 Henham Henry 43 Manser John Wm., Fairlight cot 45 Stranj;?;e James, Aston villa 47 Humerston John Henry 49 Andrews Henry James, Langdlde 51 Chesman George 55 White Mrs. 57 Corbett J. E. 59 Beckett Thomas 61 Peckham William 63 Mugridge Ralph G5 Prior John, Fern Lea 67 Davis Arthur Frank 69 Piper Arthur Ernest 71 Constant Arthur D 73 Baxter Mrs. 75 John~.()n James 75 Lewis Tom ......... here is Glassmill lane ...... ... .. ". Jl/;I'C is b01lndary of Bromley and Beakenham pal'i~lIn ....... here ig Ridley road Cross and Return. 90 Jackson Henry 88 Davey George· 86 Drew Charles 84 Mockridge Robert K 82 Fitzpatrick John 80 Hodge Frederick 78 Angus William 76 Marsh Charles 74 Heath Charles 72 Essery Thomas 70 Cash Henry 68 Read L. G 66 Solomons John 64 H vde Henry 62 Eastwood James Edwnrd 60 Sayers Charles 58 Groombndge Josiah 56 CbeE'seman John 54 Elliott Charles 52 Tarring Frederick 50 Field J obn 48 Everest J. 46 Castlo Charles Hobert 44 Wallace Charles 42 Fry Sydney John 40 Randall Arthur John 36 Wynn Henry 32 Joy George 30 Stanbridge Ernest 28 Downs Percy Ernest 26 Mumford John 24 Kirby Walter Forbes 22 Fleet Louis Charles 20 Burrows Frederick 18 Leppard Frederick 16 Nibell Charles Jamt:'s 14 Lewis Thomas 12 Howie James Thomas 10 Broomham Oliver 6 SherriI: Edward, Walmer villa 4 Lock Hecry 2 Raynor Mrs. Bromley Hill.
C,'htimwtion of Landon Road to SOl/thend. Entrances to Bromley Park Hotd Bromley Hill Cemetery-JD. Warner, supt. Warner John, The Lodge Dutton Daniel, farmer, Holloway farm Mullins Thos. H y., Holloway Farm cotBrook Lane Cottages.-PLAISTOW.
. . . . . . From Burnt Ash lane. Lee Arthur, May cottage 1 Huxley Mrs. 2 Parsons William 3 Darvell FrederickBurnt Ash Lane.
...... here is Nichol lane 4 Bright Arthur T. 6 Webo James Simpson, medical accountant 8 Carr Miss Florence 10 Francis Sydney Wilfred 12 Wheeler Walter 14 Wheeler Miss 16 Cubitt Herbert 18 Jamieson James William George 20 Winch H. Wilson 22 Bowsher Mrs. 24 Parfett George William 28 Oram Lanham W. 30 Caulfeild-Stoker T. 32 Wheeler Ernest Edward 34 Jullie F. A. ........... .here is Croft road ............HILL VIEW COTTAGES.
14 Bates Josep~ William 13 Lipscombe George Leonard 12 Lamb .Joseph 11 Poole John, rustic worker 11 Poole Mrs., tobacconist .......... here is Gladwell road . 10 Pollard George, shopkeeper 8 Stears Harry Sidney 6 Johnson Mrs. 5 Bridgeland William .......... here is Hilldrop road .......... 58 Davis Frank William 60 King Francis Stephen 62 Brooker ThomasPlaistow Cemetery, Charles Sheldon, superintendent King's Meadow Recreation Ground ........... lw·(j is .ilIilk .~treet . Hearn James, Vale house Watson Ernest, Halls Farm house Rose William, Halls Farm dairy HALLS FARM COTTAGES. 1 Osborn William 2 Rose Reuben ... here i.'Jfootway to .Mottinqham. ... Cross and return. Johnson Joseph Forsyth, nurseryman, 1 SundridgeHallFarm rots Loder Ernest, Sundridge Hall farm Lawler Jas. Edwd., Sundridge hall ......... here is Avondale road . ... h,ere is footpath to Bout/wnd ... ......... here is Lake avenue 23 Vaughan Mr~., Yew croft ......... here is Park avenue 11 Marshall Mrs., Balmacara 9 Vasey S. Archibald, Beechcroft 7 Brock Mrs, Charles,MorningDawn 5 Heywood Thomas, The Old Summer house 3 Atkinson Joseph, Yew lodge 1 Kinnaird Palk Estate Office ...... here is London lane Calmant Road.
Bromley Hill Estate.Cambridge Road.-PLAISTOW.
Right Side-from Crescent Road. Wall Letter Bow 2 Wilkinson Misses 4 Peake Henry, Luccombe 6 Smith Mrs. E. 8 Mallett Mrs. 10 Brooks Joseph, Dagmar house 12 Goodenough Thomas Matthew 14 Allen :Miss 16 Spratt Thomas Heiuy 18 Cluugh.R. C. 20 Airy Reginald 22 Amos Mrs. E. 24 Humphries Mrs. L. 26 Birdseve Mrs. . 28 Imrd Edward 30 Compton John 32 Ritherdon Robert, Coniston . ......... liere is Lall.~do~ne rd ........ : 34 Sheppard Henry W., The Firs 36 Whitfield Rev. Oswald George, M.A. [Congregational],Mansfield 38 Dickson Alexander, jun., Wroxham 40 Hewett Arthur H., Oulton 4:2 ClartwI ight Chas.Knight,N etherton 44 Millhoff James, The Briery 46 James Heginald Wm ..St.Mildred's 48 Hennah Mrs. L., Markhampton 50 Caney Charles, Hossmore ......... here i8 Plaistow lane Cross and Return . 41 Ashton Percy H . 39 Whittle Ed. Alfred, Langdale 37 Smith Sidney Austen. Linton 35 Rayden ArthurEdward, Woodlyncb 33 Heid William, Ardoch 31 Broomhall Edward Barron 29 Thomson Rev. Henry Morton, lLA 27 Lowe Lionel Harvey 25 Strouts Harry Frederick 23 Crabb Ernest, Kenmore 21 Carr ","illiam, Dunkeld 19 Norman Frederick H., Camden 17 Stone George, Houghton 15 Reeve Edwin W., Oakhurst 13 Evershed William 11 Choyce Miss, Trevarno 9 Neale Miss L. 7 Sharland William H. 5 Ta)lor Edward C., Addington 3 Bell Mrs. lA Thursfield Mrs. 1 Grubb John ThomasCanon Road.
From Tylney road. Rowland Nathaniel 3 Dowsing Robert 3 Page Mrs. 5 Kingsnorth Frederick James 7 Hale William Th11 Welby Charles 15 Johnson Richard 17 Everest Mrs. 19 Packham William 21 Sims R. 23 Dean Charles Lloyd 25 Chambers Ernest Edward 27 Filby John Robert 29 Andrews Frederick 31 Kendall Jabez 33 Hill Fred 35 Grist Joseph 37 Peat George William 39 Bassam William 41 Russell Alfred 43 Goodchild Abram 45 Sargent Samuel George 47 Smith J. 49 Lee William 51 Nicholls John 53 Giles Charles 55 Gadsden William F. 57 Bush George Albert 61 Churchman Albert 63 Tomblin Sydney 65 Andrews Richard 67 Russell George 69 Cooke Frederick Tholllas 71 Richardson W. 13 Andrews Ernest Robert 75 Ford Albert 71 Aveling George 7D Temple Horace 81 Taylor Thomas 83 Kempson Henry 85 Boyse Frederick William 81 Filby James 89 Aspinell George 91 Clarke Mrs. 93 Wells Edwin Frank 95 Bray Henry Joseph 97 Elsdon William ......... here is Liddon road Cross ancllreturn. 112 Pearce Richard 110 Mindenhall Thomas 108 Wythe Augustus John 106 Jenner Thomlts '4 Wythe E. J '~ Wraight Charles Frederick Chandler Edward Houhton 98 Blackman Albert II. 96 Everest Mrs. 94 Steer Charles, confectioner 92 Edwards William Thomas 50AMatthews Juhn Henry 50 Sinden R. J 48A Davis Horace 46 Parker .Arthur Charles 44 Eade Edward 42 Martin .Arthur James 40 Johnson T. V. 38 Elliss Thomas William 36 Brittain Mrs. 34 Atkinson James 32 Ilslcy Edward 30 Ford Thomas E. 30AWalkcr Fred P. 28AStacey .Miss 28 Pearce C. 26 Matthews W 21 Hillier William 8 Kemp Mrs. 6 Hyett Miss 4: Weekes Herbert John 2 Jenkins William Chantry Lane.
From Bromley Common.
Chatterton Road.
BROMLEY COMMON. 16 Southland road. Bromley Common Cooprative Socity Ltd. - Jn. Robcrt Santcr, sec. ......... here is Addison Road ...... 5 Hobden James Jarvis, grocer 7 Nelson James & Sons Ltd. butchers 9 Wellam Mrs. R., stationer 11 Lane William, greengrocer 13 Mersh Miss, draper ......... here is Bloomfield road ........ 15 Cook James, draper 15A Tuffin Mrs, E., confectioner 17 Miles Walter 19 Brooker James 21 Swan Mrs. 23 Adams Mrs. 25 Seager Joseph 21 Tracy Ernest 29 Neal Frank.31 Hodder Ernest 33 Foreman Charles Art,hur 35 Newman John 37 Haffenden George 39 Drury John 41 Chatterton ArmS, Mrs. M.A. Brown ......... here is Walpole road ...... 43 Gibbons Ernest Henry, baker 45 Harman George, greengrocer 47 Rudd Walter B., bootmaker 49 Sibley James, tobacconist 51 Ware Frederick Chas., fishmonger 53 Clarke William J Ch D, hairdresser 55 Hall C. J. unredeemed pledge stores 57 Simmons Walter, bootmaker 59 Crow Miss Fanny, general shop 61 Matthews & Son, butchers 63 Fleet Georg-e. fishmonger 65 Wells William, coffee shop 67 White William. oilman ...... here is Pope road ............ 69 Mitchell A. T., general shop 71 Flood William 73 Small G. 75 Hassum Percy F. 17 Huntley George 79 Anderson Jobn 83 Bignold Edward 85 Andrews Frederick Joseph 87 Harding Frederick, The Poplars Cruss and Return. 8b Bignold George, laundry 86 Wood Robert 84 Nye Henry 82 Mason Miss 80 Farnham Mrs. 78 Elliott John, wood brokr. & thatchr ......... here is Johnson road ...... 76 Kempton Henry 72 Hopd John B. 70 Asker George 68 Mitchell R. H. 68 Frilby Charles, boot & shoe maker 66 Hayles William 64 Coleman Mrs. 62 Moores Mrs, 60 Atta.well Mrs. H., laundry 58 Gething George Constantine 54 & 56 Bl,lnyan Harry, grocer ............ here is Pope road ............ 38 Knell William, greengrocer 36 Usher Brothers, dairy 34 Vane Harry, tobacconist 32 ConDing- George, draper 30 Hickmott Walter, grocer 28 Pring Wallace, chemist, & POst office ...... here is Walpole road ......... 26 Jayes Thomas Harris, butcher 24 Jarman B. W., upholsterer 22 Knott William, bootmaker 20 Burr James H., baker ......... herc is Chantry lane leading to Bromley common ......... 18 & 16 Turner C., ironmonger & leather seller 16 Telephone Call Office 14 Wise Frederick, butcher 12 Saunders Mrs., tobar.conist 10 Barnard Frederick G. 8 Whaley Mrs. 2 Willatt E. G., cycle maker ......... here is Bloomfield road ......... ........ here is Addison road ...... From Up. Gravel rd. to Bromley Common. Left Side. 1 Smith Joshua Walter 3 Norman Ebenezer 5 Kemp Mrs. 7 Baldock Thomas E. 9 l'okely Cyrus Legg 11 Hutchinson Miss 13 Teed Harry W., Cranbourne ...... here is Bromley commwn ...... Right Side. 26 Stansfield Alfred, cycle engineer 24: Wood )1ichael 22 Campion John. 20 Clivel.y Jasper Brmnley Common Baptist Church 6 Bird Frederick, domestIC stores here is Gravel road Church Lane.
From Bromley Common .Church Road.
From 56 High st. to Glass Mill lane. Sonth-East Side. Cooper George, confectioner Bromley Parish Chureh (St. Peter & St. Paul) Wall Letter Box Henwood Mrs., Church house Locke George (lodge of) Church ho. ......... ltcl'e is Gla.~s .1MJl lane ......... Bromley Recreation ground (Martin's hill & the Queen's Mead) 6 Miles Joseph Dean, superintendent recreation ground North- West Sid". 7 Cotton GeorgeEdward,Stoberry cot. 8 Stoneham Mrs., Stoberry 9 Tait Rev. Donald, M.A. [vicar & rural dean of Bromley, hon. canon of Rochester,& surrogate], Bromley Vicarage 10 Druett George 11 Bromley Parish Church Committee ROO1n; W.G.Sheldrake,caretaker 12 Bunyan Edward John 13 Priestley George 14 Reeve William Post Office Telephone Service (Exchange) 16 Balls Alfred Thomas 17 White William Walter 18 Winch Frederick 19 Clifford Madame, corsetiere 19 Myall James E., insurance agent 20 Strevens Mrs. B. S. photographer 21 Ridgway & Sons. printers 22 Cook Thomas William & Co.,taiJors 23 Bridgland Jsaac 24 Bligh Henry 25 Kempson William Herbert 26 Hill Walter JohnColes Child's Cottages - WIDMORE.
From 194 Widmore road, 1 Hawkins William R. 2 Dowlen Charles 3 Winterburn Thomas 4 Wiles John 5 Round William 6 Greenfield CharlesCollege Road.
From West street to Plaistow. West Side. ... here is Tweedy 'road 1 Griggs Robert, Thanet 7 Newland Mrs. !) Baker Mrs. M., Stoneylands 11 Hopkins Misses 13 Baker Barnham 15 Maby Charles ...... here is Hammelton road ...... 17 Memess Miss 19 Damant Miss 21 Rush Miss, Clarendon 23 Wood Mrs. T. W. 25 Hopkins Miss Withycombe William Henry, Livery stables ......... here is Farwig lane . 27 Kendall Mrs. E. wardrobe dealer 27 Evans Robert 29 Braine Robert, bootmaker 31 Roberts Fredk" coal & coke mer. 33 Browning & Son. fruiterers 35 Franklin Mrs. 37 Grout Engraving Co. ...... here is Scott's mad ...... 39 Knig-ht Frederick, fishmonger 43 Doyle Frederick John 45 Soan Samuel & Son, removal contractors 47 Podger J. & Sons, builders 49 Brunning Arthur James, butcher 49 Little James, insurance agent 51 Hardy's Dairies, cowkeepers ......... here is Morgan road ......... 53 Hilsden Sidn ey, hairdrssr. & confr. 55 Dean S. S. & Son, grocers 59 Axford Charles Gowans Rev. William, B.A.camb. [vicar of St. ,Mary's. Plaistow], St. Marys Vicar St. Mary's Church 65 Pearce Mrs., Abbotsbury 69 Ford Walter 71 Bullen F. T. 73 Wheeler ,Henry 75 Hodgson Thomas E. 77 Bittleston Misses 81 Scrivenel , Fre4erick John83 Edwards Mrs. 85 Botting J. E. 87 Pope Edgar Howard 89 Mytton Frederick, WincJsorton 91 Brown Mrs. G. W. 93 Low Charles Abbott 95 Wheeler Mrs. E. 97 Goulstone William V. 99 Grimley H. W. 101 Bussell Francis 103 Carden Reginald W. ......... here is London lane Cross and Return. ......... lere is Plaistow lane ...... 142 Kent County Con'tlcU Domestic Economy School - Miss Isabel Duncan, superintendent 140 Irvine .Tohu, Spring Hill cottage 122 Handley Leonard 120 Welford Francis William 118 Gilliland Andrew 116 McDougall Douglas R. 114 Warrick R. C. 112 Potter James William 110 Burnham Henry 106 Harris Mrs. Frank, Church view 104 Balding Henry 102 Grout R. W. 100 Kent John P. L. 98 Pllriett Anthony William, Corby 96 Milstead Henry 94 Brookes Charles George 92 Allen Frederic John 90 Folkard Percy George 88 Bulton Mrs. ... ... ,.. here i8 Ore8cent road 86 National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children J. II. Hodge, hon. sec.; Albert Lancaster, inspector 81 Collard Montagne 82 Johnson John Robert, cycle repr 82 Johnson Mrs. J., confectioner 82 Telephone Call Office 80 Hearn Brothers, butchers 78 Griffin Mrs. C. L., fancy draper 76A Marsh Brothers, grocers Janes William, blacksmith 76 Ford John William 76 Felce & Co., chemists 74 Davis Bert, greengrocer 72 Potter Mrs, 70 Harris Mrs. 68 Minter George 68 Minter Mrs. G., upholstre"s 66 Smith Edward 64 Marsh Brothers, grocers 62 Wood Thomas & Son, bakers & confectioners, Post office 60 Clipstone Alfred 58 Rouse Alexander 56 Elliott Mrs . 52 Withycombe W. G. HumerstonJames & Sons, furniture repository , MADRAS FLATS:
4 Vousden Mrs. 2 Cox Miss M. E. 1 Black Mrs. 48 Cull E. 46 Marsh Thomas Henry 44 Pledger Alfred, tailor 42 Boorman Edwin 40 Hobbs Charles Frederick 36 Hone George 34 Hadden Mrs. 32 Barrell Allen, house agent 30 Graty Miss 28 Saint Mrs., Darjeeling 26 Earle Misses A. & M. 24 Baxter William 22 Sharp William ............ here is Glebe Road ............ 20 Martin Miss 18 Williams Mrs. E . 16 Pbelp Miss 14 Stopes John H. 10 Rymill Frank 8 Winterbourne HenryWm.,Rochelle ......... here is Tweedy Road ......... 6 Lear George Ernest, The Nook 4 Simmons Alfred Charles 2 Taylor George Bromley Elementry shoolsRo]/s- T J. Elliot, master Girl.~ - Miss Mary Ann Harper, mistress Infants - Miss Elizh. Churcher, mistressCol1ege Slip.
Prom 101 Hill h .jtreet to North street ,s. College road. 1 Marks Thomas N., builder, Cranleigh 3 Carter James 4: Haynes Thomas 5 Olley Ernest James Bromley (}!lmna.~ti(J Hall q' Club -F. Essex Webb, hon. sec, f) Wills Joseph 7 Eastwood Miss A. 8 Moody Charles T. 9 Riley Harry D. Strict Baptist Chapel 11 Pocock George Wm., nurserymanConiston Road.-BROMLEY HILL
ES'.rATE. llrom Oaklands road. Haab E. 0., Coniston lodge Lucas Rev. Herbert Hamilton, M.A. Glengariff Tarleton Mrs. Tenison, Glengariff Bromley Park Hotel-Hotel &. Land Development Co. Limited, proprs.Corner (The).
See High Street.Cottage Avenue.
From Bromley road. Left side. 1 Ryder William 3 Wood Charles William 5 Turrell John William 7 Farley George 9 Eaton Mrs. 11 Boxall Clarence 13 Skinner Edward 15 Chainey John 17 Anderson John 21 Lanbury Rowland 23 Brown George Right side. 2 Reeves John 4 Epps James 6 Yardley Richard 8 Wren Bert 14 Lewis George 16 Mayman Charles 20 Grace George 22 Collett Edward 24 Dunmall GeorgeCowper Road. - BROMLEY COMMON.
Left Side-from' Walpole road. 26 Lane Jasper 24 Cooper Albert 22 Greenaway Josiah B. 20 Monger Harry John 18 Isard Thomas George 16 Butler Wm. & Jas., fencing contrtrs 14 Ludlow Albert Henry, decorator .. ....... h€re is Bloomfield road ......... Bloomfield Laundry ......... here is Addison road ......... 12 Thompsett Frederick James 10 Brenchley Harold 8 Collins George 6 Eade William Edward 4 Sharp Frederick 2 Walter William Cross and Return. Whitehall Recreation Ground 9 Botten Henry John 11 Pearson Henry 13 Robb Edgar 15 Preskett Thomas William 17 Townsend Richard 19 Honey William 21 Hutton Christopher H. 23 Taylor George 25 James George Frederick 27 Steward John 29 Groves John 31 Miller Henry 33 Flux Stuart 35 Latter John Edward 37 Seadon Edwin Robert 39 Mann John W. 43 Petty John 45 Town George 47 Winter Thomas 49 Harding Alfred William 51 Jenkins John 53 Allaston Charles 55 Butler James 57 Ingram Thomas 59 Doggett George 61 Dray Edward William. laundry Sales Joseph, The Lodge Whitehall Recreation GroundCrescent Road.-Pr.AIsTOW.
Right Side-from College road. 4 Marriott Frederick, Lyndhurst 6 Riddle J. R. 8 Brewer J. H. 14 Carter Arthur 14 Feldmar Mrs., costumier 16 Kemp Mrs., Camville ...... here 'is AldermA1Jl'?Jroad 20 Wright Robert James 22 Hodge John Henry, solicitor & commisioner for oaths 24 Morgan-Smith Rev. Gerald Oscar, B.A.[curate of St.Mury, Plaistow] 26 Gooding Harry Lawrence, F.L.A.A. accountant, & registrar of marriages, Fairholme 28 Elliott Arthur H. 30 Clark Amos 32 Devlin Robert 32A Aught Henry, The Limes 34 Wilks Albert 36 Golds Henry 38 Bertolla Ernest, Roza cottage 40 Guthrie Richard, Eden cottage 42 Shepherd Thomas, Rio cottage 44 Hutchinson Thomas 46 Berry Mrs., Mead villas ...... here is footpath to BTufft(i'!/ ...... 48 Hare Miss 50 Carrington George Henry 52 Davis William Joseph 54 Rolfe Alfred Charles, agent Prudential Assurance Co. Limited 56 Howell Henry John 58 Odom Mrs. 62 Betts Mrs. 64 Britten Miss 66 Marke William 68 Stacy Edgar William Cross and Return. 25 Warren Walter R., Clovelly 21 Galton William 19 Cornwall Edward Henry 17A Uridge Mrs. 17 Thomas F. Lewis, prof. of music 15 Hawley Robert H. T., St. Auby'~s 15 Hawley George H. T., St. Aubyns 13 Rose H. J. 11 Wood Misse s 9 Brown Wm;Thos.,·N ewnham house 7 Green Henry 5 Holt Ernest G., Dunster Wall Letter Box ......... 1tel'e is Cmnb,.idge rd.......... 1 Grubb Herbert Charles, GiswylCroft Road.
From 12 Nichol lane. Left side. 1 Nett1eingham Edgar 3 Bennett Frederick 5 Ford Percy Charles 7 Triggs George 1l Fuller William 11 Muncey Ernest S. 13 Hicks Mrs. 15 Saker Robert 17 Kimber Percy 19 Burton Walter 21 Hobday Frederick John 23 Crossland Harry 25 Coppin George William 27 Seal EHas Charles 29 Waters Charles Edgar 31 Andrews Stephen James 33 Bray Thomas H. 35 Road Alfred Leonard 37 Aby John William 39 Ives John William 41 Jenkins William Henry 43 Hood Samuel Frederick Right side. 2 Till Horace George, coal merchnt 4 Upton Harry Bernard 6 JChamberlain Alfred 8 Brown George 10 Jones John Picton 12 Chapman Harry 14 Martin Sidney Henry 16 Fassam Edward 18 Sharman Mrs. 20 Brett Walter 22 State George William 24 Huckle John 26 Hornsby J1Jrnest 28 Doyle Joseph S. 30 Mortimer Horace 32 Cook James 34 Taylor James Lennox 36 Luck William Henry 38 Guyon Miss40 Leeds Percy 42 Smith George 44: Bullingham William 46 Rands Aug. jobbing gardener 46 Denny Miss, needle worker LAMP POST LETTER Box Cromwell Avenue - MASONS Hn,L.
Left side. 1 Marley William 2 Crothall George Arth ur 3 Bolton Frederick 5 Soames Rev. Henry Aldwin, M.A., Lyncroft 6 Ruegg' Henry, Sycamore house Bromley Cottage Hospital- Herbt. James !lott, M.D., C.M.,M.R.C.S.. Alimd E. Price, M.D., ~f.S., Charles Wcstbrooke GrantWilson, M.D., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Cecil Ernest Millington Lewis, M.A., M.D., B.o.camb., M.R.C.S. Eng., L.R.c.p.Lond.. Sidney R. H. Mathews, L.R.C.P., M.R.C.S., Arthur F. G. Codd, M.B., F.R.C.B., & J. H. Yolland, M.R.C.S., L.S.A., medical officers; George Russell Edey, L.D.S. Eng., dental surgeon'; Hugh James Moore Play fair, M.D. Lond., lIf.n., M.R.c.p.Lond., F.R.c.s.Eng., D'Arcy Power, F.R.C.S. & Frederic Francis Burghard, M.D., M.s.LOnd., F.R.C.S.Eng., hon. consulting surgeons; John Phillips, M.D., F.R.C.P., hon. consulting obstetric physician; Howard Henry Tooth, M.D., F.R.C.P., C.MG., hon. consulting physician; Herbert Willoughby Lyle, M.D., B.S. Lond., F.R.C.S.Eng., F.Z.S., han. consulting ophthalmic surgeon; Georlge Edey, hon. consulting dental surgeon; Matron, .Miss A. Carter; R6ii. Secretary, J. Y. Hay; Hon. Assistant Sec., G. T. P. M. Ladyinan; Hon. Treasurer. T. C. Dewey, J.P. LAMP POST LETTER Box ...... here is footpath to Hayes ....... Simon Charles Victor, Gladwyn Bodle E. W. C., Somerton Uzlelli Marcus, Ravensleigh Ashton Pearson, Whitefriars Maggs P. H., Belstone Beer Stanley G., Tressillian Right side. ... ... ... here is Pinewood road 4 Sear Ernest Edward, W oodthorpe 6 Weekes M. G., Edge hill 8 Arnold Richard, Redcot 10 Shaw Cecil R., Stanbury 12 Cramer Albert F., Highview 14 BindIey Frdk. C. W.; Micklehurst 16 Hayman:L. C., Hillshoro' 18 Cave Alan George, Sandys Hobbs Miss, Hillside Woodham Henry Geo., The CroftCross Road. - BROMLEY COMMON.
From Valtiey rd. to Upp. Gravel rd. Left side. . . 3 Abbott Miss Annie, laundress 4 Probitts Frederick . 5 Drew Miss 6 Andrews Mrs. H. 7 Lane Mrs. 8 Smith Montagu G. 9 Lawrence Capt, Wm. (late R.A.) Right side.GARDEN COTTAGES:
1 Field George William 2 Whitehead Arthur 3 Boxall Charles William 4 Odell Arthur 5 Collins George Jackson Leonard A., Langton Jackson Albert, Fairthorne .Crown Lane. -64 BROMLEY Co~nroN.
Left side. 3 Harmer Richard, builder 5 Alexander William . 7 Longden Miss 9 Hills Ernest 11 Thomas William Henry 13 Forsdike Stanley Lee 15 Hedgecock William John l7 Avis Heiny Thomas ...19 Harmer Walter 21 Haughton Cecil 23 Downing William 25 Kiugswood J. R. 27 N oe William 29 Choat Henry 31 Rich Walter James 33 Pond George Acworth Alvin Richard, Emsworth Mitchell Alexander, Tallandra ......... herc is Victoria road ........ 35 Squelch Henry 37 Brown George Ernest 39 Rowe Mrs. 43 Steer Arthur 45 Norman Charles Henry 47 Lain g Mrs. L. 49 Taylor Mrs. 51 Wharrie Henry J:tllies 53 National Deposit Friendly Society (Bromley Common District) -William Watson Gomer, sec. 53 Gomer William Watson 55 Inch James 57 Granger Alexander Thomas 59 Graty Walter 63 Ferrar Miss 65 Cox Joseph William 67 Burr William Thomas 69 Gover Mrs. 71 Miles John 75 Gransden Frederick George 77 Pope Alfred 81 Roffe Tom 85 Carver John 87 Langrish Harold 89 George Charles 91 Cocb William, Stanley villa 93 Williams William John 95 Hedworth Harold Charles 109 Reuthe Gustavus, nurseryman 111 Trayler Miss . 113 Tong Mrs. 115 Love George 117 Grimmo Mrs. 129 Granger Robert Lagdon 131 Howard F. 133 Edwards Frederick 135 Hyson II. 137 Wharton Mrs. A. M. 139 DunmaIl Harry Robert 141 March Arthur Samuel 143 Faulkner Mrs. W. 145 Long D. 147 Lewis J. 149 Louie J. C. 151 Burbidge William Ernest, ......... here is SalisbarY road .. ... [Letters through Bickley Postal District.) 153 Lee William 155 White Charles, cab proprietor 157 Cocks Mrs . 159 Andrew Ambrose 165 Goode George Alfred, Brookside ...... here is TUrpington lane ...... Cumberland Road.
From Westmoreland road. Left side. Bartrum Stanley. Coniston ......... here is jJurltam avenue ........ Fischer Louis W. H., Rydall Wiinsche Max Otto, Oakdene 13 Peters William Edward, Sylvadene cross and return. Harley Theodore, Broughton Stern Edmund, Cintra Lamp Post Letter Box ......... here is Durltam avenue ......... Jenkins William, Cumberland house Williams Robert E., Westcott Selby Edgar, The Homestead Squire Alfred Hugh Knight LL.B. Loud., WhitegarthDenmark Road, 85 WUHWRE RO.a.D.
Left side. 1 Leeves Frank 2 Payne Frederick George 3 Hearn William Henry 4 Ashby Thomas . 6 Towell Harry erOS! and Return. 7 Prosser Miss, Minshull 8 Ryder Albert L.Devonshire SQuare.
PrD7n 137 Masons Hill. 1 Monckton Charles G. 2 Stanley William Henry 3 Palin Mrs.4 Woods Austin 5 Pearman William J. 6 Fowle William 7 Whiffin William 8 Longhurst John, chimney sweep 9 Davies Frederick, shopkeeper 10 Blanchard Robert 11 Cook Augustus Charles 12 Haffenden John ]3 Adams Wm. 14 Bayley Frank Durham Avenue - -SOUTH HILL ROAD.
Right 8ide from Durham Road. 2 Bower G. C., New Cluay 4 Herbert Rawson, Woodbury 6 ReIman Charles, Redcliffe 8 Smytbson Sydney, Chilton 10 Brown Arthur, Mount Ellison .. , ... here is IVinchester road ...... ......... here is Cumberlund roati ......... 28 Routh Miss, Nyetimber 30 Johnston Henry, St. Reverne 42 Stotesbury John S., Whitbourne 48 Ward Sydney A., Rozelle 50 Vernon Mrs., Inglewood Cross and return, 2G Cooper Mrs. Northfield 23 Freeman George Robert, Keswick 19 Cooper Stanley, Laney 17 Osmond Miss, St. Vincent 15 Durbridge Ernest 13 Cazeaux James, Lulworth 11 Kurtz Mrs., Hill bouse ....... here is Cumberland road ........ 9 White Frank j EarnShaw Miss t 7· Earnshaw Alfred I Wilmington Edward ) [) Sir Henry W., Wychwoou 3 Viney C. r., Dartmouth Pillar LetteT BowDurham Roa.d.
Right side-From Westmoreland road to Durham avenue. Walter James W., Warlaby lodge 'fow~e Clifford, Braunton ridmarsh Edwin Russell, St, Peter's Hubbard Thomas R., Leecroft Miller Durie, Innisfallen Scholefield Misses, lvonhurst Covell Stanley Claude, Brantwood Cross and Return. ...... here is Durham avenue ..... Pillar Letter Box Clapham Athol E., Glengarry Flashoff Rudolf, The Birches 5 Winder Reuben, Larkfield Clark Charles, CraigievarEast Street. - BROMLEY.
From Market square to 8. E. C. Railway Station (Bromley North). West Side. 1 Buckland George, florist & fruitr. 17 General Post Office - Major J. Compton, postmaster; George Sumners, superintendent 17 Telephone Call Office .. .......... here is West .~treet............ BAXTER, PAYNE & LEPPER, auctioneerfl, valuers,estate, house & agricultural agents; & at Beckenham & 69 King William street E C 19A Bnnker Alfred John, tobacconist 21 Graty Walter, builder 23 Mundy H. registry office for st'rvants 23 PuUar J. & Sons, dyers-H. Mundy, agent 25 Mortlock & Son,picture frame mas. ~7 Spooner John (The Bromley Drill Hall I Head· (j)'s. 5th Battalion rlIe Queen's Own (Royal West Kent) .Regiment (l'erl'itm'ial PVl'ct'); Lt .. Col. F. A. Frazer, I Commanding; Capt. W. E. I. I ButlerBowdon,Adjutant; Lieut. 1 H.Cooke, Quartermaster; Major 27 C. Douglas Clark, commanding I A Company; 2nd Lieut. G.C.B. Jenyns, A Company; Capt. R. I E. Satterthwaite:' commanding I B Company; Lieuts. J. G. Lepper & J. H. Hay, B ComI pany; Sergt.-Major W. J. Osborne; A.Reynolds, sergeant instructol'31 Carter,Pftterson & Co., Ltd.,carriers 31 rlhappell Frederick 31 Scarbrough T. F. & W., carvers & gilders 33 Burr Mrs. 33 Pearl Life' Assurance Co. Ltd. (Francis Dean, district supt) 33 Humerston James & Sons, cyclt>mas 35 & 37 HumerstonJas.&Sons,uphlstrs 39 Strong & Sons Limited, printers, billposters & c. 39 Booking Office for Entertainments (Strong & Sons Limited) 39 Bromley and District Time.' 39 Beckenham. and District l~mes 39 Kentish District Times Co. Ltd. 41 Bromley 9" Ora?/8 Co-operatit;e Society Limited, John Robert Santer, sec. 43 Bradford IIollse Laundry receiving office 45 Railwa1j Hotel, Herbert T. Payne ... here are j\{ort1t8t. '0' l1L'eed!Jrd East Side. 58 Mowats Limited, fishmongers 56 CARTER, LAW & LEECH, auctioneers, house & estate agts.& survyrs.(& at Shortlands) 56 West Kent Registry Office (Mrs. Fry) 54 Brown Miss R. A., confectioner 54 Telephone Call Office 52 Bromley and Crays Co-operative Society Limited, boot department 52A Oakes William George,costumier 52A Bourdon W. 50 World's Stores Limited (The) 48 DAVIES CHARLES & SON, . bakers & confectioners 46 Bromley Loaal Guide and Adcertlser - C. A. Hopper, proprietor Hopper Charles Allen, printer 44 Barber Robt., ladies' & gents' tailr 42 Barton William Henry, chemist 40 Smith Arthur John. fruiterer 39 Kirby Geo:Edwd., watchmaker, & c. 38 Corbett William George, oilman 34 Ingles James, harness maker 32 Mayhew Wm. Hallett, fishmonger 30 Teverson Reginald A., butcher 28 East8t1Tet Hall[ OpenBrethren] 26 Phillips A. E., bootmaker 24 Butler H. L., butcher 22 Walter & Co., grocers 20 Central Hairdressing Rooms 18 Homary Allan Ernest, tobacconist 18 Telephone Call Office 16 Larcombe Frank Wm. dining rooms ........ here is South Street ......... 14 Sills Mrs. Elizh., tobacconist, & c. 12 Abel FrederiekRobert,confectioner 10 Hambleton Edward William, furniture dealer Bourdon W. & Co. Limited, automobile & cycle works 6A Tyue Main Coal Co. Ltd. (The) 6 Hinton G. H., confectioner 4 Mitchell Benjamin, jeweller 4 Shallard, Fendt & Co., dyers & cleaners, Post Office buildings 4 Marke' William (late Thomas Mersh), coal & coke merchant 2 Knight Mrs., draper Edward Road. - SUNDRIDGE PARK,
Froln 65 Plaistow lane. Left Side. Pillar Letter Box 1 Phillips Charles, Parknasilla 3 Smith Samuel Arthur, Dunluchin 5 Wishart Miss. Mount Hill 7 Banks Charles W. (Ivyholme) 9 Bottome Mrs. (The Oaks) 13 Duttson ·Wm. Henry, Southwood 13 Britton W. Kenneth, Southwood Freeman,Edmund, Lensden Shire Robert Walter, Wyreema Cbater F. Clive, Oak Hatch \ ~i(JlttSMe. ............ here lS Lodge road . Palmer: Misses, Green cottage Von Berger Charles, Karlsruhe . Lindley-Jones W., F.R.G.S., J.P. (mayor of Bromley), Park Wood 12 Armstrong' Rev. F. W. [Presbyterian],- Dunivaig' 14 Irby Paul Aubert 16 Glanvill Benj. Andrew, Buxted 10 Munday Phillip. Whitecroft Henderson Alexander, Ardullie Moxon Reginald, StrettonElliott Road.
Fr01n 103 Sf)ldhlands road. Left Side. 1 Pinchin William 1 Pinehin Miss, dressmaker 3 Jupp Henry 5 Fairman John 7 Nicholls Harry 9 Humm Henry W Slack Henry Elliott, laundry 11 Webster Frederick William 13 Graham Miss 15 King' Henry 17 Stace C. F. 19 Ede .James 21 Carter Thomas 23 Trigg Edwd. & Sons, dyers & clnrs 25 Hockley & Craker, , Clarence laundry 25 Hockley Mrs. 27 Craker Charles 29 Trigg Ernest 31 Bunting Edwd.,vermin exterminatr 31A Queentisber Flour Co. Limited (The), flour factors 33 Edwards James Miles 35 Doggett Ernest 37 Sunnucks George 39 Hills Robert Cross and Return. 3R Coles G. 36 Revens George 32 Elliott Charles William 30 AttIe George . 28 Page William 26 Hickmott Albert 24 Reece Albert Edward 22 Charles John P. 20 Lewsey Henry 18 Batchelar W. J. 16 Ellis Frederick William 8 Clark Beauford 6 Adams Edward Lewis St. Luke's Mission Room S- J.1Jen's Hoy, Club Room - E. Miller, sec.Elmfeld Park.
From 18 Elmfield )'oad. I Powell Henry 2 Hipwood Charles 3 :Neale Charles 4 Nealefred, A solicitor & commissioner for oaths 5 C~~a~ Tbomas HenryElmfield Road. - HIGH STREET
Left Side. here is' Holwood rd . 1 Payne Douglas, Ashcroft 5 Crossfield Talbot K., Clare Croft 7 Hendry Rohert, Sundown 11 Lyle Herbert Willoughby, M.D., B.B.LOnd., F.R.C.S.Eng., . ~'.z.S., ophthalmic surgeon 13 Scott Mrs., Nessdale 15 Relton ArthurJohn, Charleville 19 Gillett Fred, The Pines 21 Connell nharles R. 23 Townend Thomas Senior, Harringay 25 Todd C. H. Reid, Tankelville 27 Kelly F. J., Lynsted 31 Herrington Miss· 33 Allen Mrs. R. 35 Howard John 37 Allen Mrs. A. M. 39 Alldis Miss F., dress maker ...... here is Bromley Railway Station ...... Cross ana return. 30 Bromley High School (Girls Publio Day school Trl1,,~t Limited), Fern Bank, Miss Hodge, M.A., head mistress 28 Walker Alfred, Oakdenc 26 Boreham Mrs., Colina 24 AShafto Rev. G. H. [Wesleyan], The Hawthorns 24 Rennie James, Elmfield bouse 22 Macgowan Edward 20 Barnes Joseph Pillar Letter Box .. ....... here is Elmfield park 18 Emden Mrs. Alfred~ Elmfield lodge 16 Fowle Misfl Beatrice, Marrick 12 Hicks Albert S., Stoneleigh 10 Tweedy Mrs., Pendower 8 Tborpe Mrs. . 6 Neame Stuart, Halliford 4 Medhurst Frederick, Hartfield 2 Hughes Frederick J., solicitor and com. for oaths, Bonchurch 2 Hughes Ernest FreElstree Rd.-BRQ].lJ,EY HILL ESTATE. Ethelbert Road.-13 HIGH STREET. 1 Darby Frederick Samuel,Hill Brow Smyth Mrs. C. 3 Smyth William James Dobson, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P, 5 Ellis Mrs .. Ethelbert lodge 7 Walker James Edward, solicitor & commissioner for oaths,Ravcnswood 11 Hill Alfred, Belle Vue 17 Moon Henry James Joseph Galton Exmouth Road.
From 57 MasoNs Hill. Left side. 1 Norton MIS. 3 Osborne Rev. Stanley Ernest, M.A. [curate of Bromley] Right side. 2 Mason Mrs., Redholme 4 Smith Mrs. 6 Ladds Cyril J. W.Fairiiold Road.
From London lane. . Left Side. 1 Pawson Ralph 3 Porter Clifford E. .J. 5 Rendall George Frederick 9 de Montagnac Louis Ivan 11 Levey Ralph 13 Branscombe J. R.., St. Margarets 15 Scott Capt. T. A. 17 Pine-Coffin Richard 19 Bacon Charles M.,Rosalind 21 Bryant Ernest James 23 McCalman Hugh 25 Mobsby Henry James 27 Trower Harry 29 Cooke Henry 31 Pearce Walter George Plaistow Voluntary Schools - Alfred Williams, head master Right Side. Tuer Joseph Barnes, Kanata 36 Hunt Herbert John 38 Benoy Frederick 40 Wilkins Frank 42 Bellamy Herbert 44 Duffett Ernest 46 Bartlett Lionel Arthur 48 Blake Alfred P.Farnaby Road.
From Beckenham lane. West Side. 3 Jayes George Hflrris, Enderby 7 Gaskin George Henry 11 Taylor Mrs, E. S. 13 Smith Bert 15 Lewin Miss 17 Davey Mrs. Elizabeth 19 Watling MISS Lamp Post Letter Box 21 Kennaway Cecil William 23 Hopkins Hugh Edward 25 Winchester Joseph James 27 Christie Theodore 29 Hoehs Ernest E. 31 Edwards Arthur Irons 33 Giles William Charles 37 Grove George Lindsay 39 Lockstone Capt. C. F. 4l Gimblett Frank J., surveyor; Meadowcroft 43 Besant Arthur Robert 45 Driscoll William John 47 Kettle Ernest Albert, Littlefieid 61 Beresford Edwin Ernest 63 Williams Cyril Graham 65 Warrens E. R. Cabell 67 Rudge William Meyrick, sen, ElL8t Side. 2 JupJ.l John, Hill Croft 4 Taylor W. R., Briar Bank 6 Williamson Fredk. Hy.Sherbrooke 8 Towneley Frederic Charles 10 Logan Frederick 12 Adams Gerald J ..F.,F.R.G.s.,Kitsilano 14 Duke John Frederick 20 Farrar James 22 Scobell Miss 24 Peake Miss 26 Perrott Finch 28 Brown Albert Henry 30 Barham William Samuel 32 Cha pm an James34 Wyborn John :Middleton 36 Selwyn Mrs 38 Emms Arthur Charles 40 Wilks Miss 42 Cox Percy Stuart, 46 Carr Misses 48 Hancock George Thomas 50 Taylor Thomas Edwin Farwig Lane.
London Road to College Road. NorthSide. 1 Hart William 3 Richards Mrs. 5 Knappett David 7 Deadman Da vid, builder & decrtr. 9 Rogers Edward 11 Harris Robert, gardener ]3 Knight Frederick, dining rooms 15 Stembrid~e John Jas., general dlr. ......... here is Weston grove ......... 17 Heath Henry, butcher 19 Deadman Mrs. C., shopkeeper 21 Lee Mrs., greengrocer 23 Leach James & Co., bootmakers 25 Hagley & Green, fancy drapers & confectioners 27 Brown Mrs. Frederick, general shop ......... here is .11£ooreland road ......... 29 Pearce & Co., grocers 31 Bacon J. & Son, bakers Rickner George. 3 White's cots Julian Charles, 4- Oswald Mrs., 5" 33 Palin Milbert, builder & decorator 35 Knight Thomas, bootmaker 37 Chance Thomas 39 Blltcher Mrs. 41 Hatch Charles Henry, jun. 43 Golds William 45 Budgen Edward 47 Standing John 49 Henderson H., chimney sweep 51 Muffett Charles 51 Muffett Miss Eliza, dressmaker 53 Lane Frank 55 Soan George 57 MMon Walter 59 Crowhurst Sydney John 61 Dunmall William Ellis Charles, Ann's cottages 63 Hills E, 65 Cole Frank, china repairer 67 Davis John 69 Threadgold Edward J. 71 Saunders Herbert 73 Buckland Alfred 75 Leach James & Son, bottie dIrs. 75 Leach Miss Muriel, nurse 77 Chitty Arthur 79 Chance Thomas 81 Harris Robert 8H Soan George, jun. 85 Knight James 87 Wilkins William Jabez 89 Seal Alfred 91 Osborn George Edward 93 Dent Charles George 95 Colesworlhy Stanley, confectioner and newsagent 97 Ji'arwig ATJns, Edmund Ingl~ ...... here is College Road ......... South Side. 78 Withycombe Wm. Hy., beer reUr. 76 Withycombe W; H., cab proprietor 74 Wheatley Harry 72 Mepham William 70 Podger Abel m~ Gregory Robert Charles 66 Boghurst Alfred 64 Kimber Albert John 62 Bremmer Frederick 60 Newberry William 58 Julian Ernest 56 Slow Mrs. Plaistow Hygienic Model Hand Laundry (The) 52 Greenwood Thomas 50 Avis George 48 Stringer Stephen 46 Humphrey Albert 44 Chnrch 'Morris 42 Vickerman Charles 40 Saunders Ernest 1 Turner James 1 2 Smith William 3 Rugby William I Morum 4 Aspinall Mrs. ( cottages 5 Mitehell Albert J 6 Hoskins Alfred Marshall Mark, timber. merchant & fencing contractor. Telephone No. 409 Bromley24 Witherall Ernest 24 Soan Samuel & son, removal contractors; depository 22 King Mrs. 22A Jones William' 20 Asker Fr~derick 16 Carreck Mrs. H. N., wardrube dlr St. Marys Plaistow, Church Hall Fashoda Road.
From 129 Southlands road. Leit Side. St. Swithun's Cat/wHo Glmra1~ 11 Holton William 13 Baker George Richard 15 Neale Edmund 17 Dunford William Right Side. McLeod Mrs. Alfred, laundry Mungeam Charles Richd., Tweed cot Havard Charles Philip, Lambourne Waters Henry, Fernlea Lord Francis; Westleigh King James, Shebbear Bates James, Grasmere Abbott Mrs., Elmfield Hasnip Albert, Elmdene Southgate Henry, }'iildreth Hart Allen, The Myrtle Head Ernest Osborne Albt ..Bournville Rogers George William, Glendalough NevilleJames, CoveneyFlorence Road. - COLLEGE FIELD.
From 51 Tweedy road to Glebe road. East side. 2 Jarrett Levi 4 Winter Arthur 6 Brown Horace 8 Aiken Miss Edith 10 Bailey Archibald 12 Lockwood Mrs. 12 Lockwood Miss M., dressmaker 14 Williams Mrs. 16 Payne Henry, sen, West side. 1 McLeod Walter James 8 llamsden Charles , 5 Tho~pson Joseph-,- 7 Newton John 9 Barlow ErnestFlorence Villas.
See Homesdale Road.Foxbury Road.
From Nichol lane to Groft road. Left Side. 1 Payet EGbert, provision dealer 1 Grey Alfred 3 Oakley Henry 5 Page Walter 7 Tolhurst James 9 Broome John 11 Lockerbie Mrs. 13 Goodge William 15 Harbar Harry 17 McCarthy John Charles 19 Harding William 21 Champion Thomas 25 Green William Charles 27 Poola Arthur 29 Maisey Alfred George 29 Maisey Mrs. Helen, dressmaker 31 Osborn Bertram Percival 33 Smith Richard 33 Smith Mrs., furrier 35 Lane John 37 Funnell Harry 39 Haffenden George . The Sundridge Park Workmg Men's Club & Institute-W. White steward 41 Broom Gilbert 43 Park Alfred 45 Crouch James 47 Shergold Thomas John 49 Lawley John 51 Muncey Henry 53 Blackburn Robert Charles 55 Phalo Edward George Right Side. 2A Edwards Charles, bootmaker 2 Miller Henry 4 Godden Benjamin John 6 Wilson William Edward 8 Darvill William 10 Ford William Edward 12 Seal Walter, 14 Eliff Harrr16 Munday George Ernest 18 Johnson David 20 Thompson Henry Francis 22 Hodges John 26 Barnard George William 28 White Mrs. 30 Janes Frederick Thompson 32 Hind Willia.m Freelands Grove, 19 FRRELANDS ROAD.
Left Side. 1 Prall Oscar 2 Martin William 3 Wallis Joseph 4 Walker Richard George 5 Poole James 6 Brown A. & H., greengrocers 7 Brown James 8 Hart Jdmes ......... here is lIaxtead road ......... crOSS and Return. St. JoAn's Parish Room 9 Martin Peter, chimney cleaner 10 Emblen Alfred 11 Bexley Harry Ernest 12 Lobb Thomas 13 Webb Arthur 14 Harvey Sidney 15 Ridley George 16 Lefley Walter Edward Breti, ren in Cllrist (Jlleeting Room) 17 Shergold James 18 Attwood Mrs. 19 Thompson William HenryFreelands Road.
left Side - from 109 Widmore road. 1 Payne :Mrs., aparts., Rhodesia a Cholmeley Mrs., Hawthornden fi Nash Frank Reynolds 7 Walmsley William 9 Trevett Frederick Joseph. 11 White Lewin John Brand 13 Wood Miss F. L. 15 Rapley Mrs. ........... here is Pal,k road ............... 17 Hardy's Dairies, cowkeepers 19 Wood Selby, Belmont 19 Wood Selby & Son, riding masters .& motor jobmasters ...... ,. here is Freelands Grove ., .. ,.;,. 21 Scott Charles 23 Cooper A. H; 25 Pearce William Thomas 27 Cousins L. J., sign writer 29 Woodhams George ......... here is Plymouth road . 31 Fl'eelands Tavern, John Slade 33 Hosler David, grocer, Post office 3i Slawson Miss, confectioner . 37 Hammond Geo. & Sons, plmbrs. & c. 39 Allen George & Sons, bakers and confectioners 39 Telephone Call Office 41 Hearn Brothers, butchers ............ here is Henry stl·eet ............ 43 Cheel George Henry 45 Morgan Robert 47 Wiggins James 49 Hull James 51 Marchant Amos 53 Fraser John, carpenter 55 Austen Miss 57 Ralph Hugh 59 Russell Thomas, french polisher 61 gaston Albert Percv 03 Lockey W. H. . 65 Walters Miss EnidM.,M.B.,B.s.L(>nc1. 67 Oakley Robert Gordon G7 Oakley Miss Edith, teacher of pianoforte 69 Withers Miss Cross and Return, 76 Burnett Inspector-General Thomas Smith, R.N.( ret.), F.R.C.S., Eirianfa 74 Dusseris Mrs. 72 Bannister Archie B. 70 Edwards Herbert Cecil 68 Jefferies Reginald Stanley, Saxonhurst 66 Wiss Mrs. 66 Wiss Miss F., costumier 64 Darby William Henry 62 Bishop Mrs. 58 Balding George 56 Dann Samuel 54 Moon Wallace 50 Worth George 48 Roden Alfred 46 Mumford William, job master 46 Fraser Miss A., nurse 44 Underhill .James42 Hugo John 40 Farley Frederick William 38 Fassam Edward David 36 Goble Henry William 3! Williams Ernest 32 Marchant James William 30 Hammond Alfred ...... here is Upper Park road Trinity Presbyterian Church 20 Morum Amos, Lochwood 18 Whitfin William Stanley 16 How Mrs. James 14 Lamb Robert 12 COrflOck David Stroud, solicitor 10 Carlyon Mrs. 6 Furness John 6 Head Mrs. Sarah, tailoress England & Furness, florists & nurserymen, Freelands Road nurseries 4 Payne George H. Wall Letter Box Garden Cottages.
See 0ross Road.Garden Lane.-SUNDRIDGE PARK
Prom Garden T'oad. Peach Charles Alder Tom Ashby W. J., Nursery co' lage Joyce William Sundridge Park NurseryGarden Road - SUNDRIPGE PARK,
From Plastow lune. Left Side. 1I0tt, Grant. 'Wilson, Henshaw l~ Hott, physicians & surgeons, Hamlegro 110tt Cyril Herbert Thomas, M.A., :M.B.. B.c.carob., 1II.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. Lond., physician &. surgeon, Hamlegro Marriott Thomas F., Cantley Hakewill George, Cotterbury 1 Seaward Percy, Tantallon 3 Evans Rev. W. Justin [Cong.J, Emlyn r, Jackel Alfred Theodore, The Homestead 7 Rush Sydney, Milroy 9 Spence William Alex., Stratheden Whyte William John, Narbethong Beck Frederic Walter, Foxlow ...... here is footpath to Grove park ... Todd Frank, Woodbury Hay William R. G., East Hopes Hudson Frederic, n.A., solicitor, Thorn Braes Bath Richard, Wansunt Sundridge Park Golf Club Caulfeild·Stoker, hon. sec. Right Side. 2 Golding James, Cairnbank 4 Garden Geo. Stanhope, Rubislaw 6 Matthews Harold H., Upoa 8 Best Frank, Beechdale 10 Harrison Edward Jas., White cot. 12 Marsh Rohert, Wilford 14 Pollock John, North Wyke 16 MacLennan John, Solva 18 Sayer Geoffrey, Woodfield 20 Duttson Horace Leslie, Wycombe LAMP POST LETTER BoxGilbert Road.
Frlmt London lane to Morgan 'l·d. East Side. 1 'fofield .Mrs., Rosslyn 3 Barker R. R. 5 Rendle Edward E. 7 Kinder Edward 9 Durrant William James, Bideford 11 Lavers Stanley George 13 Greenwood Stewart, Thirlmere 15 Diplock Archibald 11 Chapman James 19 Padgham C. F. 21 Harrington Mrs., Elmhurst South Side. 25 Martin Mrs. 27 Ewell E. G. 29 Murrin Sydney Stanley 31"'Cowdry Arthur 33 Stonehouse Mrs. 35 Walmsley William WALL LETTER Box West Side. Pierce Hugh, Bletchingly 2 Pearson Henry 4: Harris W. J. G Andrews Arthur Riehl!. S.,Cl~velly8 Brearey Henry 10 Bunting Henry Williamson 12 Gursey Herbert E. 14 Fuller J. O. North Side. 18 Bullen Miss 20 Sprinks Oliver 22 Beavan Frederick William 24 Haythornthwaite Robert W. Gladwell Road.
Prom. Burnt Ask lane. Rig Itt Side. 4 North John Henry 6 Wells Charles 8 Frost Herbert 10 King John 12 Knights Robert 14 Sancto Robert Charles Clare James, White cottage Left Side. S Cullimore William Frederick 7 Bridger Charles 9 Mitchell William Joseph 11 Rowatt Arthur 13 Amery Charles 15 Mace Charles 17 Piggott James 19 Crake Alfred 21 Brister George 23 Bartholomew GeorgeGlass Mill Lane.
From Churolt rd. to Queen's Mead rd. 2 Collins Mrs., Mill Vale 4 Dodge Edward 5 Elliffe Albert ............ here is footpath to Bromley Recreation Ground .. ..... Wall Letter BoxGlebe Road.-COLLEGE ROAD.
From 20 College road to Station road. South Side. 2 Hulberston Stanley George 4 Aver Nathaniel 6 Burgess George 8 Hendrey William 10 Edwards William 12 Wood Percy James, house decorator & plumber .. ....... here is Florence road 14 Churchett George 16 Tomes Charles 18 Seller Mis., 20 Portlock Harry 22 AveneIl Alfred 26 Tharkway Mrs. 26 Lenora Madame, costumier 28 Burden David, Abberdale 30 Mann William Curtis 32 Burton Mrs. C. E. ......... here is Station road North Side. 43 Young Adam 4] Durrant Alvaria Elmy 39 Jones Misses 37 Bacon Mrs. 35 Towell Miss 33 Caun Mrs. 31 Howard Miss 29 Richards Mrs. 27 Edwards A. V. 25 Drake Walter 23 O!lborneMiss 21 Vickers Mrs. 19 Blacking William Thomas ....... ltm'e is Aldermory road LAMP POST LETTER Box 17 Gedney Charles William 15 Bailey Percy Hunt 13 Bennett H. 11 Harlridge Mrs. 9 Clissold Miss 7 Webb Ernest 5 Simms Miss E. 3 Elliott Mrs. 1 Stenning Mrs.Godwin Road.
From H01ilesdale road t.l Sirvard road. West Side. 1 Kite Edward 3 Burton Harold 5 Baker John 7 Crisp Samuel John, jun. 9 Faulkner Charles 11 Self George 13 Crist Jo] 5 Rowsell John 17 Crisp J ohu, sen. 19 Sandford Rubert Frederick 21 Smith Frederick 23 Skinner Stephe n 33 Dixon James 35 Gayfer William 37 Mannton Bertie 39 Broome Charles John 41 Williams Albert East Side. 2 Dawes Edwin 4 Hollaway Albert 6 Milstead Albert Henry 8 Tolhurst William Alfred 10 Scudder Henry John 12 Mitchell John 14 Longford William 16 Goldsmith William 18 Isom James 20 Brown Charles 22 Golding Percy 24: Fox Arthur 26 Milstead Walter 28 Self Jesse Louis 30 Fisher John William 32 Libbeter Edward 34 Craker Herbert A. 36 Hines Ernest 38 Elliott Mrs. 40 Dunford Bert 42 Heynolds Sidnr.y Herbert, jobbing gardener 50 North Frederick 5:! Chapman Frederick Thomas 54 Whitp Thomas George Grasmere Road - BROMLEY PARK.
From Highland road to Oakland8 rd. East Side. 2 Slipper John H.Shipley,The Glade West Side. ......... lt8rcis Bromley arenue ......... : M:acColl Archibald Macgregor, Invergloy 3 Oram Engineer;·· VlCe·Admiral Sir Henry John, K.C.B;, F.R.S., St. Arvans 3 Oram Evelyn Henry Bardens, :ll,ll" n.S., F.R.C.S., physician & surgeon, St. ArvansGravel Pits.
From 3 jMa,8ons Idll. Bayman William George 2 Rhipp George William 3 Paffett James Henry 4 Wood Frederick W. 5 Park Mrs. 6 Lee Henry James 7 Childs George William 8 Morgan William 9 Olarke Walter 10 Histead Mrs. 11 Brown Charles Herbert 12 Goodsell Mrs.Gravel Road (Lt)wer)-69 BRO:l1LEY COMMON.
Left side. Foreman A. & C" nurserymen, The Nurseries Foreman Charles, White lodge ......... here is RlIshey road ......... Foreman G. R., Prince's plain .. .here i.~jootpatli to So ntltom'Ollff It ... Read Albt. Geo.,frmr.,Scrubbs farm Wood Benjamin, The Scrubbs Hills Charles, The Scrubbs Right side. Westbrook Henry, Ripstorie Westbrook Robert, Blenheim Gresham Laundry (The) 1 & 2 Chidley Arthur 3 Whitehead Daniel 4 Jolley Frank George 5 Knott T. T. & Sons, florists 6 Ratcliffe J., insurance agent 7 Sargeant Arthur 8 Lee William 9 Whitehead Mrs. 10 Mitchell James 11 Collier Frederick·W . 12 Reeves Richard .~....... ·here 'is Jackson's road .......... 14 Stansfield C. H: R., The Hollies Bromley q'Peelwiilticin:InjectimlS .s. Small Pox Hospital-. Philip Nicholas Randall, M.B. (Lond.),medical supt.; MissF.K. "" Whitmarsb,matron.Sk~·m: CornerBromley & Beckenham Joint Hospital Board Sanatorium - Philip Nicholas Randall, M.B.LOnd., medical supt.; Miss D. Bayle, matron Gravel Road (Upper).
86 Bromley Commo1i,-"toOakley road. lA Songhurst William 2 Adams Miss 3 Field William George 4 Smith William & Sons, builders 5 Bird-ill-Hand, Alfred Dodd 6 Grayes Edward George ............ here is Cross road ............ 7 Knott Thomas, jun. 8 Watson Henry 9 Richards Mrs. 10 Asker Adam 11 Smith Herbert 12 Westfold William Robert 13 Oliver Henry 14 Jackson Mrs.. 15 Hammond Edward William 16 Alford Watkin 17 Jackson Walter 18 Yule Alfred ...... here is Reereation Ground . Smith William & Sons,builders (yard) ............ here is Oakley road . Cross and Return. 19 Bradbury William 20 Bartlett Rev.Lewis Edwd.[Baptist] ... here is Cherry Orchard road ... 24: Hudson Mrs. 25 Potter W. M., Olynder 26 Lunnon Mrs. A., LIB.nberisGreat Elms Road.
Right Side-from 20 Homesd&le road to Marlborough road. 36 Jeffery Alfred 35 Judson William Francis 34 Burton Robert 33 Silver James A. lrvn Mission Room 32 Carpentm:Mrs., Donnington 31 Geer E. W. 30 Walker Leonard 29 Poole Abraham here is footway to Wellington road' 28 Collins Samuel 27 Lampard Willi~m_Francis 26 Lawrence E. D: 25 Giles Misses, school 24 Tapp"Miss Uross and.return. 23 Priter Willi~in H:"R. 22 Langford Alfred Ed win 19 Ley Francis Stephens, teacher of shorthand 18 O'Neill Charles 17 Atkinson Miss 16 Fcwtrell William James 15 Lomer.J ames 14 Thatcher William 13 DevanElYThomas C. 12 Williams Mrs. 11 Milstead Harold 10 Noakes John 9 Benson Walter G. 8 Hodgson Miss 7 Hedley Bernard 5 Arney Frederick John 4 Bibby Mrs. 3 Fawsitt Richard 2 Juniper Charles James 1 Juniper David, deeoratorGwydyr Road.
From Glass MUl lane. Right side. 4 Mears .Ernest 6 Davies Edmund 8 Nice Joseph H. 10 Colgate Heury 12 Evans Edward Henry 14 Day Charles 16 Homewood Albert 20 Lord Miss Alice 22 ScotkFrei:lerick 24 Nasn ,Herbert George 26 Wenri Mrs. 28 Howe John 30 Edwards'Ernest 32 Miller John Cross and Return. 27 Day George: . 25 Lambden William John_ 23 Goss William Henry . 21 Wa~e Charles Albeit 19 Oswald Mrs. C.17 Orpin William Adams 15 Poingdestre Percy .T. 13 Hammond James Cecil 11 Poingdestre Wm. Alfred, builder 7 Mannall Henry George n Fenton Tom Brown 3 Ransby Walter Halls Farm Cottages.
See Bu.rnt A&n, lane.Hammelton Road.
From 40 London road to Collego rd. South Side. 1 Woods Geo. Arthur, ~f.D., F.R.S.E. 3 Meyer Mrs I) Stanham Misses Gordon, Glenthorne 11 Forrer Leonard, Leighton 13 "Smith John William 15 Johnson Frederick, Hampstead 10. 17 Sandford Henry, solicitor & commissioner for oaths. Bladon 19 Horsford MIs. 21 Laird Patrick Ramsay 23 Stannard Mrs. 25 Helder Mrs., Rathmines 27 Helm Henry Jns.,I.s.o.,Simonstone 29 Stone Mrs., Snnnyside 31 Maxwell James Laidlaw, M.A.,M.D. Edin. 33 Rogers John 31 Coates William 37 Shillcock Joshua South Side. H Medhurst John 42 SomervillfJ James Bradley 40 Quy Sergt.-Major Arthur 38 Cooper Thomas B6 Gibbs ·William James 34 Bull Harry 32 Smith Mrs. J. WilSOll 30 Towse Frank 28 Osborn Mrs., Melrose 26 Ashby W. 24 Prentice :Mrs" Elmslie 22 Bourne John Thompson 20 Stanger Mrs., Handsworth . 18 Brock George Wm. Fredk., Afton 16 Woodward Augustus 14 Rhys Rev. Walter Rowland, M.A. 12 Newport Mrs., Fern Lea 10 Vigers Martin, Avonmore 8 Pellett Edgar Thomas, Quinton 6 Boyer Frank Harold 2 Medhurst GeorgeHavelock Road,
50 HOMESDALB ROAD TO BROMLEY C01UWN. Left Side. 1 Hardy Richard, upholsterer & c 3 Howell Charles William 5 Britton Albert Nelson 7 Dobson James 11 Smith John 13 Bushnell Mrs. 15 Roberts Thomas 17 Hickmott Mrs. 19 Aveling Frederick 21 Brigden Thomas 23 Anderson Alfred 25 Ashdown Charles 27 Brown Frederick 29 Champion Ernest 31 Roberts Charles George Frederick 33 Hickmott John 35 Peckham Robert 37 Collyer Thomas 4l Mercer George 41 Morley Richard 43 Saunders Frederick 45 Self Arthur 47 Crist Charles 49 Terry Henry 51 Gill Edward 53 Maddallls Joseph, shopkeeper ........ here i&lIIal'lhrJl'01tgll road, ,..C.,. 5ii Gilbert A. R., grocer 57 Anderson Thomas ·W. 59 Chandler Stephen 61 Bray Mrs. 63 Wood Mrs. 65 Clark Joseph Cross and Retu1"11. t4: Wingham John 82 Wraight Sidney 80 Pollard George 78 Wells W. 76 Fisk William 74· Dunford· William A. 7~ Uatt William 70 Kent Mrs. 68 Hooker Fred 66 Browning William ErQest64 Baldock Thomas 62 May Alfred 60 Hayles Edwin 58 Clifford William 56 Walklin Wdli:lm ...... Itere i.~ Alm'lburouglt road 54 Page George, greengrocer 48 Faulkner George F. 46 Grace Mark 44 Chard John 42 Morley Thomas 40 Perks William 38 Parrington Walter Leonard 36 Luck Lewis Richard 34 Pearce Richard, jobbing gardener 32 Hariiing George Frederick 30 Huddleston Mrs. 28 Prebble John 26 Fleming George 24 Hinchon Patrick 22 Johnson Joseph 20 Wiles Stephen 18 Kite Edward William 16 Humphrey William 12 Batchelar Walter 10 Cronin Jack 8 Anthony Frederick 6 Hassum Mrs. 4 'Newman William 2 Webb Mrs. Hawes Road-ALDERMARY PARK:,
From Rodway road. West Side. 5 Solbe Mrs. 7 Pearce Bertram, Eastville 9 Santer John Robert 11 Heath-Groom Thomas 13 Malpas Williaul Henry 15 Anderson Alfred John 17 Whyte William, jun. 19 Grindley John 21 Rae W. T Hatton 23 Ladyman George T. P. M. 25 Shore Cecil George 27 Jeffries Harry 29 Broadley.T ohn 31 Pitt Mrs. 33 Grant F. P. 35 Catling Thomas 37 Pearce Sidney Arthur 37 Pearce Brothers, builder. East Side. 1 Strong L. W .. Lismore 2 Franklin James Curtis, I..R.C,P., L.R.C.s.Edin., L.F. p.s.Glas. 3 Crammond Miller Mrs. 4 Hodgson Edward Highton ......... here is Rodway road . ......... here is Palace road 6 Levi George 8 Waterworth John Halsted 10 LSLJgton Mrs. 10 Parr Rev. Edward Ambury, B.A. [curate of St. John's, Bromley] 12 Dean Evan William 14 Brown Frank IJeopold 16 Fowler Wallace Baxter 18 Milstead Herbert Henry 20 Hunter George William Tavlor 22 Hills Alfred . 24 Loder Sidney James 26 Bourne James Johnstone 28 Black Miss 30 Wiley Percy John Douglas 32 Carter William Shadwell 34 Relf Harold Edwin 36 Tarrant. Mrs. E. T. 38 Oakley G. J. 40 Watson George Giding 42 Cazeaux Raymond H Reid CharlesHawkesworth Roacl.-MAsONs HIlL.
From, 24 Simpsons road. Left side. 1 Rogers William Charl€'s 3 Whybrow John 5 Stokes Henry Charles 7 White Mrs., laundress 9 Jones Thomas 11 ,Miller J. 13 Eaton Robert 15 Thurling William Robert 17 Jennings Fred 19 Wingham Edwin Frank 21 Townsend Mrs. 23 Wilson George Cross and Return2 Crothall John R. 4 Pike Mrs. G Galer Walter 8 Davies Frederick 10 Woodley John 12 Foster Robert 14: Taylor William Haxtead Road.-N(mTH ROAD.
1 Johnson John 2 Veness Harold 3 Whittington Charles 4 Hills William Henry 5 Cope William 6 Attwood Ben 7 King Walter 8 Holland Walter 9 Newman Bertram 10 Smith Mrs.Hayes Lane.-BROMI,f;;Y UOMMON.
2 Higgs James, Kintore 4 Bristowe Lewis, Durlstone 6 Wagstaff Mrs., Elmcroft 8 Ward William P. Kent County Council Secondary Sehool- Reginald Airy, MA., head master Taylor F. G.,'earetkr., The Lodge .. .. here i, footpath io Masons Hill ... Hatcher Harold Barber, Ashleigh ...... here is Ha.'lfes 'road . Cross and Return. Bromley Sport.y Ground-Sydney A. Pearce, han. se~. 9 Baker Harry B., Hayesford house Wood Wm.Walt.,market gardenerHayes Lane.-PICKHURST PARK.
East Side. ...... here is Kingswood road" . ..... here is Toots Woo,l road ...... Lamp Post Letter Box ..... .llm·c L~ We-Yt1)/orf'land road . Clark Charles Douglas, Eecleshill Browne Thomas Gillespie Chapman. Barnhill Pannett Alfred, The Cottage,Barnhill [Letters throuj!h Beckenham.] Porter James Thnmas, Fixted farm Olacey James, Longeroft cottage Attenborough Richard, LangeI-oft 10 Hedley John Thomas, Longcroft Hambro C. Eric, Piekhurst Mead Langston Edward, Pickhurst Mead 10 Mills William, Manor cottages Fisher William, Mauor cOLtages West Side . ..... here is BW'nfield Wood road..... Wall J,ettel' Box George Charles, farmer, Piekhurst Green farm Brockman Thomas, balliff to Charles George, esq. English Mrs., Piekhurst manorHayes Road .- BROMLEY.
Westmoreland road to Hayes lane . Left side. 1 Shore Fredk. Wm., F.C.A.) accntnt H Walker Harold E . 5 Carpmael Miss 7 Barraclough Mrs. 9 Anderson Mrs. 11 Berner Correze 13 Clark Arthur Barnard 15 Furness Mrs.19 Layard Miss 21 Manze Mitchell ......... here is boundary of Bromley and Beckenltam paruhes ......... 23 Dunell H. G. 25 Hinton Herbert Allen 27 Barraclough Robert F. Skilbeck James Julian, Hurst 10. GJockler Frank, Hurst lodge 51 Nichol Samuel J:;Newhaven 53 Larby E. John, Dalwhinnie 55 Harvey Thos. Martin, The Laurels 57 Collard Sydney 5!l Hilton John E., Deepdene 61 Pitts William, Kyoto lodge 67 Mantle George 69 Pitts W. H., jun., Boringdon Pillar Letter Box 71 Staples George W. 73 Beeston Lewic; 75 Holroyde William Fredk., solicitor & for oaths, Greenhayes 77 Singer Edwin . 83 Hillier Henry Ford 85 Ford Mrs. C. R. 87 Pownall George, Newlyn 89 Rolfe William Robert, Overstrand 91 Wright Sydney F. 93 Dowrick Harold Edmund 95 Fluck Miss, L.L.A. ............ here 'is I£ayes lane ............ Right Side. 38 Lovell Ernest John, Hayes cot. 42 Bull .John, Courtlands 44 Jones J. Arthur, Nant Gwyn 46 Baker Arthur Ernest, Breifond 48 Thoburn Mrs., Glascott 50 Weekes Robert W. 52 Smith Lionel C. 54 West Frederick William, HayesLea. 56 Foster Allan, Kingsmead 58 Milloy Thomas Roht., Leigh Wood 60 Cook Herbert 62 Patey Charles 64 Baldry Benjamin Button 66 Fulcher George, Homeleigh 68 Brett Arthur, Suffolk lodge 70 Jackson Lewil; 72 Ciecierski Bruno, Weimar ..... 74 Mack Cecil 76 Reid Mrs. John B. 78 Barry Mrs. 80 Noy Miss, Woodville 82 Hammerton Ernest, Whoberley -:- 86 Fry C. A., The Croft 88 Kelf Henry David 90 Jones Ormsby . 92 Raphael F. Charles, Fors 94 Chambers Arthur, Heatherdene 96 de Lacy Wilfred 98 Pease John, Lyndhurst 100 Scholpp Gustav, Mahern 102 Rossiter T. W. . 104 Hutch~ings J,ames, ..builder Haywood Road.
From Southlands Road. Left Side. 3 Waters Arthur 5 Preston Francis 7 Walker John 9 Wildish William Thomas 11 Mussell John 13 Sheldon Henry C. 15 Wyles Horace 17 Cole Harry 35 Dennis Charles, Glen view 35 Dennis Miss B., dressmaker 37 Dennis Edward Frank, Myrtle viJ. 39 Liddington William H.41 Soans Alfred Spurling 43 Hopgood James B. 45 Hopgood Ernest John 47 Rarben Edward 49 Carroll William George 51 Trinick Arthur George 53 Stainer Charles Edward 55 Erbes Frederick C. 57 Smith Thomas 59 Downer William Heury Hight Side. 50 Walters Mrs. 48 Badder F. 46 Royle Harry 44 Davies Madame S., teacher.of music 42 Francis William A. 40 Miller Arthur 38 Ledger Herbert Charles 36 Brewster William 34 Jennings Percy Henry 32 Stockwell Frederick .Joseph 30 Simmons William H. 28 Wenn Reginald S. 14 Towell Arthur Edward 12 Burden Edward Heathfleld Road.
From 96 London rd. to Warner rd. North Side. Follett J. P., cabinet maker 1 Stepney Alfred P. 3 Brown William Edgar 5 Toates Frederick John 7 Smith Charles, gardener 9 Matchett Mrs. Samuel, dressmaker 11 Heather Henry 13 Hills Va1entine 15 Williams Thomas Henry, photogr. 17 Ovenden Edward, sanitary plumber 19 Shearing Mrs. Mary 21 Hills JOhll 23 Smith Horbert 25 Brown Albert Edward 27 Pollard William 29 Ralph William James 31 Stenning Edward 33 Shorter A. G. West Side. 35 Hubbard Charles M., ~enl. stores 37 Smith Frank 39 Garnham Charles Edward 41 Byrnes James Douglas 43 Coulter Percy , James 45 Ford Herbert, plumber 47 Gumbrill George 49 Levens Alfred 51 King Alfred James 53 Watson John Thomas 55 Bryant Benjamin 57 Crossley William 59 Duke Edward 'Walter South Side. 80 Heywood Rupert 78 Pickard C. J., sign writer 76 Ayling John 74 Hesk Alfred 72 :::iimkin Walter William 70 Downing Walter 68 Clarke William John, watchma. 64 Simmonds Jesse 62 Podger Horace James 60 Tremlett Frank 58 Cousins William Walter 56 Francis H., grocer 54 Lowrence Harry 52 Woodford J. 50 Nicholls Charles Harry 48 Watson James John 46 Murrell James William 44 Ford Alfred, carpenter 42 Threadgold Frederick Alfred. 40 Humphrey Thomas38 Tye George William 36 Wells Stephen Thomas 34 Vickers Ernest Albt. bldr. & decrtr. 32 Ancell Frederick 30 MeLening William Edward 28 French George 26 Simpson George 24 Gray D. T. R. 22 Harris Herbert 20 Stott Arthur Edward 18 Simpson Edward 16 Sherrill Brothers, window cleaners 14 Follet J. P. ]2 English Edward II. lOA Pewsey Sidney 10 Seward Mrs. 8 Craker Samuel 6 Durbin George Albert 4 Hughesman Arthur 2 Porter Robert Henry Street.-41 FHEELANDS ROUl,
1 Howse Mrs. 2 Brown Joseph 3 Mcrsh .John 4 Bonathan William 5 Williams Reuben James 6 Overall Edward 7 Simmons Charles 8 Knott George 9 Chapman Thomas 10 Shine Vincent Sylvester 11 Lee Mrs. 12 Hamblin Mr!l. 13 Tye William 14 Smart Edward 15 Baker Edgar William 16 Davey Mrs. R. Cross and Return 17 Davey John 19 Hodgkill Thomas 20 Raison Mrs. 21 Eldred George 22 Lawson 'William 23 Williamson Walter John 24 Humphries Mrs. E. 25 Winn Harry Albt., french polisher 25A Brown Charles 26 Scott Robert 27 Brown Harry 28 Webb JohnHerbert Road.
From Union road to Salibury road. Right Side. 2 Miles Walter 4 Alexander Frederiek Charles 6 Archer Emanuel George 8 Whitehead Levi 12 White George Frederick 14 Alexander William 16 Smith Charles 18 Marsh George Edward 20 Marshall Frederick 22 Jackson Albert 24 King Stephen G. 26 Townsend Oliver W. 28 Bryant Albert 30 Killick William George 32 Kemp Walter William 34 Kennett William George 36 Elliott George 38 Taylor William 40 Austin Robert 42 Heims Henry 44 Taylor Thomas 46 Sampson Harrison 48 Powell Thomas John William 50 Bond E. 52 Ford John 5i Allen WilliamLeft Side. 5 Wheatley Edward W. 7 White Sidney Frank 9 Hutchins 'Walter 11 Heasman George Butler W. ,~ J. wood fencing contractors High Street.
From S. E. ~. u. Railway Station (Bromley South) to London road. North·East Side. 1 Harper Peter, Rose Bank 3 Parkinson Mrs .. Weir lodge ...... here is Ravensbourne road ...... 4 Cook Philip Inkerman, 1II.D.Brux. L.RC.P., lII.R.C.S., I,.S.A. physician & surgeon, Argyll lodge 5 Browne Herbert, L.D.S.R.c.s.Ire1., dental surgeon, Byfield 6 Bromley College of Music -Ernest B. Moss, A.G.8.M. and Miss Beatrice E. Youngman, A.G.8.M., directors, Yark house. Telephone, Bromley 1577 6 Moss Ernest B., A.G.S.)I., York ho. 7 Harman Herbert P., photographer 8 Hollis William, Hollymount ]0 Reid Alfred William, F.R.C.V.S vet. surgeon, Brunswick House H 11 Henly Albert William, MU.C.S Eng-.; -L.U.c.p.Lond., L.D.S.Eng., F.R.M.S., dental surgeon 12 Peill Edwin George, St. Margaret's r Kirby & Price,surgeons, Thanet 10. I Price Alfred E., M.D., IlLS., phy13 siciau & surgeon, Thanet lodge I Jepson Alfred Charles, M.B., B.C., L cantab., surgeon, Thanet lodge ......... here is Ethelbert road ......... 14 Hoghton George Wm. Bromley ho 15 Richardson William Ridley, M.A., Ravensfell WALL LETTER Box TIt(} Neel!Jherries (public gardens) 17 Bromley Public Library, William J. Harris, F.L.A., librarian 19 EU.wards Charles, boot. maker & c. 20 Nash Albert Henry Victor, confr. 21 Steiert & Son, waichmakers & c. 22 Felce & Co., chemists -H. Francis, M.P.s., proprietor 23 Bromley & County Club - Jahn n. Lepper, hon. sec. & treasurer Grand Hall (Electric Theatre)- A.E. Corrick, managr. Telephone 896 Bromley 24 Bromley China Stores Limited 25 CHAPPELL FRANCIS &. SONS, undertakers. Telephone 1720 Bromley 26 Hedditeh Richard, coniectioner 26 Springett Herbert, M.R.C.Y.S.,veterinary surgeon 27 Foster Brothers Clothing Co. Ltd . 28 Wallis H. & Co.,mantle warehouse 29 Milbank Percy R., tailor 30 Serre Achille Limited, cleaners & dyers 31 Cann Reginald W., con33 UNION OF LONDON &. SMITHS BANK LIMITED (THE)-Arthnr Frederic Hubbins, manager. See advertisement, page 60 34 Burton Brothers, farriers & smiths 35 Risinq Sun, A. Thomas 36 , 36A & 37 Rouch & Sons, drapers 38 Parsons A. W., hatter and hosieI' 39 Parsons A. W., clothier, & c. 40 Lipton Limited, grocers & provision merchants 41 & 42 Bush S. & Son, printers, hooksellers and stationers London and Provincial Meat Stores - George Webb manager Viotoria chambers I Weller William G., solicitor & I commissioner for oaths 43 , Mercer William, accountant I Financial Partners Limited- W. I Strutt, A.L.A.A., seC. I Gooding Harry Lawrence,F.L.A.A., l accountant & registrar of marriages 4g Bromley Gazette Co. 43 Ximenes Elio, artist 43 International Bible Students (Local Class) 44,45,46,47,48,49,50 & 51. Medhnrst F. Lim., drapers & silk mercers 1 Hennah & Roberts, dental snrgy 1 Ilome "So Colonial Stores. Lim. 2 & 3 THE LONDON CITY &. MIDLAND BANK, LIMITED John Albert Evans, manager. See advertisement, page 52 Evans John Albert, Bank house 4- Covell & Harris, butchers 53 Clarke E. & Son, Ltd., printers, bookbinders, stationers, bill posters & advertising agents, fancy & leather goods dealers. Telephone 414 Bromley 53 Mackness Misses, servants' registry office 54 Marler Henry, tailor outfitter 56 Ilott, Grant-Wilson, Henshaw & Ilott physcns. & surgns.( surgery) 56 Hancock Harry Alfred E~mund ............ here is Church road ........... 57 Ilott Herbert James, M.D., C.M., M.R,C.S., physician & surgeon 58 Pamphilon G. & Son, wine & spirit merchants 59, 60, 71, 72 & 73 Howard's' Stores, Limited, grocers 59 Howard William ( Weeks George & Sons, ironmongers, gas & hot water 61 fitters, sanitary engineers, I electricians, & c. LWeeks George 66 Boots Cash Chemists (Southern) Limited 68 Ainslie Brothers, butchers 71 , 72 & 73 & 59 & 60 Howard's Stores, Limited 71 Li~e Herbert 72 Cooper Benjamin 72 Carver Rev. Bernard Nash, B.A.[curate of Bromley] 73 Dalley William 74 Upson & Co., bootmakers 77 Domestic Bazaar Co. Limited 78 Thomas Miss J. M., A.R.D.S., artist, 'The Studio 78 ,79 & 80 Powell & Lancaster, milliners, drssmas. & ladies' outfittrs 81 Stewart & Co., furniture dealers 82 Colling-s Bros., carvers & gilders 82A Collings Bros., furniture dealers 82 eHobbs William Amos, farrier 83 Eastman & Son (Dyers & Cleaners) Limited, dyers and cleaners 83 Adrienne Madam, costumier 84 Dean Mrs.EJizabetb, art needlework depot 85 & 86 Gunton & Son, drapers, & 0. 87 Dibben Ernest, dairy 88 Hayne's Grocery Stores 89 Filby & Son, hairdressers, & c. 90 McKenzie Eustace Alfred, newsagent & stationer 91 Swan and Mitre !nil, Charles Shaw 92 Waterman .John Thos., restaurant ......... here is Beckenham lane ......... 93 Silk Mrs. E., confectioner 93 British Window Cleaning Co.- John Chas. Diprosc. manager 93 Telephone Call Office 95 Browning & Sons, greengrocers 96 Cleave Henry 97 Heathman Samuel, hairdresser 97 Harradine &, Ayling, agents to Phrenix Assurance Co. Limited 98 Smith &, Owen,glass & color mers. 99 Germain S. A., art dealer 100 Griffin Robert W., L.D.s.Eng., dental surgeon South-West Side. Bromley and Sheppard's Colleges [For residents see page 15fl.] Wall Letter Box ............ here is College slip ............ ]02 Raywood Geo., builder & ; decrtr. 102A Eastmans Limited, butchers 102n I1ott & Hine, fruiterers & - florists 102n Pearce Walter Harry 102n Teresa Madame, costumier 102e Hall C. J., clothier 102 Tarry Walter, tailor 103 Ferris & Sons, saddlers 104 Manstecl E., tobacconist 106 Star and Garter, Robt. Smithers [PH] 107 Rendall George & Co., hosiers 109 Cakebread Miss IsabeI M.,co'), 109 National Photo Co. (The) 110 Skilton William F., dairyman III PALAIS. DE-LUXE 112 & 113 Lowrence Frederick, general furnisher & shipping agent ........ .here is Hooker's place ......... 114 Baker Misses M.& J., The Bazaar ll6 & 117 Greyhound, Thomas HenrY Beament [PH] 118 Allen George, ironmonger 119 Lowrence T. ok A., wardrobe and antique dealers ... here are Walter's yard, Sharp's cottages, Payne's cottages and Orchard plal'f. .,............. 120 International Tea CO.'8 Store.~ Limited 121 Brightwell ok Crowburst, ladies' outfitters 122 Shillcock & Sons, chemists 122 Sbillcock George, dentist 123 Dotter Konstantin, watchmaker 124 GRINSTED DANIEL LTD., corn, coal & seed merchants 124 Distill William Henry 125 Taylor Richard Limited, watchmakers, jewellers & opticians 126 Martin's Bank, Limited - Theodore Murly Stllncomb, manager 127 Royal Bell Hotel, James & Co. ......... here is Markel are 128 Lovibond John & Suns, Limited, H. Pitman, manager 130 Skinner & Grant, tSquailors 131 Duke's Head, Thomas Percy Thomas I3lA Whitewoods, fruiterers & green grocers 132 Appleton Ernest A., dining rooms 133 Payne E. W., jeweller ......... here is Market square . 135 True Form Boot OO.-J. Scars & Co. Limited 136 Young James & Co. Lim., motor body builders 136 Young- Men's Christian Association - W. J. Harland, i:ec. 136 Anderson's Teeth Institute 137 Maypole Dairy Co. Limited White Hart Ghambers 137 & 138 Bartlett & Gregory, solicitors & commissioners for oaths 137 & 138 Latten W. F., collector to the :Metropolitan Water Board (Southem district) (attendance,tuesday 10 to 1 & 2.30 to 4.30) 137 & 138 Roffe T., collector to the Metropolitan Water Boa (Southern district) (attendance, thursday 3 to 5) 137 & 138 Girling Robert, clerk to the Commissioners of Land &- Assessed Taxes 137 & 138 Euvo Ointment Co. 137 & 138 Car & General Insurance Corporation (branch office) (Ht . Girling, branch manager j R. H. Brown, L. G. Bennett &.R. H. Lush, inspectors) 137 & 138 Bromley Cottage Improvement Co. Limited, H. J. Titford, sec 137 & 138 Bromley Conservative & Unionist Association, John King, sec.; W. F. Masters, assistant sec. 137 & 138 Bromley & West Kent Masonic Hall Co. Limited, R. J. Titford, sec. 138 Waterer & Dickins, auctioneers 139. White Hart Hotel, John A. Leon Claessens [PH] Wltite Hal't AssembM JRooms 140 Russell A.lbion· &. Son, bootmakers BOA Shelvoke Frank R., umbrella maker 141 LONDON COUNTY· &. WESTMINSTER BANK L1MITED Arthur Vivian Faull, manager. See advertisement, page 279 141 Faull Arthur Vivian, Bank house 142 & 14a Hutson & Armstrong, drapers 144 Broadley Brothers, tailors & outfitters 145 Welford's Surrey Dairies Limited 145n Pollock & Co., flemish.p0ttery ]45A Redwood Restaurant (The) Wright Brothers, drapers 14GAScrivener & Co., booksellers & stationers 146 Manning H. & Co., tobacconists 146 Lagemann F., hairdresser 147 & 148 Pyrke George L., upholsterer 149 Arnaud J. C. & Son, builders & decorators 150 Johnson Brothers (Dyers) Ltd.,dyers 150n Aught G. A" bootmaker 150A Fleming, Reid & Co. Limited, scotch wools & hosiery 151 Smith Ogden, athletic stores Aberdeen Buildings Randall H. E. Lim., bootmakers '; & 6 Howlett Philip,ladit's' outfitter 5 Beckenham' Bromley School of Music and Art, Ormond Yeal'sley, secr 5 Phillips (Howard Morley) & Co., pianoforte warehouse 4 Igglesden 'Walter, watchmaker 4 Haylett Madame Maud, costumier B Tosland Alexander, upholsterer 2 Howlett Philip, fancy draper 1 Nelson Robert & Co. domestic machinery warehouse Telephone Call Office Wesleyan Church,'Sunday School I52 Baker W. Herbert, L.n.S. (Eug.), dental surgeon 153 Edey G. Russell, L.n.S. (Eug.), dentist, Westnor 154 Codd A.rthur F. G., III.B., F.R.C.S" surgeon, & medical officer of health for Bromley, Holwood lodge . . . . . . here are Elmfield and Holwood Roads 155 Thomas Harold Wynne, L.R.C.P., Y.R.C.S, surgeon, Thornbury 156 Soutb ~uburbau Gas Co.(Bromley district -Wilfrid Wastell, sec. ; S. Y. Shoubridge, engineer (office) The Broadway Bond & Co., florists 2 'Weekes F. & J., drapers :3 Pearcey W. H. & Son, fruiterers Piller Letter Boa: 4 Lennards Limited, bootmakers -1 Hills H. 5 Johnstone H., tailor G Wheatley Miss W. E., draper 7 Ward L. E. & Co. gents' outfitters Stanford Frederick Houghton, hairdresser 8.AAttwood &, Co., drapers Consevative Club -- Robcrt T. Wr!Lgg, hon. sec. 9 Hallamore Alfred, toy warehouse Kirhy Albert Edward. M.R.C.S. (Eng.), surgeon, Bromley 10. 10 Attwood & Co., drapers 11 Jones Robert Arthur 11 & 12 Martin T. & Sons, stationers 13 Ackermann Fredk. Wm., confr. 14A Trigg Edward & Sons, dyers & cleaners (receiving olIice) 14 Singer Sewing Mackine 00. Lim. Alfred Harold Searle, manager 15 & 16 Ayling Thos.Stpbn. boot manfr 17 Skinner Percy James. confectionr 18 Krantz Isidore, ladies' tailor & furrier 20 Pfeil Christopher Ferdinand, pawnbroker 21 Yale A. & Co., tobacconists 22 Rtrker Charles 22 Chambers & Co., dyers 23 Ainslie Brothers. hutchers 23 Harris C. E. F. 24 Hay ward Miss, confectioner 25 Catford Herbert, antique furniture dealer 26 Kershaw-Bishop E., restaurant 27 Harris Albert Thomas, ophth:llmic optician 27 Whelan Mrs. 28 Gillm:m & Butt, shirt tailors and hosiers 29 Last George H., new & secondhand bookseller 30 Cooper Alfred, oil & color dealer 3) Cooper Maurice, tobacconist 31 Chappell F. S., architect & garden designer 32 Kelf Hy.D., pharmaceutical chmst 33 Chapple II. C., picture frame rna. 34 Yilixir Co. Limited (The) 34 Levens W. & Son, auctioneers, Broadway house Broadway Motor Works ......... Here is Bromley South 8. N. g' O. Bailway Station ......... Telephone Call Office Highland Road. - BRoMLEy PARK.
From 107 London rd. to Beckenham la. South Side. 3 Zimmermann Sidney, Woodside 5 O'Connell Major-Gen!. Peter, H.E. Sibertswold 7 Lees Miss, Holmcrott 11 Day Arthur, ~eacombe 13 Bleckley Mrs., Wakehurst 19 Frazer Lieut.-Col. F. A., Rositer 21 Braginton Wm., M.A., St. Albans25 Savory Ernest Braithwaite, Tyndale lodge 29 Parker Mr.;. C. M'l Lincluden 31 Chadwick Mrs. H., Red Bank 33 Asmus Adolph, Iris villa 37 Devas T. Gronow, Broadview Wall Letter Box ........... here is Park end ............ Christ Church 43 Pain Henry Herbert, Pine wood 45 Monkhouse Edward Wyndham, Kirkdale 47 Harvey Mrs., Brackenhill Dence Thomas, Sunny court 51 Wilks Mrs. J. J., Highland lodge North Side. Christ Church Hall ...... here is Madeira avenue ...... Helgman Wm. Jas. Santa Clara MUl':':ford Eustace B:, Braeside 18 Moore Rev. Richard, M.A. [incumbent of Christ Church], Christ Church lodge 16 Watson Misses, Branxholm 14: Williams Stanley, Hillbrow 12 Smith Edward, St. Stephens ......... here is Grasmere Road ......... 10 Maney Vincent. The Haven 8 Nash Stanley Harry, Glencoe 6 Connett Albert Newmann, Dalwhinnie 4 Elgar Mrs. 2 Galloway Robert "Bromley Park" Lawn Tennis Club Ground Hill Brow. - WIDMORE,
From Olti.~leltUrst road to Sundridge avenue. Right 8ide. Fox William Alexander, Eliots Fitchew Edward Hubert, The Oriels Sherriff Francis Frederic, Ravenscroft LAMP POST LETTER Box ...... here is Park Farm road ...... Abbott Herbt. Campbell, Broadview Twallin George Charles, Fairmead Cross and Return. Parr Miss, MolescroftHillbrow Road. - BROMLEY HILL
ESTATE, From Coniston road to Galmont la,Hilldrop Road.
From Burnt Ash lane, Plaistow. Left Side 1 Pellatt Allen 3 Golding Bertie F. E. 5 Philpott. Alec Ingram 7 Hatch George 9 Sutton Mrs. E. 11 Weeton Charles 13 Singleton Harry 15 Kettle Alfred 17 Sherlrold Thomas 19 Hewett Edwiu Arthur 21 Everett Albert 23 Manning John Right Side 2 Ridley Walter 4 Maher Edward 12 Kiug Albert 14 Long Charles 18 Hall ~li 5S 22 Jenkins John James 24 Lewis James 26 Riches GeorgeHill View Cottages.
see Burnt Ash lane.Hol1igrave Road.
From 24 Aldermary road. Left side. 1 Hinchcliffe William 3 Jeffery Mrs. 5 Cutler Henry James 7 Davis Walter 9 Buxton Alfred Henry 11 Chase Gore.on 13 Clark Mrs. Joseph 15 Eaton-Matthews Herbert 17 Ripley Edmund Plowden 19 Davis Bernard F. 21 Mason Bernard 23 Nye Charles 25 Romney Miss 27 Williamson Jeffrey W.29 Roberts Ernest John 31 Thompson Walter 33 Brown Finden 35 Andrews Mrs. 37 Balfour William 39 Story George Francis Ho1wood Buildings.
See I[om f'Sd {(le rd.Holwood Road.-HIGH STItEET.
Right Side from Elmfield road. 2 Bush Jas. Tobin, Moratl-I-Munzil 4 Avis Misses, Studleigh 6 West Miss 12 Gedge Alfred Sydney, Endsleigh 14 Langmore Mrs. F. G. 16 Howlett Philip, Honiton Clyst 18 Inland Revenue Valuation Dept. (A. B. Thomtou, valuer) (District valuer's office) 20 Render Miss 22 Sulman John George, Fairlight 24 N ntting Whitpaine, St. Catherine's Cross and Return. 33 Fertel Frederic, professor of music and organist Parish Church, Holmcroft 33 FertelMrs ,ladies' school, Holmcroft 29 Munson Miss, Raysden 27 Tosland Alexander 25 Billinghurst Edward George, Normanhurst 23 Beaumont Mrs. 21 Boyd Percival, Alcedo 19 Mbkin & Arnold Misses, girls' school, A vonclyffe 17 SandIe Sydney John, Aldersyde 15 Benham Mrs. Lamp Pust ~Letter Box 13 Arnaud John Frederick, Ffitzoe 11 Miles Alfrel} Horsfall, S1. Brelade 7 Labrum Rev. William Arthur Wesleyan J, The Manse 5 Jasper Frederick 3 Walker· Frank H.. Craneton 1 Spain Mrs. .Homefield Road. - WIDMORE ROAD.
1 Cowing Miss 3 Hess Charles Henry 5 Carter Charles Henry, M.D. 7 Javnes Victor Alexander 9 Welch Henry John, Tintagel 11 Tucker Arthur J., Pelhurst 13 Field Edwin, Cromwell house Cross and Return. 16 Dods Miss 14 Ogilvie Charles Edward Walker 12 Marsh William John. Rostrevor 8 Clark Thomas, Iddesieigh Parker Edmd. Shirley,Southernhay 6 Wilson Percy 4 Hall Mrs. J. H., Stud1aullHomesdale Road. - BRoMLey COMMON.
Left Side from Bromley Common. 1 Garner Edward il Woodhams J. L. 1[oln:ood Buildings 1 Russell Mrs. H .. tobacconist 2 Murgatroyd Thomas, tailor 3 Brown Charles Stephen, corn dealr Am]1 Villas 1 Soans Percy 2 Terry William Samuel 13 Harding Stanley James 15 Grant Miss 17 Hammond George E. Frederick 19 Woodall Edward A. 21 Child Richard 23 Rook Ernest Franklin 25 Hyde William W. 27 Durdle Harold 29 Hodson Alfred Edward 31 Purvis John 33 Wycherley Mrs. ......... here is Woldham Road ......... 35 Brouard Wm. & Son, furniture dIrs 37 Meathrel S. F., Revelstoke 39 Underwood Alfred Henry 41 McGeorge Henry 43 & 45 Rushbrook Ernest, beer retailer & wine & spirit merchant 47 Brown William 49 Greenaway Charles 51 Ridgway Albert 53 Simmons Harry55 Ansell Mrs. 57 Piercy Mrs. 59 Copping David 61 Balcomb Frederick 63 Merrett William J. F. 65 Merrett George 67 Fleming George 69 Vincent Albert E.- 71 Pucknell Ernest 73 Walker Wm. Hy. & Son, dairymen Florence Villas 1 Argent Leonard 2 Grinsted Robert Penny 3 Barrow John -William 4 Clifford Arthur James 5 Pay Edward Henry 6 Russell Mrs. Tappenden Mrs, E., Dingley Dell ......... here is Godwin Road ...... 151 Judd Wm. Matthw., Gasworks cot South Suburban Gas Co. (Bromley district) (works)-B. Y, ShoubIidge, engineer 153 Goad William 155 Knight James 157 Vanstone Edward 159 Lee James Thomas 161 Burbridge John 163 Eves Robert T. 165 SMITHFIELD MEAT STORES -F. R. Hawker, manager 167 Looker & Son, newsagents 169 Noble Albert, dining rooms 171 Dew Arthur, fruiterer 177 Ranson Edward 179 Braund Harry 181 Arnold Alfred 183 Willis William John ......... here is Liddon Road ...... 185 Hambly Arthur William 187 Walford George,agent Prudential Assurance Co. Limited 189 Russell Walter Albert 191 Skinner Albert. 193 Lash Ernest 195 ScratR G. B .. window cleaner 197 Willard George 199 Pangbourn Alfred 201 Brill Frank William H; 203 Tomblin Wm. tobcnst.& newsagt. 205 Gumm Frederick Stephen 207 Hawker Alfred Ernest 209 Sunnucks Alfred James 211 Butler J oh11 213 Marshall Mrs. Sarah E., confr. 215 Fitz Mrs. Amy, grocer & c., and Page Heath Post Office ............ here is Canon Road ...... Cross and Return. ...... here are Page Heath Villas ...... 230 Goodacre Mrs. 228 Brandon William 228 Brandon Mrs. C., registry office 226 Smith Robert 224 Brandon William B'rederick 222 Wool head Joseph 220 Day Richard Albert 218 & 216 Swastika Laundry 214 Shingleton Walt. Fritz, rat catcher 212 Welch Albert 210 Gilbert Charles 208 Crockford Thomas Henry 206 Stacey George Henry 204 J elley Bernard 202 c Benjamin H. 198 Wiinbush John 196 Hamblin Richard 194 Baggett Frederick 192 Ewins James 290 Yardley Francis 188 Balham Arthur 186 Baldus John, hairdresser and tobacconist 184 Lord Holmesdale, Mrs. T. Crowe [PH] 182 Parsons James 180 Smith George Thomas 178 Payne James W., greengrocer 176 Drew James G. 174 Cooke Arthur 172 Mortimer Frank 168 & 170 Mussell Mrs. C. I!:., grocer and draper ............ here is Waldo Road ...... 166 Dewberry John, haberdasher 164 Payne Mrs. Eliza, shopkeeper 162 Peill James John Homesdale Brickfield, Peill Bros., proprietors 110 Devine Mark Alfred 108 Hutson Miss 106 Brazier Henry James 104 Newman James 90 Letchford William Thomas 88 Smith Frederick Young 86 Nye James 84 Gilham Alfred Frederick 82 Bull Mrs. 80 Packham :Frederick 78 Berry Henry John 76 Jennings Arthur John 74 Emery & Merrett, laundry 72 Farrow Charles 70 Dove" Sidney James 68 Harris Robert 66 Steele Robert 64: Lewis George 60 Young Henry, marine store dealer 58 East Mrs. A. E., wardrobe dealer 56 J upp Charles 54 Thorn PhilIp 52 Double George, butcher ......... here is Haveelock road ........ 50 Copping Bros., bakers 48 Patten Frank Henry, stationer & newsagent 44 Poole A. H. & Sons, plumbers & decorators 42 Amos Benjamin, grocer 40 Trigg Edwd., hairdresser & tobccnst. 36 Fleet William G., fishmonger 34 Chaston & Sons, fruiterers 32 Chamberlain Mrs. E., draper 26 Saunders George, stationer, and post office 24 Meathrel Sydney F., butcher 22 Plail & Maynard, boot repairers 20 THOMSETT L. J., grocer ...... here is Great Elms Road ....... 18 Cooling Charles E. 16 Hunt George 14 Holding Herbert 10 Hunter John James 8 Lloyd Spencer 4 Harding Fred 2 Fagan Arthur Hooker's Place.
From 114 High street, 7 Higate George BHope Park.
From 80 London road. [No thoroughfare.] South Side. 1 Harris Oscar 2 Taylor Arthur 3 Lewis Sidney Cooke 4: Wheeler William Henry a LtMuJ Herbert 6 Revill Edward Joseph 7 Fagg William Courtney 8 Adkin Benaiah Whitley 9 Higgs Alfred, Woodlands 10 Male WilMlIIl, Nethercourt 11 Driver William Henry 12 Innes Frederick North Side. 14 Foster Charles Frederick, solicitor & commissioner for oaths 15 Thompson C. J. 16 East Sidney ]7 Davidson ,Tames 18 Hind Charles Sidney, solicitor & commissioner for oaths, Cambridge lodge 24 Titford Arthur 25 Bothwell ThomasHorsley Road, 50 PALACE ROAD.
1 Everest Mrs. 2 O'Regan David 3 Com,ins C. H., bricklayer 4 & 5 Chitty & Son, coachbuilders, & c 6 Brown ThomasHoward Road.
From ~Pairfield road . Harris Mrs., Beth-Shean Sharp Edward 3 Gibson Joseph James 5 King Charles William 7 Killick James Chapman 9 Mills Robert 11 Holt Alfred 13 Barwell William, grainer 15 Chandler Mrs. 17 Robinson Ja.mes Thomali 19 Burr William Henry 21 Braby Frank23 Worsfold Thomas, gardener 25 Gibson Arthur Thomas 27 O'Neill Arthur 27 Button Gladstone John 29 Belcey L. 29 Snashall Reginald 31 Poole Ralph A. 31 Downer William 33 Taylor John Alfred 33 Evans James 35 Birch Mrs. 35 Popham Mrs. 37 Pooley Frederick W. 37 Clutterbuck Charles 39 Margery Henry Thomas 39 Pooley Albert 41 Griffiths Henry 41 Follows Wi)jia~ Joseph 43 North Charles 43 Killick Henry Edward, insur. agt 45 Staines Mrs. 45 Potter Harry 47 Revnolds Alfred 47 Ru·mph William Ernest 49 Morgan A. 49 Bray Reginald II. cross and Return, 76 Mears Charles William 74 Drinkwater William Thomas 72 Purdy Christopher Sydney 70 RaIlings Christopher 68 CaIlick Albert H. 66 Hobbs James 64 Burgess Frederick Robert 62 Follett E. G. 60 Eddells James William 58 Riley William Arthur, inspector to Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals 56 Brown Harry 54 Walker John A. 54 Seal Henry James 52 Heslop Arthur 52 Dawson William 5O Aikman James 50 Battson M. 48 WoUe Bertie 48 Bailey Edward 46 Tweed William Albert 44 Deadman Harold 42 Smith Harry 40 Dowling Albert 38 Davis Mrs. A. 36 EIiis Arthur George 34 National Deposit Friendly Society (Central Rnll District) - James Robert OrgIes, sec. 34 Orgles James Robert 32 Apps Arthur W. 30 Walker Joseph 28 Goldberg Hyman 26 Baker Archibald Gilbert 24 Brown Edwin Arthur 22 Way HalTY 20 Harris Robert Cecil 18 Rtevens Frederick William 16 Greenfield George 14 Wilson James A., pianoforte tuner & repairer 12 R(lckall Roger 12A Seller William Frank 1OA Bradford Mrs. 10 Wythe Cyril W. 8 Talbot Charles 8A Heskett James 6 Sobal Barnett 6A Laver Walter 4 Pike Henry Charles 4A Errington Nurse (certificated & maternity) 2 Edwards Walter, window cleaner 2.iBrooks Mrs. Isard's Yard.
From 8 JIarltet square.Jackson's Road, 79B ROMLEY COMMON.
East Side. l Averne Miss 3 Hayward Mrs., Knole Hill view 53 Warman John Doran 55 Batchelor William 57 Naylor J. 59 Bee John 61 Bellamy Herbert William 63 Evans Frederick 65 Hallworth William 67 Norman George William 75 Maynard Frederick, boot repairer 77 Dun mall Henry 79 Francis Thomas81 Smith John James 91 Ewmett Mrs. 93 Kentell Tom 95 Heithus Maurice Albert 97 Barnes William McClellan 99 New Ernest Dewey 103 Ware James William, Kirkby cot. 105 Day William 107 Smith Henry 109 Woodard Arthur 111 Dunman Charles William 113 Malyon Mrs. 115 Wood George West Side. LAMP POST LETTER Box 110 Gurr Henry 108 Pizzey Frederick 106 Edmunds Mrs. 104 Jones Harrv 102 Whitehead" Charles 100 Whitehead William 98 J~owder Harry 96 Sanders William 90 Bateman W., green~rocer 80 Davis William, genernl dealer 74 Johnson William 72 Johnson Richard, jun. 70 Russell William 68 Ackhurst Thomas 66 Boxall John O. 6i Whitehead George 62 Marshall Charles 60 Valle Joseph 54 Reeves James 52 McComas Mrs. 50 Wood Charles 48 Westbrook Charles 36 Hasell Thomas John,' nurseryma& 34 Barnsdale Percy 30 & 32 Whitehead George 28 Whitehead Philip 26 Whitehead Philip James ...... here is footpath to Farnborough ...... 22 Boxall William Charles 20 Perry Arthur, laundT)' 10 Brunning Louis 8 Carter George 4 Waite John James 2 Stratton J., The Bungalow Ja1fray Road. - BRoMLEY COMMON.
Prom. 71 Southlands road. Right Side. 2 Coveney Joseph 4 Bushell William 6 Oates Stephen 8 Hills Ernest 10 King Arthur 12 Hills Frank 14 Miller Mrs. 16 Pearson George 18 Parfitt Charles 20 Appleton Mrs. 22 Hackett Alfred 2-! Hagell Mrs. 26 Caton Stephen 28 Ward William 30 Veness Charles 32 Hopgood Sidney Maurice 34 Allen Charles Burt 36 Harris Bert, vocalist ...... here is Bonrne road Cross and Return. Left Side. 1 Bishop William 8 Stringer Charles Henry ......... here is Nelson roadJohnson Road. - 57 BROMLEY COMMON.
Left Side. 1 Austen Harry Horace, r.onfectionr. 8 Edmunds Albert 5 Brooke Josiah 7 Wyatt William Walter Ii& 13 Greensmith Frank, laundry 15 Warboys Charles 17 Count Charles William 19 Milstead Mrs. 21 Yeates AHd. Jas. wheelwright, & c. 23 Beauchamp William Charles 25 Hopwood Mrs . 27 Keep Frederick Charles 29 Saunders Arthur 31 Eve Harry 33 King Archibald 35 Smith Arthur 37 Clymer Frederick 39 Greenfield John Cross and Return,46 Bartholomew Bert 44 Stream Mrs. 42 Orchard Hand Laundry 40 Wickes George 38 Pantry, Mrs. 34 Dowling Harold 32 Smith Ernest-. 30 Smith Frederick John 24 Darby Walter George, boot repr 22 King Walter Joseph . 20 Bates Mrs. 18 QuiIi Wllliam 16 Shersby Benjamin Edward 14 Burton Albert Edward 12 Sanders Misses 10 Prior Richard, builder 2 Stream Mrs. King'S Avenue.
From Quernmere road. Right Side. How Alfred Phillip, Cleobury Daniels Sydney, Malabar Crockatt William, Kincraig Girliug Robert,_Kerval Seares Frederick George, Wynhurst Shearer William, Swinton }j'entiman Alfred George, Westwood Left Side. Farmer Walter, Hurworth Wallis-Whiddett Fdk. Geo., Devondale Fraser Alfred G., Ardmore Brame Edwin Singleton, Northwood Sedgley Walter, Holmwood Bingley Frederick, Carnoustie Brough Conway B., Kandersteg Zwicker Carl, The Homestead Harrington William Joseph, Park cot. Hope Francis Henry Wm., KitsilanoKinnaird Avenue.
From London lane to Park Avenue. Right Side. Whittingham Frederick. Kimberley Quelch Henry Charles, Sunnyroede Day-Lewis Frank E., Skerries Bighop Ernest, Ronda. . .. Hale Frederick Marten, Furzederfe Lee Myer Barnett, solicitor & commissioner for oaths, Sherwood cottage Left Side. Clark William Horace, Roselawn Adams Francis, Longshore Mann Arthur Edward,Farrington Imray James, Mogador Hill C, G., Penshurst Drew Mrs., Druids Croft Spicer Leonard, Stanmore Batham Frederick Charles, FoweyLake Avenue.
From Burnt Ash lane to Avondale rd. East Side. Benson John Allanson, Ghyll-Thorne Baker Montford, Connemara Simson Percival A., Wickham bury West Side. Alderton Ernest, Banshee Austin William J., Alma Barrett Miss, Dene Croft Phillips Frank, Titicaca Stanger Mrs., St. Ives Adams Horace, Courteenhall Mollwo Carlo, Burnham lodge Sroee Sidney, Foresterre Nussey John M., InverleithLangdon Road.
From Wenclover road. Left Side. 1 Latten William Frederick 3 Sanderson Mrs. M. 5 Barker William K. 7 Strutt William 9 Ray John 13 Hodge Miss 15 Crowe G. L. Right Side. 2 Botting Mrs. 4 Hatton Robert 6 Fone William Charles 8 Coulter Robert Perry 10 Gardner Richard Percy'- 12 Townly Frederick W. H. 14 Davies Miss ~ -16 Avery Herbert 18 Roberts Frank Percival 20 Hurdman Arthur Vere Lansdowne Road.-PLAISTOW.
Left Side. ] Good Alfred Walter, Sunnymead 3 Hindley Edward H., Shirley 5 Morice Beaumont, LL.B (Recorder of Hythe, Kent). Treffiys ... ... here is Babbacombe road 15 Springate Henry 17 Ellery William 19 Powell John 21 Ranson Joseph 23 Everett Richard 25 Palin Milbert, buildf'r ...... here is footpath fo Sherman road ...... 27 Bilham William 29 Beet Henry Bohun, Brae side ...... ... here is Crescent road ...... 39 Poingdestre Alfred Phillip Cross and Return. 64 Young Joseph Orr, Ardmore 62 Parks George 60 Boothroyd Ernest 58 Sherriff Fras. Hy. l!'.M.A., Helston 56 Cuhu Thomas 54 Payne Rev. Charles Edgar [curate of St. Mary, Plaistowl 52 Affleck Edward Gordon 51 Warren Thomas Henry 50 Bossom William Henry ...... here is footway to Plaistow la ...... 48 Gean Mrs. 46 Jankinson H., gardener 44 Bryant Albert John 42 York W. F. 40 Gallop Arthur Robert 38 Lawrence Edward, Ley ton 36 Goad William Lewis 34 Legg Frank 32 Parsons Edwin 30 Davis Albert 28 Badder Francis Sidney 26 Ayling Joseph Thomas 18 Case C. A., Glendale 16 Cole W. F. Castell. Ferndale 14 Henderson Mrs., Maisonnette 12 Rush Herbert, Lansdowne 10 Tress Mrs. 8 Inglis Walter Henry. South View 6 Haycock Charles John, Clovelly 4 Layton John, Rosella 4 Layton John Edward, Roselea 2 Brown Andrew, East DeneLewes Road. - WlDMorE
Right hand Side. Willson Walter R. & Sons. smiths and farriers Granger Robert, builder and decorator (workshops) 6 Page Henry 8 Church Charles 10 West Reuben Herbert 12 Dowlen Mark 14 Sellicks David Charles Cross and Return. 11 West Bros., livery and bait stables 9 West James Herbert 7 Hinton William 5 Aylward Frederick John, gardener 3 Harris Mrs. E. & Son, carting contractors 1 Fry FrederickLiddon Road -183 H0mESDALE ROAD.
Right Side. 2 Craker Charles 4 Simmons Frederick 6 Smith Anstin, bootmaker 8 Bax T. G. lO Wiffen Mrs. 12 Thorn John 14 Joyce Mrs. 16 Jovce Mrs. 18 Maskell Arthur 20 Bayman Henry Thomas 22 Cook Harry 24 Smith Albert Frederick & Son, sign writers 26 Clark William 28 Middleton Richard Grant 30 Baggett George J. 32 Flack Arthur Ernest 34 Jackson James36 Palmer Frederick 38 Banham George 40 Gibbens Erlward 42 Harris P. A. 44 Muncey W. E. 46 Thurling James 48 Godfrey Joseph 50 Bottin Thomas William 52 Sharp Eli 54 Miles Alfred 56 Ford Thomas 58 Gilbert William 60 Osborn W. J. 62 Vousden H. E. 64 Tomlinson William Henry 66 Foster Frederick 68 Willon William 70 New William 72 White Harold 74 Renolds Mrs. 76 Button Herbert 78 Franklin Mrs. 80 Hastings Elijah Left Side. 5 King Arthur Edward 7 Cole Charles 9 Penfold William 11 Smitherman Frederick 13 Penfold William John 10 West Arthur 17 Simmons Miss 19 Hodder Frederick 21 Robinson William 23 Gristwood Henry 25 Woodhouse Joseph 27 Bennett John 29 Brown Frederick 31 Oliver H. 33 Manley George 35 Dewey Mrs. L. E. 37 GIlY Alfred 39 Gltle Robert E. 41 Metcalfe Mrs. C.. wardrobe dealer 43 Barnes Thomas . 47 Eves E. M. & E. shopkeepers Lodge Road. - SUNDRIDGE PARK.
Right Side - from Edward Road. 2 Ryall Frederick. Briarwood Forward Arthur, Beech hurst 6 BelJ Rev. Jn. [Wesleyan], CraigmoreLogs Hill.
See Park Farm, road.London Lane-from Plaistow to London Road.
...... here is College road ......... 82 Wallace Jesse Stewart Johnson Louis Arthur. Ramleh Smith William, Wilhayes ......... here is Fairfield road ...... Godelmann Ferdinand C., Lyndhurst Peachey James, Hindover Pitts Arthur, Shelley Lewin Miss, Senlac lodge Clark F. Stafford, Blackmoor Smith Keith, Meadow view Bellhow\e Mrs., Langley ....... , here is Albert road ....... Warmington Gerald Hy., Hayes cot. Rings Frederick, Daheim Crouch Mrs., Holmdene Buna Henry Peter Ernans, Hawthorpe Sheppard Miss S., Montpelier Wood Miss, Thomond Boden Robert H., Dene holme Edwards Cecil Harry, Cheveley Sloan Walter B., Glenconner Simmopds Frank William, Dunchurch Shakespear Miss, Woodbourne Myring :Ernest C., Lyndale Wenham George H., Charnwood cot ......... here is Heatlifield Road ......... ......... here is W Qmer Road ...... Wall Letter BOX 6 Wood Mrs. W. G., Sywell 4 Steven Rev. George Forbes, M.A. 2 Fraser John, Gablecroft Cross and Return. 5 Hessenberg Ernest, Reckenhall 7 Way landEd wd.Robt.,Heatherdene 9 Crockford T. S., Wyverstone 11 Strafford George, Mayfield 13 Pritt Harry Walter, Branksome 15 Mimpriss Sydney Trevor 17 Carrie Patrick Anderson, Davaar 21 Hoppe William Henry, .Redlands 23 Dives James. Kingsbury Ashton Cyril, Wychelm43 Wilson Edward Dwight 45 Butler William Camp {9 Swayne Gerald, Roystons 51 Lewin Lieut.-Col. Wilfred Hale, Dorunda ...... here is footpath to Southend ...... ... here is Kinnaird avenue . 57 Stedman Edwin C., Gersholl 59 Cockhead LeslieGeo., The Thwaite Loly Mrs. S. S. M., Quernmore Schl Quernmore School Charles Frederick Braithwaite, B.A., head master 63 Howe Arthur John, Homelands 65 Mead H. A" Ederlyn 67 Throndsen har, Whitecot 69 Smart Fredk. Chas. O"Thornhayes 71 Woodcock Mrs., Dunedin 13 Edwards Henry, Wynnstay 75 Nalty Herbert, Carlton house 77 Farrell Frank J. F., Woodgate Wall Letter Box Solbe Frank de Lisle, Heathercroft 87 Dandridge Absolom, ~trathmore ...... here is Burnt Ash lane ...... London Road.
Continuation from High street to London lane. West Side. Baldock Fredk. Edwd. cycle man 1 Savory Miss, maternity nurse 3 Taylor H., restaurant 5 Ilott, Grant-Wilson, Henshaw & Ilott, physicians & surgeons, St. Winnows 5 Grant-Wilson Charles Westbrooke M.R.C.S.,L.R,c.p.Lond., physician & surgeon, St. Winnows 7 Whitfill Miss, lark lodge 9 Filby Elmer George, Sunnyside 9A Whiffin Miss A. M. 11 Foxwell Sydney H. E. 13 Boumer Arthur C., Lauriston 27 Evans Edmund F., ,Rocklands 29 Dymott Gemld L., L.D.s.Eng., dentist, Willow Rank 31 Bradbury Mrs. 33 Lady Margaret Hosp£tal -The Hon. Florence Colborne,hon. sec. 33 Oldfield Josiah, M.A.., D.C.L., M.R.C.S.,L.R.C.P., physn. & surgn. 35 Smith Charles Marsh, Mersham 10 ............ here is Blythe road ...... 37 Davenport Richard Cartwright, chemist 39 Young James & Co. Limited, coach & motor body builders 39 Telephone Call Office 41 Botterill John Benjamin 43 Pickard C. & Sons, harness makers 45 Jephson Mrs. F. M., confectioner 47 Gingold S., hairdresser 49 Beardsall Edward, fancy repository 51 Job Walter, watchmaker 53 Hunt Stephen, grocer ........... here is Park b'nd ............ 55 Potter John, baker 57 Layton Wm. Robert 59 English Frederick John 61 Hunt Miss 63 Sparks Mrs. 65 Balls Frederick 67 Walker & Wicks, tailors 69 Snelgrove Mrs. 69 Testar C. 0., bootmaker 73 Giovanni Pedro, tobacconist 75 Bedingfield Victor Harry, stationer, Printer - Telegraph Office i7 Berry. Edwaid, butche79 Carrick Samuel, bootmaker 81 Gibbs Percy James. beer retailer 83 Heather Harold F., cycle & motor engineer 85 Linnell T. H., grocer 85 Telephone Call Office 87 King W. & Sous, fruiterers 89 Fielding Ernest, draper 91 Hills Reginald, butcher 93 Morgans William R., dairy 105 Bolwell William 107 King Jn. Ernest, jobbing gardenr ......... here is Highland road ...... 111 lIale Mrs. G. S. 113 Mee Miss 115 Dussek A. E. H., Maitland lodge 117 Blyth Mrs., Testwood ......... here is Oaklands road ......... 121 Murray Mrs. 123 Wakeley Mrs., Sherborne 125 Harnett Arthur, Colyton ......... here is Spencer road ......... Wall Letter Boil' 129 Flint Arthur Rest, Bracken bank ......... here is Oaklands road . 131 Bromley Park Estate Office T3l Richardson Mrs. T. East Side. ...... here is London Lane leading to Plaistow ..... 122 Walters Col.Herbt.A.,Leyland ho. 120 Denny Alfred, Elstow lodge 118 Mordaunt William Hy.,Montrose 118 Mordaunt Miss Ethel Amy, M.D.Brux., L.R.c.P.S.Ed.,L.R.l" .P.S. alas, pbysn. & surgn, Montrose 116 Harvey-Jellie Mrs., Fernside 114 Wright Alfred, Rosebank 112 Wood Mrs., St. Helens Bromley Cemetery, George Huxley. superintendent ......... here is Wamer road ......... 108 Hinchliffe Brothers, masons In~ Hi'lchliffe Mrs., Holmdene 106 Sly Alfred Henry, inspector Diseases of Animals Acts, Kent County Council (Bromley district) & Bromley Borough Council, Holmfield 104 Maccann Charles Edward 102 Loveday William, insurance agt 102 Loveday Mrs. M., servants' registry office 100 Jackson George 100 Jackson Mrs. M. F., dressmaker 98 National Deposit Friendly Society (Bromley & Plaistow District) -Harry Parrell Steer, sec. 98 Steer Harry Parrell ........ .here is Heathfield Road ......... 96 Carter John Murray, Lyndhurst 94 Redington J. E. 92 Mellon Harry H, 90 Lees Misses, Myrtle ,villa 88 Hodge Thomas 84 Smith Mrs. Stafford, Woodlands 82 Ray Miss, preparatorY school for boys, Havelock house Wall Letter Box ........... .here is Hope Park .......... ;. ......... here is Weston Road ..... :.. 70 Bateman Mrs 68 Hatch Mercer, photographer 66 Philpot Thomas William Austin Builder & decorator 64 Catmur Thomas Studey 62 Bennett Miss 60 Hunt Richard 60 Hunt Henry R., deputy registrar of marriages 58 Hartridge Joseph & Son, builders Fire Alar1n 56 Knappett David &: Son, florists, Park nursery 54 The Beech Tree Hotel . .John D. Kincey [PH] ........... here is Farwig lane ...... 52 Stockwell Daniel, livery stables & motor garage Central Hall [ Wesleyan] St. John Ambulance. Brigade, Bromley Division (B Section) -.J. MathewS Gll, M.n. hon. surgeon; Corporal Huckle, hon. sec., Central hall Wall Letter Box ............ here i.~LOl/.!ljil'ltl ............ 46 Simmonds Algernon 44 Cox Benjamin 42 Marsden James Whittaker ...... here is Hammelton road ...... 36A, Beynon George Thomas 3GB, Marriott Harold Arthur 34A, Wake Mrs. E. 34n, Bryant Mrs. E. 32 Webb Stanley, cycle & Motor manufacturer 30 Hodge M. A. & C., ladies' and children's outfitters 30A, Darby Henry 3OB, Webb Bertram, pianoforte tuner 28B, Provident Clothing Supply Co. Limited 26 Grisbrook Stephen, chemist 24 Partridge Frederick, grocer 22 Sawer Miss, confectioner :W Spooner Mrs. W. E , draper 18 Law Thomas, harness maker 16 Adney & Rawlins, boot repairers ......... here is Tweedy Road ......... 14 Follett Joseph & Sons, bakers, & Post Office 12 Willats Leonard Howard, stationer 12A, Howell Miss, nurse lOA. Bird Miss, uurse lOA, Oakden Mrs. 10 Ginns Frank, bootmaker 8 Costin Miss A. M., ladies' and children's outfitter 8 Garlick .John Walter 6 Diamond Domestic Store (C. G. Beasley, proprietor) l Cole Albert S., fruiterer Longfield.
Prom London Road. Sanders Mrs. 2 Burkitt Mrs. B Nicholson Miss 4 Slater Miss 5 Cox Mrs.Lower Gravel Road.
See Grarel Road (Lower).Lownds Avenue.-MARKET SQUARE.
Bennett Joshua, Rose bank 2 Lloyd Maurice 3 West Mrs. 3A, Saunders Mrs. 4 Luke Percy 4A, PascalI· Mrs. Ii Cheesman John5A., Silcox Nelson George 6 Hobday Miss 6A., Fotherg-ill The Misses 7 Priter MlS. Foale 7A, Jennings Miss 8 Yeh'erton Mrs. 8A., Joiner Samuel 9 Re:lding Herbert George 10 Sessions Mrs. lOA, Rubenstlorffer Mrs. 11 Goodman Miss llA, Bryant Miss 12 Myring Mrs. 13 Fairbain Miss Spiers & Pond, Limited (David J. Lewarne, manager), Stores depot Pldllips Mamorial Heamepathic Hospital Di,~jJensal·y-H. Wynne Thomas, M.RC.S. & H. H. Hamsbotham, M,B , n.s., han. medical officer~; Albert Wm. Henly,M .R.C.S.,L. D.S. R,C. S.Eng., residental surgeon; Miss Hyde, matron; O. E. Hill, hOll. sec.; Thomas Bennett, hon. tres. ...... here is the Queens Garden ..... Lyehett Road.
From Pladstow lane to Minster rd. North Side. t Burton Edward Richardson 3 Tolhurst John 5 Cox Percy 7 Clark Arthur Francis 9 Cramp RQbert 11 Randall Ernest Edmund 13 4uenten John 15 Heyward Bert Edward 17 Schubert Willy 19 Smith Ernest 21 Bevan HaroldMadeira Avenue - BROMLEY PARK ESTATE.
From Higltland road. Right Side. Rudge W. M., jun., Park house 1 O'Neill Hugh 2 Shoobridge Frederick John Humphryes James Hulse, Meadow Croft Lepper John H., Fairfield Arthur John Daniel, Pendcnnis Pollack Walter, Miramar Curwen Henry, Birkby Mitchell Thomas, Thornhill Wall Lt'ttrr Bo,t! ..... here is Bromley II t't'?I1tt: ........Madras Flats.
See College road.Magpie Hall Lane. --SouTHBOROUGH,
[Letters through Bickley.] 2 Durnford P. B., The Hive 6 Selby Frederick, The Barn 8 Eyre Arthur, Branscomb~ 12 Jefferson John England, Kestel's 5 Walker E. W., Edgbaston Hickmot William, 1 Racecourse cots Wickenden Jas., 3 St. Luke's Cemetery Johnson John, supt., Cemetery 10Manor Cottages.
See Hayes lane
Building Material Merchants, Tilers, Slaters and Lathers, Stone &. monumental masons BUILDERS' IRONMONGERS. Glass. Lead. Oil and Colour Merchants. Bromley North Station, AND Sherman's Road, Bromley North.
Market Square.
1 & 2 MAUNDER \Y. LIMITED, bakers, cooks and confectioners 3 Podger & Sons, launderers. dyers and cleaners 4 & 5 Freeman, Hardy & Willis Lim., boot & shoe warehouse 5 School for Shorthand & Typewriting -Co & Wo Shafto { Holroyde William Frederick, 5 solicitor & comssnr. for oaths Croome John F., collector of King's taxes 5 Shaw & Son, solicitors & commissioners for oaths 6 Skilton William F., butcher 7 & 8 Isard E. & Son, wholesale oilmen & c
............ here is Isard's yard . ...... here are West and East streets . ......... here 'is Widmore road . 12 & 13 Collins Herbert Ltdo, drapers 14 Curwood George, outfitter 15 Dell William, naturalist & seedsman 16 Haylock J. W. Lim., boot manufrs. 17 Winton',~ Drllg 00. Ltd., chemists 18 Grinsted Daniel Ltd., corn, coal & seed merchants 19 Buckland George, florist 20 Marks & Spencer Limited, bazaar 21 Fawsitt Frederick, leather seller 22 Meredith Owen, stationer 22 Market Cigar Stores (The) 23 Brewer Jasper Henry, tailor 24 Nelson James & Sons Ltd., butchers. 25 l'UTT H. & SONS, fishmongers & poulterers ...... here are Stanhope villas and footpath to Widmore and Masons Hill rLatter & Willett, solicitors I Latter Edward, solicitor & comI missioner for oaths, clerk to the Justices for Bromley divi26 j sian & registrar & .high bailitI ) of county court Willett Ed wd. Archibald, solicitor· Bromley 9' South Eastern Permanent Investment Building Society, W. F. Masters, sec.
Painter & House Decorator, Plumbing, Paperhanging, & c. REPAIRS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION TO HOUSE PROPERTY. a ESSTMATES FREE . 47, West Street, BROMLEY, Kent (4 doors from Col1ege Slip).
Temperance Institute & Public Refreshment Rooms The) (G. S. Badder, sec.) (Old Court house) ........... here is High Street ............ Greig David, provision merchant, Savoy house 29 Payne E. W., jeweller 30 Appleton Ernest A., dining rooms 31 Whitewood's, fruiterers & greengrocers 32 Dulce's Head, Thos. Percy Thomas 33 Skinner & Grant, tailors 34 Doyle John, hairdresser 34A Strachan Alfred, clothier 35 Lovibond John & Sons Limited, brewers ( Police station, Inspector Vincent I. Coster Latter Hngh Robinson, architect and surveyor Buxton Alfred Hy., district supt. I Prudential Assurance Co. Ltd First Chnrch of Christ ScientistMarlborough Road. - BaOMLEY COMMON.
From 39 Wellington Road to Havelock Road . 1 Morris Robert 2 Fisber William 3 Dunford Charles Henry 4 Howitt John . 5 Andrews Arthur Percy 6 Jones Thomas 7 Osborne Frederick 8 Bromley Model Laundry Limited ......... here is Raglan road ......... ......... here is Haveloak road .. ......Martins Road. - SHORTLANDS.
Left Side-From Recreation Road. 1 Mayhew George 3 Field. Charles, juur., bootmaker . 5 Baldock Frederick 7 Robinson Walter James: 9 Brown James]1 Manning Charles ......... here is entrance to Recreation ground .............. 13 Sherwood Mrs. 15 Crickett Alfred Richard 17 Cheal Edwin 19 Lee Wil1ium John 21 Pascoe Joseph, gardener & florist 23 Knight William Charles 25 Hillier A. J. 27 Moore Henry George 29 Carr Mrs. L. 31 Hoare Mrs. 33 Ureen Frederick J. 35 Hatch Frederick 37 Ford Henry 39 Russell William 41 Crook Mrs. 43 Furr Herbert 45 Pinion Thomas 47 Trowell William 49 Taylor William Henry 49 Taylor William Henry, jun. turn cock Metropolitan "Water Board (Kent district) 51 Cooper Edward 53 Broomham John T. 55 Raynham Charles 57 Hope James 59 Flack Herbert 61 Daniell Edwin, tailor 63 Taylor George Charles 65 Bennett Mrs. 67 Cane Henry 69 Arthurs Henry 71 Clark John 73 Ramsey William 75 Rooksby Albert Edward 77 Eggleton John E. 79 Hollamby Charles 81 Cox Henry E. 83 Weight Albert 85 Hill Mrs. 87 Wells ted Louis 89 Searle Levi James 91 Johnson Frederick J. 93 Gatton Edgar V. 95 Withycombe Thomas Henry 95 Witbycombe Wm. Hy. cab proprtr. ...... here is Shortlands Station S.E.{rC.R. ...... Cross and Return. 102 Randall A. J., confectioner 100 Sharp Frank, fishmonger 98 Miller William James, bootmaker 96 Wailing John, general shop 94 Smith Joseph 92 Johnson Mrs. Shortlands Congregational Church, Rev. Arthur Edward Abel, pastor 82 Barnett Frank 80 Clacey Arthur 78 Bartlett Charles 76 Smith Thomas Albert 74 Gritton H. 72 Gurling George 70 Clarke Will., builder &, decorator 68 Brigden Henry 66 Finn David 64 Minty John 62 Taylor Fred 60 Clarke Thomas, jobbing gardener 58 Compton James 56 Marfleet George 54 Potter Mrs. 52 Dennis Edward 50 Eley Hobert 48 Austen William Frederick 46 Shepherd William 44 Harris William Henry 42 Stenning Mrs, 40 Brown George 38 Minter Robert W. 36 Upton Alfred William 34 Hall John C. 32 Elson Alfred John 30 Mackriell William 28 Flack Alfred 26 Witham William 24 Chance William 22 Melrose Peter 20 Brown George 18 Bullock Henry 16 Parsons George 14 Smith Mrs. 12 Johnson Walter 10 Johnson James 8 Sivyer AUgURtus William 6 Johnson Thomas Albert 4 Craker Samuel 2 Coles Henry, plumber Masons Hill.
...... from Railway Station to Homesdale Road. 1 Railway Signal, Mrs. E. E. Carpenter [PH] ............ here is Gravel Pits ....... 3 Terry Walter Louis, baker 5 Speller Harry, greengrocer 11 Holloway George L., leather sellr. 13 Johnson John, tobacconist 15 Meathrell Sydney F., buteher 17 Mead L. & Co., corn & coalmerchts 19 Pelly J ohu, confectioner 21 Waddell F. J., fishmonger 23 Palmer Brothers, cycle makers ......... here are Vale Cottges ......... 25 Uridge's High. Class Stores 27 Turner George & Co., ironmongcrs 29 Vickers Percy, hairdresser 31 Macnamara Pearce O'R., tobccnst. 33 Budd Walter B., bootmaker 37 Batchelder Frederick Wm., draper 39 Hinton G. H., confectioner 41 Crouch J. Morton, ironmongcr 41 Telephone Call Office ......... here is St. Mark's road ........ 43 Coulter George, decorator 43A Thompsett Edwin W. 45 Lenton Frederick, photog-rapher 47 May John William, watchmaker & jeweller 49 Bowie H. Drummond, ironmonger 51 Mead Lorenzo, Conway villa 53 Lane Mrs., Aber villa 55 Howe William Henry 57 Rowsell Wilfred ......... here is Exmouth Road ......... 59 Hodgkinson-Patten Herbert John, Littleham 61 Coad Mrs. R. Ho, Marley ........ here is Talbot Road . ...... here is footpath to Widmore Road 65 Dunford Sidney, builder 65 Pointer Henry, bootmaker Wall Letter Box 67 Threadkell Arthur 73 Highbury Furnishing Co. Limited 73 Alexander Madame, dressmaker ......... here is Prospect Place .. :.. :... 15 Alnott T. T. & Sons, fruiterers 77 Crossley Henry, builder: deeorator & sanitary engineer 79 Longhorn Frederick James, pieture frame dealer 81 Pearce Walter H., confectioner 85 Crofts H. E., baker 87 & 89 Hammersley Noel 91 Crouch J. MortOll 93 Soans, Dunn & Jones, engineers . ...... here is Wendover road ....... 95 Bennett Miss Janette. costuruiere 97 Coleman Sydn'ey F., Drayton 99 Duthoit Mrs.. Fairnden 101 Sutton Frt:derick 103 Barnard Mrs. 105 Prcchtel Alfred, Westdene 107 Pfeil 'Mrs. William, The Laurels 109 Ley James 111 Anderson F. B. 113 Bertolle W. J. Langford 115 Faulkner Oswald . 117 Bassett William R.. Chardstock Bond & Co., florists & nurserymen 119 Follett Jesse,grocr. & Post Offiee 121 Beadle Miss L. H., fruiterer 123 Eastes Miss H., fancy repos. 125 Willson W. H. & Co., builders 127 Schneider Paul, hairdresser 129 West Kent Tobacco Co., wholesale tobaceonists 131 Head Ernest, boot repairer 137 Whayman Misses E., G. & M .. linen drapers ..... here is Devonshire Square ..... 139 Wheeler & Longthorne, butchers 143 Brieklayers Arms, Mrs. Isabel Mary Greed [PH] ...... here are Napier and Stanley roads ... 145 Hixon William 145 Woodhams John L. & Sons, builders & contractors 147 Timmis John, chemist 149 Taylor Miss Sarah, day school 149 Taylor Joseph & Son, builders 149 Stace & Elliot, farriers 14!fABrouard William & Son, furniture dealers 151 Palmer H. P., tar pavior, & c. 153 Brewer Frank Fester 155 Montague Whiffen, Homefield 159 Clark Albert161 Oliver Mrs. 163 Coomber Arthur Benjamin 165 Legg Joseph, statiouer 167 Knowles John Co. (London) Limited, ironmongers 169 Bridger Charle~, dairyman ...... Homesdale Road, leading to Widmore, Bickley and Chislehurst .. Pillar Letter Box Fire Alarm Cross and Return. ............ here is Hayes Lane ..... 48 Lynch-White Mrs., The Hollies 46 Hughes Edmund 44 Barber William 42 Baker Charles M., Woodgate 38 Balchin Mrs., Inverness lodge 36 Woodward William, Cosbie 32 Sharp Henry, Newlands 30 Selby H. T., Northfield 28 Catchpole Septimus, St. Heliers 26 Jasper Nicholas Paul, St.Brannocks 24 Pollett Miss, St. Aubyns 22 Hennah William E., Lodore 20 Browne Mrs., Frascati 18 Anderson Joseph Barrington, St. Anne's 16 Cooling Charles ..... here is Footpath to Hayes 14 Tiger's Head, Wm. Housden Wood [PH] 12 McArthur Duncan Romaine, M.D., physician & surgeon, Ravenscroft .......... here is Cromwell avenue and footpath to Hayes ............ The Masonic Hall (Bromley & West Kent Masonic Hall Co. Limited)- H.J.Titford,sec,; Wm. Owen,steward Bromley Motor & Engineering Works , (R. E. Anthony, A.M.I.M.E.) Masons Hill Elementary Schools.- Girls - Miss Barnes, 'mistress Infants - Miss Longford, mistress Petty A.. G. & Co., shop & office fitters, builders, & c. Bromley South Private Garages -A. G. Petty & Co., proprietors' White' Thos. L., antique furniture dlr. ...... here is Sandford road, and South Hill Park. ...... 6 Two Brewers,Mrs. Fry Elr 4 Field Charles, bqot maker 2 Pace George,' windoW cleaner 2 Rogers G, & Son. jobmasters & contractors 2 Telephone Call Office ...... here is Simpsons road' ,.. Mavelstone Road.
From Park Farm road to Sundridge avenue . Left Side. Crutch W. F., The Mount Hickman John Roe, Stotfold Right Side. l::)tonard Louis, Albemarle grange Vinson William, Ma\Telstone Lamp Post Letter BoxMead Villas.
See Crescent road,Meadow Road.
Left Side. -From 96 Beckenham Lane. 1 Ransley Edward 3 Anderson Charles J. 5 Ferris William H. 7 Fulluck G. 9 Fromings William H., Ferndale 11 Jullie Francis E., Haslemere 13 Dawes Alfred C. P. 15 Daniel Frank Charles 17 Watmore Arthur 19 Tickner L., Springfield 21 Henney Alexander 23 Tucker John 25 Foinette Carl 27 Lowe Ezekiel 29 Lock H. 31 Richmond William 31 Clarke A. 33 Bassett Percival James 35 Taverner John 37 Reynolds James W. 39 Harrison George William 41 Powlson Cyril '.- 45 Boon ,Frederick. . . , .47 Harman Mrs. Cross and Return. 50 Luckhurst John William 48 Lewin Frederick 46 Carter Charles George 44 Nash Stephen 42A, Brazier Thomas 42 Field Percy 40A., Sheppard Miss 40 Whittaker Charles 38 Attwood Frederick 36 Kelly William 34 Schupbach George Frederick 32 Rhodes Henry U. 30 Oakden Chiules Henry 28 Griffiths Thomas 26 Ewins Henry 24 Freeman H. P. 22 Pike Frederick J. 20 Pinion Thomas W. 18 Smith James William 16 Peugelly Frederick George 14 Williams Samuel 12 Braybon Ebenezer 10 Johnson Frederick Charles 8 Lee James 6 Nicholls Mrs. 4 Brett Frederick Milk Street. - PLAISTOW.
From Burnt Ash lane.Minster Road.
From Plaistow lane. Right Side. 2 Atkins Frank William 4 Tarrant Charles 6 Crossley WIlliam Arthur 8 Wise Harold 10 Spong John S. 12 Stockham Ernest. 14 Way Henry 16 Sunman William Joseph, Pedna Vounder 18 Adams Charles Hayes . 20 Rose Ernest George 22 Smallwood Josias William 24 Bulleid William H: 26 Johnson A. W. 28 Youug Herbert Hal~ .' Left Side. 1 Besant Miss 3 Misselbrook Charles Leopold 5 Lister Frank 7 Care Miss 9 Bauer M. ......... here is Lyeliett road 11 Neumayer Friedrich 13 Evans Mrs. 15 Buchanan David 17 Duke George William,Mooreland Road.
From 27 Farwig lane to We,~t(ln grove, Farwig:' West Side. 1 Munday Mrs. 3 Lane Miss 5 Staples Henry 7 Maddock George Alfred 9 Waters Percy 11 Fox George 13 Burch Charles Henry 15 Podger Robert 17 Palin HeDlY 19 Deane Harry 21 Skinner William 23 Hockley Mrs. 25 Cost Edward 27 Knight John James' 29 Howes George Longton 31 Freeman Alma William 33 Hoskins Alfred 35 Ralph Arthur 37 Everest Robert 39 Phillips Thomas Herbert 41 Nobbs William . , 43 Etheridge George, chimney sweep 45 Pryer Mrs. . .' 47 Podger Sydney 49 Andrews George 51 Skinner Frederick 53 Harwood WilliliIll B. 55 Baker Ernest James 57 Fuller William John 59 Wickenden George 61 Reeves Henry Russell 63 Ha~den Herbert Stephen East Side - from Farwig. 2 James Alfred 4 Duncan Henry6 Chance Robert, cartage contractor 8 Phillips William 10 Smith Alfred 12 Painter Chas. 14 Walker Charles 16 Painter George 18 Ashdown Albert 20 Freeman Philip Herbert 22 Waters Abel 24 Waters William 26 Osborne Edwin 28 Cooper Maurice William 30 TufHey Frank 32 Hickmore William James 34 Willson Henry 36 Wood Harry 38 Hitchcock George 40 Amer Charles 42 Clare Mrs. 44 Hills Henry 46 Bateman John 48 Hopgood Arthur 50 Mockford W. 52 Axcell William, bootmaker 54 Jackson Miss 56 Fisher Miss Morgan Road.
From 51 College road. Left Side. Stalhvorthy Fredk. J., bootmaker 3 Whitewood James 5 Pilcher George Edward 7 Newman John 9 Matthews Herbert 11 Eves Alfred Ernest 13 Geary William Henry 15 Scarbrough Thos., carver & gilder 17 Morgan George William 19 Saunners William 19 Hatch Charles 21 Bengeyfield Louis 23 Kingsley Walter William 25 Harbour Harry 27 Bryant William 29 Kenzie Mrs., laundry ......... here is Hon'ard road ...... 31 Stevens Frank 31 Aylward Abram 33 Poole Alfred M. 33 Thorpe Frederick 35 Taylor A. Ernest 35 Gladwell Charles 37 Thomson Mrs. 37 O'Brien Thomas 39 Page William 41 Burgess Arthur John 41 Mock Frederick Charles 43 Blyth J. 43 Philp Harry 45 Venter Frederick 47 Dixon Mrs. 47 Batchelor Arthur 49 Spencer MIS. 49 Mordaunt Ethel Amy M.D.Brux., L.R.C.P.S.Ed.,L.R.F.p.s.olas. (surgery) 51 Bathe J. E. 51 Henham Harry 53 Davies H. C. 53 Hamilton Robert 55 Dabnor Thoma&Henry 55 Mutimer Herbert Walter 57 Bligh Henry Charles 57 Stringer Alfred 59 Covil William 59 Rogers Mrs. 61 Mayo Albert 61 Farman F. 63 Austin Thomas 63 Baynton William Alfred 65 Bellamy Alfred 65 Nicholls Frank 67 Reader George 67 Taylor R. 69 Marriott Charles Ernast 69 Williamson F., insurance agent 71 Sinyard John 73 Venters Albert Edward 73 Bartlett Mrs. 75 Merrall William 75A Nicholls Claud Leonard Right Side. 2 Ellis John 4 Gathergood Walter 8 Judge TiJOmas,gardener 10 Pickard Arthur Eo 12 Sheehan Mrs. 14 Thorpe Henry 16 Bowler Harry 18 Carreck Mrs.20 Brvant William 22 Rogers William James 24 Batchelor Frederick John Joseph 26 White William 28 Stemp Robert 28 Collins Thomas ......... here is Howard road ......... ......... here is Fairfield road ......... 30 Estate Office 30A Jenner Richard 32 Strachan A. H. 32A Booth Harry Charles 32 Dean Harry 34A Oash W. 36 Badham Frederick Oscar 36A Masters Bernard F. 38 Taylor William 38A Baxter Miss Emmie, music teachr 40 Barnard B. A. 40A Churcbill Edward W. 42 Eva!ls Horace F. 42A Larkin Leslie 44 Newman Charles 44A Mitchell Ernest 46 Cumbers Albert 46A Goodacre :Frederick 48 Stone Alfred 48A Farrar HenrY 50 Goodsell William Henry 50A Cockman Lawrence Arthur 52 Burgess George 52A Trade Proter.tion Agency (The) 52A Abell Percival Edwin 54 Jarvis William, grocer ........... here is Gilbert road ........... 56 Castle Augustus 56 Richardson Mrs. 58 Gardner David 58 Kingsnorth Ernest 60 Nash James 60 Coughlan J obn 62 Hennessy Charles 62 Palin Isaac 64 Morphett Ebenezdr 64 Floyd F. 66 Wright George 66 Fassam Ernest 68 Wells Frederick 68 Elliston Robert 70 Taylor Ebenezer John 70 l3rown Cbllr!es George 72 Osborn William Edmund 7B Yates John 74 Walls William Robert 74 Turner Albert 76 Risby Robert 76 Reader Peter 78 Burford Percival 80 Burnbams James 80 Turner William John Marum Cottages.
See Farwig lane.Mosslea Road.
From Victoria road to Chatterton Road....... Left Side. Foster Herbert, Wayside Nash George Thomas, The Orchard Wickham Alfred, Mosslea Steer Alexander, Lyndhurst Wynn George, Wilton Marshall Frederick. Goddington Willatt Stephen, Springfield cottage Smith John, Rose cottageROBSLEA COTTAGES.
1 Rumph Walter Henry 2 Avis James Ridge Edward James, Brenda Allen Joseph Alexander, Kremlin Cross and Return. Right Side. ......... here is Balfour road ........ ........... here is Albert road ...... 1 Elliss Thomas 3 Bryant Mrs 4 Park Herbert 5 Hartridge George 6 Jeffries Miss 7 Hill Henry 8 Cooper Miss 9 Elliott Robert 10 Parr Jobn Robert 11 Dickinson Frederick J oho 11 Dickinson Chas. Fdk., boot reproMunicipal Offices.
see Tweedy road.Myrtle Cottages.
See Nembury road.Napier Road.
From 143 ~Masons hill. Left side. 1 Palace Tavern, Wm. C. H.Bridger [PH] 2 West Arthur, general stores ...... here are Pawley's Cottages ...... 3 Gilbert John 4 Ginn Joseph Charles 5 Pearson Daniel 6 Mason William 8 White William 9 Goad Horace 10 Mitchell Ernest 11 Ely Aaron 12 Gregory HtJnry 13 Rvan Thomas 14 Monckton Charles 15 Mason Frederick 16 Tavendale Mrs. 17 Harman James Henry 18 Hide Wm. James, Omega cottage 19 Caller William 20 Herbert Amos 21 Swepson Walter Cross and Return. 22A Locke Ernest John 23 Craker Samuel 24 Hewett William 25 Vining Mrs. 26 Packer James 21 Penniburgh Alfred 28 White George 29 Bridger George 30 Chapman Henry 31 Dunford John, Napier cottage 32 Page William, Northam cottage 33 West Frederick John 34 Sparks Edward, meat carrier & jobmaster (yard) 34 Tolhurst George, carman 35 Thorne George Williiun 36 Rogers Herbert 37 Dymond Alexander 38 Walter Charles . 40 Dunn Edward 41 Rose Charles William 42 Bowyer- George Arthur ......... here is Stanley road 43 Booth Albert, confectionerNelson Road.
From Havelock road to Raglan road. 1 Kelsey Mrs., laundress 2 Chandler Thomas 3 Podger Archibald 4 Bryant Mrs. 5 Bray George 6 Ward William 7 Tester Charles 8 Clark George, chimney cleaner 9 Rowe Archibald 9 Elliott William 10 Venters Charles James 11 Perks John 12 Keene Robert 13 Burbridge WilliamNettlefold's Cottages. - PALACE RD.
1 Winchcombe George 2 Willis William E. 3 Bicknell Alfred 4 Monk Alfred 5 Smith Mrs.Newbury Road.
From AylesburY road. Left Side. 1 Church Mrs. 3 Davis George 5 Woodhams Charles William 7 Coombs Willie 9 Allwood William 11 King George 13 Walsham John 15 Thompson Henry 17 Burnham Charles 19 Edwards Arthur 21 Smith R.23 Vyse J ames H. 25 Smith Edward T. 27 Herbert John & Son, greengrocers 29 Herbert Miss, dress maker 31 Ling Edward Charles 33 Wareham Samuel C. 35 Elliott Alfred 37 Hodges Daniel Alfred 39 Steers George 41 Nicholson T., plumber, & c. 43 Murdoch David 45 Cook William 47 Perrett William 49 King William 51 Taylor Harry 53 Reid Thomas Ash bv 55 Wright William Thomas 57 Sharp Arthur 59 Smitherman John 61 Weatherall James 63 Ross George Joseph 65 Gane John 67 Richards Frederick 69 King Mrs. 71 Roots Mrs. 73 Brown Albert Edward 75 Vyse George WUliam 77 Rowe John 79 Marchant George J. Right Side. 2 Soans Walter 4 Morris Walter 6 Locke Walter Henry . 8 Hackney William 10 Pinion James 12 Ward William 14 Riches Ernest 16 Riches Joseph, Suffolk house 18 Killick Rowland 20 Henning George, Myrtle cottages 22 Maunton Hy. Chas. , 24 Smith Arthur 26 Smith Henry 28 Beale Jim 30 Mullins Robert T. H. 32 Trindall William 34 Crabb Dan 36 Adams Edwd. W., Ravensbourne cot. 38 Lee Jesse 40 Ware George Henry 42 Lovell Edgar 44 Hunt Harry 46 Potton William, carman & contractr 48 Newick George, shopkeeper 50 Wright William 52 Lee Thomas 54 Lowing Mrs. 56 lstead Joseph 58 Russell William, confectioner 60 Cannon-Smith Harry R. 62 Day Thomas 64 Summerfield George 66 Riches Arthur Thomas 68 Hamilton James 70 Yelland James 72 Dewsall Thomas Walter 74 Yelland William 76 Young Henry Foot 78 Lee William 80 Fostall Walter 82 Young Frederick 84 Jackson Richard 86 La Wrence George 88 Ollett William 90 Cayzer H. T., gasfitter 92 Tuffin Henry Edward 94 Addis James A., paperhanger 96 Green William James 98 Tuffin Thomas Walter 100 Scoble William Edward 102 Puttick Arthur Newman Road.-TwEEDY ROAD.
West Side. Crowhurst Samuel 1 Crowhurst Joseph Crowhurst David . Burgess Mrs. H. M., Thorndale 7 Dunn Herbert George East Side. 4 Gordon-Hutchinson Miss,Athollo.Nichol Lane-:-PLAISTOW.
Harry E. n., cabinet maker 1 Foster Samuel Alfred William 2 Wright Albert Edgar 3 Brimfield James 4 Vickers John Herbert 5 Beach Alfred James 6 Wickenden Alfred· 7 Humphrey Robert George·8 Wocd Robert Job 9 Knight William O. 10 Brown Ernest 11 Gallier Richard 12 Whitington Morris .,. ...... here is Croft Road ...... 13 Marshall Thomas 14 Emblem William ]5 Picton John 16 Horine Horace Frank 17 Bragg Mrs. 19 Robertson John 20 Thnrling Mrs. 22 Hemmings William, dining rooms 23 Ingrams Mrs. J. 24 Sanders Alfred 26 Hockley Alfred ......... here is Foxbury road ...... ...... here is footpath to Grove Park and Mottingham ....... 27 Snellgrove James 28 Wiles William 29 Eastwood Henry 30 Bayes William Henry 31 Prince Frederick, William Charles Harcourt [PH] 32 Hopkins George 33 Peaple Mrs. 34 Moore Norman 35 Robinson Donald George 36 Warren Mrs. 37 Bayden George 38 Curtis Richard 39 Moore Robert Cross and Return. 41 Clare Mrs. J. 42 Harding William 43 Richards George William 44 Doughty Jesse 45 Dixon John William 46 Brown E. G. 47 Mummery Ernest 48 Hemmings George 49 West William 50 Stubbings Albert 51 Foster Edward 52 Potter Herbert 53 Crowhurst Sidney George 54 Dennis Mrs. 55 Champion Mrs. 56 Wimble Edward 57 Osborne George 58 Forrester Alfred 59 Champion James 60 Osborne William 61 Aspinall Thomas 62 Aspinall John 63 Dawes Henry 64 Holland Alfred E. & Co., grocers 64 Sands Mrs., dressmaker 65 Winfield & Son, Heathfield dairy 66 Stark Albert E. 67 fferring Robert Edward 68 Bagshaw William 69 Wintennore Henry James 70 Heron Hugh 71 Randall John 72 Randall John, jnn. 73 Critcher Charles William 74 Allen Stanley 75 Harris Ernest 76 Ray Frederick George 77 Moncktoll William 78 Giles William Nightingale Lane, Widmore.
TYLNEY ROAD. Left Side. 1 Lush Charles 3 Wells Mrs. 5 Ash Daniel 7 Hayes James 9 Botting Albert 11 Burch Harry 13 Plail Charles William, bootmaker 15 Pentecost William 17 Cooke J. W. 19 Barns J. G., assistant supt. Prudential Assurance Co. Limited 21 North James 23 Laing Percy 25 Fullar Mrs. 27 Walters W. 29 Wiltshire Henry James 31 Thorpe Richard R. 33 Mather William George 35 Brookman Richard Tamplin 43 Strange Frederick James, TheLimes 45 Leeves C., 'fhe Haven 47 Sexton Herbert, Roseville 49 Trundell John Fredk. :M:arsea vale51 Tilbury Robert, Hazelmere 53 Pollard Thomas Edwd., Bradfield 55 County School for Girls - Miss C. M. Waters, B.A., principal Right Side. 2 Ward Alfred 4 Carley Frederick 6 l'ollett J. H. 8 Cole Robert A. 10 Bromley Window Cleaning Co.- John Chas. Diprose, manager 12 Simmons Ernest 14 Clacy George St. Michael's Church (Widmore Mission Church) 18 Field George 20 West Charles 22 Kemp J. E. 24 Rf.:ffell Mrs. 26 Bellinger Ashley Thomas 28 Coombs Charles E. 30 Lnsh George 32 Stephenson Frederick H. 34 Lush Robert 44 Alger George, Sunny cottage 46 Burr Joseph P., Clarissa cottage ......... here is Pembroke road ........ Willy Arthur, The Cottage Wood Charles William, Park house Waight Earle Roberts, M.I.c.E.,Hurstbourne Bymington Miss, Woodbank ... ... here is Walstead road ......... ... here is footpath to Market Square... North Road.
Prom 63 Palace road. Left side. Smith Austin, bootmaker 1 Munro Sidnev 2 Stone Harry' 3 Gray Herbert 4 Pearce William Thomas 4 Poole Albert 6 Bowyer Joseph 7 Carrigan Thomas, bootmaker 8 Painter Charles 9 Gibbs Robert 10 Tong Edward, beer retailer 11 Aspland William A. 12 Morris George 13 nhitty Charles 14 Batty Albert 15 Walker Richard 16 Monk Mrs. 17 Bax AIfred William, house decorator 18 Golden Mrs. 19 Thurston George 20 Att wood Joseph 21 Bryant Thomas Benjamin 22 Waits William 23 Love Charles Richard 24 Twiddy Mrs. 25 Skinner Harold George 26 Winter Mrs. 27 Checkley Samuel 28 Smith William Cross and Return. ........ here is Haxtead Road ........... 29 Dunford Henry, tobacconist and news agent 30 Manison Albert William, grocer & c. ......... here is Whaton road ........ 31 Marshall Arthur Charles 32, 33 & 34 Kennett Wm. Richard, grocer and butcher 35 Tadgell Frank 36 Hughes HarveyNorth Street.
From lJ1(!.~t street to East street. South Side 1 Harris JoSlah 2 Seward Horace 3 Liley Miss M. 4 Organ Mrs. 5 Bristow Richard George, watchma 6 Partridge Percy 7 Hill W. H. 8 Ingles William Knight 9 Salvation Army (Quarters) 9 Busby Charles 10 Johnson G. H. 11 Lightfoot Ralph 12 Beddingfield Benjamin 13 Summerfield John 14 Burton Thomas Charles 15 Finch William16 Naylor Charles Frederick Hills G., livery & bait stables North Side. Quinlan Alex., county inspector of weights and measures, foods and drugs, petroleum and explosives (attends on lsi & 3rd thursdays in month from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m) , 17 Davies Jaques 18 Oempbell Clifford 19 Garcia Edwin F. Oaklands Road. - BROMIEY PARK.
From London road. North Side. 2 Lightfoot .Edward Thomas, Kalmar 4 Weyman William, Fairlie lodge 6 Tatham Percy, Thorncroft . 8 Barnes Good win Howard, Brabourne cottage 10 Price Edward Ebenezer, Oaklands 12 Friedman Paul, Wycliffe lodge ......... here is Spencer road ...... 14 Finch E., H., '£intern 16 Morris Harold, Westbury 18 Harding Thomas Fredk., Bayfield 20 Stokes Alec, St. Wade 22 Selby Mrs., Basil house 26 Satterthwaite Colonel Edward, c.n., V.D .. Windermere 28 Hewetson Juhn. Olaremont 30 Wells Rev. Richard J., Whitegate South Side. 1 Hewett Miss, Dovedale 3 Brown William Charles,Penchirche ........ here is Grasmere road. ...... 5 Huniphrys Willi"am, Greenhill' 7 Adkin Francis New bery, 'Westwl)od 9 Berk Frederick Wm., inglewood 11 Gripper Ernest .T., Beechwood 13 Lewin Harold C., Birchdale 16 Chadwick John, St. Andrew's 17 Timmis Edgar Wm Lyndhurst 19 Rotter E. R. E., Tewkesbury Grout Alfred, Georgian house ......... herc is Coni.~ton road ........ Fathers Henry, Wychwood Bussell Robert Hy., Castledene Briggs Thomas W., Oaklands ldgOakley Road, 88 BROMLEY COMMON.
Left side. 1 Swabey Rev. Mark Richard, M.A., Holy Trinity vicarage 3 Fraser Miss 5 Smith W. A. 7 Aylward Herbert James 11 Oliver Thomas Henry 13 Poulton John, fishmonger 15 Daniels Fred D. 17 Seal Edward 19 Bateman Henry George 21 Westbrook Mrs., fruit grower Pillar Letter Box ............ here is Cross Road ........... 23 Pope George 25 Whitehead George 27 Barkin Michael Edmund 29 Farraut Ernest 3l Mills Mrs. 33 Newton Richard Albert, shopkeepr 35 Burkin Mrs. 37 Two Doves, Hy. Edwd. Fairchild 39 Bellfield Thomas 43 & 45 Mills William, grocer 47 Smith Charles, confectioner 49 Miles Sidney James, bootmaker 51 & 53 Beckett John, butcher 55 & 55A Skinner Jesse', general drpr 57 Payne Charles 59 Obie Henry 61 Hermes Alexander 65 Smith Mrs., Betehworth Bromley COJnrnon Workmen'sClub 67 Woodhouse Miss, Point house .. .here is Gravel road ............ 69 Boosey Arthur, The Cedars Upton George, The Cedars lodge Cross and Return ..... here is Barnett Wood Road ...... Ackhurst Chas. Bencewell Farm cot. Grinsted Daniel, Limited, corn & coal merchant, Bencewell Farm Mills Arthur, Farm house Bromley Common Cricket and Lawn Tennis Ground...... here is footpath to Hayes ..... Johnson Christopher, Oakley Park cot Batchelor Edward, Oakley lodge Orchard Place. Soe Walter's yard. Orchard Road. - SuNDRIDGE 'PARK.
From Plaistow lane to SllndridfJc {t1~cn. North Side. 7 Bennett Thomas, Orchardcombe 9 Rae Mrs., Bowen vale 11 Cubitt Henry Gilhert, Oaklea 13 Roberts Wm. Thos., The Red cot. 15 Williams Lady, Springmead 17 Marlow Henry, Kingthorpe 19 Sims .Arthur, Tarawera 21 Street Oscar William, Whyte leafe 23 Gunton Josiah, Balvene 25 Tuffill Daniel Fensham, The Vron South Side. S Snndridge Park Estate Office, New Farm houlie 8 Packe William 10 Woodbridge Frank, solicitor & commissioner for oaths, The Orchard 14 Moore Jn. Howard, J.P., Mellefont Pillar Letter BoxPalace grove.
Left Side-from Park Road. 1 Heaysman Mrs., Lombard 2 Webb F, Essex 3 Heppel Miss, B.A. 4 Maddocks Mrs. 5 Green Nimrod 6 Northam Mrs. 7 Coppleston John Bartlett 8 Watts James 9 Laumann Miss 9 Bates Miss 10 Laumann Mrs. 11 Cutlack William Austin 12 Orford Lewis William 13 Lamont Eugene 14 Bennett Richard William 15 Springetl Stephen H .. 16 Graham Mrs. 17 Hunt Mrs. 18 Evans H. W. 20 Sales James 21 Hewett William, Percy villa .. ....... here is Sherman road . .......... here are pathways to Farwig and Plaistow . ,. 23 Canning George 24 Portway Alfred Wall Letter Box 26 Monaco Vincenzo Che\'., Chester ho. 27 Naylor William A. H., F.e.s., F.I.C., Wilton house 28 Beer Sidney 29 Carter .Miss Norman 30 Fitter John T. 31 Collins Mrs. T., The Cottage ....... ,. here is Rue/way Road Cross and Return, 31A Humphrey Miss 32 Longden R. M. M. 33 Scott Mrs. William Fitzgerald 34 & 35 Bromley Nursing Home - Miss Boss, principal 36 Wilde Harrv 37 Heaysman Thomas H. 38 Johnson Charles F. 39 Sanders Mrs. Elizh. costumier 39 Sanders John Henry, accountant 40 Warren Misses 41 Clayton J" The Firs 42 Barnard P, J. 43 Callick Mrs. Clutterbuck Herbert, lII.I.lII.E. 45 Cooper Mrs. 46 Earle Dnncan 47 Bray Robert G., Perth House 48 Pleass George 49 Chapman Arthur 50 Hanson Misses 51 Scott Mrs. Jil.lnes, Ufton housePalace Road. - 17 PARK ROAD.
Left side. 1 Prangle William, chimney cleaner 2 Everett Richardt shoemaker. S Attwood William 4 Symons Thomas'5 Fitch George 6 Ladd William 7 Scott Benjamin F. 8 Tennant Alfred 9 Waghorne David, florist 10 Gray Maurice 11 Knott Alfred 12 Howes William 13 Banks Joseph 14 Sharpe Mrs., upholstress 15 Butler Maurice 16 Longley Henry Ernest 17 Beck Ernest 18 Whiffin Mrs. 19 Raynham Charles Henry 20 Brown Albert 21 Hughes Samuel, fried fish shop 22 Budgen John Henry 23 Russell William 24 Pegrum Ernest 25 Crockford Henry 26 Johnson Frederick 27 Pearce Mrs. 28 Page Wal ter 29 Tancioni Rienzi, watchmaker 30 Muffett Miss 31 Walter Albert Edward 32 Curnick Arthur B. 33 Mays Abraham 34 Arkell William 35 Simmonds Harry 36 & 37 Nye Henry, cabinet maker 36 Nye Henry James, gas and hot water fitter 37 Phillips Walter 38 Tipping Jonathan Eli 39 Bailey Alfred, builder, & c. 40 Payne Ernest, Alfred 41 Bonathan Frederick 42 Pepperell Robert 43 Roots Thomas 44 Howard's Limited, pork.butchers 46 Cook Miss, draper 47 Hockley George William grocer and provision merchant' ...... here is footpath to Palace Grove ... ...... here are Nettlefold's and Sinclair's Cottages ................. 48 Skinner Fred, coffee and dining rooms 49 Martin Sydney, hairdresser 50 Bastable Arthur, fruiterer ........... here is Hors!e!! road ........... 51 Wolfe Henry George 52 Burbidge Charles 53 Belsey Harry 5! Smedley Samuel 54 Mersh Thomas, coal & coke merchant & furniture remover Cross and Return. 55 Fitch Sam 56 Pegran Edward 57 Shirley Thomas 58 Wallis George 59 Jones Frank, chimney cleaner 60 Chisholme Mrs. 61 Clark William 62 Hall George 63 Webb James, coach smith ............ here is North Road ...... 64 Matthews EdwardCharles,beer ret 65 Jollllwn Henry G. 66 Warren Percival George, chimney sweep 67 Hall Beal Frederick, boot repairer 67 Hall Miss, dressmaker 68 Chapman Henry, plumber 69 Gristwood Mrs. 70 Turvey William George 71 Pearson Frederick Edward 72 Nash Mrs. 73 Grainger Fred. plumber, & c. 74 Wheeler Mrs. 75 Twiddy Riehad. 76 Jackson Daniel 77 Izzard Charles 78 Nash Emmanuel 79 Wolfe John 80 Mills William 81 Tnffiey Edward 82 Shoebridge Wi11iam Henry clothier 83 Outridge John I 84 Pavey John 85 Gutteridge William 86 Burton George. grocer 87 Pyrke Bertram Stewart, confeclnr. 88 Wilson William, saddler 89 Richardson Thomas & Son, bakers 90 Anglesey Anns,Mrs. Elizh. Mear ...... here are ~7zartonBit. 5' .Ann's Cottages ...... nI Hudd Harrv 92 Reeves Saniuel, carpenter 93 Hudd Henry George 94 Seward William Herbert 95 Le Pard Frederick James 96 Lane Thomas' 97 Brown Charles J. 98 Allen Robert John 100 Towell Edward 1O1 Culver M. B., draper 102 Harris Miss Ethel, confectioner 103 Wells James, bootmaker 1O4 Wood William & Son, greengros 105 Brown Edwd. Alfd. , oil & colourman 106 Rolfe Edward, tobacconist Park Avenue.
From Burnt Ash Lane. Left Side.. QIler?t7nfWe Preparatory School Charles Frederick Braithwaite, B.A., head master 3cougall Thoma~, Redlands Simmonds Percy, Meadowhurst Perry H. Courtney. Redbourne Jlarke Frederick Wm. Alfd., Dalkeith ...... here is Kinnaird avenue ...... Wragg Robert Thomas, Carisbrooke Whitfield Mrs. Carisbrooke M:ansell Edmund George, Maydor Ja"kain William Francis. Monteray Watson Malcolm McCaul, Somerford Right Side. [lowland Antony, Dundyvan \1olJkton George Charles, Oakwood BaH,,ur George. Th& Elms tIug-hes Reginald, Lulliugstone ..... here is Querltmore 'road ...... Pillar Lettel' Box Kinnaird Park Girls' school Miss Leishman, principal; Miss N. Hackforth, head Mistress ffillman Mrs., Arreton Park Cottages. - WuARTON ROAD,PALACE ROAD.
White Mrs. L. Park End. from fi3 Landolt road. South Side 1 Osborn Frank 3 Ashby Charles 5 Marrable Richard 7 Walsh Mrs. 9 Godfrey .James Edward 11 Smith Henry E. 13 Kent Sydney Spencer 15 Hancock Mrs. 17 Ellis Henry Thomas 19 Barriball George 21 Connell J. M., window cleaner 23 Jenkins Charles Rickett, Smith & Co. (incorporated with Rickett. Cockerell & Co. Limited) (stables) 25 Terry Hpnry 27 Miles Miss 29 Bolton John 31 Napier James Albert 33 Hobbs William Amoli 35 Cobb Albert 37 Cossom Frank 39 Tile Mrs. Emma 41 Miller Barnett 43 Morrow Mrs. M. 45 Osborn George Ernest 47 Large James 49 Wall William John 51 Mansfield Samuel 53 Jeffries James 53 Jeff des Miss, dressmaker 55 Scott Frederick A. ........ here is Hiqhland road ...... 57 Barker William 59 Hulbert Frank 61 Crickett Frederick George 63 Balls Arthur Charles 65 Presland Alfred William 67 Trower Edward 69 Davies John 69 Davies Mrs. A., dressmaker 71 HalJlllOre Frederick 73 Co~krane Thomas, Ashley villa 75 Cockins John 77 Ough John 77 P l'JNSOTTI CHARLES, builder & decorator79 Pearson Allan Marshall 81 Jones Albert 83 Smith Herbert 8il BurreIls W. A. 87 Ford Edward, verger & sexton St. Mary's, Plaistow 89 Joyce ErnEst Alfred 91 Gunner Alexander 93 Burgess George James William 95 Levens Ernest Joseph 97 Lampard Frederick 99 Jerome George Charles 101 Allen Charles Noth Side. 2 Jarman Thomas 2 Fielding Ernest, draper 4 Andrews Thomas L. 6 Downing Albert Ernest 8 Middleton Henry Philpot 10 Knight Thomas 12 Huxley Geo. Edward 14 Scutt Warden 16 Hunt Mrs. 18 Battsoll W. J. 8,Sons, builders 20 Jenkins Frederick Richard 22 Kent Mrs. 24 Brown Robert 26 Mitchell Saluuel Thomas 28 Jerome Mrs. 30 Taylor Walter P., photographer 30 Taylor Mrs. L., costumier 32 Ruddle Sidney C. H4 King Thomas' Frederick 36 Belsey John East Side. 40 Weston George 42 Spooner Frederick Charles 44 Waters James Alfred 46 Biggin Samuel W. 48 Wise Henry 50 Cordery George 52 Brown Alfred 54 Outridge Thomas 561 JFord Edward 58 Hailey Harry 60 Elliott Thomas 62 Freeman Henry 64 Sweet Charles William 66 Burgess -Miss 68 Bond Mrs. 70 Perry Mrs., Holmleigh 72 Ball Herbert 74 White William G. 76 Muncey Frederick 78 Martin William F. J. 80 Spratling Stanley 82 Godfrey Mrs. A. 84 Stone Thomas William 86 English Ralph 88 Brown James 90 Maynard Leonard Charles 92 Hall John 94 Jessop George 96 Hopgood George 98 Whittle Mrs. 100 Harris George 102 Ash Hubert John 104 Staines Benjamin Park Farm Road.
From Sundridge avenue to Etrnstead lane, Chislehurst. llZqItt Side. ............ here is Hill Brow ...... . Lamp Post Letter Box Pettigrew William Clark, Hillside Taylor Mrs. Robert, Athelney Paton Charles James, Strone Cooper George Quilton, White thorpe Hughes Arthur Mumford, Beaulieu Brown Thomas H., Alverstone Left Side. O'Hanlon Alfred, Dunoran ........ .here is JIavcl.~tone road ......... Young Clifford, Wood End (LogsHill) .Park Grove. -3 9 PAlm ROAD.
lngleton Henry 3 Shoe bridge Frederick William 5 Draper Edward D., solicitor & commissioner for oaths 7 Darby Mrs. 9 Carter Joseph 11 Bushby William, Cover side 13 Shill cock George, Waverley 15 Hellbest William 17 Russell George Thomas19 Trevett Jo~eph 21 Jenner Arthur Cross and Return. 2 Sales Miss Park House.
See Beckenham lane.Park Road.
From Widmore road to Freelands rd. Left side. Baptist Chw'ch 1 Stringer Ec1wd. Belcher. Egerton 10 ........... .here is Palace grove ........... 3 Hanson Conrad Wild 5 Ellen John Sidney 9 Walbrook Angus Fraser Oakley 11 Stringer H. E. 13 Gregory Francis James 15 Appleyard Edward Everett 17 Hills Herbert Edwd., cycle maker ........... .11"'reis Palace road ............ 19 Crown and Anchor, John David Rowlands [PH] 21 Huxley Geo.L.,grocer-Post Office 21 Telephone Call Office 23 Webb Thomas Henry, jun. 25 Webb Thomas Henry, builder 27 Nash James Thomas 29 Bigland Mrs., Stangrove 29 AWarth Thomas Joseph, Trevena 31 Jeffrey William, Olivet 31A Jeffrey 11rs., Chasemore 33· Dryden Miss, Breamish villa 33AMiller Arthur, May lodge 35 Heavsman Thomas, Delaware St .. Tolm's Church ......... here is Park (iI'ul'e ......... 39 Avis David, Abbey gate 41 Allan H. P .. Linwood 43 Bell A. Lindsay, Holne cottage 45 Hardy Percy William, The Nook 47 Willey Miss, Komani ...... here is Freelands road ...... ...... here is Upper Pade road ...... Cross and Return. 72 Selby Willia 70 Allen Herbert James 66 Wyborn Mrs. 64 Wyborn Harry 60 Broomfield Mrs. 58 Monkhouse Miss C. H., dressmaker 56 Baker Charles 54 Plowright Mrs. 52 Bennett James 50 Littlewood Charles Henry 48 Kitch Douglas John 46 Levey Geo. 44: Hadden Miss S. L., dressmaker 42 Golding Mrs. 40 WeIls James William 38 Palgrave & Co., photographers 38 Barwell Mrs. B. E., dressmaker 36 Davies Reuben David Dunn H. G. & Sons, fum. depository 34 Amos Mrs., Norland cottage 32 Strudwick Mrs. 30 Sutton Mrs'. 28 Hills Frederick Arthur 26 Boaks Herbert 24 Bourne Mrs. 24: Bourne Arnold Ainsley 22 Reed G. Dayrell ...... here are Denmark Villas 18 Bayes William 16 Browne Miss 14 Locbvood Francis Algernon 12 Bromley School Clinic -Frederick Henry Norman, sec 10 Fox John 8 Bunting Fred, certified bailiff 6 Towell Charles, electrical engineer 4: Gristwood George William 2 Tuberculosis Dispensary, Kent. County Council (William Charles Dillon Hills, M.R.c.s.Fmg., L.ll.C.P. Land., D.p.II.Lond. tuberculosis medical officer)Park Road (Upper).
Prom Freelands road. Left side. Cumming Robert. Wbitrigg 3 Laffitte Joseph, Elsinore 5 Hall Alexander J obn, Shaldon 7 Morton Mrs., Valetta Phillips Miss K., nursing home Dainton...... here is footway to Freelands road ...... 9A .lnnes Fredk. & Co.. metal workers 11 Man Fredk. By. Dumas,Harleyford 13 Barker Rev. Canon Peter, M.A.[vicar of St. John'sl. St.John'sViearage 15 Warmington :Mrs., Normanhurst 17 Fairley Mrs., Sunnydene 19 Sumner Frank, Inversnaid 21 Kiesow Robert, Homewood Cross and return. 16 Rogers Kenneth, M.D.Lond., L.U.C.P. Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng. Ii Constable Edwin Theobald, M.A. cantab., Fairlawn 12 Comins Charles, Pembroke house Pawley's Cottages.-:I ?{APrElt l road:
1 Jones James 2 Haffl'nden William . 3 Dunn George HenryPayne's Cottages.
See Walter's yard.Peill's Cottages.
See Waldo road.Pembroke Road.
Right Side - from Tylney Hoad. 2 Leversuch Christopher Edward, fishmonger 4 Andrews James 6 Burkin Miss, dressmaker 8 Sauuders Arthur 10 Beer Henry 11 Jordan Henry George 12 Wattll.u Chatles 14 Wattau George 16 Tozer Ed win John 18 Palmer Walter Viscose Development Co. Limited C" Semreh works) Cross and return. 35 Hunt Albert 31 Willson Arthur 29 Packham Arthur Edward 15 Butcher William E. 13 Bird Horace 9 Green W. H. 7 Wright John 5 Byford Arthur 3 Foster Samuel S. 1 Duglas Charles, Pembroke lndry.Pinewood Road..
From Cromwell ave to Sandford rd. Left side. I Watts Mrs., The Firs 3 Mathews Miss, Plasnewydd 5 Scott Edward, Ridgefield 7 Livett Noblett R., The Acacias 9 Walker Adam 11 Barker Arthur 13 Horne .J. J. Riqht side. 2 Mitchell Fred, Eglinton 4 Dickins Mrs. St. Margaret's 6 Knott Charles George 8 Glt'll Alec B. 10 Barker Mrs.R M. W., Rosslvu 12 Alderson Aug. Edwd., Hill Crest 14 Stead Sydney, Pine Brae 16 Medhurst Percy, Roseneath 18 Coulter George 20 Martin Erllest, Cortina 22 Forrester Jorlll Herhert, Kelso 21 Bell ArthUJ StanLey 26 Gedney C. F. W., Beaumaris 28 Morris Charles rhoIDasPlaistow Gruve, - PLAISTOW.
From Plaistow lane. 67 Hn?hesman Charles. Ekowe 65 Spriugate Thomas Herbert 63 Rose William 61 Hockall Jonathan, Amersham 59 Taylor Frederick 57 Lee Thorn 18 Srnit,h 55 Russell Mrs. 53 Roffey Mrs. 51 Marshall George Thomas 49 DUlllllall Walter 47 Roe Edward 45 Edwards Thomas 45A Hodgekills William Walter 43 \\at::.on Henry Chas., window elm. 41 Smith William Ship, Laurel Bank 39 Feldmar Louis37 Tong William Thomas 35 Mussell Thomas Ernest 33 Clifford Frederick 31 Burrows William Robert 29 Lisle Richard Robert 27 Foreman John 25 Jeffery William Frederck 23 Alexander Mrs. 21 Boaks G. J. 19 Townsend William Jesse 17 Hood Leonard Harrv 15 Noble Frank . 13 Pope J. H. 11 Osborn A. H. 9 Rich Frank 7 Holmes Miss I." nurse 5 Burton Clement 3 Young William 1 Godfrey Ernest Cross nd Return. 2 Green John 4 Fairweather John 6 Waters John 8 Benge H. 10 Pollard William Henry, hootmaker 12 Dunmall Harry 14 Langham J oh1l J. 16 Ground John William 18 Wakeling Albert 20 Main Charles David 22 Poole Mrs. 24 Smith Henry 26 Wickings Edwin 28 King Mrs. 30 Smith William 32 Drew Mrs. 34 Threadgold Henry 36 Piper Frederick 38 Bennett Alfred 40 Perry Mrs. Plaistow Lane.
...... here is Nicliol lane ...... ............ here is Lyc1tett rd ....... Sundridge Parade 12 Crothall Mrs., Royal Kinnaird lndry. 11 Knight Richard Geo., electl.engnr. 10 Barlow Hellry W., fishmonger 9 Richards John, stationer & newsagent, & Post Office 9 Telephone Call Office 8 Richards Jn., watchllla. & jewellet 7 Earing George, oilman ........ here is iMn.~ter road ......... I Nightingale H. & Co" bakers 2 Corrie Madame, dressmaker 3 Smith Frederick H., bntcher 4 Colby Thomas 1., greengrocer 6 Gamlin 'Frederick, decorator .. .... .. here is Garden road ...... 47 Prior Albert Edward, Nara 49 Cazeaux Mrs., Castilla 51 Edwards J,)hn Maltby,· M.R.C.S., L.R.C. P., L.S,A., Tregenna 53 Bruce Sir Roht., C.n., Greenmount 55 Beddome Leonard Wm., ~heringhalll 57 Ebbs Alfred Butler, 'rllborg 59 Airey Richard, Dromore 63 Peachey George, Heatherhurst 65 Manger George. J.P., Lynwood ...... here is Edward road leading to LO((£je road. ...... Pillar Letter Box ...... here is Sundridqe park ...... 67 Snelgl'Ove John, Sundridgc Park (lodge) 77 Timblick '!'homas 77A Bromley Bowling Club---Henry James Green, hon. sec. 77 Gedge George Pillar Letter Box St. Josephs' Catholic School 81 Holy Trinity Convent [Boading S' 1Jap School for Girls, The Rev. Mother Superior St. Joseph's Catholic Church ~:l Cooksey Rev. Walter [Catholic], Presbytery 83 Hughes Rev. Peter [Catholic], Presbytery ......... here is Orchard road . Skilton W. F., cowkeeper & dairyman, Snndridge Park Farm Baldry Alfd.,SundridgePark Farm 91 Barrett Richard 93 Shoesmith Richard 95 Henwood Alfred, Beechcroft 97 Hardy Miss, Milverdale 99 Lawrie Alexander Cecil, The HOD 101 Griffith Henry, Oak End103 Room Herbert J. BarIc Samuel RoberL The Hatch 107 Porter S. W .. ...... here is Sundridge acell//(' ...... ............ here is Widmore . Cross and Return. 1M Ewins Georg('. Ivy cottage 102 Jorgensen J ohan . 100 Moger Walter Henry, Ralston 98 Dale William Halsteel,solicitor and commissioner for oaths, Ingleside 98 Dale Cecil Halsted, solr., Ingleside ..... .here is Bromley C. C. Ground ...... 96 Goodyear Thomas Edwd., Rothesay ......... here is Flolllefieid road ...... ...... here is Upper Park road ..... 4 Devitt Frank, Hill Brow 92 Spence Robert, Waldron 88 Smith Mrs. H. ......... here is Freelands road ...... Perry Henry, Middleton 74 DussEk Angelo Sebastian 72 West Percy Camidge Collen Frank William, St.Lawrence Tapson Frank Herbrrt, Delta ......... here is Rodu'a.y road ........ Hartley John Wm., Abingdon ho 66 Day Richard Evan 64 Bollocombc John C., McadmvcrlJft 62 Sharp -Wm. F. B., La Chatelaine 60 Thol Ernest J., Parkhurst 58 Potter C. Neville. Fernwooll 54 Jamieson A. 1: . ......... here· is Lansdowne road ...... 52 Marsh Robert, Hydul Mount 50 Forster George Hit:hard, Nutfield 48 Griffith Col. Frank, y.n. The Gables Fire Alarm Piller Letter Box Button & East, estate agents, Station approach Sundridge Park Railway Station, Albert Jn.Bryant, station mast.('r Smith "V. H. & Son, bookstall ......... here is Plaistow grove ...... 46 Crown I£otel, Walter Sole 42 Barrow Albert John 40 Robertson John 38 Lee Gilbert 36 Whiffin William 34 Monk H., fancy draper & bootma . 32 Brace Mrs., confectioner 30 Hawes Henry, dairyman 28 Wiggins Frederick John, grocer ......... here are pathways to Bromley and Farwig ...... ...... here is Plaistow Grove ...... 26 Scrivener George, tobacconist 26 Telephone Call Office 2+ Banning WillialllThoma~,shopkpr 22 Matthews William 20 Haynes George 18 Ash Mrs . 16 Vincent Charles, fishinonger 14 Moss Leonard Edwards, butcher 12 Riddick Frank, hair dresser 10 Barnes & Son, bootmakers 8 Marsh Herbert.. greengrocer ... here is Cambridge rd ..... ,.. ......... here is College road ......... Plymouth Road - 29 FUEELANDS RD.
1 Andrews Harry Ransom Alfred 4 Harvey George 5 Woodhams George W., jUlI. 6 Cr0nk C. Robert 7 Edwards William 8 Hidley Henry William 10 Wyborn Ernest Edward 10 Reeves Ernest George 11 Fagg .Juhn Elijah 12 Harris Arthur 13 Gathard William 14 Durling Thomas Cross and Return. 15 Fuller William 16 Perrett Mrs. 17 Illce Alen Robert 20 Clayton Henry 21 Mumford George 22 Burbridge George 23 Page Henry 25 Ransom William 26 Smith William John 27 Ransom George28 Johnson Charles 29 Gibbins Harry James 30 Cope William, greengrocer Police Cottages.
See Stanltope villas.Pope Road. - 53 BROMLEY COAUfON
Left Side. 1 Daws Joseph William 3 Taylor John James 5 Cates Mrs. 7 Rumph George 9 Carreck Charles F. 11 Middleton Charles Goater 13 Avis Thomas Hugh 15 Westbrook Mrs. 17 Rumph John 19 Garwood Charles 21 Davies Miss 23 Johnson Frederick 25 Skinner George 27 Stockwell William 29 Quilter John E. 31 Peckham Mrs. F., laundry 33 Beales Arthur, laundry 35 Locks John G. 37 Hoad Archibald 39A Forster Charles, insurance agent 4lA Uollett Frank ......... here is Chatterton Road ......... 39 Cooper Percy 41 Whitehead Samuel Louis 43 Blanks Thomas 45 Humphrey Isaac 47 Humphrey Richard 49 Ralph Richard 51 Goodyear William Frederick 53 Duff Charles Frederick William 55 Duddy George . 57 Boxall George Thomas 59 Rayner Mrs. 63 Carter Alfred· 65 Ottaway George 67 Skillen William 69 Bailey William 71 Jenner Frederick 73 Howes William Frederick 75 Jenkins Mrs 77 Morley Frederick 79 Russell Henry ............ here is Union road. Cross and Return. 72 Thorpe Thomas Charles 70 Welsh John 68 Gearing Thomas 66 Matthews John 64 Hubbard Charles I 62 Marshall Charles 60 Humphrey George 58 Limebeer Arthur, bldr. & undertaker 56 Humphrey Thomas 54 Humphrey Jesse 52 Dennis Robert Stanley 50 Alpleby Albert 48 Hodder Mrs, 46 Oarter Charles 44 Levett Job 42 Herridge Arthur James 40 Gage Thomas 38 Wyatt Arthur John R. Wilson & Son, builders (workshop) 34 Self George . ........ here is Chatterton Road ......... 32 Gething George Constantine,lndry 30 Snell Albert Edward 28 Barnard Thomas Henry 26 Seymour Mrs. 24 Cripps George 22 Elcombe Edwin George 20 Buss Mrs. 18 Dillnutt Henry James 16 Butcher Francis M. 14 Rump Samuel 12 Coffey William 8 Golding Alfred W. 6 Rump Sidney 4 Ford Herbert Keene John W., Pope villaPost Office Buildings.
See 4 East street.Prospect Place.
From 73 Masons hill. 1 Smith Arthur 3 Brooks WilliamGross and Return. 32 Cassell Mrs. M. A. 30 White Mrs. 28 Payne David 26 Longford Miss 24 Markwell Mrs. 22 Driver Robert 20 Bateman IvIrs. 18 Ward George 16 Cooper James 12 Harris WIlliam 10 Wickenden Sidney Arthur 4 Cook James . 2 Bartholomew David Queen Anne Avenue.-SoUTH HILL. PARK.
From 36 Westmorcland road. Left Side. 1 Smith H. P. B. 3 Baldry Richard B. 9 Cardwell John Henry 11 Collins Charles Erling 11 Tuck Oswald Thomas 17 Stanley Leonard Arthur 19 Sears Mrs. 21 D'Elbrux Louis 23 Lauman Theodore H. 25 Shepherd G. M. B. 27 Ward John 29 'Weeden Ernest Arthur 31 Nichols Charles William 33 Hughes Harry S. M. 35 Marshall Miss K. 37 Dufour Emile 39 Chappell Henry J uhn 41 Ji'icher Henry Edwin 43 Thompson Charles cross and Return. 30 Knight Mrs. S. E. 16 Collier George Alfred 14 Sherriff Cyril G. 12 Lansbury Mrs. M. E., Halford ho. 10 Taylor Mrs., Avondale 8 Bradshaw Mrs., Claremont 6 Wissler Frederick H. 4 Gedney F. 2 Burton Wallace Pillar Letter BoxQueen's Mead Road.
from Glass Mill lane to Station road, Shortlands. ...... here is public footpath t (/ Piekltu}'st qreen ............... Skipworth Benjamin Green, The Valley Wall Letter Box Webster H aITY, Basildon Weller William George, solicitor & commiEsioner for oaths 2 Clarke Charles B. 3 Light Thomas Robert 4 N etUeton Arthur 5 Hoare George R. 6 Leech Jesse 7 Downer Ernest John, F.R.C.O., F.T.C.L., teacher of music and organist & choirmaster of st. Luke's Church, Bromley Common, Testore 8 Esler Howard 9 Harding William 10 Widdowson Tom 11 Maynard Bertram J. C. 12 Skinner Mrs. C. N. 10 Hounsfield Mrs, 14 St. Mary's Convalescent Homc Miss Samuels, matron ...... here is Bromley Gardens 15 Davison Douglas Carlyle 16 Wallis Clement Macfarlane 17 Rayment Louifl John, The :Firs 18 Kingston M. (organist of St.Mary's Church, ShorUands) 19 Wright Albert Henry 20 Liversage Ernest D. ...... here is railway footbridge to Kingswood road .Queen's Road.
From 30 Widmore road. Left Side. Dunn Edward George 3 Pannell William 5 Stanford Frederick John 7 Summers George 9 Searle Mrs. 11 Mist Ranald 13 Peprato Madam Victoria N. P,
15 Smee Alfred Headley 17 Smith Sidney Charles 19 Button Victor Benjamin 21 Foreman William Walter 23 Robinson Miss 25 Kent Norman Geoffrey 27 Fraser Alexander ...... here is enterance to Queen's gardens Hight Side. 6 Queen's Nurses 8 Kere Mrs. 10 Lowrence John 12 Martin Frederick W. Stanley 14 Arnaua John N. 16 Jaques Austin 18 Brooks William Henry 20 Steiert Primus . I 22 -HoWie-William },',:.'j. t -" 24 Paine Arthur 2G Stokes James John Quernmore Road.
From Park avenue to A'L'Ondale rd. East Side. Thompson R. S., Woodville Jennings George Charles Hazeldine, solicitor & commissioner for oaths, The Rosary Gayford Herbert, The Warren Shaw ,John Edward, Silvermead Gibson William Henry, Ardleigh West Side. Templeman Frederick, Thurtstone Underhill Thomas John, Stanley .......... here 18 KUlg8 avenue .......... Peppercorn Mrs. J. E., Brnntwood Mansfield Frank Herbert, Bngadine Williamson James Edwarn, Ashdown Tuffill Harold B., Toppesfield Perry Harold, Walmers Price George Herbert, Klo~ters Churchouse AIfd. William, OverstrandRacecourse Cottages.
See Magpie Hall Lane.Raglan Road. - BROMLEY COMMON.
Left Side - from Marlborough Road to Shortlands Road. 1 Choat Charles, gasfitter 3 Eves Arthur 5 Bailey James 7 Fox William George 9 Roberts Henry Edward 11 Edwards Joseph 13 Ellis Edward Chapman 15 Ashbee William 17 Whaley Thomas 19 Head Percival A. 21 Bowyer Mrs. 23 Ansell James ............ here is Nelson road ............ Raglan Road Council School:- Edwin Owen, Inter.B.A.LOnd., headmaster of boys Miss A. M. Mackie, head mistress of girls Miss E. Fluck,L.L.A.,head mistress of juniors . Miss Bertha Hodgson, head mistress of infants Walter Cooling, carelaker Special School - Mrs. Edwards, head mistress St. Luke's institute, James Heims, caretaker Bromley Public Library (Raglan Road branch library), William J. Harris, F.L.A., borough librarian St. Johns Ambulance Brigade, Bromley Division (St- Luke's Institution)- T. Healey, supt.; W. Cooling, treas.; Corpl. C. E. Farrow, hon. sec. A Section; J. H. Yolland, M.R.C.S.ENG., hon. surgeon, St . Luke's Institute Cross and Return. 26 Boorer Charles 24 Lee A. J. 22 Dunn William 20 Hibberd William 18 Compton Percival 16 Smith James 14 Herbert J. 12 Browne Andre w 10 Collins William' 8 Dunk Arthur 6 Lewis Alfred 2 Sam mils Frederick ...... here is Marlborough road ......Railway Station (Bromley) S.E. & C.R. (South.) Baldwin George, station master Smith W. H. & Son, bookstall Telephone Call Office Cabmen's Shelter Knowles John & Co. (London) Ltd. lime & cement mers., Station yard' British Petroleum Co. Limited Peill Edwin. coal merchant Gill John &; Son Ltd., coal merchants Cornwall Edwin A., coal merchant Railway Station yard, Bromley north - So E. & C. R. Wood William John, station master Grinsted Daniel, Limited, coaL & corn merchants Knowles John & Co. (London) Limited, lime & cement merchants Darby Brothers, builders' merchants and monumental masons Rickett, Smith & Co. (incorporated with Rickett, Cockerell & Co. Limited), coal merchants Hinchliffe Brothers, stone masons Mark B William (late Thomas Mersh), coal & coke merchant .Bromley. Co-opemtive Society Ltd., coal merchants Anglo-American Oil Co. Limited Smith W. H. & Son, bookstall Telephone Call Office Cabmen's Shelter Ravensbourne Road, 3 HIGH STREET.
1 Collins Joseph Edward 7 Peill Frederick William 15 Fry J. & S., sanitary plumbers 17 Attwood William . Joseph 19 Chard Mrs. 21 Thomas Henry Griffith 23 Ford Charles Edwin 25 Barnes ~jss, Fern cottage 27 CoLven Charles 29 Guy Miss 31 Girls' S'l1,n.~ldneOl1~b (The) 33 Meredith Miss 37 Mitchell Miss, Marlings 39 Padgham Edward 41 Lansley Sydney Robert Letter Box; on Lamp Post 47 Swann Misses 49 Pinion William 51 Bulley F. 53 Watts William 55 Leeming John. MR.S.A.,F.n.I.B.A. 57 Long Ernest Fowler 59 Berry William C. 61 Driver Albert 61ASmith E. .. .here is footpath to A.yle:;bul'!J road and Piekhurst Green . ti3 Marchant Frederick William 65 Hockaday Wm., buiIder, Heatherlie 67 Manser Charles 69 Piffe-Phelps W .. Glan-Aber 71 Webb George William ........ here is Ethelbert road ....... Cross and Return. 30 Hopton William Letchford 26 Porter Edward, Llanberis 24 Heaysman Henry ............ here is Ringers road ............ 22 Attwood William Joseph, TheVale 16 Dawes Henry, boys' school 12 & 14 Revis James 10 Nops Walter, 1.8.0., Elmdal!l 8 Elphinstone Robert,, L.R.C.P .. CaerleQn 6 Filmer William Stronghill, Hiilside 4 Quicke Arthur, South BankRecreation Road, 55 Beckenham Lane.
Left Side. PILLAR LETTER Box 1 Whitehead Abraham 5 & 7 Sargeaunt Albert 9 Cox Harry 11 Godfrey William 13 Hopkins Charles 15 Waters Herbert 17 Glenville John William 19 Newuigin William 21 Mortimpr Henry 21 Baker Nelson, chimney cleaner 23 Parrott Henry 25 Ellis Walter 27 Oswald Aibert 31 Workman William33 Smith John Thomas, bootmaker 35 Mockridge Miss Harriet, genl. shop H7 Knight Frederick Arthur 39 Farmer G. T., tailor 41 Fox Harry 43 Bayman Edward Charles 45 Johnson George 47 Parrott William 49 Evans John 51 Clarke Joseph 53 Booker James Herbert 55 Hoad Charles Peter 57 Osborn Walter 59 Mellis William S. 61 Walsh John 63 Parrott Edward 65 & 67 English Walter H., laundry 69 Green George Cross and Return. ......... here is .illartin's road 54 Johnson James Edwin H. 52 Crane Charles 50 Woodward Frederick George 48A = Witham F. J. 48 Salmon Thomas George 42 Fry Hugh 40 Suter Charles Henry 36 Evans Walter 34 Williams Mrs. 32 Merlin Mrs. ao Johnson Thomas 28 Goodwin Frank 26 Salmon Joh11 Fredprick 24 Wilkins Albert William 22 Glenville John. bootmaker 20 Sayer Albert 18 Cox Frank 16 Norman William 14 Batchelor George 12 Clark Arthur Hatehmall 10 Smith Thomas 8 Hardiug James 6 Willson Charles 4 Evett Walter 2 Etherington George Ridley Road.
From 75 Bromley gardens. Left Side. 77 Churcher Misses, confectioners 79 Cattermole Albert Edward 81 Pellow Walter 83 Dog~ett Gabriel 80 Carter John 87 Kilner Henry William 89 Wilson Robert ......... here is Gwyely]' road ...... 95 Vousdt'n William, greengrocer 97 Godfrey Miss 99 Little Stephen 101 Hammond Thomas 103 Knight Mrs. 105 Carter Harry right Side. St. illar!rs Church Mission Room ( in connection with St MarY's, Shortlands) Ringers Road. [,'ro/1/ 10 High street .Rodway Road. - ALDE1UlAHY PARK.
From lIuwe8 road. 3 Marsh William Ernest 5 Goodall Frank Clement 7 Rose George 9 Ridley W. Wells, J,P., Deepdene 11 Meier Casvar Gottlieb, Rodway lodge 13 Elder William George, Argyle 15 Astle Arthur. Warreston 17 Titel Hance, Lochranza 19 Heseltine Mrs., Beechworth 21 Rawlings Edward Bailey, solicitor, J£ndcliffc 23 Fones Arthur, The Croft 25 Wylie Robert J. Wall Lettcr Box 29 Ferry Cecil R. 31 Layton Edward 33 Crane Stephen 35 Stansfield William George Cross and Return. 32 Wylde Cecil Richard 30 Higgins William Valentine, Durnovaria 28 Russell Mrs. 26 Lawrie Ernest, Oldbury 24 Pulman Henry Percy, Kingwood 22 Brookhouse John Charles, Ailsa 20 Couldrey Walter, Nuneham18 Simpson George, Kinrura 16 Scott Arthur 14 Pitts Harry, Arundelle 12 Stocker Mrs. 10 Macdonald Alexander, Strathmore 8 Vickers Harold 6 Burton William K., Waynflete 4 Mollwo Alfred 2 Schwaiger Mrs. r' Roseville Ronald's Road.
From 8 Aldermary road.Rosslea Cottages.
See J.l[o.~8learoad. Rushey Road. From. Grarel road (Lamer).St. Mark's Road.
From 41 Masons hill. St. Mark's 1lien's Club St. Mark's Church RoomSalisbury Road.
From Grown lane. Left Side. DAVIS ALFREO, horticultural sundries lllun, Sivada ......... here is Victoria road . 5 Clark Thomas 7 Tinsle, Walter ............ ·here is Albert rd ........... 9 Tenmous Mrs, Cromwell 11 Swanson Charles, liedwood 13 Brown Charles, Ridgway 15 Menzies Arthur. Banbury 17 Swaine Edward, Tin tern 19 Payne Thomas, Kensington ......... here is Balfour road ...... Right Side. lJli.~8io/~ Room Lamp Post Letter Box 16 Ranson Harry Charles 18 Jones Herbert Janies 20 Tons J(lhn William 22 Pearce Joseph 24 Bennett Benjamin Dudley 26 Jones A. F. 28 Hunt James Charles, Beerhcroft 3O Brister Georg-e, Langley 32 Bloomfi~ld Jas. Horace, Taunton 34 Jenner Charles Henry, insurance agent, Linton 34 Jenner Mrs. F. E., teacher of music, Linton 36 Kite Ernest. Milton 38 Cochrane William 40 Endean Frank James 42 Jeweson Reginald 44 Goodner Hor~ce Charlet' 46 Guthrie William James 48 Ward Robert, insurance agent 50 Studwan Robert. Dorset 52 Heath William Herbert, Denby 54 Smith Walter 56 Andrews Charles William 5R Masters James ~~dward. Erwood 60 Lewis Arthur John 60 Morris George Alfred 61 Boast Henry 66 HUdson Miss 68 Whitaker Georg" H. 70 Longhurst Henry Willilllll 74 Drake, Fredrick 76 EnglIsh Fredrick George 78 Alexander Charles 80 Ginn Mrs. 82 Sibun Charles William 84 Miles George 86 Byford Charles Willett 88 Ford Eustilce 90 Jarrett Albl:rt :Edward 92 Merrett George Henry 94 Warr George 96 Stltllforrl John William 98 Wakelin William Henry 100 Higgs George GadieldSandford Road. SOUTH HILL PARK.
From 6 Masons hill . 1 Matthews John ......... here is Pinewood road ........ 7 Armstrong Hugh Clayton 9 Morris James 11 Price Herbert D., solicitor & commissicJner for oaths 13 Winder William Thomas 15 Mllggeridge Sidney 17 Chava'se Alban, solicitor & commissioner for oaths19 Moodie Herbert John, Courtfield 21 Wright Alfred Henry 23 Blashfield Alfred William 25 Courtney Claude, The Postern 29 Justice James Norval 31 Scott Arth. M. Cecil. Mcadow view 33 Ranson Mrs. Cross and Return. Bromley Lawn Tennis Club and Ground 74 Lloyd Capt. r 72 Bolton Harold 70 Dean Herbert Charles 68 Drew Herbert William 6G Liverton Alfred E. 64 Staples Stanley William 62 Bartholomew Graham 58 Park Land Co. Ltd, (estate office) 56 lonn Seymour C. 54 Staples Martin George 52 Bevans Edward S. T Lamp Letter Box 50 Briginshaw J. W. 48 Collyer Frederick Charles, jun" Logmore 46 Donnelly Thomas Gilbert, Brook field 44 Jarvis Stephen 34 Foster Bertram 32 Bryning Alfred H. 30 Halifax Henry W. 28 Black John 26 Storey William 24 Bradgate Philip 22 Raitt George Cardno 20 Rose Francis J. 18 Haslegrave Mrs. 16 Poulton Gerald 14 Bones Richard 12 Poulton Alfred Walford 10 VarraIl Mrs. 8 Mackrell Mrs. 6 Keable Benjamin B. 4 Creedy Herbert James, lILv,a. 2 Rhys Miss