Kelleys 1914 Bromley Directory 29 April 2021

1914 Kelleys Directory of Bromley

1914 Kelleys Directory of Bromley v1.011

Bromley | Beckenham aand Shortlands | Bickley | Chelsfield | Chislehurst | Cudham | Downe | Farnborough | Foots Cray | Grove Park | Hayes | Keston | Knockholt | Mottingham | North Cray | Orpington | Shortlands | St May Cray | St Pauls Cray |

KELLY'S Bromley Directory


KELLY'S Bromley 'Directory ("BUFF BOOK")



Aberdeen Buildings Addison Road ... Albert Road Aldermary Road . Aldermen and Councillors of Bromley Corporation . Alexandra Crescent... ... Ambulance Brigade - St. John Amesbury Road Arts and Crafts Society Ashgrove Road... . .. Assistant Overseers Athletic Clubs ... Avenue (Bickley) Avondale Road ... Aylesbury Road Babbacombe Road Balfour Hoad . Banks... . Baptist Church... ... ... Baptist Church, Bromley Common Barfield Road... ... ... Barnett Wood Road Barnfield Wood Road ... Beaconsfield Road Beckenham Grove Beckenhay T,ane ... ... Beckenham and Bromley School of Music and Art Beckenham and Shortlands Commercial Directory ... Directory ... Institutions, & c. and Shortlands Private Resiilents Professional Directory ... Postal Information Education Committee .. , School of Arts and Crafts Street Directory Technical Institute Urban District Council ... Beechfield Cottages Bickley Crescent Directory Park Road Road ... Street Directory BiJd·in·Hand Lane ... Births, Deaths and Marriages-Registrars of Blackbrook Lane Blenheim Road Bloomfield Road Blyth Road ... ... ... Board of Trade Labour Exchange
ADVERTISMENTS. MOTOR VANS FOR HIRE. TELEPHONE 517 BROMLEY (DAY AND NIGHT). J. HUlYIERSTON & 'SONS, Upholsterers and Cabinet Makers, Funeral Furnishers and Licensed Valuers. RElVIOVXNG AND WAREHOUSXNG. FXREPROOF DEPOSITORIES. College Road and East Street, BROMLEY,'Kent. Showrooms and Office: 87, EAST STREET. FURNITURE, LUGGAGE, Etc., AND EVERY DESCRIPTION OF VALUABLE PROPERTY Removed, Warehoused or Packed for Shipment to all parts of the World. ESTXMATES FREE. FURNITURE Repaired, Re-polished and Renoyated. lte-upholstering and Re-covering executed in the best manner. OARPETS Taken up, Beaten, Cleaned, Altered and Re-fitted as required. BLINDS AND CORNICE POLES of every description supplied, or old ones adapted. OURTAINS AND DRAPERIES Cleaned, Re-dyed and Made up, or new ones lupplied. NUMEROUS UNSOLICITED TESTIMONIALS.

Bourne Road ... Bowling Clubs ... Brethren (The) Brethren in Christ Brewery Road ... Broadway Bromley Avenue ... Bromley and Beckenham Joint Hospital Board Bromley and Bickley Commercial Directory Bromley and Bickley Private Residents ... Bromley and Bickley- Professional Direciory ... Bromley Board of Guardians (Members of) Bromley Burial Board Bromley Cab Fares ... Bromley Colle~e ... Bromley College of Music Bromley Common .,. Bromley Corporation .. Bromley, Cottage Improvement Company Limited :~. Bromley and County Club... ... ... ..- Bromley. Crescent ... ... Bromley, Description of Town Bromley Education Committee Bromley Gardens ... Bromley Gymnastic Hall Bromley Grove Bromley Hill ... Bromley, History of ...... Bromley (Kent) Electric Light and Power Co. Ltd Bromley Parish Church ... ... ... Bromley Road (Shortlands) . Bromley Rural District Council Bromley Street Directory ... Bromley School of Science and Art Bromley Union ... Brook Lane Cottages Buildin~ Societies Burford Boad ... Burial Boards Burnt Ash Lane Cammont Road ... Cambridge Road Camera Club Canon Road Carriers Cemeteries Can tral Hall Chantry Lane ... Charitable Society Chatterton Road Chelsfield Directory Cherry Orchard Road Chess Club
Telephone: Bromley 414.


DISCOUNT BOOKSELLERS, &0., 53, HIGH STREET, BROMLEY, KENT, ('Opposite The Royal Bell Hotel.) Fancy and Useful Articles for Presents. School Stationery. Engraving and Die Sinking. Plain and Relief Stamping. Pictures Mounted and Framed. Bookbinding promptly executed on the Premises. B!LL POSTING AND ADVERTISING AGENTS. 200 protected Posting Stations guaranteed in Bromley and vicinity.

Chislehurst Directory ... Street Directory ... Commercial Directory Postal Directory ... Private Residents Urban District Council .,. Chislehurst Road Christ Church ... Chrysanthemum Society Church Lane ... Church Road (Shortlands) Church Road ... . Churches and Chapels . Claremont Road Clarence Avenue Clarence Road ... Clubs-Athletic, Working -Men's, & c. Coles Cbild's Cottages ... Collector to the Guardians Collectors of King's Taxes Collectors to Metropolitan Water Board Collectors of Rates College Road ... College Slip .. . .. . Commissioners for Administering Oaths, & c. ... Commissioners of Land and Assessed Taxes-Clerk to Companies-Public Congregational Churcb Coniston Road ... Conservative Clubs & Associations Convalescent Home Co-operative Society ... Corner (The) ... Coroners for tbe County of Kent Coroner's Officer Corporation of Bromley Cottage Avenue... ... Cottage Hospital ... ... ... County Council for the County of Kent County Court ... County Officials Cowper Road . Crescent Road . Cricket Clubs . Croft Road Cromwell .A.venue Cross Road Crown Lane .. Cadham Directory Cumberland Road ... Customs & Excise Officers Den Road Cambridge Road


WatebmaRer, . Jeweller . and ·t~ Silversmitb1 ·~t· 47, Masons Hill, BROMLEY. TWO MINUTES FROM BROMLEY SOUTH STATION. (See projecting Clock.) House and Turret Clocks Wound and Repaired by Contract. TELEPHONE., BROMLEY 1321.

Denmark Road Devonshire Square ... ... Diseases of Animals Acts In~pector Distances to Adjacent Places of Interest Downe Directory... ... ... Drill Hall Durham Avenue Durham Road ... East Street ... ... Education Committee ... Edward Road ......... Electric tight and Power Company ... Element·ary Schools... ... ... Elliott Road . Elmfield Park . Ehnfield Road . Elmstead Lane Elstree Road ... .. . English Church Union Ethelbert Road Exmouth Road Fairfield Road ... Farnaby Road .. ... Farnborough Directory Farwig Lane . Fashoc1a Road ... ... ... Fire Brigade, Bromley Borongh Council First Church of Christ Scientist, Florence Road Football Clubs ... Foots Cray Directory Foxbury Road Freelands Grove Freelands Road Freemasons ... Friendly Societies Garden Lane .. ; Garden Road .. Gas Company . Gilbert Road . Gladwell Road . Glass Mill Lane Glebe Road ... Godwin Road ... Golf Clubs Grand Hall Grasmere Road Gravel Pits ... ... Gravel Road (Upper) ... Gravel Road (Lower) Great Elms Road ... Grove Park Directory... .. Guardians of the Bromley Union



Gwydyr Road ... Gymnastic Club Halls, Public ... Hammelton Road Havelock Road Hawes Road .. Hawkesworth Road Hawthorne Road Haxted Road .... .. Hayes Lane, Bromley Common Hayes Lane, Pickhurst Park ... Hayes Directory Hayes Road Haywood Road Heathfield Road Henry Street . Herbert Road . High Street Highfield Road ... Highland Road Hill Brow Hillbrow Road . Hilldrop Road . Holligrave Road Holwood Road Holy Trinity Church Homceopathic Hospital and Dispensary (Phillips Memorial) Homefield Road ... ... ... .. ... ... Homesdale Road Hooker's Place Hope Park ... Horsley Road ... ... ... Hospital-Infectious & Small Pox Cottage . ... Homceopathic (Phillips Memorial) Lady Margaret Howard Road ... Index. to Names of Advertisers Inland Revenue Valuation Department Inspector, Diseases of Animals Ads . Inspectors of Weights and Measures . Insurance Agents ... ... . Iron Room, Great Elms Road ... Isard's yard Jackson Road Jaffray Road ... Johnson Road ... Kent County Council ... Kent County Council Domestic Economy School Kent County Council Local School Attendance Committee. Bromley Union Area ... ... Kent County Council Tuberculosis Dispensary


123, High Street, BROMLEY, KENT. CLOOKS WOUND BY CONTRACT. ALL KINDS of English and Foreign Clocks, Watches, Jewellery, & c., MADE AND REPAIRED ON THE PREMISES.

Keston Directory King's Avenue King's Taxes - Collectors of .. Kingswood Road Kinnaird Avenue Knockholt Directory ... Labour Exchange Lady Margaret Hospital Lake Avenue ... Langdon Road .. Lansdowne Road Lawn Tennis Clubs Lewes Road Liberal Associations Library, Free Public ... Liddon Road ... ... Literary Institute Local Directories-List of Local School Attendance Committee, Bromley Union Area, Kent County Council ... ... ... ... ... ... Lodge Road ... . London City Mission . London Lane . London Road . Longfield Lord Lieutenant of the County Lower Gravel Road Lowndg Avenue Lychett Uoad ... Madeira A venue Magistrates Magistrates, Clerk to Magpie Hall Lane Manor of Bromley Market Square ... Marlborough Road Martins Road . Masonic Hall . Masons Hill Mavelstone Road Mayor of Bromley Mays Hill Road Meadow Road .... .. Medical Officers and Public Vaccinators, Bromley Union ... Members of Parliament for the County Metropolitan Water Board-Collectors Metropolitan Water Board-Tumcocks Milk Street Minster Road ... Missions. & c. ... Mooreland Road Morgan Road . Mosslea Road

Mrs. DEAN,

THE - 84, High Street, BROMLEY (Opposite t1le College). La~Hes' Own Materials Designed and Traced. Needlework Commenced, Finished or Mounted to Order .. . . . Orests, Monograms and Initials Embroidered.

Mottingham Directory ... Mottingham Street Directory Municipal Offices ... ... Musical Socaties Napier Road ... Nelson Road ... Nettlefold's Cottages New bury Road Newman Road ... Newspapers Nichol Lane ... Nightingale Lane Nurth Cray Directory ... North Road North Street ... Nursing Homes, & c.... Oaklands Road Oakley Road ... Old Age Pension Officer Oldfield Road . Open Brethren . Orchard Road . Orpington Directory: Overseers ... Page Heath Lane Page Heath Villas Palace Grove ... Palace Road ... Palais-de-Luxe ... Parade ... Parish Chnrch . Park Avenue . Park Cottages . Park End . Park Farm Road Park Grove Park House Park Road Park Road (Upper) Park Hill Park Hill Road Pawley's Cottages Pembroke Road .. , ... Philanthropic Society... ... ... ... ..' . Phillip~ Memorial Homreopathic Hospital and Dispensary . Pines Road Pinewood road Places of Worship Plaistow Burial Board Plaistow Grove Plaistow Lane ... Pleasant Sunday Afternoon Brotherhood Plymouth Road


(Six years Cutter with Mr. P. R. Milbank), Ladies' & Gentlemen's 'Practical Tailor, 44, EAST STREET, BROMLEY. PERSONAL ATTENTION CIVEN TO ALL ORDERS. All Garments Cut and Made on the Premises. Fit, Style and Workmanship Guaranteed to be of the Highest Standard. Alterations and Repairs Neatly Executed at the Shortest Notice and at Lowest Possible Prices. CENTLEMEN'S SUITS (to Measure), from 3D/- LADIES' COSTUMES (to Measure), from 45/- Ladies' and Gentlemen's own Materials made up. Satisfaction guaranteed. Testimonials can be seen on request and References given. A Postcard will receive Prompt Personal Attention.

Police .. Political Clubs and Associations Pope Road Population ... Postal Information Presbyterian Church Primitive Methodi"t Primrose League Prospect Place Protestant Reformation Society Public Companies Public Halls ... Public Library Public Officers ... Public Vaccinators Queen Anne Avenue Queen's Road ... Queen's Mead Road Quernmore Road Raglan Road ... Railway Stations Rates, Collectors of ... . .. Ravensbourne A venue, Shortlands Ravensbourne Road ... Reading Rooms, see Clubs Ready Ueckoner Recrea1ion Grounds Recreation Hond ... .. .. , Registrars-Births, Deaths and Marriages Relief Societies ... Relieving and Vaccination Officer Ridley Road ", Ringers Road .,. Rodway Road ... .., Roman Catholic Church Ronald's'Road ... ... Royal Society of St. George ... Rural Di:.trict Council... Rushey Road . St. Andrew's . St. George's Road ... St. John Ambulance Brigade st, John's Church st. John's Parish Room St. Luke's Burial Board St. Luke's Church St. Luke's Missitln Room St. Mark's Chureh ... St. Mark's Church Room St. Mark's Road St. Mary Cray Directory St. Mary's Church, Plaistow .~. St. Mary's Church Ball


15, Market Square, BROMLEY. Naturalist, Seedsman, Agricultural and Horticultural Sundriesman. EXPERT T AX:IDERlYJ:IST. Canaries, Cocks from 6/6 each, Hens from 2/6, Goldfinches, Bullfinches, Siskins, Linnets and other Cage Birds, Fancy Mice, Mealworms, Goldfish, Tortoises, Lizards, and other Reptiles. Fish Bowls and Glass Shades. Also the largest stock and variety of Cages and Fittings in the Town; Cocoanut Fibre, Leaf and Potting Mould, Coarse and Fine Potting Sand, Flower Pots and Saucers, Seed Pans of every description, Garden Mats, Wire Netting, Asphalte, and all Garden Requisites. DELL'S finest selected Bird Food. Nutritine (registered).-A noted food for Blackbirds, Thrushes, Starlings, Jackdaws, Magpies, Jays, Larks, & c. In packets .2d. and 4d. each, 71b. bags, 2/-. Best Spanish Canary Seed,German Rape, Linseed, Teazle, Hemp, Niga, Maw, Millet, Millet Sprays, White Sunflowers for Parrots, Cuttlefish, Doves', Pigeons' and Parrots' Food, Ants' Eggs and Mealworms, Mixed Rabbits' and Poultry Food, Poultry Pills, Pigeon Pills, Shell and Flint, Nest Egg. lfor Poultry Rings and all their requirements. The Largest Variety in the Town of Bird and Poultry Food, Garden and Flower Seeds, Artificial Wreaths, Wreath Cases, Glass Shades, Fish Globes, Solid Indian Rubber, Cages and Fittings of every description. DELL'S SPECIALITIES. FOR BIRDS, & c. PRESERVEDYOLlr OF EGG for Canaries and other Cage Birds. 11; prevents Asthma and Diarrhrea, the most fatal Diseases to Cage Birds, especially in the trying time of Moulting. It gives growth and tightness to feather, clearness to voice, keeps tbem in general health and song. Canaries while breeding require no other egg. In packets, 2d., 4d., and 1/- tins. BIRD SEEDMIXTuRE,'a splendid mixture for Canaries, Mules and all British and Foreign Cage Birds. It contains Seeds of the choicest kinds and quality that form bone and muscle, others that enrich the plumage, promote and improve the song. In packets, Id., 2d., 4d. and Sd. each; SHELL SAND, for all kinds of Cage Birds, in packets, Id., 3d. and 6d. each. GERMANPM?TE,a noted food for Larks, & c., 6d. per lb. TONIC, for all kinds of Birds whell suffering from Asthma or out of condition ill any way, 6d. per boUle. INSECTDESTROYER,for freeing cages of red mites and other insects, 6d. per bottle. NEST BAGS.prepared expressly for Canary breeding, Id. each; Sd. per dozen. POULTRYPOWDEU,a marvellous discovery for promoting winter laying, it also enables them to withstand the gapes, roup, and other weakening diseases, in packets, 2d.': Ad. and Srl. each. Bird!'!and Animal!!!'p.lL Rldn!'!,mil Fp."thp.t'I. Ilr""~Arl

St. Mary's Church Mission Room St. Mary's Convalescent Home St. Paul's Cray Directory ... St. Peter and Paul's (Parish) Church Salisbury Road Salvation Army Sandford Road ... Sanitary Inspector, & c. Saxon Road School Clinic ... School of Music and Art School of Science and Art Schools - Elementary ... Schools - High . Scott's Avenue . Scott's Lane Scott's Road Sewerage Board Shawfleld Park ... Sheppard's College Sherman Road ... Shortlands Directory Shortlands Gardens Shortlands Street Directory Shortlands Grove Shortlands Road Simpsons Road Sinclair's Cottages Siward Road' ... Societies, Miscellaneous South Hill Road .... .. South Suburban Gas Co. (Bromley District) Southborough .... ... Southborough Mission, Room. Southborough Road ... Southlands Grove· Southlands Road (Bickley) Southlands Road ... South Street Spencer Road Springfield Road Stanhope Villas Stanley Road ... Station Road ... .. Station Road (Shortlands) Strict Baptist Chapel Sundridgll Avenue Sundridge Park Sunningdale Road Surveyor of Taxes Talbot Road Tariff Reform League ... Taxes, Collector of Taxes, Surveyor of


415, Exford Street, W. SHARES, £.25 EACH,I DEPOSITS RECEIVED Payable In full or by Inltalment.. In large or small amountl. DIVIDEND, 4 PER CENT. INTEREST, 3 PER CENT. Free of Income Tax. Wlthdrawall at ahort notice. IMMEDIATE ADVANCES UPON HOUSE PROPERTY. EASY MONTHLY REPAYMENTS. LAW AND SURVEY CHARGES FIXED AND MODERATE. Prospectus FREE on application to J. A. McDERMOTT. F.O.I.S., Secretary.

Telephone Service ... Temperance Societies Tennis Clubs ... Territorial Force Times of the World Toots Wood Road Town Hall Trades Directory Trinity Presbyterian Church ... ... ... Tuberculosis Dispensary (Kent County Council) Turncocks Turpington Lane Tweedy Road ,.. Tylney Road ... Union Road ... Unionist Association Upper Gravel Hoad Upper Park Road Vaccination Officer Vale Cottages Valley Road Vestry Clerk ... Victoria Road ... Village Hall Waldegrave Road Waldo Road Walpole Road Walter's Yard ... Wanstead Road Warner Road Warren Avenue Warren Road ... ... Weights and Measures, & c., Inspectors of Wellin~n Road Wells Road Wando Road Wesleyan Church West Kent Main Sewerage Board West Wickham Directory Westmoreland Road Weston Grove .. Weston Road .. West Street Wharton Road ... White Hart Assembly Rooms, .. White Hart Chambers ... Widmore Road, .. Winchester R

The Bazaar,



Have an Immense 5foeR of Novelties, INCLUDING Toys, Dolls, Games, Baskets, Work Boxes, Bags, Albums, Books China .and Glass, Fancy Goods, Stationery, & c. Dolls' Shoes, Socks, & c. local Jlrms £blna. « . local view Post cards.


Account .Book Manufacturers. Clarke E. & Son Ltd., 53, High Street, Bromley and High Street, St. Mary Cray. Telephone 414 Bromley ... 6 ,Advertising Contractors. , Clarke E. & Son Ltd., 53, High Street, Bromley and High Street, St. Mary Cray. Telephone 414 Bromley 6 Agricultural and Horticultural Sundries man. Dell W., 15, Market Squarp.,Bromley 18 Antique Dealer. Catford H., 25, The Broadway, Bromley... 4:10 Appraisers. Dunn H. G. & Sons, 32 to 40,Widmore Road; 36, Park Road and Queen's Road, Bromley 102 Art Needlework. Dean Mrs., 84, High:Street, Bromley 14: Artificial Teeth. Hennah & Roberts, 1, The Corner, High Street, Bromley Outside front cover Auctioneers and Surveyors. Alker & Co., adjoining Bickley Station.. 537 and 561 Baxter, Payne & Lepper, F.S.I., F.A.r., Market Square . (opposite General Post Office), Bromley; Railway Approach, Beckenham and 69, King William Street, E.C. Outside front & back covers, back of book & pages 356 & 560 Carter, Law & Leech, 56, East Street, Bromley and opposite S. Eo & C. Railway, Shortlands ... Inside front cover and page 651 Eastman, Pierce & Eastman & Co., St~ticn Gates, Orpington 638 Salter, Rex & Co., 311, Kentish Town Road, N.W. and 85, London Wall, E.C... ...See page 2 of Insurance Inset (~_ndof Book) ... ~Automobi1e Engineers. Bromley Central Garage, West Street, Bromley ... Outside front cover
Telephone, Bromley 221.,


Riding Masters and Motor Jobmasfers, 19, FREELANDS ROAD. BROMLEY. KENT. Superior Hacks; Hunters, and 'Harness Horses, Let on Hire by the Day, Week or Month. Quiet Horses and Ponies for Invalids and Children. Dog Carts, Wagonettes, Victorias and Landaus. SUPERIOR CARRIAGES FOR WEDDINGS. Private Omnibus for tbeatres, Balls, contracts, Dinner Partits. LUXURIOUS MOTOR CARS. Motors Garaged. Special Terms for Theatres and Balls, also Open Cars for Touring. Cars Overhauled by Skilled Mechanics.

Baby Linen Warehouse. Attwood & Co., 8A & 10, Broadway, Bromley. Bakers and Confectioners. Ackermann F. W.,13,The Broadway, Bromley Top & bottom edges Mannder W. Ltd., 1 & 2, Market Sq., Bromley 88 & Foot notes Band Providers. Phillips Howard Morley & Co., 5, Aberdeen Buildings, High Street and 30, Widmore Roa.d, Bromley Hl6a Banking. Lloyds Bank Limited, 33, Widmore Road. Bromley 255 London City & Midland Bank Limited, High Street, Bromley and 241 Beckenham Road, Beckenham 52 London County & Westminster Bank Limited, 141, High Street, Bromley and at Beckenham, Chislehurst, Orpington and West Wickham ... 279 London & Provincial Bank Limited, 16 & 18, High Street, Beckenham ... 463 London & South Western Bank Limited, 13, Kirkdale.Sydenham; 1, London Road, Forest Hill; U3A, Anerley Road, Anerley & 191, Rushey Green, Catford ... 296 Union of London & Smiths Bank Limited, 33, High Street, Bromley and at Hayes, Kent 60 Bill-Posters. Clarke E. & Son Ltd., 53, Hh.:h Street, Bromley and High Street, St. Mary eray. Telephone 414 Bromley ... 6 Blouse Specialists .. Wright Brothers, High Street, Bromley... 190a Bookbinders. Clarke E. & Son Ltd., 53, High Street, Bromley and High / Street, St. Mary Cr;lY. Telephone 414 Bromley 6 Boot and Shoe Makers. Ayling T. S., 15 & 16, Broadway, Bromley, and Church hill, Beckenham 74 Phillips, 26, East Street, Bromley 78 Bottled Beer Merchants. Uridge's High-Class Stores, 27 & 29, Widmore Road and 25, Masons Hill, Bromley Facing inside back cover, Bread and Biscuit Bakers. Ackermann F. W.,18, The Broadway, Bromley Top & bottom edges Maunder W. Ltd., 1 & 2, Market Sq., Bromley 88 & Foot note
Published ~!1 & WPllintmcnt. Annually.


~o TIlE Citltd, [andtd, and Official £laSSt$, CONTAHIING OVER Twenty Thousand Names, GIVES AN ALPHABETICAl, LIST OF ALL· MEMBERS OF NOBLE FAMILIES, BISHOPS, PUIVY· COUNCILLORS, BARONETS, MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE OF 001IMONS, LORDS-LJEUTENANT, GOVERNORS OF COLONIES, KNIGHTS AND COMPANIONS OF ORDERS, DIJANS AND AROHDEACONS, JUDGES, SERJEANTS-AT-LAW, KING'S COUNSEL. ETC.. SUPERIOR OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY, COUNTY MAGISTRATES AND OWNERS OF THE PUINOIPAL SEATS IN ENGLAND. The object of this book is to include. ill olle general alphabetical list, all those who have any definite position, or title, from Hereditary rank, Croroer conferreil 011 them by the Sover~igll, or from any of the higher gra\les of the Military, Naval, Legal,. Clcenter>erical, or Colollial Services of the State; al~o Depu ty Lieutellauts. Roy:!1 Acanemician~, Presidents ann Yice-Presinents of Learned Societies, County Comt Judges, and the larger landowners of the United Kingdom. it is to be o!J,erved that it is the only book which ena.bles any oue, by reference to a single li~t, to determine whether any person having a particular title exists, and if so, to lliscovcr his residence. LONDON: KELLY'S DIRECTORIES LTD., Post Office Directory Offices, '182, 123 & 184, HIGH HOLnOI~N, w.e. PRICE 15s.

Builders, Decorators and Contractors.

Amos G. R. & Son, 10, Simpsons Road, Bromley... 66 Arnaud J. C. & Son, 149, High Rtreet, Bromley... 32 Crossley T. & Son, Tweedy Road, Bromley 38 Henham T. & Son, 39, Beckenham Lane. Shortlands i Moore A., R.P.c., 23, Bromley Gardens, Bromley... 650 Palin M., 25, Lansdowne Road and 33, Farwig Lane, Bromley.. Inside back cover Pearce Brothers, Offices,Sherman Road, Bromley ... 206a

Builders' Ironmongers.

Crouch J. Morton, 41, Masons Hill and 25, Widmore Road, Bromley... ... 212a and 252a Darby Brothers, Bromley North Station and Sherman Road, Bromley 210

Building Material Merchants.

Darby Brothers, Bromley North Station and Sherman Road, Bromley 210

Building Societies.

Church of England, 22, Chancery Lane, London, w.e. 55 Portman Chapel, 415, Oxford Street, W ... 20 Temperance Permanent, 4, 6 & 8,Ludgate Hill, London, E.C. 42

Butcher. .

Williams G. H., 53, Beckenham Lane, Sbortlands 652

Cab and Fly Proprietors (see also Job and Post Masters).

Hills G., North Street Livery Stables and 13, South Street, Bromley... 34 Sparks Edward, 48, Stanley Road and 34, Napier Road, Bromley 84 Withycombe W. H., College Road, Bromley and 95, Martins Road, Shortlands ... 308 Cabinet Makers. Dunn H. G.& Sons, 32to 40, Widmore Road; 36, Park Road and Queen's Road, Bromley . 102 Humerston J. & Sons, 37, East St. arid CollegeRd., Bromley 4: Carpet Beating and Cleaning. British Window Cleaning Co., Office,93, High St., Bromley 146 Swastika Laundry (The),. Works, 218, Homesdale Road, Bromley; branch receiving shop, 28, Rushey Green, Catford ... 80 Carrier. Sparks Rdward, 48, Stanley Road & 34. Napier Road, Bromley 4: Certified Bailiffs. Carter, Law &. Leech, 56, East Street, Bromley & opposite S. E. & C. Rly., Shortlands ... Inside front cover & page 651


m Boarbing and Day $cbool for Girls. Pupils prepared for Oxford, Kensington and Associated Board of R.A.M. and R.c. M. Examinations. Facilities for Hearing and Speaking French, equal to those of the best foreign Schools. Music, Singing, Drawing and Painting by Certificated Teachers. Dancing, Drilling, Tennis. Spacious House, Extensive and Beautiful Grounds. The Convent, recently rebuilt, offers all modern advantages for Education. The Building is lighted by Electricity, and warmed by Central Heating Apparatus; with perfect sanitation. Private Lessons may be arranged for French or any other Subject.

Chandlers. Isard E. & Son, Market Square, Bromley Circulating LibrarY. Martin T. & Sons, 11 & J2, The Broadway, Bromley P.A.G& 36 Outside front cover 6 18 10 193 648 Top & bottom edges Maunder W. Ltd., 1 & 2, Market Sq., Bromley 88 & Foot notes Copper Plate Printers. Clarke E. & Son Ltd., 53, High Street, Bromley and High Street, St. Mary Cray. Telephone 414 Bromley Corn Merchants. Dell W., 15, Market Square, Bromley ... Grinsted Daniel Limited, Offices& stores, 124:, High Street, Bromley; 18, Market Square, Bromley; Bencewell Granaries, Bromley Common and 57, High Street, Beckenham Costumiers. Attwood & Co., SA & 10, Broadway, Bromley 409 Skinner & Grant, 129A & 130, High Street, Broml~y and at Regent Street, London, W... ... ... ... 194a Clothiers. Pfeil C. F., 20, The Broadway, Bromley... Coach Builder. Dean F., 2, Tylney Road, Bickley and Widmore Road, Bromley 539 Coal and Coke Merchants. Grinsted Dauiel Ltd., Offices & stores, 124, High Street, Bromley; 18, Market Square, Bromley; Bencewell Granarie.~, Bromley Common and 57, High Street, Becimnham 193 Smallbone's Stores, 65, 77 & 79, Beckenham Lane, Shortlands. Telephone No. Bromley 331 Confectioners and Pastrycooks. Ackermann F. W., 13, The BroadWay, Bromley Curiosity Dealer. Hambleton E. W., 10, East Street, Bromley 82 Dairymen, Dairy Farmers and Cowkeepers. The Creamery (G. Trenholm, Manager), 8, Widmore Road, Bromley... 233 & 540 Dental Surgery. Rennah & Roberts, 1, The Corner, High Street, Bromley Outside front cover
GARDENS laid out and kept in order . . . by Contract or otherwise. CUCUMBERS AND TOMATOES FRESH DAILY IN SEASON. £ut '=lo"'Jtrs c!f; WREATHS & CROSSES .;t, Ca.ref~~~~~~~d and , W'" A E T OR Wl by Parcels Post, -===-,;::--- ~ lY.I D 0 DER. Terms on application. Bedd~ng Plants k Scrubs of Every Description. Every Req1uisite for the Garden Supplied. STAND, BROMLEY MARKET, EVERY THURSDAY.


Nurserymen and Florists, "Park Nursery," London Road, Bromley, KENT.

Depositories. Bishop & Sons, Hugh Street and Ebury St., Pimlico, S.W. Facing page 312 Dunn H. G. & Sons, 32 to 40, Widmore Road; 36, Park Road and Queen's Road, Bromley 102 Humerston J. & Sons, 37, East Street & College Road, Bromley ... ... ... ... ... Soan S. & Son, Head office, 45, College Roa~; depository & warehouses, Farwig Lane & College Road, Bromley... 167 Taylor Charles & Sou, St. George's Road, Southwark, S.E. . Facing page 496 Die Sinkers. Clarke E. & Son Limited, 53,High Street, Bromley and High Street, St. Mary Cray. Telephone 414 Bromley Discount Booksellers. Clarke E. & Son Limited, 53, High Street, Bromley and High Street, St. Mary Cray. Telephone 414 Bromley .. Domestic Machinery Stores. Crouch J. Morton, 41, Masons Hill & 25, Widmore Road, Bromley... ... 212a and 252a Drapers. Attwood & Co., 8A & 10, Broadway, Bromley Dafforn's, 9, Widmore Road, Bromley . Wright Brothers, High Street, Bromley . Dressmakers. Attwood & Co., 8A & 10, Broadway, Bromley Dafiorn's, 9, Widmore Road, Bromley ... Skinner & Grant, 129A & 130, High Street, Bromley and at Regent Street, London, W. Hl4a Dyers and Cleaners. Bloomfield Laundry, Bromley Common New Invicta Sanitary Laundry (The) (E. Trigg & Sons), 23, Elliott· Road, Bromley; branch shop, 14, The Broadway, Bromley 68 Podger & Sons, 3, Market Square, Bromley 62 Sundridge Park Laundry, Scott's Road, Bromley... 90 Swastika Laundry (The), Works, 218, Homesdale Road, Bromley; branch receiving shop, 28, Rushey Green, Catford ... Electrical Engineers. Amos G. R. & Son, 10, Simpsons Road, Bromley ... Crouch J. Morton, 41, Masons Hill and 25,Widmore Road, Bromley ... 212a and 252a Ovenden E., 17, Heathfield Road, Bromley 84 Week~ G.& Sons,61,High Street,Bromley,and at Beckenham 72 and Foot notes
Established 1862. Telephone,Bromley 532. . ESTIMIMATES FOR WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION IN CONNECTION WITH THE ~N BUILDING AND +J ~ =~~G ~~ ~ ~ ~~ 0"" ~t1(. ~W S",(0 ~~ \ ~~ ~ ~\tb'(\ ~f;,t{'I . ~ o,ClrI 40~ ~ /: BUILDERS, DECORATORS, SANITARY- ENGINEERS. DRAIN TESTING AND REPORTS.

Electrotypers and Stereotypers. Clarke E. & Son Limited,53, High Street, Bromley and High Street, St. Mary Cray. Telephone 414 Bromley tj Engineers. Bromley Motor & Engineering Works (R. E. Ant1ony, A.1LI.M.E., Proprietor), Masons Hill, Bromley Outside front cover and page 206b Engravers. Clarke E. & Son Limited, 53, High Street, Bromley and High Street, St. Mary Cray. Telephone 414 Bromley 6 Fancy Goods, Toys and Stationery. Baker M. & J., The Bazaar, 114, High Street, Bromley 22 Fancy and Leather Goods Depot. Clarke E. & Son Limited,53, High Street, Bromley and High Street, St. :Mary Cray. Telephone 414 Bromley 6 Fancy Repository. Dean Mrs., 84, High Street, Bromley 14 Florists. Knappett D. & Son, Park Nursery, London Road, Bromley 30 Foreign Booksellers. Clarke E. & Son Limited, 53, High Street, Bromley and High Street, Bt. lVIary Cray. Telephone 414 Bromley... 6 Foreign and Modern ~anguage Printers. Clarke E. & Son Limited, 53, High Street, Bromley and High Street, St. Mary Cray. Telephone 414 Bromley... 6 Fruiterers and Greengrocers. Smallbone's Stores, 65, 77 & 79, Beckenham Lane, Shortlands. Telephone No. Bromley 33L. 648 Funeral Furnishers. Chappell Francis & Son, 25, High Street; 75, Southlands Road & 45, Stanley Hoad, Bromley ] 90b Humerston J. & Sons, 37, East Street and College Road, Bromley... 4 Furniture Depositories (see Depositories and also Household Removals). Furrier. Krantz l., 18, The Broadway, Bromley ...
NORTH STREET LIVERY STABLES (Close to Bromley North Station). IF YOU WANT A CARRIAGE for DRIVES, CALLS, PARTIES, & c., or a CAB for Station or School, GO TO


. For 16 Years with a Local Firm and well recommended. TERMS STRICTLY MODERATE. A COOD TURN-OUT ASSURED. PERSONAL ATTENTION TO ALL ORDERS. Private Address: 13, South Street, BROMLEY

Gas and Hot Water Fitters. Arnaud J. C. & Son, 149, High Street, Bromley 32 Crouch J. Morton, 41, Masons Hill and 25, Widmore Road, Bromley... ... 212a and 252a Henham T. & Son, 39, Beckenham Lf\ne, Shortlanos i Moore A., R.P.C., 23, Bromley Gardens, Bromley 650 Ovenden K, 17, Heathfield Uoad, Bromley 84 Pearce Brothers, Offices, Sherman Hand, Bromley... 206a, Weeks G. & ~ODS, 61, High St., Bromley, and at Bcckenham rdand Foot notes Glass and Lead Merchants. Darby Bros., Bromley North Station and Sherman Road, Bromley 210 Goldsmith. Payne E. W., 133, High Street, Bromley Front edges Grocers and Provision Merchants. Smallhone's Stores, 65, 77 and 79, Beckenham Lane, Shortlands. Tel. No. Bromley 331 648 Uridge's High-class Stores, 27 imd 29, Widmore Road and 25, Masons Hill, Bromley . facing inside back. cover Hatters. Pratt G. & Co., 6, High Street, Beckenham; :tlw at Streatham and 148, Leadenhall Street, E.C ii Hay, Strl1,wand Clover Merchants. Grinsted Daniel Limited, Offices & stores, 124, High Street, Bromley; 18, Market Square, Bromley; Bencewell Granaries, Bromley Common and 57, High Street, Beckenham 193 Horticultural Sundriesman; . Dell W., 15, Market Square, Bromley 18 Hosiers and Glovers. Attwood & Co., 8A and 10, Broadway, Bromley 409 Dafforn's, 9, Widmore Road, Bromley... 86 Marler Henry, 54, High Street, Bromley 76 Hospitals, Institutions and Societies. Cancer Hospital, Fulbam Road, S.W .... See Inset facing page 128 Children's Aid Society, Office, Victoda House, 117, Victoria Street, S.W. .,. .... .:.See Inset facing page 128 City of London Truss Society, 35: Finsbury Square, London, E.C. ... See Inset facing page 12S Dr. Barnardo's Homes, 18 to 26 Stepney Causeway, E. See Inset facing page 1~!8


Tallow Chandlers and OIL MERCHANTS, Market Square, Bromley. Agents to Price's and Field's Patent Candle Companies and to Anglo-American Oil Co. and 'for Pratt's Petrol, & c. ROYAL FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT, BUR GLARY, & c., & c., INSURANCE OFFICE.

Hospitals, Institutions and Societies-continued. Field Lane Institution, Vine Street, Clerkenwell, E.O. See Inset facing page 128 Governesses' Benevolent Institution, Head office, ·Walter House~ 418-4~2, Strand, W.O. ... ...See Inset facing page 128 Holloway Discharged Prisoners' Aid Society, Victoria House, 117, Victoria Street, S. W ... See Inset facing page 128 Homes of Hope, 4, 5 & 6, Regent Square, Gray's Inn Road, W. O. ... See In~et facing page 128 Infant Orphan Asylum, Offices, 63, Ludgate Hill, E.O. See Inset facing page 128 Kensington and Fulham General Hospital, Earl's Court, London, S.W.... ." ... See Inset facing page 128 Miller General Hospital for South-East London, Greenwich Road, S.E.... ... ... ... 176a & 176b National Benevolent Institution, Office, 65, Southampton Row, W.C. See Inset facing page 128 National Children's Home & Orphanage, Chief offices, 104-122 City Road, Landolt, E.C. ... See Inset facing page 128 National Refuges for Homeless & Destitute Children, London office, 164, Shaftesbury Avenue, W.C. _" See Inset facing page 128 National Society for the Prevention of Omelty to Children, Central office, Leicester Sq., W.C ... See Inset facing page 128 National Truss Society, 2, Arthur Street, London Bridge, E.O. See Inset facing page 128 Queen Charlotte's Lying-in Hospital, Marylebone Road. London, N.W. See Inset facing page 128 Royal BIitish Orphan Schools, Office, 27, Olements Lane, E.C. See Inset facing page 128 Royal National Mission to Deep Sea Fishermen, 181, Queen Victoria Street, E. O. See Inset facing page 128 Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, 105, Jermyn Street, S.W. See Inset facing page 128 Royal Westminster Ophthalmic Hospital, King William Street, Strand, W.O. See Inset facing page 128 St. Andrew's ·Waterside Church Mission, 65, Fenchurch Street, Londou, E.C. ...See Inset facing page 128 St. John's Skin Hospital, Uxbridge Road, W. See Inset facing page 128 St. Luke's Hospital for Mental Diseases, Old Street, E.C. See Inset facing page 12R St. Thomas's Hospital, Westminster Bridge Road, S.~. See Inset facing page 128 Temporary Home for Lost & Starving Dogs, Battersea Park Road, S.W & Hackbridge, Surrey ... See Inset facing page 128 Westmmster Hospital, opposite Westminster Abbey, S.W. « 8ee Inset facing page 128 Woman's Mission to Women, Offices, Victoria House, 117. Victoria Street, S.W..., ...See Inset facing page 128
CONTRACTORS TO H.M. OFFICE OF WORKS. Sawing, Planing & Moulding. Mills and Offices: Tweedy Road, 1i& BROMLEY. ADJACENT TO THE NORTH STATION. Every description of Work in the Trade promptly executed.


Building Contractors ~ and Decorators. LARGE. STAFF OF EXPERIENCED WORKMEN KEPT. ------. SANITARY TESTS AND SURVEYS MADE. Tehelephoe Bromley 298, Agents for County Fire Oflloe.

House Decorators. Amos G. R & Son, 10, Simpsons Road, Bromley... 66 Newbery J., 47, West Street, Bromley... 211 House Furnishers. DUlln H. G. & Sons, 32 to 40, Willmore Road; 36, Park Road & Quecn's Road, Bromley... 102 Humcrston J. & Sons, 37, East Street and UolJegc Hoa(l, Bromley... 4 Soan S. & Son, Head office, 45, College Road; depository & warehouses, Farwig Lane aud College Road, Bromley 167 Household Removals. Bishop & Sons, Hugh Street and Ebury Street, Pimlico, S.W. Facing page 312 Dunn H. G. & Sons, 32 to 40, Widmore Road; 36, Park Road and Queen's Road, Bromley... 102 Homerston J. & Sons, 37, East St. and College Rd., Bromley 4 Soan S. & Son, Head office, 45, College Road; depositories & warehouses, Farwig Lane and College Road, Bromley 167 Taylor Charles &. Son, St. George's Road, Southwark, S.E. Facing page 496 House, Land and Estate Agents. Alker & Co., adjoining Bickley Hailway :3tation 537 and 561 Baxter, Payne &, Lepper, F.S.I., F.A.I., Market Square (opposite General Post Office), Bromley; Railway Approach, Beckenham and ii9, King William St., E.C. Outside front and back covers; Back of book and pages 356 & 560 Carter Law & Leech, 56, East Street, Bromley and opposite S. l'J. & C. Hailway, Shortlands ... ... Inside front cover & page 651 Chattell David .T. & Sons, 65, Chisleburst Road, Chislehurst, and 29A, Lincoln's Inn Fields, London, W.C. 552 Eastman, Pierce & Eastman & Co., Statioll Gates, Orpington 638 Salter, Rex & Co., 311, Kentish Town Hoad, N.W. and 85 London Wall, E.C See page 2 of Insurance Inset (Endof Book)


Confederation Life Association, 23-28, Fleet Street, E.C. See page 10 of Insurance Inset (End of Book) County Fire Office, Limited, 50, Hegent Street, W. and 4, Lombard Street, E.C., London ... ...See page 10 of 1nsurance Inset (End of Book) London Assurance Corporation, 7, Royal Exchange, London, E.U.; West End Office, 22, l'al1Mall, S. \Y See page 13 of Insurance Inset (End of Book) National Mutual Life Association of Australasia Limited, 5, Cheapside, London, E.C.... ... ... See page 1 of Insurance Inset (End of Book)


(I ncorporat ed 1850), 0. Personal Security, Shares, Leases, & c., at moderate interest. Repayable by instalments, or as agreed. Nll preliminary fees. Forms free. 6, Lancaster Place, Waterloo Bridge, Strand, W.O.; 38, SHIP STREET, BRIGHTON; 199, QUEEN'S ROAD, HASTINGS; And 31, Walbrook, Mansion House, E.O. ESTABLISHED OVER 60 YEARS. CHAS. H. wnw BT, .secretary.

Insurance-continued. North British & Mercantile Insurance Co., 61, Threadneedle Street, London, E.C. ... See page 9 of Insurance Inset (End of Book) Norwich Union Mutual Life Office, 49, Fleet Street, E.C. See page 7 of Insurance Inset (End of Book) Ocean Accident & Guarantee Corporation Limited, Head Office, Nloorgate Street, E.C. ... 5 of Insurance Inset (End of Book) Royal Exchange Assurance, Royal Exchange, London, E.C.; West End Branch, 44, Pall Mall, S.W. ... See page 2 of Insurance Inset (End of Book) Royal Insurance Co. Ltd., 24·28, Lombard Street, London, E.C. ... ... See page 1 of Insurance Inset (End of Book) Sun Fire Office, Chief Office, 6R, Threadneedle Street, E.C. 100 Insurance Brokers. Salter, Rex & Co., 311. Kentish Town Road, N.W. and 85, London Wall, E.C. ...See page 2 of Insurance Inset (End of Book) Irish Laces, Linens and Poplins. Irish Warehouse (The), 147, Regent Street, London, W. Facing page 480 Ironmongers. Crouch J. Morton, 41, Masons Hill and 25, Wid more Road, Bromley ... 212a and 252a Weeks G. & Sons, 61, High Street, Bromley, and at Beckenham 72 and Foot notes Jewellers. Dotter K., 123, High Street~ Bromley 12 May John~ 47, ~fasons Hill, Bromley 8 Pfeil C. F., 20, The Broadway, Bromley... 10 Job and Post Masters. Hills G., North Stl·eet Livery Stables and 13, South Street, Bromley Sparks Edward, 48, Stanley Rd. & 31, Napier Rd .. Bromley 84 Withycombe W. H., College Road, Bromley and 95, Martins Road, Shortlands... 308 Wood Selby & Son, 19, Frf~elands Road, Bromley... 24 Ladias' and Children's Outfitters. Attwood & Co., 8A & 10, Broadway, Bromley Ladies' Employment Bureau. Imperial Agency Ladies' Employment Bureau & Servants' Registry Office (Miss Mary Bartlett, Principal), The TO'Hn, Enfield·

Temperance Permanent Building Society,

4, 6 & 8, LUDGATE HILL, LONDON, E.C. THE LARGEST, STRONGEST AND CHEAPEST IN LO~J~ON. Prom pi: Ai'lvances. Easy Redernp~:i:n,s. Light Repayments. Low Costs.· ABSOLUTE SECUI(ITY FO~ INVESTOI(S Shares, 4 per cent. Deposits, 3 per cent. Q.ESER.VE FUND exceeds £140,000. EDWARD WOOD, JJ1a1zager.

Ladies' and Gentlemen's Tailors. Barber n., 44, East Street, Bromley Beverton A. E., Park Honse, 28, Widmore Rmd, Bromley 256ft and 2566 Krantz I., 18, The Broadway, Bromley ... Skinner & Grant, 129a & 130, High Stl'cet, Bromley and at Regent Street, London, W. Walker & Wicks, 67, London Hoad, Bromley Laundries. Belmont Hand Laundry (Grubey & Townsend, Proprietors), 34, Addison Road, Bromley Common 196b Bloomfield L'lundry, Bromley Comma a .. , 144 Bradford's Steam Launrlry, Church Road, Upper Norwood iv Gresham Laundry, Bromley Common 194b New Invicta Sanitary Laundry (The) (E. Trigg & Sons), 23, Elliott Road, Bromley j branch shop, 14, The Broadway, Bromley 68 Podger & Sons, 3, Market Square, Bromley 62 Sundridge Park Laundry, Scott's Road, Bromley... 90 Swastika Laundry (The), Works, 218, Homesdale Road, Bromley; branch receiving shop, 28, Rushey Green, Catford ... 80 Leather Sellers and Grindery Merchants. Phillips, 26, East Street, Bromley 78 Lithographic Printers. Clarke E. & Son Ltd., 53, High Street, Bromley and High Street, St. Mary Cray. Telephone 414 Bromley 6 Loans. Mutual Loan Fund Association Ltd., 5, Lancaster Place, Waterloo Bridge, Strand, W,C. & 31, Walbr~)Qk,Mansion House, E. C. 40 Locksmiths and Bellhangers. Crouch J. Morton, 41, Masons Hill & 25, Widmore Road, Bromley... ... 212a and 252a Weeks G. & Sons) 61, High Street, Bromley, & at Beckenham 72 and Foot notes Machine Rulers, Perforators and Numerical Printers. Clarke E. & Son L ttl. , 53, High Street, Bromley and High Street, St. Mary Cray. Telephone 414 Bromley 6 Meat Carrier. Sparks Edward, 48, Stanley Rd. & 34, Napier Rd., Bromley


for tb¢ Daugbttrs of Gentltmen. HOLWOOD ROAD, BROMLEY, KENT. ESTABLISHED 1866. Principal Mrs. F. Fertel, A.e P. (Hons.), M.e.p. Assisted by a large staff of experienced Teachers. PIANO, HARMONY, SINGING VIOLIN PAINTING GYMNASTICS DANCING .. Mr. F. FERTEL, Ol'guni.t lind Choirmaster Plfrish Churd/. Miss D. A. MASON, L.T.C.L. Miss M. A. BAXTER, National Prize Jiolder, South K!'fI$ington. Miss BEALE. Miss DRA YCOTT. Pupils prepared for Musical and other Public Examinations. A very high percentage ot passes has hitherto been obtained.

Milliners. Attwood & Co., 8A & 10, Broadway, Bromley Dafforn's, 9, Widmore Road, Bromley . Wright Brothers, High Street, Bromley . 45 PAGJ: 409 86 190a Motor BOdy Builder. Dean F., 2, Tylney Road, Bickley nnd Widmore Road, Bromley... 539 Motor Engineers. Bromley Motor & Engineering Works (R. E. Anthony, A.rILI.IILE., Proprietor), Masons Hill, Bromley Outside front cover and page 206b Motor Garage. Bromley Central Gal'8ge, West Street, Bromley Outside front cover Motor Jobmasters. Wood Selby & Son, 19, Freelands Road, Bromley... 24 Musical Instruments. Phillips Howard :Morley & Co., Fl, Aberdeen Bnildinge, High Street and 30 Widmore Road, Bromley 196a Music Printers. Clarke E. & Son Ltd., 53, High Street, Bromley and High Street, St.. Mary Cray. Telephone 414 Bromley ... 6 Naturalist. Dell W., 15, Market Square, Bromley... 18 Newspaper. Kentish Mercury, 6 to 11, Blackheath Road, Greenwich, S.E. 142 Newspaper and Magazine Agents. Clarke E. & Son Ltd., 53, High Street, Bromley and High Street, St. Mary Dray. Telephone 414 Bromley 6 Nurserymen. Knappett D. & Son, Park Nursery, London Road, Bromley ... , 30 Nursing Home. Bromley Nursing Home (Miss Boss, Principal), 34 & 35 Palace Grove, Bromley 206b Oil and Color Merchants. Darby Brotherll, Bromley North Station and Sherman Road, Bromley .,. 210 Oil'Merchants. Isard E. & Son, Market Square, Bromley


Outfitters. Attwood & Co., 8A & 10, Broadway, Bromley 409 Marler Henry, 54, High Street, Bromley 76 Pratt G. & Co., ti, High Street, Beckenltam; also at StreatLam and 148, Leadenhall Street, E.C. ii' Painters and Paperhangers. Arnaud J.C. & Son, 149, High Street, Bromley 32 Benham T. & Son, 39, Beckenham Lane, Shol'tlands i Newbel'Y J., 47, West Street, Bromley... 211 Paste Manufacturers. Leadenhall Press, Limited, 29.47, ,Garden Row, Southwark, S.E. ", iiL, 40, 50 and 196b Pawnbroker. Pfeil C. F., 20, The Broadway, Bromley... 10 Pianoforte and Music Stores. Phillips Howard Morley & Co., 5, Aberdeen Buildings, High Street and 30, Widmore Hoad, Bromley 196a Picture Frame Makers and Gilders, & c. Clarke E. & Son Limited, fiR, High Street, Bromley and High Street, St. Mary Cray. Teleph?~e 414: Bromley 6 Plumbers and Glaziers. Amos G. R. & Son, 10, Simpsons Road, Bromley... 66 Arnaud .r. C. & Son, 149, High Street, Bromley... 32 Crouch J. Morton, 41, Masons Hill and 25, Widmore Road, Bromley... ... 212a and 252a Benham T. & Son, 39, Beckenham Lane, Shortlands 'i Moore A., R.P.c., 23, Bromley Gardens, BtQmley... 650 Newbery J., 47, West Street, Bromley... ...211 Ovenden E., 17 Heathfield Road, Bromley 84 Pearce Brothers, Offices, Sherman Road, Bromley '~. 206a Weeks G. & Sons,61, High St,reet, Bromley,and at Beckenham 72 and Foot notes Printers and Stationers. Clarke E. & Son Limited, 53, High Street, Bromley and High Street, St. Mary Cray. Telephone 414. Bromley 6 Railway and Shipping Agents. Soan S. & Son, Head office, 45, College Road; depository &. warehouses, Farwig Lane and College Road, Bromley... 16 7 Relief Stampers. Clarke E. & Son Limited, 53, High Street, Bromley and High Street., St. Mary Cray. Telephone 414 Bromley 6


HIGH-CLASS SCHOOL FOR GIRLS~ Shortlands Grove, SHORTLANDS. Principals Miss E. A. KENDALL, A.C.P., Camb. Higher Local (Honours). Miss C. A. KENDALL, A.C.T., Bronze Medallist S. Kensington. Assisted by Competent Staff. Special advantages are offered in Music, Languages and Art; Courses of Lessons are given on Art and Architecture in connection with which visits are made to Picture Galleries, Museums and Churches. Weekly Boarders can be taken. Attention is given to health and deportment, and there is a short interval during morning classes for Recreation and Physical Culture. RAYMONT is situated on high ground with birge garden and full·sized Tennis Lawn

Riding Masters. Wood Selby & Son, 19, Freelands Road, Bromley Sanitary Engineers. Amos G. R. & Son, 10 Simpsons Road, Bromley ... Arnaud J. C. & Son, 149, High Street, Bromley ... Crouch J. Morton, 41, Masons Hill and 25, Widmore Road, Bromley... ...212a and 252a Henham T. & Son, 39, Beckenham Lane, Shortlands i Moore A., R.P.C., 23, Bromley Gardens, Bromley... 650 Palin M., 25, Lansdowne Road and 33, Farwig Lane, Bromley...... Inside back cover Pearce Brothers, Offices, Sherman Road, Bromley ... 20Ba Weeks G. & Sons, 61, High Street, Bromley and at Beckenham 72 and Foot notes Schools and Colleges. Havelock House Preparatory School for Boys (Miss Ray), London Road, Bromley . Hohncroft School (Mrs. F.Fertel, Principal), Holwood Road, Bromley .... ... ... ... ... 44 Holy Trinity Convent, Boarding and Day School for Girls, Bromley... 28 Qnernmore RehooI, Kinnaird Park, Bromley ... 334a and 334b Raymont School for Girls (Misses E. A. and C. A. Kendall, Principals), Shortlands Grove, Shortlands Seedsmen, & c. Dell W., 15. Market Square, Bromley Grinsted Daniel Limited, Officesand stores, 124, High Street, Bromley; 18, Market Square, Bromley; Bencewell Granaries,BromleyCommon and 57,HighSt, Beckenham 193 Servants' Registries, &0. Baker M. & J., The Bazaar, 114, High Street, Bromley Imperial Agency Ladies' Employment Bureau & Servants' Registry Office (Miss Mary Bartlett, Principal), The Town, Enfield Shirt and Collar Dressers. New Invieta Sanitary Laundry (The) (E. Trigg & Sons), 23, Elliott Road, Bromley; branch shop, 14, The Broadway, Bromley Podger & Sons, 3, Market Square, Bromley Sundridge Park Laundry, Scott's Road, Bromley ... Swastika Laundry (The), Works, 218, Homesdale Road, Bromley; branch receiving shop, 2t', Rushey Green, Catford ... Silversmiths. Dotter K., 123, High Street, Bromley . May John, 47, Masons Hill, Bromley . Payne E. W., 133, High Street, Bromley
4-oz. bottle 12-oz. " Gallon Jar Gallon " Brushes .2d. Gd. tfG/- 10/-

Photo - Stickphast

The Best and Cheapest Photo-Mountant. British Made by British Workmen. Chemically Pure and non-acid. Absolutely Smooth and free from lumps. Guaranteed not to cockle the print. So cheap that it can be used for all perposes. Guarenteed by the Manufacturers of the well-known STICKPHAST PASTE. Of all Staiioners, Chemists, Photo-Material Dealers, etc., etc

Specialist in Voice Production. Izard-Coltman R., Mountfield, 66, Babbacombe Road, Bromley... . ... 212lJ Stationers, Booksellers, Newsagents, & c. Ularke E. & Son Limited, 53, High Street, Bromley and High Street, St. Mary Cray. Telephone 414 Bromley 6 Martin T. & Sons, 11 & 12, The Broadway, Bromley Outside front cover Stickphast Paste Manufacturers. Leadenhall Press, Limited, 29-47, Garden Row, Southwark, S.E. iii., 40, 50 and 1961J Stone and Monumental Masons. Darby Bros., Bromley North Station and Sherman Road, Bromley... 210 Stoves and Ranges. Moore A., R.P.C., 23, Bromley Gardens, Bromley... ... 650 Weeks G. & Sons, 61, High Street, Bromley, and at Beckenham 72 and Foot notes


Alker & Co., adjoining Bickley Railway Station ... 537 and 561 Baxter, Payne & Lepper, F.B.I., F.AM., Mb.rket Square (opposite General Post Office), Bromley; Railway Approach, Beckenham and 69, King William St. E.C. Outside fron~ and baek covers; Back of book and pages 356 & 560 Carter, La~ & Leech, 56, East Street, Bromley, and opposite S. E. & C. Railway, Shortlands Inside front . cover and page 651 Eastman, Pierce & Eastman & Co., Station Gates,Orpington 638 Salter, Rex & Co., 311, Kentish Town Road, N.W. and 85, London Wall, E.C.... See page 2 of Insurance Inset (End of Book) Krantz 1.,18, The Broadway, Bromley ... Marler Henry, 54, High. Street"Bromley... ... Pratt ..Q-. & Co., 6, High Street, Beckenham; also at Streatham and 148, Leadenhall Street, E.C. Skinner & Grant, 129a and 130, High Street, Bromley and at Regent Street, London,W. ... 194a Walker & Wicks, 67, London Road, ,Bromley 66 Tailors and Habit Makers. Barber R., 44, East Street, Bromley Beverton A. E., Park House, 28, Widmore Road, Bromley 256a-and 256lJ Tallow Chandlers. Isard E. & Son, Market Square, Bromley 3


DIRECTORS. SIlLEDWARD H. HOLDE:S, Bllrt .. 'C'hatrman and lIIatlagi1lg Direr/or. WILLIAM GRAHAJM BRADSHAW, Esq., London, Deputy-Chairman. THE RT. HON. LORD AIREDALE, Leeds. GEORGE FRANKLIN, Esq., Sheffield. "[Il I'BHCY E. BATES, Bart. Li verpool. H. :'\D1r80:-; Gme. l';sq., LeICester. IWIIEltT CI,OVER BEAZLEY. Esq .. Liverpool. JOHN HOWARD GWYTHEB., Esq., London. B[1l W~1. BENJA~UN BOWltING, Bart., Liverpool. AltTHURT. KEE:"!, Esq., llirminll'ham. JOH~ ALEXANDElt CHItI~TIE, Esq., London. THE itT. HaN. LOIU) rlltRIE, K.P., London, DAYIn DAYIE'\, Esq., M.P., Llandinam. THE ItT. Ho};. LOUD ROTHERHA1I1, Manchester. FRANK DUDLEY DOCKER, Esq., C.B.. Birmingham. THOMAS HOYDEN. Esq., Liverpool. 'FREnKltICK H YNDE FOX, Esq., Liverpool. WILLIAM FITZTHOMAS WYLEY. Esq ..Coventry. loitl! Genlf'al Manag",s: J. M. MADDERS, S. B. MURRAY. and F. HYDE. Secretary: EDWARD J. MORRIS. 5, HEAD THREADNEEDLE OFFICE: STREET, LONDON, E.C. Telegraphic Address - CIMIDHO, STOCK, LONDON." SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL PAID-UP CAPITAL RESERVE FUND Telephone-2481 London WaH. £20,873,520 £4,348,650 .£3,700,000 DEPOSIT & CURRENT ACCOUNTS ("an.) 1914 £96,485,878 CASh in hand, at CALL, and at SHORT NOTICE· " £30,055,473 BILLS OF EXCUANGE " £12,718,333 INVESTMENTS . " £7,970,927 ADVANCES, & c. " £52,020,707 OVER 860 OFFICES IN ENGLAND AND WALES. LOCAL BRANCHES. Bromley ... B20!enha~ HIGH STREET... ... ... 241, BECKENHAM ROAD ... Manager, John A. Ellans. " F. F. Jeffery.

Taxidermist. Dell W., 15, Market, Square, Bromley Theatre Ticket Office and Concert Agency. Phillips Howard Morley &, Co., 5, Aberdeen Buildings, High Street and 30, Widmore Road, Bromley ... 196a Tilers, Slaters and Lathers. Darby Brothers, Bromley North Station & Sherman Road, Bromley 210 Typewriting Offices. Carter, Law &, Leech, 5fi, East Street, Bromley and opposite S. E. & C. Railway, Shortlands ... lnside front cover &, page ~51 Clarke E. & Son Limiteo, 53, High Street, Bromley and High Street, St. Mary Uray. Telephone 4.14 Bromley... 6 Uudertakers, & c. Chappell Francis & Son, 25, High Street; 75, Southlands Road and 45 Stanley Road, Bromley 190b Dunn H. G. & Sons, 32 to 40, Widmore Road; 36, Park Road & Queen's Road, Bromley 102 Humerston J. & ~ons, 37, East St. & College Rd., Bromley 4 Upholsterers. Dunn H. G. & Sons, 32 to 40, Widmore Road; 36, Park Road & Queen's Road, Bromley... ... ... 102 Humerston J. & Sons, 37, East 8t.& College Rd.,Bromley Swastika Laulldry (The), Works, 218, Homesdale Road Bromley; branch receiving shop, 28, Rushey Green; eatford ... 80 .. Valuers. Alker & Co., adjoining Bickley Railway Station ... 531 and 561 Baxter, Payne & Lepper, F.B.I., F.A.I., Market Square (opposite General Post Office), Bromley; Railway Approach, Beckenham & 69, King William Street, E.C. Outside front and back covers; Back of book and pages 356 & 560 Carter, Law &, Leech, 56, East Street, Bromley and opposite S. E. & O. Railw-ay, ShortlandS ... Inside front cover & page 651 Eastman, Pierce & Eastman &, Co., Station Gates, Orpington 638 Humerston J. & Sons, 37, East St. & College Rd.,Bromley... 4 Saltt'r, Rex & Co., 311 Kentish Town Road, N.W. and 85 London Wall, E. C. .. ............. See page 2 of Insurance Inset (End of Book) Wardrobe Dealer. Hambleton E. W., 10, East Street, Bromley Watch and Clock Makers. Dotter R., 123, High Street, Bromley May John, 47, Masons Hill, Bromley Pfeil C. F., 20, The Broadway, Bromley ... Wearing Apparel. Hambleton E. W.,10, East Street, Bromley Window Cleaners. British Window Cleaning Co.; Office, 93 High St., Bromley 146 Wine and Spirit Merchants. Smallbone's Stores, 65, 77 and 79, Beckenham Lane, Shortlands .. Telephone No. Bromley 331 ... 648 Uridge's High-class Stores, 27 and 29, Widmore Road and 25, Masons Hill, Bromley... Facing- inside back cover Wood and Process Engravers. Clarke E. & Son Limited, 53, High Street, Bromley and High Street, St. Mary Cray. Telephone 414 Bromley 6
WHERE CAN I INVEST MY SAVINGS WITH SAFETY p. tot bring In a regular non-fluctuating moderate rate of thbl est (Income Tax Free), so that if the money be wltllted, I can give notice and obtain any portion, or thl' whole of it, without unreasonable delay. A Good Inves'tment Is offered by the


in their £25 Shares (4 per cent. interest) payable in full, or by instalments from 5/- per month. Deposits received at 4 per cent. interest, on six months' notice of withdrawal, or 3; per cent. interest on one month's notice, or less. No withdrawal fees. Interest raid half-yearly. June 1st and Dec. 1st. Advances made on House Property at moderate interest repayable by easy monthly or quarterly instalments, extending over 5 t0 20 years. WRITE FOR PROSPECTUS AND BALANCE SHEET TO THE SECRETARY, 'THRIFTDOril,' (Dep, C B.) 22, Chancery Lane, LONDON, w.e.


--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note. - Where not otherwise stated the district is Bromley. ACKERMANN 1".W., 13. The Broadway ... ALKER & CO., adjoining Bickley Railway Station AMOS G. R. & SON, 10, Simpsons Road ARNAUD J. C. & SON, 149, High Street ATTWOOD & CO., 8A & ro, Broadway... ... AYLING T. S., IS & 16, Broadway, Bromley & Church Hill, Beckenham BAKER M. & J., The Bazaar, II4, High Street BARBER R, 44. East Street ... ... ... ... ... BAXTER, PAYNE & LEPPER, F.S.I., F.A.I., Market Square (opposite General Post Office), Bromley; Railway Approach, Beckenham & 69, King William Street, E.C.... Outside front tf back covers; Back of book tf papes 356 & 560 BELMONT HAND LAUNDRY (Grubey & Townsend, Proprietors), 34, Addison Road ... ... ... ... ". ... 196b BEVERTON A. E., Park House, 28, Widmore Road ." ... ~56a &; 256b BISHOP & tlONS, Hugh Street & Ebury Street, Pimlico, S.W. Facing page 312 BLOOMFIELD LAUNDRY, Bromley Common ." ...144 BRADFORD'S STEAM LAUNDRY, Church Road, Upper Norwood iv' BRITISH WINDOW CLEANING CO., Office, 93 High Street... 146 BROMLEY CENTRAL GARAGE, West street Outside front. cover BROMLEY MOTOR & ENGINEERING WORKS (R. E. Anthony, A.M.I.M.E., Proprietor), Masons Hill ... ... ... Outside front C0rer9" page 206b BROMLEY NURSING HOME (Miss Boss,Principal),34 & 35,Palace Grove 206b CAlS'CER HOSPITAL, Fulham Road, S. W... See Inset faeiny pa,qe 128 CARTER, LAW & LEECH, 56, East Street, Bromley & opposite S.E. & C. Railway, Shortlands... Inside front COVel"9" page 651 CATFORD H., 25, The Broadway... 410 CHAPPELL FRANCIS & SONS, 25, High Street; 75, Southlands Road & 45, Stanley Road Igob CHATTELL D. J. & SONS, 65, Chislehurst Road, Chislehurst, & 29A, Lincoln's Inn Fields, W.C. ... 552 CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY, Offices, Victoria House, 117, Victoria Street, S.W. ... ... ... See Inset facing page J28 CHURCH OF ENGLAND BUILDING SOCIETY, 22, Chancery Lane, W.C. CITY OF LONDON TRUSS SOCIETY, 35, Finsbury Square, E.C. ... See inset .facinq page 128 CLARKE E. & SON LIMITED, 53, High Street, Bromley & High Street, St. Mary Cray. Telephone 414 Bromley 6 CONFEDERATION LIFE ASSOCIATION, 23-28 Fleet Street, E.C. ... See page 10 of Insurance Inset (End of Book) COUNTY FIRE OFFICE LIMITED, 50, Regent Street, S. W. & 4 Lombard Street, E.C. .~. See page 10 of Insurance Inset (End of Book) CREAMERY (THE) (G. Trenholm, Manager), 8, Widmore I{oad 233 & 540 CROSSLEY T. & SON, Tweedy Road ... ...... 38 CROUCH J. MORTON, 41, Masons Hill & 25, Widmore Road 212a & 252a DAFFORN'S, 9, Widmore Road... ... ...... 86 DARBY BROTHERS, Bromley North Station & Sherman Road 210 DEAN F., 2 Tylney Road, Bickley & Wid more Road, Bromley 539 DEAN MRS., 84, High Street 14 DELL W., 15, Market Square 18 DOTTER K., 123, High Street ... 12 DR. BARNARDO't; HOMES, 18 to 26, Stepney Causeway, E.... See Inset facing page 128 DUNN H. G. & SONS, 32 to 40, Widmore Road; 36, Park Road & Queen's Road ... ... ... ... 102 EASTMAN, PIERCE & EASTMAN & CO., Station Gates, Orpington ... 638 FIELD LANE INSTITUTION, Vine Street, Clerkenwell, E.C.... See Inset facing poge 128 GOVERNESSES' BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION, Head office, Walter House, 418-422, Strand, w.e. ... See Inset facing page 128 GRESHAM LAUNDRY, Bromley Common... ... ... 194b GRINSTED DANIEL LIMITED, Offices & Stores, 124, High Street, Bromley; 18, Market Square, Bromley; Bencewell Granaries, Bromley Common & 57, HIgh Street, Beckenham 193 HAMBLETON E. W. 10, East Street .. 82 HAVELOCK HOUSE PREPARATORY SCHOOL FOR BOYS (Miss Ray), London Road ... ... ... 70 BENHAM T. & SON, 39, Beckenham Lane, Shortlands i HENNAH & ROBERTS, l,The Corner, High Street ... Outside front cover HILLS G., North Street Livery Stables & 13, South Street ... 34 HOLLOWAY DISCHARGED PRISONERS' AID SOCIETY, Victoria House, IT7, Victoria StrE\et, S. W. .oo See Inset facing page 128 HOLMOROFT SCHOOL (Mrs. F. Fertel, Principal), Holwood Road ... 44 HOLY TRINITY CONVENT, BOARDING & DAY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS ...... 28 HOMES OF HOPE, 4, 5 & 6 Regent Square, Gray's Inn Road, W.C.... See Inset facing page 128 HUMERSTON J. & SONS, 37, East Street & College Road ... ... 4 IMPERIAL AGENCY LADIES' EMPLOYMENT BUREAU & SERVANTS'REGISTRY OFFICE (Miss Mary Bartlett, Principal), The Town, Enfield ... ... ... ... .., ... 78 INFANT ORPHAN ASYLUM, Offices, 63, Ludgate Hill, E.C.... See Inset facing page 128 IRISH WAREHOUSE (THE), 147, Regent Street, London W. ~Facingpage 480 ISARD E. & SON, Market Square .,. 36 IZARD-COLTMAN R, Mountfield, 66, Babbacombe Road ... 2I2b KENSINGTON & FULHAM GENERAL HOSPITAL, Earl's Court,S. W.~!See Inset facing page 128 KENTISH MERCURY (THE), 6 to 14, Blackheath Road, Greenwich, S.E.I42 KNAPPETT D. & SOl', Park Nursery, London Road... 30 KRAKTZ 1.,18, The Broadway 64 LEADENHALL PRESS LTD., 29-47, Garden Row, Southwark, S.E. iii., 40, 50, I96b LLOYDS BANK LIMITED, ~3, Widmore Road ... 255, LONDON ASSURANCE CORPORATION, 7, Royal Exchange, London, E.C. ; West End Office, 22, Pall Mall, S.W. ... ... See page 13 of Insurance Inset (End of Book) LONDON CITY & MIDLA ND BANK LIMITED, High Street, Bromley & 241 Beckenham Road, Beckenham ... . S2 LONDON COUNTY & WESTMINSTER BA.NK LIMITED, 141, High Street, Bromley & at Beckenham, Chislehurst, Orpington & West Wickham ... 279 LONDON & PROVIN"CIAL BANK LIMITED, 16 & 18, High Street, Beckenham ... .., ... ... ... .,. 463 LONDON & SOUTH WESTERN BANK LIMITED, 13, Kirkdale,Sydenham; I, London Road, Forest Hill; II3A, Anerley Road, Anerley & 191, Rushey Green, Catford ... MARLER HENRY, .')4, High Street ... MARTIN T. & SONS, II & 12, The Broadway MAUNDER W. LIMITED, 1& 2, Market Square MAY JOHN, 47, Masons Hill ... ... MILLER GENERAL HOSPITAL FOR SOUTH-EAST LONDON, Greenwich Road, S.K I76a & I76b MOORE A., n.-p.c., 23, Bromley Gardens ... ...... 650 MUTUAL LOAN FUND ASSOCIATION LIMITED, 5,Lancastel' Place, . Waterloo Bridge, Strand,W.C. &31, Walbrook, Mansion House, KC. 40 NATIONAL BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION, Office, 65, Southampton Row, W.C.... .. ... ... See Inset facing page 128 NATIONAL CHILDREN'S HOME & ORPHANAGE, Chief Offices, 104-122 City Road, London,E.C. ... See Inset/acing page 128 NATIONAL MUTUAL LIFE ASSOCIATION OF AUSTHALASIA LlMITED, 5, Cheapside, London, E.C... See page I of Insurance Inset (End of Book) NATIONAL REFUGES FOR HOMELESS & DESTITUTE CHILDREN, London office, 164, Sbaftesbury Avenue, W.C. See Inset facing page 128 NATIONAL SOCIETY FOR THE PREVENTION OF CRUELTY TO CHILDREN, Central office, Leieester Square,·W.C.·... ... See Inset facing paIle 128 NATIONAL"TRUSS SO"mETY, 2, Arthur Street, London Bridge, ~.C .... See Inset racinripage 128 NEW INVICTA SANITARY LAUNDRY (THE) (E. Trigg & Sons), 23, Elliott Road; Branch Shop, 14, The Broadway 68 NEWBERY J., 47, West Street ... 2Il NORTH BRrrISH & MERCANTILE INSURANCE CO., 61, Threadneedle Street, London, E.C .... See page 9 of Insurance Inset (End of Book) NORWICH UNION MUTUAL LIFE OFFICE, 49, Fleet Street, E.C .... See , page 7 of Insurance Inset (End of Book) OCEAN ACCIDENT & GUARANTEE CORPORATION LTD.. Head Office, Moorgate Street, London, E.C. ...... ... See pafle 5 of Insurance Inset (End oJ Book) OVENDEN E., 17, Heathfield Road ... ... 84 PALIN lV1., 25, Lansdowne Road & 33, Farwig Lane... Inside back cover PAYNE E. W., 133, High Street ... ... ... Front Edges PEA.RCE BROTHERS, Offices, Sherman Road ... 206a PFEIL C. F., 20, The Broadway... ... 10 PHILLIPS HOWARD MORLEY & CO., 5, Aberdeen Buildings, High Street & 30, Widmore Road ... Ig6a PHILLIPS, 26, East Street 78 POl>GER & SONS, 3, Market Square ..... -62 PORTMAN CHAPEL BUILDING SOCIETY, 415, Oxford Street, W... 20 PRATTG. & CO., 6, High Street, Beckenham; also at Streatham & 148' LeadenhalJ Street, E.C. ... ... ... ii QUEEN CHARLOTTE'S LYING-IN HOSPITAL, Marylebone Road,N.W ... See Inset facing pa.qe 128 QUERNMORE SCHOOL, Kinnaird Park ... 334a 334b RAYMONT SCHOOL FOR GIRLS (Misses E. A. & C. A. Kendall, Principals), Shortlands Grove, Shortlands ...... 48 ROYAL BRITISH ORPHAN SCHOOLS, Office, 27 Clement's Lane, E.C. ... ... ... ... See Inset facing page 128 ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE, Royal Exchange, London, E.C.; West End Branch, 44 Pall Mall, S.W. ... ..."... See page 2 of Insurance Inset (End of Book) ROYAL INSURANCE CO. LIMITED, 24-28, Lombard Street, E.C ....... See page I of Insurance Inset (End of Book) ROYAL NATIONAL MISSION TO DEEP SEA "FISH~RMEN, 181, Queen Victoria Street, E.C. ...' ... See Inset lacing page 128 ROYAL SOCIETY FOR THE PREVENTION OF CRUELTY TO ANIMALS, 105, Jermyn Street, S.W.... ...See Inset facing page 128 ROY AL WESTMINSTER OPHTHALMIC HOSPITAL, King William Street, Strand. W.C. ... ... ...See Insetfacing page 128 ST. "ANDREW'S WATERSIDE CHURCH MISSION, 65, Fenchureh Street, E.C. ... ... ... ...See Inset facing page 128 ST. JOHN'S SKIN HOSPITAL, Uxbridge. Road, W. See Inset facing page 128 ST. LUKE'S HOSPITAL FOR MENTAL DISEASES,' Old Street, E.C. See Inset facing page 128 ST. THOMAS'S HOSPITAL, Westminster Bridge Road, S.E. ...8ee Inset facing page 128 SALTER, REX & CO., 3Il, Kentish Town Road, N.W. & 85, London Wall, E.G.... ... See page 2 oj lusllrance In:i£:t (End of Book) SKINNER & GRANT. 129A & 130, High Street, Bromley, & at Regent Street, London, W.... ... ... ... ... ... 194" SMALLBONE'S -STORES, 65, 77 & 79, Beckenham Lane, Shortlands. Telephone No:'Bromley 331... ... ... . ... 648 SOAN S. & SON, Head Office, 45, College Road; Depository & Warehouses, Farwig Lane & College Road_ ... 167 SPARKS EDWARD, 48, Stanley Road & 34, Napier Road ... 84 SUN FIRE INSURANCE OFFICE, Chief Office, 63, Threadneedle Street, E.C. . 100 ,SUNDRIDGE PARK LAUNDRY, Scott's Road ... 90 SW ASTIKA LAUNDRY, Works, 21S, Homesdale Road,. Bromley; Branch Receiving Shop, 28, Rushey Green, Catford ... ... 80 TAYLOR CHARLES &SON, St.George'sRd.,Southwark,S.E .. Pacing page 496 TEMPERANCE PERMANENT BUILDING SOCIETY, 4,6 & 8, Ludgate Hill, E.C. ... ...... . ... . ... 42 TEMPORARY HOME FOR LOS'!' & STARVING DOGS, Battersea Park Road, S.W. & Hackbridge, Smrey ... See Inset facing page 128 UNION OF LONDON & SMITHS BANK LIMITED, 33, High Street, Bromley, & at Bayes, Kent ... .., ... ... .., 60 URIDGE'S HIG H-CLASS STOI~ES, 27 & 29, Widmore Road & 25, Masons Hill Facing inside back cover WALKER & WICKS, 67, London Road... oo' oo. oo. 66 WEEKS G. & SONS, 6r, High Street, Bromley, and at Beckenham ... 72 cf Foot notes WESTMINSTER HOSPITAL, Opposite Westminster Abbey, S. W. . See Insetjaeing page 128 WILLIAMS G. N., 53, Beckenham Lane, Shortlands ... oo. 652 WITHYCUMUE W. fl., College Road, Bromley & 95, Martins Road, Shortlands ... oo. .oo 308 WOMAN'S MISSION TO WOMEN, Offices, Victoria House, II 7, Victoria Street, S. Woo. oo. ... See Inset facing page 128 WOOD SELBY & SON, 19, Freelands Road 24 WRIGHT BROTHERS, High Street ... J90a THE UNION OF LONDON & SMITHS BANK, lTD. ESTABLISHED 1839. £25,000,000 £22,934,100 £3,554,785 Authorised Capital Subscribed Capital Paid-up Capital Reserve Fund £1,150,000 Number of Proprietors-upwards of 10,200,' Os, Os, lOs, Os, ILUIP";TBAD .. .. HAYES (Fridays) 1I0LBlHt7" CIItCUS .. KE"SINGTON .. .. I,ONG ACltE.. .. .. Directors. siR FELIX SCHUSTER, !!art., Governor. LI~IJSAY ERIC S)[lTH, Esq., DePllty-Gorcrllar. ERNEST W. BARNARD, EsQ. HENRY J. B. KENDALL. ESQ. GEIt.\LD D"LDLEY S'lITH. ESQ. THEODORE BASSETT, ESQ. A. B. LESLIE."mLYILLE, ESQ. HERnEltT FHA:'\CIS ""IITH. 1·:'Q. ALFltEU F. BUXTON, ESQ. JIlH~ 11E'\'S, b,~. RT. Hos.C. Il.STl:AIlTWUlll"LEY CIIAULE"; C. CAVE, ESQ. ROllEltT r}':NTO:\ 'tILES. ESQ. K C.. ,,1.r. JOHN ALAN CLUTT(lN-BROCK, HF:NRY W. l'HESCOTT, ESQ ARTHUR ,1. H. \Y \I.RO:\n, FSQ. ESQ. KE1\'NETH L. C.l'lll·,"L'Ol"r, ESQ. R,'. Ho~·. SIR .U,GEl:"';U=" W£:;T, JOI-l:'lDENNJ!;TOUN, ESQ. llEilTILUJ AfiEL S)IlTH, E'Q. a.c.n. HOUAUE GEORGE DEVAS, ESQ. EUSTACE ABEl, S)JJTH, ESQ. CJLUlLESJI.R.WOLLASTON,EsQ H. W. DRUMMO:ND, ESQ. PRINCIPAL OFFICE-2, PRINOES STREET, E.C. Managers. II. H. HART (Town and Foreign). L. E. THOMAS (Co,mtry). F. W. ELLIS, Assistant JIanager. H. G. HOLDERNESS, Deputy Ass;star.t JIanngcr. H. R. HOARE, Secretar!!. L. J. CUItNISH, Assistant Secretary. . TRUSTEE DEPARTMENT: 2, Princes Street, E.C. LOMBARD STREET OFFICE: (Smith, PaYlle &: Smiths), 1, Lombard Street, E.C. CORNHILL OFFIOE: (Prescott s Bank, Limited), 511,Cornhill, E.C. METROPOLITAN AND SUBURBAN BRANCHES. BAYSWATElt .. .. 6i, Bishops Hoad, W. ~IOU-"T STltEET .. 12, 'Iount Htrcet, W. REDFORD ROW .. 24, Bedford Row, W.C. )!l:SWELI. HILL .. 11, T~e Exchange, lIfuswell RI";UOPSGATE.. .. 216,Bishups~ate, E.C. Hill, N. lll.OOMSHURY .. .. 103,Hi.h Holborn, W.C. :NOTTING HILL BROMLEY .... 33,High St. Bromley,Kent GATE........ 8,HighSt.,Notting-lIiIlGate,W. CHANUERY LANE .. 95. Chancery Lane, W.C. OXrOHD STREET .. 455, Oxford Street, W. CHARING CROSS .. 66, Charing Cross, S.W. PADDJNGTON .. .. 22, London Street, W. CHISWICK.. .. .. 56, High Hoad, Chiswick. PICCADILLY Corner of l'iccadilly &: St. CRIl'PLEGATE.. .. 116, Fore Street, E C. James's "treet, W. CltOYDoN .. .. .. High Street, Croydon. PUItI.EY.. .. .. .. Brighton Hoad, l'urley. : EAST FINCHLEY .. 4, Market l'arade, East 1~f:Gl\~~~1~~'~r~i::.. 14,s...r7.?i1l PI~ce, ~'c FE:SCHURCH Finchley, N. SLOANE STREET :: ~: sf~~n~rlt~e~i: S.",,;. / FI~SBURY C~~~~:~ ~~'i~~ngII~~~~tL~~tdo~{Vall, ~g~J.ITcn~I~~~G: Ill, South End, Crllydon. E.C. 'fO~ .. .. .. 18, Cromwell Place, S.W. GOSWELL ROAD .. 9 & 10, Charterhome Build- SOUTH :'\ORWOOD .. 76, High St., South Norwood. ings, E.C. SOUTHW ABK .. .. 12, Southwark St"pet, S.B. 55, High St., Hampstead, N.W. SWISS COTTAGE .. I, Coll"l'e Cresccnt, South Hayes, Kent. TOTTENHAM Hampstead, N.W. ~3~I,~r...~hC~~~I,I~{.;;~ngton,W. COURT ROAD 9i, Tottenram Court HOld, W. YlCTOItIA STREET .. 11i, Victori" Street, "'est- 1, Long Acre, W.C. minster, S.W. COUNTRY BRANCHES. Avlcshury, Barnsley, Bath, Birmin~ham, Bournemouth, I iradford, Brighton, Bristol. Cambridge, Canterbury Cilt'Sham, Derby, Dewsbury, Doncaster, Driffield, EasttJolll'ne, Exeter, l:'a~ersham, Gainsborough, Grantham' Grimsby, Grilll"by Docks, Halifax, Hove, Huddersfield~ Hull, Leeds, Lineoln,lIIailstone, Mansfiuld, Nottin~lIam; !'uncaton, Oxford, Plymouth, gcarborough, Sheflield, I'outhampton, Thornbury, Tonbridge, Trlng, Wlnch€!;ter, Yurk "nd numerous other IJraoches and A;(encies throughnat the Country. TEIDIS: CCRRl':"TAccolJ~ns.-These arc kept according to tl'e Ilsl'al custom of London and Country Bankel'8. . DEPOSIT' Acco,!NTs.-Deposits are received at Interest, subject to notice of withdrawal, 0r by ~pecial a gl'f'Plnent. III accoldan('c WIth the usual C!ls101l1. GE:' EIAL BI'':IN E,-S.-The A, ellCYof COBntry and l'oreign TIanks, whether Joint Stock or Private. Cirr,ular ~,ot", anu I,t tttrs of ('redit i.sucd for all pm-ts of th·, Continent of Europe and elsewhere. Purchase. and Sales 1"1rt'trdin all the British and Foreign Stocks anti Secnrities. IJhidends on Stocks and Shares, the half-pay of OltiCCl'8.l'eosions, Annuities, & c" received for Customel'8 without char:!e. . The Viti crs :,nd Clerks eonnected with the Bank are required to sign a Declaration of Secreey as to the trans. actions of any ofits eustomers. EXBCUT(lU~HH'S AND TRUSTEESHJPS.-The Bank, having the necessary powers are prepared t(\. Ilnlel'- take Ihe Offi('cof Exccutors, Trustee. and Custodian Trustees ou terms, particnlars of which ran be obtained from the Head Office. Nol'E.-Jn pur,uance of the Trcasury Regulations it is hereby stated that no lIabl1lty attaches to the COllSO!!- dated I'unds ot tbe British Governmrnt in rcsrect of any act or omission of the Rank.


BROMLEY is supposed to have derived its name from . the Saxon word Bromleag, in Latin Bromlega, signifying ,. a field, or heath, where Broom grows; sufficient quantity of the plant existed a few years ago on the waste places near the town to corroborate this etymology.

Bromley is a municipal and market town and parish situated ten miles from London (S. E.) and fourteen from Sevenoaks, on the main road to Hastings, and is in the hundred of Bromley and Beckenham lathe of Sutton- at-hone, rural deanery of Bromley and diocese of Rochester. the parish is bounded by Beckenham, West Wickham, Hayes, Keston, Farnborough, Orpington, Chislehurst, Lee, Eltham, and Lewisham, and contains 4,696 acres of land.



Bromley is very healthy place, and to this fact and tbe beauty of he scenery by which it is surrounded, is largely due its popularity as a place of residence. Dr. Codd, the Medical Officer of Health, states in his report for 1912, that the death rate for that year was only y per J ,000, against a death rate Of 13'3 for England and Wales, and 10'2 for the outer ring of London. The water is supplied entirely by the Kent District of the Metropolitan Water Board, whose supplies are drawn from deep wells sunk in the chalk. It is remarkably free from organic impurities, and is quoted as a standard for purity in the metropolitan areas, but is rather hard in consequence of the carbonate of lime held in solution. The centre of the town (The "Bell" Hotel) is situate 200 ft, above the level of the sea.


The population according to the last Census numbered 33,646, being an increase of 6,249 upon that of 1901. The ff)llowing table shows the finet uations- mostly in the way of increase- of the population from 11)01:- " increase 265 182 855 323 decrease 198 increase 1,373 5,174 4,480 6,531 5,712 6,249 POPULATION. 2,700 2,965, 3,147, 4,002, 4,325, 4,127, 5,5°0, 10,674, 15,154, 21,685, 27,397, 33,646, DATE. 1801 1811 1821 1831 1841 1851 1861 1871 1881 1891 IgOI 1911


Of Bromley in pre. historic times not many traces remain, but a pre neolithic implements have been found here from time to time. A wellmade flint Celt of neolithic date was found recently in Sundridge Park and a British urn of red clay in Elmfield Road. In the yeal' 1864 a very interesting trace of a Roman Settlement was discovered at" Beechfield,"


Prize Medalist, 1910, Ladies' High=Class TAILOR & FURIER Owing to increase of Business removed from 19 to more --: stylish and commodious Premises at :-- IS, The Broadway, BROMLEY. LADIES' COSTUMES MADE IN THE LATEST ENGLISH AND PARISIAN STYLES ON THE PREMISES, of NEWEST MATERIALS. Expert Workmanship. Style and Fit Guaranteed. Moderate Charges. Estimates and Designs. Best Scotch Tweed Suitings for Gentlemen.

the residence of the late Jf.l' . .T. W. Ilott. .A workman employed in the m;lking of somc alteration,.,; of the [;Tounl[,.;',turncd up, from the depth of about fonrleen or ~ixteeu inchos lJOlow the snrface, a sepulchral vase of coarse red ware, ornan1l'nt~d with oblique longitulillallines. Dy the side of the ,ase was about a shovelful of hones, old fragments of tile. The vase itself was completely filled with a quant.ity of hones, partly incinerated, somc of which Mr. Ilott pronounced to he human. Further search re\"oalecl two vessels in an upright position, and fragments of about six or eight othors, among which was a fragment of fine red' Samian ware, decorated with two parallel bands. Among them was one vessel of H.oman Salop ian ware, with narrow neck and handle, and one of hluishblack Upchurch ware. There were also some rusty iron nails. Some particulars of this discovery were published in the Bl'omle.1J Record of June, 1864. There can be no doubt that these relics mark the site of a Romano-British burial ground. It is an especially intoresting fact as a proof that this particular spot was inhabited by the llomans. A few fragments of Norman pottery were found among tho old foun(lations when the new chancel was added to the Parish Church.

The Manor.

"The oldest historical records, in which Bromley is mentioned, relate to the Manor. Hasted, in his History of Kent, says::-·" Ethelbert, King of Kent, gave to Bishop Eardulph and the Church of Rochester, land in Bromley containing six sulings. King Edgar, in the ninth year of his reign, anno 967, granted to St. "\ndrew, and the Church of Rochester, certain land at the place eomlllonly known by the name ..Et Bram/cage, containing ten hides, called by the Kentish Men Sidings, with all liberties and emoluments whatsoever, excepting the repelling inntsions, and the repairing of bridges and fortifications, which privileges were granted on aecount of the great price which Bishop Alfstan 'had paid for this land, being no less than eighty mares of purest gold, six pounds of fine silver, and thirty marl'S of gold besides to the King's praefect. "Xing Ethelred, son of Edgar, on some dispute with the Bi8hop of Rochester, laid waste the lands belonging to his See, aJl{1 in::19~7gave tohis minister, Aethelsine (by whose advice he had taken several estates from it) ten plowlands at Bromley. But afterwards he, with much contrition, in 998, in the presence of the convent of Rochester, and hi~ principal nobility, declared what he had dono was by tho advice of this Aethelsinc; and then restored to the Church six plow lands here, togother with the privilege of the woods in the Weald, & c


'1La~iea'& Gentlenlen'a EngHab trailors, 67, LONDON ROAD (From WIDMORE ROAD), BROMLEY, KENT. Costumes, Riding Habits, Uniforms, Liveries. Alterations, Repairs, Cleaning and Pressing. Ladies' Furs Re·modelled or Repaired. RRTISTle RBV1U~ING (not eodging) .


Established over 40 Years.



CI After the Conquest, Odo, the great Bishop of Baieux, the King's half-brother, seized on the possessions of the Church of Rochester, at Bromley, among many other estates belonging to it, but Archbishop. Lanfranc did not suffer him to keep them long, for he recovered them, in the solemn assembly of the whole country, held on this occasion, by the King's command, at Pinenden Heath, in 1076, and afterwards restored them to Bishop Gundulph, and the Church of St. Andrew, which donatiou was confirmed by Archbishop Anselm and several of his successors. In the reign of King Edward the Confessor, Bromley continued to be estimated at six sulings. Whether the whole of them came into the hands of the, Bishop of Baieux I do not find; but it is certain only three of them returned after the above adjudication to the Church of Rochester. Accordingly this estate is thus entered, under the general title of the Bishop of Rochester's lands in the survey of Domesday, taken in the year 1080. In Bromley hundred the same Bishop (of Rochester) holds Bromlei. It was taxed at six sulings in the time of King Edward the Confessor, and now at three. The arable land is 13 carucates. In demesne there are now two carucates, and 30 villeins, with 26 borderers, having II carucates. There is one mill of four shillings; and two acres of meadow. Wood for the pannage of 100 hogs. In the time of King Edward the Confessor, and afterwards, it was worth 12 pounds and 10 shillings, now 18 pounds, and yet it yields 21 pounds all but two shillings,"

The Manor appears to have remained in the possession of the Bishops of Rochester up till the time of the great rebellion, when the parliament passed an ordinance, October 9th, 1646, for the abolition of Archbishops and Bishops and for vesting their lands in possession of trustees, to be disposed of according to the appointment of both houses; and another (November 16th) for the s:tle of them, to satisfy the debts due from the State upon the public faith. In consequence of which the Manor of Bromley, with its appurtenances, lis part possessions of the bishopric of Rochester, was sold in 1648, to Augustine Skinner, for £5,665 lIs. lid., in which situation it remained till the restoration of Chrl.rlesII., in 1660, when it was returned, with the Palace, to Dl', John Warner, Bishop of Rochester. It remained in the possession of the Bishop of Rochester until the year 1845, when it was sold by virtue of an Act of Parliament, .il'Ir.Coles Child, the father of the present Lord of the Manor,being the purchaser.


HIGH-CLASS SHIRT AND COLLAR DRESSERS, Dyers & Chemical Cleaners, Telephone, Bromley 990. BRANCH SHOP _ 14, The Broadway, BROMLEY, Kent. All Ol"del"s I"eceive pl"ompt attention. BEST FAMILY WORK. E> Speciality: GLOVES CLEANED, HAT DYEING AND CLEANING. FEATHERS CURLED, CLEANED OR DYED. NOTXCE.-Lamp Shades and Dresses can be Dyed, Cleaned and Finished on the Shortest Notice without unpicking. VA};S A~D CARTS GO DA.ILY TO ALL PARTS OF THE SURROUNDING DISTRICTS. Contracts for Large Schools and Hotels taken at Lowest Prices, and Highest Recommendations can be given. Price Lists sent on application. The New Invicta Laundry, Dyeing & Cleaning Works, 23, Elliott Road, Bromley, Kent. E. TRIGG & SONS.


Bromley is sOl'veel by tho South Eastern and Chatham Hailway, which has stations in the High Streot and ill East, Street, while also situated within the parish boundaries are Sundridge Park, Bickley and Elmstead stations. Several other stations are within easy reach. Station Masters :- Bickley, Southborough road -George Pl·ivett. Bromley South - George Baldwin. Shortlands - Robert Whitehead. Chislehurst - Henry Joseph Howland. Bromley North - William John Wood. Ellstead - Robert Johnston Walker (inspector in charge). Sandridge Park - Albert John Bryant. There are good services of omnilmsos and Drakes from Bromley to Hayes, Keston, Farnborough and Downe; and thore are buses to new residential estates near Cudham and Downe and, also to Chislehurst. A good service of Tilling's :Motor Buses run between Bromley and Shoreditch via South. oUlI, Catford, Lewisham, Deptford, London Bridge etc. Service every nine minutes. "First Bus leaves Market Square 7.7 a.m. ; last 10.23 p.m.; Sllndays, 9.5 a,m. to 10.5 p.m. On Sundays a motor service is run to and from Oxford Circus.


If hired by diftance Not exceeding one mile IS. Not exceeding two miles 28. For each additional mile or part of mile IS. H hired by time ... For one hour 0r less ... 28. 6d. Above one hourFor every fifteen minutes Sd. For any less perioll Sel. Extra payments---:whether hired by distance or by time Luggage-for each package carried ontside zd. Extra persons-For each person above two 6d. Two children under ten 6d. Waiting (by distance)-for every 15 miuutes completed .. , Sd


(CORNER OF HOPE PARK), LONDON ROAD, BROMLEY. tppepaFatory ~cnoo{ lOp. YJoyd. MISS RAY, assisted by an efficient Staff. prepares a limited number of Boys for ENTRANCE EXAMINATION and SCHOLARSHIPS at the PUBLIC SCHOOLS and the ROYAL NAVAL COLLEGE, OSBORNE. Instruction in Drilling, Swedi.h Exercises and Gymnastics in the Drill Hall by a Sergt..Instructor. Dancing Classes are held in connection with this School during the two Winter Terms at the Bromley Gymnastic Hall every Friday afternoon, 2.30 to 4 p.m. PROSPECTUS UPON APPLICATION.

WALKS AND DRIVES ROUND BROMLEY. Approximate Di.~tances fl'om Bromley 1\)Wll Hall. Beckenham Station and Church Bickley Station and Church Chelsf1eld Chislehurst Village Chislehurst Station Cudham Downe Farn borough Foots Cray Grove Park Hayes Church and Village Hayes Common Keston Church ... Kaston Common and Ponds Holwood, Keston Knockholt Mottingham Orpington ... Shortlands Sidcup St. MarY Cray St. Paul's Cray Common West Wickham Court alld Clllll'clt ... West Wickham Village 2 3 2 7 6 4 5 z z 4 5 5 5 3 4
Gas, and ADVERTISEMENTS. Hot Water, Sanitary' Electrical Engineers. Plumbers, Locksmiths ~'tIt ..~~~.~:I.~~~gers. ,~CQ~'~~'::' Every description of work by ",'$~t thoro~~~m~~petent ,,~~ .. tQ .~ _'"~ EYERY OSRAM AND ALL OTHER ... L' 'tit IRONMETAL FILAMENT ail MONCERY ELECTRIC LAMPS. 1r",~ ~ REQUISITE ~ S "'OR THE HOUSE ~-A SS y OR CARDEN. NEW INVERTED, ,*,y ~ ~/' BLAND, AND Sole Agents for WELSBACH .. STRANGE'S GAS ~-:y ~ ~ Ai CRYSTAL OIL, BURNERS. The finest and safest Lamp I~-...~_ y Oil in the World. .. ~{Y ~(.~ Tennis, Crioket and all Outdoor Cames. \.J ~ 41#~ii" Trunks, Bags and Travelling Requisites of every desoription. Doulton Art Pottery. The New Thermos Flasks & Bottles. STORE PRICES FOR CASH.


The governing authoriLy of the town is the Bromley 'fawn Council, which displaced tho Urban District Council in November, 1903, which had in itr; turn succeesel1 the Local Board in 1894 and the Vestry in 1867. The parishes of the Bromley Union (17 in number) have a joint Board of Guardian".


Municipal Offices: Tweedy Road, Bromley. Officel·s. Town Clerk: Frederic H. Nonnan, :Mnnieipal Offices. Deputy Town Clerk: W. Jermyn Harrison, B.A. Medical Officer of Health: Arthur F. d. Codd, :lLB., F.R.C.S., Holwooc1 Lodge, 154, High Street, Bmmley. Borough Engineer: Stanley Hawking's, MunicipalOffices. Assistant Borough Engineer: Wilfred A. Cope. Borough Accountant: H. J. K. Wharrie. Sanitary Inspector: Thomas Butler, A.H.S.I. Collector of Rates: George Stone, :Mnnicipal Offices. Librarian: William J. Harris, F.L.A., Public Library, 17, High Street. Inspector, Diseases of Animals Acts: Alfred Henry Sly, Holmfield, 106, London Eoad. Council1Ueetillgs are helU every alternate T~esday at 7.30 p.m., at the Municipal Offices, Tweedy Road, Bromley. The Area of the local Government District is 4,696 acres. The populaticn of 1891 Census was 21,685, and 1901, 27,397, and 1911, 33,646.

The Rateable Value of the Borough is £284,801, and the Assessable Value, £265,487. .

The number of Inhabited Houses in the Borough is about 7,5°0. Mayor.

Alderman 'Yo Lindley-Jones, }'.R.G.S., J.P., Park '''ood, Edward Road, Bromley.

Deputy Mayor. Alderman George Weeks, 61, High Street, Bl'orilley

A SMART WALKING SHOE. IIIThis diagranl illustrates a fine 'jJ quality shoe at a moderate cost. Made of best glace kid, with strong damp=proof soles and stocked in half=sizes and various Widths, it is an ideal shoe for real conlfort. May we send you a selection? Our telephone numbers are Bromley 99, :: :: Beckenham 151.


High Class Bootlnaker, 15 & 16, The Broadway, BROMLEY

Aldermen. William L. Crossley, 68, Tweedy Road, Bromley. Thomas Davis, Birkenf~ld, 142, ,Yidmore Road, Bromley. Reginald William James, St. :Miherecl's, 46, Cambridge Hoau, Bromley. W. Lindley-Joncs, F.R.G.S., J. P., Pm'1\: 'Wood, Ed"'ard Road, Bromley. George Lawrence, 80, Bromley Common, Bromley. George Weeks, 61, High Street, Bromlcy. Councillors. Retires Plaistow Ward: in Heaysman, Thomas H., 37, Palace Grove Gibbs, William James, 36, Hammelton Road Hennah, William E., Ladoro, 22, Masons Hill Martin's Hill Ward: Harris, Albert rrhomas, 27, The Broadwa.y, High Street Mordaunt, :Miss Ethel Amy, M.D.nrux., L.It.C.l'.S,Etl., I.,R.F.r.S. alas., Montrose, 118, London Road ... Weller, William George, I, Queen's Mead Road Town Ward: Haywood, George 1914 Gillett, Fred, The Pines, Elmfield Road 1915 Last, George fl., 29, The Broadway 1916 Sundridge Ward: Comins, Charles, Pembroke House, 12, Upper Park Road... 1914 Allen, GeOl'go, 39, Frcelands Road 1915 Pearce, Bertram, Eastville, 7, Hawes Road... 1916 Bickley Ward: Newton, Matthew H., Dover Lodge, Park Hill, Bickley 1914 Hind, Stanley A., Shawfield House, 22, Shawfield Park, Widmore 19'5 Homewood, Wilfrid James, Holmbury, 41, Shawfield Park, Wielmore 1916 Bromley Common Ward: Cox, William Giles,41 Addison Road 19I4 Williams, John, Brockhampton, 24, Bromley Common 1915 Peill, Edwin George, St. Margaret's, 12, High Street 1916 Wards. For the purpose of the election of Councillors, Bromley was, in 1903, divided into six wards. The population of the wards in 1911 was as


54, HIGH STREET, BROMLEY, KENT. Practical TAILOR, Hosier and Juveniles' OUTFITTER. DELIVERIES A SPECIALITY. Large Assortment of Clothing of every description. NOTE THE ADDRESS Opposite THE ROYAL BELL" HOTEL

follows :- Phtistow Ward, 7,078; Martin's Bill Ward, 4,647; Town Ward, 5,644 j Sundridge Ward, 4,465; Bickley Ward, 5.493 and Bromley Common Ward, 6,319. BROMLEY BURIAL BOARD. The Members of tho Borough Council are also Members of the Burial Board. Clerk and Registrar: Frederic H. Norman, Municipal Ollices, Tweedy Road. Superintendent of London Road Cemetery: George Huxley, Cemetery Lodge. Superintendent of Bromley Hill Cemetery: John Warner, The Lodge. There are two Cemeteries, viz. :-London Road and Bromley Hill. The Burial Board meet on alternate Tuesdays at the same place and at the conclusion of the meetings of the Borough Council.


Members: Dr. J. H. Yolland, 1II.U.C.S. (Chairman); .Messrs. A. Sparkft, .T. Humphrey, William Judd, John Walter Brown, J. Hobben, Rev. C. C. Gosselin, ~f.A., and J. Timmis. Olerk: W. H. P. Priter, Great Elms Road, Bromley. Treasurer: Alfred Wright, Dunsford, 121, Widmore Road, Bromley. Superintendent: John Johnson, Cemetery Lodge. The Cemetery is in Magpie Hall Lane, JJromley Common. Meetings are held on the first Monday in the month at St. Luke'll Institute, Raglan Road, Bromley Common.


Members: R. Hitherdoll, G. W. :Morgan, F. A. Threadgold (Chairman), J. Young, A. C. Garrard, H. Gayford and J. Pollock. Clerk: E. G. Holt, Dunster, 5, Crescent Road, Bromley. Treasurer: Alfred Wright, Dunsford, 121, Widmore Hoad, Bromley. Superintendent: Charles Sheldon, Cemetery Lodge. The Cemetery is in Burnt Ash Lane, Plaistow. Non-Parishioner. admitted to burial. The Meetings are held on the first Friday in the month at. the C.emetery Gatehouse, at 3.15 p.m
THE OLD ESTABLISHED FIRM:- PHILLIPS' BOOT MAKERS" LEATHER SELLERS & GRINDERY MERCHANTS, 26, EAST STREET, BROMLEY. , Directly opposite the Drill Hall. Hand·Sewn Work a speciality. Ladies' and Gents' Best Work to Measure. REPAIRS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Bocks, Laces, Dog Collars supplied and engraved. Orders by Post or otherwise receive strict attention. Kinrdre commendations respectfully solicited. ESTABLISHED 1903. Tho Imperial Agenoy Ladies' Employment Bureau and High-class Servants' Registry Offioe, Opposite the Market Place, The Town, Enfield MIDDLESEX. EVERY TUESDAY and THURSDAY Ladles and Servants walt at the 'Oftlce(or engaging purposes. Principa.l-MISS MARY BARTLETT. TELEPHONE 253 ENFIELD. P.S.-Please enclose stamp. for replies. APAINTMENTS, BOARD. PRESIDENCE aud HOMES for PAYING GUESTS can be recommended


Formed 1903. Education Office: Municipal Buildingil, Tweedy Road. Olerk: Frederic Henry Norman, :Municipal Offices. Tweedy Road. Sohool Attendance Officers: 'Walter James Leonard and H, W. Goble. The following Schools are under the authority of the Committee: Council. Valley (Beckenham Lane) (boys, girls &; infants). Raglan Road (boys, girls, juniors &; infants). Aylesbury Road (boys). . Wharton Road (boys, girls & infants). Non-Provided. Bromley Parish (College Road) (boys, girls &; infants). Masons Hill (girls &; infants). Plaistow St. Mary's (boys &; infants). Bickley & Widmore (boys, girls &; infants). Bromley Common (mixed & infants). Addison Road (girls & infants). Special School for Defective Children. Raglan Road (boys & ; girls). Manual Training Centres. Raglan Road and Wharton Road. Cookery Centres. Raglan Road and Wharton Road. # SCHOOL CLINIC (Bromley Education Committee), 12 Park Road. School Medical Officer: ?lIiss Enid M. Walters, M.B., B.s.LOnd. Specialist for Operations : Miss Margaret B. Dobson, M.D.Lond. Anoosthetist: John Mathewson, JlI.n., Secretary: Frederic Henry :Norman. School Nurse : Mary Tattersall.


Offices: Park House, Beckenham Lane, Bromley. Chairman: WALTER BOWMAN, Gattons, North Cray. Vioe-Chairman: ARTHUR T. WARING, J.P., c..!. Woodlands, ChelsfielL!. Officers. Clerk: Edward Haslehnrst, Park House, lleekenham Lane, Bromley. Assistant Clerk: P. J. D. Wiley, Park Honse, Reckenham Lane, Bromley. Chaplain: Rev. Ebene;.:er Joseph Welch, L.C.D., X.C.L. The Parsonage, Farn· borough.
PHONE BROMLEY 9. THE _ BROMLEY fiJyerd anti ~{eanerd -~,~ THE



Treasurer: Alfred Wright" Dunsford, 121 Widmore Road, Bromley. Inspector under Infant Life Proteotion Aot: H. n. Hamlyn, Tho Willows, Selborne Road, Sidcnp. Registrars of Births and Deaths: Bromley Sub·District (comprising the Civil Parish of Bromley)- "'alter H. Banner, 66, Tweedy Hoad, Bromley; Deputy, Harry Chapman, Park House, Beckenham Lane, Bromley Attendanee - MondaY,9 to 10.30 a.m. and 5 to 7 p.m. ; Tuesday and Friday, 5 to 7 p.m. and Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday, 9 to II a.m.

Beckenham Sub·District (comprising the Oidl Parishes of Beckenham, Hayes and West Wicklmm)-Charles Ernest Manger, 18, Beckenham Road, Beckenham; Deputy, II. E. Manger, Council Offices, Beckenham. A ttelllls at Beckenham District Council Offices, Bromley Road, Beckenham, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays,s to 7 p.m.; Thursdays, 10 a.m. to 12 noon; Saturdays, 10 to II a.m. West Wickham, at the Parish Room, Sussex Road, first and third Fridays in each month, I I a.m. to 12 noon. Hayes, at cottage occupied by :Mr. J. Todd, first and third Fridays in each month, 12.30 to !.30 p.m. Orpington Sub-District (comprising the Parishes of Chelsfield, Cud. ham, Downc, Farnborough, Keston, Knockholt, Orpington and St. Mary Cray -J. D. .H!iggins, Moortield Road, Orpmgton; Deputy, Mrs. R. Higgins, Moorfield Road, Orpington. Attends Moorfield Road, Orpington, every "Wednesday and Saturday, 9.30 to II.goa.Ill. and every Monday and Friday,s to 7 p.m. Chelsfield, Mrs. Neal's grocer's shop, ,first and third Monday in each month from 9 to 10 a. m. Oudham, Mrs. Richard's cottage, Single Street, first and third Thursdays in each month, I to 2 p. m. Downa Council's Schools, third Friday in each month, 12 noon to 1 p.m. Farnborough, The Offices, Union Workhouse, first and third Fridays in each month from 10 to 11 a.m. Keston, Mrs. Breckon's Laundry, opposite Fox Inn, first Friday in each month, 11.30 a.m. to

MR. E. WI HAMBLETON, 1~ EAST STR£E~ BROMLEY PURCHASES FOR CASH. Second=hand Furniture Warehouse. LARGE SPACIOUS SHOWROOMS. Wearing Apparel and every description of Property bought. Appointments by Post punctually attended to. SECOND-HAND FURNITURE BOUGHT TO ANY AMOUNT. INSPECTION INVITED

12.30 p.m. Knockholt, Mrs. Graham's, Sidney Terrace, first and third Thursdays in each month, II a.m. to 12 p.lil. Chislehurst Sub. District (comprising the Plnishes of Chislehurst, Foots Gray, Xorth Cray and St. Paul's Cray) -II. B. HamlYll, The '''ilJows, I::ielborne Road, Siucup; Deputy, Mr8. HamlYll, The Willows, Selbornc Road, Sich:up. Attends Monday and Wednesday, 9.30 to II.30 a.m. amI Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, 6 to 8 p.m. Chislehul'st Council's Schools erery Fl'iuay 12.30 to 1.30' p.m.; North Cray, The Village Hall, first and third Saturday in eachl1l0nth, 10.1$ to II.rsa.m. St. Paul's Cray, Mrs. Margoram's house, Cray Hoad, second amI fourth Saturday in each month, I I a.m. to 12 noon. Colleotors of Rates & Assistant Overseers: I"o. I District-George Stone, Munidpal qmces, Tweedy Road, Bromley. Thomas Beeton, Comer House, Church Aven. Sidcup. Herbert Edward Manger, Council Offices, Bromley Road, Beckenham. ,,4 Henry Barnes, Willow Bank, FarnborouglJ.. Master of Workhouse: Thomas Healey, Union Workhouse, Locksbottom, Farnborough. Matron: Miss A. O. Vickery, Union Workhouse, Locksbottom, Yarnborough. Medical Officers: Conslllting-RoberL Alexander Shannon, L.R.C.r., r,.lIr., L.R.C.IS., L.S ..!., Crofton Road, Orpington. Honse-Charles Edwin Price, :lr.R.c.s.Eng., L.R.C.p.!,ond., Whyte. leare,Orpington. No. I District-John Mathewson, M.ll., n.A.a., 45 Tweedy Roa.d, Bromley." J. H. Yolland, M.R.e.S., L.S.A.., 53 Bromley Common. Robert Alexander Shannon, L.R.C.P., L.ll!., L.R.C.S., L.S.A., Crofton Road, Orpington. Thomas William Bailey, M.R.e.S., L.R.C.P., High Street, Orpington. Howard Howse Dummere, )r.R.c.s., L.R.C.P., L.S."'., Brasted, near Seven oaks. George Thomas Giddings, M.D., M.n.C.S., Hillworth, 38, Wickham Road, Beckenham


jobmaster & Carriage Proprietor, -Yards: 48, Stanley Rd. & 34, Napier Rd., Private Address: 48a, Stanley Road, ~ BROMLEY~ I{ent. Licensed to Let Busses, Landaus. Wedding Carriages, Governess Oars, Waggonettes, Pony Traps, Chaises, & c. Horses Jobbed for any period. Vans and Carts on Hire. FURNITURE REMOVALS. BRAKES & BUSSES FOR FOOTBALL & PLEASURE PARTIES. ALL KINDS OF VEHICLES ON HIRE BY DAY, YEAR OR JOB,


PLUMBER Gas and hot Water Engineer. ELECTRIC LIGHTING BELLS AND TELEPHONESI 17, Heathfield Rd., Bromley, Kent.

No.6 District-Patrick Alexander Leighton, :M.D., eh.R Edin., I,illdley Lodge, Grove Park Hoad. Mottingham. "7,, Charles Hobert Arnold Sutton, III.D., Clare House, Sidcup. 8 William Henry Blake, III.R.C.S., L.R.C.p., Bedford Lodge, West Wickham. 9 S. E. Price,L.:IIf.M.S.,L.s.A.vmc1.,Red Hill,Chislehul'st. Public Vaccinators: The Medical Officers arc also Public Vaccinatol's for their respective Districts. The Union comprises seventeen parishes, namel;r, Bromley, Becken~ ham, Chelsfield, Chislehurst, Cudham, Downc, Farnborough, Foots Cray, Hayes, Keston, Knockbolt, ilIottingham, North Cray, Orpington, St. :Mary Cray, St. Paul's Cray and West Wickham. ,The Union has an acreage of 42,259; a population in 191 I of 104,J55; and a rateable value of £84°,501. The Union Assessment Committee meets as occasion requires. Guardians. Beckenham : Vian, Miss Marian, 3, The Knoll, Beckel1ham; Grant, Cardross, C.C., Bruntsfield, 45, Bromley Road, Beckenham; Stanning, Miss F. K, Taversham House, Southend Road, Beckenham; Blake, Charles, I I, The Avenue, Beckenham; Oal'roll, Rev. W. A., Bickley Vicarage, Kent Bromley: Chalmers, Mrs., Blackbrook, Bickley; Hall, Mrs. Emily, Wilbet, Crofton, Orpington; Gedney, Charles William, 17. Glebe Road, Bromley; Peill, Frederick William, C.C., 7, Ravensbourne Road, Bromley; Lawrence, George, The Gardens, 80, Bromley Common. Chelsfteld: Waring, Arthur Thomas, J.P., C.A. Woodlands, Chelsfield. Chislehurst: Allan, James, M.n.,c.M.,Aldborough,Chislehurst Common; Vinson, Mrs., Mavelstone, Sundridge avenue, Bromley; Spurgin, Rev. E. B., The Vici1l~age, Sidcup Oudham: Smither, Charles, Biggin Hill, Cudham. Downe: Haldeman, D.O., The Rookery, Downe. Farnborough: Higgs, Jn. May, Farnborough Hall farm,Farnborough. Foots Cray: Knight, Thomas, Craybrooke, Sidcnp; Dewey, Alfred, 70, High Street, Sidcup Hayes: Russell, James, Hayes. Keston: Haslett, William H., Keston. MILLINER, Xnockholt: Airey, John, Melrose,Knockholt. Mottingham: Floyd, G. G., Santa-Inez, Mottingham. North Cray: Bowman, Walter, Gattons, North Cray. Orpington:- Harlow, Thomas, Skeet Hill, Orpington; Roper, Henry, Gatton Lodge, Orpington. St. Mary Cray: Strouts, R. H., Belgraye Place, St. Mary Cray; Berens, Atherton, Child's, St. Mary Cray St. Paul's Cray: :May, Thomas, Chalk Pit Farm, St. Paul's Cray. West Wickham: Lennard,ColonelSir Henry Arthur Hallam Farnaby, Bart., J.P., C.C., Wickham Court, West Wickham. The Workhouse is situate at Locksbottom, Farnborough (three miles from the centre of the town). The Board meet fortnightly, on Tuesday, at the Workhouse at I I a.m. The visiting days 'to the Inmates of the Workhouse are :Ylondayslind Thursdays, from 9.30 until 11.3° in the morning, and from 2 until 4 in the afternoon, also on Sundays, from 4 until 5, by special order of a Guardian. . . . LOCAL SCHOOL ATTENDANCE COMMITTEE, BROMLEY UNION AREA, KENT COUNTY COUNCIL, Allen, Benjamin, The Lees, Sidcup. Becker, N. H. T" Woode-roft, Mottingham. Berens, Rev. G., The Rectory, Foots Cray. Bowman, Walter, Gattons, North Cray (chairmau). Clowes, Rev. G., The Rectory, Hayes. Crombie J., Highclen, Sidcup. Curtis, Rev. H. A., Cudham Vicarage. Darrell, Beech View, Sidcup. Dawson, Miss, Chislelmrst. Eyles, J., 8 Red Hill, Chislehurst. Jones, Rev. F. Havard, Rectory, Knockholt. Keech, T., Woodlands, Black Fen, Eltham. Lennard, Lieut.-Colouel Sir H. A. H. F., Bart., D.L., J.P., Wickham. Court, Wcst Wickham. Lubbock, A. N., Bassetts, Farnborough. Mansfield, W., Gwynfa, Orpington. May T., c.c., Chalk Pit Farm, St. Paul's eray. Norman, Edward, Chelsfleld House, Chelsfield. ''''"heeler.Bennett, J., J.P., Ravensbourne, K~ston. Whitehead, Alfred, Fairview, Chislehurst West [ diff to scan ] Officers. Clerk: Edmuud Goldsack, Burham Hond, Sevenoaks. School Attendance Officel's : No. 1 District-Frank Burgess, Chclsfield. 2 Charles D. Quint, 26, IJal\Cs Road, Kcston. BROMLEY RURAL DISTRIOT OOUNOIL. Chairman: Colonel Sir H. A. H. F. Lennard, Har!., West Wickham. Vice-Chairman: Thomas Harlow, Orpingt,un Officers. Clerk: Edwaru Haslchllrst, Park House, Bromlcy. Assistant Clerk: P.J. D. Wiley, Park House, Bromlcy. Treasurer: Alfred Wright, Dunaford, 121, Widmore Road, Bromley. Medical Officer of Health : James Scott Tew,M.D"Brooke House,'fonbridge, Sanitary Inspectors : NO.1 District-H. Nightingale, Ailltree, Moortiehl Hoad, Orpington. 2 Andrew Dunlop, cert.n,san.lUst., Wellbrook Road, Farnborough, Kent. Surveyor: Robert Craig, Surveyor's Office, Farnborough. Surveyor of New Streets and Buildings: Walter John Winter, Maulden House, Station Road, Sidcup. The Bromley Rural District Council comprises the Parishes of CheIsfield, Cudham, Downc, Farnborough, Hayes, Keston, Knockholt, Mottingham, North Cray, Orpington, St. Mary Cray, St. Paul's Cray and West Wickham. Members. Chelsfield: Waring, Arthur Thomas, J.P., C"i., Woodlands, Chelsfield. Oudham : Smither, Charles, Biggin Hill, Cudham. Downe : Haldeman, Donald C., The Rookery, Downe. Farnborough : Higgs, John 1Uay,Farnborough Hall :Farm,FarnbQrough. Hayes: Russell, James, Montford House, Hayes. Keston: Haslett, William H., Phcenix House, Keston. Knockholt : Bond, J. H., Knockholt. Mottingham: Floyd, G. C., Santa Inez, Mottingham. North Cray: llowman, Walter, Gattons, North Cray. Orpington: lI:1,rlow,rrhomas, Skeet Hill, Orpington; Hoper, Henry, Gatton Lodge, Orpington. PROMPT COLLECTION AND DELIVERY. Telephone. Bromley 653. THE .. Suodridge Park Laundry, SCOTT'S RD., BROMLEY, KENT. SHIRTS, COLLARS AND CURTAINS R.E=DRESSED . . EQUAL TO NEW. Dyeing and Cleaning in all its branches. All Communications receive Personal Attention . . . PRICE LIST FREE ON APPLICATION. St. Mary Cray: Strouts, R. H., Belgrave Place, St. Mary Cray; Waring, Ed"ard Loxley, Halstead Hall, nearSevenoaks. St. Paul's Cray: !lIay, Thomas. Chalk Pit Farm, St. Paul's Cray. West Wickham: Lennard, Lieut.-Colonel Sir H. A. H. F., Bart., D,l,., J.P., C.C., West Wickham. The CouDcil meets on alternate Tuesdays at 10.30 a,m. at the .Uuiuu Offices, Park House, Bromley. WEST KENT MAIN SEWERAGE BOARD. Offices: Park Honse, Bromley, Kent. Members: Sir George .T. Woodman, J.P. (Chai.rman); Aldermen GLawrence, c.c. (Vice.Chairman), R W. James and G. Weeks; Councillor E. G. Peill; Dr. R. M. H. Randell; :Messrs. J Crease J. C. Hewlett, C.O., A. W. Smale, 'Yo J. Norris, R H. Strouts, T. ?lIay, .T.P., 'Yo Eo Goff, J.P., A. 'Yo Dewoy, J.P. and A. J. Penny, C.c. Secretary: Arthur R. Coomber, Park House, Bromley. Engineers: Alfred Williams & Son, 14. Victoria Street, Westminster s w. Solicitors: Messrs. May, Sykes & Co., Suffolk House, Laurence Pountney Hill, Cannon Street E C. Treasurer: Alfred "·right., Dnnsford, 121, Widlllore Road, Bromley. BROMLEY &'BECKENHAM JOINT HOSPITAL BOARD. Offices: Park-House, Beckenham Lane, Bromley. Members: Dr. R. M.H. Randell (Chairman) ; Atherton 13erens, D. C. Haldenlan, Lieut.-Colonel Sir H. A. H. F. Lennard, Bart., D.L.,J.P., T. :May, J.P., His Worship the Mayor of Bromley (Alderman W. Lindley Jones), Alderman R. 'Yo James, Alderman G. Lawrence, G. Sutton, J.P., J. Crease and A. Dewey, J.P. Medical Superintendent: Dr. Philip N. Randall. Clerk: Frank H. Gedney, Park House, Beckenharn Lane, Bromley. Treasurer: Alfred Wright, Dunsford, 121, Wiclrnore Roacl, Bromley. Matron: Miss F. K. Whitmarsh. LORD LIEUTENANT OF THE COUNTY OF KENT. Camden Marquis, Bayharn Abbey, Lamberhurst, Kent & Carlton&; Marlborough clubs, London; R. Y. S. club, Cowes, Isle of Wight. MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT FOR THE COUNTY. NORTH \\'.:ST Ol/. D.\ltTI·'OUn DIVISION. Rowlands James eS(j. I 19 Mercers rd. Tnfnell park x & Natioluil Libcr-,tl club s w. WEST OR SEYENOAKSDIVISIOK. Forster Henry William esq. D.L. I Hans place s w ; Carlton if;, Wellington clubs s w & Lepe honse, Exbury, Southampton. SOUTH WEST OR TmmmDGE DIVISION. Clay Capt. Herbert Henry Spcnder- ,T.P. 21 Hill street w; Carlton & Turf club.":; I,'orn manor, Lingfield, Surrey. THE MID OR MEDWAYDIVISION. Warde Col. Charles Edward D.L., J.P. Garlton if;, Naval & Military clubs S W & Barham court, Teston, Maidstone NORTH EAST OR FAVERSHAMDIVISION. WhelerGranville Charles Hastings e.!:i(j.D.T,.,.J.P. Carlton, Junior Carlton & Oxford & Cambridge & Royal Automobile clubs s w; Ledston hall, near Castleford, Yorks; Otterden, FUWCl'sham,Kent SOUTH OR ASHFOIm DIVISIOK. Hardy Rt. Hon. Laurence esq. lIl.A., D.L., J.P. 42 Lowndes sq S W; Oxford."; Cambridge & Carlton clubs s W & Sand ling park, Hythe, KCJit EAsT OR ST. AUGUSTINE'SDIVISION. McNeill Ronald JohnM.A., J.P. 18 Cadogan place S w; Carlton club S w; Bath & United Empire clubs W & Glenmona, Cnshendnn, co Antrim ISI.]~ OF THANET. Cl'uig Norman Carlyle esq. K.C. 10 King's Bench walk, Temple E c; 1 Bolton street w; Carlton, St. Stephen's & Pratt's clubs s w; Royal Thames Yacht club W & Fairfield house, St. Peter's, 'fhanet KENT COUNTY COUNCIL. COUNTY OOUNCIL FOR THE COUNTY OF KENT. :',Ieetings at the Sessions House, Maidstone, grd Wednesday in February, May and November, and in August on the Wednesday in the week which commence!! with the Bank Holiday. CHAIRMAN. Cornwallis Fiennes Stanley Wykeham D.L., J.P. Linton park, Maidstone VICE-CHAIRMAN. Hussey Edward Windsor 1\[,A.,V.D., D.L., J.P. Scotney castle, Lamberhurst ACHEl1l1tF.K. j-Hnkel' .Alfred ,John .1.r. ~1.. Ill'allllll"ks, If) SOlll,IWlld I'oat!, Bcckcllll1illl * Bcrry "'alt.el' "'lie(~lci' .1.r. Uw;lllllel'C CUlll't, Hel1in~1FaverHlmm * Child Coles D. I.., J. r. The Palace, BI'OIll/CY,Kent * Cobb Frank Bl'illge, Newton road, Faversham -* Cornwallis Fiennes. Stanley Wykt~Hllll D. I.., J. P.( chairman) Linton pk. Maidestone r Darnley Rig-ht Hon. Earl of D. L., J. P. Cobham hall, GrareseIHI * East Francis Edward J.P. :Marlfidd house, Tonbridge lCGrnnt Hobcrt, J.P. Fernleigh, Birchingtoll, Thanet I-Harris Hight lIon. Lord a.C.S.I., G.C.I.E. Belmont, FaYTsluun & 8 Old Jewry, London 1-: C HIill Col. Itnwlallll Henry Tho>,. ,1.r. Willoughby lodge, Xorthdown aven. :Margate tHussey Edward Windsor M.A., \'.D., D.T.., .LP. (,-icc-chairman), Seotney castle, Lamberhurst '-Lennard Lt.-Col. Sir lIenry Arthur Hallam Farnaby bart. D.L., J.P. Wickham court, Beckenham tLoeke Wehard Goord Edwal D.L., J.P. Dane hOllse, Hartlip, Sittingbourne f;\Iarsham (ieorge D. L., J.P. Harle cottage, Maidstone ·'·.\Ittchell John Lawrence, The Homestead, Dartfonl *:Monins John H('nr~' J.T'. Ringwould house, Hingwould, Dover *Norman Archibhl.Cameron :lLA, J.P. The RookcrY, 90 Bromley Common, Bromley 1"Penfold Col. Stephen Y.D., J.l'. 70 Cheriton road, Folkestonc *Plum ptre Henry Fitzwalter J.P. Goodnestone, Canterbury *Qllestcd John Egerton, The Firs, Cheriton, Folkestone t Roberts William Lee lIenry J.P. Holborough, Snodlallu * Sayer John liLA.. D L., J.P. Clear mount, Charing, Ashford * Waring Arthur Thomas J. P. Woodlands, Chelsfield Watson Charles Hubhack .T.P. Stone castle, Greenhithe ::Ifnrkc,l thus t rctirc in 1911;. Marked thus· rctire iu 191 ft.


Blean Division. Brown Sydney, Westfields, Whitstable (2) WillJee Frel1el'lc Henri J.P. Grosvenor house, Victoria park, Herne Ba~' d) Bl'idf/e J)it'isiOil. :Maxted John Dean, Lower Garrington, Littlebol1rne, Canterbury Bromlcy Divisio'l. Grant Cardross, Bruntsfield, Bromley road, Beckenham (2) Hewlett John Cooke, 1.5 Fox Grove road, Beckenham d) Lawrence George, 80 Bromley common, llrQmley (4) Ma~' Thomas, Chalk Pit farm, St. Paul's Cray (6) Peill Frederick William, 7 Ra\"ensbourne road, Bromley (3) Pillman .Joseph Charlo::, The Cottnge, Foots Cray, Bromley (5) CI'a1!brook Division. Tylden·Pattellsoll William Boys D.L., J.P. Dashmonden, Biddendcll Dar~ford .Divisi~n. Ames Walter, Newlyn house, 88 Church road, Swanscombe (3) Butcher Albert, Belle grove, WeIling (5) Hulkes Cecil James GJaddish B.A., .J.P. Hadlow place, near Tonbridge (1) Penney Alfred John. Homewood, Miskin road, Dartford (4) Vinson Albert, Parsonage farm, Belvedere (6) Vinson Edwin, IIighcroft haJJ, Sw:mley (2) BOI'ollgh of Deal. Radcliffe WiJli\Ml1,Beech Court" Deal Borough of Dover. Leney Alfred Charles, The Garden, Saltwood, Hythe (Town ward) Leney Hugh, Graham house, Shorncliffe road, Folkestone (Castle ward) Shone H. E. Vernon, Castle Mount lodge, Taswell street, Dover (Pier ward) Dover (County) Division. Urnnclall Eric Handolph, Woodside, River, Dover & 5.\, Pont street s w Eastl'Y Division. Unilford Rigut Hon. Earl of D.L., J,P. Waldersbaro park, Dover (1) Rice Henry Edwar(l Harcourt, North court, Tilmanstone, Dover (2) East A.shford Division. Amos Alfred, Spriug Groye farm, Wye Elhmn Division, Rigden Henry, Ridge Hill house, Lyminge Borough of Faversham. Child Henry Ross, 37 Newton road, Faversham Fat!ersham (County) Division. Gascoyne Edward B. Bapchild court, Bapchild, Sittingbourne (2) MiJJes-Lade Han. Henry Augustus J. P. Nash court, Boughton, Lewisham (1) Borough of Folkestone. Harrison William John, 48 Bournemouth road, Folkestone (Division 1) Mumford Charles Edward, Cross Roads house, Folkestone (2) Borough of Gravesend. Davis Henry Edward, Athol house, O,er cliffe, Gra,esend (J.\Iilton ward) t'thodes Capt, Thomas J.P. Ardlui, 27 Pelham road, Gravesend (Gravesend 'lard) HollingboUl'ne Division. Kingsland Henry iVIajer, Grove house, Headcorn BOi'Oltffh of 11faidstone. McAlpine Kenneth, Loose, near Maidstone (1) Mercer Randall, Sandling place, Boxley, :Maidstone (2) Vaughan Edmund, Kelsale honsc, 10 'fonbridge road, Maidstone (3) .J1Iaidsione(County) Division. Hannen Hon. Henry Arthur J.P. The Hall, West, Farleigh (1) Leney Augustus, Orpine Wateringbury (2) .JIalling Division. Jlonckton F. W. The Warren, Ightham (3) Smith Samuel Lee J.P. Larkfield, Maidstone (2) Wilford Joshua, Sunnyside, Snodland (x) Borough of Ramgate. Lewis Allan Fl'..Ulci:; Leach, The College, l\hrgate (Soutuern division) Shea Sidney, The Haven, Arldiscombe road, Margate (Northern division) Jledlcav Divisioil. llillingllUr.:it Edward Ambl·U.:ie,3-1-6 High street, Chatham (2) Driver Rev. 'filliam D.l"We3, Ingle5ide, H ~Iaidstone ro.d, Chath!lm (x) Passby Col. Wchard James, Gad's hill, Gillingham (5) Tapp Alfred William, 10-4- Windmill road, Gillingham (4) Whyman Herbert Francis, 43 New road, Rochester (3) }lfUton Division. Payne Henry, Trotts hall, Sittingbourne (1) Wakeley Richard i\'Iansfield, ~I,)orStreet house, Rail1ham (~) Penge Division. Grant Bryce, 7 Avenue road, Penge S E Borough of Ramsgate. Clutton J. H. 6 Gl"un-ille gardens, Ramsgate (E:tstern division) Tomson )1artil1 John Read, Court Stairs, St. Lawrence, Ramsgate (Western division) Borou,gh of Rochesiel·. Barker W. Oubbett, X3 tiun lUl1c,Strood (2) Knight Alfred Joseph, 66 Maid:5tone road, Rochester (I) RO/filley .3Im·:Jh 1Jivision. Lister-Kay Ellis Cunliffe Li.,ter, Godmersham park, near Canterbury S~l'enoaks Division. Collet Sir Mark E. bart. J.P. St. Clerc, Kemsing, Se\"cnuakg (2) Sack'dUe Right Hon. LorJ, Knole pJ.rk, Sevclloaks (1) Williams Col. Charles Stanley V.D., ~r.A. Ivy house, Bough Beech, ChidJingstone, Edenbridge (3) Sheppey Division. Howe Alfred Whittaker, Manor house, SheernesiS (I) Tower James, Trafalgar honse, Sheerne:os (2) .':ill·ood Division. Clmreh Thomas, 95 .I:;96 Higll street, N ortllfleet (I) Spoor John Lamb J.P. Hede cour~ Strood (2) Tuff Charles, West,field, SinglewelI, Gransend (3) l'entr:rden 1Jil'isiuJ!. l'alll)(T Vivian Tl'ostrail Dampier, Herumlen hall, reuterden Thanet 1Jit·isioJl. Flint Arthm :l1.D. '''c::;tgate lodge, Westgate-oll-;:;ea Tonbi'idge Divisiol!. Uoldsmid Osmond Elim d'Avigc10r:lI.A., LL.B., J.P. Somcrhill, Tonbridge (2) Gower Robert Vaughan, Ferndale lodge, 23 Jrerndale, Tl1nbl'iuge Wells (3) )Ian waring Percy, :MarIe place, Brenchley (I) Nicholson H. Bidborough hall, Bidborough (5) Sladell Col. Edward Sydney St. Barbe J.P. Hustlmll Beacon, Hl1sthall common, Tunbridge Wells (4) West .ls1ifoi'd Division. Batchelor Joseph, Hayes Bank, Ashford (I) Ig-glesden Charles, Heathfield, Ashford (2) OFFICERS OF THE CounTy COUNCIL. Clerk to the C01.wty Council cr· Clerk Of the Peacefor the County.-Waltor Byron Prosser esq. Sessions !louse, Maidstone Gltie;f Consta7Jle.-CoI. Henry ~lurray Ashley Warde, Wren's Cross,.Upper StOI1~ street, Maidstone Deputy Chief Constable.-Capt. H. E. Chapman, Wren's Cross, Upper Stone street, Maidstone Clel''': to Standing Joint Committec.-Charles Turner, West Borough challlbf~r~, Maidstone County Architcct.-Frederick William Ruck. 86 Week street, Maidstone County SUl'veY0r.-Herbert 'furlay Chapman, office, St. Peter's street, Maidstoll8 County Land A.qent.-Albert Barker, Sessions house, Maiclstone County Ti'eWnirej·s.-Henry Tasker & Wm. Frcdk. ;\1ercer, 90 Bank !It. Maidstonc Assistant County TreasUI'el', Accountant and Controller of Local Taxation Licenses. -Edward J. :MarviIll'.A.A. Sessions house, Maidstone Under Shel'w:-Francis Robert Howlett, 9A, King street, Maidstone (}ounty Jledical Officer of Health.-WiIIhlU James Howarth M.D., D.P.H. ,·jet. Sessions house, Maidstolle County Analyst and Official Agricultural Analyst.-F. W. Arnaud F.I.C., F.e.. County laboratory, Sessions house, Maidstone Returning Officei' of the County Council .y Cle/'k to the Lieutenancy,-Cbal'le! Turner, West Borough chambers, Maidstonc Sec/'dalY to the Education Committee,-Francis W. Crook, Seg~iol1Ji ho. Maidstonfl


Greenwich District.-Harry Bolton Sewell, 26 Crooms hill, Greenwich S E .iVw· Romney District.-Harold Walker Stringer,The Gables ,North st. New Romney Deal and Sandwich District.-Frederick William Hardman LL.D.4 & 5 Park st. Deal 8ittingbourne District.-Charles Benjamin Harris, 76 High street, Sittingbourne Ashford District.-Rutley MowJl, Dover & Canterbury Cl'anbl'ook District.-Charles Duncan Murton, The Hill, Uranbrook Tonbridge District.-Thomas Buss, Elmcroft, Mount Pleasant rd. Tunbridge Well. Hythe Borough.-Bernard Charles Drake, Town Clerk's office, Hythe Romney Mar;;h Liberty.-Harold Walker Stringer, The Gables, North street, New Romney Penge.-W. P. Morrison, Redhill INSPECTORS OF WEIGHTa AND MEASURES. Chief InspectOJ·.-The Chief Constable Deputy Chief Inspector.-The Deputy Chief Constable A.shford District.-WiUiam E. Allen, Willesborough, Ashford Bearsted and Mallin,q .District.-John Welfare, Sessions house, Maidstone Bromley and .Dartfm'd .District.-Alexander Quinlan, 54 Dartford road, Dartford, attends at North street, Bromley, first & third thursdays in month from 10 a.m. to I p.m. & at 167 Maple road, Penge, first & third fridays in month from 10 a. m. to I p.m Chatham, Sittingbourne and part of Favel'sham .District.-Thomas Roberts i office, Batchelor street, Chatham i private residence, 118 Rochester street, Chatham Ramsgate, Wingham, Home and part of Faversham District.-Egbert W. Ryley, Woodbine cottage, Minster, Thanet Tonbridge, Se'!Jenoaks go part of Cranbrook Divisions q- Parishes of Wrotham, Ightham and Plaxtol.-Joshua Chamberlain, Claireville, Lionel road, Tonbridge


Board of Trade Labour Exchange, West St.; Fredk. E. Bullen, manager. Clerk to Commissioners of Land and Assessed Taxes: Robert Uirling, White Hart Chambers, 137 & 138, High Street, Bromley. Clerk to Magistrates: Edward Latter, Court House, Bromley. Assistant Clerk: L. Beeston. Collector of King's Taxes: J. }'. Croome, 5 Market Square. Collector of King's Taxes (for Chelsfield, Chislehurst, Cudham, Downe, Farnborough, Foots Cray, Keston, Knockholt, Orpington, St. Mary Cray & St. Paul's Cray): W. F. Masters, Laro, 5, Homefield Rise, Orpington. Collector of Rates and Assistant Overseer: George Stone, Municipal Offices, Tweedy Road, Bromley. Commissioners for Administering Oaths in the Supreme Court of Judicature: Edward Latter, 26, Market Square; James Edward Walker, Ravenswood, 7, Ethelbert Hoad; Frederick James Hughes, Bonchurch, 2, Elmficld Road; Alban Chavasse, 17, Sandford Road; William Halsted Dale, Ingleside, 98, Plaistow Lane; Edward Danvers Draper, 5, Park Grove; Charles Edward Walker Ogilvie, 14, Homefield Road; Edmund Shirley Parker, Southernhay, Homefield Road; Henry Sandford, Bladon, 17, Hammelton Road; W. Hubert Smith, liLA., LL.lII. Trevcna, 18, Blyth Road; Frank Woodbridge, The Orchard, 10, Orchard Road; Edward Thomas Lea, Gatton, 28, Tweedy Road; Arthur Robert Besunt, 43, Farnaby Road; Thomas Herbert Edward Foord, Durham Lodge, 42, Westmoreland Road; Moreton Laing Knight, Hillside, Avondale Road; Alfred Hugh Knight Squire, LI..n.LOnd. Whitegarth, Cumberl:1nd Road; Herbert John Moodie, Courtfield, 19, Sandford Road; Tho mas Lamb, Hadley, Sundridge Avenue i Charles Sidney Hind, Cambridge Lodge, 18, Hope Park; Frederick Charles Collyer, 40, London Road; William Frederick Holroyde, 5, Market Square and Greenhayes, 75, Hayes road; Wilfrid Jas. Homewood, Holmbury, 41, Sbawfield Park, Widmore; John Burder Batchelor, South view, 48, Westmoreland Road; Angus Fraser Oakley Walbrook, 9, Park Road; Frederic Walter Beck, Foxlow, Garden Road; John Henry Hodge, I, Widmore Road and 22, Crescent Road; George Charles Hazeldine Jennings, The Rosary, Quernmore Road; John Edward Shaw, Silvermead, Quernmore Road; John Charles Brookhouse, Ailsa 22 Rodway Road; Myer Barnett Lee, Sherwood cottage, Kinnaird Avenue; Percy Tatham, Thorncroft, 6, Oaklands Road; William George Weller, I, Queen's :Mead Road; Charles Frederick Foster, II" Hope Park; Alfred Neale, 4, Elmfield Park; Herbert D. Price, II, Sandford Road; Robert Thomas Wragg, Carisbrooke, Park Avenue; Henry John Welch, Tintagel, 9. Homefield Road; Reuben Winder, Larkfield, 5, Durham Road; James Edward Williamson, Ashdown, Quernmore road; Edgcombe Stevens, Clifton house, 161, Widmore road. Coroner's Officer: P.C. G. Gilmore, Bromley Police Station County Court.-Judge: His Honour Judge Parry. Registrar and High Bailiff Edward Latter. Clerks: William W. White & F. P. Badder. Assistant Bailiffs: R. Lambe and J. Fairweather. Office: Court House, Bromley. Customs and Excise and Old Age Pensions Offioe: A. Woodward, surveyor; Albert Euward Jackson, officer; Park house, Beckenham Lane, Bromley. Gas Works (South Suburban Gas Co., Bromley District)-Homesdale Road: S. Y. Shoubridge, chief engillller; olfice, 156, High Street; Wilfrid Wastell, sec. Inland Revenue Valuation Department-IB, Holwood Road: A. B. Thornton, valuer. Inspector of Weights and Measures, Food and Drugs, Petroleum and Explosives: Alexander (2uinlan, inspector for Anerley, Penge, Beckenlnm, Bromley, Chislehurst and Bickley. Attends at North Street, Bromley, the first and third Thursdays in e\'ery month, 10 a.m. to I p.m. and at 167, Maple RllUd, Penge, the lirst and third Fridays in every month, fl'Oll1 10 a.m, to I p.m. Inspector,' Diseases of Animals Acts, Kent County Council (Bromley Distriot) & Bromley Borough Council: Alfred Henry Sly, HolmfieJd, 106, London Hoad, Bromley. Metropolitan Water Board (Southern District): Loc:ll Offices, While Hart Chamber,;, 137 & 138, High Street: Collectors, W, F. L:ltten, atlcuds Tuesday!', 10 to I and 2.30 to +30 j T. Roffe, attends Tbursdays, 3 to 5· Overseers: George Haywood, Charles Cooling and William Long Crosley ; Assistant Overseer: Geo. Stone, Municipal Offices. Police Station - Town Hall, Market Square: Vincent Coster, chief inspector Registrar of Births and Deaths for Beckenham Sub-District: Charles Ernest Manger, I3 Beckenham Hoad, Beckenham. Attendance as follows: Beckenham, at District pauncH Otfices, Bromley Road, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 5 to 7 p.m. ; Thursdays, 10 a.m. to 12 noon; Saturdays, 10 to II a.m. Hayes, at Mr. J. Dodd's Cottage, The Village, first and third Fridays in each month, 12.30 to 1.30 p.m.
204th YEAn. FOUNDED 1710. u FIRE Copied from Poll ~y dated 17211. The Oldest Insurance Office in the World. Chief Office: 63, Threadneedle Street, LONDON,E.C. BRANCH OFFICES: { 6o, CHARING CROSS, S. W. 332, OXFORD STREET, W. (CORNER OF VERE SrRE1.'lT). LONDON 40, CHANCERY LANE, W.C. (LAW COURTS BRANCU) . . 42, MINCING LANE, E.C. Branches and Agoncies throughout the World. Insurances effected against the following risks:- FIRE DAMAGE .. Resultant Loss of Rent and Profits. Employers' Liability and Personal Accident. Workmen's Compensation, including Siekness and Disease. A.eddents to Domestie Servants. Fidelity Guarantee. Burglar)'. Plate Glass. DIRECTORS. MARLBOROUGH ROBERT PRYOR, Esq. Chairman. THE HaN. WILLIAM HENRY GORCHEN, Dfputy-Chnirman. VISCOUNT OASTLEREAGH, H.V.O., H.P. SIR HUGH a. G. M0:STGOUERY, Bart. IrRANK OJIAPLIN, Esq. R. O. SCOfT :LlIURRAY, Esq. Il:nwAun DENT, Esq. LORD HENny NEVILl,. rRE RlOrrr HON. LORD FABER. FREDERICK Hmmy NORMAN, Esq. ~LFRED FAllQUHAR, Esq. THE HaN. CHARLES L. SCLATER-BOOTR. 8lnw AftD G. GRENFELL, .Esq. LI)RD HEHREllT SCOTT, D.S.O. ~mRICilAIW BlDDULPH MARTIN, Bart. GRAS. W~£. TmUlNSON, Esq. rRE HON. A.LGERNON II. MLLs' GEO. E. MEAD, M,I'1(['l~r and Secre((fry. F. H. MELLERSH, ! Sub-Managers and O. H. GREEN, F. WUITE, l .A&J(. Secs. Jl11nrl'1~r. Acedt, Dept. IODERATE RATES. PROMPT & LIBERAL SETTLE!irENT OF CLAIMS. CAPITAL PAm UP AND OWlER r:iHIiDS £3l

West Wickham, at the Parish Room, Sussex Road, first and third Fridays in each month, II a.m. to 12 noon. Deputy Registrar : Herbert E. Manger, District Council Offices, Bromley Road, Beckenham. Registrar of Births and Deaths for Bromley Sub-Distriot: Walter H. Ba.nner, 66, Tweedy Road, Bromley. Hours of attendance: Morning Mondays, 9 to 10.3°; Wednesdays, 'fhursuays and Saturdays, 9 to II ; Evening-Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays, 5 to 7. Deputy Registrar: Harry Chapman, Park House, Beckenham Lane, Bromley. Registrar of Births and Deaths for Chislehurst Sub·District: H. B. Hamlyn, The Willows, Sclborne Road, Sidcup. Deputy: Mrs. Rose Hamlyn, The Willows, Selborne Road, Sidcup. Registrar of Births and Deaths for Orpington Sub-District: J. D. Higgins, Moorfield Road, Orpington. Deputy: Mrs. R. Higgins, Moorfield Road, Orpington. Registrar of Marriages: Harry Lawrence Gooding F.L.A.A. 43, High Street and Fairholme, 26 Crescent Road, Bromley. Deputy Registral' : Henry R. Hunt, 60, London Road, Bromley. Relieving and Vaccination Officer and Collector to Guardians No. 1 District, Bromley Union: Walter H. Banner, 66, Tweedy Road, Bromley. Sanitary Inspector and Inspector under Petroleum Act: Thomas Butler A.R.S.I. Municipal Offices, Tweedy Road. Superintendent Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages: Edward Haslehurst, Park House, Beckenham Lane, Bromley. Deputy SupaI" intendent Registrar: P. J. D. Wiley, Park House, Bromley. SUrveyor of Taxes: U. H. Hyett, Park House, Beckenham Lane, Bromley. Turnoocks (Metropolitan Water Board, Kent District): Alfred Brook, 7, Walpole Road, Brumley Common (district foreman); Herbert Edward Stanley Hammond, I, Orchard Villas, Perry Street, Chislehurst (inspector); William Henry Taylor, jun. 49, "Iartins Rd. Shortlands (turncock); \ Samuel A. Allen, 3, Rothesay villas, Sevenoaks Road, Orpington (district foreman); Albert Goodhew, 10, Rampore cottages, Bridge Road, Orpington (foreman); H. Monk, 4, Shorter's Cottages, Pratt's .Bottom, Chelsfield (assistant turncock); Harry Curd,s, Orchard Road, Farnborough (turncock). Vestry Clerk: Edward Latter, Pixfield, Beckenham Lane, .Bromley
Telegrams: DUNN, BROMLEY, KENT. Telephones' { BROMLEY 42. . BROMLEY 112.


COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHERS Upholsterers, Cabinet Makers, Undertakers, Appraisers & Removal Contractors, 32 to 40, Widmore Rd., BROMLEY. A large assortment of Secondhand Furniture, Carpets, Bedding and Bedsteads, always on view. --------- , Showrooms: 32 to 40, WIDMORE ROAD. Fireproof Depositories and Cabinet 36 PARK ROAD & QUEEN'S ROAD a


The Public Library Acts were adopted by the ratepayers in the year 1892, and in 1894 a building was erected adjoining the Science and Arc Schools in Tweedy Road, to serve fl."; a Central Library, and was opened by Lord Avebary in December of th;~t year. The new library in the High Street, presented to the Town by tho generosity of Andrew Carnegie esq. LL.D., was opened by him on May 29th, I 9::>6. This building witch extension cost altogether £II,500. It is n. vory hanesome structure and well adapted for the purpose. Borough Librarian: William J. Harris, F.L.A. GeneralThe Reading Room is open to the public every week day from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m., excepting Christmas Day, Good Friday, Bank Holidays, ano. such other days as the Committee may direct. All the more important daily, weekly and monthly periodicals, directories, time tables & c. are displayed in the room. The Lending Department shall be open to the public every week day from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.,except on Wednesclays (when it will be closed at I p.m.), Christmas Day, Good Friday, Bank Holidays, and such other days as the Committee may direct. No one nnder I4 rears of age is eligible to borrow books, or to make use of the Library. Lending Department No person is allowed to borrow books for home reading' eXcept residents in, or ratepayers of, the Distrid of Bromley. The conditions under which books are lent from the Library ure- (a) Any Ratepayer of the District of Bromley who is enrolled on the current County Council ne~ister of the District shall be entitled to borrow books on his own responsibility, but he will be required to sign a voucher, all the form provided for that purpose, und to obtain a Borrower's Ticket. (b) Any other person resiient lJl the District desiring to borrow bool,s shall sign an undertaking on the form provided for that purpose, and must also obtain the recommendation of a Ratepayer whose name appears upon the current County Council H.egister of the District. The voucher must be delivered to the Librarian, and if on examination it be found correct, a book may be borrowed at once. Printed voucher forms may be had from the Librarian. Any person resident in the District unable to obtain the- signature of a ratepayer as a guarantor, may leave, in lieu thereof, a deposit of Ten Shillings with the Librarian, and he is then entitled to borrow books from the Library. The time allowed for reading each book is Jow'teen da,'l/s from the date of issue, and a Fine of One Penny will be charged for each week, or portion of a week, during which any book may be detained beyond that period. Referenoe DepartmentThe Reference Library is open to the public every week day from 10 a.llI. to 10 p.m., except on Christmas Day, Good Friday, Bank Holidays, the last clear week in July, and such other days as the Committee may direct. Any work in the Lending Library, if not in use (excepting books uf Fiction\ may be used in the Reference Library. The Committee are a Society for the purposes of Literature, Science, and the ['ineArts, exclusively within the meaning of 6 & 7 Vic., cap. 36. The Library is supported partly out of the rates and partly by annual and other voluntary contributions. No dividend, gift, division, or bonus in money s~al1 be made unto or between any of the Committee or members.


Is situated at St. Luke's Instit,ute, Raglan road. All the above rules apply in the case of the Branch, except that the hours for the exchange of books are 6 to 9.30 p.m. each week day evening. Readers may borrow books from either Central or Branch and may return them to either place, without regard to the Library whence they obtained them. Headers at the Branch may also draw upon a large part of the Central collection hy filling in the form of request provided for that purpose. Books applied for in this way will be sent to the Branch and will be available fOl' borrowing all the evening after the delivery of the form. At this Branch a selection of daily, weekly and monthly periodicals is supplied.


Situated at Post Office, 77 Bromley Common; Mr. Norman in charge. Books may be exchanged from 2 to 8 p.m. each week day. COLLEGE ROAD LIBRARY STATION. Situated at 55 Gollegeroad; S. S. Dean & Son. Rules as above. SHORTLANDS LIBRARY STATION. Situated at 1O{ Beckenham la.; H.D.Kelf, lIf.p.s.,chemist. Rules as above.


The Literary Institute was established in the year 1846. The rooms were formerly situated in the Town Hall, but in Ocbber, ISg7, the premises at Widmore Road were entered into. The Library contain, about 7,000 volumes. Newspapers, periodicals, & c., aro abo taken for the use of members. The Institute is open from 10 It. m. till IO p. m. President: A. O. Norman esq. J.P. Treasurer: Alfred Wright. Ron. SecretarIes: T. J. Elliot & F. A. C. Thomas.


The School of Science and Art, situate in Tweedy Road, was openell in 1878. The building is admirably suited to the purpose, and is fitted with every convenience for teaching drawing, painting and modelling, and is also provided with a good selection of casts from the antique, as well as a plentiful supply of models and examples. There is also a good Laboratory and Science Lecture Room, fitted with vory complete apparatus for the study of Chemistry, Electricity, and other branches of ~cience. The teaching is carried on in both departments of the School, in accordance with the regulations of the Board of Education, and exam· inations for certificates are held in the month of Dray. The Schools were presented to the Bromley Local Board (now Borough Conneil) in 1892, by whom they have since been carried cn, and to the District Council (now Borough Council) has since been handed over the Industrial Institute, situate in Sherman Road, opened by Lord Playfair in May, 1887. The Science and Art Schools were considerably enlarged in 1894, at the time of the building of the rooms for the Public Library. Art Master: Mr. Arthur Schofield A.R.C.A. Art Sc:hool, Tweedy Road, Bromley. Director : Mr. Reginald Airy M.A. Cambridge Road, Bromley. Head Master for the Junior School: Alfred M.Thomas, 19 Amesbury Road, Bickley. Secretary to the Higher Education Committee : George Wilson, School of Science and Art, Tweedy Road, Bromley. ---te-- KENT COUNTY COUNCIL DOMESTIC ECONOMY SCHOOL, 142 College Road. Miss Isabel Duncan, Superintendent.


Bromley College, situated in the London Road, was founded in 1666 by John Warner, Bishop of Rochester, who endowed it with £450 pel' annum, for the residence and support of twenty widowR of loyal and orthodox clergymen, to each of whom he assigned £20 pel' annum, and to a chaplain £50; this endowment ,vas augmented by many subsequent benefactions. In 1767 the Rev. William Hetherington bequeathed £2,000, Old South Sea Annuities, to purchase coal and candles for the use of the establishment; in 1774 the sum of £5,000, in the same Stock, wa~ given by Dr. Zachary Pearce, Bishop of Rochester, for the augmentation of the pensions; in 1782 William Pearce, the bishop's brothel', bequeathed £10,000 for the erection and endowment of ten additional houses; in 1788 Mrs. Bettinson left £10,000 in the Three per Cents., for building and en· dowing ten additional houses; in 1823 Dr. Walker King, Bishop of Roches· tel', gave £3,000, Three per Cents., for payment of £30 per annum each to three out-pensioners; and in 1824 Mrs. Rose, formerly a member of this college, bequeathed £8,000 to increase the stipend of the widows. There are at present 42 houses (40 for widows) in the college, forming a handsome and appropriate pile of buildings, surrounding two quadrangular areas. The chapel is a consecrated building, seating 130, and measuring 56ft. by 20ft., lind is 33ft. high. The widows receive pensions of £38 each, the five oldest of £44, and free medical attendance.


On the north-eastern corner of the grounds stands Sheppard's College i it consists of five honses built nearly after the plan of those in the adjoining foundation, and affording similar accommodation. They are allotted to five maiden ladies who ha'Tc previously resided with their mothers in Bromley College. They receive £44 annually, together with gratuitous medical attendance. Mrs. ~heppard, the founder of this charity in the year 1840, was the widow of the Her. Dr. Sheppard, Fellow of Magdalen College, and siHter of Dr. Hauth, president of that house. College Trusteos : The Archbishop of Canterbury, the Bishop of London, the Bishop of Hochester, the Archdeacon of Rochester, the Dean of St. Paul's, the Chancellor of Rochester, A. C. Norman, Esq. (treasurer), Coles Child, Esq., Sir R. B. Martin, Bart., Sir William Ilee Warner G.C.S.I., LL.D. and the Rev. Canon Donald Tait, M.A. (vicar of Bromley). Chaplain: Rev. J. White liLA. Chaplain's House, Bromley College. Ap. pointed 1891.



The Parish Church of Bromley, dedicateu to St. Peter and St. Paul, dates probably from the 14th century, although it possesses a Norman font, carved Bethersllen marble of 1100-1200, and an ancient arched recess, now used as a credence table, which dates from the 12th or 13th century. The other ancient parts of the church 11.r0 an old oak decorated door with massive bolt and lock, and a brass to the memory of Isabella, wife of Richard Lacer, Mayor of London, who died. in 1361. The church is said to have been originally dedicated to St. Blasius, whose name is still associated with a spring in the Palace grounds. The living is It vicarage in the Archdeaconry and Diocese of Rochester, in the gifL uf the Bishop of Rochester, and is held by the Rev. Canon Tait, M.A. (presented 1904). The church, which was considerably iJ1lpro~'ed in 1873, has it low embattled tower at the west end, and au excellent peal of eight bells. A new organ was presented to the church by the late Bir Eo H. Scott, Bart., of Sundridge Park, in 1874, which was enlarged and improved in 1894. A chancel, with aisle and vestries, was built ill 1884, at a cost of nearly £5,000, and -was consecrated by the Archbishop of CanterLury on Dec. 16th, 1884. A stained glass window has now taken Lhe place of the plain one at the east end. The register dates from the year 1558. A Parish Room in 'Yelit Street, in connection with thi.s church, was opened in November, 1881. A new stained glass window has been placed in tho West end in memory of the late vicar, the Rev. A. G. Hellicar. It was dedicated 13th July~ 1906. Vicar: Rev. Donald Tait, M.A. (Rural Dean of Bromley, Hon. Canon of Rochester Cathedral and Surrogate), Bromley Vic:trage, 9 Church road. Curates: Rev. Stanley Ernest Osborne, 'liLA. ; Rev. Arthur Howe Stovenson, M.A. & . Rev. Bernard Nash Car\'er, B.A. Churchwardens: D. G. Simpson, 155 Widmore road; H. G. Dunn, 25 Queen's road. Parish Clerk: William Henry Brown, 107 Widmore road. Organist: Frederic Fcrtel, Holmcroft, 33, liolwood road. Sexton and Verger: G. Harris, Park end. Assistant Verger: Frank Rmith. Times of Service: Holy Communion every Sunday at 8 a.m., first, third and last Sundays at noon, second and fourth Sundays 7 a.m. Holy days and Wedncsdays7.30 a.m. Services at II a.tll., 4.15 p.m. with Baptism", and 6.30 p.m. Children's service, third and fourth Sundays 3.15 p.m. Daily services, morning 7.30 or 11 a.m.; evening 5.30 or 8 p.m. Church Hymns. Bromley Parish Church Committee Rooms, II Church road.


The Church of St. Mark, in Westmoreland road, which is a Chapel of Ease to the Parish Church of Bromley, was consecrated on October 22nd, 1898. It has been built at a cost of upwards of £8,000, from designs by Mr. Evelyn Hemcar, A.R.I.B.A. A very handsome tower has recently been built at a cost of about £3,000, largely through the munificence of T. O. Dewey, Esq. ; a clock has been given by E. Soames, Esq. On May 7th, 1910, a new organ was dedicated, which cost about £1,100, raised by subscription. On October 21st, 191 I, the side Chapel of the Annunciation, erected by his widow and relations in memory of the Rev. Lewis James l'~lwin, B.A., assistant curate 1900-1905, was dedicated by the Bishop. Verger: G. Freeman, 3, Westmoreland road. Times of Service: Holy Communion every Sunday at 8 a.m.; first Sunday, 7 a.m. ; first, second and fourth Sundays in the month at noon. Morning service I I a.lll. ; Evening 6.30 p. m. Baptism!'! and Churchings every Sunday at 4.15, notice to be given to the verger. Children's service first & second Sundays ill the mont,h at 3.15. Chureh Hymns.


In the year 1872 an iron church, dedieated to St. John the Evangelist, was opened in Park road. In 1879 the memorial stone of a permanent church was laid on an adjoining site, and the church, which cost (including site) £5,400, was consecrated in 1880. It was at first a Chapel of Ease to the Parish Church, hut at the end of 1880 the part of the parish in which it stands was constituted a new ecclesiastical district. Since its consecration it has been improved by the addition of stained glass windows, oak choir stalls, a new organ, and a permanent stone fence surrounding it. Hecently a handsome open oak screen has been erected, adding much to the beauty and dignity of the church. In the yellr 1883 3. commodious Parish Room was erected in North Road in connection with the church, and is used for Sunday School and other purposes; it has lately heen enlarged for the sake of hetter accommodation for the Sunday School, and also to provide rooms for clubs both for men and for lads. ;:~Avicarage house was built in Upper Park Road in 1891. A double choir vestry has been added to the church, suitable for classes and small parochial meetings. The present vicar was appointed in 1881. Vicar: Rev. Canon Peter Barker, M.A.(Hon. Canon of Rochester Cathedral), St. John's Vicarage, 13 Upper Park road. Curate: Rev. Edward Ambury Parr, B.A., 10 Hawes road. Churchwardens: J. North, 97 Widmore rd. ; C. F. Nye, 23 HolJigrave rd. Organist: A. F. Burton, 245 Croxted road, West Dulwich s E. Parish Nurse :":Nurse Mawer. Times of Service: Holy Communion at 8 a.m. every Sunday, and first and third Sundays at noon; Chief Festivals at 7 and 8 a.m., and at noon. Morning service at II ; Evening at 6.30. Saints' Days and week days according to notice. Hymns, Ancient and Modern.


The Church of St. Mary, Plaistow, is about half-a-mile from the Market square. The nave was built in 1863; and in 1881 a chancel, vestries, and an organ chamber were added, with some stained glass windows. The south transept was erected in 1891, and the north in 1900, the latter at a cost of about £2,200. A beautiful organ was used for the first time on Easter-Day, 1882. In the summer of 1884 a new east window, containing the richest and most elaborate stained glass, was preMnted to the church by Lady Scott and children in memory of the late Sir Edward H. Scott, Bart., of Sundridge Park, and since then several other stained glass windows have been given by Mr. ~f urray S. Richardson, of Page Heath House, Bickley-other stained glass windows have also been put Jn. In 1884 a scheme was laid before the parishioners to purchase a vicarage for the church, which has since been done. The living is a vicarage, in the gift of the Bishop of Rochester, and is held by the Rev. William Gowans, B.A., Oambridge. Vicar: Rev. William Gowalls, B.A.camb., St. Mary's Vicarage, College rd. Ourates: Rev. Gerald Oscar Morgan-Smith, B.A., andRev. Charles Edgar Payne. Churchwardens : Henry Allan, Coverdale, 9 Spencer road. and Henry C. Quelch, Sunnymede, Kinnaird avenue. Lay Representatives: Henry Allan, Coverdale, 9 Spencer road, and Frederick Alfred Threadgold, 42 Heathfield road. Organist: F. Lewis Thomas, 5 College road, Bromley. Verger and Sexton: Edward Ford, 87 Park end. Times of Service: Sundays-Matins and Sermon, II a.m.; second Sunday, 10.15 a.m.; Children's Catechising, 3 p.m. ; Evensong and Sermon, 6.30 p.m. Holy Communion-first Sunday, 8 and 9.45 a.m.; second Sunday, 8 a.m. and Choral Celebration with Sermon, II a.m. third Sunday, 7 & 8 a.m. and T2 noon (plain); fourth Sunday, 8 a.m. and 12 noon (choral); fifth ~unday, 8 a.m.; additionalcelebrations on Great Festivals. Week days, Holy Communion, Tuesdays, 7.3oa.m.; Thursdays, 7.30a.m.; first Thursday in the month, II.30 a.m. ; Evensong, :Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, 5 p.m. ; Thursday, Friday aud Saturday, 5.30 p.m. Hymns, .Ancient and Modern. Services for Men, quarterly, at St. Mary's; C.L. B. every Sunday at the Church Hall, 4.15 p.m. ; All Saints' Guild, first Tuesday in the month, 5.30 p.m. ; St. Andrew's Guild, monthly.


Christ Church is situate in Highland Road, Bromley Park. The church was opened for public worship in January, 1887, and holds 350. It was built by Mr. S. Cawston, at a cost of £2,600. The architecture is Early English. The principal features of the fittings of this church are the very handsome seats, which are made of Canadian oak and were carved in Glasgow, and the oak pulpit, which was exhibited at the Colonial Exhibition. All the brass work is from Messrs. Evered's, and is some of their best work. The organ in the church is a relic of oIrdtimes in Beckenham, being the old Beckenham Church organ, which was used in that church during the ministry of the late Dr. :Marsh. The church is licensed by the Archbishop of Canterbury. The west wall is only temporary, and space has been left to enlarge the church to the extent of 200 seats. The present incumbent was appointed in 1903. Incumbent: Rev. R,ichard Moore, M.A. Christ Church Lodge, 18 Highland Road, Bromley. Times of Service: Sunday Services, Morning Prayer, II a.m. (followed by the Holy Communion on first Sunday in each month) ; Service for Boys and Girls, 3.15 p.m. on first Sunday in month; Evening Prayer, 6.30 p.m. (followed by the Holy Communion on third Sunday in each month); the Sacrament of Holy Baptism is administered at the Sunday Afternoon Service or at other times in the week, due notice being first given to the Verger. Women's Bible Class, 'Sunday, at Christ Church Hall, 3.30 p.m.; Wednesday, Service with Address, 7.30 p.m.; Scripture Union Service, at Christ Church . Hail, first-and third Mo'ndaysin the month, 6 p.m.; Prayer Meetings, first Friday in month at Christ Church Hall, 8.15 p.m.; Gleaners' Union Meeting, third Friday in month at Christ Church Hall, 8.30 p.m. during winter; Sunday School at Christ Church Hall, morning 10 a.m. and afternoon 3 p.m.


St. Luke's is a red brick church, erected to meet the spiritual wants of the large population adjacent thereto. The chancel was consecrated by the Bishop of Dover in May, 1887, and the nave at Easter, 1890. The spire, with clock and peal of 8' bells, was completed in 1910. The church is free and open, and· affords accommodation for 750. The present vicar was appointed in 1905. Population of parish, 7,000. Vicar: Rev. Charles Carteret Gosselin, III.A., 248, Southlands road,Bickley. Curates: Rev. John Henry Broadhead and Rev. :Frederick William Kay. Churohwardens: J. H. Yolland, Bromley Common; and H. A. Vallings, Page Heath lane, Bickley. Organist and Choirmaster: Ernest John Downer, F.Il.C.O., F.T.C.L., Testore, 7 Queen's Mead road. Verger: W. Blundell, 45 Southlands road. Diocesan Lay Representatives: W. llalchin, J. Humphrey and D. C. Simpson. Parish Nurse: Nurse Grant, IS Homesdale road. Times of Service: Holy Communion, .8a.m. ; second Sunday II a.m. (choral) and fourth Sunday (12 noon) ; first and third Sundays at 7. Matins, II a.m.; Evensong, 6.30 p.m. Holy Days-Holy Communion, 7.30 a.m. and 12 noon, Thursday, 8 a.m. Children's Service each Sunday 3 p.m. Hour of Sacred Music quarterly at 3.15. Matins daily at 9.30 a.m. Evensong,s p.m. Wednesday 8.15 p.m. Wednesday and Friday, Matins and Litany, 12 noon. Hymns, Ancient and Modern.


Holy. Trinity parish church at Bromley Common was built in 1839, at a cost of £2,648. The tower was added three years later. The living is a vicarage, in the gift of the Crown. An addition was made to the burial ground of this church in 1879, and was consecrated by the Bishop of Dover. The church was considerably altered and improved during the year 1881. In June, 1884, an apse was added to the church as a memorial to the late Mr. G. W. Norman, and was consecrated by the Archbishop of Canterbury. Other improvements were at the same time effected, such 8S a new pulpit, organ chamber, seats, stained glass windows in the south transept, and heating apparatus. There is also a Village Hall, opened in 1896. A new vestry, the work of a former vi~ar, the Rev. C. R. Sharpe, was opened on October 8th, 1905. Vicar: Rev. :M. R. Swabey, liLA., The Vicarage, I Oakley road, Bromley common, Kent. Churchwardens: A. C. Norman, The Rookery, 90 Bromley common and W. Cooling, Croft house, 80A, Bromley common. Times of Service: SundaYS-II a.m. and 6.30 p.m. Holy Cummunion: mid-day on the first and third Sunday, at 8 a.m. on every Sunday. Saints' Days-Holy Communion 8 a.m. Children's service 3 p.m. Hymns, Ancient and Modern.


This church is situate in Freelands Road, and was opened in June, 1895. The buildings occupy a site IS0 feet deep by 70 feet frontage, and form a mOl;l convenient and complete block of buildings. They include, besides church, lecture hall, vestry, class-rooms, & c., and have been admirably planned and arranged to meet the varied requirements of church work. The plan of the church is cruciform, and consists of nave, aisles, and transepts, with seating for ovor 700 worshippers - 547 in the area and 174 in the galleries, which are in the transepts and at the west end I)f the nave. The organ is in the north transept gallery. Immediately in the rear of the church is a Lecturo Hall to bold about 240, and so arranged that it may easily be divided, by folding partitions, into separate class. rooms for Sunday School purposes. There are also on the ground floor a session house, vestry, and lavatories, and on the first floor a large class· room and a ladies' or "Dorcas ,J room with lavatory attached. In the basement are a kitchen and heating-chamber. The whole of the exterior walls and the interior of the church are faced with rect brick with Doulting stone dressings. The roof has steel principals and purlins, and is covered with green slates, and the work of the interior is of pitch pine. Solid wood-block flooring is laid throughout t he ground floor of church, hall, and passages. The spire measures 118 feet from ground to vane. Mr. John C. T. Murray was the architect. The cost of the buildings was clolla on £10,000. The church and all the halls and rooms are lit with electricity, the installation in the church being particularly effective. Minister: Rev. F. W. Armstrong, M.A., Dunivaig, 12 Edward road, Bromley. Churoh Offioer: H. Ingleton, I Park grove, Bromley. Organist and Choirmaster: R. J. Cole, B. A., 7 Minster road Application for sittings may be made to William Bushby, Coverside, I I Park grove, or to any of the deacons after any service at the church. Times of Service : Sunday, II a.m. and 6.30 p.m.; Wednesday, 8 p.m.


The original Congregational Chapel in Bromley was built in 1788. In 1835 a second chapel was built on the site of the present building in Widmore Road, and cost £1,4°°. l'hepresentchurch was built in the year 1881, from plans by Mr. J. Sulman, F.R.I.B.A. It was considerably enlarged in 1886 and again in 1894, and will now, with galleries, seat nearly 1,200 per80ns. The school buildings, which have also been enlarged, comprise a school-room, with very large and deep end gallery, subdivided on three sides into 24 class-rooms, with sliding partitions and curtains, Tllaldng complete sepal'ation; an infants' school-room, with raised gallery; church parlour, vestries for ministers and deacons, library, school superintendent's room, and other convenient offices. Adjoining is Ii handsome room for the Guild, the gift of the late Mr. K F. Duncanson, of Bickley Park; and closely connected is a series of rooms used for various purposes of a religious and benevolent character, and named the Morley Institute. The whole block of buildings cost about £25,000, and is free from debt. The church has two branch churches, one at West Wickham and ana at Shortlands, where a new building was erected in 19°8. Minister: Rev. Oswald George Whitfield, M.A. Mansfield, ~6 Camhridge rd. Times of Service: Sunday, II a.m. and 6.30 p.m. Wednesday, 8 p.m. Sunday School, 2.45 p.m. Friendly Bible Class fOl' Men, 3 p.m. Bible Class for Women, 3.30 p.m. i\'londay, Gospel Service fOl' Women, 3.15 p.m. ; Social Union at 8. IS p.m. ; Tuesday, Band of Hope Meeting, Schoolroom, 7 p.m. ; Tuesday, Christian Endeavour, in Guild room, 8.15 p.m.


The church is situate in the High Street, is in the Gothic style, and will accommodate about 600 people. The interior is prettily decorated, and there are a number of stained glass windows in the apse and sides of the building. The organ is of fine tone, and the choir renders very efficient service. The church is fitted with the electric' light. The school premises are at the rear of the cha.pel, comprising spacious lecture hall, 13 classrooms, gallery, and Chul'chroom. 'fhe Sunday School, under the superintendence of W. J. :Marsh ann F..r. Hughes, numbers 266 scholars, and meets at 10 a.m. and 2.45 p.m. There is a Lending Library, Band of Hope, Missionary Society, and Children's Choir in connection with the Bchool. Classes for Christian fellowship are held: Sunday 10.15 a.m., Monday 8.30 p.m.; Tuesday 11.30 a.m. and 8.30 p.m.; Wednesday 8.iS p.m. and Thursday 3.15 and 8 p.m. A llfothers' 1l1eeting is held on Monday at 2.30 p.m., in connection with which there is a clothing and coal club. There are a Boys' Gymnasium, Girls' Club and Gymnasium, a Ladies' Sewing Meeting, and a Dorcas Society. The church is the head of a circuit including Beckenham, Widmore, Keston, :Fal'nborough. and the Central and Clock House Halls. Minister: Rev. William Arthur Labmm, The Manse, 7 Holwood road. Choirmaster: Mr. Herbert Avery. Organist: Mr. Percy Sharland. Times of Service: Sunday, II a.m. and.6.30 p.m. ; Prayer Meeting, Monday, 7.4-5 p.m.


The Baptist Church is situate in the Park Road, opposite the Palace Lodge. It is a large and commodious structure. The foundation stone was laid by the late Rev. C. H. Spurgeon in 1864, and it was opened in 1865. It has since then undergone great alterations and improvements, and a new organ has been added to it, to which a second manual has been added, The building contains about 550 seats. Handsome new school premises have been erected and furnished at the north end of the church. The main hall has seating accommodation for three hundred. There are four separate vestries beside kitchen, lavatories & c., and nine class recesses separated from the main hall and each other by curtains and wooden partitions. The present pastor commenced his ministry in April, 1913. Pastor: Rev. William Kirk Bryce, Kenilworth, 136 Babbacombe road. Times ofServica: Sunday, II a.m. and 6.30 p.m. ; Sunday School, 9.50 a.m. and 2.45 p.m.; Christian Endea\'our, Friday, 8.15 p.m.; Monday, Prayer Meeting, 8 p.m. ; Wednesday, flervice, 7.30 p.m. ; Friday, Band of Hope, 7 p.m.; Junior Endeavour, Tuesdays, 7 p.m.; Institute, Saturday, 7.30 p.m. ; Mothers' Meeting, Monday, 3 p.m. ; Ladies' Sewing Society, Monday, 3 p.m.


Ptevious to December, I886, Roman Catholics had to walk to Chislehurst - a distance of three miles--in order to exercise the privileges of their faith. A piece of land in London Road had been purchased as a sIte for a Catholic Church, but further progress was arrested. However, in the month we have alluded to, the Religious of the Holy Trinity -an Order founded by St. John of Matha and St. Felix of Valois, in the year Ilg8-entered into the occupation of Willow Bank, a large house situate in the London Road, where services were held for the Roman Catholics of the neighbourhood-the temporary chapel being kindly lent for that purpose. During 1888 the Religious purchased the fine property known as Freelands. A new church was built in 191 I to seat 450. Mass is said in the Reading Room, Nash, Keston, on the first Sunday of each month at 8.30 a.m. Clergy: Rev. Walter Cooksey and Re,'. Peter Hughes, The Presbytery, 83 Plaistoc,' lane. St. Joseph, Times:of.Service : Sunday-Mass, 8.30 and II ; Catechism for Children at 3; Compline, Sermon and Benediction, 6.30. Days of Obligation, 'i.30 and 10. Week days-Mass, 7.30a.m. ;:~Wednesday, Benediction at 6, Friday at 8; rConfessions; Saturday, II till I and 6 tiJl:8 Cycle accommodation. St. Swithun's, Fashoda road; Rev. 'Walter Cooksey, The Presbytery, 83 Plaistow lane, priest in charge. Times of Service: Sunday-Holy Communion 8 a.m.; Mass 10 a.m. ; Catechism 3 p.m. ; Benediction 3.30 p.m.; Confessions, Saturday II till 12 and 8 till 9.


The beautiful and imposing Central Hall, situated in the London Road, was opened on April 14th, 1905. It was erected at a cost of £15,500 to continue the work of the Farwig Wesleyan Mission, which had hitherto be~n carried on for nearly 25 years in iron bllildings J!1 Farwig Lane The Sunday School is on the front facing the London Road, while the Large Hall, with over 1,250 fixed modern tip-up chairs, is at the rear. There are many class-rooms, also largo rooms on the first floor. Various meetings are held nearly every night in the week throughout the year for children and adults. On Sunday the Services are almost continuous, commencing with a Meeting for Prayer at 7.30 a.m. Rervices are held in the Large Hall at I T a.m. and 6.30 p.m., with a Meeting for Women; also the ThIen's Brotherhood in the afternoon at 3. IS. In the winter months Lantern Services are held after the usual Sunday Evening Service. The Han. Superintendent and Secretary of the Mission is Mr. W. J. Gibbs, 36. Hammelton Road, Bromley. He is supported by a very large number of voluntary helpers. Primitive Methodist-Bromley Common Church. Resident Minister: Rev. William Curry, Mayville, 44 Bromley common. Choirmaster: J. Day, 1 Bloomfield road, Bromley. Organist: Percy Mills, 72 Park road, Bromley. Times of Service: Sunday, II a.m. and 6.30 p.m.; P.B.A. 3.15 p.m. ; Mondays, Women's Bright Hour, 3 p.m. ; Mondays, Band of Hope, 6 p.m. ; Preaching Service, 7.30 p.m. ; Chair Practice, Friday, 8.30 p.m.; Thursdays, Good Templar Lodge, 8 p.m. ; Tuesday, O. E., junior 6,30, senior 8 p.m. Bromley Common Baptist Church-Upper Gravel Road. Pastor: Rev. Lewis Edward Bartlett, 20 Up. Gravel Rd. BromleyCommon. Times of Service: Sunday, II a.m. and 6.30 p.m. Sunday School, 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. ; Band of Hope and Children's :Meeting, alternate Thursdays, 7 p.m.; Dorcas Society (except in summer), alternate Tuesdays, 3 p.m. ; Mothers' Meeting (except in snmmer), Monday 2·30 p.m. ; Service, Tuesday, 7.30 p.m.; Lord's Supper first & third Sunday in every month. Hymns, Baptist Church Hymnal. Open Brethren, East Street Hall, 28, East Street. Times of Service: Sunday, II a.m. and 6.30 p.m. ; Sunday School, 2.45 p.m. Monday & Wednesday, 8 p.m. First Church of Christ Scientist. Bromley, Kent-Services, Town Hall, Market Square. Times of Service: Sunday, 11.30 a.m. & 7 p.m. ; Sunday School (at 16, Widmore Road). 11.30 a.m. Testimony Meeting, Wednesday, 8 p.m. The Reading Room, which is free to the public, and where all Christian Science Literature can be obtained, is open at 16, Widmore Road, daily, from 11 to 3 and 3 to 6 (except Saturday and Sunday) ; Tuesday evening, 8 to 10 p.m. and Wednesday, 3 to 7.45 p.m. Iron Room - Great Elms Road. Times of Service: Sunday, II a.m. and 6.30 p.m. ; Children's Service, 10 a.m ; Sunday School, 3 p.m. ; Men's Bible Class, 3.15 p.m. ; Btble Reading, Tuesday, 8 p.m.; Women's Meeting, Thursday, 3 p.m. ; Prayer Meeting, Saturday, 7.30 p.m. Brethren in Christ - Meeting Room, 16A, Freelands Grove. Times of Service : Sunday, 11 a.m. and 6.30 p.m.; Monday, Prayer Meeting, 8 p.m. Wednesday, Bible Reading, 3 p.m. The Brethren - Sherman Road. Times of Service: Sunday, 11 a.m. and 6.30 p.m. Scripture Reading, every Thursday e"ening at 8. Southborough Mission Room (in connection with the Bromley Common Baptist Church). Superintendent: Walter S. J. Bibby. Times of Service: Sunday, 6.30 p.m. Sunday School, 11 a.m. and 2.45 p.m.; Band of Hope, Mondays, 7 p.m.; Young People's Guild, Thursdays, 7 p.m. ; Service, Wednesday 7.30 p.m. ; Prayer Meeting, Saturday, 7.30 p.m.; Lord's Supper, last Sunday in the month. Strict Baptist Chapel - College Slip. Deacon: W. Wenborn. Times of Service: Sunday, 11 a.m. and 6.30 p.m. ; Bible Class, Sunday, 3.30 p.m.; Wednesday, 7 p.m.; Sunday School, 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. ; Superintendent, E. J. Taylor. Salvation Army Commanding Officer: Adjutant C. Busby. Times of Service: Sunday, 11 a.m., 3.15 and 7 p.m. Week-nights at 8 p.m. Holiness meetings every Sunday morning. Band of Love, Thursday at 6.30 p.m. Young People's Meeting, Thursday at 7.30 p.m. Salvation Army - Officers' Quarters, Elm cottage, 9 North street; Temple, for public meetings, Sherman road London City Mission, Bloomfield Road. Mission Room, Salisbury Road. St. Andrew's, Nichol Lane. Times of Services: Holy Communion, 1st Sunday in month, 7 a. m. ; Great :Festivals, 6, 7 and 9 ~t.m. Children's lesser Catechism, 3 p.m. Matins and Sermon, II a.m. Evensong and Sermon, 6.30 p.m. Churchings before any service. Mothers' Meeting each Monday at 2·3op.m. St. John's Parish Room. Freelands Grove. St. Luke's Mission Room, Elliott road - Secretary; E. Miller, 14 Jaffary road, Bromley; completed in 1901 at a cost of £1,55° ; seating accommodation for 200. St. Mark's Church Room. St. Mark's road, Masons Hill. St. Mary's Church Mission Room (in connection with St. Mary's, Shortlands), Ridley road Mission Service, Sunday at 7 p.m.


Bromley possesses four cemeteries, which are controlled by separa.te Burial Boards. The London Road Cemetery (Bromley Hill) was consecrated in September, 1877, by tho Bishop of Dover; but there is a portion set apart for Nonconformits. Plaistow also has a cemetery opened in 1892-situated in Burnt Ash Lane, and St. Luke's parish, Bromley Common, has a cemetery-opened in 1894- situated in Magpie Hall Lane. Interments in Bromley Cemetery. Consecrated Ground Charges: Board Interment Fee, 2S. 6d. Vicar, 38. 6d. Sexton for digging nine feet, l1S.; sufficient depth to contain three bodies. Unconsecrated Ground: Board Interment Fee, 2S. 6d.; Sexton's fee for digging nine feet, lIS ; sufficient depth to contain three bodies. Hours for Interments: From Two till Four p.m. - Week-days only. Special Fees for Interments at other hours: In Consecrated Ground, lOS. 6d.; Unconsecrated, lOS. 6d. Monumental Fees: Erecting Head and Foot Stone, with kerbs, in Consecrated Ground, not exceeding 4ft. 6in., £2 12S. 6d.; exceeding that height, £6 6s. Unconsecrated Ground, not exceeding 4ft. 6in., lOS. 6d.; exceeding that height, £3 3s. Grave Spaces in Consecrated and Unconsecrated Ground can be purchased by Parishioners at a cost of £2 2S. 6d. per space.


The freehold of Martin's Rill was purchased by the Local Board in 1879, ~nd is now held in perpetuity for the benefit of the town. It has been laid out as a recreation ground, and is under the charge of a superintendent. A piece of ground at the foot of the hill, called the Queen's Mead, was purchased by the Local Board for the use of the town in the year 1887, and on the 21st of June (Jubilee Day), in the presence of thousands of spectators, was declared by the Chairman of the Board to be dedicated to the public. An oak in commemoration of the Jubilee was planted by Mr. J. Batten, Chairman of the Local Board, in November, 1888. In connection with the same event, a drinking fountain was erected in a commanding position on Martin's Rill. Land of over 14 acres in extent was purchased by' the Town Council in 1904, and laid out as a recreation ground, and is now known as the Whitehall Recreation Ground. There is also a piece of ground, on the Bromley ComIDon, presented to the town by the late Mr. Whitehall.. of Lewisham. About 2 acres of freehold land was presented to the town as a pleasure ground by Coles Child, Esq., J.P., in the year 1897, in commemoration of Her late Majesty's Diamond Jubilee, which, having been ornamentally laid out, is known as the Queen's Gardens. One of the most beautiful spots of Bromley is that which has recently been laid out as a Recreation Ground, and is now known as the N eelgherries gardens, situated immediately at the rear of the new Library in the High street~ These gardens form a portion of a bequest to the Town by the late Mrs. Dowling, who resided in the house which occupied the site of the new Library. A Recreation Ground for the northern part of the Borough has recently been opened, containing about 9 acres and situate in Burnt Ash lane.


The London City and Midland Bank Limited, High Street, Market square. Office hours: 9a.m. to 4p.m.; Saturday, 9 a.m. tal p.m. Manager: John Albert Evans, Bank House, High Street, Market Square. London County and Westminster Bank Limited, a branch of which was opened in 1865 in the Town Hall Chambers, removed to the more ample premises, No. 141, High Street, in 1887. Office hours: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.; Saturday, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Manager: Arthur Vivian Faull, 141, High Street. The Union of London & Smiths Bank Limited, 33 High st. Manager: Arthur Frederic Hobbins, 33 High Street. Lloyds Bank Limited, 33 Widmore road. Manager: R. Adams, 33 Widmore road. Martin's Bank, Limited, of 68, Lombard Street, branch establishment, 126, High Street. Office hours: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.; Saturday, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Manager: Theodore Murly Stan comb, 126, High Street, Bromley


Bromley is connected with London and other parts I.>y telephone, under the auspices of the Post Office, and it public call office has been opened at the exchange, Church Road, available for commu.nication by Trunk line with Provincial Towns and the Metropolitan area on payment of the usual tolls. There are also public call offices, which are open during the usual business hours, at J. M. Crouch, 41, Masons Hill; 93, High Street; 1, Aberdeen Buildings, High Street; Rogers & Son, 2, Masons Hill; 145 & 197, Widmore Road; 9, Sundridge Parade; 26, Plaistow Lane ; 31 & 79, Bromley Common; 18 & 54, East Street; Nye & Son, 21, Park Road; 39 & 85, London Road; 39, Freelands Road; 16, Chatterton Road; 82, College Road; Shortlands Post Office, 94, Beckenham Lane; Railway Stlition, Bromley South; Bickley Railway Station, Southborough Road, Bickley; 4, The Parade, Widmore Road; Bromley North Station; Post Office, East Street and Shortlands Station


The Town Hall, Market Square, belonging to the lord of the manor, is a large Gothic building, with a clock tower, erected on the sita of the old Markot Hall. The southern end is used as a Police Station. The hall is 60 feet long by 32 feet wide, and is open to the roof, which rises to a height of 40 feet from the floor. . The Drill Hall, a large building in East Street, was opened in May, 1872. The building comprises three halls-the third having been built on ground at the back of the other two in the summer of 1890-af the respective sizes of 100 feet long by 40 feet wide, 43 feet by 22 feet, and 50 feet by 34 feet. Here are the head quarters of the 5th Battalion "The Queen's Own" (Royal West Kent) Regiment. The large hall is licensed for dramatic performances, for which purpose, and for bazaars, exhibitions, concerts, & c., it, is admirably adapted. For eng'l.gement application should be made to Lieut. H. Cooke, Drill Hall, 27, East St. The Grand Hall (Electric Theatre), High Street; A. E. Corrick, manager; holding capacity about 800; principal hall, erected in 1889. The Bromley Gymnastic Hall (head quarters of the Bromley Gymnastic Club) is a new building lately erected by the Bromley Gymnastic Club to meet a want of space required for their classes.. It is centrally situated in College slip off High street, and consists of a large ball 70 feet by 30 feet, two dressing rooms, shower bath, lavatories & c., store or retiring rooms, and is suitable for private parties, classes, concerts, bazaars, committee meetings and religious services & c. For engagement, application should be made to the honaball manager of the Club, D. lVI.Phillips, 5 Aberdeen buildings, High Street, Bromley. The Masonic Hall. Masons Hill, the property formerly known as South Hill House (off Masons Hill, Bromley), has been acquired by the Bromley and West Kent Masonic Hall Co. Limited, for lVIasonic and other purposes. Tbe interior bas been re-modelled and the electric light installed throughout. The premises offer exceptional facilities for public or private gatherings, comprising, on ground floor, handsome banqueting hall or ball room (50ft. by 27ft.), having new parquet floor, retiring room, cloak room and lavatory: on first floor, large hall ( 38ft. by 27ft.), with well-appointed cloak rooms and lavatories. For engagement, apply to the Secretary, H. J. Titford, at the Company's Offices, White Hart Chambers, 137 & 138, High Street, Bromley. St. Mary's Church Hall, a large block of buildings, was erected in Farwig Lane in 1904, under the designation of St. Mary's Church Hall, and is used for Sunday Schools, Working Men's Club and general parish purposes. It can be hired for social functions & c. Application should be made to The Vicar, hon. sec. and Dr. Cogswell, hon. treasurer. Palais-de-Luxe, III High street. The Village Hall, by 68 Bromley common. White Hart Assembly Rooms, High street, by 139. BROMLEY BOROUGH COUNCIL FIRE BRIGADE STATION. 'The Fire Station is situated in South street. Officer in Charge: Charles DIxon .


Avebury, Lord, Farnborough. Baker, A. J., Esq. St. Brannocks, 10 Southend Road, Beckenham. Berens, Richard B., Esq., St. Mary Cray. Cave, William John C., Beechfield, 146 Widmore Road, Bromley. Child, Coles, Esq., The Palace, Bromley (chairman). Chubb, Sir George Hayter, Bart., Chislehurst Davis, Thomas, Esq., Birkenfeld, 142 Widmore Road, Bromley. Dewey, Thomas C., Esq., South Hill Wood, Bromley. Elgood, Edgar John, Esq., B.C.L., M.A., Orange Court, Downe. Hambro, Sir E. A., K.C.V.O., Hayes Place, Beckenham. Hawes, A. Travers, Esq., Nizels, Chislehurst. Holt, Vesey George Mackenzie, Esq., Mount Mascal, Bexley. Hyslop, Robert Murray, Esq., Cedar Lawn, 64 Wickham Hd. Beckenham Laidlaw, Sir Robert, F.R.G.S., Warren House, Hayes. Lennard, Lieut. - Col. Sir Henry A. H. F., Bart., Wickham Ct. Beckenham. Lewis, G. E., Esq., PineRidge, Orpington Marsham-Townshend, Hugh Sydney, Esq. Capesthorne, Christchurch, Hants.' Norman, A. C., Esq., M.A., The Rookery, 90 Bromley Common. Powell, Robert Leonard, Heatherbank, Summerhill, Chislehurst. Smithers, Alfred W., Esq., Knockholt. Snelling, Hy.,Esq., Cray Lodge, Sidcup. Stevens, Richard, Esq., Maywood. Beckenham Place Park, Beckenham, Vansittart, Capt. Robert Arnold, 24, Cadogan Square, London. Waring, Arthur Thomas, Esq., Woodlands, Chelsfield. Wheeler-Bennett, John Wheeler, Esq. Havensbourne, Keston. Whyte, Rbt.,Esq., Oakwood, Chislehurst. Woodall, Sir Corbet, Knt., D.SC., Walden, Chislehurst. Ex-officio: W. Lindley-Jones, }'. [~,G.S., Esq., Mayor of Bromley. George Sutton, Esq., Beckenham, Chairman of the Beckenham Urban District Council. Alfred Dewey, Esq., Chairman of the Foots Cray Urban District Council. Tom :M:1Y, Esq., Chairman of the Chislehurst Urban District Council. Petty Sessions are held at the Court House, "Widmore Road, on Monday mornings, at 10.30. -*- BROMLEY AND COUNTY CLUB. The Bromley and County Club is a purely social and non-political Club. It has elegantly-furnished and commodious premises in tho High Streot, adjoining the Grand Hall, consisting of reading room, with a fine library, plentifully supplied with current periodical literature; billiard room, with two full-size tables; card room, dining room, together with all necessary offices and conveniences. The domestic arrangements are vwery perfect, the cuisine being carried out with gas and hot water apparatus. The premises are open to members between the hours of 10 a.m. and 12 p. m. The Club numbers abollt 200 members. Trustee: George Edward' Cotton, Stoberry Cottage, Martins Hill. Hon. Secretary and Treasurer: John Harrage Lepper. Committee: George E. COttOll (chairman), S. A. Smith, B. H. Latter, A. S. liedge, E. A. Burnie, Dr. C. W. Grant Wilson, G. W. Hoghtoll, Stuart Neame, L. W. ilri"towe, J. W. Marsden, E. Crabb and C. L. Urt'gl)ry.


The early hi"tory of the Volunteer movement in Bromley goes back to the end of the eighteenth century, when, in accordance with the terms of the resolutions made and signed at the church, the fourth day of May, 179g," a Dumoer of local residents formed themselves into a company c,dlecl the Bromley Armed Association"; and later, on the 14th :May, a further number of members enrolled themselves, "in pursuance of Acts of Parliament recently passed, to enable His Majesty effectually to provide for the defence and security of his realm during tho present war." In the year 1859 a corps was established under the name of the 18th Kent Rifle Volunteers, and attached to the first Administrative Battalion, and when, several years later, the Volunteer forces were consolidated, the title was changed to the 3rd West Kent R. V. Subsequently, under the mobilization scheme, the Detachment became the E and F Companies of the 2nd V. B. The Queen's Own (Royal West Kent) Regiment. In 1908 the Volunteers were transferred to the Territorial Force, the old title being altered to the 5th Battalion The Queen's Own (Royal West Kent) Regiment. The headquarters of the Battalion are at the Drill Hall, 27, East Street, Bromley. There isa capital recreation room at the rear of the Drill Hall connect Ex-officio: W. Lindley-Jones, }'. [~,G.S., Esq., Mayor of Bromley. George Sutton, Esq., Beckenham, Chairman of the Beckenham Urban District Council. Alfred Dewey, Esq., Chairman of the Foots Cray Urban District Council. Tom :M:1Y, Esq., Chairman of the Chislehurst Urban District Council. Petty Sessions are held at the Court House, "Widmore Road, on Monday mornings, at 10.30.


The Bromley and County Club is a purely social and non-political Club. It has elegantly-furnished and commodious premises in tho High Streot, adjoining the Grand Hall, consisting of reading room, with a fine library, plentifully supplied with current periodical litterature; billiard room, with two full-size tables; card room, dining room, together with all necessary offices and conveniences. The domestic arrangements are very perfect, the cuisine being carried out with gas and hot water apparatus. The premises are open to members between the hours of 10 a.m. and 12 p.m. The Club numbers about 200 members. Trustee: George Edward Cotton, Stoberry Cottage, Martins Hill. Hon. Secretary and Treasurer: John Harrage Lepper. Committee: George E. COttOll (chairman), S. A. Smith, B. H. Latter, A. S. liedge, E. A. Burnie, Dr. C. W. Grant Wilson, G. W. Hoghtoll, Stuart Neame, L. W. ilri"towe, J. W. Marsden, E. Crabb and C. L. Urt'gl)ry.


The early history of the Volunteer movement in Bromley goes back to the end of t.he eighteenth century, when, "in accordance with the terms of the resolutions made and signed at the church, the fourth day of May, 179g," a Dumoer of local residents formed themselves into a company c,dlecl the" Bromley Armed Association"; and later, on the 14th :May, a further number of members enrolled themselves, "in pursuance of Acts of Parliament recently passed, to enable His :Majesty effectually to provide for the defence and security of his realm during tho present war." In the year 1859 a corps was established under the name of the 18th Kented with the Corps, where the two original lists of Bromley's early Volunteers may be seen decorating the walls. Previous commanders of the present Detachment have been Major C. Satterthwaite, Colonel R. Sneade Brown, Colonel E. Satterthwaite, Colonel E. Latter and Colonel A. i::l.Daniell, V.D. The Corps possesses a fine band. The rifle ranges are situate at Milton, near Gravesend, and Shoreham. There is a miniature rifle range in the Drill Hall. Oflloers: Lieut.-Col. F. A. Frazel', commanding; Capt. W. E. I. Butler Rowdon, adjutant; Lieut. H. Cooke, quartermaster; Major C. Douglas Clark, commanding A Company; :md. Lieut. G. C. B. Jenyns, A Company; Capt. It E. Satterthwaite, commanding II Company; Lieuts. J. G. Lepper & J. II. Hay, H Company Sergt.-Major: W. J. Osborne. Sergt. Instructor: A. Reynolds, Drill Hall, 27 East street. The (I A" Squadron of the West Kent .. Queen's Own" Yeomanry numbers 126 all rank:;. Drills take place at Bromley, Catford and Woolwich. Officers: Major Sir S. E. Scott, Hart" M. P.; Lieuts. O. Martin Smith, Han. C. T. :'Ilills, M.P., C. E. Ponsonby and C. \Y. Norman. Squadron Sergt. - Major: W. E. JEll, 80 Habbacombe road, Bromley.


The Bromley Philanthropic Society was established in January, 1841, for the purpose of giving temporary relief to the necessitous poor residents in the parish. The members meet at the Duke's Head, Market Square, every Wednesday evening during the months of January, February and March. Subscribers of 58. and upwards are entitled to recommend a case for relief. A legacy of £400 was left to the Society by Mr. John Lascoe, and invested, in I8~5, in the names of three trustees. Trustees: H. Hettysman, 24 Ravensbourne road and A. R. Harlow, 9 Station road. Treasurer: Arthur Vh'ian Faull, London County and WestminsteL' Bank Limited, High street. Secretary: F. Essex Webb, 2, Palace grove, Bromley. The Bromley Charitable Society was founded in 1885,with the object of uniting the various existing agencies engaged in the relief of the poor in the district. The relieving work is carried out by branch committees administering in the following seven districts: Martins Hill Ward, Plaistow Ward, Sundridge Ward, Town Ward, Bromley Common Ward (Southlands Section), Bromley Common Ward (Homesdale Section) and Bickley Ward. President: T. C. Dewey, Esq., J.P., South Hill Wood, Bromley. Vice-President: His Worship the Mayor. Treasurer: Councillor Jn. Williams, Brockhampton, 24 Bromley Cummon. Hon. Secretaries: Alban Chavasse, 17 Sandford road, Bromley and Frederick S. Edwards, Lynsted, 27 Elmfield road, Bromley. Distriot Committees Martins Hill Ward, Coles Child, D.L., J.P., Bromley Palace, Widmore road, chairman; E. Porter, 26, Ravensbourne rd. Bromley, secretary. Plaistow Ward, James Simpson Webb, 6 Burnt Ash lane, chairman; Alfred Edwin Garrard, Ridgelands, 4 Blyth road, secretary. Sundridge Ward, John North, 97 Widmore road, Bromley, chairman. Town Ward, Alban Chavasse, 17 Sandford road, chairman; Frederick S. Edwards, Lynsted, 27 Elmfield road, secretary. Bromley Common Ward (Southlands Section), Councillor John Williams, Brockhamptoll, 24 Bromley common, chairman; Alfred Sparkes, Bowmanville. 51 Bromley common, secretary. Bromley Common Ward (Homesdale Section), Bertram Imrie Hellier, Lomond, 66 Westmoreland road, chairman John Bates Dalton, 28 Bromley common, secretary. Bickley Ward, Rev. William Alexander Carroll, liI.A., The Vicarage, Bickley, chairman.


COTTAGE HOSPITAL -- Cromwell Avenue, Masons Hill.

This Hospital was established ib IS69 in two cottages, but in 1875 it was found necessary to erect a new building in their place, and in 1886 this accommodation not being sufficient for the requirements of the neighbourhood, the building was considerably enlarged. In 1896 still further accommodation was required, and a new wing was built in the garden of the hospital. A further addition to the building was made in 1901. During 1910 extensive alterations took place, two new wards having been added and other important improvements made, involving an expenditure of over £10,000. 'The hospital, which has now 42 beds, is supported by voluntary contrihlltions, and is open for inspection between 2 and 4 p.m. Medical Officers: HCI'1JCl·t Jame~ I1ott, M.D., C.:I£., lILR.C.S., Charles Westbrooke Grant-Wilson, M.D., :If,R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Cecil Ernest :Millingtoll Lewi~, 1\[,,\., :'LD., Il.c.camb., lI£.n.c.S. ~:n.!.,L. n.c. p.Lond., ~idney R. H. Mathewl:i, L.R.C.I'., ::Ir.R.C.S., jl'thur F. n. Code!, lIf,H., F.Re s., Alh'ed Eo PI'ice, 11[,0., MS., J. H. Volland, :II.R.C.S., L.S.A. Dental Surgeon: G. Ru~sel1 Edey, L.D.S.Eng. HOll. Consulting Physicn : Howard Hy. Tooth, :II.D., ~'.n.L'.p.,0.11£.0. Hon. Consu.lting Obstetric Physician: John Phi1lip.~, ~l.D., F.R.C.T'. Hon. Consulting Dental Surgeon: Ueorge Edey. Hon. Consulting Surgeons: D'Arcy Power, F.R.C.S.; Hlll,:'h ,James Moor,l Pl:tyfail', M.D.Lond., ~,LB., i\[,U.c.p.Lom!., F.II.C.S.Ellg., Frcdcrie Fruncis Burgharc!, ilLD., :lLS.LOIHl., F.R.C.S.EIlg'. Hon. Consulting Ophthalmic Surgeon: Herbert Willoughby Lyle, 1II.D., n.s.1 om!., F.ILc.I'.Eng., F.Z.S. lion. 'ITcasurer: T. U. Dewey, J.P., South Hill Wooel, Bromley, Kent. Hon. Secretary: J. Y. Hay, Warley, 133 Widmorc road, Bromley, Kent. Hon. Assistant Secretary: G. T. P. M. Ladyman, Holmdene, Hawes road, Bromley, Kent. Matron: MISS A. Carter.


The Hospital Was founded in 1903 for the purpose of demonstratmg I. The value of ail' and sunlight in the treatment of disease. 2. The value of a fruitalian dietary in the treatment of disease. 3. The feasibility of having the out-patient department of a hospital in London. and the in-patient depart merit in the country. The Hospital has 40 beds and cots, and takes in patients from all parts of the country. No infectious or consumptive cases are admitted. The practice of the Hospital is open to all registered medical practitioners, and any doctor in Bromley or the neighbourhood has full freedom to use the Hospital beds for his patients and to attend them there himself. :Four beds have been named by Lady Lyveden, one by Mrs. Ward, one by Sir 'William Earnshaw Cooper, two cots by Lord Llangattock, one cot by Miss Jennings, one by Mr. Sidney Beard, one by Miss Ellis and one by Mrs. Walter Carey. During the last year 164 patients were admitted, and 54 operations performed. Services are held in the chapel every Sunday at 7 p.m. A fund is in existence for building a Children's Ward. The income for 1912 was over £600, and the expenditure was a few pounds less. Subscribers of one guinea !.Jecomeannual governors, and subscribers of ten guineas become life governors. The Hospital is a training school for nurses, and certificates are granten after 4 years' training. There is a Sftmaritan Guild, of which Mrs. Carey is president, for providing gcl.rments for poor patients. The Convalescent Home is on the Margaret Manor, Sittingbourne. Vice-Presidents: Lady Margaret Campbell; the Countess of Derby; the Countess of Kinnoull ; Lady Victoria Dawnay; Lady Louisa Feilding ; Lady Grove: Lady Evelyn Riddell; Lady Muriel Watkins and Viscountess Vallet art. Council: Dr. Josiah Oldfield, M.A. ; Sidney Beard; Rev. A. M. Mitchell; Charles F. Nye; Ernest Clifford; Miss Sharpe; Capt. & Mrs. Walter Carey; Sir William Earnshaw Cooper; Miss Wilkins; Miss Sturgeon; Mrs. Aldridge; Mrs.Barton; Miss E. J. Hammond and L. N. Thierry. Hon. Standing Council: T. Baty, D.C.L., barrister-at-Iaw. Medical Staff: Drs. Josiah Oldfield, M.A. ; W. A. Potts; R. Hughes; T. G. Vaudrey; D. J. A. Chowry-:Muthu; J. Read-Pooler. Warden: Dr. Josiah Oldfield. Hon. Solicitor: Ronald :McDonald, esq. Han. Architect: J. Gordon Allen, esq. Hon. Secretary: The Han. Florence Colborne. Matron : Miss M. E. Barns. Bankers : London City and Midland Bank, Bromley.


(Phillips Memorial)- (Formerly at .Junction of Park and Widmore Hoads), Lownd·/ A~p,nlle. Market Square. Founded 1889. This Hospital WaS opened to provide Homreopat.hic treatment for the poor of Bromley and district; assistance being provided in three ways: (I) in the wa.rds of the hospital; (2) by visits at the homes of the patients wit hin a mile of the hospital; and (3) by treatment as out-patients in the dispensary department. The new building was opened in .Tuno, 1900, and enlarged in 1907. Honorary Medical Officers: fl. Wynne Thomas, M.R.C.S. and H. R. Ramsbotham 1tLB., B.S. Honorary Dental Surgeon: Albt. Wm. Henly, M.R.C.S.,L.n.S. R.C.s.Eng. Matron: Miss Hyde. Hon. Secretary : O. E. Hill, Home view, 28 Babbacombe road. Hon. Treasurer : Thomas Bennett.


(Bromley and Beckenham Joint Hospital Board), Skym Corner, Lower Gravel road, Bromley Common. Medical Superintendent: Philip Nicholas Randall, III.B vmd. Matron: Miss F. K. Whitmarsh. Sanatorium (Bromley and Beckenham Joint Hospital Board), Lower Gravel road, Bromley Common; Philip Nicholas Randall, M.B.LOnd., medical superintendent; Miss D. Boyle, matron.


2, Park road. Tuberculosis Medical Officer: William Charles Dillon Bills, III.R.C.S. Eng., L.R.C.P.Loud., D.P.H.


St. Mary's Convalescent Home, Queen's Mead road. Matron: Miss flamuels.


The Bromley Division of the St. John Ambulance Brigade (Metropolitan Corps) has its head quarters at the St. Luke's Institute, Raglan Hoad, Bromley Common. The Brigade possesses a complete equipment of ambulance appliances, the whole of which are placed at the disposal of the police. The members meet weekly for Ambulance and first aid drill, and field posts are appointed for duty on publio occasion when required. The


(Founded by DR. STEPHENSON), NATtO-NIL CHILDREN'S (ESTABLIHED) HOME &, ORPHANAGE Chief Offices: 104-122, CITY ROAD, LONDON, E.C. Principal: Rev. W. HODSON SMITH. Assist. Principal: Rev. S: C. MYERS. Treasurersd. R. BARLOW, Esq., J,P. Alderman Sir C. WAKEFIELD, D.L., J,P. Secretary: Mr. C. N. BARNS. The National Children's Home has IS Branches in London, the Provinces, Isle of Man and Canada. More than 2,200 are nON resident. An excellent educational and industrb.l training is given. Children of all creeds and no creed eligible. A Sanatorium for Children threatened with Consumption has recently been opened at Harpenden. . REMITfANCES and alI- COMMUNICATIONS should be addressed to REV. W,HODSON SMITH National Children's Home, 104.122. City Road, London
. , . An Appeal ~cir . . . BRITISH SAILOR BOYS The" ARETHUSA" and" CHICHESTER" TRAINING SHIPS Prepare British Boys r0,. the Royal Navy "and Me,.cantile Marine. Over 150 Boys each year enter Royal Navy. 6000 have entered Merchant Service. 1200 Children now being maintained. SUPPORTED BY VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTIONS. 20,000 BOYS and GIRLS have been rescued and trained. Donations earn~stlv So1i(it~d. Patrons-THEIR MAJESTIES THE KING AND QUEEN. President-THE EARL OF JERSEY, G.C.B, Treasurer....:.W. E. HUBBARD, Esq., 17, St. Helen's Place, E.O. FomWED 1843. The NAT!ONAL REFUGES for HOMELESS and DESTITUTE CtlILDREN, (INCORPORATED 1904,) London Office-164, SHAFTESBURY AVENUE, w.e. Joint Secretaries-H. BlUSTOW WALLEN & HENItY G. COPELAND, NATIONAL TRUSS SOCIETY (Established in 1786 for the gratuitous Relief of the Ruptured Poor of both Sexes throughout the Kingdom), 2, Arthur Street, LONDON BRIDGE, E.C. Patron-HIS GRACE THE ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY . .Hon. Treasurer-NORBURY POTT, ESQ., Ewell, Surrey. Blinkers-1t'hssR8. BARCLAY & CO., LmITED, Lombard Street, E.C. Honorary SurgeonLOUIS ALBERT DUN~, ESQ., M.S., F.R.C.S., Guys Hospital, Southwark. THIS SOCIETY (the oldest'of its kind) supplies gratuitously Trusses, Abdominal Belts, Elastic Stockings, Bandages, anrI other Surgical Appliances. A SUBSCRIBER'S LETTER procures for the patient, advice and an instrument gr'l.tis. LIFE DONORS of Ten Guineas, or Annual Subscribers of One Guinea, are llutitled to relicT. Four Cases. yearly. Half tbe~e amounts Two Cases yearly. AN AVERAGE of 3,200 Cases annually relieved. FULL REPORT on application. SUBSCRIPTIONS and DO~ATIONS are earnestly solicited. Rnd will be gratefully reoelvec! b1 tho Banker., the Honorary Treasurer, or at 2, Arthur Street, London Bridge, E.O., by E. CRANE, ,Secretary.

Westminster Hospital, Instituted 1719. Opposite WESTMINSTER ABBEY. The Oldest Hospital in London supported by Voluntary Contributions. During the past year a large number of Patients have been admitted to the Hospital From all parts of London an the suburbs. £211000 a year Is required For the efficient maintenance of the Hospital. Additional Support is most urgently needed. Chairman-Sir ;T. WOLFE BARRY, Treasurers f H. H. P. BOUVERIE, Esq., and K.C.B., F.R S. t JAMES RORA, Esq. SIDNEY M. QUENNEL!., Secretary. ROYAL NATIONAL MISSION TO DEEP SEA FISHERMEN. ~atrOllS : HIS MAJESTY THE KING. HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN. HER MAJESTY QUEEN ALE!ANDRA. The Treasurer and Councif make an earnest appeal fol' help to maintain its Hospital and Mission Ship_s at sea, and its Homes and Institutes whiCh minister to fishermen aIoound the whole of the British Isles; als:6, the extensive work carried on in the Colony of Newfoundland undel' II Grenfell of L~bI'ador." FRANCIS H. WOOD1 Secretary. lSI, Queen Victoria Street, E.C

CHILDRENS AID SOCIETY In connection with the Reformatory and Refuge Union Incorporated. ( ESTABLISHED 1856.) Patron-HIS MAJESTYTHE KING. 33,118 Children have been Rescued from Destitution or Evil Surroundings or otherwise helped. "f~" THE RESCUE OFFICERS DEAL WITH MORE THAN THREE THOUSAND POOR' CHILDREN ANNUALLY.· The Society has an EMIGRATION RECEIVING HOUSE AT WINNIPEG. FUNDS ARE URGENTLY NEEDED. Bankers i Messrs. BARCLAY &: CO., Ltd., 95 Victoria. Street, S.W.' ,Office: Victoria House, 117, Victol'ia street, S.W . ARTHUR J. S. MADDISON, Secretary

JUBILEE YEAR. ANDREW'S WATERSIDE CHURCH MISSION. ST. Remember the perils of 'a Sailor's life by helping this officially recognised Church of England Society in its work amongst Sailors and Fishermen at Home, Colonial and Foreign Ports. There is no class more deserving of our help and sympathy than Sailors. Gifts or money, books, magazines, illustrated papers warm clothing, which will be thankfully .acknowledged. "Bankers: London County and Westminster', Lomb.rd Sireet, E.C. Secretaries: Rev. A. H. HAIGH. P. J. GEDYE. 65, Fenohurch Street; London, E.C. WOMAN'S MISSION TO WOMEN. President :2 ::= THE MARQUIS OF AILSA. The Christian Missionaries of the FEMALE MISSION TO THE FALLEN, and FEMALE .AID SOCIETY, go -into the streets at night, and in the daytime visit the Workhouses, Hospitals, Lodging Houses, Po:ice Courts, and other places. No penitent woman is refused help. Upwards, of 33,000 have received a fresh start in life. FUNDS ARE VERY URGENTLY NEEDED. Contributions may be sent to the Union of London and Smiths Bank Limited, 117,' Victoria Street, S.W., or to OFFICES: VICTORIA' HOUSE, ARTHUR J. S. MADDISON, 117, VICTORIA STREET, S. W. Secretary


4, 5 & 6, REGENT SQUARE, GRAY'S INN ROAD, LONDON, w.e . . ESTABLISHED 1860. Special efforts are made on behalf of poor betrayed young women, who have taken ONE FALSE STEP. They are admitted into the Homes and receive MEDICAL MATERNITY ATTENDANCE and NURSING, They are also TRAINED in HOUSEHOLD and DOMESTIC DUTIES, and, after a nurse-mother has been found for the infant, the mother is put in the way of EARNING A RESPECTABLE LIVING for HERSELF AND THE CHILD, Every endeavour is used to trace the father and make him jointly responsible with the mother for the maintenance of the infants born to them. A ~OLID, PRACTICAL, and PERMANENT kind of RESCUE WORK. There is also a PREVENTIVE HOME. ,'(here important work is done in RESCUING YOUNG GIRLS from the ;,nares of sin and immorality. Contributions may be sent to the Secretary at abo"e a ldres~e~. or to the Treasurer, RLFRED H~RRE. Esq.. 37. Fleet Street, E.e. Royal British Orphan Schools, SLOUGH. (Formerly known as the BritIsh Orphan Asylum) Patrons: His Majesty The King, Her Majesty The Queen, Her Majesty Queen Alexandra. President: H.R.H. The Duke "of Connaught, K.a. INSTITUTED 1827, for the Maintenance and Education of Fatherless Children from all parts of the"British Empire, of all denominatiom, who:-eparents were once in prosperous circull5tances. Boys and Girl~ are admitted by Election, Presentation, and in some cases by Purchase, between the ages of 7 and 12, and are retained until 15. Forms of Application and all particulars may be obtained from the Secretary. The Committee earnestly appeal for New A.nnual. Subscriptions and Donations, which are much needed, this National Institution being unendowed. . Annual Sub",criptions :-For One Vote. lOs. 6ri. j for Two Vote~, £1 11. Life Subscription: - .For One Vote, £5 5s.; for Two Votes, £10 lOs. Life Presentation, £350. Banken-Messrs. WILLIAMS DEACON'S BANK, Limited, 20, Birchin L', E.C .. JOHN F. W. DEACONt Tresurer. CHARLES T. HOSKINS, Secretary OtDoes; 27, Clements Lane, E,C,

CITY OF LONDON TRUSS SOCIETY For the Relief of the RUPTURED POOR thr9ughout. the Kingdom. IXSTfTDTED 1807. 35, FINSBU,RY SQUARE, LONDON, E.-C. t)atl'oll: HIS MAJESTY THE' KING. The .number of patients relieved by this Societ,y since it was instituted, to December 31, 1912, is""658,391. The Anr,ual At'errtQe number during the last 10 years is over 8,200. The patients are of both sexes,and from all parts of the kingdom. The youngest patient relieved was an infant of seven days 011; the oldest, B woman of 107 years. ADOITlONAL FUNDS ARE URGENTLY NEEDED to ·enahle the Committee to carryon the beneficent work of the Charity, -which necessitates an el:penditure far in excess of its income. Annual subseribfTs of one gu-inefl or more are entitled to recommend four patients within the year for every guinea so subscribed. Every pll.tient attending at" the IlJstitution is treated by the Surgeons of the Society, by W?Olll the "Truss il1 ajJpJied. ONE LETTER OF RECOMMENDATION ONLY is required, however expenbi re the necessury inpnuuent may be. W. K. TAUNTON, Secretary. INFANT ORPHAN ASYLUM, 1M'ANSTE·AD, ESSEX. Offices-63, Ludgate Hill, E.C. Patron-HIS MAJESTY THE KING. pankei's- WILLIAMS, DEACON'::) llA;i'iI\, LTD. This Institution maint"ins M11 edue:ites the Orphans of persons once in prosperity, from their Earliest Infaney uutll Fifteen Years of age. It has received 5,00;JFatherless Children already. Forty-two were admitted last year. A.bout 400 are in the Asylum now . . Elections will be held in :May and November this ;rear. Forty Children .will be elected. Forros of ~omination can be obtained at the Olfice. Nearly the whole of the Y~rly Income arises from Voluntary Contributio~s. l.i'Ul\·DS riLlE URGE;}TLl" ltEEDBD. J.ife Subscription for One Vote . Life Subscription for Two Votes . Anuual Subscription for One Vote Ammal SubscIiption for Two Votes £,.) /) 0 10 10 0 o 10 6 1 1 0 CmUIR. If. C. MARTIN, R.N., Secretary and Superintenaent.

his Is the Work Accomplished by tbis Society, which greatly needs your support . A Year's Record. Cautions for Minor Acts of Cuelty. ANNUITIES OF £21 ~or distressed Members of the upper and middle classes of Society are granted by The National Benevolent Institution, FOUNDED BY THE LATE PETER HERVE. Established 1812. Incorporated by Royal Charter. 'tllnber the protection anb 1Patl'onage of HIS MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY KING GEORGE V. President-THE RIGHT HONOURABLE THE EARL OF HALSBURY .. Treasurer - ROBERT W. DIBDIN, Esq. Pensioners elected half-yearly in May and November, 3415 persons already benefitted. Upwards of 650 Pensioners at present on the books. ADDITIONAL SUPPORT URGENTLY NEEDED. LIFE DONATIONS-£5, Two Votes; £10, Four Votes; and so on in proportion. A1mUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS-58., One Vote j 108., Two Votes; and so on in proportioJ!\" LEGAOIES ARE ALSO' EARNESTLY SOLICITED. Full information to be obtained at the Office, 65, Southampton Row, London, W.C.. HENRY O. LATREILLE, Secretary

THE TEMPORARY [Estab. 1860]


BATTERSEA PARK ROAD, LONDON, S.W., and HACKBRIDCE, SURREY. PATRON: HIS MOST GRACIOU" MAJESTY THE KING. President: HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF PORTLAND, K.G. To clear the London Streets of Lost and Starving Dogs, and to provide them with Food and Shelter. To Restore Lost Dogs to their owners, and when Dogs are unclaimed, to find suitable homes for them at nominal prices. To destroy dangerous and worthless Dogs by a Painless and Humane Method in the Leathal Chamber. Over 1,000,000 Dogs have been received ana provided for since 1860. Out-pataint. Department (Dogs and Cats only) at Battersea, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 2.30 p.m. By Letter only. AT HACKBRIDCE, DOCS CAN BE RECEIVED AS BOARDERS OR FOR QUARANTINE UNDER THE BOARD OF AGRICULTURE 'RECULATIONS. SUBSCRIPTIONS and DONATIONS thankfully received by GUY H. GUILLUM SCOTT, Secretary. Some of the operations of the FIELD LANE INSTITUTION' Free Refuges, Ragged Schools, reche. LAST YEAR 55 Tons of Coal given away. 813 Homeless .Poor given a' good Christmas Dinner. 613 Men and Women were sheltered in the Refuges, many of whom were assisted to employment. 3,1132 atte~dances at the Creche. 13,299 attendances weekly .at the Mission Services. 30,410 distributions of Bread and Broken Food. Besides many other form:;; of relief. 15,635 Bread, Tea and Cocoa Meals given to Homeless. 193 Persons placed in or assisted to employment. Contributrons may be sent to the Hon. Treasurer, F. A. -BEVAN, ESQ., 5~, Lombard Btreet, E.C., or to the Secretary, H. BRADBERY PARKER, Vine Street, Clarkenwell Road, E.C.

The. National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children

Seeks to secure to every neglected child in England; Wales and Ireland, proper treatment, proper food, proper clothing in its own home by its own parents. FUNDS URGENTLY NEEDED. The Address of the LOCAL OFFICE will be found in the division, "Churches, Chapels, Institutions," etc. -CENTRAL OFFICE- DIRECTOR LEICESTER SQUARE, w.e. ROBERT ]. PARR. :GOYERNESSES' BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION. Founded in 1843. Incorporated by Royal Charter, -1848. Under the Patronage of the Royal Family. President-Earl of Aberdeen. lIon. Treasurer-LewIs Wfgram HOME & FREE RECISTRATION OFFICE, 47, Harley St., W.'(Telepllone 3828 Mayfair.) FURNEAUX HOLIDAY HOUSE, Fairmount, ShanklIn. HOME FOR ACED COVERNESSES, Chislehurst. The work of the Institutioll is most comprehensive in character. It assists Governesses by invpsting their savings in Annuities, ana helps them in their annual payments; it provides them with a temporary home at a sIllall cost and a Registration Office through which thcy can obtain .ergagements entirely free of expense, not only as is customary to those seeking Governesses but also to the Governesses themselves; also a Seasille Holiday Honse; and it makes them g;ants when in difficulties. It secures them a settled Income in the form of free Annuities and a Home for their declining years. Further, it offers a means whereby, through the payment of an Annual Subscription, they can claim the special consideration of the Society should necessity in ll\ter years compel them to seek its assista11ce. ~,OOO Covernes~es were assisted by the institution last year. 8"lbscriptions and Donations, which are most urgently needed, will be thankfully received by PARR'S BANK, LTD. (Sir S. Scott & CO.'s branch), 1, Oavendish Square, W., orby Mead Office - Walter House, 418-4~2, STRAND, w.c. A. WESLEY DENNIS, (Tel. 1549 REGENT.) Secretary.


Chairman: SIR ALFRED REYNOLDS. Assists poor Women on their discharge from Holloway Prison. About 10,000 women leave the prison annually; a large percentage need the assistance of the Society A House of Help is provided neal' the Prison for those needing temporary shelter. FUNDS ARE URGENTLY NEEDED. Report containing interesting details of the work will be forwarded on application to AIUHUR J. S. MADDISON, Victoria House, 117, Victoria Street, S.W. Bankers-LONDON & SOUTH WESTERN BANK, 403, Holloway Road, N. Kensington and Fulbam General Hospital, Earl's Court, S.W. The President; LORD 'CLAUD HAMILTON, M.P., earnestly appeals for Subscriptions and Donations for this poor Institution. No less than 144,000 cases treated during past five years. 91%women and children. Funds urgently needed. ' -Bankers: Messrs. DRUMMOND. LOUIS McCAUSLAND. Secretary.

The Cancer Hospital (FREE),

FULHAM ROAD, LONDON, -S.W. T~wonly Special Hospital in London for the treatment of Cancer, T umorus and allied diseases. All applicants seen each week day at 2 p.m., and in addition at 5.30 p.m. each Monday. No II Letters II necessary. A number of beds are reserved for life cases. F arm of Bequest of _a Legacy. To those benevolent persons who kindly desire to become Benefactors by ·Will of this Institution, the following Form of Legacy is respectfully recommended: II 1 give and bequeatll unto the Treasurer for the time being and THE CANCER HOSPITAL (FREE), situate in the Fulham Road, Brompton, London, lVliddlesex, the sum o/.............................. Free of Legacy Duty}, to i-eapplied towards carrying on the charitable designs -of the said institution." NEW Subscriptions and Donations urgently needed· for the General Expenses, the R.esearchDepartment and the Radium and Electrical Departments. FREDICK. HOWELL, .Bankers- Secretary. Messrs. COUTTS & CO., 440, Strand, W.C.


KINO WILLIAM STREET, WEST STRAND, W.C. . FOUNDED 1816. patron: HIS MAJESTY THE KING. ~res{bent: H.R.H. THE DUKE OF CONNAUGHY. :d:.\i. tbah'man: THE' EARL OF ARRAN. X.Po The Hospital has recently.been modernised and enlarged at a cost of over £7,000. Funds are urgently needed to meet the increased expenditure. Over 15,000 patient~; representing upwards of 40,000 attendances, are treated annually, and the 40 free Beds are constantly occupied. Subscriptions and Donations will be gratefully acknowledged by JOHN Hy. JOHNSON, Secretary. NoSo-LEGACIES ARE ALSO ESPECIALLY SOLICITED. QueenCharlotte's Lying-In Hospital, MARYLEBONE ROAD, LONDON, N.W. FOUNDED 1152. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER 1885. Patrons: HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN. HER MAJESTY QUEEN ALEXANDRA. President: THE VISCOUNT PORTMAS. Tnasurer: ALFRED C. DE ROTH,;OHILD, Esq., O.V.O, Chairman and Commitlu: SIR SAMUEL SCOTT, Bart" M.P. OBJECTS OF THE CHARITY. J. Tbe admission of Poor Married Worrien for their Confinement; and also of De.ervlng . Unmarried Women with their first child. Z. The provisio.n of skilled Midwives to attend Poor "tarried Women In their Coalla.mellt. at their owa homes.' 3. The training of Medical Pupils, Midwives for the Poor, and .\fonthly Nurses. Last year 1,880 patients were receiveu into the Ho,pital, and 2,361 were attended and nursed at their own homes. ANNUAL EXPENDITURE OF THE CHARITY, £7,500. REIABLE INCOME, £1,000 ONLY. £10,000 'urgently needed for New Out Patient Department and other Improvements. Contributions will be gratefully received by the Bankers, Messrs. COCKS,BmDULPH' & Co. '3, Charing Cross, S.W.; or by . . ARTHUR WATTS, &~tlary.


ESTABLIRHED 1863. 262, UXBRIDCE ROAD, W. 49, LEICESTER SQUARE, w.e . PATRON. H.R.H. PRINCE CHRISTIAN, K.a. PRESIDENT. I VICE. PRESIDENTS. THB EARL OF CHBSTERFIELD, THE EARL OF DBRBY. O.C.V.O. SIR PHILIP SASSOON, Bt., M.P. TREASURER.-aUY PYM, Esq., J.P., D.L., 35, Cranley Ciardens,' S.W. ST. JOHN'S HOSPITAL was founded 50 years ago and is the only Skin Hospital in London with Beds for Men, Women and Children. Persons suffering from Diseases oC the Skin can be seen at Leicester Square every week day at 2, and ever, evening (except Saturday) at 6. FUNDS URGENTLY NEEDED. ONE GUINEA annually constitutes GOl'ernorship ",ith a right to recommend :3 Out-Patients every year. TeN GUINEAS cons~jtutcs Life Governorship. Telepbone No. 5580 GEltHAHn. CED. A. ARNAUDIN, Seoretary, ST. LUKE'S HOSPITAL For MENTAL DISEASES (200 Beds). OLD STREET, LONDON, E.C. Ttlepll(mt- (ESTA.BUSUED 1751). Telegraphic .Jddl't4l1i60S OENTRAL. "ENVOY, FINSQUARE, LONDON." Admission gratuitous; or, by contribution to maintenance, from 21/- to 42/- per week. TRAINED NURSES can be Immediatcly obtained for Mental and Nervou. Cases on npplicat'oll to the :Matron. OONVALESOENT HOMES. NETHER COURT, Ramllgate. standing in its own secluded grounds of 12 acrel, within a few minutes of the sea. Telep.-44 RAMSGATB. I' WeLDe~S," near Oerrards Cross, Bucks, within 18 miles of London, situate in a park \.It 100 .aCl'ee, on high ground, with beautiful garden and beech woods. Telep.-47 GERRABDS CHOU. Voluntary Boarders urc received without Certificates. Full particulars on application to the Secretary at the Hospital. Donation. Earnestly Requested.


Westminster Bridge' Road, LONDO~~, S.E., Serves a very.large POOR· POPULATIONnn the '.f'''' South of the Thames. There are 602 Beds free to the ABSOLUTELY POOR. Admission depends upon the Euitability of the cases applying and the number .of empty beds at' the disposal of the Authorities. OUT-PATIENTS. Letters of Recommendation are not dis· tributed to Subscribers: all persons needing Hospital treatment apply at 12 o'clock each day, and suitable cases are referred to·the Out-Patient Depaf'tments (General and Special), and placed under the care of the members of the Staff .. At least £10,000 per Annum is required from Voluntary Contributions. Contributians to be' sent ta the Treasurer, J. G. WAINWRIGHT, Esq., at the Haspital; or ta G. Q. ROBERTS, Secretary. . ST. THOMAS'S HOME FOR' PAYING PATIENTS. The Resident Medical Officer can be seen daily at 12' noon. For the regulations and terms under which patients can be received into the SPECIAL PAYING DEPARTMENT, ST. THOMAS'S HOME, see the .Prospectus; which may be had on application to the Steward at the Hospital. Telephone-HOP 1637.


A FEW FIGURES. 79,000 Children have passed through the Rescue Doors. 1,213 Permanent Admissions in the past year. About 8,500 Boys and Girls of all ages are always in the Homes. 1,000 of these are Infants. 1,000 arc Crippled, Incurable, Blind, Deaf and Dumb, or physically affiicted. 6,000 are Boarded'out in Rural Districts in England and Canada. 900 Boys and Girls are under Industrial Training. 300 Buys are in training for the Navy and Mercantile Marine. 25,365 Young People have been emigrated to the Colonies. Nearly 1,000 sent to Canada yearly. 95 per cent. of the Emigrants do well. Cheques and Orders payable "Dr. BARNARDO'S HOMES," and Parcels of Clothing 1llay be sellt to the Honorary Director, WILLIAM BAKER, Esq., M.A., LLB., at Head Officls, r8 to 26, STBPNEY CA[;SEf,VAY, LONDON, E.

whole of the members are qualified to render first aid, and a list of their names and addresses is exhiblted at head quarters. Classes for instruction in first aid are he1d by the Hon. Surgeon during the autumn and winter months tor both ladies and gentlemen. President: A. O. Norman, .J.P., c.C., The Rookery, Bromley Common. Hon. Surgeon (A Section): John Horatio Yolland, !I.R.c.B.Rng., 53, Bromley Common. Superintendent: T. Healey, Bromley Union, Farnborough, Kent. Treasurer: William Cooling, Ct'oft house, Bromley Common. Divisional Hon. Seoretary: Corporal O. E. Farrow, 72, Homesdale road, Bromley. Inspeotor of Stores: Pte. Barnett. Committee: First Class Sergt. Field; Sergts. Bush & Clifford: Corporals, Farrow &; T. Barnard; Privates, Bloomfield, G. Harnett, W. Collins, C. Burden, J. Huckle, J. Nutting, C. Waters, Hobbs, & the officer. of the division. B Section. Central Hall, Bromley, J. Mathewson, III.n., hall. surgeon; Corporal Huckle, 24 Croft road, Bromley, hon. sec. ; Prh'ate Waters, inspecto~ of stores. Bromley Nurses' Co-operation - Misses Larkins, Greta, 7, Blyth Rd, Bromley Nursing Home, 34 & 35, Palace Gro. Principal, Miss Bos~.


Bromley is well supplied with newspapers. They arE' as follow'! : Beckenham and District Times (Friday, 1d.), 39 East strl1et. Bromley Chronicle (Thursday, 1d.), Sherman road. Bromley and District Times (Friday, 1d.), 39, East street. Bromley Local Guide & Advertiser (Saturduy), 46 East litreet. West Kent Times (Friday, Id.), 39 East street.



President: Vacant. Vice-Presidents: The Lord Bishop of Rochester j Coles Child, esq., J.p. j Sir Alfred East, A.R.A., P.R.B.A. ; H. W. Forste Chairman of Executive Committee: Dr. J. Scott. Han. Treasurer: Alfred Wright, esq., Dunsford, 121, Widmore road. Han. Secretary: Vacant. Members' subscription, 5/- .


(Atfiliated with tlte National Cltrysanthemmn Society.) The above society was started in 1881 by a few growers, who formed themselves into a Committee for the purpose of management, and now consists of an unlimited number of amateurs, gardeners, aud nurserymen. The object of the society is to promote the superior cultivation of the chrysanthemum, and other plantR, flowers, and fruits, by means of exhibitions, at which all subscribers may compete for prizes. 'fhe annual show of chrysanthemums, & c., is held in Novemb~r. President: Coles Child, J.P" D.L. Vice-Presidents: H. Bennett; J. W. Devon-Astle; T. C. Dewey, J.P. ; H. W. Forster, :M.P.; Sir E. A. Hambro, K.C. v.o.; A. C. Normal~1 J.P. ; E. de Q. Quincey; Sir Samuel Scott, Bart. ; F. Wheatley; J. W. Wheeler-Bennett, J.P.; E. M. Gamar; F. Griffith; W. Cecil Gunn; John Margetson; F. Schooling; W. Farlane; J. Smail; F. C. Tiarks; J. Dewrance; Bert de Q. Quincey; W. Lindley Jones J.P.; Sir Henry J. Oram, K.C.B., n.M. ; Sir Robert Laidlaw, M.P. Han. Treasurer: W. Collings, II4 Verdant lane, Catford SE. Secretary: F. Andrews, 29 Canon road, Bromley.


The members of this Brotherhood meet every Sunday afternoon at the Town Hall, Market square, Bromley, from 3 to 4 o'clock, A short address is usually given upon some intel'e,-;ting subject, and the afternoon is brightened by musical performances. The feature of the meeting generally is its brief, bri~ht and brotherly character. LeBider : Robert Whyte, jun., Rillley, Sundl'idgf'. ,,"venue. Treasurer: J. S. "Yebb, 6, Burnt Ash lane. Secretary: Herbert II. Milstead, St. Dennis. Hawes road


Founded 1894 .. Patrons: His Majesty the King, Her Majesty Queen Mary and Her Majesty Queen Alexandra. Acting President: The Right Hon. The Earl of Salsbury, p.c. Chairman: (Bromley and West Kent Branch) Richard Foljames, Esq. Hon. Secretary: Sidney Muggeridge, Esq., 15, Sandford road, Bromley.


Offices - 31, Russell square, London w c. The English Church Union was formed in the year 1859 for the purpose of uniting the Clergy and Laity of the English Church and of Churches in communion therewith in defence of the doctrine and discipline of the Church, and of the rights and liberties of her faithful children. President: The Right Hon. Viscount Halifax. Bromley Branch-Chairman: A. S. Gedge, Esq. Vice-Chairmen: The Hev. H. Morton Thomson, III.A., Charles Nye, Esq. and Rev. Alfred Lewis. Treasurer: George Stone, Esq. Secretary: S. Muggeridgc, Esq., 15 Sandford road, Bromley.


The oldest English Society (established 1827) for maintaining the religious principles of the Reformation, supported by bishops, deans, archdeacons & c. of the Established Church. In addition to a large number of lantern and other religious lectures in Bromley and district, the Society has a large colporteuring work in this part of West Kent. President: John F. W. Deacon, Esq., M.A., J.P., D.L. Literary Seoretary and Editor: Rev. F. J. Hamilton, D.D. Secretary: Walter A. Limbrick, ESQ., F.R.nist.soc. President of West Kent AuxiliarY1 Sir C. R. Lighton, Bart., D.L., J.P. Hon. Local Superintendent: Rev. R. Moore, liLA., Christ Church parsonage, Highland road, Bromley. Hon. Local Secretary and Treasurer: Mrs. J. Stevens Whaley, 14, College road, Bromley. Local Missionary: Erne~t A. Stones, 711Morgan road. Head Office: 57 Berners street1 London w. G. Weeks & Sons, IronmQngers

British and Foreign Bible Society,

Bromley Auxiliary formed 1866. -Committee: Alderman T. Davis, president, and most (If the local dergy and ministers and a certain number of laymen. There is a Ladles' Committee, Mrs. Brown, han. sec., Penchirche, Oaklands road, Bromley.

Bromley Naturalists' Society

-Head Quarters, Literary Institute. 22 Widmore road: H. H. Mellon, han. secretary, 92, London road. Bromley United Friendly Societies' Convalescent Home and Hospital Society-Co-operative Hall, East street.

Christian Colportage Association

(Bromley, Beckenham and Chislehurst Branch): Theodore Howard, superintendent; Misses Walter, Ashley, 12 Southlands grove, Bickley; Miss Stannard, 23 Hammelton road, Bromley and Henry Morris, B.SC., F.R.A.S, 202 Croydon road, Beckenham, collectors; Thomas Alfred Tubb, 99 Addison road, colporteur. Girls' Friendly Society, Bromley Brauch (Parishes of Bromley and Bickley), Miss A. J. Rommy, 99 Widmore road, Bromley, han. sec. ; St. Luke's, Bromley Common, Mrs. Vallings, Heath Bank, Bickley, han. ,sec. ; Holy Trinity, Mrs. Swabey, Holy Trinity vicarage, I Oakley road, han. sec. International Bible Students (Local Class), 43 High street; Frederick W. S. Poole, sec. ; studies, Sunday 3.15 and 6.30 p.m. and Wednesday and Friday 8 p.m Kent Archreological Society: Lord Northbourne, F.S.A., president. Rev. G. M. Livett, B.A .. F.S.A., han. editor; Rev. Waterman Gardner-Waterman. han. financial sec.; H.. Cooke, han. see. ; C. W. Powell, Esq., D.L., J.P., hon. treasurer; H. Elgar, Esq., curator; L. M. Biden, Esq., 20, Bueklcsbury, London E e, han. local sec. National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (Bromley, Beckenham, Chislehurst and District Branch) ; Lieut.-Col. Sir Henry A. H. F. Lennard, Bart., J.P., president; J. H. Hodge, bon. sec. ; Albert Lancaster, inspector; local omce, 86 College road, Bromley. Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, Bromley and District Branch: Sir Edwin Grant Burls, e.s.I., president; H. W. Forster, Esq., :M.P., A.. C. Norman, Esq., J.P. and T. C. Dewey, Esq., J.P., vice-presidents; Rev. Canon P. Barker, chairman of committee; Alfred Wright, Esq., Dumsford, 121 Widmore road, han. treasurer; Miss C. Hodgson, 75 College road, Bromley and Miss D. Sketchley, 30 Tweedy road, }~romley, hon. secretaries; W. A. Riley, 58 Howard road, Bromley, inspector; }{epresentati"es of the Society: Chislchttrst Auxiliary, Miss Alston, han. sec. ; St. Paul's Cray, Rev. E. Holroyde; St. Mary's eray, R'lv. Edmund Ball (Miss Brierley, collector); Orrington Auxiliary (L,ttl." Entns, hOIl. see.).; Chelsneld, Rev. J. J. Baddeley; Hayes, Rev. li-. Clowes; West Wickham Auxiliary, Mrs. Chilling-worth, Wentworth, West Wickham, lion. sec.



The society was founded in 1904, and consists of it chorus of about 100 voices, and about 50 honorary members. Choralmem!Jers are elected 1y !JaUot by the Committee. The society gi\'e two concerti; (with full orchestra) at least during the season, from October to April, honorary members are entitled to two tickets f)r each concert. The subscriptions arc 6/- for active members (who provide their own music) and 10/6 for honorary members. President: T. C. Dewey, Esq. Conductor: F. Fertel, Holmcroft, HoIwood road. HOn. Treasurer: J. H. Hodge, I Wid more road. Hon. Secretaries: Bertram Pearce, 7 Hawes road a.nd T. Alexander Manchip, 6 Palaee grove.


This School (established 1883) is held at 5, Aberdeen Buildings, High street. It offers to elementary and advanced students a thoroughly sound musical education, of which the high character is guaranteed by its staff of Professors, selected from the Royal Academy of Music. President: The Right Hon. the Earl of Plymouth, P.C., c.n. Vice-Presidents: Sir Alexander Mackenzie, MUS.DOC., LL.D., D.C.L. (Principal of the Royal Academy of.Music); Arthur O'Leary, Esq., F.R.A.M.; Prof. Sir Charles V. Stanford, MUS.DOC., D.C.L. (Professor of Music in the Uni\"ersity of Cambridge). Directors of Music Studies: Ernest Inver, A.R.A.lII. ; Henry Tolhurst and Arthur Thompson, F.R.A.M. Art Mastel': W. B. C. Burnet (First Certiflcate of Honour, Slade School, University College, London). Secretary: Ormond Yearsley, 5, Aberdeen Buildings, High street.


York house, 6 High street, Bromley. Is established for the purpose of giving a high-class ml1sieal education in all its branches, all students being under the personal supervision of the Directors, who are assisted by a large staff of eminent London professors. The Directors are: Ernest ll. Moss, A.G.S.lII., awl Miss Beatrice E. Youngman, A.G.S.lII. (Mrs. Ernest B. Moss.)


Ancient Order of Foresters - L. U.D., Court PriO'l of Masons Hill, No. 5545, held at the Co-operative Hall, East street (meets on first Tuesday in month) ; William E. P. Betts, 5, Addison road, Bromley, secretary. Freemasons - Hervey Lodge, No. 1692, Masonic Hfl"i. Independent Order of Oddfellows -:M. U., S.L. D., Orphans' Friend Ludge, No. 223, held at the Beech Tree Hotel, London road. F. W. Everest, secretary, I, Horsley road. Independent Order of Oddfellows -Manchester Unity, St. Mary Cray District Lord Bomesdale Lodge, Nu. 6647, held at St. Luke's Institute, Raglan road. A. Elliott, secretary, Leedswood, 54, Albert road. Independent Order of Rechabites -" James Fraser" Tent, held at the Morley Institute, Widmore road. F. Scott, secretary, 22, Gwydyr road, Bromley; George Wicks, treasurer, 34, West street" Bromley. Juvenile Foresters -No. 2629, Parish Room, West street; Charles Wallis, secretary, 2 Weston grove, Bromley. No. 5545, White Hart Assembly Room, High street; \Y.R. Layton, secretary, 57, London road. Juvenile Oddfellows - Technical Institute, Sherman road; H. Hoskins, secretary, 5, Westoll road. Widmore Schools, Tylney road (held every 3rd Wednesday from 7 to 8 p.m.); C. Farrow, s~cretary, 72, Homesdale road, Bromley. Loyal United Order of Anglo-Saxons -Alexandra Lodge, NO,3, held at the Co-operative Hall, East street; A.. C. Marshall, 31 North road. National Deposit Friendly Society -Bromley and Plaistow Branch: Robert Whyte, esq. jun. pres. ; S. J. Brown, chairman ofcommittee, 107,Widmoreroad, Bromley r Harry Parrell Steer, se~retary, 98, London road; London and'Lancashire Fire Insurance Co., agtlnt. Meeting nights-first Monday in month, from 7 to 9.30 p.m. in the Parish Room, West street; Saturday preceding first "londay in month from 7.30 to 8 p.m. at Mission Room, Beckellham lane, ShortIands. National Deposit Friendly Society-Central Hall District, 34 Howard road; J. It OrgIes, sec. National Deposit Fl'iendly Society-Bromley Common District, 53 Crown lane; William Watson Gomer, sec. Rochester Diocesan Girls Friendly Society Lodge-61 Widmore road.


Bromley and Shcrtlands Womon's Total Abstinence Union (The) -Mrs. Aisbitt Gibson, president; Mrs. Doxford, Petra, 13, Wanstead road, Bromley; Miss Poole Smith, Dewhurst, 131, Widmore road, Bromley and MISSLottie Smith, London road, Bromley, han. sees. Bromley Temperance Council-(C.E.T.S.): Rev. Canon Donald Tait, ~r.A., Bromley viem'age, (;hairman; F. R. Ball, 138 WirimoI'e road, Bromley, treasurer; Alfrcd E. Garrard, ltidgelands, Blyth road and William G. Weller, Victoria chambers, 43 High st. hon. secretaries. Church of England Temperance Society-Bromley HI'anell: Meetings held monthly in St. Mark's Church HOOIll, Masons Hill; Rev. Canon Donald 'fait, liLA., president;' Rev. S. E. Osborne, M.A. I ~xmouth road, han. secretary; C. Hodgkinson, treasurer. St. John's Branch: Meetings held in Parish Boom, Freelands grove, every month; Rev. Canon P. Barker, liLA., president; William G. Weller, hon. secretary, Victoria cbambars, 43 High street. St. Mary's (Plaistow) Branch: Meetings held in the Church Hall, Farwig lane, periodically in the winter; Rev. W. Gowans, M.A., president; C. W. L. Wright, han. secretary, 28, West street. Temperance Institute (The)--Old C:lurtho. :Market sq.; G. S. Badder,sec.


Bickley Park Cricket Club-Ground, Bickley park: P. R. Nelson, hon. secretary, Craig Royston, Bickley; Lionel G. Jackson, honetreasurer, The Vane, Denbridge road, Bickley. Practice-Mondays, Tnesda:ys, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Bromley and Bickley Golf Club-Bromley Common: G. F. Fischer, hOIl. secretary; G. Thake, steward, The Golf Club, Bromley Common, Kent. Bromley Bowling Club -77A, Plaistow lane; Sir Samuel E. Scott, Hart., "'f.P., president; F. Medhurst, treasurer; Hy. Jas. Green, hon. sec. Bromley Common Cricket Club -Private Ground, Oakley road: A. C. Norman, J.P., president; W. B. Stevens, captain; E. C. De'Ath, 86, Bromley Common, han. secretary and treasurer. Practice - Mon. days, Wednesdays and Fridays. Bromley Cricket and Lawn Tennis Club -Ground, Widmoreroad ; A. C. Norman, J.P., president; secretaries, C. L. Gregory, White Hart chambers, 137 & 138 High strret, cricket; F. T. Hewett, Penchester, Shawfield park, tennis; A. J. Hall, lron. treasurer. l"ets up for practice and ground man in attendance e,-ery e,-enillg at 5 o'clock when there is no match. Bromley and District Charity Cup Competition -Patrons, H. Allan, T. C. Dewey, J.P., J. Y. Hay, W. R. G. Hay, A. C. Norman, J.P., C.A.; chairman. William G. Weller; vice-chairman, George W. Hopton; han. treasurer, W. H. Willson; han. secretary, D. T. n. Gray, 24, Heathfield r~ad, Bromley. Bromley Gymnastic C1ub ~Head quarters, Gymnastic Hall, College slip; Alfred Wright, Dunsford, 12r, Widmore road, treasurer; F. Essex Webb, 2, Palace grove, han. sec. Bromley Lawn Tennis Club -Sandford road: F. C. Raphael, hone secretary, 92 Hayes road, Bromley. Bromley Postal Athletic Club -Ground, Queen's Mead: J. Compton, Esq. (postmaster), president; G. Sumners (chief clerk), hon. treasurer; J. Evans, secretary cricket section, 49, Hecration road, Shortlands. Bromley Sports Ground -Hayes lane, Bromley Common; Sydney A. Pearce, han. secretary. Bromley Football Club -Ground, Bromley Sports Ground, Hayes lane. Lawn Tennis Club -The Bromley park: J. Tobin Bush, hone secretary, Morad-I-Munzil, Holwood road. Quean's Mead Bowling Club -Green, Queen's Mectu,Shortlands; Major C. Douglas Clark, president: A. P. Poingdestre, captain; R. Mitchell, vice-captain; W. Thomson, hall. treasurer; Percy ,W. Bleez:e,60, Tweedy road, han. secretary. Ravensbourne Cricket Club -Ground, Queen's Mead; F. \Y. Shoebridge, captain; R. Levey, II, Fail'lield road, Bromley, hon. secretary. Sundridge Park Golf Club -Garden road; T. Caulfeild-Stoker, 30 Burnt Ash lane, Bromley, secretary. Wendover Lawn Tennis Club, Wendover road.


Atlas Fire-G. Weeks, 61, High street. Car and General Insurance Corporation-Bra~ch office, 137 & 138, High street; Robert Girling, branch manager; R. H. Brown, L. G. Bennett and R. H. Lush, inspectors. County Fire and Commercial Union -Waterer & Dickins, White Hart corner, High street. County Fire and Provident Life-J. King, 137 & 138, High street Bert Smith, 77, Beckenham lane~ Guardian Fire and Life-D. Grinsted, 124, High street. London & County Plate Glass Insura.nce Co. Limited-Bert Smith, 77"Beckenham lane. London & Lancashire Fire (and Accident and Employers' Liability) -E. Clarke & Son Limited, 53, High street. London and Lancashire Fire-H. P. Steer, 98, London road. North British and Mercantile-Waterer & Dickins, White Hart corner, High street. Norwich Union Fire and Life-G. Pamphilon and Son, 58, High street. Pearl Life Assurance Co. Limited-Francis Dean (district supt.), 33, East street. Phamix Assurance Co. Limited - Harradine and Ayling,97, High Street. Prudential Assurance Co. Limited-Alfred Henry Buxton (district supt.), 'fawn Hall; J. G. Barns (assistant supt.), 19, Nightingale lane, Bickley; George Frost, I, Albert road; Edgar Spark, 13, Warner road; George Palmer, 7, Station road; Henry Harris (assistant supt.), Beverley, Victoria road James Cook, 75, Bromley common; Alfred Charles Rolfe, 54, Crescent road; George Walford, 187, Homesdale road. Railway Passengers-Baxter, Payne and Lepper, Market sqnare. Royal Fire and United Kent Life - Edward Isard & Son, 7, Market square Royal Insurance Company-Waterer & Dickins, White Hart corner, High street; William G. Weller, Victoria chambers, 43, High street. Scottish Temperance Life-E. Clarke & Son Limited, 53, High street. Scottish Widows' Fund Life-Charles B. Clarke, 53, High street. Sun Fire and Life-Baxter, Payne and Lepper, :Marketsquare; Latter and Willett, Market square. United Kingdom Temperance and General Provident InstitutionE. Clarke & ~on Limited, 53, High street.

CLUBS, & c.

Bromley and County Club - see page 123. Bromley Camera Club - 22, Widmore road; T. Arnold Bennett, hon. sec. Bromley Chess Club - Club room, Literary Institute, 22 Widmore road; C. F. Delcomyn, Esq., president; H. V. Read, hon. secretary. Club nights, Mondays and Thursdays 7.30 p.m. Bromley Common Workmen's Club - Oakley road. Girls' Sunshine Club (The ) - 31 Ravensbourne road. I St. Luke's Institute - Raglan road: James Heims, caretaker. St. Luke's Mission Room & Men's Hour Club Room - Elliott road; E. Miller, sec. 14 Jaffary road, Bromley. St. Mark's Men's Club - St. Mark's road, Masons hill: Open every weekday, 6.30 p.m. Billiards, draughts, chess & c. All working men are invited. Slate Club every alternate Monday evening from 8 to 9; W. G. Wright, 50, Newbury road, han. secretary. Sundridge Park Working Men's Club and Institute-Foxbury road; W. White, steward. Young Men's Christian Association-136 High st. ; W. J. Harland, sec. Young Women's Christian Association-Shafteshury House, 67 and 69, Widmore road, Bromley: Mrs. Theodore Howard, han. secretary, Westleigh, Bickley; Miss .Firkin, lady superintendent.. Board ann lodging from IIS. 6d. per week. Club rooms open every evening for the use of girls in business, and furnished with piano, books and periodicals. Bible classes, Sunday, 3.30, and Tuesday, 8.45 p.m. Open to all.


Bromley High School (Girls' Public Day School Trust Limited)-Fern Bank, 30 Elmfield road; Miss Hodge, liLA., head mistress. County School for Boys-Hayes lane, Bromley; Reginald Airy, M.A., head master. County School for Girls - 55, Nightingale lane, Bickley; Miss C. M. Waters, B.A. head mistress. Belmont Boarding & Day School (for the Daughters of Gentlemen)- Southborough road, Bickley; Mrs. Leishman, principal; Miss A. M. Porter, L.L.A.. head mistress. Havelock House (preparatory school for Boys)-82,London road; MissRay. Holmoroft School (for the Daughters of Gentlcmen)-33 Holwood road; Mrs. Fertel, principal. Holy Trinity Convent Boarding & Day School for Girls-8! Plaistow lane; The Rev. Mother Superior. Kinnaird Park Girls'School-Park avenue; Miss Leishman, principal; Miss N. Hackforth, head mistress. Quernmore Sohool-London lane; Charles Frederick Braithwaite B.A.head master; preparatory school, Park avenue.


Addison Road (Girls & infants) - Miss Lilly, head mistress. Aylesbury Road Council(Boys)-F.Lewis, master; James Green,caretaker. Bickley and Widmore-Tylney Road: H. J. Salter, master; Miss Harvey, mistrl'..5s; Miss Laumann, infants' mistress . Bromley Common (Mixed & infants)-G. W. Moate, master; Mrs. Moate, mIstress. Bromley--T. J. Elliot, master; Miss M. A. Harper, mistress; Miss E. Churcher, infants' mistress, College road. Masons Hill-Miss Barnes, girls' mistress; Miss Longford, infants'mistress Plaistow (Boys & infants)-Alfred Williams, head master. Raglan Road Council-Head teachers: Edwin Owen, Inter.B.A.LOnd.boys; Miss A. M. Mackie, girls; Miss E. :Fluck L.L ..A. juniors; Miss Bertha Hodgson, infants; Mrs. Edwards, special school Valley Council-Head teachers: John J. Webber, B.A.boys; MissS. Agnes Evans, girls; Miss Lucy Warren, infants; Abraham Riley, caretaker, Beckenham lane Wharton Road Council-Head teachers: William Joseph Sunman, Int. Arts, boys; Miss L. Rampling, girls; Mrs. Carlyon, infants.


Bromley Conservative Club - The Broadway, HIgh Street: Robert T. Wragg, hon. secretary; V. Heasman, assistant secretary. Bromley Conservative and Unionist Assooiation -White Hart chambers, 137 & 138, High street; Coles Child, president; John King, secretary; W. F. Masters, assistant secretary. Bromley and District Liberal Assooiation-9-!, Tweedy road; Kemieth E. Chalmers, president; J. Howard Moore, J.P., han. treasurer; John 't. Grubb, secretary. Bromley Women's Liberal Association - 94, Tweedy road; Mrs. H. Leonard Powell, president; Mrs. Collen, han. t.reasurer; Miss It Harvey, han. secretary, 16, Mays Hillroad, Shortlands. Primrose League - Bromley Habitation, No. 1521: Mrs. Coles Child, dame president, Bromley Palace; Talbot K. Crossfield,J.P. ruling councillor, Clare Croft,s, Elmfield road; C. T. Viney, treasurer, Dartmouth, Durham avenue: Miss G. Adams,'hon. secretary, Courteenhall, Lake aven. Bromley; H. W. Richardson, registrar and financial secretary. The Tariff Reform League - Talbot K. Crossfield, J.P., president; F. Adams, chairman. Executive Committee, Rev. J. White, M.A., han. treasurer; H. G. Langmore, hon. auditor; R. Rithenden, W. Lindlay Jones, W. 'R. Brooks, Herbert Le Ma)', G. F. Fischer, R. Griggs, D. T. H. Gray, J. Crowhurst & E. Kinder; E. J. D. Wjgginton, han. secretary, 40, Tweedy road:- West Kent Liberal Association - A. Mills, secretary; John T. Grubb, assistant secretary, 94, Tweedy road. West Kent Liberal Institute Co. Limited - John T. Grubb, secretary, 94, Tweedy road.


Bromley and South Eastern Permanent Investment Building Society-Office, 26, Market square: D. Grinsted (chairman), J. F. Arnaud (deputy-chairman), H. G. Dunn, J. H. Lepper, Alfred Wright, D. Payne, directors; F. Payne, surveyor, Market square; W. F. Masters, secretary, 26, Market square, Bromley, Kent; Latter & Willett, solicitors, Bromley. Subs('ription meetings first and third Thursdays in every month, from 8 to 9 p.m., when Shares are allotted, deposits received, and every information given. Bromley and Crays' Co-operative Society, Limited - Offices, The Stores, 41, East Street: John Robert Santer, secretary. Bromley Cottage Improvement Company, Limited-Office, White Hart chambers, 137 & 138, High street: T. Davis, G. Weeks, E. M-. Garnar and D. Grinsted, directors; H. J. 'fitford, secretary. Bromley (Kent) Electric Light and Power Company, LimitedI, West Street; R. R Barker, engineer & manager; C. A. Maby, F.e.I.s., secretary. Bromley and West Kent Masonio Hall Co Limited-137 & 138, High street; H. J. Titford, secretary. South Suburban Gas Company (Bromley distriot)-Oflice, 156, High street; works, Homesdale road: Wilfrid Wastell, secretary; S. Y. Shoubridge, engineer.


Carter, Paterson & Co. Lim.-District depot, 31, East street ; Chappell, manager. Agents: Germain, 99, High street: Wood, 104, Palace road; : Marsh, College road; Mussell, Homesdale road; Robinson, 60, Bromley common; Matthews, Bird-in-Hand, Widmore j Bashford, 79, Bromley Common; Parker, Orpington; : Martin, Green Street Green; Duck, Keston; Uridge, Widmore road; Skinner, Broadway; Gibbons, 43, Chatterton road; Gilbert" 55, Havelock road; Pearce, 69, :Masons hill; Phillips, grocer, Farnborough ; Stott, stationer, Orpington; Mills, grocer, Oakley road,Bromley; Whayman, Masons hill; Slawson, 35, Freelands road; Uridge, Masons hill ; Brouard,15, Homesdale road; Mitchell,32, Bromley common; Yeates, II, Bourne road; Kennett, North road; Partridge, 24, London road: Fanlkes & Steeden, 176, Widmore road; Tomblin, 213, Homesdale road; West, 2, Napier road; Wells, 43, Tylney road, Bickley. London Parcels Delivery Co.-Agents: Rnsson, 31, Masons hill; BaMns, 186, Homesdale road; McKenzie, 90, High street; Walker, 67, London road; Dean, 55. College road; Legg, 165. Masons hill; Dunford, 29, North road; Patten, 48, Homesdale road; Hubbard,3S, Heathfield road; Gardner, t9I, Widmore rd. ; J{ichenside, Broadway. Pickfords Ltd. - To all parts. Hunt & Goodall, 3, Broadway; Silk, 93. High street; Baldock, Westmoreland road j Sanders, Albany honse, 22, London road; Bannings, Snndridge park; Hockley, 47, Palace road. S. Soan & Son, 45, College road - To and from London daily.
ESTABLISHBD 1833. The Oldest Newspaper in tM Western District of Kent: with which i8 incorporated ~fJe giurre!1 ~aerCUr!1. Chief Offices: Nos. 6 to 14, BLACKHEATH RD., GREENWICH, S.E. Tel.(~~~ h;gs~)~152 City Offices: 2~ GROCERS' HALL COURT....CHEAPSIDE, E.C. Telephone No. 8774 (City). 3;:, & 35, MOOR LANE, MOOGATE. E.C. Telephone Nos. 5644 & 5645 (LonWoolwich Offi.ce-3, Cross STREET. don Wall). Price One Penny- Is published every Friday Morning, at 4 o'clcck, in Greenwich, Deptford, Lewisham, and Woolwich, and circulates chiefly in Greenwich, Deptford, Rotherhithe, Bermondsey, New Cross, Brockley, Forest Hill, Hatcham, Nunhead, Peckham, Dulwich. Hither Green, Camberwell, Lee, Lewisham, Mottingham, B1ackheath. Cattord, Shooters Hill, Plum stead, Eltham, Charlton, Woolwich, Sydenham, Penge, Chislehurst, Sidcup, st. Mary Cray, Bromley, and largely throughout the Western Division of the County, for which it was unanimously selected, in 1850, by the Magistrates of the Quarter Sessions at Maidstone, as the medium for circulating the County Notices. THE KENTISH MERCURY is devoted to the maintenance of the true Protestant faith, and defends the interests of the Church of England.; advocates the principles of progression. ~eekB the elevation of the working classes; upholds the interests-moral, social and physical-of the community in which it circulates; deals in an independent manner with all questions of current interest; supplies the fullest and latest details of the news of Greenwich, Deptford. Lewisham, and Woolwich, with their respective neighbourhoods. Its selections of news and literary notices are judicious and in good taste, and all allusions objectionable to the most refined sense of delicacy and purity are rigidly excluded from every department of the Paper. From the extensive use made of its columns by most of the leading Auctioneers in the County, and by the principal Auctioneers in the Metropolis, whenever they have to issue announcements of sales of property in Kent or Surrey, THE KENTISH MERCURY has become an established channel of reference by capitalists desirous of making investments in property in these districts. THE KENTISH MERCURY is taken by most of the principal Hotels and Taverns and by the industrial c1asses, as well as by the leading Gentry of the two counties. IMPORTANT TO ADVERTISERS. SPECIAL CHEAP RATE (prepayment only) for ADVERTISEMENTS OF HOUSES I SERVANTS I HORSES APARTMENTS SITUATIONS VEHICLES ARTICLES FOR SALE AND WANTED, & c., & c. 24 words 1 s. . Three 25. 6D. times. No. of Words. Once. Twice. 3 times. 13 times. I s. d. 8. d. s. d, :£ B. d. 24 and under 1 0 2 0 2 6 0 10 0 Over 24 " 32 1 4 2 8 3 { 0 13 { II 32 II 40 1 8 3 { 4 2 0 16 8 40 II 48 2 0 4 0 5 0 1 0 0 48 II 56 2 { 4 8 510 1 3 4 II 56 u 64 2 8 5 4 6 8 1 6 8 .. 64 II 72 3 0 6 0 7 6 1 10 0 It 72 It 80 3 4 6 8 8 4 1 13 { 80 88 3 8 7 { 9 2 1 16 8 88 II 96 4 0 8 0 10 0 2 0 0 96 .. 104 4 4 8 8 1010 2 3 4 All Advertisements must reach the Office not later than 8 o'clock on Thursday Evening to ensure insertion the following morning (4 o'clock lor classt1l.catton). LARGEST CIRCULATION IN THE SUBURBS. Exceeds 23,,750 Weekly. CERTIFIED BY PUBLIC OHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS. MERRITT & HATCHER, LTD., Proprietors, PrinterS & Publishers.,
POSTAL INFORMATION. SUNDAYfl. BROMLEY HEAD POST OFFICE. Postmaster - .Major.J. Co:n ptOll. Superintendent-Mr. George Sumners. Hours of Business: I WI>BK DAYfl. S a.m. to S p.m. Sa.m. to 9 p.m. S a.m. to 9 p.m. { 8.30 to lOa.m. 6 p; 6 p.m. S a.m. to 9 p.m. No Parcel Post Busines Sa.m. to S p.m. For 5ale of Stamps *Registration of Letters and Parcels Delivery of Letters to Callers Parcel Post Business Issue of Postal Orders Payment of Postal Orders :Money Order, Savings Bank Withdrawals, J Government Annuity and Insurance Business Issue of Inland Revenue Licenses Sale of Inland Revenne Stamps j .. Savings Bank Deposits Received Telegraph Business 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. 58.30tolOa.m S a.m. to 9 p.m. 6 p.m. to 6 p.m 1II Letters, & c., and parcels can be Registered up to 16 minutes before the time of posting ordinary lotters. BANK HOLIDAYS-for Sale of Stamps, Registration of Letters and Parcels, Delivery ~f Letters to Callers, and Parcel Post Business, S a.m. to 9 p.m. Money Ordors, t:iavings Bank Withdrawals, Government Annuity and Insurance Business, Issue of Inland Revenue Licenses. and Sale of Inland Revenue Stamps, open until 12 noon. MAILS. From Head Office, Bromley, to London & All Parts (Week-days). Approximate Times of Delivery in London. Time of Posting. E.C. S.E. S.W. Othe Districts. I Suburbs. 2.30 a.m; (Mon- First Londou Delivery next day. days a a.JT,.) S 7.30a.m. .. 10.30to 11.30 10.30to 11.30 10.30Lo 12. 0 10.30to 12. 011.0 to 1.30 10.5a.m. .. 11.30to 12.30 1. 0 to 2. 0 12.15to -'I.Hi 1. 0 to 2. 0 1.30 to 3.30 n.5 a.m. 1.20to 2.30 1. 0 to 2. 0 2. 0 to 3. 0 1.30to 3. 0 1.30to 3.30 11.50a.m. 2.30to 3.30 3. 0 to 4. 0 3. 0 to 4. 0 3. 0 to 4. 0 4.30to 6.30 12.50p.m. 3.30to 4.30 3. 0 to 4. 0 4. 0 to 5. 0 4. 0 to 5. 0 4.30 to 6.0 1.411 p.m. 4.30 to 5.30 2.40 p.m. 4.30 to 5.30 Ii. 0 to 6. 0 4.30 to 5.30 4.30to 5.30 6.30to 8.30 5.20p.m. 8. 0 to 9.30 8. 0 to 9. 0 8. 0 to 9.30 8. 0 to 9. 0 8.30to 10.0 ff6.45 p.m. First London Delivery next day. t7.50 p.rn. ditto. ditto. 8.45 p.m. :9.45 p.m., 10.0 p.m. . For Norfolk generally, part of Suffolk & Essex for first mor.ning delivery. tSussex generally, part of Surrey & W


BROMLEY COMMON, KENT. TELEPHONE, BROMLEY 178. HIGH ...CLASS ... LAUNDRY Dyers and Cleaners. Open Air Drying. Early and Punctual Delivery with Correotness. Moderate Prices.
From Bromley Head Office to Beckenham. Time of Posting ditto ditto ditto ,litto nitto n.15 a.m. 10.45 a.m. 12.0 noon 3.0 p.m. ;;.30 p.m. 10.0 p.m. Approximate time of delivery llitto ditto ditto ditto Following morning 11a.m. 1 p.m. 1p.m. 4 p.m. 8 p.m. From Bromley Head Office to Chislehurst. Tillie of Posting .. 12.30 p.m. Approximate time of delivery ditto 5.10 p.m. ditto 2p.m. 7p.m. From Bromley Head Office to Orpington. From Bromley to Orpington direct, including Chelsfield, Downe, Farnborough, Green Street Green, Lock's Bottom, Pratt's Bottom. Time of Posting. Approximate time of delivery. 11.50 a.m. 1.0 p.m. to 2.0 p.llI. ;l.5') p.m. Pratt's Bottom .. (; 0 p.llI. :; 50 p.m. Orpington only .. li.45 p.w. 9.45 p.m. Following morning From Bromley Head Office to St. Mary Cray. Time of Posting .. 12.50 p.m. Approximate time of delivery.. p.W. ditto 5.20 p.m. ditto 7.0 p.m. From Bromley to Tonbridge, & c., direct, posted 10.0 p.m. delivered first delivery next morning. From Bromley to Tonbridge direct, including Tunbridge Wells, Sevenoaks, HastingR. Canterbury & c., & c. Box cleared at 10.5 a.m. From Bromley to Tonbridge direct (for Kent generally). Box clearell at 5.20 p.m. From Bromley Head Office to Swanley Junction. Time of Posting 12.50 p.m. Approximate time of delivery.. 2.30 p.m. ditto 5.20 p.m. ditto 7.0 p.m. Parcel Post Mails. For London and Suburbs leave Head Office 10.45 a.m., 2.4.3, 7.50 and 9.0 p.m. For the Provinces ditto 10.45 a.m., l.0, 2.45, 5.20, 7.50 and 9.0 p,m. For St. Mary Cray ditto 12.50 p.m. l!'or Beckenham ditto 10.45 a.m., 2.45, 7.50 and 9.0 p.m. For Chislehurst ditto 12.30 and 5.0 p.m. For Orpington ditto 11.50 a.m., 5.20 and 9.0 p.m. Foreign and Colonial Mails. For EVEning, }fails leave Bromley Head Office 5.20 p.m. For Morning, MaiIslcave at 10.0 p.m. Sunday Mails. London and London ron"varl1 .. .. \ 7 p.m. I .For first London Delivery, ano I first Provincial Dar Mails from G.P, D. next day. SUSSJilXand K R,NT, Croydon, t ditto For first DeHvery next day
British Window Cleaning Co., WITH WHICH IS AMALGAMATED BROMLEY WINDOW CLEANING CO., 10. Nightingale Lane. Bromley -ANDPAGE HEATH WINDOW CLEANING CO.. 195, Homesdale Rd .. Bromley Mr. J. C. DIPROSE, Manager. ' . Contraotors to the Kent Education Committee. And also the Bromley Publio Library Committee. Office: 93, High Street, BROMLEY. Insured under The Workmen's Compensation Act. Windows (gleaned by contraet or otherwise.
TELEGRAPH OFFICES. Hours of Business. 147 I SUNDAY~ XMAS-j BANK WEEK-DAYS. DAY AND GOOD HOLIDAYS. FRIDAY. Bromley (Head Olfice) S a.m. to 9 p.m. { 8.30 to 10a.m. } 8 a.m. to 9 p.n'l. I)p.m. to G p.m Bickley Station 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. -8.30 to 10 a.m. 8 a.m. to 8 p.m, Bromley Common (close 1 } 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. 8.30 to 10 a.m. 8 a.m. to 10 a.m, p.m. on Wednesday) {8a.m. to8p.m.} Bromley Hill .. (Wednesdays 8 Closed. Closell. a.m. to 1 p.m.) } 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.} Simpson's Roa!1 { (Wednesdays 8 CIosea. Closed. a.m. to 1 p.m.) f 8 a.m. to8 p.m.} Shooting Common (Wednesdays 8 Closel], OIosed. a.m. to 1 p.m.) Shortlands 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Olosed. Closed. { 8 a.m. to 8p.m. J Widmore (Wednesdays 8 Closed. Closed. a.m. to 1 p.m.) TOWN DELIVERIES. 1st Delivery, 7. 0 a.m.IFrom London and Provinces, Scotland, Ireland, and the 2nd ditto 10. 0 a.m. ditto ditto ditto [Contlnent.- 3rd ditto 12.30 p.m. ditto ditto aitto '!th ditto 3.45 p.m. From London and Provinces. 5th ditto 7.30 p.m. ditto The TOWIl Deliveries will include all Local Letters, & c., posted at the Head Olfice up to 6.50 a.m .. 9.50 a.m., 12.20 p.m., 3.31)p.m. and 7.20 p.m. On Sundays, Christmas-day, Good Friday, and Bank Holidays, the first Delivery only ism~& Parcels Post Deliveries are HOURS OF CLEARANCES. WEEkAY". SUNDAY~. I SUB OFFICES- : a.ill :l"m a.m a.m I a.m ".ml,,·m p.m p.m p.m r·m p.m ..tBickley Station .. : .. 6.50 8.45 10.20 .. 12.20 1. 0 1.25 6.20 7.35 9.30 7.1511.m. ; C.0 8. 5 9.15 5.55 p.m. tBroml,y Rill .... 1.·. ·>.50 H,!'i5 9.55 10.55 11.40 1.40 4.15 5.55 S. 0 9.35 5.55 p.m. "'Chatterton Road .. 8.50 9.50 10.3' 12. 0 1.35 3.505.35 8. 0 8.55 5.40 p.m. J!'arwig ..... 12.15 5.30 9.LO 10.10 10.55 12. 5 2. 5 4.401,;. 5 S. 5 9.20 6.25 p.m. Freclands Road. . .. ;3.40 8.40 9.55 10.55 11.5;) 1.55 3.5515.'557.55 8.40 6.10 p.m. "'Home-dale Road! 9. 5 10. 5 10.50 12.20 1.50 4. 55.50 8.15 9.10 5.5.5p.m. tl>LondonRoad .... [12.15 i.55 9. 5 10.10 11.10 L1.50 1.50 4.256.10 8. 5 9.50 6.15 p.m. lI>tSimpson's Uoad 1.15 ·j.50 !1.10 10.15 11. 5 12.20 2. [) 1.206.10 8.L5 9.30 6. o p.m. Page Heath ...... .. 5.40 8.45 10. 5 10.5(1 .. 12.10 1.55 4.15 .3.407.55 8.M 5.25 p.m. . "'Iasons Hill .... 5.20 9.10 LO.1510.55 .. 12.20 2. 0 4.15 6. 0 8.20 9.20 6. I'Jp.m. . Park Road ..... 12.15 ·';.i158.45 10.0 11. 0 12. 0 2. 0 4. 0 6. 0 8.0 8.015 6.5p.m . "tPlahtow Lane .. 1.4135.50 8.45 9.40 10.35 L1.40 1.40 l.13 ·j.40 8. 0 9. 0 5.45 p.m. "'tShooting Com. ", .. 9. 0 10. 0110.45 .. 12.15 1.45 4. 0 5.45 8.10 9. 5 5.50 p.m. :~t~h?rtlands ...... .. 5.25 9. 0 LO.15LO.55 .. L2.151.55 '!.IO 5.!i5 8.0 9.25 5.fiOp.m. "'tWHlmore ...... "1 .. .3.45 9. (I 10.151L1.0 .. 12.20 2. 5 1.30 5.50 8. 5 9. 5 5.50 p.m. PIL~~~~~~ WALL Ashgrove Road .. .. 8.15 .. .. .. .. 2. 0 5.30 8.4.j .. .. .. 9.0a.m. Avenue (The) .. .. 8.3:> LO.5 11.30 .. 1.40 3.40 5.45 7.10 8.50 4.20 p.m. Avondale Road .. 8.'0 9.45 10.40 11.45 .. 1.45 4.20 3.45 7.45 9. 5 n.Op.m. BabbacombeRoad .. ·550 8.55 10.10 11.10 .. 12.10 2.10 4.10 6.10 8,11, 8.55 5.25 p.m. Beckenham Grove .. ·3.40 8.40 9.55 10.35 11.50 .. 1.35 3.50 5.35 7.35 9.10 5.30 p.m. Beckenham Lane I .. ,j.O 9.10 10.15 11.15 L1.55 1.55 4.30 6.15 3.10 9.55 5.15 p.m. Belmont.. .. .. . . .. .. 7.30 !l. 0 1l.30 .. 12.45 2.45 4.45 6.50 8.40 5. o p.m. Bickley Park Rd. . . 8.10 9.40 10. o .. 12.0 1.15 3.11'>·3.156.50 9. 0 5.15 p.m. Blackbrook Lane .. 7.50 920 11.30 .. L 5 3. 5 5. 5 7. 0 8.15 Broad way (The) 11.15 6.i5·p.U1. ;J.5;,) 9.20 10.25 11. [, .. 12.30 2.10 4.25 6.10 8.30 9.30 Bromley College 1.30 6. 5 9.15 LO.2011.20 .. L2. 0 2. (j 1.35 6.20 8.15 10.0 6.10 p.m . Bromley Common .. ;U.~ 9.10 11).10jLO..~5 12.20 L5.j 4.l0 :;.55 8.20 9.15 6.0p.m. Bromley Road "1 .. ·5.30 8.30 9.50,10.30 11.45 1.30 3.45 5.30 7.30 !l.20 ii.25 p.m. Cambridge Road 12.15 ·j.30 9. 5 10. 5' 10.50 .. 12. 0 2. 0 4.35 6. 0 8. 5 !l.15 6.20 p.m. Chislchnrst Road .. ·j.35 8.55 10.15 11. 0 .. 12.20 2. 5 4.25 5.50 8. 5 9. 5 5.4,jp.m . Church Road ... '11.15 6.10 9.15 10.25 11. I) .. 12.25 2. 5 4.20 6. 5 8.15 9.25 6.5 p.m. Claremont Road .. 7.25 S.55 11.35 .. 12.40 !AO 4.40 6.55 8.45 5. o p.m . Croft Road ...... : .. S.45 9.45 10.30 11.45 .. ).45 .. 4.15 ~.45 7.45 9. 0 6.0 p.m. Cromwcll Av@n'l .. 8.10 9.55 .. .. .. 12.55 .. 4.20 8.15 .. 4.25 p.m . Crown(The) ...... 1l.4.j !l.45 10.30 11.55 1.3u 3.45 5.30 7.55 8.50 5.35 p.m. Cumberland Rd. .. 8.30 9.50 10.30 11.40 .. 1.30 3.40 ;;.30 7.31\ 8.30 5.20 p.m. Durham Avenue .. ·j.40 8.45 10.5 10.45 11.55 .. 1.45 3.55 ·j.45 7.55 8.45 5.35 p.m. Edward Road ", 1.45 5.50 8.35 9.40 10.30ill.30 1.30 4. 0 5.30 7.30 8.45 5.30 p.m Elmfield Road .. 1.15 5.5 9.15 10.20 11.10 .. 12.25 2.10 4.25 6.15 8.20 9.15 6. 5 p.m. Elmstead Lane .. .. .. 8.30 10.40 .. 1.45 3.J5 ;;.30 7.45 8.45 5.50 p.m. Fairlawn ........ .. 5.15 9.10 10.10 10.55 .. 12.20 1.55 4.10 :;.35 8.20 9.15 6.0 p.m. Farnaby Road .. .. 8.15 10.20 .. 2. 0 ·t?5 6.20 8.li3 9.50 5.10 p.m. Freelands .. 5.45 8.35 9.50 10.50 11.50 1.50 3.50 5.50 7.50 8.35 6. 5 p.m. Freelands Road .. .. 5.55 9.10 10 ~f) 11.10 .. 12.30 2.15 l.40 6. 0 3.15 9.15 6. o p.m. Garden Road .... .. 8.45 11.40 .. .. .. 1.40 4.15 5.40 7.40 8.M> .. 5.40 p.m. Gilbert Road .... 8.15 9.30 'lo;i5 11.15 .. 4.30 8.45 .. 5.0p.m. Glebe Road .... 12.15 1).25 9.15 11. 0 .. 12.10 2.10 4.45 6.10 8.10 9.25 6.25 p.m. Hayes Lane .... .. .. 8.25 10.45 .. .. 1.45 :i. 0 8.20 8.45 a.m. Hayes Road .. 8.55 10.55 .. .. 12. 5 l.55 i. 5 5.55 8..5 8.55 5.45 p.m. ITay,,",d R""'I..I .. 8.45 .. 10.30 .. 1.30 3.45 5.30 8. 0 5.45 p.m. High St. (lower) 1.15 ri. 0 9.25 10.30 11.10 L2.352.15 4.30 G.158.30 9.35 6.20 p.m, High St. (upper) 1.30 6.10 9.15 10.30 11.10 .. 12.30 2.10 1.25 6.10 8.20 9.30 6.10 p.m . Highland Road.. .. 5.50 9. 0 10.0 11. 0 11.45 .. 1.45 4.15 6. o 7.55 9.40 6. o p.m. Hill Brow .... '. . .. 8.35 .. 10.45 .. .. .. 1.504. 0 5.35 7.50 8.50 5.40 p.m. . Money Order and Savings Bank Office. t Telegraph and Express De Hours of Clearances-continued. WEEK DAYS. ;fI.LAR AN~-WAJ.1. -a.m -I~.m~.m a~:---a.m --a.m I ~.m~ p.mip':l-p.mip.m p.m BOXER- I Holwood Road .. 1.15 5. 9.15 10.25 11.1~ .. 12.30 2.154.30 ti.2018.2~ 9.20 Jackson's Road .... /8.1v.. .. 11.4n.. .. 3.15.. .. ,7.1.) Killgswood Roatl 15.50 8.i)0 10. 5 10.45 .. [2. Ii 1.454. 0.5.4'37.4,'1 0. 0 Langdon Road.. .. .. 9. 0 .. 11.30.. .. .. 3.45 .. 8.30 London Lane.... .. 5.40 8.45 9.4510.45 n.30 .. 1.304. 05.45'7.45 n.2·) Long-fieltl ..... 12.155.[>5 n. 0 10. 0 n. 011.45 .. 1.4:)4.206. 5i8. 5 9.40 Matleira Avenue... .. 8.40 10.40.. .. .. 1.2,)3.M) 5.40,7.40 Malvestone Road .. 8.2.) 10.M .. 1.4013.505.257.40 Masons Hill .... .. 5.25 9.15 10'.20U." 0 .. 1~.2f>2...'i4.2~~ ..? 8.~5 Mays Rill ...... .. 5.55 8.55 1O.101O.nO .. 12.101.;:.014.y v.')·) 7.00 Oakley Road .... 7.50 ....... '13.10 Orchard Road .. 5.30 8.30 9.45 10.45 11.15 .. 1.4;)3.4,) .5.457.45 Page Heath Lane .. 5.10 8.40 10. 0 10.50 .. 12. 5 1.5.) Palace Grove .... 1.30 6. 0 8 50 10. 5 11. 5 ., 12. 52. 514. 56 .. 18. 5 Park Avenue.. .. .. 8.55 9.50 10AO11.50 .. .. 1.504.255.507.50 Park Road ...... 12.306. 0 9.15 10.3011.15 .. 12.352.204.456.;j 8.20 Plaistow Road 1.4;J 5.50 8.45 9.4010.3·; 11.40 .. 1.40 4.l'i 5.40 7.40 Queen's Mead Rd. 6. i) 9.10 10.20 n. 0 ., 12.202.;J 4.1i) 6. 08.10 Quernmore . 1.45 .5.35 9. 0 10. 010.45 11.55 .. 1.55 7.M RavensbourneRd. .. 5.50 8.20 9.4510.2511.35 ..,')7.30 (L. P.) R~~l~~.~~~~J~eRd. .. .. 8.20 9.40 ., 11.35 1.20 4. 0.').207.:10 Recreation Hoad .. 5.25 8.15 9.3510.2511.30 .. 1.15,3.40 5.1f>7.15 Hodway Road 1.30 .5.55 8.35 lUO 10.30 11.3J 1.30,4. 05.307.30 Salisbury road.. .. .. 8.35 10.20 1).iiO.. .. 1.203.35 .. 7.45 Sandford Road.. .. 9. 0 . . 12.10.. I~.I~~.(I .. Shortlands Grove .. 5.45 8.45 10. 0 10.40 .. 12 0 1.40,il.5i>~.40 7.40 ShortlandsStation .. 5.SO 9. 0 10.1;310.0[; .. 12.!.)!. !~,4.!? 5.';b 8. 0 Southborough .... 7.40 9.10 lOA.; .. 12.v52',)014.,,;) Southlands Road 8.30 10. 0 !l.40.. .. 1.3),3.55 ·).10 7 0 S.E.Ry. Approach 12.306. 5 8.50 10.1011.10 .. 12.102.10 4.106.10 8.10 South Hill ..... .. .. 8.35 9.55 10.3511.45 .. 1.3.5:3.45:).357.40 Houth Hill Park.. .. 5.35 8.40 10. 010.4011.50 .. 1.403.505.407.45 bouth Hill Road.. .. .. 8.35 9.55 10.35 U.45 1.35~3.45ii.35 7,40 Sonthlands Road .. .. 8.55 9.55 10.40 .. 12. 51.403.555.408. [) Spencer Road.... .. 5.45 8.50 9.5010.50 U.35 .. 1.i35:4. :i.50 7.flO Tylney Road.... .. 5.45 8.50 10.1010..55 .. 12.152. 0 4.2? ~.~?:3. 0 Wanstead road.. .. 5.50 9. 5 10.20 U. 5 .. 12.252.10 4.3il .J.')U 8.10 WestmordandRd. .. 5.45 8.50 10.1010.50 .. L2. 0,l.50 4. 0.5.508. 0 Woodlands Road .. .. 8.1.3 9.45 10.45 .. .. 1.20 149 SUNDAY5. 6.LO p.m. 8.15 5.40 p.m. ~.l~ p.m. u.40 p.m. 6. ij p.m. 5.5 p.m. 5.55 p.m. 6.10 p.m. 5.45 p.m. 8.30 a.m. 6.0p.TIl. 5.30 p.m. 6.20 p.m. 6.;; a.m. 6.10 p.m. .3.45 p.m. 6.0p.m. ~.I~p.m. <>.lu p.m. EXPRESS DELIVERY. Te Post Office will deliver messages, letters, and parcels, hy special Messenger, in all parts of the Town and Rural District. The Fee for Express Delivery in the Local area is 3d. per mile, without charge for postage, when the packet cloe~ not exceed lib. in weight; above I lb. an additional fee of 3d. is charged. The postage charge only applies to Express cOl'respondenee which is fOl'warded by post to be specially delivered on arrival at the office of destination. When the distance exceeds two miles, and a public conveyance is not available, a charge will be made, in addition to the postage and fee, of 11- pel' mile for special conveyance, or the ordinary cab fare. (If the sender whlhes it, a special conveyance may be dsed for any less distance.) The words "Express Delivery" must be clearly written on each Packet by the sender, above the address in the left-hand· corner of the cover. There is no Express Delivery ser\'ice on Sundays, Good Friday, or Christmas Day, except for packets that reach this office from other towns, but :Express letters are accepted for despatch by the Ordinary MaiL


To and from all parts of the United Kingdom, for prepaid letters: Not exceeding 4 oz. Id. Exceeding 4 oz. but not exceeding 6 oz... 1d. 6 oz. 8 oz... zd. g oz. 10 oz... z!d. 10 oz. 12 oz... 3d. 12 oz. 14 oz... 3td. I4 oz. 16oz... 4d. 16 oz. 18 oz... 4td. and so on at the rate of id. for every additional 2 ozs. Letters posted unpaid are charged douhle on delivery; if underpaid, double the deficiency. No letter may exceed Z4 inches in length, 12 inches in width, and 1 1/2 inches in depth.


Aberdeen Buildings.

See High street.

Addison Road.-

40 BROMLEY COMMON. Left Side. Alexander George, The Nook Christopher Mrs. St. Martin's 3 Burton Herbert 5 Betts William David 7 Caird Lothian Sherrard 9 Butler James Henry 11 Button Albert Henry 13 Cocks James Alfred 15 Bateman Miss H. 17 Elsdon George 35 Eagle Henry, bootmaker 37 Sheldon Frank 39 Pratt. Mrs. 41 Cox William 43 Boorman Albert C. ChattertonRoad45 Hughes Mrs. 45A Miller Brothers, oil and Italian warehousemen ......... here is Chatterton Road ......... 49 Greenaway John 51 Wright Charles 53 Harris Alfred Walter 55 Kenward Owen 57 Humphries Frederick O. l 59 Bowlan Mrs. 61 Best Mrs. 63 Jenner Charles David 65 Palmer Albert 67 Stace John 69 Day Henry William 71 Greenaway Josiah 73 Blackford Owen 75 Poole Mrs. 77 Lloyd Mrs. 79 Botten Mrs. 81 Skinner William 83 Beck Joseph 85 Pace Edward John 87 Collins Ernest 89 Lewis Frederick 91 Clacey Ernest William 93 Miles Frederick Charles 95 Reeves Frederick 97 Lane Albert Edward 99 Tubb Thomas Alfred, colporteur 101 Rickman Thomas Joseph 103 Deamer Thomas 105 Richards Arthur, shopkeeper .. . . . . . . .here is Cowper Road Cross and Return. St. Luke's Elementary School (Girls ~' Infants), Miss Lilly, mistress 48 Marshall Walter, coal dealer 46 Arundel John Balfour 44 Gregory Thomas 42 Humphrey Sidney 40 Owers Mrs. 38 Westcott Mrs. 36 Stace James William 34 Graham & Townsend, Belmont band laundry ...... here is Chatterton Road ....... 32 Jacquest Mrs. Stephen Gascoigne, confectioner 30 Emilie Mdme. M. D. wardrobe dlr. 28 Mugridge William, fruiterer 26 Picture Framing 00. 22 Gumbrell J. G. mat maker 20 Bumstead Charles 18 Browning Henry 12 Durham Mrs. 10 Boxall Arthur 6 Homewood Joseph 4 Trundle James

Albert Road.

From 11[ON.~l('{[rOad til Salisbury rd. Right Side. 2 Clothier James 4 Fox William 6 Woodward Aubrey Walter 8 Bloomfield James 10 Haffenden Alfred 14 Ryan Thomas R. 16 Laughorne Edward 18 Britton George 20 Haddock Arthur 22 Hayley Thomas, Lyndalc 24 Meers Henry F. 26 Woodward Robert 28 Lansberry William 30 Saans Charles Herbert, Woodlanrls 32 Anthony L. W. 34 Gosling Charles William 36 Beadle James 38 Reeve Mrs. 40 Anderson William 42 Bond William, Belle Vue 4G Thorpe Thomas Geo. Wm. Mayfield 48 Hoadley Benjamin 50 Northfield Charles Frederick 1 52 Ovenden Henry 54 Elliott Alfred, Leedswood 56 Wickham Albert 58 Dvmond Thos. Edwin, Haslemerc 60 Canfield John 62 Elliott John 64 Richards Edmund 66 Canning Walter, Ryton 68 Canning David, Stretton . 70 Wickens William James, Wolston 72 Eames John 74 Humphrey Edward James 76 Blackett Percy 78 Jenkins Thomas 80 Birtchnell George E 82 Doe Mrs., Ventnor 81 Schopman William Left Side. 1 Frost George, agent Prudential Assurance Co. Limited 3 Temblett Herbert S. 5 Simmons Augustus 7 Gifford John Thomas 9 Earwicker Frederick 11 Oates Albert 13 Armitage William 15 Emery Mrs. 17 Timpson Mrs. 19 Thomas James 21 Mills Edward 23 May Henry [missing] 29 Broadley John W. 31 Brasier 'Charles 33 Holder Walter Frederick 33 Holder W., bootmaker 35 Greenaway Robert, Elizabeth cut 37 Chapman Arthur 39 Carpenter William, White cottage 41 Todd Robert 43 Phillips R. W. 45 Golding Henry 47 Boyle John, Lenham 49 Crabb Frederick James 51 Harris Frederick James 65 Goldsmith Frederick 67 Knott William 69 Agnew Ernest G. 71 Thomas John 73 Edwards Charles E. 75 Craker Thomas Ernest 77 Barber Charles Walter 79 Anderson Herbert John 81 Peters George, Penrose 83 Smith Mrs. M. 85 Woodcock Isaac 87 Gilbert Samuel 89 Collins Henry, Grove Corner

Aldermary Road.

From 17 Glebe road West Side. 1 Lambert Mrs 3 Good George 5 Bush Henry Charles 7 Isard Miss 9 Rogerson Mrs. 11 Hillier Mrs, 13 Curwood John Nicholas 15 Brook Frederick Benjamin 17 McClure Charles 21 Rose W. S. 23 Hamlyn J. 25 Wright Walter 27 Jones Charlee Henry 29 Mortlock T. C. 31 Suffell Miss E. 33 Bateman Henry Samuel 35 Lutz August 37 Tucker K J. 39 Haigh William Henry East Side. 2 Morgan Row land 6 Beaumont Mrs, 8 Irving Ernest Copeland ...... here i.'t Ronalrf.'t )'t! 10 Langmore Hugh Grant 12 Reader Henry 14 Palmer William George 16 Lancaster Fred 18 Atwood Alfred 20 Phillips Ernest Oliver 22 Screeton S. A. 24 Parsons Alfred William ... ... here is Holli'll'ave )'rd......... 26 Plumer Mrs. 28 Greenhill Miss C. )1.,Meadowcroft 30 Cameron Andrew 32 Ximenes Eliodoro

Alexandra Crescent.

From Avondale l'onrl. Right Side. Riches George. Ferndale Hutton William, Woodcroft Brooks Harold G., Brasenose Noakes Robfrt Cecil, The Nook de Lisle Hirzel W. T .. The Hut Stayner James Adolphus, Oak cottage Moreton Charles James, Elmdene Moreton Charles Robert, band provider, Oakdene Greatwood Herbert Henry, Lindley Left Side. Beaumont John, Ingestre Malcolm J. A., Eversley cottage Burrows Mrs., Helmside Amy Villas. SCI:' Ilomesdale road,

Ashgrove Rd.

-BROMLEY HILL EST_'.TM. From Bromley hilT. Jarvis Charles Turnbull John H., South End 10. 2 Adams Charles

Avondale Road.

From Burnt Ash lane to Lalu~ amf'n. North Side. Wall Letter Box Peters D, West 2 Thompson Herbert 3 Catchpole Albert A. Clark George Ernest J The Beeches Knight Moreton Laing, Hillside Withered Arnold, Wingate Treacher John, Appin lodge ......... here is Aled'and~'rt Cl·es ......... Cook Leonard Barnaby, St. Audries Clubb William .John, road house Shaw Hugh Wybergh, solr., Ahercorn South side Drelheller Paul, The Crossways ... here is Lalw f1 venne . Rarbe Eric, Werder hous(' ... ... here is Q1lel'nl1Wre rd ......... Gwyn George R., Pentborpe Hodge Samuel W., Clovelly O'Conner Peter James, Glenavon Dean Charles Geoffrey, Mosman

Aylesbury Road. - MASONS HILL

From Westmoreland road. Right Side. Hannaford William, provision stores 2 King Clifford & Son, greengrocers 3 Head Johu, butcher 4 Pocock George 5 Ware William, fishmonger 6 Dodson James 7 Maunton Herbert 8 Harding William E. 9 Fisher Alfred 10 Mantle Archibald 11 Brown Joseph J ohu 12 Lock Albert 13 Brice Frank Emery 14 Saunders James 15 Lambourne George 16 Smithard James 17 Hannaford Thomas 18 Norgate William 19 Barton Edward 20 Webster William 21 Bartlett Mrs. A. 22 Maddams James 23 Killick Henry E. 24 Austin William 25 Thomas Jesse 26 Payne Benjamin Wcst 27 Barber Joseph 28 Ashton George 29 Sutton Charles 30 Dean Hedley, cabinet maker 31 Mavnard James 32 Winter Mis:'! 33 Locke W. G. 34 Willbv Charles E. 35 Kite GoorO'e 36 Dawson Siclney, insurance agent 37 White James William 38 Pocock William Joseph 39 Jessop George 40 Wells Mrs. ......... here is iVewll1lr!J road . .. , ......... here is Footbridge ............ Cross aud Return. 48 Hoare Sam ud 47 Rowe Atcher 4G Bax Alfred William 45 Baldwin Henry Charles 44 Booker Richard Francis 43 Pocock Harry 42 Little John 44 Palmer Charles J. COlliwil Se/wohl-F. Lewis,master; James Green, caretaker

Babbacombe Road.

From Station rd. to La lIU101/))/{I rd. Left Side. ..... here is Ronald's r0([.(1 .......... ...... here is IIollif/rat'e road ......... 1 Davis Thomas James 3 Hammond Mrs. 5 Wood Philip Alfred 7 Russell Alfred 9 Gilbert Mrs. 13 Humerston H. E. 15 Allen Mrs. 17 Davis Thomas 19 Lowne Joseph William 21 Fay Cyrus Right Side. 2 Hill &; Gurr. builders (yard) 4 Payne Charles 6 Morley Herbert 8 J{ye Edwin 10 Blackman William Alfred 12 Judge Charles, Totnes 14 Home William 16 Trodd Alfred, Ashton 18 JenkinR William Henry 20 Ellis Edwin James 22 Howlett William 24 Walker Edward 26 Jeffrec Frederick 28 Hill Oscar E.. Homevicw 30 Judd Francis ·William 32 Bennett T. Amold 34 Poyser Walter 36 Ede Percy 38 Neilson Harald ....... lwl'c is railway crossinf} 48 Paton William, Derlwyn 50 Fell Thomas, Woodi1ield 52 Sigg.;; William Charles, St. Aylotts 54 Honeysett Edgar William, Ungava 56 Umbers Misses, Warkworth 58 O'Dell David Thomas, Henley 6O Hawtree Fredk. George, Hazelmere 62 Kendrick Joseph Thomas 64 Barling David 66 Coltman R. Izard, specialist in voict production, Mountfield 68 Bacon Samuel H. 70 Beckett Frederic Franklin Manly Percival William, Clovelly 74 Dabr.ll Henry 76 Browne Mrs: E. 78 Bradshaw Raphael, photographer, Ethel wynne 80 Hill Sergt.-Major William Edward LAMP LETTER Box 82 Palmer George, West view 84 Osborn Frederick William, artificial teeth, Nacton 86 Kennedy Alexander Andersol;l, Glenthorne 88 Hingley John, Melton 90 Bourne Harry Morton, Wayside 92 Ward Percival 94 Moon Miss 96 Neale Archibald Wm., Woodcote 98 Stanley Geo. Christopher, Carthew ]00 Spencer Frank, Fairhaven 102 Lowes Mrs., Fairlight 104 Harrison Mrs. 104 Whebell Nurse A. (certified) 108 Veness Joseph 110 Baker Albert C. 112 Clark William Owen 116 Rothwell Harold 1]8 Fentiman Arthur John 122 Forbes George, Rosslyn 132 Bennett Robert 134 Alston Edward 136 Brvce Rev. Wm. Kirk [Baptist], Kenilworth 138 Wallis Ralph 140 Tillotson Miss 142 Blanchard Francis Leonard

Balfour Road - BROMLEY COMMON.

From, Mosslea rd. to Salisbltry rd. 13 Tyler Edward 15 Lane William Joseph 17 Clare Frederick Stephen 19 Walker John 21 Bird Frederick 21 Ingram Tom ......... here is Union road 25 Barnes Frederick 27 Carter Fred 29 Wright William 31 Dunlop William 33 Morton William James 35 Wicks Thomas 37 Bennett Walter Burton 39 Knowles George 41 Hodgkin Philip 43 Giles Vincent R. 45 Dudley Frederick Henry 47 Gosling Charles 49 Sheppard George James 51 Coppin John 53 Tickner Stephen 55 Rayment Frederick 57 England William Ewart 59 Martin Henry 61 Pratt Thomas 63 Tidy H. 65 Fryer William 67 Gearing Frederick 69 Newman Charles Andrew 71 Morgan Mrs. 73 Waterhouse Tom 75 Lemon John 77 Titchener Mrs. 79 Farley Mrs.

Barnett Wood Road - BROMLEY COMMON.

From Oakley road. Adams ErnsL Ralph, Bencewell Orchard Stile Thomas Plummer, Barnett Wood Lewis Robert

Barnfield Wood Road.

From top (lj Westmoreland read. LAMP POST LETTER Box Rogers Herbert M., Langley wood

Beckenham Lane. - HIGH STREET.

From· 93 Hiqh street to Shortlands S. E.~· O. Railway Station. South-East Side. 1 'Tapp Mrs., The Hill ......... here is Footpath to Bromley Recrcation ground ...... 3 Strong Herbert, The Hollies Wall Letter Box 5 Temple Robert, Glebe Knoll 7 Latter Edward, Pixfield 7 Latter Bertram Henry, Pixfield Latttlr Hugh Robinson, Burrell's Meadow Fire Alarm Valley Council Scltools-John J. Webber, B.A., master; Miss S. Agnes Evans, mistress of Girls; Miss Lucy Warren, mistress of Infants; Abraham Riley, caretaker 39 HenhamT. & Son,builders & dcrtrs. 39 Henham Mrs. C., teacher of music 41 Potter S. 43 Dinmore Miss 45 Moon Hedley Walter 47 Rowe James 49 & 51 Appleton Herbert, draper 53 Williams George H. butcher 51 Williams Alfred, baker ......... here is Recreation road ...... PILIAR LETTER Box 57 Kinsman Thomas. greengrocer 51 Aylward Percy 63 Pointer Benjamin 61 Gretton Mrs. 65 SmaUbone Charles Albert, fruiterer & greengrocer 67 Hall Harry, house decorqtor 67 Lampier Mrs. Sarah, dressmaker 69 Ulayden Williain, florist 71 Craker Mrs. 71 Walker Ernest James 73 Bryant Mrs. 73 Ebdon Frederick John 73A. llis & Son, farriers 77 Smith Bert 77 & 79 Smallbonc Chas. Albert, grocr. 81 &, 83 Jenner T. & Son, oilmen 85 Gooch George, butcher 87 Wailing George, coffee tavern 87A Tufnell Philip Arthur, boot makr. 89 Richmond Mrs., tobacconist 9l Davidson Robert Edward 93 Wynn John 95 Abbott William 97 Harris Charles 99 Bartlett Alfred J., rustic & horticultural builder ...... here is Shortlands Railway station ...... Cross and Return. North- West Side. ...... here is Ravensbourne avenue ...... Bartlett Alfred J., rustic works 108 Barl(er Thomas, fruiterer 106 CARTER. LAW & LEECH, auctioneers, house & estate agts.& surveyors (& atBromley) 104 Cuthbert Harry H., chemist 102 Stevens A. S., bootmaker 100 Tolfrey Wm. J.,plumber& decrtr 98 Tolfrey William J., iron monger 96 Rasor Mrs. A., fancy draper ......... here is Meadow road ...... 94 Siwrtlands Post Office-Frank James Barnett, sub-postmaster 94 Telephone Call Office 92 Griffin Charles 90 Alston Walter Thomas 88 Sales Ernest F. 88 Sales Mrs. K., dressmaker 86 Marshall Charles Alfred 84 Bastin Ernest, cycle repairer 82 Sangter & Son, fishmongers 80 Wood Mrs. M., stationer 80 Hansle.v Robert E., who. stationer 78 Bones Joseph 76 Rushton David Joseph 74 Clarke Frederick 72 Lyford Charles 70 Abbott Frederick, rose grower 68 Waters Sidney, plumber 66 Brodrick John 64 Catlett Samuel, naturalist 62 Cheeseman Frederick, builder 60 Howlett Brothers. beer retailers ...... here is Shorttands qardens ... .- 58 Baker Thomas . 5BA HART PERCY E. automobile & general engineer 58 Welford's Surrey Dairies Limited 56 Durling George 54 Sillwood Frank 52 Mummery Harry 50 Messenger William George 48 Britton Mrs. Kate. shirtmaker 46 Stringer Bertie Thomas 44 English Mrs. Thomas 42A Pearson & Cox Limited, steam car manufacturers 40 White Miss F. E., ladies' outfitter 38 Brooks George William, grocer 36 Humphrey Mrs. confectioner ...... here is Farnaby road ...... Reading Percy G., Battledown 12 Goodwin James, Arlescote ......... here is Highland road ......... ........... here is Blyth road ........... Schooling Frederick, Holly Dene r West Kent Main Sewemge I Board office - Arthur B. Coomber, sec ~ I offices of the Board of Guadians of Bromlty Union Edward Haslehurst, clerk; P. ~ I J. D. Wiley, assistant clerk Customs r Excise 9" Old AflC I Pensions Office - A. W.WoodI ward, surveyor; Albert Edward l Jacksolll oUicer ( Bromley Rural District Council I -Edward Haslehurst, clerk; P. J. D. Wiley, assistant clerk I Superintendent Registrars Office -Edward Haslehurst, supt Deputy Superintendent Registrar - P. J. D. Wiley Surveyor of Taxes - G. H. Hyett. . S I Bromley &. Beckenham Joint Hospital Board Frank H. ~) Gedney, clerk ~ I Haslehurst Edward, clerk to Bromley union, Bromley rural district council & supt. regisitrar Chapman Harry, deputy registrar of births & deaths for I Bromley sub-district, Bromley union LLane William, caretaker 8 Riches William 6 Larkin Henry William 4 Osborne Mrs. 2 Dawson Ernest

Beechfield Cottages. - WIDMORE.

From 165 Widmore road. 1 Wraight Henry 2 Stacey Edward 3 Smith Albert 4 Wraight Mrs. 5 Dellow William John 6 Glover Walter 7 Wingfielt!. Henry Herbert 8 Pink Frederick 9 Peates Harry 10 Stockwell William 11 Burr Richard

Bickley Road.

...... from Widrnore road. ...... here is Chislehurst road Wall Letter Box 2 Sidney William, The Old cottage Welford's Surrey Dairies Limited, Widmore farm Pearson Walter (stables of) Widmore court McGlashan A. K. (lodge of) Widmore court ...... here 'is Pine,~ road , . ...... here is Bickley Park road ....... Cross and return. Brodie Robert, Mowbray White Mrs., Caerlaverock Badcock Frederick Owen, Kenmore ...... here is Bird in Hand lane ...... 3 Bird in Hand, Frank Mathews [PH] 5 Wickenden Mrs. E.A., livery stables 7 Copping Mrs. H., laundry ....... ,. here is Widmore road .........

Bloomfield Rd. - 45 BRROMLEY COMMON

Left Side. 1 Day George, jun., plumber 3 Shepperd Julius 5 Field Horace Banks 7 Jackson George ........ here is Chatterton road ........ London Oity Mission 9 Walters Charles 11 Price Mr~. 13 Anderson Thomas 15 Vyse Henry J31nes 17 Whitehead Charles 19 Hall George 21 Miles William Bert 23 Lockyer William 25 Gurr Arthur George 27 Asker Frank 29 Sutton James 31 I::imith John Andrew 33 Andrews .Robert Henry 35 Johnson Frederick W. 37 Wallace William 39 Knights Jas. 41 Humphrey John 43 Eade George Henry 45 Smith Harry 47 Clifton Herbert 49A Bartholomew Charles 49 Bloomfield Laundry Cross and return. 46 Polglaze Thomas James 44 Edwards Francis 42 Greenwood Charles 40 Down Robert George 38 rates Herbert Jobn 36 Alford Thomas, grocer, & c. 31 BoxaU George Thomas 32 Gardiner Frederick M. 30 Calder Robert, tailor 28 Norman William 26A veling Herbert 27A Wood Edward ......... Here is Chatterton Road ........ 22 Prentice Charles Sohn 20 Pearson Arthur, oil stores 18 Avis Mrs. 1(i Rayfield William, grocer 14 Wood Thomas 12 Mill A. W. & Co sewing machine repairers 10 Archer George 8 Jackson Albert, Glendaira 6 Haylett Thomas William 4 Gibbs Miss 2 Palmer Mrs. Primitive Methodist Chapel

Blyth Road. - Bromley PAlace

From 35 London q'oad to BcekenlulUb lane. North Side. 2 Young Sames, Columcille 4 Garrard Alfred Edwin, Ridgelands 6 Griffin James ThackweIl, Elmville 8 Balfour Mrs., Summerland 10 Smith Charles Lacey 12 Mathieson Alec S., Edelstowe 14 Simeons Carl, Dudley 16 Bumsled David Alexander, Sparnon 18 Smith William Hubert, M.A., J.L.M., solicitor & commissioner for oaths, Trevena 20 J0hnsen Wm. Martin, Barnfield 22 Willett Mrs., Woodcote 24 Weber F. A. G. (Blyth Wood) ...... here is Beckenham lane ....... South Side. 9 Gibson Mrs. Aisbitt, Haslemere 7 Bromley Nurses' Co-operation (Misses Larkins), Greta. Tel. Bromley 231 5 Gregory Richard Arman, Walcot 3 Collett Charles Henry, ~herstone 1 Thomas W. G., Avoca

Bourne Road-

Top OF HAVELOCK RD. Left SUe. 9 Martin Geo. William, shopkeeper 9A & 11 Yeates Herbert, saddler 15 Knott Albert 17 Cronk John 19 Roots Thomas 21 Greenwood Charles 23 Charlo George Henry 25 Stacey William George 27 Jury William 29 Greenwood Albett Gross and Return. Rigt Side. 42 Munn Chas. Whiwell, insur agt. 40 Gretton Henry Charles 38 Lloyd E. J. 36 Smith Arthur 34 AttIe Thomas . ........ here is Elliott road 32 And('rsou George 30 Taylor George Henry 28 Filtness Charles William 26 Walker John Henry 24 Ling Benjamin 22 Clayden Arthur 20 Prust William Henry 18 Peill Frederick William 16 Humphrey Arthur Percy 14 Blundell William Edwin 12 Allen Christopher 10 Lees George 8 Barnett George 6 Milstead Albert John 4 Wyatt John Arthur 2 Parmer Mrs., hand laundry

Brewery Road.-

67 BROMLEY COMMOM. Moullin L., Pembury house 21 Cooper John, confectioner 19 DunmaIl Ernest 18 Ely James 15 Roffey George 14 Aylward Mrs. 12 BoxaIl Thomas 11 Johnson Thomas 10 Whitehead Charles 9 DunmaIl Thomas 8 Dunmall Edward Cross and Return. 7 Freitag Frederick 6 Johnson Mrs. 5 Harris Henry 4 Whitehead Harry 3 Elliott Frank 2 Winter William

Broadway (The).

See High street.

Bromley Avenue.

From 3 G}'a.M1lere road to l/arlIaby road. Lardner Harvey William (The Lodge) Cohen Percy L. (Liscard) Stanford Charles, Blair Atholl

Bromley College.

From 101 High street. Barrett John, ,The Lodge White Rev. Jaines, M.A., chaplain Hamilton Col..J., Treasurer's House 1 Taylor Mrs. 9 Temple Mrs. 2 Haslewood Mrs. 3 Thomas Mrs. 4 Dodd Mrs. 5 Godson Mrs. 6 Smith Mrs. Charles 7 Morrell Mrs. 8 Nelham Mrs. 10 Smith Mrs. T. 11 Burrow Mrs. 12 Cumming Mrs. Gordon ]3 Hobbins Mrs. 14 Doughty Mrs. 15 Caswell Mrs. 16 Freeman Mrs. 17 Tyache Mrs. 18 Curtis Mrs. 19 Wensley Mrs. 20 Stubbs :Mrs. 21 Selbv-H~al Mrs. 22 Grabham Mrs. 23 Whitmore Mrs. 24 Hewitt Mrs. Oscar 25 Beynon Mrs. 26 Reaney Mrs. 27 Bedford Mnl 28 Billin2' Mrs. 29 Writ!ht Mrs. 30 yoll~g Mrs. 81 Carlyon Mrs. 32 Collier Mrs. 33 Appleford Mrs. 34 Newham Mrs. 35 Ellis M rs. 36 Goss Mrs. 37 Lewis Mrs. James 38 Burgess Mrs. 39 BartoR Mrs. 40 BUl'l1side Mrs.

Sheppard's College.

1 Griffith Miss 2 England Miss 3 M arriott Miss 4 Oxlad Miss 5 Greenslade Miss

Bromley Common.

Left Side -from Homesllale Road. PILLAR LETTER Box Fire Alarm 1 Scott James A. 2 Critchison Rev. James [Wes. J 3 Morgan William T. 4 Payne Herbert 5 SandIe S. S. 6 Abel John 7 Rogers Miss, Laurel Bank 10 Balchin William C., Bexfield 11 Bloor J. Matthew, Oxford lodge 12 Judd William, Walton cottage Field Misses, preparatory day school 14 Browne C. Walter 15 Newton Miss 19 McDougall John 20 Englehardt H. F. It 21 Whelon George W. H. 22 Thomas Arthur S. 23 Wilkins Leonard 24: WiJIiams J ohu, Brockhampton 25 Hodder J\;1rs.,Caris brooke 26 Howard Miss, Ewell house 28 Dalton John Bates 29 & 30 .Pive Bells, Fredk. Matthews 31 Parker Edwin, stationer, & Shooting Common Post Office Telephone Call Office 32 Mitchell Arthur Samuel, baker ...... Here is Southlands Road St. Luke's Church 36 Peill Robert 37 McAuslan Henry 38 Rayfield Arthur James 40 Pearson William Walker ......... here is Addison road 43 Childs Misses 44 Curry Rev. William [Primitive Methodist], Mayville 45 Burtt Miss C. E., Frant villa ...... here is Bloomfield road ...... Primitive Methodist Church .............. here is Chantry lane ...... . . . . .. footpath to Southborough. .......... 47 Sandle Henry James, Walpole house. ........ here is Walpole road 48 Brown John Wa.lter 49 Weyman Miss, Clungonas 50 Timmis John, Woodclose 51 Sparks Alfred, Bowmanville 52 Watts Mrs., Esperanza 53 Yolland John Horatio, M.R.C.S., L.S.A., surgeon ............ here is Pope road ...... 57 Sharp H. (Sussex louge) ......... here is Jolmson road . 60 Robinson Wm. T., provision mer 61 Phillips; Lemuel, cycle maker 62 Copus William, baker & confectnr. Pillar Letter Box 63 Croft Albert Edwin 64 Speller E. William. tiori&t ............ here is Crown lane ...... The Crown, Thomas M. Marshall [PH] Fire Alarm ......... here i.~Tllrpington lant! . ...... here is Magpie HalL lane ...... Bromley 0' Bickley Golf Clnb G. F. Fischer, sec.; G. Thake, steward Richards W. T., Cooper's Farm cot Holy Trinity Church ............ here is Chnrch lane ............ 66 Bromley Common Elementary Scltool-G. W. Moate, master; Mrs. Moate, mistress Fire Alarm LAMP POST PILLArt Box Howland Fred .I., Barham house Rowland Fred J. Limited, rustic & horticultural builders. Sedelia wrks ........ here is Brewery road ...... 68 Gill William. flint. & gravel contr. Village Hall ...... here is Lower Gravel Road . 69 Sawyers' Arms. George Reeves [PH] 70 Ward Charles S. 71 Oliver A., harness repairer 71 Wright Wm. G., smith & farrier 73 Roffey James 73 Osborne Miss 74 Stone Henry 75 Cook James, agent Prudential Assurance Co. Limited 76 Ward John Herbert, butcher 77 Norman Charle~, newsagent.. toy and fancy shop, Post O{fire 78 Easy Henry, baker 79 Bashford Thomas, grocer 79 Telephone Call Office .. here 'is Jackson's road . 80 Lawrence George, nurseryman 80A CoolingWm.,nurseryman,Croft ho . Cross and return. 81 The Plough, William Cox [PH] ...... here is Cherry Orchard road ...... 81A King Col. Charles Wallis, )LV.O" Belair . Jones Albert E., Kent villa 83 Yeates William 84 Flight Ernest E. 86 DeAth Edmund Charles ...... here is Grave lroad ............ 87 Whitehead Albert, Cherry orchard 87A Medhurst Frederick 88 Harris John, steward, Oakley farm ............ here is Oakley road ...... Lubboek Sir Nevile, K.C.M.G" Oakley Cowland George Thos., Oakley 10. gO Nonnan Archibald"C., M.A.,J.P., The Rookery 90 Dunmail T., The Rookery lodge 90 Saunders David, The Rookery 10. 90 Lyddiard William J., head gardener to A. C. Norman, esq., The Rookery gardens ...... here is footpath to Hayes ..... 92 Faunthorpe Rev. John P., M.A., F.RG.~., Elmfield Miller.J.& Sons, farmers,Hook frm 93 Miller Ernest, Hook farm 91 Faulkner John 95 Morley Harry 96 Dormer Leonard 97 Butcher J. 98.Beard William 99 Weston James

Bromley Crescent - THE VALLEY.

Right Side - from Bromley garJeue. 6 Abel Rowland 8 Gristwood Frederick 10 Oswald Frederick 12 Costin George Frederick 14 Brown William 18 Hoare Charles Edward 20 Lansbury Mrs. H Smith Sidney U5 Webb George !8 Jackson Mrs. A. l2 Vallins George A U Brewer George lG Taylor Henry James cross and Return. ;5 Reau George ,3 Parsons J limes ,I Bates William :9 Borgnis Thomas Gurney '7 Godfrey Albert Harry 5 Lindsey Charles Edward ~3 Heath Charles :l Googe Elijah 9 Wallace Fred :7 Gowers William :5 Maynard Bert 3 Hudd Ernest 1 Passey William 9 Royston Arthur 7 Goddard George :5 Lee William E. 3 Randal Albert, jobbiug gardener 1 Mitchell George 6R..Jl\J. 17 West William Lewis (Horsford viI) 15 Vickery Richard L. 13 Lovell 'Charles 11 Marshall Albert, WiertlJn 9 Knowles Albert 7 Hammond F. 5 Wilkins Edward 3 Church Henry 1 Uden TJconard John

Bromley Gardens. - THE VALLEY.

Left Side - from Queen's Mead road. 1 Wickenden William 3 McIntosh Robert Dunlea vey 5 Rumens William . Edward 7 Fowler William James 11 Menser Mrs. 13 Howard WIlliam 15 Harwood Harry 17 Manger Frank William 19 Widgery John Norman 21 Hopgood John 23 Moore Alfred, builder & decorator ...... here is Bromley crescent ..... 25 Eves Edward William, grocer 29 Hill C. J., stationer, post & money order office 81 Tebby Mrs. 35 Kemp Arthur 37 Doughty Arthur Henry 39 Henham Edward 41 Henham Henry 43 Manser John Wm., Fairlight cot 45 Stranj;?;e James, Aston villa 47 Humerston John Henry 49 Andrews Henry James, Langdlde 51 Chesman George 55 White Mrs. 57 Corbett J. E. 59 Beckett Thomas 61 Peckham William 63 Mugridge Ralph G5 Prior John, Fern Lea 67 Davis Arthur Frank 69 Piper Arthur Ernest 71 Constant Arthur D 73 Baxter Mrs. 75 John~.()n James 75 Lewis Tom ......... here is Glassmill lane ...... ... .. ". Jl/;I'C is b01lndary of Bromley and Beakenham pal'i~lIn . ...... here ig Ridley road Cross and Return. 90 Jackson Henry 88 Davey George· 86 Drew Charles 84 Mockridge Robert K 82 Fitzpatrick John 80 Hodge Frederick 78 Angus William 76 Marsh Charles 74 Heath Charles 72 Essery Thomas 70 Cash Henry 68 Read L. G 66 Solomons John 64 H vde Henry 62 Eastwood James Edwnrd 60 Sayers Charles 58 Groombndge Josiah 56 CbeE'seman John 54 Elliott Charles 52 Tarring Frederick 50 Field J obn 48 Everest J. 46 Castlo Charles Hobert 44 Wallace Charles 42 Fry Sydney John 40 Randall Arthur John 36 Wynn Henry 32 Joy George 30 Stanbridge Ernest 28 Downs Percy Ernest 26 Mumford John 24 Kirby Walter Forbes 22 Fleet Louis Charles 20 Burrows Frederick 18 Leppard Frederick 16 Nibell Charles Jamt:'s 14 Lewis Thomas 12 Howie James Thomas 10 Broomham Oliver 6 SherriI: Edward, Walmer villa 4 Lock Hecry 2 Raynor Mrs.

Bromley Hill.

C,'htimwtion of Landon Road to SOl/thend. Entrances to Bromley Park Hotd Bromley Hill Cemetery-JD. Warner, supt. Warner John, The Lodge Dutton Daniel, farmer, Holloway farm Mullins Thos. H y., Holloway Farm cot

Brook Lane Cottages.-PLAISTOW.

. . . . . . From Burnt Ash lane. Lee Arthur, May cottage 1 Huxley Mrs. 2 Parsons William 3 Darvell Frederick

Burnt Ash Lane.

...... here is Nichol lane 4 Bright Arthur T. 6 Webo James Simpson, medical accountant 8 Carr Miss Florence 10 Francis Sydney Wilfred 12 Wheeler Walter 14 Wheeler Miss 16 Cubitt Herbert 18 Jamieson James William George 20 Winch H. Wilson 22 Bowsher Mrs. 24 Parfett George William 28 Oram Lanham W. 30 Caulfeild-Stoker T. 32 Wheeler Ernest Edward 34 Jullie F. A. ........... .here is Croft road ............


14 Bates Josep~ William 13 Lipscombe George Leonard 12 Lamb .Joseph 11 Poole John, rustic worker 11 Poole Mrs., tobacconist .......... here is Gladwell road . 10 Pollard George, shopkeeper 8 Stears Harry Sidney 6 Johnson Mrs. 5 Bridgeland William .......... here is Hilldrop road .......... 58 Davis Frank William 60 King Francis Stephen 62 Brooker Thomas Plaistow Cemetery, Charles Sheldon, superintendent King's Meadow Recreation Ground ........... lw·(j is .ilIilk .~treet . Hearn James, Vale house Watson Ernest, Halls Farm house Rose William, Halls Farm dairy HALLS FARM COTTAGES. 1 Osborn William 2 Rose Reuben ... here i.'Jfootway to .Mottinqham. ... Cross and return. Johnson Joseph Forsyth, nurseryman, 1 SundridgeHallFarm rots Loder Ernest, Sundridge Hall farm Lawler Jas. Edwd., Sundridge hall ......... here is Avondale road . ... h,ere is footpath to Bout/wnd ... ......... here is Lake avenue 23 Vaughan Mr~., Yew croft ......... here is Park avenue 11 Marshall Mrs., Balmacara 9 Vasey S. Archibald, Beechcroft 7 Brock Mrs, Charles,MorningDawn 5 Heywood Thomas, The Old Summer house 3 Atkinson Joseph, Yew lodge 1 Kinnaird Palk Estate Office ...... here is London lane

Calmant Road.

Bromley Hill Estate.

Cambridge Road.-PLAISTOW.

Right Side-from Crescent Road. Wall Letter Bow 2 Wilkinson Misses 4 Peake Henry, Luccombe 6 Smith Mrs. E. 8 Mallett Mrs. 10 Brooks Joseph, Dagmar house 12 Goodenough Thomas Matthew 14 Allen :Miss 16 Spratt Thomas Heiuy 18 Cluugh.R. C. 20 Airy Reginald 22 Amos Mrs. E. 24 Humphries Mrs. L. 26 Birdseve Mrs. . 28 Imrd Edward 30 Compton John 32 Ritherdon Robert, Coniston . ......... liere is Lall.~do~ne rd ........ : 34 Sheppard Henry W., The Firs 36 Whitfield Rev. Oswald George, M.A. [Congregational],Mansfield 38 Dickson Alexander, jun., Wroxham 40 Hewett Arthur H., Oulton 4:2 ClartwI ight Chas.Knight,N etherton 44 Millhoff James, The Briery 46 James Heginald Wm ..St.Mildred's 48 Hennah Mrs. L., Markhampton 50 Caney Charles, Hossmore ......... here i8 Plaistow lane Cross and Return . 41 Ashton Percy H . 39 Whittle Ed. Alfred, Langdale 37 Smith Sidney Austen. Linton 35 Rayden ArthurEdward, Woodlyncb 33 Heid William, Ardoch 31 Broomhall Edward Barron 29 Thomson Rev. Henry Morton, lLA 27 Lowe Lionel Harvey 25 Strouts Harry Frederick 23 Crabb Ernest, Kenmore 21 Carr ","illiam, Dunkeld 19 Norman Frederick H., Camden 17 Stone George, Houghton 15 Reeve Edwin W., Oakhurst 13 Evershed William 11 Choyce Miss, Trevarno 9 Neale Miss L. 7 Sharland William H. 5 Ta)lor Edward C., Addington 3 Bell Mrs. lA Thursfield Mrs. 1 Grubb John Thomas

Canon Road.

From Tylney road. Rowland Nathaniel 3 Dowsing Robert 3 Page Mrs. 5 Kingsnorth Frederick James 7 Hale William Th 11 Welby Charles 15 Johnson Richard 17 Everest Mrs. 19 Packham William 21 Sims R. 23 Dean Charles Lloyd 25 Chambers Ernest Edward 27 Filby John Robert 29 Andrews Frederick 31 Kendall Jabez 33 Hill Fred 35 Grist Joseph 37 Peat George William 39 Bassam William 41 Russell Alfred 43 Goodchild Abram 45 Sargent Samuel George 47 Smith J. 49 Lee William 51 Nicholls John 53 Giles Charles 55 Gadsden William F. 57 Bush George Albert 61 Churchman Albert 63 Tomblin Sydney 65 Andrews Richard 67 Russell George 69 Cooke Frederick Tholllas 71 Richardson W. 13 Andrews Ernest Robert 75 Ford Albert 71 Aveling George 7D Temple Horace 81 Taylor Thomas 83 Kempson Henry 85 Boyse Frederick William 81 Filby James 89 Aspinell George 91 Clarke Mrs. 93 Wells Edwin Frank 95 Bray Henry Joseph 97 Elsdon William ......... here is Liddon road Cross ancllreturn. 112 Pearce Richard 110 Mindenhall Thomas 108 Wythe Augustus John 106 Jenner Thomlts '4 Wythe E. J '~ Wraight Charles Frederick Chandler Edward Houhton 98 Blackman Albert II. 96 Everest Mrs. 94 Steer Charles, confectioner 92 Edwards William Thomas 50AMatthews Juhn Henry 50 Sinden R. J 48A Davis Horace 46 Parker .Arthur Charles 44 Eade Edward 42 Martin .Arthur James 40 Johnson T. V. 38 Elliss Thomas William 36 Brittain Mrs. 34 Atkinson James 32 Ilslcy Edward 30 Ford Thomas E. 30AWalkcr Fred P. 28AStacey .Miss 28 Pearce C. 26 Matthews W 21 Hillier William 8 Kemp Mrs. 6 Hyett Miss 4: Weekes Herbert John 2 Jenkins William

Chantry Lane.

From Bromley Common.

Chatterton Road.

BROMLEY COMMON. 16 Southland road. Bromley Common Cooprative Socity Ltd. - Jn. Robcrt Santcr, sec. ......... here is Addison Road ...... 5 Hobden James Jarvis, grocer 7 Nelson James & Sons Ltd. butchers 9 Wellam Mrs. R., stationer 11 Lane William, greengrocer 13 Mersh Miss, draper ......... here is Bloomfield road ........ 15 Cook James, draper 15A Tuffin Mrs, E., confectioner 17 Miles Walter 19 Brooker James 21 Swan Mrs. 23 Adams Mrs. 25 Seager Joseph 21 Tracy Ernest 29 Neal Frank. 31 Hodder Ernest 33 Foreman Charles Art,hur 35 Newman John 37 Haffenden George 39 Drury John 41 Chatterton ArmS, Mrs. M.A. Brown ......... here is Walpole road ...... 43 Gibbons Ernest Henry, baker 45 Harman George, greengrocer 47 Rudd Walter B., bootmaker 49 Sibley James, tobacconist 51 Ware Frederick Chas., fishmonger 53 Clarke William J Ch D, hairdresser 55 Hall C. J. unredeemed pledge stores 57 Simmons Walter, bootmaker 59 Crow Miss Fanny, general shop 61 Matthews & Son, butchers 63 Fleet Georg-e. fishmonger 65 Wells William, coffee shop 67 White William. oilman ...... here is Pope road ............ 69 Mitchell A. T., general shop 71 Flood William 73 Small G. 75 Hassum Percy F. 17 Huntley George 79 Anderson Jobn 83 Bignold Edward 85 Andrews Frederick Joseph 87 Harding Frederick, The Poplars Cruss and Return. 8b Bignold George, laundry 86 Wood Robert 84 Nye Henry 82 Mason Miss 80 Farnham Mrs. 78 Elliott John, wood brokr. & thatchr ......... here is Johnson road ...... 76 Kempton Henry 72 Hopd John B. 70 Asker George 68 Mitchell R. H. 68 Frilby Charles, boot & shoe maker 66 Hayles William 64 Coleman Mrs. 62 Moores Mrs, 60 Atta.well Mrs. H., laundry 58 Gething George Constantine 54 & 56 Bl,lnyan Harry, grocer ............ here is Pope road ............ 38 Knell William, greengrocer 36 Usher Brothers, dairy 34 Vane Harry, tobacconist 32 ConDing- George, draper 30 Hickmott Walter, grocer 28 Pring Wallace, chemist, & POst office ...... here is Walpole road ......... 26 Jayes Thomas Harris, butcher 24 Jarman B. W., upholsterer 22 Knott William, bootmaker 20 Burr James H., baker ......... herc is Chantry lane leading to Bromley common ......... 18 & 16 Turner C., ironmonger & leather seller 16 Telephone Call Office 14 Wise Frederick, butcher 12 Saunders Mrs., tobar.conist 10 Barnard Frederick G. 8 Whaley Mrs. 2 Willatt E. G., cycle maker ......... here is Bloomfield road ......... ........ here is Addison road ...... From Up. Gravel rd. to Bromley Common. Left Side. 1 Smith Joshua Walter 3 Norman Ebenezer 5 Kemp Mrs. 7 Baldock Thomas E. 9 l'okely Cyrus Legg 11 Hutchinson Miss 13 Teed Harry W., Cranbourne ...... here is Bromley commwn ...... Right Side. 26 Stansfield Alfred, cycle engineer 24: Wood )1ichael 22 Campion John. 20 Clivel.y Jasper Brmnley Common Baptist Church 6 Bird Frederick, domestIC stores here is Gravel road

Church Lane.

From Bromley Common .

Church Road.

From 56 High st. to Glass Mill lane. Sonth-East Side. Cooper George, confectioner Bromley Parish Chureh (St. Peter & St. Paul) Wall Letter Box Henwood Mrs., Church house Locke George (lodge of) Church ho. ......... ltcl'e is Gla.~s .1MJl lane ......... Bromley Recreation ground (Martin's hill & the Queen's Mead) 6 Miles Joseph Dean, superintendent recreation ground North- West Sid". 7 Cotton GeorgeEdward,Stoberry cot. 8 Stoneham Mrs., Stoberry 9 Tait Rev. Donald, M.A. [vicar & rural dean of Bromley, hon. canon of Rochester,& surrogate], Bromley Vicarage 10 Druett George 11 Bromley Parish Church Committee ROO1n; W.G.Sheldrake,caretaker 12 Bunyan Edward John 13 Priestley George 14 Reeve William Post Office Telephone Service (Exchange) 16 Balls Alfred Thomas 17 White William Walter 18 Winch Frederick 19 Clifford Madame, corsetiere 19 Myall James E., insurance agent 20 Strevens Mrs. B. S. photographer 21 Ridgway & Sons. printers 22 Cook Thomas William & Co.,taiJors 23 Bridgland Jsaac 24 Bligh Henry 25 Kempson William Herbert 26 Hill Walter John

Coles Child's Cottages - WIDMORE.

From 194 Widmore road, 1 Hawkins William R. 2 Dowlen Charles 3 Winterburn Thomas 4 Wiles John 5 Round William 6 Greenfield Charles

College Road.

From West street to Plaistow. West Side. ... here is Tweedy 'road 1 Griggs Robert, Thanet 7 Newland Mrs. !) Baker Mrs. M., Stoneylands 11 Hopkins Misses 13 Baker Barnham 15 Maby Charles ...... here is Hammelton road ...... 17 Memess Miss 19 Damant Miss 21 Rush Miss, Clarendon 23 Wood Mrs. T. W. 25 Hopkins Miss Withycombe William Henry, Livery stables ......... here is Farwig lane . 27 Kendall Mrs. E. wardrobe dealer 27 Evans Robert 29 Braine Robert, bootmaker 31 Roberts Fredk" coal & coke mer. 33 Browning & Son. fruiterers 35 Franklin Mrs. 37 Grout Engraving Co. ...... here is Scott's mad ...... 39 Knig-ht Frederick, fishmonger 43 Doyle Frederick John 45 Soan Samuel & Son, removal contractors 47 Podger J. & Sons, builders 49 Brunning Arthur James, butcher 49 Little James, insurance agent 51 Hardy's Dairies, cowkeepers ......... here is Morgan road ......... 53 Hilsden Sidn ey, hairdrssr. & confr. 55 Dean S. S. & Son, grocers 59 Axford Charles Gowans Rev. William, B.A.camb. [vicar of St. ,Mary's. Plaistow], St. Marys Vicar St. Mary's Church 65 Pearce Mrs., Abbotsbury 69 Ford Walter 71 Bullen F. T. 73 Wheeler ,Henry 75 Hodgson Thomas E. 77 Bittleston Misses 81 Scrivenel , Fre4erick John 83 Edwards Mrs. 85 Botting J. E. 87 Pope Edgar Howard 89 Mytton Frederick, WincJsorton 91 Brown Mrs. G. W. 93 Low Charles Abbott 95 Wheeler Mrs. E. 97 Goulstone William V. 99 Grimley H. W. 101 Bussell Francis 103 Carden Reginald W. ......... here is London lane Cross and Return. ......... lere is Plaistow lane ...... 142 Kent County Con'tlcU Domestic Economy School - Miss Isabel Duncan, superintendent 140 Irvine .Tohu, Spring Hill cottage 122 Handley Leonard 120 Welford Francis William 118 Gilliland Andrew 116 McDougall Douglas R. 114 Warrick R. C. 112 Potter James William 110 Burnham Henry 106 Harris Mrs. Frank, Church view 104 Balding Henry 102 Grout R. W. 100 Kent John P. L. 98 Pllriett Anthony William, Corby 96 Milstead Henry 94 Brookes Charles George 92 Allen Frederic John 90 Folkard Percy George 88 Bulton Mrs. ... ... ,.. here i8 Ore8cent road 86 National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children J. II. Hodge, hon. sec.; Albert Lancaster, inspector 81 Collard Montagne 82 Johnson John Robert, cycle repr 82 Johnson Mrs. J., confectioner 82 Telephone Call Office 80 Hearn Brothers, butchers 78 Griffin Mrs. C. L., fancy draper 76A Marsh Brothers, grocers Janes William, blacksmith 76 Ford John William 76 Felce & Co., chemists 74 Davis Bert, greengrocer 72 Potter Mrs, 70 Harris Mrs. 68 Minter George 68 Minter Mrs. G., upholstre"s 66 Smith Edward 64 Marsh Brothers, grocers 62 Wood Thomas & Son, bakers & confectioners, Post office 60 Clipstone Alfred 58 Rouse Alexander 56 Elliott Mrs . 52 Withycombe W. G. HumerstonJames & Sons, furniture repository ,


4 Vousden Mrs. 2 Cox Miss M. E. 1 Black Mrs. 48 Cull E. 46 Marsh Thomas Henry 44 Pledger Alfred, tailor 42 Boorman Edwin 40 Hobbs Charles Frederick 36 Hone George 34 Hadden Mrs. 32 Barrell Allen, house agent 30 Graty Miss 28 Saint Mrs., Darjeeling 26 Earle Misses A. & M. 24 Baxter William 22 Sharp William ............ here is Glebe Road ............ 20 Martin Miss 18 Williams Mrs. E . 16 Pbelp Miss 14 Stopes John H. 10 Rymill Frank 8 Winterbourne HenryWm.,Rochelle ......... here is Tweedy Road ......... 6 Lear George Ernest, The Nook 4 Simmons Alfred Charles 2 Taylor George Bromley Elementry shoolsRo]/s- T J. Elliot, master Girl.~ - Miss Mary Ann Harper, mistress Infants - Miss Elizh. Churcher, mistress

Col1ege Slip.

Prom 101 Hill h .jtreet to North street ,s. College road. 1 Marks Thomas N., builder, Cranleigh 3 Carter James 4: Haynes Thomas 5 Olley Ernest James Bromley (}!lmna.~ti(J Hall q' Club -F. Essex Webb, hon. sec, f) Wills Joseph 7 Eastwood Miss A. 8 Moody Charles T. 9 Riley Harry D. Strict Baptist Chapel 11 Pocock George Wm., nurseryman

Coniston Road.-BROMLEY HILL

ES'.rATE. llrom Oaklands road. Haab E. 0., Coniston lodge Lucas Rev. Herbert Hamilton, M.A. Glengariff Tarleton Mrs. Tenison, Glengariff Bromley Park Hotel-Hotel &. Land Development Co. Limited, proprs.

Corner (The).

See High Street.

Cottage Avenue.

From Bromley road. Left side. 1 Ryder William 3 Wood Charles William 5 Turrell John William 7 Farley George 9 Eaton Mrs. 11 Boxall Clarence 13 Skinner Edward 15 Chainey John 17 Anderson John 21 Lanbury Rowland 23 Brown George Right side. 2 Reeves John 4 Epps James 6 Yardley Richard 8 Wren Bert 14 Lewis George 16 Mayman Charles 20 Grace George 22 Collett Edward 24 Dunmall George

Cowper Road. - BROMLEY COMMON.

Left Side-from' Walpole road. 26 Lane Jasper 24 Cooper Albert 22 Greenaway Josiah B. 20 Monger Harry John 18 Isard Thomas George 16 Butler Wm. & Jas., fencing contrtrs 14 Ludlow Albert Henry, decorator .. ....... h€re is Bloomfield road ......... Bloomfield Laundry ......... here is Addison road ......... 12 Thompsett Frederick James 10 Brenchley Harold 8 Collins George 6 Eade William Edward 4 Sharp Frederick 2 Walter William Cross and Return. Whitehall Recreation Ground 9 Botten Henry John 11 Pearson Henry 13 Robb Edgar 15 Preskett Thomas William 17 Townsend Richard 19 Honey William 21 Hutton Christopher H. 23 Taylor George 25 James George Frederick 27 Steward John 29 Groves John 31 Miller Henry 33 Flux Stuart 35 Latter John Edward 37 Seadon Edwin Robert 39 Mann John W. 43 Petty John 45 Town George 47 Winter Thomas 49 Harding Alfred William 51 Jenkins John 53 Allaston Charles 55 Butler James 57 Ingram Thomas 59 Doggett George 61 Dray Edward William. laundry Sales Joseph, The Lodge Whitehall Recreation Ground

Crescent Road.-Pr.AIsTOW.

Right Side-from College road. 4 Marriott Frederick, Lyndhurst 6 Riddle J. R. 8 Brewer J. H. 14 Carter Arthur 14 Feldmar Mrs., costumier 16 Kemp Mrs., Camville ...... here 'is AldermA1Jl'?Jroad 20 Wright Robert James 22 Hodge John Henry, solicitor & commisioner for oaths 24 Morgan-Smith Rev. Gerald Oscar, B.A.[curate of St.Mury, Plaistow] 26 Gooding Harry Lawrence, F.L.A.A. accountant, & registrar of marriages, Fairholme 28 Elliott Arthur H. 30 Clark Amos 32 Devlin Robert 32A Aught Henry, The Limes 34 Wilks Albert 36 Golds Henry 38 Bertolla Ernest, Roza cottage 40 Guthrie Richard, Eden cottage 42 Shepherd Thomas, Rio cottage 44 Hutchinson Thomas 46 Berry Mrs., Mead villas ...... here is footpath to BTufft(i'!/ ...... 48 Hare Miss 50 Carrington George Henry 52 Davis William Joseph 54 Rolfe Alfred Charles, agent Prudential Assurance Co. Limited 56 Howell Henry John 58 Odom Mrs. 62 Betts Mrs. 64 Britten Miss 66 Marke William 68 Stacy Edgar William Cross and Return. 25 Warren Walter R., Clovelly 21 Galton William 19 Cornwall Edward Henry 17A Uridge Mrs. 17 Thomas F. Lewis, prof. of music 15 Hawley Robert H. T., St. Auby'~s 15 Hawley George H. T., St. Aubyns 13 Rose H. J. 11 Wood Misse s 9 Brown Wm;Thos.,·N ewnham house 7 Green Henry 5 Holt Ernest G., Dunster Wall Letter Box ......... 1tel'e is Cmnb,.idge rd.......... 1 Grubb Herbert Charles, Giswyl

Croft Road.

From 12 Nichol lane. Left side. 1 Nett1eingham Edgar 3 Bennett Frederick 5 Ford Percy Charles 7 Triggs George 1l Fuller William 11 Muncey Ernest S. 13 Hicks Mrs. 15 Saker Robert 17 Kimber Percy 19 Burton Walter 21 Hobday Frederick John 23 Crossland Harry 25 Coppin George William 27 Seal EHas Charles 29 Waters Charles Edgar 31 Andrews Stephen James 33 Bray Thomas H. 35 Road Alfred Leonard 37 Aby John William 39 Ives John William 41 Jenkins William Henry 43 Hood Samuel Frederick Right side. 2 Till Horace George, coal merchnt 4 Upton Harry Bernard 6 JChamberlain Alfred 8 Brown George 10 Jones John Picton 12 Chapman Harry 14 Martin Sidney Henry 16 Fassam Edward 18 Sharman Mrs. 20 Brett Walter 22 State George William 24 Huckle John 26 Hornsby J1Jrnest 28 Doyle Joseph S. 30 Mortimer Horace 32 Cook James 34 Taylor James Lennox 36 Luck William Henry 38 Guyon Miss 40 Leeds Percy 42 Smith George 44: Bullingham William 46 Rands Aug. jobbing gardener 46 Denny Miss, needle worker LAMP POST LETTER Box

Cromwell Avenue - MASONS Hn,L.

Left side. 1 Marley William 2 Crothall George Arth ur 3 Bolton Frederick 5 Soames Rev. Henry Aldwin, M.A., Lyncroft 6 Ruegg' Henry, Sycamore house Bromley Cottage Hospital- Herbt. James !lott, M.D., C.M.,M.R.C.S.. Alimd E. Price, M.D., ~f.S., Charles Wcstbrooke GrantWilson, M.D., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Cecil Ernest Millington Lewis, M.A., M.D., B.o.camb., M.R.C.S. Eng., L.R.c.p.Lond.. Sidney R. H. Mathews, L.R.C.P., M.R.C.S., Arthur F. G. Codd, M.B., F.R.C.B., & J. H. Yolland, M.R.C.S., L.S.A., medical officers; George Russell Edey, L.D.S. Eng., dental surgeon'; Hugh James Moore Play fair, M.D. Lond., lIf.n., M.R.c.p.Lond., F.R.c.s.Eng., D'Arcy Power, F.R.C.S. & Frederic Francis Burghard, M.D., M.s.LOnd., F.R.C.S.Eng., hon. consulting surgeons; John Phillips, M.D., F.R.C.P., hon. consulting obstetric physician; Howard Henry Tooth, M.D., F.R.C.P., C.MG., hon. consulting physician; Herbert Willoughby Lyle, M.D., B.S. Lond., F.R.C.S.Eng., F.Z.S., han. consulting ophthalmic surgeon; Georlge Edey, hon. consulting dental surgeon; Matron, .Miss A. Carter; R6ii. Secretary, J. Y. Hay; Hon. Assistant Sec., G. T. P. M. Ladyinan; Hon. Treasurer. T. C. Dewey, J.P. LAMP POST LETTER Box ...... here is footpath to Hayes ....... Simon Charles Victor, Gladwyn Bodle E. W. C., Somerton Uzlelli Marcus, Ravensleigh Ashton Pearson, Whitefriars Maggs P. H., Belstone Beer Stanley G., Tressillian Right side. ... ... ... here is Pinewood road 4 Sear Ernest Edward, W oodthorpe 6 Weekes M. G., Edge hill 8 Arnold Richard, Redcot 10 Shaw Cecil R., Stanbury 12 Cramer Albert F., Highview 14 BindIey Frdk. C. W.; Micklehurst 16 Hayman:L. C., Hillshoro' 18 Cave Alan George, Sandys Hobbs Miss, Hillside Woodham Henry Geo., The Croft


From Valtiey rd. to Upp. Gravel rd. Left side. . . 3 Abbott Miss Annie, laundress 4 Probitts Frederick . 5 Drew Miss 6 Andrews Mrs. H. 7 Lane Mrs. 8 Smith Montagu G. 9 Lawrence Capt, Wm. (late R.A.) Right side.


1 Field George William 2 Whitehead Arthur 3 Boxall Charles William 4 Odell Arthur 5 Collins George Jackson Leonard A., Langton Jackson Albert, Fairthorne .

Crown Lane. -64 BROMLEY Co~nroN.

Left side. 3 Harmer Richard, builder 5 Alexander William . 7 Longden Miss 9 Hills Ernest 11 Thomas William Henry 13 Forsdike Stanley Lee 15 Hedgecock William John l7 Avis Heiny Thomas ... 19 Harmer Walter 21 Haughton Cecil 23 Downing William 25 Kiugswood J. R. 27 N oe William 29 Choat Henry 31 Rich Walter James 33 Pond George Acworth Alvin Richard, Emsworth Mitchell Alexander, Tallandra ......... herc is Victoria road ........ 35 Squelch Henry 37 Brown George Ernest 39 Rowe Mrs. 43 Steer Arthur 45 Norman Charles Henry 47 Lain g Mrs. L. 49 Taylor Mrs. 51 Wharrie Henry J:tllies 53 National Deposit Friendly Society (Bromley Common District) -William Watson Gomer, sec. 53 Gomer William Watson 55 Inch James 57 Granger Alexander Thomas 59 Graty Walter 63 Ferrar Miss 65 Cox Joseph William 67 Burr William Thomas 69 Gover Mrs. 71 Miles John 75 Gransden Frederick George 77 Pope Alfred 81 Roffe Tom 85 Carver John 87 Langrish Harold 89 George Charles 91 Cocb William, Stanley villa 93 Williams William John 95 Hedworth Harold Charles 109 Reuthe Gustavus, nurseryman 111 Trayler Miss . 113 Tong Mrs. 115 Love George 117 Grimmo Mrs. 129 Granger Robert Lagdon 131 Howard F. 133 Edwards Frederick 135 Hyson II. 137 Wharton Mrs. A. M. 139 DunmaIl Harry Robert 141 March Arthur Samuel 143 Faulkner Mrs. W. 145 Long D. 147 Lewis J. 149 Louie J. C. 151 Burbidge William Ernest, ......... here is SalisbarY road .. ... [Letters through Bickley Postal District.) 153 Lee William 155 White Charles, cab proprietor 157 Cocks Mrs . 159 Andrew Ambrose 165 Goode George Alfred, Brookside ...... here is TUrpington lane ......

Cumberland Road.

From Westmoreland road. Left side. Bartrum Stanley. Coniston ......... here is jJurltam avenue ........ Fischer Louis W. H., Rydall Wiinsche Max Otto, Oakdene 13 Peters William Edward, Sylvadene cross and return. Harley Theodore, Broughton Stern Edmund, Cintra Lamp Post Letter Box ......... here is Durltam avenue ......... Jenkins William, Cumberland house Williams Robert E., Westcott Selby Edgar, The Homestead Squire Alfred Hugh Knight LL.B. Loud., Whitegarth

Denmark Road, 85 WUHWRE RO.a.D.

Left side. 1 Leeves Frank 2 Payne Frederick George 3 Hearn William Henry 4 Ashby Thomas . 6 Towell Harry erOS! and Return. 7 Prosser Miss, Minshull 8 Ryder Albert L.

Devonshire SQuare.

PrD7n 137 Masons Hill. 1 Monckton Charles G. 2 Stanley William Henry 3 Palin Mrs. 4 Woods Austin 5 Pearman William J. 6 Fowle William 7 Whiffin William 8 Longhurst John, chimney sweep 9 Davies Frederick, shopkeeper 10 Blanchard Robert 11 Cook Augustus Charles 12 Haffenden John ]3 Adams Wm. 14 Bayley Frank

Durham Avenue - -SOUTH HILL ROAD.

Right 8ide from Durham Road. 2 Bower G. C., New Cluay 4 Herbert Rawson, Woodbury 6 ReIman Charles, Redcliffe 8 Smytbson Sydney, Chilton 10 Brown Arthur, Mount Ellison .. , ... here is IVinchester road ...... ......... here is Cumberlund roati ......... 28 Routh Miss, Nyetimber 30 Johnston Henry, St. Reverne 42 Stotesbury John S., Whitbourne 48 Ward Sydney A., Rozelle 50 Vernon Mrs., Inglewood Cross and return, 2G Cooper Mrs. Northfield 23 Freeman George Robert, Keswick 19 Cooper Stanley, Laney 17 Osmond Miss, St. Vincent 15 Durbridge Ernest 13 Cazeaux James, Lulworth 11 Kurtz Mrs., Hill bouse ....... here is Cumberland road ........ 9 White Frank j EarnShaw Miss t 7· Earnshaw Alfred I Wilmington Edward ) [) Sir Henry W., Wychwoou 3 Viney C. r., Dartmouth Pillar LetteT Bow

Durham Roa.d.

Right side-From Westmoreland road to Durham avenue. Walter James W., Warlaby lodge 'fow~e Clifford, Braunton ridmarsh Edwin Russell, St, Peter's Hubbard Thomas R., Leecroft Miller Durie, Innisfallen Scholefield Misses, lvonhurst Covell Stanley Claude, Brantwood Cross and Return. ...... here is Durham avenue ..... Pillar Letter Box Clapham Athol E., Glengarry Flashoff Rudolf, The Birches 5 Winder Reuben, Larkfield Clark Charles, Craigievar

East Street. - BROMLEY.

From Market square to 8. E. C. Railway Station (Bromley North). West Side. 1 Buckland George, florist & fruitr. 17 General Post Office - Major J. Compton, postmaster; George Sumners, superintendent 17 Telephone Call Office .. .......... here is West .~treet............ BAXTER, PAYNE & LEPPER, auctioneerfl, valuers,estate, house & agricultural agents; & at Beckenham & 69 King William street E C 19A Bnnker Alfred John, tobacconist 21 Graty Walter, builder 23 Mundy H. registry office for st'rvants 23 PuUar J. & Sons, dyers-H. Mundy, agent 25 Mortlock & Son,picture frame mas. ~7 Spooner John (The Bromley Drill Hall I Head· (j)'s. 5th Battalion rlIe Queen's Own (Royal West Kent) .Regiment (l'erl'itm'ial PVl'ct'); Lt .. Col. F. A. Frazer, I Commanding; Capt. W. E. I. I ButlerBowdon,Adjutant; Lieut. 1 H.Cooke, Quartermaster; Major 27 C. Douglas Clark, commanding I A Company; 2nd Lieut. G.C.B. Jenyns, A Company; Capt. R. I E. Satterthwaite:' commanding I B Company; Lieuts. J. G. Lepper & J. H. Hay, B ComI pany; Sergt.-Major W. J. Osborne; A.Reynolds, sergeant instructol' 31 Carter,Pftterson & Co., Ltd.,carriers 31 rlhappell Frederick 31 Scarbrough T. F. & W., carvers & gilders 33 Burr Mrs. 33 Pearl Life' Assurance Co. Ltd. (Francis Dean, district supt) 33 Humerston James & Sons, cyclt>mas 35 & 37 HumerstonJas.&Sons,uphlstrs 39 Strong & Sons Limited, printers, billposters & c. 39 Booking Office for Entertainments (Strong & Sons Limited) 39 Bromley and District Time.' 39 Beckenham. and District l~mes 39 Kentish District Times Co. Ltd. 41 Bromley 9" Ora?/8 Co-operatit;e Society Limited, John Robert Santer, sec. 43 Bradford IIollse Laundry receiving office 45 Railwa1j Hotel, Herbert T. Payne ... here are j\{ort1t8t. '0' l1L'eed!Jrd East Side. 58 Mowats Limited, fishmongers 56 CARTER, LAW & LEECH, auctioneers, house & estate agts.& survyrs.(& at Shortlands) 56 West Kent Registry Office (Mrs. Fry) 54 Brown Miss R. A., confectioner 54 Telephone Call Office 52 Bromley and Crays Co-operative Society Limited, boot department 52A Oakes William George,costumier 52A Bourdon W. 50 World's Stores Limited (The) 48 DAVIES CHARLES & SON, . bakers & confectioners 46 Bromley Loaal Guide and Adcertlser - C. A. Hopper, proprietor Hopper Charles Allen, printer 44 Barber Robt., ladies' & gents' tailr 42 Barton William Henry, chemist 40 Smith Arthur John. fruiterer 39 Kirby Geo:Edwd., watchmaker, & c. 38 Corbett William George, oilman 34 Ingles James, harness maker 32 Mayhew Wm. Hallett, fishmonger 30 Teverson Reginald A., butcher 28 East8t1Tet Hall[ OpenBrethren] 26 Phillips A. E., bootmaker 24 Butler H. L., butcher 22 Walter & Co., grocers 20 Central Hairdressing Rooms 18 Homary Allan Ernest, tobacconist 18 Telephone Call Office 16 Larcombe Frank Wm. dining rooms ........ here is South Street ......... 14 Sills Mrs. Elizh., tobacconist, & c. 12 Abel FrederiekRobert,confectioner 10 Hambleton Edward William, furniture dealer Bourdon W. & Co. Limited, automobile & cycle works 6A Tyue Main Coal Co. Ltd. (The) 6 Hinton G. H., confectioner 4 Mitchell Benjamin, jeweller 4 Shallard, Fendt & Co., dyers & cleaners, Post Office buildings 4 Marke' William (late Thomas Mersh), coal & coke merchant 2 Knight Mrs., draper

Edward Road. - SUNDRIDGE PARK,

Froln 65 Plaistow lane. Left Side. Pillar Letter Box 1 Phillips Charles, Parknasilla 3 Smith Samuel Arthur, Dunluchin 5 Wishart Miss. Mount Hill 7 Banks Charles W. (Ivyholme) 9 Bottome Mrs. (The Oaks) 13 Duttson ·Wm. Henry, Southwood 13 Britton W. Kenneth, Southwood Freeman,Edmund, Lensden Shire Robert Walter, Wyreema Cbater F. Clive, Oak Hatch \ ~i(JlttSMe. ............ here lS Lodge road . Palmer: Misses, Green cottage Von Berger Charles, Karlsruhe . Lindley-Jones W., F.R.G.S., J.P. (mayor of Bromley), Park Wood 12 Armstrong' Rev. F. W. [Presbyterian],- Dunivaig' 14 Irby Paul Aubert 16 Glanvill Benj. Andrew, Buxted 10 Munday Phillip. Whitecroft Henderson Alexander, Ardullie Moxon Reginald, Stretton

Elliott Road.

Fr01n 103 Sf)ldhlands road. Left Side. 1 Pinchin William 1 Pinehin Miss, dressmaker 3 Jupp Henry 5 Fairman John 7 Nicholls Harry 9 Humm Henry W Slack Henry Elliott, laundry 11 Webster Frederick William 13 Graham Miss 15 King' Henry 17 Stace C. F. 19 Ede .James 21 Carter Thomas 23 Trigg Edwd. & Sons, dyers & clnrs 25 Hockley & Craker, , Clarence laundry 25 Hockley Mrs. 27 Craker Charles 29 Trigg Ernest 31 Bunting Edwd.,vermin exterminatr 31A Queentisber Flour Co. Limited (The), flour factors 33 Edwards James Miles 35 Doggett Ernest 37 Sunnucks George 39 Hills Robert Cross and Return. 3R Coles G. 36 Revens George 32 Elliott Charles William 30 AttIe George . 28 Page William 26 Hickmott Albert 24 Reece Albert Edward 22 Charles John P. 20 Lewsey Henry 18 Batchelar W. J. 16 Ellis Frederick William 8 Clark Beauford 6 Adams Edward Lewis St. Luke's Mission Room S- J.1Jen's Hoy, Club Room - E. Miller, sec.

Elmfeld Park.

From 18 Elmfield )'oad. I Powell Henry 2 Hipwood Charles 3 :Neale Charles 4 Nealefred, A solicitor & commissioner for oaths 5 C~~a~ Tbomas Henry

Elmfield Road. - HIGH STREET

Left Side. here is' Holwood rd . 1 Payne Douglas, Ashcroft 5 Crossfield Talbot K., Clare Croft 7 Hendry Rohert, Sundown 11 Lyle Herbert Willoughby, M.D., B.B.LOnd., F.R.C.S.Eng., . ~'.z.S., ophthalmic surgeon 13 Scott Mrs., Nessdale 15 Relton ArthurJohn, Charleville 19 Gillett Fred, The Pines 21 Connell nharles R. 23 Townend Thomas Senior, Harringay 25 Todd C. H. Reid, Tankelville 27 Kelly F. J., Lynsted 31 Herrington Miss· 33 Allen Mrs. R. 35 Howard John 37 Allen Mrs. A. M. 39 Alldis Miss F., dress maker ...... here is Bromley Railway Station ...... Cross ana return. 30 Bromley High School (Girls Publio Day school Trl1,,~t Limited), Fern Bank, Miss Hodge, M.A., head mistress 28 Walker Alfred, Oakdenc 26 Boreham Mrs., Colina 24 AShafto Rev. G. H. [Wesleyan], The Hawthorns 24 Rennie James, Elmfield bouse 22 Macgowan Edward 20 Barnes Joseph Pillar Letter Box .. ....... here is Elmfield park 18 Emden Mrs. Alfred~ Elmfield lodge 16 Fowle Misfl Beatrice, Marrick 12 Hicks Albert S., Stoneleigh 10 Tweedy Mrs., Pendower 8 Tborpe Mrs. . 6 Neame Stuart, Halliford 4 Medhurst Frederick, Hartfield 2 Hughes Frederick J., solicitor and com. for oaths, Bonchurch 2 Hughes Ernest Fre Elstree Rd.-BRQ].lJ,EY HILL ESTATE. Ethelbert Road.-13 HIGH STREET. 1 Darby Frederick Samuel,Hill Brow Smyth Mrs. C. 3 Smyth William James Dobson, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P, 5 Ellis Mrs .. Ethelbert lodge 7 Walker James Edward, solicitor & commissioner for oaths,Ravcnswood 11 Hill Alfred, Belle Vue 17 Moon Henry James Joseph Galton

Exmouth Road.

From 57 MasoNs Hill. Left side. 1 Norton MIS. 3 Osborne Rev. Stanley Ernest, M.A. [curate of Bromley] Right side. 2 Mason Mrs., Redholme 4 Smith Mrs. 6 Ladds Cyril J. W.

Fairiiold Road.

From London lane. . Left Side. 1 Pawson Ralph 3 Porter Clifford E. .J. 5 Rendall George Frederick 9 de Montagnac Louis Ivan 11 Levey Ralph 13 Branscombe J. R.., St. Margarets 15 Scott Capt. T. A. 17 Pine-Coffin Richard 19 Bacon Charles M.,Rosalind 21 Bryant Ernest James 23 McCalman Hugh 25 Mobsby Henry James 27 Trower Harry 29 Cooke Henry 31 Pearce Walter George Plaistow Voluntary Schools - Alfred Williams, head master Right Side. Tuer Joseph Barnes, Kanata 36 Hunt Herbert John 38 Benoy Frederick 40 Wilkins Frank 42 Bellamy Herbert 44 Duffett Ernest 46 Bartlett Lionel Arthur 48 Blake Alfred P.

Farnaby Road.

From Beckenham lane. West Side. 3 Jayes George Hflrris, Enderby 7 Gaskin George Henry 11 Taylor Mrs, E. S. 13 Smith Bert 15 Lewin Miss 17 Davey Mrs. Elizabeth 19 Watling MISS Lamp Post Letter Box 21 Kennaway Cecil William 23 Hopkins Hugh Edward 25 Winchester Joseph James 27 Christie Theodore 29 Hoehs Ernest E. 31 Edwards Arthur Irons 33 Giles William Charles 37 Grove George Lindsay 39 Lockstone Capt. C. F. 4l Gimblett Frank J., surveyor; Meadowcroft 43 Besant Arthur Robert 45 Driscoll William John 47 Kettle Ernest Albert, Littlefieid 61 Beresford Edwin Ernest 63 Williams Cyril Graham 65 Warrens E. R. Cabell 67 Rudge William Meyrick, sen, ElL8t Side. 2 JupJ.l John, Hill Croft 4 Taylor W. R., Briar Bank 6 Williamson Fredk. Hy.Sherbrooke 8 Towneley Frederic Charles 10 Logan Frederick 12 Adams Gerald J ..F.,F.R.G.s.,Kitsilano 14 Duke John Frederick 20 Farrar James 22 Scobell Miss 24 Peake Miss 26 Perrott Finch 28 Brown Albert Henry 30 Barham William Samuel 32 Cha pm an James 34 Wyborn John :Middleton 36 Selwyn Mrs 38 Emms Arthur Charles 40 Wilks Miss 42 Cox Percy Stuart, 46 Carr Misses 48 Hancock George Thomas 50 Taylor Thomas Edwin

Farwig Lane.

London Road to College Road. NorthSide. 1 Hart William 3 Richards Mrs. 5 Knappett David 7 Deadman Da vid, builder & decrtr. 9 Rogers Edward 11 Harris Robert, gardener ]3 Knight Frederick, dining rooms 15 Stembrid~e John Jas., general dlr. ......... here is Weston grove ......... 17 Heath Henry, butcher 19 Deadman Mrs. C., shopkeeper 21 Lee Mrs., greengrocer 23 Leach James & Co., bootmakers 25 Hagley & Green, fancy drapers & confectioners 27 Brown Mrs. Frederick, general shop ......... here is .11£ooreland road ......... 29 Pearce & Co., grocers 31 Bacon J. & Son, bakers Rickner George. 3 White's cots Julian Charles, 4- Oswald Mrs., 5" 33 Palin Milbert, builder & decorator 35 Knight Thomas, bootmaker 37 Chance Thomas 39 Blltcher Mrs. 41 Hatch Charles Henry, jun. 43 Golds William 45 Budgen Edward 47 Standing John 49 Henderson H., chimney sweep 51 Muffett Charles 51 Muffett Miss Eliza, dressmaker 53 Lane Frank 55 Soan George 57 MMon Walter 59 Crowhurst Sydney John 61 Dunmall William Ellis Charles, Ann's cottages 63 Hills E, 65 Cole Frank, china repairer 67 Davis John 69 Threadgold Edward J. 71 Saunders Herbert 73 Buckland Alfred 75 Leach James & Son, bottie dIrs. 75 Leach Miss Muriel, nurse 77 Chitty Arthur 79 Chance Thomas 81 Harris Robert 8H Soan George, jun. 85 Knight James 87 Wilkins William Jabez 89 Seal Alfred 91 Osborn George Edward 93 Dent Charles George 95 Colesworlhy Stanley, confectioner and newsagent 97 Ji'arwig ATJns, Edmund Ingl~ ...... here is College Road ......... South Side. 78 Withycombe Wm. Hy., beer reUr. 76 Withycombe W; H., cab proprietor 74 Wheatley Harry 72 Mepham William 70 Podger Abel m~ Gregory Robert Charles 66 Boghurst Alfred 64 Kimber Albert John 62 Bremmer Frederick 60 Newberry William 58 Julian Ernest 56 Slow Mrs. Plaistow Hygienic Model Hand Laundry (The) 52 Greenwood Thomas 50 Avis George 48 Stringer Stephen 46 Humphrey Albert 44 Chnrch 'Morris 42 Vickerman Charles 40 Saunders Ernest 1 Turner James 1 2 Smith William 3 Rugby William I Morum 4 Aspinall Mrs. ( cottages 5 Mitehell Albert J 6 Hoskins Alfred Marshall Mark, timber. merchant & fencing contractor. Telephone No. 409 Bromley 24 Witherall Ernest 24 Soan Samuel & son, removal contractors; depository 22 King Mrs. 22A Jones William' 20 Asker Fr~derick 16 Carreck Mrs. H. N., wardrube dlr St. Marys Plaistow, Church Hall

Fashoda Road.

From 129 Southlands road. Leit Side. St. Swithun's Cat/wHo Glmra1~ 11 Holton William 13 Baker George Richard 15 Neale Edmund 17 Dunford William Right Side. McLeod Mrs. Alfred, laundry Mungeam Charles Richd., Tweed cot Havard Charles Philip, Lambourne Waters Henry, Fernlea Lord Francis; Westleigh King James, Shebbear Bates James, Grasmere Abbott Mrs., Elmfield Hasnip Albert, Elmdene Southgate Henry, }'iildreth Hart Allen, The Myrtle Head Ernest Osborne Albt ..Bournville Rogers George William, Glendalough NevilleJames, Coveney

Florence Road. - COLLEGE FIELD.

From 51 Tweedy road to Glebe road. East side. 2 Jarrett Levi 4 Winter Arthur 6 Brown Horace 8 Aiken Miss Edith 10 Bailey Archibald 12 Lockwood Mrs. 12 Lockwood Miss M., dressmaker 14 Williams Mrs. 16 Payne Henry, sen, West side. 1 McLeod Walter James 8 llamsden Charles , 5 Tho~pson Joseph-,- 7 Newton John 9 Barlow Ernest

Florence Villas.

See Homesdale Road.

Foxbury Road.

From Nichol lane to Groft road. Left Side. 1 Payet EGbert, provision dealer 1 Grey Alfred 3 Oakley Henry 5 Page Walter 7 Tolhurst James 9 Broome John 11 Lockerbie Mrs. 13 Goodge William 15 Harbar Harry 17 McCarthy John Charles 19 Harding William 21 Champion Thomas 25 Green William Charles 27 Poola Arthur 29 Maisey Alfred George 29 Maisey Mrs. Helen, dressmaker 31 Osborn Bertram Percival 33 Smith Richard 33 Smith Mrs., furrier 35 Lane John 37 Funnell Harry 39 Haffenden George . The Sundridge Park Workmg Men's Club & Institute-W. White steward 41 Broom Gilbert 43 Park Alfred 45 Crouch James 47 Shergold Thomas John 49 Lawley John 51 Muncey Henry 53 Blackburn Robert Charles 55 Phalo Edward George Right Side. 2A Edwards Charles, bootmaker 2 Miller Henry 4 Godden Benjamin John 6 Wilson William Edward 8 Darvill William 10 Ford William Edward 12 Seal Walter, 14 Eliff Harrr 16 Munday George Ernest 18 Johnson David 20 Thompson Henry Francis 22 Hodges John 26 Barnard George William 28 White Mrs. 30 Janes Frederick Thompson 32 Hind Willia.m

Freelands Grove, 19 FRRELANDS ROAD.

Left Side. 1 Prall Oscar 2 Martin William 3 Wallis Joseph 4 Walker Richard George 5 Poole James 6 Brown A. & H., greengrocers 7 Brown James 8 Hart Jdmes ......... here is lIaxtead road ......... crOSS and Return. St. JoAn's Parish Room 9 Martin Peter, chimney cleaner 10 Emblen Alfred 11 Bexley Harry Ernest 12 Lobb Thomas 13 Webb Arthur 14 Harvey Sidney 15 Ridley George 16 Lefley Walter Edward Breti, ren in Cllrist (Jlleeting Room) 17 Shergold James 18 Attwood Mrs. 19 Thompson William Henry

Freelands Road.

left Side - from 109 Widmore road. 1 Payne :Mrs., aparts., Rhodesia a Cholmeley Mrs., Hawthornden fi Nash Frank Reynolds 7 Walmsley William 9 Trevett Frederick Joseph. 11 White Lewin John Brand 13 Wood Miss F. L. 15 Rapley Mrs. ........... here is Pal,k road ............... 17 Hardy's Dairies, cowkeepers 19 Wood Selby, Belmont 19 Wood Selby & Son, riding masters .& motor jobmasters ...... ,. here is Freelands Grove ., .. ,.;,. 21 Scott Charles 23 Cooper A. H; 25 Pearce William Thomas 27 Cousins L. J., sign writer 29 Woodhams George ......... here is Plymouth road . 31 Fl'eelands Tavern, John Slade 33 Hosler David, grocer, Post office 3i Slawson Miss, confectioner . 37 Hammond Geo. & Sons, plmbrs. & c. 39 Allen George & Sons, bakers and confectioners 39 Telephone Call Office 41 Hearn Brothers, butchers ............ here is Henry stl·eet ............ 43 Cheel George Henry 45 Morgan Robert 47 Wiggins James 49 Hull James 51 Marchant Amos 53 Fraser John, carpenter 55 Austen Miss 57 Ralph Hugh 59 Russell Thomas, french polisher 61 gaston Albert Percv 03 Lockey W. H. . 65 Walters Miss EnidM.,M.B.,B.s.L(>nc1. 67 Oakley Robert Gordon G7 Oakley Miss Edith, teacher of pianoforte 69 Withers Miss Cross and Return, 76 Burnett Inspector-General Thomas Smith, R.N.( ret.), F.R.C.S., Eirianfa 74 Dusseris Mrs. 72 Bannister Archie B. 70 Edwards Herbert Cecil 68 Jefferies Reginald Stanley, Saxonhurst 66 Wiss Mrs. 66 Wiss Miss F., costumier 64 Darby William Henry 62 Bishop Mrs. 58 Balding George 56 Dann Samuel 54 Moon Wallace 50 Worth George 48 Roden Alfred 46 Mumford William, job master 46 Fraser Miss A., nurse 44 Underhill .James 42 Hugo John 40 Farley Frederick William 38 Fassam Edward David 36 Goble Henry William 3! Williams Ernest 32 Marchant James William 30 Hammond Alfred ...... here is Upper Park road Trinity Presbyterian Church 20 Morum Amos, Lochwood 18 Whitfin William Stanley 16 How Mrs. James 14 Lamb Robert 12 COrflOck David Stroud, solicitor 10 Carlyon Mrs. 6 Furness John 6 Head Mrs. Sarah, tailoress England & Furness, florists & nurserymen, Freelands Road nurseries 4 Payne George H. Wall Letter Box

Garden Cottages.

See 0ross Road.


Prom Garden T'oad. Peach Charles Alder Tom Ashby W. J., Nursery co' lage Joyce William Sundridge Park Nursery


From Plastow lune. Left Side. 1I0tt, Grant. 'Wilson, Henshaw l~ Hott, physicians & surgeons, Hamlegro 110tt Cyril Herbert Thomas, M.A., :M.B.. B.c.carob., 1II.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. Lond., physician &. surgeon, Hamlegro Marriott Thomas F., Cantley Hakewill George, Cotterbury 1 Seaward Percy, Tantallon 3 Evans Rev. W. Justin [Cong.J, Emlyn r, Jackel Alfred Theodore, The Homestead 7 Rush Sydney, Milroy 9 Spence William Alex., Stratheden Whyte William John, Narbethong Beck Frederic Walter, Foxlow ...... here is footpath to Grove park ... Todd Frank, Woodbury Hay William R. G., East Hopes Hudson Frederic, n.A., solicitor, Thorn Braes Bath Richard, Wansunt Sundridge Park Golf Club Caulfeild·Stoker, hon. sec. Right Side. 2 Golding James, Cairnbank 4 Garden Geo. Stanhope, Rubislaw 6 Matthews Harold H., Upoa 8 Best Frank, Beechdale 10 Harrison Edward Jas., White cot. 12 Marsh Rohert, Wilford 14 Pollock John, North Wyke 16 MacLennan John, Solva 18 Sayer Geoffrey, Woodfield 20 Duttson Horace Leslie, Wycombe LAMP POST LETTER Box

Gilbert Road.

Frlmt London lane to Morgan 'l·d. East Side. 1 'fofield .Mrs., Rosslyn 3 Barker R. R. 5 Rendle Edward E. 7 Kinder Edward 9 Durrant William James, Bideford 11 Lavers Stanley George 13 Greenwood Stewart, Thirlmere 15 Diplock Archibald 11 Chapman James 19 Padgham C. F. 21 Harrington Mrs., Elmhurst South Side. 25 Martin Mrs. 27 Ewell E. G. 29 Murrin Sydney Stanley 31"'Cowdry Arthur 33 Stonehouse Mrs. 35 Walmsley William WALL LETTER Box West Side. Pierce Hugh, Bletchingly 2 Pearson Henry 4: Harris W. J. G Andrews Arthur Riehl!. S.,Cl~velly 8 Brearey Henry 10 Bunting Henry Williamson 12 Gursey Herbert E. 14 Fuller J. O. North Side. 18 Bullen Miss 20 Sprinks Oliver 22 Beavan Frederick William 24 Haythornthwaite Robert W.

Gladwell Road.

Prom. Burnt Ask lane. Rig Itt Side. 4 North John Henry 6 Wells Charles 8 Frost Herbert 10 King John 12 Knights Robert 14 Sancto Robert Charles Clare James, White cottage Left Side. S Cullimore William Frederick 7 Bridger Charles 9 Mitchell William Joseph 11 Rowatt Arthur 13 Amery Charles 15 Mace Charles 17 Piggott James 19 Crake Alfred 21 Brister George 23 Bartholomew George

Glass Mill Lane.

From Churolt rd. to Queen's Mead rd. 2 Collins Mrs., Mill Vale 4 Dodge Edward 5 Elliffe Albert ............ here is footpath to Bromley Recreation Ground .. ..... Wall Letter Box


From 20 College road to Station road. South Side. 2 Hulberston Stanley George 4 Aver Nathaniel 6 Burgess George 8 Hendrey William 10 Edwards William 12 Wood Percy James, house decorator & plumber .. ....... here is Florence road 14 Churchett George 16 Tomes Charles 18 Seller Mis., 20 Portlock Harry 22 AveneIl Alfred 26 Tharkway Mrs. 26 Lenora Madame, costumier 28 Burden David, Abberdale 30 Mann William Curtis 32 Burton Mrs. C. E. ......... here is Station road North Side. 43 Young Adam 4] Durrant Alvaria Elmy 39 Jones Misses 37 Bacon Mrs. 35 Towell Miss 33 Caun Mrs. 31 Howard Miss 29 Richards Mrs. 27 Edwards A. V. 25 Drake Walter 23 O!lborneMiss 21 Vickers Mrs. 19 Blacking William Thomas ....... ltm'e is Aldermory road LAMP POST LETTER Box 17 Gedney Charles William 15 Bailey Percy Hunt 13 Bennett H. 11 Harlridge Mrs. 9 Clissold Miss 7 Webb Ernest 5 Simms Miss E. 3 Elliott Mrs. 1 Stenning Mrs.

Godwin Road.

From H01ilesdale road t.l Sirvard road. West Side. 1 Kite Edward 3 Burton Harold 5 Baker John 7 Crisp Samuel John, jun. 9 Faulkner Charles 11 Self George 13 Crist Jo ] 5 Rowsell John 17 Crisp J ohu, sen. 19 Sandford Rubert Frederick 21 Smith Frederick 23 Skinner Stephe n 33 Dixon James 35 Gayfer William 37 Mannton Bertie 39 Broome Charles John 41 Williams Albert East Side. 2 Dawes Edwin 4 Hollaway Albert 6 Milstead Albert Henry 8 Tolhurst William Alfred 10 Scudder Henry John 12 Mitchell John 14 Longford William 16 Goldsmith William 18 Isom James 20 Brown Charles 22 Golding Percy 24: Fox Arthur 26 Milstead Walter 28 Self Jesse Louis 30 Fisher John William 32 Libbeter Edward 34 Craker Herbert A. 36 Hines Ernest 38 Elliott Mrs. 40 Dunford Bert 42 Heynolds Sidnr.y Herbert, jobbing gardener 50 North Frederick 5:! Chapman Frederick Thomas 54 Whitp Thomas George

Grasmere Road - BROMLEY PARK.

From Highland road to Oakland8 rd. East Side. 2 Slipper John H.Shipley,The Glade West Side. ......... lt8rcis Bromley arenue ......... : M:acColl Archibald Macgregor, Invergloy 3 Oram Engineer;·· VlCe·Admiral Sir Henry John, K.C.B;, F.R.S., St. Arvans 3 Oram Evelyn Henry Bardens, :ll,ll" n.S., F.R.C.S., physician & surgeon, St. Arvans

Gravel Pits.

From 3 jMa,8ons Idll. Bayman William George 2 Rhipp George William 3 Paffett James Henry 4 Wood Frederick W. 5 Park Mrs. 6 Lee Henry James 7 Childs George William 8 Morgan William 9 Olarke Walter 10 Histead Mrs. 11 Brown Charles Herbert 12 Goodsell Mrs.

Gravel Road (Lt)wer)-69 BRO:l1LEY COMMON.

Left side. Foreman A. & C" nurserymen, The Nurseries Foreman Charles, White lodge ......... here is RlIshey road ......... Foreman G. R., Prince's plain .. .here i.~jootpatli to So ntltom'Ollff It ... Read Albt. Geo.,frmr.,Scrubbs farm Wood Benjamin, The Scrubbs Hills Charles, The Scrubbs Right side. Westbrook Henry, Ripstorie Westbrook Robert, Blenheim Gresham Laundry (The) 1 & 2 Chidley Arthur 3 Whitehead Daniel 4 Jolley Frank George 5 Knott T. T. & Sons, florists 6 Ratcliffe J., insurance agent 7 Sargeant Arthur 8 Lee William 9 Whitehead Mrs. 10 Mitchell James 11 Collier Frederick·W . 12 Reeves Richard .~....... ·here 'is Jackson's road .......... 14 Stansfield C. H: R., The Hollies Bromley q'Peelwiilticin:InjectimlS .s. Small Pox Hospital-. Philip Nicholas Randall, M.B. (Lond.),medical supt.; MissF.K. "" Whitmarsb,matron.Sk~·m: Corner Bromley & Beckenham Joint Hospital Board Sanatorium - Philip Nicholas Randall, M.B.LOnd., medical supt.; Miss D. Bayle, matron

Gravel Road (Upper).

86 Bromley Commo1i,-"toOakley road. lA Songhurst William 2 Adams Miss 3 Field William George 4 Smith William & Sons, builders 5 Bird-ill-Hand, Alfred Dodd 6 Grayes Edward George ............ here is Cross road ............ 7 Knott Thomas, jun. 8 Watson Henry 9 Richards Mrs. 10 Asker Adam 11 Smith Herbert 12 Westfold William Robert 13 Oliver Henry 14 Jackson Mrs.. 15 Hammond Edward William 16 Alford Watkin 17 Jackson Walter 18 Yule Alfred ...... here is Reereation Ground . Smith William & Sons,builders (yard) ............ here is Oakley road . Cross and Return. 19 Bradbury William 20 Bartlett Rev.Lewis Edwd.[Baptist] ... here is Cherry Orchard road ... 24: Hudson Mrs. 25 Potter W. M., Olynder 26 Lunnon Mrs. A., LIB.nberis

Great Elms Road.

Right Side-from 20 Homesd&le road to Marlborough road. 36 Jeffery Alfred 35 Judson William Francis 34 Burton Robert 33 Silver James A. lrvn Mission Room 32 Carpentm:Mrs., Donnington 31 Geer E. W. 30 Walker Leonard 29 Poole Abraham here is footway to Wellington road' 28 Collins Samuel 27 Lampard Willi~m_Francis 26 Lawrence E. D: 25 Giles Misses, school 24 Tapp"Miss Uross and.return. 23 Priter Willi~in H:"R. 22 Langford Alfred Ed win 19 Ley Francis Stephens, teacher of shorthand 18 O'Neill Charles 17 Atkinson Miss 16 Fcwtrell William James 15 Lomer.J ames 14 Thatcher William 13 DevanElYThomas C. 12 Williams Mrs. 11 Milstead Harold 10 Noakes John 9 Benson Walter G. 8 Hodgson Miss 7 Hedley Bernard 5 Arney Frederick John 4 Bibby Mrs. 3 Fawsitt Richard 2 Juniper Charles James 1 Juniper David, deeorator

Gwydyr Road.

From Glass MUl lane. Right side. 4 Mears .Ernest 6 Davies Edmund 8 Nice Joseph H. 10 Colgate Heury 12 Evans Edward Henry 14 Day Charles 16 Homewood Albert 20 Lord Miss Alice 22 ScotkFrei:lerick 24 Nasn ,Herbert George 26 Wenri Mrs. 28 Howe John 30 Edwards'Ernest 32 Miller John Cross and Return. 27 Day George: . 25 Lambden William John_ 23 Goss William Henry . 21 Wa~e Charles Albeit 19 Oswald Mrs. C. 17 Orpin William Adams 15 Poingdestre Percy .T. 13 Hammond James Cecil 11 Poingdestre Wm. Alfred, builder 7 Mannall Henry George n Fenton Tom Brown 3 Ransby Walter

Halls Farm Cottages.

See Bu.rnt A&n, lane.

Hammelton Road.

From 40 London road to Collego rd. South Side. 1 Woods Geo. Arthur, ~f.D., F.R.S.E. 3 Meyer Mrs I) Stanham Misses Gordon, Glenthorne 11 Forrer Leonard, Leighton 13 "Smith John William 15 Johnson Frederick, Hampstead 10. 17 Sandford Henry, solicitor & commissioner for oaths. Bladon 19 Horsford MIs. 21 Laird Patrick Ramsay 23 Stannard Mrs. 25 Helder Mrs., Rathmines 27 Helm Henry Jns.,I.s.o.,Simonstone 29 Stone Mrs., Snnnyside 31 Maxwell James Laidlaw, M.A.,M.D. Edin. 33 Rogers John 31 Coates William 37 Shillcock Joshua South Side. H Medhurst John 42 SomervillfJ James Bradley 40 Quy Sergt.-Major Arthur 38 Cooper Thomas B6 Gibbs ·William James 34 Bull Harry 32 Smith Mrs. J. WilSOll 30 Towse Frank 28 Osborn Mrs., Melrose 26 Ashby W. 24 Prentice :Mrs" Elmslie 22 Bourne John Thompson 20 Stanger Mrs., Handsworth . 18 Brock George Wm. Fredk., Afton 16 Woodward Augustus 14 Rhys Rev. Walter Rowland, M.A. 12 Newport Mrs., Fern Lea 10 Vigers Martin, Avonmore 8 Pellett Edgar Thomas, Quinton 6 Boyer Frank Harold 2 Medhurst George

Havelock Road,

50 HOMESDALB ROAD TO BROMLEY C01UWN. Left Side. 1 Hardy Richard, upholsterer & c 3 Howell Charles William 5 Britton Albert Nelson 7 Dobson James 11 Smith John 13 Bushnell Mrs. 15 Roberts Thomas 17 Hickmott Mrs. 19 Aveling Frederick 21 Brigden Thomas 23 Anderson Alfred 25 Ashdown Charles 27 Brown Frederick 29 Champion Ernest 31 Roberts Charles George Frederick 33 Hickmott John 35 Peckham Robert 37 Collyer Thomas 4l Mercer George 41 Morley Richard 43 Saunders Frederick 45 Self Arthur 47 Crist Charles 49 Terry Henry 51 Gill Edward 53 Maddallls Joseph, shopkeeper ........ here i&lIIal'lhrJl'01tgll road, ,..C.,. 5ii Gilbert A. R., grocer 57 Anderson Thomas ·W. 59 Chandler Stephen 61 Bray Mrs. 63 Wood Mrs. 65 Clark Joseph Cross and Retu1"11. t4: Wingham John 82 Wraight Sidney 80 Pollard George 78 Wells W. 76 Fisk William 74· Dunford· William A. 7~ Uatt William 70 Kent Mrs. 68 Hooker Fred 66 Browning William ErQest 64 Baldock Thomas 62 May Alfred 60 Hayles Edwin 58 Clifford William 56 Walklin Wdli:lm ...... Itere i.~ Alm'lburouglt road 54 Page George, greengrocer 48 Faulkner George F. 46 Grace Mark 44 Chard John 42 Morley Thomas 40 Perks William 38 Parrington Walter Leonard 36 Luck Lewis Richard 34 Pearce Richard, jobbing gardener 32 Hariiing George Frederick 30 Huddleston Mrs. 28 Prebble John 26 Fleming George 24 Hinchon Patrick 22 Johnson Joseph 20 Wiles Stephen 18 Kite Edward William 16 Humphrey William 12 Batchelar Walter 10 Cronin Jack 8 Anthony Frederick 6 Hassum Mrs. 4 'Newman William 2 Webb Mrs.


From Rodway road. West Side. 5 Solbe Mrs. 7 Pearce Bertram, Eastville 9 Santer John Robert 11 Heath-Groom Thomas 13 Malpas Williaul Henry 15 Anderson Alfred John 17 Whyte William, jun. 19 Grindley John 21 Rae W. T Hatton 23 Ladyman George T. P. M. 25 Shore Cecil George 27 Jeffries Harry 29 Broadley.T ohn 31 Pitt Mrs. 33 Grant F. P. 35 Catling Thomas 37 Pearce Sidney Arthur 37 Pearce Brothers, builder. East Side. 1 Strong L. W .. Lismore 2 Franklin James Curtis, I..R.C,P., L.R.C.s.Edin., L.F. p.s.Glas. 3 Crammond Miller Mrs. 4 Hodgson Edward Highton ......... here is Rodway road . ......... here is Palace road 6 Levi George 8 Waterworth John Halsted 10 LSLJgton Mrs. 10 Parr Rev. Edward Ambury, B.A. [curate of St. John's, Bromley] 12 Dean Evan William 14 Brown Frank IJeopold 16 Fowler Wallace Baxter 18 Milstead Herbert Henry 20 Hunter George William Tavlor 22 Hills Alfred . 24 Loder Sidney James 26 Bourne James Johnstone 28 Black Miss 30 Wiley Percy John Douglas 32 Carter William Shadwell 34 Relf Harold Edwin 36 Tarrant. Mrs. E. T. 38 Oakley G. J. 40 Watson George Giding 42 Cazeaux Raymond H Reid Charles

Hawkesworth Roacl.-MAsONs HIlL.

From, 24 Simpsons road. Left side. 1 Rogers William Charl€'s 3 Whybrow John 5 Stokes Henry Charles 7 White Mrs., laundress 9 Jones Thomas 11 ,Miller J. 13 Eaton Robert 15 Thurling William Robert 17 Jennings Fred 19 Wingham Edwin Frank 21 Townsend Mrs. 23 Wilson George Cross and Return 2 Crothall John R. 4 Pike Mrs. G Galer Walter 8 Davies Frederick 10 Woodley John 12 Foster Robert 14: Taylor William

Haxtead Road.-N(mTH ROAD.

1 Johnson John 2 Veness Harold 3 Whittington Charles 4 Hills William Henry 5 Cope William 6 Attwood Ben 7 King Walter 8 Holland Walter 9 Newman Bertram 10 Smith Mrs.

Hayes Lane.-BROMI,f;;Y UOMMON.

2 Higgs James, Kintore 4 Bristowe Lewis, Durlstone 6 Wagstaff Mrs., Elmcroft 8 Ward William P. Kent County Council Secondary Sehool- Reginald Airy, MA., head master Taylor F. G.,'earetkr., The Lodge .. .. here i, footpath io Masons Hill ... Hatcher Harold Barber, Ashleigh ...... here is Ha.'lfes 'road . Cross and Return. Bromley Sport.y Ground-Sydney A. Pearce, han. se~. 9 Baker Harry B., Hayesford house Wood Wm.Walt.,market gardener


East Side. ...... here is Kingswood road" . ..... here is Toots Woo,l road ...... Lamp Post Letter Box ..... .llm·c L~ We-Yt1)/orf'land road . Clark Charles Douglas, Eecleshill Browne Thomas Gillespie Chapman. Barnhill Pannett Alfred, The Cottage,Barnhill [Letters throuj!h Beckenham.] Porter James Thnmas, Fixted farm Olacey James, Longeroft cottage Attenborough Richard, LangeI-oft 10 Hedley John Thomas, Longcroft Hambro C. Eric, Piekhurst Mead Langston Edward, Pickhurst Mead 10 Mills William, Manor cottages Fisher William, Mauor cOLtages West Side . ..... here is BW'nfield Wood road..... Wall J,ettel' Box George Charles, farmer, Piekhurst Green farm Brockman Thomas, balliff to Charles George, esq. English Mrs., Piekhurst manor

Hayes Road .- BROMLEY.

Westmoreland road to Hayes lane . Left side. 1 Shore Fredk. Wm., F.C.A.) accntnt H Walker Harold E . 5 Carpmael Miss 7 Barraclough Mrs. 9 Anderson Mrs. 11 Berner Correze 13 Clark Arthur Barnard 15 Furness Mrs. 19 Layard Miss 21 Manze Mitchell ......... here is boundary of Bromley and Beckenltam paruhes ......... 23 Dunell H. G. 25 Hinton Herbert Allen 27 Barraclough Robert F. Skilbeck James Julian, Hurst 10. GJockler Frank, Hurst lodge 51 Nichol Samuel J:;Newhaven 53 Larby E. John, Dalwhinnie 55 Harvey Thos. Martin, The Laurels 57 Collard Sydney 5!l Hilton John E., Deepdene 61 Pitts William, Kyoto lodge 67 Mantle George 69 Pitts W. H., jun., Boringdon Pillar Letter Box 71 Staples George W. 73 Beeston Lewic; 75 Holroyde William Fredk., solicitor & for oaths, Greenhayes 77 Singer Edwin . 83 Hillier Henry Ford 85 Ford Mrs. C. R. 87 Pownall George, Newlyn 89 Rolfe William Robert, Overstrand 91 Wright Sydney F. 93 Dowrick Harold Edmund 95 Fluck Miss, L.L.A. ............ here 'is I£ayes lane ............ Right Side. 38 Lovell Ernest John, Hayes cot. 42 Bull .John, Courtlands 44 Jones J. Arthur, Nant Gwyn 46 Baker Arthur Ernest, Breifond 48 Thoburn Mrs., Glascott 50 Weekes Robert W. 52 Smith Lionel C. 54 West Frederick William, HayesLea. 56 Foster Allan, Kingsmead 58 Milloy Thomas Roht., Leigh Wood 60 Cook Herbert 62 Patey Charles 64 Baldry Benjamin Button 66 Fulcher George, Homeleigh 68 Brett Arthur, Suffolk lodge 70 Jackson Lewil; 72 Ciecierski Bruno, Weimar ..... 74 Mack Cecil 76 Reid Mrs. John B. 78 Barry Mrs. 80 Noy Miss, Woodville 82 Hammerton Ernest, Whoberley -:- 86 Fry C. A., The Croft 88 Kelf Henry David 90 Jones Ormsby . 92 Raphael F. Charles, Fors 94 Chambers Arthur, Heatherdene 96 de Lacy Wilfred 98 Pease John, Lyndhurst 100 Scholpp Gustav, Mahern 102 Rossiter T. W. . 104 Hutch~ings J,ames, ..builder

Haywood Road.

From Southlands Road. Left Side. 3 Waters Arthur 5 Preston Francis 7 Walker John 9 Wildish William Thomas 11 Mussell John 13 Sheldon Henry C. 15 Wyles Horace 17 Cole Harry 35 Dennis Charles, Glen view 35 Dennis Miss B., dressmaker 37 Dennis Edward Frank, Myrtle viJ. 39 Liddington William H. 41 Soans Alfred Spurling 43 Hopgood James B. 45 Hopgood Ernest John 47 Rarben Edward 49 Carroll William George 51 Trinick Arthur George 53 Stainer Charles Edward 55 Erbes Frederick C. 57 Smith Thomas 59 Downer William Heury Hight Side. 50 Walters Mrs. 48 Badder F. 46 Royle Harry 44 Davies Madame S., teacher.of music 42 Francis William A. 40 Miller Arthur 38 Ledger Herbert Charles 36 Brewster William 34 Jennings Percy Henry 32 Stockwell Frederick .Joseph 30 Simmons William H. 28 Wenn Reginald S. 14 Towell Arthur Edward 12 Burden Edward

Heathfleld Road.

From 96 London rd. to Warner rd. North Side. Follett J. P., cabinet maker 1 Stepney Alfred P. 3 Brown William Edgar 5 Toates Frederick John 7 Smith Charles, gardener 9 Matchett Mrs. Samuel, dressmaker 11 Heather Henry 13 Hills Va1entine 15 Williams Thomas Henry, photogr. 17 Ovenden Edward, sanitary plumber 19 Shearing Mrs. Mary 21 Hills JOhll 23 Smith Horbert 25 Brown Albert Edward 27 Pollard William 29 Ralph William James 31 Stenning Edward 33 Shorter A. G. West Side. 35 Hubbard Charles M., ~enl. stores 37 Smith Frank 39 Garnham Charles Edward 41 Byrnes James Douglas 43 Coulter Percy , James 45 Ford Herbert, plumber 47 Gumbrill George 49 Levens Alfred 51 King Alfred James 53 Watson John Thomas 55 Bryant Benjamin 57 Crossley William 59 Duke Edward 'Walter South Side. 80 Heywood Rupert 78 Pickard C. J., sign writer 76 Ayling John 74 Hesk Alfred 72 :::iimkin Walter William 70 Downing Walter 68 Clarke William John, watchma. 64 Simmonds Jesse 62 Podger Horace James 60 Tremlett Frank 58 Cousins William Walter 56 Francis H., grocer 54 Lowrence Harry 52 Woodford J. 50 Nicholls Charles Harry 48 Watson James John 46 Murrell James William 44 Ford Alfred, carpenter 42 Threadgold Frederick Alfred. 40 Humphrey Thomas 38 Tye George William 36 Wells Stephen Thomas 34 Vickers Ernest Albt. bldr. & decrtr. 32 Ancell Frederick 30 MeLening William Edward 28 French George 26 Simpson George 24 Gray D. T. R. 22 Harris Herbert 20 Stott Arthur Edward 18 Simpson Edward 16 Sherrill Brothers, window cleaners 14 Follet J. P. ]2 English Edward II. lOA Pewsey Sidney 10 Seward Mrs. 8 Craker Samuel 6 Durbin George Albert 4 Hughesman Arthur 2 Porter Robert

Henry Street.-41 FHEELANDS ROUl,

1 Howse Mrs. 2 Brown Joseph 3 Mcrsh .John 4 Bonathan William 5 Williams Reuben James 6 Overall Edward 7 Simmons Charles 8 Knott George 9 Chapman Thomas 10 Shine Vincent Sylvester 11 Lee Mrs. 12 Hamblin Mr!l. 13 Tye William 14 Smart Edward 15 Baker Edgar William 16 Davey Mrs. R. Cross and Return 17 Davey John 19 Hodgkill Thomas 20 Raison Mrs. 21 Eldred George 22 Lawson 'William 23 Williamson Walter John 24 Humphries Mrs. E. 25 Winn Harry Albt., french polisher 25A Brown Charles 26 Scott Robert 27 Brown Harry 28 Webb John

Herbert Road.

From Union road to Salibury road. Right Side. 2 Miles Walter 4 Alexander Frederiek Charles 6 Archer Emanuel George 8 Whitehead Levi 12 White George Frederick 14 Alexander William 16 Smith Charles 18 Marsh George Edward 20 Marshall Frederick 22 Jackson Albert 24 King Stephen G. 26 Townsend Oliver W. 28 Bryant Albert 30 Killick William George 32 Kemp Walter William 34 Kennett William George 36 Elliott George 38 Taylor William 40 Austin Robert 42 Heims Henry 44 Taylor Thomas 46 Sampson Harrison 48 Powell Thomas John William 50 Bond E. 52 Ford John 5i Allen William Left Side. 5 Wheatley Edward W. 7 White Sidney Frank 9 Hutchins 'Walter 11 Heasman George Butler W. ,~ J. wood fencing contractors

High Street.

From S. E. ~. u. Railway Station (Bromley South) to London road. North·East Side. 1 Harper Peter, Rose Bank 3 Parkinson Mrs .. Weir lodge ...... here is Ravensbourne road ...... 4 Cook Philip Inkerman, 1II.D.Brux. L.RC.P., lII.R.C.S., I,.S.A. physician & surgeon, Argyll lodge 5 Browne Herbert, L.D.S.R.c.s.Ire1., dental surgeon, Byfield 6 Bromley College of Music -Ernest B. Moss, A.G.8.M. and Miss Beatrice E. Youngman, A.G.8.M., directors, Yark house. Telephone, Bromley 1577 6 Moss Ernest B., A.G.S.)I., York ho. 7 Harman Herbert P., photographer 8 Hollis William, Hollymount ]0 Reid Alfred William, F.R.C.V.S vet. surgeon, Brunswick House H 11 Henly Albert William, MU.C.S Eng-.; -L.U.c.p.Lond., L.D.S.Eng., F.R.M.S., dental surgeon 12 Peill Edwin George, St. Margaret's r Kirby & Price,surgeons, Thanet 10. I Price Alfred E., M.D., IlLS., phy13 siciau & surgeon, Thanet lodge I Jepson Alfred Charles, M.B., B.C., L cantab., surgeon, Thanet lodge ......... here is Ethelbert road ......... 14 Hoghton George Wm. Bromley ho 15 Richardson William Ridley, M.A., Ravensfell WALL LETTER Box TIt(} Neel!Jherries (public gardens) 17 Bromley Public Library, William J. Harris, F.L.A., librarian 19 EU.wards Charles, boot. maker & c. 20 Nash Albert Henry Victor, confr. 21 Steiert & Son, waichmakers & c. 22 Felce & Co., chemists -H. Francis, M.P.s., proprietor 23 Bromley & County Club - Jahn n. Lepper, hon. sec. & treasurer Grand Hall (Electric Theatre)- A.E. Corrick, managr. Telephone 896 Bromley 24 Bromley China Stores Limited 25 CHAPPELL FRANCIS &. SONS, undertakers. Telephone 1720 Bromley 26 Hedditeh Richard, coniectioner 26 Springett Herbert, M.R.C.Y.S.,veterinary surgeon 27 Foster Brothers Clothing Co. Ltd . 28 Wallis H. & Co.,mantle warehouse 29 Milbank Percy R., tailor 30 Serre Achille Limited, cleaners & dyers 31 Cann Reginald W., con 33 UNION OF LONDON &. SMITHS BANK LIMITED (THE)-Arthnr Frederic Hubbins, manager. See advertisement, page 60 34 Burton Brothers, farriers & smiths 35 Risinq Sun, A. Thomas 36 , 36A & 37 Rouch & Sons, drapers 38 Parsons A. W., hatter and hosieI' 39 Parsons A. W., clothier, & c. 40 Lipton Limited, grocers & provision merchants 41 & 42 Bush S. & Son, printers, hooksellers and stationers London and Provincial Meat Stores - George Webb manager Viotoria chambers I Weller William G., solicitor & I commissioner for oaths 43 , Mercer William, accountant I Financial Partners Limited- W. I Strutt, A.L.A.A., seC. I Gooding Harry Lawrence,F.L.A.A., l accountant & registrar of marriages 4g Bromley Gazette Co. 43 Ximenes Elio, artist 43 International Bible Students (Local Class) 44,45,46,47,48,49,50 & 51. Medhnrst F. Lim., drapers & silk mercers 1 Hennah & Roberts, dental snrgy 1 Ilome "So Colonial Stores. Lim. 2 & 3 THE LONDON CITY &. MIDLAND BANK, LIMITED John Albert Evans, manager. See advertisement, page 52 Evans John Albert, Bank house 4- Covell & Harris, butchers 53 Clarke E. & Son, Ltd., printers, bookbinders, stationers, bill posters & advertising agents, fancy & leather goods dealers. Telephone 414 Bromley 53 Mackness Misses, servants' registry office 54 Marler Henry, tailor outfitter 56 Ilott, Grant-Wilson, Henshaw & Ilott physcns. & surgns.( surgery) 56 Hancock Harry Alfred E~mund ............ here is Church road ........... 57 Ilott Herbert James, M.D., C.M., M.R,C.S., physician & surgeon 58 Pamphilon G. & Son, wine & spirit merchants 59, 60, 71, 72 & 73 Howard's' Stores, Limited, grocers 59 Howard William ( Weeks George & Sons, ironmongers, gas & hot water 61 fitters, sanitary engineers, I electricians, & c. LWeeks George 66 Boots Cash Chemists (Southern) Limited 68 Ainslie Brothers, butchers 71 , 72 & 73 & 59 & 60 Howard's Stores, Limited 71 Li~e Herbert 72 Cooper Benjamin 72 Carver Rev. Bernard Nash, B.A.[curate of Bromley] 73 Dalley William 74 Upson & Co., bootmakers 77 Domestic Bazaar Co. Limited 78 Thomas Miss J. M., A.R.D.S., artist, 'The Studio 78 ,79 & 80 Powell & Lancaster, milliners, drssmas. & ladies' outfittrs 81 Stewart & Co., furniture dealers 82 Colling-s Bros., carvers & gilders 82A Collings Bros., furniture dealers 82 eHobbs William Amos, farrier 83 Eastman & Son (Dyers & Cleaners) Limited, dyers and cleaners 83 Adrienne Madam, costumier 84 Dean Mrs.EJizabetb, art needlework depot 85 & 86 Gunton & Son, drapers, & 0. 87 Dibben Ernest, dairy 88 Hayne's Grocery Stores 89 Filby & Son, hairdressers, & c. 90 McKenzie Eustace Alfred, newsagent & stationer 91 Swan and Mitre !nil, Charles Shaw 92 Waterman .John Thos., restaurant ......... here is Beckenham lane ......... 93 Silk Mrs. E., confectioner 93 British Window Cleaning Co.- John Chas. Diprosc. manager 93 Telephone Call Office 95 Browning & Sons, greengrocers 96 Cleave Henry 97 Heathman Samuel, hairdresser 97 Harradine &, Ayling, agents to Phrenix Assurance Co. Limited 98 Smith &, Owen,glass & color mers. 99 Germain S. A., art dealer 100 Griffin Robert W., L.D.s.Eng., dental surgeon South-West Side. Bromley and Sheppard's Colleges [For residents see page 15fl.] Wall Letter Box ............ here is College slip ............ ]02 Raywood Geo., builder & ; decrtr. 102A Eastmans Limited, butchers 102n I1ott & Hine, fruiterers & - florists 102n Pearce Walter Harry 102n Teresa Madame, costumier 102e Hall C. J., clothier 102 Tarry Walter, tailor 103 Ferris & Sons, saddlers 104 Manstecl E., tobacconist 106 Star and Garter, Robt. Smithers [PH] 107 Rendall George & Co., hosiers 109 Cakebread Miss IsabeI M.,co'), 109 National Photo Co. (The) 110 Skilton William F., dairyman III PALAIS. DE-LUXE 112 & 113 Lowrence Frederick, general furnisher & shipping agent ........ .here is Hooker's place ......... 114 Baker Misses M.& J., The Bazaar ll6 & 117 Greyhound, Thomas HenrY Beament [PH] 118 Allen George, ironmonger 119 Lowrence T. ok A., wardrobe and antique dealers ... here are Walter's yard, Sharp's cottages, Payne's cottages and Orchard plal'f. .,............. 120 International Tea CO.'8 Store.~ Limited 121 Brightwell ok Crowburst, ladies' outfitters 122 Shillcock & Sons, chemists 122 Sbillcock George, dentist 123 Dotter Konstantin, watchmaker 124 GRINSTED DANIEL LTD., corn, coal & seed merchants 124 Distill William Henry 125 Taylor Richard Limited, watchmakers, jewellers & opticians 126 Martin's Bank, Limited - Theodore Murly Stllncomb, manager 127 Royal Bell Hotel, James & Co. ......... here is Markel are 128 Lovibond John & Suns, Limited, H. Pitman, manager 130 Skinner & Grant, tSquailors 131 Duke's Head, Thomas Percy Thomas I3lA Whitewoods, fruiterers & green grocers 132 Appleton Ernest A., dining rooms 133 Payne E. W., jeweller ......... here is Market square . 135 True Form Boot OO.-J. Scars & Co. Limited 136 Young James & Co. Lim., motor body builders 136 Young- Men's Christian Association - W. J. Harland, i:ec. 136 Anderson's Teeth Institute 137 Maypole Dairy Co. Limited White Hart Ghambers 137 & 138 Bartlett & Gregory, solicitors & commissioners for oaths 137 & 138 Latten W. F., collector to the :Metropolitan Water Board (Southem district) (attendance,tuesday 10 to 1 & 2.30 to 4.30) 137 & 138 Roffe T., collector to the Metropolitan Water Boa (Southern district) (attendance, thursday 3 to 5) 137 & 138 Girling Robert, clerk to the Commissioners of Land &- Assessed Taxes 137 & 138 Euvo Ointment Co. 137 & 138 Car & General Insurance Corporation (branch office) (Ht . Girling, branch manager j R. H. Brown, L. G. Bennett &.R. H. Lush, inspectors) 137 & 138 Bromley Cottage Improvement Co. Limited, H. J. Titford, sec 137 & 138 Bromley Conservative & Unionist Association, John King, sec.; W. F. Masters, assistant sec. 137 & 138 Bromley & West Kent Masonic Hall Co. Limited, R. J. Titford, sec. 138 Waterer & Dickins, auctioneers 139. White Hart Hotel, John A. Leon Claessens [PH] Wltite Hal't AssembM JRooms 140 Russell A.lbion· &. Son, bootmakers BOA Shelvoke Frank R., umbrella maker 141 LONDON COUNTY· &. WESTMINSTER BANK L1MITED Arthur Vivian Faull, manager. See advertisement, page 279 141 Faull Arthur Vivian, Bank house 142 & 14a Hutson & Armstrong, drapers 144 Broadley Brothers, tailors & outfitters 145 Welford's Surrey Dairies Limited 145n Pollock & Co., flemish.p0ttery ]45A Redwood Restaurant (The) Wright Brothers, drapers 14GAScrivener & Co., booksellers & stationers 146 Manning H. & Co., tobacconists 146 Lagemann F., hairdresser 147 & 148 Pyrke George L., upholsterer 149 Arnaud J. C. & Son, builders & decorators 150 Johnson Brothers (Dyers) Ltd.,dyers 150n Aught G. A" bootmaker 150A Fleming, Reid & Co. Limited, scotch wools & hosiery 151 Smith Ogden, athletic stores Aberdeen Buildings Randall H. E. Lim., bootmakers '; & 6 Howlett Philip,ladit's' outfitter 5 Beckenham' Bromley School of Music and Art, Ormond Yeal'sley, secr 5 Phillips (Howard Morley) & Co., pianoforte warehouse 4 Igglesden 'Walter, watchmaker 4 Haylett Madame Maud, costumier B Tosland Alexander, upholsterer 2 Howlett Philip, fancy draper 1 Nelson Robert & Co. domestic machinery warehouse Telephone Call Office Wesleyan Church,'Sunday School I52 Baker W. Herbert, L.n.S. (Eug.), dental surgeon 153 Edey G. Russell, L.n.S. (Eug.), dentist, Westnor 154 Codd A.rthur F. G., III.B., F.R.C.S" surgeon, & medical officer of health for Bromley, Holwood lodge . . . . . . here are Elmfield and Holwood Roads 155 Thomas Harold Wynne, L.R.C.P., Y.R.C.S, surgeon, Thornbury 156 Soutb ~uburbau Gas Co.(Bromley district -Wilfrid Wastell, sec. ; S. Y. Shoubridge, engineer (office) The Broadway Bond & Co., florists 2 'Weekes F. & J., drapers :3 Pearcey W. H. & Son, fruiterers Piller Letter Boa: 4 Lennards Limited, bootmakers -1 Hills H. 5 Johnstone H., tailor G Wheatley Miss W. E., draper 7 Ward L. E. & Co. gents' outfitters Stanford Frederick Houghton, hairdresser 8.AAttwood &, Co., drapers Consevative Club -- Robcrt T. Wr!Lgg, hon. sec. 9 Hallamore Alfred, toy warehouse Kirhy Albert Edward. M.R.C.S. (Eng.), surgeon, Bromley 10. 10 Attwood & Co., drapers 11 Jones Robert Arthur 11 & 12 Martin T. & Sons, stationers 13 Ackermann Fredk. Wm., confr. 14A Trigg Edward & Sons, dyers & cleaners (receiving olIice) 14 Singer Sewing Mackine 00. Lim. Alfred Harold Searle, manager 15 & 16 Ayling Thos.Stpbn. boot manfr 17 Skinner Percy James. confectionr 18 Krantz Isidore, ladies' tailor & furrier 20 Pfeil Christopher Ferdinand, pawnbroker 21 Yale A. & Co., tobacconists 22 Rtrker Charles 22 Chambers & Co., dyers 23 Ainslie Brothers. hutchers 23 Harris C. E. F. 24 Hay ward Miss, confectioner 25 Catford Herbert, antique furniture dealer 26 Kershaw-Bishop E., restaurant 27 Harris Albert Thomas, ophth:llmic optician 27 Whelan Mrs. 28 Gillm:m & Butt, shirt tailors and hosiers 29 Last George H., new & secondhand bookseller 30 Cooper Alfred, oil & color dealer 3) Cooper Maurice, tobacconist 31 Chappell F. S., architect & garden designer 32 Kelf Hy.D., pharmaceutical chmst 33 Chapple II. C., picture frame rna. 34 Yilixir Co. Limited (The) 34 Levens W. & Son, auctioneers, Broadway house Broadway Motor Works ......... Here is Bromley South 8. N. g' O. Bailway Station ......... Telephone Call Office

Highland Road. - BRoMLEy PARK.

From 107 London rd. to Beckenham la. South Side. 3 Zimmermann Sidney, Woodside 5 O'Connell Major-Gen!. Peter, H.E. Sibertswold 7 Lees Miss, Holmcrott 11 Day Arthur, ~eacombe 13 Bleckley Mrs., Wakehurst 19 Frazer Lieut.-Col. F. A., Rositer 21 Braginton Wm., M.A., St. Albans 25 Savory Ernest Braithwaite, Tyndale lodge 29 Parker Mr.;. C. M'l Lincluden 31 Chadwick Mrs. H., Red Bank 33 Asmus Adolph, Iris villa 37 Devas T. Gronow, Broadview Wall Letter Box ........... here is Park end ............ Christ Church 43 Pain Henry Herbert, Pine wood 45 Monkhouse Edward Wyndham, Kirkdale 47 Harvey Mrs., Brackenhill Dence Thomas, Sunny court 51 Wilks Mrs. J. J., Highland lodge North Side. Christ Church Hall ...... here is Madeira avenue ...... Helgman Wm. Jas. Santa Clara MUl':':ford Eustace B:, Braeside 18 Moore Rev. Richard, M.A. [incumbent of Christ Church], Christ Church lodge 16 Watson Misses, Branxholm 14: Williams Stanley, Hillbrow 12 Smith Edward, St. Stephens ......... here is Grasmere Road ......... 10 Maney Vincent. The Haven 8 Nash Stanley Harry, Glencoe 6 Connett Albert Newmann, Dalwhinnie 4 Elgar Mrs. 2 Galloway Robert "Bromley Park" Lawn Tennis Club Ground

Hill Brow. - WIDMORE,

From Olti.~leltUrst road to Sundridge avenue. Right 8ide. Fox William Alexander, Eliots Fitchew Edward Hubert, The Oriels Sherriff Francis Frederic, Ravenscroft LAMP POST LETTER Box ...... here is Park Farm road ...... Abbott Herbt. Campbell, Broadview Twallin George Charles, Fairmead Cross and Return. Parr Miss, Molescroft

Hillbrow Road. - BROMLEY HILL

ESTATE, From Coniston road to Galmont la,

Hilldrop Road.

From Burnt Ash lane, Plaistow. Left Side 1 Pellatt Allen 3 Golding Bertie F. E. 5 Philpott. Alec Ingram 7 Hatch George 9 Sutton Mrs. E. 11 Weeton Charles 13 Singleton Harry 15 Kettle Alfred 17 Sherlrold Thomas 19 Hewett Edwiu Arthur 21 Everett Albert 23 Manning John Right Side 2 Ridley Walter 4 Maher Edward 12 Kiug Albert 14 Long Charles 18 Hall ~li 5S 22 Jenkins John James 24 Lewis James 26 Riches George

Hill View Cottages.

see Burnt Ash lane.

Hol1igrave Road.

From 24 Aldermary road. Left side. 1 Hinchcliffe William 3 Jeffery Mrs. 5 Cutler Henry James 7 Davis Walter 9 Buxton Alfred Henry 11 Chase Gore.on 13 Clark Mrs. Joseph 15 Eaton-Matthews Herbert 17 Ripley Edmund Plowden 19 Davis Bernard F. 21 Mason Bernard 23 Nye Charles 25 Romney Miss 27 Williamson Jeffrey W. 29 Roberts Ernest John 31 Thompson Walter 33 Brown Finden 35 Andrews Mrs. 37 Balfour William 39 Story George Francis

Ho1wood Buildings.

See I[om f'Sd {(le rd.

Holwood Road.-HIGH STItEET.

Right Side from Elmfield road. 2 Bush Jas. Tobin, Moratl-I-Munzil 4 Avis Misses, Studleigh 6 West Miss 12 Gedge Alfred Sydney, Endsleigh 14 Langmore Mrs. F. G. 16 Howlett Philip, Honiton Clyst 18 Inland Revenue Valuation Dept. (A. B. Thomtou, valuer) (District valuer's office) 20 Render Miss 22 Sulman John George, Fairlight 24 N ntting Whitpaine, St. Catherine's Cross and Return. 33 Fertel Frederic, professor of music and organist Parish Church, Holmcroft 33 FertelMrs ,ladies' school, Holmcroft 29 Munson Miss, Raysden 27 Tosland Alexander 25 Billinghurst Edward George, Normanhurst 23 Beaumont Mrs. 21 Boyd Percival, Alcedo 19 Mbkin & Arnold Misses, girls' school, A vonclyffe 17 SandIe Sydney John, Aldersyde 15 Benham Mrs. Lamp Pust ~Letter Box 13 Arnaud John Frederick, Ffitzoe 11 Miles Alfrel} Horsfall, S1. Brelade 7 Labrum Rev. William Arthur Wesleyan J, The Manse 5 Jasper Frederick 3 Walker· Frank H.. Craneton 1 Spain Mrs. .

Homefield Road. - WIDMORE ROAD.

1 Cowing Miss 3 Hess Charles Henry 5 Carter Charles Henry, M.D. 7 Javnes Victor Alexander 9 Welch Henry John, Tintagel 11 Tucker Arthur J., Pelhurst 13 Field Edwin, Cromwell house Cross and Return. 16 Dods Miss 14 Ogilvie Charles Edward Walker 12 Marsh William John. Rostrevor 8 Clark Thomas, Iddesieigh Parker Edmd. Shirley,Southernhay 6 Wilson Percy 4 Hall Mrs. J. H., Stud1aull

Homesdale Road. - BRoMLey COMMON.

Left Side from Bromley Common. 1 Garner Edward il Woodhams J. L. 1[oln:ood Buildings 1 Russell Mrs. H .. tobacconist 2 Murgatroyd Thomas, tailor 3 Brown Charles Stephen, corn dealr Am]1 Villas 1 Soans Percy 2 Terry William Samuel 13 Harding Stanley James 15 Grant Miss 17 Hammond George E. Frederick 19 Woodall Edward A. 21 Child Richard 23 Rook Ernest Franklin 25 Hyde William W. 27 Durdle Harold 29 Hodson Alfred Edward 31 Purvis John 33 Wycherley Mrs. ......... here is Woldham Road ......... 35 Brouard Wm. & Son, furniture dIrs 37 Meathrel S. F., Revelstoke 39 Underwood Alfred Henry 41 McGeorge Henry 43 & 45 Rushbrook Ernest, beer retailer & wine & spirit merchant 47 Brown William 49 Greenaway Charles 51 Ridgway Albert 53 Simmons Harry 55 Ansell Mrs. 57 Piercy Mrs. 59 Copping David 61 Balcomb Frederick 63 Merrett William J. F. 65 Merrett George 67 Fleming George 69 Vincent Albert E.- 71 Pucknell Ernest 73 Walker Wm. Hy. & Son, dairymen Florence Villas 1 Argent Leonard 2 Grinsted Robert Penny 3 Barrow John -William 4 Clifford Arthur James 5 Pay Edward Henry 6 Russell Mrs. Tappenden Mrs, E., Dingley Dell ......... here is Godwin Road ...... 151 Judd Wm. Matthw., Gasworks cot South Suburban Gas Co. (Bromley district) (works)-B. Y, ShoubIidge, engineer 153 Goad William 155 Knight James 157 Vanstone Edward 159 Lee James Thomas 161 Burbridge John 163 Eves Robert T. 165 SMITHFIELD MEAT STORES -F. R. Hawker, manager 167 Looker & Son, newsagents 169 Noble Albert, dining rooms 171 Dew Arthur, fruiterer 177 Ranson Edward 179 Braund Harry 181 Arnold Alfred 183 Willis William John ......... here is Liddon Road ...... 185 Hambly Arthur William 187 Walford George,agent Prudential Assurance Co. Limited 189 Russell Walter Albert 191 Skinner Albert. 193 Lash Ernest 195 ScratR G. B .. window cleaner 197 Willard George 199 Pangbourn Alfred 201 Brill Frank William H; 203 Tomblin Wm. tobcnst.& newsagt. 205 Gumm Frederick Stephen 207 Hawker Alfred Ernest 209 Sunnucks Alfred James 211 Butler J oh11 213 Marshall Mrs. Sarah E., confr. 215 Fitz Mrs. Amy, grocer & c., and Page Heath Post Office ............ here is Canon Road ...... Cross and Return. ...... here are Page Heath Villas ...... 230 Goodacre Mrs. 228 Brandon William 228 Brandon Mrs. C., registry office 226 Smith Robert 224 Brandon William B'rederick 222 Wool head Joseph 220 Day Richard Albert 218 & 216 Swastika Laundry 214 Shingleton Walt. Fritz, rat catcher 212 Welch Albert 210 Gilbert Charles 208 Crockford Thomas Henry 206 Stacey George Henry 204 J elley Bernard 202 c Benjamin H. 198 Wiinbush John 196 Hamblin Richard 194 Baggett Frederick 192 Ewins James 290 Yardley Francis 188 Balham Arthur 186 Baldus John, hairdresser and tobacconist 184 Lord Holmesdale, Mrs. T. Crowe [PH] 182 Parsons James 180 Smith George Thomas 178 Payne James W., greengrocer 176 Drew James G. 174 Cooke Arthur 172 Mortimer Frank 168 & 170 Mussell Mrs. C. I!:., grocer and draper ............ here is Waldo Road ...... 166 Dewberry John, haberdasher 164 Payne Mrs. Eliza, shopkeeper 162 Peill James John Homesdale Brickfield, Peill Bros., proprietors 110 Devine Mark Alfred 108 Hutson Miss 106 Brazier Henry James 104 Newman James 90 Letchford William Thomas 88 Smith Frederick Young 86 Nye James 84 Gilham Alfred Frederick 82 Bull Mrs. 80 Packham :Frederick 78 Berry Henry John 76 Jennings Arthur John 74 Emery & Merrett, laundry 72 Farrow Charles 70 Dove" Sidney James 68 Harris Robert 66 Steele Robert 64: Lewis George 60 Young Henry, marine store dealer 58 East Mrs. A. E., wardrobe dealer 56 J upp Charles 54 Thorn PhilIp 52 Double George, butcher ......... here is Haveelock road ........ 50 Copping Bros., bakers 48 Patten Frank Henry, stationer & newsagent 44 Poole A. H. & Sons, plumbers & decorators 42 Amos Benjamin, grocer 40 Trigg Edwd., hairdresser & tobccnst. 36 Fleet William G., fishmonger 34 Chaston & Sons, fruiterers 32 Chamberlain Mrs. E., draper 26 Saunders George, stationer, and post office 24 Meathrel Sydney F., butcher 22 Plail & Maynard, boot repairers 20 THOMSETT L. J., grocer ...... here is Great Elms Road ....... 18 Cooling Charles E. 16 Hunt George 14 Holding Herbert 10 Hunter John James 8 Lloyd Spencer 4 Harding Fred 2 Fagan Arthur

Hooker's Place.

From 114 High street, 7 Higate George B

Hope Park.

From 80 London road. [No thoroughfare.] South Side. 1 Harris Oscar 2 Taylor Arthur 3 Lewis Sidney Cooke 4: Wheeler William Henry a LtMuJ Herbert 6 Revill Edward Joseph 7 Fagg William Courtney 8 Adkin Benaiah Whitley 9 Higgs Alfred, Woodlands 10 Male WilMlIIl, Nethercourt 11 Driver William Henry 12 Innes Frederick North Side. 14 Foster Charles Frederick, solicitor & commissioner for oaths 15 Thompson C. J. 16 East Sidney ]7 Davidson ,Tames 18 Hind Charles Sidney, solicitor & commissioner for oaths, Cambridge lodge 24 Titford Arthur 25 Bothwell Thomas

Horsley Road, 50 PALACE ROAD.

1 Everest Mrs. 2 O'Regan David 3 Com,ins C. H., bricklayer 4 & 5 Chitty & Son, coachbuilders, & c 6 Brown Thomas

Howard Road.

From ~Pairfield road . Harris Mrs., Beth-Shean Sharp Edward 3 Gibson Joseph James 5 King Charles William 7 Killick James Chapman 9 Mills Robert 11 Holt Alfred 13 Barwell William, grainer 15 Chandler Mrs. 17 Robinson Ja.mes Thomali 19 Burr William Henry 21 Braby Frank 23 Worsfold Thomas, gardener 25 Gibson Arthur Thomas 27 O'Neill Arthur 27 Button Gladstone John 29 Belcey L. 29 Snashall Reginald 31 Poole Ralph A. 31 Downer William 33 Taylor John Alfred 33 Evans James 35 Birch Mrs. 35 Popham Mrs. 37 Pooley Frederick W. 37 Clutterbuck Charles 39 Margery Henry Thomas 39 Pooley Albert 41 Griffiths Henry 41 Follows Wi)jia~ Joseph 43 North Charles 43 Killick Henry Edward, insur. agt 45 Staines Mrs. 45 Potter Harry 47 Revnolds Alfred 47 Ru·mph William Ernest 49 Morgan A. 49 Bray Reginald II. cross and Return, 76 Mears Charles William 74 Drinkwater William Thomas 72 Purdy Christopher Sydney 70 RaIlings Christopher 68 CaIlick Albert H. 66 Hobbs James 64 Burgess Frederick Robert 62 Follett E. G. 60 Eddells James William 58 Riley William Arthur, inspector to Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals 56 Brown Harry 54 Walker John A. 54 Seal Henry James 52 Heslop Arthur 52 Dawson William 5O Aikman James 50 Battson M. 48 WoUe Bertie 48 Bailey Edward 46 Tweed William Albert 44 Deadman Harold 42 Smith Harry 40 Dowling Albert 38 Davis Mrs. A. 36 EIiis Arthur George 34 National Deposit Friendly Society (Central Rnll District) - James Robert OrgIes, sec. 34 Orgles James Robert 32 Apps Arthur W. 30 Walker Joseph 28 Goldberg Hyman 26 Baker Archibald Gilbert 24 Brown Edwin Arthur 22 Way HalTY 20 Harris Robert Cecil 18 Rtevens Frederick William 16 Greenfield George 14 Wilson James A., pianoforte tuner & repairer 12 R(lckall Roger 12A Seller William Frank 1OA Bradford Mrs. 10 Wythe Cyril W. 8 Talbot Charles 8A Heskett James 6 Sobal Barnett 6A Laver Walter 4 Pike Henry Charles 4A Errington Nurse (certificated & maternity) 2 Edwards Walter, window cleaner 2.iBrooks Mrs.

Isard's Yard.

From 8 JIarltet square.

Jackson's Road, 79B ROMLEY COMMON.

East Side. l Averne Miss 3 Hayward Mrs., Knole Hill view 53 Warman John Doran 55 Batchelor William 57 Naylor J. 59 Bee John 61 Bellamy Herbert William 63 Evans Frederick 65 Hallworth William 67 Norman George William 75 Maynard Frederick, boot repairer 77 Dun mall Henry 79 Francis Thomas 81 Smith John James 91 Ewmett Mrs. 93 Kentell Tom 95 Heithus Maurice Albert 97 Barnes William McClellan 99 New Ernest Dewey 103 Ware James William, Kirkby cot. 105 Day William 107 Smith Henry 109 Woodard Arthur 111 Dunman Charles William 113 Malyon Mrs. 115 Wood George West Side. LAMP POST LETTER Box 110 Gurr Henry 108 Pizzey Frederick 106 Edmunds Mrs. 104 Jones Harrv 102 Whitehead" Charles 100 Whitehead William 98 J~owder Harry 96 Sanders William 90 Bateman W., green~rocer 80 Davis William, genernl dealer 74 Johnson William 72 Johnson Richard, jun. 70 Russell William 68 Ackhurst Thomas 66 Boxall John O. 6i Whitehead George 62 Marshall Charles 60 Valle Joseph 54 Reeves James 52 McComas Mrs. 50 Wood Charles 48 Westbrook Charles 36 Hasell Thomas John,' nurseryma& 34 Barnsdale Percy 30 & 32 Whitehead George 28 Whitehead Philip 26 Whitehead Philip James ...... here is footpath to Farnborough ...... 22 Boxall William Charles 20 Perry Arthur, laundT)' 10 Brunning Louis 8 Carter George 4 Waite John James 2 Stratton J., The Bungalow

Ja1fray Road. - BRoMLEY COMMON.

Prom. 71 Southlands road. Right Side. 2 Coveney Joseph 4 Bushell William 6 Oates Stephen 8 Hills Ernest 10 King Arthur 12 Hills Frank 14 Miller Mrs. 16 Pearson George 18 Parfitt Charles 20 Appleton Mrs. 22 Hackett Alfred 2-! Hagell Mrs. 26 Caton Stephen 28 Ward William 30 Veness Charles 32 Hopgood Sidney Maurice 34 Allen Charles Burt 36 Harris Bert, vocalist ...... here is Bonrne road Cross and Return. Left Side. 1 Bishop William 8 Stringer Charles Henry ......... here is Nelson road

Johnson Road. - 57 BROMLEY COMMON.

Left Side. 1 Austen Harry Horace, r.onfectionr. 8 Edmunds Albert 5 Brooke Josiah 7 Wyatt William Walter Ii& 13 Greensmith Frank, laundry 15 Warboys Charles 17 Count Charles William 19 Milstead Mrs. 21 Yeates AHd. Jas. wheelwright, & c. 23 Beauchamp William Charles 25 Hopwood Mrs . 27 Keep Frederick Charles 29 Saunders Arthur 31 Eve Harry 33 King Archibald 35 Smith Arthur 37 Clymer Frederick 39 Greenfield John Cross and Return, 46 Bartholomew Bert 44 Stream Mrs. 42 Orchard Hand Laundry 40 Wickes George 38 Pantry, Mrs. 34 Dowling Harold 32 Smith Ernest-. 30 Smith Frederick John 24 Darby Walter George, boot repr 22 King Walter Joseph . 20 Bates Mrs. 18 QuiIi Wllliam 16 Shersby Benjamin Edward 14 Burton Albert Edward 12 Sanders Misses 10 Prior Richard, builder 2 Stream Mrs.

King'S Avenue.

From Quernmere road. Right Side. How Alfred Phillip, Cleobury Daniels Sydney, Malabar Crockatt William, Kincraig Girliug Robert,_Kerval Seares Frederick George, Wynhurst Shearer William, Swinton }j'entiman Alfred George, Westwood Left Side. Farmer Walter, Hurworth Wallis-Whiddett Fdk. Geo., Devondale Fraser Alfred G., Ardmore Brame Edwin Singleton, Northwood Sedgley Walter, Holmwood Bingley Frederick, Carnoustie Brough Conway B., Kandersteg Zwicker Carl, The Homestead Harrington William Joseph, Park cot. Hope Francis Henry Wm., Kitsilano

Kinnaird Avenue.

From London lane to Park Avenue. Right Side. Whittingham Frederick. Kimberley Quelch Henry Charles, Sunnyroede Day-Lewis Frank E., Skerries Bighop Ernest, Ronda. . .. Hale Frederick Marten, Furzederfe Lee Myer Barnett, solicitor & commissioner for oaths, Sherwood cottage Left Side. Clark William Horace, Roselawn Adams Francis, Longshore Mann Arthur Edward,Farrington Imray James, Mogador Hill C, G., Penshurst Drew Mrs., Druids Croft Spicer Leonard, Stanmore Batham Frederick Charles, Fowey

Lake Avenue.

From Burnt Ash lane to Avondale rd. East Side. Benson John Allanson, Ghyll-Thorne Baker Montford, Connemara Simson Percival A., Wickham bury West Side. Alderton Ernest, Banshee Austin William J., Alma Barrett Miss, Dene Croft Phillips Frank, Titicaca Stanger Mrs., St. Ives Adams Horace, Courteenhall Mollwo Carlo, Burnham lodge Sroee Sidney, Foresterre Nussey John M., Inverleith

Langdon Road.

From Wenclover road. Left Side. 1 Latten William Frederick 3 Sanderson Mrs. M. 5 Barker William K. 7 Strutt William 9 Ray John 13 Hodge Miss 15 Crowe G. L. Right Side. 2 Botting Mrs. 4 Hatton Robert 6 Fone William Charles 8 Coulter Robert Perry 10 Gardner Richard Percy'- 12 Townly Frederick W. H. 14 Davies Miss ~ - 16 Avery Herbert 18 Roberts Frank Percival 20 Hurdman Arthur Vere

Lansdowne Road.-PLAISTOW.

Left Side. ] Good Alfred Walter, Sunnymead 3 Hindley Edward H., Shirley 5 Morice Beaumont, LL.B (Recorder of Hythe, Kent). Treffiys ... ... here is Babbacombe road 15 Springate Henry 17 Ellery William 19 Powell John 21 Ranson Joseph 23 Everett Richard 25 Palin Milbert, buildf'r ...... here is footpath fo Sherman road ...... 27 Bilham William 29 Beet Henry Bohun, Brae side ...... ... here is Crescent road ...... 39 Poingdestre Alfred Phillip Cross and Return. 64 Young Joseph Orr, Ardmore 62 Parks George 60 Boothroyd Ernest 58 Sherriff Fras. Hy. l!'.M.A., Helston 56 Cuhu Thomas 54 Payne Rev. Charles Edgar [curate of St. Mary, Plaistowl 52 Affleck Edward Gordon 51 Warren Thomas Henry 50 Bossom William Henry ...... here is footway to Plaistow la ...... 48 Gean Mrs. 46 Jankinson H., gardener 44 Bryant Albert John 42 York W. F. 40 Gallop Arthur Robert 38 Lawrence Edward, Ley ton 36 Goad William Lewis 34 Legg Frank 32 Parsons Edwin 30 Davis Albert 28 Badder Francis Sidney 26 Ayling Joseph Thomas 18 Case C. A., Glendale 16 Cole W. F. Castell. Ferndale 14 Henderson Mrs., Maisonnette 12 Rush Herbert, Lansdowne 10 Tress Mrs. 8 Inglis Walter Henry. South View 6 Haycock Charles John, Clovelly 4 Layton John, Rosella 4 Layton John Edward, Roselea 2 Brown Andrew, East Dene

Lewes Road. - WlDMorE

Right hand Side. Willson Walter R. & Sons. smiths and farriers Granger Robert, builder and decorator (workshops) 6 Page Henry 8 Church Charles 10 West Reuben Herbert 12 Dowlen Mark 14 Sellicks David Charles Cross and Return. 11 West Bros., livery and bait stables 9 West James Herbert 7 Hinton William 5 Aylward Frederick John, gardener 3 Harris Mrs. E. & Son, carting contractors 1 Fry Frederick

Liddon Road -183 H0mESDALE ROAD.

Right Side. 2 Craker Charles 4 Simmons Frederick 6 Smith Anstin, bootmaker 8 Bax T. G. lO Wiffen Mrs. 12 Thorn John 14 Joyce Mrs. 16 Jovce Mrs. 18 Maskell Arthur 20 Bayman Henry Thomas 22 Cook Harry 24 Smith Albert Frederick & Son, sign writers 26 Clark William 28 Middleton Richard Grant 30 Baggett George J. 32 Flack Arthur Ernest 34 Jackson James 36 Palmer Frederick 38 Banham George 40 Gibbens Erlward 42 Harris P. A. 44 Muncey W. E. 46 Thurling James 48 Godfrey Joseph 50 Bottin Thomas William 52 Sharp Eli 54 Miles Alfred 56 Ford Thomas 58 Gilbert William 60 Osborn W. J. 62 Vousden H. E. 64 Tomlinson William Henry 66 Foster Frederick 68 Willon William 70 New William 72 White Harold 74 Renolds Mrs. 76 Button Herbert 78 Franklin Mrs. 80 Hastings Elijah Left Side. 5 King Arthur Edward 7 Cole Charles 9 Penfold William 11 Smitherman Frederick 13 Penfold William John 10 West Arthur 17 Simmons Miss 19 Hodder Frederick 21 Robinson William 23 Gristwood Henry 25 Woodhouse Joseph 27 Bennett John 29 Brown Frederick 31 Oliver H. 33 Manley George 35 Dewey Mrs. L. E. 37 GIlY Alfred 39 Gltle Robert E. 41 Metcalfe Mrs. C.. wardrobe dealer 43 Barnes Thomas . 47 Eves E. M. & E. shopkeepers


Right Side - from Edward Road. 2 Ryall Frederick. Briarwood Forward Arthur, Beech hurst 6 BelJ Rev. Jn. [Wesleyan], Craigmore

Logs Hill.

See Park Farm, road.

London Lane-from Plaistow to London Road.

...... here is College road ......... 82 Wallace Jesse Stewart Johnson Louis Arthur. Ramleh Smith William, Wilhayes ......... here is Fairfield road ...... Godelmann Ferdinand C., Lyndhurst Peachey James, Hindover Pitts Arthur, Shelley Lewin Miss, Senlac lodge Clark F. Stafford, Blackmoor Smith Keith, Meadow view Bellhow\e Mrs., Langley ....... , here is Albert road ....... Warmington Gerald Hy., Hayes cot. Rings Frederick, Daheim Crouch Mrs., Holmdene Buna Henry Peter Ernans, Hawthorpe Sheppard Miss S., Montpelier Wood Miss, Thomond Boden Robert H., Dene holme Edwards Cecil Harry, Cheveley Sloan Walter B., Glenconner Simmopds Frank William, Dunchurch Shakespear Miss, Woodbourne Myring :Ernest C., Lyndale Wenham George H., Charnwood cot ......... here is Heatlifield Road ......... ......... here is W Qmer Road ...... Wall Letter BOX 6 Wood Mrs. W. G., Sywell 4 Steven Rev. George Forbes, M.A. 2 Fraser John, Gablecroft Cross and Return. 5 Hessenberg Ernest, Reckenhall 7 Way landEd wd.Robt.,Heatherdene 9 Crockford T. S., Wyverstone 11 Strafford George, Mayfield 13 Pritt Harry Walter, Branksome 15 Mimpriss Sydney Trevor 17 Carrie Patrick Anderson, Davaar 21 Hoppe William Henry, .Redlands 23 Dives James. Kingsbury Ashton Cyril, Wychelm 43 Wilson Edward Dwight 45 Butler William Camp {9 Swayne Gerald, Roystons 51 Lewin Lieut.-Col. Wilfred Hale, Dorunda ...... here is footpath to Southend ...... ... here is Kinnaird avenue . 57 Stedman Edwin C., Gersholl 59 Cockhead LeslieGeo., The Thwaite Loly Mrs. S. S. M., Quernmore Schl Quernmore School Charles Frederick Braithwaite, B.A., head master 63 Howe Arthur John, Homelands 65 Mead H. A" Ederlyn 67 Throndsen har, Whitecot 69 Smart Fredk. Chas. O"Thornhayes 71 Woodcock Mrs., Dunedin 13 Edwards Henry, Wynnstay 75 Nalty Herbert, Carlton house 77 Farrell Frank J. F., Woodgate Wall Letter Box Solbe Frank de Lisle, Heathercroft 87 Dandridge Absolom, ~trathmore ...... here is Burnt Ash lane ......

London Road.

Continuation from High street to London lane. West Side. Baldock Fredk. Edwd. cycle man 1 Savory Miss, maternity nurse 3 Taylor H., restaurant 5 Ilott, Grant-Wilson, Henshaw & Ilott, physicians & surgeons, St. Winnows 5 Grant-Wilson Charles Westbrooke M.R.C.S.,L.R,c.p.Lond., physician & surgeon, St. Winnows 7 Whitfill Miss, lark lodge 9 Filby Elmer George, Sunnyside 9A Whiffin Miss A. M. 11 Foxwell Sydney H. E. 13 Boumer Arthur C., Lauriston 27 Evans Edmund F., ,Rocklands 29 Dymott Gemld L., L.D.s.Eng., dentist, Willow Rank 31 Bradbury Mrs. 33 Lady Margaret Hosp£tal -The Hon. Florence Colborne,hon. sec. 33 Oldfield Josiah, M.A.., D.C.L., M.R.C.S.,L.R.C.P., physn. & surgn. 35 Smith Charles Marsh, Mersham 10 ............ here is Blythe road ...... 37 Davenport Richard Cartwright, chemist 39 Young James & Co. Limited, coach & motor body builders 39 Telephone Call Office 41 Botterill John Benjamin 43 Pickard C. & Sons, harness makers 45 Jephson Mrs. F. M., confectioner 47 Gingold S., hairdresser 49 Beardsall Edward, fancy repository 51 Job Walter, watchmaker 53 Hunt Stephen, grocer ........... here is Park b'nd ............ 55 Potter John, baker 57 Layton Wm. Robert 59 English Frederick John 61 Hunt Miss 63 Sparks Mrs. 65 Balls Frederick 67 Walker & Wicks, tailors 69 Snelgrove Mrs. 69 Testar C. 0., bootmaker 73 Giovanni Pedro, tobacconist 75 Bedingfield Victor Harry, stationer, Printer - Telegraph Office i7 Berry. Edwaid, butche 79 Carrick Samuel, bootmaker 81 Gibbs Percy James. beer retailer 83 Heather Harold F., cycle & motor engineer 85 Linnell T. H., grocer 85 Telephone Call Office 87 King W. & Sous, fruiterers 89 Fielding Ernest, draper 91 Hills Reginald, butcher 93 Morgans William R., dairy 105 Bolwell William 107 King Jn. Ernest, jobbing gardenr ......... here is Highland road ...... 111 lIale Mrs. G. S. 113 Mee Miss 115 Dussek A. E. H., Maitland lodge 117 Blyth Mrs., Testwood ......... here is Oaklands road ......... 121 Murray Mrs. 123 Wakeley Mrs., Sherborne 125 Harnett Arthur, Colyton ......... here is Spencer road ......... Wall Letter Boil' 129 Flint Arthur Rest, Bracken bank ......... here is Oaklands road . 131 Bromley Park Estate Office T3l Richardson Mrs. T. East Side. ...... here is London Lane leading to Plaistow ..... 122 Walters Col.Herbt.A.,Leyland ho. 120 Denny Alfred, Elstow lodge 118 Mordaunt William Hy.,Montrose 118 Mordaunt Miss Ethel Amy, M.D.Brux., L.R.c.P.S.Ed.,L.R.l" .P.S. alas, pbysn. & surgn, Montrose 116 Harvey-Jellie Mrs., Fernside 114 Wright Alfred, Rosebank 112 Wood Mrs., St. Helens Bromley Cemetery, George Huxley. superintendent ......... here is Wamer road ......... 108 Hinchliffe Brothers, masons In~ Hi'lchliffe Mrs., Holmdene 106 Sly Alfred Henry, inspector Diseases of Animals Acts, Kent County Council (Bromley district) & Bromley Borough Council, Holmfield 104 Maccann Charles Edward 102 Loveday William, insurance agt 102 Loveday Mrs. M., servants' registry office 100 Jackson George 100 Jackson Mrs. M. F., dressmaker 98 National Deposit Friendly Society (Bromley & Plaistow District) -Harry Parrell Steer, sec. 98 Steer Harry Parrell ........ .here is Heathfield Road ......... 96 Carter John Murray, Lyndhurst 94 Redington J. E. 92 Mellon Harry H, 90 Lees Misses, Myrtle ,villa 88 Hodge Thomas 84 Smith Mrs. Stafford, Woodlands 82 Ray Miss, preparatorY school for boys, Havelock house Wall Letter Box ........... .here is Hope Park .......... ;. ......... here is Weston Road ..... :.. 70 Bateman Mrs 68 Hatch Mercer, photographer 66 Philpot Thomas William Austin Builder & decorator 64 Catmur Thomas Studey 62 Bennett Miss 60 Hunt Richard 60 Hunt Henry R., deputy registrar of marriages 58 Hartridge Joseph & Son, builders Fire Alar1n 56 Knappett David &: Son, florists, Park nursery 54 The Beech Tree Hotel . .John D. Kincey [PH] ........... here is Farwig lane ...... 52 Stockwell Daniel, livery stables & motor garage Central Hall [ Wesleyan] St. John Ambulance. Brigade, Bromley Division (B Section) -.J. MathewS Gll, M.n. hon. surgeon; Corporal Huckle, hon. sec., Central hall Wall Letter Box ............ here i.~LOl/.!ljil'ltl ............ 46 Simmonds Algernon 44 Cox Benjamin 42 Marsden James Whittaker ...... here is Hammelton road ...... 36A, Beynon George Thomas 3GB, Marriott Harold Arthur 34A, Wake Mrs. E. 34n, Bryant Mrs. E. 32 Webb Stanley, cycle & Motor manufacturer 30 Hodge M. A. & C., ladies' and children's outfitters 30A, Darby Henry 3OB, Webb Bertram, pianoforte tuner 28B, Provident Clothing Supply Co. Limited 26 Grisbrook Stephen, chemist 24 Partridge Frederick, grocer 22 Sawer Miss, confectioner :W Spooner Mrs. W. E , draper 18 Law Thomas, harness maker 16 Adney & Rawlins, boot repairers ......... here is Tweedy Road ......... 14 Follett Joseph & Sons, bakers, & Post Office 12 Willats Leonard Howard, stationer 12A, Howell Miss, nurse lOA. Bird Miss, uurse lOA, Oakden Mrs. 10 Ginns Frank, bootmaker 8 Costin Miss A. M., ladies' and children's outfitter 8 Garlick .John Walter 6 Diamond Domestic Store (C. G. Beasley, proprietor) l Cole Albert S., fruiterer


Prom London Road. Sanders Mrs. 2 Burkitt Mrs. B Nicholson Miss 4 Slater Miss 5 Cox Mrs.

Lower Gravel Road.

See Grarel Road (Lower).

Lownds Avenue.-MARKET SQUARE.

Bennett Joshua, Rose bank 2 Lloyd Maurice 3 West Mrs. 3A, Saunders Mrs. 4 Luke Percy 4A, PascalI· Mrs. Ii Cheesman John 5A., Silcox Nelson George 6 Hobday Miss 6A., Fotherg-ill The Misses 7 Priter MlS. Foale 7A, Jennings Miss 8 Yeh'erton Mrs. 8A., Joiner Samuel 9 Re:lding Herbert George 10 Sessions Mrs. lOA, Rubenstlorffer Mrs. 11 Goodman Miss llA, Bryant Miss 12 Myring Mrs. 13 Fairbain Miss Spiers & Pond, Limited (David J. Lewarne, manager), Stores depot Pldllips Mamorial Heamepathic Hospital Di,~jJensal·y-H. Wynne Thomas, M.RC.S. & H. H. Hamsbotham, M,B , n.s., han. medical officer~; Albert Wm. Henly,M .R.C.S.,L. D.S. R,C. S.Eng., residental surgeon; Miss Hyde, matron; O. E. Hill, hOll. sec.; Thomas Bennett, hon. tres. ...... here is the Queens Garden .....

Lyehett Road.

From Pladstow lane to Minster rd. North Side. t Burton Edward Richardson 3 Tolhurst John 5 Cox Percy 7 Clark Arthur Francis 9 Cramp RQbert 11 Randall Ernest Edmund 13 4uenten John 15 Heyward Bert Edward 17 Schubert Willy 19 Smith Ernest 21 Bevan Harold


From Higltland road. Right Side. Rudge W. M., jun., Park house 1 O'Neill Hugh 2 Shoobridge Frederick John Humphryes James Hulse, Meadow Croft Lepper John H., Fairfield Arthur John Daniel, Pendcnnis Pollack Walter, Miramar Curwen Henry, Birkby Mitchell Thomas, Thornhill Wall Lt'ttrr Bo,t! ..... here is Bromley II t't'?I1tt: ........

Madras Flats.

See College road.

Magpie Hall Lane. --SouTHBOROUGH,

[Letters through Bickley.] 2 Durnford P. B., The Hive 6 Selby Frederick, The Barn 8 Eyre Arthur, Branscomb~ 12 Jefferson John England, Kestel's 5 Walker E. W., Edgbaston Hickmot William, 1 Racecourse cots Wickenden Jas., 3 St. Luke's Cemetery Johnson John, supt., Cemetery 10

Manor Cottages.

See Hayes lane


Building Material Merchants, Tilers, Slaters and Lathers, Stone &. monumental masons BUILDERS' IRONMONGERS. Glass. Lead. Oil and Colour Merchants. Bromley North Station, AND Sherman's Road, Bromley North.

Market Square.

1 & 2 MAUNDER \Y. LIMITED, bakers, cooks and confectioners 3 Podger & Sons, launderers. dyers and cleaners 4 & 5 Freeman, Hardy & Willis Lim., boot & shoe warehouse 5 School for Shorthand & Typewriting -Co & Wo Shafto { Holroyde William Frederick, 5 solicitor & comssnr. for oaths Croome John F., collector of King's taxes 5 Shaw & Son, solicitors & commissioners for oaths 6 Skilton William F., butcher 7 & 8 Isard E. & Son, wholesale oilmen & c
............ here is Isard's yard . ...... here are West and East streets . ......... here 'is Widmore road . 12 & 13 Collins Herbert Ltdo, drapers 14 Curwood George, outfitter 15 Dell William, naturalist & seedsman 16 Haylock J. W. Lim., boot manufrs. 17 Winton',~ Drllg 00. Ltd., chemists 18 Grinsted Daniel Ltd., corn, coal & seed merchants 19 Buckland George, florist 20 Marks & Spencer Limited, bazaar 21 Fawsitt Frederick, leather seller 22 Meredith Owen, stationer 22 Market Cigar Stores (The) 23 Brewer Jasper Henry, tailor 24 Nelson James & Sons Ltd., butchers. 25 l'UTT H. & SONS, fishmongers & poulterers ...... here are Stanhope villas and footpath to Widmore and Masons Hill rLatter & Willett, solicitors I Latter Edward, solicitor & comI missioner for oaths, clerk to the Justices for Bromley divi26 j sian & registrar & .high bailitI ) of county court Willett Ed wd. Archibald, solicitor· Bromley 9' South Eastern Permanent Investment Building Society, W. F. Masters, sec.


Painter & House Decorator, Plumbing, Paperhanging, & c. REPAIRS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION TO HOUSE PROPERTY. a ESSTMATES FREE . 47, West Street, BROMLEY, Kent (4 doors from Col1ege Slip).

Temperance Institute & Public Refreshment Rooms The) (G. S. Badder, sec.) (Old Court house) ........... here is High Street ............ Greig David, provision merchant, Savoy house 29 Payne E. W., jeweller 30 Appleton Ernest A., dining rooms 31 Whitewood's, fruiterers & greengrocers 32 Dulce's Head, Thos. Percy Thomas 33 Skinner & Grant, tailors 34 Doyle John, hairdresser 34A Strachan Alfred, clothier 35 Lovibond John & Sons Limited, brewers ( Police station, Inspector Vincent I. Coster Latter Hngh Robinson, architect and surveyor Buxton Alfred Hy., district supt. I Prudential Assurance Co. Ltd First Chnrch of Christ Scientist

Marlborough Road. - BaOMLEY COMMON.

From 39 Wellington Road to Havelock Road . 1 Morris Robert 2 Fisber William 3 Dunford Charles Henry 4 Howitt John . 5 Andrews Arthur Percy 6 Jones Thomas 7 Osborne Frederick 8 Bromley Model Laundry Limited ......... here is Raglan road ......... ......... here is Haveloak road .. ......

Martins Road. - SHORTLANDS.

Left Side-From Recreation Road. 1 Mayhew George 3 Field. Charles, juur., bootmaker . 5 Baldock Frederick 7 Robinson Walter James: 9 Brown James ]1 Manning Charles ......... here is entrance to Recreation ground .............. 13 Sherwood Mrs. 15 Crickett Alfred Richard 17 Cheal Edwin 19 Lee Wil1ium John 21 Pascoe Joseph, gardener & florist 23 Knight William Charles 25 Hillier A. J. 27 Moore Henry George 29 Carr Mrs. L. 31 Hoare Mrs. 33 Ureen Frederick J. 35 Hatch Frederick 37 Ford Henry 39 Russell William 41 Crook Mrs. 43 Furr Herbert 45 Pinion Thomas 47 Trowell William 49 Taylor William Henry 49 Taylor William Henry, jun. turn cock Metropolitan "Water Board (Kent district) 51 Cooper Edward 53 Broomham John T. 55 Raynham Charles 57 Hope James 59 Flack Herbert 61 Daniell Edwin, tailor 63 Taylor George Charles 65 Bennett Mrs. 67 Cane Henry 69 Arthurs Henry 71 Clark John 73 Ramsey William 75 Rooksby Albert Edward 77 Eggleton John E. 79 Hollamby Charles 81 Cox Henry E. 83 Weight Albert 85 Hill Mrs. 87 Wells ted Louis 89 Searle Levi James 91 Johnson Frederick J. 93 Gatton Edgar V. 95 Withycombe Thomas Henry 95 Witbycombe Wm. Hy. cab proprtr. ...... here is Shortlands Station S.E.{rC.R. ...... Cross and Return. 102 Randall A. J., confectioner 100 Sharp Frank, fishmonger 98 Miller William James, bootmaker 96 Wailing John, general shop 94 Smith Joseph 92 Johnson Mrs. Shortlands Congregational Church, Rev. Arthur Edward Abel, pastor 82 Barnett Frank 80 Clacey Arthur 78 Bartlett Charles 76 Smith Thomas Albert 74 Gritton H. 72 Gurling George 70 Clarke Will., builder &, decorator 68 Brigden Henry 66 Finn David 64 Minty John 62 Taylor Fred 60 Clarke Thomas, jobbing gardener 58 Compton James 56 Marfleet George 54 Potter Mrs. 52 Dennis Edward 50 Eley Hobert 48 Austen William Frederick 46 Shepherd William 44 Harris William Henry 42 Stenning Mrs, 40 Brown George 38 Minter Robert W. 36 Upton Alfred William 34 Hall John C. 32 Elson Alfred John 30 Mackriell William 28 Flack Alfred 26 Witham William 24 Chance William 22 Melrose Peter 20 Brown George 18 Bullock Henry 16 Parsons George 14 Smith Mrs. 12 Johnson Walter 10 Johnson James 8 Sivyer AUgURtus William 6 Johnson Thomas Albert 4 Craker Samuel 2 Coles Henry, plumber

Masons Hill.

...... from Railway Station to Homesdale Road. 1 Railway Signal, Mrs. E. E. Carpenter [PH] ............ here is Gravel Pits ....... 3 Terry Walter Louis, baker 5 Speller Harry, greengrocer 11 Holloway George L., leather sellr. 13 Johnson John, tobacconist 15 Meathrell Sydney F., buteher 17 Mead L. & Co., corn & coalmerchts 19 Pelly J ohu, confectioner 21 Waddell F. J., fishmonger 23 Palmer Brothers, cycle makers ......... here are Vale Cottges ......... 25 Uridge's High. Class Stores 27 Turner George & Co., ironmongcrs 29 Vickers Percy, hairdresser 31 Macnamara Pearce O'R., tobccnst. 33 Budd Walter B., bootmaker 37 Batchelder Frederick Wm., draper 39 Hinton G. H., confectioner 41 Crouch J. Morton, ironmongcr 41 Telephone Call Office ......... here is St. Mark's road ........ 43 Coulter George, decorator 43A Thompsett Edwin W. 45 Lenton Frederick, photog-rapher 47 May John William, watchmaker & jeweller 49 Bowie H. Drummond, ironmonger 51 Mead Lorenzo, Conway villa 53 Lane Mrs., Aber villa 55 Howe William Henry 57 Rowsell Wilfred ......... here is Exmouth Road ......... 59 Hodgkinson-Patten Herbert John, Littleham 61 Coad Mrs. R. Ho, Marley ........ here is Talbot Road . ...... here is footpath to Widmore Road 65 Dunford Sidney, builder 65 Pointer Henry, bootmaker Wall Letter Box 67 Threadkell Arthur 73 Highbury Furnishing Co. Limited 73 Alexander Madame, dressmaker ......... here is Prospect Place .. :.. :... 15 Alnott T. T. & Sons, fruiterers 77 Crossley Henry, builder: deeorator & sanitary engineer 79 Longhorn Frederick James, pieture frame dealer 81 Pearce Walter H., confectioner 85 Crofts H. E., baker 87 & 89 Hammersley Noel 91 Crouch J. MortOll 93 Soans, Dunn & Jones, engineers . ...... here is Wendover road ....... 95 Bennett Miss Janette. costuruiere 97 Coleman Sydn'ey F., Drayton 99 Duthoit Mrs.. Fairnden 101 Sutton Frt:derick 103 Barnard Mrs. 105 Prcchtel Alfred, Westdene 107 Pfeil 'Mrs. William, The Laurels 109 Ley James 111 Anderson F. B. 113 Bertolle W. J. Langford 115 Faulkner Oswald . 117 Bassett William R.. Chardstock Bond & Co., florists & nurserymen 119 Follett Jesse,grocr. & Post Offiee 121 Beadle Miss L. H., fruiterer 123 Eastes Miss H., fancy repos. 125 Willson W. H. & Co., builders 127 Schneider Paul, hairdresser 129 West Kent Tobacco Co., wholesale tobaceonists 131 Head Ernest, boot repairer 137 Whayman Misses E., G. & M .. linen drapers ..... here is Devonshire Square ..... 139 Wheeler & Longthorne, butchers 143 Brieklayers Arms, Mrs. Isabel Mary Greed [PH] ...... here are Napier and Stanley roads ... 145 Hixon William 145 Woodhams John L. & Sons, builders & contractors 147 Timmis John, chemist 149 Taylor Miss Sarah, day school 149 Taylor Joseph & Son, builders 149 Stace & Elliot, farriers 14!fABrouard William & Son, furniture dealers 151 Palmer H. P., tar pavior, & c. 153 Brewer Frank Fester 155 Montague Whiffen, Homefield 159 Clark Albert 161 Oliver Mrs. 163 Coomber Arthur Benjamin 165 Legg Joseph, statiouer 167 Knowles John Co. (London) Limited, ironmongers 169 Bridger Charle~, dairyman ...... Homesdale Road, leading to Widmore, Bickley and Chislehurst .. Pillar Letter Box Fire Alarm Cross and Return. ............ here is Hayes Lane ..... 48 Lynch-White Mrs., The Hollies 46 Hughes Edmund 44 Barber William 42 Baker Charles M., Woodgate 38 Balchin Mrs., Inverness lodge 36 Woodward William, Cosbie 32 Sharp Henry, Newlands 30 Selby H. T., Northfield 28 Catchpole Septimus, St. Heliers 26 Jasper Nicholas Paul, St.Brannocks 24 Pollett Miss, St. Aubyns 22 Hennah William E., Lodore 20 Browne Mrs., Frascati 18 Anderson Joseph Barrington, St. Anne's 16 Cooling Charles ..... here is Footpath to Hayes 14 Tiger's Head, Wm. Housden Wood [PH] 12 McArthur Duncan Romaine, M.D., physician & surgeon, Ravenscroft .......... here is Cromwell avenue and footpath to Hayes ............ The Masonic Hall (Bromley & West Kent Masonic Hall Co. Limited)- H.J.Titford,sec,; Wm. Owen,steward Bromley Motor & Engineering Works , (R. E. Anthony, A.M.I.M.E.) Masons Hill Elementary Schools.- Girls - Miss Barnes, 'mistress Infants - Miss Longford, mistress Petty A.. G. & Co., shop & office fitters, builders, & c. Bromley South Private Garages -A. G. Petty & Co., proprietors' White' Thos. L., antique furniture dlr. ...... here is Sandford road, and South Hill Park. ...... 6 Two Brewers,Mrs. Fry Elr 4 Field Charles, bqot maker 2 Pace George,' windoW cleaner 2 Rogers G, & Son. jobmasters & contractors 2 Telephone Call Office ...... here is Simpsons road' ,..

Mavelstone Road.

From Park Farm road to Sundridge avenue . Left Side. Crutch W. F., The Mount Hickman John Roe, Stotfold Right Side. l::)tonard Louis, Albemarle grange Vinson William, Ma\Telstone Lamp Post Letter Box

Mead Villas.

See Crescent road,

Meadow Road.

Left Side. -From 96 Beckenham Lane. 1 Ransley Edward 3 Anderson Charles J. 5 Ferris William H. 7 Fulluck G. 9 Fromings William H., Ferndale 11 Jullie Francis E., Haslemere 13 Dawes Alfred C. P. 15 Daniel Frank Charles 17 Watmore Arthur 19 Tickner L., Springfield 21 Henney Alexander 23 Tucker John 25 Foinette Carl 27 Lowe Ezekiel 29 Lock H. 31 Richmond William 31 Clarke A. 33 Bassett Percival James 35 Taverner John 37 Reynolds James W. 39 Harrison George William 41 Powlson Cyril '.- 45 Boon ,Frederick. . . , . 47 Harman Mrs. Cross and Return. 50 Luckhurst John William 48 Lewin Frederick 46 Carter Charles George 44 Nash Stephen 42A, Brazier Thomas 42 Field Percy 40A., Sheppard Miss 40 Whittaker Charles 38 Attwood Frederick 36 Kelly William 34 Schupbach George Frederick 32 Rhodes Henry U. 30 Oakden Chiules Henry 28 Griffiths Thomas 26 Ewins Henry 24 Freeman H. P. 22 Pike Frederick J. 20 Pinion Thomas W. 18 Smith James William 16 Peugelly Frederick George 14 Williams Samuel 12 Braybon Ebenezer 10 Johnson Frederick Charles 8 Lee James 6 Nicholls Mrs. 4 Brett Frederick

Milk Street. - PLAISTOW.

From Burnt Ash lane.

Minster Road.

From Plaistow lane. Right Side. 2 Atkins Frank William 4 Tarrant Charles 6 Crossley WIlliam Arthur 8 Wise Harold 10 Spong John S. 12 Stockham Ernest. 14 Way Henry 16 Sunman William Joseph, Pedna Vounder 18 Adams Charles Hayes . 20 Rose Ernest George 22 Smallwood Josias William 24 Bulleid William H: 26 Johnson A. W. 28 Youug Herbert Hal~ .' Left Side. 1 Besant Miss 3 Misselbrook Charles Leopold 5 Lister Frank 7 Care Miss 9 Bauer M. ......... here is Lyeliett road 11 Neumayer Friedrich 13 Evans Mrs. 15 Buchanan David 17 Duke George William,

Mooreland Road.

From 27 Farwig lane to We,~t(ln grove, Farwig:' West Side. 1 Munday Mrs. 3 Lane Miss 5 Staples Henry 7 Maddock George Alfred 9 Waters Percy 11 Fox George 13 Burch Charles Henry 15 Podger Robert 17 Palin HeDlY 19 Deane Harry 21 Skinner William 23 Hockley Mrs. 25 Cost Edward 27 Knight John James' 29 Howes George Longton 31 Freeman Alma William 33 Hoskins Alfred 35 Ralph Arthur 37 Everest Robert 39 Phillips Thomas Herbert 41 Nobbs William . , 43 Etheridge George, chimney sweep 45 Pryer Mrs. . .' 47 Podger Sydney 49 Andrews George 51 Skinner Frederick 53 Harwood WilliliIll B. 55 Baker Ernest James 57 Fuller William John 59 Wickenden George 61 Reeves Henry Russell 63 Ha~den Herbert Stephen East Side - from Farwig. 2 James Alfred 4 Duncan Henry 6 Chance Robert, cartage contractor 8 Phillips William 10 Smith Alfred 12 Painter Chas. 14 Walker Charles 16 Painter George 18 Ashdown Albert 20 Freeman Philip Herbert 22 Waters Abel 24 Waters William 26 Osborne Edwin 28 Cooper Maurice William 30 TufHey Frank 32 Hickmore William James 34 Willson Henry 36 Wood Harry 38 Hitchcock George 40 Amer Charles 42 Clare Mrs. 44 Hills Henry 46 Bateman John 48 Hopgood Arthur 50 Mockford W. 52 Axcell William, bootmaker 54 Jackson Miss 56 Fisher Miss

Morgan Road.

From 51 College road. Left Side. Stalhvorthy Fredk. J., bootmaker 3 Whitewood James 5 Pilcher George Edward 7 Newman John 9 Matthews Herbert 11 Eves Alfred Ernest 13 Geary William Henry 15 Scarbrough Thos., carver & gilder 17 Morgan George William 19 Saunners William 19 Hatch Charles 21 Bengeyfield Louis 23 Kingsley Walter William 25 Harbour Harry 27 Bryant William 29 Kenzie Mrs., laundry ......... here is Hon'ard road ...... 31 Stevens Frank 31 Aylward Abram 33 Poole Alfred M. 33 Thorpe Frederick 35 Taylor A. Ernest 35 Gladwell Charles 37 Thomson Mrs. 37 O'Brien Thomas 39 Page William 41 Burgess Arthur John 41 Mock Frederick Charles 43 Blyth J. 43 Philp Harry 45 Venter Frederick 47 Dixon Mrs. 47 Batchelor Arthur 49 Spencer MIS. 49 Mordaunt Ethel Amy M.D.Brux., L.R.C.P.S.Ed.,L.R.F.p.s.olas. (surgery) 51 Bathe J. E. 51 Henham Harry 53 Davies H. C. 53 Hamilton Robert 55 Dabnor Thoma&Henry 55 Mutimer Herbert Walter 57 Bligh Henry Charles 57 Stringer Alfred 59 Covil William 59 Rogers Mrs. 61 Mayo Albert 61 Farman F. 63 Austin Thomas 63 Baynton William Alfred 65 Bellamy Alfred 65 Nicholls Frank 67 Reader George 67 Taylor R. 69 Marriott Charles Ernast 69 Williamson F., insurance agent 71 Sinyard John 73 Venters Albert Edward 73 Bartlett Mrs. 75 Merrall William 75A Nicholls Claud Leonard Right Side. 2 Ellis John 4 Gathergood Walter 8 Judge TiJOmas,gardener 10 Pickard Arthur Eo 12 Sheehan Mrs. 14 Thorpe Henry 16 Bowler Harry 18 Carreck Mrs. 20 Brvant William 22 Rogers William James 24 Batchelor Frederick John Joseph 26 White William 28 Stemp Robert 28 Collins Thomas ......... here is Howard road ......... ......... here is Fairfield road ......... 30 Estate Office 30A Jenner Richard 32 Strachan A. H. 32A Booth Harry Charles 32 Dean Harry 34A Oash W. 36 Badham Frederick Oscar 36A Masters Bernard F. 38 Taylor William 38A Baxter Miss Emmie, music teachr 40 Barnard B. A. 40A Churcbill Edward W. 42 Eva!ls Horace F. 42A Larkin Leslie 44 Newman Charles 44A Mitchell Ernest 46 Cumbers Albert 46A Goodacre :Frederick 48 Stone Alfred 48A Farrar HenrY 50 Goodsell William Henry 50A Cockman Lawrence Arthur 52 Burgess George 52A Trade Proter.tion Agency (The) 52A Abell Percival Edwin 54 Jarvis William, grocer ........... here is Gilbert road ........... 56 Castle Augustus 56 Richardson Mrs. 58 Gardner David 58 Kingsnorth Ernest 60 Nash James 60 Coughlan J obn 62 Hennessy Charles 62 Palin Isaac 64 Morphett Ebenezdr 64 Floyd F. 66 Wright George 66 Fassam Ernest 68 Wells Frederick 68 Elliston Robert 70 Taylor Ebenezer John 70 l3rown Cbllr!es George 72 Osborn William Edmund 7B Yates John 74 Walls William Robert 74 Turner Albert 76 Risby Robert 76 Reader Peter 78 Burford Percival 80 Burnbams James 80 Turner William John

Marum Cottages.

See Farwig lane.

Mosslea Road.

From Victoria road to Chatterton Road....... Left Side. Foster Herbert, Wayside Nash George Thomas, The Orchard Wickham Alfred, Mosslea Steer Alexander, Lyndhurst Wynn George, Wilton Marshall Frederick. Goddington Willatt Stephen, Springfield cottage Smith John, Rose cottage


1 Rumph Walter Henry 2 Avis James Ridge Edward James, Brenda Allen Joseph Alexander, Kremlin Cross and Return. Right Side. ......... here is Balfour road ........ ........... here is Albert road ...... 1 Elliss Thomas 3 Bryant Mrs 4 Park Herbert 5 Hartridge George 6 Jeffries Miss 7 Hill Henry 8 Cooper Miss 9 Elliott Robert 10 Parr Jobn Robert 11 Dickinson Frederick J oho 11 Dickinson Chas. Fdk., boot repro

Municipal Offices.

see Tweedy road.

Myrtle Cottages.

See Nembury road.

Napier Road.

From 143 ~Masons hill. Left side. 1 Palace Tavern, Wm. C. H.Bridger [PH] 2 West Arthur, general stores ...... here are Pawley's Cottages ...... 3 Gilbert John 4 Ginn Joseph Charles 5 Pearson Daniel 6 Mason William 8 White William 9 Goad Horace 10 Mitchell Ernest 11 Ely Aaron 12 Gregory HtJnry 13 Rvan Thomas 14 Monckton Charles 15 Mason Frederick 16 Tavendale Mrs. 17 Harman James Henry 18 Hide Wm. James, Omega cottage 19 Caller William 20 Herbert Amos 21 Swepson Walter Cross and Return. 22A Locke Ernest John 23 Craker Samuel 24 Hewett William 25 Vining Mrs. 26 Packer James 21 Penniburgh Alfred 28 White George 29 Bridger George 30 Chapman Henry 31 Dunford John, Napier cottage 32 Page William, Northam cottage 33 West Frederick John 34 Sparks Edward, meat carrier & jobmaster (yard) 34 Tolhurst George, carman 35 Thorne George Williiun 36 Rogers Herbert 37 Dymond Alexander 38 Walter Charles . 40 Dunn Edward 41 Rose Charles William 42 Bowyer- George Arthur ......... here is Stanley road 43 Booth Albert, confectioner

Nelson Road.

From Havelock road to Raglan road. 1 Kelsey Mrs., laundress 2 Chandler Thomas 3 Podger Archibald 4 Bryant Mrs. 5 Bray George 6 Ward William 7 Tester Charles 8 Clark George, chimney cleaner 9 Rowe Archibald 9 Elliott William 10 Venters Charles James 11 Perks John 12 Keene Robert 13 Burbridge William

Nettlefold's Cottages. - PALACE RD.

1 Winchcombe George 2 Willis William E. 3 Bicknell Alfred 4 Monk Alfred 5 Smith Mrs.

Newbury Road.

From AylesburY road. Left Side. 1 Church Mrs. 3 Davis George 5 Woodhams Charles William 7 Coombs Willie 9 Allwood William 11 King George 13 Walsham John 15 Thompson Henry 17 Burnham Charles 19 Edwards Arthur 21 Smith R. 23 Vyse J ames H. 25 Smith Edward T. 27 Herbert John & Son, greengrocers 29 Herbert Miss, dress maker 31 Ling Edward Charles 33 Wareham Samuel C. 35 Elliott Alfred 37 Hodges Daniel Alfred 39 Steers George 41 Nicholson T., plumber, & c. 43 Murdoch David 45 Cook William 47 Perrett William 49 King William 51 Taylor Harry 53 Reid Thomas Ash bv 55 Wright William Thomas 57 Sharp Arthur 59 Smitherman John 61 Weatherall James 63 Ross George Joseph 65 Gane John 67 Richards Frederick 69 King Mrs. 71 Roots Mrs. 73 Brown Albert Edward 75 Vyse George WUliam 77 Rowe John 79 Marchant George J. Right Side. 2 Soans Walter 4 Morris Walter 6 Locke Walter Henry . 8 Hackney William 10 Pinion James 12 Ward William 14 Riches Ernest 16 Riches Joseph, Suffolk house 18 Killick Rowland 20 Henning George, Myrtle cottages 22 Maunton Hy. Chas. , 24 Smith Arthur 26 Smith Henry 28 Beale Jim 30 Mullins Robert T. H. 32 Trindall William 34 Crabb Dan 36 Adams Edwd. W., Ravensbourne cot. 38 Lee Jesse 40 Ware George Henry 42 Lovell Edgar 44 Hunt Harry 46 Potton William, carman & contractr 48 Newick George, shopkeeper 50 Wright William 52 Lee Thomas 54 Lowing Mrs. 56 lstead Joseph 58 Russell William, confectioner 60 Cannon-Smith Harry R. 62 Day Thomas 64 Summerfield George 66 Riches Arthur Thomas 68 Hamilton James 70 Yelland James 72 Dewsall Thomas Walter 74 Yelland William 76 Young Henry Foot 78 Lee William 80 Fostall Walter 82 Young Frederick 84 Jackson Richard 86 La Wrence George 88 Ollett William 90 Cayzer H. T., gasfitter 92 Tuffin Henry Edward 94 Addis James A., paperhanger 96 Green William James 98 Tuffin Thomas Walter 100 Scoble William Edward 102 Puttick Arthur

Newman Road.-TwEEDY ROAD.

West Side. Crowhurst Samuel 1 Crowhurst Joseph Crowhurst David . Burgess Mrs. H. M., Thorndale 7 Dunn Herbert George East Side. 4 Gordon-Hutchinson Miss,Athollo.

Nichol Lane-:-PLAISTOW.

Harry E. n., cabinet maker 1 Foster Samuel Alfred William 2 Wright Albert Edgar 3 Brimfield James 4 Vickers John Herbert 5 Beach Alfred James 6 Wickenden Alfred· 7 Humphrey Robert George· 8 Wocd Robert Job 9 Knight William O. 10 Brown Ernest 11 Gallier Richard 12 Whitington Morris .,. ...... here is Croft Road ...... 13 Marshall Thomas 14 Emblem William ]5 Picton John 16 Horine Horace Frank 17 Bragg Mrs. 19 Robertson John 20 Thnrling Mrs. 22 Hemmings William, dining rooms 23 Ingrams Mrs. J. 24 Sanders Alfred 26 Hockley Alfred ......... here is Foxbury road ...... ...... here is footpath to Grove Park and Mottingham ....... 27 Snellgrove James 28 Wiles William 29 Eastwood Henry 30 Bayes William Henry 31 Prince Frederick, William Charles Harcourt [PH] 32 Hopkins George 33 Peaple Mrs. 34 Moore Norman 35 Robinson Donald George 36 Warren Mrs. 37 Bayden George 38 Curtis Richard 39 Moore Robert Cross and Return. 41 Clare Mrs. J. 42 Harding William 43 Richards George William 44 Doughty Jesse 45 Dixon John William 46 Brown E. G. 47 Mummery Ernest 48 Hemmings George 49 West William 50 Stubbings Albert 51 Foster Edward 52 Potter Herbert 53 Crowhurst Sidney George 54 Dennis Mrs. 55 Champion Mrs. 56 Wimble Edward 57 Osborne George 58 Forrester Alfred 59 Champion James 60 Osborne William 61 Aspinall Thomas 62 Aspinall John 63 Dawes Henry 64 Holland Alfred E. & Co., grocers 64 Sands Mrs., dressmaker 65 Winfield & Son, Heathfield dairy 66 Stark Albert E. 67 fferring Robert Edward 68 Bagshaw William 69 Wintennore Henry James 70 Heron Hugh 71 Randall John 72 Randall John, jnn. 73 Critcher Charles William 74 Allen Stanley 75 Harris Ernest 76 Ray Frederick George 77 Moncktoll William 78 Giles William

Nightingale Lane, Widmore.

TYLNEY ROAD. Left Side. 1 Lush Charles 3 Wells Mrs. 5 Ash Daniel 7 Hayes James 9 Botting Albert 11 Burch Harry 13 Plail Charles William, bootmaker 15 Pentecost William 17 Cooke J. W. 19 Barns J. G., assistant supt. Prudential Assurance Co. Limited 21 North James 23 Laing Percy 25 Fullar Mrs. 27 Walters W. 29 Wiltshire Henry James 31 Thorpe Richard R. 33 Mather William George 35 Brookman Richard Tamplin 43 Strange Frederick James, TheLimes 45 Leeves C., 'fhe Haven 47 Sexton Herbert, Roseville 49 Trundell John Fredk. :M:arsea vale 51 Tilbury Robert, Hazelmere 53 Pollard Thomas Edwd., Bradfield 55 County School for Girls - Miss C. M. Waters, B.A., principal Right Side. 2 Ward Alfred 4 Carley Frederick 6 l'ollett J. H. 8 Cole Robert A. 10 Bromley Window Cleaning Co.- John Chas. Diprose, manager 12 Simmons Ernest 14 Clacy George St. Michael's Church (Widmore Mission Church) 18 Field George 20 West Charles 22 Kemp J. E. 24 Rf.:ffell Mrs. 26 Bellinger Ashley Thomas 28 Coombs Charles E. 30 Lnsh George 32 Stephenson Frederick H. 34 Lush Robert 44 Alger George, Sunny cottage 46 Burr Joseph P., Clarissa cottage ......... here is Pembroke road ........ Willy Arthur, The Cottage Wood Charles William, Park house Waight Earle Roberts, M.I.c.E.,Hurstbourne Bymington Miss, Woodbank ... ... here is Walstead road ......... ... here is footpath to Market Square...

North Road.

Prom 63 Palace road. Left side. Smith Austin, bootmaker 1 Munro Sidnev 2 Stone Harry' 3 Gray Herbert 4 Pearce William Thomas 4 Poole Albert 6 Bowyer Joseph 7 Carrigan Thomas, bootmaker 8 Painter Charles 9 Gibbs Robert 10 Tong Edward, beer retailer 11 Aspland William A. 12 Morris George 13 nhitty Charles 14 Batty Albert 15 Walker Richard 16 Monk Mrs. 17 Bax AIfred William, house decorator 18 Golden Mrs. 19 Thurston George 20 Att wood Joseph 21 Bryant Thomas Benjamin 22 Waits William 23 Love Charles Richard 24 Twiddy Mrs. 25 Skinner Harold George 26 Winter Mrs. 27 Checkley Samuel 28 Smith William Cross and Return. ........ here is Haxtead Road ........... 29 Dunford Henry, tobacconist and news agent 30 Manison Albert William, grocer & c. ......... here is Whaton road ........ 31 Marshall Arthur Charles 32, 33 & 34 Kennett Wm. Richard, grocer and butcher 35 Tadgell Frank 36 Hughes Harvey

North Street.

From lJ1(!.~t street to East street. South Side 1 Harris JoSlah 2 Seward Horace 3 Liley Miss M. 4 Organ Mrs. 5 Bristow Richard George, watchma 6 Partridge Percy 7 Hill W. H. 8 Ingles William Knight 9 Salvation Army (Quarters) 9 Busby Charles 10 Johnson G. H. 11 Lightfoot Ralph 12 Beddingfield Benjamin 13 Summerfield John 14 Burton Thomas Charles 15 Finch William 16 Naylor Charles Frederick Hills G., livery & bait stables North Side. Quinlan Alex., county inspector of weights and measures, foods and drugs, petroleum and explosives (attends on lsi & 3rd thursdays in month from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m) , 17 Davies Jaques 18 Oempbell Clifford 19 Garcia Edwin F.

Oaklands Road. - BROMIEY PARK.

From London road. North Side. 2 Lightfoot .Edward Thomas, Kalmar 4 Weyman William, Fairlie lodge 6 Tatham Percy, Thorncroft . 8 Barnes Good win Howard, Brabourne cottage 10 Price Edward Ebenezer, Oaklands 12 Friedman Paul, Wycliffe lodge ......... here is Spencer road ...... 14 Finch E., H., '£intern 16 Morris Harold, Westbury 18 Harding Thomas Fredk., Bayfield 20 Stokes Alec, St. Wade 22 Selby Mrs., Basil house 26 Satterthwaite Colonel Edward, c.n., V.D .. Windermere 28 Hewetson Juhn. Olaremont 30 Wells Rev. Richard J., Whitegate South Side. 1 Hewett Miss, Dovedale 3 Brown William Charles,Penchirche ........ here is Grasmere road. ...... 5 Huniphrys Willi"am, Greenhill' 7 Adkin Francis New bery, 'Westwl)od 9 Berk Frederick Wm., inglewood 11 Gripper Ernest .T., Beechwood 13 Lewin Harold C., Birchdale 16 Chadwick John, St. Andrew's 17 Timmis Edgar Wm Lyndhurst 19 Rotter E. R. E., Tewkesbury Grout Alfred, Georgian house ......... herc is Coni.~ton road ........ Fathers Henry, Wychwood Bussell Robert Hy., Castledene Briggs Thomas W., Oaklands ldg

Oakley Road, 88 BROMLEY COMMON.

Left side. 1 Swabey Rev. Mark Richard, M.A., Holy Trinity vicarage 3 Fraser Miss 5 Smith W. A. 7 Aylward Herbert James 11 Oliver Thomas Henry 13 Poulton John, fishmonger 15 Daniels Fred D. 17 Seal Edward 19 Bateman Henry George 21 Westbrook Mrs., fruit grower Pillar Letter Box ............ here is Cross Road ........... 23 Pope George 25 Whitehead George 27 Barkin Michael Edmund 29 Farraut Ernest 3l Mills Mrs. 33 Newton Richard Albert, shopkeepr 35 Burkin Mrs. 37 Two Doves, Hy. Edwd. Fairchild 39 Bellfield Thomas 43 & 45 Mills William, grocer 47 Smith Charles, confectioner 49 Miles Sidney James, bootmaker 51 & 53 Beckett John, butcher 55 & 55A Skinner Jesse', general drpr 57 Payne Charles 59 Obie Henry 61 Hermes Alexander 65 Smith Mrs., Betehworth Bromley COJnrnon Workmen'sClub 67 Woodhouse Miss, Point house .. .here is Gravel road ............ 69 Boosey Arthur, The Cedars Upton George, The Cedars lodge Cross and Return ..... here is Barnett Wood Road ...... Ackhurst Chas. Bencewell Farm cot. Grinsted Daniel, Limited, corn & coal merchant, Bencewell Farm Mills Arthur, Farm house Bromley Common Cricket and Lawn Tennis Ground ...... here is footpath to Hayes ..... Johnson Christopher, Oakley Park cot Batchelor Edward, Oakley lodge Orchard Place. Soe Walter's yard.

Orchard Road. - SuNDRIDGE 'PARK.

From Plaistow lane to SllndridfJc {t1~cn. North Side. 7 Bennett Thomas, Orchardcombe 9 Rae Mrs., Bowen vale 11 Cubitt Henry Gilhert, Oaklea 13 Roberts Wm. Thos., The Red cot. 15 Williams Lady, Springmead 17 Marlow Henry, Kingthorpe 19 Sims .Arthur, Tarawera 21 Street Oscar William, Whyte leafe 23 Gunton Josiah, Balvene 25 Tuffill Daniel Fensham, The Vron South Side. S Snndridge Park Estate Office, New Farm houlie 8 Packe William 10 Woodbridge Frank, solicitor & commissioner for oaths, The Orchard 14 Moore Jn. Howard, J.P., Mellefont Pillar Letter Box

Palace grove.

Left Side-from Park Road. 1 Heaysman Mrs., Lombard 2 Webb F, Essex 3 Heppel Miss, B.A. 4 Maddocks Mrs. 5 Green Nimrod 6 Northam Mrs. 7 Coppleston John Bartlett 8 Watts James 9 Laumann Miss 9 Bates Miss 10 Laumann Mrs. 11 Cutlack William Austin 12 Orford Lewis William 13 Lamont Eugene 14 Bennett Richard William 15 Springetl Stephen H .. 16 Graham Mrs. 17 Hunt Mrs. 18 Evans H. W. 20 Sales James 21 Hewett William, Percy villa .. ....... here is Sherman road . .......... here are pathways to Farwig and Plaistow . ,. 23 Canning George 24 Portway Alfred Wall Letter Box 26 Monaco Vincenzo Che\'., Chester ho. 27 Naylor William A. H., F.e.s., F.I.C., Wilton house 28 Beer Sidney 29 Carter .Miss Norman 30 Fitter John T. 31 Collins Mrs. T., The Cottage ....... ,. here is Rue/way Road Cross and Return, 31A Humphrey Miss 32 Longden R. M. M. 33 Scott Mrs. William Fitzgerald 34 & 35 Bromley Nursing Home - Miss Boss, principal 36 Wilde Harrv 37 Heaysman Thomas H. 38 Johnson Charles F. 39 Sanders Mrs. Elizh. costumier 39 Sanders John Henry, accountant 40 Warren Misses 41 Clayton J" The Firs 42 Barnard P, J. 43 Callick Mrs. Clutterbuck Herbert, lII.I.lII.E. 45 Cooper Mrs. 46 Earle Dnncan 47 Bray Robert G., Perth House 48 Pleass George 49 Chapman Arthur 50 Hanson Misses 51 Scott Mrs. Jil.lnes, Ufton house

Palace Road. - 17 PARK ROAD.

Left side. 1 Prangle William, chimney cleaner 2 Everett Richardt shoemaker. S Attwood William 4 Symons Thomas' 5 Fitch George 6 Ladd William 7 Scott Benjamin F. 8 Tennant Alfred 9 Waghorne David, florist 10 Gray Maurice 11 Knott Alfred 12 Howes William 13 Banks Joseph 14 Sharpe Mrs., upholstress 15 Butler Maurice 16 Longley Henry Ernest 17 Beck Ernest 18 Whiffin Mrs. 19 Raynham Charles Henry 20 Brown Albert 21 Hughes Samuel, fried fish shop 22 Budgen John Henry 23 Russell William 24 Pegrum Ernest 25 Crockford Henry 26 Johnson Frederick 27 Pearce Mrs. 28 Page Wal ter 29 Tancioni Rienzi, watchmaker 30 Muffett Miss 31 Walter Albert Edward 32 Curnick Arthur B. 33 Mays Abraham 34 Arkell William 35 Simmonds Harry 36 & 37 Nye Henry, cabinet maker 36 Nye Henry James, gas and hot water fitter 37 Phillips Walter 38 Tipping Jonathan Eli 39 Bailey Alfred, builder, & c. 40 Payne Ernest, Alfred 41 Bonathan Frederick 42 Pepperell Robert 43 Roots Thomas 44 Howard's Limited, pork.butchers 46 Cook Miss, draper 47 Hockley George William grocer and provision merchant' ...... here is footpath to Palace Grove ... ...... here are Nettlefold's and Sinclair's Cottages ................. 48 Skinner Fred, coffee and dining rooms 49 Martin Sydney, hairdresser 50 Bastable Arthur, fruiterer ........... here is Hors!e!! road ........... 51 Wolfe Henry George 52 Burbidge Charles 53 Belsey Harry 5! Smedley Samuel 54 Mersh Thomas, coal & coke merchant & furniture remover Cross and Return. 55 Fitch Sam 56 Pegran Edward 57 Shirley Thomas 58 Wallis George 59 Jones Frank, chimney cleaner 60 Chisholme Mrs. 61 Clark William 62 Hall George 63 Webb James, coach smith ............ here is North Road ...... 64 Matthews EdwardCharles,beer ret 65 Jollllwn Henry G. 66 Warren Percival George, chimney sweep 67 Hall Beal Frederick, boot repairer 67 Hall Miss, dressmaker 68 Chapman Henry, plumber 69 Gristwood Mrs. 70 Turvey William George 71 Pearson Frederick Edward 72 Nash Mrs. 73 Grainger Fred. plumber, & c. 74 Wheeler Mrs. 75 Twiddy Riehad. 76 Jackson Daniel 77 Izzard Charles 78 Nash Emmanuel 79 Wolfe John 80 Mills William 81 Tnffiey Edward 82 Shoebridge Wi11iam Henry clothier 83 Outridge John I 84 Pavey John 85 Gutteridge William 86 Burton George. grocer 87 Pyrke Bertram Stewart, confeclnr. 88 Wilson William, saddler 89 Richardson Thomas & Son, bakers 90 Anglesey Anns,Mrs. Elizh. Mear ...... here are ~7zartonBit. 5' .Ann's Cottages ...... nI Hudd Harrv 92 Reeves Saniuel, carpenter 93 Hudd Henry George 94 Seward William Herbert 95 Le Pard Frederick James 96 Lane Thomas' 97 Brown Charles J. 98 Allen Robert John 100 Towell Edward 1O1 Culver M. B., draper 102 Harris Miss Ethel, confectioner 103 Wells James, bootmaker 1O4 Wood William & Son, greengros 105 Brown Edwd. Alfd. , oil & colourman 106 Rolfe Edward, tobacconist

Park Avenue.

From Burnt Ash Lane. Left Side.. QIler?t7nfWe Preparatory School Charles Frederick Braithwaite, B.A., head master 3cougall Thoma~, Redlands Simmonds Percy, Meadowhurst Perry H. Courtney. Redbourne Jlarke Frederick Wm. Alfd., Dalkeith ...... here is Kinnaird avenue ...... Wragg Robert Thomas, Carisbrooke Whitfield Mrs. Carisbrooke M:ansell Edmund George, Maydor Ja"kain William Francis. Monteray Watson Malcolm McCaul, Somerford Right Side. [lowland Antony, Dundyvan \1olJkton George Charles, Oakwood BaH,,ur George. Th& Elms tIug-hes Reginald, Lulliugstone ..... here is Querltmore 'road ...... Pillar Lettel' Box Kinnaird Park Girls' school Miss Leishman, principal; Miss N. Hackforth, head Mistress ffillman Mrs., Arreton Park Cottages. - WuARTON ROAD,


White Mrs. L. Park End. from fi3 Landolt road. South Side 1 Osborn Frank 3 Ashby Charles 5 Marrable Richard 7 Walsh Mrs. 9 Godfrey .James Edward 11 Smith Henry E. 13 Kent Sydney Spencer 15 Hancock Mrs. 17 Ellis Henry Thomas 19 Barriball George 21 Connell J. M., window cleaner 23 Jenkins Charles Rickett, Smith & Co. (incorporated with Rickett. Cockerell & Co. Limited) (stables) 25 Terry Hpnry 27 Miles Miss 29 Bolton John 31 Napier James Albert 33 Hobbs William Amoli 35 Cobb Albert 37 Cossom Frank 39 Tile Mrs. Emma 41 Miller Barnett 43 Morrow Mrs. M. 45 Osborn George Ernest 47 Large James 49 Wall William John 51 Mansfield Samuel 53 Jeffries James 53 Jeff des Miss, dressmaker 55 Scott Frederick A. ........ here is Hiqhland road ...... 57 Barker William 59 Hulbert Frank 61 Crickett Frederick George 63 Balls Arthur Charles 65 Presland Alfred William 67 Trower Edward 69 Davies John 69 Davies Mrs. A., dressmaker 71 HalJlllOre Frederick 73 Co~krane Thomas, Ashley villa 75 Cockins John 77 Ough John 77 P l'JNSOTTI CHARLES, builder & decorator 79 Pearson Allan Marshall 81 Jones Albert 83 Smith Herbert 8il BurreIls W. A. 87 Ford Edward, verger & sexton St. Mary's, Plaistow 89 Joyce ErnEst Alfred 91 Gunner Alexander 93 Burgess George James William 95 Levens Ernest Joseph 97 Lampard Frederick 99 Jerome George Charles 101 Allen Charles Noth Side. 2 Jarman Thomas 2 Fielding Ernest, draper 4 Andrews Thomas L. 6 Downing Albert Ernest 8 Middleton Henry Philpot 10 Knight Thomas 12 Huxley Geo. Edward 14 Scutt Warden 16 Hunt Mrs. 18 Battsoll W. J. 8,Sons, builders 20 Jenkins Frederick Richard 22 Kent Mrs. 24 Brown Robert 26 Mitchell Saluuel Thomas 28 Jerome Mrs. 30 Taylor Walter P., photographer 30 Taylor Mrs. L., costumier 32 Ruddle Sidney C. H4 King Thomas' Frederick 36 Belsey John East Side. 40 Weston George 42 Spooner Frederick Charles 44 Waters James Alfred 46 Biggin Samuel W. 48 Wise Henry 50 Cordery George 52 Brown Alfred 54 Outridge Thomas 561 JFord Edward 58 Hailey Harry 60 Elliott Thomas 62 Freeman Henry 64 Sweet Charles William 66 Burgess -Miss 68 Bond Mrs. 70 Perry Mrs., Holmleigh 72 Ball Herbert 74 White William G. 76 Muncey Frederick 78 Martin William F. J. 80 Spratling Stanley 82 Godfrey Mrs. A. 84 Stone Thomas William 86 English Ralph 88 Brown James 90 Maynard Leonard Charles 92 Hall John 94 Jessop George 96 Hopgood George 98 Whittle Mrs. 100 Harris George 102 Ash Hubert John 104 Staines Benjamin

Park Farm Road.

From Sundridge avenue to Etrnstead lane, Chislehurst. llZqItt Side. ............ here is Hill Brow ...... . Lamp Post Letter Box Pettigrew William Clark, Hillside Taylor Mrs. Robert, Athelney Paton Charles James, Strone Cooper George Quilton, White thorpe Hughes Arthur Mumford, Beaulieu Brown Thomas H., Alverstone Left Side. O'Hanlon Alfred, Dunoran ........ .here is JIavcl.~tone road ......... Young Clifford, Wood End (LogsHill) .

Park Grove. -3 9 PAlm ROAD.

lngleton Henry 3 Shoe bridge Frederick William 5 Draper Edward D., solicitor & commissioner for oaths 7 Darby Mrs. 9 Carter Joseph 11 Bushby William, Cover side 13 Shill cock George, Waverley 15 Hellbest William 17 Russell George Thomas 19 Trevett Jo~eph 21 Jenner Arthur Cross and Return. 2 Sales Miss

Park House.

See Beckenham lane.

Park Road.

From Widmore road to Freelands rd. Left side. Baptist Chw'ch 1 Stringer Ec1wd. Belcher. Egerton 10 ........... .here is Palace grove ........... 3 Hanson Conrad Wild 5 Ellen John Sidney 9 Walbrook Angus Fraser Oakley 11 Stringer H. E. 13 Gregory Francis James 15 Appleyard Edward Everett 17 Hills Herbert Edwd., cycle maker ........... .11"'reis Palace road ............ 19 Crown and Anchor, John David Rowlands [PH] 21 Huxley Geo.L.,grocer-Post Office 21 Telephone Call Office 23 Webb Thomas Henry, jun. 25 Webb Thomas Henry, builder 27 Nash James Thomas 29 Bigland Mrs., Stangrove 29 AWarth Thomas Joseph, Trevena 31 Jeffrey William, Olivet 31A Jeffrey 11rs., Chasemore 33· Dryden Miss, Breamish villa 33AMiller Arthur, May lodge 35 Heavsman Thomas, Delaware St .. Tolm's Church ......... here is Park (iI'ul'e ......... 39 Avis David, Abbey gate 41 Allan H. P .. Linwood 43 Bell A. Lindsay, Holne cottage 45 Hardy Percy William, The Nook 47 Willey Miss, Komani ...... here is Freelands road ...... ...... here is Upper Pade road ...... Cross and Return. 72 Selby Willia 70 Allen Herbert James 66 Wyborn Mrs. 64 Wyborn Harry 60 Broomfield Mrs. 58 Monkhouse Miss C. H., dressmaker 56 Baker Charles 54 Plowright Mrs. 52 Bennett James 50 Littlewood Charles Henry 48 Kitch Douglas John 46 Levey Geo. 44: Hadden Miss S. L., dressmaker 42 Golding Mrs. 40 WeIls James William 38 Palgrave & Co., photographers 38 Barwell Mrs. B. E., dressmaker 36 Davies Reuben David Dunn H. G. & Sons, fum. depository 34 Amos Mrs., Norland cottage 32 Strudwick Mrs. 30 Sutton Mrs'. 28 Hills Frederick Arthur 26 Boaks Herbert 24 Bourne Mrs. 24: Bourne Arnold Ainsley 22 Reed G. Dayrell ...... here are Denmark Villas 18 Bayes William 16 Browne Miss 14 Locbvood Francis Algernon 12 Bromley School Clinic -Frederick Henry Norman, sec 10 Fox John 8 Bunting Fred, certified bailiff 6 Towell Charles, electrical engineer 4: Gristwood George William 2 Tuberculosis Dispensary, Kent. County Council (William Charles Dillon Hills, M.R.c.s.Fmg., L.ll.C.P. Land., D.p.II.Lond. tuberculosis medical officer)

Park Road (Upper).

Prom Freelands road. Left side. Cumming Robert. Wbitrigg 3 Laffitte Joseph, Elsinore 5 Hall Alexander J obn, Shaldon 7 Morton Mrs., Valetta Phillips Miss K., nursing home Dainton ...... here is footway to Freelands road ...... 9A .lnnes Fredk. & Co.. metal workers 11 Man Fredk. By. Dumas,Harleyford 13 Barker Rev. Canon Peter, M.A.[vicar of St. John'sl. St.John'sViearage 15 Warmington :Mrs., Normanhurst 17 Fairley Mrs., Sunnydene 19 Sumner Frank, Inversnaid 21 Kiesow Robert, Homewood Cross and return. 16 Rogers Kenneth, M.D.Lond., L.U.C.P. Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng. Ii Constable Edwin Theobald, M.A. cantab., Fairlawn 12 Comins Charles, Pembroke house

Pawley's Cottages.-:I ?{APrElt l road:

1 Jones James 2 Haffl'nden William . 3 Dunn George Henry

Payne's Cottages.

See Walter's yard.

Peill's Cottages.

See Waldo road.

Pembroke Road.

Right Side - from Tylney Hoad. 2 Leversuch Christopher Edward, fishmonger 4 Andrews James 6 Burkin Miss, dressmaker 8 Sauuders Arthur 10 Beer Henry 11 Jordan Henry George 12 Wattll.u Chatles 14 Wattau George 16 Tozer Ed win John 18 Palmer Walter Viscose Development Co. Limited C" Semreh works) Cross and return. 35 Hunt Albert 31 Willson Arthur 29 Packham Arthur Edward 15 Butcher William E. 13 Bird Horace 9 Green W. H. 7 Wright John 5 Byford Arthur 3 Foster Samuel S. 1 Duglas Charles, Pembroke lndry.

Pinewood Road..

From Cromwell ave to Sandford rd. Left side. I Watts Mrs., The Firs 3 Mathews Miss, Plasnewydd 5 Scott Edward, Ridgefield 7 Livett Noblett R., The Acacias 9 Walker Adam 11 Barker Arthur 13 Horne .J. J. Riqht side. 2 Mitchell Fred, Eglinton 4 Dickins Mrs. St. Margaret's 6 Knott Charles George 8 Glt'll Alec B. 10 Barker Mrs.R M. W., Rosslvu 12 Alderson Aug. Edwd., Hill Crest 14 Stead Sydney, Pine Brae 16 Medhurst Percy, Roseneath 18 Coulter George 20 Martin Erllest, Cortina 22 Forrester Jorlll Herhert, Kelso 21 Bell ArthUJ StanLey 26 Gedney C. F. W., Beaumaris 28 Morris Charles rhoIDas

Plaistow Gruve, - PLAISTOW.

From Plaistow lane. 67 Hn?hesman Charles. Ekowe 65 Spriugate Thomas Herbert 63 Rose William 61 Hockall Jonathan, Amersham 59 Taylor Frederick 57 Lee Thorn 18 Srnit,h 55 Russell Mrs. 53 Roffey Mrs. 51 Marshall George Thomas 49 DUlllllall Walter 47 Roe Edward 45 Edwards Thomas 45A Hodgekills William Walter 43 \\at::.on Henry Chas., window elm. 41 Smith William Ship, Laurel Bank 39 Feldmar Louis 37 Tong William Thomas 35 Mussell Thomas Ernest 33 Clifford Frederick 31 Burrows William Robert 29 Lisle Richard Robert 27 Foreman John 25 Jeffery William Frederck 23 Alexander Mrs. 21 Boaks G. J. 19 Townsend William Jesse 17 Hood Leonard Harrv 15 Noble Frank . 13 Pope J. H. 11 Osborn A. H. 9 Rich Frank 7 Holmes Miss I." nurse 5 Burton Clement 3 Young William 1 Godfrey Ernest Cross nd Return. 2 Green John 4 Fairweather John 6 Waters John 8 Benge H. 10 Pollard William Henry, hootmaker 12 Dunmall Harry 14 Langham J oh1l J. 16 Ground John William 18 Wakeling Albert 20 Main Charles David 22 Poole Mrs. 24 Smith Henry 26 Wickings Edwin 28 King Mrs. 30 Smith William 32 Drew Mrs. 34 Threadgold Henry 36 Piper Frederick 38 Bennett Alfred 40 Perry Mrs.

Plaistow Lane.

...... here is Nicliol lane ...... ............ here is Lyc1tett rd ....... Sundridge Parade 12 Crothall Mrs., Royal Kinnaird lndry. 11 Knight Richard Geo., electl.engnr. 10 Barlow Hellry W., fishmonger 9 Richards John, stationer & newsagent, & Post Office 9 Telephone Call Office 8 Richards Jn., watchllla. & jewellet 7 Earing George, oilman ........ here is iMn.~ter road ......... I Nightingale H. & Co" bakers 2 Corrie Madame, dressmaker 3 Smith Frederick H., bntcher 4 Colby Thomas 1., greengrocer 6 Gamlin 'Frederick, decorator .. .... .. here is Garden road ...... 47 Prior Albert Edward, Nara 49 Cazeaux Mrs., Castilla 51 Edwards J,)hn Maltby,· M.R.C.S., L.R.C. P., L.S,A., Tregenna 53 Bruce Sir Roht., C.n., Greenmount 55 Beddome Leonard Wm., ~heringhalll 57 Ebbs Alfred Butler, 'rllborg 59 Airey Richard, Dromore 63 Peachey George, Heatherhurst 65 Manger George. J.P., Lynwood ...... here is Edward road leading to LO((£je road. ...... Pillar Letter Box ...... here is Sundridqe park ...... 67 Snelgl'Ove John, Sundridgc Park (lodge) 77 Timblick '!'homas 77A Bromley Bowling Club---Henry James Green, hon. sec. 77 Gedge George Pillar Letter Box St. Josephs' Catholic School 81 Holy Trinity Convent [Boading S' 1Jap School for Girls, The Rev. Mother Superior St. Joseph's Catholic Church ~:l Cooksey Rev. Walter [Catholic], Presbytery 83 Hughes Rev. Peter [Catholic], Presbytery ......... here is Orchard road . Skilton W. F., cowkeeper & dairyman, Snndridge Park Farm Baldry Alfd.,SundridgePark Farm 91 Barrett Richard 93 Shoesmith Richard 95 Henwood Alfred, Beechcroft 97 Hardy Miss, Milverdale 99 Lawrie Alexander Cecil, The HOD 101 Griffith Henry, Oak End 103 Room Herbert J. BarIc Samuel RoberL The Hatch 107 Porter S. W .. ...... here is Sundridge acell//(' ...... ............ here is Widmore . Cross and Return. 1M Ewins Georg('. Ivy cottage 102 Jorgensen J ohan . 100 Moger Walter Henry, Ralston 98 Dale William Halsteel,solicitor and commissioner for oaths, Ingleside 98 Dale Cecil Halsted, solr., Ingleside ..... .here is Bromley C. C. Ground ...... 96 Goodyear Thomas Edwd., Rothesay ......... here is Flolllefieid road ...... ...... here is Upper Park road ..... 4 Devitt Frank, Hill Brow 92 Spence Robert, Waldron 88 Smith Mrs. H. ......... here is Freelands road ...... Perry Henry, Middleton 74 DussEk Angelo Sebastian 72 West Percy Camidge Collen Frank William, St.Lawrence Tapson Frank Herbrrt, Delta ......... here is Rodu'a.y road ........ Hartley John Wm., Abingdon ho 66 Day Richard Evan 64 Bollocombc John C., McadmvcrlJft 62 Sharp -Wm. F. B., La Chatelaine 60 Thol Ernest J., Parkhurst 58 Potter C. Neville. Fernwooll 54 Jamieson A. 1: . ......... here· is Lansdowne road ...... 52 Marsh Robert, Hydul Mount 50 Forster George Hit:hard, Nutfield 48 Griffith Col. Frank, y.n. The Gables Fire Alarm Piller Letter Box Button & East, estate agents, Station approach Sundridge Park Railway Station, Albert Jn.Bryant, station mast.('r Smith "V. H. & Son, bookstall ......... here is Plaistow grove ...... 46 Crown I£otel, Walter Sole 42 Barrow Albert John 40 Robertson John 38 Lee Gilbert 36 Whiffin William 34 Monk H., fancy draper & bootma . 32 Brace Mrs., confectioner 30 Hawes Henry, dairyman 28 Wiggins Frederick John, grocer ......... here are pathways to Bromley and Farwig ...... ...... here is Plaistow Grove ...... 26 Scrivener George, tobacconist 26 Telephone Call Office 2+ Banning WillialllThoma~,shopkpr 22 Matthews William 20 Haynes George 18 Ash Mrs . 16 Vincent Charles, fishinonger 14 Moss Leonard Edwards, butcher 12 Riddick Frank, hair dresser 10 Barnes & Son, bootmakers 8 Marsh Herbert.. greengrocer ... here is Cambridge rd ..... ,.. ......... here is College road .........

Plymouth Road - 29 FUEELANDS RD.

1 Andrews Harry Ransom Alfred 4 Harvey George 5 Woodhams George W., jUlI. 6 Cr0nk C. Robert 7 Edwards William 8 Hidley Henry William 10 Wyborn Ernest Edward 10 Reeves Ernest George 11 Fagg .Juhn Elijah 12 Harris Arthur 13 Gathard William 14 Durling Thomas Cross and Return. 15 Fuller William 16 Perrett Mrs. 17 Illce Alen Robert 20 Clayton Henry 21 Mumford George 22 Burbridge George 23 Page Henry 25 Ransom William 26 Smith William John 27 Ransom George 28 Johnson Charles 29 Gibbins Harry James 30 Cope William, greengrocer

Police Cottages.

See Stanltope villas.

Pope Road. - 53 BROMLEY COAUfON

Left Side. 1 Daws Joseph William 3 Taylor John James 5 Cates Mrs. 7 Rumph George 9 Carreck Charles F. 11 Middleton Charles Goater 13 Avis Thomas Hugh 15 Westbrook Mrs. 17 Rumph John 19 Garwood Charles 21 Davies Miss 23 Johnson Frederick 25 Skinner George 27 Stockwell William 29 Quilter John E. 31 Peckham Mrs. F., laundry 33 Beales Arthur, laundry 35 Locks John G. 37 Hoad Archibald 39A Forster Charles, insurance agent 4lA Uollett Frank ......... here is Chatterton Road ......... 39 Cooper Percy 41 Whitehead Samuel Louis 43 Blanks Thomas 45 Humphrey Isaac 47 Humphrey Richard 49 Ralph Richard 51 Goodyear William Frederick 53 Duff Charles Frederick William 55 Duddy George . 57 Boxall George Thomas 59 Rayner Mrs. 63 Carter Alfred· 65 Ottaway George 67 Skillen William 69 Bailey William 71 Jenner Frederick 73 Howes William Frederick 75 Jenkins Mrs 77 Morley Frederick 79 Russell Henry ............ here is Union road. Cross and Return. 72 Thorpe Thomas Charles 70 Welsh John 68 Gearing Thomas 66 Matthews John 64 Hubbard Charles I 62 Marshall Charles 60 Humphrey George 58 Limebeer Arthur, bldr. & undertaker 56 Humphrey Thomas 54 Humphrey Jesse 52 Dennis Robert Stanley 50 Alpleby Albert 48 Hodder Mrs, 46 Oarter Charles 44 Levett Job 42 Herridge Arthur James 40 Gage Thomas 38 Wyatt Arthur John R. Wilson & Son, builders (workshop) 34 Self George . ........ here is Chatterton Road ......... 32 Gething George Constantine,lndry 30 Snell Albert Edward 28 Barnard Thomas Henry 26 Seymour Mrs. 24 Cripps George 22 Elcombe Edwin George 20 Buss Mrs. 18 Dillnutt Henry James 16 Butcher Francis M. 14 Rump Samuel 12 Coffey William 8 Golding Alfred W. 6 Rump Sidney 4 Ford Herbert Keene John W., Pope villa

Post Office Buildings.

See 4 East street.

Prospect Place.

From 73 Masons hill. 1 Smith Arthur 3 Brooks William Gross and Return. 32 Cassell Mrs. M. A. 30 White Mrs. 28 Payne David 26 Longford Miss 24 Markwell Mrs. 22 Driver Robert 20 Bateman IvIrs. 18 Ward George 16 Cooper James 12 Harris WIlliam 10 Wickenden Sidney Arthur 4 Cook James . 2 Bartholomew David

Queen Anne Avenue.-SoUTH HILL. PARK.

From 36 Westmorcland road. Left Side. 1 Smith H. P. B. 3 Baldry Richard B. 9 Cardwell John Henry 11 Collins Charles Erling 11 Tuck Oswald Thomas 17 Stanley Leonard Arthur 19 Sears Mrs. 21 D'Elbrux Louis 23 Lauman Theodore H. 25 Shepherd G. M. B. 27 Ward John 29 'Weeden Ernest Arthur 31 Nichols Charles William 33 Hughes Harry S. M. 35 Marshall Miss K. 37 Dufour Emile 39 Chappell Henry J uhn 41 Ji'icher Henry Edwin 43 Thompson Charles cross and Return. 30 Knight Mrs. S. E. 16 Collier George Alfred 14 Sherriff Cyril G. 12 Lansbury Mrs. M. E., Halford ho. 10 Taylor Mrs., Avondale 8 Bradshaw Mrs., Claremont 6 Wissler Frederick H. 4 Gedney F. 2 Burton Wallace Pillar Letter Box

Queen's Mead Road.

from Glass Mill lane to Station road, Shortlands. ...... here is public footpath t (/ Piekltu}'st qreen ............... Skipworth Benjamin Green, The Valley Wall Letter Box Webster H aITY, Basildon Weller William George, solicitor & commiEsioner for oaths 2 Clarke Charles B. 3 Light Thomas Robert 4 N etUeton Arthur 5 Hoare George R. 6 Leech Jesse 7 Downer Ernest John, F.R.C.O., F.T.C.L., teacher of music and organist & choirmaster of st. Luke's Church, Bromley Common, Testore 8 Esler Howard 9 Harding William 10 Widdowson Tom 11 Maynard Bertram J. C. 12 Skinner Mrs. C. N. 10 Hounsfield Mrs, 14 St. Mary's Convalescent Homc Miss Samuels, matron ...... here is Bromley Gardens 15 Davison Douglas Carlyle 16 Wallis Clement Macfarlane 17 Rayment Louifl John, The :Firs 18 Kingston M. (organist of St.Mary's Church, ShorUands) 19 Wright Albert Henry 20 Liversage Ernest D. ...... here is railway footbridge to Kingswood road .

Queen's Road.

From 30 Widmore road. Left Side. Dunn Edward George 3 Pannell William 5 Stanford Frederick John 7 Summers George 9 Searle Mrs. 11 Mist Ranald 13 Peprato Madam Victoria N. P,

"The Creamery,"


15 Smee Alfred Headley 17 Smith Sidney Charles 19 Button Victor Benjamin 21 Foreman William Walter 23 Robinson Miss 25 Kent Norman Geoffrey 27 Fraser Alexander ...... here is enterance to Queen's gardens Hight Side. 6 Queen's Nurses 8 Kere Mrs. 10 Lowrence John 12 Martin Frederick W. Stanley 14 Arnaua John N. 16 Jaques Austin 18 Brooks William Henry 20 Steiert Primus . I 22 -HoWie-William },',:.'j. t -" 24 Paine Arthur 2G Stokes James John

Quernmore Road.

From Park avenue to A'L'Ondale rd. East Side. Thompson R. S., Woodville Jennings George Charles Hazeldine, solicitor & commissioner for oaths, The Rosary Gayford Herbert, The Warren Shaw ,John Edward, Silvermead Gibson William Henry, Ardleigh West Side. Templeman Frederick, Thurtstone Underhill Thomas John, Stanley .......... here 18 KUlg8 avenue .......... Peppercorn Mrs. J. E., Brnntwood Mansfield Frank Herbert, Bngadine Williamson James Edwarn, Ashdown Tuffill Harold B., Toppesfield Perry Harold, Walmers Price George Herbert, Klo~ters Churchouse AIfd. William, Overstrand

Racecourse Cottages.

See Magpie Hall Lane.

Raglan Road. - BROMLEY COMMON.

Left Side - from Marlborough Road to Shortlands Road. 1 Choat Charles, gasfitter 3 Eves Arthur 5 Bailey James 7 Fox William George 9 Roberts Henry Edward 11 Edwards Joseph 13 Ellis Edward Chapman 15 Ashbee William 17 Whaley Thomas 19 Head Percival A. 21 Bowyer Mrs. 23 Ansell James ............ here is Nelson road ............ Raglan Road Council School:- Edwin Owen, Inter.B.A.LOnd., headmaster of boys Miss A. M. Mackie, head mistress of girls Miss E. Fluck,L.L.A.,head mistress of juniors . Miss Bertha Hodgson, head mistress of infants Walter Cooling, carelaker Special School - Mrs. Edwards, head mistress St. Luke's institute, James Heims, caretaker Bromley Public Library (Raglan Road branch library), William J. Harris, F.L.A., borough librarian St. Johns Ambulance Brigade, Bromley Division (St- Luke's Institution)- T. Healey, supt.; W. Cooling, treas.; Corpl. C. E. Farrow, hon. sec. A Section; J. H. Yolland, M.R.C.S.ENG., hon. surgeon, St . Luke's Institute Cross and Return. 26 Boorer Charles 24 Lee A. J. 22 Dunn William 20 Hibberd William 18 Compton Percival 16 Smith James 14 Herbert J. 12 Browne Andre w 10 Collins William' 8 Dunk Arthur 6 Lewis Alfred 2 Sam mils Frederick ...... here is Marlborough road ...... Railway Station (Bromley) S.E. & C.R. (South.) Baldwin George, station master Smith W. H. & Son, bookstall Telephone Call Office Cabmen's Shelter Knowles John & Co. (London) Ltd. lime & cement mers., Station yard' British Petroleum Co. Limited Peill Edwin. coal merchant Gill John &; Son Ltd., coal merchants Cornwall Edwin A., coal merchant Railway Station yard, Bromley north - So E. & C. R. Wood William John, station master Grinsted Daniel, Limited, coaL & corn merchants Knowles John & Co. (London) Limited, lime & cement merchants Darby Brothers, builders' merchants and monumental masons Rickett, Smith & Co. (incorporated with Rickett, Cockerell & Co. Limited), coal merchants Hinchliffe Brothers, stone masons Mark B William (late Thomas Mersh), coal & coke merchant .Bromley. Co-opemtive Society Ltd., coal merchants Anglo-American Oil Co. Limited Smith W. H. & Son, bookstall Telephone Call Office Cabmen's Shelter

Ravensbourne Road, 3 HIGH STREET.

1 Collins Joseph Edward 7 Peill Frederick William 15 Fry J. & S., sanitary plumbers 17 Attwood William . Joseph 19 Chard Mrs. 21 Thomas Henry Griffith 23 Ford Charles Edwin 25 Barnes ~jss, Fern cottage 27 CoLven Charles 29 Guy Miss 31 Girls' S'l1,n.~ldneOl1~b (The) 33 Meredith Miss 37 Mitchell Miss, Marlings 39 Padgham Edward 41 Lansley Sydney Robert Letter Box; on Lamp Post 47 Swann Misses 49 Pinion William 51 Bulley F. 53 Watts William 55 Leeming John. MR.S.A.,F.n.I.B.A. 57 Long Ernest Fowler 59 Berry William C. 61 Driver Albert 61ASmith E. .. .here is footpath to A.yle:;bul'!J road and Piekhurst Green . ti3 Marchant Frederick William 65 Hockaday Wm., buiIder, Heatherlie 67 Manser Charles 69 Piffe-Phelps W .. Glan-Aber 71 Webb George William ........ here is Ethelbert road ....... Cross and Return. 30 Hopton William Letchford 26 Porter Edward, Llanberis 24 Heaysman Henry ............ here is Ringers road ............ 22 Attwood William Joseph, TheVale 16 Dawes Henry, boys' school 12 & 14 Revis James 10 Nops Walter, 1.8.0., Elmdal!l 8 Elphinstone Robert,, L.R.C.P .. CaerleQn 6 Filmer William Stronghill, Hiilside 4 Quicke Arthur, South Bank

Recreation Road, 55 Beckenham Lane.

Left Side. PILLAR LETTER Box 1 Whitehead Abraham 5 & 7 Sargeaunt Albert 9 Cox Harry 11 Godfrey William 13 Hopkins Charles 15 Waters Herbert 17 Glenville John William 19 Newuigin William 21 Mortimpr Henry 21 Baker Nelson, chimney cleaner 23 Parrott Henry 25 Ellis Walter 27 Oswald Aibert 31 Workman William 33 Smith John Thomas, bootmaker 35 Mockridge Miss Harriet, genl. shop H7 Knight Frederick Arthur 39 Farmer G. T., tailor 41 Fox Harry 43 Bayman Edward Charles 45 Johnson George 47 Parrott William 49 Evans John 51 Clarke Joseph 53 Booker James Herbert 55 Hoad Charles Peter 57 Osborn Walter 59 Mellis William S. 61 Walsh John 63 Parrott Edward 65 & 67 English Walter H., laundry 69 Green George Cross and Return. ......... here is .illartin's road 54 Johnson James Edwin H. 52 Crane Charles 50 Woodward Frederick George 48A = Witham F. J. 48 Salmon Thomas George 42 Fry Hugh 40 Suter Charles Henry 36 Evans Walter 34 Williams Mrs. 32 Merlin Mrs. ao Johnson Thomas 28 Goodwin Frank 26 Salmon Joh11 Fredprick 24 Wilkins Albert William 22 Glenville John. bootmaker 20 Sayer Albert 18 Cox Frank 16 Norman William 14 Batchelor George 12 Clark Arthur Hatehmall 10 Smith Thomas 8 Hardiug James 6 Willson Charles 4 Evett Walter 2 Etherington George

Ridley Road.

From 75 Bromley gardens. Left Side. 77 Churcher Misses, confectioners 79 Cattermole Albert Edward 81 Pellow Walter 83 Dog~ett Gabriel 80 Carter John 87 Kilner Henry William 89 Wilson Robert ......... here is Gwyely]' road ...... 95 Vousdt'n William, greengrocer 97 Godfrey Miss 99 Little Stephen 101 Hammond Thomas 103 Knight Mrs. 105 Carter Harry right Side. St. illar!rs Church Mission Room ( in connection with St MarY's, Shortlands) Ringers Road. [,'ro/1/ 10 High street .

Rodway Road. - ALDE1UlAHY PARK.

From lIuwe8 road. 3 Marsh William Ernest 5 Goodall Frank Clement 7 Rose George 9 Ridley W. Wells, J,P., Deepdene 11 Meier Casvar Gottlieb, Rodway lodge 13 Elder William George, Argyle 15 Astle Arthur. Warreston 17 Titel Hance, Lochranza 19 Heseltine Mrs., Beechworth 21 Rawlings Edward Bailey, solicitor, J£ndcliffc 23 Fones Arthur, The Croft 25 Wylie Robert J. Wall Lettcr Box 29 Ferry Cecil R. 31 Layton Edward 33 Crane Stephen 35 Stansfield William George Cross and Return. 32 Wylde Cecil Richard 30 Higgins William Valentine, Durnovaria 28 Russell Mrs. 26 Lawrie Ernest, Oldbury 24 Pulman Henry Percy, Kingwood 22 Brookhouse John Charles, Ailsa 20 Couldrey Walter, Nuneham 18 Simpson George, Kinrura 16 Scott Arthur 14 Pitts Harry, Arundelle 12 Stocker Mrs. 10 Macdonald Alexander, Strathmore 8 Vickers Harold 6 Burton William K., Waynflete 4 Mollwo Alfred 2 Schwaiger Mrs. r' Roseville

Ronald's Road.

From 8 Aldermary road.

Rosslea Cottages.

See J.l[o.~8learoad. Rushey Road. From. Grarel road (Lamer).

St. Mark's Road.

From 41 Masons hill. St. Mark's 1lien's Club St. Mark's Church Room

Salisbury Road.

From Grown lane. Left Side. DAVIS ALFREO, horticultural sundries lllun, Sivada ......... here is Victoria road . 5 Clark Thomas 7 Tinsle, Walter ............ ·here is Albert rd ........... 9 Tenmous Mrs, Cromwell 11 Swanson Charles, liedwood 13 Brown Charles, Ridgway 15 Menzies Arthur. Banbury 17 Swaine Edward, Tin tern 19 Payne Thomas, Kensington ......... here is Balfour road ...... Right Side. lJli.~8io/~ Room Lamp Post Letter Box 16 Ranson Harry Charles 18 Jones Herbert Janies 20 Tons J(lhn William 22 Pearce Joseph 24 Bennett Benjamin Dudley 26 Jones A. F. 28 Hunt James Charles, Beerhcroft 3O Brister Georg-e, Langley 32 Bloomfi~ld Jas. Horace, Taunton 34 Jenner Charles Henry, insurance agent, Linton 34 Jenner Mrs. F. E., teacher of music, Linton 36 Kite Ernest. Milton 38 Cochrane William 40 Endean Frank James 42 Jeweson Reginald 44 Goodner Hor~ce Charlet' 46 Guthrie William James 48 Ward Robert, insurance agent 50 Studwan Robert. Dorset 52 Heath William Herbert, Denby 54 Smith Walter 56 Andrews Charles William 5R Masters James ~~dward. Erwood 60 Lewis Arthur John 60 Morris George Alfred 61 Boast Henry 66 HUdson Miss 68 Whitaker Georg" H. 70 Longhurst Henry Willilllll 74 Drake, Fredrick 76 EnglIsh Fredrick George 78 Alexander Charles 80 Ginn Mrs. 82 Sibun Charles William 84 Miles George 86 Byford Charles Willett 88 Ford Eustilce 90 Jarrett Albl:rt :Edward 92 Merrett George Henry 94 Warr George 96 Stltllforrl John William 98 Wakelin William Henry 100 Higgs George Gadield

Sandford Road. SOUTH HILL PARK.

From 6 Masons hill . 1 Matthews John ......... here is Pinewood road ........ 7 Armstrong Hugh Clayton 9 Morris James 11 Price Herbert D., solicitor & commissicJner for oaths 13 Winder William Thomas 15 Mllggeridge Sidney 17 Chava'se Alban, solicitor & commissioner for oaths 19 Moodie Herbert John, Courtfield 21 Wright Alfred Henry 23 Blashfield Alfred William 25 Courtney Claude, The Postern 29 Justice James Norval 31 Scott Arth. M. Cecil. Mcadow view 33 Ranson Mrs. Cross and Return. Bromley Lawn Tennis Club and Ground 74 Lloyd Capt. r 72 Bolton Harold 70 Dean Herbert Charles 68 Drew Herbert William 6G Liverton Alfred E. 64 Staples Stanley William 62 Bartholomew Graham 58 Park Land Co. Ltd, (estate office) 56 lonn Seymour C. 54 Staples Martin George 52 Bevans Edward S. T Lamp Letter Box 50 Briginshaw J. W. 48 Collyer Frederick Charles, jun" Logmore 46 Donnelly Thomas Gilbert, Brook field 44 Jarvis Stephen 34 Foster Bertram 32 Bryning Alfred H. 30 Halifax Henry W. 28 Black John 26 Storey William 24 Bradgate Philip 22 Raitt George Cardno 20 Rose Francis J. 18 Haslegrave Mrs. 16 Poulton Gerald 14 Bones Richard 12 Poulton Alfred Walford 10 VarraIl Mrs. 8 Mackrell Mrs. 6 Keable Benjamin B. 4 Creedy Herbert James, lILv,a. 2 Rhys Miss

Saxon Road.

From Heathfield road to .J~lr(fan rd. South Side. 2 Bromley Distributing Co. 2 Verrell Herbert 4 Carter William 6 Dawson E. R. 8 Dennell William 10 Buttenshaw William Henry 12 Rudderham John William 14 Newall Francis 16 Bastable-Stickland E. W. 18 Bishop John G. M. 20 Jordan John 22 Bastable Reginald 24 Dives Frank 26 White Mrs. 28 Wythe Alfred G. 30 Jiggins Willifl.ll~ 32 Fleming Walter 36 Dixon Arthur Charles 36A Head Ernest A. 38 Horton John Ernest 38A Daker Sidney Harry North Side. Bourne F. W., builder, Danesbury

Scott's Road,

From 37 Golle.fJc road. 4 Freeman Arthur John 6 Smith George 8 Caulkett E. R. 10 Willby Frank Robert 12 Muffett William 14 Hoskins James 16 Ward Mrs. Ada 18 Philpott Alfred 20 Green Herbert Early 22 Miles James Sundridge Laundry, dyeing & cleaning & carpet beating works cross and Return. 21 Matthews Frederick 19 Bragg Jonah 17 Pidgeon Mrs. 15 Bragg Henry Frederick, builder 13 Maynard Sydney Baron 11 Nineham Robert 9 Williams Horace 7 Pepper Christopher 5 Smith Miss L" laundress 3 llallida v William 1 Carlill Herbert

Sharp's Cottages.

See Walters Yard.

Shawfield Park, Widmore.

Left Side-from 197 Willmore road. 5 Richards Mrs. Courtenay Young William Arthur, 'Crowland Hewett Frederick, Penchester Higgs Miss, Sunnyside Stone Abraham, Hazeldcne Shaw J. Goodwin, Thirlmere 25 Rate William, White lodge 27 Daniels Charles, The Mount 29 Curry Arthur Edward, Inglenook 31 Pearn H. J., Elm cottage 33 Child John, Trevena 36 Apthorpe Cecil Z.j Farringford 37 Overy Mrs., Egloshayle 39 Gill Mrs. N. C., The Cottage 41 Homewood Wilfrid James, solicitor & comssnr for oaths, Holmbury 45 Moore Mrs. E. H., Hillcroft 47 Davis William J. B., SHeve More CrosS and Return. 24 Walter Herbert Wain 22 Hind Stanley A., Shawfield hou~e 20 Howard Hy.Crewdson, The Gables 18 White Reginald Jn., St. Edmund's 16 Trier Frank N., Kenilworth 14 Johnson Charles A. 12 Webber Charles, Sudbury 10 Dotti Madame 8 Scipio Walter Georgc 6 Reid Mrs.

Sheppard's College.

See Bromley College.

Sherman Road.

From Tweedy road, Nicholls Frank, bootmaker Marshall Mark, fencing contractor & rustic works Webb T. H. & sons, decorators Humerston James & Sons, upholsterers & undertakers Bromley & West Kent Newspaper Co. Limited, printers & publishers Bromley Chronicle (Thc) - -Bromley & West Kent Newspaper Co, Ltd, proprietors Boardman & Co. Limited, timber yard ...... here is Palace Grove Cross and Return. Boardman & Co. Li;nited. timber 'rard Crossley's builders' yard . . hon Room (The Brethren)- Pearce Bros., builders & decorators Buchanan W. & Co., builders' mel'S Salvation Army Temple Technical bHtit1ete Graty W., builder

Shortlands Gardens.

Prmn 60 BI'rlwnlw1n lane, South-East Side. 2 Lake Stephen 2A Durling W. J. 4A Horlock George 6A Tasker John 6 Scott Frank 8 Brown Edmund lOA Ellis Richard 10 Skinner Walter 12 Adams Harrv 12A RidgeweJl J~hn Albert 14A Batsford AIthur Henry 14 Jones William 16A Blackman Albert 16 Brown Jack 18 Beal George Osborne 20 Wright William George 22 Chapman John 24 Hart James 26 Moore Henry Joseph 28 Hillier John 30 Wright Miss, nurse 32 Jones Albert Frederick 34 Clements John North- West Side. 1 Broom John 3 Smith Frederick 5 Rickson William G. 7 Sales Walter 7 McCulloch John 9 Davis Thomas 11 Nash George William 13 Mannton Albert 15 Brown Mrs. 17 Davis George, The Vale 17 Davis Miss M., costumier, The Vale 19 Knight Alfred 21 Metcalf Henry Charles 23 Billington Arthnr John 25 Carey George Frank 27 Burton James 29 tlpencer John 31 CbrJsell Thomas 33 Sones Miss 35 Bolton Alexander John

Simpsons Road. - MAsONS HIT,I"

Left Side. Googe Arthur Robert 3 MorO'an Howland 5 Bar;ell Hubert 7 Brittain William Joseph 9 Hutton & Sturgeon Misses, dres~mas. 11 Heath Mrs. C. 13 Elliott George T., carman 15 Casemore Ernest L7 OBett Daniel E., coach builder 19 Dawes Frederick Tbomas Rogers G. & Son, ~arriage and cab proprietors 21 Lawrence Mrs., wardrobe purchaser 23 Knight John 25 That her William T. 25A Barnes John Henry 2;'BUJare Alfred. saddler 2ijcBdldock Ch!>rles E., confectioner 250 MiIler William James, jun bootma ...... here is Westmoreland road ...... 27 Clark H. & Sons paperhangers 29 Langford Thomas 31 Hogers George 33 Hs,yler Mrs., laundreslI 35 Harman Arthur 37 Kent Henry 39 Smith John 41 Brown George 43 Ware Arthur T. S. 45 Barrett Benjamin 47 Borer Mrs. 49 Bragg Ernest 51 Smith Mrs. 58 Horwood William 55 Killick Robert 57 Newby James 59 Harvey L. 61 Wood Alexander 63 Lewis Arthur 65 Sweetlove Thomas George 67 Smi lh Mrs. 69 Eaglrs ALbert George 71 Drhcoll John 75 Shrimpton John 77 .Jegust William 77 Ayles Mrs. 79 Corrie Joln, tailor 81 Jeffries Frank Edward 83 Chapman Ernest Right Side 2A Wilkins J., photographer 2 Bromley and Cnl?Js Co·oparative Society Limited-John Robert Santer. sec. 4 Goddard Albert. dining rooms t.i Harris Stephen Fredk .. undertaker 8 'White Thos. J,., antique 10 Amos G. R. & Son, plumbers, & c., Post Office 12 Jones Robt'rt A., fruiterer 14 Hearn Brothers, butchers 16 Clark William George, dairy 18 Thomas Alfred Richard 20 Brister Miss M. 22 Gonge William 24 Saunders Mrs. ...... here is IJ awlceswolth Road ....... 2(j Palmer E. & M., costumiers 30 Stokes Henry, oilmlin 32 Wright William Thomas 34 Johrison Thomas Albert 36 Stowe William John 38 Livermore Norman, grocer 40 Parish John 42 Ford :Ed,~in James 44 Brown 'William Ernest 46 Macey Wllialll 48 Tomblin Joseph 50 Willis William Alfred 52 Tinglry Frederick William 54 Moxh'lm W m.E.,picture frame rna. 5G Lpe Alfred 58 Harman James 60 Keen Jonathan 62 Barnes Mrs. 64 Turner J ame~ 66 Baker FriJderick 68 Collins Frederick Charles 70 Weston Frederick John 72 Hards Willi::tm 74 Langford Frederick

Sinclairs Cottages.-PALACE ROAD,

2 Wiles Arthur 1 Woodhnm:i Alfrad

Siward Road.

From lVeudol'el' road. 1 Butler Thomas 3 Peake H. J. H. 5 Doggett William 7 Freeman Mrs. F. M. 9 Barnard .Mdlle. Osmond, Le-Mesnil 11 Irwin Davis

South Hill Road

]iTOllt We,~tlll(lrdalld road til Durham avenue. LAMP POST LETTER Box Dewey T. C., J.P., South Hill Wood ...... liere is Toots Wood road ...... Bothamley Henry H., The Crossways Baynes Mrs. W., Pickhurst Wood Cross and Return. Be~kett Edward Henry, Ble~heim Thomas :Major G. Harley, F.S.A., Woodstock ......... here is 1J71I'!zaJn a'I)CnUe ......... Pillar Letter Box Symondson Herbert W., Woodside

South Street.

From 16 East Strcet. North Side. 1 Larcombe Frank 2 Hutcherson :Mrs. W. 3 Amos George Henry, jun. ,~ Satcheli Miss Bromley Borough Council Fire Brigade Station-Chas. Dixon, officer in charge South Side. iJ Banes-Feist Albert Thomas 6 Hailey Charles Thomas 7 Dowse Sidney 8 Gilbert George William 9 Hinchliffe Brothers, stonemasons 9 Maggs B. 10 Ridley William 11 Stockwell Miss 13 Hills George, cab proprietor 14 Hills James 15 Smith Frederick Albert 16 Carreck Miss 17 Boorman John

Southlands Rd. - 3:? BROMLEY COMMON

Right side. 2 Peill E. & Sons I general contractrs. 4 Peill Jo;,eoh 6 Dean Fmncis 8 Kent Arthur 10 Sehr Arthur Christian 12 Smith Arthur George 14 Godfr/OJY Robert Ernest 1(j Hislam Edward Harry lR Rutherford Alexander 20 Seymour Miss, Hazlemere 22 Peters Stephen B. 24 Baker WilJiam George 26 Tracey Mrs. 26 Tracey Miss B., dressmaker 28 Grindell William James 30 Barker George W. 32 Tippen Edwr..rd A. 34 Pen will :Mrs. 36 Morrison Thomas 38 Cullins Richard 40 Terry Albert Henry 42 Gimson Mrs. Emma, upholstress 44 Wood William 46 :Monger Mrs. Rose. grocer ...... here is Chatterton Road ...... 48 Eardlq 'r. E., confectioner 50 Jarrold Albert Robert 52 Humphrey Walter 54: Milbourn Mrs. 56 Nichols P. H. 53 Bryant Herbert Thomas 60 Balding Harry 62 Nilsh Arthur 64 Clipping George 66 Collins Alfred 68 Cow len James 70 Knight Thomas 72 Lloyd.J ohn 74 Sperring JameR 76 Richards George 78 'War ers Charles 80 Croucher Robert 82 Goad William 84 Hawkins Frederick Owen 84 Hawkins Mrs. M., dressmaker 86 Whitehead William 88 Brett Maxfield 90 Orchard George 92 Chantler William 94 Humphrey Basil 96 Collins William 98 Hickmott John 100 Burch Mrs. 102 Hyde William James 104 Mitchell John R. .... "... here is Cowper road 106 Morford R. 106A Hopkins Ellwin Lancelot 108 Johnson :Mrs. E. 110 Handscomb H. 112 Andrews John 114 Goebel William 116 Hartridge Frank 118 Brasier Francis lIS ADunford Jolin Harold 120 BKnott Martin A., plumbl'r 120 nnarton J. W., insurance agent 120 Holder Frederick 120 Holder Walter, boot repairer 122 Petchey William . 124 Stammers James 126 Nix F. 128 Distell William Henry 130 Harwin Htlrbert 132 Kenward Alfred 134 Bayes Mrs. l36 Greatwood Albert Henry 138 Grennaway Herbert 140 Lyddiard William Edwanl Francis For remainder of road see Bickley. Cross awl Return. 151 Weller Thomas, coach builder 149 Honess Horace 147 Stammers James Robert 145 Hartridge Joseph W. 143 Hartridge J. & Sons, builders Wall Letter Box McLeod Mrs. Alfred (Wendela) Gray James (Dillwyn) ...... .. here is J1ayrvood road .......... lH:l Beckwith Bertram R., bootmakr 131 Lethbridge Miss, draper 129 SKINNER THOMAS, grocer & provision merchant ......... here is ltusllOda. road ......... 105 Moore James, mineral water manufacturer ......... here is Elliott road ...... 103 Craker William, confectioner 101 Matthews Alfred 99 Cutler Robert, upholsterer 97 Hunter Thomas William 95 Wyatt Henry Charles 93 Sutton Frederick 91 Purton Mrs. 89 Lusty Walter 87 Lewis Charles 85 Humphrey Mrs. K3 Brown George 83 Brown Miss, costumier 81 Hitchcock William Henry 79 Knight Charles 77 Nunn George Frederick 75 Chappell Fras. & Sons, undertakers 75 Simmons Charles Reuben 73 Kuru Mrs. C., grocer Lamp Post Letter Box ......... hel'C £s ,fajJTa?! road 71 Burchett Edgar 69 Sickel George 67 Killgswood William 65 Rust Arthur B. 63 Clifford William Edward 61 Blewitt James 59 Freeman George Frederick 57 Vallins Frederick 55 Field Frederick. gardener 53 Mason Charles Gem'ge 5l Tracey George 49 Parnell Arthur 47 Culliford Miss 45 Blundell William, verger of St. Luke's Church , Bromley Common ......... here is Raglan road ......... Parlett Conrad, Idaho COl.lstable Alfd. B., B.A.,

Spencer Road.-BItOMLRY PARK.

From 12Ii London Road to Shortlands Road. North Side . Wall Letter Box Palmer Wm. Mitchell, Exelands 6 Neame Douglas J., Tracey lodge

South Side.

Wahlers Hbt. Watson, Spencer 10 . 7 Pim Rev. Henry Bedford, MA. 9 Allan Henry, Coverdale Stanhope Villas.-:MARKET SQUATU~. 1 Dismore Fredk. Police cotts 2 Cutter Charles, Hopton Mrs., Fyfe lodge Wheat Mrs. 2 Rush Samuel 3 Blatherwick Miss 4 Jenkin Mrs.

Stanley Road.

From 145 Masons hill. 1 Weeks Charles & Sons, bakers 2 Adams William A. 3 Leathern John, boolmaker 4 Dunn Tholllas 5 Staples William 6 Talbot Henry 7 Kingsnorth Herbert H. 8 Hay William T. 9 Harris A. 10 Park John 11 Benson Alfred, laundry 12 Wingfield William Henry 13 Brown Charles 14 Lettington William 15 Leek Thomas 16 Friend Arthur 17 Gilmour Miss 18 Whale Mrs. 19 Oambridge Charles Albert 20 Goodsell James 21 Church John W. 22 Doggett Charles 23 Tarrant Frederick 24 Sea.loll Mrs. E., apiary appliance mauutacturer Cross and Return. 25 Gardinor George 26 Thompson A. 27 Colebrook Stephen 28 Snow Mrs. 30 Bishop L., Ivy cottage 31 %arp William 32 Shortland J. 32 Shortland .Miss, dressmaker 33 Cattermole Miss, Hawkhurst villa 34 Worsell Charles 35 Doggett Alfred George 36 Startup Henry William 37 Taylor David, builder 38 Howe Alfred, Jura cottage 39 Skilleter Henry. Alps cottage 40 Lampard Geo. Blandford cottage 41 Havis Walter 42 Phillips Mrs. 44 Wallis John Henry 45 Chappell Fras. & Sons, undertakers 46 Stockwell Robert, Window cleaner 47 Guildford Thomas Edgar 48 Williams William Andrew 48A.bparks Bdward, meat carrier and jobmaster 48A Gilbert John 49 Elliff William 50 Burch Edwin Arthur 51 Aplin Charles 52 Cocksedge Miss 53 MacIclntosh Charles

Station Road. <.h3> From 61 Tweedy road to Glebe road . West Side. 1 Hodges Charles 3 Phillips A. J. fI Johnson David, Altona 7 Palmer George, M.e.LB. & A., agent Prudential Assurance Co. Ltd. U Harlow Arth ur H. 11 Saunter Harry 13 Wood Williaill John 15 Mayze Mrs. 17 Walter H. E. 19 Pluck Frederick Arthur 21 Perceval Miss 23 Spilsbury Ernest ............. here is Glebe road ............ East Side. 2 Horton George 4 Brown M1SS 6 Gumbrill Mrs. 8 Bunting- Miss Bromley Borough Yard (North)

Sundridge Avenue -WIDMORE ROAD.

Norh Side. Lamb Thomas, Hadley 7 Caverhill James, Orichness 11 Lake Arth. Frederick, Wrangaton 13 Denney M. J .. Stoneleigh 15 Parker Clive, Rothwell 17 Clay Charles Butler. Hurst lU Wheatley Francis, Nettlestead Pillar Letter BOx is Orchard road ...... 2ll Burton William Corwin, Loxwood 25 von Chauvin Geo. Jesmond DuncansonEd wd.Ford, Templewood King Lewis Daniel, Park View ......... Pootpath to Plaistow South Side. 8 Greeff Robert, Elm Bank 16 Koettgen Carl, Ceres 20 Faber Huhert L., Copley Dene 22 White William Baglin, High View 24 Whyte Robert, Ripley 26 Gibbs Frank E .. Hill Crest McConnell Robert, Greystones ...... .,... .here is Hill BroW ............ ....... .. here is J.1Iat·elsfone road ...... Bayley Edward.Hodson,J.p.Ellesmere Brain Mrs., Braemore lodge ......... here is Elmstead lane ...... For ITillaind 13rof naJlle.~ see SUNDRIDGE AVENUE.Chislehurst.

Sundridge Hall Farm Cottages.

See Burnt Ash lane.

Sundridge Parade.

See Plaistow lane.

Sundridge Park. - PLAISTOW.

White Mrs. Talbot Road. From 63 J.1Iason.~ hill. Harris Stephen Frederick, Rockwall Dulieu H .. Elsinore Nops Wilfrid W., LL.B., Lenton Opton H. Percy C., Minster villa Southgate Mrs., Rye villa Speller Harry Edward, The Laurels

The Broadway.

See High street.

The Corner.

See Hi{} It street.

The Parade.

See Widmore road.

Toots Wood Road.

From South Hill road to Hayes la. Left Side. lti Mace Jesse, South Wood stables 18 Bauham Walter, gardener to T. C. Dewey, esq. South Wood Dewey :Marshall, Tootswood Right Side. Gurney.Smith Mrs., Romanhurst Jackson G. Rom~uhurst stables Clifton Chas. lodge of Romanhurst

Town Hall

See Market square .

Tweedy Road.

From Widmore road to Lundon road. North Side . .. ... .here is footpath to Plaistow. Science and Art School - Arthur Schofield, A.R.C.A., ltTt master; Reginald Airy, M.A., director; George Wilson, secretary to the Higher Education Committee; Harry Richards, caretaker 81 Margetson Mrs. Leonard C. 79 Walder Clemt'nt 77 Batterham John Dodson 75 Lacey Arthur W. 73 Humerston James ...... here is Newman road ...... here are Sheman road and S. E.0' C railway station , . Grinstrd Daniel Ltd. coal mer Pillar Letter Box-5 Rickett, Smith & Co. (incorporated with Rickett, Cockerell & 00. Limited), coal merchants Darby Bros .. builders' mqchants & monumental mawns 67 Levens Albert Edward 65 Loat Edward 63 Jarvis Thomas Henry ......... here is Station Road ...... 6] Richardson W. L. 59 Nye Miss C. 59 Stanger Sidney 57 H(,man Miss 55 Isard Frederick William 53 Ensom M. Charles I ........ here is Florence road . 49 Skinner Richard, Oxford villa 47 Green Miss E. W. : 45 Mathewson Jn., ~LH.,,surgn. ........... nere is College road 43 CogsweH Philip Dare, L.R.C.P. Lond., M.R.C.S.,physician & surgeon, Fairholme 41 Allen Herbert 39 Heath George Henry I. 37 Hoe Ernest Charles 35 Liardet Miss F. M. 33 Holworthy Miss 31 Wells Arthur William, Lulworth 29 Petts Mrs., Chudleigh 27 Woodward Arthur 25 Palmer John Clark, Pembridge 23 Hharpe C. E. 21 Ginders John Marsh, Ingestre 19 Newstead ArthurChas.,Ambergate 17 Green Henry James 15 Porter Samuel 13 Cambray Septimus A. 13 Sandison John 11 Combe Herbert 9 Joyce George F. 7 Refuge Assuranee 00. Limited (district office) 7 Rednall William Herbert 5 Pardon .Arthur 3 Benham Walter 'William 1 Winch Herbert M., Ravenshurst South Side. l Humerston William 4 Collins Rev. Edwin, private tutor 6 Gordon Rev. Samuel Clarke, M.A., B.D. (Congregational) 8 U nstead Mrs 8 Hinchcliffe Miss 10 Gunn Mrs., Airlies 12 Rouch Ernest Rupert 14 Lawlor Arthur 16 Giles R. S. 18 Sweetland William 20 Llewellyn MontagueT.,W oodberry 22 Newman Misses, Clevedon 24 Palmer Miss 26 Browne Mrs. W. J., Fairlawn 38 Lea Edward Thomas, solicitor & commissioner for o~tbs, Gatton 30 Sketchley Rev. Ernest Powys, M.A., Ballater 34 Kirkman Henry Foster 36 James John 38 Brookhouse Charles Turing, J.P., M.D., M.It.C.S.. physn. & surgeon 38 Brookhouse Herbert Orpe, M.D., B.B.LOnd., M,R.C.S., Idt.C.P., physician & surgeon ............ here is College road............ ........... .here is College slip ...... 38~ Randall Philip Nicholas, M.B. Lond., L.S.A.,Tower house 40 Wigginton Edwn. .. John Doherty 42 Finn Frederick 44 Butcher Wm. architect & surveyor 46 Joy Mrs. 48 Romanis Miss 50 Francis Henry St. David 52 Hitchman Mrs. 54 Selman Charles 56 & 58 Rouse Charles 60 Bleeze Percy William, San Remo G2 Mersh Thomas 64 MILLER M. high-class ladies' tailor & habit maker 66 Banner Walter H., relieving & vaccination officer & collector to Bromley Guardians, registrar of births & deaths for Bromley subdistrict & visitor under the .1 Children Act, 1908," for the NO.1 district, Bromley union 6H Crossley William 1,. 68A, Crossley Thomas & Son, building contractors Boardman & Co., Lim. timber mers. 72 .Heaysman T. H. house agent 74 Stanley's Library 76 Legg Nathaniel & Co., coal mel's. 76 Payne Harry, house furnisher ......... here is North Street ..... ............ heree is East street ............ 84 Wilson Mrs. Jane Rogers G. & Son, cab proprietors 86 Amos J. H., Killarnev 88 Pamphilon Mrs. G. . 9O Stokes Miss 92 Pamphilon Walter James, architect & surveyor 94 West Kent Liberal Institute Co. Limited-John T. Grubb, sec. 94 Bromley District LiulTal A.~· s(lcw/'iolt-Jahn T. Grubb, sec. 4 Serenoaks Division Central Liberal Association A. J. Martin, hon. sec. & John T. Grubb, sec. !H Bromley WoJllen's Liberal Association-Miss B. Harvey, han.sec. !)G Hammerton Thomas May BromLey municipal Oifice.~-Fredc. Henry Norman, town clerk; W. Jermyn Harrison, B.A.~ deputy town clerk; H. .T. K. Wharrie, borough accountant Bromley Burial Roara Offices-- Fraderic Henry Norman, clerk & registrar Borough Euqineer's Officp-Stanley Hawkings: borough engineer; Wilfred Arthur Cope, assistant borough engineer Sanital';l1 Jn.,;pectol"s Office-Thomas Butler, A.R.S.I., sanitary inspector & inspector under the PetroleuIll Acts (!ollect0r 4' Ot'C1weer's Offiee-Geo. Stone, rate collector & assistant overseer Bromley Education Otiiel's --Frederic Henry Norman, clerk Bromley County Court-Edward Latter, registrar & high bailiff Magistrate.;' Clerk's Offir.e-Edward Latter, clerk

Tylney Road.

Left Side. - From 206 Widmore Road. Fire Alarm 1 Granger Harry S. 3 Woolley Walter George, draper 5 Shepherd G., baker 7 Elphick M. and Son, butchers 9 Churcher James 11 Ware Harry 13 Sunnucks William 15 Collett Arthur 17 & 19 Puckridge & Co., grocers 21 Cotton Richard 23 Shoebridge Jesse 25 Champion Francis George 27 Clarke Mrs. 29 Lane William Henry 31 Wood George Frederick Wall Letter box# 33 Craker Arthur 35 Haywood Arthur 37 Woolley Walter Edgar 39 Cronk Charles 41 Model dwellings 1 Hope .Mr.-l. 2 Bridger Richard 3 Trower William 4 Thompson Ernest C. 5 Reffell William 6 Hierons John 43 Wells Mrs. M. A., grocer, & c. 45 Ware Thomas J. 47 Wright John, boot repairer ....... here is Nightingale lane ........ 49 Butcher Frank 51 Edwards A. C. 53 Brightwell Prederick 55 Runnells John Robert 57 Seamer Henry 59 Bromham Edward 61 Burgess Misses, dress & mantle mas. G3 Skinner George Thomas 65 Ellis Henry 67 Dean Frederick 69 Beauchamp George 71 Cooper George 73 Craker Sumuel 75 Sanders P. G. 77 Burston Mrs. 79 English Alfred 81 Hoskins Leonard A. 83 Flisher G. E. ...... here is Page Heath lane ...... Cross and RetUrn. ............ here is Canon road.......... 60 Constable George Arnold 58 Bassam William George 56 Filby James 54 Randall Arthur Biehley So Willmore lVol'kiltg Men',~ Cl-/£b0' Institute (SamI. Hills Gilbert, han. sec.) n"e8le!lan Jlethodist Chapel 52 Jones WIll. Henry, iusnr. agent 50 Davis William 48 Bridger William 46 Spicer Frederick ...... .. .here is Nightingale lane ........ Salter H. J .. School house Bickley and Widmore Schools H, J. Salter, master Miss Harvey. mistress of girls Miss Laumann,mistress of infants 80 Easton Jesse 28 Shewbridge Mrs. 26 Lawson Frederick M. 24 & 22 Futter Mrs. 20 Bulleid Albert ......... here is Pembroke road ..... , is Stalker Duncan 16 Sears Mrs. S., dressmaker 14 Hazeldene Ernest William 12 Matholie Henry 10 Duncan Albert 8 Faulkes Mrs, J., tailoress 6 Phillips William 6 Lowe R. A. & Co., bldrs. & dectrs 4 Holman Mrs. 4 Holman John, basket maker Hastings Enoch Joseph, Ivydene 2 DeanFdk.,coach& motor body bIlk

Union Road, 79 POPE ROAD

2 Monckton Arthur 1 Cox Mrs., shopkeeper . .. here is Pope road· 3 Thurlby William E. 5 Deighton Herbert 7 Fisher Albert Henry 9 Cookman Robert Walter 11 Staples Ernest 13 Songhurst George W. 15 Suffield Mrs. 17 Rose Arthur 19 Pautard Lucien Joseph .. amorces manufacturer 21 Trigg Henry 23 Burbidge William 25 Edwards James 27 Hodges James Edward 29 Hitchings Mrs. 31 Walbourn Samuel Edward 33 Brown Harry ...... here is Balfour road .......... here is Herbert road ..........

Upper Gravel Road.

See Gravel road (Upper) .

Upper Park Road.

&e Park rOt'td (Upper).

Vale Cottages. From 2~ J.lfa.5O'Jt.

~ hill. Left Side,. 1 RogersGeorge & Son, coach builders 3 Coulter George, decorator 5 Palmer Jonathan White Thomas L., antique (leuler 7 Offiu Frank 9 Follows Miss 11 Tholllsit Frank 13 Hone William Henry, chair caner 15 Harper Frank Eldon 17 Avcling Harry Right SitZe. 2 Dorricott Herbert George 4 Offin Frank, jun. 6 Eldridge Mrs. 8 Sutton Frank 10 Mullins Harry 12 Paffett Alfred 14 Hills H. A. 16 Baldwin Walter Herbert 18 Huxley Leonard 20 Older Charles

Victoria Chambers.

S'et1 43 H'ig h sh'eet.

Victoria Road.

from Crown lane. Right Side. 2 Richardson William 4 Bennigsen Ernest 6 Golding William Thomas 8 Anderson George, jun. 10 Hancock Frederick 12 Penny Richard, Hope villa 14 Cooke George 16 Colquhoun R. 18 Mogg George F., The Ivy 20 Covle Lennard 22 Fox Frederick 24 Thorpe Matthew 26 Pratt William 28 Skinner Mrs. 30 Greenaway John 32 Cope George 34 Fuller Rowland 36 Bush Samuel 38 Weatherill Sydney Owen, builder 44 Davey Arthur 48 Greengrass Mrs. 60 Hammond Walter F. 52 Rudman Alfred 54 White George 56 Holdel Frank 58 Powell Henry 60 Elliott John 62 Bacon Samuel 64 BradfielrdEbenezer 66 Smith Charles 68 Crane Charles 70 Robinson Henry 72 Baker Mrs. 74 M cMahon Thomas 76 Hodder Sydney 78 Williams Frederick 80 Waters John 82 Pickering Thomas Charles 84 Wickendetl William 86 Reynoltis Alfred 88 Taylor William Edward 90 Vimpson James 92 Booker Edward 94 Barlow Ernest Herbert 96 Way William 98 Santer Albert Edwin 100 Riddall William John 102 Payne Frederick Charles 104 Berry William JumeR lO6 Hobden Abram 108 Wilson Arthur 110 Jefford Lawrence 112 Nicoll William Lett Side. Harris Henry, assistant superintendent Prudential Assurance Co. Limited, Beverley Hobinson Frederick John, Fircroft Champion J. B., Loraine Chant Stanley, assistant insurance supt., Redmont Brown Ernest John, 'fhornlea ......... hereis 11Jo8s7ea "orul . 29 Usher Edward 29A McClellar.d Mrs. 31 Hodder William George, boot mao 33 Woodrow George 35 Stevens Henry Richarcl 37 Higgs John . 39 Sears William 41 Boxall William George 43 Jackson Henry 45 Tubb Thomas 47 Sinden Arthur 49 Cheeseman Mrs. 51 Palin Mrs. 53 Taylor James George 55 Smith Benjamin Thomas 57 Blackman William Robert 59 Holland Charles 63 Willett S. 65 Gregory Job 67 8pencer Mrs. 69 Checkley William H. 75 Walker Edward B. 77 Bartholomew Frederick 79 Gregory James 81 Wise Charles 83 Young Frederick 85 White Walter 87 Hatch John 89 King Charles 91 Chapman John 93 Mitchell Edwin 95 Haines George Ernest 97 Butler Mrs, 99 Self Benjamin 101 Smith Alfred 103 Conway Stephen H. 105 Donaldson Miss B. 107 Stone Ernest Alfred 109 Tresidller William Geo. Herhert 111 Wales Ernest James 113 Lockyer Frederick 115 Davey Inkerman 117 Pink Thomas 119 Sims George


Left Side. 1 Gallon Thomas 3 Burbridge Henry .J. 13 Stevens Stephen 15 Phillips William George 17 Smith Henry George D . 19 Dann Herbert 21 Stevens William 23 Varney Henry 25 Crafter James William 27 Smith Henry 29 Howlett Abner Arthur in Walsham John 33 Dewberry William 35 Pack Zachariah 37 Rockall Mrs. 39 Pack Mrs. 41 White John 43 Underwood Thomas 47 Fleming William .... here is Bromley JJol'o/{!/h Depot ...... Barnes George. Council's yard Cross and Return. P-"JILL'S COTTAGES, 2 Fleming Charles 3 Stevens Richard Albert 4 Crane Robert 5 Sinden Frederick (j Jackson William 4') Burgess Alfred 40 Fisher James 38 Elliott John 35 Greenfield John 34 Collins George H~l J\fartin Owen 30 Lineham Henry 28 Varney William 26 Gillard Ernest 24 Gimson WIlliam 22 Elsden William 20 Taylor William 18 Gimson George 16 Ratcliff James 16 Ratcliff Edward, boot maker 14 Aveling Francis 12 Norman Mrs. 10 Arden Frederick S Drewitt Mrs. 6 Greenfield Harry 4 Dewberry John


Left Side. 1 London Percy William 2 Williams Mrs., Walpole villa 3 Church Frederick 4 Marshall Mrs., laundry 5 Bullen Charles Richard 6 Bullen James, laundry 7 Brook Alfred, district foreman Metropolitan Water Board 8 Ledger Charles Frederick 9 Billinge Horace 10 Ledger George Thomas 11 Jarrett Mrs. 12 Mason Eugene, laundry 12 Humphreys D. J. M. 12A May James D. ....... here is Chatterton Road ......... 13 Steer William 14 Robertson Percy 15 Tester Henry 16 Brown John 17 Chapman Frederick ....... here is Cowper road ...... Recreation Ground ...... here is footpath to Southborough and Bickley. Right Side. 60 Yeates, Alfred, Ashmead 59 Gayfer Reginald Arthur. Roseville 58 Smith Leonard W., Oakdene 57 Wickendell William 56 Hale Charles 55 Moss Harry 54 Burgess Mrs. 53 Crowhurst James 52 Bourne Robert 51 Hubbard James Alfred 50 Pearce Harvey 49 Pearce Frederick, laundry 48 Newman John 47 Nye Charles 46 Shell Lewis. Albert 45 Bryant Daniel 44 Legler Henry, hairdresser 43 Mallows James W. 42 Stanton George 41 Taylor Mrs. F., laundry ...... here is Chatterton Road..... 40 Nudd Charles 39 Gregory John, sen. 39 Gregory John, jun., firewood dealer 37 Sutton Frank 36 Steuning Samuel, Lenham cottage 34 Willson Walter R. & Sons, smiths and farriers 30 Kolle Karl 29 Collins George, jobbing gardener 28 Sewell Frederick 27 Trundle James 26 Large Charles 25 Knott Charles 24 George David 23 Kempton Thomas 22 Tidmall Arthur 21 Elcombe Harry Thomas 20 Chapman Benjamin ............ here is Union Road ......

Walters Yard.

From 118 High Street. 1. Vass & Sons, plumbers


3 Robinson Mrs. 4 Ridley Albert Edward 5 Wilson William 5 Killlck William George 7 Osborne Henry 8 Lindsey Walter 9 Blanks Edward 10 Collins Mrs. 11 West Miss 12 Prevett John 13 Rushton George William l'AYr\E'S COTTAGES. 3 Powell John 2 Wilson John 1 Welch Mrs. Ellen 1 Riley & Kidman, manufacturers of builders' joinery, & c.


Monday John Frederick Boswell Levi 4 Osborn B. E. 5 Lovell Job 6 Burbridge Miss 7 Currie Peter, plasterer 8 Vass Thomas ;) V!iSSDaniel 10 Lane William II Shcppeck Stanley Chitty Charl~s, general smith & farrier Hailey C. & Son, coach builders West Kent Printing Works

Wanstead Road.-134 WmuoRE RD.

1 Atkin&on George Arthur, Fairview 3 Woodman Johnson Musgrave, Ambleside 5 Anderson Mrs., Linacre 7 Ellis Herbert 0..Sparthfield 9 Thompson Missel', Glascoed 11 Orchard Edward H., Copplestone 13 Doxford John George, Petra Warmington Leonard B., Rosewood Coad Percy A., M.S.A., architect, Whyte cottage

Warner Road.-LONDON ROAD.

Right Side. 1 Steddy James 2 Smith James 4 Harvey Frederick Ernest 5 Potter James 6 Attfield John Holmes 7 Wright Samuel 8 Pargeter Mrs. 9 Gipson Walter 10 Sales George 11 Ranger Henry 12 Chinnery Thomas Montague 13 Spark Edgar, agent to Prudential Assurance Co. Limited 14 Ovenden Mrs. Left Side. Bromley Cemetery - George Huxley, superintendent

Warren Avenue.

F'r(lI11F'arnab!lrd. {5' Bromley aven. Williams Mrs. Powell, Tower ho. 2 Vernon Mrs" Thirlmere 4: Pope G. Harrison (j Armstrong James, Awa 8 Bruce Kenneth, Stenhouse Warren Rd.-BROMLEY HILL ESTATE. From Calmont road.

Wellington Road. - MARLBOROUGlRl D.

1 Watson Thomas James 3 Thatcher George 5 Thatcher Frederick 7 Jarret George 9 Cheeseman Frederick William 11 Teasdale George William 13 Lane F. II. C. 15 Joslin Jonathan 17 Harwood William ...... here is footway to Great Elms Road 19 Collins Wm 21 Green William 23 Songhurst. Alfred James 25 Collins William Henry 27 Collins William . 29 Rogers.J ames 31 Siney Henry John 33 Witham George 35 Volisden David 37 Costin George ...... here is Mallborough road ...... 39 Whitbread John 41 Hill Walter 43 Guding Henry 43 Bratton William John 47 Isard Edwin 49 Emery Isaac 51 Stanger Joseph H. 53 Wood Thomas

Wendover Road.

From 95 Masons hill. Left Side. 1 Naylor John S, Glen Lyn 3 Hutchinson Charles 5 Ayling Thomas S., Wendover 7 Hickman Claude. Southover 9 Brooks Charles . 11 Attenborough Ralph Ernest, solicitor, Glendale 1B Green George, Borrowdale 15 Edwards Sidney F. 17 Bradly Henry George, Sherbourne 19 Simpson David C. ......... here is Langdon roacZ Lamp Pillar Box Right Side. 2 Hatton Robert WilHam 4: Williams Robert Percy Hodder 6 Lewis Frederick 8 Mileham E. C. 10 Owen Edwin, mter.B.A.LOnd.,. Preselly 12 Scheele Edward, Brunsviga 14 Boullin John, Moreton lodge 16 Straker Mrs. 18 Tijou W. E. Wendover Lawn Tennis Club 20 Berry Walter 22 Tuson A. V.. Pallan7.3. 24 Ganll Mrs. Frederick 26 Croome John Fergusson 28 Tarry Walter H. no Davies Mrs. 112 Bromley Mrs. 31 Hawkings Stanley, Wicklow ......... here is Simard road .

West Street.

F'JorI/Jt jJlarltet square to College road . North West Side. Bl'omley (Kent) Elcetrie Ligld S· PMVel' Co. Limited--C. A. Maby, F.C.I.S.,sec. ; R. R. Barker, engineer & manager 3 Hoskins L. A., jeweller 5ABashiordJ as.E ..umbrella specialist 7 Job Alfred, bootmaker Chitty Chas., general smith & furrier 11 Rogers John 11 Kibble George, insurance agent 13 Monk, Amos & Hambleton,auction rooms 15 Hill & Gurr, builders Lovibond John and sons, Limited, brewers (stores) 19 & 21 Bromley Central Garage. Telephone !l55 Bromley 23 Wheeler Fred 25 Tye E. 27 Etherington Charles 29 Williams B. 33 Ball Mrs. 35 Boorman Edward, cab proprietor 37 Roberts James, insurance supt . 39 Payne Harry, upholsterer. Telephone 156:') Bromley H Holmes Thomas 43 Amos George Richard 45 Perrett Mrs., maternity nurse 47 Newbery James, painter &; hQuse decorator 49 Richards Francis 51 Smith James 53 Yeldham Mrs. I ............ here is College slip ............ South-East Side. ......... ,.. here is North strcet ............ 42 Pankhurst John 42 Stevenson Rev. Arthur Howe, M.A. [Ccurate of Bromley] 40 Bassett William Charles 38 Simmons W., plumber 36 Lingham John 34 Wicks George, Clovelly villa 32 Wright Frank . 30 Sudds Mrs. M. 28 WrightWm.Edwd.,Cambridge villa 26 Bath Mrs. Norman 24 Filby Edmund E., Charlton house 22 Barrett Mrs. 20 Groombridge George 18 Pilcher Henry James 16 Pritchard Alfred William, builder 14 Simpson Miss E., costumier Brornle1j Chm'clt Parish Room 10 Leaver Fredk.,ladie~' & gents' tailor 8 Bowen H. 6 Barton Frank E. 4 Tilley W. H. 2 Greenland Mrs. Board of Trade Labour Exchange -Frederick K Bullen, manager ............ here is East street .

Westmoreland Road,.

From Simpsons road to Hayes lane. [Situated in Beckenham parish, in Bromley Postal District.] Left Side. ,.. , here is Sandford road ...... ...... llfTC i.~St. jJ[al'!t's 01lttrd1~ ...... ............ here is Ilaye.~ road . 9 Towse Miss, Quinta 13 Thorpe William B., Fiona 15 Wright George Cornelius William. M.D., M.R.C.S., y"R.c.p.Lond. . 17 Stevens David 8idney, Hoyston 10. 19 Hoskier Miss, Tafira 21 Brennan Robert J ohil Lewis, Currahetn 23 Gregory Edmund Douglas, Penyghent Payne Frederick. New Farm Lanaway .Ernest, gardener to Fdk. Payne esg., New Farm cottage 27 Hawkins Edward, gardener to Rey. C. Drayton Thomas 29 Soames Miss, Alyn Bank 31 Hodgkinson Charles, Balholm 35 Thomas Rev. Charles Drayton [Wesleyan], South Hill lodge 35 Orde Julian, Aveley house 37 Bruce Lady, Yewhurst 39 Wybrants C. W. IT., Stillington 41 Butler Mrs. J. B. M., Elstree Pire Call 43 Hellyer Saml. Stevens, New Holme 45 Hilder Mrs., Hillside 47 Mann J. S., Hazeldene . 49 Barber Richard, Southwood Bedson J., stables of Southwood 51 Moore Arthur, Greenwood 53 Dodd Edwin, Springfield Wilson A. J., lodge of Springfiel(l 55 Beer Edwin, Highwood Cooper F., stables of Highwood~ ...... here is footpath to Pickhurst_" .. 65 Robinson H. Vincent, Preston bury 69 Selby Mrs. Fraser, Hazlemere ..... here is a new road (Pickhurst pm'/c) 71 Carey Mrs., Coverdale Gross and return. Lamp Post Letter Box ......... here is South Hillroad ...... 84 Zimmermann August, C0lonia 82 Roberts Arthur Wynter, Wotton 80 Shaw Frederick, Freshford 78 Durbridge Thomas, Lyndhurst 76 Lovell Charles S., Blantyre 74 Sommen-ilIe William 72 Mansell Harry Milton Piller Letter Box ...... here is Cumberland Road . 70 Tatham Geo. A. Ralph,The Towers 68 Tilli?g Edward William, Highfield 66 Helher Bertram Imrie, Lomond 56 Price Edward T., Stainmore 54 Frazer John James. Ivydene 52 Best Frederick John. Ambleside 50 Dashwood Mrs. Pejton, Caistor 10 ......... here is DW'ham road ....... 48 Batchelor John Burder, solicitor & commissioner for oaths South View 44 Codd George Ernest, Staplehurst 42 Foord ThomasHerbt. E.,Durham ho 40 Skinner Miss 0, S., Crofton 38 Chattoe ArthurNoakes, Ethelburga 36 Gordon Miss ..... here IS Queen Anne Avenue . Pillar Letter Box 34 Chavasse Mrs. 32 Dean Charles Yardley 30 Wood Charles Ernest 28 Hill Harold Bahington, Hope 10. 26 Bird George Frederick South Hill Nursery and florists & nurserymen [These names are 'in Brol!llr!YPllril1h.J 24 Cocksedge William Allen 22 Whybrow Percy .John William 20 Muskett Herbert 18 Troughton Frederick 16 Marchant George A. 14 Price Miss 12 Redfern Miss ...... here are Aylesbury and Newbul',1J}"o((d8 10 Hayward Mrs. 8 Harris Walter 6 Freeman George P. 4 Hai~elden .Tames 2 Duthoit F. P., builder, Riverdene

Weston Grove.

Frum 1 G Fm'mi,q lane to Weston rd. West Side. '3 { Flatt Herbert Henry , Flatt Mrs. Kate, dressmaker 5 Edwards Mrs. 7 Dowling Arthur U Bagwell JarI1es Williarn 11 Alwen William Thomas 11 Munday Harry, bootmakcl' 13 Taylor Henry 15 Smith Jeremiah 17 Gower Mrs. 19 Cuok Thomas William 21 Cutler Mrs. 23 Penton Sydney William East Side. 2 Wallis Charles 4 \\ ade George 6 Owen Frederick 8 Muncey William Stidolph 10 Vickers Robert 10 Vickers Miss, dressmaker 12 Podger Abel 14 Edwards George, 16 Holloway Richard 18 Carter Mrs . 20 Bateman George 22 Crowhurst John

Weston Road.

Prom 70 London rrl. to Jioo}Tl(fnd 'rd. South Side. 1 Hitchcock Frederick 2 Pavitt Frederick 3 Muncey Mrs. Sarah 4 Flaxman Albert Edward ............ here ill We.~ton yrol'e 5 Hoskins Henry 6 A \"is Henry George 7 Colwell Frank 8 Soan Edwin

Wharton Road.-NOltT1f UOAlJ.

Left Side. 1 Smitli Harry, bootmaker 3 Gibbins Harry Jas., ho. decorator 5 Brown William Henry 7 Venters 'William, paperhanger ~) Pitcher Ernest Willi!lm 11 Dowell Mrs. 13 Grosvenor GeorgI;; 15 Richardson Hemv 17 Carpenter Anthoriy 19 Baker John 21 Lander Josiah 23 Ralph Thomay 25 Lawson Edwin 27 Carr Isaac Mitchell 29 Skinnel'Mrs. 31 Coulter Edwin George 33 Googe Charles 35 Wickenden Charles 37 Budgen Albert I-1. 39 Scott Thomas George 43 Funnell Archibald 47 De Bolla Joseph 49 Parrott Charles 53 Adams Lewis Henry ...... here are Wharton road Council School 55 Bayes Albert 57 Venters John 59 yvesley William 61 Barnes Joseph 63 Botting John 6ii Hoath John Right Side. 2 Deacon Henry 4 Lawson John 13 Chenery Edward 8 Langlands Mrs. 10 Conway Stephen Henry 12 Brigden Charles 22 Kilroy Mr~. 24 Larking Samuel 26 Simmons Charles 28 Simmons Miss 30 Burr Thomas B4 Baker James ,Villimll H6 Bristow William 38 EdwardR Thomas 40 Rodgers David 42 Cann William 44 Drew Charles 46 Smith 8amuel 48 Maynard William 50 Grant John 52 Parker James 56 Acton Joseph 58 Hart Ernest GO Sutton George Charles 32 Wolf William John

White Hart Chambers.

Sec 1;{7 5' 1~8 High Ntreet.

White's Cottages.

See Ii'armi,? [ant?,

Widmore Road.

Left Side. Mad'e! 81]1{({re to Widmore. ... here are rVes! rwd East strePis ... 1 FosterThos.& co., wine &, spirit mors. 1 Hodge John Henry, solicitor & commissioner for oaths 3 Goulden l\:, Allen. chemists 5 Ewens B. G. bak'er & confectioner 5 Pretty Mossrs., surgeon-dentists 7 Newby Timothy & Sons Limited, fishmongers & poulterers 9 Dafforn Thomas John, linen draper 11 BATCHELAR & SON LIMITED, house furnishers 13 ,Villcox Robert, grocer 11 Turner Geo. & Co., china & glass warehouse 17 & 1!J Adye William, tailor & hosier 21 Gale & Bromley,b(lot and fhoe mas. 23 Lidstone, Limited, butchers 25 Crouch J. Morton, ironrnongel' 27 &, 29 URIDGE'S HIGH-CLASS STORES 31 Smith ·F. W .. butcher 33 LLOYDS BANK L1MITED--R. Adams, manager. See advertisement opposite 37 Rohinson :il1iss Annie Louisa, milliner ....... here is entrance to Connt1l COllrt ... 53 Chase Gordon, photographer 57 Peters James 57 Peters Mrs. E., confectioner 59 Jones Bd., greengrcr. and fruiterer 6 L Rochester Diocesan Girls' Friendly Society Lodge ... here are Tweedy &. Parle j·oads.... Wall Letter BOx 63 Newland Herbert George, L.n s. Eng., dental surgeon 67 & 139 Younq Women's Christian Association, Shaftesbury house; Miss Firkin, lady superintendent 73 Hill E. B. Lewin, C.D. 73 Hill A. Bernnrd L. 75 Theobald Walter A. S 77 Hough Miss 79 Carey Mrs. 79 Pow~r :Miss 81 Weeks William 83 Hammond Miss ..... here is Del/mark. Road ...... Rider A. L., Elmsido 87 Bolton John 89 BlakeV' Mrs. 91 Poweil William. Kendall lodge 93 Muhlenkamp Henry E. 97 North Mrs. 97 North John 99 ~omilly Misses 99 Romilly S. 101 Mourilvan Mrs. M. 103 Wienti·ltud Mrs. F 105 Symmons Gf'orge, Belle Vue 107 Brown William Henry Ion Shaw.Mrs. ........ here is Freelands "val! .... , .... Wall Lettel' Box 111 Chester~ Walter Horsfall, JI.D., B.R.Lond. physician & surgeon 113 Garnar Edwd. Martin .Elswort.h ho. 115 Trimmer Mrs. I17 Henshaw Harry Williallls, JI.R.C.S., Jdt.c.r.Lond., physician & surgeon, Grunge home 119 Grant Mrs .. Cleavb.nds ]21 Wright Alfred, Dunsford 123 Skilton W. F. 125 Freeman Jn. Tilleard, M.A ..Parkside 127 Crossland Charles, Lewes house ......... here is Homel/eM road . 129 De Jongh Alexander 131 Smith George Poole, Dewhurst Bromley Cricket g' Lawn Tenni Club Ground 133 Hay John Yalrlen, Warley 135 Heuerstedt William R. P., C.E. l37 Sledmore Mrs., dressmaker 141 Osborne Albert 143 Lindsey Charles James, plumber 143 Dean Frederick, coach & motor body builder 145 Telephonp. Call Office 147 Williams Mrs. E. J., Widmore Grange 151 Kuschke Mrs" Sunnysir1e 153 Greenhill Mrs., BorgfelJ Lodge 155 Simpson David Goudie. Rosefield 157 Neely William 159 Layton Mrs.", Olaremont 161 Stevens Edgcombe, solicitor & commissnr.for oaths, Clifton ho. 163 Robinson Mrs. 165 McNair-Scott Robert Frederick, The Shrubbery ...... here are Beechfield Cottages ..


7 Dowsing Madam, "Spirella" corsetiere 6 Emms George, fishmongu 4 Knight R. E., electrical engineer 4 Telephone Call Ornee 3 Wheadon Robert, butcher 3 Cm~ John C., fruiterer 1 Dawes Henry .Tames, boot repairer .............. .7113)'(', (lrJ Plll,istuw lalli' 0' Sundl'hl,qe a'venul' . lUI Gardner Thomas, baker ] 93 Georgl~ William, fruiterer 195 Hooper Joseph, chemist 197 Granger Robt. builder &. tlccoralor ] ~)7 Telephone Call Office . ........ here is Sha1l'.firdd jllll'k 199 May Frank 207 Lewis Miss 20B Oazeaux Edwald, Linda ...... here is Chislehurst road Wall Letter Box ...... here is Bickley road . Cross and Return. 208 {TweedY Arthur H. } Wid more Tweedy Miss Violet, lodge Knox Francis (lodge of), Widmore lodge Fire Alarm ...... here is Tylney road 206 Faulkes & Steed en, tailors 201 Ring Albert Edward 202 Harvey William Henry 200 WinterburJL Mrs. 198 Easthope Harry 196 Seamen Harry ...... here are Coles Child's cottagel( 194: Humble Edward 192 Sharp Thomas Edward 190 Ratcliffe Herbert 188 Plail Alfred 186 Gregory George 184 Valentine Thomas 182 Willson Walter R. & Sons, gasfittprs & ironmongers 180 Willson W. R., jun., plumber & c. 178 Allen Walter Thomas, stationer, & Post ,,)' Telegraph 'office 176 ThaiI' Arthur G., hairdresser 174 .Mitchell Alfred, confectioner ............ here is Lewes road ............ 172 The Oak. WIll. Henry Ridges [PH] 1-0 {MarShall Mrs. , Manhall Miss Maud, dressma. 168 Dawes Henry James 166 Taylor Percy Claud 161 Craker Henry 154 Skinner George, dairyullll1 146 Cave William J.C.,J.p.,Beechfield 144 Sandell Mrs. R., Belcaire 142 Davis Thomas, J.P., Birkenfeld 140 Ball Miss E. C. 138 Ball Francis Richard 136 Hitchcock C. G., Crosborough ho 134 Potter Mrs., Stonycroft 132 Scrutton Miss, Cl'omarty ......... here is Wanstead road .... .... Pillar Letter Box 130 Luntley Philip H., Sunnybank 128 Cooper Mrs. 126 Gibbs Mrs., Campbell house L24 Baddeley Samuel, Netherton 122 Clark Edward, Hackwood 120 Warth Thomas, Buchanan ..... here is footpath to Bromley . 118 Bull Francis Henry 116 Cook Henry Thomas, Holmbush l14 Chambers William, Bourton lodge l12 Cundy Mrs. Welford's Dairies Limited, Bromley Palace farm Seamer Albert, The Farm Wakelin Frederick, The Farm Bromley Palace Jlstate Office 10 Galsworthy Thomas F. . Child Coles D.L., J.P ., Bromley Palace Byrne Lewis, Palace lodge ...... here is Love Lane, leading to Bromley South Station, S.B. ,,~'C. Railway 2 to 1,0 Dunn H. G. &. Sons, house furnishers ........ kerti is Queen's road ......... 28 Beverton Albert Edward, ladies' & gents' tailor 30 Phillips (Howard Morley) &, Co., music sellers &, pianoforte dealers 94 { Bennett T. Arnold, photographic supply stores Bromley Literary Institute - T. J. Elliott & F. A. C. Thomas, hon. sees. I Bromley Naturalists' Society-H. I H. Mpllon, hon. secretary 22 Bromle.'· Camera Club-T.Arnold i Bennett. hon. s~cretary I Bromley Chess Club -A. V.Read, hon. sec. I Bromley Charitable Society Regisltry - C. R. Butler, registrar 20 Grinsted Daniel, Lynton house 16 First Ch1trch (If Clwist Scientists' Reading Room,f SnndaySchl.) -T. B. Cording, caretaker Congregational Church and Schools 12 Jones William Richard 12 Morley Institute 10 Compasses, John Henry Hadden [PH] 8 The Creamery - George Trenholm, manager 6 Dalton Palmer, hosier 2 & 4 Curwood J. N.,newsagt.& statnr.

Winchester Road.

SOl/tk Hill Park, from Durlwent Avenue.

Woldham Road .

From 33 Homesdale Road.


Abbott Annie (Miss), laundress, 3 Cross rd. Bromley common Abbott Frederick, rose grower, 70 Beckenham hne Abel Frederick Robert, confectioner, 12 East street Ackermann F. W., baker and confectioner, 13 Broadway Addis James A., paperhanger, H4 Newbury road Adney & Rawlim, boot repairers, 16 London road Adrienne Madam, costumier, 83 High street Adye William, tailor & hosier, 17 & 19 Widmore road Ainslie B1;OS.,butchers, 68 High st. & 23 The Broadway, High st Alexander George, coal merchant, Southborough rd. Bickley Alexander Madame, dressmaker, 73 Masons hill Alford Thomas, grocer, 36 Bloomfield road Alker & Co., auctioneers & house & estate agents, Bickley Railway station, Southborough road, Bickley Alldis F. (Miss), dressmaker, 39 Elmfield road Allen George & Sons,bakers and confectioners,39 Freelands rd Allen George, ironmonger, 118 High street Allen Walter ThomaA, stationer, 178 Wiomore road Amos G. R. & Son, plumbers & c., Post Otfiec, 10 Simpsons rd Amos Benjamin, grocer, 42 Homesdale road Anderson's Teeth Institute, 136 High sheet Andrews Richard, rustic builder, 20 Page Heath vils. Bickley Anglo-American Oil Co., Limited, Bromley (north) Railway Station yard S. E. & C. R. Appleton Ernest A. dining rooms, 30 :Market square & 132 High street Appleton Herbert, draper, 49 & 51 Beckenham lane Arnaud J. C. & Son, builders & decorators, 149 High street Attawell H. (Mrs.), laundry, 60 Chatterton road Attenborough Ralph Ernest, solicitor, Glendale, 11 Wendover rd Attwood W. & Co., drapers, 8A & 10 Broadway, High street Aught G. A'., bootmaker, 150B, High street Austen Harry Horace, confectioner, 1 Johnson r0ad Axcell William, bootmakcr, 52 Mooreland road Ayling Thomas Stcphen,boot manufacturer, 15 and 16 Broadway, High street Aylward Frederick John, gardener, 5 Lewes road Bacon J. & Son, bakers, 31 Farwig lane Bailey Alfred, builder, 39 Palace road Baker M. & J. (Misses), The Bazaar, IH High street Baker Nelson, chimney cleaner, 21 Recreation road Baker W. Herbert, L.D.S.Eng., dental surgeon, 152 High street Baldock Charles E., confectioner, 250, Simpsons road Baldock Frederick Edward, cycle maker, 1 London road Baldus John, hairdresser & tobacconist" 186 Homesdale road Baldwin George, station master, 8.1£. & C. R., Railway station, Bromley (South) Banham ·Walter, gardener to T. C. Dewey Esq., South Wood, 18 Petts Wood road Banner ,Walter H .. relieving and vaccination officer and collector to Bromley Guardians, registrar of births and deaths for Bromley sub· district and visitor under the Children's Act, 1908, for the NO.1 district, Bromley union, 66 Tweedy road Banning- William Thomas, shopkeeper, 24 Plaistow lane Barber Robert, ladies' and gents' tailor, 44 East street Barker Thomas. fruiterer, 108 Beckenham lane Barlow Henry W.,fishmonger. 10 8undridge parade, Plaistow la Barnes & Son, bootmakers, 10 Plaistow lane Barnett F. J., sub-postmaster, 94 Beckenham lane, Shortlands Barns J. G., assistant supt. Prudential Assurance Co. Limited, 19 Nightingale lane Barrell Allen, house agent, 32 College road Bartlett & Gregory, solicitors & commissioners for oaths, White Hart chambers, 137 & 138 High street Bartlett A.. T., rnstic & horticultural builder 99, & works opposite, Beckenham lane Barton J. W., insurance agent, 120B, Southlands road Barton William Henry, chemist, 42 East street Barwell R. E. (Mrs.), dressmaker, 38 Park road BashfOlc1 James E., umbrella specialist. 5A, West street Bashford Thomas. grocer, 7! Bromley common Bastable Arthur, fruiterer, 50 Palace road Bastin Ernest, cycle repairer, 84 Beckenham lane BATCHELAR AND SON LIMITED, house fnrnishers', 11 Widmore road Batehelor Frederick William, draper, 37 Masons hill Batchelor John Burder, solicitor & commisioner for oaths, South View, 48 Westmoreland road Bateman W., greengrocer. 90 Jacksons road Battson W. J. & Sons, builders, 18 Park end Bax Alfred William, honse decorator, 17 North road BAXTER, PAYNE & LEPPER, auctioneers, valuers, estate, house & agricultural agents, opposite G. P. O. East street; & at Beckenham & 69 King William street, 1£.0. Baxter Emmie (Miss), music teacher, 38A, Morgan road Beadle L. B. (Miss), fruiterer, 121 Masons Hill Beales Arthur, laundry, 33 Pope road Beament Thomas Henry, Gl'e!JlIONnd, ] 16 & 117 High street Bcardsall Edward, fancy repository, 4!:l London road Beclwnltam (~. B/'o1ll1e!/ SellOl/t (If il[Il.~ie S· Art, Otimond Yearsley, sec.,!i Aberdeen buildings, High street Beckenham S' District Times, KentiSh District Times Co. Limited, proprietors, 39 East street Beckett John, butcher, ,)1 &. 53 Oakley road Beckwith Bertram R., bootmaker, 133 Soutblallus road Bedingfielu Victor Harry, stationer, &. Post Telegraph Office, 75 London road Belmont Boarding &. Day School for the Daughter;; of Gentlemen, Southborough roao, Bickley-Mrs. Leishman, principal; Miss A. M. Porter, L.L.A .. head mistress Hennett Janette (Miss). costumiere, 93 Masons hill Bennett T. Arnold, pbotographic supply Stores,2-1 Widmore rd Benson Alfre(l, lan Il1ry, 11 Stanley road Berry Edward, hutcher, 77 London rd Beverton Albert Eclwd. ladies' gents' tailor, 28 Widmore rd Bickley Hill Brickworks (Hoare & Morgan, proprietors), !J Southborough, Bickley Bickley (~' Widlllol'e Wol'kinf/ jlIen'.~ OlIlU 5' Inditutcd Samuel Hills Gilbert, han. i'ccl"etary, Tylney road Bignoll George, laundry, 88 Chatterton road Bird Freoerick, domestic stores, 6 Cherry Orchard road Bird Miss. nuri:le, lOA, London road Bloomfield Laundry, -!!) Bloomfield road unfl Cowper road Blundell William, verger of St. Luke's Church, Bromley common, 4i Southlands road Board of Trade Laholl/' R.eelwage (Frederick E. BnJ1en, manager), West street Boardman and Co. Lim ..timbcr and slate merchants, Tweedy rd Bond & Co., florists &. nurserymen, 1 Broadway, High street&; Masons bill Booking Office/or Ent{!},tl1ill./Ilent.~.StrooQ· & Sons Lim.,39 East st Boorman Edward, cab proprietor, West Street Booth Albert, confectioner, 43 Napier road Boots Cash Chemists (Southern) Limited, 6G High street Borough Engineer's Office, Staoley Hawkings, borough engineer; Wilfred Arthur Cope, assistant borough engineer,Municipal offices, Tweedy road Bomdon W. & Co., Limited, automobile & cycle manufacturers; works, 8 East street Bourne F. W., builder, Dancsbury, Saxon road Bowie H. Drummond, ironmonger, -l:f) Masons hill Brace Mrs. confcctioner, 32 Plaistow lane Bradford House La1tnd'l"IJ, receiving office, 43 East street Bradshaw Raphael, photographr. Ethelwynne, 78 Babbucombe Rd Bragg Henry Frederick, builder, 13 Scott's road Braine Robert, bootmaker, 29 College road Brandon C. (Mrs.). registry office, 228 Homesdale road Brewer Jasper Henry, tailor, 23 Market square Bridger Charles, dairyman, 169 Masons hill Bridger William O. R., Palace Tavern, 1 Napier road Bnghtwell & Crowhurst, ladies' and children's outfitters, 121 High street Bristow Richard George, watchmakcr,5 North street British Petroleum Co. Limited, Railway stati')n (Bro!Uley) S. E. & C. R. (South) British Window Cleaning Co. (John Charles Diprose, manager), 93 High street Britton Kate (Mrs.), shirtmaker, is Beckellham lane Broadley Brothers. tailors & outfitters, Hi High street Broadway Motor Works, The Broadway, High street Brockman Thoma», hailiff to Charles George Esq., Hayes lane Bromley lind H{'ohen/wrn Injectiolts and Small Pox Hospital (Philip Nicholas HandalI, :.\LB.LOnd., medical supt.; Miss F. K. Whitmnr~ll, matron), Skym corner, Lower Gravel rd Bromley and Beckenham Joillt Hospital Board, Frank H. Gedney, clerk, Park house, Bcckenham bne Bromley and Beckenham Joint Hospitul BO{trd 8anatOriuJn (Philip Nicholas nandall, M.B.Lond., medical supt.; Miss D. Bayle, matron), Lower Gravel road, Bromley common Bromley unti Bickley Golt' Olub, G. F. Fischer, han. sec. ; G. Thake, steward, Bromley common . Bromley Bowling OI1I1J,Hy ..Jamcs Green, hon.sec. 77A, Plaistow la Bromley Burial Board Offices, Frederic Henry N orman, clerk & registrar, Municipal offices, Tweedy road; cemeteries, London road & Bromley hill . Bromley Carncr'a Ol7{,h. T. A mold Bmmett, han. sec. 22 'Widmore road Bromley Central Garage, 19 &. 21 West Fit. Te1. 955 Bromley Bromley Cllar'ita Me Socitty Registry, C. R. Butler, registrar, 22 Widmore road Bromley Chess Club, H. V. Read, han. sec., 22 Widmore road Bromley Cllina Stores Limited, 2± High street Br'omley Chroniale (Bromley &; West Kent Newspaper Co. l,td., proprs.) ; offices, Sherman road; published thursday Bromley College of Music (Ernest B. Moss, A.a.S.M. & Miss Beatrice E. Youngman, A.G.S.M., directors), York house, 6 High street. Telephone No. Bromley 1577 Bromley Common Wo)'kmen's Club, Oakley road Bromley Conservative q' Unionist Association, J. King, sec.; W. F. Masters, assistant sec., Wbite Hart Chambers, 137 &. 138 High street Bromley Cottage lIospital, Herbert James I1att, M.D., C.M., :r.r.R.C.S., Alfred E. Price, :M.D., 'If.S., Charles Westbrooke Grant-'Wilson, !I.D., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Cecil Ernest Millington Lewis, M.A., M.D., B.c.camb.,, L.R.c.p.Lond .. Sidney R. H. Mathews, L.R.C.P., M.R.C.S., Arthur F. G. Codd, :r.I,B., F.R.C. S. & ,T. H. Yolland, M.n.c.s., L.S,A., medical officers; Geo. Russell Edey, L.D.S.Eng., denlal surgeon; Hugh James Moore Playfair, M.D.Lond., M.B., \1.R.C.p.L'Jnl;., I'" H.C.S.Eng., D'Arcy Power, F.R.C.S. & Frelieric FmJicls Burghard: M.D., M.S.Lond.; F.R.C.S.Eng., hon. commltin.g surgeons; John Phillips, M.D., F.R.C.P., obstetric physician; Howard Henry Tooth, M.D., l"H.C.P., ·C.:.'\I.G.,hon. consulting physician; Herbert Willoughby Lyle, :.'\I.D., B.s.IJond., F.R.c.s.Eng., F.Z.S., hon. consulting ophthalmic surgeon; George Edey, hon. consulting dental surgeon; Miss A. Carter, matron; T. C. Dewey, J.P., hon.trea"urer; .J. Y. Hay, hon.sec. ; G. T. P. M. Ladyman, hon. assistant scc., Cromwell avenue, Masons hill Bromley CottIL[;e Impl'ot'em(}nt 00., Limiteroad, H. J. Titford, secretary, White Hart Cluuubers, 1:37& 138 High street !Jl'o7lllm/9" Coltnty Clllb, Jn. H. Lepper, hon. sec., 23 High st Bromley COUllt!! COIf/'t, Elhmnt laner, registrar &: high bailiff, Court house, Widll10re road & Tweed," road Bromley ()' 0"aY8 G1).opel'ativlI Socillty, Limited ..John Robert Santer, sec. 4l East street, Chatterton road & 2 Simpsons road; hoot department, 02 East street & coal merchants, Hanway Station yard, Bromley north Bromley Distl'ibllting 00., 2 Saxon road Bromley (5' District Lib(~ral A.~.wciation. John T. Grubb, sec., 94 Tweedy road BromleY 05' District nmes, Kentish District Times Co. Ltd., proprietors, 39 Bast street Bromley Drill Hall (The), 27 East street Bromley Ed1~cat'ion Offices, Frederic Henry Norman, clerk, Municipal offices, Tweedy road Bromley Gazette Co. 43 High street Bromley Gymnas'Uc Hall (5' Olu.b, If. Essex Webb, hon. sec., College slip Bromley High School (Girls' Public Day School Trust Lim.), Miss Rodge, M.A., head mistress, Fern Bank, 30 Elmfield rd Bromley (Kent) Electric Light (~' POll:el' Co., Limited, C. A. Maby, F.C.LS.,sec. ; R R. Barker, engnr. & manager, Westst Bromley Lawn Tennis Club Ground, Sandford road Bromley Liberal'!! Institute, T. J. Elliot & F. A. C. Thomas, hon. sees., 22 Widmore road Bromley Local G1tide cS' Ad'Col'tiser, C. A. Hopper, proprietor, 46 East street· BROMLEY MODEL LAUNDRY LIMITED, 8 Marlborough road Bromley Motor and Engineering IVorlts, R. E. Anthony, A.:M.I.ME., 1Ifasons hill Brumley Municipal Offices, Frederic Henry Norman, town clerk; W. Jermyn Harrison, B.A., deputy town clerk; H. J. K. Wharrie, borough accountant, Tweedy road Bromley .Naturalist,s' Soc., H. L. Mellon, hon. sec. , 22 Widmore rd Bromley Nuuses' Cooperation, Misses Larkins, Greta, 7 Blyth rd Bromley Nursing Home, Miss Boss, prine., 34 & 35 Palace gro Bromley Parish Church Committee Room, W. G. Sheldrake, caretaker, 11 Church road Bromley Part Estate Office, 131 London road Bromley Padt [Jotcl (Hotel &, Land Development Co. Ltd., proprietors), Conision road Bromley Public Library, 17 High strcet- William J. Harris, F.L.A., librarian; Raglan Road branch, Raglan road Bromley Rnral District (/oul/cil, Edward Haslehurst, clerk; P.. J. D. Wiley, assist. clerk, Park house, Beckenham lane Bromley School Clinic (Education Committee), :Miss Enid }l. 'Walters, M.B., n.s.Lond .. school medical officer; lYIiss Margaret l3. Dobson, M.D.LOUd.,specialist for operations; .Johll)1atbewsoll, ~r.B.,, awesthetist; Frederic Henry Norman, sec.; Mary Tattersall, school nurse, 12 Park roaroad Bromley and South Eastern Pcrl/lali{!1~t IWl:cstment IJwilrlin{! Society, W. F. Masters, secretary, 2/i :\Jarket square Bromlcy South Private (i-aragcs (A. G. Petty &, Co. proprittors), .Masons hill Bromley Sp{/rt.~ (·J-round, Sydney A. P('urce, han. sec., Hayes lane, Bromley common Bromlcy Union, Otfiel~of flu: )Joanl (If G/{arrlhtll.~, Edward Haslehurst, clerk; P. J. D. Wiley, assistant clerk, Park hou~e, Beckellham lane Bromley S. We.~t Kent Jfr..s(lJlie Ifal! Co. LimitNl, H .. J. Titford, sec., 137 & 138 High street Bromley Window Cleaninrl Co., John Charles Diplose, manager, 10 Nightingale lane Brmnlcy Womcn's Liberal Association, Miss B. Harvey, han. sec., 94 Tweedy road Brook Alfred, district foremall Metl'opolitalJ Water Board, 7 Walpole road Brookhouse Charles Turing, ,J.P., M.D., M.R.C.S., physician &. surgeon, 38 Tweedy road Brookhouse Heruert Orpe, :M.D., B.S.Lond., M.R.C.~., phJsician & surgeon, 38 Tweedy road Brooks George William, grocer, 38 Beckenham lane Brouard. William & Son, furniture dealers, 35 Homes(lale road & 149A, Masons hill Brown A. & H., greengrocers, 6 Freelands grove Brown Chas. Stephen, corn dlr. 3 Holwooe! blclgs.Homesdale rd Brown Edward Alfred, oil & coluurman, 105 Palace road . Brown Bdward Cotgreave, school, Bickley hall, Chislehurst Brown Frederick (Mrs.), general shop, 27 Farwig lane Brown Miss, costumier, 83 Southlands road Brown M. A. (Mrs.), Chatterton Arms, 41 Chatterton road [PH] Brown R. A. (Miss), confectioner, 54 East street Browl1e Herbert, L.D.S.R.c.s.lrel., dental surgeon, Byfield, 5 High street Browlling & Sons, fruitrs. & greengrcrs. 95 High st.X 33 College rd Brunning Arthur James, butcber, 49 College road Bryant Albert John, station master, Sundridge Park Railway station, Plaistow lane Buchanan W. & Co., builders' merchant!'!, Sherman road Buckland George, florist & fruiterer, 1 East street & 19 Market square Bullen James, laundry, 6 Walpole road Bunker Alfred John, tobacconist, 19.A., East street Bunting Fred, certified bailiff, 8 Park road Bunyan Harry, grocer, 54 & fi6 Chatterton road Burgess Misses, dress & mantle makers, 61 Tylney road Burgess A. (Miss),school, Springhurst,Southborough rd. Bickly Burkin Miss, dressmaker, 6 Pembroke road Burr, James H., baker, 20 Chatterton road Burton Brothers, farriers and smiths, M High street Burton George, grocer, 86 Palace road Bush S.& Son, printers, booksellers & stationers,41 & 42 High st Butcher William, architect & surveyor, 44 Tweedy road Butler William & James, fencing c.ontractors, 16 Cowper road & Herbert road Butler H. L., butcher, 24 East street Butler Thomas, .A..R.S.I., borough sanitary inspector,& inspector under the Petroleum Acts, Municipal offices, Tweedy road Button & East, estate agents, Station approach, Plaistow lane Buxton Alfred Henry, district superintendent to Prudential Assurance Co. Ltd., I'own hall, Market square () Cakebreatl IsabelM (Miss), costumier, 109 High street Calder Robert, tailor, 30 Bloomfield road Cann Reginald W., confectioner, 31 High street Cal' 4- General lnsurance Corporation (branch office), Robert Girling, branch manager; R. H. Brown, L. G. Bennett & R. H. Lush, inspectors, 137 & 138 High street Carpenter E. E. (Mrs.), Railway Signal, 1 Masons hill Carreck H. N. (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 16 Farwig lane Carrick Samuel, bootmaker, 79 London road Carrigan Thomas, bootmaker, 7 North road Carter, Law & Leech, auctioneers, bouse & estate agents & surveyors, 56 East street & 106 Beckenham la. Shortlands Carter, Paterson & Co. Limited, carriers, 31 East street Catford Herbert, antique furniture dealer, 25 The Broadway, Higb street Catlett Samuel, naturalist, Go! Beckenham lane Cayzer H. T., gas fitter, 90 Newbury road Central Hall 'dl'essing Rooms, 20 East street Central Hall, London road Chamberlain E. (Mrs.), draper, 32 Homesdale road Chambers & Co., dyers, 22 The Broadway, High street Chance Robert, cartage contractor, 6 Moore]and road Chant Stanley, assist. insurance supt. Redmont, Victoria road Chapman Harry, deputy Registrar of births & deaths for Bromley sub-district,Brornley union,Park hO.Beckenham la Chapman Henry, plumber, liS Palace road CHAPPELL FRANCIS & SONS, undertakers, 25 High street, Bromley &; 75 1:\outhlancls road &; 45 Stanley road, Bromley common. Telephone 1720 Bromley Chappell F. S., architect &; garden designer, in The J3roadway, High street Chapple H. C., picture frame ma., as The Broadway, High !it Chase Gordon, photographer, va Widmore road Clmstoll & Sons, frniterers, 31: Homesdale road Chavasse Alban, soll'. & commissioner. for oaths, 17 tiandford rd Cheesman Frederick, builder, G2 Beckenham lane Chesters ,Valter Horsfall, M.B., B.s.Lond., physician & surgeon, HI Widmore road Chitty & Son, coach builders, '1 &; 5 Horsley road Chitty Charles, general smith & farrier, West street &; Walter's yard, High street Choat Charles, gasfitter, 1 Raglan roacl Chnrcher Mrs, confectioner, 77 Hidley road Claessens John A. Leon, Wllite IIart IIotd, IS£) High street Clark H. &; Sons, paperhangers, 27 Simpsons road Clark George, chimney cleaner, 8 Nelson road Clark William George, dairy, 16 Simpsons road CLARKE E. & SON LIMITED, printers, bcokbinders, stationers, bill posters & advertising agents, fancy & leather goods dealers, 53 High street, Bromley &, at High street, St. Mary Cray. Telephone 414 Bromley Clarke Geo. Wm., motor engineer, 33 Chislehurst rd. Bickley Clarke Thomas, jobbing gardenl:-r, 60 Martins road Clarke William, builder and decorator, 70 Nartins road Clarke William John, hairdresser, 53 Chatterton road Clarke William John, watchmaker, 68 Heathfield road Clayden William, florist, 6£) BeckelJham lane CliffGrd. Madame, corsetire, HI Church road Coad Percy A., M.S.A., architect, 1Vhyte cottage, 'Wanstead Rd Goal Go-operative Society, Limited-Depot, Bickley stationR. Maddams, representative Codd Arthur F. G., M.B., F.Re.s., surgeon & medical officer of health for Bromley, Holwood lodge, 15-1:High street Cogswell Philip Dare, L.R.c.p.Lond.: M.B.C.S., physician & surgeon, 43 Tweedy road Colby Thomas 1. greengrocer, 4 Sundridge par. Plaistow lane Cole Albert S., fruiterer, 4 London road Cole Frank, china repairer, 65 Farwig lane Coles Henry, plumber, 2 :Martins road Co1esworthy ~::Hanley, confectioner &; newsagent, 95 Farwig ]a Coller tor ~. Overseers' Office, George Stone; rate collector & assistant overseer, Municipal offices, Tweedy road Collings Brothers, carvers & ; gilders, 82 High street Collings Brothers, furniture dealers, 82A, High street Collins Rev. Edwin, private tutor, 4 Tweedy road Collins Herbert, Limited, drapers, 12 and 13 Market square Collins George, jobbing gardeller, 2£) Walpole road Collyer Fredk. Chas.solr. & Clommssnr. for oaths, 40 London rd Coltman R. Izard, specialist in voice production, WIountfield, 66 Babbacombe road Compton Major J. postmaster, General Post Office, 17 East st Connell J. M., window cleaner, 21 Park end Conning George, draper, 32 Chatterton road Conervative Cl1lb, Rbt. T.W mgg, hon.sec., The Broadway, High st Cook Thomas William & Co., tailors, 22 Church road Cook Jas. ,agent Prudential Assurance Go. Ltd., 75 Bromley com Cook James, draper, 15 Chatterton road Cook Miss, draper, 46 Palace road Cook Philip Inkerman, L.I.D.Birm., L.R.C.P., M.R.C.S., L.S.A, physician & surgeon, Argyll lodge, 4 High street Cooling 'William, nurseryman, Croft house,80A, Bromley com Cooper Alfred, oil & color dealer, 30 The Broadway, High st Cooper George, confectioner, 1 Church road Cooper John, confectioner, 21 Brewery road Cooper Maurice, tobacconist, 31 The BroadWay, High street Cope Wilfred Arthur, assistant borough engineer, Municipal offices, Tweedy road Cope William, greengrocer, 30 Plymouth road Copping Brothers, bakers, 50 Homesdale road Copping H. (Mrs.), laundry, 7 Bickley road Copus William, baker and confectioner, 62 Bromley common Corbett William George, oilman, 36 East street Cornock David Stroud, solicitor, 12 Freelands road Cornwall Edwin A., coal merchant, S. E. & C. Railway station (South) Corrie Madame, dressmaker, 2 Sundridge parade, Plaistow la Coster Vincent, inspector, Police station, Market square Costin A. M. (Miss), ladies' & children's outfitter, 8 London rd Coulling Hy.Jas. gardnr.4 Barmouth vils. Clarence ave Bickley Coulter George, decorator, 43 Masons hill & 3 The Vale County School for Girls (Miss C. M. Waters, B.A., principal), 8i) Nightingale lane Cousins C. H., bricklayer, 3 Horsley road Cousins L. J., signwriter, 27 Freelands road Covell & Harris, butchers, 4: The Corner, High street Cox John C. fruiterer, 3 The Parade, Widmore road Cox Mrs., shopkeeper, 1 Union road Cox William, The Plough, 81 Bromley common Craker William, confectioner, 103 Southlands road Creamery (The), George Trenholm, manager, 8 Widmore rd Crofts H. E., bakers, 85 Masons hill Croome .John F., collector of King's taxes, 5 Market square Crossley Thomas & Son, building contractors, 68A, Tweedy Rd Crossley Hy., builder, llecrtr. & sanitary engnr., 77 Masons hill Crothall Mrs. Royal Kinnaird laundry, 12 Sundridge parade, Plaistow lane Crouch J. Morton, irnmnger. 41 Masons hill & 25 Widmore Rd Crow Fanny (Miss), general shop, 59 Chatterton road Crowe T. (.Mrs.), Lord Holmesdale, 184 Homesdale road [PH] Culver M. B., draper, 101 Palace road Currie Peter, plastercr, 7 Orchard place, Walter's yard Curwood George, outfitter, 14 Market square Curwood J. N., newsagent and stationer. 2 & 4 Willmore road Customs and Excise,!}' OlrlAfle Pen8'i(/!l.~Office,A. W. Woodward, surveyor i Albert Edward ,Jackson, officer, Park house, Beckenham lane Cuthbert Harry H. chemist, 101 Beckenham lane Cutler Robert, upholsterer, !)9 Southlal1ds road DafIorn Thomas John, linen umper, 9 Widmore road Dale Cecil Hasted, solicitor, In~leside, !)8 Plaistow lane Dale William Halsted, solicitor & commissioner for oa.ths, Ingleside, 98 Plaistow Imlo Dalton Palmer, hosier, 6 Widmore road Daniell Edwin, tailor, 61 Martins road Darby Brothers, builders' merchants & monumental masons. Bromley (North) Railway Station yd.S.E.& c.R.& Sherman rd Darby Walter George, boot repairer, 24: Johnson road Dark Miss, dressmaker, 13 Chislehurst road, Bickley Davenport Ricbard Cartwright, chemist, ~7 London road Davies Charles & Son, bakers &; confectioners, 48 East street Davies A. (Mrs.), dreesmaker, fi!) Park end Davies Frederick, shopkeeper, !) Devonshire square Davies S. (Madame), teacher of music, HHay,vood road Davis Alfd. horticultural sund Jiesman, Sivada, 1 Salisbury rd Davis Bert, greengrocer, 74: College road Davis M. (Miss), costumier. The Vall', 17 Shortlands gardens Davis William, general dealer, 80 Ja.cksons road Dawes Henry, boys' school, 16 Havensbourne road Dawes Henry James, b~oj, repairer, 1 The Parade, Widmore rd Dawson Sidney, insurance agent, 36 Aylesbury road Day George, jun., plumber, 1 Bloomfield road Deadman C. (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 19 Farwig lane~ Deadman David, builder & decorator, 7 Farwig lane Dean S. S. & Son, grocers, 55 College road Dean Elizabeth (Mrs.), art needlework depot, 84: High street Dean Fras.district supt. Pearl Li fe Assurance Co. Ltd. 3S East at Dean Frederick, coach & motor body builder, 145 Widmore road & 2 Tylney road Dean Hedley, cabinet. maker, 30 Aylesbury road Dell William, naturalist and seedsman, 15 Market square Dennis B. (Miss), dressmaker, 35 Haywood road Denny :Miss, needlcworker, 46 Croft road Dew Arthur, fruiterer, 171 Romesdale road Dewberry John, haberdasher, 166 Homesdale road Diamond Domestic Store (C. G. Beasley, propr.), 6 London rd Dibben Ernest, dairy, 87 High street Dickinson Charles Frederick, boot repairer, 11 Mosslea road Dixon CLades, ofl1ccr ill charge Bromlcy Boi'ough Council Fire Engine Station, South Street Dodd Alfred, Hlr'd in Hand, 5 Upper Gravel road Domestic Bazaar Co. Limited, 77 High street Dotter Konstantin, watchmaker, 123 High street Double George, butcher, 52 Homegdale road Downer Ernest John, F.R.C.O., F.T.C.L., teacher of music, & organist & choirmaster of Rt. Luke's Church, Bromley Common, Testore, 7 Queen's Mead road Dowsing Madam, Spirella corsetiere, 7 The Parade, Widmore road Doyle John, hairdresser, 34 Market square Draper Edward D., solicitor & commissioner for oaths, 5 Park grove Dray Edward William, laundry, 61 Cowper road Duglas Charles, Pembroke laundry, 1 Pembroke road Dunford Henry, tobacconist and newsagent, 29 North road Dunford Sidney, builder, 65 Masons hill Dunn H. G. & Sons, house furnishers, upholsterers and undertakers, 32·40 Widmore road; and depository, Park road Duthoit F. P., bldr. & decortr. River dene, 2 Westmoreland rd Dutton Daniel, farmer, Holloway farm, Bromley hill Dymott Gerald L., J".D.s.Eng., dentist, Willow bank, 29 London road E Eagle Henry, bootmaker, 35 Addison road Eardley T. E., confectioner, 48 Southlands road Earing George, oilman, 7 Sundridge parade, Plaistow lane East A. E. (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 58 Homesdale road Eastes H. (Miss), fancy repository, 123 Masons hill Eastman & Son (Dyers & Cleaners) Ltd. dyers and cleaner. 83 High street Eastmans Limited, butchers, l02A, High strCf't Easy Henry, baker, 78 Bromley common Edey G. Russell, .L.D.s.Eng., dcntist, Westnor, 153 High 8t Edwards Charles, bootmaker, 2A, Foxbury road Edwards Charles, bootmaker, & c., 19 High street Edwards Walter, window cleaner, 2 Howard road Elliott George, carman, 13 Simpsons road Elliott John, wood broker & thatcher, 78 Chatterton road Ellis & Son, farriers, 73A, Beckenham lane Elphick M. & Son, butchers, 7 Tylney road Emery & Merrett, laundry, 74 Homesdalc road Emilie M. D. (Madame), wardrobe dealer, 30 Addison road Emms George, fishmonger, 6 The Parade, Willmore road England & Furness, florists & nurserymen, Freelands Road nurseries, Freelands road English Walter H., laundry, 65 & 67 Recreation road Errington Nurse (certificated & maternity), 4A, Howard road Estate Office, 30 Morgan road Etheridge George, chimney sweep, 43 Mooreland road Euvo Ointment Co., 137 & 138 High street Everett Richard, shoemaker, 2 Palac~ road Eves E. M. & :It, shopkeepers, 47 Liddon road Eves Edward Wmiam, grocer, 25 Bromley gardens Ewens B. G., baker & confectioner, 5 Widmore road F Fairchild Henry Edward, Two Doves, 3i Oakley road Farmer G. T., tailor, 39 Recreation road Farmer Mrs., hand laundry, 2 Bourne road Faulkes & Steeden, tailors, 206 Widmore road Faulkes J. (WIrs.), tailoress, 8 Tylney road Fawsitt Fred, leather seller, 21 Market square Felce & Co., chemists (H. Francis, M.P.S., proprietor)! 22 High street ,~ 76 College road Feldmar Mrs., costumier, 14 Crescent road Ferris & Sons, saddle & harness makers, 103 High street Fertel Frederic, professor of music & orgauist of Parish Church, Holmcroft, 33 Holewood road Fertel Mrs., ladies' school, Holmcroft, 33 Holwood road Field C. & A., johmasters, l: Southhorough, Bickley Field Cbarles, hootmaker, 4 Masons hill Field Cbarles, jun., bootmaker, 3 Martins road Field Frederick, gardener, 55 Southlands road Field Misses, preparatory school, 13 Bromley common Fielding Ernest, draper, 89 London read & 2 Park end Filby & Son, hairdressers & perfumers, 89 High street Financial Partners, Ltd.(Wm. StlUtt,A.L,A.A. sec.),43 High st Fitz Amy (Mrs.), grocer, & c. & Post Office, 215 Homesdale Rd Flatt Kate (Mrs.), dressmaker, 3 Weston grove Fleet George, fishmonger, 63 Chatterton road Fleet William G., fishmonger, 36 Holmesdale road Fleming, Reid & Co. Ltd. scotch wools & hosiery, 150A, High st Follett Joseph & Sons, bakers, & Post Office, 14 London road Follett J. P., cabinet maker, Heathfield road Follett Jesse, grocer, & Post Office, 119 Masons hm Ford Alfred, carpenter, 44 Heathfield road Ford Edward, verger &. sexton St.Mary's, Plaistow, 87 Park end Ford Herbert, plumber, 45 Heathfield road Foremau A. & C., nurserymen, The Nurseries, Lower Gravel Rd Foreman G. II., Prince's plain, Lower Gravel road Forster Charles, insurance agent, 39A, Pope road Foster Brothers' Clothing Co. Limited, 27 High street Foster Thomas & Co., wine merchants, & c., 1 Widmore road Foster Charles Frederick, solicitor & commissioner for oaths, 14 Hope park Francis R., grocer, 56 Heathfield road Fraser A. (Miss), nurse, 46 Freelands road Fraser John, carpenter, 53 Free1ands roa Freeman, Hardy & Willis,Lirnited, boot & shoe warehouse, 4 &; 5 Market square Frisby Charles, boot & shoe maker, 68 Chatterton road Frost George,ageut Prudential Assurance Co. Ltd.1 Albert rd Fry J. & S., sanitary plumbers, 15 Ravensbonrne road Fryer Mrs., Two Brcwers, 6 Masons hill [PH] FURLONG & SON, complete house furnisher~, removal contractors (by order), steam carpet beaters, & c., & c.; show rooms, .115 to 123 Powis street; depository, Nelson street, WOOlWICh. Telephone No. 56 Woolwich G Gale & Bromley, boot and shoe makers, 21 ,Vidmore road Gamlin Frederick, decorator, 6 Sundridge parade, Plaistow Ill, Gardner Thomas, baker, 193 Widmore road Gedney Frank H., clerk to the Bromley & Beckellham Joint Hospital Board, Park house, Beckenham lane George Charles, farmer, Pickhurst Green farm, Hayes lane George William, fruiterer, 193 Widmore road Germain S. A., art dealer, 99 High street Gibbius Harry James, house decorator, 3 Wharton road Gibbons Ernest Henry, baker, 43 Chatterton road Gibbs Percy James, beer retailer, 81 London road Gilbert A. R., grocer, 55 Havelock road Giles :Misses, school, 25 Great Elms road Gill John & Son Limited, coal merchants, S. E. & C. Railway station, Bromley South· . Gill William, flint & gravel contractor, 68 Bromley common Gillman & Butt, shirt tailors & hosiers,28 The Broadway, High street Gimblett Frank J., surveyor, Meadowcroft, 14- Farnaby road Gimson Emma (MIS.), upholstress, 42 Southlands road Gingold S., hair dresser, 47 London road Ginns Frank, bootmaker, 10 London road Giovanni Pedro, tobacconist, 73 London road Girling Robert, clerk to the Commissioners of Land & Assessed Taxes, White Hart chambers, 137 & 138 High street Girls' Public IJay. School Trust Limited (Bromley High School)," Miss Hodge, M.A., head mistress, Fern Bank, eo Elmfield road Girls' Sunshine Club (The), 31 Ravensbourne road Glenville John, bootmaker, 22 Recreation road Goddard Albert, dining rooms, 4 Simpsons road Gooch George, bntcher, 85 Beckenham lane Gocding Harry Lawrencf', F.L.A.A., accountant & registrar of marriages, Fairholme, 26 Crescent road & 43 High street Goulden & Allen, chemists, 3 Widmore road Graham & Townsend, Belmont hand laundry, 34 Addison Rd Grainger Fred, plumber, & c.; 73 Palace road Grand Hall (The) (Electric Theatre) (A. E. Corrick, manager), High street. Telephone No. 896 Bromley Granger Robert, builder & decorator, 197 Widmore road & workshops, Lewes road Grant-Wilson Charles Westbrooke, M.R.C.S., L.R.c.p.Lond., physician & surgeon. St. Winnow's, 5 London road Graty Walter, builder, 21 East street & Sherman road Greed Isabel Mary (Mrs.), Bricklayers' Arms, 143 Masons Rpad Greensmith Frank, laundry, 11 & 13 Johnson road Gregory John, jun., firewood dealer, 39 Walpole road Greig David, provision merchant, Savoy house, Market square Gresham Laundry (The), Lower Gravel road Griffin C. L. (Mrs.), fancy draper, 78 College road Griffin Robert W., L.D.s.Eng., dental surgeon, 100 High street Grinsted Daniel Limited, corn, coal & seed merchants, 124 High street and 18 Market square and Hailway stations; also Bencewell, Bromley common and Beckcnham Grisbrook Stephen, chemist, 26 London road Grout Engraving Co., 37 College road Gumbrell J. G., mat maker, 22 Addison road Gunton & Son, drapers, & c. 85 and 86 High street Hadden John Henry, Compasses, 10 Widmore road Hadden S. L. (Miss), dressmaker, 44 Park road Hagley and Green, fancy drapers & confectioners, 25 Farwig la Hailey C. & Son, coach builders, Walter's yard Halder W., bootmnker, 33 Albert road Hall Beal Frederick, boot repairer, 67 Palace road Hall C. J., clothier, 102c, High street & unredeemed pledge stores, 55 Chatterton road Hall Harry, house decorator, 67 Beckenham lane Hall Miss, dressmaker, 67 Palace road Hallamore Alfred, toy warehouse, 9 The Broadway Hambleton Edward William, furniture dealer, 10 East street Hammond George & Sons, plumbers, & c. 37 Freelands road Hannaford William, provision stores, 1 Aylesbury road Harcourt William Charles, Prince Frederick, 31 Nichol lane Hardy Richard, upholsterer, & c. I Havelock road Hardy's Dairies, cowkprs. 51 College road & 17 .frreelands rd Harman George, greengrocer, 45 Chatterton road Harman Herbert P., photographer, 7 High street Harmer Richard, builder, 3 Crown lane Harradine & Ayling, agents to Phcenix Insurance Co. Ltd. 97 High street Harris Albert ~homas, qualified ophthalmic optician, 27 The Broadway, HIgh street Harris Bert, vocalist, 36 Jaffray road Harris E. (Mrs.) & Son, carting contractors, il Lewis road Harris Ethel (Miss), confectioner, 102 Palace road Harris Henry, assistant sUPt. Prudential Assurance Co. Ltd., Beverley, Victoria road Harris John, bailiff, Oakley farm, 88 Bromley common Harris Robert, gardener, 11 Farwig lane' Harris S. Frederick, undertaker, 6 Simp sons mad Harris W. J., F.L.A., borough librarian, 17 High lltreet Harrison W. Jermyn, B.A.,deputytown clerk, Municipal offices, Tweedy road Harry E. H., cabinet maker, Nichol lane Hart George W., builder; estate office, Bickley Park rd. Bickley Hart Percy E.,automobile & general enginr. 58A, Beckenham la Hartridge Joseph & ~on, builders, 58 London road & 143 Southlands road Hasell Thomas John, nurseryman, 36 Jackson road Haslehurst Ed V';:1rd, clerk to Bromley union, Bromley Rural District Council and supt. registrar, Park ho. Beckenham la Hatch Mercer, photographer, 6S Lnndon road Hatton & Surgeon Misses, dressmakers, 9 Simpsons road Hawes Henry, dairyman, 30 Plaistow lane Hawke Banfield, professor of foreign languages, 5 The Avenue, Bickley Hawkings Stanley, borough engnr.Municipal offices, Tweedy rtl Hawkins Edward, gardener to Rev. C. Drayton Thomas, 27 Westmoreland road Hawkins M. (Mrs.), dressmaker, 84: Southlands road Hayler Mrs., laundress, 33 Simpsons road Haylett Maua (Madame), costumier, 4: Aberdeen bldgs. High st Haylock J. W., I...imited, boot manufacturers, 16 Market sq Haynes' Grocery Stores, 88 High street Hayward "fiss, confectioner, 24: The Broadway, High street Haywood George, builder & decorator, 102 High street Head Ernest. boot repairer, 131 Masons hill Head Frank E., cutler, 32 High street Head John, butcher, 3 Aylesbury road Head Sarah (Mrs), tailoress, 6 Freelands road Hearn Brothers, butchers, 80 College road; 14 Simpsoul'; road & 41 Freelands road Heath Henry, butcher, 17 Farwig lane Heather Harold F., cycle & motor engineer, 83 London road Heathman Samuel, hairdresser, 91 High street Heaysman 1'. H., house agent, 72 Tweedy road Hedditch Richard, confectioner, 2fi High street Hellicar Evelyn A., architect, Hildegarde, Wells road,Bickley Hemmings William, dining rooms, 22 Nichol lane Henderson H., chimney sweep, 49 Farwig lane Henham T. & Son, builders & decorators, 3v Beckenham lane Henham C. (Mrs.), teacher of music, 39 Beckenham lane Henly Albert William, M.R.C.s. Eng., L.R.C.p.Lond., L.D.S.Eng., F.R.M.S., dental surgeon, 11 High street Hennah & Roberts, dental surgery, 1 The Corner, High street Henshaw Harry William, M.R.C.S., I,.R.C.p.lJOnd., physician & surgeon, Grange house, 117 Widmore road Herbert John &; Son, fruiterers &; greengrocers, 27 Newbury Rd Herbert Miss. dressmaker, 29 Newbury road Hickmott Walter, grocer, 30 Chattertton road Highbury Furnishing 00. Limited, 73 Masons hill Hill & ; Gun, builders, Ii} West st. & (yard) 2 Babbacombe rd Hills.J. stationer, Post q' JIone/l Order OJji(}e, 2tl Bromley grins Hills G. livery &; bait stables, North street Hills George, cab proprietor, 13 South street Hills Herbert Edward, cycle maker, 17 Park road Hills Reginald, butcher, 91 London road Hilsden Sidney, hairdresser & confectioner, 53 College road Hinchliffe Bros. masons, 108 London road; 1 HolligTave road and Bromley (North) Railway Station (yard) S. E. &; C. R Hind Charles Sidney, solicitor & commissioner for oaths, Cambridge lodge, 18 Hope park Hinton G. n., confectioner, 39 Masons hill & G East street Hoare Alfred, saddler, 25B, Simpsons road Hoare Joseph, Blackbrook farm, 9 Southborough, Bickley Hobbs William Amos, farrier, 82C, High street Hobden James Jarvis, grocer, 5 Chatterton road Hockaday William, builder, Heatherlie, 65 Ravensbourne rd Hockley &; Craker, Clarence laundry, 25 Elliott road Hockley George Wm., grocer & provision mer. 47 Palace road Hodder William George, boot maker, 31 Victoria road Hodge M. A. & C., ladies' & children's outfitters, 30 London Road Hodge John Henry, solicitor &; commissioner for oaths, 1 Widmore road & 22 Crescent road Holder Walter, boot repairer, 120 Southlands road Holland Alfred E. & Co., grocers, 64 :Kichol lane Holloway George L., leather seller, 11 'Masons hill Holman John, basket maker, 4: Tylney road Holmes L. (Miss), nurse, 7 Plaistow grove Holroyde William Frederick, solicitor & commissioner for oaths, 5 Market s~nare & Greenhayes, 75 Hayes road Holy Trinity Convent (boarding & day school for girls) (Rev. Mother Superior), 81 Plaistow lane Home S' Colonial Store.~, Limited, 1 The Corner, High street Homesdale Bric 7~tielrl- Peill Bros. proprietors, Homesdale road Homewood Wilfrid James, solicitor & commissioner for oaths, Holmbury, 41 Shawfield park, Widmore Hone William Henry, chair caner, 13 Vale cottages Hooper Joseph, chemist, 195 Widmore road Hopper Cbarles Allen, printer, 46 East street Hoskins L. A., jeweller, 3 West street Hosler David, grocer, & Post Office, 33 Freelands road Howard's Limited, pork butchers, 44 Palace road Howard's Stores, Limited, grocers and provision merchants, 59, 60, 71, 72 & 73 High street Howell Miss, nurse, 12A, London road Howland Henry Joseph, station master,Chislehurst station, Woodbine cottage, Bickley Park road, Chislehurst Howlett Brothers, 5eer retailers, 60 Beckenham lane Howlett Philip, draper 2, and ladies' outfitter G & 7, Aberdeen buildings, High street Hubhard Charles M., general stores, 35 Heathfiehl road Hudson Frederic, B.A., solicitor, Thorn Braes, Garden road Hughes Ernest Frederiek, solicitor, Bonchurch, :t Elmfie1d nl Hughes Frederick J., solicitor & commissioner for oaths, Bonchurch, 2 Elmfield road Hughes Samuel, fried fish shop, 21 Palace road Humerston-James &, Sons, upholsterers & undertakers, Bo & 37 East street & Sherman road; cycle makers, 33 East street & furniture depository, College road Humphrey Mrs., confectioner. 36 Beckenham lane Hunt Henry R., deputy registrar of marriages, fiO London rd Hunt Stephen, grocer, 53 London road Hutchings James, builder, 101 Hayes road Hutson & Armstrong, drapers, 142 & 143 High street Huxley George L., grocer, & Post D.tfice, 21 Park road Igglesden Walter, watchmaker, 4 A.berdeen bailtlings, High st Hott, Grant-Wilson, Henshaw & Ilott, physicians & surgeons, St. "Winnows, 5 London road & Hamlegro, Garden road; surgery, 56 High street Ilott & Hine, fruiterer::; & florists, l02B, High street Ilott Cyril Herbert Thomas, M.A., M.B., B.c.Camb., M.R.C.S., L.R.c.p.Lond., physician & surgeon, Hamlegro, Garden road Iiott Herbt. Jas., M.D.,C.M.,MR.C.S.,physn.& surgn., 57 High st Ingle Edmund, If'arwig Arms, 97 Farwig lane Ingles J3,mes, saddler and harness maker, 34 East street Inland Revenue Valuation Department (A. B. Thornton, valuer) (office hours 10 to 4, sat. 10 to 1), District Valuers' office., 18 Holwood road Innes Frederick & Co., metal workers, 9A, Upper Park road lntConational Tea Go.'s Stores, Limited, 120 High street Isard E. and Son, wholesale oilmRn & c. 7 & 8 Market square Jackson Albert Edward, Customs & Excise & Old Age Pensions officer, Park house, Beckenham lane Jackson M. F. (Mrs.), dressmaker, 100 London rorrd Jacquest Stephen Gascoigne (Mrs.),confectioner.32 Addison rd James & Co., Royal Bell Hotel, 127 High street [PH] Janes William, blacksmith, College road Jankinson H. gardener, 46 Lansdowne road Jarman B. W., upholsterer, 24 Chatterton road Jarvis William, grocer, 54 Morgan road Jayes Thomas Harris, butcher, 26 Chatterton road Jenner T. &, ~on. oilmen, 81 :lud 8H Beckenham lane Jenner Charles Henry, insur. agent, Lintoll, iH Salisbury road Jenner ~'. E. (Mr13.),tchr. of music, Lynton, 34 Salisbury rd George Charles Hazeldine, solicitor & commissioner for oaths, The rosary, Quernmore road Jephson F. M. p1rs.), confectioner, 45 London road Jepson Alfred ChaT1es, .!II. 8., B.c.cautab., surgeoll, Thanet lodge, 13 High street Job Alfred, bootmaker, 7 West street Job ·Walter, watch maker, 51 London l'oarl Johnson Brothers (Dyers) Limited, dyers, 150 High street Johnson J. (Mrs.), confectioner, 82 College road. . Johnson John, tobaceonist, 13 Masons hill Johnson John nobert, cycle repairer, 82 College road Johnson Joseph Forsyth, nurseryman, 1 Sundridge Hall Farm, Burnt Ash lane Johnstone H. tailOl", ij The Broadway, High street Jones Frank, chimney cleaner, 59 Palace road Jones Richard, greengrocer, 59 Widmore road .Tom's Robert A., fruiterer, 12 Simpsons road Jones William Heury, insurance ageut, 52 Tylney road Tudge Thomas, gardener, 8 Morgan road Juniper David, decorator, 1 Great Elms road K Kelf Hy. D.,pharmaceutical chemist,32 The Broadway, High st Kelsey Mrs., laundress, 1 Nelson road Kendall E. (rYlrs.), wardrobe dealer, 27 College road Kennett Wm. Richard, provision mer., 32,33 &. 34 North road Kent County COIli/cil DOIJIPstic Economy &lwol, Mii;s Isabel Duncan, supt., 142 College road Kent County Council Secondary School (Reginald Airy, M.A., head master), Hayes lane Kent County Council Tuberculosis Dispensary, William Charles Dillon Hills, M.ll.C.S.Eng., L.R.O.p.J~ond., D.P.H. Lond., tuberculosis medical officer, 2 Park road Kentish District Times Co. Limited, 39 East street Kenzie Mrs. laundry, 29 .Morgan road Kershaw-Bishop E., restaurant, 26 The Broadway, High street Kibble George, insurance agent, 11 West street KUlick Henry Edward, insurance agent, 43 Howard road Kincey J. D., Tile Beech Tree Hotel, 54 London road [PH] King C. &. Son, greengrocers, 2 Aylesbury road King William &. Sons, greengrocers, 87 London road King John Ernest, jobbing gardener, 107 London road Kingston M., organist of St. Mary's Church, Shortlands, 18 Queen's Mead road Kinnaird Park Estate Office, 1 Burnt Ash lane Kinnaird Park Girls' School (Miss Leishman, principal; Miss N. Hackforth, head mistress), Park avenue Kinsman Thomas. greengrocer, 57 Beckenham lane Kirby & Price, surgeolls, Thanet lodge, 13 High street Kirby Albert Edwd., M.R.C.S.Ell.g.,surgo.,Bromley 10., nigh st Kirby George Edward, watchmaker, & c., 38 East street Knappett David & Son, florists, Park nursery, 5(i LOlldoh rd Knell William, greengrocer, 38 Chatterton road Knight Frederick, dining rooms, 13 Farwig lane Knight Frederick, fishmonger, 39 College rOAa Knight Mrs., draper, 2 East street Knight n. E., electricity engineer, 4: The Parade, Widmnre road Knight Richard George, electrical engineer, 11 Sundl'idge parade, Plaistow lane Knight Thom3s, bootmaker, 35 Farwig lane Knott T. T. & Song, florists, !) Lower Gravel road & fruiterers 75 Masons hill, Bromley common Knott Martin A. plumber, &0. 120B, Southlands r01d Knott William, bootmaker, 22 Chatterton road Knowles John & Co. (LOtHlon) Limited, drain pipes, lime & cement merchants, & c., S. Eo & C. Railway s!ati()ll sO:Ith & Hailway Statinn yard, Bromley north & Hi7 Masons hill Krantzlsidore, ladies' tailor & furrier,18 The Broadway, High st Kurn C. (Mr:;), grocer, 73 Southlands road Lady Margaret Hospital, London road, Bromley-'fhe Han. Florence Colbol'nc, han. sec Lagemann F., hair dresser, 14H High street Lampier Sarah (MisS.), ,dressmaker, 67 Beckenham lane Lanaway Ernest,gardener to Frederick PayneEsq.,N ew Farm cottage, Westmoreland road Lancaster Albert, inspector National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, 8G College road Lane William, greengrucer, 11 Chatterton road Larcombe .Frank William, dilling rooms, 16 East street Last George H., new & sccondhand bookseller, :W The Broadway, High stlreet Latten W. F., collector to the Metropolitan Water Bnarcl (Southern district), White Hart chambers, 137 & 138 High street; attends tuesday 10 to 1 a'ld 2.30 to 4:.30 Latter & Willett, solicitors, 26 Market square Latter Edward (Latter & Willett), solicitor & commissioner for oaths; registrar & high bailiff of County Court & clcl'k to the Justices, Bromley, 26 Market square Latter Hugh Robinson, architect & surveyor, Town hall, Market square Law Thomas, harness maker, 18 London road Lawrence George, nurseryman, 80 Bromley common Lawrence Mrs., wardrobe purchase!', 21 Simpsons road Lea Edward Thomas, solicitor & commissioner for oaths, Gatton, 28 Tweedy road Leach James & Son, bottle dealers, 75 Farwig lane Leach James & Co., bootmakers, 23 Farwig lane Leach Muriel (Miss), nurse, 75 Farwig lane Leathern John, bootmaker, 3 Stanley road Leaver Frederick, ladies' & gents' tailor, 10 West street Lee Mrs., greengrocer, 21 Farwig lane Lee Myel' Barnett, solicitor & commissioner for oaths, Sherwood cottage, Kinnaird avenue Legg Joseph, stationer, IG5 Masons bill Legler Henry, hairdresser, 44 Walpole road Lendon Edward Catol', auctioneer, The Well cottage, Chislehnrst road, Bickley Lennards Limited, bootmakers, 4:The Broadway, High street Lenora Madame, costumier, 2G Glebe road Lenton Frederick, photographer. 45 Masons hm Lethbridge Miss. draper, 131 Soutblands road Levens \Y. &, Son, auctioneers, Broadway house, 34 The Broadway, High street, Bromley Leversuch Christopher IDdwanl, nshmollger, 2 Pembroke road Lewis Cecil Ernest Mmington, M.A., M.D., R.c.camb., 1I.R.C.S. Eng., L.R.c.p.Lond.,physn. &, surgn.,S Page Heath la.,Bickly Ley Francis Stephens, teacher of shorthand, HI Great Elms rd Lidstone Limited, butchers, 23 Widmore road Limebeer Arthur, builder & undertaker, 58 Pope road Lindsey Charles .James, plum bel', 143 Wiclmore road Linnell T. H., grocer, 85 London road Lipton, Limited, grocers &, provision merchants, 40 High'st Little James, insurance agent, 49 College road Livermore Norman, grocer, 38 Simpsons road LLOYDS BANK LIMITED, 33 Widmore rd - R. Adams, manager. See advertisement, page 255 Lockwood M. (Mrs.), dressmaker, 12 Florence road LONDON CITY &. MIDLAND BANK LlMITED (THE)-John Albert Evans, manager, High street, 'Market square. See advertisement, page 52 LONDON COUNTY MolD WESTMmSTER BANK LIMITED, branch,141 High street-ArthurYivian Faull,manager. See advertisement opposite London & Provincial Meat Stores,43 High st - G.Webb, managr Longhorn Frederick James, picture frame rna., 7!) Masons hill Longhurst John, chimney sweep, 8 Deyonshire Sq. Masons hill Looker & Son, newsagento>, 167 HomeEdale road Loveday M. (Mrs.), servants' registry office, 102 London rd Loveday William, insurance agent, 102 London road Lovibond John and Sons, Limited, brewers, 35 Market squar & 128 High st.; stores, West st-Frallk H. Pitman, mngr Lowe Robert A. & Co., builders & decorators, Tylney road Lowrence T. & A., wardrobe &, antique dealers, 119 High st Lowrence Frederick, general furnisher & shipping agent, 112 & 113 High street Ludlow Albert Henry, decorator, 14:Cowper road Lyrldiard William J. head gardener to A. a.Norman, esq., The Rookery gardens, !)O Bromley common Advertisment yle Herbert Willoughby, M.D., B.B.LOnd., F.R.C.S.Eng.,F.z.S., ophthalmic surgeon, 11 Eimfielfl road M McArthur Duncan Bomaine, ~u.D., physician, 12 Masons hill McKenzie Eustace Alfred, stationer &- new8agent, 90 High st Mackness Misses, servants' registry office, 53 High street McLeod Alfred (Mrs.), laundry, Fashoda road Macnamara Pearce O'R., tobacconist, ~I Masons hill Maddams Joseph, shopkeeper, 53 Havelock road Magistrates' Clerk's Office, Edward Latter, clerk, Court honse, Widmore road & Tweedy road Maisey Helen (Mrs.), dressmaker, 29 Foxbury road Maller & Son, nurseries, Southborough, Bickley Manison Albert William, gro::er, & c., SO North road Manning H. & Co., tobacconists, 146 High street Mansted Eo, tobacconist, 104 High street ~larke "William (late Thomas Mer811),coal &, coke merchant, 4 East st. & Bromley (North)Railway Station yard,S. E.&- C.R Market Cigar Stores (The), 22 Market square Marks & Spencer Limited, bazaar, 20 Market square Marks Thomas N., builder, Crauleigh, 1 College slip, High st Marler Hellry, tailor & outfitter, ;54 High street Marsh Brothers, grocers, 64 & 76A, College road Marsa Herbert, greengrocer, 8 Plaistow lane MARSHALL MARK, timber merchant & fencing contractor, Farwig lane & fencing contractor & rustic works, Sherman road. Telephone No 409 Bromley Marshall Maud (Miss), dressmaker, 170 WiJrnore road Marshall Mrs.. laundry, 4 Walpole road Marshall Sarah E. (Mrs.), confectioner, 213 Homesdalc road Marshall Thomas 1\:L, TIw Crown, Bromley common Marshall Walter, coal dealer, 48 Addison road Martin T. & Sons, stationers, 11 & 12 Broadway, High street Martin George "William, shopkeeper, 9 Bourne road Martin Peter, chimney cleaner, 9 Freelands grove. Telephone No. 356 Bromley Martin Sydney, hairdresser, 49 Palace road Martin's Bank Limited, bankers--Theodore Murly Stancomb, manager, 126 High street . Mason Eugene, laundry, 12 Walpole road Masonic Hall (The) (Bromley & West Kent Masonic Hall Co. Limited) (H. J. Titford, sec.; Wm. Owen,steward),M:asons hill Matchett Samuel (Mrs.), dressmaker, 9 Heathfield road Mathew~ & Lewis, surgeons, Oriel lodge, 14 Southborough road, Bickley & 8 Page Heath lane, Bickley Mathews Frank, Bird in Hand, :3 Bickley road [PH] Mathews Sidney R. H., L.R.C.P., M.ll.C.S., surgeon, Oriel lodge, 14: Southhorough road, Bickley Mathewson JoIlll, ~LB.., snrgeoD, 45 l'weefl Matthews Edward Charles, beer retailer, ,64 Palace road- Matthews Frederick, Fire Bell8, 2~ & 30 Bromley common MAUNDER W. LIMITED, baker!", cooks & confectioners, & 2 Market square May John William, watchmaker & jeweller, 4:7Masons hill Mayhew William Hallett, fishmonger, 32 J1;aststreet Maynard Frederick, boot repairer, 7[, Jacksons roafl Maypole Dairy Company Limited, 137 High street Mead L. & 00., corn, seed & coal merchants, 17 Masons hill Meal' Elizabeth (Mrs.), Anglesey Al~ms, 90 Palace road ~feathrel Sydney }r., butcher, 24 Homesdale rd. & 15 Mason's hill Medhurst }j'. Lim., fancy & general drapers, 44 to 51 High st Mercer William, accountant, Victoria chambers, 43 High st Meredith Owen, stationer, 22 Market square Mersh Miss, draper, 13 Cbatterton road Mersh Thomas, coal & coke merchant & furniture remover, 54 Palace road Metcalfe C. (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 41 Lidoon road Metropolitan Water Board (Southerll District), White Hart chambers, 137 & 138 High street; collectors, W. }r. Latten, attends tuesday 10 to 1 &, 2.30 to 4.flO; r. Roffe, attenllR thursday 3 to 5 Milbank Percy R., tailor, 29 High street Miles Joseph Dean, supt. recreation ground, 6 Church road Miles Sidney James, bootmakcr, 49 Oakley road Mill A. W. & Co., sewing machine repairers, ] 2 Bloomfield rd Miller Bros., oil &, Italian warehousemen, 4nA, Addison road Miller .J. & Sons, farmers, Hook farm, Bromley common MILLER M.,high class ladies' tailor &, habit mao 64 Tweedy rd Miller William James, boot repairer, 98 Martins road Miller William James, j'lD., bootmaker, 2:'5C, Simpsons road Mills William, grocer, 43 &, 45 Oakley roail Minter G. (Mrs.), upholsterer, 68 College road Miskin & Arnold Misse", girls' school, Avonelyffc, HI Holmwood road Mitchell A. T., general shop, 69 Chatterton road Mitchell Alfred, confectioner, 174 Widmore road Mitchell Arthur Samuel, baker, 32 Bromley common Mitchell Benjamin, jewsller, 4: East street Moate G. W., National schools, 66 Bromley common Mockridge Harriet (Miss), general shop, 3i) Recreation road Monger Rose (Mrs.), grocer, 4G Southlands road Monk, Amos & Hambleton. auction rooms, 13 West street Monk H., fanc)' draper & boot maker, 34 Plaistow lane Monkhouse C. H. (Miss), dressmaker, 58 Park road Moore Alfred, builder & decorator, 28 Bromley gardens Moore James, mineral water manufacturer, 105 Southlands rd Moore Thomas, watch repairer, 15 Chislehurst road, Bickley Mordaunt Ethel Amy (Miss), M.D.Brux., L.R.C.P. & s.Edin., L.R.F.p.s.Glas., physician & surgeon, Montrose, ll8 London road & surgery, 49 Morgan road Moretoll Chas. llobt.~ balld provider, Oakdene, Alexandra cres Morgans William R., dairy, 93 Landau road Morley Institute, 12 Widmore road Mortlock & Son, picture frame makers, 25 East. street Moss Leonard Edwards, butcher, 1-1: Plaistow lane Moxham William E., picture frame maker, ;)4 Simpsons road Mowats Limited, fishmongers, 58 East street Muffett Eliza (Miss), dressmaker, iiI Fal'wig lane Mugridge William, fruiterer, 28 Addison road Mumford William, jobmaster, 4{j l,'reelands road Munday Harry, bootmaker, 11 Westou grove4Mundy H., registry office for servants, 23 East street Muun Charles 'Whitwell, insurance agent, 42 Bourne road Murgatroyd Thomas, tailor, :1 Holwood bldgs., Homesdale road Mussell C. E. (Mrs.), grocer &, drapcr, 168 & 170 llomesdale rd Myall James E., insurance agent, 10 Church road Nash Albert Henry Vietor, confectioner, 20 High street Nash H. Broughton, mining engineer, 14 Southlands grove, Bickley J.Y{Ltional Deposit .Friendly Society (Bromley Common District), William 'Watson Gomer, sec., 53 Crown lane National .Dcposit Friendly Society (Bromley & Plaistow District), Harry Parrell Steer, sec., 98 London road National Deposit .Friendly Society (Central Hall District), James Hobert OrgIes, sec. 34 Hmyard road National Photo Co. (Tite), J OD High street National Socecty for the Prcrention (~l Cruelty to Children, J. A. Hodge, hon. sec.; Albert Lancaster, inspector, 86 College road Neale Alfred, solicitor &, commslll'. for oaths, 4 Elmfield park Nelson James & Sons Limited, butchers, 21 Market square & 7 Chatterton road Nelson Robert & Co., domestic machinery warehouse, 1 Aberdeen buildings, High street Newbery James, painter &: house decorator, 47 'West street Newby Timothy &. SonsLtd.,fishmngrs.&:poultrers.7 Widmore rd Newick George, shopkeeper, 4~ Newbury road Newland Herbert George, L.D.S.Eng., dental surgeon, 63 'Wed- ~rero~ . Newton RichHrll Albert, shopkeeper, 3B Oakley road Nicholls Frank, bootmaker, t'ilerman road Nicholson T., plumber, & c., 41 Newbury road Nightingale H. & Co., bakers, 1 Sundridge parade, Plaistow la Noble Albert, dining rooms, IG9 Homesdale road Norman Charles, newsagent, ~. Post 0ffice, 77 Bromley com Norman Frederic Henry, town derk of Bromley, clerk & registrar to Bromley burial board &: clerk to Bromley Education Committee, :lIIunicipal offices, Tv,reedy road Nye Henry, cabinet maker. 36 & 37 Palace road Nye Henry James, gas & hot water fitter, 36 Palace road Oakley Edith (Miss), teacher of pianoforte, 67 Freelands road Oldfield Josiah, M.A., D.C.L., JU.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., physician & surgeon, 33 London road Oliver A. harness repairer, 7t Bromley common Ollett Daniel E. coach builder, 17 Simpson road Oram Evelyn Henry Bardens, M.B., B.S., F.R.C.S.~physician & surgeon. St. Arvans, Grasmere road Orchard Hand Laundry, 42 Johnson road Osborn Fredk.Wm.,artificial teeth, Nacton, 84 Babbaeombe rd Ovenden I1Jdward, sanitary plumber, 17 Heathfield road p Pace George, window cleaner, :J. Masons hill Page George, greengrocer, 54 Havelock road Palais - De- L1wJe, III High street PALGRAVE & CO., photographers, 38 Park road Palin l\: Albert, bldr. &; decrtr.,25 Lansdowne rd. &; 33 Farwig la Palmer Brothers, cycle makers, 23 Masons hill Palmer :ill. & M., costumiers, 2G Simpsons road Palmer George, :M.C.I.B. &; A., agent Prudential Assurance 00. Limited, 7 Station road Palmer H. P. tar pavior, 151 Masons hill Pamphilon G .& Son, wine, spirit & bottled beer mrchts. 58 High st Pamphilon Waiter .Tames, architect & surveyor, 92 Tweedy rd Park Land 00. Limited; estate office, 58 Sandford road Parker Edwin, stationer, & 81 Shoting Gommon Post Office, .31 Bromley common Parsons Alfred Wm., hatter, hasier & ; clothier, 38 & 39 High st Partridge Frederick, grocer, 24 London road Pascoe Joseph, gardener and florist, 21 Martins road Patten Frank Hy., stationer & newsagent,48 Homesdale rd Pautard Lucien Joseph, amorces manufacturer, 19 Union rd Payne E. W., jeweller, 133 High street & 29 Market place Payne Eliza (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 164 Homesdale road Payne Harry, upholsterer, 39 West street & house furnisher, 76 Tweedy road Payne Herbert T., Railway Hotel, 45 East street [PH] Payne James W., greengrocer, 178 Homesdale road Payne Mrs., apartments, Rhodesia, 1 Freelands road Pearce Bros., builders & decoratrs. 37 Hawes rd. & Sherman rd Pearce & Co., grocers, 29 Farwig lane Pearce Frederick, laundry, 49 Walpole road Pearce Richard, jobbing gardener, Hi Havelock road Pearce Walter B., confectioner, 81 Masons hill Pearcey W. H. & Son, fruiterers, B The Broadway, High st Pearl Life Assurance Co. Limited (Francis Dean, district supt.), 33 East street Pearson & Cox Limited, steam car manufacturers, 42.A, Beckcnham lane Pearson Arthur. oil stores, 2U Bloomfi eIIl road Peekbam F. (Mrs.), laundry, 31 Pope road Pegg- Xatballiel & Co., coal merchants, 76 Tweedy road. and Bickley station-W. J. Laing, mana~er Peill E. &; Sons, carmen, contractors & c., Southlands road, Bromley common Peill Edward ,Coal mer.S.E.& c.Hailway station(south),Bromlcy Pelly Jobn, confectioner, 19 Masons hill Pensotti Charles, builder & decorator, 77 Park end Perrett Mrs., maternity nurse, 45 West street Perry Artbur. laundry, 20 Jackson's road Peters E. (Mrs.), confectioner, 57 Widmore road Petty A. G. & Co., shop &; office fitters, bldrs. & c. Masons hill Pfeil Christopher Ferdinand, pawnbroker, 20 Broadway PltilUJl'~ J1Iemorial HonulJopat1de Hospital and Dispensary (H. Wynne Thomas, M.R.C.S.&; H. R. Hamsbotham, M,B., B.S., bon. medical offiClers; Albert William Henly, M.R.C.S., I..D.S.R.C.S.Eng. han. dental surgeon; Mi~s Hyde, matron; O. E. Hill, bon. sec.; Thomas Bennett, han. treasurer), Lownd's avenue Phillips (Howard Morley) & Co. mmic sellers & pianoforte dealers, 5 Aberdeen buildiugs, High st. & 30 Widmore rd Phillips A. E. bootmaker, 26 East street Phillips K. (Miss), nurl'ing home, Dainton, Upper Park road Phillips Lemuel, cycle maker, 61 Bromley common Philpot Thos. Wm. Austin, builder & decorator, 66 London III Pickard C. & Sons, harness makers, '13 London road Pickard C. J., sign wri1er, 78 Heathfield road Picture Framing Co., 26 Addison road Pinehin "Miss, dress maker, 1 Elliott road Plail &; Maynard, boot repairers, 22 Homesdale road Plail Charles William, bootmake,., 13 Nightingale lane Plai.~t(/'IL' Cemetery (Charles Sheldon, supt.), Burnt Ash lane Plai.~tom I-I,ljgienic 1110del Hrmd LaundrY, Farwig lane Pledger Alfred, tailor, 44 College road. Pocock George William, nurseryman, 11 College slip, High st PodgeI' J. & Sons, builders, &e. 4:7 College road PodgeI' & Sons, launderers, dyers, cleaners & upholsterers, 3 Market square Poingdestre William Alfred, builder, 11 Gwynyr road Pointer Henry. bootma1cer, 65 Masons hill Pollard George, shopkeeper, 10 Hill View cots. Burnt Ash la Pollard William Henry, bootmaker, 10 Plaistow grove Pollock & Co., flemish pottery, H5B, High street Poole A. H. & Sons, plumbers &; decorators, 44 Homesdale rd Poole John, rnstic worker,l1 Hill View cottages, Burnt Ash la Poole Mrs., tobacconist, 11 Hill View cottages, Burnt Ash la Post Office Tel(phone 8m'viee EJ}clwnge, Church road Potter John, baker, 55 London road Potton William, carman &. contractor, 46 Newbury road Poulton John, fishmonger, 13 Oakley road Powell & Lancaster, milliners, dressmakers &. ladies' outfitters, 78, 79 & 80 High street Poyet Robert, provision dealer, 1 Foxbury road Prangle William, chimney sweep, 1 Palace road Pretty .Messrs., surgeon-dentists, 5 Widmore mall Price Alfred Edward, M.D., WI.S., physician &: surgeon, Thanet lodge, 1~ High street Price Herbert D., solicitor & commisioner for oaths, 11 Sandford road Pring Wallace, chemist, and Post Office, 28 Chatterton road Prior Richard, builder, 10 Johnson road Pritchard Alfred William, builder, 16 West street Privett George, station master Bickley station, Southborough road, Bickley Provident Clothing Supply Co. Limited, 28B, London road Prudential Assurance Co. Limited (Alfred Henry Buxton, rlistriet supermtendent), Town hall. Market square Puckridge &; Co., grocers, 17 &. 19 Ty1ney road Pullar J. & Sons, dyers (H. Mundy, agent), 23 East street costume & mantle makers, milliners and ladies' &: children's outfitters, boots & shoes, 153, 155, 157, 159, 161 & 16H Lewisham High road, New Cross. Open Thursdays till 8 p.m.; Fridays till 9 p.m. Cl~sed at 1 p.m. on Saturdays Pyrke Bertram Stewart, eonfectlOner, 87 Palace road Pyrke George L., upholsterer, 147 &. 148 High street Q Queen's Nurses, 6 Queen's road Queen's Own (Royal West Kent) Regiment (5th Battalion) (rrerritorial Force) (Lieut.-Col. F. A. Frazer, commanding; Capt. W. E. 1. Butler Bowdon, adjutant; Lieut. H. Cooke, quartermaster; Major C. Douglas Clark, commanding A Company; 2nd Lieut. G. C. B. Jenyns, A Company; Capt. R. E. Satterthwaite, commanding R Company; Lieuts. J. G. Lepper, J. H. Hay, B Company; Sm·gt.-Ma.jor W. J. Osborne; A. Reynolds, sergt.-instructor); head quarters, Drill hall, 27 East street Queenfisher Flour Co. (The) Lim., flour factors, 31A, Elliott rd Quernmore School (Charles Frederick Braithwaite, B.A., head master), London lane; preparatory school, Park avenue Quinlan Alexander, county inspector of weights & measures, foods, drugs, petroleum & exploRives (attends on 1st & 3rd thursdays in the month, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.), North street R Randal Albert, jobbing gardener, 23 Bromley crescent Randall A. J., confectioner, 102 Martins road Randall H. E., Lim., bootmas" 8 Aberdeen buildingE', High st Rands Augustus, jobbing gardener, 4:(; Croft road Ransley Robert E., wholesale stationer, SOBeckenham lane Ranson Henry, The Chequers, i) Southborough, Bickley [PH] Rasor A. (Mrs,), fancy draper, 96 Beckenham lane Ratcliff Edward, bootmaker, 16 Waldo road Ratcliffe J., insurance agent, 6 Lower Gravel road Rawlings Edward Bailey, solicitor, Endcliffe, 21 Rodway rd Ray Miss, preparatory school for boYS, Havelock honse, 82 London road Hayfield William, grocer, 16 Bloomfield road Read Albert George, farmer, Scrubbs farm, Lower Gravel ni Redwood Restaurant (The), l45A, High street Reeves George, Sawver.~· Arms, 69 Bromley cummon Reeves Samuel, carpenter, 92 Palace road Refnge Assurance Co. Limited (district office), 7 Tweedy rd Reid Alfred William, F.R.C.V.S., veterinary surgeon, Brunswick house, 10 High street Rendall George & Co., hosiers, 107 High street Reuthe G., F.R.H.S., :M.G.A.A.S., nurseryman, 109 Crown lane Reynolds Sidney Herbert, jobbing gardener, 42 Godwin road Richards Arthur, shopkeeper, 105 Addison road Richards John, stationer, newsagent, & Post Offiee, 9 Sundridge parade, Plaistow lane Richards John, watchmaker & jeweller, S Sundridge parade, Plaistow lane Hichardson Thomas & Son, bakers, S!) Pa.1ace road Richmond Mrs., tobacconist, S!) Beckenham lane Rickett. Smith & Co. (incorporated with Rickett, Cockerell & Co., Limited), coal merchants, Bromley (North) Railway Station yard, S. E. & C. R. & Tweedy road Riddick Frank, hairdresser, 12 Plaistow lane Ridges William Henry, The Oak, 172 Widmore road Ridgway & Sons, printers, 21 Church road Riley & Kidman, manufrs. of builders' joinery, & c. Walter's yd Riley ",V. A., inspector Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruel ty to Animals, 58 Howard road Uoberts Frederick, coal & coke merchant., 31 College rmd Roberts James, insnrance superintendent, 37 West street Robinson Annie Louisa (Miss), milliner, 37 Widmorc road Robinson William T.,provision merchant, GO Bromley common RoellCstCr Diocesan Girls' Friendly Society Lodge, 61 Widmore road Roffe 'r. collector to the Metropolitan Water Board (Southern district), White Hart chambers, 137 & 138 High street; attends thursday 3 to 5 Rogers G. & Son, carriag-c and cab proprietors, 2 Masons hill; Tweedy road & 31 Simpsons road Rogers George & Son, coach builders, 1 Yale cottages Rolfe Alfred Charles,agent Prudential Insurance Co. Limited, 54 Crescent road Rotfe Edward, tobacconist, 106 Palace road Homary Allan Ernest, tobacconist, 18 East street Rose William, Halls Farm dairy, Burnt Ash lane Rouch & sons, drapers, 36A, 36 and 37 High street Howland Fred .J. Limited, rustic & horticultural builders, Sedilia works, Bromley common Howlands John David, Crown 0' AnellO)', 19 Park road Rudd Walter B., boot maker, 33 Masons hill. & 47 Chattt'rton rd Rushbrook Emest, beer retailer & wine & spirit merchant, 43 Homesdale road Russell Albion & Son, bootmakers, 140 High street Russell H. (Mrs.), tobccnst., 1 Holwood bldgs., Homesdale rd RusseH Thomas, french polisher, 59 Freelands road Russell William, confectioner, 58 Newbury road St. John Ambulance Brigade, Bromley division cr. Healey, supt.; W. Cooling, treas.; Corp. C. E. Farrow, han. sec.), head quarters, ~t. Luke's Jnstitute, Raglan road; A Section (J. H. Yolland, M.R.C.s.Eng., oon. fmrgeon), head quarters, St. Luke's Institute, Raglan road; B Section (J. Mathewson, M.B., bon. surgeon; Corp!. Huckle, hoo. sec.), head quarters, Central hall, London road St. Luke's Cemetery (John Johnson, superintendent), Magpie Hall lane, Bickley St. Luke's Institute, Raglan road St. Luke's Men's Hour Club ]looJn, E. Miller, sec., Elliott rd St. Luke's Men's Club, St. Mark's road St. Mary's Convalescent Home, Miss. Samuels, matron, 14 Queen's Mead road Sales K. (Mrs.), dressmaker, 88 Beckenham lane Sanders Elizabeth (Mrs.), costumier, 39 Palace grove Sanders John Henry, accountant, 39 Palace grove Sandford Henry, solicitor & commissioner for oaths, Bladon, 17 Hammelton road Sands Mrs., dressmaker, 64:Nichol lane Sangster & Son, fishmongers~ 82 Beckenham lane Sanitary Inspector's Otfice, Thomas Butler, A.R.S.I. sanitary inspector & inspector under the Petroleum Acts, Municipal offices, Tweedy road Saunders George, stationer, & Post Office, 26 Homesdale rd Saunders Mrs., tobacconist, 12 Chatterton road Savory Miss, maternity nurse, 1 London road Sawer Miss, confectioner, 22 London road Scarbrough T. F. &, W., carvers & gilders, 31 Bast street Scarbrough Thomas, carvpr &, gilder, 15 Morgan road Sceats G. B., window cleaner, 19j5 Homesdale road Schneider Paul, hairdresser, 127 Masons hill School of Shorthand and Typewriting (1.. &" W. Shafto), Market square Science and Art School (Arthur Schofield, A.R.e.A., art master; Reginald Airy, liLA., director; George Wilson, secretary to the Higher Education Committee; Harry Richards, caretaker), Tweedy road Scrivener & Co., booksellers & stationers, 146A, High street Scrivener George, tobacconist, 26 Plaistow lane Seadon E. (Mrs.), apiary appliance mallufr. 24 Stanley road Sears S. (Mrs.), dressmaker, 16 l'ilncy road Serre Achille Limited, cleaners & dyers, 30 High street Sevenoaks Division Gentt'al Liberal Assosialion, John T. Grubb, sec., 94 Tweedy road Shallard, Fendt & Co., dyers & cleanerf'.Post Office huildings, 4 East street Sharp Frank, fishmonger. 100 Martins road Sharpe Mrs. upholstress, 14 Palace road Shaw & Son, solicitors &, commissioners for oaths, 5 Market sq Shaw Charles, Su)an 0' Jlitre Inn, 91 High street Shaw Hugh Wybergh, solicitor, Abercorn, Avondale roacl Shelvoke Frank H., umbrella maker, l40A, High street Shepherd G., baker, 5 Tylney road Sherrill Brothers, window cleaners, 16 Heathfield road Shillcock & Sons, chemists & druggists, 122 High street Shillcock George, dentist, 122 High street Shingleton Walter Fritz, rat catcher, 214 Homesdale read Shoebridge William Henry, clothier, 82 Palace road Shore Frederick Wi1liam. F.e.A., accountant, 1 Hayes road Shortland Miss, dressmaker, 32 Stanley road SHORTLANDS STORES lC. A. Smallbone, proprietor), family grocers, provision dealers, Wine &, spirit, ale, porter & stout merchants, 77 & 79 Beckenham lane &; fruiterers, green· grocers & coal merchants, 65 Beckenham lane. :::leeadvertisement facing Shortlands Section. Telephone, Bromley 331 Sibley James, tobacconist, 49 Chatterton road Silk E. (:Mrs.), confectioner, 93 High street Sills Elizabeth (Mrs.), tobacconist, 14 East. street Simmons W., plumber, 38 West street Simmons Walter, bootmaker, 57 Chatterton road Simpson E. (Miss), costumier, 14 West street Singer Sewing Machine Co. Limited (Alfred Harold Sende, manager), 14 The Broadway, High street Skilton W. F., cowkeeper & dairymnn, Sundridge Park farm, Plaistow lane Skilton William F., butcher, 6 Market square Skilton William F., dairy, 110 High street Skinner & Grant, tailors, 130 High street & 33 Market square Skinner Fred,· coffee & dining rooms, 48 Palace road Skinner George, dairyman, 15! Widmore road Skinner Je~8e, general draper, 55 & 55A, Oakley road Skinner Perdy James, confectioner, 17 The Broadway, High st Skinner Thomas, grocer & provision mer., 129 Southlanus road Slack Henry, Elliott laundry, 7 & 9 Elliott road Slade John, PI'(elantis l'at'fwn, 31 Freelanus road Slawson Miss, confectioner, 35 Freelands road Sledmore Mrs., dressmaker, 139 Widmore road Sly Alfred Henry, inspector Diseases of Animals Acts, Kent County Council (Bromley district) & Bromley Borough Council, Holrnfield, 106 London road Smallbone Charles Albert, grocer n & 79, & fruiterer, greengrocer & coal merchant 65, Beckenhalll lane Smith Albert Frederick & Son, sign writers. 24 Liddon road Smith & Owen, glass & color merchants, 98 High street Smith W. H. & Son, bookstalls, S. E. & C. Railway station south; Bromley (North) Railway Station .FtTd & Sundridge Park station, S. E. & C. R Smith Wm. & Sons, builders, J Upper Gravel rel.Bromley com Smith Arthur Johu. fruiteret'. 40 East street Smith Austin, hootmaKer, (j Liddon road Smith Austin, Bootmaker, 1 North road Smith Charles, confectioner, 47 Oakley Road Smith Charles, gardener, 7 Heathfield road Smith F. W. butcher, 31 Widmore road Smith Frederick H. butcher. 3 Sundridge par. Plaistow lane Smith Harry, bootmaker, 1 Wharton road Smith Harry Angustus, Crooked Billet, 38 Southborough, Bickley [PH] Smith John Thomas, bootmaker, ~3 Recreation road Smitll L. (Miss), laundress, r; Scott's road Smith Mrs., furrier, 33 FoxbnrY road Smith Ogden, athletic stores, 151 High street Smith W. H., builder, Clarence house, Bickley cres., Bickley Smith William Hubert, M.A., LL.M'I solicitor & commissioner for oaths, Trevena, 18 Blyth road Smithers Hobert, Star and Garter, 106 High street [PH] Smithfield Meat Stores (Ij'. It. Hawker, manager), 165 Homesdale road Soan Samuel & son, removal contractor." 4ii College road & depository, 24 Farwig lane Soans, Dunn & Jones, engineers, 93 Masons hill Sole Walter, Grown Hotel, 415 Plaistow lane South Hill Nursery Co.florists & nursery mc ll, Westmorcli1nu I'tl South 8uburban Gas Co, (Bromley district) (Wilflid WastelI, sec. ; S. Y. Shonbrirlgu, engineer), ofticc, lG6 High street; works, Homesdale road Spark Edgar, agent PrudentialAssuranceCo.Ltd;, 13 Warner Rd Sparks Edward, meat carrier & jobrnaster, 4SA, Stanley road & 34 Napier road Speller E. William, florist, 64 Bromley common Speller Harry Edward, ,greengrocer, 5 Masons hill Spiers & Pond Limited, stores depot, David J. Lewarne, manager, Lowod's n,venne Spooner W. E. (Mrs.), dr:1per, 20 London road Springett Herbert, M.R.C.V.S., veterinary surgeon, 2G High st Stace & Blliot, farriers, 149 Masons bill Stallworthy Frederick J., bootmaker, 1 Morgan road Stanford Fredk. Honghton ,hairdresser, 8 The Broadway, High st Stanley's Library, 71 Tweedy road Stansfield Alfred, cycle engineer, 2H Cherry Orchard road Staples J., builder, 62 Southborough road, Rickley Steer Charles, confectioner, 94 Canon road Steiert & Son, watchmakers, jewellers, & c., 21 High street Stembridge John James, general dealer, ]5 Farwig lane Stevens A. S., bootmaker, 102 Beckenham lane Stevens Edgcombe, solicitor & commissioner for oaths, Clifton bouse, 161 Widmore road Stewart & Co., furniture dealers, 81 High street Stockwell Daniel, livery stables & motor garage, 52 London rd Stokes Henry, oilman, 30 Simpsons road Stone George, rate collector & assistant overseer, Municipal offices, Tweedy road Strachan Alfred, clothier, 34A, Market square Srrevens B. S. (Mrs.), photograpber, 20 Church road Strong & Sons Limited, printers & bookbinders, 39 East street Sumons George, l:lUpt.of General Post Office, 17 East street Sundridge Laundry, dyers & cleaners, Scott's road Sundridge Park Estate Office, New Farm house, 8 Orchard rd Sandridge Park Golf Club (T.Caulfeild. Stoker, sec.), Garden rd Sundridge Park Nursery, Garden lane Sundridge Park Working Men's Cl1tb Institute (The) (W. White, steward), Foxbury road Superintendent Re,qistrar's Qfjice (Edward Hnslehurst, supt. ; P. J. D. Wiley, deputy supt.), Park house, Beckenham lane Swastika Laundry, 216 & 218 Homesdale road T Tanciooi Rienzi, watchmaker, 29 Palace road Tarry Walter, tailor, 102 High street Taylor Joseph & Son, builders, 149 Masons hill . Taylor Richard Limited, watchmakers, jewellers & opticians, 125 High street Taylor David, builder, 37 Stanley road Taylor F. (Mrs.), laundry, tl Walpole road Taylor Sarah (Miss), day school, 149 Masons hill Taylor H., restaurant, 3 London road Taylor L. (Mrs.), costumier, 30 Park end Taylor Walter, pho1ographer, 30 Park end Taylor William Henry, jun., turncock to .Metropolitan Water Board (Kent district), 49 11artins road, Shortlands Temperance Institute & Publie Refreshment Rooms (The) (G. S. Badder, sec.), Old Court house. Market square Teresa Madame, costumier, 102B, High street Terry Walter Louis, baker, Masons hill Testar C. 0., baotmaker, 69 London road Teverson Reginald A., butcher, 30 East street Thair Arthur G., hairdresser, 17() Widmore road Thomas A., Rising Sun, 35 High street Thomas F. Lewis, professor of music, 17 Crescent road . Thomas Harold Wynnie, L.R.C.P., M.R.C.S., surgeon, Thornbury, 155 High street Thomas J. M. (Miss), A.R.D S., artist; studio,7S High street Thomas Thos. Percy, Dlllte'.~ lIead,13 1 High st. & 32 Market sq Thomsett L. J., grocer, 20 Homesdale road Thornton A. B., district valuer Inland Rovl~llue Valuation Department, 18 Holwood road Till Horace George, coal merchant, 2 Croft road Timmis John, chemist. 147 Masons hill Tol£rey William J., plumber & decorator 100, & ironmonger 98, Beckenham lane Tolhurst George, carman, 34 Napier road Tomblin William, tobacconist & newsagent, 203 Homesdale rd Tong Edward, beer retailer, 10 North road Tosland Alex. upholsterer, 3 Aberdeen buildings, High street Towell Charles, electrical engineer, 6 Park road TOWn Hall, Market square Tracey B. (Miss), dressmaker, 26 Southlands road Trade Protection Agency (The), 52A, Morgan road Trenholm George, manager, The Creamery, 8 Widmore road Trigg Edward & Sons, dyers & cleaners, 23 Elliott road; receiving office, 14A, The Broadway, High street Trigg Edward, hairdresser & tobacconist, 40 Homesdale road True Form Boot Co. (J. Seal's & Co. Ltd.), 135 High street Tubb Thomas Alfred, colporteur, 99 Addison road Tuffin E. (Mrs.), confectioner, 15A, Chatterton road Tufnel1 Philip Arthur, bootmaker, 87A, Beckenham lane Turner George & Co. china & glass warehouse, 15 Widmoe road & ironmongers, 27 Masons hill Turner C., ironmonger and leather seller, 18 & 16 Chatterton rd Tutt H. & Sons, fishmongers &; poulterers, 25 Market square Tyler C., builder, Westbrook, Clarence road, Bickley Tyne Main Coal Co. Limited (The), 6A, East street U UNION OF LONDON &. SMITHS BANK LIMITED (THE), 33 High street-Arthur Frederic Hobbins, manager. See adverti~ement, page 60 Upson & Co., bootmakers, 74 High street Uridge's High-Class Stores, 27 &; 29 Widmore rd.& 25 Masons hill Usher Brothers, dairy, 36 Chatterton road Vale A. & Co. tobacconists, 21 The Broadway, High street Vane HalTY, tobacconist, 34 Chatterton road Vass & Sons, plumbers, 1 Walter's yard Venters "William, paperhanger, i ·Wharton road Vickers Ernest Albcrt, builder & decorator, 34 Heathfield road Vickers Miss, dres"maker, 10 Weston grove Vickers Percy, hairdresser, 29 Masons hill Vilixir Co. Limited (The), ~4 The Broadway, High street Vincent Charles, fishmonger, 16 Plaistow lane Viscose Developmpnt Co. Limited, Semreh works, Pembroke rd Vousden William, greengrocer, 95 Ridley road W Waddell F ..J., fishmonger. 21 Masons hill Waghorne David, florist, 9 Palace road Wailing George, coffee tavern, 87 Beckenham lane Wailing John, gcncral shop, 06 Martins road. Walford Geo. agt. Prudential Assuranee Co. Ltd., 187 Homesdale rd Walker & Wicks, tailors, 67 London road Walker William Henry & Son, dairymen, 73 Homesdale road Walter & Co., grocers, 22 East street Walker James Edward, solicitor & commissioner for oaths, Ravenswood, 7 Ethelbert road Wallis H. &. Co., mantle warehouse, 28 High street Ward L. E. & Co., gents' outfitters, 7 The Broadway, High st Ward John Herbert, butcher, 76 Bromley common Ward Robert, insurance agent, 48 Salisbury road Ware Frederick Charles, fishmonger, 51 Chatterton road Ware William, fishmong-er, 5 Aylcsbury road Warren Percival George, chimney sweep, 66 Palace road Waterer & Dickins,allctioneers, White Hart corner. 13S High st Waterman John Thomas, restaurant, 92 High street Waters C. 1\[. (Miss), B.A., principal County School for Girls, 86 Nightingale lane Waters Jesse, carman, 186 Southlands road Waters Sidney, plumber, 68 Beckenham lane Watson Henry Charles, window cleaner, 43 Plaistow grove Weatherill Syoney Owen, builder, 38 Victoria road Webb T. H. & Son, decorators, Sherman road Webh Bertram, pianoforte tuner, 30B, London road Webb James, coachsmitb, 63 Palace road Webb James Simpson, medical aeeountant, 6 Burnt Ash lane Webb Stanley, cycle and motor manufacturer, 32 London road Webb Thomas Henry, builder, 25 Park road Weekes F. & J., drapers, 2 The Broadway, High street Weeb Char les & Sons, bakers, 1 Stanley road WEEKS GEORGE & SOnS, ironmongers, gas"" hot water fitters, sanitary engineerl'l, electricians, & c., 61 High street Welford's Surrey Dairies Limitecl (Reginald Janes, manager), 145 High street; 58 Beckcnham lane ;Widmore farm & Palace farm, Bromley Wellam R. (Mrs.), stationer, 9 Chatterton road . Weller William G. solicitor & commissioner for oaths, Victoria chambers, 43 High street & Lenfric, 1 Queen's Mead road Weller Thomas, coach builder, 151 SOouthlauds road Wells .James, boot maker, 1O:{ Palace road Wells M. A. (Mrs.), grocer, 43 Tylney road Wells William, coffee shnp, 65 Chatterton r,)ad Wendover Lawn Tennis GlI~b, Wendover road West Bros., fly Proprietors & li very stables, Lewes rd. Widmore West Arthur, g 'neral stores, 2 Napier road West Kent Liberal Institute Co. Limited, John T. Grubb, sec., 94 Tweedy road West Kent J1Iain Sen:eragc Board o.tJice, Park house, Beckenham lane-Arthur B. CoombeI', secretary West Kent Printing Works, Walter's. yard West Kent Registry Office (Mrs. Fry), 56 E:ist street WestKent Till/e.~, Kcntish District Times Co. Limited, proprietol'~, 39 East street West Kent Tobacco Co., wholesale tobacconists, 129 Masons hi Westbrook Mrs. fruit grower, 21 Oakley road Wharrie H. J. K., accountant to Bromley Borough Council, Municipal offices, Tweedy road Whayman E., G. & M. (Misses), linen drapers, 137 Masons hill Wheadon Robert, butcher, 3 The Parade, Widmore road Wheatley W. E. (Miss), draper, 6 The Broadway, High street Whebell A. (Nill',;e), certified nurse. 104 Babbac.ombe road Wheeler & Longthorne, butchers, 139 Masons hill White Charles, cab proprietor, 155 Crown lane, Bickley & Southborough, Bickley White F. E. (Miss), ladies' outfitter, 40 Beckenham lane White Mrs., laundress, 7 Hawkesworth road· White Thomas L., antique furniture dealer, 8 Simpsons road, Vale cottages & Masons hill White William, oilman, 67 Chatterton road Whitewoods, fruitrs.& grngros., 131A, High st. & 31 Market sq Wiekenden E. A. (Mrs.), livery Stables, 5 Bickley road Wiggins Frederick John, grocer, 28 Plaistow lane Wiley P. J. D., assistant clerk to the Bromley union, Bromley Rural District Council, & deputy superintendent registrar Park house, Beckenham lane Wilkins J., photographer, 2A; Simpson's road Willats Leonard Howard, stationer, 12 London road Willatt E. G., cycle maker, 2 Chatterton road Willcox Robert, grocer, 13 Widmore road Willett Edwd. Archibald (Latter & Willett),solr.,26 Market sq Williams Alfred. baker, 55 Beckenham lane Williams George H., butcher, 5a Beckenham Jaue Williams Thomas Henry, photographer, 15 Heathfield road Williamson F., insurance agent, (j9 Morgan road Wilson & Son, builders; workshop, Pope road Willson W. H. & Co., bnilders, 125 Masons hill Willson Walter R. & Sons, gasfitters, ironmongers, smiths & farriers, & c., 182 Widmore road; Lewes road, Widmon~ & 34: Walpole road Willson W. R., jun., plumber, & c., 180 Widmore road Wilson James A.. pianoforte tuner & repairer, 14 Howard Rd Wilson William, saddler, 88 Palace road Willfield & Son. Heathfield dairy, 65 Nichol lane Winn Harry Albert, french polisher, 25 Henry street Winton's Drng Co. Limited, chemists, 17 Market square Wise Frederick, butcher, 14 Chatterton road Wiss F. (Miss). costumier, 66 Freelanos road Withycombe William Henry, heel' retailer 713, & cab proprietor 76,· I!'arwig lane; Colle;e road & 95 Martin's road Wood Selby & Son, riding masters & motor jobmasters, 19 Freeland8 road Wood Thos. & Son, bakers & confrs. Post Office, 62 College rd Wood William & Son, fruiterers & greengrocers, 104 Palace rd Wood M. (Mrs.), sta.tioner, 80 Beckenham lane Wood Percy James, plumber & houRe decorator, 12 Glebe rd Wood William Housden, Tiger's Head. 14 Masons hill Wood William John, station master. Bromley North station Wood William Walter, market gardener, Hayes lane Woodbridge Frank, solicitor & commissioner for oaths, The Orchard, 10 Orchard road Woodhams John L. & Sons, builders & contractors, 145 Masons hill Woodward A. W., surveyor of Customs & Excise, Park house Beckenham lane Woolley Walter George, draper, 3 Tylney road World's Stores, Limited (The), grocers, 50 East street Wright Brothers, draperR, High street Wright John, boot repairer, 47 Tylney road Wright Miss, nurse, 30 Shortlands gardens Wright William G., smith &; farrier, 71 Bromley common Writhe's Estate Olfiee (E. A. Morgan, manager), Bickley Park road, Bickley y Yeates Alfred James, wheelwright & c., 21 Johnson road Yeates Herbert, saddler, VA & 11 Bourne road Yollond John Horatio, M.R.C.S., L.S.A., sllrgn., 53 Bromley com Young James & Co., Limited, Illotor body builders, 39 London road & 136 High street Young Hel).I'Y, marine store dealer, 60 Homesdale road Young Mens Christian Assooiation (W. J. Harland, sec.), 136 High street Young Wolllen s Christian Association, 67 & 69 Widmore road -Miss Firkin, superintendeut


Adams Gerald J. F., F.R.G.S, Kitsilano, Farnaby road Adams R., manager of branch of Lloyds Bank Limited, 33 Widmore road Airy Reginald, M.A., Kent COUllty Council Secondary School, Hayes lane. Bromley common Alker & Co. auctioneers & house & estate agents, Bickley Rail. way station, Southborough road, Bickley Alker Howard V., M.A., Foxgrove, Claremont road, Bickley Anthony R. E., A.M.I.M.E., Bromley Motor & Engineering works, Masons hill .. Armstrong Rev. F. W. [Presbyterian], 12 Edward road Attenborough Ralph Erned,solictr.,Glendale,ll Wendover rd Baker W. Herbert, L.D.S.(ENG.), dental surgeon, 152 High lilt Banner Walter H., relieving &, va"cination officer & collector to ·Bromley Guardians, registrar of births & deaths for Bromley sub-district & visitor under the ., Children Act, 1908," for the No.1 district, Bromley union, 66 Tweedy rd Barker Rev. Canon Peter, M.A. [vicar of St. John's], St. John's vicarage, ]3 Upper Park road Barnett Frank James, 1mb·postmaster, Shortlands Post office, 94 Beckenham lane Barns J. G., assistant supt. Prudential Assurance Co. Limited, 19 Nightingaltl lane Bartlett & Gregory, solicitors & commissioners for oaths, White Hart chambers, 137 & 138 High street Bartlett Rev. Lewis Edward [Baptist], 20 Upper Gravel rC'ad Barton Wmiam Hqnry, chemist. 42 East street Batchelor John Burder, solicitor & commissioner for oaths, South View, 48 Westmoreland road BAXTER, PAYNE & LEPPER, auctioneers, valuers, estate, house & agricultural agents, opposite G. P. O. Eust street; & at Beckenham & 69 King William street, E.C. Baxter Emmie (Miss), music teacher, 35A, Morgan road Bayley Edward Hodson, J.P.. Ellesmere, Sundridge avenue Beckcnltam 0' Bromley School (If 1~lu8i(J q' Art (Ormond Yearsley, sec.), 5 Aberdeen buildings, High street Bell Rev. John [Wesleyan],.Craigmore, 6 Lodge road Belmont Boarding and .Day Salwolfor the Daughters of, Gentlemen, Southborough road,Bicklcy-Mrs. Leishman,principal; Miss A. M. Porter, L.L.A., head mistress Bird Miss, nurse, lOA, London road Boas Frederick S., M.A., Cranford, Southborough, Bickley Bowater Major Frank fl., Denbridge house, Wells rd. Bickley. Braginton William, M.A.., 21 St. Alban", Highland road Braithwaite Charles Frederick, B.A.., head master Quernmore school, London lane & Park avenue Broadhead Rev. John Henry [curate in charge of St. Augustine's Mis-ion Church, Southborougb], T:urrillgton, 2 Southborough, Bickley Bromley College of Music (Ernest B. Moss, A.G.S.M. & Miss Beatrice E. YOlUwman, directors), York house, 6 High street. Telephone No. Bromley 1577 Bromley High Sdwol( Girls' Public Day School Trnst Limited), Miss Hodge. M.A., hean mistress, Fern Bank. 30 Elmfield rd Brookhouse Charles Turing, .T.P., M.D., M.R.C.S., physician & surgeon, 38 Tweedy road Brookhouse Herbert Orpe, M.D., B.B.Lond., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., physician & surgeon, 38 Tweedy road Brown Col. Fdk. Jn., c.B., Halstead bO. 12 Southborongh,Bickley Brown Edwd. Cotgreave ,schl., Bickley hall, Chislehurst rd. Bckly Browne Herbt., L.D.S.R.C.S.(lREL. ), dental surgo. Byfield, 5 High st Bruce Sir Robert, C.B., Greenmount, 53 Plaistow lane Bruce Lady, Yewhurst, 37 Westmoreland road Bryce Rev. William Kirk [Baptist], KelJilworth, 136 Babbacombe road Bunting Fred. certified bailiff, 8 Park road Burgess A. (Miss) ,school, Springhurst, Southborough rd. Bckly Burnett Inspector-General Thomas Hmith, R.N. (ret.), F.R.C.S. Eirianfa, 76 Freelands road Butcher William, architect & surveyor, 44 Tweedy road Butler Thomas, A.R.S.I., borough sanitary inspector,& inspector under the Petl'oleum Acts, Municipal offices, Tweedy road Buxton Alfred Henry. district supt. Prudential Assurance Co. Limited, Town hall, :Market square Carre-Smith Maj. Meredith, Holmdene, Southlands gro. Bickley CalToll Rev. William Alexander, M.A. [vicar of St. George's, Bickley, Vicarage, 7 Bickley Park road, Bickley Carter, L:tw & Leech, auctioneers, house & estate agents & surveyors, 56 East street & 106 Beckenham lane, Shortlands Carter Charles Henry, M.D., 5 Homefield road Carver Rev. Bernard N., B.A. L curate of Bromley], 72 High st Cave William J. C., J.P., Beechfield, 146 Widmore road Chant Stanley, assistant insurance supt. Redmont, Victoria rd Chapman Harry, deputy registrar of births & deaths for Bromley sub-district, Bromley union, Park hOt Beckenham la Chavasse Alban, solicitor & comsnr. for oaths, 17 Sandford rd Chesters Walter Horsfall, M'B., B.S.(LOND.), physician & surgeon, III Widmore road Child Coles, D.L., J.P., Bromley Palace, Widmore road Clutterbuck Herbert, M.l.M.E. 44 Palace grove Coad Percy A., AI.S.A.,architect, Whyte cottage. Wanstead rd CotId Arthur F. G., M.B.. F.R.C.S., surgeon, & medicai officer of health for Bromley, Holwood lodge, 154 Hidl street Cogswell Philip Dare, L.R.C.P.(LO.KD.), M.R.c.s., physician & surgeon, 43 Tweedy road Collins Rev. Edwin, private tutor, 4 Tweedy road Collyer Frederick Charles, solicitor & comissioner for oaths, 40 London road Coltman R. Izard, specialist in voice production, Mountfield, 66 Babbacombe road Compton Major .T., postmaster, General Post Office, 17 East st Constable Alfred B., .B.A., B.SC. (OXON.), Southhnds road ConstablA Edwin Theobald, M.A. (CANTAB.), Fairlawn, 14 Upper Park road Cook PhilIp Inkerman, M.D ,BRUX.), L.R.C.P., M.B.C.S., L.S.A., physician & surgeon. Arg~'11 lodge, 4 High street Cooksey Rev. Walter [Catholic], The Presbytery, 83 Plaistow la Cooper-Marsdin Rev. Canon Arthur Cooper, M.A., B.D. [proctor in Convocation], 2 Southborough road, Bickley Cope Wilfred Arthur,assist. borough engineer, Municipal offices, Tweedy road Cornock David Stroud, solicitor, 12 Freelands road County & lwolfor Girls (Miss C. M. Waters, B.A., principal), 85 Nightingale lane Creedy Herbert Jame Fl. M.V.O., 4 Sandford road Critchison Rev.. James [Wesleyan], 2 Bromley common Croome John F., collector of King's taxes, 5 Market square Curry Rev. Wm. [Primitive Meth.], Mayville, 44 Bromley com Cuthbert Harry R., chemist, 104 Beckenham lane Dale Cecil Halsted, solicitor, Ingleside, 98 Plaistow lane Dale William Halsted, solicitor & commissioner for oaths, Ingleside, 98 Plaisiow lane Davenport Richard Cartwright, chemist, 37 London road Davies S. (Madame), teacher of music, 44 Haywood road Davis Thomas, J.P., Birkenfeld, 14~ Widmore road Dawes Henry, boys' school, 16 Rawnsbourne road De ,n Francis, district supt. Pearl Life .Assurance Co. Limited, 33 East street Dewey T. C., J.P., South Hill wood, Sout.h Hill road Downer Ernest John, F.R.C.O., F.T.C.L., teacher of music, & organist & choirmaster of St. Luke's Church, Bromley Common, Testore, 7 Queen's Mead road Draper Ed wd. D., solicitor & commissioner for oaths,5 Park gro D.Imott Gerald L., L.D.S. (ENG.), dentist, Willow bank, 29 London road Edey G. Rus,:;cll, L.D.S. (ENG.),dentist, Westnor 103 High street Edwards John Maltby, M.R.C,::l.,L.n.C.p., L.S.A., 'Trcgenna, 51 Plaistow lane Elphiustone Robert, :M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Caerleon, 8 Ravensbourne road Errington Nurse (certificated & maternity), 4A, Howard road Evans Rev. W. Justin [Congregational], 3 Garden road Evans John Albert, manager of branch of The London City & :Midland Bank Limited, High street, Market square Faull Arthur Vivian, manager of branch of London County & . Westminster Bank Limited, HI High street Faunt-horpe Rev. John r., M.A., F.R.G.B., Elmfield, 92 Bromley common Felee & Co., chemists.(H ..Francis, !lLI\S., proprietor), 22 High street & 76 College road Fertel Frederic, professor of music, & organist Parish Church, I1olmeroft,3B Holwood road Fertel Mrs., ladies' school, Holmcroft, 33 Holwood road Field Misses, preparatory school, 13 Brontley common Foster Charles Frederick, solicitor..\: commissioner for oaths, 14 Hope park Franklin James Curtis, L.RC.P., TJ.R.C.R. (EDIN.), L.F.P.S. (GLAS.), 2 Hawes road Fraser A. (bliss), nurse, 46 Freeb.nds road Fmzer Lieut.-Col. F. A. ROEsiter, 19 Highland road Freeman John Tilleard, M.A., Parksidc, 12G Widmorc road Gedney Frank H .. clerk to Bromley & Beckenham Joint Hospital Board, Park house, Beckenham lalle Giles Misses, school, 25 Great Elms road Gimblett Frank J. surveyor, Meadowcroft,41 Farnaby road Girling Robert, clerk to Commissioners of Land & Assessed Taxes, White Hart chambers, 137 &; 138 High street Girls' Public Day Schoos Trust Limited (Bromley High School), Miss Hodge, M.A., head mistress, Fern Bank, 30 Elmfield road Gooding Harry Lawrence, F.L.A.A., accountant, & registrar of marriagesl Fairholme, 26 Crescent road & 43 High street Gordon Rev. Samuel· Clarke, M.A., n.D. [Congregational], 6 Tweedy road . GosFelin Rev. Charles Cartl;)ret, M.A. [vicar of St. Luke's, Bromley common], 248 Southlanrls road, Bickley Goulden & Allen, chemists, R Widmore road Gowans Rev. William, B.A. (CHIB.) [vicar of St. Mary's, Plaistow], St. Mary's vicarage, College road Grant·Wilsoll Charles Westbrooke, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. (LOND.), physician & snrgeon, St. Winllows, 5 London road Griffin Hobert ,V., L.D.S.(ENG.), delltal surgeon, 100 High st Griffith Col. Frank, V.D. 'fhe Gables, 48 Plaistow lane Grisbrook Stephen, chemist, 26 London road Hackforth N. (Miss), Kinnaird Park Girls' School, Park aven Hamilton Col. J., Treasurer's house, Bromley college Harris Albert Thomas, qualified ophthalmic optician, .27 The Broadway, High street Harris Bert, vocalist, 36 Jaffray road Harris Henry, assistant supt. Prudential Assnrance 00. Ltd., Beverley, Victoria road Harris John, bailiff, Oakley farm, 88 Bromley common Harris William J., F.L.A., borough librarian, 17 High street Harrison W .. Jermyn, B.A., deputy town clerk, Municipal offices, Tweedy road Haslehurst Edward, clerk to Bromley union, Bromley Rural District Council & superintenrlent registrar, Park house, Beckenham lane . Hawke Banfield, professor of foreign langnages, 5 The Avenue, Bieklry Hawkings Stanley,. borough engineer, Municipal offices, Tweedy road Hederstedt William R. P., C.E., 135 Widmol'e road Hellicar Evelyn A., architect, Hildegarde, Wells road, Bickley Helm Henry James, r.s.o., Simonstone, 27 Hammelton road Henham O. (Mrs.), teacher of mnsic, 39 Beckenham lane Henly Albert William, lIr.n.C.S.(ENG.), L.n.C.P.(LOND.), L.D.S.(ENG.), F.R.M.S., dental surgeon, 11 High street Hennah & Roberts, dental snrgery, 1 The Corner, High street Henshaw Harry Williams, M.R.C.S., L.R.c.p.Lond., physician & surgeon, Grange hOl1se, 117 Widmore road' Heppel Miss, B.A., 3 Palace grove Hilt E. B. Lewin, C.B., 73 WidmJre road Hill Sergt.-Major William Edward, Babbacombe road' Hind Cha~les Sidney, solicitor & commissioner for oaths, Cambridge lodge, 18 Hope park . Hobbins Arthur Frederic, manager of branch of The Union . of London & I:lmiths Bank Limited, 33 High sfreet Hodge John Henry, solicitor & commissioner for oaths: 1 'Widmore road & 22 Crescent road Hodge Miss, liLA., Girls' Public Day School Trust Limitcd, Fern Bank, 30 Elmfield road Holmes L. (Miss), nurse, 7 Plaistow grove Holroyde William Frederick, solicitor & cOlUmissioncr for oaths, 5 Market square & Greenhaves, 75 Hayes road Holy Trinity Convent, Boarding & Day School for Girls (Rev. Mother Superior), 81 Plaistow lanc Homewood Wilfrid James, solicitor & commissioner for oaths, Holmbury, 41 Shawfield park, Widmore Howell Miss, nurse, 12A, London road Hudson Frederic, B.A., solicitor, Thorn Braes, Garden road Hughes Rev. Peter [Oath.J, The Presbytery, 83 Plaistow lane Hughes Ernest Frederick, solicitor, Bonchurch, 2 Elmfield rel Hughes Fret1erick J ., solicitor & commiEsioner for oaths, Bon· church, 2 Elmfield road Hunt Henry R., deputy registrar of marriages, 60 London rd Ilott, Grant-WIlson, Henshaw & nott, physicians & surgeons, St. Winnows, 5 London road & Hamlegro, Garden road; surgery, 56 Hi!!h street Ilott Cyril Herbert Thomas, M.A., .M.B., n.C.(OAMB.), 1tI.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.(LOND.), physician & surgeon, Hamlegro, Garden rd Ilott Herbert James, :U.D., c.M., )'T.R.C.R., physician & surgeon, 57 High street Jenner F. E. (Mrs.), teacher of music: Linton,:H Salisbury rd Jennings George Charles Hazeldine, solicitor & commissioner for oaths, The Rosary, Quernmore road Jepson Alfred Charles, M.B., B.c.cantab., surgeon, l'hanet lodge, 13 High street Kay Rev. Frederick William [curate of Bt. Luke's, Bromley common], 7 The Avenue, Bickley Kelf Henry D., pharmaceutical chemist, 32 The Broadway, High street Kent County Council Secondary School (Reginald Airy, :M.A. head master), Haycs l~ne King Col. Charles Wallis, M.V.O., Belair, SIA, Bromley com Kingston M., organist of St. Mary's Church, Shortlands, 18 Queen's Mead road Kinnaird Park Gil'is' Seltool, Miss Leishman, principal; Miss N. Hackforth, head mistress, Park avenue Kirby & Price, surgeons, Thanet lodge, 13 High street Kirby Albert Edward, M.R.C.S. (ENG.), surgeon, Bromley lodge, High street Labrum Rev. William Arthur [Wesleyan], The Manse, 7 HoI wood road Larkins Misses, Bromley Nurses' Co-operation,Greta, 7Blyth rd· Latter & Willett, Folicitors, 26 Market square Latter Edward (Latter & Willett), solicitor & commissioner for oaths; registrar & high bailiff of County Court & clerk to Justices, Bromley, 26 Market square Latter Hugh Robinson, architect & surveyor, Town HaU, Market square Lawrence Capt. William (late R.A.), 9 Cross road Lea Edward Thomas, solicitor & commissioner for oaths, Gatton, 2S Tweedy road Leach Uuriel (Miss), nurse, 75 Farwig lane Lee Myel' Barnett, solicitor & commissioner for oaths, Sherwood cottage, Kinnaird avenue Lee-Warner Lady, Glencairn, Southlands grove, Bickley Leeming John, :M.R.S.A., F.R.I.B.A., 55 Ravensbourne road Leishman Miss, Kinnaird Park Girls' School, Park avenue Leishman Mrs., Belmont School, Southborough road, Bickley Lendon Edward Cator, auctioneer, The Well Cottage, Chislehurst road, Bickley Levens W. & Son, auctioneers, Broadway house, 34 The Broad· way, High street Lewin Lieut.-CoL Wilfred Hale, Dorunda, 51 London lane Lewis Rev. Alfred [curate of Bickley], 5 Clarence rd. Bickley Lewis Cecil Ernest Millington, M.A., l'tf,D., B.C. (CAMH.), M.R.C.S. (ENG.), L.R.C.P. (LOND.), physician & surgeon, 8 Page Heath lane, Bickley Ley Francis Stephens, teacher of shorthand, 19 Great Elms rd Lindley-Jones W., F.R.G.S., J.P. [mayor of Bromley], Park Wood, Edward road Lloyd Capt. Lewis, 74 Sandford road Lockstone Capt. C.F. 39 Farnaby road Lubbock Sir Nevile, K.C.M.G., Oakley, Bromley common Lucas Rev. Herbert Hamilton, M.A..,Glengariff, Coniston rd Lyle Herbert Willoughb.V, M.D., B.S. (LOND.), FoR.C.S.(ENG.), F.Z.S., ophthalmic surgeon, 11 Elmfield road MC Arthur Dunctn Romaine, M.D., physician, 12 Masons hill Manger George, J.P., Lynwood, 65 Plaistow lane Mathews & Lewis, surgeons, Oriel lodge, 14: Southborough road, Bickley & 8 Page Heath lane, Bickley Mathews Sinney R. H., L.R.C.P., M.R.C.S., surgeon, Oriel lodge. 14 Southborough road, Bicklf1Y Mathewson John, l'tI.B.,, surgeon, 45 Tweedy road Matthews Joseph Bridges, K.c.,Bickley court, Chislehurst road, Bickley Maxwell James Laidlaw, M.A.,,,M.ll. (EDIN.),31 Hammelton rd Mercer William, accountant, Victoria cbambers, 43 High st Miskin & Arnold Misses,girls' school,Avonclyffe,19 Holwood rd Moore Rev. Richard,M.A. [incumbent of Christ ChurchJ,Christ Church lod!!e, 18 Highland r0ad Moore John Howard, J.P., Mellefont, 14 Orchard road Mordaunt Ethel Amy (Miss), M.D. (BRUX.), L.R.C.P. & S. (ED.), L.R.F.P.S.(GLAS.), physician '& surgeon, Montrose, 118 London road & surgery, 49 Morgan road . Morgan-Smith Rev. Gerald Oscar, B.A. [curate of St. Mary, Plaistow], 24 Crescent road Morice Beaumont, LL.B. (Recorder of Hythe, Kent), TrefRys, 5 Lansdowne road Moss Ernest B., A.G.S.M., York house, 6 High street Napier Capt. George Samuel Frederick, Dial house, Page Heath lane, Bickley Nash H. Broughton,mining engnr.,14 Southlands gro.Bickley Naylor Wm. A. H., F.C.S., F.I.C., Wilton house, 27 Palace gro Neale Alfd. solicitor & commissioner for oaths, 4 Elmfield pk Newland Herbt. Geo. L.D.£.(ENG. ),denta1 surgn.63Widmore rd Nops Walter, I.S.O., Elmdale, 10 Ravensbourne road Naps Wilfrid W., LL.B., Lenton, Talbot road Norman Arch~bald C., M.A., J.P., The Rookery, 90 Bromley com Norman Freneric Henry, town clerk of Bromley, clerk & registrar to Bromley burial board & ; clerk to Bromley Education Committee, Municipal offices, Tweedy road Oakley Edith (Miss), teacher of pianoforte, G7 Freelands road O'Connell :Major-Genl. Peter, R.E., Sibertswold, 5 Highland rd Oldfield Josiah, M.A., D.e.L., M.R.e.S .. L.R.e.p., physician & surgeon, 33 London road Oram Engineer Vice·Admiral Sir Henry John, K.e.B., l'.R.S., St. Arvans. Grasmere road Omm Evclyri Henry Bardens, l\J.B., B.S., F.U.C.S., physidan & surgeon, S1" Aryans, Grasl11ere road Osborne Rev. Stanley Ernest, M.A. [curate of Bromley], 3 Exmouth road Owen Edwin, INT.lm. B.A. (LOND.), PreReUy, 10 Wendover rd Pamphilon Walter James, architect $:, surveyor, 92 Tweedy rd Parr Rev. Edward Ambury, B.A. [cnrate of S1" John's, Bromley]. 10 Hawes road Payne Rev. Charles Edgar [curate of St. Mary, Plaistow], 54 Lansdowne road Penman Rev. T. Stanley [WesleyanJ, 20 The Avenue, Bickley Perrett Mrs., maternity nurse, 45 West street Phillips K. (Miss). nursing home, Dainton, Upper Park road Pim Rev. Henry Bedford, M.A., 7 Spencer road Porter Miss, JJ. L.A., Belmont tlchool, South borough rd. Bickley Powell Hy. R., F.RG.S., South lawn, 7 Hawthorne rd. Bickley Pretty Messrs., surgeon. dentists, !i Widmore road Price Alfred Edward, M.D., M.S., physician & surgeon, Thanet lodge. 13 High street Price Herbert D., solicitor &. com. for oaths, 11 Sandford roa«l Queen's Nurses, (; Queen's road Qulern1llore Sehool (Charles Frederick Braithwaite, B.A., head master), London lane; preparatory school, Park avenue Quy Sergeant-Major Arthur, 40 Hammelton :road Randall Philip NicholaR MB. (LOND.), L.S.A., Tower house, 38~ Tweedy road Rawlings Edward Bailey, solicitor, Endcliffe, 21 Rodway rd Ray Miss, preparatory school for boys, Havelock house, 82 London road Reid Alfred William, F.R.C.V.S., veterinary surgeon, Brunswick house, 10 street Rhys Rev. Walter Rowland, M.A., 14 Hammelton road Richardson William Ridley, M.A., Ravensfell, tG High street Ridley W. Wells, J.P., Deepdene, 9 Rodway road Roberts .James, insurance superintendent, 37 West street Rogel'sKennetb,M. D. (LOND.), L.R.C.P. (TJOND.),M.R.C.S.(ENG.), 16 Upper Park road Sanders John Henry, accountant, 39 Palace grove Sandford Henry, solicitor & commissioner for oaths, Bladon, 17 Hammelton road Sattorthwaite Col. Edwd. ,c. B.,V.D.,W indermere,26 .Oaklands rd Savory Miss, maternity nurse, 1 London road Sehool for Shorthand & Typewriting(L.& W.Shafto ), 5 Market sq Science q' Art School (Arthur Schofield, A.R.C.A., art master; Reginald Airy, M.A., director; George Wilson, secretary to the Higher Education Committee; Harry Richards, caretaker), Tweedy road Scott Capt. T. A., 15 Fairfield road Shafto Rev. G.H. [Wesleyan], The Hawthorns, 2-!A, Elmfieldrd Shaw & Son, so11citr8. & commissioners for oaths, 5 Market sq Shaw Hugh Wybergh, solicitor, Abercorn, Avondale road Sherriff Francis Henry, F.I.A., Helston, 58 Lansdowne road Sbillcock & Sons, chemists & druggists, 122 High street Shillcock George, dentist, 122 High street Shore Frederick William, F.c.A.,accountant, 1 Hayes road Sketchley Rcv. Ernest Powys, M.A., Ballater,30 Tweedy road Sly Alfred Henry, inspector Diseases of Animals Acts, Kent County Council (Bromley district), & Bromley Borough CounciL Holmfield, 106 London road Smith William Hubcrt, M.A., LL ..M., solicitor & commissioner for oaths, Trevena, 18 Blyth road . Smyth William James Dobson,M.R.c.S.,L.H.C.p.,3 Ethelbert rd Soam, s Rev. Henry Aldwin, M.A. Lyncroft, 5 Cromwell avell Springett Herbert, M.R.C. V.S., veterinary surgeon,.26 High st Squire Alfred HughKnight, LL.B.(LOND.), Whitegarth, Cumberland road Stancomb Theodorc Murly, manager Martin's Bank Limited,' 126 High st,reet Steven Rev. George Forbes, MA., 4 London lane Stevens Edgcombe, solicitor & commissioner for oaths, Clifton house, 161 Widmore road Stevenson Rev. Arthur Howe, M.A. [curate of Bromley], 42 West street Stone George, rate collector & assistant overseer, Municipal offices, Tweedy road: . . Sumners George, supt. General Post Office, 17 East street Swabey Rev.Mark R.: M.A., Holy Trinity vicarage.l Oakley rd Tait Rev. Donald. M.A. [vicar & rural dean of Bromley, hon. canon of Rochester, & surrogate], Bromley vicarage, 9 Church road Taylor Sarah (Miss), day school, 149 Masons hill . Thomas Major G. Harley, F.S.A., Woodstock, South Hill road Thomas Rev. Charles Drayton [Wesleyan], South Hill lodge, 33 Westmoreland road Thomas F. Lewi!', professor of music, 17 Crescenfroad Thomas Harold Wynne, L.R.C.P., M.R.C.s.,surgeon,Thornbury, 155 High street Thomas J. M. (Miss), A.R.D.S., artist, The Studio, 78 High st Thomson Rev. Henry "Morton, M.A., 29 Cambridge road Thornton A. B. district valuer, Inland Revenue Valuation department, 18 HoI woori road Timmis John, chembt, 147 Masons hill Towse Sir John Wrench, Sunnydene, 14: Page Heath la. Bickley Waight Earle Roberts, M.LC.E., Hurstbollrne, Nightingale Ill. Walker James Edward, solicitor & commissioner for oaths, Ravenswood, 7 Ethelbert road Walters Col. Herbert A., Leyland house, 122 London road Walters Miss E~lid M:.,M.B., B.S. (LaND.), 65 Freelands road Waterer & Dickins, auctnrs. White Hart Corner, 138 High st Waters Miss O. M.,B.A. (principal (Jaunty School for Girls), 55 Nightingale lane Webb James Simpson, medical accountant, 6 Burnt Ash lane Weller William G., solicitor & commissioner for oaths, Victoria charnbers, 43 High street & Lenfric, 1 Queen's Mead road Wells Rev. Richard J. [secretary Congregational Union of England & Wales], Whitegate, 30 Oaklands road Wharrie H. J. K., accountant to Bromley Borough Council, Municipal offices, Tweedy road Whebell A. (Nurse), certified nurse, 101 Babbacombe road White Rev. James, M.A. chaplain, Bromley College Whitfield Rev. Oswald George, M.A. [Congregational], )fansfield, 36 Cambridge road Wiley P. J. D., assistant clerk to the Bromley union, Bromley Rural District Council & deputy superintendent rE'gistrar, Park house, Beckenham lane Willett Edward Archibald (Latter & Willett), solicitor, 26 Market square Williams Lady, Springmead, 15 Orchard road Wilson Rev. Charles, M.A., Broadclyst, Page Heath la.Bickley Winton's Drug Co. Limited, chemists. 17 Market square Woodbridge Frank, solicitor &; commissioner for oattls, The Orchard, 10 Orchard road Woods George Arthur, M.D., F.R.S.E., 1 Hammelton road Woodward A. W., surveyor of Customs & Excise, Park house, Beckenham lane Wright Georgp. Cornelius William, A:l:.D., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. (LaND.), 15 Westmoreland road Wright Miss, nurse, 30 Shortlands gardens Ximenes Elio, artist, 43 High street Yolland Jn. Horatio, M.R.C.S., L.S.A., surgeon, 53 Bromley com Youngman Beatrice E. (Miss), A.G.S.M., York ho, 6 High st


t In the Chislehurst Postal District. A Abbott Herbert Campbell Broadview, Hill brow Abel John, G Bromley common Aby John William, 37 Croft road Acworth Alvin Richard, Emsworth, Crown lane Adams Charles, 2 Ashgrove road Adams Charles Hayes, 18 Minster rd Adams Ernest Ralph, Bencewell Orchard, Barnett Wood road Adame. Fras., Longshore, Kinnaird av Adams Gerald J. F., F.R.G.S., Kitsilano, Farnaby road Adams Horace, Courteenhall, Lake av Adams R., 33 Widmore road Adkin Benaiah Whitley, 8 Hope pk Adkin Francis Newbery, Westwood. 7 Oaklands road Affleck Edward Gordon, 52 Lansdowne road Aiken Miss Edith, 8 Florence road Aircy Richd., Dromore, 59 Plaistow la Airy Reginald, 20 Cambridge road Alderson Augustus Edward, Hill crest. 12 Pincwood road Alderton Ernest, Banshee, Lake av Alexander Geo. The Nook, Addison rd Alexander Mrs., 23 Plaistow grove Alexander William, 5 Crown lane Alford Watkin, 16 Upper Gravel rd Alker Howard V., M.A., Foxgrove, Claremont road, Bickley Allan H. P., Linwood, 41 Park road Allan Henry, Coverdale, 9 Spencer rd Allaston B., Lindore. Bickley cre8~ cent, Bickley . Allen Charles Burt, 34 Jaflray road Allen Frederic Jn., 92 College road Allen Herbert, 41 Tweedy road Allen Herbert James, 70 Park road Allen Miss, 14. Cambridge road Allen Mrs., 15 Babbacombe road Allcn Mrs. A. M., 37 Elmfield road Allen Mrs. R., 33 Elmfield road Allen Stanley, HNichol lane Alston Edward, 134 Babbacombe rd Alsion George H:: J.y, Scremban, St. George's road, Bickley Arney Frederick John, 5 Gt.Elmsrd Amos Georgc Henry, jun,,3 South st Amos George Richard, 43 West st Amos J. H., Killarney, 86 Tweedy rd Amos Mrs., Norland cot. 34 Park rd Amos Mrs. E., 22 Uambridge road Ancell Frederick, 32 Heathfield rd Anderson Alfred John,15 Hawes road Anderson Charles J., 3 Meadow rd Anderson F. R., 111 Masons hill Anderson John, 79 Chatterton road Anderson Joseph Barrington. St.Anne's, 18 Masons hill Anderson Mrs., 9 Hayes road AndersonM:rs. ,Linacre, 5 Wanstead rd Andreae Mrs. Carlo, Crestalta, Woodlands road, Bickley Andrews Arthur Richard S., Clovelly, 6 Gilbert road Andrews Fdk. Jsph,, 85 Chatterton rd Andrews Mrs., 35 Holligrave road Andrews Stephen James, 31 Croft rd Appleford Mrs., 33 Bromley college Appleton Mrs., 20 Jaffray road Appleyard Edwd.Everett, 15 Park rd Apthorpe Cecil Z., Farringford, 35 Sbawfield park Archer George, 10 Bloomfield road Archer Mrs. 31 Chislehurst rd. Bickley Armstrong Rev.F. W. [Presbyterian], 12 Edward road Armstrong Hugh Clayton, 7 Sandford road Armstrong James, Awa, 6 Warren av Arnaud.J n.Fk.,Fritzol-',13 Holwood rd Arnaud John N., 14: Queen's road Arnold Miss, Avonclyffe, 19 Halwood road Arnold Richd.,Redcot, 8 Cromwell av Arthur John Daniel, Pendennil;;, Madeira avenue Artis Anthony, 2 Clarence av.Bickley Ashby Thomas, 4 Denmark road Ashby W., 26 Hammelton road Ashton Cyril, Wychelm, London rd, Ashton Pearson, Whitefriars, Cromwell avenue Ashton Percy H., 41 Cambridge rd Asker Frederick, 20 Farwig lane Asker George, 70 Chatterton road AsmusAdolph,Iris vl., 33 Highland rd Aspinall Mrs., 4 Morum cottages, Farwig lane Astle Arthr. Warreston, 15 Bodway rd Astle William George, Devon, Hamilton lodge, 2 Oldfield rd. Bickley Atkins Frank William, 2 Minster rd Atkinson George Arthur, Fairview, 1 Wanstead road Atkinson Joseph, Yew lodge, 3 Burnt Ash lane Atkinson Miss, 17 Great Elms road Attenborough Ralph Ernest, Glendale, 11 Wenduver road Al tfield John Holmes, 6 Warner rd Attwood Frederick. 38 Medowroad Attwood William Joseph, The Vale, 22 & 17 Ravensbourne road Atwood Alfred, 18 Aldermary road Anght Hy. The Limes, 32A, Crescent rd Austen Miss. 55 Freelands road Austin William J., Alma, Lake aven AveneIl Alfred, 22 Glebe road Aver Nathaniel, 4 Glebe road Avery H~rberr, 16 Langdon road Avis David, Abbey gate, 39 Park rd Avis Henry Thomas, 17 Crown lane Avis Misses, Studleigh , 4 Holwood rd Axford Charles, 59 College road Ayling Jsph. Thos., 26 Lansdowne rd Ayling Thomas S., Wendover, 5 Wendover road Aylward Percy, 59 Beckenham lane B Bacon Charles M., Rosalind, 19 Fairfield road BacolJ Mrs. 37 Glebe rrmd Bacon Samuel H., 68 13ahbarombe rd Badcock Frederick Owen, KenmOle, Bickley road Baddeley Samuel, Netherton, 124 Widmore road Badder Fras. Sidney, 28 Lansdowne rd Baggett George J., 30 Liddon road Bagshaw William, 68 Nicbol 13ne Bailey Archibald, 10 Florence road Bailey Percy Hunt, 15 Glebe road Baker Albert C. 110 Babbacombe rd Baker Arthur Ernest, Breifond, 46 Hayes road Baker Barnham, 13 College road Baker Charles, 56 Park road Baker Charles M., Woodgate, 42 Masons hill Baker Harry B., Hayesford house, 9 Hayes lane Baker Montford, Connemara, Lake av Baker Mrs. M., Stoney land!'!, 9 College road Baker Sidney Harry, 38A, Saxon rd Baker Thomas, 58 Beckenham lane Baker W. Herbert, L.D.s.Eng., 152 High street Balchin Mrs., Inverness lodge, 38 Masons hill Balchin William C., Bexfield, 10 Bromley common Balding George, 58 Freelands road Balding Henry, 104 College road Baldry Alfred, Sundridge Park farm, Plaistow lane Baldry Benj. Button, 64 Hayes road Baldry Richard B.,3 Queen Anne av Balfour George, The Elms, Park av Balfour Mrs., Summerland, 8 Blyth rd BaHonr William, 37 Rolligrave rd Ball Fras. Richd., 138 Widmore rd Ball Mis.; E. 0., 140 Widmore road Ball Mrs., 33 West street Balls Alfred Thomas, 16 Church rd Balls Frederick, 65 London road Banes-~'eist Albt. Thos., 5 South st Banks Charles W., Ivyholme, 7 Edward road Banner Walter H., 66 Tweedy road Bannister Archie B., 72 Freelands rd Barber Richnrd, Southwood, West· moreland road Barfler William, 44 Masons hill Barham Wm. Saml., 3U Farllaby rd Barker Rev. Canon Peter, M.A. [vicar of St. John's], St. John's vicarage, 13 Upper Park road Barker Arthur, 11 Pinewood road Barker Charles, 22 The Broadway, High street Barker Mrs. R. M. W., Rosslyn, 10 Pinewood road Barker R. R, 3 Gilbert road Barker William K., 5 Langdon road Barling David, 64 Babbacombe road Barlow Ernest, 9 Florence road Barnard Fredk. G., 10 Chatterton rd Barnard George Wm. ,26 Foxbury rd Barnard Mdlle. Osmond, Le Mesnil, 9 Siward road Barnard Mrs., 103 Masons hill Barnard P. J., 42 Palace grove Barnes Goodwin Howard, Brabourne cottage, 8 Oaklands road Barnes Joseph, 20 Elmfield road Barnes Miss, 25 Ravensbourne road Barnes Thomas, 43 Liddon road Barns J. G., 19 Nightingale lane Barraclough Mrs., 7 Hayes road Barraclough Robert F., 27 Hayes rd Barlett Miss, Denecroft, Lake av Barrett Mrs., 22 West street Barrett Richard, 91 Plaistow lane Barry Mrs., 78 Hayes road Bartholomew Graham. 62 Sandford rd Bartlett Rev. Lewis 'Edward [Baptist], 20 Upper Gravel road Bartlett Lionel Arth., 46 Fairfield rd Barton Frank E., 6 West street Barton Mrs., 39 Bromley collge Bartrum Stanley, Coniston, Cumberland road Bassett Percival Jas., 33 Meanow rd Bassett William Charles, 40 West st Bassett William Rowland, Chardstock, 117 Masons hill Bastable Reginalci, 22 Saxon road Bastab1e-SticklandE. W., 16 Saxon rd Batchelor John B., South view, 48 Westmoreland road Bateman Henry Samuel, 33 Aldermary road Bateman Mr8., 70 London road Bates Joseph William, 14 Hill View cottages, Burnt Ash lane Bates Miss, 9 Palace grove Bath Mrs. Norman, 26 Wcst street Bath Richard, Wansunt, Garden rd Batham Frederick Charles, Fowey, Kinnaird avenue Batten Mrs.,The High Field, Chislehurst road, Bickley Batterham .Jn. Dodson, 77 Tweedy rd Bauer M., 9 Minster road Bax T. G.. 8 Liddon road Baxter Miss, 38A, Morgan road Baxter William, 24 College road Bayes William, 18 Park road Bayley Edward Hodson, J.P., Ellesmere, Sundridge avenue Bayman Henry ThoR., 20 Liddon rd Baynes Mrs. W., Pick Hurst wood, South Hill road Beaumont John, Ingestre, Alexandra crescent Beaumont Mrs., 6 Aldermary road. Beaumont Mrs., 23 Holwood road Beavan Fredk. Wm., 22 Gilbert rd Beck Frede. Walt., Foxlow ,Garo.en rd Beckett Edward Henry, Blenheim, South Hill road BeckettFrederie Franklin, 70 Babbacombe road Beddingfield Benjamin, 12 North st Beddome Leonard William, Sheringham, 55 Plaistow lane Bedford Mrs., 27 Bromley college Beer Bernhard, Westwood, 3 Birdin-Hand lane, Bickley Beer Edwin, Highwood, 55 Westmoreland road Beer Sidney, 28 Palace grove Beer Stanley G., Tressillian, Cromwell road Beeston Lewis, 73 Hayes road Beet Henry Bohun, Braeside, 29 Lansdowne road Bell Rev. John [Wesleyan], Craigmore, 6 Lodge road Bell A.Lindsay, Holne coL, 43 Park rd Bell Arth. Stanley, 24 Pincwood rd Bell Ashton Clinton, Qncensmere, Blenheim road, Bickley Bell Mrs., 3 Cambridge road Bellamy Herbert, 42 Fairfield road Bellamy William James, The Sycamores, Southborough rd. Bickley Bellhouse Mrs., Langley, London la Benge H., 8 Plaistow gruve Benham George, 38 Liddon road Benham Mrs., 15 Holwood road Benham Walt. William, 3 Tweedy rd Benn Fred, 3 Amesbury rd., Bickley Bennell William, 8 Saxon road Bennett Frederick, 3 Croft road Bennett H., ] 3 Glebe road Bennett Herhert, Albyfield, Blackbrook lane, Bickley Bennett James, 52 Park road Bennett John, 27 Liddon road Bennett Joshua, Rose bank, Lownd's avenue Bennett Miss, 62 London road Bennett Richard Wm., 14: Palace gro Bennett Robert, 132 Babbacombe rd Bennett T.Arnold,32Babbacom be rd Bennett Thomas, Ol'chardcombe, 7 Orchard road Benoy Frederick, 38 Fairfield road Benson John Allanson, Ghyll Thorne, Lake avenue . Benson Walter G., 9 Great Elms ru Beresford Edwin Ernest, 61 Farnaby road Berger Harry, Oak Tree house, Woodland road, Bickley Berk Frederick 'William, Inglewood, 9 Oaklands road Berner Correze, 11 Hayes road Berry Mrs., 46 Crescent rd. Plaistow Berry Walter, .20 Wendover road Berry Wm. C., 59 Ravensbourne rd Bertolla Ernest, Ror;a cottage, 38 Orescent road. Plaistow Bertolle W.J. Langford, 113 Masons hill Besant Arthur Robert, 43 Farnaby rd Besant Miss, 1 Minster road Bessant William Richard, Uderleigh, Blenheim road, Bickley Best Frank, Beechdale, 8 Garden rd Best Frederick John, Ambleside,. 52 Westmoreland road Betts Mrs., 62 Crescent road Betts William David, 5 Addison rd Bevan Cosmo, Widmore court, 4 Chislehurst road, Bickley Bevan Harold, 21 Lychett road Bevans Edward S. T., 52 Sandford rd Beynon George Thos., 36A, London rd Beynon Mrs., 25 Bromley college Bibby Mrs., 4 Great Elms road Bigland Mrs.,Stangrove, 29 Park road Bignold Edward, 83 Chatterton road Bilham William,27 Lansdowne road Billing Mrs., 28 Bromley college Billinghurst Edward George, Norman hurst, 25 Holwood road Bindley Frederick C. W., Micklehurst, 14 Cromwell avenue Bingley Fredk., Carnoustie,King's av Bird Geo.Fredk., 26 Westmoreland rd Birdseye Mrs., 26 Cambridge road Birnie Mrs., 6 Clarence road, Bickley Bishop Ernest, Ronda, Kinnaird av Bishop John G. M., 18 Saxon road Bishop Mrs., 62 Freelands road Bishop William, 1 .Jaffray road Bittleston Misses, 77 College road Rlack John, 28 Sandford road Black Miss, 28 Hawes road Black Mrs.,1 Madras flats, College rd Blacking William Thos., 19 Glebe rd Blackman William Alfred, 10 Babbacombe road Blake Alfrerd P. 48 Fairfield road Blakemore Mrs., Leigh villa, 7 Clarence road, Bickley Blakey Mrs., 89 Widmore road Blanchard Francis Leonard, 142 Babbaeombe road Blashfield AHd. Wm.,23 Sandford rd Blashfield Charle!; Fredk., Messina, Blenheim road, _Bickley. BlatheJ:wick Miss, 3 Stanhope villas Bleckley Mr8.~Wakehurst, ,13 Highland road Bleeze Percy William, San Remo, 60 Tweedy road Bligh Henry, 24 Church road Bloor J. Matthew, Oxford lodge, 11 Bromley common Blyth Mrs. Testwood, 117 London rd Roaks G. J., 21 Plaistow grove Boaks Herbert, 26 Park road Boas Frederick S., M.A., Cranford, Southborough, Bickley Boden Robert H., Deneholme, London lane Bolton Felix D., Raimer, Wells road, Bickley Bolton HaJ 011, 72 Sandford road Bolton John, 87 Wirlmore road Bolweli William, 105 London road Bones Arthur, The Croft, Rodway ro Bones Joseph, 78 Beckenham lane Bones Richard, 14. Sandford road. Boon Frederick, 45 Meadow road Boorman Edwin, 42 College road Boosey Arthur,. The Cedars, 69 Oak. ley-road Boothroyd Ernest, 60 Lansdowne rd Boreham Mrs., Colina, 26 Elrofield rd Bosser Miss C. M., Malbam, Park lnll, Bickley Bossoro Wm. Hy., GO Lansdowne rd Bothamley Henry B., The Cross ways, Sonth bill park road Bothwell Thomas, 25 Hope park Botterill John Benj., 41 London rd Battin Thomas Wm., 50 Liddon road Butting J. Eo, 85 College road Botting Mrs., 2 Langdon road Bottoroe Mrs., Tbe Oaks, 9 Edward rd Boullin John, Moreton lodge, 14 Wendover road Bourdon W., 52A, East street Bourne Alfred, 29 Soutbborough road. Bickley Bourne Arnold Ainsley, 24 Park rd Bourne .Harry -Morton, Wayside, 90 Babbacombe road BOUl'ne Jas. Johnstone, 26 Hawes rd Bournp.John Thompson, 22 Hammelton road Bourne Mrs., 24 Park road Bourner Arthur C., Lauriston, 13 London road Bowater Major Frank H., Denbridge house, Wells road, Bickley Bowen H., 8 West street Bower G.· C., New quay, Durham avenue, South hill park Bowley Alfred, The Trellis, 12 Southborough road, Bickley Bowsher Mrs., 22 Burnt Ash lane Boyd Percival, Alcedo, 21 Holwood rd Boyer Frank Harold, 6 Hammelton rd Bradbury Mrs., 31 London road Bradbury William, 19 Up. Gravel rd Bradgate Philip, 24 Sandford road Bradly Henry George, Sherbourne, 17 Wenrlover road Bradshaw Mrs., Claremont, 8 Queen Anne avenue Bradshaw Mrs., Rostherne, 240 Southlallds road Blagg Jonah, 19 Scott's road Bragll.lton William, ..M.A., 21 St. Albans, Highland road Brain Mrs. Bl'aemore lodge, Sundridge avenue Braithwaile Charles Frederick, B.A., Quernmore school, Lomioa lane Brame Ed·wiu Singleton, Northwood, King's avenue Brand William li'. ,Rosemead, Bickley crescent, Bickley Branscomb-l J. R., St. Margarets, 13 Fairfield road Bray Roht.G., Perth hoA 7 Palace gro Bray Thomas H., 33 Croft road Braybon Ebenezer, 12 Meadow road Braziel' Thom3s. 42A, Meadow road Brearey Henry, 8 Gilbert road Bremmer Frederick, 112l!~arwig lane Brennan Robert John Lewis, Cnrrabeen, 21 Westmoreland road Brett Arthur, Suffolk 10. 68 Hayes rd Brett Frederick, 4 Meadow road Brett Walter, 20 Croft road Brewer Frank Foster, 153 Masons hill Brewer J. H., 8 Crescent road Bridgeland William, 5 Hill View cottages, Burnt Ash lane Briggs Thomas W., Oaklands lodge, Oaklands road . Bright ArtburT., 4 Bnrnt Ash lane Briginshaw J. W., 50 Sandford road Bristowe Lewis, Durlstone, 4 Hayes la Britten Miss, fi4 Crescent road Britton W. Kenneth, Southwoou. 1:3 Edward road Broadhead Rev. John Hy. [curate in charge or St. Augustines Mission Church, Southborough], Turpington, 2 Southborough, Bickley Broadley John, 29 Hawesroad Brock George William Frederick, Afton, 18 Hammelton road Brock Mrs. Charles, Morning dawn, 7 Burnt Ash lane Brodie Robert, Mowbray, Bickley rd Brodrick John, 66 Beckenham lane Bromley Mrs., 32 Wendover road Brook Fredk. Benj. 15 Aluermary rd Brooker Thomas S., 62 Burnt Ash la Brookes Charles Geo., 94 College rd Brookhouse Charles Turing, J.P., M.D., M.R.C.S., 38 Tweedy road Brookhouse Herbert Orpe, M.D., B.S. Lond. ,M.R.C.S. ,L.R.C.p. 38 Tweedy rd Brookhouse John Charles, Ailsa, 22 Rodway road Brooks Charles, 9 Wendover road Brooks Harold G., Brasenose, Alexandra crescent Brooks Joseph, Dagmar house, 10 Cambridge road Brooks William Henry,18 Queen's rd Broom Gilbert, 41 Foxbury road Broome John, 9 Foxbury road Broomfield Mrs., 60 Park road Broomhall Edward Barron, 31 Cambridge road Brough Conway B., Kandersteg King's avenue Brown Col. Fredk. Jn , C.B. Halstead house. 12 Southborough, Bickley Brown Albt. Henry, 28 Farnaby rd Brown Andrew, East Dene, 2 Lansdowne road Brown Arthur, MOllllt Ellison, 10 Durham avenue Brown Edward Cotgreave, Bickley hall, Chislehurst road, Bickley Brown Ernest Jn. Tnornlea, Victoria rd Brown F'inden, 33 Holligrave road Brown Frank Leopold, 14 Hawes rd Brown Frederick, 29 Liddon road Brown George, 8 Croft road Brown George, 20 Martins road Browu George Ernest, 37 Crown la Brown Harry, 33 Union road Brown Horace, 6 Florence road Brown John Walter, 48 Bromley com Brown Miss, 4: Station road Brown Mrs. G. W .. 91 College road Brown Mrs.Geo., 2 The Aven. ,Bickley Brown Robert Allen, Sunnyside, 10 Bickley Park road, Bickley Brown Thomas R., Alverstone, Park Farm road Brown William Chas., Penchirche, 3 Oaklands road Brown William Hy., 107 Widmore rd Brown William Thomas, Newnham bouse. 9 Crescent road Browne' O. Walter, 14 Bromley com Browne Herbert L,D.S.R.c.S.lrel., Byfield, 5 High street Browne Miss, 16 Park road Browne Mrs. , Frascati, 20 Masons hill Browne :Mrs. E., 76 Babbaeombe rd Browne Mrs. W. J., Fairlawn, 26 Tweedy road Browne Thos. Gillespie Chapman, Barnhill, Hayes lane, Pickhurst Bruce Lady, Yewhurst, 37 Westmoreland road Bruce Sir Robert, C.B., Greenmount, 53 Plaistow lane Bruce Kennetb, Stenhouse, 8 Warren avenue Bryan William Booth, Elmstead Wood, Elmstead lane Bryant Albert Jn., 44 Lansdowne rd Bryant Ernest Jas., 21 Fairfield rd Bryant :Miss, l1A, Lownd's avenue Bryant Mrs., 73 Beckenham lane Bryant Mrs. E.. 34B, London road Bryce Rev. William Kirk [Baptist], Kenilworth, 136 Babbacombe rd Bryning Alfred H.,32 Sandford road Buchanan David, 15 Minster road Buckland Alfred, 73 Farwig lane Budgen Edward, 45 Farwig lane Bull Francis Henry, 118 Widmore rd Bull Harry, 34 Hammelton road Bull John. Gourtlauos, 42 H.1Jes rd Bulleid William H., 24: Minster road Bullen F. T., 71 College road Bullen Herbert E., Kelling, Southlands road Bullen Miss, 18 Gilbert road Bulley F., 51 Ravensbourne road Bullingham William, 44 Croft road Bulton Mrs., 88 College road Bumsted David Alexander, Sparnon, 16 Blyth road Bunn Henry Peter Emans, Hawthorpe, London lane Bunting Fred, 8 Park road BuntingHy.Williamson,10 Gilbert rd Bunting Miss, 8 Station road Bunyan Edward .Jn., 12 Church rd Burbidge William, 23 Union road Burbidge Woo. Ernest. 151 Crown la Burden Dvd. AbberdalE', 28 Glebe rd Burden Edward, 12 Haywood road Burgess George, 6 GIebe road Burgess Miss A., Sprir:ghurst, Southborough road, Bickley Burgess Mrs., 38 Bromley college Burgess Mrs. H. M., Thorndale. 5 Newman road Burkitt Mrs., 2 Longfield Burnett Inspector-Gen. Thomas Smith, R. N.(ret. ), M.R.C.S.,Eirianfa, 76 Freelands road Burnham Henry, 110 College road Burnie E. A., Holmwood cottage, Southborough road, Bickley Burnside Mrs., 40 Bromley college Burr Mrs .. 33 East street Burr Richard, 11 Beechfield cottages, Widmore Burr William Thos., 67 Crown lane Burrow Mrs., 11 Bromley college Burrows Mrs., Helmside, Alexandra crescent Burrows Wm. Robt., 31 Plaistow gro Burton Clement, 5 Plaistow grove Burton Edward Richardson, 1 Lycbett road Burton Herbert, 3 Addison road Burton Mrfi. C. E., 32 Glebe road Burton Robert, 34 Great Elms road Burton Thos. Charles, 14 North st Burton Wallace, 2 Queen Anne avenue Burton Walter, 19 Croft road Burton William Corwin, Loxwood, 23 Sundridge avenue :Burton William K., Witynflete, 6 RQdway road Burtt Miss C. E., Frant villa, 45 Bromley common Busby Charles, 9 North street Bush Henry Chas., 5 Aldermary rd Bush James Tobin, Morad-I.Munzil, 2 Holwood road Bush Samuel, 2 Stanhope villas Bushby Thomas, 64 Burnt Ash lane Bushby Wm., Cover side,l1 Park gro Bushell William, 4 Jaffray road Bussell Francis, 101 College road Bussell Robert Henry, Castledene, Oaklands road Butcher William, 44 Tweedy road Butler Mrs. J. B. M., Elstree, H Westmoreland road Butler Mrs. Percy, Woodlands, St. George's road, Bickley . Butler Thomas, 1 Siward road Butler William Camp, 45 London la Buttenshaw William Hy., 10 Saxon rd Button Herbert, 76 Liddon road But,ton Victor Benj.~ 19 Queen's rd Buxton Alfd. Henry, 9 Holligrave d Buzzard Herbert George, Carlitos, Burford road, Bickley Byrne Lewis, Palace 10.. Widmore rd Byrnes Jas. Douglas, 41 Heathfield rd C Callick Mrs., 43 Palace grove Cambray Septimus A., 13 Tweedy rd Cameron Andrew, 30 Aldermary rd Campbell Clifford, 18 North street Campling John J. B., Rebuha. Park hill, Bickley Caney Charles, Rossmore, 50 Cambridge road . Cann Mrs, 33 Glebe road Canning George, 23 Palace grove Carden Regnld. W., 103 College rd Cardwell JII. Hy., 9 Quccn Anne av Care Miss, 7 Minster road Carey Harold, Elmwood, Southborough road, Bickley Carey Mrs., Coverdale, 71 Westmoreland road Carey Mrs .. 79 Widmore road Carlill Herbert, 1 Scott's road Carlyon Mrs., 31 Bromley college Carlyon Mrs" to Freelands road Carpenter Mrs .... Donnington, 32 Great Elms road Carpenter William, White cottage. 39 Albert road Carpmael Miss, 5 Hayes road Carr Miss Florence, 8 Burnt Ash lane Carr Misses, 46 Farnaby road Carr Mrs. L., 29 Martins road Carr Wm., Dunkeld, 21 Cambridge rd Carre-Smith Major Meredith, Holmdene, Southlands grove, Bickley Carrie Patrick Anderson, Davaar, 17 London lane Carrington Geo. Hy. 00 Crescent rd Carroll Rev. Wm. Alex., M.A. Ivicar of St. George's, Bickley"Vicarage, 7 Bickley Park road, Bickley Carter Arthur, 14 Crescent road Carter Chas. Geo., 46 Meadow road Carter Charles Henry, M.D., 5 Homefield road Carter Harry, 105 Ridley road Carter James, 3 College slip Carter John, 85 Ridley road Carter .Tn. Murray, 96 London road Carter Joseph, 9 Park grove Carter Miss, Bromley Cottage Hospital, Cromwell avenue Carter Miss Norman, 29 Palace gro Carter William, 4 Saxon road Carter Wm. Shadwell, 32 Hawes rd Cartwright Charles Knight. Netherton, 42 Cambridge road Carver Rev. Bernard N., B.A. [curate of Bromley J, 72 High street Carver John, 85 Crown lane Case C. A., Glendale, 18 Lansdowne rd Oaswell Mrs., 15 Bromley college Catchpole Albert A., 3 Avondale rd Catchpole Septimus, St. Heliers, 28 Masons hill Catling Thomaf:. 35 Hawes road Catmu;' Thos. Stucley, 64 London rd Caton Stephen, 26 Jaffray road Cattermole Albt. Edwd. 79 Ridley rd Caulfeild-Stoker r,, 30 Burnt Ash la Caulkett E. R.. 8 Scott's road Cave Alan George, SandyE', 18 Cromwell avenue Cave William J. C., J.P., Beechfield, 146 Widmore road Cave William T.,Southbeech,Waldegrave road . Caverhill James, Crichness, 7 Sundridge avenue Cazeaux Edward, Linda, 209 Widmore roaQ CazeauxJ ames, Lulworth, Durham av Cazeaux Mrs.,Oastilla,49 Plaistow 130 Cazeaux Raymond, 42 Hawes road Chadwick John, St. Andrew's, 15 Oaklands road Chadwick Mrs.· H., Red Bank, 31 Highland road Chalmers Kenneth Edlmann, Blackbrook, Southborough, Bickley Chalmers Mrs. F., Farrants, 9 Bickley Park road, Bickley Chamberlain Alfred, 5 Croft road Chambers Arthur, Heatherdene, 94 Hayes road . Chambers William, Bourton lodge, 114 Widmore road Chance Thomas, 37 Farwig lane Chant Stanley, Redmont, Victoria rd Chapm~m Arthur, 49 Palace grove Chapman Harry, 12 Croft road Chapman James, 32 Farnaby road Chapman James, 17 Gilbert road Chappell Frederick, 31 East street Chappell Hy. Jn., 39 Queen Anne av Chard Mrs., 19 Ravensbourne road Chase Gordon, 11 Hollig-rave road Chatel' F .Cli ve, OakHa tch,Edward rd Chattoe Arthur Noakes, Ethelburga, 38 Westmoreland road Chavasse Alban, 17 Sandford road Chavasse Mrs. 34 Westmoreland rd Cheel George Henry: 43 Freelands rd Cheesman John, ;) Lownd's avenue Chesters Walter Horsfall, M.B., B.S. Land., 111 Widmore road Cheyne W. Y. Sunnyside, Clarence road, Bickley Chidlcy Arth., 1 & 2 Low. Gravel rd Child Coles: D.L., J.P., Bromley palace, Widmore road Child Jn. Trevena, 33 Shawfield pk Child Richard, 21 Homesdale road Childs .Misses, 43 Bromley common Chinnery Thomas Montague, 12 Warner road Chitty Arthur, 77 Farwig lane Choat Henry, 29 Crown lane Cholmeley Mrs., Hawthornden, 3 Freelands road Choyce Miss, Trevarno, 11 Cambridge road Christie Theodore, 27 Farnaby road. Christopher Mrs., St. Martin's, Addison road Church Charles, 8 Lewes road Churchett George, 14: Glebe road Churchouse Alfred William, Overstrand, Quernmore road Ciecierski Bruno, Weimar, 72 Hayes rd CIace~' James, ,Long-croft cottage, Hayes lane, Beckenham Clapham Athol E .. Glengarry, Durham road . Clark Albert, 159 MaSons hill Clark Amos, 30 Crescent road Clark Arthur Barnard, 13 Hayes rd Clark Arthur Francis, 7 Lychett rd Clark Charles, Craigievar,Durham rd Clark Charles Douglas, Eccleshill, Hayes lane, Pickhurst park Clark Edward, Hackwood, 122 Widmore road Clark F. Stafford, Blackmoor, London lane Clark George Ernest, The Beeches,Avondale road Clark John, 71 Martins road Clark Mrs. Joseph. 13 Holligrave rd Clark Thomas, Iddesleigb, 8 Homefield road Clark William, 26 Liddon road Clark William Horace, Roselawn,Kinnaird avenue Clark Wm. Owen, 112 Babbacombe rd Olark William T. D.. 15 The Avenue, Bickley '. Clarke A., 31 MeadOW road Clarke Charles B., 2 Queen'sMead rd Clarke Frederick, 74 Beckenham la Clarke Frederick William Alfred, Dalkeitb, Park avenue Clay Charles Butler, Hurst, 17 Sundridge avenue Clayton J., The Firs, 4:l Palace grove Clear Thomas Hy., 5 Elmfield park Cleave Henry, 96 High street Clifford Frederick, 33 Plaistow gro Clipstone Alfred, 60 College road Clissold Miss, 9 Glebe road Clough R. C., 18 Cambridge I'0ad Clubb Wm. Jn., road hO. Avondale rd Clutterbuck Herbert, M.I.M.E., 44Palace grove Clutton-Brock Heury Alan, 244 Southlands road Coad Mrs. R. H., Marley, 61 Masons hill Coad Percy A., M.S.A., Whyte cottage, Wanstead road Coates William, 35 Hammelton road Cockhead Leslie George, The Thwaite, 59 London hme Cocks Wm., Strlnley vil.,n Crown la Cocksedge William Allen, 24 Westmoreland road Codd Arthur F. G., M.B., F.R.C.S .Holwood lodge, 154: High street Codd George Ernest, Staplehurst, Westmoreland road Cogswell Philip Dare, L.R.C.p.Lond. M.R.C.S., 43 Tweedy road Cohen Percy L.,Liscard,Bromley av Cohu Thomas, 56 Lansdowne road Cole Cbarles, 7 Liddon road Cole W.F.Castcll, Ferndalc,16 Lansdowne road Coleman Mrs., 64 Chatterton road Coleman Sydney F., Drayton, 97 Masons hill Colgate Henry, 10 Gwydyr road Collard Montague, 84 College road Collard Sydney, 57 Hayes road Collen Frank William, St. Lawrence. Plaistow lane Collett Charles Henry, Sherstone, 3 Blyth road Collier Fredk. W., ll Low. Gravelrd Collier Geo. Alfd., 16 Queen Anne av Collier Mrs., 32 Bromley college Collins Rev. Edwin, 4 Tweedy road Collins Charles Erling, 13' Queen Anne avenue Collins Jsph. Edwd. lRavensbourne rd Collins Mr~., Mill vale, 2 Glass Mill la Collins Mrs. T.~ The Cottage, 31 Palace grove Collins Samuel. 28 Great Elms road Collyer Fredk. Chas., (0 London rd Collyer Frederick Charles, jun., Logmore, 48 Sandford road Culmer William, Beaulieu, SouthJands road Coltman R. Izard, Mountfield, 66 Babbacombe road Colven Chas., 27 Ravensbourne road Colwell Frank. 7 Weston road Colyer Arthur Reginald, Edmonstone, Southborough road, Bickley Combe Herbert, 11 Tweedy road Comins Charles, Pembroke house, 12 Upper Park road Compton John, 30 Cambridge road Connell Charles R., 21 Elmfield rd Connett Albert Newmann, Dalwhinnie, 6 Highland road Constable Alfred B., B.A., B.Sc. Oxon., Southlands road Constable B., 7Amesbury rd., Bickley Constable Edwd. Theobald, M.A. cantab., Fairlawn, 14 Upper Park road Constant Arth. D., 71 Bromley gdns Cook Hellry Thomas, Holmbush, 116 Widmore road Cook Herbert, 60 Hayes road Cook James, 32 Croft road Cook Leonard Barnaby, St. Audries, Avondale road Cook Philip Inkerman, !I.D.Brux., L.R.e.p., !I.R.C.S, L.S.A., Argyll lodge, 4 High street Cook Richard, Warwick, Clarence avenue, Bickley Cooke Henry, 29 Fairfield road Cooling Charles, 16 Masons hill Cooling Charles E.,IS Homesdale rd Cooksey Hev. Walter [Catholic]. The Presbyter.v, 83 Plaistow lane CoombeI' ArthurBenj.,163 Masons hill Cooper A. H., 23 Freelands road Cooper Benjamin, 72 High street Cooper George Quilton, Whitethorpe, Park Farm road Cooper Miss, 128 Widmore road Cooper Mrs.,N orthfield,25 Durham av Cooper Mrs., !5 Palace grove Cooper Stanley, Laney, Durham av Cooper Thomas, 38 Hammelton road Cooper-Marsdin Rev. Canon Arthur Cooper, M.A., B.D. [proctor in Convocation], 2 Southborough fOa,.d,Bickley Coppin George William, 25 Croft. rd Coppleston Jn. Bartlett, 7 Palace gro Copplestone John Bartlett, 4 Aldermary road Corbett J. E., 57 Bromley gardens Cork Alfred P., 37 Chislehurst road,Bickley Cork Reginald P., Capertee, Southborough road, Bickley Cornock David Stroud, 12 Freelands rd Cornwall Edwd.Hy., 19 Crescent rd Cotton George Edward,· Stoberry cottage, 7 Church road Couldrey Walter, Nnneham, 20 Rodway road Coulter George, 18 Pinewood road Coulter Robt. Perry, 8 Langdon road Courtney Claude, The Postern, 25 Sandford road Cousins Wm. WalL, 58 Heathfield rd CovellStauley, Brantwood, Durham rd Coveney Joseph, 2 Jaffray road Covill John H., Preston, Bickley crescent., Bickley Cowdry Arthur, 31 Gilbert road Cowing Miss, 1 Homefield road Cox Benjamin, 44 London road Cox Joseph William, 65 Crown lan Cox Miss M. E., 2 Madras flats, College road Cox Mrs., 5 Longfield Cox Percy, 5 Lychett road Cox Percy Stuart, 42 Farnaby road Crabb Ernest, Kenmore. ~3 Cambridge road Craker Charles, 2 Liddon road Craker Mrs. 71 Beckenham lauc Cramer Albert F., Highview, 12 Cromwell avenue Crammond-Miller Mrs., 3 Hawes rd Cramp Robert, !:) Lychett road Crane Stephen, 33 Rodway road Creedy Hubt. Jas. ,M:.v.o. 4 Sandford rd Critcher Charles Wm., 73 Nicholla Critchison Rev. James [WesleyanJ, 2 Bromley common Crockatt Wm., Kincraig, King's av Crockfurd T. t;., Wyverstone, 9 London lane Crockford Thos.Hy.,88 Homesdale rd Croft Albert Edwin, 63 Bromley com CrQQmc,T n.Fergusson.2 GWendoyer ret Crossfield Talbot K.. Clare croft, 5 Elmfield road Urossland Charles, Lewes house, 127 Widmore road Crossland Harry, 23 Croft road Crossley William Atth., 6 Minster rd Crossley William L., 68 Tweedy road Crothall Geo. Arth., 2 Cromwell av Crothall John R., 2 Hawkesworth rd Crouch .J. Morton, 91 Masons hill Crouch James, 45 Foxbury road Crouch Mrs., Holmdenc, London 130 Crowe G. L. 15 Langdon road Crowhurst David, 1 Newman road Crowhurst Joseph, 1 Newman road Crowhurst Samuel, 1 Newman road Crowhurst Sydney Jn., 59 Farwig la Crutch W. F., The Mount, Mavelstone road Cubitt Henry Gilbert-, Oaklea, 11 Orchard road Cubitt Herbert, 16 Burnt Ash lane Cull E., 48 College road Cumming Mrs. Gordon, 12 Bromley college Cumming Robert,Whitrigg, 1 Upper Park road Cundy Mrs., 112 Widmore road Curry Rev. Wm. [Primitive Methodist], Mayville, 44: Bromley com Curry Arthur Edward, Inglenook, 29 Shawfield park Curtis Mrs., 18 Bromley college Curwen Henry, Birkby, Madeira av Curwood John Nicholas. 13 Aldermary road Cutlack Wm. Austin, 11 Palace gro Outler Henry Jas., 5 Hol1igrave rd Dabbs Frederick, Cuzco. Clarence road, Bickley , Dale Cecil Halsted, Ingleside, 98 Plaistow lane Dale William Halsted, Ingleside, 98 Plaistow lane Dalley William, 73 High street Dalton John Bates, 28 Bromley com Damant Miss, 19 College road Dandrirlge Absolom, Strathmore, 87. London lane Daniel Frank Chas., 15 Meadow road Daniels Charles, The Mount, 27 Shawfield park Daniels Sydney, Malabar, King's av Dann Samuel, 56 Freelande road Darby Frederick Samuel, Hill brow, 1 EthP.1bert road Darby Henry, :lOA, London road Darhy Mrs., 7 Park grove Darby William Hy., 64 Freelands rd Darvill William, 8 Foxbury road Dashwood Mrs. Peyton,Caistor lodge, 50 Westmoreland road Davey Mrs. Elizh., 17 Farnaby road Davidson James, 17 Hope park Davidson Robert Edward, 91 Beckenham lane Davies Edmund, 6 Gwydyr road Davies Jaques, 17 North street Davies Madame S., 44 Haywood rd Davies Miss, 14 Langdon road Davies Mrs., 30 Wendover road Davies Reuben David, 36 Park road Davis Albert, 30 Lansdowne road Davis Arth. Frank, 67 Bromley gdns. Davis Bernard F., 19 Holligrave rd Davis Frank Wm., 58 Burnt Ash Lane Davis John, 67 Farwig lane Davif1 Thomas, 17 Babbacombe road Davis Thomas, J.P., Birkenfeld, 142 Widmore road Davis Thomas J., 1 Babbacombe rd Davis Walter, 7 Holligrave road Davis William J. B., Slieve More, 47 Sbawfielrdpark Davis William Joseph, 52 Crescent rd Davison Douglas Carlyle, 15 Queen's Mead road Dawes Alfred C. P., 13 Meadow rd Dawes Henry, 16 Ravensbourne road Dawes Henry Jas., 168 Widmore rd Dawson E. R., 6 Saxon road Dawson Ernest, 2 Beckenham lane Day Albert A., Sydcot, Bickley crescent, Bickley Day Arth., Seacombe, l1 Highland rd Day George, 27 Gwydyr road Day George Ambrose, Clarence avenue, Bickley Day Lewis Ford, Tantallon, Blenheim road, Bickley Day Richard Evan, 66 Plaistow lane Day-Lewis Frank E., Skerries, Kinnaird avenue Dean Charles Geoffrey, Mosman, Avondale road Dean Charles Yardley, 32 Westmoreland road Dean Evan William, ] 2 Hawes road Dean Francis, 6 Southlands' road Dean Herbert Charles, 70 Sandford rd De Ath Edmund Chas., 86 Bromley com Deighton Herbert, 5 Union road De Jongh Alex., 129 Widmore road de Lacy Wilfred. 96 Hayes road D'}jJlbrux Louis, 21 Quecn Anne av de Lisle Hirzel W. T., The Hut, Alexandra crescent de Montagnac Louis I van, 9 FairfielJ road Dence Thos., SUl.111Ycrt., Highland rd Denney M. J., Stoneleigh, 13 Sundddge avenue Dennis Charles, Glen view, 35 Hay- \\"\)od road Dennis Edward Frank, Myrtle villa, 37 Haywood road Denny Alfred, Elstow lodge, 120 London road Dent Charles George, US Farwig la Devaney Thos. 0.,13 Great RIms rd Devas T. Gronow. Broadview, 37 I Highland road DevittFrank, Hill brow, 94 Plaistow h Devlill Robert, 32 Crescent road De Wael Emile, Pelham lodge, Pilles road, Bickley '1 Dewey Marshall, Tootswood, Tootswood road I Dev,ey Mr8. L. K, 33 Liddon road I Dewey T. C., J.P., South Hill wood, South Hill road Diekins Mrs., St. Margaret's, 4 Pinewood road Dickson Alexander, jun., Wroxham, 38 Cambridge road Dinmore Miss, 43 Beckenham lane Diploek Archibald, 15 Gilbert road Distill Wm. Henry, 124 High street Dives Frank, 24 Saxon road Dives Jas., Kingsbury, 23 London la Dixon Arthur Charles, 36 Saxon rd DobeIl Henry, 74: Babbacombe road Dodd Edwin, Springfield, 53 Westmoreland road Dodd Mrs., 4: Bromley college Dods Miss, 16 Homefield road Doggett Frank, Wayside, Clarene road, Bickley' Doggett Gabriel, 83 Ridley road DOigett William, 5 Siwarcl road Donnelly Thomas Gilbert, Brookfield, 46 SaIHlford road d'Ornellafi E., Northfield, Elmstead Jane, Bickley Dotti Madame, 10 Shawfield park Doughty Mrs., 14 Bromley college Douglas James, Dalmen V,Hawthorn road. Bicklev Douglas .Mrs.,·Cheriton, 6 Oldfield road, Bickley Douglas William James, The White house, Southborough road, Bickley Dowlen Mark, 12 Lewes road Down Charle::!, Lynton, Clarence road, Bickley Downer Ernest John, F.R.C.O., P.T.C.L., Testore, 7 Queen'sMead rd Downing Walter, 70 Heathfield rd Downing William, 23 Crown lane Dowriek Harold Edmnd., 93 Hayes rd Doxfor(l John George, Petra, 13 Wanstead road Doyle Frederick , John, 43 College rd Doyle Joseph S., 28 Croft road Drake Walter, 21 Glebe road Draper Edward D., ;) Park grove Dreihellcr Paul, The CroRsways, Avondale road Drew Herhert Wm., {i8 Sandford nl Drew Mrs., Druids Croft, Kinnaird av Drew Mrs., 32 Plaistow grC1Ve Driscoll William Jn., 45 Farnaby rd Driver William Henry, 11 Hope pk Druett George, 10 Church road Drudeu Miss,Breamish vil., 33 Park rd Duff Daniel, jun., Coombe Lea, 2 Hawtborne road, Bickley Duffett Ernest, 44: Fairfield road Dufour EmIle, 37 Queen Anne aven Duke George Williqm, 17 Minster rd Duke John Frederick, 14 Farnaby rd Dulieu H., Elsinore, Talbot road Duncanson Edward Ford, Templewood, Sundridge avenue Duncanson Misses, Nutwood, 4 Bickley Park road, Bickley Dunellli. G.. 23 Hayes road Dunk Mrs., Cedar. cottage, Claremont road, Bickley Dunn Herbert Geo., 7 Newman rd Dunmall Harry, 12 Plaistow grove Dunmall Harry Robt., 139 Crown Ill, Dunman Walter, ill Plaistow grove Dunn Edwarll George, 1 Queen's rd Dunnett. Alexander, G Barmouth villas, Clarence aveuue,Bickley Durbridge Ernest, 15 Durham aven Durbridge Thomas, Lyndhurst, 78 Wesrmoreland road1 Durdle Harold. 27 Homesdale road Durnford P. B., The Hive, 2 :Magpie Hall lane, Bickley Durrant Alvada Elmy, .J.L Glebe rd Durrant William . James,· Bideford, !) Gilbert road Dussek A. E. H. ]Y[ait1awlloc1ge, .115 London road Dussek Angelo Sebastian, H Plaistow lauc Dusseris Mrs., H Frecliluds road1 Dutll'Jit )Il's.,Fairnr1ell~!)!) Masons hill Dllttt"llil Horace Leslie, Wycolllue, 20 Gal'llell road Duttson William Henry,:-ioutuwood, 13 Edward road Dymott Gerald L., L.D.s.Eng., Willow bank, 29 London road E Earle Duncan, 46 Palace grove Earle Samuel Robert, The Hatch, Plaistow lane Earles Misses A. & WI.,26 College rd Earnshaw Alfred Edward, Wilmington, Durham avenue Earnshaw Miss. Wilmington, Durham avenue East Sidney, 16 Hope park EastiIope Harry, 198 Widmore road Easton Albert Percy,61 Freelandt: rd Eastwood Miss A., 7 College slip Eaton-Matthews Herbert, 15 Holligrave road Ebbs Alfd. B., Tuborg,5 7 Plaistow la Ebdon Fredk. J n., 73 Beckenham la Ede Percy. BG Babbacombe road Edey G. Iil;ssell, M.D.s.Eng , Westnor 153 High street Edwards A. V., 27 Glebe road Edwards Arthur II'ons,31 Farnaby rd Edwards Cecil Harry, Cbeveley, London lane Edwards Ernest, :30 Gwydyr road Edwards Frederick, 133 Crown lane Edwards Hy.,Wynnstay, 73 London la Edwards Hrbt. Cecil,70 Freelands.rd Edwards James, 25 Union road Edwards John Maltby, M.R.C.S., fJ.H.C.P., JJ.S.A., Tregcnna, 51 Plaistow lane Edwilrds.Mrs.,8:) College road gdwanl" Mrs., Newton house, 10 Southlands grovc, Bickley Edwards Sidney F., 15 Wcndovcr rd Edwards Thoma., 45 Plaistow grove Edwards William, 10 Glebe road r~ke Fredk., Ii Amesbury rd., Bickley Elder William George, Argyle, 1:3 Rodway road IDlgar Mrs., 4 Highland road Bliff Harry, 14 Fox bury road Ellen John Hidney, 5 Park road Bllery William, 17 Lansdowne road EllIffe Albert, 5 Glass Mi1llane Elliutt Arthur H., 28 Crescent road IiJIliott Mrs., ;)6 College road Elliott Mrs., 3 Glebe road r,His Edwin Jas.,20 Babbacombe rd mus Henry, 65 Tylney rd. Bickley Ellis Herbert 0., Sparthfield, 7 Wanstead road Ellis Mrs., 35 Bromley college Ellis Mrs., Ethelbert lodge, 5 Ethelbert road Ellman Mrs., Arreton, Park avenue Elpbinstone Robert, M.R.C .S.,L.R.C. P" Caerlon, 8 Ravensbourne road Elsden Miss, Shirley, Page Heath lane, Bickley Ely Horace, The White cottage, Hawthorne road, Bickley Emden }vIrs. Alfred, Elmfield lodge, 18 Elmfield road Emery Edward William, Agra, Bickley crescent, Bickley Emms Arthur Charles, 38 Farnaby road Engelhardt H. F.R., 20 Bromley com England Miss, 2 Sheppard's college English Edward H., 12 Heathfield rd English Fredk. John, 59 London rd English Mrs., Pickhurst manor, Hayes lane, Beckenham Ens()m :M:. Charles, 53 Tweedy road Esler Howard, 8 Queen's M.~·arlroad Erhering"ton Charles, 27 West strfet Evans Rev. W. Justin [Congregational],3 Garden road Evans Edmund F., Rocklands, 27 London road Evans H. W., 18 Palace grove Evans John Albert, Bank house, High street, Market square Evans Miss, ] 7 Hayes road Evans Mrs., 13 Minster road Evans Robert, 27 College road EVE'rett Richard. 23 Lansdowne rd Everington William Arr.old, One Oak, St. George's road Evershed Wm., 13 Cambridge road ]Jwell E. G., 27 Gilbert road Ewins Geo., Ivy cot.10! Plaistow la Ewins Henry, 26 Meadow road Eyre Arthur, Branscombe, 8 Magpie Hall lane, Bickley F Faber Hubert L., Copley dene, 20 Sundrirlge avenue Fagan Arthur, 2 Homesdale road Fagg William Courtney, 7 Hope pk Fairbain Miss, 13 Lownd's avenue Fabbarns C. P., White cottage, Blenheim road, Bickley Fairley Mrs., Sunnydene, 17 Upper Park road Fairweather John, 4 Plaistow grove Farley Fredk. Wm., 40 Freelands rd FarmerWalter, Hurworth, King'sav Farnham Mrs., PO Chatterton road Farrar James. 20 Farnaby road Farrell Frank J. F.; Woodgate, 77 London lane Fasf'am Edward. 16 Croft road FassamEdwd. David, 38 Freelands rd Fathers Hy., Wychwood, Oaklands rd Faul1.merJohn, 94 Bromley common Faulkner Mrs. W., 143 Crown lane Faulkner Oswald, 115 Masons hill Faull Arthur Vivian, Bank house, 14] High street Faunthorpe Rev. John P., M.A., F.R.G.B., Elmfield, 92 Bromley com Fawsitt Richard, 3 Great Elms road Fay Cyrus, 21 Babbacombe road Feldman Leopold, Lynn, Blenheim road, Bickley Feldmar Louis, 39 Plaistow grove Fell Thoma~, Woodifield, 50 Babbacombe road Fentiman Alfred George, Westwood, King's avenue Fentiman Arthur John, 118 Babbacombe road Fenton Tom Brown, 5 Gwydyr road Ferrar Miss, 63 Crown lane Ferris William H., 5 Meadow road Ferry Oecil R., 29 R.odway road Fertel Frederic, Holmcroft, 33 Hollwood road FerteIMrs.,Holmcroft,33Holwood rd Fester Emil Charles, Temperley, Park hill, Bickley Fewtrell Wm. Jas., 16 Great Elms rd Field Edwin, Cromwell house, 13 Homefield road Field Horace Banks, 5 Bloomfield rd Field The Misses,13Bromleycommon Field Percy, 42 Meadow road Filby Edmund E., Charlton house, 24 West. street Filby Elmer George, Sunnyside, 9 London road Filmer William Stronghill, Hillside. 6 Ravensbourne road Finch E. H., Tintern ,14 Oaklands rd Finch William, 15 North street Finn Frederick, 42 Tweedy road Firkin Miss, Shaftesbury house, 67 & 69 Widmore road Fischer George F., Appletreewick, 35 Southborough road, Bickley Fischer Louis W. H., Rydall, Cumberland road Fisher AlbHrt Henry. 7 Union road Fisher Henry Edwin, 41 Queen Anne avenue Fisher Miss, 56 Mooreland road Fii'lher William, Manor cottages,Hayes lane, Beckenham Fitch Harry. BilRton, Bickley crescent; Bickley Fitchew Edward Hubert. The Oriels, Hill Brow Fitter John T., 30 Palace grove Flashoff Rudolf, The Birches, Durham road Fleming Walter, 32 Saxon road Flight Ernest E., 84 Bromley common Flint Arthur Rest, Brackenbank, 129 London road Flood William, 71 Chatterton road Fluck Miss, L.L.A., 95 H>iyes road Foinette Carl, 25 Meadow road Folkard Percy George,90 College rd Follet J. P., 14 Heathfield road Fone W m. Chas., 6 Langdon road Foord Thomas Herbert E., Durham house, Westmoreland road Forbes George, Rosslyn, 122 Babbacombe road Ford Thomas, 56 Liddon road FordChas.Edwin,23 Ravensbourne rd Ford John William, 76 College road Ford Jlrs. C. R., fl5 HaylC's r.)ad Ford Percy C14a les, 5 Croft road Ford Walter, 6!) College road Ford William Edwd .. 10 lfoxbury rd Foreman Charles, White lodge, Low Gravel road Foreman John, 27 Plaistow grove Foreman Wm. ·Walt., 21 Queen's rd Forrer Leonard, Leigliton, 11 Hammelton road Forrester John Herbert, Kelso, 22 Pinewood road Forsdike Stanle,y Lee, 13 Crown la Forster George Richard, Nutfield, 50 Plaistow lane ForwlH'd Arthur, Beech Hurst, Lodge road Foster Allan,Kingsmead,56 Hayes rd Foster Bertram, 34 8au(l£ord road Foster Cha«. FreJk., 14 Hope park Foster Frederick, 66 Liddon road Foster Herbert, VI{ ayside, 110sslea rd Fothergill TheMisseR, 6A,Lownd's av Fowle Miss Beatrice, Marrick, 16 Elmfield road Fowler Wallace Baxter,16 Hawes rd Fox John, 10 Park road Fox William Alex. ,Eliots, Hill Brow Foxley Henry James, Westwood, Blenheim road, Bickley Foxwell Sydney H.E.,l1 London rd Francis Hy.,St.David, flO Tweedy rd Francis Sydney Wilfred, 10 Burnt Ash lane Francke Max, Lingdale, Oldfield road, Bickley Franklin James Curtis, L R.C.P., L.R.C.S.Edin., L.F.p.s.Glas., 2 Hawps road Franklin MrS. 35 College road Frankhn Mrs., 78 Liddon road Fraser Alexander, 27 Queen's road Fraser Alfred G., Ardmore, King'sav Fraser John, Gablecroft,2 London la Fraser Miss. B Oakley road FrazeI' Lieut.-Col. F. A., Rossiter, 19 Highland road Frazer J ohu James, Ivydene, 54 Westmoreland road FreemanArthur John, 4 Scott's road Freeman Edmund, Lensden, Edward road Freeman Geo. P.,6 Westmoreland rd Freeman George RolJert, Keswick, 23 Durham avenue Freeman H. P., 24 Meadow road Freeman J olm Tilleard, M.A., Parkside.12fi Widmore road Freeman Mrs., 16 Bromley college Freeman Mrs. F. M., 7 Siward road Friedman Paul, Wycliffe lodge, 12 Oaklands road Fromings William H., 9 Meadow rd Fry C. A., The Croft. 86 Hayes road Fry Hugh, 12 Recreation road . Fulcher Geo., H 0meleil!h,66Hayes rd FuUer J. 0., H Gilbert road Fuller William, B Croft road Flllluck G., 7 Meadow road Furness J obu, 6 Fr~elands road Furness Mrs. J ,,15 Hayes road QGale Robert C., 39 Liddon rllad Gallop Arth. Robt.,4:0 Lansdowne rd Galloway Robert, 2 Highland road Galsworthy Thos. F., 110 Widmore rd Galton William, 21 Crescent road Gann Mrs. Fredk., 24 Wendover rd Garcia Edwin F., HI North street Garden George Stanhope, Hnbislaw, 4: Garden road Gardner Richd.Perey,10 Langdon rd Garlant Herbert, The Coracle. Southborough road, Bickley Garlick Joh,. Walter.S London road Garnar Edward Martin, Elsworth house, 113 Widmore road Garner Edward, 1 Homesdale road Garrard Alfred Edwin, Ridgelallfls, 4: Blyth road Gaskain William Francis, 1Ionteray, Park avenue Gaskin George Henry, 7 Farnaby rd Gayfer Heginald ArthUr, Roseville, 59 Walpole road Gayfonl Herbert, The Warren, Quelnmore road Geall Mrs.,48 Lansdowne road Gedge Alfred Sydney, l£ndsleigh, 12 Holwood road Gedge George, 79 Plaistow lane Gedney C. F. W., Beaumaris, 26 Pinewood road Gedney Charles William,17 Glebe nl Geuney F., 4 Queen Anne avenue Geer E. W., 31 Great Elms road George Charles, 89 Crown lane Gibbens Edward, 40 Liddon road Gibbs Frank E., Hill Crest, 26 Sundridge avenue Gibbs Miss, 4 Bloomfield road Gibbs Mrs., Campbell house, 126 Widmore road Gibbs William Jas., 36 Hammelton rd Gibson Mrs. Aisbitt, Haslemere, 9 Blyth road Gibson William Henr.'-, Ardleigb, Quernmore road Gibson-~lcLagan Archibald ,Ennore, Chislehurst road, Bickley Gilbert JUrs., 9 Babbacombe road Gilbert William, 58 Liddon road Gilby Alf:eo, Wixoe. 5 Snuthlands grove, Bickley Giles .Misses."20 Great Elllls road Giles R. H., 16 Tweedy road Giles William, 78 Nichol lane GilesWm. Chas., 33 Farnaby road Gill Mrs. N. C., The Cottage, 39 Shawfield park Gillett Fred,The Pines, 19 Elmfielrd rd Gilliland Andrew, 118 College road Gimblett Frank J., Meadowcroft, 41 Farnaby road Ginders John Marsh, Ingestre, 21 Tweedy road Gipson "Walter, 9 Warner road Girling Robert, Korval, King's aven G1anvill Benjamin Andrew, Buxted lodge. 16 l~dward road Glen Alec 13., 8 Pinewood road Glockler Frank, Hurst 10., Hayes rd Goad Wm. Lewis, 36 Lansdowne rd Goble Henry Wm., 36 Freelands rd Godden Benjamin J n.,4 Foxbury rd Godelmann Ferdinand C., Lyndhllrst, London lane Godfrey Ernest, 1 Plaistow grove Godfrey Joseph, 48 Liddon road Goclfl'ey Miss, 97 Ridley road Godson Mrs., 5 Bromley college Golding James. Cairnbank,2 Garden road, Sundridge park Golding Mrs., 42 Park road Golds Henry, 36 Crescent road Gomer Wm. 'Watson, 53 Crown lane Good Alfred Walter, Sunnymead, 1 Lansdowne road Good George, 3 Aldermary road Goodall Frauk Clement,5Rodway rd Goode George Alfred, Brookside, 165 Crown lane, Bickley Goodenough Thomas Matthew: 12 Cambridge road Goodge William, 13 Foxbury road Gooding Harry Lawrence, F.L.A.A., Fairholme, 26 Crescent road Goodman Miss, 11 Lownrl's avenue Goodwin Arthur, 4 The Avenue, Bicklev Goodwin" JamES, Arlescote, 12 Beckenham lane Goodyear Thomas Edward, Rothesay, 9(; Phaistow IUlle Gordon Hev. Samuel Clarke. M.A., B.D. r Congregational] ,6 Tweedy rd Gordon James Hacker, Eudsleigh, Southlands road Gordon Miss, 36 Westmoreland road Gordon-Hutchinson Miss, Athol lodge, 4 Newman road Goss Mrs., 36 BromlEY college Goss William Henry, 23 Gwydyr rd Gosselin Rev. Charles Carteret, M. A. [vicar of St. Luke's, Bromley com:- man], 248 South lands rd. Bickley Goulstone Wi.lliam V.,97 College rd Gover .Mr"., 69 Ci'owl! lane Gowans Rev. William, B.A camb. [vicar of St. :Mary's, Plaistow], St. Mary's vicarage. College road Grabham Mrs., 22 Bromley college Graham Mrs., 16 Palace grove Granger Alex. Thomas, !J7 Crown la Gran:!cr Harry S., 1 Tylney road Granger Ro'bt.Lagdon, 12H Crown Ia Gransden .Frec1k. Geo., 7f) Crown la Grant F. P., 313 Hawes roa'i Graut Miss, 15 Homcsdale road Grant Mrs., Boscobel, Denbridge road. Bickley Grant·Mrs., ()leavlands. 119 Widmore road Grant-Wilson Charles Westbrookc, M.n.c.s., T,.n.c.p.Lond .. ~t. Winonows, fi London l'Oac1 Graty Miss, 30 College road Gmt)' Walter, fig Crown lall'~ Gray D. T. R., 24 Heathfidd roa'i Gray James,DillwYIi. SOl1thlands road Gray William K. Lh,L~ cnt1, 8 ~oilthborough, Bickley Grayson MisQ, 8 Barmouth villas, Clarence :l\'enue. Bickley G reatwood Herbert Henry, Lindley, Alexandra crescent GreavesJsph.,ll Clarence av., Bickley Greeff Rbt.,Elm bank,8Sundridge av Greeff Robert H., Arima, Denbridge road, Bickley Green George, B01Towdale. 13 Wendover road Green Henry. i Ore~cellt road Green Hy.Jas.,Lynton, 17 Tweedy rd Green Herbert .Early, 20 Scott's rd Green John, 2 Plaistow grove Green Miss E. W., 47 Tweedy road Greeu Nimrod, 5 Palace grove Green William Chas.,25 ,B'oxbury rd Greenhill Miss C. M., Meadowcroft, 28 Aldermary road' BROil. Greenhill Mrs., Borgfeld lodge, 153 Widmore road . Greenland Mrs., 2 West street Greenslade Miss,5 Sheppard's college Greenwood Herbert S., Trevena, Blenheim road, Bickley Greenwood Stewart, Thirlmere, 13 Gilhert road Greenwood Thomus, 52 Farwig lane Green,yer Percy George R., Kenora, Blenheim road, Bickley Gregory Edmund Douglas, Penyghent, 23 Westmoreland road Gregory Francis James, 13 Park rd Gregory George F., 20 Amesbury road, Bickley Gregory Richard Arman, Walcot, 5 Blyth TOBd Greves Art.hnr Edward. Fairhaven, South lands road Grey Alire(l, 1 Foxbury road Griffill Jame;, Thackwell. Elmville, 6 Blyth road Griffin Robert W., L.D.S.Eng.; 100 High Street . Griffith Col. Frank, V.D .. 'fhe Gables. 48 Plai, tow lane Grifrlth Hy.. Oak er>d,101 Plaist.ow 1a GtitDtlt Mi,.;,.;, 1 Shepard's college Griffichs Thoma;" 28 Meadow road Grigg,.; Robert., Thanet, 1 College rd Grimley if. W., 98 College road Grimmo Mrs., 117 Crown lalle Grindley John, 19 Hawes road Gl'inste(L Daniel, Lynton house, 20 Widmore road Grinsted Robert Penny, 2 Florence villas, Homesdale rOl1d Gripper Ernest J., Beechwood, 11 Oak1ands road Gristwood George W., 4 Park road Gristwood Henry, 23 Liddon road Groombridge George, 20 West street Grossmith .John L .. The Grange, St. George's road, .Bickley Ground John Wm., 16 Plaistow gro Grout Alfred, Georgian house, Oaklands road Grout. R. W., 102 College road Grove George Lindsay,37 Farnaby rd Grubb Herbert Charles, Giswyl, 1 Crescent road Grubb Jn. Thos., 1 road Gumbrill Mrs. 6 Station road Gunu Mrs., Airlles. 10 Tweedy road GUDn William Cecil, The Red house, 5 Hawthorne road, Bickley GuntonJ osiah, Bal vene, 23 Orchard rd Gurney-Smith Mr"., Romanhurst, Toots Wood road Gursey Herbert E., 12 Gilbert road Guthl'ie Richard, l~den cottage, 40 Crescellt road Gutteridge HamId Cooke, The Rydings, Woodlands road, Bickley Guy Alfred, 37 Liddon road Guy :Miss, 29 Ravensbourne road Guyon Miss, 38 Croft road Gwyu Geo. R, Penthorpe ,Avondale rd H Haab E.O., Coniston 10.,Coniston rd. Hackett Alfred, 22 Jaffray road Hackforth Miss N., Kinnaird Park School, Park avenue Hadden Mrs., 34 College road Haffender George, H7 Chatterton rd Hagell Mrs., 24 J affray road Haigh William Hy., 39 Aldermary rd Haiselrlen Jas., 4 Westmoreland rd Hakewill Geo., Cotteruury, Garden rd Hale Arthur, Durban cottage, Clarence road, Bickley Hale Charles, 5o Walpole road Hale Frederick Marten, Furledene, Kinnaird avenue Hale Mrs. G. S., Warrenhurst, 111 London road Halifax Henry W.,30 Sandford road Hall A., C, anley, Clarence rd. Bickley Hall Alexander J ohu, Shaldon, 5 Upper Park road Hall Mrs. J. H., Studland, 4: Homefield road Halliday William, 3 Scott's r"a'l Hamblin Arthur, The Hollies, 18 Southborough road, Bickley Hambro C. Eric, Piekhurst mead, Hayes lane, Beckenham Hamilton Col. J., Treasurer's house, Bromley college Hamlyn J 23 Aldermary road Hammersley Noel, 87 & 89 Masons hill Hammerton Ernest, Whoberley, 82 Hayes road Hammerton Tnos. Moy, 96 Tweedy rd Hammond Alfred, 30 Freelands rd Hammond Edward William, 15 Upper Gravel road Hammond George E. Frederick, 17 Homesdale road Hammond Jas. Cecil. 13 Gwydyr rd Hammond Miss, fi3 Wldmore road Hammond Mrs., 3 Babbacombe rd Hammond Thomas, 101 Ridley road Hancock Geo. Thos., 48 Farnaby rd Hancock Harry Alfred Edmund, 56 High street Handley Leonard, 122 College road Hanson- Conrad Wild. 3 Park road Hanson Misses, 50 Palace grove Harbar Harry, 15 Foxbury road Harding Fred, 4 Homesdale road Harding Frederick, The Peplars, 87 Chatterton road Harding Stanley James, 13 Holmesdale road Harding Thomas Frederick, Bayfield, 18 Oaklands road Harding William, 19 Foxbury road Harding William, 9 Queen's Mead rd Hardy Miss, Milverdale, 97 Plaistow la Hardy Percy William, 'rhe Nook, 45 Park road Hare Miss, 48 Crescent road Hare Hobert, Lynton, Burford road, Bickley Harley Theodore, Broughton, Cumberland road Harlow Arthur H., 9 Station road Harman :Mrs., 47 Meadow road Harmer Percy James, 9 The Avenue, Bickley Harmer 'Walter, 19 Crown lane HarnettArth.,Colyton, 125London rd Harper Peter, Rose bank, 1 High st Harrington ~frs., Elmhurst, 21 Gilbert road Harrington William Joseph, Park cottage, King's avenue Harris Bert, 30 J affray road Harris C. E. .F'., 23 The Broadway, High street Harris Charles, 97 Beckenham lane Harris Ernest, 75 Nichol lane Harris Henry, Beverley, Victoria rd Harris Herbert, 22 Heahfield road Harris Josiah, 1 North street Harris Mrs., Beth Shean, Howard rd Harris Mrs., 70 College road Harris Mrs. Frank, Church view, 106 College road Harris Oscar, 1 HopI' park Harris P. A., 42 LiddCtn road Harris 8tephen Frederick, Rock wall, Talbot road Harris W .. 1., 4 Gilbert road Harris Walter, 8 Westmorcland rd Harris Wm.,8 Clarence av., Bickley Harrison Edward James, White cottage, 10 Garden rd., Sundrirlge pk Harrison Frank, Rovehurst, Waldegrave road, Bickley Harrison Geo. William, 39 Meadow rd Harrison Mr~., 104 Babbacombe rd tHarrold Mrs., South bank, Elmstead lane Hartley John William, Abingdon house, Plaistow lane Hartley Mrs., 10 Clarence rd.Bickley Hartridge Mrs., 11 Glebe road Harvey Fredk. Ernest. 4 Warner rd Harvey Mrs., Brackenhill. 47 Highland road Harvey Thomas Martin, The Laurels, 55 Hayes road Harvey Wm. Hy., 202 Widmnrc rd Harvey·Jellie Mrs., Fernside, 116 London road Haslegrave Mrs., 18 Sandford road Haslewood Mrs., 2 Bromley college Hastings Enoch Joseph, Ivydene, Tylney road Hatcher Harold Barber, Ashleigh, Hayes lane, Bromley common Hatton Robert, 4 Langdon road Hatton Robert Wm., 2 Wendover rd Haughton Cecil, 21 Crown lane HawkeBanfield, 5 The Avenue, Bickly Hawkes Frank Horatio, 6 Clarence avenue, Bickley Hawking'S Sranley, Wicklow, 34 Wendover road Hawkins Charles, The Knoll, Woodlands road. Bickley Hawkin~ William, f) Denmark. road Hawley George H. T., St. Aubyn's, 15 CrescE'n t road Hawtree Frederick George, Hnzelmere, 60 Babbacombe road Haxcll Arthllr Barron, Arncliffe, 20 Southborough, Bickley Hay John Yalden, Warley, 133 Widmore road Hny William R. G., East Hopes, Garden road Haylett Thos. Wm. 6 Bloomfield rd Hayman L. C., Hillsboro, 16 Cromwell avenue Haynes George, 20 Plaistow lane Haynes Thomas, 4 College slip Haythornthwaite Robert W., 24: Gilbert road Hayward Edward, 8 Amesbury road, Bickley Hayward Henry C. V.,23 Amesbury road, Bickley Hayward Mrs., 3 Knole Hill view, Jackson's road Hayward )1rs., 10 Westmoreland rd Head Bertram, Braemar, Clarence avenue, Bickley Head Ernest A.. 36A, Saxon road Hearn Jas., Vale house, Burnt Ash la Hearn Wm. Henry, 3 Denmark road Heath George By., 39 Tweedy road Henth-Groom Thomas, 11 Hawes rd Heather Henry, 11 Heathfield road Heaysman Henry, 24 Ravensbourne rd Heaysman Mrs.,Lom bard, 1 Palace gro HeflysmanThos.,Delaware.35 Park rd Heaysman Thos. H., 37 Palace gro Herlerstedt Henry Burdett, Twyford lo(IW", U6 Southlands road Hederstedt William R. P., C.E., 135 Widmore road Hedgecock Wm. John, 15 Crown la Hedgman William James, Santa mara, Highland road Hedley Bernard, 7 Great Elms road Hedley John Thomas, Longcroft, Hayes lane, Beckenham Hedworth Harold Chas., 95 Crown la HeMer Mrs., Rathmines, 25 Hammelton road Helliear Evelyn A., Hilde~arde, Wells road, Bickley Hellier Bertram Imrie, Lomond, 66 Westmoreland road Hellyer Samuel Stevens, New Holme, 43 Westmoreland road Helm Henry James, 1.8.0.. Simonstone, 27 Hammelton road Henbest William, 15 Park grove Henderson Alexander, Arclnllie, Edward road Henderson :Mrs., Uaisonnette, 11 , Lamdowne road Hendrey William, 8 Glebe road Hendry Robert, Sundown, 7 Elmfield road Heuham Mrs. C., 39 Beckenham Ln Henly Albert 'William, M.R.C.S.Bug., L.R.c.p.Lond., L.D.s.Bng., F.R.M8., 11 High street Hennah Mrs. L., Mal'khamplon, ,18 Cambridge road Hennah William E., Lodore, 22 Masons hill Henney ,A.lexancler, 21 Meadow road Henshaw Harry Williams, M.R.C.S., rJ.R.c.p.Lond., Grange house, 117 Widmore road Hen wooel Alfred, Beechcroft, 95 . Plaistow lane HemvoodMrs.,Church ho.,Church rd Heppel Miss, B. A., 3 Palace grove Herbert Hawson, Woodbury, Durham avenue Herbertson Dawson H. D., Ardenhurst, Southborough road, Bickley Hermes Louis, Queda, 10 Page Heath lane, Bickley Heron Hugh, 70 Nichol lane Herrington Miss, 31 Elmfield road Heseltine Mrs., Beechworth, 19 Rodway road Heak Alfred. 74 Heathfield road Hess Charles Hy., 3 Homefield road Hessenberg Ernest, Reckenhall; 5 Londun lane Hewetson John, Claremont, 28 Oaklands road Hewett Arthur H., Oulton, 40 Cambridge road Hewett Frederick, Penchester, Shawfield park Hewett Miss, Dovedale,1 Oaklands rd Hewett Wm.,Percy vil., 21 Palace gro Hewitt Mrs. Oscar, 24 Brnmley college Heyward Bert Edwd.,15 Lychett rd Heywood Rupert, 80 Heathfield road Heywood Thomas, The Old Summer bouse. 5 Burnt Ash lane Hibbert Gl'orge Richard, Ballul'e, Blenheim road, Bickley Hickman Claude, Southover, 7 Wendover road Hickman John Roc, Stotfold, Mavel- ~tone road Hicks Albert S., Stoneleigh, 12 Elmfield road Hicks Mrs., 13 Croft road Higgins William Valentine, Durnovaria, 30 Rodway roa.d Higgs Alfred, Woodlands, !) Hope pk Higgs James, Kintorc, 2 Hayes lane, Bromley common Higgs Miss, Sunnyside, Shawfield pk Hilder James Thomas, 6 Blenheim road, Bickley I-Iilder Mrs.,Hillside, WesLmoreland road Hill A. Bernard L., 73 Widmore rd Hill Alfred, Belle vue, 11Ethelbert rd Hill C. G., Penshurst, Kinnaird av Hill E.B.Lcwin, c.B., 73 Widmore rd Hill Harold Babington, Hope lodge, . 28 Westmoreland road Hill Oscar E., Homeview, 28 Babbacombe road Hill Sergt.-Major William Edward, 80 Babbacombe road Hill W. H., 7 North street Hillier Henry Ford, 83 Hayes road Hillier Mrs., 11 Aldermary road Hills Alfred, 22 Hawes road Bills E., 63 Farwig lane Hills Ernest, 9. Crown lane Hills Ernest, 8 Jaffray road Hills Frank, 12 Jaffray road Hills Frederick Arthur, 28 Park rd Hills Valentine, 13 Hcathfield road Hilton Jn. E. ,Deepdene, 59 HR.yes road Hinchcliffe Miss, 8 Tweedy road Hinchcliffe Wm., 1 Holligrave road Hinchliffe Mrs.,Holmdene, 108 London road Hind Charles Sidiley, Cambridge lodge, 18 Hope park Hind Mra., Elmside, 16 Southlands grove, Bickley Hind Stanley A., 22 Shaw field park Hindley Edward H.,Shirley, 3 Lansdowne road HingleyJn.,Melton, 88 Babhacmbe. rd Hinton Herbert .Allen, 25 HayeR rd Hipwood Charles, 2 Elmfield park Hitchcock C. G., Crosborough house, 136 Wid more road Hitchings MrR., 29 Union road Hitchman Mrs., 52 Tweedy road Hixon William, 145 Masons hill Hoad .Alfred Leonard, 35 Croft road Hoare George R., 5 Queen's Mead rd Hobbins .Arthur Fredc., 33 High st Hobbins Mrs., 13 Bromley college Hobbs Charles Fredk .. 40 College rd Hobbs ~iiss, Hillside, Cromwell rd Hobday Frederick Jn.,21 Croft road Hobday Miss, 6 Lownd's avenue Hockley Joshua, 21 Babbacombe rd Hodder Frederick, 19 Liddon road Hodder M18., Carisbrooke, 25 Bromley common Hodder- Williams Ernest, The Orchard, Southborough rd., Bickley Hodge John Henry, 22 Crescent rd Hodge Miss, 13 Langdon road Hodge Miss, M.A., Fern bank, 30 Elmfield road Hodge Sml.M Clovelly, Avondalerd Hodge Thomas, 88 London road Hodgekins William Walter, 43A, Plaistow grove Hodges Charles, 1 Station road Hodges James E., 27 Union road Hodgkinson Charles, Balholm, 31 Westmoreland road Hodgkinson-Patten Herbert .John, Litlleham, 59 Masons hill HodgRon Edwd.Highton,4 Hawes rd Hodgson Miss,. 8 Great Elms road Hodgson Thomas E., 75 College road Hodson Alfd.Edwd., 29 Homesdale rd Hoe Ernest Charles, 37 Tweedy road Roehs Ernest E., 2U Farnaby road Hoghton George William, Bromley house, 14 High street Holding Herbert, 14 Homesdale rd Holdron Harry Tbomas, Boughton, 12 Bickley Park road, Bickley Holland Ernest W., Beverley, Clarence road, Bickley Hollingshead John, Scatswel1~ Clarence avenue. Bickley Hollis William., Holly mount, High st Hollocombe John C., Meadowcroft. 64 Plaistow lane Holmes Thomas, 41 West street· Holmes William, Bonnington,Blackbrook lane, Bickley Holroyde William Frederick, Greenhayes, 75 Hayes road Holt ErnestG.,Dunster, 5 Crescent rd Holworthy :Miss, Bil Tweedy road Homan Miss, 57 'Tweedy road Home William, 14 Babbacombe rd Homewood Albert, 16 Gwydyr road Homewood Wilfrid James, Holmbury, 41 Sha\Yticld park, Widmore Hone George. 36 College road Honeysett Edgar William, Ungava, 54 Babbacombe road Hood John B., 72 Chatterton road Hood Leonard Harry, 17 Plaistow gro Hood Samuel Frederick, 43 Croft rd Hook Ernest Maurice, .Alton villa, Beaconsfield road, Bickley Hookway Miss, Oak lodge, Waldegrave road, Bickley Hope Francis Henry William, Kitsi-· lano, King's avenue Hopgood James B., 43 Haywood rd Hopgood Sidney Maurice, 32 Jaffray rd Hopkins Edwin Lancelot, I06A, Soutblands road Hopkins Hugh Edwd.,23 Farnaby rd Hopkins Miss, 23 College road Hopkins Misses, II College road HoppeWm.Hy.,Redlnds. 21 London lane Hopton Mrs., Fyfe 10. Stanhope villas Hopton William Letchford, 30 Ravensbourne road Home J. J., 13 Pinewood road Hornsby Ernest, 26 Croft road Horsford Mr8.,19 Hammelton road Horton George, 2 Station road Horton John Ernest, 38 Saxon road Hose Arth. S., 22 The Avenue, Bickley Hose John W. St. James', Clarence road, Bickley Hoskier Miss, Tafira, 19 Westmoreland road Hoskins James, U Scott's road Hough Miss, 77 Widmore rOlid Hounsfield Mr"., IS Queen's Mead rd How Alfd. Phillip, Cleobur.v, King's av HoW Mrs. James, 16 Freelands road Howard If., ] 31 Crown lane Howard Henry Crewdson, The Gables, 20 Shawtield park Howard John, 35 Elmtield road Howard Miss, Ewell house, 26 Bromley common Howard Miss, 31 Glebe road Howe Arthur John, Homelands, 63 London lane Howe .John, 28 Gwydyl road Hove William Henry,55Masons hill Howdl Henry John, 56 Crescent. rd Howes Phillip T., 6 Page Heath lane, Bickley Howie William, 22 Queen's rORd Ho,vlett Philip, Honiton Olyst, 16 Halwood road Howlett William, 22 Babbacombe rd Hubbard T. R., Leecroft, DurtJam rd Huckle John, 24 Croft road Hudson Frededc, B.A., Thorn Braes, Garden road Hudson Mrs., 24 Upper Gravel road Hughes Rev. Peter [Catholic], The PresLJytery, 83 Plaistow lane Hughes Arthur Benjamin, Nannerch, Blenheim road, Bickley Hughes Arthur Mumford, Beaulieu, Park Farm road Hughes Edmund, 46 Masons hill Hughes Ernest Frederick, BOllchurcb, 2 Elmfield road Hughes 1!'.J.,Bond11uch,2Elmfield rd HU..{iJt's H·lrryS.~L,33Q·lecIl Anne av Hu~hes Reginald, Lu lingstoue, Park av.·nue H;lghesman Charles, Ekowe, 67 Plaistow grove Hugo John, 42 Freelanad road Hull James, 49 Freelands road Humerston H. E .. lS Babbacomhe ra RUlners10n James, 73 Tweedy road Humer:-toi1 8tanley Geo.,2 Vl,·be rd H Imer:;ton William, 2 Tweedy road Humphrey MISs, 31A, Palace grove Humphrey Thomas, 40 Heathtield rd Humphries Mrs.L., 24: Cambridge rd Humphrye~ James Hulse, Meadow Croft, Madeira avenue Humphrys William, Greenhill, 5 Oaklands road Hunt George, 16 Homesr'tale road Hunt Henry It., 60 London road Hunt Herbert John, 36 Fairfield rd Hunt Mis'!, 61 London road Hunt Mrs., 17 Palace grove Hunt Richard, 60 London road Hunt Thomas, Elmstead, Blenheim road, Bickley Hunter Geo. Wm. Taylor, 20 Hawes rd Hunter .Juhn Jail .. 10 Homesdale rd Huntley George, 77 Cbatterton road Hurdman Arth. Vere, 2U Langdon rd Hurlb'1tt Charles, Arno lodge, 1 and 2 Clarence road, Biekley Hutchinson Charles, 3 Wendover rd Hutchinson Miss, 11 Cherry Orchard road Hutchinson Thomas, 44: Crescent ru. Hutton William, Woodcroft, Alexandra creS0ent Huxley Geo. The Lodge, Cemetery, London road Hyde Willia~ W., 25 Uomesdale rd I Ilatt Cyril Herbert Thomas, M.A. M.B., B.C camb., M.R.C.S., I..R.C.P. Lond., Hamlegro, Gard.~n road Ilott Herbert J., M.D., C.M., M.R.C.S., 57 High street Impey Mrs., rrhe Croft, Beaconsfield road, Bickley Imray J,llues, Moganor, Kinnaird av InC!1 James, ii5 Crown lane Ingles WIII. Knight, 8 ~orth street Ingletotl Heilry, 1 Park grove Inglis Walter Henry, South view, 8 Lansdowne road Innes Frederiek, 12 Hope park Ionn Seyrmmr C., 5t, Sandford road Irby Panl Aubert. 14 Edward.road Irvine John, Spring Hill cottage, 14o College r, alt Irving Ernest Copeland, 8 Aldermary road Irwin 'Davis, 11 Siward road lsard Edward, 28 Cambridge road lsard Fredk. William, 55 Twef'dy rd Isard Misf:l,7 Aldermary road !ves John William, 39 Croft road .J Jackson Albert, Fairtborne, Cross rd Jackson Alfred Robert, Claremont, Claremont road, Bickley Jackson Alfred Robert, Larchfield, Park hill, Bickley Jackson George, 7 Bloomfield road Jackson George, 100 London road Jackson James, M Liddon road Jackson Leonard A.,Langton, Cross rd Jackson Lewis, 70 Hayes road Jackson Lionel J., The Vane, Denbridge road, Bickley James George Edward, Eversley, Bickley crescent, Bickley James John, 36 Tweedy road James Reginald William, St. Mildred's, 46 Cambridge road Jamieson A. C., iH Plaistow lane Jamieson James William George, 18 Burnt Ash lane Jaques Austiu, 16 Queen's road Jaques Mrs., Bt. Martin's. Blenheim road, Bickley Jarrett Levi, 2 Florence road Jarvis Stephen, 44 Sandford road Jarvis Thomas Hy., 63 Tweedy road Jarvis William Thomas, Holme, Claremont road, Bickley Jasper Frederick, 5 Holwood road Jasper NIcholas Paul, St. Brannocks, 26 Masons hill Jayes George Harris, Enderhy, a Farnaby road Jaynes Victor Alex., 7 Homefield rd Jefferies Reginald Stanley, Saxonhurst, 68 Freelands road Jefferson John England, Kestel'S, 12 Magpie Hall lane, Bickley Jeffery Alfred, ~6 Great Elms road Jeffery Mrs., 3 Holligrave road Jeffery Wm. Tfredk., 25 Plaistow gro Jeffree Frederick,26 Babbacombe rd Jeffrey Mrs., Chasemore, alA, Park road Jeffrey Wni., Olivet, 31 Park road Jeffries Harry, 27 Hawes road Jenkin Mrs., 4 Stanhope villas, Market square Jenkins William, Cumberland house, Cumberland road Jenkins William, 12 Widmore road Jenkins Wm. Hy., 18 Babbacombe rd Jenkins William Henry, 41 Croft rd Jenner Arthur, 21 Park grove Jenner Mrs. F. E., Linton, 34 Salisbury road Jennings George Charles Hazeldine, The Rosary, Quernmore road Jennings Mis;;, 7A, Lf)wnd's avenue Jennin~'S Percy Henry, 34 Haywood road Jepson Alfred Charles, M.B., B.C. cantab. Thanet lorlge, 13 High st Jiggi1ls William, 30 Saxon road Jockel Alfred Theodore, The Homestead, 5 Garden road Johnsen William Martin, Barnfield, 20 Blyth road Johnson A. W., 26 Min"ter road Johnson Charles A., 14 Shawfield pk Johnson Chas. Ii'., 38 Palace grove Johnson David, Altona, 5 Station rd Johnson Frederick, Hampstead lodge, 15 Hammelton road Johnson Fredk. Chas., 10 Meadow rd Johnson Frederick W., 35 Bloomfield road Johnson G. H., 10 North street Johnson Louis Arthur, Ramleh, London lane Johnson Mrs., 6 Hill View cottages, Burnt Ash lane Johnson Percival Edward Thomas, Monveale, Blenheim rd. Bickley Johnson Walter, 12 Martins road Johnston Henry, St. Keverne, Durham avenue Joiner Samuel, 8A, Lownd's avenue Jones AIbt. E., Kent viI. Bromley com Jones Charles Hy., 27 Aldermary rd Jones Henry, Elmlea, Highfield road, Bickley Jones J. Arthur, Nant Gwyn, 44 Hayes road Jones John Philip, lAmesbury road, Bickley Jones John Picton, 10 Croft road .Tones Misses, 39 Glebe road Jones Mrs. James, Wantisden, Denbridge road, Bickley Jones Ormsby, 90 Hayes road Jones Robert Arthur, 11 The Broadway, High street Jones W. Prestige, Heathcot, Claremont road,. Bickley Jones William, 22A , Farwig lane Jones Wm. Richd., 12 Widmore rd Jordan John, 20 Saxon road Jorgensen Johan, 102 Plaistow lane Joy Mrs., 46 Tweedy road Joyce George F., 9 Tweedy road Joyce Mrs., 16 Liddon road Joynson Edmund Ham bro, Easthill, Blackbrook lane, Bickley Judd Francis W m.30 Babbacombe rd Judd William, Walton cottage, 12 Bromley common Judge Chas., Totnes, 12 Babbacombe rd Judson Wm. Fras., 35 Great Elms rd Jullie F. A., 34 Burnt Ash lane Jullie Francis E., Hnslemere, 11 Meadow road Juniper Chas. Jas .. 2 Great Elms rd Jupp John, Hill Croft. 2 Farnaby rd Justice Jas. Norval, 29 Sandford rd K Karbe Eric. Werder house. Avondale road' , Kay Rev. Frederick William [curate of St. Luke's, Bromley common], 7 The Avenue, Bickley Keable Benjamin B.,6 Sandford road KeU Henry David, 88 Hayes road Kelly F. J., Lynsted, 27 Elmfield rd Kelly William, 36 Meadoly road Kelman Chas. Redcliffe, Durham av Kemp Arthur, 35 Bromley gardens Kemp Mrs., Camville, ]6 Crescent rd Kemp Mrs., 5 Chprr.y Orchard road Kendrick Joseph Thomas, 62 Babbacombe road Kennaway Cecil Wm., 21 Farnaby rd Kennedy Alexander Anderson, Glenthorne, 86 Babbacllmbe road Kennedy Miss, Linden, 13 Amesbury road, Bickley 'Kenny" Mrs. E. Dennis, Yandiila, 49 Southborough road,Bickley Kent John :P,.(~.!. 10Q College road Kent Norman Geoffrey, 25Queen'srd Kere Mrs., 8 Queen's road Kettle Ernest Albert, Littlefield, 47 Farnaby road Kevis Jas.,12 & 14 Ravensbourne rd Kiesow Robert, 21 Upper Park road Kilner Henry William, 87 Ridley rd Kimber Albert John,64 Farwig lane Kimber Percy. 17 Croft road Kinder Edward, 7 Gilbert road King Col. Charles Wallis, MV.O., Belair, 81A, Bromley common King Arthur, 10 Jaffray road King Arthur Edward, 5 Liddon rd King Fras.Stephen, 60 Burnt Ash la King Lewis Daniel, Park view, Sundridge avenue King Mrs., 22 Farwig lane King Mrs., 28 Plaistow grove Kingston M" 8 Queen's Mead road Kingswood J. R., 25 Crown lane Kirby Albert Edward, M.R.c.s.Eng., Bromley lodge, High street Kirkman Henry Foster, 34 Tweedy rd Kitch Douglas John, 48 Park road Knight Fredk. A., 37 Recreation rd Knight Moreton Laing, Hillside, Avondale road Knight Mrs., 103 Ridley road Knight Mrs. S. E., 30 Queen Anne av Knott Charles Geo. 6 Pinewood rd KnDtt Ernest Frederick, Everslea. Southlands road Knowles Charles William, 61 Southborough road, Bickley Koettgen Carl, Ceres, 16 Sundridge av Kurtz Mrs., Hill house, Durham av Kuschke Mrs., Sunnyside, ]51 Widmore road L Labmm Rev. William Arthur [Wesleyan]. The Manse, 7 Holwood rd Lacey Arthur W., 75 Tweedy road Ladds Cyril J. W., 6 Exmouth road Ladyman Geo. T. r.M., 23 Hawes rd Laffitte Joseph, Elsinore, 3 Upper Park road Laing Mrs. L., 47 Crown lane Laird Patrick Ramsay, 21 Hammelton road Lake, Ar!?Ul: Fre.sleriu~,.Wrangaton 11 ~p.n~ridge.ave.nue:; Lamb Joseph, 12 Hill View cottages, Burnt Ash lane Lamb Robert, 14 Freelands road Lamb Thos., Hadley,Sundridge aven Lambden Wm .. John, 25 Gwydyr rd Lambert Mrl"., 1 Aldermary road Lamont EUf{ene, 13 Palace grove Lampard Wrn.Fras.,27 Great Elms rd Lancaster Albert, 86 College road Lancaster Fred, 16 Aldermary rd Landon G.B"'.,Thir1mere, Hawthurne road, Bickley Landrey. J. W., 2 Barmouth villas, Cltl'ence avenue, Bicklev Lane John, 35 Foxbury road Lane Mrs., Abel' villa, 53 Masons hill Langford Alfred Edwin, 22 Great Elms road Langham .fohn J. 14 Plaistow gro Langmore Hugh Grant, 10 Alclermary road Langmore Mrs.F. G., 14 Holwoodrd Langrish Haruld, 87 Crown lane Langton Mrs., 10 Hawes road Lansbury Mrs. M.E.,Halford house, 12 Queen Anne avenue Lansley Sydney Robert, 41 Ravensbourne road Larby_KJn. , Dalwhinnie, 53 Hayes rd Larcombe Frank, 1 South street Lardner Haney William,The Lodge, Bromley avenue Larkin Hy. Wm., 6 Beckenham lane Larkins Misses, Greta, Blyth road Latten William Fredk., l Langdon rd Latter Bertram Henry, l'ixfield, 7 Beckenham lane Latter Edward. Pixfield. 7 Beckenham lane Latter Hugh Robinson, Burrell's mead(.w, Beckenham lane Lauman Theodore R., 23 Queen Anne avenue Laumann Miss, 9 Palace grove Laumann Mrs., 10 Palace grove Lavers Stanley George, ll Gilbert rd Law Douglas P., Bushey, Blenheim rd Lawler. James Edward, Sundridge . hall, Burnt Ash lane Lawley John, 49 Yoxbury road Lawl.or Arthur, ~4 Tweedy road Lawrence Capt. William (late-R.A.), 9 Cross road Lawrence E. D., 26 Great Elms road Lawrence Edward, T~eyton, 38 Lansdowne road Lawrie Alexander Cecil, The Hoo, 99 Plaistow lane Lawrie Ern('st ,OldburY, 26 Rodway rd Lawson Charles S., Moorlands, Oldfield road, Bickley Layard Mirs, 19 Hayes road. Layman Mrs. Charles Noel~ Thornton house, Pouthlands gro.Bickley Layton Edward, 31 Rodway road Layton Jn., Roselpa,± Lansdowne rd Layton John Edward, Roselea, 4 Lansdowne road Layton Mrs., Claremont, 159 Wi(lmore road Layton William Roht., 57 London rd Lea Edward Thomas, Gatton, 28 Tweedy road Lear George "B;rnest, The Nook, 6 College road Ledger Herbt. Chas.,38 Haywood rd Lee Arthur, May cottage, Brook Lane cottages Lee Gilbert-. 38 Plaistow lane Lee James, 8 Meadow road Lee Myel' Barnett,Sherwood cottage, Kinnaird avenue Lee Thos. Smith, 57 Plaistow grove Lee-'Warner Lady, G1encairn~ Southlands grove, Bickley Leech .Tesse, 6 Queen's Mead road Leeds Percy. 40 Croft road Leeming John, M.R.S.A., P.R.I.B.A. 55 Ravensbourne road Lees Miss, Ho1mcroft, 7 Highland rd Lee,; Misses. Myrtle vil. 90 London rd Leeshman Mrs., 33 Southborough road, Bickley Leeves C., The Hnven, 45 Nightingale lane Leeves Frank, 1 Denmark road Legg Edwin, Kinver, Bickley crescent, Bickley Legg Frank, 34 Lansdowne road Le Gros Clark W.,Pendower, Claremont road, Bickley J~eishman Miss, Kinnaircl r?:~ school, Par'I( avenue" . Leishman Mrs., Belmont school Southborough road, Bickley Le May Herhert, 5 Hope park Lepper JohnH. ,Fairfield, Madeira av Leveus Albert Edwd., 67 Tweedy rd Levens Alfred, 49 Heathfield road Levey George, 46 Park road Levey Ralph, 11 Fairfield road Levi George, 6 Hawes road Levin Arthur Everard, The Croft, Denbridge road, Bickley Lewin Lieut.-Col. Wilfred Hale, Dorunda. 51 London lane Lewin Frederick, 48 Meadow road Lewin Harold Chaloner, Birchdale, 13 Oaklands road Lewin Miss, 15 Farnaby road Lewin Miss, Senlac lodge. London la Lewis Rev.Alid. [curate of Bickley], 5 Olarence road, Bickley Lewis Oecil Ernest Millington. liLA., 1II.D., B.c.camb., 1II R.C.S.Eng., L.R.c.p.Lond., 8 Page Heath lane, Bickley Lewis Frederick, 6 Wendover road Lewis J., 147 Crown lane Lewis Miss. 207 Widmore road Lewis Mrs. Jas., 37 Bromley college Lewis Robert. Barnett wood, Barnett Wood ~oad Lewis Sidney Cooke, 3 Hope park Lewisohn Olaude, Kingsdown, Park hill, Bickley Ley Francis Stephens, 19 Great Elms roao Ley Jamps, 109 Masons hill Lia'det Miss F. M H5 Tweedy road Liddington Wm. H., 39 Haywood rd tLiebreich Frederick E., Logshill, Elmstead lane Light Trol'!. Robt.R Queen's Mead rd Lightfoot Edward Thomas, Kalmar, 2 Oaklands road Lightfoot Ralph, 11 North street Liley Miss M., 3 North sll'eet Lindley·Jones W., F.R.G.S.. J.P. (mayor of Bromley), Park Wood, Edward road Line Herbert, 71 High street Line Miss, 2 Amesbury rd., Bickley Lingham John, 36 West street Lipscombe George Leonard, 13 Hill View cottages, Burnt Asb laDe Lisle Richard Robert, 29 Plaistow gro Lister Frank, 5 WIimter road Lister Robert A., Ashton villa, Bickley crescent, Bickley Little Stephen, 99 Ri.1leyroad Littlewood Charles Hy., 50 Park rd Liversage Ernest D. 20 Queen's Mead road Liverton Alfred E. 66 Sandford rd Livett Noblett R., The Acacias, 7 Pinewood road Llewellyn Montague T., Woodberry, 20 Tweedy road Lloyd Capt. Lewis, 74 Sandford rd Lloyd Manrice, 2 Lownd's avenue Lloyd Spencer, 8 Homesdale road Loat Edward. 65 Tweedy road Lock H., 29 Meadow road Lockerbie Mrs., 11 Foxbury road I.ockey W. R., 63 Freelands road Locbtone Oapt. O. F., 39 Farnaby rd Lockwood Francis Algemon, 14 Park road Lockwood Mrs., 12 Florence road Loder Ernest, Sundridge Hall farm, Burnt Ash lane Loder Sidney James, 24 Hawes road Logan Frederick, 10 Farnaby road Loly Mrs. S. S. nr., Quernmore school, London lane Lamer James, 15 Great Elms road Long D.. 145 Crown lune Lon~ Ernest Fowler, 57 Ravensbourne road Longden Miss, 7 Crown lane Longden R. M. M., 32 Palace grove Lonie J. C, 149 Crown lane Lord Mif.s Alice, 20 Gwyd.vr road Lott Alhel't E., Beverley, Sunningdale road, Bickley Love George. 115 Crown lane Lovell Charles S., Blantyre, 76 Westmoreland road Lovell Edward Driver, Ardna, Denbriflge road, Bickley Lovell Ernest John, Haycscottage, 33 Hayes road Low Charles Abhott, 93 College road Lowe Ezekiel, 27 Meaclow road Lowe Lionel Harvey,270ambridge rei Lowes Mrs., Fairligbt, 102 Babbacombe road Lowne Joseph William, 19 Babbacombe road Lowrence John, 10 Queen's road Lubbock Sir Nevile, K.C.M.G.,Oakley, Bromley common Lucas Rev. Herbert Hamilton, M.A., Glengariff, Coniston road Luck William Henry, 36 Croft road Luckburst John Wm. 50 Meadow rd Luke Percy, 4 Lownd's avenue Luntley Philip H., Sunnybank, 130 Widmore road Lutz Augu~t, 35 Aidermary road Lyle Hbt. Willoughby, M.D.,B.s.Lond., F.R.c.s.Eng., F.Z.S., 11 Elmfield rd Lynch- White .Mrs., The Hollies, 41 Masons hill M Maby Charles, 15 College road McArthur Duncan Romaine, M.D. 12 Masons hill McAuslan Henry, 37 Bromley com :McCaiman Hugh, 23 Fairfield road Maccann Chas. Edwo., 104 London rd McCarthy John Chas., 17 Foxbury rd McClure Charles, 17 Aldermary rd :MacCo11 Archibald Macgregor, Invergloy, Grasmere road McConnell Robert, Greystones, Sundridge aVenue Macdonald Alexander, Strathmore, 10 Hod way road McDonald Gordon, 9 Clarence road, Bickley McDougall Donglas R., 116 College rd McDougall John, 19 Bromley common McFarlane William, Elmhurst, ] 1 Bickley Park road, Bickley Macgowan Edward, 22 Elmfielo rd McIntosh Robert Dunleavey, 3 Bromley gardens Mack Cecil, 74 Hayes road McKindrick William P., The Cedars, 6 Southlands grove, Bickley McKewan William Hellry, Wellsfielc1. Denbridge road, Bickiey Mackrell Mrs., 8 Sandford road Mackriell William, 30 Martins road McLening William Edward, .30 Heathfield road MacLennan John,Solva, 16 Garden rd McLeod Mrs. Alfred, Weudela, Southlands road McLeod Walt. Jas., 1 Florence road McMillan James. The Retreat, 4 Oldfield road, Bickley McNair-Scott Robert .I!'rederick, The Shrubbery, 165 Widmore road Maddams Richard, Ventnor, Bickley crescent, Bickley MaddOCks Mrs .. 4 Palace grove Maggs P. H. Belstone, Cromwell av Main Charles David,20 Plaistow gro Maisey AlfredGeorge,29 Foxbury rd Malcolm ,J. A., Eversley cottage, Alexandra crescent Male Wm., N ethercourt, 10 Hope pk Mallett Mrs., 8 Cambridge road Mallows James W., 43 Walpole road Malpas Wm. Henry, ]3 Hawes road Man Frederick Henry Dumas, Harleyford, 11 Upper Park road Manby Basil Way, Berrywood, Blenheim road, Bickley Maney .Vincent, The Haven, 10 Highland road Manger George, J.P., J~ynwood, 65 Plaistow lane Manley George, 33 Liddon road Manly Percival William, Ulovelly, Babbacombe road Mann Arthur Edward, Farrington, Kinnaird. avenue Mann J. S., Hazeldene, 47 Westmoreland road Mann William Curtis, 30 Glebe rd Mannall Henry George,7 Gwydyr rd Manning Charles, 11 Martins road Mansell Edmd.Geo. Maydor, Park av Mansell Harry Milton, 72 Westmoreland road Manser Charles, 67 Ravensbourne rd Mansergh Walter L., Walcot, Woodlands road, Bickley Mansfield Frank Herbert, Engadine, Qllernmore road M;msfield HaITY, Ivall,Southborough road, Bickley Mantle George, 67 Hayes road Manze Mitchell, 21 Hayes road March Arthur Samuel, 141 Crown b Marchant Amos, 51 Freelands road Marchant. Frederick 'William, 63 Ravensbourne road Marchant Geo.A., 16 Westmoreland. rd Marchant James Frederick, 9 Clarence avenue, Bickley Marchant Jas. Wm. 32 Freelands rd Margetson John, Merevale, 13 Bickley Park road, Bickley Margetson Mrs. Leonard C., 81 Tweedy road Mark Arthur Shirley, Holne lodge, 18 Page Heath lane, Bickley Marke William, 66 Crescent road Marlow Henry, Kingthorpe, 17 Orchard road MarriottFdk.,Lyndhurst ,4 Crescnt rd Marriott Harold Arth. 3{jB.London rd Marriott :Miss, 3 Sheppard's college Marriott Thos. I!~.,Calltley. Gardenrd Marsden Jas. Whittaker,42 London rd Marsh Rt., RydaI Monnt, 52 Plaistow Ln Marsh Robert, Wilford, 12 Garden rd Marsh Thomas Henry, 4G College rd Marsh William Ernest, :3 Boclwavrd Marsh William John, Hostl'EVOr; 12 Homefield road Marshall Chas. Alfd., 86 Beckenham Ln. Marshall Geo. Thos., 51 Plaistow gro Marshall Henry, Hillsboro, Bickley crescent, Bickley Marshall Mies K.':3ii Queen Anne av Marshall MrA., Balmacar:t, 11 Burnt Ash lane Marston Charles, 3 Barmouth villaA, Clarence avenue, Bickley Martin Ernst.,Cortiua, 20 Pinewood rd Martin Frdk .W. Stanley, 12 QI1een's rel Martin Miss, 20 College road Martin Mrs., 25 Gilbert road Martin Sidney Henry, 14 Croft road Mason Bernard, 21 Holligrave roa') Mason David .Marshall, Honakwood, Chislehurst road, Bickley Mason Miss, 82 Chatterton road Mason 1Irs.,Redholme,2 Exmouth rd Mason 'Walter, 57 Farwig lane Mathews Miss, Pla.mewydd, 3 Pinewood road Mathews Sidney R. H., L.R.C.P., rrl, R.c.s" Oriel lodge, 14 Southborough road, Bickley Mathewson John, M.B.,, 45 Tweedy roact . Mathieson Alec S., Edelstowc, 12 Blyth road Matthews Frederick, 21 Scott's road Matthews Harold H.Upna, 6 Garden rd Matthews John, 1 Sandford road Matthews Jrlseph Bridges, K.c., Bickley court, Chislehurst rd., Bickley Matthews William, 22 Plaistow lane Maxwell James Laidlaw, M.A., M.D Edin., 31 Hammelton road May Frank, 19!1Widmore road May John,. Hadlow, Woodlands road, Bickley May Miss, Englefield, Woodlands road, Bickley Maycock Charles John, Olovelly, 6 Lansdowne road Maynard Bertram J. C., 11 Queen's Mead road Maynard Sydney .Baron, 13 Scott's rd Mayze Mrs., 15 Station road Mead H. A., Ederlyn, 65 London la Mead Lorenzo, Conway villa, 51 Masons hill Meathrel S. F., TIevelstoke, 37 Homesdale road Medhurst Frederick, Hartfield, 40 l~lmfield road Uedhurst George, 2 Hammelton rd Mellhurst .John. 44 Hammelton road Meelhurst Percy, Roseneath. 16 Pinewood road Mee Miss, 113 London road Meier Ca'lparGottlieb, Rod way lodge, 11 Roelway road Meldrum Rr;nald, Winslow, Rurford road: Bickley . Mellon Harry H., 92 London road Me11orW. M.,Hawthorne,Hawthorne road, Bickley Memess Miss, 17 College road Mepham William, 72 Farwig lane Meredith Miss. 33 Ravensbourne rd Mersh Thollla~, 62 Tweedy road Messenger Wm. Geo., 50 Beckenham la Meyer Mrd., 3 Hammelton road' Middleton Richd. Grant ,28 Liddon rd Mileham E. C., 8 Wendover road Miles Alfred, 5i Liddon road Miles Alfred Horsfall, St. Brelade, 11 HoI wood road Miles Jame", 22 Scott's road :MilesJ aIm, 71 Crown lane Miles Wm. Bert, 21 Bloomfield road Miller Arth., May lodge, 33.A,Park rd Miller Durie, Innisfallen, Durham rd Miller Ernest, Hook farm, 93 Bromley common Miller Henry, 2 Foxbury road Miller John, 32 Gwydyr road Miller John Henry,:n Southborough road, Bickley Miller Mrs., 14 Jaffray road Miller Mrs.,O\'erfield,238 Southlands road!hoff James, The Briery, 44 Cambridge road Milloy Thoma'l Robert, Leigh wood, 58 Hayes road Mills Wm., Manor cottages. Hayes la Milstead Harold, II Great Elms rd Milstead Henry, 96 College road Milstead Herbert Henry,18 Hawes rd Mimpriss Sydney Trevor, I5 Lonuon la Miinter George, 68 College road Miskin Miss, Avonclyffe, In HoI. wood road Misselbrook Charles Leopold, Minster road Mist Ranald, ] 1 Queen's road Mitchell Alex., Tallaudra. Crown la Mitchell Fred, Eglinton, 2 Pinewood rd Mitchell James, 10 Lower Gravel rd Mitchell Miss, Marlings, 37 Ravensbourne road Mitchell Thoil., Thornhill. Madeira IW Mobshy Hem.'!' James, 25 Fairfield rd Moger Walter Hem'!', Halston, 100 Plaistow lane . Mollwo Alfred, 4: Rouway road Mollwo Carlo. Burnham 10. Lake av Monaco Vin~enzo Chev., Chester houRc, 2G Palace grove Monckton Arthur, 2 Union ron.d Monckton William, 77 Nichol lane Monkhouse Edward Wyndham, Kirkdale, '15 Highland road Monkton lieorge Charles, Oakwood, Park avenue ; Montague Whiffen. Homefield, 155 Masons hill Moodie Herbert John, Courtfield, ] 9 Sand ford road Moody Charles T., 8 College slip Moon Hedley Walter, 45 Beckenham lane Moon Henry James Joseph Galton, 17 Ethelbert, road Moon :Miss, H4Babbacombe road Moon Walbce, 54 Freelands road Moore Rev. Richard,M ..A.[incumbent of Christ Church], Christ Church lodge, ] 8 Highland road Moore Arthur, Greenwood, 51 Westmoreland road Moore Frank, 11 Tbe Avenue.Bickley Moore Henry George, 27 Martins rd Moore John HaWnrd, J.P., Mellefont, l4 Orchard road Moore WII's. E. H., Hillcroft, 45 Shawfield park Morclaunt Miss EtheI Amy, M.D.Brux., L.R.C.P.s.Edin., L.R.F.p.s.Glas., Montrose, 118 London road Mordaunt William Henry,Montrose, 118 Lonnon road . Moreton Charles James, Elmdene, Alexandra crescent Morgan Robert, 45 Freelands road Morgan Rowland, 2 Aldermary road Morgan William T., 3 Bromley com Morgan-SlLith Rev. Gerald Oscar, B.A. [curate of St. Mary,Plaistow], 24 Crescent road Morice Beaumont, LL.B. (Recorder of Hythe, Kent), Treffiys, 5 Lansdowne road Morley Hany, 95 Bromley common Morley Herbert, 6 Babbacombe road Morrell Mrs., 7 Bromley college Morris Chas. Thos., 28 Pinewood rd MorrisHarold, Westbury, 16 0aklands road Morris James, n Sandford road Morrison John, Duntborpe, Waldegrave road . Mortimer Horace, 30 Croft road Mortimer James, 74 Chatterton rd Mortlock T. C., 29 Aldermary road Morton Mrs. Va1ctt", 7 Upper Park rd Morum Amos, Lochwood, 20 Freelands road Moss Ernest B., A.G.S.M., York house, 6 High sLreet Mossman 'rhomas John, Kelvin, Blenheim road, Bickley Moullin L., Pembury ho.,Brewery rd Mourilyan Mrs., 101 Widmure road Moxon Reginald, Stretton, Edward rd Moyce Cecil D., 4: Amesbury road, Bickley Muffett William, 12 Scott's road Muggeridge Sidney, 15 Sandford rd Mugridge Ralph, 63 Bromley gdns Muhlenkamp Hy. E., 93 Widmore rd Mumford Charles Fredk., 7 Clarence avenue, Bickley Mumford Eustace B., Braeside. Highland road Mumford Thomas, 9Chislehurst road, Bickley Mummery Harry, 52 Beckenham la :Muncey Ernest S., 11 Croft road Muncey Henry, 51 Foxbury road Muncey Mrs. Sarah, 3 Weston road Muncey W. E., 44: Liddon road Munday Geo. Ernest, 16 Foxbury rd Munday Pbillip, Wbitecroft, Edward road Munson Miss,Raysden,29Holwood rd Murray Mrs .. 121 London road Murrin Edmund, Cleveland, Bickley crescent, Bickley Murrin Sydney Stanley , 29 Gilbert rd Mu~ker Arthur, Yewhurst, 18 Southborough, Bickley Muskett. Herbt.,20 Westmoreland rd Mussell Juhn, 11 Haywood road Mussell Thos. Ernest , 35 Plastow gro Myring ErnestC , Lyndale,Loudoula Myring Mr,;. 12 Lownri's avenue Mytton Frederick, Windsorton, 89 College road N Nalty Herbert, Carlton house, 75 London lane Napier Capt. George Samuel Frededek, Dial house, Page Heath lane, Bickley Nash Frank Reynolds,5 Fl'celands rd Nash H. BroughtOn, 14: Southlands grove, Bickley Nash Herbert Geo., 24: Gwyrlyrroad Na·h James TtlOmas, 27 Park road Nash Stanley Harry, Glencoe, 8 Highland road Nash Rtephen, 44 Meadow road Naylor Cuarles Fredk, 16 North st Naylor Jn.S., GlenLyn, 1 Wendover rd Naylor William A. H., F.e.s., F.I.e., Wilton house, 27 Palace grove Neal Frank, 29 Chatterton road Neale Alfred, 4: Elmfield park Neale Archibald William, Woodcote, 96 Babbacombe road Neale Charlos, 3 Elmtield park Neale Frederick James, Vermont, Southlands road . Neale Miss L" Waldegrave, 9 Cambridge road Neame Douglas J., Tracey lodge, 6 Spencer road Neame Stuart, Halliford,6 Elmfield rd Neely William, 157 Widmore road Neilson Harald, 38 Babbacombe rd Nelham Mrs., 8 Bromley collcgt Nelson Percy R., Craig· Royston, The Avenue, Bickley Nettleingham Edg-ar, 1 Croft road Nettleton Arth., 4 Queen's Mead rd Neumayer Friedrich, 11 Minster rd New Frederick William, Merinda, Southborough road, Bickley NewaU Francis, 14 Saxon road Ne.vbigin William, 19 Recreation rd Newberry William, 60 Farwig lane Newham Mrs" 34: Bromley college Newlad Herbert George,L.D.s.Eng., 63 Widmore road Newland Mrs., 7 College road Newman Misses, Clevedon, 22 Tweedy road Newp0l't Mrs.,I!'ernlea, Hammelton rd Newstead Arthur Charles, Ambergate, 19 Tweedy road Newton John, 7 Florence road Newton Ml1,tthew H., Dover lodge, Park hill, Bickle.r Newton Miss, 15 Bromley common Nice JoselJh H., 8 Gwydyr road Nichol Sml. J.,Newbaven, 51 Hayes rd Nicholls Chas. Harry, 50 Heathfield rd Nicholls Mrs. 6 Meadow road Nicholl;; William, Southfield, 10 Southboruugh road, Bickley Nichols Chas. Wm., 31 Queeu Anne av Nicholson Miss, 3 Longfield Nineham Robert, 11 Scott's road Noakes John, 10 Great Elms road Noakes Robert Cecil, The Nook, Alexandra crescent Noble Frank, 15 Plaistow grove Noe William, 27 Crown lane Nops Walter, I.R.O., Elmdale, 10 Havensbourne road Nops Wilfrid V{., LL.B., Lenton, Talbot road Norman Archibald C., M.A., J.P., The Rookery, 90 Bromley common Norman Charles Hy., 45 Crown lane Norman Ebenezer,3 Cherry Orchard road Norman Frederick H., Camden, 19 Cambridge road Normanton Robert, Nunholm, Springfield road, Bickley North John, 97 Widmore road North Mrs., 97 Widmore road Northam Mrs., 6 Palace grove Nolton Mrs., 1 Exmouth road Noy Miss, Woodville, 80 Hayes rd Nussey John M., Inverleith, Lake av Nutting Whitpaine, St. Catherine's, 24: Holwood road Nye Charles, 23 Holligrave road Nye Miss C., 59 Tweedy road Oakden Charles Hy., 30 Meadow r\1 Oakd ..n Mrs., lOA, London road Oakes William George. 52A, East st Oakley G. J., 38 Hawes road Oakley Henry, 3 Foxbury road Oakley Miss Edith, 67 Freelands rd Oakley Robt. Gordon, 67 Freeland rd Oates Stephen, 6 Jaffray road O'Connell Maj.-Genl. Peter, R.E, Sibertswold, 5 Highland road O'Conner Peter James, Glenavon, Avandale road O'Dell David Thomas, Henley, 58 Babbacombe road Odom Mrs., 58 Crescent road Ogilvie Charles Edward Wall 14 Homefield road O'Hanlon Alfred, Dunoran, Flum road . Oldendorff Fdk., 16 The venue, Bi Oldfield Josiah, M.A., D C.L.,M.R.! L.R.C.P., 33 London road Oliver H., 31 Liddon road Oliver Mrs., 16] Masons hill Oliver Thomas Henry, 11 Oakley rd Olley Ernel't James, 5 Collpge slip O'Neill Charles, 18 Great Elms road O'Neill Hugh, 1 .Macleira avenue Oram Engineer Vice-Admiral Sir Henry John, K.C.B., F.R.S.. St. Arvans, Gramere road Oram Evelyn Hy. Bard. ns. MB.,B.S., F.R.C.S .. St,. Arvans, Grasmere rd Oram Lanham W., 28 Burnt Ash la Orchard Edward H., Copplestone, 11 Wanstead road Orde Julian, Aveley house, 35 Westmoreland road O'Regan David, 2 Horsley road Orford Lewis William,12 Palace gro Organ Mrs., 4 North street OrgIes Jas. Robert, 34 Howard road Orpin William Adams, 17 G wydyr rd Osborn A. H., 11 Plaistow grove Osborn Bertram Percival, 31 Foxbury road Osborn Frederick William, Nacton, 84 Babbacombe road Osborn Geo. Edwd., 91 Farwig lane Osborn: Mrs., Melrose, 28 Hammeltn.rd Osborn W. J., 60 Liddon Road Osborn William, 1 Halls Farm cottages, Burnt Ash lane Osborne Rev. Stauley Ernest, M.A. [curate of Bromley], 3 Exmouth rd Osborne Albert, 141 Widmore road Osborne Miss, 73 Bromley common Osborne Miss, 23 Glebe road Osborne Mrs., 5 Glass Mill Lane Osmond Miss, St. Vincent, Durham av Oswald Mrs. C., 19 Gwydyr road Otway John, The Cottage, 6 Beaconsfield road, Bickley Ovenden Mrs., 14 Warner road Overy Mrs. Egloshayle, 37 Shawfld. pk Owen E. R., Northcourt, St George's road, Bickley Owen Edwin, Inter.B.A.Lond., Pre~elly, 10 Wendover road ,n Howell, Dorchester, Waldeave road, Bickley ad Miss, 4 Sheppard's college p tcke William, New Farm house, Orchard road Padgham C.F., Oakfield, 19 Gilbert rd Padgham Edwd.,39Rave'lsb::)llrne rd Page Edward, iI1eadow view, Clarence road, Bickley Page Henry G.. Braeside, Bickley crescent, Bickley Page Mauric;:), 15 Clarence avenue, Bickley Page Walter, 5 Foxbury road Pain Henry Herbert, Pinewood, 43 Highland road Paine Arthur, 210 Queen's road Palmer GeOlge, West view, 82 Babbacombe road Palmer John Clark, Pembridge, 25 Tweedy road Palmer Miss, 24 Tweedy road Palmer Misses,Greencot., Edward rd Palmer Urs., 2 Bloomfield road Palmer Wm. Geo., 14: Aldermary rd Palmer William j\litchell, Exelands, 2 Spencer road Pamphilon-Mrs. G., 88 Tweedy road Pamphilon Walt. Jas., 92 Tweedy rd Pankhurst John, 42 West street Pannell William, 3 Queen's road Pannett Alfred, The Cottage, Barnhill, Hayes lane, Pickhurst park Pardon Arthur, 5 Tweedy road Parfett Anthony William, Corby, 98 College road Parfett Geo. Wm., 24 Burnt Ash la Parfitt Charles, 18 Jaffray road Pargeter Mrs.,8 Warner road Park Alfred, 43 Foxbury road Parker Clive, Rothwell, 15 Sundridge avenue Par ker EdmundShirley, Southernhity, Homefip.ld road . Parker Mrs. C. M., Lincluden, 29 . Highland road "'Pa.rkhouse Mrs., Kelfield, Cl!:tr~n.c,e .; "ave~~e,:-;I3i~M~~' . Parkinson Mrs., Weir 10., 3 High st Parks George, 62 Lansdowne road Parlett Conrad, Idaho, South lands rd Parr Rev. Edward Ambury, B.A. [curate of St. John's, Bromley, 10 Hawes road Parr Miss. Molescroft. Hill Brow Parsoil; Alfred Wm., 24 Aldermary rd Parsons Ed win, 32 Lansdowne road Parsons George. 16 Martins road Partridge Percy, 6 North street PascalI Mrs .. 4:A, Lownd's avenue Patey Charles, ti2 Hayes road Paton Cha:"..] as., Strone, Park Farm rd Paton William, 48 Bahbacomberoad Pawson Ralph, 1 Fairfield road Pay Edward Henry, 5 Florence villas, Homesdale road Payn Mrs., Oak dell, 16 Page Heath lane, Bickley Payne Rev. Charles Edgar [curate of St. Mary, Plaistow], 54 Lansdowne road Payne Benj. West, 26 Aylesbury rd Payne Charles, 4: Babbacombe road Payne Douglas, Ashcroft, I Elmfield rd Payne Frederick, New farm, Westmoreland road Payne Frederick George, 2 Denmark road, Bickley' Payne George H. -1 Freelands road Payne Henry, sen., 16 Florence road Payne Herbert, 4: Bromley common Payne Martin 1'.,4 Page Heath lane, Bickley Peachey George, Heatherhurst. 63 Plaistow lane Peachey Jas., Hindover, London la Peake H. J. H., 3 Siward road Peake Henry, Luccombe, 4 Cambridge road Peake Miss, 24 Farnaby road Pearce Bertram, Ea;tville, 7 Hawes rd Pe~lrce Mrs.,Abbotsbury, 65 College rd Pearce Sidney Arthur, 37 Hawes rd Pearce '''-alt. Geo., 31 Fairfield road Pearce Walter Harry, 102B, High st Pearce Wm. Thos., 25 Freelands rd Pearn H. J.,Elm cot.,31 Shaw field pk Pearson George, 16 Jaffray road Pearson Henry, 2 Gilbert road Pearsori WiTI. Wa1ker~40 'Rromley com Pease John, Lyndhurst, 98 Hayes rd Pedlar J. H., Clovelly, Southlands rd Peill Edwin George, St. Margaret's, 12 High street Peill Fredk.Wm .. 7 .Ravensbrmrne rd Peill Joseph, 4 Southlands road Peill Robert, 36 Bromley common Pellett Edgar Thomas, Quinton, 8 Hammelton road Pellow Walter, 81 Ridley road Penfold William, 9 Liddon 'road Penfold William John. 13 Liddon rd Pengelly Fredk. Geo., 16 Meadow rd Penman Rev. T. Stanley [Wesleyan], 20 The Avenue, Bickley Pepper Christopher, 7 Scott's road Peppercorn Mre. J. E., Brantwood, Quernmore road Peprato Madam Victoria N. P., 13 Queen's road Perceval Miss, 21 Station road .' Perkins C., 2 Turpington lane Bickley Perrott Finch, 26 Farnaby road Perry H. Courtney, Redbourne, Park avenue Perrr Harold, Walmers,Quernmore rd Perry Henry, Micidleton, Plaistow la Peters D. West, 1 Avondale road Peters Jamfs, 57 Widmore road Peters Sttphen B. 22 Southlands rd Peters William Edward, Sylvadene, Cumberland road Pettigrew William Clark, Hillside, Park Farm road Petts Mrs., Chudleigh, 29 Tweedy rd Pewsey Sidney, 101.., Heathfield rd Pfeil Mrs. William, The Laurels, 107 Masons bill Pharo Edwd. George, 55 Foxbury rd Phelp Miss, 16 College road Phillips A. J., 3 Station road Phillips Charles, Parknasilla, Edward road Phillips Ernst. Oliver ,20 Aldermary rd Phillips Frank, Titicaca, Lake aven Pbillips MissK .,Dainton, U:p. Park rd Philpott Alfred, 18 Scott's road .Pidgeon )frs. 17 Scott's road Pierce Hugh, Bletchingly, Gilbert rd Piffe.Phelps w.., GIan.Aber, 69 .,;'..~.aVE;ln31:?;oUM!er.0aP; '. ., .. Pike 1?rederick J., 22. ~r~a.dq1 Yr~ad Pike Mrs., 4 Hawkesworth road Pilcher Henry James, 18 West street Pim Rev. Henry Bedford, M.A., 7 Spencer road Pine-Coffin Richard, ·17 Fairfield rd Pinion Thomas W.. 20 Meadow road Pinion William, 49' Havensbourne rd Pitman Percival George, Homefield cottage, Southlands road Pitt Mrs., 31 Hawes road . Pitts Arthur, Shelley, London lane: Pitts Harry, Aruudelle, 14 Rodway road Pitts W. R., jun., Boringdon, 69 Hayes road Pitts William, Kyoto lodge, 61 Hayes road PIe ass George, 48 Palace grove Plowright Mrs., 54 Park road Pluck Fredk. Arth., 19 Station road Plumer Mrs., 26 Aldermary road PodgeI' Abel, 70 Farwig lane Poingdestre Alfred Phillip, 39 Lansdowne road Poingdestre Percy J., ] 5 Gwydyr rd Pointer Beujamin, 63 Beckenham In. Polden Charles, Taormina, Blenheim road. Bickley Polglaze Thos. Ja'l.,46 Bloomfield rd Pollard Thomas Edward, Bradfield, 53 Nightingale lane Pollett Miss, St. Aubyns, 24 Masons hill Polluck John, North Wyke, 14 Garden road, Sundridge park Pollock Walter, Miramar,Madeira av Pond George, 33 Crown lane Poole Abraham, .29 Great Elms road Pooie Mrs., 22 Plaistow grove Pope Alfred, 77 Crown lane, Pope Edgar' Howard, 87 College rd Pope G;. Harrison, 4 Warren avenue Pope "~"H., 13 Plaistow grove Poppe Mrs. Edward, Rothesay, Park hill, Bickle.y Porter Clifford E. J., 3' Fairfield rd. Porter Edward, Llanberis, 26 Ravensbourne road . ..- Porter James Thomas, Fixted farm, . Hayes lane, Beckenham Porter Miss, L.L.A.!. Belmont School, "n' §ou~~rorollg11.:r9;t~ ..~!~r)e'y,... '. rorter S. W., 107 'Plaistow lane Porter Samuel, 15 Tweeny road Portlock Harry, 20 Glebe road Partway Alfred, 24 Palace grove Potter C. Neville, Fernwood, 58 Plaist,ow lane Potter James, 5 Warner road Potter JaB. William, 112 College rd Potter Mrs., 72 College road Potter Mrs., Stonycroft, 134 Widmore road Potter Mrs. Furniss. Wharfemead, 1 Turpington lane, Bickley Potter S., 41 Beckt'nhllm lane PoultonAlfd. Walford, I 2 Sandford rd Poulton Gerald, 16 Sandford road Powell Henry, 1 Elmfield park Powell Henry R., F.R.U.S., South Lawn, 7 Hawthorne road, Bickley Powell John, 19 Lansdowne road Powell Richard Charles, Springfield, Springfield road, Bickley Powell Wm. Kendalllo. 91 Widmore rd Power Miss, 79 Widmore road Powlson Cyril, 41 Meadow road Pownall Geo., Newlyn, 87 Hayes rd Poyser Walter, 34 Babl;acombe road Prechtel Alf., Westdene, 105 Masons hill Prentice Chas.Jn., 22 Bloomfield rd Prentice Mrs., Elmslie;24Hammelton road Prestige S. E., Park riding, Bird-in Hand lane, Bickley Price Alfred Edward, :M.D., M.S., Thane\' lodge, 13 High street Price Edward Ebenezer, Oak lands, 10 Oaklands road Price Edward T., Stainmore, 56 W'estmorelano road Price George Herbert, Klosters. Quernmore road . Price Herbert D., 11 Sandford road Price Miss, 14 Westmoreland road Priestley George, 13 Church road Prior Albert.IJ;dwd.N ara, 47 Plaistow la Prior John, Fernlea, 65 Bromley gdns Priter Mrs. Foa1e,7 Lownd's avenue Priter Wm. H. R., 23 Great Elms rd Pritt Harry Walter, Branksome, 13 London lane Prohitts Frederick, 4 Cross road Prosser Miss. Minshull, 7 Denmark rd Pryce Edward John, Addlestone, Beaconsfield road, Bickley Pulm1n Henry Percy, Kingwood, 24 Rodway road Purcell John Poyntz, Crumlin, Southborough road, Bickley Purvis John, 31 Holmesdale road Q Quelch Henry Charles, Sunnymede, Kinnaird avenue Quennell Charles HcnryRollrne,Four Beeches, Denbridge road, Bickley Quenten John, 13 Lychett road Quicke Arthur, South bank, 4 RavcnsLourne road QuySrgt.-Maj. Arth. 40 Hammelton rd R R~dford Guy, The Corner house, St. George's rorrd, Bickley Rae Mrs., Bowenvale, 9 Orchard rd Rae ·W. T. Hatton, 21 Hawes road Rait William, Clifton bank, Page Heath lane, Bickley Raitt Geo. Cardno,22 Sandford road Ralph Hngh, 57 Freelands road Ralph Thomas, 23 Wharton road Ramsden Charles, 3 Florence road Randall Ernst. Edmund, l1 Lychett rd Randall John, 71 Nichol lane Randall John. jun., 72 Nichol lane Randall Philip Nicholas, M.B.LOnd., L.S.A., Tower hOllse,38~ Tweedy rd Ranger Henry, 1l Warner road Ransby Walter, 3 Gwdyr road. Ransley Edwaro, t Meadow road Ranson Joseph, 21 Lansdowne road Ranson Mrs., 33 Sandford road Raphael F. Chas., Fors, 92 Hayes rd Rapley Mrs., 15 Freelands road Rate Wm .. White 10., 2 5Shawfield pk Rawling's Edward Bailey, Endcliffe, 21 Roclway road Ray Frederick George, 76 Nichol la Ray John, 9 Langdon road Ray Miss, Havelock hO.,82London rd Rayden Arthur Edward, Woodlynch, 35 Cambridge road Rayfield Arth. Jas., 38 Bromley com Rayment Louis John, 17 Queen's Mead road . Reader Henry. 12 Aldermary road Reading- Percy G., 13attledown, Beckenham lane Reaney Mrs. 26 Bromley college Hedding Herbt. Geo., 9 Lownd's av Redfern Miss, 12 Westmorelalld rd Redington J. E. 94 London road RedmanMrs.21 Amesbury rd. Bickley Rednall Wm. Herbert, 7 Tweedy rd Reed G. Dayrell, 22 Park road Reeve Edwin W., Oakhurst, 15 Cambridge road Reeve William, 14 Church road Reid Alfred William, Jj'.R.C.V.S., Brullswick h'lllS~, 10 High street Reid Charles, H Hawes road Reid J. Cnristie, Hyde~wood, Elmstead lane Reid Mrs., 6 Shawfield park Reid Mrs. John B., 76 Hayes road Reid Wm., Ardoch, 3a Cambridge rd Relf Harold Edwin, 34 Hawes road Relf Zebulon, 1 Olarence avo Bickley Relton Arthur John, Charleville, 15 Elmfield road Rendall George Frdk., 5 Fairfield rd Render Miss, 20 Holwood road Rendle Edward E., 5 Gilbert road Rennie James, Elmfield house, 24 Elmfield road Renolds Mrs., 74 Liddon road Reuthe Gustavus, 109 Crown lane Reveirs H. A., South view, Claremont road, Rkkley Revill Edward Joseph, 6 Hope park Revnolds James W. 37 Meadow rd Rh'oJe~ Henry C. 32 Meadow road Rhys Rev. Walter Rowland, M.A., 14 Hammelt·.n road Rhys Miss, 2 Bandford road Rich' Frank, 9 Plaistow l!rove Rich Walter James, 131Crown lane Richards Francis, 49 West street Richards Mrs., 29 Glebe road Richards Mrs. Courrenay,5 Shawfield park Rbhardson Mrs., 131 London road Richarrlson Mrs. T., 131 Loudon rel Richardson W. L., HI Tweedy road Richar,lson William Ri.lley, M.A., Ravensfell, 15 High street Riches Geo., Ferndale, Alexandra cres Hiches William, 8 Beckenham lane Richmond Wm., 3 L Meadow road Riddle J. R., 6 Crescent road Rider A. L., Elmside, Widmore rd Ridley W. Wells, J.P., Deepdene, 9 Rodway road Ridley William, 10 South street Rihy Harry D., 9 College slip Ring Albert Edward, 204 Widmore rd Rings Fredk., Daheim, London lane Ripley Edmund Plowden, 17 Holligrave road Ritherdon Robert, Coniston, 32 Cambridge rOf'd Roberson E mest Langhorne. Hazel. dene, Blenrleim road, Bickley Robert. A. Lines, Eulinya, Park hill, Bickley Roberts Arthur Wynter, Wotton, 82 Westmoreland road Roberts Ernest .Jn., 29 Holligrave rd Robert~Frank Percival, 18 Langdon rd Roberts James, 37 West street Roberts William Thomas, The Red cottflge, 13 Orchard road Robinson H. Vincent, Prestonbury, Westmoreland road Robinson Mis~, 23 Queen's road Robinslln Mrs., 163 Widmore road Robinson William. 21 Liddon road Hockall Jonathan, Amersham, 61 Plaistow grove Roden Alfred, 48 Freelands road Roe Edward, 47 Plaistow grove Roffe Tom, 81 Crown lane Roffey James, 72 Bromley common Roffey Mrs., 53 Plaistow grove Rogers Charle~ Kni~llt, Crant:ton, 12 Page Heath lane, Bickley Rogers J.;;dward, 9 Farwig lane Hogers Herbert M., Langley Wood, Barnfiel d Wood road Rogers John. 33 Hammelton road Rogers John, 11 West street Rogers Kenneth, M.D.Lond., L.R.C.P . Lond.,M.R.C.S.Ellg.,16Upper Pk. rd Rogers Miss, Laurel bank, 7 Bromley common Rogers Wm. Chus., l Hawkesworth rd Rogerson Mrs., 9 Aldermary road Rolfe William Robert, Overstrand, 89 HaJ·es road Romanis .Miss, 48 Tweedy road Romilly Misses, 99 Widmore road Romilly S., 99 Widmore road Romney :Miss, 25 Holligrave road Rook Ernest Franklin, 23 Homesdale road Room Herbert J., 103 Plaistow lane Hose Arthur, 17 Union road Rose Ernest George, 20 :Minster rd Rose Francis J., 20 Sandford road Rose George, 7 Rodway road Rose H. J. 13 Crescent road Rose Reuben, 2 Halls Farm cottages, Burnt Ash lane Hose W. S., 21 Aldermary road Rose William, 63 Plaistow grove Rossiter T. W., 102 Hayes road Rothwell Harold, 116 Babbacombe rd Rotter E. R. E., Tewkesbury, 19 Oaklands road Rouch - Ernest Rupert, 12 Tweedy rd Rouse Alexander, 58 College road Rome Charles, 56 & 58 Tweedy rd Routh Miss, Nyetimber. Durham av Rowe James, 47 Beckenham lane Rowe Mrs., 39. Crown lane Rowland Antony, Dundyvall, Park av Bowland Fred J., Barham house, Bromley common Row.,ell Leonard Alfred, 8 The Avenue, Bickley Howsell Wilfred, 57 Masons Hill RubensdorfEer Mrs., lOA, Lownd's av Rudderham John Wm., 12 Saxon rd Rudge W. 1\[" jun., Park house, Madeira avenue Rudge William Meyrick, sen., 67 Farnaby road Ruegg Henry, Sycamore house,Oromwell avenue Rush Herbert, Lansdowne, 12 Lansdowne road Rush Herbert, Milroy, 7 Garden rd Rush James William, Clifton, Clarence-avenue, Bickley Rush :Miss, Clarendon, 21 College rd Rush Sydney, Milroy, 7 Garden rd Rushton Dvd. Jsph., 76 Beckenham la Russell Alfred, 7 Babbacom he road Russell Edward Arthur, :3 Clarencc avcnue, Bickley Russell George Percival, Bickley Hall farm, Hawthorne rd. Bickley Russell George Thomas, 17 Park grove Russell Mrs., 55 Plaistow grove Russell Mrs., 28 Rodway road Ryall Fredk., Briarwood, 2 Lodge .rd Ryder Albert L., 8 Denmark road RyeEd win, Kintyre, 8 Babbacombe rd Rymill Frank, 10 College road S Saalfeld Alfred. The Elms, 14. Bickley Park road, Bickley Saint Mrs., Darjeeling, 28 College rd Saker Robert, 15 Croft road Sales :BJrnest F., 88 Beckenham lane Sales George, 10 'Warner road Sales James, 20 Pala~e grove Salter H. J., School bouse, Tylney rd Sandell Mrs. R., Belcaire, 144 Widmore road Sanders John Henry, 39 Palace gro Sanders Mrs., 1 Lo;,dield t~anderson Mrs., Bullers wood, Elmstead lane Sanderson Mrs.M., 3 Langdonrd Sandford Henry, Bladon, 17 Hammelton road Sandison John, 13 Tweedy road Sandle Henry Jas., Walpole lodge, -17 Bromley common Sandle S. S.,· 5 Bromley common Sandle Sydney John, Aldersyde, 17 Holwood road SanteI' .John Rouert, 9 Hawes road Satehell Miss, 4 South street Satterthwaite Col. Edward, C.B.,V.D. Windermere, 26 Oaklands road Saunders .Ernest, 40 Farwig lane Saunders Herbert, 71 Farwig lane Saunden Mrs., 3A, Lownd's avenue Smmter Harry, 11 Station road . Savory Ernest Braith wai te,· Tyndale lodge, 25 Highland road Sayer Geoffrey, Woodfield, 18 Garden road Scheele Edward, Brunsviga, 12 Wendover road Schelbert Alois, Berwyn, Burford road, Bickley Scholefield Misses, Ivonhurst" Durham road . Schol pp Gustav, Mal vern, 100 Hayes rd Schooling .Fred~rick, Holly Dene, Beckellham lane Schubert Willy, 17 I..yehctt road Schupbach Geo. Frdk.,34 Meadow rd Schwaiger Mrs. I., Roseville, 2 Rodway road Scipio Walt. George, 8 Shawfieldpk Scobel1 Miss, 22 Farnahy road Scott Capt.'!'. A.. 15 :Fairfield road Scott Arthur, 16 Bodney road Scott Arthur M. Cecil, Meadowview, 31 Sandford road Scott Charles, 21 Freelanns road Scott Edward, Ridgefield, 15 Pinewood road Scott Frelleriek, 22 Gwydyr romi Scott James A., 1 Bromley c:ommon Scott John, 31 Palacc Grove Scott Mrs., Nessdale, 1~ Elmfield rd Scott Mrs ..Jas., Ufloll 110.,51 Palace gro Scott Mrs. William Fitzgerald, 33 Palace grovc Scougall Thomas, Retllands, Park av Screeton S. A., 22 AldermarI read Scrivencr Fredk. John, 81 College i-d Scrutton Miss, Cromarty. 132 Widmore road Seager Joseph. 2;; Chatterton road Seal Alfred, 89 Farwig lane Seal Elias Charles, 27 Croft road Seal Walter, 12 Foxhury road Seamen Harry 196 Wid more road Scamer Albt.,The Farm, Widmore rd Sear Ernest Edward, Woodthorpe, 4 Cromwell avenue Seares Frederick George, Wynhurst, King's avcnue . Searle Mrs.. 9 Queen's road Sears Mrs., '19 Queen Anne avenue Seaward Percy, Tantal1on, 1 Garden road, Sandridge park Sedgley Walter,Holmwood,King'sav Sehr' Artb. Christhtll, 10 Southlands rd Selby Edgar, The Homestead, Uumberland road Selby Frederick, The Barn, 6 Magpie Hall lane, Bickley Selby H. T., Northfield, 30 Masons bill Selby Mrs. Fraser, Hazelmere, 69 Westmoreland d"d Selby Mrs. T. G., Basil house, 22 Oaklal1ds road Selby William, 72 Park road Selby-Heal Mrs., 21 Bromley college Seller Miss, 18 Glebe road Scllicl,:s David Charles, 14 Lewes rd Selman Charles, 54 Tweedy road Selwyn Mrs., 136 Farnaaby road Sel"sions !II r8., 10 LOWlld's avenue Sewanl Huracc. 2 North street Seward Mrs .. 10 Heat.hfield road Sexton Herbert, Roseville, 47 Nightingale lane Shafto Rev. G. H. [Wesleyan], The Hawthorlls, 24A, Elmfield road Shakespear Miss, Woodbourne, London lane Shalland Wm. H., 7 Cambridge road Sharman Mrs.. 18 Croft road Sharp Eli, f2 Liddon road Sharp H., Sussex 10., 57 Bromley com Sharp Hy., Newl:mds, 32 Masons hill Sharp William, 22 College road Sharp William F. H., La Chatelaine, 62 Plaistow lanc Sharpe C. 1£., 23 Tweedy road Shaw Cecil R., Stanbury, 10 Cromwell avenue Shaw Frederick, Freshford,80 Westmoreland road Shaw Hugh Wybergh, Abercorn, Avondale road Shaw J. Goodwin, Tbirlmere, Shawfield park Shaw John Edward, Silvermead, Queinmore road Shaw Mrs., 109 Widmore road Sh~arer Wm., Swinton, King's aven Shearing Mrs. Mary, 19 Heath field rd Sheldon Charles, The Lodge, Cemetery, Burnt Ash lane, Plaistow Sheldon Frank. 37 Addison road Shepherd G. M.B., 25 Queen Anne av Shepherd Thomas, ltio cottage, 42 Crescent road, Plaistow Sheppard Henry W., The Firs, 34 Cambridge road Sheppard Miss, 40A, Meadow road Sheppard Miss S., Montpelier, London lane Shepperd Julius, 3 Bloomfield road Shergold Thomas Jn. 47 Foxbury rd Sherriff Cyril G., 14 Queen Anne av Sherriff Francis Frederic. Ravenscroft, Hill Brow Sherriff Francis Henry, F.I.A. Helston, 58 Lansdowne road Sherwell :Mrs.,Ediacara, Hawthorne road, Bickley Shewbridge H. T.,Ardmore, Bickley crescent, Bickley Ahillcock George, 122 High street Shillcock Geo., Waverley, 13 Park gro Shillcock Joshua. 37 Hammelton rd Ship B. G., 1 Basmouth villas, Clarence avenue, Bickley Shire Robert Walter, Wyrecma, Edward road Shoebridgc Fredk. Wm., :3 Park gro Shoe smith Richard, 93 Plaistow la Shoohridge Fredk . .Tn., 2 Madeira av Shore Cecil George, 25 Hawes road Shore Frederick William, F.e.A., 1 Hayes road Sickel George, 69 Southlanc1s road Sidney William, The Old Cottage, 2 Bickley road . Sier Hy. W., Wychwood, Durham av Siggs William Charles, St. Aylotts, 52 Babbacombe road Silcox Nelson Geo .. 5A, Lownd's av Sillwood Frank, 54 Beckenham lane Silver James A., 33 Great Elms road Sime W. J., 18 Amesbury rd. Biddey Simeons Carl, Dudley, 14: Blyth rd Simmonds Algernon, 46 London rd Simmonda Frank William, Dunchurch, London lane Simmonds Percy, Meadowhurst, Park avenue Simmons Alfred Chis., 4 College rd Simmons Frdk. 13 Clarence av. BickJey Simmons Frederick, 4 Liddon road Simmons Miss, 17 Liddon road Simms Miss E., 5 Glebe road Simon Charles Victor, Gladwyn, Cromwell avenue Simpson David C., 19 Wendover road Simpson David Uoudic,Ro·efield, Li5 Widmore road Simpson Edward, 18 Heathfield rd Simpson George, Kinrara, 18 Rodway road Sims Arthur, Tarawera, 19 Orchard rd Simson Percival A., Wickhambury, Lake avenue Sinclair R., 3 Clarence road, Bickley Singer Edwin, 77 Hayes road Skctchley Rev. Ernest Powys, M.A., Ballater, 30 Tweedy road Skilbeck James Julian, Hurst lodge, Hayes road Skilton W. F. 123 Widmore road Skinner Miss O. S., Crofton, Westmoreland road SkinnerMrs.C.N.,12 Queen'sMead rd Skinner R.,Oxford villa, 49 Tweedy rd Skipw;n'th Benjamin Green, The Valley, Queen's Mead road Slater Miss,4 Longfield Slipper John H. Shipley, The Glade, 2 Grasmere road Slipper Mrs. H. J., Elm lodge, 242 Southlands road Sloan Watt. B.Glenconner,London la Slow Mrs., 56 Farwig lane Smallwood Josias Wm., 22 :Minster rd. Smart Frederick Charles 0., ThornhayeR, 6!l London lane Smee Alfred Headley, 15 Queen's rd Smee Sidney, Forestelre, Lake aven Smith Arthur Geo., 12 Southlands rd Smith Bert, 77 Beckenham lane Smith Bert, 13 Farnaby road Smith Charles Lacey. 10 Blyth road Smith Charles Marsh, Mersham lodge, ~5 London road Smith D. Wanes, Birkby house, . Bickley Park road, Bickley Smith Edward, 66 College road Smith Edward, St. Stephens, 12 Highland road Smith E rnf' st. 19 Lychett road Smith Frank, 37 Heathfield road Smith George, 42 Croft road Smith George, 6 Scott's road Smith Geol ge Poole, DewLurst, 131 Widmore road Smith H.P.B.,1 Queen Anne avenue l South hill park Smith Henry, 24 Plaistow grove Smmth Jame~, 2 Warner road Smith James, 51 West street Smith James William, 18 Meadow rd Smith John Wm., 13 Hammelton rd Smith Joshua W.,I Cherry Orchard rd Smith Keith, mealow view, London la Smith Leonard W., Oakdene. 58 Wa1pole road Smith Lionel C., 52 Hayes road Smith Mrs., Betchworth, 65 Oakley rd Smith Mrs., 4 Exmouth road Smith Mrs. Chas., 6 Bromley college Smith Mrs. E., o Cambridge road Smith Mrs. H., 88 Plaistow lane Smith Mrs.J. Wilson, 32 Hammelton rd Smith Mrs. Stafford, Woodland, 84 London road Smith Mrs. T., 10 Bromley college Smith Richard, 33 Foxbury road Smith Samuel. 46 Wharton road Smith Samuel Arthur, Dunluchin, 3 Edward road Smith Sidney Austen, 37 Cambridge rd Smith Sidney Chas., 17 Queen's road Smith Sydney, Wyncroft, St. George's road, Bickley Smith William, 30 Plaistow grove Smith William, Wilhayes, London la Smith William Hubert, M.A., LL.M., Trevena. 18 Blyth road Smith William ::5hip, Laurel bank, 41 Plaistow grove Smithernian Fredk., 11 Liddon road Smyth Mrs. C., 3 Ethelbert road Smyth William James Dobson, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.p.,3 Ethelbert road Smythson Sydny., Chilton, Durham av Snelgrove :Mrs., 69 London road Snow Mrs., 28 Stanley road Soames Rev. Henry Aldwin, M.A., Lyncroft, 5 Cromwell avenue Soames Miss, Alyn Bank, 29 Westmoreland road Soan Edwin, 8 Weston road Soan George, jun., 83 Farwig lane Soans Alfa. Spurling, 41 Haywood rd Soans Percy,lAmy vils., Homesdale rd Sofield Thomas Howard, St. Clair, Blenheim road, Bickley SolM Flank de Lisle, Heathercroft, London lane Solbe Mrs. 5 Hawes road Somerville James Bmdley,42 Hammeltonroad Sommerville William Sneyd, 74 Westmoreland road Songhurst George W., 13 Union road Southgate Mrs.. Rye vil., Talbot rd Spain Mrs., 1 Ho1wood road Sparks Alfred, Bowmanville, 51 Bromley common Sparks Mrs., 6B London road Speller Harry Edward, The Laurels, Talbot road Spence Robt. Waldron, 92 Plaistow la Spence William Alexander, Strathed'Jn, 9 Garden road Spencer Frank, Fairhaven, 100 Babbacombe road Spicer Leonard, Stanmore, Kinnaird avenue Spicer The Misses, Summerfield, 4 Southlands grove, Bickley Spilsbury Ernest, 23 Station road Spong John S., 10 Minster road Spooner John, 27 East street Spratt Thos. Hy., 16 Cambridge rd Sprillgate Henry, 15 Lansdowne rd Spdngate Thos. Hbt., 65 Plaistow gro Springett Herbert, M.R.C.V.S., 26 High street Springett Stephen H., 15 Palace gro Sprinks Oliver, 20 Gilbert road Squelch Henry, 35 Crown lane Squire Alfred Hugh Knight, LL.B. Lond., Whitegarth,Cumberland rd Stacey Miss, 14 The Avenue, Bickley Stacy Edgar William, 68 Crescent rd Stancom b Theodore M ur ly , 126 High st Standing John, 47 Farwig lane Stanford Charles, Blair Atholl, Bromley avenue Stanford Frederick Jn.,5 Queen's Td Stanger Mrs., Handsworth, 20 Hammelton road Stanger WII's.,St. I ves, Lake avenue Htanger Sidney, 59 Tweedy road 8tanham JEsses Gordon. Glenthorne, 5 Hammelton road Stanley GeorgeChristopher, Carthew, 98 Babbacoinbe road Stanley Leonard Arthur, 17 Queen Anne avenue Stannard Mrs., 23 Hammelton road Stansfield C. H. R., The Hollies, 14 Lower Gravel rd., Bromley com Stansfield WilJiam Geo., H5 Rodway rd Staples George W., 71 Hayes road Staples Martin Geo., i'i4 Sandford rd Staples Stanley WilHam, Barbrook, 64: Sandford road Stark Albert E., 66 Nicltollane State George William, 22 Croft road Stayner James Adolphus, Oak cottage, Alexandra crescent Stead Sydney, Pine Brae, 14 Pine· wood road Stears Harry Sidney, 8 Hill View cottages, Burnt Ash lane Steddy James, 1 Warner road Stedman Edwin C., Gershom, 57 London lane Steer Arthur, 43 Crown lane Steer Harry Panell, 98 London road Steiert Primus, 20 Queen's road Stenlling Edgar R., Hilden, 14 Southborough, Bickley Stenning Edward, 31 Beathfield rd Stenning Mrs., 1 Glebe road. Stern Edmund,Cintm, Cumberland rd Steven Rev. Geo. Forbes, liLA., 4: London lane Stevens David Sidney. Royston lodge, 17 Westmorelaud road Stevens Edgcombe, Clifton house, 161 Widmore road Stevenson Rev. Arthur Howe, M.A. [curate of Bromley], '12 West st Stidwi1l Philip, ~) Amesbury road, Bickley Stile Thomas Plummer, Barnett wood, Barnett Wood road 'Stiven' George 0., Barfield, Barfield road, Bickley Stocker Mr['., 12 Rodway road Stockham Ernest, 12 Millster road Stocbvell Frederick , Joseph. 32 Haywood road Stokes Alec, 20 Oakland" rd Stokes James John, 2(i Qneen's road Stokes Miss, 90 Tweedy rd . Stonard Louis, Albemarle grange, Mavelstone road stone Abraham, Hazeldene, Shawfield park Stone George, Houghton, 17 Cambridge road Stone Henry, 74 Bromley common Stone Mrs., Sunnyside, 29 Hammelton road Stoneham John Allen, Mundendorrie, Highfield road, Bickley Stoneham Mrs., Stobern , 8 Church rd Stonehouse Mrs., 33 Gilbert road Stopes John H., 14 College road Storey William. 26 Sandford road Story George Frae .. 39 Holligrave rd Stotesbury John S., Whitbourne, 42 Durham avenue Stott Arth. Edwd., 20 Heathfield rd Strafford Geo.,Mayfield, llLondonla 8traker M rs., 16 Wendover road Strang'e Freumick James, The Limes, 43 Nightingale lane Stratton J. The Bungal w. 2 Jacksons rd Street Oscar William, WhYte leafe, 21 Orchard road Stringer Charles Ry., 3 Jaffray road Stringer Edward Belcher, Egerton lodge, 1 Park road . Stringer H. E., 11 Park road Strong Herbert, The Hollies, 3 Beckenham lane Strong L. W., Lismore, 1 Hawes road StroutsHarry Frdk., 25 Cambridge rd Strudwick Mrs., 32 Park road Strutt William, 7 Langdon rd Stubbs Mrs .. 20 Bromley college Sudds Mrs. M., 30 West street Suffell Miss E. 31 Aldermar.y road Suffield Mrs., 15 Union road Sulman .John George; :Fairlight, 22 Holwood road Summcrfield John, 13 North street Summers George, 7 Queen's road Sumner Frank, Inversnaid, 19 Upper Park road Sunmau William Joseph, Pedna Vounoer. Hi Minster road Sutton Charles, 2lJ Aylesbury road Sutton Frederick, 101 Masons hill Sutton James, 29 Bloomfield road Sutton Mrs .. P,O Park road Sutton Sam'lel Henry, Somerset cottage, Claremont road, Bickley Swabey Rev. Clark R., ALA.., Holy Trinity vicarage. 1 Oakley road Swann Misses, 47 Ravenshourne rd Swanson Clarence G., Cranberry, Olarence road, Bickley Swayne Gerald, Roystons, 49 London lane Sweeting S., M:ol;ldon, Page Heath lane, Bickley Sweetlaud William, 18 Tweedy road Symington Miss, Woodbank, Nightingale lane, Bickley Symington William, Oldfield, Oldfield road, Bickley Symmons George, Bellevue, 105 Widmore road Symondson Herbert W., Woodside, South hill road Tait Rev. Donald, M.A. [vicar& rural dean of Bromley, h0ly. canon of Rochei'ter & surrogate l. Bromley vic~ra!!e, 9 Church road Tapp }liss, 24 Great Elms road Tapp MIS., The Hill, 1 Beckenham lane Tappenden Mrs. Eo, Dingley Dell, Homesdale road TapS (Hl Frank Herbert, Delta, Plaistow lane Tarleton Mrs. Tenisoll, Glengariff. Coniston road Tarrant Charles, 4 Minster road Tarrant Mrs. E. T., 36 Hawes road Tarry Walter H., 28 Wendover road Tatham George A. Ralph, The Towers, 70 Westmoreland road Tatham Percy, Thorncroft, 6 Oaklands road Tavemer John, 35 Meadow road Taylor Arthur, 2 Hope park Taylor Edward C., Addington, 5 Cambridge road Taylor Frederick, 59 Plaistow grove Taylor George, 2 College road Taylor James Lcnnox, 34 Croft road Taylor John H., Chastleton, 10 Hawthorne road, Bickley Taylor Miss. 149 Masons bill Taylor Mrs'., Avondale, 12 Queen Anne avenue Taylor Mrs., 1 Bromley college Taylor Mrs., 49 Crown lane Taylor Mrs. :K S., 11 Fallaby rd Taylor Mrs. Robert, Athrlney, Park Farm road Taylor Percy Claud, 166 Widmore rd Taylor Seaton, The Laurels, Southborough road, Bickley . Taylor Thomas Edwin, 50 Farnaby road Taylor W. It, 4 Farnaby road Taylor William Hy., 49 Martins rd Teerl Harry W. Cranbourne, 13 Cherry Orchard road Tempest Percy, Crismill. Chislehurst road, Bickley Temple Mrs., 9 Bromley college Temple Robert, Glebe Knoll, [) Beckenham lane Templeman Frederick, Thurtstone, Quernmore road Tenmousnil's., Cromwell, 9 Salisbllry road Terry Henry, 25 Park end Terry William Samuel, 2 Amy villas, Homesdale road Thackway ~Trs" 26 Glebe road Thatcher'William, 14 Great Elms rd Theobald Hugh Whittard, Homefield, 22 Southborough rd., Bickley Theobald Walter A.S., 7fi Widniore rd Thoburn .Mrs., Glascott, 48 Hayes rd Thol Emest .J., Parkhllrst, 60 Plaistow lane Thomas Major G. Harley, F.B.A., Woodstock, South Hill road Thomas Hev. Charles Drayton [Wesleyan] , South Hill lodge, 33 Westmoreland road Thomas Alfrcd Madoc, 19 Amesbury road, Bickley Thomas Arthur S., 22 Bromley com Thomas F. Lewis, 17 Crescent road Thomas Harold Wynne, L.R.C.P., M.R.C.S., Thornbury, 155 High st Thomas IIel1l'Y Griffith, 21 Ravensbourne road Thomas MiESJ. M., A.R.D.S., The Studio, 78 High street Thomas Mrs., 3 Bromley college Thomas W. G., Avoca, 1 Blyth road Thomas Wm. Henry, 11 Crown lane Thompsett Edwin W., 43A, Masons hill Thompson C. J., 15 Hope park Thomp'Son Chas., 43 Queen Anne fl.V Thompson George H.,~efton, Waldegrave road, Bickley Thompson Henry FrasA Foxbury rd Thompson Herbert, 2 Avondale rd Thompson John, 11 Amesbury road, Bickley Thompson Joseph, 5 Florence road Tbompson Misses, Glascoed, 9 Wanstead road Thompson R. S., Woodville, Quernmore road Thompson Richd. Leonard, 4 Clarence avenue, Bickley Thompson Walter, 31 Hollif!rave rd Thomson Rev. Henry Morton, M.A., 29 Cambridge road Thomson A. W. , Ormidale, Denbridge road, Bickley Thorn Jobr J. 12 Liddon road Thorpe Mrs., 8 Elmfield road Thorpe William B., Fiona. 13 Westmoreland road Threadgold Frederick Alfred, 42 Heathfield road Threadkell Arthur, 67 Masons hill Throndsen Ivan, White cot, 67 London lane Thurlby William E., 3 Union road Thurling James, 46 Liddoll road Tbursfield Mrs., lA, Cambridge rd Tiekner L., Springfield, 19 Meadow rd Tidmarsh Edwin Russell, St. Peter's, Durham road Tijou W. E., 18 Wendover road Tilbury Robert, Hazelmere, 51 Nightingale lane Tilley W. H., 4 West street Tilling Edward William, Highfield, 68 Westmoreland road Tillotson Miss. 140 Babbacombe rd Timblick Thomas. 77 Plaistow lane Timmis Edgar William, Lyndhurst, 17 Oaklands road Timmis John, Woodclose, 50 Bromley common Tippen Edward A., 32 Southlands rd Titel Hance, Lochranza, 17 RodWay rd Titford Arthur, 24 Hope park Toatt's Fretlk. John, 5 Heathfield rd Todd C. H. Reid, Tankerville, 25 Elmfield road Todd Frank, Woodbury, Garden rd Tofield Mrs., Roslyn, 1 Gilbert road Tokely Cyrus Legg, 9 Cherry Orchard road Tolhurst James, 7 Foxbury road TolhUlst John, 3 Lychdt road Tomes Charles, 16 Glebe road Tomlinson Wm. Hy., 64. Liddon rd Tong Mrs., 113 Crown lane Tong Wm. Thos., 37 Plaistow gro Tosland Alexander, 27 Holwood rd Towell Arth.Edwd., 14 Haywood rd Towell Rarr:r, 6 Denmark road Towell Miss, 35 Glebe road Townend Thorn tS Senior, Harringay, 23 Blmfield road Towneley FrerlericChas.,8Farnab.y rd Townly Fredk. W. H., 12 Langdon rd Townsend John, Timaru, Sunningdale ruad, Bickley Townsend Wm.Jesse, 19 Plaistow gro Towse Sir John Vrench, Sunnydene, 14 Page Heath lane, Bickley. Towse Clifford, Braunton, Durham road, South Hill park Towse Frank, 30 Hammelton road Towse Miss, Quinta, 9 Westmoreland road Tracey Mrs., 26 Southlands road Tray leI' Miss, 111 Crown lane Treacher In .. Appin lo., Avondale rd Treasure Henry George Samuel, Twerton, Blenheim road, Bickley Tremlett Frank, GO Heathfield road Tress Mrs., 10 Lansdowne road Trevett Fredk. Jsph., 9 Freelands rd Trevett Joseph, 19 Park grove Trier Frank N., 16 Shawfield park Trigg Henry, 21 Union road Trings George, 7 Croft road Trimmer Mrs., 115 Widmore road Trodd Alfred, Ashtcn, 16 Babbacombe road Troughton Frdk., 18 Westmoreland rd Trower Harry, 27 Fairfield road Trundell John Frederick, Marsea vale, 49 Nightingale lane Tuck Oswald Thos.,15 QueenAnne av Tucker Arthur John, Pelhurst, 11 Homefield road Tucker E. .T., 37 Aldermary road Tucker John, 23 Meadow road Tuer Joseph Barnes, Kanata, Fairfield road Tuffill Daniel Fensham, The Vron, 25 Orchard road Tuffill Harold B., Toppesfield, Quernmore road Turpin Miss. Heath glen, 11 Clarence road, Bickley Tu~on A.V., Pallanza, 22 Wendover rd Twallin George Charles, Fairmead, Hill brow Tweedy Arthur H., Widmore lodge, 208 Widmore road Tweedy Miss Violet, Widmore lodge, -208 Widmore road Tweedy Mrs., Pendower, 10 Elmfield road Twort 'Walter George, South view, Southlands road Tyache Mrs., 17 Bromley college Tye E., 25 West street U Umbers Misses, Warkworth, 56 Babbacombe road Underhill Jame~, 44 Freelands road Unoerhill Thomas John, Stanley Quernmore road Underwood Alfred Henry, 39 Homesdale road Unstead Mrs., 8 Tweedy road Upton Geo., The Cedars 10., Oakley rd Upton H. Percy C., Minster villa, Talbot road Uptorl Harry Bernard, 4 Croft road Uridge Mrs., 17A, Crescent road Uzlelli Marcus, Ravensleigh, Cromwell road V Vallings Harry Adolphus, Heath bank, 2 Page Heath lane, Bickley van del' Beeck Ernest William, CeriaI' Lea, Park hill, Bickley Vann John Luxton, 13 The Avenue, Bickley Varrall Mrs., 10 Sandford road Vasey S. Archibald, Beecbcroft, 9 Burnt Ash lane Vaughan Mrs., Yew croft, 23 Burnt Ash lane Veness Charles, 30 Jaffray road Veness Joseph, 108 Babba(~ombe rd Vernon Mrs., Inglewood, Durham av Vernon' Mr l., TlIirlmere, 2 Warren av Ven'ell f.!erbert, 2 Saxon road Vickerman Charles, 42 Farwig lane Vickers Harold, 8 Rodway road Vickers Mrs., 21 Glebe road Vigers Martin, Avonmore, 10 Hammelton road Viney C. T., Dartmouth, Durham av Vinson William, Mavelstone, ~favel. stone road Vivash Jacob, Himalaya, Clarence road, Bickley Von Berger Charles, Karlsruhe, Edward road von Chauvin George, Jesmond, 25 Sundridge avenue Vou.5den H. C., 62 Liddon road Vousden Mr~., 4 Madras flats, College. road "W Waddington Richard, Half'tow, St. George's road, Bickley WagStaff Mrs., Elmcroft, 6 Hayes lane, Bromley common Wahlers Herbert Watson, Spencer lodge, 1 Spencer road WaightEarleRoberts, M.Le.E. ,Hurstbourne, Nightingale lane Wain Mrs., Clarewood, 8 Bickley Park road, Bickley Wake Charles Albert, 21 Gwydyr rd Wake Mrs., 34A, London road Wakeley Mrs., Sherborne, 123 London road Wakelin Frdk. The Farm ,Widmore rd Wakeling Albert, 18 Plai"tnw grove Walbourn Samuel E., 31 Union rd Walbrook Angus Fraser Oakley, 9 Park road Walder Clement, 79 Tweedy road Walker Adam, 9 Pinewood road Walker Alfd.,Oakdene, 28 Elmfieldrd Waiker E. W., Edgbaston, 5 Magpie Hall lane, Bickley Walker Edward, 24 Babbacombe rd Walker Ernest Jas., 71 Beckenham la Walker Frank H., Craneton, 3 Holwood road Walker Harold E., 3 Hayes road Walker Leonard, 30 Great Elms road' Walker James Edward, Ravenswood, 7 Ethelbert road Walker John, 7 Haywood road Wallace Jesse Stewart, 82 London la Wallis Charles, 2 Weston grove Wallis Clement Macfarlane, 16 Queen's Mead road Wallis Ralph, 138 Babbacombe road Wallis· Whiddett Frederick George, Devondale, King's a venue Walmsley William, 7 Freclands rd Walmsley William, 35 Gilbert road Walpole Ernest D , Fernleigh, Rickley cre;;cent, Bickley Walter H. K, 17 Station road Walter Hcrbt. Wain, 21 Shawfield pk Waltel' James W., Warlaby lodge, Durham road, South hill park Walter Mrs., Ashley, 12 Southlands grove, Bickley Walters Col. Herbert A., Leyland house, 122 London road Walters Miss E.,Redlands,B5 Chislehurst road, Bickley Walters Miss Enid M., M.B., B.S. Lond., 65 Freelands road Walters W., 27 Nightingale lane Bickley Warboys CharIes, 15 Johnson road Ward John, 27 Queen Anne avenue Ward Mrs. Ada, 16 Scott's road Ward Percival, 92 Babbacombe rd Ward Sydney A., Rozelle, Durhamav Ward W. P., S Hayesla. ,Bromley eom Ward William, 28 Jaffray roai Ware Alfred. Ealing, Bickley crescent. Bickley Ware James William, Kirkby cot., . 103 Jaeksons road Warmington Gerald Henry, Hayes cottage, London lane Warmington Leonard B.~Rosewood, -Wanstead road Warmington Mrs., Normanhurst, 15 Upper Park road Warner John, The Lodge, Cemetery, Bromley hill Wanen MisRes, 40 Palace Grove Warren TtlOS. Hy., 51 Lansdowne rd Warren Walter E., Clovelly, 25 Crescent road Warrens E. R. Cabell, n5 Farnaby rd Warrick R. C., 114 College road Warth Thomas, Buchanan, 120 Widmore road Wartit Thomas Joseph, Trevena, 29A, Park road Waters Arthur, 3 Haywood road Waters Charles Edgar, 29 Croft rd Waters .Tohn, 6 Plaistow grove Waters Miss C. M.,B.A., 55 Nightingale lane Watcrworth .Jn. Halsted, 8 Hawes rd Watlin!! Miss, 19 Farnaby road . Watmore Artlmr. 17 Meadow road Watson Ernest, Halls Farm house, Burnt Ash lane Watson George Girling, 40 Hawes rd Watson JamesJohn, 48 Heathfield rd Watson Malcolm "McCaul, SomerfonI. Park avenue Watsoil Misses, Branxholm, 1G Highland road . Watson Wm.,Rosedale, Southlands rd Watts James, 8 Palace grove Watts Mrs., Espcranzn" 52 Bromley common Watts ,Mrs., The Firs', Pinewood rd Waits William, 53 Ravensbourne rd Way Henry, H :Minster road Wayland Edward Robert, Heatherdene, 7 London lane Webb Ernest, 7 Glebe road Webb F. ERsex, 2 Palace grove Webb Geo.Wm., 71 Ravensboul'l1erd Webb James Simpson, 6 Burnt Ash la Webb Thos. Henry, jun., 23 Park rd Webber Charles, Sudbury, 12 Shawfield park Webber John .I., Wivenhoe, Blenheim road, Bickley Weber F. A. G., Blyth Wood, 24 Blyth road Webster Harry, Basildon, Queen's Mead road Weeden E mest Arthur, 2!? Queen Anne avenue WeekesM.G., Edgc hill, 6 Cromwell av Weekes Robert W., 50 Hayes road Weeks George, 61 High street Weeks William, 81 Widmore road Welch Henry John, Tintagel, 9 Homefield road Welford Francis Wm., 120 College rd Weller William George, Lenfric, 1 Queen's Mead road Wells Rev. Richard J. (secretary Congregational Union of England & Wales), Whitegate,300aklands rd Wells· ArthurWilliam,Lulworth, .31 Tweedy road . Wells James William, ·10 Park road Wells Mrs., 40 Aylesbury road Wenham George H., Charnwood cottage, London lane Wenn Mrs., 26 Gwydyr road Wensley Mrs., 19 Bromley college West Arthur. 15 Liddon road West Frederick William, Hayes lea, 54 Hayes road West George, Tembry, 5 Clarence avenue, Bickley West Miss, 6 Holwood road West Misses, The Homestead, 14 Hawthorne road, Bickley West Mrs., 3 Lownd's avenue West Percy Camidge, 72 Plaistow la Westhrook Robert,Blenheim, 4 Lower Gravel road Westcott Henry, 15 Arlesbury road, Bickley Weymau Miss, C1ungonas, 49 Bromley cummon Weyman William, Fairlie lodge, 4 Oaklands road Wharrie Henry James, 51 CrOvi' Wharton Mrs A. M., 137 Crown lane Wheat Mrs., 1 Stanhope villas Wheatly Francis, Nettlestead, 19Sundridge avenue Wheatley Harry, 74 Farwig lane Wheeler Alfred, 6 Barmouth villas, Clarence avenue, Bickley Wheeler Ernest Edward, 32 Burnt Ash lane Wheeler Fred, 23 West street Wheeler Henry, 73 College road Wheeler Miss, 14 Burnt Ash lane Wheeler Mrs. E., 95 College road Wheeler Walter, 12 Burnt Ash lane Wheeler William Henry, 4: Hope pk Whelan Mrs. 27 The Broadway. High st Whelun Geo. W. H., 21 Bromley com Wldffin Miss, Park lodge,7 London rd Whiffin Miss A. .M.,9A, London road Whiffin Wm. Stanley, 18 Freelands rd White Rev. James, M.A., chaplain,' Bromley college White F. H., Gowrie, 22 Page Heath lane. Bickley White Frank, 9 Durham avenue White Harold, 72 Siddon road ..·: White Lewin Johu Brand, 11 Freelands road White Mrs. Caerlaverock, Bickley rd White Mrs., 28 Foxbury road White Mrs., 26 Saxon road White Mrs., Sundridge park White ReginllldJohn, St. Edmund's, 18 Shaw field park . White William Baglin, High vieW, 22 Sundridge avenue Whitehead Abraham; 3 Recreation rd Whitehead Albert, Cherry Orchard, 87 Bromley common Whitehead Daniel, 3 Lower Gravel rd Whitehead John, Cranham, Clarence road, Bickley Whitehead Mrs., 9 Lower Gravel rd Whitfield Rev. Oswald George, M.A. [Cong.], Mansfield, 36 Cambridge rd Whitfield Mrs., Carisbrooke, Park av Whitmore Mrs., 23 Bromley college Whittaker Charles, 40 Meadow road Whittingham Frederick, Kimberley, Kinnaird avenue Whittle Ed. Alfred, Langdale, 39 Cam bridge road .' Whybrow Percy John William, 22 Westmoreland road Whyte Robert,Ripley, 24 Sundridge av Whyte William, jun., 17 Hawes rd Whyte William John, Narhethong, Garden road Wiekenden Mrs. E. A., 17 Amesbury road, Bickley Wiekings Edwin, 26 Plaistow grove Wiek8 Geo., Olovelly vil., 134 West st. Widdowson Tom, 10 Queen's Mead rd Wientraud Mrs. F., 103 Widmure rd Wiffen Mrs., 10 Liddon road Wiggins James, 47 Freelands road Wigginton Edward John Doherty, 40 Tweedy road Wilde Harry, 36 Palace grove Wildish. Wm. Thos. 9 Havwood rd Wiley Percy Jn. Douglas, 30 Hawes rd Wilkins Edward 5 Bromley cres Wilkins Frank, 40 Fairfield road Wilkins Leonard, 23 Bromley com Wilkins Wm. Jabez, 87 Farwig la Wilkinson Misses, 2 Oambridge road Wilkinson Mrs., 7 Barmouth villas, Clarence avenue, Bickley Wilks Albert, 34 Crescpnt road Wilks James Herbert, Swallowfield, 2 Southlands grove, Bickley Wilks Miss, 40 Farnaby road Wilks Mrs .. J. J., Highland lodge, 51 Highland road Willhy }rrank Robert, 10 Scott's rd Willett Mrs., Woodcote, 22 Blyth r0 Willey Mi~R, Komani, 47 Park road Williams Lady, Springmead, 15 Orchard road Williams Alfred, St. Mary's schools, Fairfield road Williams B., 29 West street Williams Cyril Graham, 63 Farnaby rd Williams Erm'st, 34 Freelands road Williams Horace, 9 Scott's road Williams John, Brockhampton, 24: Bromley common Williams Mrs., H: Florence road Williams Mrs., 12 Great Elms road Williams Mrs. E .. 18 College road Williams Mrs. E. J., Widmore grange, 147 Widmore road Williams Mrs. Powell, Tower house, Warren avenue Williams Robert E., Westcott, Cumherland road Williams Robert Percy Hodder, 4 Wendover mad Williams Samuel, 14: Meadow road Williams Stanley, Hillbrow, 14 Highland road Williams William John, US Crown la Williamson Frederick Henry, Sherbrooke, 6 Farnahy road Williamson James Edward, Ashdown, Quernmore road Williamson Jeffrey W., 27 Holligrave road Wills Joseph, 6 College Rlip Willy Arthur, The Cottage, Nightingale lane Wihon Rev. Charles, M.A., Broadclyst, Page Heath la11l-',Bickley Wilson Edwd, Dwight, 4ry Lonnon Ill. Wilson Mrs. Jane, 84 Tweedy road Wilson Percy, 6 Homefield road Wilson Robert, 89 Ridley road Wilson William, 68 Liddon road Wilson Wm. Edward, 6 Foxhury rd Wimble Charles F., Aroso, Beaconsfield road, Bickley Winch H. Wilson. 20 Burnt Ash Ln Winch Herbert M:.,Ravenshulst, 1 Twt'edy road Winchester Jsph. J as. 25 Farnaby rd Winder Reuben, Larkfield, 5 Durham road Winder Wm. Thos., 13 Sandford rd Wingfield Harry, 6 Amesbury road, Bicklev Wingiield Henry Herbert. 7 Beechfield cottages, Widmore Winter Arthur, 4 Florence road Winterbourne Henry Wm., aochell!:', 8 College road Winterburn Mrs., 200 Widmore rd Wintermore Henry Jas , 69 Nicholla Wise Harold, 8 Minster roact Wihart Miss, Mount Hill, 5 Edward road Wiss Mrs. 66 Freelands road Wissler Frdk. R., 6 Queen Anne av Witherall Ernest, 24 Farwig lane Withered Arnold, Wingate, Avondale road With2rd Miss, 69 Freelands road Withycombe W. G., 52 College road Wix 31rs., Gibson lodge, 6 The Avenue, Bickley Wood Benjamin, The Scrubbs, Lower Gravel road Wooel Charles Ernest, 30 Westmoreland road Wood Charles William, Park house, Nightinga.le lane Wood Miss, Thomond, Londnn Jane Wood Miss F. L., 13 FreelandH road Wood MissEs, ll Crepcent rd. Plaistow Wood Mrs.,St. Helen's, 112 London rd Wood Mrs. T. W. 23 College road Wood Mrs. W. G., Mywell, (j London lane Wood Philip Alfd., 5 Babbacombe rd Wood Selby, Belmont. 19l Freelands rd Wood Thomas, 14 Bloomfield road Wood William John, 13 Station road Woodall Edwd.. d., HI Homesdale rd Woodall Mis. Rosewood, Clarence avenue, Bickley Woodbridge Frank, The Orchard. 10 Orchard road Woodcock Mrs., Dunedin, 71 London lane Woodford E. B., The Firs, 6 Bickley Park road, Bickley Woodford J., 52 Heathfield road Woodham Henry George, The Croft, Cromwell road Woodhams George, 29 Freelands rd Woodhams J. L., 3 Homesdale road Woodhouse Joseph, 25 Liddon road WOoodhouse Miss, Point house, 67 Oakley road, Bromley common Woodman Johnson Musgrave, Ambleside, 3 Wanstead road Woods George Arthur,~L D., F.R.S.E., 1 Hammelton road Woodward Arthur, 27 Tweedy road Woodward Aug. ]6 Hammelton rd Woodward Mrs. J. E., Berily house, 1 Southlands grove, Bickley Woodward WIll., Cosbie,36 Masons hl Worth George, 50 Freelands road 'Wragg Robert Thomas, Carisbrooke, Park avenue Wright Albert Henry, 19 Queen's Mead road Wright Alfred, Dunsford, 121 Widmore road Wright Alfred, Uosebank, 114 London road Wright Alfred Hy., 21 Sandford rd Wdght Frank, 32 West street Wright George Cornelius William, M.D, M.ll.C.S., L.R.C.p.Lond. 15 Westmoreland road W right Mrs., 29 Bromley college G Wright Robert Jas., 20 Ure~c8nt rd Wright Samuel, 7 Warner road Wright Sydney F., 91 Hayes road Wrignt Walter, 25 AldpI'maI'Y road Wrigllt William Edward, Cambridge villa, 21; West street Wlinsche Max: Otto, Oakdene, Cumberland road Wyatt William Walt., 7 Johnson rd Wyborn Harry, 6~ Park road Wyborn Jn. Middleton,34: Farnaby rd Wyborn Mrs., 66 Park road Wybrants U. W. H., Stillington, 39 Westmoreland road Wycherley .nfl'S., 33 Homesdale road Wylde Cecil Richard, 32 Rodway rd Wyles HOl ..t~e, 15 HayWood road Wylie RJbert J. 25 Rodway road Wynn Mrs., Lea Bank, Beaconsfield road, Bickley Wythe Alfred G., 28 Saxon road X Ximenes l~liodoros, 32 Aldermary road y Yarrow Mrs. The Spinney, Woodlands road, Bickley Yeates Alfd., Ashmead, 60 Walpole rd Yeates William, 83 Bromley common Yeldham Mrs., 53 West street Yelverton Mrs., 8 Lownd's avenue Yolland .Tohn Horatio, M.R.C.8., L.S.A., Fig Bromley common York W. F., 42 Lallsdow'ne road Young Adam, 43 Glebe road Young Clifford, Wood End, Logs hill Young Herbert Hale, 28 .Minster rd Young James, Columcille, 2 Blyth rd Young Joseph Orr, Ardmore, 64 Lansdowne road Young Mrs., 30 Bromley college Young M:r"., Dinedor, Blenheim road, Bickley Young William, g Plaistow grove Young William Arthur, Crowland, Sha wfield park Youngm Jn Miss Beatrice l E.,A,G.S.M., York house, 6 High street z Zimmerman August, Colonia, 84 Westmoreland road Zimmermann Sirlney, 3 Highland rd Zwicker Carl, The Homestead, King's avenue


BECKENHAM is within 10 miles of London, 2 from Bromley, and 4i from Croydon. Of late years many improvements have Bbeen carried out in the parish, which have tended to materially increase the health and comfort of the inhabitants. The system of drainage is almost unrivalled, the streets are on the ---whole well paved and well lighted. The health oithe distriiit, accqrding to the reports of the Medical Offcer of Health, is excellent, the average death rate' for the past ten years being only 8'9 per thousand. The parish has been largely built upon in recent tiines, and has therefore considerably developed in importance and population. There are two sections here of the South Eastern and Chatham Railway. In January, 1878, a Local Board was formed, which was succeeded in 1894 by the Urban District Council. The parish returns two representatives to the County Council. The town is in the western division of the county, hundred of Bromley and Beckenham, lathe of Sutton-at-Hone, Parlianientary Division of Sevenoaks, rural deanery of Beckenham and diocese of Rochester. The name, compounded of two Saxon words, Bec, a brook, and Ham, a dwelling, is derived from a small stream that passes through the village and falls into the Ravensbourne. The Manor House, opposite the Church; now the offices of the Urban District Council,was once the retreat of Anne Boleyn. The historic portion has been pulled down, and a.large and handsome Public Hall built on the site. The parish is divided into seven Ecclesiastical districts, viz., St. George's (Parish Church) ; St. Paul's, New Beckenharn; Christ Church, Village; Holy Trinity, Alexandra district; St. Michaeland All Angels, on the Birkbeck Estate; St. Barnabas', Oak Hill, and St. Mary's, Shortlands. There are also three Churches, St. James's Church, EImersEnd, and AllSaints', closeto ClockHouse Railway Station, in connection with the Parish Church, and served by the Parish Church Clergy, for which it is hoped eventually to provide separate Ecclesiastical districts, and S. Augustine's Church in the Church Fields Road. The Parish Church was built about the beginning of the 15th Century, on the site of a .much more ancient church, but in turn it has recently been removed and a large handsome building, holding 1,150, and enriched with costly stained glass, has taken its place; the Eastern portion was consecrated by the Archbishop of Canterbury on May 8th, 1886. The new Church was formally re-opened on the 23rd of April, 1887, and the completed tower with clock and bells dedicated by the Arch· bishop on November 14th, 1903. The Rev. Henry Arnott, F.R.C.S., Hon. Canon of Rochester, Surrogate, and Rural Dean of Beckenham, has been rector since 1885; the living is in the gift of John Cator, Esq. The Church of St. Paul is a handsome spacious structure, with a fine spire, near the New Beckenham Station; the living, also in the gift of John Cator, Esq., is held by the Rev. the Hon. MauriceBerkeley Peel, B.A. Christ Church Rev. Harrington C. Lees, M.A., vicar-is in the centre of the town (the living is in the hands of trustees) ; Church of the Holy Trinity is in Lennard road, Rev. WalterJ. Latham, vicar. S. Barnabas is a partially built Church of lofty elevation, situated in Oak Hill Road, between Shortlands and Beckenham; Patrons, Keble College,Oxford, and held by Rev. Marmaduke Warner, M.A.: all the sittings are free. In 1878 the Congregationalists opened, for Divine Worship, in the Oak Hill Road, Bromley Road, a School.Church, and on the 13th of July, 1887, the foundation stone of a new and spacious building was laid by Mr. Gage Spicer. The Church will accommodate about 600 persons. The principal front faces Crescent Road, and the sacred edifice is divided into nave, aisles and transepts by an arcade of arches, carried by granite pillars. The 'style adopted is Early English Gothic, and the Church and present school are grouped so as to form a whole. The tower with spire is about 114 feet in height. The cost of the Church, & c., was about £14,000. A new organ, costing £1,700, was placed in the Church, November, 1906. The Rev. John George Stevenson, B.A., 76 The Avenue, is the minister. A graceful and commodious Wesleyan Church now stands in the Bromley Road, the foundation st~nes of which were laid on March 16th, 1887. A schoolroom with vestries adjoins the Church. The Church is built in the Perpendicular style ofarchitecture, with a tower and spire at the sides, and was formally opened for Divine Service in September, 1888. The minister is the Rev. David George Macrae. Near the Parish Church on the Bromley Road are three almshouses, erected by Anthony Rawlins in 1694. In 1837 the late Marchionessof Exeter bequeathed £1,100, the interest to be used for the purchase of coals for the poor. The Charity Commissioners revised all the charities, and the gifts of coal and bread are done away with. There is an efficient Fire Brigade, the chief Station being situated in the Bromley Road, next the Public Hall, and consists of a motor tricar, first aid motor steamer, and hose cart. There are two other stations, viz.: Shortlands and Alexandra. All have the latest improved curricule fire escapes, and are connected with the chief station by telephone. In addition there are fire alarms in various parts of the district, and all are in telephone communication. An Education Committee was appointed July, 1903. The Technical Institute, founded in 1901and situated in the Beckenham Road, is a Municipal Day School with about 190 boys. Beckenham School of Arts and Crafts, situated in the Beckenham Road, adjoining the Technical Institute, was transferred to its present premises in 1908, affording increased accommodntion; its object is to provide a thorough practical training for students desiring such. The" Spenlove School of Modern Art, "The Yellow Door Studios," is situated in Beckenham, near the Railway Station. This school of Painting ig under favour of Her Majesty Queen Alexandra, and is a most modern and excellent institution for the training of Art in all its branches on Continental principles. A special section of this school is devoted to the teaching of modern landscape painting. The director is Mr. Frank Spenlove-Spenlove, R.I., R.B.A., R.C.A., F.R.G.S. (by Royal Charter), Member of the Royal Institute of Painters in Water Color, Member of the Council of the Royal Society of British Artists, Gold Medallist, Paris Salon and Luxembourg Honors, 1901, 1905 and 1906, and International Honors. The London County and Westminster, London and Provincial and London City and Midland Banks have branches here. The Cottage Hospital is situated in the Croydon Road; it was opened in March, 1872,and had then accommodation for 12 patients. In 1888a fund was started to purohase the freehold of the hospital, in recognition of Queen Victoria's Jubilee, and the accommodation increased to 32 beds. In 1899and 1902the hospital was further enlarged. The Electric Light and Dust Destructor Works here, which were opened in Novem}Jer,1900, comprise an engine house, boiler house, battery house, destructor, pump house, and coal bunkers having accommodation for two hundred tons of coal, rooms for engineers and electricians, with clerks offices, mess and store rooms, all being after the most approved and up-to-date style and faced with white bricks and red moulded brick dressings. The total cost of the buildings and the roads and fencing amounts to £12,000. All the roads have been contructed by the Council's workmen. There are four excellent recreation grounds, in which bands play during the summer months. There are also swimming and other baths of the most Up·to-date type. There are five golf links close at hand. The population at the census 1911was 31,693. The area is 3,890acres and the rateable value £279,650 5s. Head Post, Money Order, Saving-s Bank, and Telegraph Office, Albemarle Road-EdwarrdJohn Butler, Postmaster; H. A. Emmans, chief clerk. HEAD OFFICE. Deliveries at 7.0 a.m., 10.15, 12.40, 3.30(except Wed.) anJ 7.30 p.m. SundaYR7.25 a.m. Despatches at 6.30,9.15 and 10.45 a.m., 1.25, 3.10, 5.0, 7.45", Kent 9.40 and 10.45 p.m .. Hayes, West Wickham, and Keston 4.15 and 7:0 a.m. !Lnd3.45 p.m;---Broinley Cross Post,: 6.30 aud 1U,0 a.m., 3.10,-6.45 and 11 p.m. Anerley Cross PQsts 11.0 a.m., 3.10 and 8.0 p.m. Sydenham, Forest Bill, and Peckham Cross Post 11.0 a.m. Croydon 1.25 and 6.45 p.m. Parcels Fast-Deliveries: 8.H; a.m. and 12.40, lUO lind 7.50 p.m. Despatches: London 10.45 a.m., 3.10 and 8.0 p.m. Country 10.50 a.m., 3.0, 5.0, and 9.0 p.m. Hayes, West Wickham and Keston 4.15 a.m. and 3.45 p.m. Bromley 6.30 a.m. and 2.55 and 7.30 p.m. ...London District, and Country. Latest times for Posting Letters, & c. 7.4;' p.m. DespatclJes on Sundays, Croydon 4.30 a.m., Hayes, West Wickham & Keston 4.40 a.m" Kent 9.5 amI 10.15 p.m. to all parts. COLLECTIONS. At'cnue Road, T.IS.O., 5.30, 8.35, 10.5, 11.50 a.m., 12.25, 2.10, 4.10, 6.25,7.50,8.50, and 9..50p.m. Sundays 8.20 p.m. . Albemarle Road, 5.55, 8.35 und 10.35 a.m., 12.50, 2.35, 4.35, 6.50, 9.10, and 10.15 p.m. Sundays 9.15 p.m. Albemarle Road' (Lower) (P.) 6.0, 8.30, and 10.30 a.m., 12.45, 2.30, 4.30, 6.45, 9.0, ani! 10.15 p.m. Sundays 10.15 p.m. Aldersmead Road. 5.10, 8.25,10.20, and 10.35 a.m., 12.35, 2.20, 4.20, 6.35, 8.30, and 9.40 p.m. Sundays 8.0 p.m. . Arrol Road (L.) 5.15, 8.0. 9.45, and 11.15 a.m., 12.15, 2.0, '1.0,6.15, 7.45,8.45, and 9.45 p.m. SUndaJs 8.0 p.m. Avenue (Hillside)-G.O, 8.45, 10.30, and 10.45 a.111.,12.50, 2.35, 4.35,6.50,9.5, and 9.50 p.m. Sundays 9.5 p.m. Avenue (Lower) 6.0, 8.15, and 10.30 a.m., 12.-15,2.30,4.30,6.45, 9.0, and 9.45 p.m. Sundays 9.0 p.m. Belmont Road, 5.10, 8.40, D.40,an1 11.25 a.m., 12.10. 1..j5, 3..55, 6.10, 8.25, and 9.30p.m. Sundays 8.0 p.m. Blakeney Avenue, 5.0,8 ..50,10.30, and 11.0 a.m., 12.45,2.30, 4.30, 6.45,8.20 and 9.30 p.m. Sundays 7.55 p.m. Blakeney Road. 6.5, 9.0 and 10.30 a.m., 12.30, 12.55, 2.40, 4.40, 6.55,9.20, and 10.5 p.m. Sundays 8.M p.m. . Bland/M'd Road, 5.40, 8.0, 9.50, and ]0.45 a.m., 12.10, 1.55, 4.0, 6.10, and 9.45 p.m. Sumlays 8.30 p,m. Brackley Road, 5.10, 8.20, and 10.0 a.m., 12.0, 12.15,2.0,4.0, 6.15,8.25, and 10.0 p.m. Sundays 8.4.)p.m. Bromley Road(P) T.S.O., 5.50, 8.25,10.15, and 11.25 a.m., 12.40,2.25,4.2.5,6.40,7.45,9.5. and 10.0 p.m. Sundays 8.50 p.m. Bromley Road (W.B.) 5.35, 8.30, 10.15, and 11.35 a.m., 12.35, 2.20. 4.20, 6.35,8.50, and 10.0 p.m. Sundays 8.55 p.m. Bromley Road tP.) 5.45,8.5, and 10.25 a.m., 12,40, 2.30, 4.30, 6,35,8.55, and 10,0 p.m. Sundays 8.4fl p.m. Cedars Road, 5.40, 8.45, 10.20, and 11.30 a.m., 12.40, 2.25, 4.25, 6.40, 8.55, and 9.35 p,m. Sund"lYss.35 p.m. Capers Cope Road. 6.10, 9.5, and 10.30a.m., 12.5, 1.0,2.45,4.45, 7.0, 9.1b,and 10.10 p.m. Sundays 8.50 p.m. Clock House, 5.;;0,8.;:;0and 10.20 a.m .. 12.20, 12.40, 2.25, 4.25, 6.40, 9.5, and 10.5 p.m. Sundays 8.40 p.m. Court Downs Road,' 5.30, 8.15, 10.15, and 11.30 a.m., 12.30, 2.15, 4.15, 6.30, 8.45, and 9.55 p.m. Sundays 8.15 p.m. . Cromuell Road (P.) 5.15, 8.35, 9.40, and 10.'10a.m .. 12.10, 1.55, 8.55, 6.10, 8.25, and 9.30 p,m. Sundays 10.15 p.m. Croydon Road, T.S.O., 5.35,:8.40, 10.15, and 11.25 a.m., 12.35, 2.20, 4.20, 6.35,7.36, 8.50, and 9.50 p.m. Sundays 8.35 p.m. . Croydon Road, 5.35,8.40,10.10, and 11.25 a.I11.,12.35, 2.20, 4.20, 6.35, 8.50, and 9.50 p.m. Sundays, 8.25 p.m. EImers End (P.), T.8.0., 5.30, 8.30,10.0, andl1.25 a.m., 12.25, 2.10,4 ..10,6.25,8.45, and 9.40 p.m. Sundays 8.15 p.m Faireroft, Copers Cope Road, 5.35, 8.30, 10.0, and 10.30 a.m., 12.15, 2.0, 4.0, 6.15, 8.45, and 10.0 p.m. (Saturdays 9.15 p.m.). Sundays 8.0 p.m. Foxgrove(Kinlock)-5.45, 8.55, 10.30, and 11.0 a.m., 12.45, 2.30,4.30,6'.45,9.0, and 9.45 p.m. Sundays \1.0 p.m. . Foxgrove Road, 5.40, 9.0, 10.25, and 11.25 a.m., 12.40, 2.25, 4.25, 6.40,8.55 and 9.40 p.m. Sundays 8.55 p.m. Hayne Road, 6.0, 8.55 and 10.30 a.m., 12.25,12.50, 2.35,4.35,6.50,9.15 .and 10.0 p.m. . . Sundays 8.50 p.m. . High Street, Beckenham, T.S.O., 5,45, 8.50, 10.25, and 11.35 a.m., 12.45, 2.30, 1.30, 6.45,7.45, 9.0, and 10.0 p.m. Sundays 8.40 p.m. High Street Wall Box-5.50, 8.50, 10.30, and 11.40 a.m., 12.45, 2.30, 4.30, 6.45, 9.5, and 10.0 p.m. Sundays 8.45 p.m. Remerton Road-5.25, 8.15, 10.15, lind 11.35 a.m., 12.30,2.15, 4.15, 6.30, 8.40,and 9.55 p.m. Sundays 8.20 p.m. Kendall Road, 5.45, 8.50, 10.20, and 11.5 a.111.,12.40, 2.25, 4.25, 6.40, 9.0, and 10.0 p.m. Sundays 8.35 p.m. Kent House, T.S.O., 5.40,8.45, and 10.10 a.m., 12.15,12.30, 2.15,4.15,6.30,7.45,8.55, and . 10.0 p.m. Sundays 8.25 p.m. Kent House Railway Station, 5.20. 8.45,10.5, [Ind 11.25 a.m., 12.20, 2.5,4.5, 6.20, 8.40, and 9.45 p.m. Sundays 8.10 p.m. Kent House Road, T.S.O., 5.15, 8.25, 10.10, and 10.55 a.m., 12.25, 2.10,4.10,6.25,8.0,8.35, and 9.4.~p.m. Sundays 8.5 p.m. . . King's Hall Rc,ad, 5.0, 8.15, and 10.20 a.m., 12.30, 2.15, 4.15, 6.30, 8.15, and 9.30 p.m. Sundays 8.0 p.m. Lennard Road, 5.20, 8.40, 10.15& 10.45 a.m., 12.30, 2.15, 4.15, 6.30, 8.35, and 9.55 p.m. (Saturdays 9.30 p.m.). Sundays 8.15 p.m. Lower Copers Cope Road, 5.15, 8.40, 10.0, and 11.0 a.m., 12.30, 2.15, 4.15, 6.30, 8.30, and 10.0 p.m. (Saturdays 9.30 p.m.). Sundays 8.20 p.m. Mallol' Road, n.n5, 8.55,10.30, and 11.45 l1.m., 1V'i0, 2.35,4.35, 6.50,9.10, and 10.5 p,m .. Sundays 8.50 p.m. . Manor Way (L.) 5.30, 8.0, und 11.0 a.m., 12.45, 2.30,4.30,6.'15, and 10.0 p.m. Sundays: 8.30 p.m. Oakhill Road, 5.45, 8.25, 10.25, and 11.20 a.m. ; 12.40,2.25,4.25,6.40,9.0 and 10.0 p.m. Sundays 8.45 p.m. Oakuood Avenue, 5.40, 8.10,10.20, and 11.10 a.m., 12.35, 2.20, 4.20,6.30, 8.55, and 9.45· p.m. 3undays 8.40 p.m. Parklangley. T.S.O., 5.10, 8.20, 10.5 and 11.20 a.m., 12.25, 2.5,4.5,7.0,8.30 & 9.45 p.m. Sundays 8.30 p.m Park Road, .5.25, 8.40, 10.15, and 10.45 a.m .. 12.30,2.15, 4.15, G.30,8.40, and 10.5 p.m~ (Saturdays 9.3) p.m;). Sundays 8.25 pm. Penryn, 5.20, 8.20, 10.10, and 11.20 a.m., 12.2.';,2.10,4.10,.6.25,8.35, I1nd9.50 p.m. Sundays 8.35 p.lli. Queen's Road-5.55, 8.20, 10.20, and 10.50 a.m., 12.40, 2.25, 4.25, G,40,8.25, and 10.10 p.m. Sundays 8.0 p.m. Rosslyn (Park Road)-5.30, 8.30, 10.5, aud 10.40 a.m., 12.20, 2,(i, 4.5, 6.20, 8.45, and 9.50' p.m. (Saturdays 9.20 p.m.). Sundays 8.30 p.m. Ravencroft Road-5.25, 8.35, 10.0, and 11.30a.m., 12.20, 2.5, ·1.5, 6.20, 8.45, and 9.50 p.m. Sundays 8.1fp.m. St. James' Avenue-5.20, 8.30, 9.45, 10.45 a.m. 12.15, 2.0, 4.0, 6.15. 8.30, 9.45 p.m. Sundays 8.5 p.m. S'outh Ed.en Park, 5.15,9.0,10.5,10.50 a.m., 12.20, 2.5, 4.5, 6.20, 8.30, and 9.10 p.m. Sun. dll.YI'I 8.30 p.m, Southend Road-5,5, 8.15, 9.55,11.50 a.m., 12.10, 1.55, 3.5li, 6.10, 8.20, and 10.0 p.m. (Sat· urdays 9.10 p.m.). l:3undays 8.40 p.m. Station Approach (P.) 6.10, 9.5, and 10.30 a.m., 12.30, 1.0, 2.4.3,4.45, ·7.0, 9.25, and 10.10 p.m. Sundays 9.0 p.m. The Knoll. 6.0. H.O, 10.30 and 11.50 a.moo 12.55, 2.40, 4.40, 6.55, V;15, and 10.10 p.m. Sundays 9.0 p.m. tJppm·1i}llflers End-S.10 anel1!.1.5 am., 2'!i, 4.0 and 8.0 p.m. No Suunay Collection. We...tgflte Road, 6.5, 8.50, 10.30, and 11.0 a.m., 12.55,2.40, 4.40, 6.55, 9.10, and 9.55 p.m. Sunday" 9.10 p.m. . Wickham Way, ;'.0, 8.15, 9.45,10.30, and 12 noon, 1.45,3.45,6.15,8.15, and 9.30 p.m. Sundays 8.15 p.m. Letters should be addressed" Beckenham, Kent," not "Beckenham, S.E." Letter8 for Hayes and West Wickhalu should bi' addresserl "Hayes, Kent," "W. Wickham, Kent;·, amI for Ke-iton, "Hayes, Kent," PLACES OF WORSHIP. St. Georgee's Church.-Rev. fly. Arnott, F.R.C.S., rector, hon. canon of Rochester. surrogate and rural dpan. The Rectory, 32, High Street, Beckenham; Rev. Alfred Johu ~rc;\Iichael lJutton. M.A.., Rev. Percy Harry Lea, B.A., Rev. Caleb Jackson Rlts"n and Rev. Stnart Knox Awlersoli, M.A. curates. Churchwardens :-Cardross Grant and ~~rnestH. Slra'pe. Organist and Direct, 'r of the Choir. George Jllmes Hall. Verger. John Dennis, 3, Church Hoarl. Selvices: Sunday, Holy Communion, 1, 8, a.,a (chlml) 1l.40 a.Ill.; Matins, 10.30a.m.; Litany exC3[lt1sGSU:lllay) 7.45 a.m.; Children's Sprvice, 3 aud ~.~O p.m,; Ilapt1sllls, 4.'20 p.m.; Ev~nsonl!, 6.30 p.m. ; Holy D ,ys, Holy (',}ll'm nioll. 6.~5, 7.:(j antI (cboral). 10.;10 a.m.; ~latills, 10 a.m. and Evensong, 5.30 l,.m.; Week Days, Hoy Communion, 1.30 a.m.; :\r"tins, 8.10 a.m.; Ev('n'ong, i\.30 p.m.; Wedne~day, 1st elebmtion Holy Communion, 6.45 a.m. ; Litany, 12 noon; Thursday, 2nd celebration Holy Communion, 10.30 a.m.; Friday, Litany, 12 lloon. All Saints' T"mpOl'(lr.~ Cll'tl'clt, Beckenham noad, Clock House (in connection' with St. George'a Parish Church).-Hev. Caleb Jackson Hitson, curate in ch~rge, All Saints' Parsoua·.e, l;1, Beckenham road, Beckenham; Ven~l'r, Henry :Frank Butcher, 41, Chaffinch road. Services: Sundays, Holy Eucharist, 1.30 a.IH. and (choral) 9 a.m. ; Senior Catechism. 3 p.m.; Holy B>tpt;sn,. 4 p.m.; Evens,>ng an I Sermon 7 p.m.; HoI." Days, first Evensou:? rmd 83rmou, 8 p.m.; Holy Eucharist, 1 or 7.30 a.m.; s~cond Even,oug, ·).30 or 8 p.m. ; ~WeekDays, Holy Eucharist, 'fuesda." & Thurs- day, 7 a.m., WetlaesJ,y an,1 b'rid,ty, 1.30 ; Evensong, 5.30 p.m. (except Wednesd:ty, when sung at 8 p.m.); Sermon or Instruction 1.'Imrsday, 8.30 p.m. St. James',l Church. - Rev. Percy Harris Lea, B.A., St. James' Parsonage, 44 Croydon road, EImers Enu, priest-in·charge. Services: Sundays, Holy Eucharist, 8 (except 1st Sund>ty in the month 7 a.1ll ); al"o 10.15 ~choral); M([rin3 and Litany, 11.15 a.m. ; Clllldrl'n's Service, 3.45 p.m.: Evemon;s, 7 p.m.; \\"e('k Day~, Holy Eucharist (except Fri 'ays). 1.30 a.m.; Fridays, 9.30 a.m.; Evensong, Tuesdays, Wednesday~, Thursdays an,l Saturdays, ;).30 p.m.; Frida~s, 7.30 pm. Christ Ch'l/Th. -Rev. Harrington Clare Lees. ~l.A., vicar, Court Downs Road. Beckenham; Rev. William Edward Daniels aIlll Rev. William Heward Murray Walton, B.A., curates; and E. A. Coombs. organist. Churchwardens, Messrs. E. C. Cox and H. Beer. Verger, T. BOWInfl.ll,Christ Church Cottage. Services: Sunrlay. 8 & 11a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; Holy Communion 8 a.m. every SunJay. first and third Sunday 12 noon, fourth :-'untlay ('veniu>!. Friday fm(l Saints' Days, 12 noon. St. Paul's Church. New B,"ckenllttlU !tey the Hon. Maurice Bl'rkeley Peel, B.A., vicar, Eye\\'orth 11lluEe,Ii fark Road; Seymour COll\\'ay and W. H. Haworth, church· w~rdens. Organist. Harland Wh, eler. services: Sl1lluay 8 and II a.m.; 3.15 (Chiltirel>'s Selvic,) awl o.~, p.m.; \ eek Days, 10 a.m.; .Fri ay. Litany, 1l.30 a.m. [loly Trinity Church, L~nuard n. ad.-Rev. Walter .J. Latham. vicar. The \ icarage, 64 Lenlllll.i Howl. Penge; Hev. Hellry George Bles."'ley,curate; Mr. A. 1. Lanman, organi8t; P, W. Greetham and H. (Juyon, churchwardens. Services: Sun"ay, 8 alld 11 a.m awl 3 flul! J p.m.: 'fhnr~rlays, K p.llI. ; Lib.ny, Fri!lav, 12 noon; HI!ly Cf)..,Jnunion. e,'ery SUllllay at 8 a.m. ; on h,t and 3rtl :'1uIIIIa) s in each month after ::lIornin!! Sel'vie'; 4t.1 SUtll"yin t;}lch mouth after Eveuing Service and on Holy D,,)'s .It 12 lIlion. St. BfIrnubfl.'. )akhill.-Rev. I1hrma·luh Warner, ~LA., vicor, St. Bi1rnaba~ Vicarage, Oak Hill 1I0ad. Beckenh'LlIl; .~. W. IlurchelJ antI A. W. Ore.', cburcl.wardens. Services: Suntlay, Eucharist, 8 a.m. & 11a.m. (choral); 3rd ;Sunday in muuth, 7 a.m.; Matins, 10.30 a.m.: Evensong, 6.30 p.m. ; Daily, Eucharist, 7.30 & 8 a.m. alternately; Evensong, 5.30 p.m St. Michclel and All Angels, Ravenscroft {l,oa'l.-Rev. Alexander Nenon Armstrong, B A. vicar, St. Michael's Parsonage, 7 Barnmead road, Beckenham: Rev. Walter Harvey, B.A., assistant curate; Rev. Ralph Shakespeare E\es, B.A., LL.B., honorary curate. Services: Suuday 8 (7 on 1st & 3rd Sunday), 10.30& 11.40 a.m., 3.30 & 7 p.m.; d:lil.l', 7.15a.m. & ;3.30p m. ; wrd. 8 p.m. & Holy Days, 7 a.m. St. Mnry' .. C/w'ch, Short'l\nds.-~ee undEr SIIORl'LANDS. St.Augustine's Church. Church Fields Road. Congregational Church, Crescent Road. Beckenham.-Rev. John George Stevenson, B.A., 76 The Avenue, minister; William Banfield, 53 Queen's Road, sec. Services: Sunday, 11 am. ancl7 p.m. ; Thursday. 8 p.m. Congregational Church and Sunday School, EImers End.-Rev. J. WarnlE', Shirley View, 23, Langley road, pastor. Services: Sunday, 11a.m. & 6.30 p.m. : Thursday, 8.0 p.m. Baptist Church, Elm Road, Beckenham Road.-Rev. Robert Stewart Fleming, M.A., 7 MflDor road, mini"ter. Services: Snnday, 11 a.m. & 7 p.m. ; Wednesday and Thursday, 1l p.m. Wesleyan Church, Bromley Road.-Rev. David George Macrae, minister, The Manse. 8 Overbury Avenue. Services: Sunday. 11 a.m. and 6.W p.m. ; Wedn€s· day, 8 pm (Monday, winter months); Wp~leyGuild. 8.15 p,m. Wesleyan Church (branch). ('lock Hous'! Hall. ('lock House Road.-Rev. David George Macrae. minister, The Manse, 8 Overbury Av~nne. Services: Sunday, 11 a.m. And 6.30 p fll. ; Thursclay, 7.3~lp.m. Alexandra Mission Hall, Pari~h Lane.-A lfred Stevenson, C'aretaker. All Saints' Junior 1::5IwdIlY S~hool (for children under 9) is held in the Parish Room on Sun· days, 12 to I and 3 to 4 p.m. All Saints' Mission House, '.18 Kendall Road.-Sister Mary St. Michael, sister in charge . Arthur Road Mission Hall, Church Fielns Road.-H. Wordley, missionary. Baptist Mission Hall, Avenue Road. - Rev. Robert Packenham Williams, minister in charge, 99 Mackenzie Road. Christ Church Institute lor Youug Men and Sunday School. 53 High Street. Christ Church Mission Room, Croydon Road.-T. A. Turk, 6 Wickham Road, lay reader. Holy Trinity Sunday Schools, Church House, Lennard Road. St. Barnabas Parish Room, Bromley Road. St. George's Church House, High Street. Roman Catholic Church of the Transfiguration & S. Bonedict, Overbury A~enue.-Re\". Gerald Fitzgihbon, The Presbytery, 11 Overbury Avenue, Priest. Services, Sunday, :Masss.30 and 11a.m. (sung); Catechism for Children at ~.15; Evening Service, 6.30; Week Days. Thursday, Evening Service at 8; Children of Mary meeting every fourth Thursday; Mass every day at 8 a.m. Lea Wilson Mission Hall. High Street. St. James' Parish Room, st. James' Avenue. Holy Trinity .Mi.~sionHou ..e, 'MossLea road, Penge. Beckenham Mission Hall, 19 Bromley Road. Younq Women's Christian Association, 2, Wickham Road,-Miss Deakin. hon. sec.


Ocean Accident and Guarantee Corporat'ion Assurance Co.-Frederick Hopper, station master, Beckenham Junction. Phcenix Fire Assurance CO.-Levens W. & Son, 1 Station buildings, Southend road. Pro~idtnt Association 01 London Limittd-Albt. Edwd. Phillips, District Supt., Brooklyn, 47 Newlauds Park, Sydenham. Railway Pnssenqers' Accident Assurance Co.-Frederick Hopper, station master, Deckenhltm Junction. Royal Insurance-T. W. Thorntou, Public Hall. Sun Fire - C, W Gribble, Londou & Provincial Bank, 16& 18. High street. Union Fire Assurance Co.-W. & J. Dennis, Elm villa, Durnhill road. Beckenham School of Arts &: Crafts, Beckenham Road. -A. Schofield, A.R.C.A.Lond. head master. See page 367. . Beckenham Technical Institute and County School for Boys, Beckcnham Road. - Charles T. F. Watts, B.Sc.t.ond., head master. See page 366. Brooklyn Institute, 2l:;ydenham Road -Miss A~nes Gallian, matron. Alexandra Conservative and Unionist A.!sociation-C.J. Grigg, hon. sec.SLennard Rd. Penge. Beckenham ConSel'~atil'e Club, Hi~h Street-Mark Dennis, hon. sec. ; William Yates Upson. steward Beckenham Liberal Club, 2 Fairfield Road-W. E. Rudderham, secretary. Cedm's Lawn Tennis Club, Croydon Road-W. W. Bell, sec. Co-operative Hall, Parish Lane, Penge. Albemarle Lawn Tennis &; Croquet Club, Bromley Road-F. 'Y. Aste, hon. sec. Aptus Athletic Club Ground-Entra.nce, Bracklp.y Road. . [bis Cricket Club Grnu:nd,Woodbastwick Road, Sydenbam-C. F. Warren, han. sec. Beckenham Cricket Club Ground, Fox Grove Road. Beckenham Hockey Club-Entrance, Brackley Road. Cadta1 &; Counties Bank Athletic Club, Capers Cope Road. Christ Church Institute Cricket Club, Brackley road Cyphers Cricket Club Ground, King's Hall road-Frederick G. Billett, han. sec. Dalgety's Cricket Club, Capers Cope Road. Recreation Ground, Church Fielns Road. Recreation Ground, Croydon Road-James George Thomas Baxter, caretaker. Recreation Ground, Lennard road, Penge. Alexandra Recreation Ground, Westbourne Road. Consolidated Gold Fields of South Afl'ica Athletic Club Limiterl, Capers Cope Road . .Yestanglo Sports Club - H. E. Swift, 6 & 8 Eastcheap J;; C, hon. sec.; ground, Eden Park, Croydon Road. Park langley Golf Club - F. Holroyd, sec. Parklangley. Park langley Sports Club (Ground), Wickbam Way, Parklangley.-G. E. Firmin, han. sec. Rising Sun Cricket Club, Upper EImers End Road. St. Michael's Social Club, 116 Birkbeck Road. Three Banks Athletic Club Groadd, Capers Cope Road-G. A. Cassel', han. sec. The Club, Bromley Road.-Walter Gregory, han. sec. West Beckenham Conservative Club, 185 Beckenham Road-John Cording, sec. Kent House Amateur Florltl Society, St. Cecelia, 81 Kln~'s Hall road, BeckenhamWilliam C. Pughe, han. sec. London City and Midland Bank Limited, 241 Beckenha1l1 Road (corner of Mackenzie Road)-Frank Fletcher, manager. London County and Westminster Bank l.imited, 2.\ High Street-William Isaac Hawkins, manager. London J: Provincial Bank Limited, 16 and 18, High Street-Chas. W. Gribble, manager. St. Michael's Penny Bank, held at 249 Bcckenham Road -Walter John Steed, treas. Beckenham Cottage Hospital: Under the management of a Committee. Patients are admitted on the nomination of a subscriber by letter and at the discretion of the Medical Officers, on payment of 3s. 6d. a wep.k. Visiting days for friends, Sundays and Thursdays, 3 to 4 p.m.-Han. Consulting Surgeons: T. C. English. F.R.C.S. ; C. H. Fagge, F.B.C.S. and H. M. Rigby, F.R.C.S. Han. Consulting :MedicalOfficers: J. Craig, M.D ; G. R. F. Stilwell, M.n., 14 Southend Road, Beckenham and n. M. H. Randell. M.D., 10 Capers Cope Road, Beckenham. Han. Medical Officers: G. T. Giddings, M.D., 38 Wickham Road, Beckenham; H. Boulcott Bolus, M.B., 20 Capers Cope Road; Percy Hope Murray, M.B., 112 Bromley Road, Bec'kenbam and 1'. J. Curtis, M.R.CS.Eng., r,.R.C.p.Lond., 72 High Street, Bcckenbam. Han. Dental Surgeons: A. R. lJolyer, M-R.C.S., L.D.S. ; N. Denham, L.D.S. and A. H. Johnson, L.n.S. Ophthalmic Surgeon: H. W. Lyle, M.D., F.H.C.S. Mat,ron: Miss eastford. Hon. Secretary and Treasurer: Oardross Grant, esq. 75, Bromley Road. Collector: Mr. W. Lawrence, HaiIway Bridge, Beckenham. Beckenham Provident Dispensary-Reginald nfaurice Henry Randell, lII.D.Lond., Han. Treasurer, 10 Capers Cope Road, and Charles Terry, Collector, 113 High Street. Norwood Sanatorium-Francis Hare, M.D., medical supt. The Mansion, Beckenham Place Park, Southend Road. Penge and .Anerley Provident Dispensary-Walter Sutton, London & Provincial Bank Limited, 137 Anerley Road, Anerley, han. treasurer; Albion Junkison, 69 King's Hall Road, Beckenham, hall. sec. Bakenham Parochial Charities Almshouses, Bromley Road~W. H. Lendon, treasurer; Charles Purdue, 43 Monivea Road, clerk to the trustees. Railway Stations - Beckenham Junction, Frederick Hopper: New Beckenham, Henry Thomas Bingham; EImers End, Ernest :Moore; Shortlands, Robert Whitehead j Eden Park, James Davis; Kent House (.6eckenhatn), Henry Harris;· Clock, House, Traiton Matthew Reynolds; Ravensboume,' William Henry Hardy; Beckenham Hill, William Henry Hardy; Penge, Newland's Park, Harry John Porter. Public Telephone Call Offices; 23 Albemarle Road; BeckenIJamPublic Hall, Bromley Road; 15 Bromley Road; 170 Croydon Road; 15 Croyd.onRoad;' EImers End.; 79 & 81 & 88 EImers End Road; 9,42,49, 53 &13~ High Street';.67. Kent House Road: Kant House Station, King's Hall Road; 7 Lennard Road; 108 Mackenzie Road; 108 Merlow Road; 7 Victoria Buildings & 28 & 55 Beckenham Road, and S. E. and O. Railway, Shortlands Station (Booking Office); 5 Newlands Park, Sydenham and Railway Station, Station Road, Penge. Crystal Palace District Cemetery, EImers End Road-Ellis Cowell, sec. & supt. The Lodge. Fire Brigade - H. S. Gear, Supt, , Fire Station. Bromley Road; Fire' Alarms, Bromley Road, Capers Cope Roali, Foxgrove Road, Upper Avenue, Bromley Road, Scott's Lane, Wickham Road, Eden Road, EImers End Road. Birkbeck Rorvl, Beckenham Road, Kent Home Road, High Street and Westmorland Road. Metropolitan Water Board (Southern district)-)L E. Hollis, collector, Public Hall; Brom· ley Road, attend. mondays 2 to 5 p.m. ; Herbert Marshall, turncock, 6 Lea Road. Police Station, 27 High street.-Walter Powell, Resident Officer. Public Baths, Beckenham road.-Henry R. Austin, Supt. and Swimming Instructor. Public Hall Company, Limited, Bromley Roal,1.-Directors: W. H. Lendon (chairman), A. J, Baker. U. A. Elgood and W. Webb; Secretary and Manager, T. W. Thornton, 42, High Street, Beckenham. Howard's Stores Limited Assembly Rooms, 67 & 69 High Street. Royal West Kent Regt. (" The Qneen's Olrn") 5th B(Lt/alion (Territorial Force) (D 00.),- Capt. L. V. Neame; 2nd Lieut. A. F. Hooper; Scrg"'u..Major W. J. Osborne; Headquarters, Elm Cottage, 87 High Street. Ancient Order of Poresiel's (Beckenham District), Court St. George, No. 5L06; held at the George Inn, High street. Meeting night, second Monday in every month. Secretary, A. De Maid. (Est, 1867.) . Jouvenile Foresters held at 15 KelseyParkRd. Beckenham. Meeting night, 2nd Wed· nesday in month; secretary, A. De Maid. Surgeon-G. S. Giddings, Manor Road, National Deposit Friendly Society -Ernest E. Sutton, secretary for Beckenham district, 102 EImers End Roari, Beckenham.


,Offices, 2, Bromley Road.

Council meetings, every third Monday, Membtl·.~-Copers Cope Ward-Charles Blake, John Cooke Hewlett, Sidney Thirkell; Eden Park Ward-R. Murray Hyslop, J.P., Jmnes Crease, Francis Hooper;' Kent House Ward-Floyde W. Lewis, Francis Higby Oliver, Peter Sjol1ema; Langley Park Ward-George Sutton, J ,P., Thomas Charles Cole; Laurie Park Ward-Jame5 Smith Brunning, Herbert Gibbs, George Baughan Sear; Manor House Ward-.R, M. H. Randell, M.D., Leonard George Lane, William James Norris; Shortlands Wlm1- Alfred Herbert Dykes, Charles Edmund Baker. Clerk-Frederick Stevens, Urban District Council Offices. 7Teasurel'-William Isaac Hawkins, London County and Westminster Dank. Medical OUicer 01 Health &: School jfpdical Officer-John Mathewson Clements, 'M.D., D.P.H.Lond. 71 & 73 High street, Beckenham. , Engineer &: Surveyol~J ohn Alexander Angell, A.1>J. I.e.E., Urban District, Council Offices. Sanitary Inspector-Ernest Jackling, A.R.S,I. (chief.), 71 & 73 High street, Beckenham. Uollectol'-Herbert E. Manger, Urban District Council-Offices. Collector 01 King's Taxes-William Russell Pike, The Public Hall, Beckenham; office hours. Tuesdays, 9 to 1 & 2 to 4; Thursdays, 5,to 8. . . Registrm' and Hi"ths and Deaths lor Beckenham Sub·distlict &: Relieving &: Vaccination OUicer. Collecto" to Guardians &: Visitor under the," ChildTen Act 1908'," ,for the No. 2 District 01 the Bromley Union-Charles Ernest 'Manger, 1!l Beckenham Road, Beckenham. AtteIldance as follows ;-Beckenha.m District Council 'offices; Mon· days, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays 5:to T p,m.: Thursdays 10 a.m. to 12 noon; Saturdays 10 to 11 a.m. Wetlt Wickham at the Parish Room, Sussex Road, first and third Fridays in each month from 11 to 12 noon. Hayes at Mr. J. Dodd's, The Village, first; and third Fridays in each month from 12.30 to 1.30 p.m. Deputy Registmr oj Births and Deaths for Bfckenham Sub·DiMricl, Herbert Edward Beckenham U"ban District Council Electric Light Station and Dust Destructor Works, Church Fields Road & engineer's office & electricity show rooms, 45 High Street.- John Edward Tapper, 1lI.I.E.E., Engineer & Manager.


Members - The Rev. Canon Henry Arnott, Rev. R. S. Fleming, M.A., Rev. J. G. Stevenson, C. E. Blake, C. Blake, T. C. Cole, J. Crease. A. H. Dykes, H. Gibbs, R. Henderson, C.D., R. M. Hyslop. J.P. (chairman), L. G. Lane (vice-chairman), Miss Morgan, W. J. Norris, F. H. Oliver, Dr. R. M. H. Randell, G. Sutton, Miss Vian and Mrs. G. M. Rich. Olerk-F. Stevens, Council Offices, Bromley Road. Attendance Officers-James Clarke and T. H. Webb. Architect-John A. Angell, A.M.I.C.E.


Bromley Road Council School-B,.,ys: Benjamin A. Roberts. Girls: Miss Jenkins, head teacher. Infants: Miss Worrell . .Alexandra District School. Parish Lane-James Halll, )I.A., head teacher, Boys. Miss Paton. head teacher, Girl~. Miss Watling. head teacher, Infants. Council School, Church Fields Road -Boys- H. Dixon, head master. Girls.-Miss Collier, head mistress. Infants.-Miss Cooper, head mistress. St. James' Schools.-Croydon road, Elmer's End-E. A. Gooch, head master; fuR. Hayden, infants' mistress. Church of England JIom~ for Waves and Strays. - St. Hilda's, Croscent Road - Miss Oampbell, matron. Home of Compassion. 108 and 110 Bromley Road; Miss Purchase, in charge. William IV.'s Royal Naval Asylum for Widows and Daughters of O,fficers - St. John's Road. BECKENHAM TECHNICAL INSTITUTE. Beckenham Road, Beckenham. Principal of the Institute-Charles T. F. Watts, B.Sc.Lond. COUNTYS SCHOOL FOR BOYS (DAY). Head Master-Charles T. F. Watts, B.Sc.Lond. Assistants - H. Morris, B.Sc.Lond., R. J. Rogers,, R. W. Clark,, J. A. Buckley, M.A., G. M. K. Ellerton, Inter. !l.A., W. T. Williams, B.A., J. W.Roberts, B.A., L. M. Penn, M.A., S. H. Crease, Inter.B.Sc. and Miss M. Benson; special staff, A. Schofield, A.R.C.A. and W. Wetherell, .A.R.C.A.Lond. (art), J. Parker (physical exercises), H. R. Austin (swimming).


Building Construction - -H. C. Grubb (hon0rsman). Engineering - R. J. Rogers, B.Sc. (Engineering). French-J. A. Buckley, :M.A. German - G. M. K. Ellerton, Inter.B.A. Bookkeeping - W, J. Bailey (Chamber of Commerce) and .M.Moffatt. Shorthand-W. H. Carter and D. J. Penn. Typewriting - R. W. Hearn and Miss Daly. Carpentry - B. A. Roberts (City and Guilds). First Aid to the Injured - Dr. G. :n. F. Stilwell, 1lLB. Cookery-: mss A. H,jhs (medalllsi;). Dressmakingi - Miss H. Haris. English - W. T. Williams, B.A. and J. W. Roberts, B.A.


Beckenham Road, Beckenham. Head Master-Arthur Schofield, A.R.c.A.Lond. Painling. Drawing and F-gure Composition-P. H. Jowett, A.R.C.A.Lond. (PaintinlZ). Design and Crafts - W. Wetherell, A.R.C.A.Lond. - Sculpture, Architecture, Painting, Anatomy &;c.-A. Schofield, A.R.C.A.Lond. Illustration-H. Cole (Illustrator). Embroidtry-Mrs. Woolway and Miss Grape. Fashion Design and Drawing-'Uss Stewart (Delineator Studio). Overseers - Edward R. Palmer. Alfred Moss and Thomas Whiffin. As.vislant Overseer-Herbert Edward Manger, Urban District Council Offices. Medical Officer &; Public Vaccinator for Beckenham District, Bromley Union-George Thomas Giddings, M.D., :M.R.n.s., Hillworth. 38 Wickham road. Eeckenham. Vestry Cltrk-Frederick Stevens, Urban District Councilllffices. Guardians-Miss F. E. Stenning_ Miss Marian Vian, C. Blake, Rev. W. A. Carroll and O. Grant. Carriers to London --Bean's Express Limited. William Branson. Carter, Paten'on ann 00. Limited. London Parcels Delivery Company Limited. Pickfords Limited. Soan alld R(on.

Clerk of the Eduration Committee-Frederick Stevens, Urban Distdct Council Offices. Commissioners to Administer Oaths -Arthur Pearce, B. A., Bexley House, 20 Houthend Road; John Attenborough, 9, Rectory Road; John Arthur Attenborough, 9, Rectory Road; Charles A. Eigood, The Croft, Oakwood-Avenue; Cecil F.. J. JemJings, Brackley House, 10, Brackley Road; Fred Marriott, :'>Iaisonelte, 74, Beckenham Road; Charles James Smith. Shenley, 20, Albemarle Road; Harry Watkins, Melrose, 31 King's Hall Road; Thomas Whittington. Bonaker,52, Croydon Road; John W. Stocker, Hdenhurst. 66, Croydon Road; Arthur Chisolm 1!oore, Oaklandg, 15 The Avenue; Frank Cotton, 9 Moss Lea Road: David Palmer Andrews, Winster, 45 ~ewlands park, Sydenham; Clarence GaulleI' Syrett, 22 Westfield Road; Hermann Rudolf Schmettau, Elmwood, 18 Hayne Road; William John Collyer, 1 Oak Hill Road; Sir Harry George BECKENHAM STREET DIRECTORY~ Smallman, Elliott Lodge, 36 Albemarle Road.


Acacia Road.

From 108 Croydon road. Right Side. 1 Sinnock Fredk. 2 Harris George 3 Bowman Arthur 5 Burbridge Mrs., laundress 6 Monk John Philip 1 Allen John 8 Tripp Mrs. 9 'J;'ayIoi: Arthur 10 Drake Henr-y Thomas 11 Watts John 12 Glazebrook Alfred Ribbens Harold Frederick, Rosetta Left Side. 13 Ross Richard Drayton 14 Mould Albert 15 Carter Edwin Joseph 16 Jones Frederick 17 Dealing Harry Thomas 19 Powell Edward 20 Barker Mark 21 Cull Edwin 22 Spears ,John 'Thomas 23 Catt John James 24 Pannell Henry John 25 Groom Arthur 26 Ingram Frederick

Albemarle Road.

From Hiqh street to Bromley road. North Side. 1 Grieye James F. C. S. lA Edwards B. Limited, jewellers 3 & 5 Manger Geo. Holtum, draper, & c. 1 Connelly Henry, fishmonger 9 Fitch & Son, Ltd., provision mer's. 13 Parker Miss Ellen, milliner 15 Caston Misses P. and E., ladies' & children's outfitters 17A Louise Madame, court dress maker 17 PodgeI' & Sons, dyers and cleaners 19 Ainslie Brothers, butchers 19A Hillier Miss, registry office 21 Drummond Mrs., filncy repository 21 Brown Mrs., servants' registry off. 23 Post Office-Edward John Butler, postmaster 25 Elliman Jacob, builder & decorator 27 Parker James, masseur, medico gymnastic estlishment 29 Denham Norman, r...D.S.Eug., dental surgeon, Greystoke 31 Parkhouse Henry, Taormina 33 Furze Frederick 35 Croot Ernest W., Heathfield 37 Rills Thomas, Mavbank 39 Ewart James Archibald 41 Blackie Hector A., Aventine 43 Kerr Thomas F .. Claremont 45 & 47 Le Fevre' H. M. & Sons, nurserymen, Albemarle nursery 49 Wright Ed wd. Mounsteven,Lancarfe 51 Cackett Mrs., Waverley 53 Cox Edwin C. 55 Beavis Henry William, ottery Pillar Letter Box 57 Slee Herbert Hutton, Elm lodge 59 Mather Right Rev. Herbert. D.D. ...... here is Westgate road ....... 61 Adderley Mrs., The Firs 65 Spence Mrs., Chesterleigh 67 Re:indorp John Edmund 69 Pohlmann William, North Bank 71 Fisher Herbert, Woodstock 73 Beer Frederick, Ashlynn 75 Carr Reginald, Alcala 71 Dermer Thos. Masters,Wood lodge 79 Pickup James, Becchcroft 81 Raper Henry, Cheriton 83 Sims Thomas, c.B., M.I.C.E., Heatherdene R5 Heriot Eyre, Hollington 87 Cow PettJr Brusey, jun., Marvin 89 Reid Alan, Simla 91 Burchell Alfred W. 93 Thompson Samuel, Gwynne 97 Jones Frederick, Beulah 99 Bryan Lindsay E. E. 101 Bernard Charles B. 103 Sedgwick William Francis Mason 105 Aste F. W., Quinta ...... here is Downsbridqe road ...... Musgrove Frank Arthur, Culverley Paxton James,' Hill Crest . Gibbs Charles A., Meadow lodge Raper Sidney, Lapworth South Side. 2 Chase Gordon, photographer 2 , 4 & 6 Heath Edward, draper 8 Warren MIss Kate M., eonfectnr. ...... here is St. George's road ...... 12 Godwin Mrs., Roseleigh 14 Nevares Don Celso (consul-general for Ecuador), Broad Lea 16 Vevers Miss, Albemarle lodge 18 Taylor Charles, Melbeeks 20 Smith Charles James, solicitor & commissioner for oaths, Shenley 22 Craven Miss, Sandhurst 22 Jackson William D. 24 Cavaliero David 26 Wescott William P., Fairoak 26 'tVescott Albert L., Fairoak 28 Barrett Edward, Morland house 30 Cole Thomas Charles, Abbotsleigh 32 Reginbothom Mrs., Vernon house 34 Coombs Edward Alfred ......... here is Westgate road ........ 36 Smallman Sir H. Geo.,Elliott lodge 38 Dandridge Alfred, Brooks Legh 40 Gardner"Frank Silnpson 42 Stephens Mrs. P.· W., Tyringham 48 Gregory Henry H. 52 Newmark Alexander S., Edenhall 54 Howard Sydney, Lanherne 58 Harmer Sidney Frederic., Se.D., F.R'.S. Pillar Letter Box 64 Gallie Mrs., Elsinore 66 Murray James; Woodmancote Albemade Lawn Tennis Club Entrnce. 68 Daniel Rev. William Mayou, B.A., Latymers 76 Gregory Henry H., Sherborne cot. ...... here i.~Downsbridge Road ......

Albert Road.

See Alexandra cottage..

Albion Villas.

See Birkbeek road .

Aldersmead Road.

North Side - from Kings Hall Road to Lennard Road. Pillar Letter Box 1 Chamberlin Harold Leo Portsea ho 2 Harris Walter E., Aldersmead 3 Bau~r Charles, The Nest 4 Fowle Charles, Clifton villa 5 FIinn William 6 Chamberlain George Harry, LL.B., solicitor 7 Weir Mrs. R., Ribblesdale 9 Baxter Herbert George 10 Shearburn Alan Darvil 11 Samuel George A. H. 12 Wedlake· Lewis Floyde, Rosslyn 13 Lambert Harry, Ivy Mead 14 Stockwell George, The Ferns 15 Mathew Leollard Frank, Park View 16 Baskerville John William 17 Moss Ernest 18 Wildt Adolf Ernest, Villa-Helen 19 Bell Mrs. 20 Birkett Robert 21 Weiste Deidrich F. 22 Williams Herbert, Eblana 23 Haag Charles 24 Dewey George Stewart 25 Ewart S. Andrew, B. SC. 26 Kuhlmei Carl, Melrose 27 Knight Frank 28 Leworthy Percy Jn., White Heather 29 Ovenden Harry 30 Kelk Herbert M. South Side. ....... here are Kent H01l.~e Pleasure Ground ......

Alexandra Cottages.

see Parish lane.

Alexandra Cottages, - BECKENHAM.

Postal address -Penge. S. E, Hardinq,~ Lane, 1 Santer Edward John 2 Potton Christopher 3 Farthing Percy W. 4 Crundwell William 5 Hickmott Albert Edward 6 Cornish Archibald T. C. 7 Clarke William 8 Hills Henry 9 Jeffries, Thomas 10 Simmonds Alfred 11 Holdstock James 12 Plumb Frederick 13 Plumb Herbert Frederick 14 Bailey Henry Thomas 15 Sawyer Owen 16 Buckmaster JamesHy., estate office ........ here is Parish Lane ......

Albert Road.

17 Everett Joseph 18 Newton Herbert William 19 Dunn Harry 20 Ellis Joseph Henry 21 Richards Christopher Arthur 22 Pask George Charles 23 Bull George 24 Pritchard Percy Henry James 25 Wagstaff Edward John 26 Fincham Arthur L. 27 Naves Richard 28 Spooner Frederick 29 Smithves Ernest Murray 30 Cooper Ernest 31 Steer George Alexander 32 Durban Arthur Frank 33 Bushell James Walter 34 Hilliard Mrs. 35 Fostor Harold Charles Clifton 36 Smith Herbert ... ... here is Princes TelTaee ...... 38 De Wilde Frederick A. 39 Merrick Charles 40 Cooper George J. 41 Hoare William 42 Thompson Mrs. 43 Woodhouse Charles Arthur 44 Penfold Edgar l5 Cousens William 46 Botting Richard James 47 Burrows Edward ~, 48 Crockett Mrs. 49 Martin Joseph 50 Holman Robert Henry 52 Smith Hpnry Francis 53 Oakley William 54 Faust John 55 Aldridge Peter Charles 56 Tolputt Horace H. 57 Clode Percy George 58 Parker Robert ........ here is Parish Lane

Edward Road.

59 Cantrllo Arthur Ernest 61 Butler Frederick Lawrence 62 Johnson George 63 Hutchinson Arthur R. 64 Barker Walter 65 Germany William De Forge 66 Nash Henry 67 Baugh Mrs. 68 Nichols James Edward 69 Wicks Frederick 70 Parkes Samuel Alfred 72 Cannon Ernest. Arthur 73 Eames Walter John 74 Townsend Charles 75 Nunn Thomas 76 Adams Lionel Edward 77 Mackenzie George Edwin 78 Willis William James 79 Bates William John 80 Pryor Edwin 81 Lake Mrs. 82 Montgomery John Arthur .......... .here is PTinees Road .......... 83 Smith Edward Isaac 84 Bookham Alfred 85 Ferguson Alexander 86 Oddy James Horatio 87 Jackman Robert Henry 88 Selves Henry William 89 Glover Edward 90 Bouttell Abraham 91 Prescott Thomas 92 Wood James 93 Hawker John. 94 Spicer William Charles 95 Hussell Alfred 96 Lucker Charles 97 Woodley William 98 Watts James 99 Joy James 100 Anderson Frank E. 101 Bewshea George 102 Birch Gilbert 103 Ellis James William 104 Field John Moss 105 Broad Joseph William 106A Pridmore George Alexander ......... here is Parish Lane .........

Victoria road.

107 Andrews Alfred J areeS R. 108 Hill Richard Henry William 109 Towells Frederi~k James 110 Peacock William 111 Whitehead George 112 Green George Hardy 113 Dyke George Henry 114 Kensett Arthur Joseph 115 Cox Henry John 116 Giding William 117 Scarlett George Frederick 118 Barker Herbert 119 Hllrding Walter 120 West Alfred 121 Norman Sidney George 122 Collyer Mrs. 123 Staples William Frederick 124 Griffin William Arthur 125 De' Ath Frederick Arthur 126 Bush Hugh Garnet 127 Randell Walter Henry 128 Figg George Frederick 129 Duke John 130 Towers Thomas 131 Harris Mrs. Sarah Ann 132 Dungate Mrs. 133 Wood Alfred James 134 Wood Alfred ....... here is Princes Road ...... 135 Johnson Alfred Edwin 136 Charles Frank 137 Knight William Henry 138 Holton Thomas . 139 Brook Thomas 140 Swatman Ernest 141 Collingham Sydney 142 Roots Herbert 143 Heward John 144 Squires Leonard Percival 145 George William Claude 146 Gibson Harold 147 Fell George William 148 Underwood Charles 149 Robinson William Thomas 150 Cooke Stephen 152 Hardy Charles Albert 153 Read Samuel 154 Grumball Frederick 155 Drewell George 156 Cook Henry Wright 157 Stupples FrederIck John 158 Green Albert 159 Ambrose Mrs. C. 160 Heward Alfred B. 161 Dutton Walter Hughes 162 Tilbrook George Charles 164 Fox Frederick Robert

Alexandra Road.

Postal addres.~: Sydenham S. E. Leading from Lennard road. 1 McAdam Alexander 2 Marsh Henry Joseph 3 Harrisson William 4 Tovey Thomas 5 Tringham Mrs. 6 McBean Frederick William 7 Simmonds Alexander Hague 8 Gill Andrew 9 Lay Reginald H. 10 Hulse Mrs. 11 Bullman Percy 12 Alexander Anthonv 12A Honey James, Homestead 14 Honey Mrs., Fairlight 15 Verbrugge ~~ugene. Mon Abri 16 Smith George Fitzroy. Leamside 17 Gardner Mrs .. Glellgariff 18 Quintin Mrs., Mondovi 19 Boutle ChaddS Frederick, Clovelly 20 Douglas John Roger, Homeleigh ............ here is gate to Alexandra Recreation Ground ............

Allen Road. - BECKENHAM.·

From Villiers rd. to Arrol rd 21 Maddison Miss 23 Jones Charles 25 Gilpin Edwin 27 Cripps Cecil Percy 29 Soden Adolphus 31 Alcock Harrv 33 Dunton George 35 WeHord Horace 37 Smith George Henry 39 Vaile Rowland William Thomas 41 Carton Alfred 43 Cook Frank 45 Goodfellow Frederick William 47 Garley Charles 49 Hicks Reuben 51 Rice Lester 53 Jones Walter George 55 Berry Henry 57 Miller Frank Thomas 59 Swaab Henry Charles 61 Droad Joseph William 63 Handoll William Robert 65 Crouch Miss Daisy 67 Hazell Herbert Samuel 69 Scales Arthur Ernest 73 Cunningham Robert 75 Martin John Edward 77 Card George

Ancaster Road. - ELMERS END ROAD.

17 PascalI Charles Montague, Lenzburg house 21 Clinch Arthur, Glengariff ......... here is Maberly road ......... Cross and Return. 30 Killick Richard

Arrol Road. - BECKENHAM.

From Elmers End rd. to Allen rd. North Side. 1 Barrett Charles 3 Grantham Harry B. 5 Adnams 'James Ernest 7 AppletoIi Albert Ernest 7 Art Memorial Co. 9 Hughes William 11 Henderson Harry Haldane 13 Smith Thomas 15 Gosden Albert William 17 Pedgrift Charles F., Woodbridge 19 Shakespeare Sydney 21 Bley William 23 Love Peter 25 Eagle William 27 Foster Harold James 29 Nicholls Samuel Edward 31 Patterson Arthur 33 Coombs Francis John 35 Blinks Edward 37 Liddiatt Albert 30 Hyde Walter John 41 Phillips Edward Francis 45 Uzzell William James 47 Wheeler Alexander 55 Barker Percy 57 Angless William Henry 59 Sewter Albert Charles 61 Fry George Ernest 63 Sales Frederick Charles South Side. 6 Bartlett Henry 8 Evans William Thomas 10 `Hart Joseph Daniel 12` Ridley Thomas James 14 `Morris Herbert 16 `Sanders Walter Hemy 18 `Shrewsbury Frederick George 20 `Turner Harrv 22 `Greenland Frederick W. 24 `Meredith F. S. 26 `Wilkinson Albert William 28 `Ridgewell Harry Walter 30 `Cutting George 32 `Cutting William 34 `Ross Jack B. 36 `Gray Thomas 40 `Dudell Edwin Juhn 42 `Barron Sidney 44 `Bettim Charles 46 `Smith William Cuningworth 48 `Jefferiss Thomas Paschal 50 `Bell Frederick Robert 52 `Beecham William Edward

Atlas Terrace.

See Sultan street.

Avenue (The).

From 8 Southend road to IJOWll.JJ hill. 2 `Purton Mrs. 4 `Sharpe Ernest R. 6 `Pattisson Walter B., Graylings 10 `Burn William G., Esbourne 12 Patchell William H. 14 Cordes Miss, Braeside . 16 Nicholson Wm. Piper, Stanmer 10 20 Smallwood Arthur W. 24 Ball William T .. Harbledown 26 Witham. Wignall John Wignall, Roseneath 26 Witham- Wignall Kenndth John, Roseneath 28 Bowyer JosephWm.Carisbrooke ho 30 Gosling Miss 34 Ingram Thomas David, The Grange 36 Link David, Fairlight 42 Ingram Mrs., Southfield 44 Courtney Rev. Stanley Thomas, Rosendale 46 Stagg Mrs . Woodbury 48 Pantin Mrs., Staplegrove 50 Harmon Adalbert Rogers, Westfield ......... here is Westgate road ........ 52 Bowden Richard, Gatewick 54 Noakes Steward B.~ Gl~nlyon 56 Searle Sydney Crocker 58 Solomon Mrs., Hextable 60 Fiddes Sir George Vandeleur, K.C.M.G., C.B. 62 Marno Adolph J. M., Courthorpe 70 Thoms Henry Jas., Hawthornden 76 Stevenson Rev. Jn. Geo., B.A.[Cong] 78 Findlay James Scott, Powerscourt North Side. 1 Williams Jas. Lawson, :r.f.n.Edin., physician & surgn.,Holyrood ho. 3 Sheffield Mrs. Digby 5 Senn Charles Herman, Erwood 7 Lee Edgar 9 Reid Mrs. James, Hamiota 11 Blake Charles, Kingswood 13 Hedley John Thomas, Rainham 15 Moore Arthur C., Oaklands 17 Dade Charles Herbert 19 Smith Horace, Ivy Bank 23 Brampton Jobn, Dunkeld 25 Attenborough Herbt., St. Helen's 27 Drughorn John Frederick, Banavie Wall Letter Box Fire Alarm . ......... here is Westgate road ........ 29 Reichwald August, Burnbrae 31 PeHey Bertram T. 33 Willcox Rbt. Morgan, Ravensleigh 35 Owens Clement Edwin, Speldhurst 39 Hanucock Mrs., Pentlands 41 Blyth M~ss, Dormston 45 Budgett Harry.B., Madehurst 47 Longley Oliver, Hillside Wall Letter Box 49 Adlerstein A. E. 51 Armstrong Thos. Hugh,Hazlewood 53 Clapham Benj. Fisher, The Mount

Avenue Road. .

From 108 Mackenzie road to Avenue road, Penge. Left Side. 120 Rowden Frank Vyse, confectnr. 118 Anstey Charles Rich 116 Lodge Walter 114 Jacob Charles, maker of patented specialities 112 Jacob Frede., builder & contractr 110 Deverell Herbert H. B. 108 Bradehaw Albert Edward 106 Spall Henry Richard 104 Ashton Richard 102 Oswald William Frederick 100 Manktelow Brothers, grocers ........ here is Birkbeck road ...... 98 Williams Robt., wine & spirit mer. Baptist Mission Hall 88 & 86 Victoria Laundry 84 Breeds Mrs. B., wardrobe dealer 82 Herbert Joseph, baker ...... here is Banenscroft road . 80 Branson Charles, grocer 78 Short Edwd.Thos.,bldr.& decorator 76 Luxton George, dairy 74 Ebsworth Miss E., confectioner 72 Golder William, bootmaker 70 Spink Albert Hodgson, hairdresser 68 Hill Mrs. (Continuation in Penge Parish.) cross and Return. 73 Burbridge William 75 .Jenkins Harry 77 Kydd William 79 Horn Albert J . ·8rRive~t Robert, gasfitter .' 83 Dunsmore Thos.oWm.,ofried fish shop. 85 Field George, furniture dealer ...... here is Ravenscroft road ...... 87 Sinnock William, greengrocer 89 Westcott Mrs. N., stationer and lending library, Post o'ffice 91 Edmund~ Albert Victor, dairy 95 Elliott Miss H. Christina,fancy drpr 97 Jobson Walter, butcher ........ here is Birkbeek road . 109 Griffiths Benjamin, bootmaker ...... here is Mackenzse road

Balgowan Road.

From nUl' ban road to Cromwell rd. Left ~ide. ......... here is Belmont road ......... 3 Martin Henry 5 HoI way William 7 Dorey Mrs. M. 9 Ives William Thomas 11 Rodda John 13 Batterbury Miss 15 Wooller Jahez 17 Stephens Ernest Owen 33 Watson Frederick Lawrence 35 Mitchell Frederick 31 Wetherell Wilfrid, A.R.c.A.LOnd. 39 Ellinger Harry Leonard 41 Ellercamp Harvey Leonard 43 Parker Frederick Henry 45 Hanscomb Arthur Colgate ......... .here is Cromwell road ......... Right side . ......... here is Belmont road ...... 2 Darling Frederick Charles 4 Clark William George G Archer Sidney Arthur 8 Rhodes Charies William C. 10 Rhodes Harold B. 12 Keating Robert 14 Rhodes Norman Herbert 16 Deuchar Victor 18 Corby Eric 20 Carter George 22 Parfitt Alfred John

Barnmead Road.

From Beckenham rd. to Kent House rd. 2 Jones & Andrews, builders & contractors, Crescent works 4 Drury Richard 6 Colli~s Ernest Stone. Roseville 8 Crease Henry, 'Westbury 10 Carless-Martin Samuel, Kirkley 12 Somerton John Weaver 14 Baker .Frederick Wm., Torridon 16 Tucker William C. 18 Dean Herbert .Tames 20 Jones Thomas Wm .. St.George's ldg ...... here is footway to Allotments, King's Hall road and Clock House ...... Cross and Return. 26 Pierce Daniel, The Cottage 28 Mansell Rev. Henry 30 Green Mrs., Puckeridge 32 Wills Alfren 34 Reed William John, Redleaf 36 Anderson Robert 40 Fi~her Geo. Grayston, Glenhurst 42 Greer Mrs . Tames, Malvern 44 Ralph Henry Stephen, Kildare 46 Richardson Geo. Ernest, Tremadoc 4R Pearce Edward 50 Whitehead Robert Henry 52 Haensberg Wolff 54 Barnes Percy Robert 56 Reeve Richard 58 Cooke Ernest George 60 Law Alfred, Springville 62 Rosenbaum Emil 66 Burgess James 68 Saw John Joseph, Woodville ......... here is Plawsfield road ......... Wood E. G., optician Kent House. Station (S.E. t G.R.). Hy. Harris, station master Wall Letter Box Wright Thomas, auctioneer and estate agent 74 Gaite Frederick, Exmouth villa 76 Tedman Charles John, Newlands 78 Manning Mrs. 80 Jacob Daniel Charles 82 Butcher Lewis. Acacia villa 84 O'Flaherty Misses 86 Pocknall George N., Clydesdale 88 Spater Ernest George 90 Mudge John, Sylvan villa 92 Baker Herbert Henry A. 94 Davis Albert George 96 Yates John Sumner; Frith End 98 Skinner Richard ......... here is Kent House road ......... Cross and Return. 55 Whiffin Thomas, builder 53 Eadie James C. 51 Marchant Miss 49 Woodman Mrs. 47 Collin s Miss A. A. 45 Ellis Mrs., HiglIclere 43 Hayles Rdwin Henry 41 Bentley Charles Ed win 39 Robinson Arthur Robert 37 Winter George, Claverton 35 Higgins William, Myrtles 33 Moodie Miss. Dalllleny ......... here is Plawlfield Road ........ 31 Olby Augustus George 29 White William Jamr,s, Thorncliffe 27 Aldred William Robert 23 Webb Henry J. 21 Wakefield Mrs., Grasmere 19 Warwick Henry 17 Harrison Benjamin, Fernlea 15 Parkinson W. Wellesley, M.A., Collingham 13 Larcombe J. W., Firle Dene 11 Westcott Francis Henry, St. Helen's 9 Chandler Arthur 7 Armstrong Rev. Alexander N enon, B.A. [vicar of St. Michael & All Angels, St. Michael's Parsonage 5 How Thomas William, F.R.G.S., Trinacria 3 W am~n Edwin Barrett, Dunsdale 1 Stace- May Henry,' Stanhope

Beckenham Junction Railway Station.

? See Railway approaoh ,5" Southend road.

Beckenham Road.

From High Street to Kent House Road. Right Side. 2 Wright Benjamin Robt., Laindon 4 Uridge Ml'b. W, Tregaron 6 Gregory Walter, Glenhurst 8 Harris SaMUel 10 Stephens Mrs., Prestinari 12 South Mrs. Montague, Eversley .......... .here is Elayne road ...... 16 Clausen Gastou 18 Man~er Charles Ernest, registrar of births & deaths for Beckenham sub. district & relieving & vaccination officer, collector to guardians & visitor under the ,. Children Act, 1908," for the No. 2 District of the Bromley union Beckenham School of Arts and Crafts (Kent Education Committee) Arthur Schofield, A.R.C.A.Lond., principal Beckenham Public Baths - Henry R. Autin, superintendent & swimming instructor Beckenham '/n T(~rd!llical Institute County School for Boys Charles T. F. Watt8,, principal Eldridge Frank & Son, jobmasters Horsman Thomas, florist, & c., Clock House Nursery ...... here is tILe Railway bridge ...... ...... here is footpath to Kings Hall1"oa.d All Saint.~' Glwl'ch (Temporary) ......... here is Chaffinch road ......... 28 Thayer's Farm Dairy - Edwin Pook, manager 28 Telephone Call Office 32 Kerridge George Edward, tailor 34 Meyer Francis Joseph 36 Doe John, bootmaker 38 Uzzell William Herbert 40 Watson Andrew 42 Underwood W dUer 44 Mack George 46 Sherwood Austin, plumber 48 Longhurst Ernest, gardener 48 Lunghurst Mrs., dress maker 50 C~lley ~~~. , ...... ,here ts rha.yers Farm road ...... 52 Gray Charles, baker & confectnr. 54 Sberlock's Cash Stores, grocers & tea dealers 56 Williams George Archibald, confr. 58 Laraman Mrs. 62 Green Frederick William, builder and contractor .......... here the Railway crOl'sts .........


11 Hedley William J., tailor 10 Cox & Co. boot factors 9 Hobbs Herbert, tobacconist 8 Larby· James, bookseller 7 JONE~ OSCAR & CO., ironmongers & electrical engineers -r Telephone Call Office 6 Hart Brothers, butchers 5 The Home Laundry (receiving office) 64 Taylor Harry, draper 66 Sizer's Stores, grocers, tea dealers & wine & spirit merchants 68 Holdsworth John, stationer, Kent House Post Office 70 Pain Charles Fredk., chemist ..... here is Hal'nmead road ...... 72 Clarke Vi illiam, La Faloise 74 Marriott Fred, solicitor & commissioner for oaths, Maisonette 76 Syme James, Strathearn cottage 78 Duncan -William, Clunie cottage 80 Boorman Francis Percival 82 Schibild John Shield 84 Haggart John Miller, Ashcott 86 Roper Edwin, J.L.D.. F.R.G.S., M.R. e.s.ENG., physician and surgeon, Oatlands 88 Hagborg Gustave 90 Ward Francis George 92 Hoskins Alfred William 94 Church Miss, Atfllla 96 Lee Charles Russe1l 98 Dongray Ernest J aIm 100 Dixon Henry, Woodville 102 Stembridge Samuel Eastman, Home cottage 104 Ayling F. A., dental surgery 106 Til1yard Mrs., Coningsby lO8 Hewlett James Edgar, M.B., C.M., physician & surgeon ......... here is PlalOsfield l'orlll ...... 110 Carr Juhn, Elmhurst 112 Chapman Vaughan G.,Loddingtor. 114 GarwooJ. William Henry, Glencoe 116 Barnett Charles, Carrolton 118 Edmonds Walter Thos. Rippington 120 Moran John Francis, Blenheim 122 Maclaren Neil 124 Butler Arthur G., ph.D., The Lilies Cross and Return. 309 Llellyett Miss Jessie, nurse 309 Llellyett Miss Nelly, manicurist, & chiropody 309 Divett Mrs. Ross 307 Butler Miss H. M. 305 Wedekind Miss E. 303 Flaxman Mrs. C. 301 Thorpe William Robert 297 Hartington House School - Miss Booth, principal 295 Lowe .John Walter 293 SanteI' Miss 289 Lambert Henry 287 Vincent John Dunn, ph.D., optician ...... here is Ravenscroft mad . 285 Clark Frederick William, decortr. 283 Box Frank Edward, Rm;herville 281 Box Frank Edward, nurseryman & florist 279 Corben Albert 277 Clark Mrs. 275 Keeler Miss 273 Macnamara Miss 271 Rippengal Mrs., Wanstead 269 Barker Thomas. Walter 267 Bristow Alb&rt Henry 265 Bennett John Arthur, coal merchant, Warwick house .. ,...... here is BiI'kbeek road . 261 Wright Henry, butcher 259 Kent House Motor & . Engineering Works 257 Northam John II., furniture dlr. 255 Lloyd SidneyR.,wine & spirit mer. 253 Garland Sidney, oil & color man 251 Jean Charles, hairdresser 249 Steed Walter John, stationer, Oxford house 247 Home & Colonial Stores Limited. grocers & tea dealers . 245 Bradley Mrs. Laura, confectioner 243 Stockwell Francis Henry 243 Jobbins E. Thomas, baker & con fl'. ...... here is Mackenzie road ...... 241 LONDON CITY &. MIDLAND BANK LIMITED; Frank Fletcher, manager. See advertisement, page 52 239 Woodgates John, boot1naker 237 Edmed Albt., gentlemen's outfitter 235 Jackson -Robert Edward, butcher . 233 Greig Davld,-provision merchant 227 Hance Edmund, oil & domestic stores 225 Sexton John William, fruiterer 223 Baker's Stores, family millers & corn & forage merchants 221 Williams Geo. Archibald, news agt 221 Moore Thomas M., bootmaker ., ....... here the Railway crosses . ......... here is Blandford rd ...... 219 Ousley Mrs. dairy 217 Steple Mrs. Sarah, confectioner 215 Drake Leonard,drapr. & furnisher 211 Newberry Ernest, oil & color strs. 209 Sinnock 'Willi!lm, greengrocer 207 Morris John, pork butcher ...... here is C/Wrclt, Field.~ road . 205 Prince Arthur Hotel, Chs. Tolhurst 203 Rust Philip, tailor 201 Cauebrook Miss Isabel, fruiterer 199 Holt Henry G., dining rooms 197 Fitch Edwin, grocer 195 Carter & Co., fishmongers 193 Hutchinson Wilkinson, hairdressr. 191 Phillips Mrs. Sarah Ann, news agt. 189 Clark Miss Emily, confectioner 189 Dale Edward, watchmaker 185 West Beckenham Conservative Club - John Cording, sec. ........... bere is Sidney road ...... Steer Charles T., Sidney lodge Reynolds Tmiton Matthew, Himalaya Ward Alfred Albert, auctioneer & estate agent Clock House Station(S. E. r C. Rly.), Traiton Matthew Reynolds, stationmaster Smith W. H. & Son, bookstall ... ... ... nere is Railway bridge ......... Piller Letter Box ...... here is Clock House road ...... . 73 Cooper's Stores, ironmongers 71 Meyer & Wallis, estate agents 67 The London China Co., glass & china dealers 65 Lumsden John James, fruiterer 63 Hayman Brothers, butchers 61 Jillard Harry Abbott, stationer 59 Cullen Arth., baker & confectioner 57 Calder Miss, baby linen, & c. 55 Nunn Ernest Albert, chemist 55 Telephone Call Office 53 Martin John Alfred. grocer 51 Weeks & SOll'l, music warehouse 49 Nash Alfred William 49 Nash Mrs. L. M., confectioner .,... .... here is Queen's road ......... 47 Nauwerck Curt 45 Fry Mrs. Hallett 43 Ritson Rev. Caleb Jackson [curate in charge of All Saints' Church 1, All Saints' parsonage 4] Lyle Thomlts~ M.A. 39 Lester Mrs. 37 Adkins Albert James, M. D., L.U.S., dental surgeon 35 Wedekind Julius Edward 33 Woolley Mrs. r. Boyle Elm Road Baptist Church ........... here is Elm road ............ 29 HerrmannBertholdFredk., Glistrow 27 Penney Ferdinand John 23 Trapnell Francis Cyril, M.B., B.C. camh., M.R.C.S., L.R.c.p.Lond., physician & surgeon, Carlton ...... here is Hayne road ............ 19 Voss Hermann, Holstein house 15 Johns Richard, Wardendale ] 1 Stewart Frederick William, M.D., physician & surgeon, Pinewood 9 Attenborough Jn. Arthur, Firbank 7 Corbin Mrs. 5 Richard Mrs., Lurgan 3 Whelpton Edward Smith, M.A., M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.c.p.Lond;, physician & surgeon, Gonville house

Belmont Road.

From 170 Croydon road . Left Side. 1 Ballard Arthur, estate office 1 Private Owners Trust Co. Limited, estate agents 5 Poor Henry George 7 Stenson James 9 Morle Albert Harry 11 Newsam Robert Ernest 13 Stratton Herbert John 15 Chappell Arthnr Edwin 17 Henville John T. 19 Smith Henry J. 21 Rawley Thomas 23 Pike Arthur Victor 25 Gray Reginald 27 Port Thomas Edmond 29 Homes Arthur Paget 31 Lemoine Albert R3 Reynolds George 35 Henville Walter ........ here is OllleNburg road ........ 39 Allen John C. 41 Beazley Harold James Sterndale 43 Rowseil Sidney M. 45 Lovesy Percy 47 Blandford Henry Benjamin 47 Blandford Miss D. G., A.L.C.M., pianoforte teacher 49 Terry Sydney William 51 Blunden Edward 53 Brazier Herbert Howard, decrtr. 55 Baker Charles 57 Parsons Frederick ......... here is Ralgowan road ......... 61 Brid2'er William 63 Face~y Frederick 65 Taylor John Clayton 67 Springthorpe Charles Oscar 69 Snow Augustus Hilmar Right Side. 2 Saunders Ambrose James 4 (Jollett Harry Wi Warn 6 Thrift Samual Richard 8 Andrews Frederick James 10 Clark Percy H. 12 Wright George 14 Fisher William 20 Berrett .Tames 22 Mason John Thomas R. 24 Light William H. 26 Elvidge William 28 Blay William Joseph 30 Davison Henry Harding 32 Peamh Robert 34 Wagstaff Albert Edward 36 Craske James 40 Hart Henry James 46 Horsman Henry 48 Gibbs Dugald 50 Ball Joseph 52 Duke Albert Augustus 56 Fox Thomas Augustus 58 Tuckwell Lieut. Charles, R.N. 60 Umbers Ernest William 62 Privett Thomas 64 Knight Edward William LAMP POST LETTER Box ......... here is Balgo1van road ......... 66 Bedford John Henry fi8 Abraham Mrs. 70 Moss Arthur 72 Walton Maurice Webster 74 Bennett Frank Elkin 76 Wood Alfred Henry 78 Harrison William 80 Vail Thomas 82 Powell Bernard Willis 84 Stevens John, insurance agent 86 Snoswell Edmund 88 Ford William Wallace ...... ... here is DItrba'i~road 90A Hotham Hector 92A Riley William A. 92 Acton Arthur 91 Pitches Charles Archibald 96 Comfort F. Harold 98 Knott Ernest 100 Davies Robert Mercer 102 Whitbread Frederick Henry 104 Mason Harry William Kirkland 106 Floyd Frederick Joseph 108 Graver William 110 Jeffery William John 112 Potter Henry G.

Bevington Road.

From Bromley road. East Side. ......... here 'is J1IlLJwr road ...... 1 Davies Thoma!'; James 3 Giblet Mrs. 5 Johnson Bezethia 7 Pearce Frank 11 Hyslop Robert Johnson 13 Grey Bertram Wcst Side. .......... here is Manor road ........... 2 Laumann Louis 4 Hear Henry Samuel 6 Butler Edward John 8 Bilrber Mrs. 10 Daniels William 12 Yates Mrs. A. C. 14 Obee Walter Charles 16 Platt Edward WiIIiam 18 Kick George John

Birkbeck Road.

Left Side - from Deekenham Road to EImers End Road. 1 Bradley Charles Leonard 3 KooIman John 5 Davis John Thomas 7 Akerman Henry Thomas' 9 Cox Cyril William 11 Roberts George 13 Millen Alfred Edward 15 Morse Thomas, Steyne 17 Camp Mr~. 27 Newark William J., laundry 29 Tomkins Henry John 31 Green George 33 Horn Jethro 35 Jeal Albert Francis 35 Francis Mrs. H., nurse 37 Harber George 39 Reed Mrs., Gilston cottage 39 Reed F. G., house decorator 41 Drage James Wm., Adelphi cottage 43 WelIsted Harold 45 Golder Robert 47 Bridges Arthur James 55 Elliff Charles 57 Morgan Lewin 57 Parks Miss Emma, dressmaker 59 Lake George John 61 Knight Daniel J. 63 Blow George 65 PIayfair Mrs. 67 Simmonds Richard 69 Hill Alfred J. 71 McCarthy Walter 73 Ingram William 77 Peskett Harry 79 Wood Thomas 81 Brotherhood William Henry 83 Bassett Mrs., Birkbeck house 85 Moody Mrs. 87 Bacon John, decorator 93 Sugg William D. 95 Cresswell Richard 97 Eckttt Mrs. Ellen, laundry 99 Luff Charles, plumber 101 Vardill Ernest WIlliam lOlA Wells A. J. ............ here is A1JenUe road ....... 103 Brown Bertram Bernard 105 Hicks Christopher 107 Cable Mrs. M. 109 May Alfred Percy III Rodgram Charles 113 Tregillus Mrs. Amelia 117 Dunn James William 119 Warren John 121 Bowden John 123 Wood E. 125 Shackel Alfred Joseph 127 Buttell Edmund M., decorator 129 Phillip R. F. 131 DudelI Edwin 133 Townsend Frederick 135 Wilmore Ernest George 137 Castell James Burton 139 Yates Mrs. 141 Burbidge Frederick George 143 Patching Horace 147 Harber HoratioAustin, Ventnor viI 149 Smith Albert 151 Dive Thomas, Myrtle villa 153 Eely William 155 Smith Arthur Robert 157 Turner John 159 Ball Mrs. 161 WelIstead John Detliff 163 Smart Alfred George 163A Day Thomas George 165 White Thomas William 167 Broodbridge Ernest 169 Shilling Edwin Henry 171 Walkington Arthur Tom 173 Heilbronn Vivian John 173A Neate William . 179 Booth Mrs. A., laundry 179 Booth Edward David 181 Salmon Arthur Edward 183 Bick Oliver 185 Wilson John Edwin 187 Ironside Gustave William 139 Wiseman Frederick William 191 Barber Miss M. M. 193 Jarvis Arthur 195 Charman George 207 Elliott Henry F. 209 O'Sullivan Colnelius Patrick 211 Andlews Frederick 213 Hunt George 215 Ironside Thomas, Almeria villa ...... here is Pelham Road ......... 217 Belbin Edwin John 2L9 Wordley Harry 221 Dove James ",Valter 223 Harmer William Frederick 225 Webber George 231 Odey Frederick James 233 Beli Frederick . 235 Bissell Henry 237 Bell Charles 255 Fraser William 257 Notman James 259 Agate Benjamin 261 James Harry Candy T. Ltd., monumental masns 263 Candy Alfred Right Side - from Beckenham Road. 4 Martin Mrs. 6 Holtham Henry 8 Brush Daniel 10 Page William 12 Horlock Frank 14 Watson Miss 16 Churchill Herbert John 16 Churchill Miss Bessie, certificated nurse 18 Eastop William, decorator 20 Robinson Frederick AtArbury 22 Simcox Thomas Roland 24 Hart Arthur William 26 Wentworth Geurge Oscar 28 Parker William . James 30 Willson Christopher 32 WiIlson Christopher, jun. 34 Davison Robert William 36 Bailey John 38 Appleby William James, gardener 42 Duly Henry B. W. 46 Pearce William 48 Brotherhood Henry 50 Robins Joseph 62 Williams William Alfred 64 Callow Henry 68 Bunney John 8tephen 70 Josling Sidney 72 Davies .John 74 Thatcher Arthur James 76 Rolfe Harold 78 Cohen Joseph 82 Bedford John Henry 84 Reardon Henry 90- Glover Henry George 92 Panther John 96 Fish John Edward 102 Dunton Percy William 104 Jefferies Edward 106 Overal Edmund John ......... here is Avenue Road ...... 116 Harvey Rev. Walter [curate of St. Michael & All Angels] 116 I£ves' Rev. Ralph Shakespeare, B.A., LL.B. Chon. curate of St. Michael & All Angels] 116 St. Michael's Social Club 115 Tong Reginald West St. Michaelg'All Angels' Parochial Room St. Mienael's Penny Bank ( Walter John Steed, treasurer ). St. Michael & All Augels' Parochial Room


1 Ouzman Charles 2 Adams ·William 142 Oakley William 144 Hili Mrs. 146 Daniells Rev. John [Baptist] 162 Streeton John Robert 164 Fox James William 166 Gully Harold Edward Grew 168 Smith Walter Coleman, draper 170 Mason William Frederick 172 Druitt George 174 & 176 Currey George, nurseryman 180 Hatfield Charles William,Faith 10. ......... here is Pelham Road ...... 184 Keen John Horace 190 Jones George Wilfrid' 192 Gillingham Mrs.·C. 194 Wilson Charles 196 Hill Robert Henry 198 Kirby Frederick . 200 Weller Alfred Charles 202 Brooks George 204 Murray.John 206 Leach George 208 Eldridge Alfred 210 Williams George 212 Anderton Frederick William 214 New Frederick 216 Anley FrEderick 218 Ladson Miss Annie 220 Mills Masterman Powell 222 Penberthy Oliver James. 228 & 230 Fox's Beckenham Sanitary Laundry 236 Fletcher George Johu, tailor, St. John's cottage

Blakeney Avenue.

From Blakeney road. Left Side. 1 Collister John. Aspen cottage 3 MeClinachie Stanley ......... here is .M~onivr:a road ......... 5 Morton Jones Hugh 7 Coney Edward Geo. Luton villa 9 Adams James 11 Stebbing Sydney G. 1:3 Brown Frank Blake 15 Eyles George Cross and Return. 28 Eastwood George.II. 26 Hall'John Edward"" 24 Baker John Folkestone 22 Allardyee Frank William 20 Swan Frederick, The Crescent 18 Rushen Mrs. 16 Moss George Thomas 14 King Frederic James 12 Tate Edward 10 Morling Albert Edward Elliman Jacob, builder & decorator, Avenue works 4 A very Daniel Betts Wall Letter Box 2 Crockett Mrs.

Blakeney Road.

Left Side - from Rectory Road to Bridge Rd. Wall Letter Bow 1 Bayer Leo, Maitlands ............ here is Hayne road ............ 3 Randall ·W. & E. M., florists, Brook nursery . 3A Sutton Albt. Clement, Pennsbury 5 Sales George Henry 7 Ashdown John 9 Buck Miss M. D. 11 Jane;; Oliver 13 Platt George 15 Jagged George 17 Fitzpatrick .Arthur William 19 Williams Alfred Thos. Chas., Marne 23 Watson Henry ......... here is B]'idfJB road ......... Right Side. 2 Scott Alfred Frank, The Firs 4 Williams Mrs., Northcote 6 Mallett HenryStanley,Sylvanhurst .. ....... here the Railway crosses ......... 10 Reddell Mrs., Homeleigh 12 Parker Mrs., Carradale ]4 Ambridge George Henry 16 Nash Frederick. Heathfield 18 Miller Henry Thomas 20 Obee William, Westgate villa .. , hero is Blalwwy a'tJe1~ ........ 22 Syme and Duncan, builders and . decorators (workshops) 24 Elliott Sydney George 26 Harms Georgt. .J oseph, Cromer 28 Peerless H. Calvin 30 Huband P. T. 32 Peddell William 34 Parsons Joseph 36 Sinton James Turnbull 38 Jagger John .. ......... here is Bridge road ...........

Blandford Avenue.

From Church Fields road. [No thoroughfare.] Left Side. 1 Miller Richard John Clark 2 Horne James 3 GIrn .James 4 Crane John 5 Payne Harry G Dmue Johu W. 7 Kaye Charles 8 Smith Tom 9 Brooks Henry William 10 Webber Henry 11 Wood David 12 Mills Frederick James 13 Savage John Charles 14 Osborne Walter 15 Moniague Frederick 16 Penn Francis 17 Martin John 18 Schwarz George HudsOll 19 Clark Charles 20 Moss Harry Cross and Return. 21 Button ArU,ur 22 Gilbert Albert 23 Kaye George 24 Froeman Arthur 25 Shippey Joseph J. 26 Gladwin John 27 Richbell Frederick H. 28 Gayton Colin 29 Thomas Albert Herhert 30 Smith George Henry 31 Jamieson John 32 Pickett Joseph 33 Pickett Hayward John 34 Wilson John. 37 Early William John 38 Fr)er Robert 39 Butler Albert 40 Peckham Frederick

Blandford Road.

From Beckenham, road to Elmers Rnd road. Right Side. 2 Henderson Miss 6 Woods Mrs., nurse 6A, Piggott Harry, bootmaker 6 Phillips John 8 Childs Arthur 10 Jackson Mrs. 12 Wilson Albert Thomas 14 Creswell William 16 Dent Charles E. B. 18 Williams Mrs. 20 Rigby Charles Edgar 22 Dymond Hermon Robert 24 Cooper James Walter 26 Johnson Fredk. C., bldr. & decoratr. 28 Seale Frank 32 Cotterill Michael Henry 34 Forman Henry Charles 36 Bray bon Mrs. E. F. 38 Forrest Arthur Victor 40 Crush WillLtm George 42 Wright John Thomas 44 Horllsby Percy Scullard 46 Jones Henry, Pylades 48 Koch Charles 50 Gibb John David 52 Curcher James, Oakdene 54 Lovelock William Geo .. Lynton 56 Kett Ie Frederick Charles 58 Davis Arthur Charles 60 Williams William John 62 Lawrence Arthur Richard 68 Swonnell Edmund 70 Lancefield Alfred Edward 72 Clark William James 74 Tihbles William John 76 Butler Henri Lance 78 Porter George 80 Humhle Henry. insurance agent 82 Duff Joseph . 84 Oakes Harry Stephen 86 Williams John 88 Silcock Edward 90 Bond Clarence Alfred 92 Charman Alfred Holland 94 Popjoy William John 96 Jones George 98 Harding Robert James, cycle repr 100 Dundy George Frederick 102 Powpll Richard Ebenezer 104 Tillett Harry James lP6 Phillips William Henry 108 Mattingly William 110 Morphew William Henry 112 Truss Thomas Clark 114 Punchard William Alfred 116 Marsh Harry 118 Ousley Thomas 120 Cox John William 122 Giles Harry 124 Howard Evelyn Thomas 126 Culver Edwin 128 Etherington William G. 130 Roheson1 John 132 Mills Harry 134 Patey Reginald J. 136 Taylor John Thomas 138 White William Thomas 140 Joyce Benjamin 142 Stiles Herbert Henry 144 Chapman Frederick T. 146 Daly Joseph 148 Seale Philip, Homewood 150 Doe George Albeit, Boreham 152 Wilson Ernest, Tilgate 154 Long Charles, Treborough 156 Bignell John James, Woodha) 158 Ridgwel1 Thomas, Pelham 160 Bodkin Charles, Horwood 162 Walford Jacob William, Walmer lodge 164 Bond Albert William, Mayfield 166 FramptonJn.Edwd.,Portland villa ......... here is Avenne road ...... Wall Letter Box 168 Cotman Frederick John 168 Lu~tre Window Cleaning Co.(The) 170 Spencer John 172 Foulger Ernest Edward 174 Coward Arthur 176 Warne Mrfl. 178 MacFadven James 180 Smith Frederick 182 Cawsey Ernest Albert 184 Strange William 186 Warman Gilbert. Erne~t 188 Warman William Henry 190 Cross Henry William 192 Millard Richard John ]94 Knight Arthur 196 Mace Thomas William 198 Hooker Herbert Henry 200 Sherfield William 202 Bayliss Gilbert 204 Baldwin Mrs. 206 Thatcher Henry James 210 Mills Thomas 212 Foster Walter James 216 ArneI' George 218 Lovett Samuel 220 Pratt William 222 Mortlock Charley 226 Burkin George William 228 Adams Richard 230 Lorge Alfred 232 Hawker Charles 240 Rendell John 244 Leonard Mrs. 248 Tourret Edward 250 Forster Frederick 252 Dunk Arthur 254 Ene Francis Henry 258 Favier Arthur 260 Brown Alfred George 262 Waller Andrew Charles 26! Lyford Charles Herbert Victor 266 I~man Albert John 268 Carter William James 270 Baughn Sidney .James 272 Dymond Willill.IU Henry 271 Dunlop Henry 276 Jenkins George William 278 Knott Maurice Frank 280 Cook Waller Henry 282 Bond James . 284 Smith Ernest 286 Adscombe B. 288 Newby Horace 290 Burkin Thomas James 292 LarcheI' George James 294 Simpson Frederick 296 Forster Waller John 298 Barton Alfred 300 Rose Frederick 302 Barrett J. C. 304 Clark Stanley L. 306 Davey George 308 Jackman :Mrs. 310 Truby Mrs. 312 Jackson Ernest P. 314 Dennis Francis Albert 316 May William Puulson 318 Payton Charles 320 Benham George Artbur 322 Barnes Frederick 324 Clark Alfred 330 Penn Jobn Sidney 332 Weston James 334 Baskerville John Francis 336 Hart Walter 338 Steed William John 340 Morley George 342 Dennis Gordon 344 Williams Frank Frederick 346 Glen Miss Margaret Frances 348 Harwood Henry 350 Willson Thomas 354 Bateman Horace James 356 Witherden Stephen James 358 Peoples Albert Edward 360 Worsp William 362 Matthews Albert Harry 364 Cross Herbert 366 Salt Jonathan Ambrose 368 Holden Harry 370 Bird William 372 Wade George Edward 374 Collis Harry 376 Mead Ric:hard Ernest 378 Morley George 380 Ratcliff Frederick Charles 382 Cutler Charles 384 Treacher Frands John 386 Walker. George 388 Loveridge William 390 OlJive William, estate offiee 392 Bell George 394 McCarthy William 396 Liddiatt Charles 398 Castle Edward J., St. Ives 400 McLanenFrank 402 Bell Alfred Charles 404 Walton Samuel, Mannville 406 Flack Albert 408 Hopkins Edward 410 Weighill Sam 412 Jennings Albert Edward 414 Jennings Thomas William 416 Lewis William, Bruceville 418 Sullivan William 420 Williams Thomas 422 Cook Richard Henry, Wiverton 424 Dodwell Edwin Thos. , Lyndhurst 426 Moffatt M. 428 Jackson Albert George 430 Douglas James .John 432 Cruwys William Henry 434 Brown Albert Edward 436 Savain Alfred 438 Nevard Joseph 440 Patten Henry 442 Appleton James 444 Marks George 446 Cameron William 448 Tucker Arthur, insurance agent 450 GrewcockSidney James ...... here is Elmers End road Cross and Return. Left Side. 365 Norris Fredk. William, Alfriston 363 Hill James 361 Myers Joseph, Hoathly 359 Norrey Harry 357 Grevatt Albert Grant 353 Oyston William Alfred, Roslyn 349 Quay Henry 347 Buckle Walter George 341 WaHs Frank 339 Andrews Alfred Ernest 337 Bantin George, Zara 3a5 Biggs Lewis. Sundridge 333 Rix Frederick, Redeal' 319 Gumbleton John, Widmore 315 Drabwell Arthur H. J., Houghtoll 313 Pentecost Frank 311 Lee Sydney 309 Pearce Edward ............ here is _4rrol road ............. 225 Murry Henry 223 Pitt Leonard 221 Dunnett Alfred 219 Demon Mrs. 217 Town Joseph 215 Walters George 213 Rourke John 211 Skinner George Wplls, lather 209 Agar John 207 Watson Thomas William 205 Brandon William 203 Powell William 201 Aust Cecil 199 Stenning William James 197 Riley Albert 195 Morris Reuben Henry 193 BeHam William Edward 191 Bennett Charles Henry 189 Carpenter Francis Colin 187 Emms Edwin Charles 185 Minter Frank ]83 Marshall Bertram 181 Cannings Charles ......... here is ViUiers road Cowper Sidney, Brading cottage Ladley Stephen, Ryde cottage 161 Upton Mrs. 159 Holman Albert 157 Pearse Robert 153 Shippey Alfred 151 Davis Henry 149 Champion Albert 147 Flanders Henry 145 Hawkes Charles 143 Edwards Elijah 141 Stenson James 139 Henham Alfred Walter 135 Fisk Cyrus 133 Nella .Mrs. 129 Hinks Samuel 127 Luce Charles 125 George John 123 Hobday William 121 Midmer William George 119 Ayling Juhn Ch 115 Wadham Charles Frederick 113 Wright William, jun. 111 Laught John 109 Pharo Ernest 107 Robertson Alexander 105 Purfield Hydney Frederick 103 Rousseau Armand John 101 Epps Alfred 99 Carpenter Percy Neil 97 Wright William Thomas 95 Dalton William P. 93 Ryland Frank 9l Brown Richard H. 89 Luff Mrs. 87 Symes John 85 Baxter Percy 83 Andrews Thomas Edmond 79 Channon John 77 Burtonshaw Reginald Foster, Ivy cottage 73 Ballard George Francis, Waldron 71 Rastrick Charles Davies, The Nook 65 Hogben Henry 61 Winn George 59 James Edgar R. 57 Cross William 55 Killick William 51 Mitchell Alexander Edwin 49 Braby Robert 47 Levett James 45 Seamark William 43 Pike Norrish 41 Chismon Ernest 39 Williams George Frederick 37 Green Joseph 37 Howlett James 33 Lyddon Horace 31 Privett William 29 Edwards Frederick James 27 Koch Mrs. E., decorator, Truro 23 Chatfield Reubp,n 21 Garman Mrs. ]9 Alsing Hans Jacob 17 Baxter Bert A. 15 Clayton Walter Thomas 13 Coote Philip Joseph 11 Dann John 9 Higgins Fred 5 Seely Robert, hairdresser 3 Bashford Mrs. Sarah, laundry 1 Stevens Percy, shopkeeper

Border Crescent.

Prom Crystal Palace Park Road to Lawrie Park avenue. Postal Address - Sydenham, S.E. South-east Side. 2 Nancarrow James Henry 4 Bolten Rolf . 6 Annett William 8 Sparham Harry Haddon Wickes 10 Beddy Walter Henry .. ... here is Sydenham avenue ....... South-west Side. 1 Butcher Herbert 3 Bradstreet Henry R 5 Whyte David, Summerfield 7 Johnston Robert W. ..... here is Lawrie Park avenue .

Brackley Road.

Left Side-from Southend Road to Copers Cope Road. 3 Richards Mrs. L. W., Rugby hour;e 7 Chappell John, South lodge 9 Mathew Mrs. 11 Bokenham 'rhomas Clifton 13 Skipton Horace Pitt Kennedy, Cruden house 15 Skeggs Alfred 21 Burness Gerald Middleton, Chesleigh 23 Thompson Charles J as., Kirkdale ........... lte7·eis Lawn road ............ St. Pattl's Church ...... here is Copers Cope road ...... C,'oss and Return. 26 Marshall ThomasEdwd., Lindum Jo 24 Echeverria Vincente 22 Hills Mrs., Rusetta 20 Kempson Wm. Joseph, Belgrano 18 Drysdale Sydney A. 16 Baker James, Sherbrooke 14 Kitchin Joseph Ingleneuk Christ Clurch Institute Cricket Club .. AptU8 Athletic Club Groumd (entrance) Beckenltam Hockey Club (enh~n~) .. 10 Jennings Cecil Frederick Joseph. solicitor & commissioner for 9i!-ths, l3ri!-ckley house 8 Rigby Harry, M.I.C.E. Algoa lodge 4 Pockett Alfred C., Rothbury 2 Hankin Miss, Oakdene ...... here is tV0rsle,l/ Bridge road Wall Letter Box

Bridge Road.

From 43 Copel'S 'Cope road to '/(in,q'.~ Hall road. here are ste)J.~ leading to J[onivea rd ...... here is Blakenf'!1 rd .

Bromley Road,

From High street to Scott's lane. North Siele. St. George's Parish Churh Beckenhmn Al1M8ho1l8e8 ...... here is St. (,'e07:r;e'smad . Bromley Road Council Schools, Benjamin A. Rooerts, head master Wall Lettcr Box ........... here is TIle KlIo/I . ......... here is Westgate road . Fire Alarm 9 Copeland H. & SOil, builflers 11 Rippengal Brothers, fruiterers & greengrocers 13A Hearder Miss, art needle work Thornton Tom William, stationer 15 Lee C. H., chemist Telephone Call Office 15 Prime 'fhomas F., M.R.C.V.S., veterinary surgeon 17 White James Edward, grocer 19 Beckenha1n 1JIission Hall 19 Stempt Henry, dining rooms 21 Surman John, florist, Victoria nursery 21 Wright William 25 Blaclwell Francis 27 Clarke Miss 29 Spong Miss, Lynsted 31 Woodbridge .Miss 33 West Richard 35 Harrison George 37 Leighton Wm., St. Dunstan's 39 Reidy Richard James. Ehnslea 41 Stephenson George, The Grange Albemarle Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club - F. W. Aste, hon. sec. 49 Kay & Gill Misses, ladies' school, Beckenham hall 67 Wade Charles A. Rufford house 73 Roberts Misses, Rosenberg 75 Grant Cardross, Bruntsfield 77 Munro' Mrs: J., Oak Lawn Pillar Letter Box 79 Ennor A. :F., Ravenswood Fire Alarm .. .... here is Bridge road . For continuation see Shortlands. South side . Beckenham Urban District Council Offiees. - Frederick Stevens, clerk, &, clerk to the Education Committee & vestry clerk . Manger Charles Ernest, registrar of births & deaths for Beckenham Sub-district & relieving & vaccination officer, collector to guardians & visitor under the "Children Act, 1908," for the No.2 district of the Bromley union; attends Mon. Tues. Wed. & -Fri. 5 -to 7 p.m. Thur. 10 a. m. to 12 noon, Sat. 10 to 11 a.m. Manger Herbert Edward, collector to Beckenham Urban District Council, assistant overseer & deput} registrar of births & deaths for the Sub-district of Beckenham Angell John A., A.M.I.C.E., engmeer & surveyor to the Urban District Council & architect to the Education Committee Clarke James E. & Webb T. H., school attendance officers to Becken ham Educa tionCommittee T/w Cluu- Walt. Gregory, hon.sec. Telephone Call Office Beckenham Public Hall Co. Limited-T. W. Thornton, sec & manager Pike William Russell. collector of King's taxes j Tuesday s 9 to & 2 to 4 & Thursdays 5 to 8 Metropolitan Water Board (Southern district) - M. E. Hollis, collector; attends Mondays 2 to 5 p.m , Entertainment Agency Offices (Tom William Thornton, propr.) Beckenltanl Urban District Council Yard Fire Brigade Station - H. S. Gear, supt ,. '. 8 Padbury Wm. Richard, coach bldr { Kick G. J. & Co., builders 10 Bailey Thomas, fruiterer 14 Ebben and Son, bakers 1G Vernon B., butcher Beckenham. Wesleyan Cburch ........ here is Bevington road . 18 Walker Miss 20 Sercombe Walter Edward 20 Dutton Rev. Alfred In: McMichael, M A. rcurate of St. George's] 22 Finch William 24 Telfer Mrs. J. B. 26 Bromley Miss 30 Thomas Miss M. A. 32 Barker Arthur 34 Sargeaunt Mrs. 36 Badger Mrs. S. 38 Doble Reginald A, 40 Hockin Misses, Zennor 42 Rowe Mrs. Helen, Chescombe 44 King Miss, Mirzapore 46 Bennett James Henry, Itf.R.C.S., L.R.c.p.Lond., physician & surgeon ............ here is .11£ano)· road . ......... here is Wickham road ..... 48 Hall George James, F.R.C.O., professor of music, Iken house 50 Bowyer Thomas 52 Hakins Joseph 54 Harris Thomas 56 Long William Arthur 58 Riches Mrs. 60 Cooper Mrs. E. 64: Studd Isaac William 66 St Banabas Parish Room 68 Stubbersfield Felix W, 72 Sumner Daniel, upholsterer 74 Palling & Miller Misses, confrs 76 Oakhill Cycle Works 78 Arnold William Geo .. bootmaker 80 Ward & Co., drapers 82 Porter George Richard, picture frame maker 84 Cupit & Co., fishmougers 86 Edmonds Dudley, butcher .......... here is Chancery lane . 88 Tilling Thos. Limited, jobmasters 90 The fJakltill, William Jas, Hadden 92 Purdue Charles, oil & color stores 92 Futter Harry 94 Overton Brothers, dairymen 96 Peters Walter, baker, & Post Office Pillar Letter Box 98 Jones & Co., library . 100 Crown Wine & Spirit Stores 102 Ellimall .Jacob, builder 104 Mayhew Norman, L.R.A.M., professor of music lO6 Copeland Tom . 108 & 110 Home of Compassion - Miss Purchase, in charge 112 Murray Percy Hope, M.B., C.lIl.,. physician & surgeon, Woodthorpe' ......... here is Crescent road ...... 114 Masou John Richard, Lynnwood 114A GillMrs. Charles 116 Wood Wm. Nicholson, Elmwood 118 Catterns Rev. Thomas Edward Samuel, A.K.C.L. 120 Kingstone Miss ...... here is Oakwood Avenue ...... 122 Burne Owen T., Oakery cottage 124 Cree Arthur Walker, Brodsworth Burge Edwin (lodge of), Oakwood ...... here is Scott's lane . Fire Alarm

Brook Place.

From 49 High street. Brown Robert Frederick, chimney sweeper & boot maker 1 Brown Mrs, Alice, chair caner 2 Scott William T. 3 Cooper Robert 4 Ashby Frederick 5 Otley Mrs. G Wilder.f ohn Robert 7 Pipe Frederick 8 Clarke Mrs. Grahrun Thos. & Co., builders' yard

Burnhill Cottages.

From Fairfield Road. 1 Jones Henry Thomas 2 Upton Mrs. Bowman Thos., Christ Church cot.

Burnhill Road.

From Riga st. to Kelsey Park rd. South Side. Smith John E. F., beer retailer Oram Thomas Hllary 2 Henley Owen 3 Funnell David 4 Bunting Henry John 5 Holmes Harry 6 Lane James 7 Tostevin James William 8 Manger· Frederick 10 Waite Alfred 11 Drensfield Alhert 12 Hancock Mrs. 13 Parkin Harry 14 Brand William 15 Bradley Frederick ]5 Towell Miss E., dressmaker 16 Blackwell Mrs. 17 Russell William 18 Wilson Geo. Daniel, umbrella maker 19 Hawkins Walter 20 Cherry Sidney 21 Cox Gordon 22 Robinson Edward Chas., upholstr. 23 Weller Robert Abrahams John William, } Melrose florIst, 2 villas Watson Thomas Henry,1 Dennis Wa1ter,Conservative agent, Elm villa Dennis W. & J., insurance agents, Elm villa North Side. 24 Richardson Archibald S. 25 Palmer Mrs. 26 Mason Edward 27 Anderson Charles ...... here is Stanmore Terrace 28 Davidge Harry 29 BaxTer William 30 Bendle Mrs. 31 Bolton Mrs. 32 Ashby Frederick 33 Saunders Thomas 34 Olds Albert Samuel 35 Webb Alfred Arthnr 35 Webb Mrs. Mary Ann, dressmaker 37 ShuteI' Charles 3R Brackley Charles 39 Smith Leslie 40 Langridge Robert 40 Godfrey Miss S. A., llurse 41 Sales John, carpenter ......... here is Fairfield road ......... 42 Robinson Charles, cab proprietor 43 Dean Ernest Arthur 44 King Edward 45 Dibben Charles 47 Terry Walter 48 Barker Miss Winifred, shopkeeper 49 Grant Amos 50 Smith Mrs. 51 Smithers James 52 Hill Mrs. 53 Demmon William James 54 Parkin Harry, shoeing forge

Burrell Row. - HwH STREET.

ji·rom.l11 High Street to Jlano1Wiew. East Side. 1 Scrivener William George 3 Longhurst James 5 Ribbins Harold 7 Mears Jesse 9 Mills Mrs. 11 Catt Mrs. 13 Griffin Mrs. 15 Harman Mrs. 17 Moss Charles 19 Sheppard William ......... here is Manor View ...... West Side. 2 Irish William George 4 Gasson Alfred William 6 Parker Harry 8 Terry Frederick 10 Hatton John 12 Gittins Richard 14 Crawley Mrs. 16 Olive William 18 Taylor Albert John 20 Chamberlain Kenneth

Byne Road.

Postal Address- -Sydenham, S.E. Left Side-from Velmer road to Tredown road. [Nos. 75 to 85 & 88 to 104 are in Lewisham parish. ] 1 Northcott Thomas 3 Walker James 5 Newton herbert Frederick, professor of music 7 Haves David R, Breithorn 9 Clark James Edward 13 Smyth George Daniel 15 Goulder Alfred Thomas 17 Grace Frederick 19 Carroll William Henry 21 Whet. n Mrs. 23 Wootton Charltls 25 Chapman Arthur Duncan 27 Kick Henry John 29 Brant Henry 31 Kick William 33 Ablett James 35 Lambert Henry John 37 Mills Christopher James 39 Bell George Henry 41 Collin's William T. 43 Child William H emy 45 Huckin William John Thom:ts 47 Downing James 49 Dudley William 51 B"adfonl John James 53 Shipway Henry M. 55 Lawrence 'William 57 Adarr.s Mrs. 59 Cutbush Charles George 61 Hansen Joseph 61A Nichols Joseph 63 Burgess William, Sandown villa 65 Moore Mrs. 67 Josolyne Charles, Kelvington 69 Wilson William S. 71 Rowbottom Charles Aug. 73 Schofield Sidney Charles Apps ..... .here is boundary of Beckenham parish ...... 75 Moxon Charles 77 Gordon Miss 79 Moore Miss, St. Helen's 81 Flicker Miss Lucy 83 Thompson John 85 Jull Mrs. E. Cross and Return. 104 Reason Miss 104 Benfield Mrs. 102 Mintern Albert Charles 102 Luck Wyndham Victor 100 Simkins Fredk. pianoforte tuner 98 Davies Nelson Henry Charles 98 Bant Frederick 96 Sutherland George 94 Bartlett Sidney James 94 Wheable Sydney Augustus 94 Railey Mrs. 92 Gillham Arthur Edward 92 Tapping William Henry 90 .Blackmore Percy 90 Gibbard WIlfred ...... here is boundary of Beckenham parish ...... 88 Janes Frederick William 88 Smith William 86 Francis Charles William 86 Fenner Alfred 84 Pepper John William 84 Taylor Ernest Charles 82 Thompson Charles Herbert 82 Murrell Percival W. 76 Steel Thomas Arthur 74 Blackburn Charles 72 Piercy Charles Herbert 70 Jessup Richard 68 Dalton Frederick George 64 Smith Scott 62 Stewart William 60 Fogarty Edward John 58 Mayhew Mrs. E. 56 Beadle Charles Edward, Ivy villa 54 Hennessy Alfred 52 Jackson Arthur C. A. 50 Wilson James Frederick 48 Shilling Wm. Henry Byne villa 46 Bartlett Willi/1m James, Lonsdale 44 Dally Thomas Gibson, Llandaff 42 Nickols Charles 40 Benfield Alfred Ernest 38 Capes Gerald W., Southmoor 36 Plank A. E. 34 Browne Mrs. Gregory 32 Anderson Charles Waltcr M. 30 Smith Gregory 28 Sherwood Frederick James 26 Dalby Henry Brooker 24 Barnard Henry William 22 Gelsthorpe Thomas Alfred 20 Mills William Henry 18 Smith William 16 Hewitt Nathaniel Joseph 12 Thompson Herbert James 6 Pitt John Bycraft 4 Pearson Mrs. 2 Mortlock Walter, auctioneer, survyr.& valuer, Tower chamhers

Cator Road. - LENNAhD ROAD.

Postal Address-Sydenham, S.E. From Lei/nard road to 7TewSb1try rd. Left side. 1 Clubb Leonard 5 Tallentire Thomas 7 Harper Joseph C., Caw(!od 9 Wild Mrs., St. Margaret's 11 Pratt Charles J. 13 Lipp Carl 15 Allen A. Victor. Ceres 17 Evans Alfred H"enry, Alcombe 19 Tup-ker Will. Edward, Hughimden Piller Letter Box 21 Bentley George , 23 Godley Gilbert Allan, Strathmore 25 March Mrs. 27 Osborn Mrs., Bruneswald 29 Tiffin Walter, Dominique 31 Housden James Bunting, Brooklyn 33 Williams Sidney J urnes 35 Brown John D~ncan 37 Cairns John 39 Willes Walter William, Oa.kbrook 41 Turner George C. 43 Lainson C. E., Fernside .... here is footpath til lYewl(/ntl.~ Park and Alexandra Pleasure Grounds ... Cross and Return 12 Cumming' Samuel Frank ..... here is Wuodbaslwicl: road ...... 10 Bull Edmund Watson, St. John's 8 Burton Frederick George 4 Locatelli Pompeo, Hilda lodge 2 Penny William Maxwell, M.A., M. B., B.c.cantab, M.R.C.S, Phillips & Penny, physicians & surgeons, Tudor lodge

Cavendish Villas.

See Elmers End road.

Cedars Road.

Left Side. From Croydon Rd. to Clock House rd. 1 St. Olaf's School ~Misses Weisgerber, principals 3 Berk Felix. 7 Clarke Lady 9 Glanvill Cornelius Ruck 11 Wiskin Mrs., Clovelly 13 Falck Capt. O. M., R.N. 15 Anderson Rev. Stuart Knox, ,M.A. [curate of St. George's, Beckenham] 17 Newington George 19 Bailey Henry Ernest Samuel 21 Cmgg Miss 23 Perkins Hugh Walter 27 Smith Sidney 29 Joel William Watkin 31 Ray Mrs. Herbert 33 Hall Edward 35 Trafford Wilfred Broughton 37 Robbins Mrs. 39 Burwood Francis 41 Cotter Harry B. 43 Tindley Francis 45 Wheeler Aubrey Mark 47 Rrown Henry john 47 Brown Miss "V., preparatory school, Ravellsworth 49 Cleere Henry John 51 Brown Arthur 53 Kick Mrs. 55 GoUelier Henry Edward 59 Mackenzie Murdoch (Blair Athol) 61 Edwards Herbert K . 63 Butler John Sealy 67 Hodges Alban Ernest 69 Busbridge Edwin Hunt 71 Lewis Edward Derby . here 'is Qlleen'g road 73 'Wiseman Art h nr 75 Pike Frederick John 77 Stevens Percy William 79 Reed Miss Edith M., private school 79 Reed Percy W., architect 81 Swanson William D. ...... here is Oloe k IIollsc road Cross and Return. ...... here is Clock House road . ......... here is Queen's road ......... ............ here is Elm road ...... ............ here is Hayne road ...... 18 Skerry Rev. William Richard [Baptist] ,_Beechcroft 16 Bartlett William A. W. 14 Mitchell Edward John 10 Leete Mrs. Warren 8 Stoddart John E., Stowford 6 Brewster Thomas Ward 4 Jeffries Walter Henry Wall Letter Box 2 Purday Stephen Frank, Coniston

Chaftinch Road.

From 28 Beckenham Road to Rowden Rd. Left Side. 3 Brake Frenerick Walter 5 Onley Charles 7 Galley Joseph 9 ('.JOrding. John 11 Reed Arthur Herbert 13 Woolley Mrs. 15 Taylor Charles 17 Bruce John Henry 19 Penn Daniel James 21 Bray William ...... here is Thayers Farln rd 23 Jones Arthur 25 Edwards Frederick Charles 27 Hancock Richard 29 Standen Angus John 33 Munday William . 35 Blackwell Charles Frederick 37 Hayes Miss, Brook cottage 39 Meadows Henry John 41 Butcher Henry Frank, verger of All Saints' Church ...... ... here is Ron'den road 43 Hands Ebenezer 45 Dart Frank 47 Freeman Arthur 49 Pritchard Wm. Wallis, sunnyside 51 Boorman Walter 55 Birch Henry Clifton 57 Hutchings John Geo., Stanley viI. 59 Hendy Albert Henry 61 Bottham Frederick 63 Myers Charles Garnett 65 Baker George James 67 Flint Frank 69 Fuller Albert 71 Baker John Stanford 73 Humphrey Thomas Alfred 75 Pocock William 77 Painting Mrs 79 Bedding Thomas Walter 81 Clayton Thomas 83 Dawson Charles William 85 Barlow Frederick 87 Cooke Arthur James 89 Stubbings John 91 Baillie James 95 Scott Robert, insurance agent 97 Derrick Miss 99 Miller Mrs. E. ...... here is Rowden road ...... Right Side. 12 Thomas Michael C. W. 14 Wood MOtltague 16 Hand Gilbert, Stanley. 20 Seaman Charles Knowles 34 Cheyney Mrs. 26 Edgecombe William 28 Pullen William 30 Regan Heriry 32 Russell Frank Henry

Chancery Lane .

From Bromley rd. to Wickham rd. North Side. 2 {Tilling Thos., .Limited, jobinasters Appleby George 4 Stephens Miss 4A Sumner Daniel 6 Gosling Edward James. bootmaker 8 Stanlake Thomas H., greengrocer 10 Vaile Rowland William Hy., grocer 12 Harrington Ernest 14 Brown Alfred 16 Smith John 24 Bennett William Edward 26 Carter Alfred 28 Poynter Edward 30 Davis William 32 Belsham Daniel, 34 Parker William 38 Ellis Mrs, 40 Boakes John William 42 Alleeson Mrs.C.,coffee & dining rooms South Side. 1 Ottaway James, jobbing gardener 3 Cant George 7 Pratt Mrs. ............ here is Limes road ...... 9 Copper Edward George, bper reUr 11 Garman John 13 Baskerfil'ld Thomas 15 Nash Fn'derick Wallace, grocer 17 Bullock Herbert 19 Sculcher Arthur ·John 21 Homden George, gardener 27 Copeland William 29A Rolfe Stephen, upholsterer 29 Wood Frederick 31 Kirk Edward James 33 Midwmter Charles Napoleon 35 Dawes Alfred 37 & 39 Payne William, blacksmith 41 Newitt George 43 Brown Herbert E., chimney sweep

Charlevllie Road.

From 87 High street, Beckenham. Church Road. From 17 High st. to St. George's rd. South Side. 1 Brown Albert Victor 2 Farrin Charles Edward 3 Dennis John, verger of Beckenham parish church, parish clerk & sexton 4: Arnold William George 5 Batley Frederick 5 Miller Mrs. J. 6 Reynolds Edward 7 Gasson Thomas William North Side. Obee W., cabinet maker

Church Fields road.

From 205 Bee1tenkam road to Elmers End road. East Side. 1 Conway A. D., bootmaker 3 Jarvis Frank. grocer 5 Blunsdon William ThomaS 7 Wyman Da viq 9 Hillier Mrs, 11 Walker William 13 Arnold William George 15 Mortlock William, jun. 17 Wood Mrs. 19 Dunmore William 21 Beasley James H. E. 23 Morllnck William 25 Reeves Alfred Jobn 27 Tween George 29 Morley Horace 31 Smith James 33 Dennis Daniel 35 Marks Henry Robert 39 Glazebrook Thomas 41 Rolls Henry 43 Moore Georg-e 45 Sumner Frederick 47 Leach Calvert James 51 Bye Mrs. 53 Jones Edward 55 Minter Mrs. 57 Field James, furniture dealer 59 Everest Thomas 63 Rumens George Frederick 65 Curtis Henry 67 Attree Francis John 69 Wilson Charles Hobert 71 Stedman Ed win 73 Morley Mrs. 75 Nunn Mrs. 77 Morley George 79 Norrington J obn 81 Brian Bernard 83 Banham John 85 Binfield George 87 Banha:n John, sen. 89 NOf'is Wilham James, builder (workshops) 91 Poole Mrs. 9R Saunders Robed William 95 Ashdown Harry 97 Huxley Samuel 99 Town John Amos 101 & 103 Town Thomas, shopk'3eper 103 Roe Mrs. 107 We:.;ton Thomas 109 Saunders John 115 Cousins Robert, fishmonger 121 TaylO! George R., codectioner 123 Rose James 125 Burtonshaw John 127 Dymond Hermon; jnn:, G~rrrHUl ;........ here is~Grc.~ham road ...... Turney & Co., pin & needle manufacturers (Eagle works) 139 Shepherd George, greengrocer 141 Hutchinson Henry 143 Reeves Edward Richard 145 Reeves Mrs. S. 147 Mountney William 149 Purvis Richard 151 Greenfield Charles 153 Lawrence James 155 Hastings Emmanuel 157 Bates Philip, greengrocer ......... here is Fllll'cnce road ......... 159 Fuller William Albert 177 Hart Stephen, shopkeeper ............ here is Gordon rd ...... Recreation Ground Beckenham Urban District Council Electric Light Station 4" Dust Destrudo,. Work.~-Jn. Edward Tapper, :M.IE.E., engnr /Jeckrmhfllll Urban Distl'ictUounml Allotments West Side, ......... here is Clement road ...... ......... here 'is &ward road 104 Robbs Albert Edwin' 102 Lines John Alfred 100 Hollis Samuel, decorator ...... here is Kimberley road ...... 96 Moss Richard, shopkeeper 94 Hitchings William Henry 92 Keen Wttlter 90 Powers Gutavus 88 Parkinsoll John 86 Allen John Edward 84 Hastings Mrs. lWeu Sophia, general shop ...... ... here is KiJll,bl~rlc!J road ......... 78 Foster R. G. 76 West Edward 74 Jenkins J as. A rth ur. fried fish shop 68 Godbold Frederick, baker ......... here is .~·7iltfln .~17·eet ......... 60 Saunders Herbert. Ihuf\'. provo dlr. ()-! Bonneywel1 ,Jas,. Gl:v., ~h"pkeeper tit tihaekell F1"f~d,·rick, ou:chcl' 60 Wigmore Rlehald, dairy St. Augustine's Church rOllndl School 58 Obee James ...... here is liZ,mdlord avenue ...... Arthur Road Mission Hall - H. Wordley, missionary 54 Frank 52 Giblin George 50 West William 48 Nye Benjamin 46 Holmes James Alfred 44 Lockwood Ernest 42 Lock Cbades 40 Banham John 38 Hill Benjamin 36 Willis Thomas 34 Hansman Boswell 32 Preston Luther 30 Mason John W. 28 Pegler Albert 26 Lip-comh William Henry 24 Mitchell George 22 Brookes William G. 20 Gladwin Thomas 18 Rose George 16 Sales Frederick Arthur 12 Avis Josh ua William 10 Mauntan Alfred John 8 Halch Mark P., fried fish shop 6 Wild Benjamin, confectioner 4 Adlam Albert George, butcher 2 Hartnup Thomas, hairdresser

Clement Road. - BECKENHAM.

From Church Fields road to Elmers End road.

Clifton Terrace.

see Puri,yh lane.

Clock House Road .

Right Side - from Beckenham Road to Cromwell Road. Pillar Letter Box lABennett J. A. & Co., coal mel's. I Caf( Hy. & "\Ym., coal merchants 3 Yf~ats Willium Edward r; Rlpcr :'drs. 7 Evans I-lL'r"crt Edward Y Baxter Frallk 13' Harvey MUlltal-{ue, Seaton 13 Piper Mrs, E. E. I7 Trew Mrs. 19 Bensted Richard John 23 Player Henry John, surveyor 25 Weil William Ernest 27 Penn Llewellyn M. 29 Wood Roland J. 35 Hayes Daniel Joseph 37 Farrar Frederick William 39 Sindall Owen 41 Wright Arthur 43 Somerville John Forbes 45 Tattersfield Mrs. A. 47 Malt Henry 49 Bowles Alfred Edward 51 Butcher Albert 53 Alderton James Horace 55 Cox Henry 57 Marsh Charles George 59 Costello-Bowen Hubert 61 Nimmo George William Edward 63 Bliss Mrs. 65 Berggren Charles Victor 67 Leigh Charles 69 Wheldon Frederick William 71 Ewin Herbert H. 73 Warcup Henry Edwin 75 Bayntun Arthur 77 Drewry Vincent Harold 79 Woodward Frederick W. 81 Virgo Sidney Albert 83 Mack Thomas, Rosemont 85 Mack Herbert, Hazelwood 87 Brewer Charles Richard 89 Ritchie John, Fairlawn 91 Ritchie Arthur Edwin, Ferndale 93 Butler William Henry, Ingleside 95 Arnold Ernest, Wakefield 97 Baxter Frank, Ashurst 99 Sherman Arthur Wm., Rookwood 101 Hann Richard Thomas, Beaulieu 103 Wild Albert John, Eversley 105 Norva Harry, GhJll bank 107 Evens Lawrence 109 Stewart Donald, Corinnaville ......... here 'is Cromwell rd ......... Cross and Return. 96 Ridgway Alfred, Daneville 94 Stewart Wallace Herbt, Clevedon 92 Mann Arthur Herbert, Lyndhurst 90 De Koninck Miss, Woodcote 88 Johnson Mrs. Isabelle Caroline, Oakwood 86 Nash Samuel Godfrey, Pen hill 84 Fox Charles James, Ropleydene 82 Coleman Chas. Alfred, Egerton vil 80 Meeres Wilfred ...... here is Hampden rd ...... 78 Showell John F. 76 Parker Percy 74 Chapman Walter William 72 Bradsell George Henry 70 Dyson Joseph Stephen 68 Moody John 66 Sanders Amos 64: Hambrook Frank 60 Doggett Frederick James 58 Ferrier James 56 Francis St~phen 54 Barnett Archibald Victor ........... here is Queen's rd .......... Pillar Letter Box 52 Neale William Richmond 50 Roe George Edward F. 48 Bunce Emest Robert 46 McEwen William S. 44 Wilby Ernest John 42 Yeo William J. 40 Pepper George 36 Smith Hugh 34 Clarke C. F. L. 32 Foot H. K. 30 Cruise Henry St. John ......... here is Cedm's road ...... 28 Philpott Albert H. 26 Baldrey Frank 24 Tatuall Henry 22 Wakeling Miss 20 Ewin Henry 18 GaraMdian Vahan 16 Rodda Frank Church Clock House Station. Bennett J. A. & Co., coal merchants Reynolds Tmiton Matthw., station mast Carr Henry & William, coal merchnts

Coleliburg Road.

From 37 Belmont road to Cromwell road. 2 Hill Norman, Darleydale 6 Emmans Henry A. 8 Collister John Archibald 10 Whiter James Joshua 12 Osborn Ernest Alfred 14 Obee Mrs. 40 Whiter Walter 42 Hazelgrove David Charles 44 Benhohn Clare 46 Shambrodk Charles J.

Copers Cope Road.

Lift Side-from Southend road. Pillar Letter Box 1 Arnold Mrs, Coo'ee 3 Hayward Mrs. William, Parkhurst 5 Haworth William Hy., The Ferns 7 Lloyd George Walter 9 SmithMrs.Jas.Wm.,Cmnberland ho 11 Day George Henry, Heathbourne 13 Watts Henry, Kelham house 15 Avis John, Phillimore ., 17 Boyce Mrs., Oak Bank 19 Gillespie James 21 Hirst Mrs. E. M., Kevington 23 Jones Mrs. Charles Arth., Grafton 25 Paice Edward, Woodburn Wall Letter Box 29 Brett Frederick Jocelyn 31 Fitter Horace, Garsdale 33 Nobes Mrs., The Ardennes 37 Greenslade Miss, Elmdon lodge 41 Kent Mrs., Sussex lodge ............ here is Bridge road ...... 43 Linton Salmon, Childerley 45 Foxey Miss 47 Butcher Wm. Maxwell, TheMyrtles 49 Quennell Cecil 51 McClellan Benjamin, Chinsurah 53 Beech William 55 Hardy Robert Brand 57 Dawe Mrs. 59 Bourner Mrs. 61 Glanfield Stanley, Glen Lyn 63 Young Thomas McCubbin, M.B., F.R.C.S. Edin., physician & surg!! ...... here is Park Road, and New Beckenham station and subway to Lennard Rd. Fire Alarm 65 HortQn~MaJ; Jas., ~ep~~ore lodge 67 ..Ledg~f'Mrs. E. . 69 ...stagg .Rola:n~ 71 Burtt Edwin W., Elvin 73 Goskar Mrs., Ferndale 75 Hale Mrs. E.S. 77 Brandt Frederick. Roseleigh 79 Moens Mrs; Arthur F. 81 Baxter Misses Direct Supply Aerated Water Co. Limited (works 85 Leefe John William 87 Kerry Samuel Tallant. Henri, Grange Wood 119 Rooker Philip R., Cranmere 121 James Stanley Dauphin Bunce Eccloo 123 Smp,aton William 125 Beazley Mavin John, Wentworth 127 Basan David 129 Chandler Mrs., Oakdene 131 Elward Parish A., The Haven 133 Cashell Alfred Ernest. Zina 135 Dennett Miss S. E., Whitwell 137 Goldsmith Mrs., Norbury 139 Hills Mr~., Armadale Pillar Letter Boa; 145 Logan Maxwell, Choti-Khoti 147 Wright Edmund Higham, Hunmanby , 149 Webb Charles Sydney 151 Gordon Bertram Fuller, Girnoch Three Banks Athletic Club Ground - G. A. Cosser, sec. Mullinder Charles Gilbert, The Cottage (Three Banks Athletic ground) 155 Le May Algernon E. 157 MaltbyChs.Midlam,F.s.I.,Duncliffe 159 Elson Arthur, Northfield . 163 Alborough Henry, Conamur 165 Tolhurst George, Rosslyn· 169 Bartlett Albert Thomes, Rheola ...... here is Worsley.Bridge road ... Cross and Return. .Dalgety's Cricket Club Capital and Counties Bank Athletic Club 66 Colls Walter, Derwent 64 Waddington Clarence C. 62 .Wood Frederick, Lyndenhurst . .: . Dmsolidated Gold Fields 018. .'t2rc;~ Afl'iea Atllletie·Cll1bLtd.(The) 60_Lee John B. 58 Greenwood Charles Edward, Elim 56A Day Arthur John, Tugela ......... here is Brackle.1l road , 54 Parsons Miss Ann, The Woodlands 52 Hall Victor. Thorniecroft 50 Dieseldorff William H. 48 Marshall Arthur Edwd., Waldefsea ............ here is Parle road ............ Fire Alarm Pillar Letter Box 46 Conway Seymour, Inglecl'oft ........... here is Lawn road . 44 Nash Mises, St. Leonards 42 Staplefurd Geo.Downer. Esperanza 40 Chinton Douglas, Fairlea 38 Williamson James. Dulvedon 36 Taylor Samuel, P'3mbury 36 Lamb Ernest Henry, c.M.G., M.P., Pembury 34 Ardant Harry, Newlands 32 Gale William Charles, Escombe 30 Price Edward Herbert, Rotbay 28 Velner Hubert W , Kamesburgh 26 Anns Albert, Holmleigh 24 Randall Charles Kemp,Broomfield 22 Moses John, Fenton 20 Bolus Harry Boulcolt, M.B., B.C. cantab., M.R.C.S., L.U.C.P., physician & surgeon, Brisgow house 18 Grain Mrs., Lancaster house 16 Stilwell Miss, Lynwood 14 de Montezuma Mdme., Cliftonville 12 Hay Major Cameron, High Lea 10 Handell Reginald Maurice Henry, M.D.Lond., physician, Goodwood 8 Lewis Joshua Lcwis, Twyfordbury 6 Tolhurst Mrs., Glenbrook 4 Borrowman Mrs. R. 2 Dunn Hugh Percy, F.R.C.S.

Court Downs Road.

From Wickha'ln rd.tuKels(!y Park rd. North Side. 2 Doble Herbert, Bedruthan Levens Mrs., Iniscorthy Simpson William, Kelscy view South Side. Lees Rev. Harrington Clare, III.A. [vicar of Christ Church] Lamp Letter Box Doble Mrs., Muskegon Place John, Airolo Potter ErnestHarold,Court Downs cot

Courtenay Road-LENNARD ROAD'ro

SOr.lERVILLE ROAD. Postal Address-Penge. S.E. 1 Moore John William, upholsterer & french polisher 2 Beal Walter 3 Ash Mrs. 4 Yeoman Edwin, Penshurst 5 Mann Alfred, sen., Dorasinga 6 Peacock George M., Ferndale 7 Combe Mrs., Stockwell cottage 8 Barnes Herbert Charles

Crab Hill.

From Fox Grove road. ........... here is Downs hill ............. Ravensbourne Railway Station (S. E. & C. R.)-William Henry Hardy, station master Tyne Main Coal Co. Limited S. E. & C. R. Coal Depot Small bone C. A., coal merchant. See advertisement facing Shortlands Section

Crampton Road.

Left Side-Postal Address-Penge, S.E. ......... here is Parish boundary ......... 51 Wyatt Edgar William, slater 55 Juniper John 57 Stanford Richard 59 Hinson Thomas 61 Buckley Edward 63 Dennis Frank Herbert 69 Parker John 71 Goodier George Albert 73 C['yer Charles 77 Langley Charles Wm., decorator 79 Lofthouse Mrs 85 Ranger Charles Vincent 93 Akers Richard 97 Munday William 99 N Bvard George . 101 Barrell Mark 103 Raffell James George 105 Deverell Frederick James 109 Whiteington Arthur III Stone Arthur Edward 113 Mllore Alfred 115 Sims Mrs. 117 Jenkins Richard Thomas 119 Spicer Charles Ralph 121 Fulker Charles }23 Minear Francis George 127 Hawkes George 129 Davies William 131 Budd Alfred George Cross and Return. ......... here is Railway View ........ 90 Searle Thomas 86 Blincko Albert Curtis 84 Murray George 82 Drake James Thomas 80 Freeman George 78 Meconi John 76 Bull Arthur Frederick ......... here is Station road ...... 74 Mack Matthew 10 Parsons George, tailor 68 Haskett Albert 66 Nessling Robert 64 Sanders John Henry 62 Boston James . 60 Piper Miss 58 Brewer Frank 56 Aylett Alfred 54 Farrell Mrs. 52 Carter James 50 Westlake Herbert Daniel ......... here is Parish boundary .

Crescent Road.

From Bromley road to Wiokhmn rd. North Side. 4 Dashwood Mrs., Glenogle 6 Delano-Osborne Misses 8 Shaw John William 10 Wylde Misses 12 Leventhorpe Mrs. 14 Mould Beaumont, Shandon 16 Lawrence Ernest Fredk., Domus ............ here is Limes road ...... South Side. 5 Barnes Mrs. 7 Jeffries Mrs., Rowanwood 9 Woodward Miss, nursing home Luke Francis Rawling, Y-ew lodge ......... here is Oak Hill road ....... Beckenham Congrragational Church Church of England Home for Waifs and Strays- - Miss Campbell, matron, St. Hil~as

Cromwell Road.

]J7)'mn Croydon 'road to Clock House road. Right Side. 2 Ball Reginald Francis, Kiora 4 Muskett HenryWm. Jas.,Jevington 8 Fitt Frank Herbert, Roselea 10 ValIer Harry William, Fairlight 12 Willmott Stanley John, Oakleigh ......... here is Colesburg road ......... 18 Gold Robert James Stiles, Selborne 20 Rudderham Walter Ernest, Aldwick 26 Gooch Edward Alfred, Ventnor 28 Preis John Frederick, Shanklin 30 Owen Alfred, Avondale 32 Edwards John Percival, Glenvale ......... here is Balgorvan road ......... 36 Mann John Stanley 38 Newton Wilham James Oliver 40 Lovering Albert William Rogers 46 Montague Reginald, Benalla ......... here is Hampden rd 50 Hill Ernest 52 Williams William Tom 54 Walker Mrs. 56 Carpenter Cyril 58 Blenkarn Stanley 60 Pan chard Stanley John 62 Kitching Stanley George 64 Steill Leonard 66 Rees William, Craig Howe! 68 Collings George, Hay tor 70 Lewis Cecil Aubrey, Cromwell hOe 72 Bristow Arthur William 74 Wright Joseph 76 King Lawrence 78 Wallington Mrs. 80 Dodridge Albert Edward Left Side. 3 Williams Francis Millwood Bailey Frederick Chas. (Padstow) 5 Portnell Francis Charles, Bodmin 7 Fletcher George ll Turnet: Flederick Percy 13 Lewis Albert Robert 19 Kerr Robert 21 Garrett Charles Adley 23 Marden Belcher 25 Ray Percy Everton, Rochelle PILLAR LETTER Box ...... hhere is St. James' avenue ...... 27 Neish George C., Brer-hin 29 Porter William Thomas, Aldburgh 31 Hodges Cyril James. Chudleigh 33 Roszak Emmanuel, Holmwood ...... here is Ii'orstel' road ...... 39 G'~il Edward Richard, Hazelwood 41 Parker Charles, Trefriw 43 Adams Albert 45 Mitchell Forbes T., Sebrof 47 Gardner Benjamiu 49 Felt Mrs. 59 Mackenzie Herbert William 61 Westerman Ralph E., builder & contractor (estate office) ...... here is Clock House road ......

Croydon Road.

Left Side - from High Street. THE BROADWAY. Dennis Charles Henry, fishmonger Mickley Bennett, hardware stores ...... .. here is Fm'er8ltam rd ........ ...... here is Sh({ttesbul'lj road ...... Overton Bros., dairymen GhriiSt Church j1Ii.~8ion Room Cupit Wm. Walt., Kelsey Park farm Beckenham Cottage Hospital.-Miss Costford, matron; Cardross Grant, hon. sec. & treasurer . Recreation Ground. - James George . Thomas Baxter, caretaker ....... here is Whitrnore road ......... Chalk Vernon B. grazier Neslanglo Sports Club (II. E. Swift, hon. sec) (ground), Eden park Cedars Lawn Tennis Club CW. W. Bell, sec.) .... here is Upper ElJl/6rS End l'ogd .... Cross and Return. 46 Hazelton" William 48 Paine Edgar Jaliles ~-. ; 50 Elliot. Chas. Herbcrt, Kirk Braddon 52 Whittington Thos., Bonaker 54 Christopher Mrs., Dunolly 56 Morris George. Pencotry 58 Jackling Ernest; 'A.R:S.I. .. . 60 Todd Frederick, M R.C.S. Eng~, L.D.S Eng., Sunnyside : 64 Dawson Cecil, Shirley Hyrst 66 Stocker John Watson, solicitor & commissioner for oaths, Edenhurst 68 Bluett Mrs. 70 Gould Alfred King, Holyrood WALL LETTER Box 72 Lowe Norman Dalziel, Elmer grange 74 Bird George Frederick 76 Henderson Robert, C.B., The Hermitage 78 Palmer Misses St. Winifr~s 80 Fenez Alfred A., La Roserale 84 Goodman Edward Louis ...... here iN Slwewsbzll'Y road. 86 Puckle Mrs. Emily E., kmdergarten & preparatory school 86 Puckle Reginald Anfrere 88 Scott Stanley W. 90 Parker Arthur Jas., Castlecarrock 92 Marston Edward Rowis, A.U.I.C.E. 96 Herzfeld Gustave, Steglitz .. ..... .here is Cromwell road ........ 102 Roff Robert David 104: Berry George P . 106 Lane Edward Kaspar 108 Terry John ............ here is .Acacia road , ...... 124 Brown Charles Frederick 126 Mason Miss 128 Moss Mrs. 130 Fulker George 134 Brazier Herman Frederick 136 Morris Mrs. S. 138 Bailey Charles ......... here is Yew Tree road ...... 140 Humphrey Ernest. butcher 142 Stokes Charles & Son, plumbers ]44 Kirkby Mrs. Ellen . l46 Holdstock Miss Violet, confctnr. 148 Guymer William, greengrocer 150 Moreland William, grocer and provision merchant 152 Plummer Ernest A. baker & Post Otfiee WALL LETTER BOX ,........ here is Gowland place. ......... 154 Davis Walter 156 Raynes MIs. 158 Wells Mrs. 160 Joslin Walter 162 Sleeman Herbert C. 164 Lambie William Henry 166 Morris Cecil Bernard 168A T,ord's Model Laundry Limited 168 Welford's Surrey Dairies, Limited ........ here is Belmont Road ......... 170 Telephone Call Office 170 & 170A Biggs Thomas Arthur, confectioner & tobacconist 172 Mihigan Jeremiah 178 Brown Eustace Valentine 182 Bullamore Mrs. 184 Isaacs Miss Clara 186 Frampton Anthony 188 Golds George 192 Cox William, domestic stores ......... here is Durban road ..... ... 194 Willson Henry, grocer 196 Ambridge.Fredk. W.~ plumber 200 W omell John 202 Morris Henry, B.SC., F.R.A.S. ............ here is Cedal's road ............ 206 Harris Frank 208 Steed Frederick O. 210 Standen Mrs. 212 Langley John Charles 214 Spence Thomas Ralph 216 Garner Christopher ......... here is Westfield road ......

Croydon Road, EImers End.

Continuation of Croydon Nad,Beckenltam. Right Side-from Upper EImers End road. St. James' Okurc7t St. James' School.'!, E. A. Gooch, headmaster 44 Lea Rev. Percy Harris': B.A. [priest in charge, St. James' Church]. St. James' parsonage 22 Leeks Thomas 18 William the Fourth P.H., Edward., William Craddock [PH] 16 Levens Charles 14 Clark Thomas 12 Freese John 10 Kite Arthur William 8 Bennett Alfred 6 Holledge Levitt 4 Tapper Thomas 4 Tapper Mrs. H., midwife 2 Paton Alexander Holifield Mrs.Martha, wood-broker ......... here is Eimers End rd ......


2 Craker Arthur George, dining rms 8 Eldridge Loui15N., hairdresser London Steam Carpet Beating Co. Limited London Dry Cleaning Co Muirhead & Co. Limited, electrical engineers . Electrical Wiring & Fittings Co. Limited Cross and Return. PascalI Thomas George,brickmaker Hill Charles Edward, market gardener, Elmer farm 3 Holloway Ellis 5 Levens Miss . 7 Wall Edmund K.,Post Olfiee, grocr. and provision merchant Pillar Letter Box U Payne Charles, domestic stores 11 Sharp Mrs. Florence E., draper 13 Devereux Mrs. Sarah, general shop 15 Telephone Call Office 15 Burton William Henry, baker 17 Chivers George Hy., dining rooms ,........ here is Langley road ...... 19 Francis William 21 Rose Charles 23 Hind Mrs. 25 Crowhurst William 27 Samson Richard 31 Wicks Edward, jun. , 33 Moss Samuel 35 Chandler Thomas 37 Blanchard George 39 Buckingham Mrs, 41 Tricker Art,hur Charles, bootmaker 45 Holidge Robert, laundry 47 Fisher John, butcher 49 Swain Thomas Geo., greengrocer 51 Taylor George, grocer ............ here is Eden road .. ..... Fire Alarm. f,H Langridge Arthur Geo., shopkpl'. 55 Holyoake William George 57 Stubbersfield John Hy. bootma. 59 .Francis Mrs. 61 Dyer Charles >

Crystal Palace Park Road.

Postal Address: Sydenham, . . Left side-from Thicket Road. ... here is Crystal Palace entrance .. 3 Michael Cyril Eden, M.A., M .B., B.c., physician & surgn. Trelawne 3 Soper, Scott-Turner &: Michael, physicians & surgeons, Trelawne 5 Mackintosh Allan ... ... here is boundary of Beckenham parish ..... 7 Rashleigh Mrs., The Chimes 9 Pullen Harry, Whitethorns 11 Barker Mrs. 17 Hoare Charles Campbell Williams 19 Fletcher Joseph Andrew, Parklands 23 Sawtell Mrs., The Chalet 25 Bacon Arthur Ranulpb, The Ferns ........ here is Sydenham entrance to Crystal Palace ...... 31A Collills &. Son, jobmasters 33 Orchard Hemy Ben, The Vale 35 Ovington Mrs. A. D. M., Helios 41 Fox Miss, The Fronds 43 Spring Paul, Maisonette 45 Bulkeley Miss, St. Patricks 47 Roome Frederick 51 NonnandyAlphonse Louis,Menival55 Porter George Joseph B. 57 Bennett Mrs., Chessington 59 Smith Charles Eastlake, Fairbank 61 1m Thurn Fredk. Chas., Ailsa 63 Gaitskell Edward Forbes, JlI.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., surgeon, Catto G5 Margetson Mrs. PauIO.,Derwentho. 67 Surra~e Edward John Rocke 69 Michaelson Max, Glynn 71 Butterfield Mrs., Ebor house 73.J-,hanllPH Helll,ann ...... here is honndary of Beckenham. parish ..... 75 Acton Arrhur 77 Gibb" Miss, The Cottage 7l Morrison Charles Cross and Return. ............ here is West Hill ...... Pillar Letter Box 60 Leach Miss Rose 58 Barnard John Charles 56 Harwood Charles William 54 Rason Hon. Sir Cornthwaite Hector, Valetta 50 Le Bauld de Nans Madame, Lexington 48 Simons Alfred Lovell, Knightwick 46 Ambrose Predk.Geo., Palace Mount ...... here is Charleville Circus ...... 44 Jull Misses 44: Creasey Mrs. 42 Cox Mrs . 42 Hibbert Arnett 40 Strohmenger John, Coniston 36 Howard James 36 Tyrrell Herbert Leonard Pillar Letter Box 32 Burne Mrs. Edward, Wilmington 28 Chalmers Alexander Bryce 24 Hochstetter Frederick 22 Knight Mrs., Springfield ...... here is Border Crescent ........ 20 Cosens George, Woodleigh 18 Franks Mrs. Henry, Weston Lea 16 Watts Miss 14 Boag Samuel R. ...... here is Sydenham Avenue ...... 8 Schmidt Gustave, Southacre ...... here is Lawrie Park road ..... 4: Eck£ord' Mrs. ...... here is boundary of Beckenham parish ...... 2 Roderwald Wilhelm, The Priory Fie Alarm Pillar Letter Box

Downs Bridge Road.-BEcKENHAM.

From Bromley road to Duwns hill. ......... here is Albemarle Road .........

Downs Hill.

From Gran hill. Jefferiss Arthur Hy., Holmewood .......... .here is Tlw At·clIue ............

Downs Road.

From 44 Manor road. Right Side. 2 Swain Thomas Edward 4 Dowdell Robert 6 Millar Henry 8 Hyde Mil':s 10 Parker John 12 Berk Robert, jun. 14 Lawrence William 16 Thomas James 18 Grose Vincent 20 Dickins Laurence S. 22 Done Nevile S., solicitor 24 Dimmer Major John Francis Left Side. 1 Klingender Edward Henry 5 Newcombe Mrs: 7 Kemp George A. 9 Bedingfeld Henry Havel's 11 Bell Henry Allan 13 Jennings Miss 15 Williams Mrs. 17 Fox Joseph William

Durban Road.

From 192 Croydon rd. to Belmont rd. Left side. 1 Buttle Fred 3 Metherell George 5 Bennett Harold J oho 5 Bennett .Mrs. H.J., teacher of music 7 Herbert Hobert William 9 Chaffey Henry 11 Anderson William 13 Harris Arthur 15 Sinclair Mrs 17 Treagus Walter 19 Parris Robert Daniel 21 Apsley Arthur John 23 Ough Hichard ~5 Hubbard Arthur Richard 27 Schrod Charles Justus 29 Knight Henry 31 Neldretl Allen Edward 33 Ash H eury Thoma!' 35 Andre,' s Alfred Henry 37 Clark Ernest 39 Hurst Loftus 41 Turnbull Douglas 43 Johnson Robert Henry 45 Wilsall Alfred 47 Mears Frank Victor 49 Over Francis 51 Locke Thomas John 53 Pringle George FranCIS 55 Mitchell James 57 Ashton William John 59 Fuller Walter Frederick, picture frame maker 61 Elliott Isaac 6B Ashton Frederick James 65 Hammond William 67 Ware James Kingston 69 Shipman George 71 Laslett Anthony John ..... here 'is Bal.qon'un i road ...... 73 Clark Walter William 75 Pott William Henry 77 Mitehell George Thomas 79 Butler Frederick William 81 Eagles Charles Right Side. 2 Munro Peter 4 Friday Ernest 6 Hall Henry H. 8 Smith George 10 Morris Allan Midford 12 Stone Charles 14 HawtOll .James S. 16 Madden William l8 Dove William 20 Hardwick Henry, furniture removr 22 Robertson Robert 24 Edwards Mrs. 26 Fairurother Henry Ernest 28 Mills John 30 Ingles Robert 32 Wakenell Arthur George 34 Foster Henry James . 36 Fox George Francis 3S Carroll Edward 40 Pead William 42 Whitbread Alfred Edward 44: Ryder Miss Amy 46 Wilkins Mrs. 48 Thompson John 50 Martin Edward 52 Graves Charles 54 Skates George Robert 56 Sheppard George 58 Burton George 60 Green William J. 62 Pegg William Henry 64 Clark Frederick Walter 66 Smith William 68 Preston L. & E., decorators 70 Watkins Barry 72 Putman James 74 Jolly Charles William 76 Wilkinson Herbert 78 Tett William Lewis 80 Graves Thomas 82 Wheller Alfred Robert 84 Smith Arthur 86 Keeler Spencer 88 Sewell Frank 90 Grenyer Harry 92 Briggs Walter Thomas 94 Hopkins Charles Henry 96 Durkin Cyril Bernard 98 Pickard Ernest 100 Hoare Oswald Joseph 102 Ansell George

Eden Road.-ELmers END.

From Croydon road, Elmer's End. Left Side. 1 Hall Mrs. 3 Weston WiJ1iam .Frank 5 Redford Frederick 7 Carley Joseph 9 Wood William 11 Foot William 13 Crawford Thomas George 15 Pock nell Harry 17 Allen Jesse 19 Reed Louis 21 Cole Henry 21A Sinnock Frederick 23 Moss Arthur 25 Cox Frank Joho 77 Crouch Walter t9 George William 31 Edlin Alfred 35 Elkington Mrs 37 Foulger William Thonias 39 Robinson Willian} 41 Foulger Albert 43 Allen Wallace 45 Wilson William 41 Deacon George 49 Mon'ckton Henry L. 51 Young Thomas 53 Haines William Andrew 55 Dennis Omar 63 White George 65 Martin Albert 67 Butcher Percy 69 Moss Samuel Right Side 2 Brockhouse John 4 Acres Austin 6 Comerford John William Michael 10 Walton George . 12 Bennett Edward 16 Kempsell Edwin 18 Fuller George F. 22 Mitchell Ernest Charles 26 Hards J uhn 28 Lambert Alfred John 32 Saunders Bernard A. 34 Rosenberg Walter 40 Pocknell George 42 Crouch Moses 44 Sadler John 48 Byfield Charles 50 Rose Mrs. 56 Rose Arthur 58 Rose William

Edward Road.

See Alexandra cottages.

Elm Road.

From 2!1 Beckenham road to Cedars road. Right Side. Baptist Chapel Wall Letter Box 2 Boot Harry Edmund, Kirkdale 4 Doble Percy Frederick Brooklyn 6 Stanger :Mrs., Clova 8 Perks Miss, Ormonde 10 Eames Joseph William 12 Maitland Frederic W. 16 Staiobank Edward B. 18 Clark Alfred 20 Willmer Frederick James 22 Gordon-Smith Frederick, Nigella 24 Gann Frederick Cross and Return. 21 Russell Stanley Frederick 19 Hitt William George 17 Thompson Leslie, Medindie 15 MacDonald Mrs., Moray house 13 Lee Ernest A. 11 Clark Miss, Lauriston 9 Metcalfe John Coates 7 Dennis William Robert, Lorraine 5 Peddar Philip Charles Napier 3 Giimpel Carl Godfrey, A.I.E.E., Luckstead 1 Haycraft Mrs. A.

EImers End Road. - BEcKENHAM.

Right Side. ......... here is llfarlow road ...... 86 Barham Alfred Lansdell, fruiterer 88 Hann James Linford, tobacconist 88 Telephone Call Office 92 Barton Miss Sarah, bootmaker 96 Chalk Charles, baker and confectnr. 100 Moat Richard, Franklin house 102 Sutton Ernest Edgar 102 National Deposit Friendly Society -Ernest E. Sutton, secretary for Beckenham district 108 Millen Mrs. Caroline. 108 HarrisEdwin W.& .Co., auctioneers & estate agents 112 May Richard 114 Allen Charles Ferris 116 Warman Albert Henry 118 Johnson .Chas.BakerEmson,lndry 120 Bliss Walter 122 Brookes Mrs. M. A., laundry 126 Baring James Oscar 128 Hoar John 130 Coppard Herbert William 132 Barham Charles 134 Hazall Frank 136 Barnes Miss V. F. 138 Dew George 140 Bashford George . 142 Walters Frank Joaeph, tailor·· 144 Dougill Mrs. Anne' 146 Dicks Wm., nurseryman & florist ......... here is Wit"ham road ......... .......... RailwaY croses here . Crystal Palace. '.iH~tr~'ct Geme-ter!! -Ellis' Cowell, secretary & supt. The Lodge Elmers End Railway Station S. E. ~. C.Ry. - Ernest Moore, station mastr Gill John & Son Liillited, coal & coke merchants, EImers End station Cross and Return. ...... here is Gwydor road ...... Hammond Eardley, The Hollies Green Miss, The Laurels , Keen George, 1 Cavendish villas ......... here is Ancaster Road ......... British Memorial Works (The), monumental masons ...... here is Arrol road ..... Lamp Post Letter Box. Castle John Alfrlld,. ~orist, Hope ho ........ here is Blandford road ..... , ... .......... Railway crosses here ... : ...... .. ....... here is Mackenzie road ......... 117 Beckford J., newsagent 115 Sargent Thomas, grocer 111 Sadler & Son, Doot.makers 109. Candy T. Limited, monumental mason ...... here is Bidcbeck Road ....... 107 Moss 'George, corn merchant 105 Reading George E., cycle maker 103 Humble Arth.Baw1ree,drug stores 101 Smith Brothers, butchers' 99 Land Hubert,fishmon5'er 95 Taggart John Percy, confectioner 91 Neale Harry A.~ grocer . 89 Garlick Thomas Frederick,bootma: 87 Ebeling Edgar, hairdresser 85 Short Frank, draper Eimers End Road (Upper). Left Side-from Croydon Road. Buckle Robt.,dairYUllin, Eden Park Farm Davis James; Station houie:· Curtis Harry, Oakfield cottage Eden Park Railway Station, S.B. G. Railway-Jas. Davis, station mastr Cross and Return. ... ... ... here are entrances to .L1Ionks Orchard . Preston H. Gurney, Monks Orchard Copeland.Barker Charles, Manesty ........... .here is Footpath in Shirley and Addiscombe .. . Rising Sun Cricket Club Rising Sun, James John Standcumbe [PH]


30 Austen Mrs. 28 Gray Charles 26 Richardson Arthur Hy., confectnr. 24 White Henry 22 Baldwin Albert 20 Wilson Bertie Robert 18 Webb Emanuel 16 Jones Horace Wall Letter Box LOYD'S COTTAGES. 14 Walker Edward, Homehurst 12 Buckland Mrs. 10 Weston Benjamin 6 Whittington George Arthur 4 Hunt Arthur 2 Taylor Samuel ...... here is footpath to Langley Road ...


From 23 Wickham way. North Side. 1 Firmin Gerald E. 5 Wichers John Hora 9 North Edward 13 Keay Robert William 17 Bohrer-Borges Victor 21 Hudson Cuthbert Bankes 25 Morse Winthorp B. 33 Lamerton Frederick vYilliam, sen. South Side. 2 Inglefield George 4 Holroyd Frank 6 Medina Joseph Francis 10 de Zoete Reginald Louis 12 Fawell Stafford 16 Ledeboer W. H. 20 Davis James 1. 24 Walker H. S. 28 Fry Vivian 32 MacBean William Wilson

Fairfield Road.

From High street to Burnhill ?'oad i West Side. 2 Beckenham Liberal Club- W. E. Rudderham, sec. 6 Foster Mrs. 8 Wilson Henry Robert, boot maker 10 Radford Mrs. M. 12 Phillips William, fly proprietor 14 Brown Henry 16 Dennis Mrs. 18 Butler Royal Hampton 18 North Albert 20 Moore John 20 Stevens Mrs. 22 Back Alfred 24 Moore Miss E. 24 Rickwood Miss E. 26 Bowman James 26 Davis Mrs. East Side. ............ Burnh~ll cottages ............ Christ Church ............ here is Lea road ............

Faversham Road. - CROYDON ROAD.

Left Side. 3 Piper George Albert 5 Brazier John 7 Oates Mrs. 9 Seowen Charles 11 Reid Miss, dressmaker 13 Buckland John 15 Pannett Mrs. 17 Todd George Anderson 19 Friend Harry Durrant 21 Botting Reginald Ceeil 23 Venables Ernest William 25 Smith Walter Right Side, 2 Lyno Harry 4 Laishley Mrs. 6 Fincham Augustus 8 Collyer William 10 Shippey Alfred 12 Neldrett Charles E. 14 Allison William Edward 16 Wiltshire Mrs. 18 Pickard Francis James 20 Osborn Charles 22 Strike William 24 Wood William Charles Henry 26 Grant Henry Tyler

Felmingham Road.

Postal Address, Antrley S.E. From 35 Marlow road.

Florence Road.

From 157 Church Fields road. 1 Child John 3 Ridley Alfred 5 Holland Thomas Henry 7 Priv~tt Edward, boot repairer 9 Maltby William Frederick ............ here is entrance to Church Pields Recreation ground .........

Forster Road.

From 39 Cromwell road. Right Side. 2 S(luires Charles Thomas 4 Bing Edwdrd Frederick 6 Spence Percy J. 8 Leleu Charles Victor 10 Mitchell Walter Fidler 12 Douglas David James 14 Bennett Frederick P. 18 Jenks William 20 Skinner William 22 Cosford Ronald 24 Temple William East Side. 17 Nunn Maurice E. 15 Radcliffe James H. 13 Shelvoke Frank Howard 11 Jarvis William Herbert 9 Mason HUlrh Frederick 7 Kitching Miss 5 Moore Alfred Augustus 3 Simpson Charles H. . 1 Alston Sidney Herbert, Newlyn

Fox Grove Road.

From 22 South End rd. to Grab hill. South Side. Fire Alarm~ 2 Williamson Mrs. 6 Aste John, jun., Hawthorns 8 Collins Mrs. 10 Ridsddle Thomas H., Parkside 14 Matthews Mrs. A .. St. John's 10. 16 Greene Arthur Weguelin, solicitor 18 Lovegrove Henry, Eboracum 20 Whithall James Wall Letter Box 24 Ramage Mrs., Westwood lodge 30 Radley Mrs. M., Tan-y-Bryn 34 Scoles Walter, Glenalmond 36 Harvey Mrs. J. M. 38 Moore Alexander A., The Limes 40 Irvine Mrs., St. Catherine's ......... here is Westgate road ........ 42 Allum E. F. 44 King Sir Alexander Freeman, K.C.B., Oakfield 46 Porter Hugh G., Homefield 50 Hawthorn Edward, Highlands 52 Young William, Roddam 54 Nalder Francis, Coniston 56 Paterson John, Shalimar 58 Mackay Lewis G. M., Whitecroft 60 Hurst Peter, Hadley .......... , !lere is Crab hill ............ North Side. ...... here is Beckenham Place Park ... Beckenham Crieket Club Ground 3 Mumford Peter, Foxgrove house 5 Deterding Henry W., Westgate ........ here is Westgate road ......... 7 Mather Harley Lawrence, Lunesdale 9 Harding George R., Lindum 11 Faber Mrs., Kinloch Wall Letter Box 13 Price Edward Allen, Montclair 15 Hewlett John Cooke, Hillside how 17 Lloyd Edward, Ravenhead 19 Caton Erasmus Stanley,Coney Hill

Gordon Road.

From 177. Church Fields road. ...... here is entrance to Recreation Grotmd Gowland Place.-CUOYDON ROAD. 1 Willis Henry 2 Clements John 3 Turnbull Charles 4 Fuller Frederick 5 Williams Robert 6 Grant Richard 7 Peckham Charles 8 West Mrs; K. 9 Burton William, chimney sweeper 10 Avlifie Frederick James 11 Harlan Herbert 12 Bolland Mrs. 13 Travers Arthur 14 Fryett William Daniels 15 William Richard 16 Hawkins James 17 Naylor Albert 18 Edgworth William 19 Lale Samuel Cross and return. 20 Lale Mrs 21 Keywood Frederick 22 Pearce David 23 Webb William 24 Hornard Ernest John 26 Bateman William 27 Lewis William Edward 28 Gasson Alfred 29 Moorhouse Joseph 30 Kearn Henry

Gresham Road.

From 127 Church Fields road.


From Elmers End )'oad. 1 Smith William 3 Hollinghurst William 5 Hickey Ernest Albert 7 Banister Thomas 9 White William Walter 11 Taylor Henry 17 Leathem Alfred ewman, M ,R.C.S., L.R.c.p.Lond., physician & surgeon, Gwydor cottage 19 Rose Thomas Eldred 25 Cranfield Will. Bellj., Tracy villa 27 Oakeshott Harold Winter Thomas, Glen Lynn Hood W. H., Douglas . . . .. ; ....... here is J{aberu!l road ..........

Hampden Avenue.

From Ham.pden road. Left Side. Potter Henry G. 3 JefIery William John 5 Graver William 7 Floyd Frederick Joseph 9 Mason Harry 11 Whitbread Frederick Henry 13 Davies Robert Mercer 15 Brown Frederick Thomas 17 Comfort Francis Harold 19 Pitcher Charles Archibald 21 Acton Arthur Right Side. 23 Riley William, St. Margar£lts 25 Hotham Hector, Penistonc 27 Harrison Ernest Arthur 29 Pritchard Alfred 31 Hann Sidney Linford 33 Housdon Harold 18 Snow Augustus Hilmar 20 Springthorpe Charles Oscar 22 Taylor John Clayton 24 Facey Frederick 26 Bridger William 28 Cole Miss

Hampden Road.

From 80 Clock House road to Cromwell road. Right Side. 2 Court Edward James 4 Allaway Harold Clarke 6 Classey Gerald 8 Pritchitt Louis Ellison 10 Cumming Bernard Douglas 12 Williams John Reginald 14 Keeble Edward 16 Lys Douglas George 18 Puckett Harry 20 Chant Sidney 22 Pavitt James 24 Ewin Stanley William 26 Wilson Percy John 28 Jemmett. WilliAm Albert 30 Neilson Morton Thomas 32 Neale- Chas. Goodall; sok-, Dento'q 34 Sharpe George Benjamin 36 Bush Sydney George 38 Parfitt Henry Francis Left Side. 1 Seates Arthur Clarence A. 3 Grangoer Samuel 7 Iles Frank Burland 9 Luson Arthur J. 11 Wilson Harry C., builder & decrtr. ... ...... here is Belmont road . 17 Watts Walter Wordsworth 21 Clark Andrew Bruce 23 Swinford Thomas 25 Rawlinson Bertram Travers 21 Farnworth Robert Arthur 29 Wisdom Sidney 31 Hodges Charles 33 Rhoades William H. 35 Whiter Walter Dudley 37 Edmonds Arthur H. 39 Gallon George 41 Cherry Mrs. M.A. 43 Carson Robert H. 45 Grape Leonard Percy 47 Nethercott Charles 49 Johnstone Harry 51 Voller Albert R. 53 Snead Harold ...... here is Cromwell road ......

Harding's Lane.

See Alexandra, cnttaqes.

Harding's Lane.-LENNARD ROAD.

Postal Address: Penge S.E. 24 Seymour William 23 Elphick Job 22 Maskey Mrs. 21 Sparks Joseph 20 Catt Mrs. 19 Powers Hugh 18 Clark Frederick George 17 Hardy Henry 16 Bristow William Thomas,plumber, Vine cottage ......... here is Parish lane . Cross and Return. ..... here are Alexandra cottaqes . ..... ... here is Princes road

Hayes Lane.

From 73 Wickham 'rd. to Scott's lane !j'Shortlands road. Andrews James, builder Smeath Wm. Geo., Bayes Lane cot.


From 7 WieMaNb way. North Side. 3 Reid John Sampson 7 Barker A. G. 11 Alexander John 13 Cleveland Arthur South Side. 2 Clements John Mathewson, M.O-., D.P.ll.Loud. 10 Hudson Frank 14 Bradbury Charles H. 16 Marzetti Edgar

Hayes Road.

Left Side - from Blakeney Road. 1 Eborall Alfred, Lyndhurst 3 Bartholomew Milton, Grassington 5 Evans Albert G., Lathkill 7 Rait Miss, Milton 9 Smith Mrs. William, CharltJu 10. 13 Bell Herbert Maude Piller Letter Box 15 Hooper George Norgate, F.R.G.S., F.R.S.S., Elmleigh 17 Provis John, Carnmarth ...... here is Beckenham road ....... 19 Hayne George Brendon, Oakley ho. 21 Layman Edwin, Glasbury. ........ here is Westfield road ~ . 25 Chapple Francis, Beyerley 27 Thompson John W., Dalchosnie 29 Duffield William Henry, F.R.I.B.A. architect, Rossmore 31 Edwards Albert .John, Norgrove 33 Howell Mrs., Eskdale 35 Dillon Alfred, Brooklyn Cross and Return. 30 Wells Thomas Leonard, Thildonck 28 Glover WII'S. Emily, Lyndwood 26 Ross Douglas A., Suinmerdyne 24 Maclean Maj.-Gen, Henry John, Ardgour ......... here is Beckenham road. 20 Good William, Rydal Mount 18 Schmettau Hermann R., Elmwood 16 Stedall Alfred, Binfield 14 Phillips Mrs., Earlsmead 12 Layman Alfred Richd., Woolfield 10 Horton Isaac, Hayne house 8 Hall Richard, Quarry ton 6 Thorp Walter Edward 4 Lovering Alfrec Ernest, Armadale 2 Coates Fletcher, Broadwater

High Street - BECKENHAM.

From Southtend road to Croydon and BeoNenlwm roads. South-East Side. 3 &: 92 Hagger Joseph H., butcher 5 Weeks George & Sons, ironmongers 7 Lydall & Son, stationers Grieve J., F.e.S., chemist 9 Pr!rne & Sons, M.R.C.V.S., vetermary surgeons Telephone Call Office ........ here is Albemarle road ......... 9A Rippengal Brothers, fruiterers & greengrocers 9B Ayling Ed win & Son, bootmakers 9c Lawsons John, dental surgery Tilling Thomas,; Limited, jobmastrs. 11 Railway Hotel. Torn F. Coles . 13 & 135 Levens W. & H. W., bakers & confectioners Ii} We(!'orri's Surre.'l/ Dairif's Limited, i7 Nottle IJu\'id, stationer & pho1(·gr. ........... here is ('''11 rclzl'ootl . 19 Londol1 & Proviucial Mea, Stores (Bernurd WIll. Parsons, proPT.) 21 de Brent HerllY Benjamin, watchmaker & optician ~J Huwell Miss, bootmaker . St. George's Parish Church ....... here is Bromley road . 25 LONDON COUNTY & WESTMINSTER BANK LIMITED, William Isaac Hawkins, manager. See advertisment, page :!79 27 Police StattOn.-Walter Powell, station sergeant 31 Neldrdh O. &. Sons, upholsterers' 33 Windsor George, butcher 35 Murrells William A., cabinet makr 37 Popham William Thos.,ironmongr. 39 Popham William Thomas, grocer 41 Harris Charles Hy. Aston, hosier 43 Crease James, fruiterer, etc. 45 Beckenham Ulban District Council Electricity Department (Engineers' office & show rooms) (John Edward Tapper, M.I.E.E., engineer & manager) Pillar Letter Box .......... here is Jlfan0r road ...... 47 Chanell Francis & Son, undertkrs. ...... here is Kelsey Park road ...... ........ here is Brook Place 49 Greyhound, George Veasey Hice 49 Telephone Call Office 51 Lovelock Wm. G., marble mason 51 Davis Richard Ernest, decorator 53 Christ Church Sunday School 53 Christ Church Intstitute for Young Men ......... here is Fairfield road . 5lA Tostevill J. W., cycle manufactr. 51B Eddy :Mrs, S. R. 5lB Burleigh Charles & Son Ltd.,lndry 51B Margerum Miss 51C Wibon Miss 53 Ried J. & Co., hairdressers 53 Telephoue Call Office 53 Williamson Miss Kent County Garage 55 Ueorge Inn, Henry James Barratt Wall Letter Box 57 Grinsted Daniel :U'niteu, corn, coal & ~eed merchants 5hA & 10;1 Batten Edwd.,Motor engnr 59 Rusell Charles 59 Pass Frederick, lauudry 61 Chalk Vernon B., butcher 63 Chalk Vernon B., fishmonger & poulterer 65 Stanley W. H., domestic machinery stores 65 Coward J., bootmaker Fox, SC,Lwen & Dart, builders 67 & 69 Howard's Stores Limited, provision merchants 67 & 69 Howard's Stores Limited, Assembly rooms [ Advertisment ] ATTWOOD & CO., Milliners, Costumiers, Ladies' & Children's Outfitters. Baby Linen, & c0. LAYETTES AND TROUSSEAUX. HIGH-CLASS DRESSMAKING. FRENCH AND ENGLISH FITTERS, ... UNDER THE ... Personal Supervision of Mrs. ATTWOOD. SPECIALITE . .~. SHIRTS and BLOUSES in Si1k, Muslin and Cambric. GLOVES, HOSIERY, LACES, RIBBONS, AND MADE LACE GOODS. . . . All Gloves Guaranteed Perfect Fitting. 8a & 10, BROADWAY, BROMLEY, KENT.


25, The Broadway, BROMLEY,_ Kent. TELEPHONE BROMLEY 1773. GENUINE ANTIQUE FURNITURE, China, Glass, Prints, Bronzes and Clocks at quite moderate prices. UNIQUE WEDDING GIFTS.H. CATFORD, 25, The Broadway, BROMLEY, Kent. TELEPHONE BROMLEY 1773. GENUINE ANTIQUE FURNITURE, China, Glass, Prints, Bronzes and Clocks at quite moderate prices. UNIQUE WEDDING GIFTS.

71 & 73 Beckenham Urban District Council Public Health Department (In. Mathewson Clements, M.D.,D.p.H.LOnd., medical officer of health & school medical officer; Ernest Jackling, A.R.S.I., chief sanitary inspector) 75 Springett Herbert, M.R.C.V.S.L., veterinary surgeon 75 Wood George ......... here is Burnhill road ...... ......... here is Kelsey Square ........ 77 Roll George, printer 79 Collins John Lawrence, cycle & motor maker 81 Three TunN, Robert Arthur Wilmn 85 Austin Charles Thos .. cow keeper ...... here is Clwrledlle road ...... 87 Royal West Kent Regiment (" The Queen's Own") 5th Battalion (Territorial Force)(DUo.); Capt. L. V. Neame; 2nd Lieut. A.. F. Hooper; Sergt. -Major W. John Osborne; head quarters, Elm cot. 89 Russell Walter Frank 91 Tilllmis John, chemist 91 Parkhouse Graham 93 Hitt William George & Son, gros. 95 Hitt William George & Son, wine & spirit merchants 97 Hawkes F. & Sons,fruitrs.& carriers 99 Wykes Walter Charles, outfitter 101 Kin~ Henry, fishmon!!'er 101A Butler John Tfioinas; fly propr . 103 & 59A Batten Edwd., motor engnr 105 -Peters Walter, baker 107 tiales Arthur, tbccnst. & newsagt. 109 Conway William Francis, bootma. 111 Lovell John, ironmonger ......... here i,~BMrrell row ......... ... ...... here 'is Manor view ......... 113 THrry Frederick .Archer, stationer, & post Office 115 Daies William Clark 117 Po'neroy William, bootmaker 119 Albery Tom, confectioner 121 Stevenson Mrs ..E. M., stationer 127 Cornish Bowden Ambrose, M.R.C.V.S., veterinary surgeon 129 Hibbins Henry, beer retailer 131 Strong Clifford, ladies' tailor 133 Parker Edward, butcher 135 & 13 Leyens W.& H. W., bakers & confectioners 135 Telephone Call Office 137 Gower Vi. E., tbccnst.& newsagt. Fire Alarm ............ here is Croydon rd ...... North West Side. ... ... ... here is RectorY road ......... 118 Ambridge Fredk. Wm., plumber 118 Norman & Co., drapers 116 Hawes Bros., grocers 114 Surman Arthur, confectioner Lea Wilson Mission Hall 108A Barry F. W., watchmaker 108 The Yorkshire Bakerv 106 Gilmore Mrs., 'florist' 104 Winn William J., confectioner 102 Mellentin George, hairdresser' 102 Leach E. A., shoemaker 100 Home g' Colonial Store.~,Liwited 98 Cox Thomas, builder 98 Cox Mrs. T., fancy repository 96 Smith John & Co., drapers 94 Brawn Walter T., bootmaker 92 & 3 HaggerJoseph R., butcher 90 Goddard Charles, fruiterer 88 Smith & Owen, window glass, oil & color merchants . 86 Alcock Robert M., harness maker ........ here are Lea(Jh's cot.e,; ......... 84 Cooke John R., umbrella maker 82 Sherill .Frederick, confectioner 82 Bekenham Window Cleaning & Carpet Beatincg Co. - Alfred .Jackson, manager HARIUS'S YAIW. Padbury William Richard, farrier, veterinary,forge & wheelwright 80 Shepherd 'Arthur, cycle maker 72 Stilwell & Curtis, physicians & surgeons, Manor house Curtis Percy James, M.R.C.S.ENG., L.R.C.P.LOND., Manor house 66, 68 & 70 Adams Brothers, drapers 64 Carr Hy. & Wm.,eorn & coal mel's. 62 Jones Oscar & Co:, ironmongers 60 Pryor Sydney Hildyard, chemist 60 Farmer Frederick Ernest 58 Curtis Cornelius Ltd., undertakers 56 & ~8 Booth S. A., glOcer 54 Steele John, tobacconist 52 Terry Walt'er L., confectioner 50 Turner & Co., ironmongers 50 Smith William Martin 48 Barnett Walter Arthr., bootmaker 46 Garnham Charles, draper (Thornton Tom William, I printer 42 & 40~ Beokeuharn Jo1trnalI Tom. W. Thornton, L publisher 40 Telephone Call Office 38 Mellis William S., tailor .~. Ro Graham Thomas & Co., huilders 34c Crawley Mrs.Sarah A., hairdresser 36B Ayling Thos. Stephen, bootmaker 34 Beckenham Conservative Ol1tbMark Dennis, hon. sec.; William Yates, steward '. 3i-A Dell Wm., naturalist &, seedsman School of Art," The Yellow Door Studio'" Frank Speulove Spenlove, R.B.A.., R.C.A., F~R.G.S., artist 32 Arnott Rev. Canon Henry, F.R.C.S. [rector of Beckenham ; 'surrogate & rural dean of Beckenhll.m], Thc Rectory St. George's Church House 30 Clamp Frederick, jobmaster 28 & 56 Booth S. A., grocer 26 Filby & Barrow, hairdressers 24 Chant Arthur Gilbert 24 South Suburban Gas Co. 22 Freeman, Hardy & Willis Limited, bootmakers 20 Bailey 'A. A'-inne 'art dealer, ---:' 16 & 18 LONDON & PROVINCIAL BANK LIMITED - Charles :W. Gribble; manager. See adver..; tisement, page ,463 ......... here is RectorY rd. & ' Railway Approach ......... 14AFindlater, Mackie, Todd, & Co. Limited, wine & spirit merchants 14 Ea"tman & Son (Dyers & Cleaners) Ltd., dyers & cleaners 12 & 63 Chaik Vernon B., fishmonger & poulterer 10 Lawrence Wm, & Son, tobacconists 8 Fox Henry, china, glass & earthenware dealer 6 Pratt George & Co" outfitters 4 Parker John..\:Co., pianoforte wareho 2 Batchelar & Son, Limited, house furnishers & upholsterers

Kelsey Park.

From Kelsey sfJ.1tal·e, .lIi,q7~ ~treet. East Side, Preston Ed win James, Kelsey cottage Webster Mark, lodge of Kelsey Park Davis Robert .Johnson (Sandhills) Ashton Hubert S., Whitmores

Kelsey Park Road.

From 47 High st. to Downs COltrt rd. West Side. 2 Ayling Arthur ...... here is Stanmore tl'IraCf! 4 Clarke George William, Malling viI. 6 Allen John William 8 Jenkins George 8 Reid Edwin 10 Cray Richard John 10 Francis William Arthur 12 Heath Thomas Cecil 14 Obee Mrs. ............ here is Bztrnhill rd ............ ............ here is .Manor Way ............ East Side. 1 Overton Bros., dairymen 3 Arnold Wm George, bootmaker 5 Boucher Harold, tailor 7 Deadman Joseph Edward, jeweller 9 Ireland Addecott, dining rooms 11 Rippengal Walter 13 Bond Mrs. . 15 Grenyer Harry John 15 De Maid Abraham 17 Horton Alfred 19 Glover Alfred 21 Johns James 23 Funnell Frederick 25 Brett Edwin William 27 Baxter Harry Dixon,french polisher 29 Sippe George

Kelsey Square.

From Hiqh street. 2 Windser Charles 3 Slade AlfrerI Midwinter Hy., Kelsey Manor 10, Durrant Fredk .. Kelsey Manor 10. 4 Leach Edward James 5 Leach Edward Amos 6 Sedgwick Joseph 7 Roll George

Kemerton Road.

Prom 31 Wickham road. North Side. Pillar Letter Box 1 Mason Mrs. Jackson 3 Langdon Harry, Kemerton 5 Tattam Henry, Devonia 7 Barling William Edwin, Garstang 9 Warman Frank Wilham, Annandale South Side. 14 Petch Frenerick William,Urowhurst 12 Young Robert Hellyer, Deerhurst 10 Eastwood Fred. Brvntirion 8 Bradley Charles John, Norhill 6 Dawson W. Harbutt, Sunny dale 4 Joyce Miss, Studland

Kendall Road.

J/'-l'om Sidney road . (No thoroughfare.] Left Side. 1 Saunders. Clement 3 Chapman Ernest Arthur 5 Lawrenee Edward Victor 7 Green William Henry 9 de Heger C. W. 11 Hanisan Alfred 13 Catt Alfred Charles 17 Buttfield Sydney Joseph 19 Broughton Walter Edwin 21 Delal'lace Albert 23 Thomas .Joseph William 23 Samoth Mme. N., teacher of music 25 Wilkes Mrs. 27 Watson George William 29 Buttfield Harold James 31 Schofield Arthur, A.R.C.A. 33 Renshaw Percy Baldwin 35 Green Marcus Edward 37 Smithson Oswald 39 Smith Mrs. E. 41 Rose George Edward 43 Wright Arthur 45 Ramsden William Frank 47 Rawes Gerard J. 49 Whayman Maurice 51 Topple Joseph 53 Aitken James Adamson 55 Rushen William Naunton Right Side. 4 Hanson William 6 Lacey Frank 8 Whitlocke Francis Oliver 10 Jordan Philip 12 Drummond William G. 14 Sweet Tom Henry 16 Gray William Andrew 18 Curtis Lewis Percy 20 Rosenbaum Ernest 22 Stokoe George P. 26 Huckin William 28 All Saint.~' 1JIi.~l'rioJtlf(luse-Sister Mary St.Michael, sister in charge

Kent House Road.

Postal address - Beckenham. Left Side - from Beckenham Road. Kitchen John, St. Arvan's lodge ......... here is Parish lane . 1 Hopkins Stephen, Kent House cot 3 Kember Edward 5 Pilbeam George, Acacia villa 7 Marr John 9 De Bruin Mrs. W., Ketton cottage 11 Yeoman Percy Leonard 13 Robbe Emile 15 Renckert Albert 17 Rmith John Gilbert 19 BarlJard William 21 Walker William 23 Kllight James Langabeer 25 Macpherson William Strang 27 Watts Mrs. 29 Portway Robert Cornell 31 Dodd Mrs., Tolhurst 3l Spears Mrs. William, Albion villa 35 Ball Charles Robert 37 Mooney Andrew Anderson, The Chestnuts 39 Royce William John 41 Trice Robert John 43 King George William 45 Daws Frederick Thomas 47 Neville John, Leaside 49 Jennings Cecil 51 Hollingdale Henry 57 Smith Mhs, Sarum ........ here is Thesiger road ......... ......... here is Somerville road ......... 59 Dyer BertieBarnabas, baker& grocr; 61 Staples Frederick, greengrocer 63 Longford Mrs. Elizabeth, stationer, Post and Telegraph Office 65 Newby William James, tobacconist 67 Moore James .John, builder 67 Telephone Call Office 69 Hart Oliver, bootmaker 71 Rippengal Stanley Victor, butcher 73 Moore Mrs. Kate 75 Fenner George Arthur 77 Jackson Arthur, Fernlea 81 Hands Joshua, Rosemary 83 Barbpr Frederick William sri Jones Laurence Percy 85 Hoyles Mrs., certificated nurse ...... here is Lennard road ...... Fire Alarm Lowe William John, Mf'ricot Franklin Edgar Bernard, Fernleigh ...... here is Woodbastwick road ...... Cross and Return. Beckenham and Penge Brickwork~ (1912) Limited-George N. Pock· naIL sec. Telephone 752 Sydenham Mundy William, Brickfield cottage Thurlby Mrs. William~ medical & surgical nursing home, Kent house ......... here is Lennard road ......... 60 Smith Thomas 58 Swinfen Edward, Wested 56 Killow Mrs. 54 Boase Robert Allen, Liskeard 52 Goodchild Frederick Charles 50 Lee Alfred-John T. 48 Pumfrey Allen Percy 40 Attwood Harry 38 Thurley Philip Edward 34 Lavender Thomas Hy.. Trentham 32 Brambleby R. 30 Ward George 28 Lumley Farral", Trccaru 26·Lithgow Miss .' . 24 Larkman Arthur James 22 Orees J. E.,' Berrynarbor 20 Freeman Benjamin, St. Ives 18 Vellacott James R., Has1emerc 16 Denniss Arthur, Camelford 14 Watts George Herbert, Oakhurst 12 Coombs Alfred, Ellerslie 10 Field George Lyon, Elmside 8 Thomas William.Ernest 6 Clayton Alfred Benj., Paxtonia 4 Cumming Alfred Edward 2 Cole Frederick, St. Agnes ... ... ltel'(~ is Kings Ifallroad ...... ...... here is BUl'nniead )'oad ... ". Kent House Railway Station (S. E. &; c. It.). See B(o'nmead rd~,rKin[j8 I£all rd.

Kimberley Road.

From Olt1lrch Fields road. South Side. 78 Wells Charles 76 Card Richard 74 Barnett William 72 Edmeades Frederick 70 Newman Walter John Thomas 68 Grant George 66 Green Charles 62 Bates Samuel 60 Roberts John 58 Knight Henry J. Yortll- West Side. 54 Smith Charles Edward 52 Blackbam William DanIel 50 Hli.ll Basil . 48 Arnold Walter John 46 IIlmod fiurry 44: Moody William George 42 Aylen Thomas 40 Arnold Herbert 38 .l:'rivett Edward. James 36 Ponsford. Alfred 34 Larcher George James 32 Kimber Archibald 30 Curtis Herbert 28 Killick Frederick North-East Side. 24 Cow lard George 22 Peters William 20 Ashton Charles Henry 18 Tulley Reuben James 16 Olark Henry 12 Lomas James 10 Curtis Herbert 8 Clanfield Harry' 6 Paul Arthur Vinc{'nt, 4 Harrod Thomas 2 Burtenshaw Thomas North Side. 47 Cross Mrs. 45 Bates Edward 43 Burgoine Charles 41 Aylen George 39 Aylen James 37 White Harry 35 Higginson Walter George 31 Ourtis Alfred Edwin 29 West Francis James 27 Hales Hurry South- West Side. 25 Blizzard Tobias 23 Aylen Robert 21 Wiffin William 19 Jones Henry 17 Crawley John 13 Swann 'Charles 9 Oard Joseph 7 Wyman Charles 5 Bray brook Charles 3 Wickenden W m. Thomas Robert

Kings Hall Road;

Left Side-from Kent House Road to Lennard Road. 1 Francis George 3 Paton Miss Agnes, Hurst Dene 5 Watts Ed win Alfred. Camelot 7 Smith Alfred Wellesley, Valkyrie 9 Hart Sidney, Clifton 13 Thomson 'Major J" West well 15 Fidge Thomas Richard, Glenhaven .......... He"e is Reddons Road .......... 17 Butler Edward Ralph 19 Allen Fred Tregarthen, Dane bank 21 Burgess John, The Orchard 23 Purchese Sidney, Ardwell 25 I ves James George 27 Hyde Henry Marrison, Addington 29 Hawley Alfred Arthur 31 Watkins Harry, solicitor & commissioner for oaths, Melrose 33 Neeves Arthur, Lindley cottage 35 Furze Mrs., Hazlewood 37 Sanderson Mrs. A. L., Llanberis ...... here is Aldersmead road ....... Is Pillar Box 41 Reed Arthur William, Ashdowne 43 Fox John, Hopedene 45 Brown Miss, Copthorne 47 Boeckmann Adolph 49 Longhurst Sydney W., Hazeldene 53 Copelin James 55 Sizer Thomas Ewin, Aspcrn 57 Sanderson Alfred 59 Catterson William Prince 61 Wood Frank, Sunnyside 63 Ford George Harry, St. Michael's 65 Matthews Percy Harold 67 Perkins Thos., Whiterock 69 Junkison Albion 71 Winser Frederick J., Endsleigh ...... here is entrance to Kent road ...... Pleasure Ground.~. 73 Sears Edwin Walter 75 Jefferson Charles, St. Tudno 77 Cullen James William 81 Pughe William, St. Cecilia 81 Kent House Amateur Floral Society-William C. Pughe, hon. sec., St. Cecilia 83 Davis Edwin, The Olin;s 85 Tudor Rodolph CJlphel'8 Cricket Club - Frederick G. Billett, Hon. sec. 175 Homewood Henry Amos,Alfriston 189 Pavne Ernest Walter 191 Kelland William, Feltwell 193 Rawles Walter Hansen 195 Hills Cecil David, Villars 191 Horr-:fall Misses, Locksley 199 Walker Frederick, Mardocks 201 Swanzy.Harley John 203 Foord George H., M.A., solicitor 205 Bampfylde Mrs. 207 Allen Rev. Thomas Kingdon 209 Canter Joseph Snowden 211 Rich Edmund M. 213 Bartlett Walter 215 Browne :Mrs. E. llamp .Post Letter Box ......... here is Lennard road ...... Cross and Return. 196 Phillips Leonard 194 Orr Mrs. Somerville, Dungoyne 192 Petri Mrs. 190 Malmberg Karl l90 Malmberg Mrs. Eva, teacher of languages 188 Booth Henry Fredk., Glenthorne ........... here is Bridge Road ...... Heatbfield Henry, builder 146 Perkins W. Turner, St. Aidan 144 Finch Edwanl John, Copley Dene 142 Mayhew Jas. Longhurst,Avondale Pillar Letter Box 140 Handcock Henry J ames, Northam 138 Bing Arthur William, Ravenhill 136 Stevenson Henry Valentine 134 Harrison Johri William 132 Seager John Renwick, J.P., Mun· dendorrre 130 Andrews Thomas, Ingle nook 128 Andrews Alfred. Whyte cottage Horsman Thomas, florist, & c. ...... here is foutpath tu Clock house ... 76 Farmer Mrs. 74 Glover Alfred 70 Medcalf Mrs. 66 Lane Charles 64 Cotterell Arthur Edgar 62 Garry Alfred, Eccleston 58 Percy Harry Mason, Glenhurst 56 Searle Frederick Henry 54 Richards William 52 Welch James Reader, solicitor, Brooklyn 50 Frick Otto 48 Cooper Mrs .. Pangbourne 46 Smith Mrs. W. H. 44 Horsey Frederick Samuel 42 Ware Thomas A. 40 Evitt Henry William 38 'remple Mrs. 36 Allen William Henry Kent House Station (S. E. 0' C. Railway)-Henry Harris, station master Postal Telegraph Office Smith W. H. & Son, bookstall Harris Edwin W. & Co., auctioneers, land and estate agents (Beckenham Park Estate oflices) Telephone Call Office 34 Widgery Alfred Douglas 32 Whittaker Thomas, St. Margarets 30 Ralph Albert, Millbrook 28 Ovenden Mrs., Carfax 26 'furley Herbert Ch'ules, Murree 24 King Thomas Hyatt 22 Wharton Alfred, Crowhurst 20 Sutton Frank, Kimberley 16 Bourne Major Frank 14 Hedgcock Archibald John 12 Woolgar John lO Weil George, Nethertoll 8 Raynham Frederick Walter 6 Rt'dfern George William 4 McKay Ernest 2 Weatherley O. Frederick .......... Here is Kent House road ..........

Kingswood Road.

Postal address - Penge S.E. Left Side-from Penge. ............... here is Parish boundary .............. 53 Piggott Andrew Frederick 55 Green John 59 Deverell Ernest James 67 Hollingsworth Mark 69 Klli:,ht Mrs., chimney sweep 7t Russell John Fredprick Cross and Return 68 Lep. Jacob William 62 Challis :Mrs., dressmaker 60 Hawkins Edwin 58 Brown Maurice 54 Turner Ernest Harry

Knoll (The).

From Bromley road. North-East Side. 1 Simpson J. R. Barrick, Lorton 3 Vian William Collett 5 Collinson Mrs., Las Flores 7 Berridge Mrs. H. A" Dunton lQ. 9 Duvall Miss, Da!ston lodge 11 Neville Albert Gartside, Oakhurst 13 Castell John, Waylands 15 Hummel Roht. Horton,Oakhill ho. South- West Side. 2 Wancke Herman Fredrik, Hemmet 4 Byron John, Wyefield 6 White Sir Henry Arthur, c.V.O. 8 Powell Joseph, Knoll house

Laburnam Cottages.

See Station road.

Langley Park.

See Widhmn Road.

Langley Road.-ELMEltsEND.

Right Side. 2 Moss Frederick 4 Wenman Thomas Henry, Brasted Elmers End Congregational Church -Rev. Joseph Wardle, pastor 6 Boyes Alfred 8 Hardy Walton 10 Beeching Sidney 12 Hinge John 14 Kemp Mrs. Colquhoun16 Turner Mrs. 18 Firmin Charles Edward, Ellerslie ...... here is footpath to Upper Elmers End road ~. Eden park. Left Side. 1 Potter JaIm 3 Harris Mrs. 9 Fisher John 11 Thomson Jesse 13 Hennion Joseph 15 Baynton Mrs. 17 Marks John James 19 Cooper Frank 21 Fuller Harold G. 23 Wardle Rev. Joseph [Cong.J, Shirley view

Lawn Road.

From Copers Cope Road to Bracldey Road. 1 Telling Hy. Thomas, Winterdyne 3 Polter William, Elmside ............ here is ?arlc road . 5 Cooper John Joseph, The Grange St. Paul's Church

Lawrie Park Crescent.

From 84 Lawrie PaI'k road to Border road. Postal address-Sydenham, S.E. 4 Glass James, Dunedin 6 Bardrick Mrs., Chatkyll

Lawrie Park road.

Postal address -Sydenham S.E. Right Side-from Crystal Palace Park Road. R1 Umney William Francis, M.D. Lond., MR.c.s.Eng., physician & surgeon, Eardley house 77 Maxwell William, Villa Slamat 75 Harding Wm. Henry, San Remo 73 Wolff Emil, Bryngelly 71 Quitmann Ernst, Concordia 67 Rodger William Wylie, Midhurst. 63 Denniston John T. 61 Carter Walter Thomas, Chulsa 55 Abrams Mrs. 53 Bennett James William,Claremont 51 Smith Herbert E. 49 Sheed Alex F. 47 Scourfield Mrs., Wynnstay 45 Hall John Percy, Carville ..... here is Parish Boundary Cross and Return. Lamp Letter Box ...... here is Springfield road ...... here is Lawrie Park cres 84 Wheatley John Fredk., The Elms ............ here is Border road ...... ,.....

Lea Road.

From Fairfield road to Star:trnore ter. 1 Harbour Thomas 2 Privett George 3 Wild Mrs. 4 Huggins Henry WaIter 5 Wilkins William George 6 Marshall Herbert, turncock to Metropolitan Water Board (Southern district) 7 Kaye Thomas 9 Dolman James 10 Gray Mrs. 11 Earons Robert 12 Buttel William 13 Atzema Mrs. 13 Atzema Miss, dressmaker

Leach's Cottages.

From 84: I£iglt street. 2 Scruby Mrs, 4 Hickey Mrs.

Lennard Road.

Left Side. 1 Richards William John, Sybella 2 Stephens Ernest Arth., Lennard ho. 3 Ripley John Arthur Lamp Letter Box ......... here is Kings Jlall road ...... ..... here is Aldersmead road . ......... here is Reddons road ....... 111 Harms John, Llanberis 117 Collins G. H. 115 Smith Walter James, Villette 111 Pilbeam Thomas 109 Carter Walter Hubert, Adston 107 Pope Edwin William 105 Curryer Mrs. E., Ravensdale ...... here is Kent House road ...... !)!) Fuller Henry 97 Payne Geo. Barrett, Glendenning 95 Pocock George Spencer 91 Laskey Sydney ......... here is Cow·tenay road ......... Postal Address: Penge, S.E 89 Stebbing Thomas Edward 87 Wahler Mrs., Engadine 85 Breed Herbert William 83 Holt Ernest 81 Cartwright Basil, St. Aubyns 79 Waddington Mrs., St. HelieI' 77 Robinson Samuel 75 Pither Thomas Edward ......... here is Morland road ...... 73 Chabot Charles 71 Budden Frank 69 Lewis Jack Hyam 67 King Harold Garner 65 Parfitt Arthur Ernest 63 Amy Adolph Philip, Fernleigh 61 Purchas William Henry, HomeLea 57 Hill Whittaker Henry, Em ...... here is jootpath to Alexandra cottages Harding Jobn Charles, Church bo. Holy Trinity Church House and Sunday Schools 53 Davis Henry, surveyor 51 Balson Thomas Joseph 49 Cbipperfield Althur 47 Edwards George 45 Ewer Ernest 43 Drake Henry John. 41 Clements Miss 39 Wiseman Charles 37 Bailey Harry 35 Goodwin Herbert 31 Durling Thomas Duncan 29 Hodgson John 27 Champ Walter, Westwood ......... here is Hardin,q's Lane ......... 25 Lnnghurst Henry John 23 Johnson Henry 21 Howe Ernest Edwin 19 Warwicker Herbert 17 Salmon Thomas Henry 15 Ouzman Walter James 13 Gibb Mrs. Ellen 11 Brain Mrs. 9 Holley Walter 7 Thornton Tom 'William, stationer, and Post Offiee 7 Telephone Call Office ........... here is Parish Lane ...... 5 Moody Charles Frederick Right Side - from New Bcckenham Station. 134 Parker James Fotheringham, .MeadoW croft 132 Richards Mrs., Strathmore 128 Andrew Norman 124 Oliver Francis Higby ...... here is Kent House road ...... Fire Alarm Postal Address: Penge, S. E. 122 Sjollema Peter, Penritb 120 Owen Herbert, Parkdale 118 W oodbams Herbert, DeIce 116 Gardner John, Haroldene 102 Ba~es William HenrY 100 Wheeler RichrJ. Lloyd,Radford ho 96 Capes Joseph Stunley 95 Kolkmann Hugo 92 Faber Harald, l!'.c.s" Fiona 90 Russell Joseph 88 Onyon Henry, Tremadoc 80 Lovell Albert 78 Shaffen Mrs., Killarney 72 Saker Albort 70 Mein James Turner ............ here is Cato1road ........... Holy Trinity Church 64 Latham Rev. Walter Joseph [vicar of Holy Trinity, Beckenham], The Vicarage 62 Shepherd John 60 Standing William James 58 Middlemiss Mrs. 56 Panter William 54 Sarson Walter John 52 Swann James 50 Adamson Frank 48 Castle Mrs. F. 46 Juterbock Charles, Rosedale 44 Gillham Alfred William 42 Fisher Geo., assist. insurance supt. ...... herc is Alcxandra road ...... Recreation Gronnd ...... here is L1Iaitland roacl ... ,..... 12 Goffe William John 8 Challis Stanley 8. Alexandra Conservativc Unionist A8.wlciaUon~C. J. Grigg, hon. sec. 4 Winch Alfred James 2 Baugh William

Limes Road.

From CI'C8('cnt road to Chancery lane 17Biswell William 45 Tolhurst James 43 Wilsoll William 39 Deuni'ngtou Edwd. Wm. St. George 37 Hiekman William James 35 Carter Mrs. 33 Dockerill James 31 Alger William 29 Leavens William 27 Webb Mrs. 25 Barker Charles, jun. 23 Kettel John 21 Woou George, jun. 19 Durling :Mrs. M..A. 17 McKinney John George 15 Gratwick Edward . 13 Peacock Georg£) 9 Tavlor George Henry 7 Garatt Edward George 5 Holland George 3 Carter James Thomas Turnbull Charles 1 Matthews Wm. Arthur, bootma.

Linden Grove.-NEwr,ANDs PARK.

Postal Address - Sydenlwm, S.E. 2 Gee Herbert 3 Collins John Lawrence 4 Francis Charles Edwin 5 Hale Henry G Lewis Thomas Henry 7 Sutton Alfred 8 Landers Wm., professor of violin 9 Stevenson Edward James 10 Hurst Thomas William I0 Conroy Robert 12 Humphrey Archibald Percy 13 Hurst George Thomas 14 Brown Walter, carpenter & decrtr. 15 Stone Mrs. C. 16 Bell Charles 17 Terry Thomas 18 Spackman Mrs. 19 Nevard Albert 20 Derrick Frederick George 21 Wragg William Edwin 22 Pearce Joseph 23 Glynn ~frs. 24 Neatham Walter Edward 25 Lindridge William 26 Hewitt Frederick 27 Turner James 28 Bensted Mrs,. milliner 29 Tingley Misses 30 Evans Edward Daniel 31 Simmonds Mrs. ...... here is footpath to Parish lane ...... 32 Graham Mrs. 33 Grassby Herbert

Loyd's Cottages.

See Eimers End road ( Upper).

Lucas Road.

Postal Address~ Penge, S. E. Left Side-from St. John's Uoa,l. 'Woodward Mrs. F., . 3 --liu~h~;-Benj. Thomas, electrician 5 Conybeare Mrs. 7 BIeksley Frederick Charles 9 Knight Alfred 11 Day Percy Charles 11 Bone William George 13 Whiting William. 15 Glover Alfred Victor James 17 Smith James 19 Jefferey Arthur William Charles 21 Vincent Robert Eli 23 Horne Geurge Frederick Middleton 23 Bowyer Ernest Charles 27 Lawler Fred 29 Johnston Edwin Samuel 31 Gear Alfred 33 Roalfe Lewis Frederick Cross and Return. 48 Hawkins Mrs. M. 46 Homewood Sydney George 44 Lock Thomas 42 Chandler Francis Henry 40 Gosling Alfred William 38 Zambra Heginald 36 Pizzey John 34 McDonald Arthur 32 Austin Amos 28 Bonnett Archibald Thomas 26 Hall Thomas Seddon 24 BIack William 22 Champion Frederick Henry 20 McDonald Edgar William 18 Butcher Stanley Edward 16 Hartwell George Henry 14 Retter Herbert 12 Percival Edward 10 Savage George 8 Brown William Charles 6 Burton Frederick Joseph 4 Goling George Henry 2 Stone Alfred George

Lutterworth Terrace.

See Croydon road, Elmers' End.

Maberly Road - ELMERS END.

From Gvydor road. 4 Payne ILmry Charles 2 Price Robert, Oakdale

Mackenzie Road.

Right Side - from Becke~ham Road to EImers End Road. 2 Warrilow Mrs. Harriett, ladies' nurse 6 Medcalf Arthur 8 Ross Alexander 10 Martin John Henry 12 Monk C. E. 16 Armitstead Miss 18 Wilson John 20 Spencer Thomas David Beaeh 22 Seels Miss 24 Bish Edward 26 Widgery Mrs. 28 Ware William 30 Hill Alec 32 Swaabe Frederick 34 Bowl Thomas Charles 36 Brett Alfred 40 Watkins Mrs., Strathmore IC'dge 42 Humphrey Alfred 44 Gable Thomas Breese 46 Frost H. J. 48 Smith Frederick 50 Ferguson James 54 Clegg John, Newcastle 56 Longshaw Edward Macauley 58 Harryman Frederick 60 Walker Herbert 62 Smith Sidney 66 Taylor Frederick 68 Crofts John P. 10 French Reginald Thomas George 12 Bizley William 74 Whittingham Thomas 80 Gratwick Mrs. 82 Row Charles Thomas 86 Bacon Jn. Rayner, Delwarte house ......... here is Avenue road ......... 108 Barnett James A., baker & confr. 108 Telephone Call Office 110 Morphew M. & Son, decorators 112 De Maid Charles 114 Waters Thomas Elan 116 Knight Thomas 118 Bond Miss, Trefusis 120 Payne Frank 122 Bunting Charles 124 Tong Mrs. 126 Jones Walter James 128 Petchey William James 130 Doughty Mrs. 132 Frceston Henry James 134 Collingwood William 136 Bosley Edward James 138 Style HerLert Frederick 140 Austin Herbert 142 Spence William Robert 144 Jenkins Frederick 146 Taylor Joseph Vernon 148 Boxall Daniel 150 Wood John 152 Greenman Edwin 152A Potter Mrs. 154 Glass John William, Kildare 156 Haselden George F. 158 Bowden W. A., St. Heliers 160 Burch Edward Martin, Heathfield 162 Reynolds Miss W. B. 166 Shipway William 168 Allison William Edward 170 Ellams George Ernest 172 .Bethell Francis James 174 Phillips John 176 Steers Thomas 178 Elliott William 178A Rose Mrs. M. A. 180 Garrett Frederick Letchfield 180A Davies Charles James 186 Gibson GodfreyWm.,Walthamho. 190 Post William John 192 Archer Edwin George 194 Hibbs William Henry 196 Vigor Harold Decimuli1 198 Relld George 202 Loomes Ernest Frederick 204 Nye J. W. 206 Bayntun Percy C. 208 Powell Ashley, Mill Ash ......... here is Pelham road ...... 210 Hart Patrick 212 Watts Alaric William 214 Simpson Richard 216 Batton William John 218 Moody Charles, Maryville 220 Moody Arthur William 222 King Alfred John, laundry 228 Ackerman Fl'ancis Albert 230 Coppard Edward Thomas 234 Reardon William Thomas 236 Rippengel Mrs. 238 Fletcher Samuel James 240 Wanostrocht Henry N. T., Keston view Cross and Return. 269 Webb Tracy H. 267 Parr .Tohn, Selina villa 263 Sugden Georgcl 261 Clarke Herbert Hugh 255 Everett George 249 Harvey Ernest W. 247 Anderson Alexander 245 Read Henry William 243 Roberts Octavian, The Thorns 233 Thorpe Arthur Frederic 231 Baker John Frederick, Rosalind 227 Baucutt Walter 225 Barnes Frederick Arthur 223 Hart Henry Charles 221 Ridgewell W. T. 219 Clements Mrs. 217 Matthew,> Thomas Edmund 215 Ricnardson Miss 213 Foster Edward 211 Cooper Herbert Alfred 209 Lancaster George Thomas 201 Durrant Arthur 199 Mitchell Luther Henry 197 Dyball Robert 193 Taylor George Hardcastle 191 Ellwood Ernest 189 Deakins George Frederick 187 Tubbs Harry Leonard 185 Goodner Horace Charles 181 Edwards Charles Alfred 179 Coppard Edward 177 Ruscoe David 175 Jones Oscar 173 Wright John Philip Kemble, Mabelford 171 Wright Herbert John, Aclehurst 163 Drake Leonard 161 Kennard Alfred Santer, Benenden 159 Stubbs William, tailor 157 Heasman Ethelbert John 155 Clark George 153 Syme William, Banchory 151 Camp Richard, Trelawne 149 Churcher William, Ashcot 147 Gee Alfred George, Oakdene 145 Barton Henry Albert 143 Hickson John 141 Eldershaw John .Joseph 139 Atkinson George Henry 137 Batcheldor William George 135 Melton Ernest Augustus 133 Greenway Edward Henry R. 131 Plaster John 127 Williams Arthur, Brooklyn 125 Langley John Thomas 123 Palmer Mrs. E. 121 Fosbery Misses. school 119 Dennis James, Sweetbriar 117 Moore Frederick 115 Baxter Brothers, sign writers 113 Clarke John Gillard, Bleak house 111 Rabbitts James William 109 Mathew Walter 107 Copsey George William 105 George Miss, school ......... here is .A venue road 101 Smith Henry 99 Williams Rev. Robert Packenham 97 Swales Arthur Goodman 95 Myles Harry 93 Southgate William George 91 Hallett Thomas Robert John 89 Ash Percy J. W. 87 Corney Jonathon 85 Ford Thomas, Woodside 83 Williams Charles George 81 Moore Arthur Sidney 79 Mace James, Lonsdale 77 Kightley Clarence 75 Oulds Thos., assist. insurance supt. 73 Last Walter Josiah 71 Curtis Cornelius 69 German Charles 67 Byrn Cyrus Henry 65 Williams John, Chandos 63 Lewis Edward 61 Hedley William James 59 Collard George Henry 57 Steel William, Springfield house 55 Turner Alfred George 53 Groome Ernest James 51 Bosworth John Charles 49 Hobbs Job, Bruce cottage 47 Cooper Samuel Thomas 45 Farmer Theodore Ernest 43 Cullingham Thomas George, photo engraver 41 Read Thomas 39 Haydon James 37 Clark Charles Wm., Laurel cottage 33 Bullett William 31 Watkins Mrs. J. R. 29 Souter Alfred, Copley dene 27 Appleton Fred 25 Trew Archibald G. 21 Spelman Frederick Willialll 19 Harman George 17 Medlicott George Harry 15 Hicks Miss, lfield lodge 11 Collett Frederick A., Trevone 9 Jarvis Robert Lincoln 7 Stratton Mrs. 5 Duncan John, Glenlyn 8 Sparks William, Claremont 1 Hedley John, Hotspur house

Maitland Road. - Lennard Road

to WestbOUr1le Road. Postal AddNSS: Syuenhl1m, S.E. 1 Till Ernest Walter 3 Ottewell Edward George 5 Emeny Walter Norman 7 Butcher Frederick Sin del 9 Hutton Frederick James 11 Ayres Sidney Arthur 13 Burton Frederick Thomas 15 Webb Benjamin T. 17 Mitting Miss 19 Blessley Rev. Henry George [curate of Holy Trinity, Beckenham ] 21 Cooke Harry, teacher of singing. Durnsford 23 Wood Frank William 25 Plumb Alfred 27 Rolph William Edgar 29 Powell Henry 31 Herrick Percy Edwin 33 Hickman George H.

Malmains Way. - PARKLANGLEY.

From 1Virkltam way. North Side. 1 Appleton Llewellyn 5 While Frederick Herbert 9 Livingstone Mrs. 13 Street J. P. 17 Hurlbatt. Ralph Henry 21 Swift Major Richard 25 Sykes Joseph C. 29 Potter Mrs. 29 Fox Miss South Side. 2 Beall Philip L. 6 Ingram Rowland W. 14: Lockhart D. Elliott 18 Pershke Frank F. 24 Kensington Frederick James 26 Azaucot Solame Horace 30 Haywood Henry Alphonso

Manor Grove.

From 32 J.1Iar~or Road. East Side. Salisbury Misses, Manorville 3 Richards Mrs. 5 Beare W. A. 7 Cramer Ernest 9 Manger Geo .Holtum, Brunswick ho, 11 Brown Percy Cross and Retm'n. West Side. 12 Hornid~e Miss 10 Macy Mrs. 8 Panks Mrs. 6 Brooke Mrs. Wilmot 4 Booth Mrs. Edwin 2 Tyler Harold W., A.1J.I.E.E., F.R.G.S.

Manor Road.

From 45 High street to Bromley rd. North Side. Thornton Tom W·., printer and bookbinder 3 Wheeler Miss 5 Claxton Miss N. 7 Fleming Rev. Robert Stewart, M.A. [Baptist] 9 & 11 Hose Miss 13 Finn Rev. Arthur Henry 15 Hamerton Frederick William 17 Griggs Tom 17 GrewcockWilliarn Jas., L.D.S.R.C.S. Eng., surgeon-dentist 19 Friend Mrs. 21 Humphrey Miss Amy 23 Tweed Mrs. 25 Bond Mrs. G. ......... here is Bellington road ......... 29 Ibbotson Rev. Edmund 31 Herbert Charles 33 Foss Stanley 35 Chiesman Jn. Walker, Glen Edith 37 Robbs John William 39 Carr Robert Charles 41 Nearoc Miss 43 Lowry Mrs. 45 Davidson David George 47 Tolhurst Mrs. 49 Rolls Edward John South Side. 2 Deller Miss, Khiva 2A Woolley Leslie 6 Thomas Michael Cyril Wolferstan 8 Foreman Mrs. 10 Cooper Mrs. 12 Green Robert William 14 Wortley Mrs. 16 Hollway Mrs. 18 Muggridge Mrs. ......... here is Bevington road ......... 20 Wynne Thomas & Ramsbotham, Physicians & surgeons 20 Ramsbotham Henry Robert, M.A., lII.B.,,physn. & surgeon 24 Smith Miss 26 Elstob Harry George, L.D.s.Eng., dentist 28 Roberts Ernest Edward 30 Hutton Stanley Page 32 Sparks Edmund Charles, I ver ......... here is Manor grove ......... 34 Uounsell Claude Christopher 36 Clogg Mrs. 40 Bertolle Ernest Charles 42 Watson Mrs., Manor Road house ............ here is Down:, Road . 46 Carpenter Alfred L., St. Mildred's Wall Letter BOx

Manor View.

From Burrell row. I Verrell Mrs. 1 Harding Mrs. 2 Slade Ephraim John 2 Rigby Oswald James 3 Bennett John William 3 Chitty Richard William 4 Spary James 4 Valentine Henry James 5 Humphries Ernest 5 Knell William 6 Stevens Walter Thomas 7 Longhurst Thomas Frederick Geo. 7 High Henry

Manor Way.

FTmn Court Downs road. South-East Side. Derrick Victor P. A., Park cottage Laws Georg-e, caretaker of Kelsey Manor, Kelsey Manor stables Wilkinson Fredk, Chas.,LooeRocks North- West Side. Hooper Francis G. F., F.R.I.B.A., Kelsey Corner Kelsey Park EstateOffice (J.Overal & Son) Hardin~ James, Shalom 9 Bing James Mills Alfred, Devonia Mould Mrs, Dometo Munday Alfred 1, Coo gee Wood John Charles, Lyndhurst Bridge Walter Wm., Lang Wa~ren Aitchison Mrs., Kismet Halford Charles IIenry, Woodlands Johnson Ernest Fredk., Holmville Neame Philip Leslie, Kelsey cot

Marlow Road .

Postal Address-Ancrley, S.E. Left Side-from· EImers End Road. lA W est James, bootmaker lB Freeborn Misses F. & M., statnrs. 1 Hull George James 3 Hay William George 5 Bull William Henry 7 Walker Joseph, tailor 9 Richardson Mrs. 11 Gear James 13 Cochrane Philip 15 Baker Charles ......... here is Piqnet road ...... 17 Paynter George Henry, grocer 2t Jupp Walter George 23 Bacon Frank 25 Simmons William 27 Chase Mrs. 29 Williams Frederick George 29 Knell Misses C. & A., dressmakers 31 Emery Mrs. 33 Hart Henry 35 Hunt John William, grocer ...... here is Felmingham road ...... 37 Peacock F .. butcher 35 COX Frederick George, genl. stores ......... here is Sl{flielrd road ......... 57 Barton William, fishmonger 65A Tilbrook Henry T., plumber 73 Keywood Miss, dressmaker 75 Cowling James William, laundry ...... here is Sltcringltam road ...... 77 Frances Mrs.F., draper 85A'raylor Edwin J., carpenter 85 Myring John 87 Fuller Mrs. 80 Fisher William Scivier 91 Shaw James 93 Starmer Charles 95 Brothers James 97 Newby George William 99 Hatton Hamilton Sydney 101 Crooks Charles McAlister 103 Armitage Mrs. 105 Thompson Samuel 107 Proctor John 109 Harris Edward 111 :Moll Percy Walter 113 Moffatt Malcomson 115 Gee Mrs. E. E. 117 Ergmann Mrs., Roxana 119 D'Elboux Herbert Clare 121 Wilkinson Herbert 125 Culverwell James 127 Grisold William ......... here is Warwick road ........ 129 Hignett Miss 131 Dunn Benjamin 133 Newman Walter Henry 135 Robinson Alfred Ernest 137 Burg :Mrs. 139 Green Harry 141 Cowdy Miss cross and Return. ...... here is Cambridge road ...... Perkins John Hopkins, Ivydene ......... here is Wheathill road ......... 116 Smeed John Joseph 114- Baxter Joseph Stepnen 112 Myers William no Aird Mrs. Pillar Letter Bom ......... here is r1wrnsett road .......... 108 Smeetou Misses L. & M'l general stores 108 Telephone Call Office ..... here is Stembridge road 101 McSweeney William 101 Aedy Ernest Thomas 100 Pinder James H8 Fennel' Henry He; Carpenter Mrs. 94 Tout William Henry 92 Brett George, . ......... here lS Macemazne road ......... 88 Theobald Frederick, Lyndhurst 78 Gale Charles 76 Biddle Charles George 74 Godsmark Thomas Charles 72 Smith Edgar Percy 66 Ford Henry ........... nere is Samos road ............ 44 Pragnall Samuel, florist, Samos Hoad nursery 38 Marshall William George 36 Hean 'tValter John 34 Banks Robert 32 Mark William 30 Knights Mrs. 28 Austin Charles 26 Death Walter Frederick 24 Chick Horace Leonard 22 Chapman Frederick Robert 20 Pike Howard Henry 8 Harber John 6 Bryan John Holt 4 Faulkner William

Melrose Villas.

See Burnhill road.

Monivea Road.-Blakeney Avenue.

Left Side. 1 Gregory Francis James 3 Busby Leonard 5 Scawen Lewis Milford Harrison Frank, Rutland lodge 7 Shirley Thomas 9 Corp William 11 Williams George 13 Baxter Frederick George 15 Curd Mrs. i7 Webber Frederick 19 Shepherd Arthur Henry 21 Matterface Frank 23 Sands William 25 Foster William Robert 27 Hickman Mrs. 29 Wynn Miss 31 Jessop Frank Charles 83 Draper Alfred John 35 Collins Charles John 37 Arnold Ernest William 41 Radford William H. 43 Purdue Charles 45 Blundell Alfred James Cross and Return. ...... here are steps leading to Bridge rd.

Morland Road.

From Lennard road to Tennyson road. Postal Address-Penge S.E. Left Side.-From Lennard road. Marsh Robert 3 Ring Francis Henry 5 Seal Enoch 7 Amos Miss 9 Amos Mrs. 11 Hidgewell Walter, gardener }3 Brightman Josiah 15 Parsons Edwin, grocer ......... here is Solturville road ...... cross and Return. 12 Ho1lingsworlh Mrs. 10 M.cLaren Mrs. 8 Beales William 4 Wills James 2 Bignell Alfred Charles

Moss Lea Road.

Postal Address - Penge S. E Left Side. Davis William Alec, assistant insurance supt., Stoneleigh 1 Onions John 2 Dutton Edward 8 Pascall Miss 4 Webb Miss 5 Goodman Mrs. 6 Miller John A. 7 Weller Arthur 9 Cotton Frank, solicitor & commissioner for oaths 11 Cook Miss Marion, nurse 12 Durman Charles l3 Winterborn Robert 14 Hose William Ernest Arthur 15 Brown'John 16 Culff Alfred 17 Priddy Robert 18 Steggles Bertie Francis 23 Lumb Charles William 24 Bliss George Walter 25 Ward Frederick, pianoforte tuner 26 Partridge George ...... here is Parish buundary ...... 27 Benjamin Richard, insurance agent 27 Benjamin Miss Miriam, A.L.C.M., C.T.C.L., professor of music 28 Hornsby Frederick JalUes 30 Instone George Frederick 31 Robinson Ernest 32 Potter John Joseph 33 Lynn Mrs. 35 Leech Frank 35 Pre ntis John, insurance agent Cross and Return. Holy Trinity Mission Household ......... .here is ~JJfontrave road .......... ..... here is Parish boundary 37 Sampl'on George 38 Taylor 'rom John j9 Munro William Allan 40 Kimmins Walter Jesse .... here is PlulJnix road

Mount Pleasant.

From Stanmore terrace. 1 Smith Richard 2 Lindfield Harold 3 Smith Samuel 4 'rumor Charles 5 Linwood John G & 7 Owen John

Naval Asylum.

See St. John's road.

Newlands Park.

Postal A.ddress- Sydenham S.E. Right Side-from Penge Railway Station. Tyne Main Coal Co. Limited Tyley Albert William, watchmaker Cornwall Edwin A., coal merchant Penge Station (New lands park) (S. E. & C.Railway)-Harry John Porter, station master ......... here is Linden grove ....... Sullivan Basil T., Laverstock villa 2 Loader Madame, costumier, Elmswood villa. 4 Eely Henry, bailder 6 Huckin Wm., builder, Stanmore 10. ... ... ... here is Lellrlanl road 8 Richardson Arthur 10 King Edward Mason 14 Palmer A. 16 Lanham Frank, The Firs 20 Titshall Percy, The Retreat 22 Herdsman William Henry 24 Bridgman Leon, RavensWood 26 Walpole George 28 Prebble Arthur, The Larches 30 Jenkins John, Netherton ...... here is Wntb01tl'ne road . 32 Meaby Walter C., solicitor 34 Hood Sydney John 38 Puddicombe Edward Leonard, L.R.c.p.wnd., M.n.C.s.rwg., physician & surgeon, Claremont 40 Mackie William 42 Pitt John William ......... here is Studland road . 44 oLollg John Elliott, newsagent 44F Handsaker Johu Thomas, grocer 44E Hood Mrs. A., registry oflice 44E Plumb Alfred, laundry 44c Enticott G. & Co., dairy 44B Clark William, uewsagent 44A Gauron Alfred, bootmaker 44 Sears George, fruiterer ......... here is l'anruifdd road ......... ...... here is entrance to Recreation Cronnd ...... here is foutpath to Oator ~.

Trewsbury roads .

croos and return. 71 Hodges Lt.-Col. John Francis, V.D. 69 Haines Henry 67 Hoberts Arthur Sydney Charles 65 Gaukroger Henry B. 63 Bitter Ludwig- August 61 Ducros Eugene 59 Hellins Henry R., l\r.mst.C.E. 57 Palmer James 53 Mabhott Mrs. 51 Raine Miss, Birkendale 49 Duncan Hobert 47 Phillips Albert Edward, district supt. of tbe Provident Association of London Limited, Brooklyn 45 Andrews David Palmer, solicitor & commissioner for oaths, Winster 43 Lowrie Mrs., St. Honan's 41 Seymour Mrs., Dunkeld 39 Elliott Arthur . 37 Osborn HenryWalter, Linden villa 33 Lindsay John A. C., Lily vale 31 Westman Karl 29 Hughes AJfred McGregor 25 Bigwood Willlam John 23 Hitchfield Capt. John J. P., R.N. 21 Weatherley Miss 19 Davis Nathaniel 17 Ryder Arthur 15 Robinson Hussell Balding 11 Giles William 9 Silver Hug-h ·William, 1I.n.c.s.Eng. L. It.C.I'. wnd., L.S. A., physician & surgeon, Turret lodge ........... .bere is Venner road . Pillar Letter Box Rutler J olm, chrmist 7 Good win William Branson, grocer 5 Shilling Frederick, tobacconist 5 Telephone Call Offiee 3 Cox H. & Co., cycle & motor engineers [ for remainder of this road, see our "SYDENHAM DIRECTORY."]

Oak Hill Road.

From Crescent road . West Side. Congregational Church 4 Ritchie William Berry 6 Samuelson Frederick Bernhard, Wood lodge 8 Briggs Misses 8 Senier Mrs. 10 Sabey James John, Antilles lodge 14 Chard William T. 16 Martin Lester 18 Seeley Arthur William 20 Willsher Walter 22 Youels George Thomas 24 Marshall George William 26 Breeze Arthur 28 Henwood Ferdinand S. 30 Dun James 32 Hay Frank, Faelands 34 Wilson Alfred Hugh East Side. 1 Collyer William John 3 Wright Rdward Mounsteven, jun. 5 Hamilton Hugh Pillar Letter' Box 7 Bune John, The Nook Bell Frederic James. The Cottage St. Barnabas' Church Warner Hev. Marmaduke, M.A., St. Barnabas Vicarage

Oakwood Avenue.

Prom Bromley r·d. to Scott's lane. South-west Side. 2 Bayne C. G., C.S.I. 4 Overton Frank 6 Lewer Sidney Herbert ........... .here is Perth road . ]0 Rock Edwin Baynes, Turret house 12 McQuade.J. A., Craigour 14· Catf(lrd Miss 16 Walker Robert R., Kirkstone 18 Adams Harold John, St. John's 20 Marriage Frank W., Ladybank 22 Philbrick George H., preparatory school for boys, Clare house ...... here is OVel'bury avenue 24 Beardshaw Wilfred 26 Harvey William.H. 28 Reavdl Arthur James 30 Brown J. Lewis 32 Dyas Edmund 34 Attenborough John, Rosslyn 36 Marshall Gloster, Bordighera 38 Marsland Fred, Glendurgan 40 Powell Allan, Shirley view 42 Deakin Tbomas Roger, Oaklands Wall Letter Box 4:4 Beer Henry, The White house 46 Duder John E. [Remainder of names on this side are in SHORTLANDS ] 52 March Arthur, West Bank 54 Hudson Leonard Lovell, Beverly 56 Harrison Francis Sladen, Amery North-east Side. 1 Walkor Norman, Keniston 3 Brown Chas. Franklin, The Briars 5 Storrar Edward Lee, Foscote Vincent Mrs., St. Heliers Elgood Charles Alsagor, The Croft

Overbury Avenue.

From Wickham rd. to Oakwood aven. North Side. 1 Cross Thomas John, Thurstonville 3 Aste John, Fairoak 5 Jacksou Thomas John, Chelston Catholic Chnrch of the Tramjignration and St. Benedict 11 Fitz~ibbou Rev. Gerald [Catholic], The Presbytery 23 Sayer Frank, Fairhaven South Side. Bakewell Wm. Whitehorn, Lerryn ... herc is Stanley avenue 28 Mever Frank John 22 Triinmer Lieut.-Col. Augustus Richard, Parkstone 20 Evens Mrs. G., Dovedale 18 Smyth Francis Buxton 14 Stinson Henry, Widdicombe 10 Ladds Mrs. ladies' school, Kepplestone 8 Macrae Rev. David George [Wesleyan], The Manse 4 Falkenheim Franz 2 Abbott Donald Nicholl

Parish Lane.

Postal Address: Penge, S.E. Right Side.-From Kent House Road. 82 Hale James, MA. . Alexandra District Schools. - Head Mastel', Jarnes Hale, M.A. 78 Gublin Mrs. Ellen 76 Thulborn John 74 Gray Mrs. E. A., provision dealer ...... here are Whateley if Tlzes(qer roads 73 Davies Frank, stationer 71 Gee Lewis George, oilman 70 Nichols Thomas W., butcher 69 Rickard George William, confectioner & tobacconist 68 Cownley Mrs. C., draper 67 Golby James 66 Goodman Edward 65 Nye Juhn Box 64 Belworthy Walter, grocer ......... here is Tennyson road ......... 63 Scovell John Alfred, greengrocer 61 Sayers Ernest, newsagent Alexandra ~iJ1issionHall.-Alfred Stevenson, caretaker ......... here is Victor road .........


2 Hill William 1 Marsh Hugh Pillar Letter Box ......... here is Edward road ......... ......... here is Albel'[ road ......... ......... here is Harding's lane ...... 56 Legg Herbert, assist. insur. supt. 56 Legg Mrs. Kate, laundry 55 Clarke Henry, dining rooms 54 Julian George Edgar, greengrocer 53 Randall George, confectioner 50 Emery Albert Denton, tobacconist 49 Arthur George, confectioner 48 Haggis George, greengrocer 46 Skinner William Robert 45 Boyd John Alexander 43 Chapman Charles 43 N ewnham William Henry 42 Virgo Henry 41 Jupp Arthur H. 39 Webb Robert Thos. Edwd.,printer 38 Palmer Frederick 37 Dearling Robert John 36 Gammage Joseph, gardener 35 Tovery Edward 34 Jones William 33 Rob'inson Mrs. Kate, confectioner Cross and Return.


32 Martin Alfred Stephen, grocer 31 Tyler Jn. Thos., monumental engrvr. 29 Thomas Mrs. Louise, dress maker ......... here is Linden Passage ......... 9 Ford Harry Fitze, tailor 5 Crawley Thomas, shoemaker 4 Parkes W. Henry, hairdresser 3 Newham Edward, oil & color man 2 Adams Herbert, provision dealer 1 Jobson Frederick William, butcher ............ here is Penge lane ........... 163 Ale:xandl'a Hotel, Fredk. Tester 163AWhitelaw James, coal merchant ...... Passage to Pengo lane...... 162A NicoU James, confectioner 161 Tampin Fredk. J., naturalist 160 Cooper Charles Edward 158 Walsh Mark 157 Wallis Percy, insurance agent 156 Robinson William Taylor 155 Powell Ernest 154 Winterton Thomas 153 Davenport Walter 152 Godsmark Norman 151 Digby Samuel 150 Thorpe A. E. 149 Seale John Richard 148 Collins William James 147 Dungate George 146 Brown William 145 Bradley James Charles 144 Bond Frank 143 Weedon Joseph 142 Harris Mrs. 141 Hall Thomas F., window cleaner 140 Vian Herbert Edwin 139 Hook George 138 Rivett David 137 Drakeford Herbert, china & glass riveter 136 Stokes Thomas 135 Greig Charles Edward 134 Gorringe George 133 KooIman Frederick George 132 Copp George 131 Blandford Henry 130 Pharo John W. 129 Winter Sydney 128 Mantle William Penge and Beckenham, Co-operative Society Limited (bakery) 124: Dungay Robert 123 Nye William 122 Stevenson Alfred Alexander 121 Parker Harold 120 Wyatt John 119 Conway William, hairdresser 118 Howard John Richd., general dlr ............ hero is Green lane ........... Penge and Beckenham Co-operative Society Limited-Alfred J. Winch, sec. Co-operative Hall 102 Manvell Charles, chimney cleaner

Park Road.

Left Side-from Southend Road. 1 Hamsher William 3 Cowl Mrs. Claire A., ladies' school, Minshull house 5 Broun Capt. William Luke 7 Beazley .Mrs., Kingswood 11 Northcote Horace, :st. Cyres 15 Garrard Thomas Frederick 17 Peel Rev. the Hon. Maurice .Berkeley, B.A. [vicar of St. Paul's J, Eyeworth house 19 Jackson-Mason Mrs., St. Paul's 10 21 Ward Alfred Ernest ............ here is Lawn road ......... Pillar Letter Road Fire Alarm ...... here is Copers Cope road ...... Copeland Hy.& Son, building works Cross and Return. NewBeckenham station,S.E.$' G.R. (Henry Thos. Bingham, station master) 18 Clarke W. G. & Sons, florits & nurserymen Fire Alarm. ...... here is Capers Cope road ...... 16 Colbourne Louis, Llanfair ............ here is Lawn road ...... 14 Crowther-Beynon Mrs., Westfield 12 Edwards Harry Woodward, eli veden Wall Letter Box 6 Holman George, Ridgemount Tuthill James, 1Abbey lodge Abbey Sehool- William Salter & George J. Gulliver

Pelham Road.

From Macltenzie road. Right Side. 2 Giblin Mrs. 4: Clark Thomas 6 Brown Henry William 16 Earwaker Ashley, Acacia 18 Wilson Albert, .Belvedere 20 Wilson Miss 24 Eldridge Edward Asworth 26 Leslie Bertie S., The Glen ............ Birkbeek road ........... 28A, Harber Arthur 28 Scott Thomas Edward, sen. 30 Lewis Mukley 32 Marriott Alfred 34 Charman Charles 36 Simpson Albert 38 Hoffman F. 40 Borman Mrs. 42 Holmested Cecil .. ... here is RU1JenSCro it road 58 Hayner William Thomas, carman 66 Wallis James Left Side. 1 Sugden George 3 Wills Mark 5 Miles Frank 7 Thurman Henry 9 Nevitt Charles 11 Kevwood Arthur 13 R~nkin Frederick Jabez 15 Eaden Mrs. 17 Williamson William John 21 Ward Alfred, Ivy Dene 23 Macke01ie William, Highlands .......... here is Birkbeck road . 25 Doughty Eldred H. 27 Rowe Stanley John 29 Songer Herbert 31 Bunker Charles 33 Whalley Percy Edward 35 Davis Mrs. M. 37 Satchell Ernest 39 Huthwaite Arthur 41 Parkhouse Mrs. 45 D'Eath Percy 19 Savage Sydney ...... here is Ravenscroft road

Perth Road-Beckenha1n. From 8 Oakwood avenue. South-east Side. 1 'Were James Winter, Wintersleigh 5 Cuthbert Arthur William 7 Haines Reginald; Cotswold St. Barnabas' Clmrelt NOl'tlt-l1,'flst Side. 4 Hughes William Henry 6 Tristram William Henry 8 Shaw Mrs., The Ellers 10 Dawson Misses

Phrenix Road.

From St. John's road. Postal address: Pen,ge Right Side. 1 Wallis Ernest Bowden 15 Smith John C. 27 Homewood Charles, builder Left Side. 2 Tomei Mrs. 2 Tomei & Sons, architcetural modellers 22 Warden James William

Piquet Road.

From JIarlow road Postal Arldre:os-':'Anerley S. E. 1 Fenton William 3 Seadon Robert E. 5 Culff George 7 Murray John 9 Bishop William Thomas 11 Toad Mrs. 13 Hild Casper F. 15 Massey Walter 19 Read Albert Walter 21 Gallimore Mrs. 23 Davis Prederick 27 Freeman William George 29 Holt Robert 31 Johnson Alfred 33 Hall George John 35 Lawson John 37 Saunders Albert 39 Williams Charles 43 Barrett James 45 Mansfield Alfred Blake 47 Gould Henry 49 Bond Percy Charles 51 Robinson Samuel West Side. 2 Mindenhall Charles 4 Phipps George 6 Larg Robert Frank 8 Bickerton Mrs. 10 Plumer F. O. 12 Hillier George . 14 Sugg Percy Edwin IG Manley Herbert Laurence 18 Callow Harry 22 King Walter James 24 Boston John 2G Catt James 36 Moss Frederick

Plawsfield Road.

From Beckenlzam rd. to Bammead rd.

Princes Road.

From Edward road to Harding's lane Postal addres~-Penge S.E.


1 Cagger Frederick George 2 Dodd Philip 4 Roper Ernest Albert 5 Baldwin Thomas G Pilcher Algernon Wm. Richard 7 Ash Henry Thollias 8 Heard ThomasHenry 9 Burfield William George 10 Bennett Herbert 11 Eely Frank Layzell 13 Killick William 14 Hamilton :Mrs. 15 Wheeler William George 16 Vaughan Ernest Philip ]7 Leek James 18 Parker Henry 20 Drinkwater Willhm Henry 21 M eacher Alfred James 22 Dilnot William Henry 23 Russell Francis Henry, bootmaker 24 Rolph Miss, shopkeeper Princes Terrace. Sec Princes road

Queen's Road.

From 47 Beoltenlwln road to Clock House road. Left Side. 1 Lake William, Kenwyn 3 Amvyl Edward, Oakdene 5 Bass Frederick J. F., Harting 7 Chase George Henry 9 Jordan Thomas Charles, Glenhurst 11 Fildes Mrs. 13 Hoach Zebulon Llewellin 15 Nicholson William N. 15 Gover Alfred G., barrister· at-law 17 Uudd Robert W. 19 Francis Harold Alfred 21 Bucklp.y John 23 Mallett John Moore 25 Shepperd Alfred H. 27 Harcourt Cyril Baldwin ............ here is Cedars rd ............ 31 Watts Charles T. Ii'., 33 Testar John Richard 35 Roe John Henry 39 Meles Gottfried 41 Briscoe Alfred Charles 43 Bourn Thos. Errinton, Stanley ho. 47 Hebblethwaite Jonathan, Clydesdale 49 Kidman Edgar 51 Strother John Henry 53 Banfield William 55 Gibson Charles Mervyn 57 SpringbeU Sydney Arthur 59 Caulfield W. J. 61 Loveday Henry Seymour, A.e.I.S. 63 Haynes Mrs. R M. 65 Whitehouse .Mrs. 67 Dickinson Edwin G. 69 Torrens Miss 71 Hoey Lawrence Walter 73 Young Thomas Anthony ...... here is Clock House road . Right Side. 2 Dumlllett Harry T. 4 Hawkins William Henry 6 Pullen Mrs. A. . 8 Hatch Mrs 10 Hall Charles William 12 Stephens John Robinson 14 Newton Sidney 16 Newth-Boulcott Robert, professor of singing, Upton 18 Martin James Henry 20 Hughes George Henry 24 Parsonage George 28 Crosby Mrs. 30 Vesper Thomas 32 Lebish George Arthur 34 Fleming-Sandes Mrs. Grace ............ here is Ceders Nl ...... 36 Snead William Douglas 38 Chapter James F 40 Wilmott Arthur 42 Straker Charles H. 44 Miller. Joseph Charles 46 Cullum Jonathan 48 Cullum William, The Williz 50 Crowden Mrs. E. 52 Price Sydney William 54 Sim William A. 56 Wotton Alfred 58 Lockitt Stanley Valentine 60 Newman James William 62 Rogulski Edward 64 Chapman Henry B. 66 Smith Vernon Pillar Letter Box . ..... here 'is Clock Honse l'orul

Railway Approach. - RECTORY ROAD.

Sunth Eastern 5' C1Ult1UlIlt Railway Station (Beckenham junction)- Frederick Hopper, station master Batchelar & Son, Limited, removal contractors Saurlllen; Ambros James, cycle and motor works I Horsman Thomas, florist Railway View. - Oll.AMPTON ROAD.

Ravenscroft Road.

llig1lt Side-from Deckenham !road, Anerley. 4 Morris George Leonard 6 Cole George 8 LyoLl Andrew D. 10 Chitty Frederick 12 Eagles George 14 Chalkley Richard 16 Hooker Peter, window cleaner 20 Wakelin Alfred John 22 Dilnot Walter Thomas 24 Hobbs William 26 Ridgwell Joseph George 28 Webber George, laundry 30 Pitcher Walter George 34 Choat Edward, laundry 36· Agate John William 38 Thompson William 42 Hodges George Henry 44 Hughes Edward James 46 Govier Walter Edward 48 Maxted Edwin, laundry 52 Ruth John Christian 54 Skinner James 56 Barker Miss Helen 58 Terry John, bricklayer 60 Baskerville John 62 Button Fredk., furniture remover 68 Hooker Miss Margaret, laundry 68 Hooker Miss Mary Ann, dressma. 70 Wheeler Alfred, Fern cottage 72 Coulter Austin 74 Smith Harry, Fernleigh 76 Morgan Mrs. 78 Belbin Edward 80 Fairman Joseph, Luther villa 82 Gray Arthur, Myrtle villa 84 Baxter W.& A. ,florists & nurserymn. 84 Levesque Henry Arthur 86 Hall Henry William ......... here is Avenue road ...... 100 Warrilow Walter James Scarlett Charles. decorator 101 Scarlett Mrs. Louisa, laundress, Grays villa . 108 Coleman Richard. 110 Baldwin Henry 112 Brooks Frederick 114 May Vincent Edward 116 Webb Arthur E. 158 Merchant Wm. Geo., nurseryman 174 'Warrilow Mrs. Mary Ann, laundress, Stafford house 188 Garrett Frederick Oliver,Kent viI 188 Garrett G. & Co. saw mills, Kent yard 194 Mitchell Miss M., laundry Lewis George W.,plasterer (yard) Wall Letter box ......... here is Pellta1n road ......... 202 Smith Alfred 'lhomus ~O:l: Barton Charles Henry 210 Evenden Ernest Walter 212 Ratchelous Frederick William, laundry 220 Pardey William James 222 George Albert, jobbing gardener Cross and Return. 253 Hanisch Mrs. Caroline, dressma ... ... ... here is Pelham road 191 Petty Alfred George 189 Davis Thomas William 187 Dore James Albert 185 Renshaw Thomas 183 Quartermain Thomas George 173 Fuller William 171 Grimwade Silvanus Richard 169 Preston Arthur James 167 Giles Henry 165 Brenchley Austin 161 Hoath John, Pembroke cottage 159 Davies Mrs. Thomas, laundry 157 Davies Mrs. . 155 Foskett Arthur 153 Lawrence John 151 Stewart Mrs. Jemima,Caledonian laundry 149 Hyett William 145 Semark Thomas Herbert 143 Charman Mrs. Sarah, laundry 141 Allington William Robert 139 Wright Arthur 137 Rose Abraham 135 Sharpe William 133 Prevett William George 131 Killick William Cheesman 129 Andrews Thomas Edward Sf. Michael and All Angels' Ol1tl'clt 115 Cannon Rohert 113 Reed Mrs., dressmaker 111 Nicholls Henry 111A Warrilow Marcus IO9 Boorman Alfr(;u John 107 Boorman Leonard Edwin 105 Rolfe William, jun. 103 Nash Bertie ......... here is Avenue road ...... 97 Macqueen William David 95 George Thomas 93 Peters William 91 Merritt Frederick William 85 Eastop Frederick Alfred 81 Bartlett Leonard 79 Green James 77 Pop lett William 75 Poplett James 73 Fryer Henry 71 Beadle George W., decorator 65 Head Thomas, builder 63 Smith Frank 61 Wright John William 59 Gatland William 55 Wickens Edward. 53 Allen Abraham Thomas 51 Box Frank Edward, nurseryman & florist. 47 Brisley James 31 Wilson William 29 Moore Geo. Wm., Cromwell villa 27 Hornblow George 25 Brown William 21 Robson Frederick Stephen 17 Bryant William, Sandown 13 Wood James, Oakside 11 Hatfield Herbert A. 9 Jackson Mrs. N. 3 Smith Samuel Alfred, Denmead

Rectory Road.

Left side - from High street. Piller Letter Box 1 Chambers & Co., dyers & clenners (receiving office) 1 Whitelaw Madame, milliner 1 Lovegrove Miss Mildred, artist 3 Peerless H. C., wine merchant 5 Barnes & Jones, chemists 9 Buchanan & Curwen, electrical engineers 9 Attenborough & SODS, solicitors and commissioners for oaths 9 Morrison Robert 11 Oliphant George, surgical bootma. 13 Coleman Frank Morris 15 Gamar Sydney Thos., MeadoW view 17 Morgan Mrs. J chn, Deepthorne 19 Webb William, 'The Beeches 21 Hunt Chas., M.INST.c.E.,Ke1vin gro Fire Alarm Right side. ... ... here is Railway approach ...... 2A Phillips James, jobmaster 2 Banner Miss & Jenner Miss, B.SC. Land., boarding & day school, St. Christopher's !........ here is Bialceney road ........ ., 4 Lindley Arthur, Blakeney lodge 6 Moxon Edward Harold Neville Grosvenor lodge 8 Littlehales Mrs., Sherbrooke 10 Heath Thomas, Riversleigh 12 Menche Carl 14 Fox Charles, Roslin 16 Faulkner Tom Hy., Willoughby 18 Holt Henry, Glenmore 22 Thompson Samuel, Lindifferon Fire Alarm

Reddons Road.

Prom Kings Hall rd. to Lennardrd. West Side. 1 Sand'ford Frank John 3 Hawley Robert Arthur 5 Macpherson Duncan, Airlie 7 Gilbert William Joseph, Jucunda 9 Pratt Richard 11 Petel) William, Veroon house lil MiaH Thomas Augustus, BrooklJn 15 Collier Gordon, Meadowhurst East Side. Comber Henry, St. Ives Widgery Jas. Rerbt., Broadmayne 26 Huxster John Nunn, Branka 28 Heathfield Henry, Hackwoods

Rowden Road.

From 41 Cltaffinclt road. llight Side. 2 Wilson Bertie J obn 4 Harm5 Benjamin, May villa 6 Lumsden Frederick 8 Savage Frederick George 10 Ha",kes Arthur Fmnk 12 Shepherd Hichard Henry 14 Lf)ng William George 16 Edgar John 18 Preston Charles 20 Sears Ernest William 22 Gillman Percy William 24 Bald win George 26 Smith Nathaniel J . 30 Norton Henry Alfred 32 Walter Andre 34: Franklin William John 36 Sutton Samuel James 38 Dennis William Hall 40 Claydon Jesse 42 Hobbs Stephen 44 Woods Harold 44 Price Henry, tailor 46 Betts Henry 48 Cox George 50 Miller Edward, Ballinacurra 52 Dann George Cruttenden 54 Long William 56 Mahoney Daniel F. 58 Huish James 60 Stevens Thomas Left Side. 1 Meek William 3 Arnold William 5 Malthouse Alfred 7 Butterfield Thomas Richard 9 Akhurst Alfred 11 Pritchard John 13 Pape Robert 15 Galley John 17 Hammond Maurice 19 Graham Juhn Albert, wood turner. ...... Footpath leading to KingS Hall (5' Barllmead roatIs .

St. George's Road.

from Bromley r(l. to Albemarle rd. East Side. 2 Richards AUred Essex 4 Stiff Arthur Edward 6 Hellard William Henry 8 Allen Jesse 10 White A. J.. 12 Sadler Albert, jobmaster 14 Henry Thomas 18 Bignell Mrs. 20 Evans William, tailor 22 Miles Mrs, 22 Walton Rev. William Heward Murray, B.A. [curate of Christ Church] 24 Johnson Miss Madeline 26 Bostock Mrs. 28 Edgecombe Bertie George 30 Ling J. West Side. 1 &; 3 Grau Arthur J. 3 Gran Madame, dressmaker here is Chm'clt road ......... 9 .Mackenzie Miss C., A.C.P., school & kindergarten 11 llishop Alfred George 13 Muggleton Miss, dressmaker 15 Barnard Charles 17 Wilmott Hubert Edwin 19 Wilcher Charles 21 Osborn Robert John

St James's Avonue. - ELMERS END.

From Croydon road, Elmers End. Right Side. St. Jame.~' Paridt Romlb 16 Farnan John, Kirkholme 18 Wordingham Walter H. D. 24: PascalI Charles M. 26 George William Charles 30 Mackenzie Hector Dundas 32 Layzell Gilbert E. 34 Harris Mrs. 36 Moore Harry Vemon 38 Turner Alfred 40 Butt Mrs, Sidney 42 Brazil Henry 44 Lenger Sydney W. 66 Watkins Edwd.Howard, Belwarcom liS Cripps Walter Merton, Trefusis 70 Vesper Thomas Leonard 72 Scholinger Louis 74 Gibson James Edward, Warleigh 76 Kingston Sidney, Craig-y-Don 78 Masters Leonard, Ellesmere 80 Bischoff Arthur William, Fairfield 84 Mathew Horace W., The Chesnuts 86 Comley Ernest Albert, Glen Imnes 88 Turner Thomas. Aldboro 9O Davies William- Fredk., Inglewood 92 Cole Edwanl D. B., Stanford Laws Walter, Glenlyon 94 Eyre Harry, Welverdiend 96 Macklin Richard, Waveney Left Side. 19 Mainland Leslie George Lamp Post Letter Box 21 Wood Frank 23 Russell Arthur Vere 25 Pullen Walter Whitford 21 Lohmeyer Edward 83 Coppard Robert Cecil 85 Owen Ernest, Woodstock 87 Hodges John, Kenilworth 89 Pullen Wm. Leonard, The Hutch 91 Pullen Geo. Arthur, The Shanty 95 Furse Capt.Albt. Donald, The Gables

St. John's Road.-BECKENHAU ROAD.

Postal Address-Penge, S.E. Right Side. Church (If St.John th.e Evangelist 4 Hennell Mrs; Percy, Gothic lodge 6 Phillips & Penny, physicians & surgeons, Hamilton house 6 Phillips Harry Harding, M.n.C.S. Eng., L.R.c.p.Lond., physician & surgeon, Hamilton house 8 Hoare Mrs. G. W. R., girls' school 8 Hoare G. "\"1. R., prof. of music ... here is Queen Adelaide road ...... 10 Keith David 12 Champneys Miss E. 14 Jackson Miss, Sussex lodge ......... here is Parish boundary ......... 18 Ladd Edwin 20 Taylor Miss 22 Mockford Henry ............ here is Lucas road . 24 Sear George. B., Nethergate house 28 Aston Christopher, Penrhyn 30 Mortlock Charles Thos., electrician 34 Hooper Mrs., dressmaker 36 Pearson John.Thomas 38 Hawkins James Thomas Tomei' & Sons ,architectural modllrs. Cross and Return. ........ here is Station road ...... 35 Smallman William Robert ~7 Taylor Miss U. ......... here is Plueni(lJ road 23 Lane Mrs. Brunning James Smith, Beamsley ..... here is Parish boundary ....... William IV.'s Royal Naval Asylum for Widows & Daugters of Officers Foster Joseph, The Lodge


1 Elliott Mrs. 2 Horne Mrs. 3 Barlow Miss 4 Dent Mrs. 5 Oampbell Miss 6 Aird Miss 7 Robinson Miss 8 Hill Miss 9 Beckett Miss 10 Sarratt Mrs. 11 Drake Mrs. 12 Hewlett Mrs. l3 Partridge Edward Lewis 15 Allen Mrs. 13 Clay Charles F. 11 Fabbri Aurelio ........ here is Jf(lntrave road ......... 9 Craven Nathaniel !) Jacobs Mrs, G., nurse 7 Polley Alfred 5 Lynes George Henry 13 Thorpe Walter 1 Horlock Walter

St. Margaret's Rd.-ELMERS END.

From approach to Railway station. North- West Side. 1 Luce Albert, carpenter 2 Tegg John 3 Saxby Frederick Charles 4 Townsend Ernest John 5 Goodfellow James John 6 Friend William 7 Stone Thomas 8 Walsh Joseph 9 Powell Percy 10 Croucher Mrs. M . 11 Turner Albert 12 Wilson James 13 West George John 14 Draper James 15 Holloway Charles 16 Bentley Arthur Barrow 17 Passifull Edward Arthur 18 Morley Peter George 19 Smith Walter 20 Newman Samuel 21 Humphrey Miss 22 Richards Ernest Harry 23 Crossley Lewis 24 Potter Timothy 25 Siret Charles 26 Smith William Henry 27 Woolford Alfred 28 Woodley Charles Herman 29 Batstone John Samuel 30 Belcher Albert Edward 31 White Harold George 32 Goater Frank 33 Whitehead Miss Elsie, tobacconist South-East Side. 34 Barton Joseph 35 Barnett Frank 36 Larby Thomas George 37 Wade George Ether 38 Morris Robert 39 Chambers Horace Sherar 40 Cox Robert 41 Stevens Arthur 42 Hoadley Frederick John 43 Hatch William 44 Simons Charles 45 Ralph George 46 Taylor William 47 Parnell John Lewis 48 Janes Walter, motor engineer

Samos Road.

Postal Address.-Anerley, S.E. Right side-from Croydon road, Anerley, to Marlow road. 1 Mansell Ernest 1 Mansell Mrs. 3 Pinchbeck Frederick 5 Unna Harry 5A Ainsworth G. 7 Hall Joseph Edmund 7A Jaques Mrs. 9 Chisnell Edwin Turner 9A Knott Ernest 11 Johnson Bertram Alexander llA Jensen Knud 13 Arnold Edwin Archibald 13A Coieman Albert Edward 15 Webb Arthur Wellington 15A Green F. E. B., accountant 17 Gooch Frederick R. 17 Agpong Frank 19 Macintosh Ernest 19A Murley Arthur Seymour 21 Harold Christie 21A Sims William J. 23 Gladwell ErnestF. 23A Green Ferdinand Reuben 25 Davidson William S. 27 Hilton James Edward Thos. Sirius 29 Robertson Alexander Gordon 33 Baxter Arthur 35 Almond Alfred C. 37 Martin Oscar 39 Witt Mrs. E. M. 41 Hudson John 43 Jackson Arthur 45 Meakin Thos. Rowland, Glenthorne 47 Booth George William ...... here is Parish Boundry ....... Cross and Return. Left Side. 78 Burton William, Clarence house 76 Hood Herbert 76 Mathiesen Charles John Herman ...... here is Parish boundary U Brazier John James 74 Baugh Charl'Cls 72 Barr John 72 Crippen Arthur 70 Lfuller Mrs. A. S. 70 Curtis R. W. 68 Granger Harold 68 Clark William J. ......... here is Bow,don road . Pillar Letter Box 50A CIements Walter 50 Read Alfred Ernest 48A Dickinson Thomas William 48 Dewdney Francis Godfrey 46A Gosden Frank 46 Banks Mrs. A" costumier HAPrice Albert V. 44 Moat Percy Reginald 42A Harvey Charles 42 May Frederick, insurance agent 40A Cooper James W. 40 Pratt Mrs. 38A Cat1ing Harry 38 Barnard Ernest 36A Clark Robert William 36 Ellerker Henry MA Ives Robert Charles. 34 Lynwood Mrs. Helen 32A lronside Louis George 32 Hood Harold W. T. 30A Vine George gO Howe Herbert 28A Griffiths Thomas 28 Byles George Edwin 26 McLeod William Philip 24A Reeves Sydney Vemon 24 Durman Frederick 22A Thrower Frank 22 Akers Charles Wrightson 20A Tolkien Brinley 20 Skinner Walter T. 18A Brutton Miss 18 Baker William Charles 16A Jones Charles Frederick 16 Humphrey Thomas William 14A Wells Harrv 14 Robin Felix 12A Corbluth John 12 Page Frederick William, insure agt 10 Masters Mrs 8A Upton Lionel A. 8 Webber Richard 6A, White Edwin 6 Wilson Arthur 4A Shrimp ton :Mrs. 4 Butcher Samuel 2A Knight Thomas 2 Greely William

Seward Road.-BEcKEKHAM

From ChurchFields Villiers rd. 1 Heathfield John 3 Weeks George 5 Siggs Alfred Thomas 7 Tassell Herbert 9 Stenning George 11 Smith George Vinall 13 Bates Charles 15 Seamark Harry 17 Francois Alfred

Shaftesbury Road.

From Croydon road. Right Side. 2 Tipton Mrs. 4 Marshall Edward Charles 6 Wenham F. R. 8 Fletcher J. 10 Parker Ernest Samuel 12 Rule George 14 Musgrove Alfred E. 16 Hambridge James Robert 18 Sherwood George Buckley 20 Langford William Alfred 22 Haggerty WaIter 24 Terry Frederick Archer 26 McKay Charles Cross and Return. 25 Rippengal Charles Lewis 23 Anderson Graham Stirling 21 Lewis Thomas Henry 19 Stewart Andrew Arthur 17 Tillotson Frank 15 Pettifer Percy Reginald 11 Hurren Percy Strachan 9 Matt John William 7 Smalley Horace Brooks 3 Griffiths Leonard 1 Smith Frederick

Sheringham Road.

Postal Address - Anerley, S.E. Prom Marlow road. 1 Gray Edwin 18 Kaile Walter Thomas 20 Bowden Tom Lake

Shrewsbury Road.

From 84 Croydon road. Newell Ralph, Aberdour Harmer Walter Knight, Woodcote

Sidney Road.

Right Side-from 183 Beckenham road to Kendall road. 2 Clegg James, electrical engineer 4 Ousley Frederick 4 Ousley & Son, dairy 6 Dark Edwin John 8 Allison Arthur Morris, Holmcroft 10 Norris Wm. Jas., builder, Tregantle 12 Wilkins Edward 14 Cooper Charles 16 Bruton James Alfred 18 Elliott John Dight 20 Sabey Edward 22 Kilham Frank Lawton 24 Buckley John Anthony 26 Honnor William James, Dalkeith 30 ~alveson William Alfred 32 Wilkins Mrs. 34 Robinson Harry Ivan 38 Thompson Albert Victor 40 Rawlings Percy St. John 42 Leaman Frank Gidley, St. Denys 44 Penford Bernard "Wallace 46 Shellard Thomas Henry 48 Montgomery William 50 Helson Ernest 52 Glock Mrs. M. H. 54 Miles Mrs. 56 Baines Eric Arthur left Side. 1 Baldwin Miss L. 3 Frampton James George 5 Rome Charles, Hillsboro' 9 Banyard William Henry 11 Horton George James 13 Anderson John 15 Bloc George James 17 Withers George F. HI Rawlins Charles 21 Nash William Painter 23 Gilbert Mrs., Blencathra 25 Hart Reginald M. 27 Kingston William 29 Elcome Frederick "Walter 31 Walder William 33 Lane Leonard George, chartered accountant 35 Beaumont George 37 Rabson Robert M. 39 Cole Percy William 41 Sare Robert Edward 43 Brown George 45 Stubbs Hedley 47 Strand Frederick ......... lLCre is Kenda1l road Pillar Letter Box 49 Ballantyne James Robert 51 Sargeant Arthur Cecil

Somerville Road.

Postal Address: Penge, S.B. Left Side. - From Kent House road. 1 Gee Thomas William 2 Rayner James 4 Moore John, french polisher 5 Mitchell William 6 Inkpen William 7 Bennett William 8 Todd Thomas Markeland 9 Beasley Charles 11 Manton Samuel Wm., boot maker 13 Medcalf George. 14 Tyson Thomas 15 Lloyd George 16 Drawbridge Mrfi. ......... here is Wlialeley mad ......... 17 Keen George, shopkeeper 18 Clark Stephen 19 Cole Joseph John Heybourn 20 King George Irons 21 Dubber John 22 Glen ThomaS' 23 Barton Thomas 24 Bann Henry 25 Hone James Cross and Return. ......... here is Morland road ......... ........ here is COllrtenay rd ...... 39 White Edwin T. 38 Simms George 37 Prouse Alexander 36 Sharman Charles William 35 Carter Walter 34 Gotts AlIen 33 `Clapp Walter Archibald Herbert 32 `Ashby Henry 31 `Gunn Charles 30 `Bayly James 29 `Paul William Philip 28 `Bullman George 27 `Ravner James 26 `Letchfield Daniel

South Eden Park.

Sec Wicldlam road

Southcnd Road.

Left Side-from High street. ......... here is Railway bridge ......... Levens W. & Son, auctioneers, 1 Station buildings Tyler Harold ·William, A M.I.E.E., F.R.G.S, electrical engineer, 2 Station buildings South Eastern & Chatham Railway Station (Beckenham Junction), Frederick Hopper, station master STATION YARD. Rickett, Smith & Co. (incorporated with Rickett, Cockerell & Co. Limited), coal merchants RAILWAY STATION. Harmer Ernest, Rutland lodge Cornwall Edwin A., coal merchant 'filling Thos. Ltd., cab proprietors Carr Henry & William, coal mel's. Tyne Main Coal Co. Limited Sankey J. H. & Son Limited, builders' merchants, Beckenham Junction Station yard 1 Colyer Arthur R., lII.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., L.D.s.Eng., dental surgeon, Connaught house Johnson Alfred B., L.D.S.Eng., dental surgeon, Connaught ho. Pillar Letter BOx ...... here is Capers Calle road 3 Mileham Harry T.,Copers Cope ho. ............ here is Park road . ......... here is Brackley road ...... Wall Letter Box 5 Graves David Sydney, Hadnor ho. 7 Fraser John Alexander 9 Barker James, Coolhurst 10 Esp~rson William Victor, Beurlay 10 DaVIes Rev. Hobert Venn Faithfull M.A., Ingoldesthorpe 19 Sharlock James, Bella Vista 21 Bruck William, Weylands 23 Marshall Edward, Edenholme 25 Wimble Charles, Thirlmere 27 Prest Stanley F., Ravensworth 29 Brown Mrs. Anthony, Broomhill 31 Boraston John, J.P .., Ringwood Wall Letter Box 35 Neill Thomas, J.P., Oakwood 37 Brown Mrs. Eileen, Parkside house 39 Graham Edward Alfred, Oakleigh ...... here is boundary of Beckenham ...... JJari.s1t ............... Adams Oliver, Woodlands lodge 41 Stevens Walter, Woodthorpe Beckenham Hill Station (S. Eo .:5- G Railway)-William Henry Hardy, station master Right Side - from High street Railway Bridge 2 Baxter, Payne & Lepper, auctnrs.& c 2 Cochrane Ernest E. Randall W. &. E. M., florists , 4 Strickland Harold Foster, F.R.C.S., The Limes 6 Linnell Herbert, The Larches ............ here is tile .Avenue ............ 8 Stenning Edward, Taversham ho. 10 Baker AHd. Jn., J.p., St.Brannocks 12 Hawkes Arthur Barber, L.D.s.Eng'., dental surgeon, Egerton house. 'felephone 706 Bromley 14 Stilwell George Robert Fabris, !LB.Lond., physician & surgeon, Stanmore house 16 Inglis Alfred M., Lynton 18 Neame Miss Anna, Belmont 20 Pearce Arthur, B.A., Bexley house 22 Tennyson Mrs., Elmstone house .. , here is Pox Uro'L'e road ......... Fire Alarm 2,1 Cator Estate Officc--James E . Cowie, agent BECKENIIAM PLACE PARK. Stevens Richanl, J.P., Maywood Stiven John Price Llewellyn F., St. Margaret's Norwood 8anatorilf.1ll-Francis Hare, lII.D., medical supt., The Mansion Collins Philip G. Bishop Walter Beacall, Northdene 211 Simpson Fredk. Hy., Thornbury Greig David, Red house Robertson Robert, Dell view 30 Neame Laurence Harding', Woodfield 32 Garrett Thos. Wm.,Hawthorndene Sherley-Price Henry, Pettis tree 34 Jenks Maurice, The Coppice ...... here is boundary of Beckenham parish ..................

Springfield Road.

From Lawrie Park road to Lawri6 Park crescent. Lamp Post Letter Box Dawson Philip, Maybourne

Stanley Avenue.

From Overbzlry a'venue to Scott's la right Side. 2 Morris Duncan W., Red house 4 Woodin Frederick, Dormans 8 Pllrkyn Percy A. W., Arunda 10 Mason Inglis W'l Ranworth Cross and Return. 27 Macdougall John, Con a 9 Hale Henry, Tavistock

Stanmore Terrace. - FAIRFIELD.

From Kelsey Park road to Burnhill road. North-west Side . ......... here is Mount pleasant ......... 1 Andrews Harold 2 Wood Charles 3 Cox William 4 Lane Frank 5 Kentfield Thomas 6 Newell Henry Ernest ............ here is Lea road ............... South-east Side. 7 AburroW William 8 Caines Mrs., dressmaker 9 Dennis William George

Station Buildings.

See SOlltlwnd road.

Station Road. - From Pengo Station.

Postal Address: Penge,S.E. Read Stephen, Station cottage L'i.'1htwood Coal S' Coke Co.- H. E. Beason, manager Penge Station (S. E. & C. Hailway) - Harry Jn. Porter, station mstr Smith W.. H. & Son, book stall Telephone Call Office Penge (5- Beckenham Co-operative Society Limited (coll! depot) Cornwall Edwin A., coal merchant Shepherd, Neame & Co., ale stores Booth Brothers, coal & coke mers. 1 Park Tavern, Charles Weston [PH] 3 Ives John, bootmaker 5 Wilson Alexander, greengrocer 7 Fulker Miss, shopkeeper 9 Uooper J aIm 11 Wait Walter 13 Rowles Albert, grocer 15 Webb William John, tobacconist 17 Pattullo D. & J., seed potato mers 19 Elliston Ernest, butcher 21 & 23 L. G. and North Hants Dairy Company Limited-Thomas C. Watler, manager


1 Webb John 3 King Frederick 3 Kneller Henry 4 Green James 25 WestonDouglasJ.H., gro.& beer ret 27 Rand Frederick, fruitr. & greengro. 29 Howard Horace Henry,fishmonger 31 Wallace John, wardrobe dealer 31 Langley Charles John, boot maker 33 Rosam Frank 35 Piper Albert Henry 37 Andrews Charles Henry 39 Plumb William 41 Ellinor William Robert 43 Haybittle Martin 45 Palmer Edwin 47 Searle Samuel Richd., furn. removr 49 Searle Albert Aaron, greengrocer 53 Wells Richard Thomas, shopkeeper Cross and Return. 94 Greening William George 90 Olding John, general dealer 80 Clark Edward 80 Pyn~ Charles Albert 78 Wecks James 76 Holder William 74 Routen Henry 72 Hidout .Mrs. 70 Lodge Richard 68 Pragnell Edward Albert ......... here is Kingswood Road ... ,..... 66 Underwood William Jas., builder 64 Martin Thomas William 62 Burr, John 60 Knowles Frederick John 58 Hutson Charles Frederick 56 Dearing Mrs. 54 Lloyd Alfred Frederick Nelson 5? Hinson Thomas William 50 Harris Herbert 48 Russell Frederick William 46 Miller Charles Edward 44 Parfett Mrs. 42 Whale Miss Edith, confectioner 40 Edwards William Henry, baker ......... here is Moss Lea Road ........ Holy Trinity Mission Hall 36 Statham Charles, draper . 34 Bailey Arthur Geo. Jn.. hairdresser 32 Southam Henry P., oilman 28 Wall Edward & Son, bootmakers 26 Chapman Walter, dining- rooms 24 Chaplin Thomas Allwork,tobaccnst 20 Gooch Robert Pillar Letter Box 18 Moyes Charles Edward 16 Jones Charles 12 Knight Ernest 10 Agambar Henry George 8 Durman Edward, dyer & cleaner 6 Tomei Mrs. R., cafe 4 Hopkins Frederick, laundry 2 Price H. G., tobacconist ......... here is St. John's road .........

Station Yard.

See 80lltlwnd road.

Studland Road.

From 42 Newlands park. Postal address-Sydenham. 1 Wood George Alfred 2 Cadou Commdr. Edwd. E., R.N.R. 3 Dade George 4 Dobell Ernest 5 Redding John Howard 6 Roussiano Rock 7 Everson Frederick C., C.E. 8 Willis Arthur R. 9 Smith Walter Southwood 10 Andrew Reginald Alexander 11 Bannister Alfred James .................. Entrance to Alexandra Recreation grounds .................


From li-'icltltam Way. North Side. Houston William Henry 3 Coates George Reginald 5 Robson William 11 Morris A. S. 15 Hudson Rev. Edward Francis Williams, M. A. 17 Couchman W. South Side, 4 Thomas Rupert Wellington 8 .Barber Arthur Lea 12 TurIe Edgar H., A.:r.f.r.E.E.

Suffield Road.

From 55 llfarlO1y road. 1 Smith Mrs. D. 2 Meredith Frank James 6 Murray Albert 8 Stewart Harry 10 Lovejoy William Henry 12 Huxley Alfred

Sultan Street.

Postal Address-Beckenham, Kent. From Church Fields Road-Right Side. 1 Dennis Mrs. 3 Kelly John Joseph [) Taylor Charles W. 7 Clark William Robert 11 Poole William 13 Watson Edward 15 Card Frank 17 Rose George William 21 Reeves Henry 25 White Robert 27 Poole James 31 Dennis Alfred 33 Bell Mrs.


1 Wells John 2 White George 3 Miller John 5 Grover Albert Left side. 2 Hall William 4 Poole Harry 6 Purvis Cecil 10 Evans Joseph 14 Field William 16 Willis John 18 Purvis Thomas Richard 20 Fossett William 24 Kingswood William 26 Onley Mrs. 28 Field Charles Bartle 38 Ogilvy Arthur 40 Kenzie Mrs.

Sydenham Avenue.

From Crystal Palace Park road to Lawrie P{f,J'kavmwe. [In Sydenham Postal District.] South-east Side. 2 Brooklyn Institute - Miss Agnes Gaman, matron 4 Johnson Misses, ladies' school, Summerfield ......... here is Border road North-west Side. I Schlund Frederick, Kathlam ba 3 Mitchell Mrs .. Gonville 5 Nash Charles' F., Eversley 7 Garey N. E. B., Blithedale 9 Tallaek F. H. Cass, Hiddekel 11 Heaven Francis Gyde 13 Wilson Mrs. A. 15 Ferris William John, Burwood ........ here is Border crescent ........

Tennyson Road.

Postal Address: Penge, S.E. Left Side. - From Parish Lane. 2 Dyer Daniel George 4 Bartlett Herbert Samuel 6 Moreland Arth ur 8 Ridout John 10 Harrison Mrs. 12 Marchant Arthur 14 Smith Thomas William 16 Knott Francis Edmund 18 Gough George 20 Bines Ernest Thomas 22 Cripps John 24 Ranger Ernest 26 Zaple Frank 28 Crriss Frederick Robert 34 Allan William 36 Riddles Francis James 38 Frewin Fred 40 Holtham Mrs. 42 Green Frank 44 Wilson Mrs. E. 46 Baxter Charles Frederick 48 Musselbrook Frederick Edward 50 Turner Harry William .. ....... here is 1110rland road ........ Right side. 51 Beasley Brothers, fried fish shop 49 Marsh Richard Henry W. 47 Orr William 45 Shirley James Henry 43 Minter John Fagg 41 nahs Charles William 39 Beasley James 37 Johnson Henry Edwin 35 Nayler Mrs. 31 PackCl' James Alfred George 29 Pettit James 27 Fudge Samuel 25 Ashley Edward William 23 Powell Richard 21 Toomey Mrs. Mary, laundry 15 Weathcrill Ernest 13 Eastop Henry 11 Robinson James 9 Burnham Frank 7 Ward Charles George 5 Fox Sidney George 3 Eastop William 1 Goldsmith David

Thayers Farm Road.

Left Side.-From lJ2Beckeuham Road. 1 Davies Henry 3 Holland Charles 5 Greenwood Mrs. 7 Turle Frederir,k 9 Williams Robert, insurance agent 11 Sprague John 13 Baker Joseph 15 Buggins Barrington M. 17 Wells Miss E. 19 Wells Miss C. 21 Fisher Frederick Charles 23 Lake Frederick 25 Brown Henry 27 Banning Ernest H. 29 Mid winter George John 31 Bentley Thomas H. 33 Anderson Ernest George 35 Peddle Herbert Percy 37 Cloud Albert Henry 39 Johnson Albert Henry 41 Koch James Kerrison 43 Eldred Charles William 45 Carpenter & Son, sign writers 45 Carpenter Oscar 47 Hawkes Charles ......... here is .footpath to B(:trnmead and lGngs IIall roads ......... 49 Fry Arthur William 51 Hotham Percy 5a Richards Henry 55 Lewsey Henry William 57 Graves Stanley 59 Parks George Amos 61 Bond Albert Edward 63 Murphy Denis 65 Stevens Walter 67 Whitehead John 69 Newling Basil 71 Quin Mrs. 73 Still John William ......... here is Chaffinch road . Right side. 34 Davis John Robert 32 Waite George 30 Goldsmith Oliver 28 Bradley Mrs. 26 Sales Harry 24 Hamlen George 22 Hayden Henry 20 Lee George 18 Chatfield Charles Henry 16 Gilson William 14 Checkley Charles Henry 12 Barton Edward Moore 10 Baker Eli 8 Wakefield William Richard

The Broadway.

See Croydon road. The Knoll. See Knoll d'lte),pagIJ 416.

Thesiger Road.

Postal Address: Pengc, S.E. right Side. - From Kent House Road to Parish Lane. Kent HOll.~e Tavern, Sidney Field Caudwell [PH] Farnell Brothers, gunsmiths 1 Dyer B. B., dairyman 7 Bacon Thomas, grocer 9 Keen Thomas Walter 11 Hughes James Henry ]3 Batstone Eason 15 Hilton William 17 Drew Abraham 19 Wood William 21 Brown George 23 White Stephen James 29 Devine James, shopkeeper Wall Letter Box 31 Case George, jun, greengrocer ......... here is Whateley road ......... Lett Side. 2 & 4 Jackson Archibald, fishmngr. 8 Stoner Frederick . 10 Miller James B. 12 Blanks Mrs. 14 Barham David 16 Hartnoll James Hy., paperhanger 20 Farnell Harry, gun maker 22 Burns John 24 Gray John 26 Homewood John 28 Neal George 30 Dance William 32 Wallis Alexander James 34 Gregory Henry 34 Gregory Mrs., lace cleaner 36 Adams Walter John 38 Ridgwell Joseph 40 Leach Frank Albert 42 Case Henry 44 Collins James Charles 46 Crowhurst William 48 Stone Henry Philip 50 Head Edward Henry 52 Woods Alfred

Tudor Road; - BECKENHAM.

From 59 Wickham road. [No thoroughfare.] South Side. Wall Letter Box 1 Cooper Albert, Omega 3 Wickham Percy Edgar, Crmehurst 5 Stenning B. W., Cawood 7 Cooper Charles Osborne, Lyndale 9 Dane A. Donald, Roxwell North Side. 2 Stenning J. K., Chantlers 4 Yates James

Upper Eimers End road.

See Elmers End road (Upper).

Venner Road.-NEwLANDS PARK.

Postal Address: Sydenhl1m, S.E. Left Side. Pillar Letter Box 226 Rutter John 224 Bryant Robert, florist 222 Wilson Alexander Henry R. 220 Foden Mrs. 210 Gee Miss 208 Pilbrow Robert 206 Millwood Wm. Robt.,Applebyvil 204 Eustace Robert John 202 Myddleton Joseph 200 Poulter John 198 Lines Joseph 196 Stalain Charles Alfred 194 Planck Clarence J. 192 Palmer Mrs. C. S. 190 Gerner Alfred 188 Courcier Victor Lawrence 186 Satchell Alfred George 184 Ashworth James 180 Medcalf Edwin 178 Vince Charles 176 Kennard Frederick 174 Watts William Marshall, D.SC., tutor, Shirley 172 Keutgen Frederick William 170 Wall Mrs. 168 Gunn Donald 166 Bone William Edgar 164 Emery Charles 162 Holley John E. 160 Butcher William Maxwell, jun 158 Ballard George William 156 Mole George 154 Fitzgerald Edward 152 Brimmer Miss, Kimberley 150 Bannister Alfred, sign writer 148 Starr Geo., assist. insurance supt, 146 Grout Sydney Richard 144 Dawe Frederick William 142 Pugh Henry 140 Simmons Arthur William 138 Phillips Albert F. 136 Towell Augustus Charles 134 Tomkins James William 132 Kimber John 12R Moore William 128 Tubb Madame Kate, teacher of music 126 Taylor Sydney Frank 124 Hamilton Major John 122 Woodbridge William, Engledene 120 Folkes John Henry Pillar Letter Box 118 Petts Alfred 116 Coomhs William Edward 114 Gandon Herbert 112 Balding Mrs. 110 !Canaar Leo Stanley. Norway villa 108 Symmons George Vincent, chartered accountant 106 Longhurst Angelo 104 Parker George H. 102 Cakebread Albert Ernest 100 Dennett James 98 Newman George 96 Tate Francis Edward 94 Chilley Charles 92 Turner Sydney Walter 90 King Miss .... here are boundaries of Becken!lam parish and Lewisham ...... 88 Arliss Charles Sawforde Right side. 79 Pierson Mrs, 81 Steytler R. P. 83 Gibbs Herbert, Acacia house 85 Rimington Ernest C. 87 Abbott Charles 89 Stonham Horace Walter 91 Miiller Eugene Richard 95 Busby Miss 99 Twiss James 101 Hill Mrs. Emily 103 Taylor Percy 105 Norris Percival George 107 Gresham-Hyde Mrs. 109 Asbury Edward Vale 111 Taylor Edward 113 Norris Edgar 115 Figg Henry William 117 Dray Percival Boycott 119 Beard William J. 121 Houdley Mrs. 125 Faram Frederick Henry 127 Thackeray WaIter 127A Crouch Arthur 129 Barnett Stanley Chambers 131 Colbourn John George William 135 Younger Robert Francis 137 Hurn James Charles 141 Louisita Mademoiselle, dressma., St. James' lodge 143 Laurie Andrew Hay 145 Harris Frederick S. ............ here is Byne 'road Mortlock Walter, aucticJneer, surveyor & valuer, Tower house 147 Harris Mrs. 149 French Matthew Henry 151 Kyte William Cornford 153 Banton Mrs. 155 Waring William James 157 Porter Harold Barton 159 Benkert Percy Bartrum 161 May Mrs. 163 Baldwin Harold Owen ......... here is IViverton road ......... 165 Reardon Joseph John 167 Curtis Lewis 169 Longley Thomas 171 Mond Albert, Ph.D. 173 Maskell Harry

Victor Road.

See Alexandra cot tages.

Victoria Buildings.

See Beckenham road.

Villiers Road,

From Blandford road. Right Side. 2 Harber Harry 4 Tomblin Dan Albert 6 Brown James Albert 8 Yarwood Charles 10 Williams Charles Henry 12 Rowden Sidney Thomas 14 Biggenden William 16 Siggs George Robert 18 Barton George Thomas 20 Welch Fred 22 Tanner Arthur Edward 24 Clifton William 26 Webh Mrs. 28 Banks Charles 30 Dunton Charles 32 Bass Herbert 34 Johnson Charles 36 Leach Albert 88 Randall John Left Side. 1 Binfield Frederick William 3 Daws Edwin 5 Burden William 7 Colley William John 9 Upton Thomas 11 Smith Albert Edward 13' Chesham Joseph William 15 Deadman Thomas Henry ............ here is Seward road ............

Westbourne Road.-NEWLAKDsPAHK.

Postal address-~ydenham S.E. 9 Denyer James 7 Walker William Peto 5 Pouncy Ernest .. 3 Green Edward 1 Taylor Miss R. ......... here is Maitland road......... Cross and Return. ...... here is Alexandra Recreation Ground ...... Butcher Alfred Percy, the lodge 2 Watkins Frederick 4 Newnham Arthur John 6 Hoskins Henry James, Beeleigh 8 Goodliffe Edward, LyndhuTst 10 Frost John, Haslemere 12 Nottle Frederick William 14 Masters Ernest Edward 16 Blenkinsop Vincent 18 Faithful Henry George 20 Nunn Thomas Henry 22 Farrance Arthur

Westfield Road.

From Croydon road. Left Side. 1 'freleaven Norman John 3 Johnson Arthur Wilkinson 5 Brown Robert 7 Williamson Frederick W. 9 Litchfield EgbertLangley,Ronville 11 Withers Mrs. 13 Scott WiIliam 15 Bune Frank Cuthbert 17 Hamilton Jones C., Claverton 19 Trembath Allan Edward Right side. 2 Blanch Miss, Radnor 4 Slade L. G. 6 Ryder Horace 8 Shuter John W. 10 Viney ·Walter Ewart 12 Mayor Alfred John Edward, Colebrooke 14 Campbell Charles Augustus 16 Gibbenl Frank 18 Manger Herbert Edward, MaIling 20 Dighton Mrs. 22 Syrett Clarence Gounce, solicitor & commissioner for oaths 24 Heald T. D.

Westgoate Road.

From Bromley rd. to Beckenham Pl.p/,;, West Side. t Lowe S. Hodgkinson, Kemsdale 3 Tremel Ferdinand 5 Patrickson Mrs., Cumberland lodge 7 Wilson Sydney J., Birkby 9 Adams Frederick Glynn, The Elms 11 Garnar James W., Sherwood 13 Janion Edwin Manifold ........ here is Albemarle road . ............ here is the .ilvenue . Wall Letter Box .. ..... here is Fox Grove road ......... Erut Side. 2 Saxton Edward Somes, Banner 4 Sippe Charles Henr.v, Eastwell 6 Lindley William Edgar, Capri 10 Bound Thomas, The Pines 12 Collier George Herman, Woodcote ......... here is Albemarle road ......... ............ here is the .Llvellue ........ .. Fire Alar1n ......... here is Pox Grove road ....... ... ... here is entrance to Beckenham Place park ......

Whateley Road.

From The.~i!Jcr road to SOlllcrdlle rd. Postal Address Penge, S.B. Left Side. 1 Atkins Thomas, builder 3 Smith Frederick :> Johnston William 7 Burgess Mrs. D Stock Willie Percy, tailor 11 Bennett Albert William 11 Smith Thomas George 15 Frost Harry 17 Head Willi~m 19 ·Watson Henry George 21 Reeson Mrs. 23 Hedger Charles 25 Stokes George 27 Oxborrow Horace 29 Head George 31 Hayter Henry 33 Story William 35 Ashby William George 37 Cook Hichard 39 Laker James Alfred 41 timith Edward Thomas 45 Nicholls William Henry 47 Powell Joseph George Right side. 2 York Mrs. Harriett, dressmaker 4 Blake Alfred, brass finisher 6 Adams Thomas Albert 8 Allen Thomas 10 Horne Thomas 12 Owen Miss, dressmakei' 14 Moore Frank Walker 16 Chinnery Walter 18 Burnett Mrs. 20 Gorringe Mrs . 22 Aldridge William 24 King William Walter 26 Evans James

Whitecroft Way.-PAllKLANGLEY.

From Hayes lane. 2 Davies Ernest George 28 Kensington Leonard A .

Whitmore road .

From Croydon road . 1 Tapper John Edward 3 Thompson Walter G. 5 Bendle William 7 Bell Walter William 9 Attenborough Bernard 11 Roberts Benjamin Albert 13 Aldridge Albert 19 Baker William, estate office 21 Davis Mrs.

Wickham Road.

From Bl'o11tley road, Clarke Grorge William, motor garage, The Mills 3 Kent Owen 5 Willett Henry 9 Chalk Miss 11 Marshall Osborne 13 Parncutt John 13A Alleeson Mrs. C., coffee & dining rooms ... .. here is Clwncer,1J Lane . 15 Wilson Thomas Herbert 17 Palmer Edward Richartl & Co., F.r.S.E., sanitary specialists 19 Astbury Thomas Warbrick 21 Mastin Augustus Hy., Malling cot 23 Hayman Henry, Langley house ........ here is Crescent road . 25 Dunlop David, Dudley house 29 Hancock Misses, Parkhurst 31 Reichwald Victor, Hohenstein 33 Morgan Mrs. Pillar Letter Box ......... here is Kemerlon road ......... 35 Marriage James, Kynard 37 Scott-Robertson Mr"., The Haven 39 Hackney H. C" Ridgewood 41 Naylor Jas. Theophilus,Edenthorpe 43 King Mrs. Bruce, Coningsby ......... here is OverbU1!J Avenue ......... 45 Spooner Philip Arthur, Rocklands 47 How Leonard Percy, Ratcliffe 49 Swann Frederick 51 Winkley Major Frederick Stuart, Hazeldenc 53 Macrae Mrs., Ferndale 55 Crowther Herbert Oakes,Broadclyst 57 Grose Richard, Tintagel 59 Mason Henry, Westbourne ......... here is Tudor road Wall Letter Box 61 Goldschmidt Ferdinand B., Penryn 63 Denney Ernest E., Uplands 67 D'Ombrain Henry Athol 71 Cole & Moody, nurserymen 73 Jones Walt.Fredk.Leslie,Burrell cot ............ here is rIa!Jes lane ............ ......... here is WicMla11b way .........


Renfrey G. Patrick, The Dower house Parklangley Golf Club - F. Holroyd, sec. Cole & Moody, nurserymen & florists, Langley Park gardens Bishop William Joseph, farmer, Langley Park farm Bucknall James Loyd, Langley court Wimbush William, North lodge, Langley court Putman Frederick, W cst lodge West Side. 2 Young Women's Christian Association - Miss Deakin, bon. sec. 4 Randall Sidney 6 Evans Miss 6 Stone & Tuck Misses, nurses 8 White Mrs.,.school 10 Langford Henry 12 Price Frederick Watson 14 Alexandra Mrs. 16 Jackson Charles 18 Wass Edward William 20 Fox Mrs . 22 Pad bury William Richard 24 Barnard Edward William 26 Dorville George l8 West Mrs. 30 Everington Mrs., Mertonholme 38 Giddings Geo. Thos., M.D., M.II.C.S., physician & surgeon, & medical officer & public vaccinator for Beckenham district, Bromley union, Hillworth ....... here is COMrt Downs road ...... 40 Beney Wm. Aug.,J.p.,Johannisbad 42 Moreland Mrs. J. B., Youlgreave 44 Lees Arthur John, The Gables 4(; Mannering George, Rostrevor 48 Sutton William Thomas 50 Lowson J ohnAlexander,Bryansford 52 Sharland Charles, Bonithon 54 Reading William A., Douglas ho. 5G Sutton George, J.P., Home lodge 58 Parker Mrs., Son-ento 60 Plowden-Wardlaw Rev. James Tait, M.A. [curate of St. George's] 62 Measures Richard 'rhos .. Rogate 64 Hyslop R. Murray, J.P. Cedar lawn 72 Barnard Misses Barnard Howell, Kelsey lodge fire Alarm, Henfrey Arthur, stone farm SOUTH EDEN PARK. Barnard W., dairy farmer, Kelsey Manor farm 12 Miers Mrs. Susan Mary, Eden cot 14 Jones F. E. . IG Whalley Robert Walter Wall Letter Box 18 Wood W. Howard, Homewood 20 Thirkell Claude, Chalfont 22 Lazenby Charles, Oakfield 24 Hill Mrs., Elderslie ...... here is Upper Elmers End rd


From jttnction of Wickllmn road S' Ifaycs lane. North Side. 1 Post & Telegraph Office 1 Parklangley Estate Office 1 London & Kent E"tates Limited 3 Parklangley Block 2 Limite (estate office) (registered office) 3 Taylor H. & G., builders 7 Angell John A., A.M.I.C.E. ............ here is Hayes way ............ East Side. 9 Hooley Mrs. 13 Lane Misses 17 Davey Ernest 21 Ensor Guy 23 Smith William George ........... .here is Elwill1vay . 25 Carman Albert 29 Stocks J. W. 33 Vining Norman Randall 37 Dawes Michael C. B. ......... here is .lIlalmains way . 49 Crittall Godfrey 57 Eyans Reginald Percy .. here is Styles way ........... ...... here is Whitecroft way ...... South Side. 2 Shelmerdine Herbert, 1II.B., c.u. Edin., physician & surgeon 6 Moser :Martin R. West Side. 12 Littlellales Miss 1fi Soldi Stephen B. 20 Lewis Arthur Wilfrid 22 Paxon Leonard Gillingham 24: Score Misses 28 PraseI' Edgar Hurst 36 Taylor Alfred Park langley Sports Club (ground) - G. E. Firmin, bon. sec. Wall Letter Bo:e 40 Malpas Leslie Gill 52 Flower F. Mainwaring, Geltwood 56 Buckley William Collin 58 Bond Miss M. A. 60 Rotheram William 62 Lawson William George 64 Carey Herbert Douglas 68 Munll Ronald J. 88 Hobbins Herbert Charles

Witham Road.

From Eimers End road. North Side. 1 Mackenzie Telford 2 Castle Arthur Henry 3 Austin Charles 4. Cooper William H. 5 Scott John .. .......... here is Piquet road ...........

Wiverton Road.

From Venner road to Predown road. Postal Address: Sydenham, S.E . Left Side. Malkin Mrs. Emma, boarding ho 3 Robinson Ernest A. E. o Jewson Mrs. 7 Weston Charles J. 9 Alexander Misses 11 Zeal Arthur Thomas Parks 13 Eland Mrs. 15 Rees Mrs. Lehlnann 17 Knott Robert Henry S 19 Mitchell 'rhomas Alfred 21 Unthank Mrs. 23 Pearson John Joseph 25 Skinner Leonard James 27 Goodall Frank 29 Hughes Mrs. 31 Eustace Frederick 33 Hawkes Frederick George 35 Puddicombe Henry John 37 Gosling Alfred Snow 39 Pankhurst Albert Richard 41 Cox Frederick William 43 Lynn William 45 Solley Htephen Wallace 47 Harris Philip 49 Tedh'lm Herbert 51 Johnson Henry Bertie 53 Smith Francis Edgar 55 Laws David William 57 Elliman Albert 59 Stuart Fred 63 Up field Thomas Maynard 67 Nash Miss C. M. 69 Breeze Jonathan 71 Walker Arthur J. 71 Day Richard Ethelbert n Rixon Louis Edward 73 Redding Bert 75 Francis William 75 Fitz·Gibbons Albert Victor 77 Peters Miss 77 Scott Misws 79 Corcoran Edward Lewis Philip 81 Muir .Richard Hamilton 83 Lynn Robert 85 Weatheritt James ...... Beckenham & Lewisham Parish Boundary ...... 89 Luttman Mrs. 91 Ellison Thomas 93 Walker Frederick Charles 95 Clafton William, heraldic artist Right side. Lewisham Parish. ...... here is Predown road ...... 116 Rackstraw G. C., decorator 116 Rackstraw Miss 114 Rackstraw Mrs. 112 Burfield Mrs. 110 Critchley Mrs. 108 Stone Thomas 106 Birch Mrs. E., costumier 106 Birch Edwin 101 Long Mrs. 102 McGuire John William 100 ViTise George 98 Chapman Alfred Richard 96 Plowright Henry Joseph 94 Bluett Cecil 92 Poulter HartW' 90 Western BeuJ;Imin 88 Burch Robern William Osborne Beckenham Parish. 86 Cook Richard James 84 Wood Mrs. 82 Woolidgt1 Arthur 80 Boutwood Walter 78 Pervanoglu Alexander Horace 76 Tucker John William 74 Stone Thomas R. 72 Comins Fdk. Wm.,A. C.1.8., Fernles 70 Alderson William . 68 Johnson Edward William, Perlton 66 Jones Joshua Charles Ferrington 64 Brooker Ernest E. 62 Barker Frederick Henry 60 Bartlett Richard, The Cedars 58 Hanson George Henry, The Furze 56 Phillips George Anderson 54 Jhoom Walter Hemy 52 Jenner Arthur 50 Knibbs Albert, plumber 48 Butcher Miss 46 Sage John, Windermere 44 Browne Francis Albert 42 8crivens Percy 40 Drage Thomas 38 Hobbs Miss, St. Elmo 36 Lynam John Lewis 34 Ensoll Charles 32 Menear Edward Alex. 30 Elsa Madame, dressmaker 26 Guthrie John 24 Vassie George 22 Wild Ovid Frederick 20 Ruthven Donald James 18 Whiteley Matthew 16 Shelley Mrs. 16A Lawrence Henry J-ohn Octavius 14A Weller Arthur 14 Jenner Ernest 12 Hawkins Jesse 10 Minifie Frederick 8 Mills Edmund Henry 4 White William Fox 2 Satchell William 2A Autenne Jules

Woodbastwick Road.

From Cator road to I{nd House rd. Postal Address: Sydenham, S.E. 2 Bagley Arthur William Ibis CrIdet Club- C. F. Warren, han. sec. (ground) 4: Buchanan Mrs., Chepstow 6 Whitton_Mrs., The Rowans 8 Rayner Edgar, St. Olavo's 10 Goodliffe William, Ketton 12 Paton Albert George 14 Brown Herbert Albert 16 Bean Mrs., Downside 18 Smith Walter, St. Aubyn's 20 Chaston E. A., The Cottage 22 Wayte Edward Chas., Bromsgrove 24 Billett Frederick George, Edale 26 Robinson George 28 Phelps John Richard 30 Price Walter, St. Trond 32 Nash Charles H. 34: Fielder Percy Sidney 36 Robertson Frank 38 Collings John William

Worsley Bridge Road.

From Brackley road. Right Side . 213 "Vest George Evelyn, Sunnyside 211 Bolas William Starbuck, Beaulieu 209 Ogle Paul Denni~, Moulin H net 207 Udy Richard Harris 203 Fell Sidney George, Frampton 201 Godfrey Jesse William Cross and Return. Left Side. ...... here 'is Copers Cope road ...... Roe Harry, The Cottage ...... here is boundary of Becke nham parish

Yew Tree Road. - CnOYDON ROAD.

Right Side. 1 Flint David 3 Tonkin Francis 5 Fellows William 7 Evans Arthur Alfred, tailor 8 Seale Frederick 10 Glazebrook Richard Charles, chimney cleaner 11 Ginn William 13 White Alfred 15 ~eager Robert 1o Youe J aIm George, tailor 17 Wingate Charles 18 White Frederick Michael Left Side. Ii) Willis Joseph 20 Gray George Henry 21 Crewys G~orge Herbert 22 Higgs Walter John 23 Morpett Arthur 24: Granger William Alfred 25 Willes Robert 26 Purkiss Richard 27 Clements Edmund 28 Larby John 20 Findlay Alfred 30 Miell William 31 Wari'en William 32 Beasley Mrs. 33 Clements Edmund W 34 Butterfield George 35 Jefferies Wm. Thomas, fishmonger


Abhey School ( WiLliam Salter & George J. Gtllliver ). Park road Abrahams John IVilliam, florist., 2 Melrose villas, Burnhill road Auams Brothers, drapers, GG, 68 & 70 High st.reet. t Aclams Herbert., provision dealer, 2 :,Clifton terrace, Parish lane Adkins Albert James, M.D., I~.D.S., dental surgeon, 37 Beckenham rd Adlam Albert George, butcher, 4 Church Fields road Ainslie Brothers, butchers, 19 Albemarle road Albemarle Lawn Tennis 5' Croquet Club (F. W. Aste, hon. sec.), Bromley road Albery Tom, confectnr. 119 High st Alcock Robert M.. harness maker, 86 High street t Alexandra Conservati ve & Unionist Association (C. J. Grigg, hon. sec.), 8 Lennard road t Alenandra Hotel,Frederiek Tester, 163 Parish lane All Saints' Mission House (sister in charge, Sister Mary St. Michael), 28 Kendall road Alleeson C. (Mrs.), coffee & dining rooms, 13A, Wickham road & 42 Chancery lane Ambridge Frederick William, plumber, 118 High street & 196 Croydon road !Andrews David Palmer, solicitor & commissioner for oaths, Winster, ,15 NewlaIllls park Andrews James, builder, Hayes lane Angell John A., A.M.Le.E., engineer & surveyor Urban District Council & architect to the Education Committee, Urban District Gouncil Offices, Bromley road Appleby William James, gardener, 38 Birkbeck road Aptus Athletic Clttb Ground.~; entrance, Brackley road Arnold William George, bbotmaker, 78 Bromley road & 3 Kelsey Pk.rd Art Memorial Co., 7 Arrol road + Arthur Geo., confectnr. 49 Parish Ia t Atkins Thomas, bldr., l Whately rd Attenborough & Sons, solicitors & commssnrs. for oaths, 9 Rectory rd Atzema Miss, dress makr., 13 Lea rd Austin Charles Thomas, cowkeeper, 85 High street Ayling Edwin & Son, bootmakers, 9B, High street Ayling F. A., dental surgery, 104 Beckenham road Ayling Thomas Stephen, bootmaker, 36B, High street B Bacon Jn., decorator, 87 Birkheek rd tTIacon Thomas, grocn, 7 Thcsiger road Bailey A. A., fine art dealcr, 20 High street tBailey Arthur George ,10hn, hairdreRst>r, 34 Station road Bailey Thos., frniterer, 10 Bromley rd * Baker Evelyn, solicitor, Park Hill lodge, 1 Park Hill road Baker William, estate office, 19 Whitmore road Baker's Stores, family millers & corn & forage merchants, Kent Honse granaries, 22B Beckenham roacl Ballanl Arthur, estate office, 1 Belmont road Banks A. (Mrs.), costumier, 46 Samos road Banner (Miss) & Jenner (Miss), Lond., boarding & day school, St. Christopher's, 2 Rectory road t Bannister Alfred, sign writer, 150 Velmer road Barham Alfred Lnnsdell, fruiterer, 86 EImers End road Barker Winifred (Miss), shopkeeper, 48 Burnhill road Barnard W. dairy farmer, Kelsey Manor farm, South Eden park, W"ickham road Barnes & Jones, chemists, 5 Rectory rd Barnett James A., baker & confectioner. lOS Mackenzie road Barnett Walter Arthur, bootmaker, 48 High street Barratt Henry James, George Inn, 55 High street [PH]] BRrry F. "N. watch maker, IQSA, High street Barton Sarah (Miss), bootmaker, 92 EImers End road , Barton Wm., fishmngr. 57 Marlow rd Batchelar & Son Limited, removal contractors, house furnishers and upholsterers, 2 High street and Rail way approach . Bates Philip, greengrocer, 157 Church Fields road Battcn Edward, motor engineer, 59A & 103 High street Baxter Brothers, sign writers, 11! Mackenzie road BaxLer, Payne & Lepper, auctioneers &e., 2 Southend road; and at Bromley, & H9 King William street E C Baxter Vof. & A., florists & nurserymen, 84 Ravenscroft road Baxter Harry Dixon,french polisher, 27 Kelsoy Park road Beadle George W., decorator, 71 Ravenscroft road t Beasley Brothers, fried fish shop: 51 Tennyson road Beckenltam AlmshoMses, Bromley rd. Beckenham Consservative Club (Mark Dennis, han. sec.; William Yates, steward), 34 High street Beckenham Cottage Hospital, Croydon road - Miss Costford, matron; Cardross Grant, hon. sec. & treas Beckenham HockeY Club; entrance, Blackley road Beckenham Journal (Tom W. Thornton, publisher), 40,42 & 44 High st Beckenham J1lnotion, South Eastern )' Chatham Railway - Frederick Hopper, station master * Beckenham Ladies' Golf Club ( Miss Byron, hon. sec. ), Ravensbourne avenue Beckenham Liberal Club (W. E. Rudderham, sec.),2 Fairfield road Beckenham Penge Bric1tW0rlM (1912) Lim"ited, Kent House road -George N. Pockoall. sec. Telephone 752 Sydenham . Beckenham Pubic Baths (Henry R. .Austin, supt. & swimming intructor), Beckenham road Beckenham Public 00. Ltd. (T. W. Thornton, sec, & manager), Bromley road Beckenharn School of Arts and Crafts (Kent Education Committee) (Arthur Schofield, A.R.c.A.Lond., principal), Beckenhnm road Beckenham Tecanical Institute and County School for Boys (Charles r. F. Watts,, principal), Beckenham road Bcckenham Urban District Council Elcctric Light Station 0' IJust Inestructor Works (John Edward Tapper, M.T.E.E., engineer & manager), Church Fields road; engineer's office & electricity show rocms, 45 High street Beckenham Urban District Council Public Health IJe]Jartlllent (John Mathewson Clements, M.D., D.P.H. Lond., medical officer of health & school medical officer; Ernest Jackling, A.R.S.I., chief sanitary inspector), 71 & 73 High street Beckenham Urban District offices (Frederick Stevens, clerk & clerk to the education committee & vestry clerk; John A. Angell, A.M.LC.E., engineer & surveyor; Herbert Edward Manger, collector), Bromley road Beckenham Window Cleaning and Oarpet Beating Co.(Alfred Jackson, manager), 82 High street Beckford J., newsagent, 117 EImers End road t Belworthy Walt., gro., 64 Parish la t Benjamin Miriam (Miss), A.L.C.M., C.T.c.L.,professorof music:27 Moss Lea road t Benjamin Richard,insurance agent, 27 Moss Lea road Bennett J. A. & Co., coal merchants, Clock House station and lA, Clock House road Bennett H. J. (Mrs.), teacher of music, Durban road Bennett. James Henry, M.R.C.S., TJ.n.c.r.Lond.,physician & surgeon, 46 Bromley rO'ld Bennett Jolm Arthur, coal merchant, Warwick hOe265 Beckenham rd t Bensted Mrs., millnr.,28 Linden gro Biggs Thomas Arthur, confectioner & tbcnst., 170 & 170A,Croydon rd Bingham Henry Thomas, station mal?ter New Beckenham Railway station (S. E. & C. Raily.),Parkrd. Birch E. (Mrs.), costumier, 106 Wiverton road Bishop William Joseph, farmer, Langley Park farm,Lnngley park, Wickham road t Blake Alfred, brass finisher, 4 Whateley road Blandford D. G. (Miss), A.L.C.M., pianoforte teacllCr, 47 Belmont rd Bolus Harry Boulcott, M.B., B.C. cantab., M.U.C.S., L.R.C.p.Lond., physician & surgeon, Brisgow house, 20 Copers Cope road Bonneywell James George, shopkeeper, 64 Church Fields road t Booth Brothers, coal & coke merchants, Station road Booth A. (Mrs.), laundry, 179 Birkbeck road Booth S. A., grocer, 28 & 56 High st Boucher Harold, tailor, 5 Kelsey Park road * Bowles Frederick, station master Shortlands station; resident, Ivy Nook, ShortJands road Box Frank Edward, nurseryman & florist, 281 Beckenham road & 51 Ravenscroft road Bradley JJaura (Mrs.), confectioner, 245 Beckenham road Branson Charles,grocer,80A venue rd Brawn Walter T., bootmaker, 94 High street Brazier Herbert Howard, decorator, 53 Belmont road Breeds B. (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 84 Avenue road t Bristow William Thomas, plumber, Vine cottage, 16 Harding's lane British Memorial Works (The), monumental masons, EImers End road Brookes M. A. (Mrs.), laundry, 122 Elmers End road Booklyn Institute (Miss .Agnes Gaman, matron), 2 Sydenham av Brown Alice (Mrs.), chair caner, l' Brook place Brown Herbert Ernest. chimney sweep, 43 Chancery lane Brown Mrs., servants' registry office, 21 Albemarle road Brown Robert Frederick, chimney sweep & bootmaker, 1 Brook pl Brown W.(Miss) ,preparatory school, Ravensworth, 4.7 Cedars roar} t Brown Walter, carpenter &; decorator, 14 Linden grove * Bryant Jamef~ B., nuseryman and . florist, Shortlanels Nurseries, 109 Bromley road & Ravensbourne av Bryant Hobert, florist, 224 \Tenner road Buchanan & Curwen, electrical engineers, 9 Rectory road Buckle Rohert, dailyman, Eden Park. farm, Upper EImers End road t Buckmaster James Henry, cutate office, 16 AlexaI Hlra cottages,Hardiug's lane Burhridge Ml's., Iaundrcss, 5 Acacia rel. Burleigh Charles &; Son Limited, laundry, 51B, High street Burton 'William, chimney sweep, !) Gowland place Burton William Henry, baker, 15 Croydon road, Elmers End Butcher Henry Frank, verger of All Saints' ehurch, ±l Chaffinch rd Butler Edward John, postmaster, 2:3 Alhema.rIe roml Butler John Thomas, fly proprietor, lOlA, High street Buttell Edmund M., decorator, 127 Birkbeck road Blltton Frederick, furniture remover, 62 Ravenscroft road C Caines Mrs." dre~smakt;r, 8 Stanmore terrace Calder Miss,baby linen & c. ii7 Beckenham road Candy T. Ltd., monumental masons, 109 Elmers End rd. & Birkbeck nl Capital and Counties Bank C"iolwt Club, Copers Cope road * Cardew-Smith James Robert, solicr tor & commissioner for oaths, Hildenhurst, 5 ParkHill road Carpenter & Son, sign writers, 45 ThayeTs Farm road Carr Henry &; \YilHam, coal merchants, Beckenham Junction Railway station, Southeml road; Clock House station &; 1 Clock House road &. corn &; coal merchants, 64 High street Carter &; Co., fishmongers, 195 Beckenham road * Carter Arnold,solicitor,6 Church rd t Case George, jun., greengrocer', 31 l'hcsiger road Castle John Alfred, florist, Hope house, EImers End road Caston P. & E. (Misses), ladies' & children's outfitters, 15 Albemarle road Cator Estate Office (James E. Cowie, agent), 24 Southend road Caudwell Sidney Field, Rent IIolise Tavcrn, Thesiger road [PH] Causehrook Isabel (Miss), fruiterer, 201 Beckenham road Ct:dal'.5 Lawn Tennis Club (W. W. Bell, scc.), Croydon road Chalk Charles, baker and confectioncr,9G EImers End road Cha1k Vernon E., hutcher, 16 Bromley road & 61 High street & fishmonger & poulterer, 12 & 63 High street Chalk Vernon B., grazier, Croydon rd t Chal1is Mrs., dressmaker, 62 Kingswood road Chamberlain George Harry, LL.B., solicitor, 6 Aldersmead road Chambers &. Co., uyers &. cleaners; recci ving office, 1 Rectory road t Chaplin Thoma"! Allwork, tobacconist, 24 Station road t Chapman Walter, clinipg rooms, 26 Station road Chappell Francis & Son, undertakers, 47 High sheet Chase Gonion, photographer, 2 Albemarle road Chivers George Henry,dining rooms, 17 Croydon road, EImers End Choat Edward, laundry, 34: Ravenscroft road Christ Church Institute for Young Men, 53 High street Church of England Home for Waifs and Strays (Miss Campbell, matron), St. Hildas, Crescent road Churchill Churchl Jessie- (Miss), certified nurse} 16 Birkbeck road t Clafton William, heraldic artist, 95 Wiverton road Clamp Fredk., jobmaster, 30 High st Clark Emily (Miss), confectioner, 189 Beckenham road Clark Frederick William, decorator 285 Beckenham road t Clark William, news agent, Hn, Newlands park Clarke W. G. & Sons, florists and nurserymen, 18 Park road Clarke George William, -motor garage, The Mills, Wickham road t Clarke Henry, dining rooms, 55 Parish lane Clarke James E., school attendance officer to Beckcnham Education Committee, Urban District Council Offices, Bromley road Clegg Jap.,electrical engr.: 2 Sidney rd Clements John Math C'ryson, :r.r.n., D.p.H.Lond., medical officer of health & school medical officer for Beckenlwm, 71 & 73 High street Club (rlte) (Walter Gregory, hall. sec.). Bromley road Cole & Moody, nurserymen & florists, 71 Wickham road & Langley Park gardens, Wickham road tCollins & SOIl, jobmasters, 3IA, Crystal Palace Park road Collins John Lawrence, cycle & motor maker, 79 High street Colyer Arthur R., MR.C.S., L.R.C.P., L.D.s.Eng., dental surgeon, Connaught house, 1 Southend road Connelly Henry, fishmonger, 7 Albemarle road Consolidated Gold Fields of South Afriea Atltletie Club Limited (Tlte), Copers Cope road Conway A. D., bootmaker, 1 Church Fields road t Conway Wm.,hairdrsr., l19 Parish' la Conway William Francis, bootmaker, 109 High street t Cook Marion (SUss), nurse, 11 :Moss Lea road t Cooke Harry, teacher of singing, Durnsford, Maitland road Cooke John n., umbrella maker, 84 High street Cooper's Stores, ironmongers, 73 Beckenham road t Coopcl'ati'cc Hall, Parish lane Copeland Henry & Son, builders, 9 Bromley road; works, Park road Copper Edward George, beer retailer, !) Chancery lane Cornish- Bowden Ambrose, l\r .R.C. V.S., veterinary surgeon, 127 High st Cornwall Edwin A., coal merchant, Beckenham Junction & Penge stations (S. E. & O. Railway) tCotton Frank, solicitor & commissioner for oatbs, 9 Moss Lea road Cousins Robert, fishmonger, 115 Church Fields road Coward J., bootmaker, 65 High st Cow1 Claire A. Mrs.), ladies' school, Minshull house, 3 Park road Cowling James William, laundry, 75 Marlow road t Cownley C. (Mrs.), draper, 68 Parish lane Cox & Co., boot factol's, 10 Victoria buildings, Bcekenham road t Cox H. & Co., cycle & motor engineers, 3 Newlands park Cox Frederick George, general stores, 55 :Marlow road Cox T. (MIS.), fancy repository, 98 High street Cox Thomas, builder, 98 High street Cox William, domestic stores, 192 Croydon road Craddoek Edward William, William tlte Fourth P.rI.,18 Croydon road, EImers road Craker Arthur George, dining rooms, 2 Lutterworth terrace, Croydon road, EImers End Crawley Sarah (Mrs.), hairdresser, 340, High street t Crawley Thomas, shoemaker, 5 Clifton terrace, Parish lane Crease Jas., fruiterer & c.,43 High st. Grown Wine ~5' Spirit Stores, 100 Bromley road Crystal Palace District Cemetery (Ellis Cowell, sec. & supt.), The Lodge, EImers End road Cullen Arthur, baker & confectioner, 59 Beckenham road Cullingbam Thomas George, photo engraver, 43 Mackenzie road Oupit & Co., fishmgrs., S4 Bromley rd Currey George, nurseryman, 174 & 176 Birkbeck road Curtis Cornelius Ltd., undertakers, 58 High street Curtis Percy James, :M:.R.C.s.Eng., L.R.e.p.Lond., physician & surgeon, The Manor house.72 High st Cyphers Cricket Club (Frederick G. Billett, han. sec.), Kings Hall road D Dale Edwanl, watchmaker, 189 Beckenham road lJrzlgety's C/"ic1tet Olnu, Copers Cope road Davies Frank, stationr., 73 Parish la Davies Thomas (Mrs.), laundry, 11)9 Ravenscroft road t Davis Hy.,surveyor, 53 Lennard rd Davis James, station master Eden parl:, S. E. &; C. R!Jilway, Upper Eamers End road Davis Richard Ernest, decorator, 51 High street Davis William Alexander, assistant insur.supt.Stoneleigb,Moss Lea rd Deadman Joseph Edward, jeweller, 7 Kelsey Park road de Brent Henry Benjamin, watchmaker & optician, ~l High street Dell William, naturalist & seedsman, 3'lA, High street Denham Norman, L.D.s.Eng., dental surgn., Greystoke, 2!) Albemarle rd Dennis W. &, .J. assnrance agents, Elm villa, Bnrnhill road Dennis Charles Henry, fishmonger, The Broadway, Croydon road Dennis John, verger, parish clerk & sexton of Beckenham Parish Church, 3 Church road Dennis ·Walter, Conservative agent Elm villa. Burnhil1road Devereux Sarah (Mrs.), general shop, 13 Croydon rd. EImers End DevineJ as.,shopkeeper, 29 Thesiger rd Dicks William, nurseryman and florist, 146 EImers End road Direct SI/JpZy Aerated Water 00. Limited; works, Capers Cope rd Doe John, bootma.,36 Beckenham rd Done Nevile S., solicitor, 22 Downs rd Drake Leonard, draper & furnisher, 215 Bcckenham road t Drakeford Herbert, china & glass rivetter, 137 Parish lane Drummond Mrs., fancy repository, 21 Albemarle road Duffie1d William Henry, F.R.I.B.A., architect, Rossmore, 29 Hayne rd Dunsmore Thomas William, fried fish shop, 83 Avenue road tDurman Edward, dyer & cleaner, 8 Station road Dyer Bertie Barnabas, baker and grocer. 59 Kent House road t Dyer B. B., dairyman, 1 Thesiger rd Dymoll l Hermon, jun., carman, 127 Church Fields road E IDastman & Son (Dyers & Cleaners) Ltd. dyers & cleaners, 14: High st Eastop Wm., dcrtr., 18 Birkbeck rd Ebben & Sr)n, bakers, 14 Bromley rd Ebeling Edgar ,hairdresser, 87 EImers End road Ebsworth E. (Miss), confectioner, 74 Avenue road Eckett Ellen (Mrs.), laundry, £17 BiI'kbcck road Edmed Albert, gent1emen's outfitter, 237 Bcckenbn.m road Edmonds Dudley, butcher, 86 Bromley road Edmunds Albert, Victor dairy, 91 Avenue road Edwards B. Limited, jewellers. lA, Albemarle road t Edwards William Henry, baker, 40 Station road t Eely Henry, builder, 4 N ewlands pk Eldridge Frank & Son, jobmasters, Beckenham road Eldridge Louis N. hairdresser, 8 Lutterworth terrace, Croydon rd. EImers End ElectrieaZ Wiring g- Fittings Co. Limited, Croydon rd. EImers End Elliman Jacob, builder & decorator, 25 Albemarle road; 102 Bromley rd. & Avenue works, Blakeney av Elliott H. Christina (Miss), fancy draper, 95 Avenue road Elliston Ernest,butcher, 19 Station rd t EIsa Mdme.,drssma., 30 Wiverton rd Elstob Harry George, L.D.s.Eng., dentist, 26 Manor road t Emery Albert Denton, tobacconist, 50 Parish lane Entertainment Agency Offices (Tom William Thornton, proprietor), Public hall, Bromley road t Enticott G. & Co. dairy, 44c, New': hinds park Evans Arth. Alfd., tailor, 7 Yew Tree rd Evans Wm., tailor, 20 St. Georgc's rd F t FarnellBros ..gunsmiths, Thesiger rd t Farnell Harry, gun maker, 20 Thesiger road Field Geo., furn. dlr., 85 Avenue rd Field James, furniture dealer, 57 Church Fields road Filby & Barrow, hairclrssrs., 26 High st Findlater, Mackie. Todd & Co., Limited, wine and spirit merchants, 14A, High street Fire Brigade Station-H, S. Gear, supt., Bromley road t Fisher George, assistant assurance supt., 42 Lennard road Fisher Jobn,1)ntchel, i7 Croydon road Fitch & Son Limited, provision merchants, 9 Albemarle road Fitch Edwin, grcr., HJ7 Beckenham rd Fletcher George John, tailor, St. John's cottage, 236 Birkbeck road Foard George H., M.A., solicitor, 203 King's Hall road Ford Harry Fitze, tailor, !l Clifton terrace, Parish lane Fosbery Misses, school, 121 Mackenzie road Foss Fredk., laundry, 59 High st Fox, Scawen& Dart, builders, High st Fox Henry, china, glass and earthenware dealer, 8 High street Fox's Beckenham Sanitary Laundry, 228 & 230 Birkbcck road Frances F. (Mrs.), dpr., 77 Marlow rd Francis H. (Mrs.), nurse, 35 Birkbeck road Freeborn F.& M. (Misses), stationers, In, Marlow road Freeman, Hardy & Willis Limited, bootmakers, 22 High street t Fulker Miss, shopkpr. 7 Station rd Fuller Walter Frederick, picture frame maker, 59 Durban road G tGaitskell Edward Forbes, M.ll.C.S., L.R.C.P., surgeon, Catton, 63 Crystal Palace Park road tGammage Joseph, gardener, 36 Parish lane Garland Sidney, oil & color man, 253 Beckenham road Garlick Thomas Frederick, bootmaker, 89 EImers End road Gal'llham Charles, draper, iG High st Garrett G. & Co., saw mills, Kent yard, 188 Ravenscroft road t Gauron Alfred, bootmaker, HA, Newlands park t Gee Lewis Geo., oilman,71 Parish la George Albert, jobbing gardener, 222 Ravenscroft road George Miss,school, l05Mackcnzie rd Giddings Geo. Thos., M.D., M.R.C.S., physician & sUl'geon & medical officer & public vaccinator for Beckenham district, Bromley union, Hillworth, 38 Wickham rd Gill John & Son Limited, coal and coke mers., EImers End station Gilmore lUI's., florist, 106 High street Glazebrook Richard Chal'1es, chimney cleaner, 10 Yew Tree road GodboldFdk., bkr., 68 Church FieIds rd Goddard Charles, fruiterer,90High st Godfrey S. A. (Miss), nurse, 40 Burnhill road GolderWm.,bootmaker, 72 Avenue rel t Goodwin William Br1nson, grocer, 7 Newlands park Gosling Ed.ward. James, bootmakcr, .6 Chancery lane Gower 'ttV. E., tobacconist & newsagent, 137 High street Gralum Thomas & Co., builders, 36 High street; yard, Brook place Graham John Albert, wood turner, 19 Rowden road Gri~u Maaarne, dressmaker, 3 St. George's road Grny Charles, baker & confcction(;r, 52 Bcekcnbam road t Gray E. A. (Mrs.), provision dealer, 74: Parish lane Green F. E. B., accntnt., 15A, Samos rd Green Frederick William, builder & eontractor, 62 Beckenham road Greene Arthur Weguelin, solicitor, 16 Fox Grove road t Gregory Mrs., lace cleaner, 34 Thesiger road Greig David, provision mecrchaut, 233 Beckenham road Grewcock William Jamcs.L.D.S.r..e.S. Eng., surgeon-dentist, 17 Manor rd Grieve J., F.e.s., cbemist, 9 High st Griffiths Benj., bootma, 109 Avenue rd Grinsted Daniel LimitEd, corn, coal & seed merchants, 57 High street Gulliver George J., Abbey school, Park road Guymer ·William, greengrocer, 148 Croydon road H Hadden William James, Oa1tlIiU, 90 Bromley road Hagger Jsph.H.,butchr.3 & 92 High st t lInggis George, greengrocer, 48 Parish lane Hall George James, F.R.O.O. professor of music, Iken house, 48 Bromley road t Hall Thomas F. window cleaner, ] 41 Parish lane Hance :Edmund, oil & domestic stores, 227 Beckenham road t Handsaker John Thomas, grocer 44F, Newlnnds park Hanisch Caroline (Mrs.), dressmaker, 253 Ravenscroft road Hann James Linford, tobacconist, 88 EImers End road Harding Hobert James, cycle rep:drer, 93 Blandford road Hard wick Henry,furniture remover. 20 Durban road Hardy William Henry, station master, Beckenham Hill E.tation (S.E.&.C. Hailway), Southend road & Havensbourne station Harris Edwin W.& Co., auctioneers & estate agents, 108 EImers End road & Kell t House station, Kings Hall road Harris Charles Henry Aston, hO:>1er, 41 High street Harris HelJry, station master, Kent House station (S. E. & C. R.), King's Hall road Hart Brothers, butchers, 6 Victoria buildings. Beckcnham road Halt Oliver, bootrna.,G!) Kent House rel Hart Stephen, shopkeeper, 177 Church Fields road Hartington House School (Miss Booth, prin.), 2V7 Bcckenham rd t Hartnoll James Henry, paperhanger, 16 Thesiger road Hartnup Thomas, hairdresser, 2 Church Fields road Hasting:3 l\Trs., general shop, 84 Church Fields ronl1 Hatch Mark P. fried fish shop, 8 Church Fields road Hawes Bros. ,grocers, 116 High street * Hawke Edward D. H., physician & surgeon, Tolgulla, Shortlands road Hawkes F. & Sons, fruiterers & carriers, 97 High street Hawkes Arthur Barber, L.D.s.Eng., dental surgeon, Egerton house, 12 Southend road Hayman Brothers, butchers, 63 Beckenham road Head Thos., buildr., 65 Ravenscroft rd Hearder Miss, art needle work, 13A, Bromley road Heath Edward, draper, 2, 4 & 6 Albemarle roacl Heathfield Hy., bldr., Kings Han rd Hedley William J., tailor, 11 Victoria buildings, Beckenham road Herbert Joseph, baker, 82 Avenue rd Hewlett James Edgar, Mn., C.l\'!., physn. & surgn. 108 Beckenham rd Hibbins Henry, beer retailer, 129 High street Hill Charles Edwd.maT ket gardener, Croydon road, EImers End Hillier Miss, registry office, 19A, AlbemarIe road Hitt,William George & Son, grocers 93,& wine & spirit mCl'l;l.95,High st t Hoare G. W. R. professor of music, 8 St. John's road t Hoare G. W. R. (Mrs.), girl's school, 8 St. John's road Robbs Herbert, tobacconist, 9 VictOlia buildings, Beckenham road Holdstock Violet (Miss), confectioner, H6 Croydon road HoldswOTth John, stationer, Kent Hollse Post office, 68 Beckenham rd Holidge Robert, laundry, 45 Croydon road, EImers End Holifield Martha (Mrs.), wood broker, Croydon rd. EImers End Hollis M. E. collector to Southern district, Metropolitan Water Board; attends mondays, 2 to 5 p.m., Public Hall, Bromley road Hollis Samuel,decorator, 100 Church Fields road Holt Henry G., dining rooms, 199 Beckenham road Homden Geo. gardener, 21 Chancery la Home and Colonial Stores Limited, 100 High street & 217 Beckenham rd Home of Compassion (Miss Purchase, in charge), 108 & 110 Bromley rd Home Laundry (The); receiving office, 5 Victoria buildings, Beckenham road t Homewood Charles, buildeI', 27 Phmnix road t Hood A. (Mrs.), registry office, 44E, New lands park Hooker Margaret(Miss), laundry, 68 Ravenscroft road Hooker Mary Ann (Miss), dressmflker, 6l Ravenscroft road Hooker Peter, window cleaner, 16 Ravenscroft road t Hooper Mrs., dressma., 34 St.John's rd t Hopkins Fdk. Indry.4 Station road Hopper Frederick, Station master" Beckenham junetion, Southend i'd Horsman Thomas, florist & c. Clock House Nursery, Beckenham road; Railway approach, High street & Kings Hall road l Howard Horace Henry, fishmonger, 29 Station road t Howard John Richard, general dealer, 118 Parish lane Homard's Asselll,bly Roo1Jls, 67 & 69 High street Homard's Stores Limited, provision merchants, 67 & 69 High street Howell Miss, bootma., 23 High st. Hoyles :Mrs., certificated nurEe, 85 Kent House road t Huckin William, builder, Stanmore lodge, 6 Newlands park t Hughes Benjamin Thomas, electrician, 3 Lucas road Rumble Arthur Hawtree, drug stores, lOB EImers End road Humble Henry, insurance agent, 80 Blandford road Humphrey Ernest, butcher, 140 Croydon road Hunt Jn. Wm., grocer, 35 Marlow rd Hutchinson 'Wilkinson, hairdresser, 193 Beckenham road .I t Ibis Cricket Club (C. F.Warren,hon. sec.); ground, Woodbastwick rd Ireland Addecott, dining rOums, 9 Kelsey Park road t 1ves John, bootmaker, 3 Station rd J Jackling Ernest, A.U,S.I., chief sanitary inspector to Beckenham Urban District Council, 71 & 73 High street t Jackson Archibald, fishmonger, 2 & 4 Thesiger road Jackson Robert Edward, butcher, 235 Beckenham road Jacob Charles, maker of patented specialities, 114 Avenue road Jacob Frederic, builder and contractor, 112 Avenue road t Jacobs G. (Mrs.), nurse, 9 St.John's rd Janes Walter, motor engineer, 48 St. Margaret's road Jarvis Frank, gro. 3 Church Fields rd t Jean Charles, hairdresser, 251 Beckenham road Jefferies William Thomas, fishmonger, 35 Yew Tree road Jenkins James Arthur, fried fish shop, ';4 Church Fields road Jennings Cecil :Frank Joseph, solicitor & commissioner for oaths, Brackley house, 10 Brackley road Jillard Harry Abbott, stationer, 61 Beckenham road Jobbins E. Thomas, baker & confectioner, 243 Beckenham road t Jobson Frederick William, butcher, 1 Clifton terrace, Parish lane Jobson'Nalter, butcher, 97 Avenue rd t Johnson Misses, ladies' school, Summerfield, 4 Sydenham avenue Johnson Alfred H., L.D.s.Eng., dental surgeon, Connaught house, 1 South end road Johnson Charles Baker Emson, laundIY, 118 EImers End road Johnson Frederick C., builder, 26 Blandforcl road Jones & Andrews, builders & contractors, Crescent works, 2 Barnmead road Jones Oscar & Company, ironmongers & electrical engineers, 62 High street & 7 Victoria buildings, Beckenham road .Tones & Co., library, ~8 Bromley rd. t Julian George Edgar, greengrocer, 51 Parish lane K Kay & Gill ~.MisBes,laclies' school, Beckenham hall, 49 Bromley road * Kendall Misses, school for girls, Raymont, 6 Shortlallfls grove Kent County Garage, High street Kent House Amateur Floral Society (William C. Pughe, han. sec.), St. Cecilia, King's Hall road Kent Motor 0' Engineering IV0rlts, 2:")!) Beckenham road * Kenward George, laundry, 7 Shortlands villas, Station road Kerridge George Edward, tailor, 32 Beckenham road KeywoJdMiss,dress ma.73 Marlow rd Kick G. J. & Co., bldrs.l0Bromley rd King Alfred John, laundry, 222 Mackenzie road King Hy., fishmonger, 101 High st. Knell C. & A. (Misses), dress makers, 29 Marlow road t Knibbs Albert, plumber, 50 Wiverton road t Knight Mrs. chimney sweep, 69 Kingswood road Koch E. (Mrs.), decorator, Truro, 27 Blandford road L tL. G. ,,5' .Nortl/, IIants Ihdr'h Co. Limited (Thomas C. W~tler, manager), 21 & 23 Station road Ladds Mrs., ladies' school, Kepplestone, 10 Overbury avenue Land Hubert, fishmonger, 99 EImers End road Landers William, professor of violin, 8 Linden grove L'l.lle Leonard George, chartered accountant, 33 Sidney road t Langley Charles John, boot maker, 31 Station road Lamgley Charles William, decorator, 77 Crampton road Langridge Arthur George, shopkeeper, 5:3 Croydon rd.Elmers End Larby James, bookseller, 8 Victoria buildings, Beckenham road Lawrence William & Son, tobacconists, Railway bridge, 10 High st * Lawrence James "Tilliam, coal merchant, Bromley road Lawsons Messrs. dental surgery, 9c, High street Leach E. A. shoemaker, 102 High st Leathem Alfred Newman. M.R.e.s., L.R.C.p.Lond., physician & surgeon, Gwydor cot, 17 Gwydor rd Lee C. H.,chemist, ] 5 Bromley road Le Fevre H. M. & Sons, nurserymen, Albemarle nursery, 45 & 47 Albemarle road Legg Herbert, assistant insurance supt., 56 Parish lane t Legg Kate (Mrs.), laundry, 56 Parish lane Levens W. & H. W., bakers & confectioners, 135 & 13 High street Levens W. & Son, auctioneers, 1 Station buildings, Southend road Lewis George W., plasterer (yard), Ravenscroft road t Light wood Coal 0 Gulw. Co. (H. E. Beason, manager)l Station road Llelleyett Jessie (Miss), nurse, 30!) Beckenham road Llellyett Nelly (Miss), manicurist & chiropody, 30!) Beckenham road Lloyd Sidney R. wine & spirit merchant, 255 Beckenham road. Loader Madame, costumier, Elmswood villa, 2 Newlands park London China Co. (The), glass & china dealers, 67 Reckenham rd LONDON CITY &. MIDLAND BANK LTD. (corner of Mackenzie road), 241 Beckenham road Frank Fletcher, manager. See advertisement, page 52 LONDON COUNTY &. WESTMINSTER BANK LIMITE D, 25 High street-William Isaac Hawkins, manager. See advertisement, London Dry Cleaning Co., Croydon road, EImers End London & Kent Estates Limited, 1 Wickham way, Parklangley LONDON &. PROVINCIAL BANK LIMITED, 16 & 18 High street Charles W. Gribble, manager. See advertisement opposite London & Provincial Meat Stores (Bernard William Parsons, proprietor), 19 High street London StWinL Carpet Beating Co. Limited, Croydon rd. Elmers End t Long John Elliott, newsagent, 44G, ,Newlands park Longford Mrs. Elisambeth, stationer, Pv~t 5' Telegraph Office, 63 Kent House road Longhurst Ernest, gardener, 48 Beckenham road Longhurst .Mrs., dressmaker, 48 Beckenham road Lord's Model Laundry Limited, 16SA, Croydon road Louise Madame, court dress maker, 17A, Albemarle road Louisita Mademoiselle, dressmaker, St. James' lodge, 141 Venner road Lovegrove Mildred (Miss), artist, 1 Rectory road Lovell John,ironmonger,ll1 High st Lovelock Wm. G., mason, 51 High st LuceAlbt.,carpntr., 1 St.Margaret's rd Luff Chas., plumber, 9U Birkbeck rd Lumsden John James, fruiterer, 65 Becken ham road Lustre Window Cleaning Co. (The), lIi8 Blandford road Luxton George, dairy, 76 Avenue rd Lydall & Son, stationers, 7 High at M Mackenzie C. (:M:iss),A~C.P.,school & kindergarten, 9 St. George's road t:M:alkin Emma (Mrs.), boarding house, 1 Wiverton road Malmberg Eva (Mrs.), teacher of languages, 190 King's Hall road Mangel' Charles Ernest, registrar of births & deaths, Beckenham subdistrict & relieving & vaclination officer & collector to the guardians & visitor under the ., Children's Act,190S" for the No. 2 district of the Bromley union, Urban District Council offices, Bromley road (attends mon.,tues., wed. & frL, 5 to 7 p.m.; thUl'P., 10 n.l1l. to 12 noon; sat., 10 to 11 a.m.) & 18 Beckenham road Manger George Holtum, draper,milliner, & c., 3 and. 5 Albemarle rd Manger Herbert Edward, colleclor to Beckenham Urban District Council. assistant ovm seer & deputy registrar of births & deaths for the sub· district of Beckenham, Urban District Council. Offices, Bromley road ,.' Manktelow Brothers, grocers, 100 Avenue road t Manvell Charles, chimney cleaner, 102 Parish lane . Marriott Fred, solicitor & comnlissioller for oathf', Ma:sonette, 74 Beckenham road Marshall Herbert,turncock to Metropolitan Water Board (Sol1therQ. distriet),fi Lea road . f t Martin Alfred Stephen, grccer, 3~ Clifton terrace, Parish Jane Martin John Alfred, gl'Ocer,· 53 . Beckeriham road [ advertisments ] Matthews William Arthur, boot maker, 1 Limes road * Maw George, M.R.c.S., L.R.C.p.Lond., physician & surgeon, Coningsby, 19 Beckenham grove Maxted Edwin, laundry, 48 Ravenscroft road May Fredk., insur. agent, 42 Samos rd Mayhew Norman, L.R.A.M., professor of music, 104 Bromley road * Maynard Ned, 8hortlands Tavern, Station road [PH] t MeabyWalt.C.,solr.,32Newlands rd Mellentin Geo.,hairdrsr.,102 High st Mellis Wm. S., tailor, 38 High street Merchant William George, nurseryman, 158 Ravenscroft road * Metropolitan Water Board, Kent District, Valley road Arthur Page, engineer in charge Metropolitan Water Board(Southern di8trict) (M. E. Hollis, collector, attends mondays, 2 to 5 p.m.), Public hall, Bromley road Michael Cyril Eden, M.A., M.B., B.C., physician & surgeon, Trelawne, 3 Crystal Palace Park road Mickley Bennett, hardware stores, The Broadway, Croydon road Mitchell ~L (Miss), laundry, 194 Ravenscroft road Moore Ernest, station master, Elmers End Railway station (S.E. & C.R.), EImers End road Moore James John, builder, 67 Kent House road t Moore John, french polisher, 4 Somerville road t Moore John William, upholsterer & french polisher, 1 Courtenay road Moore Thomas M., bootmaker, 221 Beckenham road Moreland William, grocer and provision merchant,150 Croydon road Morphew M.& Son, decorators, 110 Mackenzie road Morris John, pork butcher, 207 Beckenham road t Mortlock Charles Tbomas, electrician; 30 St. John's road t Mortlock Walter, auctioneer, surveyor & valuer, Tower chambers, 2 Byne road Moss George, corn merchant, 107 EImers End road Moss Richard, sbopkeeper, 96 Church Fields road Muggleton Miss, dressmaker, 13 St. George's road Muirhead & Co. Limited, electrical engineers, Croydon road, EImers End Murray Percy Hope, MB., C.M., physician & surgeon, Woodthorpe, 112 Bromley road Murrells William A., cabinet maker, 35 High street N Nal;h L. M. (Mrs.), confectioner, 49 Beckenham road National Depo.~it Friendly Society (Ernest E. Sutton, sec. for Beckenham district),102EImers End rd Neale Charles Goodall, solicitor, Denton, 32 Hampden road Neale Harry A., grocer, 91 EImers End road Neldrett C. & Sons, upholsterers, 31 High street Nestanglo Sports Club (H. E. Swift, hon. sec.) j ground, Eden park, Croydon road Newark William J., laundry, '27 Birkbeck road Newberry Ernest, oil & color stores, 211 Beckenham road Newby William James, tobacconist, 65 Kent House road t Newham Edward, oil & color man, 3 Olifton terrace, Parish lane Newth-Boulcott Robert, professor of Ringing, Upton, 16 Queen's road t Newton Herbert Frederick, professor of music, 5 Byne road t Nichols Thomas W., butcher, 70 Parish lane t Nicoll James,confr.,162A,Parisb Ia Norman & Co., drapers, 118 High st Norris William James, builder, Tregantle, 10 Sidney road j workshop I Church Fields road Northam John H., furniture dealer, 257 Beckenham road Norwood Sanatorium (Francis Hare, M.D., medical supt.), The Mansion, Beckenham park, Southend road Nottle David, stationer & photographer, 17 High street Nunn Ernest Albert, chemist, 55 Beckenham road o Oakhill Cycle Works, 76 Bromley rd Obee W., cabinet ma .. Church road t Olding Jn., genl. dlr., 90 Station rd Oliphant George, surgical boot maker, 11 Rectory road Ollive William, estate office, 390 Blandford road . Ottaway James, jobbing gardener, 1 Chancery lane Oulds Thomas, assistant insurance supt., 75 Mackenzie road Ousley & Son, dairy, 4 Sidney road Ousley Mrs., dairy, 219 Beckenham rd Overal J. &. Son, Kelsey Park Estate office, Manor way Overton Bros., dairymen, 1 Kelsey Park road; 94 Bromley road and Croydon road t Owen Miss,dressma.12Whateley rd p Padbury William Richard, coach builder, 8 Bromley road and veterinary forge. Harris's yd. High st Page Frederick William, insurance agent, 12 Samos road Pain C. F., chemist, 70 Beckenham rd Palling & Miller (Misses), confectioners, 74 Bromley road Palmer Edward Rd. & Co., F.I.S.E., sanitary specialists,17Wickham rd Parker John & Co., pianoforte warehouse, 4 High street parker Edward, butcher, 133 High 8t Parker Ellen (Miss), milliner, 13 Albemarle road Parker James, masseur, medico gymnastic establishment, 27 Albemarle road t Parkes W. Henry, hairdresser, 4 Clifton terrace, Parish lane Parkin Harry, shoeing forge, 54 Burnhill road Parlclangley Block 2 Ltd. estate office; registered office, 3 Wickham way, Parklangley Parltlangley Estate OjJiec, 1 Wickham way, Parklangley Parklangley Golf Club (F .. Holroyd, sec.), Parklangley Parklangley Sports Club (G. E. Firmin, han. sec.) ; ground, Wickham way, Parklangley Parks Emma (Miss), dressmaker, 57 Birkbeck road t Parsons Edwin, grcr ., 15 Morland rd t Parsons Geo., tailor, 70 Crampton rd PascaU Thomas George, brickmaker, Croydon road, EImers End t Pattullo D. & J., seed potato merchants, 17 Station road Payne Charles, domestic stores, 9 Croydon road, EImers End Payne William, blacksmith, 37 & 39 Chancery lane Paynter Geo. Hy., gro., 17 Marlow rd Peacock F.,butcher, 37 Marlow road Peerless H. C., wine mer. S Rectory rd Penge and Beckenham Co.operative Society Limited, coal depot, Station road t Penge and Beckenham Co-operative Socidy lii1nited (Alfred J. Winch, sec.), Pari~h la.; bakery, Parish la * Pennicott Francis Edward, carman, 2 Shortlands villas, Station road Peters Walter, baker, Post office, 96 Bromley road and 105 High street Phiibrick George H., preparatory school for boys, Clare house, 22 Oakwood avenue Phillips & Penny, physicians & surgeons, Hamilton house, St. John's road, P. & Tudor lodge, 2 Cator road, S Phillips Albert Edward, district supt. of the Provident Association Ltd. Brooklyn, 47 Newlands park t Phillips Harry Harding, M.R.C.S. Eng., L.R.c.p. Lond., physician & surgn. Hamilton ho.6St,John's rd Phillips James, jobmaster, 2A, Rectory road Phillips Sarah Ann (Mrs.), newsagent, 191 Beckenham road Phillips Wm.,fly propr., 12 Fairfield rd Piggott Harry, boot maker, 6A, Blandford road Pike William Russell, collector of King's taxes, Beckenham Public Hall, Bromley road Player Henry John, surveyor, 23 Clock House road t Plumb Alfred, laundry, HE, Newlands park Plummer Ernest A., baker, & post office, 152 Croydon road PodgeI' & Sons, dyers & cleaners, 17 Albemarle road Pomeroy William, boot maker, 117 High street Popham William Thomas, grocer 3!), & ironmonger 37, High street Porter George Richard, picture frame maker, 82 Bromley road t POTter Harry John, station master, S. E. & C. R. (Newlands park), Penge, Station road Powell Walter, station sergeant, Police station, 27 High street Pragnall Samuel, florist,Samos Road Nursery, 44 Marlow road Pratt George & 00., outfitters, 6 High street . . . t Prentis John, insurance agent, 36 Moss Lea road . .. Preston L.& E., decrtrs. 68 Durban rd t Price H. G., tobccnst., 2 Station rd Price Henry, tailor, 44 Rowden rd Prime & Sons, :M.R.e.v.s. veterinary surgeons, 9 High street Prime Thomas F., M.n..C.V.S., veterinary surgeon, 15 Bromley road Private Owners' Tl'llst Co. Limited, estate agents, 1 Belmont road Privett Edward, boot repairer, 7 Florence road Pl'Jor Sydney Hildyard, chemist, 60 High street Puckle Emily E. CUrs.), kindergarten & preparatory school, 86 .' Croydon road Puddicombe Edward" Leonard;' L.R,c.p.Lond., l\'L1Lc;s.Eng., physician & surgeon, Claremont','Newlands park . '.' Purdue Charles, oil & color stores', 92 Bromley road R., .;.; !Rackstra,v G. C.,- decorator, ,116 Wivcrton road Ibmsbotham Henry Robert, :M.A., M.B., B.OH.oxon., physician & surgeon~ 20 Manor road t Ramd Frederick, fruiterer & greengrocer, 27 Station road Randall W. & Eo M., florists, Brook nursery,3 Blakeney road & Southend road . t Randall Geo., confr., 53 Parish la Randell Reginald Maurice HeIl;ry, M.D.I,ond., physician, Goodwood, 10 Copers Cope road Ratchelolls Frederick William, laundry, 212 Ravenscroft road . Rayner William Thomas,carmilll, 58 Pelham road . Reading George E., cyclemakerj 105 EImers End road . Reed F. G. house' decorator, 39 Birkbeck road Reed Edith l\'L (Miss), private school, 79 Cedars road Reed Mrs., dress maker, 113 Ravenscroft road . Reed Percy W:,architect,i9 Cedars rd Reid. Miss, dressma. jlll!'aversharri rd * Reynolds Mrs., lndry., 1:SLation rd Reynolds Traiton Matthew, station master, Clock house, Beckenham rd Rice George Veasey, The (jreyk01~nd, High street Richardson Arthur Henry, Gonfectioner, 26 Upper EImers End rd t Rickard George William, confectioner & tobacconist, 69 Rickett, Smith & Co. (ineQrporated with Rickett, Cqckerell& Co.Lim.), coal merchants, Beckenham'Junction station, Southend road' .. t RidgewellWalt.gdnr., ll Morland rd Ried J, & Co. hairdrssrs. 53' High. st Rippengal Brothers, fruiterers and greengrocer!',l1 Bromley road and 9.A, High street Rippengal Stanley Victor, butcher, 71 Kent Hom:e road Rising Sun' Cricket Club, Upper EImers End road Rivett Robt. gasfitter, 81 Avenue rd Robinson Charles, cab proprietor, 42 Burnhill road Robinson Edward Charles, upholsterer, 22 Burnhill road tRobinson Kate'C Mrs.), confectioner, 33 Parish laTle Rolfe Stephen; upholsterer, 29.A, Chancery lane Roll George, printer, 77 High street t Rolph Miss, shopkpr. 24 Princes rd Roper Edwin, LL.D., M.R.C.S.Eng., . F.R.G.s.,physician & surgeon, Oatlands, 86 Beckenham road Rowden Frank Vyse, confectioner, 120 Avenue road t Rowies Albert, grocr ..13 Station rd Royal West Kent Regiment (" The Queen's Own "), 5th Battalion (Territorial Force) (D Co.) (Capt. L. V. Neame; 2nd Lieut. A. F. Hooper; Sergt.-Major W. John Osborne); head quarters, Elm cottage, 87 High street t Russell Francis Henry, boot maker, 23 Princes road Rust Philip,tailor, 203 Beckenham rd. t Rutter J~lm, chemist, Newlancls pk S St. lIIicltael's Penny Bank (Walter John tjteed, treasurer), St. Michael & An Angels' Parochial Room. Birkheck road St. Micltael's Social Olub, 116 Birkbeck road St. Olaf's School (Misses Weisgerber, principals), 1 Cedars road Sadler &, SOll, bootmakers, 111 Eimers End road Sadler Albert,' jobmaster, 12 St. George's road Sales Arthur, tobacconist & newsagent, 107 High street Sales John, carpenter,41 Burrihill rd SamQth N. (Madame), teacher of music, 23 Kendall road Sankey J. H. & Son Limited, builders' merchants, Beckenham Junction Station yard,Southend rd Sargent Thomas, grocer, 115 EImers End road Saunders Ambrose James, cycle & motor works, Railway approach Saunders Herbert Henry; provision dealer, 66 Church Fields road t Sayers Ernest,newsaltt., 61 Parish la Scarlett Charles, decorator, 104 Ravenscroft road Scarlett Louisa (Mrs.), laundress Gray's villa, 104 Ravenscroft road Scott Robt.,insur.agt., 95 Chaffinch rd t Scovell John Alfred, greengrocer, 63 Parish lane t Searle Albert Aaron, greengrocer, 49 Station road t Searle Samuel Richard, furniture remover, 47 Station road t Sears Geo., fruitr., 44: Newlands pk Sexton John William, fruiterer, 225 Beckcnham road Shackell Frederick, butcher, 62 Church Fields road Sharp Florence E. (Mrs.),draper, 11 Croydon road, EImers End Shelmerdine Herbert, M.B., C.M., physician & surgeon, 2 Wickham way, Parklangley t Shepherd, N eame & Co., ale stores, Station road . Shepherd Arth., cyde ma., 80 High st Shepherd Georgc, greengrocer, 139 Church Fields road Sherill Fredk., confr., 82 High st Sherlock's Cash Stores, grocers and tea dealers. 54 Beckenham road Sherwood Austin, plnmber,46 Beckenham road t Shilling Fdk. tbccnst. 5 Newlands pk Short Edward Thomas, builder- and decorator, 78 Avenue road Short Frank, draper, 85 EImers End road * Shortlands Valley Working Men's Club (Harry Coles, sec.), 9 Shortlands villas, Station road ~ Silver Hugh William, M.R.c.s.Eng., L.R.c.p.Lond., L.S.A., physician & surgeon, Turret 10. 9 New lands pk t Simkins Frederick, pianoforte tuner, 100 Byne road Sinnock ~William, greengrocer, 87 Avenue road & 209 Beckenham rd Sizer's Stores, grocers, tea dealers & wine & spirit merchants, 60 Beckenham road Smallbone C. A., coal merchant, Ravensbourne station (R. E. & O. Rly.), Crab hill. See advertisement facing Shot tlands Section Smeeton L. & M. (~iisses), general stores, 108 Marlow road Smith Brothers, butchers, 101 EImers End road Smith Jn. & Co., drapers, !JG High st Smith & Owen, window glass & oil & color merchants, 88 High street Smith W. H. & Son. bookstalls, Penge Rail way station, Station road, Penge; Shortlands Railway station, Short1ands road, Shortlands; Clock House Railway station, Beckenham road & at Kent House Railway station, King's Hall road Smith Char leI'; James, solicitor & commissioner for oaths, Shenley, 2 Albemarle road Smith John E. F., beer retailer. Burnhill road Smith Walter Coleman, draper, 168 Birkbeck road t Soper, Scott, Turner & Michael, physician & surgeon, Trelawne, 3 Crystal Palace Park road South Suburban Gas Co., 24 High st Southam Hy. P., oilman, 32 Station rd Spenlove-Spenlove Frank, R.B.A., R.C.A., F.R.G.S., artist, Yellow Door studio, School of Art,High st Spink Albert Hodgson, hairdresser, 70 Avenue road Springett Herbert, M.R.C. V.S.L., veterinary surgeon, 73 High street Standcumbe Jas. John, Rising Sun, '. Upper Elmers End road [PH] Stanlake Thomas H., greengrocer, 8 Chancery lane Stanley W. H., domestic machinery stores, 65 High strfet Staples l:i~redcrick, greengrocer, 61 Kent House road t Starr George, assistant insurance supt., 148 Venner road t Statham Charles, drpr. 36 Station rd Steed Walter John, stationer, Oxford house, 249 Beckenham road Steele John, tobacconist, 54 High st Steele Sarah (Mrs.), confectioner, 217 Beckenham road Stempt Hy. dining rms. 19 Bromley rd Stevens Frederick, clerk to Urban District Council, clerk to Beckenham Education Committee & vestry clerk; offices, Bromley road Stevens John, insurance agent, 8- Belmont road Stevens Percy, shopkeeper, Blandford road Stevenson E.M.(Mrs.),stationer, 121 High street Stewart Frederick, M.D., physician & surgeon, Pinewood, 11 Beckenham road Stewart Jemima (Mrs.), Caledonian laundry, 151 Ravenscroft road Stilwell & CurtiEl, physicians & surgeons, Manor house, 72 High st Stilwell George Robert Fabris, M.B. Lond., physician & surgeon, Stanmore house, 14 Southend road t Stock Willie Percy, tailor, 9 Whateley road Stocker John Watson, solicitor & commissioner for oaths, Edenhurst, 66 Croydon road Stokes Charles & Son, plumbers, 142 Croydon road Stone & Tuck Misses, nurses, 6 Wickham road Strong Clifford, ladies' tailor, 131 High street Stubbersficld John Henry, bootmaker. 57 Croydon rd., Elmers End Stubbs Wm. tailor. 159 Mackenzie rd Sumner Daniel,' upholsterer, 72 Bromley road Surman Arthur, conff., 114 High st Surman John, florist, Victoria nursery, 21 Bromley road Swain Thomas George, greengrocer, 49 Croydon road, mmers End Syme & Duncan, builders & decorators; workshops, 22 Blakeney rd t Symmons George Vincent, chartered accountant, 108 Venner road Syrett Clarence GoulIee, solicitor & commissioner for oaths, 22 Westfield road T Taggart John P., confectioner, 95 EImers End road t Tampin Frederick J., naturalist, 161 Parish lane Tapper H. (Mrs.), midwife, 4 Croydon road, Elmer's end Tapper John Eilward, M.I.E.E., engineer & manager to Beckenham Urban District Council Electricity department, 45 High street Taylor H. & G., builders, 3 Wickham way, Parklangley Taylor Edwin J. carpenter, 85A, Marlow road Taylor George, grocer, 51 Croydon road, EImers End Taylor Harry, drpr., 64 Beckenham rd Terry Frederick Archer, stationer, & Post Officp" 113 High street Terry John, bricklayer, 58 Ravenscroft road Terry Walter L., confr., 52 High st Thayer's Farm Dairy, 28 Beckenham Toad-Edwin Pook, manager t Thomas Louise (Mrs.), dressmaker, 29 Clifton terrace. Parish lane Thornton Tom William, printer, and publisher of the Beckenham Jowrnal, 40, 42 and 44 High street and stationer, 15 Bromley road & Post Office, 7 Lennard road, Penge & works, Manor road Three Banks Athletic Olub Ground (G. A. Cosser,sec.),Copers Cope nl Thurlby William (Mrs.), medical & surgical nursing house, Kent house, Kent House road Tilbrook Henry T., plumber, 65A, Marlow road Tilling Thomas Limited, jobmasters, & c. 88 Bromley road; 2 Chancery lane; Railway Hotel yard, High street & at Beckenham Junction station, Southend road Timmis John, chemist, 91 High st. Tolhurst Charles, Prince Artkm Hotel, 205 Beckenham road t Tomei & Sons, architectural modellers, 2 Phcenix rd. & St. John's rd t Tomei R. (Mrs.), cafe, 6 Station rd t Toomey Mary (Mrs.), laundry, 21 Tennyson road Tostevin J. W., cycle manufacturer, 51A, High street Towell E. (Miss), dressmaker, 15 Burnhill road Town Thomas, shopkeeper, 101 & 103 Church Fields road Trapnell Francis Cyril, ?I.B., B.O. oamb., M.R.O.S.,L.R.o.p.Lond., physician & surgeon, Carlton, 23 Beckenham road Tricker Arthur Charles, bootmaker, 41 Croydon road, EImers End t Tubb Kate (Madame), teacher of music, 128 Venner road Tucker Arthur, inllurance agent, 448 Blandford road Turner & Co., ironmngrs., 50 High st Turney & Co., pin & needle manufacturers, Eagle works, Church Fields road Tyler Harold William, A.M.I.E.E., F.R.G.S., electrical engineer, 2 Station buildings, Southend road t Tyler John Thomas, monumental engraver, 31 Clifton ter., Parish la t Tyley Albert William, watchmaker, Newlands park Tune Main Coal oo. Limited, Beckenham Junction Railway station, Southend road; Ravensbourne station, Crab hill & Penge Railway station, Newlands park, Sydenbam U t Umney William Francis, M.D., M.R.C.s.Eng., physician & surgeon, Eardley house, 81 Lawrie Park rd t Underwood William James, builder, 66 Station road Vaile Rowland 'William HEnry, grocer, 10 Chancery lane * Valley LallJn Tennis Olub (ground), Ravensbourne avenue Victoria La1lndry,86 & 88 Avenue rd Vincent John Dunn, Ph.D., optician, 287 Beckenham road W Walker Joseph, tailor, 7 Marlow rd Wall Edmund K. grocer, & c., 7 Croydon road, EImers End, Post Office t Wall Edward & Son, bootmakers, 28 Station road t Wallace John, wardrobe dealer, 31 Station road t WalHs Percy, insurance agent, 157 Parish lane Walters Flank Joseph, tailor, 142 EImers End road Ward & Co. drapers, 80 Bromley ra t Ward Frederick, pianoforte tuner, 25 Moss Lea road Warren Kate M. (Miss), confectioner. 8 Albemarle road . WarriloW Harriett (Mrs. ), lady nurse, 2 Mackenzie road Warrilow Mary Ann (Mrs. ), laundress, Stafford house, 174 Ravenscroft rd Watkins Harry, solicitor & commissioner for oathR, 31 King's Hall road t Watler T. C., manager, L. G. & N. Hants Dairy Co. Limited, 21 & 23 Station road 1 Watts William Marshall,, tutor, Shirley, 174 Venner road Webb :Mary Ann (Mrs.), dressmaker, 3n Burnhill road t Webb Robert Thomas Edward, printer, 3ll Parish lane Webb T.H.,school attendance officer to Rcckellham Ellucation Committee, Urban Distl'i:t Council offices, Bromley road t Webb William .John, tobacconist, 15 Station road Webber George, laulldry, 28 Ravenscroft road Weeks George &, Sons, iron mongers & gasfitters, 5 High street Weeb & SOlIS, music warehouse, 51 Beckenham road Welch James Reader, solicitor, . Brooklyn, 52 King's Hall road T Ve~tilrd's Surrey Dairies Liniited, 15 High street & 168 Croydon rd t Wells Richard Thomas, shopkeeper, 53 Station road West Beckenham Conservative Club (John Cording, sec.), 185 Beckenham road West James, bootma., lA, }.farlow rd Westcott N. (WII's.),stationer,& lending library & post office, 89 A venue rd Westerman Ralph E., builder & contractor; estate office, 61 Cromwell road t Weston Douglas J. H. grocer & beer retailer, 25 Station road f Whale Edith (Miss), confectioner, 42 Station road Whelpton Edward Smith, :M.A.., M.R.c.S.Eng., L.R.c.p.LOnd., physician & surgeon, Gonville house, 3 Beckenhnm road Whiffin Thomas, builder, 55 Barnmead road White James Edward, grocer, 17 Bromley road White Mrs., school, 8 Wickham way Whitehead Elsie (Miss), tohacconist, 33 St. Margaret's road t Whitebw James, coal merchant} 16BA, Parish lane Whitelaw Madame, milliner, 1 Rectory marl Wigmore Richard, dairy, 60 Church Fields road Wild Benj. ,confl'., 6 Church Fields rd t William IV.'s Royal Naval Asylum for Widows and Daug1lters of OjJiCM'S, St. John's road Williams George Archibald, confrctioncr, 5o Beckenham road Williams George Archibald, newsagent, 221 Bcckenham road Williams James Lawson, M. D.Edin., physician & surgeon, Holyrood bouse, The Avenue Williams Robert, insurance agent, 9 Thayers Farm road Williams Robert, wine and spirit merchant, 98 Avenue road Willson Hy. grocer, 194 Croydon rd t Wilson Alexander, greengrocer, 5 Station road Wilson George Daniel, umbrella maker, 18 Burnhill road Wilson Harry C.builder & decorator, 11 Hampden road Wilson Henry Robert, boot maker, 8 Fairfield road Wilson Robert Arthur, Three Tuns, 81 High street [PH] Windsor George, butcher. 33 High st Winn William J. confr. 101 High st Wood E. G., optician, Barnmead rd Woodgates John, bootmaker, 239 Beckcnham road Woods Mrs.,nurse, 6 Blandford road Woodward Miss, nursing home, 9 Crescent road Wright H., butcher,261 Beckenham rd Wright Thomas} auctioneer & estate agent, Harnmead road t Wyatt Edgar William, slater, 51 Crampton road Wynne Thomas & Ramsbotham,physicians & surgeons, 20 Manor road Wykes WaIter Charles, outfitter, 99 High street y t York Harriett (Mrs.),dressmaker, 2 Whateley road Yorkshire Bakery (The), 108 High st Youe John George, tailOl', 16 Yew Tree road Young Thomas McCubbin, M.B., F.R.c.S.Lond.,physician & surgeon, 63 Copers Cope road Young Women's Christian Association (Miss Deakin, hon. sec.), 2 Wickham road


Abbey So/wol (William Salter & George J. Gulliver), Park road Adkins Albert James, .M.D., L.D.S., dental surgeon. 37 Beckenham rd Allen Rev. Thomas Kingdon, 207 King's Hall road Anderson Rev. Stuart Knox, M.A. [curate of St. George's, Beckenham], 15 Cedars road Andrews David Palmer, solicitor & commissioner for oaths, Winster, 45 Newlands park Angell John A., A.M.LC.E., engineer & surveyor Urban District Council & architect to the Education Committee, Urban District Coun. cil Offices, Bromley road Armstrong Rev. Alexander Nenon, B.A. [vicar of St. Michael & All Angels], St. Michael's parsonage, 7 Barnmead road Arnott Rev. Canon Henry, F.R.C.S. [rector of Beckenham; surrogate & rural dean of Beckenham], The Rectory, 32 High street Attenborough & Sons, solicitors & commssnrs. for oaths,9 Rectory rd Baker Alfred John, J.P. St. Bran Bocks, 10 Southend road * Baker Evelyn, solicitor, Park .Hill lodge, 1 Park Hill road Banner Miss & Jenner Miss, B.Se. Lond., boarding & day school, St, Christopher's, 2 Rectory road Baxter, Payne & Lepper, auctioneers & c., 2 Southend road; and at Bromley, & 69 King William street, E.C Bayne C. G., c.s.I., 2 Oakwood avenue Beckenhmn School of Arts t Crafts (Kent Education Committee) (Arthur Schofield, A.R.C.A., principal), Beckenham road Beckenham Technical Institute tf County School j(n' Boys (Charles T. F. Watts,, principal), Beckenham road Beney William Augustus, J.P. Johannisbad, 40 Wiekham road t Benjamin Miss Miriam, A.L.C.M., C.T.C.L., professor of music. 27 MossLea roado Bennett James Henry, M.R.C.S., L.R.c.p.Lond., physician & surgeon, 46 Bromley road Bennett Mrs.H. J., teacher of music, Durban road Blandford Miss D. G., A.L.O.M. pianoforte teacher, 47 Belmont rd t Blessley Rev. Henry George [curate of Holy Trinity, Beckeuham), 19 Maitland road Bolus Harry Boulcott,M.B. ,B.c.cant b., M.R.C.S.,L.R.C.P.Lond.,physician & surg.,Brisgow ho.2000pers Cope rd Boraston John, J.P., Ringwood, 31 South end road BourneMajor Frank, 16 King' s Hall rd t Brooklyn InsW1~te (Miss Agnes Gaman, matron), 2 Sydenham av Brown Capt. Wm. Luke, 5 Park rd Brown Miss W., preparatory school, Ravensworth,47 Cedars road * Burls Sir Edwin Grant-. knt. c.s.l., Thornlea, 17 Shortlands grove Butler Edward John, postmaster, 23 Albemarle road t Cadou Com. Edward E., R.N.R., 2 Studland road * Cardew-Smith James Robert, solicitor & commissioner for oaths, Hildenhurst, 5 Park Hill road * Carter Arnold, solictr. 6 Church rd Catterns Rev. Thomas Edward Samuel A.K.C.L .. U8 Bromley rd Chamberlain George Harry, LL.B., solicitor, 6 Aldersmead road Christopherson Rev. Canon Brian, M.A., 1 Beckenham grove Churchill Miss J essie, certified nurse, 16 Birkbeck road t Clafton William, heraldic artist, 95 Wiverton road Clarke Lady, 7 Cedars road Clemeuts John Mathewson, M:.D., D.p.H.Lond. medical officer of health & school medical officer for Beckenham, 71 & 73 High street Colyer Arthur Ro, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., L.D.S.Eng., dental surgeon, Connaugbt bouse, 1 Southend road l Cooke Harry, teacher of singing, Durnsford, Maitland road Cornisb-Bowden Ambrose, M.R.C.v.s., veterinary surgeon, 127 High st t Cotton Frank, solicitor & commissioner for oaths, 9 Moss Lea road Courtney Rev. Stanley Thomas, Rosendale, 44 The Avenuc Cowl Mrs. Claire A., ladies' school, Minshull house, 3 Park road Curtis Percy James, M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.p.Lond., physician & surgeon, The Manor house, 72 High street Daniel R8V. William Mayou, B.A., Latymers, 68 Albemarle road Daniells Rev. John [Baptist.], 146 Birkbeck road * DaviefJ Rev. John Ossian [Congregational], 12 Church road Davies Rev. Robert Venn Faithfull, M.A., Ingoldesthorpe, 15 Southend road t Davis Hy., surveyor, 53 Lennard rd Davis William Alex., assistant insurance supt., Stoneleigh, Moss Lea road Denham Norman, L.D.~.Eng., dental surgeon, Greystoke, 29A lbemarle rd Dimmer Major John Francis, 24 Downs road Done Nevile S., solicitor,22 Downs rd Duffield William Henry, F.R.I.B.A., architect, Rossmore, 29 Hayne rd Dutton Rev. Alfred J. McMichael, M.A. [curate of St. George's l, 20 Bromley road Elstob Harry George, L.D.s.Eng., dentist, 26 Manor road t Everson Fredk. C.,C.E. 7 Studland rd Eves Rev. Ralph Shakespeare. B.A. LTJ.B. Chon. curate of St. Michael & All Angels'], 116 Birkbeck road Ewart S. Andrew, B.SC. 25 Aldersmead road t Fabel' Harald, F.C.S., Fiona, 92 Lennard road Falck Capt. O. M., R.N.13 Cedars rd Firldes Sir Geo. Vandeleur, K.c.1rI.G., C.B.. Heathfield. 60 The Avenue Finn Rev. Arthur Henry, 13 Manor road t Fisber George, assistant insurance supt. 42 Lennard road Fitzgibbon Rev. Gerald [Catholic], The Presbytery, 11 Overbul'Y aven Fleming Rev. Robert Stewart, M.A. [Baptist], 7 Manor road Fletcher Frank, manager of branch of London City & Midland Bank Limited (corner of Mackenzie road), 241 Beckenham road Foord George H., M.A., solicitor. 203 Kings Hall road Fosbery Misses, schL l21 Mackenzie rd Francis Mrs.H.,nurse, 35 Birkbeck rd Furse Capt. Albert Donald, The Gables, 95 St. James's avenue Gaitskell Edward Forbes, M.R.e.s., L.R.C.P., surgeon, Catton, 63 Crystal Palace Park road Giddings Geo. TllOS., M.D., M.R.C.S., pbysician & surgeon &; medical officer &; public vaccinator for Beckenham district, Bromley union, Hill worth, 38 Wickham rd Gover Alfred G.,, 15 Queen's road GreenF. KB.,accotnt.,l 5A,Samos rd Greene Arthur Weguelin, solicitor, 16 Fox Grove road Grewcock William Jas., L.D.S.R.C.S. Eng., surgeon-dentist,17 Manor rd Gribble Chas. W., manager, London and Provincial Bank Limited. 16 & 18 High street Grieve J., F.e.s., chemist, 9 High st Gulliver George J., Abbey school, Park road Gumpel Carl Godfrey, A.I.E.E., Luckstead, 3 Elm road Hall Geo. Jas., F.R.C.O. professor of music, Iken house, 48 Bromley rd Hamilton :Maj. John, 12J Venn~r rd. Hare Francis, M.D., Norwood Sanatorium, The Mansion, Beckenham park, Southend road Harmer Sidney Frede., SC.D., F.R.B.. 58 Albemarle road Harris Edwin W. &; 00., auctioneers & land & estate agents, Kent House station, Kings Hall road Harlington IIollse School (Miss Booth, principal), 207 Beckenham road HarvEY Rev. 'Walter [curate of St. Michael & All Angelsl, 116 Birkbeck road * Hawke Edward D. n., physician & surgeon, Tolgulla, Shortlands rd Hawkes Althur Barber, L.D S.Eng., dental surgeon, Egerton house, 12 South end road Hawkins William Isaac, manager of branch of London County & Westminster Bank Limited & ;"treasurer to Beckenham Urban District Council, 25 High street Hay Major Cameron, High Lea, 12 Copers Cope road t Hellins Henry H., M,Inst.C.E, 59 N ewbnos park Hewlett .James Edgar, :rtI.B., C.M., physician & surgeon, 108 Beckenhamroad t Hitchfield Capt. John J. P., R.N., 23 Newbnds park t Hoare G. W. R., professor of music, 8 St. John's road t HoaTe Mrs. G. W. R., girls' school, 8 St. John's road t Hodges Lieut.-Col. John Francis V.D., 71 Newlands park Hooper Francis U. F., F.R.I.B.A., Kelsey corner, Manor way Hooper George Norgate, F.R.G.B., I!'.R.S.S., Elmlei~h, 15 Hayne road Horton Major James, Mentmore lodge, 65 Capers Cope road Hayles Mrf'., eertificatcd nurse, 85 Kent House road Hudson ltcv. Edwel. Francis ~Williams, :M.A., 15 Styles way, Parklangley Hunt 011arles, M.lnst.e.E., Kelvin grove, 21 Rectory road Hyslop R. Murray, .J.P., Cedar lawn, 61 Wickham road Ibbotson Rev. Edmund, 29 Manor rd Jackling Ernest, A.R.S.I., chief sanitary inspector to Beckenham Urban District Council, 71 & 73 IIigh street t Jacobs Mrs. G., nurse, 9 St. John's rrad Jennings Cecil Fredk. Joseph, solicitor & commissioner for oaths, Bmckley house, 10 Braekley road Johnson AHd. H., L.D.s.Eng., dental surgeon, Connaught house, 1 Sonthend road t Jolmson Misses, ladies' school, Summerfield, ·1 Sydenham avenue Kay & Gill Misses, ladies' school, 13eckenham hall, 49 Bromley rd * J{cndall Misses, school for girls, Haymont, G Shortlands grove I Knight Rev. Herbert 'llheodore, M.A. [vicar of St. Mary's, Shortlands], St. Mary's vicarage, Kingswood road Ladds Mrs., ladies' school, Keppleatone, 10 Overbury avenue Lamb Ernest Henry, C.M.G., M.P., Pembury, 36 Copel's Cope road Landers William, professor of violin, 8 Linden grove Lane Leonard George, cbartered accountant, 33 Sianey road t Latham Rev. Walter Joseph lvicar of Holy Trinity, Beckellham], The Vicarage, 64 Lennard road Lea Rev. Percy Harris, B.A. [priest in charge of St. James' church 1, St. James' parsonage, 44 Croydon road, Blmcrs End Leathem Alfred Newman, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.p.Lond., physician & surgeon, Gwydor cot. 17 Gwydor rd Lees Rev. Harrington Clale, M.A. [vicar of Christ Church], Court DOWllS road Legg Herbert, assistant insurance sunt., 56 Parish lane Levens W. & Son, auctioneers, 1 Station buildings, SouUlend road Llellyett Miss J cssie, nurse, Bon Beckenham road Llellyett .Miss Nelly, manicurist & , chiropody, 309 Beckenham road Lovegrove Miss Mildred, artist, 1 Hectory road * J.Jucas Rev. Canon W. H., M.A., 'Aspendcll, 12 Shortlamls grove Lyle Thos., M.A., 41 Beckenham rd Mackenzie Miss C., .A.C.P., school & kindergarten, n St. George's road Maclean Major-Gen. Henry John, Ardgour, 24 Hayne road *McClellan Capt. Ferdinand Ewing, 97 Bromley road Macrae Rev. David George [Wesleyan], The Manse,Overbury avon Malmberg Mrs. Eva, teacher of languages, 190 King's Hall road Manger Charles Ernest, registrar of births & deaths, Beckenham subdistrict & relieving & vaccination officer & collector to the guardians & visitor under the Children's Act, 1908," for the No. 2 district of the Bromley union, Urban District Coullcil Off1ci~8, Bromley road (attends mono tUE'S. wed. & frio 5 to 7 p.m., thurs. 10 a.m. to 12 noon, sat. 10 to 11 a.m.) & 18 Beckenham road Manger Herbert Edward, collector to Bcckenham Urban District Council, assistant overseer & deputy registrar of births & deaths for the sub·district of Beckenham, Urban District Council Offices, Bromley road Mansell Rev. Henry,28Barnmead rd Marriott Fred, solicitor & com. for oath\'l,Maisonette,74Bcckenham rd Mather Hif'ht Hev. Hcrbert, D.D., 59 Albemarle road *Maw George, :M.u.c.s., L.U.C.P. Lond., physician & surgeon, Coningsby, In Beckenham grove Mayhew Norman, L.u'A.M., professor of music, 104 Bromley road . t Meab.y Waltcr C., solicitor, 32 Newlands park t Michael Cyril IDden, M. .A., M.B., B.C., physician & surgeon, Tre· lawne, 3 Crystal Palace Park road Morrh Henry, B.SC., F.R.A.S., 202 Croydon road t Mol'tlock 'Walter auctioneer, surveyor &, valuer, Tower chambers, 2 Byne road * Muirhead Alexander, D.SC., F.R.S., The Lodg8, 20 Church road Murray Percy Hope, :M.B., C.M., physician & surgeon, Wood thorpe, 112 Bromley lOad Neale Charles Goodall, solicitor, Denton, 32 Hampden road Ncill Thomas, J.P., Oakwood, 35 Southend road Nevares Don Celso, consul-general for Ecuador, Broad Lea. 14 Albemarle road NewthBoulcott Robert, professor of singing, Upton, 16 Queen's road t Newton Herbert Frederick, professor of music, 5 Byne road * Norgate Rev. Theodore Tracey, I..Th., F.R.G.S., F.R.Hist.s., 17 Scott's avenue Oulds Thomas, assistant insnrance Hupt. 75 Mackenzie road Parker James, masseur, medicogymnastic establishment, 27 Albemarle road Parkinson W. Wellesley, M.A., Collingham, 15 Barnmead road Peacock Rev. Mansel Reginald, M.A. [ curate of St. Mary, Sbortlands], 16 Valley road Peel Rev. the Hon. .Maurice Berkeley, B.A. [vicar of St. Paul's], Eyeworth house, 17 Park road Philbrick George H., preparatory school for boys, Clare house, 22 Oakwood avenue Phillip;;; & Penny, physicians & surgeons. Hamilton house, St. John's road, P. & Tudor 10., 2 Cator rd. S Phillips Albert Edward, district supt. of the Provident ASEociation of London Limited, Brooklyn, 47 Newlands park t Phillips Harry Harding, M.R.C.S. Eng., L.R.C.P. Lond., physician & surgn. Hamilton hO.6 St.John's reI Player Henry John, surveyor, 23 Clock House road Plowden-Wardlaw Rev. James Tait, M.A. [curate of St. George's], 60 Wickham road Prime & Sons, M.R. C.v. S., veterinary surgeons, 9 High street Prime Thomas F., M.R.c.v.S., veterinary surgeon, 15 Bromley road Puckle Mrs. Emily E., kindergarten & preparatory scbI. 86 Croydon rd IPuddicombe Edward Leomud, L.R.c.p.Lond., M.R.C.S. Eng., physician & surgeon, Claremont, Newlands park Ramsbofham Henry Robert, M.A., M.B.,, physician & surgeon, 20 Manor road Randell Reginald Maurice Henry, M.D.Lond., physician, Goodwood, 10 Copers Cope road Rason Hon.Sir CornthwaiteHector, Valetta, 54 Crystal Palace Park rd Reed Miss Edith M., private school, 79 Cedars road Reed Percy W., archtct. 79 Cedars rd Rigby Harry, M:.r.C.E., Algoa lodge, 8 Brackley road Ritson Rev. Caleb Jackson L curate in charge of All Saints' church], All Saints' parsonage, 43 Beckenham road Roper Edwin, LL.D., M.R.C.S.Eng., F .R.G.s., physician & surgeon, Oatlands, 86 Beckenham road St. Olaf's 8ehool (Misses Weisgerber, principals), 1 Cedars road Samoth Madame N., teacher of music, 23 Kendall road Salter William, Abbey school, Park rd Schofield Arthur, A.R.C.A., 31 Kendall road Seager John Renwick, J.P., Mundcndorrie, 132 Kings Hall road Shelmerdine Herbert,III.B.,C.M., physician & surgeon, 2 Wickham way, Parklangley t Silver Hugh William, M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.c.p.LOnd., L.S.A., physician & surgeon, Turret 10. 9 Newlands pk Sims Thomas, C.B., M.l.C.E., Heatherdene, 83 Albemarle road Skerry Rev. William Richard [Baptist], Beechcroft, 18 Cedars road Smith Charles James, solicitor & commissioner for oaths, Shenley, 2 Albemarle road I i Soper, Scott-Turner & Michael, physicians & surgeons, Trelawne, 3 Crystal Palace Park road Spenlove-Spenlove Frank, B.B.A., R.C.A., F.R.G.S., artist, "Yellow Door Studio" School of Art, High street Springett Herbert, M.R.C.V.S.L., veterinary surgeon, 75 High street t Starr George, assistant insurance supt. 148 Venner road Stevens Frederick, clerk to Urban District Council, clerk to Beckenham Education Committee & vestry clerk; offices, Bromley road Stevens Richard, J.P., Tl-Iaywood, Beckenham Place pk. Southend rd Stevenson Rev. John George, B.A. [Congregational], '76 The Avenue Stewart Frederick William, M.D., physician & surgeon, Pinewood, 11 Beckenham road Stilwell & Curtis, physicians & surgeons, Manor h01]se, 72 High st Stilwell George Robert Fabri~, M.B. Land., physician & surgeon, Stanmore house, 14 Southend road Stocker John Watson, solicitor & commissioner for oaths, Edenhurst, 66 Croydon road Stone & Tuck Misfes, nurseE', G Wickham road * Stone W. Bayford, M.A.. Tenhy, 62 Hcott's lane Strickland Harold .Foster, F.R.C.S .. The Limes, 4 Southenclri'lad Sutton George, .T.p.;Horue lodge, 56 Wickham road Swift Major Riehanl, 21 Malmains way, Parklangley t Symmons Geo. Vincent, chartered accountant, 108 Venner road Syrett Clarence Goullee, solicitor & com. for oaths, 22 Westfield. road t Tampin Frederick J., naturalist, 161 Parish lane Tapper John Edward, M.LE.E., engineer & manager to Beckenham Urban District Council Electrici ty Dept. 45 High streat Tapper Mrs. H., mid wife, 4: Croydon road, EImers End Thomson Major J., Westwell, 13 Kings Hall road Thurlby Mrs. William, medical & surgical nursing home, Kent house, Kent House road Todd Frederick, M.B.c.s.Eng., L.D.S. Eng., Sunnyside, 60 Croydon road Trapnell Francis Cyril, M.B., B.C. camb., M.R.C.S., L.B.c.p.Lond., physician & surgeon, Carlton, 23 Beckenham road Trimmer Lt.-Col. Augustus Richard, Parkstone, 22 Overbury avenue Tuckwell Lieut. Charles, R.N., 5 Belmont road Turle Edgar H., A.M.I.E.E., 12 Styles wa~', Parklangley Tyler Harold William, A.M.LE.E., F.R. G.s., electrical engineer, 2 Station buildings, Southend road tumney William Francis, M.D.LOnd., M.B.c.S.Eng., physcian & surgeon, Eardley house, 81 Lawrie Park road Vincent John Dunn, Ph.D., optician, 287 Beckenham road Waltoll Rov. William Heward Murray, B.A. [curate of Christ Church], 22 St. Georgc's road Wardle Hov. Joseph [Congregational],:-lhirley view,23 Langley 1d Wanrnel' Rev. Marmndllke, M.A. St. Barnabas vicarage, Oak Hill road Warrilow Mrs. Harriett. ladies' nurse, 2 Mackenzie road Watkins Harry, solicitor & commissioner for oaths, Melrose, 31 Kings Hall road Watts Charles T. F.,'.Lond., 31 Queen's road tWaLts Wm. Marshall, D.SC., tutor, Shirley, 174: Venner road Welch James Reader, solicitor, Brooklyn, 52 Kings Hall road Wetherell Wilfrid, A.R.C.A.Lond., 37 BaJgowan road . Whelpton Edward Smith, M.A., M.R.C.S.Eng., L.B.c.p.Lond., physician & surgeon, Gonville house, 3 Beckenham rOl-Jd White Sir Henry Arthur, C.V.O., 6 The Knoll White Mrs. school, 8 Wickham road Williams Rev. Robert Packenham, 99 Mackenzie road Williams James Lawfon, l\r.D.Edin., physician & surgeon, Holyrood house, The Avenue Winkley Major Frederick Stuart, Hazeldene, 51 Wickham road Woods Mrs., nurse, 6 Blandford rd Woodward Miss, nursing borne, 9 Creiicent read Wright Thomas, auctioneer & estate agent, Barnmead road Wynne Thomas & Ramsbotham, physicians & surgns. 20 Manor rd Young Thomas :McCubbin, M.B., F.R.c.s.LOnd., physician & sur· !Seon, 63 Capers Cope road


t Abbott Charles, 87 Venner road Abbott Donald Nicholl , 2 Overbury av * Abel James, 14 Shortlands road t Ablett James, 33 Byne road Abraham Mrs., li8 Belmont road t Abrams Mrs., 59 Lawrie Park road Ackerman Francis Albert, 228 Mackenzie road Acton Arthur, 92 Belmont road Acton Arthur, 75 Crystal Palace Park road Acton Arthur, 21 Hampden avenue Adam,! Albert, 43 Cromwell road Adams Frederick Glynn, The lfllms. Westgate road Adams Harold John, St. John's, 18 Oakwood avenue Adams James, 9 Blakeney avenue t Adams Mrs. 57 Byne road * Adams "Mrs. Thomas, The Oaks, 83 Bromley road Adams Oliver, Woodlands lodge, South end road t Adamson Frank. 50 Lennard road Adderley Mrs., The Firs, 61 Albemarle road * Addiscott Francis, 1 Church road Adkins Albcrt James, :M.D., L.D.S. 37 Beckenham road Adlerstein A. E., 49 The Avenue Adnams James Ernest, 5 Arrol road t Adsett Wm. Henry, 25 St.John's rd Aedy Ernest Thos. 104 Marlow rd * Agar Robert, 26 Shortlands road Agate Benjamin, 259 Birkbeck road Agate John Wm., R6 Ravenscroft rd Ainsworth G. 5A. Samos road t Aird Miss, 6 Naval Asylum, St. John's road Aird Mrs., ] 10' Marlow road Aitchison Mrd. Kismet, Manor way Aitken Jas. Adamson, 53 Kendall rd Akerman Hy. Thos., 7 Birkbeek rd Akers Chas. Wrightson, 22 Samos rd Akhurst Alfred, 9 Rowden road Alborough Henry; Conamur, 163 Copers Cope road * Albrecht Aken Fonthill, l5 Scott's av Alcock Harry, 31 Allen road tAlderson William, 70 Wiverton rel Alderton James Horace, 5a Clock House road AldrlJd William Robert, 27 Barnmead road Aldridge Albert, 13 Whitmore road ! Alexander Anthony, 12 Alexandra rd Alexander J olm, 11 Hayes way, ParklangIey ! Alexandel' Misses, 9 Wiverton road Alexandra Mrs., 14: Wickham road Allardyce Frank Wm., 22 Blakeney av Allaway Harold Clarke,4Hampden rd Allen Rev. Thomas Kingdon, 207 Kings Hall road Allen A. Victor, Ceres, 15 Cator road Allen Chas. Fcrris, ll Elmers End rd. Allen B'reel Tregarthen, Dane bank, 19 Kings Hall road . Allen Jesse, 8 St: George's road Allen John 0.,39 Belmont road Allen John Wm., 6 Kelsey Park rd t Allen Mrs. 15 St. John's road Allen Wm. Henry, 36 Kings Hall rd Allison Arthur Morris, Holmcroft.. Sidney road Allison Wm. Edwd., 14 Faversham rd Allison Wm.Edwd.168 ·Mackenzie rd Allum E. F. 42 Fox Grove road Almond Alfred U. 35 Samos road Alstc'll Sidney Herbert, Newlyn, Forster road Ambridge Geo. Hy., H Blakeney rd t Ambrose Frederick George, Palace Mount, 46 Crystal Palace Park rd t Amos Mrs, 7 Morland road t Amos Mrs., 9 Morland road t Amy Adolph Philip, Fernleigh, 63 Lennard road . Anderson Hev. Stuart Knox, M.A. [curate of .st. George's, Beckenham], 15 Ccdars rand Anderson Alex., 247 Mackenzie rd t Anderson Charles Walter M., 32 Byne road Anderson Ernest George, 33 Thayers Farm road Anderson Graham Stirling, 23 Shaftesbury road AlHleTson .John, 13 Sidney road Anderson Robert, 36 Barnmeael road Anderson William, 11 Duncuan road Alldcrton Fredk. Wm. 212 Birkbcek rd Andrew Norman, 128 Lellnard road t Anurew Reginald Alexander, 10 Studland road Andrews Alfred, Whyte cct, 128 Kings Hall road Andrews Alfd. Henry, 35 Durhan rd t Andrews David Palmer', Winster, 45 Newlands park Andrews Frederick, 211 Birkheck rd Andrews Fredk. Jas., R Belmont rd Andrews Thomas, Ingle Nook, 130 Kings Hall road Andrews Thomas Edward, 129 Ravenscroft road Angell JohnA. A.M. Le.E. 7 Wickham way, Parklrtngley Angle~s William lIy. 57 Arrol road Anley Frederick, 2IG Birkbeck road t Annett William, o Border crescent Anns Albert, Holmleigh, 26 Copers Cope road Ansell George, 102 Durban road Anstey Charles Rich, 118 Avenue rd Anwyl Edward, Oakdene,3Queen's rd Appleton Albert Ernest, 7 Arrol rd Appleton Fred, 27 Mackenzie road Appleton Llewellyn, 1 Malmaills way, Parklangley Apsley Arthur John, 21 Durban rd Archer EdwinGeo., 192 Mackenzie rd Archer Sidney Arth., (i Balgowan rd Ardant Harry, Ne" lands, 34 Dopers Cope road t Adfss Chas. Sawforde, 88 Venner rd Armitage Mrs., 103 Marlow. road Armitstecl, (l 1VI:iFs, 16 :Mackenzie road Armstrong Rev. Alexander Nenon, B.A. [vicar of St. Miehael & All Angels], St. Michael's parsonage, 7 Barnmead road Armstrong Thomas Hugh, Hazlewooel, 51 The Avenne Arnold Edwin Archbd., 13 Ramos rd Arnold Ernest, Wakefield, 95 Clock House road Arnold Ernest Wm., 39 Monivea rd Arnold 1VI:r".,Coo'ee, l Capers Cope rd Arnold Williain, 3 Bowden road Arnold Wm. Geo., 130 hureh Fields rd Arnolli William George, 4 Church rd Arnott Hev. Canon Heury, F.B.C.S. [rector of Beckenham, surrogate & rural dean of Beckenham, '{'he Hectory, 32 High street * Arter-Bourne Mrs., Lascelles, Kingswood road t Asbury Edwd, Vale, l09 Venner road Ash Hellr)' Thomas, 33 Durban road t Ash Mr::::., Courtcnay road Ash Percy J. W., 89 Mackenzie rd * Ashby Herbert Charles, 92 Ravensbourne avenue Ashdown Harry,95 Church Fields rd Ashdown John, 7 Blakeney road Ashton Frederick Jas.,63 Durbanrd Ashton Hubert S., Whitmores. Kelsey park Ashton Joseph Percy, Ashleigh, 2 Shortlands road Ashton Richard, lOt Avenue road Ashton William John, 57 Durban rd t Ashworth James, 184: Venner road Astbury Thomas Warbrick, 19 Wickham road Aste F. W., Quinta, 105 Albemarle rd Aste John, jun. Hawthorns, 6 Fox Grove road Aste John, Fairoak. 3 Overbury av t Aston Christopher, Penrhyn, 28 St. John's road *Atkinson Ernest George, 24 May's Hill road Atkinson Geo. Hy., 139 Mackenzie rd AttenboroughBernard,9Whitmore rd Attenborough Herbert, St. Helen's, 25 The Avenue Attenborough John, Rosslyn, 34 Oakwood avenue Attenborough John Arthur, Firbank, 9 Beckenham road Attree Fras ..Ju.,67 Church Field rd Attwood Harry, 40 Kent House rd Atzema Mrs., 13 Lea road Aust Cecil, 201 Blandford road Austin Charles, 28 Marlow road Austin Herbert, 140 Mackenzie road * Austin Walter· Geo., 87 Bromley rd t Autenne Jules,2A, Wiverton road Avery Daniel Betts, 4: Blakeney av Avis John, Phillimore, 15 Copers Cope road Avis .Joshua William, 12 Church Fields road * Ayden Mrs., 25 Shortlauds road Aylen Jn.Edwd.,86 Church Fields rd Ayling Arthur, Brook cottage, 2 Kelsey Park road Ayling F. A., lOt Beckenham road t Ayres Sidney Arth., It Maitlancl rd Azaucot Solame Horace. 26 Malmains way, Parklangley B t Bacon Arthur Ranulph, The Ferns, 25 Crystal Palace Park road Bacon Frank, 23 Marlow road, Bacon John Rayner, Delwarte house, 86 Mackenzie road Badger Mrs. S., 36 Bromley road Bagley Arthur William, 2 Woodbastwick road Bailey Charles, 138 Croydon road Bailey Frederick Charles, Padstow, Cromwell road tBailey Harry, R7 Lennard road Bailey Hy. Ernest S., 19 Cedars rd Bailey John, 36 Birkbeck road t Bailey Mrs. 94: Byne road * Bailey Octavius, 7A, Scott's lane Baillie James. 91 Chaffinch road Baine::; Eric Arthur, 56 Sidney road Baker Alfred John, J.P., St. Braunocks, 10 Southend road Baker Charles, 55 Belmont road Baker Charles, 15 Marlow road * Baker Charles Edmund, Park Hill lodge, 1 Park Hill road Baker Eli, 10 Thayers Farm road * Baker Evelyn, Park Hill lodge, 1 Park Hill road Baker Frederick William, Torridon, 14 Barnmead road Baker George Jas., 65 Chaffinch rd. Baker Herbt. Hy. A., 92 Barnmead rd Baker J., Folkestone, 24 Blakeney avo BakerJas., Sherbrooke, 16 Brackley rd Baker John Frederick, Rosalind, 231 Mackenzie road Baker Jn. Stanforrl, 71 Chaffinch rd Baker Joseph, 1B rhayers Farm rd Baker William Chas., 18 Samos road Bakewell William Whitehorn, LeIryn, Overbnry avenue Balding Mrs, Il2 Venner road Baldrey Frank, 26 Clock House rd Baldwin George, 2-:1: Rowelen road t Baldwin Harold Owen, 163 Venner rd Baldwin Henry, 56 Pelham road Baldwin Henry, 110 Ravenscroft rd Baldwin Miss L., 1 Sidney road Ball Charles Hbt... 35 Kent Honse rd Ball Joseph, 50 Belmont road Ball Mrs., 159 Birkbeck road Ball Heginald Francis, Kiora, 2 Cromwell road Ball William T., Harbledown, 24 The Avenue Ballantyne Jas. Robert"m - Sidney rd

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Ballard George Francis, Waldron, 73 Blandford road t Ballard George Wm.,158 Veriner rd. Balls Thomas, Maybank, 27 Albemarle road t Balson Thomas Jsph., 51 Lennard rd Bampfy Ide Mrs., 205 King's Hall rd. Banfield William, 53 Queen's road Banham John, -10 Church Fields rd Danham John. 83 Church Fields rd Banham Jn.:sen., 87 ChurchFields rd Banister Thomas, 7 Gwydor road Banks Charles, 28 Villiers road. Banks Robert, 34 Marlow road Banner Miss, St. Christopher's: 2 Rectory road Banning Ernest H., 27 Thayers Farm road t Bannister Alfd .. Jas.ll Studland rd t Bant Frederick, 98 Byne road t Banton Mrs., 153 Venner road BanYltrd Wm. Henry, !) Sidney road Barber ArthUl' Lea, 8 Styles way, Parklangley Barber IMk. Wm., 83 Kent House rd Barber Miss M. M., 191 Birkbeck rd Barber Mrs., 8 Bevi IIgton road t Bardrick Mrs.: Chatkyll, 6 Lawrie Park crescent Barham Chas., 132 EImers End rd t Barham David, 14 Tbesiger road Baring Jas. Oscar, 120 EImers End r:1 Barker A .G., 7 Hayes way, Parklangley Barker Althur, 32 Bromley rd t Barker Fredk. Hy., 62 WivertOll rd Barker Jas., Coolhurst, 9 Southend rd Barker Miss Helen, 56 Ravenscroft rd. t Barker Mrs., Il Crystal Palace Pk.rd Barker Percy, 55 Arrol road Barker Thomas Walter, 269 Beckenham road Barling William Edwin, Garstang, 7 Kemerton road Barlow Fredk., 85 Chaffinch road t Barlow Miss, 3 Naval Asylum, St. John's road Barnard Charles, 15 St. George's rd , Barnard Edwd. Wm .. 24: Wickham rd Barnard Ernest, 38 Samos road t Barnard. Henry Wrn., 24 Byne road Barnard Howell, Kelsey lodge, Wickham road t Barnard John Charles, 58 Crystal Palace Park road Barnard Misses, 72 Wickham road Barnard 'WiIliam, 19 Kent House rd Barnes Francis, Haslemere, 14: Ravensbourne avenue Barnes Frclk. Arth., 225 Mackenzie rd t Barnes Hrbt. Chas., 8 Courtenay rd Barnes Miss V. F., 136 EImers End rd Barnes Mrs., 5 Crescent road Barnes Percy Robt. 54 Barnmead rd Barnett Archibald , Tictor, 54 Clock House road Barnett Charles, Carrolton, 116 Beckenham road t Barnett Stanley Chambers, 129. Veriller road Barr John, 72 Samos road Barrett Charles, 1 Arrol road Barrett Edward, Morland house, 28 Albemarle road Barron Sidney, 42 Arrol road * Barry Frederick Herbert ,90 Ravensbourne avenue Bartholomew Milton,· Grassington, 3 Hayne road Bartlett Albert Thomas, !theola, 11m Capers Cope road Bartlett Hemy, () Arrol road t Bartlett Richard, The Cedars, flO iYiverton road t Bartlett Sidney James, 9G Byne rd Blutlett Walter, 213 Kings Hall rd Bartlett Wm A. W., 16 Oedars road t Bart1ett William Jarne~, Lonsdale. 46 Byne road Barton Edward Moore, 12 Thayers Farm road Barton Geo. 'Thos., 18 ViIliers road Barton Hy. Albert, 145 Mackenzie rd Basan David, 127 Copers Cope road Bashford George, 140 l Elmers End rd Baskerville Jn. Wm., 16 Aldersmead rd Bass Fredk. J.F., Hllrting. 5 Queen's rd Bass Herbert, d2 Villiers road Bassett Mrs., Birkbeck house, 83 Birkbeck road Bateheldor William George, 137 Mackenzie road t Rates WilliamHenry, 102 Lennard rd Bathurst Miss ,Beachleigh. 7 Scott's la Batley Frederick, [) Church road t Batstone E(tson, 13 The::ige r road Batterbury Miss, IH Balgowan road Batton Wm.John, 216 Mackenzie rd Baucutt Walter, 227 Mackenzie road BaneI' Charles, The 1{cst. 3 Aldersmead road Baugh Charles, H Samos road t Baugh William. 2 Lennard road Baxter Arthur, 3il Samos road Baxter Bert A. 17 Blandford road Baxter "B'rank, Ashurst, H7 Clock House road Baxter Frank, 9 Clock Honse 10:ld Buter Frederick Geo. lH Monivea rd Baxter Herbt. Geo. 9 AI(lersrnead rd BaXley .Jsph. Stphn., 114 Marlow rd Baxter Misses, 81 Copers Copes road Baxter Percy, 85 Blandford road Bayer Leo, Mait1ands 1 Blakeney rd * Bayley William A., Bryntirion, 7 Scott's avenue * Ray lis Stannard, Collendean, 14 Bromley grove Bayne C. G., c.s.I., 2 Oakwood aven Baynton Mrs., 15 Langley road Bayntnn Arthur, 75 Clock House rd BaYlltun Percy C.,206 Mackenzie rd t Readle Charles Edward, Ivy villa, 56 Byne road tBeal Walter, 2 Courtenay road t Beales William, 8 Morland road * Beall Howard Fl., 24 Sbortlands rd Beall Philip L. 2 :: Malmains way, Parklangley t Bean Mrs .. Downside, 16 Woodba~twick road * Beard Thiiss,The Cottage,15 Beckenham grove tBeard William J.,119 Venner road Beardshaw Wilfred, 24 Oakwood av Beare W. A., 5 Manor grove Beasley James H. E., 21 Church Fields road * Beatson Mrs., 3 Scott's lane Beaumont George, H5 Sjdney road Beaumont Henry, f:::t. James' lodge, 8 The Avenue Beavis Henry William, Ottery, 55 Albemarle road Beazley Harold J as. S., 41 Belmont rd Beazley Mavin John, Wentworth, 125 Copers Cope road Beazley :Mrs., Kingswood, 7 Park rd tBeckett M188. 9 Naval Asylum, St. John's road Bedding Thos. Waft., 79 Chaffinch rd Beddy WaItrr Hy., 10 Border cres BecHorrl JI)!m Henry, G6 Belmont rd Bedford John Hy. 82 Birkbeck rd Bedingfeld Hy. Havel'S, 9 Downs rd Beech William, 53 Copel's Cope rd Beecham William Edwd.,52Arrol rd Beeching Sidney, 10 Langley road, Elmer's End Beer Flederick, Ashlynn, 73 Albemarle road Beer Henry, The White home, 44: Oakwoocl avenue Belbin Edwin Jn., 217 Birkbeck rd * Belcher Harold H., 66 Ravensbourne avenue Bell Alfred Chas., 402 Blanrdford rd Bell Charles, 237 Birkbeck. road tBell Charles, 16 Linden grove Bell Frederic James, The Cottage, Oak Hill road Bell Frederjck, 233 Blrkbeck road Bell FrederiC' k Robt. 50 Arrol road Bell George, 392 Blandford road t Bell George Henry, 39 BJne road Bell Henry Allan, 11 Downs road Bell Herbert Maude, 13 Hayne road Bell Mrs., 19 Aldersmead road Bell Walter Will., 7 Whitmore road. Ben(lle WilHam, 5 Whitmore road Beney William Augustus, J.p., Jobannisbad, 40 Wickham road i Benfield Alfred Ernest, 40 Byne rd Benfield Mrs. 104 Byne road Benholm Clare, 44 Colesburg road t Benjamin Miss Miriam, A.L.C.M., . e.T.e L., 27 .Moss Lea road t Benkert Percy Bartrum, 159 Venncr road Bennett Frank Elkin, 74 Belmont rd Bennett Frederick P. 14 Forster rd BenneLt Harakl J abn, 5 Durban rd Bennett James Hellry, M.R C.S., L.RC.p.I,ond., 46 Bromley road t Bcnllett James William, Claremont, 5B Lawrie Park road Bennett John William, 3Manor view t Bennett Mrs., Chessington, 57· Crystal Palace :park road Bmmett "Mrs. H. J., fj DUrha!l road Beosted Richd. Jn., 19 Clock House rd Bentley Chas. Edwin,'! 1 Barnmead rd t Bentley George, 21 Cator road Bentley Thos. H., 31rhayers Farm rd Berggren Charles Victor, 65 Clock House road . Berk Felix, 3 Cedars road Berk Robert, jun., 12 Downs road Bernard Charles B., IOl Albemarle rd Berrett James, 20 Belmont road Berridge Mrs. H. A., Dunton lodge, 7 The Knoll Berry George P., 101 Croydon road Berry Henry, 55 Allen road Bertolle Ernest Chas., 40 Manor rel Bethell Fras. Jas , 172 Mackenzie rd Bettftlll Wm .Edwd., 193 BLandford rd Beltim Charle,,:. 44 Arrol road Retts Heul'Y, 46 Rowden road Bick Oliver, 183 Birkbeck road Bickerton :Mrs., 8 Piquet road * Bidder S. G., H8 Ravensborne aven Bindle Charles George, 76 Marlow rd Biggenden William, 14 Villiers rd t Bignell AlfreelCharles, 2 Morlanel rd. Bignell John James, WooelhaJ, 156 Blandford road Bignell Mrs;, 18 St. George's road i Bigwoocl Wm. John, 25 Newlands rd t Billett Frederick George, Edale, 2:1:W oodbastwick road Binfield Fredk. William, 1 Villiers rd Binfield Geo., 85 Church Fields rd Bing Arthur William, Ravenhill, 138 Kings Hall road Bing Edward }rrederick,4 Forster rd Bing James, 9 Manor way t Bireh Ed win, 106 Wiverton road Birch Hy. Clifton, 55 Chaffinch rd Birkett Hobert, 20 Aldersmead road Bischoff Arthur William, Fairfield, 80 /:::it. James's avenue Bish ~Jdwarel, 24 Mackenzie road Bishop Alfred Geo.,11 St. George's rd Bishop Walter Beacall, Northdene, Bcckenham Place pk. Southend rd t Bispham Chas., 50 Ravensbourne ltv Bissell Henry, 235 Birkbeck road Bitter Ludwig August, 63 Newlands park Blaekburn Charles, 74 Byne road Blackie Hector A., Ayentine~ 41 Albemarle road t Blackmore Percy, 90 Byne road Blackwell Chas Fredk. 35 Chaffinch rd Blake Charles, Kingswood, 11 The Avenue * Blanch Herbert, 19 Scott's avenue Blanch Miss, Radnor, 2 Westfield rd t Blandford Henry, 131 Parish lane Blandford Henry Benj. 47 Belmont rd Blandford Miss D. G., A.L.C.M., 47 Belmont road may William Joseph, 28 Belmont rd Blenkarn Stanley, 58 Cromwell road Blenkin@op Vincent,16 Westoourne rd t Blessley Rev. Henry George [curate of Holy Trinity, BeckenhamJ, 19 Maitland road Blinks Edward, 35 Arrol road tBliss George Walt., U Moss Lea rd Bliss Mrs., 63 Clock House road Bliss Walter, 120 EImers End road Bloc George James, 15 Sidney road Blow George, 63 Birkbeck road * IHnen Louis,The Knoll, 13 Scott's av tBlnett Cecil, 9:1. Wiverton road Bluett Mrs., 68 Croydon road Blundell Alfred Jas. 45 Monivea rd Blunden Edward, 51 Belmont road Blunsdon William Thomas, 5 Church Fie!ds road Blyth Miss, Dormston, 41 The Avenue Boag Samuel It., 1i Crystal Palace Park road Boase Robert Allen, Liskeard, 54 Kent House road Bodkin ChaIles, Horwood, 160 Blandford road Boeckmann Adolph,47 King~Hall rd Bohrer-Borges Victor, 17 Elwill way, Parklangley Bokenham Thomas Clifton, 11 Brackley road Bolas William Starbuck, Beaulieu, 211 Worsley Bridge road t Bolten Rol;, U Border crescent Bolus Harry Boulcott, M,B., B.C. cantab., J\LR.C.S., I..R.c.p.Lond., Brisgow ho., 20 Copers Cope road Bond Albt. Edwd., 61 Thayers~'arm rd Bond Albert William, Mayfield, 164 Blandford road Bona Miss,Trefusis,118 Mackenzie ra Bond Miss :M:.A., 58 Wickham way, Parklangley Bond Mrs. 13 Kelsey Park road Bond M:rs. G., 25 Manor road 1 Bone William Edgar, 1G6 Venncr I'lL Boorman Francis Pereival, 80 Beckenham road Boorman Walter, 51 Chaffinch road Boot Harry Edmund, Kirkdale, 2 Elm road Booth Edwa. David, 179 Birkbeck rd Booth George Wm., 47 Samos road Booth Henry Frederick, Glentholle, 188 Kings Hall roa(l Booth Miss, 297 Beckenham road Booth Mrs. Edwin, 4 Minor grove Bomston John, J.P., Ringwood, ~1 SO'lthend road Borman Mrs., 40 Pelham road Borrowman ~frf;. R., ,l Copers Cope rd Bosley EcLwcl .Jas., 13H Mackenzie rd Bostock Mrs., 21i St. George's road Boston John, 24: Piquet road Bosworth Jn. Chas., rd Bottbam Frederick, Ii1 Cbaffinch rd Bottiog Rgnld. Cecil,21 Faversham rd Bound Thomas, The Pines, 10 Westgate road Bourn Thomas Errington, Stanley house, 43 Queell's road Bourne JTIajor Frank, lG Kings Hall rd BourneI' :Mrs., 59 Copers Cope road Boutle Charles Frecleriek, Clovelly, 19 Alexandra road t Boutwood Walter, 80 Wh'crton rd Bowden John, 121 Birkbeck road Bowden Richard, Gatewick, 52 The Avenue Bowden Tom Lake, 20 Sheringham rd Bowden W. A., St. Beliers, 1i8 Mackenzie road Bowl Thomas Chas .. 34 Maekenzie rd Bowleil Alfd .Edwd.,'49 Clock House rd Bowtell Ebenezer Gad, 1 Scott's la Bowyer Joseph W., Carisbrook house, 28 The Avenue Bowyer Thomas, 50 Bromley road Box Frank Edward, Rosherville, 283 Beckenham road Boxall Daniel, H8 Mackenzie road Boyce Mrs., Oak bnk. 17 Copers Cope rd t Boyd John Alexander, 45 Parish 1a BoyeR Alfred, 6 Langley road Bradbury Charles H., 14 Hayes way, Parklangley t Bradford John James, 51 Byne rd Bradlf)Y Charles Johu, Norhill. 8 Kemerton road . Bradley Chas.Leonard,l Birkbeek rd t Bradley, James Chas., 145 Parish Ia Bradley Mrs .. 28 Thaycrs Farm road Bradsell II v. Geo.,72 Clock House rd Bradshaw Albt.E lwd.,108Avenue rd t Bradstreet Henry R., 3 Border eres t Brain Mrs., 11 Lennard road Brake Fredk. Walt., 3 Chaffinch rd Brambleby R., 32 Kent House road Bram pton Jn. Dunkeld, 23 The Avenue Brandt Fred., Roseleigb, 77 Copers Cope road tBrant Henry, 29 13yne road Bray William, 21 Chaffinch road Brazier Herman Fdk.,134 Croydon rd Brar.ier John, ;) Faversham road Br:1zict' John James, 74 S:1mos road Henry, 42 St. James's avenue tBreed Herbt. Wm., 85 Lennard rd Breer.e Arthur, 26 Oak Hill road tBreeze Jonathan, 69 Wiverton rd Brett AUren, 36 road Brett Edwin Wm., 25 Kelsey Park rd Brett Frdk. Joseph, 29 Copers Cope rd Brett George, 92 Marlow road Brewer Chas. Bd., 87 Clock House rd Brewster 'fhomas Ward,6 Oedars rd Brian Bernard, 81 Church Fields rd * Bride Arthur John, Crofton, 58 Ravensbourne avenue Bridge WalterWilliam,LangWarren, Manor way Bridger William, 26 Hampden aven Bridges Arthur J as., 47 Birkbeck r~ j Bridgman Leon, Ravenswood, 24 Newlands park Briggs Misses, 8 Oak Hill road Briggs Walter Thos., 92 Durban rd t Brightman Josiah, 13 :Morland road Brimmer Miss, Kimberley, 152 Venner road Briscoe Alfred Charles, 4l Queen's rd Bristow Albt. Hy., ~67 Beckenham rd Bristow Arth. Wm., 72 Cromwell rd Broad Joseph William, 61 Allen rd Broadbridge Ernest, 167 Birkbeck rd Bromley Miss, 25 Bromley road Brooke Mrs. Wilmot, 6 Manor grove t Brooker Ernest E. 64 Wiverton rd Brookes Wm. G., 22 Church Fields rd Brooks George, 202 Birkbeck road Brotherhood Hetlry, 48 Birkbeck rd Brotherhood Wm. Hy ,81 Birkbeck rd Brothers James, 95 Marlow road Boughtun Walter Edwin, 19 Kendall road Brown Capt. Wm. Luke. ij Park rd Brown Albert Yictor, 1 Church road Brown Arthur, 51 Cedars road Brown Bertram Bernard, lOa Birkbeck road Brown Charles Franklin. The Briars, 3 Oakwood avenue' Brown Chas. Fredk., 12! Croydon rd * Brown E. .Terard, Conlston, Shortlands grove Brown Eustace Yn Jentille. 17R Croydon road Brown Frank Blake, 13 Blakeney av Brown Fredk. Thos., 15 Hampden av Brown George, 43 Sidney road t Brown George, 21 Thesi~er road Brown Henry. 25 Thayel's Farm rd Brown Henry John, 47 Cedars road Brown Henry William, 6 Pelham rd Brown Herbert Albert, 14 W oodbastwick road Brown J. Lewis, 30 Oakwood aven Brown James Albert, 6 Villiersroad 1 Brown John Duncan, 35 Calor rd t Brown Maurice. 58 Kingswood rd Brown Miss, Brantwood, 1 Shortlands Grove Brown Miss, Copthorne, 45 Kings Hall road Brown Miss W., ltavellsworth, 47 Cedars road Brown Mrs. Anthony, Broomhill. 29 Southend road Brown Mrs. Eileen, Parkside house, 37 Southend road Brown Percy, 11 Manor grove Brown Robert, 5 Wcstfiell road t Brown William. 146 Parish lane t BroWne Fras. Albt., H: Wiverwn rd Browne Mrs. Gregory,;3-I: Bync rd Browne Mrs. E., :Hi) Kings Hall rd Bruce John Henry, 17 Chaffinch rd. Bruck William, Weylands, 21 SOIll heml road Brunning J-ames Smith, Beamsiey, St. John's road Bruton James AHreci, 16 Sidney road Brntton Mis", 18A, 8amos road Bryan John Holt. () Marlow road HI'yan Lindsay }1~.}1J.,!J!JAlbplllar1er(l t Buchanan Mrs.,Chepstow, 4 Woodbastwick road Buck Miss M.D., !) Blakeney road Buckingham Mrs., 39 Croydon road, Elmer's End Buckland John, 113Faversham road Buckley Jobn, 21 Qneen's road Buckley John Antbony,24: Sidney rd Buekley William Collin, 56 Wickham way, Parklangley Bueknall James Loyd, Langley court, Wickham road Buddc'n Frank, 71 Lennard road Budgett Harry B. Madehnrst, 45 The Avenue * Budgett Henry Brogden, Hazelrlene, Den road Buggim; Barrington M., 15 Thayers Farm road Buish James, 58 Rowden road t Bulkcley Miss, St. Patrick's, 4i) Crystal Palace Park road t Bull Edmund Watson, St. Johu's, 10 Cator road Bull William Relit'y, i) Marlow road Bullamore Mrs., 182 Croydon road Bullett. William, 33 Mackenzie road t Bullman Percy, 11 Alexandra road Bunce Ernest Robt A8 Cloek House rd BuneFrank Cuthbert, 15 Westfield rd Bunker Charles, 31 Pelham road Runney Jn. Stephen, 68 Birkbeck rd Bunting Charles, 122 Mackenzie rd Burbidge Fdk. Geo., 141 Birkbeck rd Burbidge Wil Ham, 73 Avenue road Burch Edward Martin, Heathfield, IfiO Mackenzie road tBuICh Robert William Osborne, 88 Wiverton road Burchell AIM. Woo 91 Albemarle rd Burden William, 5 Villiers road Bnrfic1d Mrs., 112 Wiverton road Burg Mrs., 137 Marlow road Burgess James, 66 Hammead road Burgess John, The Orchard, 21 Kings Hall road t Burgess William, Sandown villa, 63 Byne road * Burls Sir Edwin Grant., knt., C.S.I., ThornlclI, 17 Shortlal1ds grove Burn Wm.G.,Esbourne, 10 The Avenue t Burne 11rs. Edwnnl, Wilmington, 32 Crystal Palace Park road Burne Owen T., Oakery cottage, 122 .Bromley road Burness Gerald M:id(llotoll, C1 Jesleigh 21 Brackley road t Burton Fredk. George, 8 Cator rel t Burton Fredk.Thos., 1 Highland rd Burton George, 58 Durban road Burton William, Clarence house, 78 Samus road Burtonshaw .Tn. 1213 Church Fields rd Burtt Edwin W., Elvin, 71 Copers Cope road Burwood Francis, R9 Cecal's road Busbridge Edwin Hunt,69 Cedars rd Busby Leonard, 3 Monivca road t Busby NEss, 95 Venner road Bush Sydney Goo., 36 Hampden rd Butcher Albert, ;')1 Clock House rd t Butcher Alfred Percy, The Lodge, ,Yestbouroe road t Butcher Fdk.Sinclel, 7 Uaitland rd t Butcher Herbert, 1 Border crescent Butcher Lewis, Acacia villa, 82 Barnmead road t Butcher Miss, 48 Wiverton road Butcher Samuel, 4 ~amos rd. Anerley Butcber William Maxwell, The :Myrtles, 47 Copers Cope road t Hutcher William Maxwell, jun. 160 Venner road Butler Arthnr G., Ph.D, The Lilies, 124 Beckenham road : Butler Eciwd. John, 6 Bevington rd Butler Edward Ralph, 17 Kings Hall road Butler Frederick Wm.,79 Durban rd Butler Henri LanC(~, 76 Blandford rd Butler John Sealy, 63 Cedars road Butler :Miss KM , 307 Beckenham rd Butler William Henry, Ingleside, !)3 Clock House road Butt Mrs. Sidney, 40 St. James'sav t Butterfield Mrs., Ebor house, 71 Crystal Palace Park road Butterfield Thos. Riehd. 7 Rowden rd Buttfield Harold J as., 29 Kendall rd Buttfield Sydney Jsph., 17 Kendall rd Buttle Fred, 1 Durban road Bye Mrs., 51 Church Fields road Byles George Edwin, 28 Samos road Byrn Cyrus Henry. 67 :Mackenzie rd Byron John, Wyefield, 4 The Knoll C Cable WII'S. M., 107 Birkbeck road Caekett Mrs., Waverly, 51 Albemarle road t Cadou Commander Edward K, .N.R.. 2 Studland road t Cairns 'Jobn. 37 Cator road t Cakcbread Albert Ernest, 102 Venner road Callow Harry, IS Piquet road Callow Henry, 64 Birkbeck road Camp Mrs" 17 Birkbeek road Camp Richard, Trelawne, 151 Mackenzie road Campbell Chas. Aug., 14 Westfield rd t Campbell Miss, 5 Naval asylum, St. John's road Candy Alfred, 263 Birkbeck road Cannon Robert, 115 Ravenscroft rd Canter Joseph Snowden, 209 Kings Han road t Capes Gerald W., Southmoor, 38 Byne road t Capes J"ph.Stanlcy, !J6 Lennard nl Card George, 77 Allen road * Canlow-Smith James Rouert, Hildenhurst, ;) Pa rk Hill road Carey Herbert Douglas, 64 Wickham way, Parklangley Carless-Martin Samuel, Kirkley, 10 Barnmead road Carman Albert, 25 Wickham way, Parkbngley Oarpenter Alfred L., St. Mildred's, 46 Manor road Carpenter Cyril, 56 Cromwell road Carpenter Francis Colin, ISH Blandford road Carpenter Mrs., 96 Marlow road Carpenter Oscar, 45 ThayersFarm rd Carr J n.Elmhurst, 110 Beckenham rd Carr Reginald, Alcala, 75 Albernarle rd Carr Robert Charks, 39 Manor road Carrolll~dward, 38 Dur ban road t Carl'oll William Henry, HI Byne rei Carson Robt. H., 43 Hampden road * Carter Arnold, 6 Church road Carter George. 20 BabOWan road Carter Walter Hubert, Adston, 109 Lennard road Carter Walter Thoma~, Chulsa, Gl Lawrie Park road Carton Alfred, 41 All'!n road tCartwright Basil, St. Aubyns, 81 Lennard road Casllell Alfred l£rne-t, Zina, IB3 Copers Cope road Castell Jas. Burton, 137 Birkbeck ni Castell .Jn., Waylanrls, 1~ The Knoll Castle EclWard J., st. Ives, ;.198 Blandford road tCastle Mrs. F., 48 Lennard road Catiord :Miss. 14 Oakwood avenue Catling Harry, 38A, Samos road Cato11 Erasmus Stanley, Coney hill, 19 Fox Grove road Catt Alfrc:l Charles, 13 Kenlalll'C] Catt James, 2(; Piquet road Cattermole John W., 2:! Ravcllsbourne avenue Catterns Rev:rhqmas Edward tlaml., A.K.C.L., 118 Bromley road Catterson Rt. Edwd., 29 Scott's aven Catterson William Prince, 59 Kings Hall road Caulfield W .. J , 59 Queen's road Cavaliero David, 2-1: Albemarle road t Chabot Crlarles, 73 Lennard road Chaffey Henry, 9 Durban road Chalk Miss, 9: Wickham road Chalkley Richard, 14 Ravenscmft rd t Challis Stanley, 8 Lennard road t Chalmer;\ Alexander Bryce, 28 Crystal Palace Park road Chamberlain George Harry, J~L.B.. 6 Aldersmead road Chamberlin Harold Leo, l'ortsea house. 1 Aldersmead road t Chaml; Walb r, Westwood, 21 Lennard road t Champneys MissE., 12 St. John's rd Chandler Arthur, 9 Barnmead road. Chandler Mrl'., Oakdene, 129 Copers. Cope road Chandle!' Thomas, 35 Croydon road, Eimers End Chant Arthur Gilbert, 24 High St Chant Sidny, 20 Hampden road t Chapman AH1.Hd., 98 Wivertoll rd t hapman Arth. Duncan, 25 Byne rd t Chapman Chqrles, 44 Parish lane Chapman Erncs Arth., :1 Kendall rd Chapman Frcdk. Robt ,22 Marlow rd Chapman Henry B., 64 Queen's road Chapman Vaughan G., Loddington, 112 Beckcnham road Chapman Wlt. Wm. 74 Clock House rd Chappell Arth. Edwin,15Belmont rd Chnppell John, South loclge, 7 Brackley road ChRpple Fras.,Beverley, 25 Hayne rd Chapter James F., ;.18Queen's road Cbard William T., 14 Oak Hill road Charman Alfred Holland, 92 Blandford road Charman Charles, 34 Pelham road Charman George, 195 Birkbeck rd Chase George Henry, 7 Queen's rd Chase Mrs., 27 Marlow road t Chaston E. A., The Cottage, 20 Woodbastwick road Chatfield Charles Henry, 18 Thayers Farm road Checkley Charles Henry, 14 Thayers Farm road Cherry Mrs. M. A., 41 Hampden rd Chesham Joseph Wm., 13 Villiers rd Cheyney Mrs., 24 Chaffinch road Chick Horace Leonard, 24 Marlow rd Chiesman John Walker, Glen Edith, 35 Manor road Child Wm. Henry, 43 Byne road J Chilley Charles, !J4 Venner road Chinton Douglas, Fairlea~ 40 Copers Cope road Chisnell Edwin Turner, G Samos rd Chitty Richard Wm. 2 Manor view Christopher Mrs., Dunol1y, 54 Croydon road "Christopherson Rev. Canon Brian, M.A., 1 Beckenham grove Church Miss, Atella, 94 Beckenham rd Churcher William, Ashcot, 149 Mackenzie road Churchill Herbt. Jn. 16 Birkbeck ra * Churchill John, .Fircroft, 22 }\lay's Hill road t Clafton William, !l5 Wiverton road Clapham Benjamin Fisher, The Mount. 5;~ The Avenue Clark Alfred, 18 Elm road * Clark Alfd NonvellW ..35 Scott's av Clark Andrew llrnce, 21 Hampuen nl Clark Charles Douglas, :illlll'. Aehray, 38 Shortlands road Clark Charles William, Laurel cottage, 37 Mackenzie road Clark Brnet-t. 37 Durhan road Ulark Fredk. 'Walter, iii Durball rd Clark George, 155 Mackellzie roae] Clark James Edward. H BYllc road Clark Miss, LaUlistoll, 11 Elm road Clark MrR.. 277 Beckenham road Clark Percy H .. 10 Belmont road Clark Robe~t Wm .. allA. Smnos road Clark Thomas, 4 Pelham road Claark 'Walter William, 73 Dlldrhan nI Clark "Wm. George, 4: Balgowan nt Clark William J., fiR Samos road Clark William Jas., 72 Blandfonl rd Clarke Lady, 7 Ued:ll's 10all Clarke C. F. L .. 34 Clock House rd Clarke George' William, )Ialling villa, 4 Kelsey Park road Clarke Hrbt .Hugh, 2f)l Mackenzic rd Clarke John Gillard, Blef\k hOl/st" 113 Mackenzie road Clarke Miss, 27 Bromley road Clarke William, La Faloise, 72 Bcckcnham road Classey Gerald, (j Hampden road Clausell Gaston, Hi BeckenhHm rd Claxton Miss N., i) :Manor road Clay Charles F., ]3 se .Tohn"s road Claydon Jesse, 40 Rowelen road Clayton Alfred Benjamin, Paxtonia, G Kent House road Clayton Thomas, 81 Chaffinch road Cleere Henry .John, 49 Cedals road Clegg Jn. ,Newcastle, 54 Mackenzie rd * Clements Albert Charles, The CorlJel' house, 52 Shortlands road Clements .John Mathewson M.D., D.P.H.Lond. 2 Hayes way, Parklangley tClcmcnts Miss, 41 Lennard road Clements Mrs.. 21n Mackenzie road Clements Walter, 50.A, Samos road Cleveland Arthur, 13 Hayes way, Parklangley Clifton William. 24 Villiers road Clinch Arthur, Gl'ngariff, 21 Ancastel' road Clogg Mrs., 3G Manor road Cloud Albert Henry, 37 Thayel's Farm road t Clubb Leonard, 1 Cator road Coates Fletcher, Broadwater, :2 Hayhe road' Coates George Reginald, 3 Styles way, Parklangley * Cobb Frank, St, Margaret's, 70 Scott's lane * CobbHy.Fdk., Gat'ston, 1) Beott's av * cobb .Mrs., Romncy, 76 Scott's lane Cochrane Ernest E., 2 Southend rd Cochrane Mrs. Fitzlloy, i n-Iay's Hillroad Ccchranc Philip. 13 }'Tarlow road Cohen Joseph, 78 Birkhcck road i Colboul'tl John George William, 131 Venner road Colbol1l'l1e Louis, Llanfair,lfjPark rd Cole Edward] J. D. Stanford, lJ2 SL , James's avenue Cole Frederick. St. Agnes, 2 Kent House road Cole JEss, 28 HampdClI avenue Cole Percy William, 39 Sidney road Cole Thomas Cbarles,Abbotsleif!'h,30 Albemm Ie road Coleman Albt. Edwd. 13A, Samos road Coleman Charles Alfred, ~Jgerton villa, 82 Clock House road Coleman Frank Morris, 13 Rectory rd Coleman Mehd. 108 Ravenscroft rd Collard George Hy., 59 Mackenzie rd Collett Frederick A.,l'revone, 11 Mackenzie road Collett Harry Wm., 4 Belmont road ColICV'"Mrs., 50 Beckenham road Colley William John, 7 Villiers road Collier George Herman, Woodcote, 12 Westgate road Collier Gordon. Meadowhurst, 15 Redclons road' Collings Geo. Haytor,68 Cromwell rel !ColIings John William, 38 Woodbastwick road Collingwood Wm., 134 Mackenzie]'d Collins Chas. John, 35 Monivea rd Collins Ernest Stone, Roseville, () Barnmead road Collins G. H. 117 Lennard road ! Collins Jn. Lawrence. 3 Linden gro Collins Miss A. A., 47 Barnmead rd Collins Mrs., 8 Fox Grove road Collins Philip G., Beckenham Place park, Southend road ! Collins William T. 41 Byne road Collinson Mrs., Las Flores, 5 The Knoll Collister John, Aspen cottage, 1 Blakeney avenue Collister John Archd.8 Colesburg rd ColIs Walter, Derwent, 66 Copel's Cope road Collyer William, 8 Faversham road Collyer Wm. John, 1 Oak Hill road Colyer .Arthur R., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.! L.D.s.Eng., Connaught house, 1 Southend road t Combe Mrs., Stockwell cottage, 7 Courtenay road Comber Henry, St. Ives, Reddons rd ComfortFras.Harold, 17 Hampden av Comins Frederick William, A.C.LS., Fernlea, 72 "Wivertonroad Comley Ernest Albert, Glen Imnes, 84 St. James's avenue Coney Edward George, Luton villa, 7 Blakeney avenue t Conroy Robert, 11 Lindt·n grove Conway Seymour, Inglecroft, 46 Copers Cope road Cook Frank, 43 Allen road ! Cook Ricbard James, SG Wiverton rd * Cook William Wilson, Oakhurst, Kingswood road Cooke Arthur Jas., 1:)7 Chaffinch road Cooke Ernest Geo., 58 Barnmead rd tCooke Harry, Durnsford, 21 Maitland road Coombs Alfred, Ellerslie, 12 Kent House road Coombs Edward Alfred, 34 Albemarle road p oombs Francis John, 33 Anol road t Coombs Wm.Edwd., 116 Venner rd Cooper Albert, Omega, 1 Tudor road Cooper Cbarles, 14 Sidney road t Cooper Chas. Edwd., 160 Parish la Cooper ChItS. Osborne, Lyndale, 7 Tudor road Cooper Frank, 19 Langley road Cooper Hbt. Alfd., 211 Mackenzie rd Cooper James W. 40A, Samos road Cooper John Joseph, The Grange, il Lawn road Cooper Mrs. 10 Manor road Cooper Mrs., Pangbourne, 48 Kings Hall road Cooper Mrs. E., 60 Bromley road Cooper Samuel Thos., 47 Mackenzie rd Copeland Tom, 106 Bromley road Copeland. Barker Charles, Manesty, Upper EImers End road Copelin James, 53 Kings Hall road t Copp George, 132 Parish lane Coppard Edward, 179 Mackenzie rd Coppard Edward Thomas, 230 Mackenzie road Coppard Herbert Wm. 130 EImers End road Coppard RoM. Cecil, 83 St.James's av Copsey Geo. Wm. 107 Mackenzie rd Corben Albert, 279 Beckellham road Corbin Mrs., 7 Beckenham road COorbluth John, 12A, Samos road t Corcoran Edward Lewis Philip, 79 Wiverton road Cordes Miss, Braeside, 14: The Avenue Cording John, 9 Chaffinch road Corney Jonathan, 87 Mackenzie rd Cornish Bowden Ambrose, M .R.C.V.s., 127 High street Corp William, 9 Monivea road Cosby Eric, 18 Balgowan road j Cosens George, Woodleigh, 20 Crystal Palace Park road Cosford Ronald, 22 Forster road Costello-Bowen Hubert, 59 Clock Honse road Cotter Harry B., 41 Oedars road Cotterell Arthur Edgar, 64 Kings Hall road Cotterill Michael Henry, 32 Blandford road t Cotto!l frl}n~, 9 Moss Lea road Couchman W. 17 Styles way, Parklangley Counsell Claude Christr., 34 Manor rd t Courcier Victor Lawrence, 188 Venner road Court Edward .Jas., :2 Hampden rd Courtney Rev. Stanley Thomas, Rosendale, 44 The Avenue Cow Peter Brusey, jun., Marvin, 87 Albemarle road Cowdy Miss, 141 Marlow road * Cowen Geo., Heathficld,(jOScott's la Cowl :Mrs. Claire A. jHinshull howse, )3 Park road Cox Cyril William, 9 Birkbeck rd Cox Edwin 0., 53 Albemarle road t Cox Fredk. Wm., 41 Wiverton road Cox George, 48 Rowden road Cox Henry, 55 Clock House road t Cox Mrs. 42 Crystal Palace road Oragg Miss, 21 Cedars road Cramer Ernest, 7 Manor grove Cranfield William Benj., Tracy villa, 25 Gwydor )oad Craske James, 36 Belmont road Craven Miss,Sandhurst, 22 Albemarlc road t Craven Nathaniel, 9 St. John's rd Cray Richd. Jn., 10 Kelsey Park rd Crease Hy., Westtury,8 Barmead rd t Creasey Mrs., 44 Crystal Palace Park road Cree Arthur Walker, BrodsVforth, 124 Bromley road Crees J. E., Berrynarbor, 22 Kent House road Cresswell Richard, 95 Birkbeck rd Creswell William, 14 Blandford rd Creswick Paul, The Haven, 4 Scott's avenue Crippen Arthur, 27 Samos road Cripps Cecil Percy. 27 Allen road Cripps Walter Merton, Trefusis, 68 St. James's avenue * Critchley James Sidney, Rosegarth, 130 Ravensbourne avenue t Critchley Mrs., 110 Wiverton road Crittall Godfrey, 49 Wickham way, Parklangley Crockett Mrs., 2 Blakeney avenue Crofts John P., 68 Mackenzie rQad Crooks Charles McAlister, 101 Marlow road Croot Ernest W., Heathfield, 3 Albemarle road Crosby Mrs., 28 Queen's road Cross Thomas John, Thurstonville, 1 Overhuryavenue 1 Crouch Arthur, 127A, Venner road Crouch Miss Daisy, 65 Allen road Crowden Mrs E., 50 Queen's road Crowther Herbert Oakes, Broadclyst, i5 Wickham road Crowther- Beynon Mrs., Westfield, 14 Park road Cruise Henry ~t. John, 30 Clock House road Cruwys Wm. Hy., 432 Blandford rd t Culff Alfred, IG Moss Lea road Oullen Jas. Wm., 79 Kings Hall rd Cullum Jonathan, 46 Queen's road Cullum Wm., The Williz, 48 Queen's rd Culverwell James, 125 Marlow road Cumming Alfred Edward, 4 Kent House road Cumming Bernard Douglas, 10 Hampden road t Cummings Saml. Frank,12 Cator rd Cunningham Robert, 73 Allen road Cupit William Walter, Kelsey Park farm, Croyd~n road Curcher James, Oakdene, 52 Blandford road . Curd Mrs. 15 Monivea road Curryer Mrs. E., Ravensdale, 105 Lennard road Curtis Cornelius, 71 Mackenzie road Ourtis Henry, 65 Church Fields road t Curtis Lewis, 167 Venner road Curtis Lewis Percy, 18 Kendall rd Curtis Percy James, M.R e.S.Eng., JJ.R.e.p.Lond., The Manor House, 72 High street Curtis R. W., 70 Samas road Outler Charles, 382 Blandford road t Cutbush Chas. George, 59 Byne rd Cuthbert Arthur Wm., 5 Perth road Outting George, 30 Arrol road Cutting William, 32 Arrol road D DadeChas. Herbert, 17 The Avenue tDade George, 3 Studland road Dalby Henry Brooker, 26 Byne rd * DaleyMrs.J.C.64 Ravensbourne av t Dalton Frederick Geo , 68 Byne rd t Dance William, 30 Tresiger road Dandridge Alfred, Brooks Legh, 38 Albemarle road Dane A. Donald Roxwell, 9 Tudor rd Daniel Rev. William Mayou, B.A., Latymers, 68 Albemarle road Daniells Rev. John [Baptist], 146 Birkbeck road Daniels William, 10 Bevington road Dann Geo. Cruttenden, 52 Rowden rd Dark Edwin .Tohn, f; Sidney road Darling Fredk. Chas. 2 Balgowctn rd Dart Frank, 45 Chaffinch road Dashwood Mrs., Glenogle, 4 Crescent road Davey Ernest, 17 Wickham way, Parklangley Davidson David Geo., 45 .Manor rd Davidson William S., 25 Sarnos road * Davies Rev. John Ossian [Congregational], 12 Church road Davies Rev. Robert Venn Faithfull, M.A., Ingoldesthorpe, 15 Southend road Davies Chas. Jas., 180A, Mackenzie rd Davies Ernest George, 2 Whitecroft way, Parkhi.ngley Davies John, .72 Birkbeck road Davies Mrs., 157 Ravenscroft road Davies Nelson fly. Chas., 98 Bynerd Davies Roht. Uercer,13 Hampden av Davies Thomas Jas., 1 Bevington rd Davies Wm. Clark, 115 High street Davies William Frederick, Inglewood, 90 St. James's avenue Davis Albert Geo. 94 Barnmead rd Davis Edwin, The Olives, 83 Kings Hall road t Davis Henry, 53 Lennard road Davis Henry, 1 Thayers Farm road Davis James, Station house, Upper EImers l£nd road Davis James 1., 20 Blwill way, Parklullglcy Davis Jn. Hobt., 34 Thayers :Farm rd Davis John Thomas, 5 Birkbeck rd Davis Mrs., 21 Whitmore road Davis Mrs. M., 35 Pelham road t Davis Nathaniel, 19 Newlands park Davis Robert Johnson, Sand hills, Kelsey park Davis Thos. Wm., l89 Ravenscroft rd Davis Walter, 154 Croydon road t Davis William Alec, Stoneleigh, Moss Lea road Davison Hy. Harding,.30 Belmont rd t Davy Thomas Gibson, Llandaff, H Byne road Dawe Fredk. Wm., 144 Venner rd Dawe Mrs., 57 Copers Cope road Dawes Michael C. B. 37 Wickham way, Parklangley Daws Edwin, 3 Villiers road Daws Fdk. Thos., 45 Kent House rd Dawson Cecil, Shirley Hyrst, 64 Croydon road . Dawson Chas. Wm., 83 Chaffinch rd * Dawson Hy. Jn.26 Ravensbourne av Dawson Misses, 10 Perth road Dawson Philip, Maybourne, Springfield road Dawson W. Harbutt, Sunnydale, 6 Kemerton road Day Arthur John, Tugela, 56A, Copers Cope road Day George Henry, Heathbourne,ll Copers Cope road i Day Hichard Ethelbert, 71 WiveI'.., ton road . Day Thos. Geo., 163A, Birkbeck rd Deadman Thos. fly. 15 Villiers road Deakin: Thomas Boger,Oaklands, 42 Oakwood avenue DeakinsGeo.Fredk. 189 Mackenzie rd Dean Herbert Jas., 18 Barnmead rd De Buriatte Edgar, 132 Havensbonrne avenue D'Eath Percy, 45 Pelham roafi Death Walt. Fredk., 26 Marlow rd De Bruin Mrs. W., Ketton cottage, 9 Kent House road de Heger C. W., 9 Kendall road * Deimel H. L., 6 May's Hill road De Koninck :Mis;;, Woodcote, 90 Clock House road Delano-Osborne Uisses.6 Crescent rd . Delaplace Albel't,21 Kendall road D'Elboux Herbert Clare. 119 Marlow road Deller Miss, Khi va, Manor road De Maid Abraham, Ii) Kelsey Pk. rd De Maid Charles, 112 Mackenzie rd Demon nfl's., 21 fI Blandford road De Montezuma nladame, Cliftonville, 14 Capers Cope road . Dence Alexander R., D1lrley dClle, 42 Shortlands road Denham Norman. L.D.S.Eug., Greystoke, 29 Albemarle road + Dennett James, 100 Velmer road Dennett Miss S. K Whitwell, l:l,} Copers Cope road Denney Ernest E., Upl:mds, 6;{ Wickham road Dennis Daniel, :i3 Church Fields rd Dennis James, Sweetbriar, lUI Mackenzie road . Dennis Walt., Elm villa, Burnhill rd Dennis , William Hall, 38 Rowden nl Dennis Wm. Robt. Lorraine, 7 Elm rd Denniss Arthm, Camelford, 16 Kent House road t Denniston John T ..63 Lawrie Park rd t Dent Mrs., 4 Naval Asylum, St. John's road t Denyer James, 9 Westbourne road Dermer Thomas Master R, Wood lodge. 77 Albemarle road t Derrick .Frectk. Geo., 20 Lindell gro Derrick Miss, H7 Chaffinch road Derrick Victor P. A .. Park cottage, Manor way Deterding Henry W., Westgate, 5 Fox Grove road Deuchar Victor, 16 Balgowan road Deverell Herbert H. B. 11O Avenue rd Dew George, 138 EImers End road Dewclney Ifras. Godfrey,408 Samos rd Dewey George Stewart, ~4o Aldersmead road de Zoete Reginald Louis. 10 Elwill way, Parklangley Dickins Laurence S., 20 Downs road Dickinson Edwin G., 67 Queen's rd Dickinson Thomas William, 48A, Samos road Dieseldorff Wm. H .50 Copers Cope rd t Digby Samuel, 151 Parish lane Dighton Mrs., 20 Westfield road Dillon Alfred, Brooklyn,35 Hayne rd * Dillon Edward Went Worth, 20 Shortlands road Dimmer Maj. Jn. Fras, 24 Downs rd Dive Thos., Myrtle vil. 151 Birkbeck rd Divett Mrs. Ross,R09 Beckenham rd Dixon Henry, Woodville, 100 Beckenham road t Dobell Ernest, 4: Stud land road Doble Herbert, Hedruthan, 2 CouTt Dowlls road Doble Mrs. Muskegon, Court Downs road Doble Percy Frdk.,Brooklyn, 4: Elm rd Doble Reginald A., 38 Bromley road Dodd :Mrs., Tolhurst, 31 Kent House road Doclriclgc Albert I~dward, 80 Cromwelll road Doe George Albert, Bareham, 150 Blandford road Doggett Frederick James, 60 Clock House road D'Ombrain Henry Athol, 67 Wickham road Done Nevile S., 22 Downs road Dongray ErnestJn.98 Beckenham rd Dorey Mrs. }1., 7 Balgowan road Dorville George, 2G Wickham road Doughty Eldred R., 25 Pelham road Doughty lUI's., 130 Mackenzie road Dougill Mrs.Anne, lH E1mers End rd Douglas David James, 12 Forster rd t Douglas John Hoger, Homeleigh, 20 Alexandra road * Doust Charles Henry,150Bromley rd Dove James Walt., 221 Birkbeck rd Dove William, 18 Durban road Dowdell Hobert, 4 Downs road Dowling George, 10 Church road t Downing James, 47 Byne road Drabwcll Arthur H. J., Houghton, 315 Blandford road t Drage Thomas, 40 Wiverton road t Drakc Henry John, 4:3 Lennard rd Drake Leonard, 1GR Mackenzie road t Drake Mrs. 11 Naval Asylum, St. John's road Draper Alfred John, 33 Monivea rd t Dray Perci val Boycott, 117 Venner rd Drewry Vincent Harold, 77 Clock House road Drugborn John Frederick, Banavie, 27 The Avenue Drummond Wm. G., 12 Kentlall rd [ BECKBNHAM PRlVATE RE8IDENTS. 4va ] Drury liiehard, ! Barnmead road i Drysdale A. T., Chiclllda, Kings. wood road Drysdale Sydney A., 18 Braekley rd t Duc,os Eugene, 61 Newlands park Dudell Edwin, 131 Birkbeck road Dudell Edwin John, 40 Anal road Duder John K, 46 Oakwood avenue Dudley William, -19 Dyne roa'! Duff Joseph, 82 Blandford road * Duffield Frederick H., St. Oswald's ;) Chureh road Duffield William Henry, F.R.I.B.A., Rossmore, 29 Hayne road Duke Albert Aug., 52 Belmont road Duly Henry B. W. 42 Birkbeek road Dummett Harry T., 2 Queen's road DUll Jame ." 30 Oak Hill road Duncan Jn., Glenlyn,5 Mackenzie rd t Dunean Robert, 49 Newlands park Duncan William, Clunie cottage, 78 Beckcnham road t Dungate Gt'orge, 14-7 Parish lane Dunlop David, Dudley house, 25 Wickham road Dunmore Wm., 19 Church Fields rd Dunn Benjamin, 131 Marlow road Dunn Hugh Percy, F.R.c.s. The Chesnuts, 2 Copel's Cope road Dunn Jame,.; Wm., 117 Birkbeck rd Dunton Charles, 30 Villiers road Dunton George, 33 Allen road Dunton Percy Wm., 102 Birkbeck rd Durkin Cyril Bernar(i, 96 Durban rd t Durling'Thos. Duncan,31 Lennard rd t Durmall Charles, 12 :MossLea rei Durman Frederick, 24: Samos road Durrant Arthur, 2tJl Mackemd'I rd Durrant Frederick, Kelsey Manol' lodge, Kel'lcy square lJuttonRev. Alfred John McMichael, "LA. [curate of St. George's, 20 Bromley road Du valMiss,Dalstou lodge,9 The Knoll Dras Edmund, 32 Oakwood avenue Dyball Robert, 197 Mackenzie road Dyer Charles, 61 Uroydon road, EImers End "'Dykes Alfred Herbel't, St.Swithin's, 19 Shortlands road Dymond Hermon Robert, 22 Bland .. ford road Dyson Joseph Stephen, 70 Clock road E Eaden Mrs., 15 Pelham road Eadie James C., 53 Barnmead road Bagle William, 25 AlTol road Eagles Charles, 81 Durham road Eames Joseph William, 10 Elm road * Earnshaw A. J.t Tantallon, 4: Park Hill road Earwaker Ashley, Acacia, 16 Pelhain road Eastwood Fred, Bryntirion, 10 Kemerton road Eastwood Geo. H., 28 Blakeney av Eborall Alfd.,Lyndhurst,l Hayne rd Echeverria Vincente, 24 Brackley rd t Eckford Mrs., 4 Crystal Palace Pk.rd Ediy Mrs. S. E., 51B, High street * Eden Charles, 20 Valley road Edgar John, 16 Rowden road Edgecombe Bertie George, 28 St. George's road Edgecombe Wm., 26 Chaffinch road Edmonds Arthnr H., 37 Hampdeu rd Edmonds Walter Thomas, Rippington, 118 Beckenham road Edwards Albert John. Norgrove, 1 Hayne road Edwards Chas Alfd. 18l Mackenzie rd Edwards Fredk. Chas. 25 Chaffinch rd tEdwards George, 47 Lennard road Edwards Harry Woodward; Clivedell~ 12 Park road Edwards Herbert K., 61 Cedars rd Edward., John Percival, Glenvalc. 32 Cromwell road Edwards Mrs., 24 Durban road Eely William, 153 Birkbeck road * Eglington William, Park Hill hourse, Park Hill road t Elancl Mr':. 13 Wiverton road Elcome Freck. Walter, 29 Sidney rd Eldershaw Jn. Jsph. l-H Mackenzie rd Eldred Chas. Wm. 4ll Thayers Farm rd Eldridge Alfred, 208 Birkbeck road Eldridge Edward Aswortb, 21 Pelham road Eley William, 21 Arrol road Elgood Charle~ Alsager, The Croft,. Oakwood avenue Drury liiehard, ! Barnmead road iDrysdale A. T., Chiclllda, Kings. wood road Drysdale Sydney A., 18 Braekley rd t Duc,os Eugene, 61 Newlands park Dudell Edwin, 131 Birkbeck road Dudell Edwin John, 40 Anal road Duder John K, 46 Oakwood avenue Dudley William, -19 Dyne roa'! Duff Joseph, 82 Blandford road * Duffield Frederick H., St. Oswald's ;) Chureh road Duffield William Henry, F.R.I.B.A., Rossmore, 29 Hayne road Duke Albert Aug., 52 Belmont road Duly Henry B. W. 42 Birkbeek road Dummett Harry T., 2 Queen's road DUll Jame ." 30 Oak Hill road Duncan Jn., Glenlyn,5 Mackenzie rd t Ounean Robert, 49 Newlands park Duncan William, Clunie cottage, 78 Beckcnham road t Dungate George, 147 Parish lane Dunlop David, Dudley house, 25 Wickham road Dunmore Wm., 19 ChurGh Fields rd Dunn Benjamin, 131 Marlow road Dunn Hugh Percy,F.R.c.s. The Chesnuts, 2 Copel's Cope road Dunn James, Wm., 117 Birkbeck rd Dunton Charles, 30 Villiers road Dunton George, 33 Allen road Dunton Percy Wm., 102 Birkbeck rd Durkin Cyril Bernard, 96 Durban rd t Durling'Thos. Duncan ,31 Lennard rd t Durmall Charles, 12 MossLea rd Durman Frederick, 24: Samos road Durrant Arthur, 2tJl Mackemd'I rd Durrant Frederick, Kelsey Manol' lodge, Kelsey square Dutton Rev. Alfred John McMichael, "LA. [curate of St. Ge,!rge'sJ, 20 Bromley road Duval Miss, Dalstou lodge, 9 The Knoll Dras Edmund, 32 Oakwood avenue Dyball Robert, 197 Mackenzie road Dyer Charles, 61 Uroydon road, EImers End Dykes Alfred Herbert, St.Swithin's, 19 Shortlands road Dymond Hermon Robert, 22 Bland .. ford road Dyson Joseph Stephen, 70 Clock House road E Eaden Mrs., 15 Pelham road Eadie James C., 53 Barnmead road Eagle William, 25 AlTol road Eagles Charles, 81 Durham road Eames Joseph William, 10 Elm road * Earnshaw A. J.t Tantallon, 4: Park Hill road Earwaker Ashley, Acacia, 16 Pelhain road Eastwood Fred, Bryntirion, 10 Kemerton road Eastwood Geo. H., 28 Blakeney av Eborall Alfd.,Lyndhurst,l Hayne rd Echeverria Vincente, 24 Brackley rd t Eckford Mrs., 4 Crystal Palace Pk. rd Ed(iy Mrs. S. E., 51B, High street * Eden Charles, 20 Valley road Edgar John, 16 Rowden road Edgecombe Bertie George, 28 St. George's road Edgecombe Wm., 26 Chaffinch road Edmonds ArthnrH.,37 Hampdeu rd Edmonds Walter Thomas, Rippington, 118 Beckenham road Edwards Albert John. Norgrove, 31 Hayne road Edwards Chas Alfd.18l Mackenzie rd Edwards Fredk. Chas. 25 Chaffinch rd t Edwards George, 47 Lennard road Edwards HarryWoodward;Clivedell~ 12 Park road Edwards Herbert K., 61 Cedars rd Edward., John Percival, Glenvalc. 32 Cromwell road Edwards Mrs., 24 Durban road Eely Willi:tm, 153 Birkbeck road * Eglington William, Park Hill hourse, Park Hill road t Elancl Mr':. 13 Wiverton road Elcome Freclk. Walter,29 Sidney rd Eldershaw Jn. Jsph. l-Mackenzie rd EldredChas. Wm.4ll Thayers Farm rd Eldridge Alfred, 208 Birkbeck road Eldridge Edward Aswortb, 21 Pelham road Eley William, 21 Arrol road Elgood Charle~ Alsager, The Croft,. Oakwood avenue EHams George Ernest, 170 Mackenzie road Ellercamp Harvey Leonard, 41 Balgowan road Ellerker Henry, 36 Samos road Elliff Charles, 55 Birkbeck road t Elliman Albert, 57 Wiverton road Ellinger' Harry Leonard, 39 Balgowan road Elliot Charles Herbert, Kilk Braddon, '50 Croydon road t Elliott Arthur, 39 :Newlands park Elliott Henry F. 207 Birkbeck road Elliott John Dight, 18 Hidney road Elliott Isaac, 61 Durban road tEl1iott Mrs., 1 Naval Asylum, St. John's road "'Elliott :Mrs. 11. C. :Mellifont, 19 Shortlands grove Elliott Sydney Geo., 21 Blakeney rd Elliotli W'illiam. 178 Mackenzie road * Ellis TvIisses, St. Ives, 13 Shortlands rd Ellis Mrs., Highclere,45Barnmead rd Ellison Thomas, 91 Wiverton road Ellwood Ernest, 191 Mackenzie rd Elson Arthur, Northfield, 159 Copers Cope road Eistob Harry George L.D.s.Eng. 26 Manor road Elvidge William, 26 Belmont road Elward Parish A, The Haven, 131 Copers Cope road t Emeny Walt. Norman, 5Maitland rd t Emery Charles, 164 Venner road Emery Mrs., 31 Marlow road Emmans Henry A. 6 Colesburg road Ennor A. F., Ravenswood, 79 BromJey road * Ennor Henry M. Easthorpe, 12 Ravensbourne avenue tEnsoll Charles, 34: Wiverton road Ensor Guy, 21 Wickham way, Parklangley Ergmann Mrs., Roxana, 117 Marlow road ESJ?ersori William Victor, Beurlay, 11 Southend road t Etistace Frederick, 31 Wiverton rd t Eustace Robert Jolm, 204 Venner rd Evans Albt. G., Lathkill, 5 Hayne rd t Evans Alfred Henry, 17 Cator rd . t Evans Edward Danl., 30 Linden gro Evans Hbt. Edwd .. 7 Clock House rd Evans Miss, 6 Wickham road Evans lleginald Percy, 57 Wickham way, Parklangley Evans William Thomas, 8 Arrol road Evans Lawrence, 107 Clock House rd Evens Mrs. G., Dovedale, 20 Overbury avenue Everest Thomas, 59 Church Fields rd Everett George, 255 Mackenzie road Everington Mrs., Mertonholme, Wickham road tEverson Fredk. 0., e.E.7 Studland rd Eves Rev. Ralph Shakespeare B.A., Lr..B. rhon. curate of St. MichaeL & All Angels'], 116 Birkbeck road Evitt Henry Wm., 40 Kings Hall rd Ewart James Archibald, 39 AlbemarIe road Ewart S. Andrew, B.Sc., 25 Aldersmead road Ewer Ernest, 45 Leonard road Ewin Henry, 20 Clock House road Ewin Herbert H. 71 Clock House rd Ewin Stanley Wm" 24 Hampden rd Eyles George, 15 Blakeney avenue Eyre Harry, Welverdiend, 94 St. James's avenue F tFabbl'i Aurelio, 11 St. John's road t Faber Harald F,e.S. Fiona, 92 Lennard road· Faber Mrs.,Kinloch,l1 Fox Grove rd Facey Frederick, 24: Hampden aven Fahbrother Hy.Ernest, 26 Durban rd t Faithful Hy. Geo., 18 Westboul'Ile rd Falck Capt. O. M., R.N., 13 Cedars rd Falkenheim Franz, 4 Overbury aven t Faram Frederick Hy. 125 VenueI' rd Farmer Frederick Ernest, 60 High st Farmer Mrs., 76 Kings Hall road Farmer Theodore Ernest, 45 Mackenzie road Farnan John, Khkholmc, 16 St. James's avenue Farnworth Rbt.Arth.,27Hampden rd *Farquhar Misses, Cavenham, 112 Ravensbourne avenue t Farrance Arthur, 22 Westbourne rd Farrar Fredk. Wm., 37 Clock House rd Fan'in Charles Edward,2 Church rd Faulkner Tom Henry, Willoughby, 16, Rectory road Faulkner William, 4 Marlow road * Fawell Mrs.1Y[ayfield, Kingswoo 1 rd Fawell Stafford, 12 Elwill way, Parklangley Fell- Sidney George, Frampton, 203 Worsley Bridge road Felt Mrs., 49 Cromwell road Fenez Alfred A., La Roseraie, 80 Croydon road tFenner Alfred, 86 Byne road Fenner Geo. Arth., 75 Kent House rd Fenner Henry, 98 Marlow road Ferguson James, 50, Mackenzie road Ferrier James, 58 Clock House road Ferris William John, Burwood, 15 Sydenham avenue Fiddes Sir Geo. Vandeleur, K.C M.G., C.B., Heathfield. 60 The Avenue Fidge Thomas Richard, Glenhaven, 15 Kings Hall road Field George Lyon, Elmside, 10 Kent House road Fielder Percy Sidney, 34 Woodbastwick road t Figg Henry William, 115 Vennerrd * Filby Edmund, Fernbank, 10 Ravensbourne avenue Fildes Mrs. 11 Queen's road Finch Edward John, Copley Dene, 144 King's Hall road Finch William, 22 Bromley road Fincham Augustus, {) Faversham rd Findlay ,James Scott, Powerscourt, 78 The Avenue . Finn Rev. Arthur Hy., 13 Manor rd Firmin 'Charles Edward, Ellerslie, 18 Langley road Firmin Gerald E., 7 Elwill, way, Parklangley Fish John Edward, 9(i Birkbeck rd Fisher Fredk. Chas., 2 rrhayers Frrn .rd tFisher George, 42 Lennard road Fisher George Grayston, Glenhurst, 40 Barnmead road Fisher Herbert, Woodstock, 71 Albemarl0 road Fisher John, 9 Langley road Fisher ,William, 14 Belmont road Fisher Wm. Scivier, 8~ Marlow rd Fitt Frank Herbert, Roselea, 8 Cromwell road Fitter Horace, Garsdale, 31 Copers Cope road Fitzgerald Edwarll, 154 Yenner rd Fitzgibbon Rev. Gerald [Catholic], The Pre"bytery, 11 Overbury aven Fitz.Gibbons Albert Victor, 75 Wiverton road Fitzpatrick Arth. Wm. 17 Blakeney rd Flack Albert, 406 Blandford road Flaxman Mrs. C., 303 Beckcnham rd Fleming Rev. Robert Stewart, JI.A. [Baptist], 7 Manor road Fleming-tiandes Mrs. Grace, 34 Queen's road Fletcher Frank, 2U Beckenham road Fletcher George, 7 Cromwell road Fletcher Harold S., Woodlands, 2 Bromley grove Fletcher J.,8 Shaftesbury road Fletcher Joseph Andrew, Parklands, 19, Crystal Palace Park road Fletcher SamI. Jas. 238 Mackenzie rd t Flicker Miss Lucy, 81 Byne road IflinnWillhtm, 5 Aldersmead ro::td Flint Frank, 67 Chaffinch road Flower F. Mainwaring, Geltwood, 52 Wickham way, Parklailgley Floyd Fredk. Jsph. 7 Hampden av tFoden Mrs., 220 Venner road, . ! Folkes .Tohn Henry, 120 Venner rd Foord Geo.H.:M ..A.,203King'sHallrd Foot H. K., 32 Clock House road Ford, George Harry, St. Michael's, 63 Kings HaJJ road Ford Henry, 66 Marlow road . Ford Thos., Woodside,85 MackeIizie rd Ford Wm. Wallace, 88 Belmont rd Foreman Mrs., 8 Manor road Forman Hy. Chas. 34 Blandford rd Forrest Arth. Victor, H8 Blandford rd Fosbery Misses, 121 Mackenzie ,rd Foskett Arthur, 155 Ravenscroft rd Foss Emeot, 17 Aldersmead road Foss Stanley, 33 Manor road ., FORteI' Edward, 213 Mackenzie road Foster Harold James, 27 Anol road Foster Henry James, 34 Durban rd Foster R. G. 78 Church Fields road Foster William Robt., 25 Monivea rd Fowle Charles, Clifton villa, 4 Aldersmead road l fox Charles, Roslin, 14: Rectory rd. Fox Charles James, Ropleydene, 84 Clock House road Fox George Francis, 36 Durban road Fox Jn., Hopedene, 43 Kings Hall rd Fox Joseph William, 17 Downs rd. Fox Miss, 29 Malmains way, Parklangley t Fox Miss, The Fronds, 41 Crystal Palace Park road Fox Mrs. 20 Wickham road Fox Thomas Augustus,56Belmont rd Foxey Miss, 45 Copers Cope road Frampton Anthony, 186 Croydon rd Frampton James Geo. 3 Sidney road Frampton John Edward, Portland villa, 166 Blandford road * France Arth. J., 8 Beckengrove gro t Francis CharlesEdwin,4Linden gro t Francis Charles Wm. 86 Byne road Francis George, 1 Kings Hall road Francis Harold Alfred, 19 Queen's rd Francis Robt. Edwd.4 St.George's rd Francis Stephen, 56 Clock House rd tFrancis William, 75 Wiverton road Francis Wm. Arth., 10 Relsey Park rd * Frankis George, 14 Scott's avenue Franklin Edgar Bernard, Fernleigh, Kent House road Franklin William Jn.,34 Rowden rd tFranks Mrs. Henry, Weston Lea, 18 Crystal Palace Park road Fraser Edgar Hurst, 28 Wickham way, Parklangley Fraser John Alex., 17 Southend rd Fraser William, 255 Birk beck road Freeman Arthur, 47 Chaffinch road Freeman Benjamin, St. I ves, 20 Kent House road Freese John, 12 Croydon road, EImers End Freeston Hy. Tas. 132 Mackenzie rd Fremel Ferdinand, 3 Westgate road t French MatthewHy.,149 Venner rd French Reginald Thomas George, 70 Mackenzie road Frick Otto, 50 Kings Hall road Friday Ernest, 4 Durban road Friend Harry Durrant, 19 Faversham road Friend Mrs., 19 Manor road t Frogarty Edward Jn., 60 Byne rd t Froom Walter Hy., 54 Wiverton rd Frost H. J., 46 Mackenzie road t Frost John, Haslemere, 10 Westbourne road Fry Artb. Wm., 4~ Thayers Farm rd * Fry Charles R., Little Holt, 3 May's Hill road Fry George Ernest, 61 Arrol road * Fry Hubert Gerald, Trenton, 12 Valley road Fry Mrs. Hallett, 45 Beckenham rd Fry Vivian, 28 Elwill way, Parklangley Fryer Robel't, 38 Blandford avenue Fulker George, 130 Croydon road Fuller Albert, 69 Chaffinch road Fuller Harold G., 21 Langley road Fuller Henry, 99 Lennard road Fuller Mrs .. 87 Marlow road Fuller Mrs.'A. S., 70 Samos road FullerW 1L.Albt.,159 ChurchFields rd Funnell Frederick, 23 Kelsey Pk rd Furse Capt. Albert Donald, The Gables, 95 St. James's avenue Furze Frederick, 33 Alhemarle road Furze Mrs., Hazlewood, 35 Kings Hall road Futter Harry, 92 Bromley road G Gable Thos.Breese, 44 Mackenzie rd Gaite Frederick, Exmouth villa, 74 Barnmead road t Gaitskell Edward Forbes, M.R.C.S., L,R.C.P., Catton, 63 Crystal Palace Park road * Galbraith William Hugh James, 101 Bromley road Gale, Charles, 78 Marlow road Gale William Charles, Escombe, 32 Copers Cope road Ganey John, 15 Rowden road Galley Joseph, 7 Chaffinch road Gallie Mrs.,Elsinore, 64Albemarle rd Gallon George, 39 Hampden road t Gandon Herbert, 114 Venner road Gann Frederick, 24 Elm road Garabedian Vahan, 18 Clock Ho. rd Gardner Benjamin, 47 Cromwell rd Garoner Frank Simpson, 40 Albemarle road t Gardner John, Haroldene, 116 Lennard road t Gardner Mrs., Glengariff, 17 Alexandra road Garey N. E. B. Blithedale, 7 Sydenham a venue Garley Charles, 47 Allen road Garman Mrs., 21 Blandford road Garnar James W., Sherwood, 11 Westgate road Gamar Sydney '1.'., Meadow view, 15 Rectory road Garner Cbristopher, 216 Croydon rd * Garrard Edward Joseph, 13 Beckenham grove Garrard Thomas Fredk., 15 Park rd Garrett Chas.Adley, 21 Cromwell rd Garrett Frederick Letchfield, 180 Mackenzie road Garrett Thomas William, Hawthorndene, 32 Southend road Garry Alfred, Eccleston~ 62 Kings Hall road Garwood William Henry, Glencoe, 114 Bcckenham road Gasson Thomas Wm., 7 Church road tGa ukroger Hy. B.,65 Newlands pk *Gauntl"tt Mayor Frederic, 91 Bromley road Gear James, 11 Marlow road Gee Alfred George, Oakdene, 147 Mackenzie road t Gee Herbert, 2 Linden grove t Gee Miss, 210 Venner road Gce Mrs. E. E., 115 Marlow road Gell Edward Richard, Hazelwood, 39 Cromwell road t Gelsthorpe Th0s. Alfred, 22Byne rd George Miss, 105 Mackenzie road George Thomas, 95 Ravenscroft rd George Wm. Chas. 26 St. James's av German Charles, 69 Mackenzie rd t Gerner Alfred, 190 Venner rOl1d Gibb Jn. David, 50 Blandford road t Gibb Mrs. Ellen, 13 Lennard road t Gibbard Wilfred, 90 Byne road Gibberd Frank, 16 Westfield road Gibbs Charles A. Meadow lodge, Albemarle road Gibbs Dugald, 48 Belmont roaq Gibbs Herbert, Acacia house, 813 Venner road tGibbs Miss, The Cottage, 77 Crystal Palace Park road Giblet Mrs., 3 Bevington road Gibliu George, 52 Church Fields rd Giblin Mrs., 2 Pelham road t Giblin Mrs. Ellen, 78 Parish lane Gibson Charles Mervyn, 55 Queen's rd Gibson Godfrey William, Waltham house, 186 Mackenzie road Gibson James Edward, Warlei~h, 74 St. James's avenue Giddings Geo. Thomas, M.D., M.R.C.S., Hillworth. 38 Wickham road Gilbert Mrs.; Blencathra, 23 Sidney rd Gilbert Willi:lm Joseph, Jucunda, 7 Reddons road tGiles William, 11 Newlands park tGill Andrew, 8 Alexandra road Gill Frank, 12 Bcckeoham grove Gill )liss, Beckenham hall, 49 Bromley road Gill Mrs. Charles, IHA, Bromley rd Gillespie James, 19 Copers Cope rd tGillham Alfred Wm., 44 Lennard rd tGillham Arth. Edwd., 92 Byne rd Gillingham Mrs. C., 192 Birkbeck rd Gillman Percy Wm., 22 Rowden rd Gilpin Edwin, 25 Allen road Gilson William, 16 Thayers Farm rd * Gingell Jn. The Elms, 81 Bromley rd Gladwell Ernest F 0' 23 Samos road Gladwin Thos. 20 Church Fields rd Glanfield Stanley, Glen Lyn, 61 Copers Cope road Glanvill Cornelius Ruck, 9 Cedars rd. t Glass James, Dunedin, 4 Lawrie Park crescent Glas" John William, Kildare, lfi{ Mackenzie road Glazebrook Thos.39 ChurchFields rd Glock Mrs. M. H., 52 Sidney road Glover Alfred, 19 Kelsey Park road Glover Alfred, 74 Kings Hall road Glover Henry G., 90 Birkbeck road Glover Mrs. Emily, Lyndwood, 28 Hayne road t G1ynn Mrs., 23 Linden grove Godfrey Jesse William, 201 Worsley Bridge road tGodJey Gilbert Allan, Strathmore, 23 Cator road Godsmark Thos. Chas. 74: Marlow rd Godwin :Mrs., Roseleigh, 12 Albemarle road t Goffe William John, 12 Lennard rd tGolby James, 67 Parish lane Gold Hobert James Stiles, Selborne. 18 Crom well road Golder Robert, 45 Birkbeck road Golds George, J 88 Croydon road Goldschmidt Ferdinand E., Penryn, 61 Wickham road Goldsmith Mrs., Norbnry,137 Copers Cope road Goldsmith Oliver,30 Thayers Farm rd Gooch Edward Alfred, Ventnor, 26 Cromwell road Gooch Frederick R.., 17 Samos road Good Wm., Rydal Monnt,20 Hayne rd Goodall Frank, 27 Wivelton road Goodchild Fdk. Chas., 52 Kent Ho. rd Goodfellow Frdk. Wm., 45 Allen rd Goodliffe Edward, Lyndhurst, Westbourne road Goodliffe William, Ketton,10W oodbastwick road tGoodman Edward, 66 Parish lane GoodmanEdwd.Louis,84 Croydon rd t Goodman Mrs., 5 Mo~s Lea road Goodner Horace Charles, 185 Mackenzie road * Goodway Cephas Clifford. 30 Ravensbourne avenue t Goodwin Herbelt, 35 Lennard road Gordon Bertram Fuller, Girnoch, 151 Copers Cope road ! Gordon Miss, 77 Byne road Gordon-Smith Frederick, Nigella, 22 Elm road t Gorringe George, 134 Parish lane Gosden Albert Wm., 15 Arrol road Gosden Frank, 46A., Samos road GaskaI' Mrs., Ferndale, 73 Copers Cope road t Gosling Alfd. Snow, 37 Wiverton rd Gosling .Mrs~,30 The Avenue Gottelier Hellry Edwd., 55 Cedars rd Gould Alfred King, Holyrood, 70 Croydon road t Goulder Alfred Thos., 15 Bync road Gover Alfred G.. 15 Queen's road Govier Walter Edward, 46 Havenscroft road :{.Grace Frederick, 17 Byne road Graham Edward Alfred, Oakleigh, 39 Southend road SGraham Mrs., 32 Linden grove Grain Mrs., Lancaster house, 18 Copers Cope road Granger Harold, 68 Samos road Granger Samuel, 3 Hampden road * Grant Alexander Bryce, Urallleigh, 9 Scott's avenue . Grant Cardross, Bruntsfield, 75 Bromley road *Grantham Augustns G., Thornbury, 7 Bromley grove Grantham Harry B., 3 Arr6Lroad Grape Leonard Percy, 45 Hampden rd t Grassby Herbert, 33 Linden grove Gratwick Mrs. 80 Mackenzie road Grau Arth. J., I & 3 St. George's rd Graver William, 5 Hampden avenue * Graves Boydel, 20 Bromley grove Gra ves Charles. 52 Durban road Graves David Sydney, Radnor house, 5 Southend road Graves Stanley, 57 Thayers Farm rd Graves Thomas, 80 Durban road * Gray Alexander, 7 Shortlands road Gray Arthur, Myrtle villa, 82 Ravcns~ro£t road Gray Edwin, 1 Sheringham road Gray George,Fiona,168 Bromley rd tGmy John, 24 Thesiger road Gray Reginald, 25 Belmont road Gray Thomas, 36 An'ol road Gray William Andrew, 16 Kendall rd Greely William, 2 Samos road Green Edward, 3 "'oN estbourne road ureen F. E. B., 15A, Samos road Grecn Ferdinand Reuben, 23A, Samos road Green George, 31 Birkbeck road Green Harry, 139 .Marlow road t Green John, 55 Kingswood road Green :Marcus Edwd., 35 Kendall rd Grecn Miss, The Laurels, EImers .End road Green Mrs., Puckeridge, 30 Barnmead road Green Robert William, 12 Manor rd i Green William Hy., 7 Kendall road Green William J., 60 Durban road Greene Arthur W., 16 Fox Grove rd Greenfield Chas., 151 Church Fields rd Greenland Fredk. W., 22 Arrol rd Greenman Edwin, 152 Mackenzie rd Greenslade Miss, Elmdon lodge, 37 Copers Cope road Greenway Edwanl H. R., ]33 Mackenzie road Greenwoorl Charles Edward,Rlim,08 Copers Cope road Greenwood Mrs.,5 Tllayers li-'arm rd Greer Mrs. James, Malvcrn, 42 Barnmead road Gregory Francis Jas., 1 Monivea rd Gregory Henry H., Ingleborough, 48 Albemarlc road Gregory Walter, Glen hurst, 6 Beckenham road t Greig Chaf'. Edward: 1H5 Parish la Greig David,Red house,Southend rd Grenyer Harry, 90 Durban road Grenyer Harry Jo.15 Kelsey Park rd t Gresham-HyJe lYIrs., 107 Venner rd Grevatt Albt.Grant, 357 Blandford rd Grewcock William J ames,L.D.S.R.C.S. Eng., 17 Manor road Grey Bertram, 13 Bevington road Gribble Chas. W., London & Provincial Bank, ]6 & 18 High street Grieve Jas. I!-'. C. S., 1 Albemarle rd Griffiths Leonard, 3 Shaftesbury rd Griffiths Thomas, 28A, Samos road Griggs Tom, 17 Manor road Grisold William, 127 Marlow road Groome Ernest Jas., 53l VIackenzie rd Grose Francis Wellington, Cambria, 1 Bromley grove GroseRichd., Tintagel, 57 Wickham rd Grose Vincent, 18 Downs road tGrout Sydney Richd. 146 Venner rd Gulliver George J., Abbey school, Park road Gully Harold Edward Grew, Hi6 Birkbeck road Gumpel Oarl Godfrey, A.I.E.E., Luckstead, 3 Elm road t GunIL Donald, 168 Venner road t Guthrie John, 26 Wiverton road I-J: Haag Charles, 23 Aldersmead road Hackney H.C. ,Ridgewood, 39 Wickham road Hagborg Gustav e, 88 Beckenham rd Haggart John M.,Ashcott, 84 Beckeoham road Hagerty Walter, 22 Shaftesbury rd t Haines Henry, 69 Newlands park Haines Regnld.,Cotswold, 7 Perth rd. Rakins Joseph, ,i2 Bromley road Hale Henry, 5 Linden grove Hale Henry, Tavistock,9 Stanleyav t Hale James, M.A., 82 Parish lane Hale Mrs. E. S., 75 Copers Cope rd * Hale William A., Lyndhurst, 17 Beckellham grove Halford Charle:s Henry, "Woodlands, Manor way Hall Charles William, 10 Queen's rd Hall Edward, 33 Cedars road Hall George James, F.R.C.O., Iken house, 48 Bromley road Hall Henry H., 6 Durban road Hall John Edwd., 26 Blakeney avenue t Hall John Percy, Carville, 45 Lawrie Park road Hall Joseph Edmund, 7 Samos road Hall Richd., Quarry ton, 8 Hayne rd. Hall Victor, Thorniecroft, 52 Copers Cope road Hallett Thomas Robert John, 91 Mackenzie road Hambridge James Robert, 16 Shaftesbury road Hambrook Frank, fi4 Clock House rd tHamilton Maj. John,124 Venner rd Hamilton Hugh, 5 Oak Hill road t Hamiltoll Jones C. Claverton, 17 Westfield road * Raruilton Mrs. E. A., 128 Ravensbourne avenue Hamien Geo.,2! 'rhayers Farm road Hammond Eardley, The Hollies, EImers End road Hammond 1l'faurice, 17 Rowden road Hammond William, 65 Durban road Hamsher William, 1 Park road Hancock Misses, Parkhurst, 29 Wickham road Hancoek Richard, 27 Chaffinch road Hand Gilbert Stanley, 16 Chaffinch rd Handcock Henry .Tames. Northam, 140 Kings Hall roa,l Handeock Mrs.: Pent]nnds, ~9 The Avenue Hanclo11 William Hobert, liB Allen nl Hands Ebenezer. 4-H Chaffinch road * Hands lJdgar E. V. 134 Hayensboumc avenuc Hands Joshua Henry, Rosemary, 81 Kcnt House road Hankin Miss, Oakdene. 2 Braekley rd Haun Richard Thomas, Beaulieu, 101 Clock House road HannSidneyLinford,3] Hampden rd Hanscomb Arthur Colgate: 45 Balgowan road t Hansen Joseph, lil llYlle road Hanson William, ± Keudall road Harber Arthur, 28A, Pelham road Harber Horatio Austin. Ventnor villa, 147 Birkbeck road Harber John, 8 Marlow road Harber Harry, 2 Villiers road Hareourt Cyril Balchvin, 27 Queen's road Harding George R., Lindum, !) Fox Grove road Harding Jas., Shalom, Manor way * Harding James A., CnstJerac, Park Hill road t Harding John Charles, Church hous",Lennard road t Harding William Henry, San Remo, 75 Lawrie Park road Hardy Robert Brand, 55 Copers Cope road Hardy Walton, 8 Langley road Hare Francis, M.D., Norwood Sanatorium, The Mansion, Beckenhalll park, Southend road Harman George, 19 1tlackenzie road Harmer Ernest, Rutland lodge, Southend road Harmer Sidney Frederic, sc. D., F.R.S., 58 Albemarle road Harmer Walter Knight, Woodeate, Shrewsbury road Harmer Wm. Fredk., 223 Birkbeek road Harmon Adalbert Roger;;. Westneld! 50 The Avenue Harms Benj., .May villa, 4:Ron-den rd Harms George Joseph, Cromerl 20 Blakeney road Harms Jn., Llanberis, 119 Lennardrd Harold Christie, 21 Samos road t HarpeI' Jsph. C., Cawood, 7 Cator nl.. Hanis Artbur, 13 Durban road Harris l£dward, 109 Marlow road Harris Frank, 20G Croydon road t Harris Frederick S., 14:5 Venner nl Harris l\Trs., R Langley road Harris Mrs., 142 Parish lane Harris Mrs" 34 St. James's avenue tHarris Mrs., 147 Venner road tHarris Philip, 47 Wherton road Harris Samuel, 8 Beckenham road Ha,rris Thomas, 54 Bromley road Harris Walter' Eo, Aldersmead, 2 AIlersmead road Harrison Alfred, 11 Kendall road Harriso:1 Benjamin, Fernlea, 17 Barnrncacl road Harrison Er· st.Arth.27 Hampden av Harrison Francis Sladen, Amery, 56 Oakwood avenue Harrison Frank, Rutland lodge, Wfonivea road Hanison George, 35 Bromley road Harrison Jn. Wm., 134 Kings Hall rd Harrison William, 7;J, Belmont road tHarrisson William, 3 Alexandra rd Harryman Fredric, 58 Mackenzie rd Hart Arthur Wm. 24 Birkbeek road Hart Henry, 33 Marlow road Hart Hy. Cbarles, 223 Mackenzie rd Hart Henry James, 40 Belmont rd Hart Joseph Daniel, 10 Arrol road Hart Patrick, 210 Mackenzie road Hart Reginald M., 25 Sidney road Hart Sidney, Clifton,9 Kings Hall rd Harvey Rev. Walter (curate of St. Michael & All Angels'), 116 Birkbeck road Harvey Charles, 42A, Samos road Harvey Ernest W., 249 Mackenzie rd Harvey Montngue, SeatoD, 13 Clock House road *Harvey Mrs., Kingswood, 16 May's Hill road Harvey Mrs. J. ~J 36 Fox Grove rd Harvey William H., 26 Oakwood av *Harwood Benj. H., 9 Bromley gro Harwood Charles Wm., 56 Crystal Palace Park roacl *Harwood Joseph, 4 Shortlancls road Haselden Geo. F., 1rJ6 Mackenzie rd Hastings Emuannel, 155 Church Fields road Hastings John, Twyneham, 17 Shortlancls road Hatch Mrs., 8 Queen's road Hatfield ('hades Wmiam, FlI,ith locige, 180 Birkbeck road Hatton HaUliltoll Sydney, !)!} Marlow road Hawke Edward D. H., T01gu11a. ~hortlands road Hawke John Anthony, Hazelwood, Church roa!] Hawkes Arthur Barber, JJ.D.s.Eng., Egertoti house, 12 Southend road Hawkes Arthur Frank, lO Howden nl Hawkes elias, 47 Tbayers Falm road tHawkes Frederick George, B3 Wiverton road Hlawkins JaEl.Thos., 38 St. John's rd tHawkins Jesse, 12 Wiverton road Hawkins Percy W., 110 Ravensbourne avenue Hawkins William H,'. , 1 Queen's rd Hawkins Wm. Isaac, 25 High street Hawley Alfrtod Arthur, 29 Kings Hall road Hawley Robert ArtlJ., 3 Reddons rd Haworth William Henry, The Ferns, 5 Capers Cope road Hawthorn Edward Highlands, 50 Fox Grove road Hawton James S., 14 Durban road Hay Major Cameron, High Lea, 12 Copers Cope road Hay Frank Fae1ands, 32 Oak Hill rd Hay William George, 3 ~rarlow road Haycraft Mrs. A., 1 Elm road Hayden Henry, 22 Thayers Farm rd Haydon James, 39 Mackenzie road Hayes Daniel Jsph., 35 Clock House rd tHayes David R., Breithoi'n, 7 Byne rd Hayes :Miss~Brook cot. 37 Chaffinch rd Hayles Edwin Hy. 43 Barnmead rd Hayman Henry, Langley house, 23 Wickham road Hayne George Brendon, Oakley house, 19 Hayne road Haynes M:r8. E. M. 63 Queen's road Hayward Mrs. William, Parkhurst, 3 COpes Cope road Haywood Henry Alphonso, 30 Malmains way, Parklangley Hazall .Frank, 134 Eltners End rd Hazelgrove David Charles, 42 Colesburg road Hazell Herbert Samuel, 67 Allen l'a H,lzc1ton Jas. Wm., 46 Croydon rd t Head Edwd. Heury, fiOrhcsigl'r rd Heald T. D. 24.Wcstfield road Hean Walter John, 3(j Marlow road Heasman Ethelbert John, 157 Mackeozie road Heath Thos., Rivers1eigh, 10 Rectory rd Heath Thos. CeciJ.l2 Kelsey Parl( rd * Heat.hcote·Hacker MIS .. 28 Shortlancl~ roao Heathfield Henry, Hackwoods, Heddons road :j: Heaven Frns. Gyde, ll Sydenham av Hebblethwaite JOllathan,Clydesdale, ·17 Queen's road Hed~cock Archibald John, 14: Kings Hall road Hedley .Tolm, Hotspur house, Maekellzie road Hedley John Thomas~ Rainham, 13 The Avcnue Hedley William Jas.,61 Maekellzie rd. Heginbothom Mrs., Vernon house, 32 Albemarle road Heilbrolln Vivian Jn. 173 Birkbeck rd tHel1ins Henry H., M.Ill St. C.E. 59 Newlands park * Hellyer Raymoud S., 1 Scott's av Helson Ernest, 50 Sidney road Henderson HatTy Haldane, 11 Arrol road . Henderson Miss, 2 Blandford road Henderson Robert, J.B., The Hermitage, 76 Croydun road Hendy Albt. Henry, 59 Chaffinch rd Henfrey Arthur, Stone farm, Wickham road Henfrey G. Patrick, The Dower house, Langley park * Hennah Mrs. E. 24 Ravensbourne av t HenneH Ml's. Pcrcy, Gothic lodge, 4. St John's road tHennessy Alfred, 54 Byne road Reunion .Io:leph, 13 Langley road Henry Thomas, 14: St. Gem'ge's road Hensman Boswell, 34 Church Fields road Renville John T., 17 Belmont road Henville Walter, 35 Belmont road Henwood Ferdinand S. 28 Oak Hill road Herbert Charles, 31 Manor road *Herbert Owen, Trimley , 33 Seott's av Herbert Robert Wm., 7 Durban rd tHerdsman William Hemy, 22 Newlands park Heriot Eyre, Hollington, 85 Albemarle road tHerrick Percy Edwin, 31 Maitland rd Herrmann Berthold Frederick, Glistrow, 29 Beckenham road . Herzfeld . Gustave, Steglitz, 96 Croydon road t Hewitt Frederick, 26 Linden gro Hewlett James Edgar, ~LB., C.M.,] 08 Beckenham road Hewlett John Cooke, Hillside honse. 15 Fox Grove road t Hewlett Mrs.12 Naval Asylum, St. John's 'road * Hewlett Vivian C., Kenilworth, 26 Scott's avenue tHibbert Arnett, 42 Crystal Palace Park road Hibbs Wm. Hy., 194 Mackenzie road Hickey Ernest Albert, ;) Gwydor rd t Hick man GeorgeH.,33 1Iaitland rd Hickman Mrs. 27 .Monivca road Hicks Chri,>topher, 105 l3irkbeck rd Hicks Miss, I field lodge, 15 ~fackenzie road Hicks Henben, 4:9 Allen road Hickson John, 143 Mackenzie road Higgins Fred, U Blandford road Higgins William, Uyrtles, 35 Barnmead road Hill Alec, 30 Mackenzie road Hill Benjamin, 38 Church Fields rd Hill Ernest, 50 Cromwell road Hill James, 363 Blandford road t Hill Mi~s, 8 Naval Asylum, St. John's road Hill Mrs., 68 Avenue road Hill Mrs., Elderslie, 24 South Eden park, Wickbam road t Uill Mr!3.Emily, 101 Venner road Hill Norman, Darlf\ydale, 2 Colespurg road Hill Robert Hemy, 196 Birkbeck rd t Hill Whittaker Henry, Emu lodge, 57 Lennard road Hillier George, 13 Piquet road Hillier Mrs., 9 Church Fields road Hills Cecil David, Villars, 195 Kings Hall road Hills Mrs. Rosetta, 22 Brackley road Hills Mrs., Armadale, 139 Copers Cope road * Hillyer Mr R., Lyncroft, 15 Shortlands road Hilto.nJames l~dward Thomas Siriu:", 27 Samos road, Anerley Hin dMrs., 23 Croydon rd., EImers end Hinge John, 12 Langley road Hird George Fredk. 74: Croydon road Hirst Mrs. E. M., Kevington, 21 Copel's Cope road tHitchfield Capt. John J. P., R.N., 23 Newlands park Hitcbings William Henry,94 Church Fields road Hitt William George, 19 Elm road t Hoadley Mrs., 121 Venner road t Hoare Charles Campbell W~, 17 Crystal Palace Park road t Hoare G. W. R., 8 St. John's road t Hoare Mrs. G.W.R., 8 St. John's rd Hoare OswaldJspb., 100 Durban rd Hobbins Herbe~'t Charles, 88 Wickham way, Parklangley Hobbs Albert Edwin, 104 Church Fields road Hobbs Job, Bruce cottage, 49 Mackenzie· road t Hobbs Miss, St. Elmo, 38 Wiverton road . Hobbs Stephen, 42 Rowden road tHochstctter Frederick, 2± Crystal Palace Park road Hockin Misses, Zennor,40 Bromley rd t Hodges Lieut.-Col. John Francis, V.D., 71 Newlands park Hodges Alban Ernest, 67 Cedars rd Hodges Charles, 31 Hampden road Hodges Cyril James, Chudleigh, 31 Cromwell road Hodges John; Kenilworth, 87 Sf;. James' avenue *Hodgson Henry Hill, Escote, 2 Park Hill road t Hodgson John, 29 Lennard road Hoey Lawrence W:IlL, 71 Queen's rd Hoffman F., 38 Pelham road Hogben Henry, 65 Blandford road Holland Charles, 3 Thayers Farm rd t Holley John E., 162 Venner road t Holley Walter,_ 9 LemJard road Hollingdale Henry, 51 Kent Hollse rd Hollingburst Wm., 3 Gwyder road t Hollingswol'th :Mrll" 12 Morland rd Hollway Mr"., 16 Manor road Holman George, RidgemounL G Park road Holmes James Alfred, 46 Church Fields road Holmcsted CeC'il, 42 Pelham road Holroyd Frauk, ! Ewill way, Park langley tHolt Ernest, 83 Lennard road Holt Hy., Glenmore, ]8 Rectory rd Holtham Henry, 6 Birkbeck road Holway William, 5 Balgowan road Holyoake Frank, 54 Church Fields rd Homes Arthur Paget, 29 Belmont rd Homewood Henry Amos, Alfristou1 175 Kings Hall road t Homewood John, 26 Thesig:r road t Honey James, Homestead, 12A, Alexandra road tRoney Mrs., Fairlight, 1± AI. xandra road Hortnor William Ja nes. Dn.lkeit h, 26 Sidney road . Hood Harold W. T., 32 Samos road Hood Herbert, 76 Samos road t Uood Sydney John, B4 Newlands park Hood W. H. Douglas, Gwydor road Hooley Mrs., 9 Wickham way, Parklangley Hooper Francis G. ~'., F.R.I.B.A., Kelsey corner, Manor \\ ay Hooper George Norgate, F.R.G.S., F.R.S.S., Elmleigh, 15 Hayne road Hopkins Charles Hy., !.J4 Durban rd Hopkins Edward, 408 Blandford rd Hopkins Stephen, Kent House cottage, 1 Kent House road t Horlock Walter, 1 St. John's road Horn Albert J., 79 Avenue road Rom Jethro, 33 Birkbeck road t Horne Mrs. 2 Naval Asylum, St. John's road Hornidge Miss, 12 Manor grove Hornsby Perey Scnllard, 4! :Blandford road Horsey Frederick Samuel, 44: King Hall road Horsfall Misses~ Locksley, 197 Kings Hall road Horsman Henry, 46 Belmont road Horton Major James, Mentmore lodge, 65 Copel's Cope road Horton Alfred, 17 Kelsey Park road Horton George James, 11 Sidney rd Horton Isaac, Hayneho., 10 Hayne rd. Hose Miss, 9 & 11 Manor road Hose William Ernest Arthur, 14 MossLea road Hoskins Alid. Wm., 92 Beckenham rd t Hoskins Henry James, Beeleigh villa, 6 Westbourne road Hotham Hector, Penistone, 25 Hampden avenue Hotham Percy, 51 Thayers Farm rd t Homden James Bunting, Brooklyn, 31 Cator road * Housden Robert, Heronden, 7 Park Hill road Housdon Harold, 33 Hampden aven Houston William Henry, 1 Styles way, Parklangley How Leonard Percy, Ratcliffe, 47 Wickham road How Thomas William, F.R.G.S., Trinacria, 5 Barnmead road * Howard Edgar, Waxham, 41 Scott's av~nue t Howard James, 36 Crystal Palace Park road Howard Sydney, Lanherne, 54 Albemarle road t Howe Ernst. Edwin, 21 Lennard rd Howe Herbert, 30 Samos road Howell 1Vfrfl.,-Eskdale, 33 Hayne rd Huband P. T., 30 Blakeney road Hubbard Arth. Richrl.25 Durban rd Huckin William, 26 Kendall road t Huckin Wm. Jn. Thos., 45 Byne rd Hud"on Rev. Edward Francis Williams M.A.. 15 Styles way, Parklangley Hudson Cuthbert Bankes, 21 Elwill way Parklano-Iey Huds'O~l Frank, 10 'Hayes way, Parklangley Hudson .Tohn, 41 Samos road t Hughes Alfred McGregor, 29 Newlands park Hughes George Hy., 20 Queen's rd * Hughes Henry, Glengowan, 8 Park Hill road t Hughes James Hy., 11 Thesiger rd t Hughes Mrs., 29 Wiverton road Hughes William,\) Arrol road Hughes William Henry, -l: Perth rd Hull GeOlge James, ] Marlow road * Hull Miss,Sunn.vsicte, 8 Valley road t Hulse Mrs., 10 AlexanQla road Hummel Robert Horton, Oakhill house, 15 The Knoll t Humphrey Archibald Percy, 12 Linden grove Humphrey Miss Amy, 21 ~hnor rd Humphrey Thos..Alfd.,73Cbaffinch rd Humphrey Tho:,. Wm., 16 Samos rd Humphries Ernest, [) Manor view Humphry Alfred, 42 Mackenzie rd Hunt Charles, M.lnst.c.E., Kelvin grove, 21 Rectory road Hunt George, 213 Birkbeck road Hurlbatt RalpHenry,17 Malmaills way, Park langley tHurn James Charles, 137 Venner rd Hurren Percy Strachan, 11 Shaftesbury road t H ur:,t George Thos. 13 Linden gro Hurst Loftus, 39 Durban road Hurst Peter, Hadley, 60 Fox Grove rd. tHurst Thomas Wm., 10 Linden gro Hutchings John George, Stanley villa, 57 Chaffinch road HutchinsonHy ..H1 Church Fields rd Huthwaite Arthur, 39 Pelham road t Hutton Fredk. Jas., 9 Maitland nl Hutton Stanley Page, 30 Manorrd Huxley Samuel, 97 Church Fields rd Huxster John Nunn, Uranka, 26 Reddonsroad Hyde Henry MmTison, Addington, 27 Kings Hall road Hyde Miss, 8 Downs road Hyde Walter John, 39 Arrol road Hyslop R. Murray, J.P., Cedar lawn, 64 Wickham road Hyslop Robert J., ] 1 Bevington rd I Ibbotson Hev. l£dmund,29 Manor rd IIes Frank Burland, 7 Hampden rd t Im Thurn Frederick Charles, Ailsa, 61 Crystal Palace Park road lnglefield George, 2 Elwill way, Parklangley Ingles Robert, 30 Durban road Inglis Alfd. M.,Lynton, 16 Southend rd * Ingoldby Mrs., 48 Ravensbourue av Ingram Mrs., Southfield, 42 The Avenue Ingram Rowland W., 6 Malmains way, Parklangley Ingram Thomas David, The Grange, 34 The Avenue '"Irvine Hamuel, 4: Bromley gmve Ironside Gustave William, 187 Birkbeck road Ironside Louis Geo. 32 A, Samos road Ironside Thomas, Almeria villa, 215 Birkbeck road Irvine Mrs., St. Oatherine's, 40 Fox Gro\'c road Isaacs Miss Clara, 184. Croydon rd Ives James Geo., 25 Kings Hall rd Ives Robert Charles. 34A, Samos rd Ives William Thos.,' 9 Balgowan rd .T Jackling Ernest, A.R.S. 1.,58 Croydon road Jackson Arthur, Fernlea, 77 Kent House road Jackson Arthur. 43 Samos road t Jackson Arthur C. A., 52 Byne rd Jackson Charles, 16 Wickham road t Jackson Miss, Sussex lodge, 14 St. John's road Jackson Thomas John, Chelston, 5 Overbury avenue Jacksun Wm. D., 22 Albemarle road Jackson-Mason Mrs., St.Paul's lodge, 19 Park road. Jacob Daniel Charles, 80 Barnmead rd Jagged George, 15 Blakeney road J ag~;'·'r John, 38 Blakeney road .TallieS Harry, 261 Birkbeck road, James Stanley Dauphin Bunce, Eceloo, 121 Copers Cope road t Janes Frederick Wm., 88 Byne rd Janes Oliver, 11 Blakeney road Janion Edwin Manifold, 13 Westgate road .Jaques Mrs., 7A, Samos road * Jarmain William Arthur, Clovelly, 95 Bromley road Jarvis Arthur, ] 93 Birkbeck road Jarvis "Robert Lincoln,9Mackenzie rd Jarvis William Herbt., 11 Forster rd Jeal Albert Francis, 35 Birkbeck rd Jefferies Edward, 104 Birkbeck rd .Jefferiss Arthur Hcnry,Holmewood, Downs hill .Jcfferiss ThoR. Paschal, 48 Arrol rd Jeffcrson Charles, St. Tudno, 75 Kings Hall road .leffer.); WHliam JIl., 3 Hampden av .JeffrieR M:rs., Rowanwoocl, 7 Creseent road .Jeffries "Va1tel Henry, 4 Cedars rd Jcmmett Wm. Albt., 28 Hampden rd .Jenkins Frederick, 144 Mackenzie rd Jenkins George, 8 Kelsey Park road .Jenkins Harry, '7rj Avenue road !.Jenkins John, Netherton, :lO .Newlands park Jenks Uaurice, The Coppice, 34 Southend road Jenks William, 18 Forster road Jenks William,Ghyll bank, 10.:5 Clock House road t.Jenner Arthur, ii2 Wiverton road Venner Ernest, 14 Wiverton road .JCDner Miss, B.SC. Lond., St. Christopher's, 2 Rectory road Jennings Cecil, 49 Kent House road Jennings Cecil Frederick Joseph, Brackley house, 10 Brackley road .Jennings Miss, 13 Downs road Jensen Knud, llA, Samos road Jessop FrankCharles, 31 Monivea rd t Jessup Richard, 70 Byne read t Jewson Mrs., 5 Wiverton road Joel William Watkin, 29 Cedars rd !Johannes Hermann, 73 Crystal Palace Park road *.1ohns Andrew, G lencoc,n Park Hill rd .Johns James, 21 Kelsey P~lroad,::,"Ad Johns Bichard, Wardendale, 15 Beckenham rnacl Johnson Albert Henry, 3!J Thayers Farm road Johnson Alfred H., L.D.s.Eng., Connaught honse, 1 South end road Johnson Arthur Wilkinsnn, 3 Westfield road Johnson Bertram Alex., 11 Samos rd .Johnson Bezetbia, 5 Bevington road Johnson Charles, 34 Villiers road !Johnson Edward William, Perlton, 68 Wi verton road Johnson Ernest Frederick, Holmville, Manor way tJohnson Henry, 23 Lennard road tJolmson Hy.Bertie, 51 Wiverton rd Johnson Miss Madeline, 24 St,. George's road tJohnson Misscs, Summcrfield, 4: Sydenham avenue *·Johnson Mrs. G. W. M., 27 Beckenham grove .lohman Mrs. Isobelle Caroline, Oakwoorl, 88 Clock HOllse road Johnson Robert Hellry,HDul'ban rcl t-Johnstoll Robert W. 7 Border eres Johnstone Harry, 4:9 Hampden road Jolly Charles William, 74 Durban rd Jones Arthur, 23 Chaffinch road Jones Charles, 23 Allen road Jones Chas. Frertk., 16A, Samos rd Jones Edward, 03 Church Fields rd Jones F. E., 14 Wickham road Jones Fredk.,Beulah, 9i Albemarle rd Jones George, 96 Blannford road Jones Geo. Wilfrid, 190 Birkbeek rd Jones Hy., Pylades, 46 Blandford rd pones J oshlla Charles Ferrington, (HiWiverton road Jones Laurence Percy, 85 Kent House road Jones :Mrs. Charles Arthur, Grafton, 23 Copel's Cope road Jones Oscar, 175 : Mackenzie road Jones Thomas William, St. George's lodge, 24 Barnmead road Jones Walter Frederick Leslie, Burrell co1tage, 73 Wickham road Jones Walter George, 53 Allen road Jones Walter Jas., 126 Mackenzie rd Jordan Philip, 10 Kendall road Jordan Thomas Cl1ard;'s, Glenllurst, 9 Queen's road Joslin "Walter, 160 Croydon road Josling Sid lIey, 70 Hirk beck road Josolyne Cbnrle;:l, 67 Dyne road Joyp,e Benjamin,]'l0 Blandford road .Toyce Miss; Stndhnd,4 Kcmcrton rd. t.J ull Mises.H Crystal Palace Park rd :j:Jull :;\£rs.Eo, Sf> Hync road Jnnkison Albion, fi!J King" Hall rd t Jupp Arthur H., -U Parish lane Jnpp "Walter G02orge, 21 IIlarlow road t Jutcrbock Charles, Ho;;cf1~le, Lennard road I~ Kaile Walt. Thos., 18 Shering-ham rd t Kanaar Leo Stanley, Norway villa, lIO Venner road Kay Miss, Beckenham hall, 49 Bromley road Keating Robert, 12 Balgowan road KeiLy Robert William. lR Elwill way, Parklangley , Keeble Edward, l± Hampcleu roa:1 Keeler Miss, 27i5 Beckenham road Keeler Spencer, 86 Durban road Keen George, 1 Cavendish villas, EImers End road Keen John Horace, 18! Birkbeck.rd t Keen '1.'ho:'l.Walter, 9 Thesiger rd Ke~n Walter, 92 Church Fields road tKeith David, 10 St. John's road Kelk Herbert M., RO Aldersmead rd Kelland William, Feltwell, 191 Kings Hall road Kember Edwmd, Kent House rd Kemp George A., 7 Downs road Kemp :Mrs. ColqnhoUn-, U Langley rd Kempson William Joseph, Belgrano, Brackley road. * Kendall John George, Haymont, 6 Shortlands grove * Kendall Misses, Raymont, 6 Shortlands grove Kennard Alfred SanteI', Benenden, 161 Mackenzie road !Kellnard Frederick, 176 Venner rd Kensington Frederick James, 24 Malmains way, Park langley Kensington Leonard A., 28 Whitecroft way, Parklangley Kent lUI's., Sussex lodge, 41 Copers Cope Road Kent Owen, 3 Wickham road Kerr Robert, 19 Cromwell road Kerr Thoma'1 F., Claremont, 43 AlbemarIe rOflcl Kerry Samuel, R7 Copers Cope rd t Ke'ltgen Fredk. Wm., 172 Venner rd Keyw(od Arthnr, 11 Pelham road Kick George John, 18 Bevington rd t Kick Henry Jdhn, 27 Byne road Kick nIH'., 53 Cedars road t Kick William, 31 Byne road Kidman Edgar, 49 Queen's road Kightley Clarence, 77 Mackenzie rd Kilham Frank LawtoIl,22 Sidney rd Killick Richard, Ancuster road Killow Mrs., 5G Kent House road !Kimber .John, 132 Venner road tKimmins Walt ..Tesse, 40 MossI~ea nl "Kimpton Frank Egerton, Highcote, 154 Bromley road King Sir Alexander Freeman, K.C .n., Oakfield. H Fox Grove road ! King Edwrd. Mason, 10 Newlands pk. King Frederic Jas.,' 14 Blakeney av King George Wm., 43 Kent House rd tKing Harold Garner, 67 :Lennard rd King Lawrence, 76 Cromwell road King Miss, Mirzapore, 44 Bromley rd tKing Miss, 90 Venner road King Mrs. Bruce, Coningsby, 43 Wickham road King Thomas Hyatt, 24 Kings Hall rd King Walter James, 22 Piquet road Kingston Miss, 120 Bromley road Kingston Sidney, Craig-y-Don, 76 St. James's avenue Kingston William, 27 Sidney road Kirby Frederick, 198 Birkbeck road Kirkby Mrs. Ellen, 144 Croydon rd Kitchen John, St. Arvan's ,lodge, Kent House road Kitchin Joseph,Ingleneuk, 14 Brackley road Kitching Miss, 7 Forster road KitchingStanleyGeo., 62 Cromwell rd *Klaber Albert, Shortlands house, 158 Bromley road . Klingender Edward Hy., 1 Downs rd *Klinkhardt Julius, 'rhe Homestead, 93 Bromley road Knell William, 5 Manor view *Knight Rev. Herbert Theodore, M.A. [vicar of St. Mary's, Shortlands], St. Mary' vicarage, Kingswood road Knight Daniel J., 61 Dirkheck road Knight Edwd. Wm., 64 Belmont rd Knight Frank, 27 Aldersmead road Knight Henry, 29 Durban road Knight James Langabecr, 23 Kent House road . Knight Mrs., 172 Bromley road :j:Knight Mrs., Springfield, 22 Crystal Palace Park road Knight Thomas, 116 Mackenzie rd Knight Thomas, 2A, Samos road Knights Mrs., 30 Marlow road Knott Ernest, 9A. Samos road t Knott Robt. Hy: S., 17 Wiverton rd * Knowles Frank, 30 Shortland's rd Koch Charles, 48 Blandford road Koch James Kerrison, 41 Thayers Farm road t Kolkmann Hugo, 94: Lennard road t Koolman ..I!'redk.Geo., 133 Parishla KooIman John, 3 Birkbeck road Kuhlmei Carl, Melrose, 26 Aldersmead road Kydd William, 77 Avenue road t Kyte Wm. Corn ford, 151 Venner rd L Lacey Frank, 6 Kendall road tLadd Edwin, 18 St. John's road Ladds Mrs., Kepplestone, 10 Overbury avenue Ladson Miss Annie,218 Birkbeck rd t Lainson C. E.,Fernside,43Cator rd Laishley Mrs., 4 .Faversham road Lake Frederick, 23 Th'qers Farm rd Lake William,Kenwyn, 1 Queen's rd Lamb .Ernest Henry, C.M.G., M.P., Pembury, 36 Capers Cope road *Lamb Henry, 56 RavensbournA av Lambert Harry, Ivy Mead, 13 Aldersmead road Lambert Henry, 289 Beckenham rd tLambert Henry Jn., 35 B.vne road Lambie William Hy.,164 Croydon rd Lamerton Frederick William, sen.,S3 Elwillway, Parklangley Lamerton Frederick Wm., 15M:anor rd Lancaster George Thomas, 209 Mackenzit;l road tLanders Willin,m, 8 Linden grove Lancefield AlfredE., 70 Blandford rd Lane Charles, 66 Kings Hall road Lane Edwd. Kaspar,106 Croydon rd Lane leonard George, 33 Sidney rd Lane Misses,13 Wickham way, Parklangley tLnne Mrs., 23 St. John's road Langdon Harry, Kemerton,3 KeIHcrton road Langford Henry, 10 ·Wickham rf)ad Langford William Alfred, 20 Shaftesbury road Langley John Chas., 212 Croydon rd Langley John Thomas, 125 Mackenzie road ~Lanham Frank, The Firs, 16 Newlands park Larawan Mrs., 58 Beckcnham road Larcombc J. W., Fide Dene)3 Barnmead road . Larg Robert Frank, 6 Piquet road Larkman Arth.Jas ..2±Kent House rd *Larson Lars, Vcry'l Coppice, Den rd Laskey Sydney, 91 Lennard road Las1ett Anthony John, 71 Durban rd Last Walter Josiah, 73 Mackenzie rd tLatham Rev. Walter Joseph [vicar of Holy Trinity, Beckenham J, The Vicarage, 64 Lennard road Laumann Louis, 2 Bevington road tLaurie Andrew Hay, 143 Venner rd Lavender Thomas Henry, Trentham, 34: Kent House road Law Altrecl, Springville, 60 Barnmead road Lawrence Ed wd. Victor,5Kendall rd Lawrence Ernest Frederick, Domus, Crescent road tLawrence Henry John Octavius, 16A, Wiverton road Lawrence Jas., 153Church Fields rd Lawrence John. 153 Ravenscroft rd tLawrence William, 55 Byne road La wrence William, 14 Downs road tLaws David Wm., 55 Wiverton rd Laws Walter,Glenlyon,St.James's av Lawson William George, /)2 Wickham way, Parklangley tLay Reginald H., 9 Alexandra rd Layman Alfred Richard, Woolfield, Hayne road Layman Edwin, G1a,,;bury, 21 Hayne road Layzell Gilbert E. :32 St ..James's av Lazenby Charles, Oakfield, 22 South Eden park, Wickham road Lea Rev. Percy Harris, B.A. [prim;t in charge of St. James's church], St. James's parsonage, 44: Croydon road, EImers End Leach Albert, 1Hi Villiers road Leach CalvertJ I\s.,47()hurchFields rd Leach Edward Amos, 5 Kelsey sq Leach Edward Jas., 4 Kelsey squarc tLeach Frank Albert, 40 Thesiger rd Leach George, 20G Birkbeck road :j:Leach Miss Rose, 60 Crystal Palace Park road Leaman Frank G., St. Deny's, 42 Sidney read Leathem Alfred Newman, MR.C.S., L.R.c.p.Lond., Gwydor cottage, 17 Gwydor road :j:Le Banld de Nans }ladame,LexingtOll, 50 Crystal Palace Park road Lebish George Arthur, 32 Queen's rd Leueboer W. H., 16 Elwill way, Parklangley Ledger Mrs. E., Ii7 Copers (Jope rd Ledger Sydney W" 44 St. James's av Lee Alfred Jn. T., 50 Kent House rd Lee Chas. Russell, 9G Beckenham rd Lee Edgar, 7 The Avenue Lee Ernest A .. 13 Elm road Lee George, 20 Tbl\yel's Farm road tLee Jacob William, 68 Kingswood rd Lee John B., {)O Copers Cope road Lee Sydney, 311 Blandford road Ledc Jn. Wm., 85 Copers Cope rd LeekFl Thomas, 22 Croydon road, EImers End Lees Hev. Harrington Clare, M.A. [vicar of Christ Church], Court Downs road Lees Arthur John, The Gables, 4-1: Wickham road Leete ~lrs. Warren, 10 Cedars road Legg Herbert, 56 Parish lane Leig-h Charles 67 Clock House road Lcighton William, St. Dunstans, 37 Bromley road Leleu Charles Victor, 8 Forster road Le May Algerno~ E., 155 Coper;; Cope road Lemoine Albcrt, iH Belmont road ¥.Leonard r. D., :32 Shortlands road Leslie Bertie S., The Glen, 26 Pelham road Lester 1\:[rs., 31 Bec~enham road Levens Charles, 16 Croydon roa.d, EImers End Levens Miss, 5 Croydon road, Elmers End Levens WII's., Iniscorthy, Conrt , Downs road Leventhorpe Mrs., 12 Crescent road Lewer Sidney Herbt.. 6 Oakwood av Lewis Albert Robert,13 Cromwell rd Lewis Arthur Wilfrid, 20 Wickham way, Parklangley Lewis Cecil Aubrey,Cromwell house. 70 Cromwell road Lewis Edward, ()3 "Mackenzie road Lewis Edward Derby, 71 Cedars rd tLewis Jack Hyam, 69 Lennard rd *Lewis James W., 6 Bcckenham gro Lewis JosllUa Lewis, Twyfordbury, 8 Copers Cope road Lewis nIuklcy, 30 Pelham road tLewiR Thomas Henry, 6 Linden gi'O Lewis Thos. Hy., 21 Shaftesbury rd Lewis William, Bruceville, 416 Blandford road Leworthy Percy John, White Heather, 28 Aldersmead road Lewscy Hy. Wm., 55 Thayers Farm road Liddiatt Albert, 37 Arro1 road Light William H., 24 Belmont road Lindfield Harold, 2 :Mount Pleasant Lindley Arthur, Blakeney lodge, 4 Rectory road Lindley William Edgar, Capri, () Westgate road t Lindridge William, 25 Linden gro t Lindsay John" A. 0., Lily vale, 33 Newlands park LinesJohnAlfd,102 ChnrchFields rd tUnes Joseph, 198 Venner road Ling .T., :10 St. George's road Tink David, Fairlight, 36 The Avenue Linnell Herbert, Tbe Larches, 6 Southend road Linton Salmon, Childerley, 43 Copers Cope road tLipp Carl. 13 Cator road Lipscomb William Henry,26 Church Fields road Litchfield Egbert Langley, Uonville, 9 Westfield road Lithgow Miss, 26 Kent House road Littlehales Miss, 12 Wickham way, Parklangley Littlehales Mrs., Sherbrooke, 8 Rectory road Livingstone Mrrs., !) Malmains way, Parklangley Lloyd Edward, Ravenhead, 17 Fox Grove road Lloyd George Walt. 7 Capers Cope rd "'Lloyd Mrs., Oakfield, 14 Short· lands grove t Locatelli Pompeo, Hilda lodge, 4 Cator road . * Loch August, Loehhurst, 11 May's Hill road * Loch Rudolf, Torrington, VaHey rd Lock Charles, 42 Church Fields rd Locke Thomas John, 51 Durban rd Lockhart D. Elliott, 14 Malmains way, Parklangley Loekitt Stanley Valentine. 58 Queen's road . LoekwoodErnest, HChurchill!'ields rd Lodge Walter, 116 Avenue road Logan Maxwell, Choti.Khoti, 145 Copers Cope road Lobmeyer Edward. 27 St. James's av LongChas.,Treborcugh,Blandford rd t Long Mrs., 104 Wiverton road Long William. 54 Rowden road Long William Arthur, 56 Bromley rd Long _William Geo.,14 Rowden road t Longhurst Angelo, 106 Venner rd t Longburst Hy. Jn.; 25 Lennard rd Longhurst Sydney W., Hazeldene, -19 Kings Hall road Longhurst Thomas Fredk. George, 7 Manor Yiew Longley Oliver, Hillside, 47 The Avenue tLongley Thomas, 169 Venner road Long-shaw Edwaroad Macauley, 5 Macken;de rOll(l LoomesErnst.l!'nlk. 202Mackenzic rd * Lo£d John Goodsir, M.A. Lucania, 72 Scott's lane Love Peter, 23 Anol road Loveday Henry Seymour, A.C.I.S., 61 Queen's road Lovegrove Henry, Eboracurn.18 Fox Grove road Lovegrove Miss ~iildred, 1Rectory rd t Loveil Alb2rt, 80 Lennard road * Lovell Egerton Charles, Massilia, 58 Scott's lane Lovelock William George, Lynton 54: Blandford road Loveridge Wm. 388 Blandford road Lovering Albert William Rogers, 40 Cromwell road Lovering Alfred Ernest, Armadale, 4 Hayne road Lovesy Percy, 45 Belmont road Lowe John Walt., 295 Beckenham rd Lowe Norman Dalziel, Elmer grange, 72 Croydon road Lowe S. Hodgkinson, Kemsdale, 1 Westgate road . LoweWm.Jn.,Merieot.Kent House rd t Lowrie Mrs.,St. Ronan's, 43 Newlands park Lowry Mrs., 43 11anor road Lowson John Alexander, Bryansford, 50 Wickham road * Lucas Hev. Canon ·W. H., l\r.A., Aspenden, 12 Shortlands grove t Luck Wyndham Victor,102 Byne rd Luff ~lrs. 8!) Blandford road Luke Francis Rawling, Yew lodge, Crescent road Lumley Farrar, Treearn, 28 Kent House road Lumsden Frederick, 6 Rowden road Luson Arthur J., 9 Hampden road t Luttman Mrs., 89 Wiverton road Lyle' l'bomas, M.A. 41 Beckenham rd tLynam John Lewis, 36 Wiverton rd Lyne Harry, 2 Faversham road Lynes George Hy., 5 St. John's road !Lynn Robert, 83 Wiverton road !Lynn William, 43 Wiverton road Lynwood Mrs. Helen, 34: Sarnos rd Lys Douglas George, 16 Hampden rd !Mabh0tt Mrs., 5:3 Newlands park t McAdm Alexander,l Alexandra rd t McBean :Fredk. Wm., 6. Alexandra rd MacBean William Wilson, 32 Elwill way, Parklangley *:MacCallum J. Rac, 22 Bromley gro McCarthy Walter, 71 Birkbeck road McCarthy William, 3U4 Blanrlford td *.McClcllan Capt. rcrdinand Ewing, 97 Bromley road .McClellan Benjamin, Chinsurah, 51 Capers Cope road :McConachic Stanley, 3 Blakeney av MacDonald Thlrs.,Moray ho., 15 Elm rd Jlacdongall Jn.,Cona, ::n :::ltanley av "lace J ar,:.,L'>Ilsdale,79 Mackenzie road 'McEwen Wm. 8.,16 Clock House rd 1McGnire John Wm.,102 Wherton rd Macintosh Ernest, 1!.lSamas road Uack George, ·1o! Beckeaham road Mack Tbomas, 83 Clock House road Mcltay Charles, 2G Shaftesbury road McKa~ 1flrDest, o! King::; Hall read Mackay l.ewis G. 2\1., Whitecroft, ;')8 Fox Grove road Mackcnzie Hector Dlllld:1S, 30 St. James's avenue Mackenzie Hl'bt. Wm.5!.lCromwell road Maekenzie Miss, A.C.P., 9 St. George's road Mckcnzie :Thlunloch, Blair .Athol, 3 Cedars roul Mackenzie William, Highlands, 23 Pelham road . prackie William, 40 New lands park Mckintosh Allau, i) Chrystal Palace Park road Macklin Richard, 'Waveney, !Hi St. James's avenue McLanen Frank, 400 Blandford rd t MeLaren Mrs., 10 :Morland road :M"aclaren Neil, 122 lleekellham road Maclean Major-Gen. Henry John Ardguur, 24: Hayne road *MacLeay Mrs. M., 4 Ma,y's Hill nl McLeod Wm. Philip, 26 Samos road Macrae Rev. Da ,iii George [Wesleyan], The Manse, O\'erbmy av Macnamara Miss,273 Beckenham rd Macpherson Dnncan, Airlie, Reddam; road Mncpherson William Slrang, 25 Kent House road McQuade J. A., 12 Oakwood avenue MacraeMrd., Ferndale,53Wickham rd McSweeney William, 106 Marlowrd Macy Mrs., 10 Manor grove :Madden William, 16 Durban road Maddison Miss, 21 Allen road * "Iaddox Percy, The Hollies, :5 Scott's lane Mahoney Daniel F.,56 Rowden road M.ainlandLeslieGeo ..19St.James's av Maitlalld Frederic W., 12 Elm road Mallett Henry Stanley, Sylvanllurst, 6 Blakeney road Mallett John Moore. 23 Queen's rd .MalmbHg Karl. 19t) King's Hall rd MaIm berg Mr,;:.Bva\1HiJ Kings Hall rd Malpas Leslie .Gill, 40 Wickham way, Parklangley Malt Henry, 47 Clock House road :Maltby Charles Willlam, F.S.I., Duncliffe, i57 Copers Cope road MaltholJse Alfred, 5 Howden road Manger Chs. Ernest., 18 Beckenham rd Thlanger George Holtum, Brunswick house, 9 Manor grove Manger Herbert Edward, 18 Westfield road t Manley Herbt .Lawrence, 16 Piquet rd t Mann Alfred, sen., Dorasinga, 5 Courtenay road Mann Arthur Herbert, Lyndhurst, 92 Clock House road Mann John Stanley,36 Cromwell rd Mannering George, Rostrevor, 46 Wickham road Manning Mrs., 78 Barnmead road Mansell Hev. Henry,28 Barnmead rd Mansell Ernest, 1 Samos road * Mansell Ernest William, Holmcroft, 152 Bromley road * Maples Eo William, LL.D., lL Shortlands grov March Arthur, West Bank, 52 Oakwood avenue t March Mrs .. 25 Cator road Machant Miss, 51 Barnmead road. Marden Belcher, 23 Cromwell road Margerum Mi"s, 51B, High street t Margetson Mrs. PaulO., Derwent house, 1,5 Crystal Palace :Park rd Mark William, 32 Marlow road Marks Hy.Robt.,35 ChnrchFields rd Marks John James,17 LRngley road, EImers End * Marler Jn. Hy.,94Ravensbourne av Marno Adolph J. M. Courthorpe, 62 The AvenuE' * Marr Edward,Marleigh,18 Ravensbourne avenue Marl' John. 7 Kent House road J.\farriage Frank W., Ladybank. 20 Oakwood avenue :Marriage. Jas. ,Kynard, 35 Wickham rd Marriott Alfred, 32 Pelham road Marriott Fred, Maisonette, 74 Beckenham road Marsh CharlesGeo.,57 ClockHouse rd t Marsh Hy. Joseph, 2 Alexandra rd " Marsh Robert, 1 Morland road Marshall Arthur Edward, Waldersea, 48 Copers Cope road Marshall Edward, Edenholme, 23 Southend road Marshall E'lward Charles, 4 Shaftesbnry road Marshall George William, 24 Oak Hill road Marshall Gloster, Bordighera, 36 Oakwood avenue Marshall Osborne, 11 Wickham rd Marshall Thomas Edward, Lindum lodge, 26 Brackley road Marshall Wm. Geo., 38 Marlow rd l\hrsland Fred, Glendurgan, 38 Oakwood avenue Marston Edward Howis, A.M.LC.E., 92 Croydon road Martin Edward, 50 Durban road * Martin Harry L , 88 Ravensbourne av Martin Henry, 3 Balgowan road Martin James Henry, 18 Queen's rd Martin John Edward, 75 Allen road Martin John Hy., 10 Mackenzie rd Martin Lester, 16 Oak Hill road * Martin Miss L. R., 21 Shortlands rd Marlin Mrs., 4 Birkbeck road Martin Oscar, 37 Samt)s road Marzetti Edgar, 16 Hayes way, l'arklangley t Maskell Harry, 173 Venner road Mason Harry, 9 Hampden avenue Mason Hetlry, Westbourne, 59 Wickham road Mason Hugh Fredk., 9 Forster road Mason Inglis 'N., Rallworth,lO Stanley avenue Mason John Richard, Lynnwootl, lH Bromle\' road Mason John Thos. R., 22 Belmont rd Mason John W.,:\O Church Fields rd Mason Miss, 121i Croydon road Mnson Mrs. Jackson, 1 Kell1crton nl Mason Wm. Fredk., 170 Birkbeek rd plasters Ernest Edward, 14: Westbourne road Masters Leonard, Ellesmere, 78 St. James's avenue Masters Mrs., 10 Samos road Mastin Augustus Henry, Malling cottage, 21 Wickham road Mather Right Rev. Herbert, D.D.,59 Albemarle road Mather Harley Lawrence Lunesdale, 7 Fox Grove road Mathew Horace W., The Chemuts, 81) St. James's avenue athew Leonard Frank, Park view, 15 Aldersmead road Mathew Mrs., 9 Brackley road Mathew Walter, 109 Mackenzie road Mathiesen Charles John Herman, 76 Samos road, Anerley Matterfaee Frank, 21 Mooivea road Matthews Mrs. A., St. John's lodge, 14 Fox Grove road Matthews Percy Harold, 65 Kings Hall road Mattingly William, 108 Blandford rd MauntanAlfd.J n.1 OChurehFields Id * Maw George,M.R.c.S.,L.R.c,p.Lond., Coningsby, 19 Beckenham grove t Maxwell William, Villa Slamat, 77 Lawrie Park road May Alfred Percy, 109 Birkbeck rd t May Mrs., 161 Venner road May Richard, 112 EImers End road Mayhew James Longhurst, Avondale, 142 Kings Hall road Mayhew Mrs. E., 58 Byne road Mayhew Norman, L.R.A.M., 104 Bromley road Mayor Alfred John Edward, Colebrooke, 12 Westfield road :j:Meaby Walter C., 32 Newlands pk Meadows Henry Jn., 3!l Chaffinchrd Meakin Thomas R., GJenthorne, 4!5 Samos road Mears .Frank Victor, !7 Durban rd Measures Hichard Thoma:,;, Rogate, G2 Wickham road Medcalf Arthur, 6 Mackenzie road * Medcalf Edward F., Nokhroy, 27 Scott's avenue pledcalf Edwin, It10 Venner road Medcalf Mrs., 70 Kings Hall road "Nledina Joseph Francis, 6 Elwill way, Parklangley .MedlicottGeo.Harry,1 Hlackenzie rd Meek William, 1 Rowden road Meerer Wilfred, 80 Clock Honse rd tMein Jas. Turner, 70 Lennard rd Meles G(,ttfried, '19 Queen's wad Melton Ernest Aug., 13i Mackenzie rd Menehe Cllr1, 12 Hectory road !MenearEdwd.Alex.,32 Wiverton rd :Mel'cdith ~~.S., U Arrol road Metcalfe John Coates. ::l Elm road Metherell George, 3 Durban road. :Meyer Fraf'. Jsph., 34 Beckenham rd Meyer Frank Jn., 28 Overburyaven Mial1 Thomas Augustus, Brooklyn, 13 Heddons road :j:Micbael Cyril Eden, M.A.,M.B.,B.C., Trelawne, 3 Crystal Palnce Park ret !Michaelson .Max, Glynn, G9 Crystal Palace Petrk road of Middlemiss Mrs., 58 Lennard road Midwinter George John, 2!l Thayers Farm road Midwinter Henry, Kelsey Manor lodge, Kelsey square Miers Mrs. Susan Mary, Eden cot., 12 South Eden park, Wickham rd Mihigan Jeremiah, 172 Croydon rd Mileham Harry T., Copers Cope house, 3 South end road Miles Frank, 5 Pelham road * Mi1es Matthew, Netherfield, 13 Scott's lane Miles Mrs., 22 St. George's road Miles Mrs., 54 Sidney road Millar Henry, 6 Downs road Millen Alfred Edwd. :n BirklJeck rd .Millen Mrs. Caroline, 108 .EImers End road Miller Edward, Ballinacurra, 50 Howden road Miller Frank Thomas, 57 A.llen road Miller Henry 'rhos., 18 Blakeney rd Miller Joseph Charles, 4± Queen's rd :Miller Mrs. E., 99 Chaffinch road Miller lUI'S.. J., 5 Church road Mills Alfred, Dometo, Manor way tMills Chdstopher Jas., 37 Byne rd pIills Edmund Hy., 8 Wiverton ra Mills HarrY, 132 Blandford road Mills John: 28 Durban road Mills Masterman Powell, 220 Birkbeck road tMills William Henr.v,20 Bync road :j:Millwood William Robert, Appleby villa, 206 Venner road l Hindenhall Charles, 2 Piquet road tMinifie Frederick, 10 Wiverton rd Minter Mrs .. 55 Church Fields road Mintern Albert Chafl., 102 Byne nl Mitchell Edward Jn., 14 Cedars rd Mitchell Forbes T. Sebrof. 45 Cromwell road . Mitchell Frederick, ;~:") Balgowan rd Mitchell Geol'ge,24: Church Fields rd Uitchell George Thos.,770m ban rd Mitchell James, 55 Durban road MitchellLuther Hy.,l ~J9Mackenzie rd tMitchell Mrs., Gonville, B Sydenham avenue !Mitchell Thos. AIM., I!) Wivelton rd Mitchell Walter Fidler, 10 }rorster rd tMittiug Miss, 17 Maitland road .iVloat Percy Reginald, 4± Samos road :Vl.oat B.ichanI , Franklin hOuse, 100 EImers End road fMockford Henri, 22 St. John's rd Moens .Mrs. Arthur F., 7!J Copel's Cope road Moffatt Malcomson, 113 Marlow rd t Mole George, 156 Venner road Moll Percy Walte1, 111 Marlow road tMond A.lbert, ph.D., 171 Venner rd Monk C. E .. 12 Mackenzie road Montague Reginald, Renella, ·!G Cromwell road Montgomery William, 4:8 Sidney rd Moodie Miss, Dalmeny, 33 Barnmead road Moody Arth. Wm .. 220 Mackenzie rd Moody Charles, Maryville, 218 .Mackenzie road Moody. John, 68 Clock House road Moody Mrs., 85 Birkbeck road Mooney Andrew Anderson, The Chestnuts, 37 Kent House road Moore Alexander A., The Limes, 38 Fox Grove road Moore Alfred Augustus, 5 Forster rd Moore Arthur C., Oaklanrls, 15 The Avenue Moore Arth.Sidney,81 Mackenzie rd Moore Frederick, 117 Mackenzie rd Moore George, 43 Church Fields rd Moore George John, Thornhurst, 18 Shortlands road Moore George William, Cromwell villa, 29 Ravenscroft road MooreHarry Vernon, 36 St.James's av t Moore Miss, St. Helen's, 79Byne rd t Moore ~:Irs., 65 Byne road Moore Mrs. Kate, 73 Kent House rd tMoore William, 128 Venner road Moran John Francis, Blenheim, 120 Beckenham road Moreland Mrs. J. B., Youlgreave, 42 Wickham road Morl!an Lewin, 57 Birkbeck road Morgan Mrs. 33 Wickham road Morgan Mrs. Jobn, Deepthorne, 17 Rectory road Morle Albert Harry, !) Belmont road Morley George, 378 Blandford road Morley George, 77 Church [!'jelds rd Morley Horace, 29 Church Fields rd Morley Mrs. 73 Church Fields road Marling Albt.Edwd.,10 Blakeney av Morris A. S., 11 Styles way, Parklangley Morris Allan Midford, 10 Durban rd Morris Cecil Bernard, l66 Croydon rd Morris Duncan W., Red house, 2 Stanley avenue Morris Geo.,Pencotry,56 Croydon rd Morris Geo. Leonard, 4 Ravenscroft rd Morris Henry, B.SC., F.R.A.S., 202 Croydon road Morris Herbert, 14 Arrol road Morris Mrs. S., 136 Croydon road * Morrish Reginald James, Pinewood, l5 Shurtlands grove t Morrison Charles, 79 Crystal Palace Park road Morrison Robert, 9 Rectory road Morse Thos., Steyne, 15 Birkbeck rd Morse Winthorp B., 25 ElwiU way, Parklaugley Mortlock Wm., 23 Church Fielrls rd Mortlnek William, jun. 15 Church Fields road Morion Jones Hugh, 5 Blakeneyav Moser Martin R., 6 Wickham way, Parklangley Moses Jn. Fe.nton,22 Capers Cope rd Moss Arthur, 70 Belmont road Moss Fredk. 2 Langley rd. Elmers End Moss Frederick, au Piquet road Moss George Thomas, 16 Blakeney av Moss Mrs. 128 Croydon road MossS Rml., 33 Croydon rd. ElmersEnd Matt John William, 9 Shaftesbury rd Mould Beaumont, Shandon, 14 Crescent road Mould Mrs., Dometo. Manor way Mountne.y W m., 147 CburchFields rd t Moxon Charles, 75 Byne road Moxon Edward Harold Neville, Grosvenor lodge, 6 Rectory road Mudge John, Sylvan villa, 90 Barnmead road * Mudge Miss, Fairbank, 5 May's Hill road Mllggridge ·Mrs., 18 Manor road tMuir Richard Hamilton, 81 Wiverton road *Muirhead Alexand€T, D.SC., F.R.S., The Lodge, 20 Church road tMiiller Eugene Richd.91 Venner rd Mullinder Charles Gilbert, The Cottage, Three Banks Athletic Ground, Copers Cope road Mumford Peter, Foxgrove house, 3 Fox Grove road Munday AlfredI.,Coogee,Manor way Munday William, 33 Chaffinch road Mundy William, Brickfield cottage, Kent House road Munn Ronald J. 68 Wickham way, Parklangley Munro Mrs. J.,Oak Lawn, 77 Bromley road Munro Pete:rj 2 Durban road tMunro Will. Allan, 39 Moss Lea rd Murley Arth.SeJ mour, 19A.,Samos rd Murphy penis, 63 Thayers Farm rd Murray Albert, 6 Suffield road Murray- James, Woodmancl,te, 66 Albemarle road MUlray John, 204 BirkLeck road ~lUlTay Percy Hope, M.B., C.M., W urrell Percival W., 82 Byne road 1tf-\lrry Henry, 225 Blandford road Musgrove AHd. E., 14Shaftesbury rd Musgrove Frank Arthur, Culverley, Albemarle road Muskett Henry William James, Jevington,4 Cromwell road plyddleton Joseph, 202 Venner rd Myers Chas. Garndt, 6H Cbaffinch rd Myers Joseph, Hoathly, 361 Blandfonl road Myers William, 112 Marlow road Myles Harry, 95 Mackenzie road Myring John, 85 Marlow road N Nalder Francis, COlliston, 54 Fox Grove road iNancarrow James Henry, 2 Border crescent Nash AUren Wm., 49 lleekenha'("llrd Nash Bertie, 103 Ravenscroft road t Nash Charles F., Eversley, 5 Sydenham avenue f Nash Chas. R.,32 Woodbaslwiek rd Nash Frederick, Heathfield,16 Blakeney road t Nash Miss C, M., 67 Wiverton rd Nash Misses, St. Leonard's, H Copers Cope road Nash Samuel Godfrey, Penhill, 8G Clock House road Nasa Wm, Painter, 21 Sidney road Nauwerck Curt, 47 Beckenham road Naylor James Theophilus, Edenthorpe, 41 Wickham road . t N cal John, 28 Thesiger road * N Aal Miss, Holly lodge, ] 3 Shortlands grove Netlle Charles Goodall, Denton, 32 . Hampden road , Nenle William RichnIonq, 5~ Clock Rou~~ rQ[j.q . Neame Laurence Harding, Woodfield, 30 Southend road N came Miss, 41 Manor road Neame Miss Anna, Belmont, 18 Soutbend road Neame Philip Leslie, Kelsey cottage, Manor way Neate William, 173A., Birkbeck road 1 NeathamWalt.Edwu.,24Linden gro Neeves Arthur, Lindley' cottage) 33 Kings Hall road . Neill Thomas, J.P., Oakwood, 35 Southen!l road Neilson Morton Thos. 30 Hampden rd Neish George C., Brechin, 27 Cromwell road Nddrett Allen Edwd., 31 Durban rd Neldrett Chas. E., 12 Faversham rd Nethereott Charles, 47 Hampden rd tNe,ard Albert, 19 Linden grove Nevares Don Celso (consul-general for Ecuador), Broad Lea, 14 Albemarle road Neville Albert, Gartside, Oakhurst, 11 The Knoll Neville Jn. Leaside,47 Kent House rd Nevitt Charles, 9 Pelbam road New Frederick, 214 BiTkbeckroad Newby Geo. Wm., 97 Marlow road Newcombe ~frs., 5 Downs road Newell Ralph, Aberdour,Shrewsbury road Newington George, 17 Cedars road N ewling Basil, 69 Thayers Farm rn t Newman George, 98 Venner road Newman Jas. Wm., 60 Queen's road Newman Walter Hy., 133 1IarloW rd Newmark Alexander S., Edenhall, 52 Albemarle road t Newnham Arthur John, 4 Westbourne road N ewsam Robt.Ernest, ll Belmollt rd Newth-Rouleott Robert, Upton, 16 Queen's road t Newton Herhert Fredk., 5 Byne rd Newton Sydney, 14 Queen's road . Newton William James Oliver, 38 Cromwell road Nicholls Henry, 111 Ravenscroft rd Nicholls Samuel Edwd., 29 Arrol rd !Nichols Joseph, 61A, Byne road NicholsoIl William N.,15 Queen's rd Nicholson William Piper, Stanmer lodge, 16 The Avenue t Nickols Charles, 42 Eyne road Nimmo George William Edward, 61 Clock House road Noakes Steward B., Glenlyon, 54 The Avenue Nobes Mrs., The Ardennes,3B Copers Cope road * Norgate Rev. Theodore Tracey L.Th., F.R.G.S., F.R.Hh-t.S., 17 ScoWs avenue t Normandy Alphonse Louis, Menival, 51 Crystal Palace Park road Norrey Harry, 359 Blandford road Norrington Jn., 79 Church Fields rd Norris Edgar, 113 Venner road Norris Frederick William, Alfriston, 365 Blanrlford road t Norris PercivaIGeo., 105 Vennerrd North Edward, 9 Elwill way, Parklangley Nortbcote Horace, Ht. Cyres, 11 Park road t Northcott Thomas, 1 Bync road. Norton Henry Alfd., 30 Rowden rd Norva Harry, Ghyll bank, lOr, Clock House road Notman James, 257 Birkbeck road t Nottle Frederick William, 12 Westbourne road Nunn Maurice E. ..17 Forster road Nunn Mrs., 75 Church Field:, road t Nunn Thos. Hy., 20 Westbourne rd Nye Benjamin. 48 Church Fields rd Nye J. W. 204 Mackenzie road t Nye John Box, 65 Parish lal1e o "'Oakes Alfred William D., Knockwood, 11 Scott's lane Oakeshott Harold, 21 Gwyder road Oakley William, 142 Birkbeck road Oates Mrs., 7 Faversham road Chee James, 58 Church Fields road Chee Mrs., 14 Colesburg road Chee Urs., 14 Kelsey Park road Obee Walter Chas., 14 Bevington rd ObeeWilliam, Westgate villa. 20 Blakeney road Odey Fredk. Jas., 231 Birkbeck rd O'Flaherty Misses, 84 Barnmead rd *Ogilvie Urs., 10 Beckenham grove·-· . Ogle Paul Dennis, Moulin Huet, 209 Worsley Bridge road Olby Augustus Geo. 31 Barnmead rd Oliver Fras. Higby, 124 Lennard rd t Oniol1s John, I Moss Lea road Onley Charles, 5 Chaffinch road tOnyon Hy., Tremadoc, 88 Lennard rd t Orchard Henry Benj .. 'fhe Vale, 33 Crystal Palace Park road Orr Mrs. Somerville, Dungoyne, 194 Kings Hall road Osborn Charles, 2,) Fa~ersham road Osborn Ernest Alfd. 12 Colesburg rd t Osborn Henry WaIter, Linden villa, 37 Newlands park t oborn .iUrs., Bl'Ulll:'Swalc1, 27 Cator road Osborn Rt. John, 21 St. GeOl;ge's rd Osborne Walter, HBlandEord aven O'cuIlivan Coruelius Patrick, 209 Birkbeck road . Oswald Wm. Fredk., 102 Avenue rd t Ottewell Edwd. Geo.3 Maitland rd Ough Richard, 23 Durban road Oulds Thomas, 75 Mackenzie road Ousley Frederi~k, 4 Sidney road Ouzman Charles, 1 Albion villaH, Birkheck road t Ouzman Walter Jas.,15 Lennard rd Ovcnden Harry, ~wAldersmead rd Ovendcn Mr8., Car£ax, 28 King Hall road Over Francis, 4H Durban road Overton Frank, 4 Oakwood avenue t Ovington Mrs. A. D. M., HeHos, 35 Crystal Palace Park road Owen Alfd. ,Avonc1ale,30Crom well rd Owen Ernest, Woodstock, 85 St. James's avenue f Owen Hrbt.Parkdale, 120Lennard rd Owens Clement Edwin, Speldhurst, 35 The Avenue p Padbury Wm. Rchd., 22 Wihkham rd Paice Edward, Woodburn, 25 Copers Cope road Paine Edgar James, 48 Croydon rd Painting Mrs., 77 Chaffinch road t Palmer A., 14 Newlands park t Palmer Frederick, 38 Parish lane i Palmer James, 57 Newlands park Palmer Misses, St. Winifred's, 78 Croydon road Palmer Mrs., 25 Burnhill road ! Palmer Mrs. C. S., 192 Venner road Palmer Mrs. E., 123 Mackenzie rd Panchaud StanleyJu.,60Cromwell rd t Pankhurst Albert Richard, 39 Wi verton road Panks Mrs., Hillside, 8 Manor grove Pannell Henry John, 24 Acacia road Pannett Mrs. 15 Faversham road * Panter Charles E., The Hawthorns, 14 May's Hill road t Panter William, 56 Lennard road Panther John, 92 Birkbeckroad Pantin Mrs., Staplegrove, 48 The Avenue Pape Robert, 13 Rowden road Parfitt Alfred Jn., 22 Balgowan rd tParfitt Arth.Ernest, 65 Lennard rd Parfitt Henry Fras.,38 Hampden rd Parham Joseph Henry, Fransfield, 156 Bromley road Parker Arthur James, Castlecarrock. 90 Croydon road Parker Chas.,Trefriw, 41 Cromwell rd Parker Ernest 81 ,10 Shaftesbnry rd Parker Fredk. lIy., 43 Balgowan rd Parker George H., 104: Venner rd Parker James, 27 Albemarle road Parker James Fotheringham, 134 Lennard road Parker John, 10 Downs road Parker Mrs., Carradale, 12 Blakeney road Parker Mrs., Sorrento ,58 Wickham rd Parker Percy, 76 Clock House road Parker William Jas., 28 Birkbeck rd Parkhouse Graham, 91 High street Parkhouse Heflry, Taormina, 31 Albemarle road Pal'khouse Mrs., 41 Pelham road Parkin Harry, 13 Burnhill rO'ld Parkinson John,88 Church Fields rd Parkinson W. Wellesley ,M.A.. Collingham. 15 Barnmead road Parks Geo. Amos ,59 Tllayers Farm rd Parkyn Percy A. W., Arunda, 8 Stallley avenue Parncutt John, 13 Wickham road Parr John, Selina villa, 267 Mackenzie road Parris Robert Daniel, 19 Durban rd Par~onage George, 24 Queen's road Parsons Frederick, 57 Belmont road Parsons Joseph, 34 Blakeney road Parsons MISS Ann, 'fhe Woodlands, 5 I Capers Cope road t Partridge Edward Lewis, Hl St. John's road Paseall Charles M.,24: St. James's av PaseaU Charles Montague, Lenzburg house, 17 Ancaster road Patchell William H., 12 The Avenue Patching Horace, 143 Birkbeck road Paterson John, Shalimar, 56 Fox Grove road t Paton Alnt .Geo. 12 Woodbastwick rd Paton :Miss A,mes, Hurst Dene, 3 Kings Hall roati Patrickson Mrs .. Cumberland lodge, 5 Westgate road Patterson Arthur, 31 Arrol road Pattisson WaiteI' B., Graylings, G The Avenue Pavitt James, 22 Hampden road Paxon Leollard Gillingham, 22 Wickham way, Parklangley Paxton Jas. Hill Crest, Albemarle rd Payne Ernest WaIter, 189 King's Hall road Payne Frank, 120· Mackenzie road Payne George B:trrett, Glendenning, V7 Lennard road Payne Henry Charles, 4 Maberly rJ * Pt'acoek Rev. Mansel Reginald ,M.A. [curate of St. ·Mary, Shortland,,:;, 16 Valley road t Peacock George l\:f., Ferndale, 6 Courtenay road * Pc·wock Mrs., N ervioll, 16 Beckenham grove * Peacocke W.Tully, Lynton, 8 Bromley grove Pead William, 40 Durham road Pearce Arthur, B.A., Bexley house, 20 Southend road Pearce Edwa.rd, 48 Barnmeild road Pearce Edward, 309 Blandford road Pearce Frank, 7 Bevington road t Pearce Joseph, 22 Linden grove Pearce William, 46 Birkbeck rORd Pearch Robert, 32 Belmont road t Pearson Jn. Jsph., 23 Wiverton rd t Pearson J Chll Thos.,36 St. John's rd t Pearson Mrs., 4 Sync road * Pecry Richard G.. 3 Scotts avenue Peddar Philip Chas.Napier,5 Elm rd Peddell William, 32 Blakeney road Peddle Herbert Percy. 35 Thayers Farm road Pedgrift Charles F., Woodbridge, 17 Arrol road Peel Rev.the Hon. Maurice Berkeley, B.A. [vicar of St. Paul's], Eyeworth house, 17 Park road Peerless H. Calvin, 28 Blakeney rd Pegg William Henry, 62 Durban rd Pegler Al bert, 28 Church Fields rd Penberthy Oliver James, 222 Birkbeck road Penford Bernard Wallacc, 44 Sidney rd Penn Daniel James, 19 Chaffinch rd Penn Llewf'llyn"NI.27 ClockHouse rd Penllf"!YFerdinand John, 27 Beckenham road :j:Penny Wm. Maxwell, :M.A., M.B., B.C.cantab., M.R.C.~., 2 Cator road Pentecost ~~mnk. 3IB Blandford rd * Pentland Miss, Elmhurst, 22 Sbortlands road Pepper George, 40 Clock House rcl ! Pepper John Wm., 84 Byne road Percy Harry Mason, Glenhurst, 58 Kings Hall road Perkins Hugh Walter, 23 Cedars rd Perkins John Hopkins, Tvydene, Marlow road Perkins Thomas, Whiterock, ti1 Kings Hall road Perkins W. Turner, ~t. Aidan, HI; Kings Hall road * PerkinsWm.Normandie.HHcott's la Perks Mi:-s, Crmonde, 8 Elm road Pershke .Frank F.18 Malmains way, Parklangley Pervanoglu Alexander Horace: 78 Wiverton road Peskett Harry, 77 Birkbeck road Petch Frederick William, Crowhun;t, 14 Kemerton road Petch William, Yernon house, 11 Reddons road Petchey \Ym. Jaa., 128 Mackenzie rd ~Peters Miss, 77 Wiverton road PetIey Bertram T.,31 The Avenue Petri Mrs., 192 Kings Hall road Pettifer Percy Reginald, 15 Shaftesbury road t Petts Alfred, 118 Venner road tPharo John W .. 130 Parish lane :t:Phelps J aIm Richard~ 28 W oodbastwick road Philbrick George H., Clare house. 22 Oakwood a veuue Phillip R. F., 129 Birkbeck road t Phillips Albert Edward, Brooklyn, 47 Newlands park !Phillips Albert F., 138 Venner rd Phillips Ed'Wd. Francis, 41 Arrol rd t Phillips George Anderson, 56 Wiverton road t Phillips Harry Harding, M.R.C.S. Eug., I"R.c.p.Lond., Hamilton bonse, 6 St. John's road Phillips John, 6 Blandford road Phillips John, 174 Mackenzie road Phillips Leonard, 196 King's Hall rd Phillips M:rs.,Earlsmead, 14 Hayne rd Philpott Albt. H., 28 Clock House rd Phipps George, 4 Piquet road Pickard Ernest, !J8 Durban road Pickup Jamcl", Beechcroft, 79 Albemarle road Pierce Daniel, The Cottage, 26 Barnmead road S Piercy Chas. Herbert, 72 Byne road t Pierson Mrs., 79 Venner road Pierson William Edward, Libiola, 1 Ma'\"sHUl road Pike Arthur Victor, 23 Belmont rd Pike Frederick John. 75 Cedars rd Pike Howard Henry, 20 Marlow rd Pilbeam George, Acacia villa, r; Kent House road Pilbeam Thomas, III Lennard road t Pilbrow Robert, 208 Venner road PinchbE'ck Frederick, 3 Samos road Pinder James, 100 Ma.rlow road Piper George Albt., 3 Faversbam rd Piper Mrs. E. E., 15 Clock House rd Pitcher Charles Archibald, 19 Hampden road tPither Thos. Edwd., 75 Lennard rd Pitt John Bycraft, 8 Byne road tPiLt John Wm., 42 Newlands park Place John. Airolo, Court DownR rd t Planck Clarence J. l!H Venncr rd t Plank A. E., :36 BYlle road Plaster John, 131 :Mackenzie road Platt Edwu. Wm., 16 Bevington road Platt George, 13 Blakeney roati Player Henry J 0.,2:\ Clock House rd Playfair Mrs., 65 Birkbeek road Plowden-Warcllaw Rev. JameH Tait, M.A. [curate of St. George's J. GO Wickham road t Plowright Hy. Jsph.,96Wiverton rd t Plumb Alfred, 25 Maitland road Plumer F. 0., 10 Piquet road * Plummer Georgc Alfred, 2 Ravensbourne avenue Pockett Alfred C., Rothbury, 4 Brackley road Pocknall Geol'ge ~., Uly1esrlale, 86 Barnm Earl road Pocock Geo. Spcllcer, 90 LellllalCl rd Pocock Willifllll, 75 Chaffinch road Pohlmann William, Nortbbank, 69 Albemarle road Polley Allred,' 7 St. John's road * Ponder Mrs. L. M., Holmwood, 10 Bromley grove Poole Mr~., 91 Clmrch Ficlds road Poor Henry George, 5 Belmont road Pope Edwin Wm., 107 Lennard road Popjoy Wm . .Tabn, 91 BJandfonl rd Paplett Jame.'l, 75 Ravenscroft road Port Thos. Edmond, 27 Belman' rd Porter Gecrge, 78 Blandford road t Porter George Joseph B.. i55 Crystal Palace Park road t Parter Harold Barton, 157 Venner rd Porter Hugh G., Homefield, 46 Fox Grove road Porter William Thomas, Aldb11rglJ, 29 Cromwell road POl'tnell Francis Charles, Bodmin, 5 Cromwell road Portway Robert Cornell, 29 Kent House road Post Wm. John, 190 :Mackenzie rd Pott William Henry, 75 Durban rd Potten Henry, 440 Blandford road Potter Ernest Harold, Court Downs cottage, Court Downs road Potter Henry G., 1 Hampden aven Potter Ju.,l Langley rd. , Elmers End Potter 1\'[r~., 152A, .Mackell",ie road Potter rIll'S. 29 Malmains way, Parklangley Potter William, Elrnside, 3 Lawn road ! Poulter Harry, 92 Wiverton road i Poulter John, 200 Venncr road t Pouncy Ernest, 5 Westbourne road Powell Allan, Shirley view, Oakwood avenue P0wcH A8hley, Mill Ash, 20S Mackenzie road Powell Bernard Willi~, 82 Belmont rn t Powell Ernnst 155 Parish lane t Powell Henry, 2!1 MaitlalHl road Powell Joseph, Knoll ho.,8 The Knoll Powell William, 20il Blandford rd Powers Gmtavus, 90 Church Fields rd t Pratt Charles J., 11 Cator road' Pratt Mrs., -10 Sarnos road Pratt Riehard. 9 Reddons road * Pratt Sidlley Samuel, 70 Ravensbourne Avenue Prebble Arthur, 'Ihe Larches, 28 ew lands park Preis Jn. F., Shank1in, 28 Cromwell rd Prest Stanley F., Ravcnsworth, 27 Southend road Preston Chade', 18 Howden road Preston Edwin James, Kelsey cottage, Kelsey park Preston H. Gurney, Monks Orchard, West Wickham Pres:an Luther, ~2 ChurchFields rel Preve't Wm. Geo ..la3 Ravenscroft rd Price Alhert V., HA, Samos road Price Edward Allen, Montclair, 13 Fox Grove road PI'ice EdWard Herbert,' Rothay, 30 Copers Cope road Price Fredk.Watson,12 Wickham rd * Price Harry, :n Scott's avenue Price Llewellyn If., St. Margaret's, Beckenham Place pk.,Southencl rd Price Robert, Oakdalc, 2 Maberley rd. Priee Sydney Wm., ,1)2 Queen's road t Price Walter, St. Trond, 30 Woodbast wick road Prime Thomas FO., )LILC.V.S., Hi Bromley road . Pringle George Fras., 53 Durban rd Pritchard Alfred, 29 Hampden aven Pritchard John, 11 Rowden road Pritchard William Wallis, Sunny- . side, 51,Chaffinch road PritchittLouis Ellison,8 Hampden rd Privett Thomas, 62 Belmont road Proctor John, 107 Marlow road t Proudfoot Miss Blake, Lichfield house, 79 Lawrie Park road Provis John, Carn mart.h , 17Hayne rd Puckett Harry, 18 Hampden road Puckle Mrs.l~mily E.,86 Croydon road Puckle Beginald Aufrere, 86 CroydOn road t Puddicombe Edward. Leonard, I...R.e.p.Lond., M.R.e.s.Eng., Claremont, Newlands park t Puddicombe Hy. Jn., 35 Wiverton road t Pugh Henry, 142 Venner road Pughe William, St. Cecilia, 81 Kings Hall road Yllllen George Arthur, The Shanty, 91 St. James's avenue Pullen Harry, Whitethorns, 9 Crystal Palace Park road Pullen Mrs. A., 6 Qupen's road Pullen Walter Whitford, 25 St. James's avenue Pullen William, 28 Chaffinch road Pullen Wm. Leonard, The Hutch, 8!J St. James:s avenue Pumfrey Allen Percy, 48 Kent House road * Punch Miss, May thorn, Valley road t Purchas William Henry, Home Lea, 61 Lennard road Purchase Miss,108 & 110 Bromley rd Purchese Sidney, Ardwell, 23 Kings Hall road Purday Stephen Frank, Canis ton, 2 Cedars road Purdue Charles, 43 Monivea road Purton Mrs., 2 The Avenue Purvis Richard,149 ChurchFields rd Putman Frederbk, West lodge, Langley court. Wickham road Putman James, 72 Durban road Q Quay Henry, 349 Blandford road Quennel! Cecil, 49 Copers Cope rd Quin Mrs., 71 '£hayers Farm road + Quinton Mrd., Mondovi, 18 Alexandra road t Quitmann Ernst, Concordia, 71 L:t wrie Park road R Ra1Juitts .Ta Wm.,lll Mackenzie rd Rabwll1 Hobert M., 37 Sidney road t Rackstraw Miss, 116 Wiverton road t Rackstraw Mrs., 114 Wiverton road Radcliffe James H., 15 Forster road Radford William H., 41 Monivea rd Hadley Mrs.M, Tan-y-Bryn, 30 Fox Grove road tR~ine Miss, Bil'kendale, 51 Newlands park Rait Miss, Milton, 7 Hayne road Ralph Albert, Millbrook, 30 Kings Hall road Ralph Henry Stephen, Kildare, 44 Barnmead road Ramage Mr'''' West wood lodge, 24 Fox Grove road Ramsbotham Henry Rouert, M.A .. M, B.,, 20 Manor road Ramsden Wm. Frank, 45 Kendall rd Randall Charles Kemp, Broomfield, 24 Capers Cope road Randall John, 38 Villiers road Randall Sidney, 4 Wickham road Randell Reginald Maurice Henry, MD.LoncL, Goodwood, 10 Copers Cope road Rankin Fredk. J abe7., 13 Pelham rd * Ransom Peter A., The Cottage, 48 Shortla1lfls road t Ranson George Henry. The Furze, i8 Wiverton road Raper Hy., Cheriton, 81 Albemarle rd Raper Mrs., 5 Clock House road Raper Sidney, Lapworth. Albemarle road t Rashleigh Mrs., The Chimes, 7 Crystal Palace Park road t Rason HOll. Sir Comtbwaite Hector, Valetta, 54: Crystal Palice Park rd Rastrick Chades Davies, The Nook, 71 Blandford road Ratc1iffFredk. Chas.,380 Blandford rd Ravensberg Wolff, 52 Barnmead rd Hawes Gerard J., 47 Kendall road * Rawles Gilbert, 170 Bromley road Rn.wles Walter Hansen, 193 Kings HaH road Rawley Thomas, 21 Belmont road Rawlings Percy St.John, 40 Sidney rd Rawlins Charlps. 19 Sidney road Rawlinson Bertram Traver", 25 Hampden road Ray Mrs Herbert, 31 Oed aI'S road Ray Percy Everton, Rochelle, 2ij Cromwell road * RaymentMiss, Romsnal,24 Scott's av t Rayner Edgar, St.Olave's, 8 Woodbast wick road , Ravnes Mrs., 156 Croydon road Raynham Frederick Walter, R Kings Hall road Read Alfred Ernest, 50 Sarnos road * Read Alfrcd Wm., 18 Bromley gro * Read Alfred William, 108 Ravensbourne avenue Read George, 198 Nlackenzie road Read Henry Wm., 245 Ma~kel1zie rd Read Thomas, 41 Mackenzie road Reading William A., Douglas house, 54 Wickbam road Reardon Henry, 84 Birkbeck road i Reardon Joseph Jn., 165 Venner road Reardon Wm. Thos.,234Mackenzie rd t Reason Misf', 104 Eync road Reavell Arthm Jas., 28 Oakwood av Reddell .Mrs., Homeleigh, 10 Blakcney road t Redding Bert, 73 Wi verton road t RHlding Jn. Howard,5 Siudland rd Redfern Geo. Wm, 6 Kings Hall rd Reed Arthur Herbt..ll Chaffinch rd Reed Arthur Williati J., AshdoWne, 41 Kings Hall road Reed .Miss ,79 Cedars road Reed Percy W., 79 Cedars road Reed William Jobn.Rcdleaf,34Barnmead road tRees Mrs. Lehmann, 15 Wiverton rd Rees William, Craig Howel, 66 Cramwell road Reeve Richard, (io Barnmead road Reeves Alfred Jn., 25 ChurchFields rd Reeves Edward Richard, 143 Church Fields road Reeves Mrs. S., 145 Church Fields rd Reeves Sydney Vernon, 24A, Samos rd Regan Henry, 30 Chaffinch roacl Heichwald August, Bnrnbrae. 29 The Avenue * Reichwald Edmd E., Merak, 78 Scott's lane , Reil:hwald Victor, Hohenstein. 31 Wickham road Heid Alan, Simla, 8!.1Albemarle ru Reid Edwin, 8 Kelsey Park road Reid John Sampson, B Hayes way. Parklangley: Heid ~lrs. James, Hamiota, !) The Avenue . Reidy Richard James, Elmslea, 39 Bromley road Reindorp John Edmur.d, 67 Albemarle road * Reitmeyer Ualburn Robert,!) Shortlands gro,e Renekert Albert, 15 K~nt House rtl Rcnsbaw Percy Haldwin, 33 Kendall rd Renshaw Thos .. 185 Ravenscroft rd Reynolds Daniel, Morden lodge, 25 Beckenham grove Reynolds Edward, 6 Church road Reynolds George, 33 Belmont road Reynolds Miss W.B. 162 Mackeuzie rd Reynolds Traiton Mattbew, Himalaya, Clock House station, Beckenham Hhoades William H., 33Hampden rd RbodesCharlesWm.O.,8 Balgowan rd Rhodes Harold B., 10 Balgowan rd Rhodes Norman Hrbt., 14 Balgowan rd * Rhodes William, 3 Shortland. 8 villas, Station road Rice Lester. 51 Allen road Rich Edmund l\:I.,21l Kings Hall rd Richard Mrs., Lurgan, 5 Beckenham road Richards Alfd. Essex, 2St. George's rd Richards Hy., 53 Thayers Farm rd Richards Mrs., 3 Manor grove Richards Mrs., Strathmore, 132 Lennard road Richards Mrs. L. W., Rugby house, 3 Brackley road Richards William, 54 Kings Hall rd Richards William John, Sybella, 1 Lennard road Richardson Archd. S. 24 Burnhill rd tRicbardson Arthur, 8 Newlands pk RichardsonGeorgeErnest, Tre1;lladoc, 46 Barnmead road Richardson Miss, 215 Mackenzie rd Richardson Mrs., 9 Marlow road Rid.rewell Harry Walter,28 Arrol rd Ridgewell W. T., 221 Mackenzie rd Ridgway Alfred, Daneville, 96 Clock House road Ridgwell Thomas, Pelham, 158 Blandforfl road Ridley Thos. James, 12 Arrol road Ridsdale Thomas H., Parkside, Fox Grove road Rigby Chas. Edgar, 20 Blandford rd Rigby Harry, M.I.C.E., Algoa lodge, 8 Brackley road Riley William, St. Margnrets, 23 Hampden nvellue t Rimington Ernest C., 85 Venner rd t Ring Francis Hy., 3 Morland road Ripley .Tohn Arthur, 3 Lennard road Rippengal Chas. I.J.,25 Shaftesbury rd Hippengal Mrs., 236 Mackenzie road Rippengal Mrs., Wanstead,271 Beckenham road Rippengal Wa1ter,11 Kelsey Park rd Ritchip. Arthur Edwin, 91 Ferndale, Clock House road Ritchie John, Fairlawn, 89 Clock House road Ritchie Wm. Berry, 4 Oak Hill road Ritson Rev. Caleb Jackson [curate in charge of All Saints' church), All Saints' parsonage, 43 Beckenham road ! Rixon Louis Edwd.,73 Wiverton rd Roach Zebulon Llewellin, 13 Queen's road . Robbe Emile, 13 Kent House road Robbins Mrs., 37 Cedars road Robbs John Wm., 37 Manor road t Hoberts Arthur Sydney Charles, 67 Newlands park Roberts Benj. Albt., 11 Whitmore rd Roberts ErnestEdward,28 Manor rd Roberts George, 11 Birkbeck road Roberts Misses, Rosenberg,73 Bromley road Roberts Octavian, The Thorns, 243 . Mackenzie road Robertion .Alex.Gordon, 29 Samos rd * Robertson David, Belsize, 82 Scott's la t Robertson Frank, 36 Woodbastwick road Robertson Robert, Dell view, Southend road. Robertson Robert, 22 Durban road Robin Felix, 14 Sarnos road Robinson Alfd.Ernst., 135 :Marlow rd RobinsonArth.Robt.,39Barnmead rd t Hobinson ErnestA.E.,3Wiverton rd Robinson Frederick Aterbury, 20 Birkbeck road t Robiuson Geo.,26 Wood1Jastwickrd Robinson Harry Ivan, 31 Sidney rd t Robinson Miss, 7 Naval Asylum, 8t. John's road t Hobinson Russell Balding, Iii Newlanus park Robinson Samuel, 77 Lennard road t Robinson Wm. Taylor, 156 Parish la Robson William,5 Styles way, Parkhngley Rock Edwin Baynes, Turret house, 10 Oakwood avenue Rodda Frank, 16 Clock House road Rodda John, 11 Balgowan road ! Roderwald Wilhelm, The Priory, 2 Crystal Palace Park road t Rodger William Wylie, Midhurst, 67 Lawrie Park road Rodgram Charllos,lll Birkbeck road Roe George Edward F., 50 Ulock House road Roe Harry, The Cotta:J(.J, Worsley Bridge road Roe John Henry 35 Queen's road Roff Robert David, 102 Croydon rd * Rogers Frederick Howard, Waveney, 80 Scott's lane . Rogulski Edward, 62 Queen's road. Roheson John, 130 Blandford road Rolfe Harold, 7fl Birkbeck road Roll George, 7 Kelsey square Rolls Edward John, 49 Manor road Rolls Henry, H Church Fields road t Ro1ph Wm. Edgar, 27 Maitland rd Rome Charles, Hillsboro',5 Sidney rd Rooker Philip R., Cranmere, 119 Capers Cope road t Roome Frederick,47 Crystal Palace Park road Roper Edwin, LL.D., M.R.C.S.Eng., F.R.G.s.,Oatlands,86Beckenham rd * Roper Thomas Frederic, Oak lodge, Kingswood road t Rosam, 33 Station road Rose George, 18 Church Fields road Rose George Edward, 4-1Kendall rd Rose James, 123 Church FIelds road Rose Mrs., 103 Church Fields road Rose Mrs. M.A., 178A ,Mackenzie rd Rose Thos. Eldred. 19 Gwydor road Rosenbaum Emil,62 Barnmead road Rosen baum Ernest, 20 Kendall rd Ross Alexander, 8 Mackenzie road Ross Douglas .A., Summerdyne, 26Hayne road· Ross Jack B., 34 Arrol road Roszak Emmanuel, Holmwood, 33 Cromwell road Rotheram William, 60 Wickham way, Parklangley Rourke John, 213 Blandford road tRoussiano Rock, 6 Studland road Row Charles Thos., 82 Mackenzie rd t Rowbottom Chas. Aug.,7l Byne rd Howden Sidney Thos., 12 Villiers rd Rowe Mrs. Helen, Chescombc, 42 Bromley road RoWe Stanley .John, 27 Pelham road Rowsell Sidney M.,43 Belmont road Rovce Wm. John, 3.9 Kent House rd Rudd Robert W., 17 Queen's road Rudderham Walter Ernest, Aldwick, 20 Cromwell road Rule George, 12 ::5haftcsbury road Rumens George Frederick,ti3 Church FIelds road Ruseoe David, 177 .Maekellzie road Rushen Mrs., 18 Blakeney avenue Hushen Wm.Naunton, 5f) Kendall rd Russell Arthur Vere,:23St ..James's av Hussell Charles. 5!.lHigh street Russell Frank Hy., 32 Chaffinch rd t Russell Jn. Frcdk. l71 Kingswood rd t Russell Joseph, ~o Lennard road Russell Stanley Frederick, Elm road Russell Walt. Frank, 89 High street tRuthven DonaldJas.,20Wlvertonrcl :j:Rutter John, 226 Venner road ~Ryder Arthur, 17 Newlands park Ryder Horace, 6 Westfield road Ryder Miss Amy, 44 Durban road S Sabey James John, Antilles lodge, 1I) Oak Hill road Sage Jn.,Windermere, 46 Wiverton rd t Saker Albert, 72 Lennard road Sales Frdk.Arth., 16 Church Fields rd Sales Fredk. Charles, 63 Anal road Sales Geo. Henry, 5 Blakeney road Sales Harry, 26 Thayers Farm road Salisbury Misses, Manorville, 1 Manor grove * Salkeld Mrs., Melmerby, 9 Park Hl. rd Salmon Arth . Edwd., 181 Birkbeck rd t Salmon Thomas Hy., 17 Lennard rd Salt Jonathan Ambrose, 366 Blandford road Salter Wm., Abbey school, Park rd Salveson Wm. Alfred, 30 Sidney rd Samoth Madame N., 23 Kendall rd t Sampson George, 37 Moss Lea rd Samuel George A. H., 11 Aldersmead road Samuelson Frederick Bernhard, Wood lodge, 6 Oak Hill road Sanders Amos, 66 Clock House road Sanders Walter Hy., 16 Anal road Sanderson Alfred, 57 Kings Hall rd Sanderson Mrs. A. L., Llanberis, 37 Kings Hall road Sandford Frank John, 1 Reddons rd Sands William, 23 Monivea road SanteI' Mhs, 293. Beckenham road Sare Robert Edward, 41 Sidney road Sargeant Arthur Cecil, 51 Sidney ,rd Sargeaunt Mrs., 34 Bromley road . t Sarratt Mrs., 10 Naval Asylum, St. John's road t Sarson Walter John, 54 Lennard rd· t Satchell Alfred Geo., 186 Venner rd Satchell Ernest, 37 Pelham road tSatcheil William, 2 Wiverton road Saunders Ambr08c Jas., 2 Belmont rd Saunders Ulement, 1 Kendall road Saunders John,109 Church Fields rd Saunders Robert William, 93 Church Fields road :Savage Frederick Geo.,S Rowden rd Savage Sydney, 49 Pelbam road Savain Alfrt:d, 436 Blandford road, Saw John Joseph, Woodville, .68 Barnmead road t Sawtell Mrs., The Chalet,23 Crystal Palace Park road Saxton Edward Somes, Banner, 2 Westgate road Sayer Fnk., Fairhaven,2H Overbury rd Scales Arthur Ernest, 6!J Allen road * Scargill-Bird Samuel Robert, 3 Kingswood road Scates Arthur Clarence A., 1 Hampden road Seawen Lewis Milford, 5 Monivea rd Schibild Jn.Shield, 82 Beckenham rd t Schlund Frederick, Kathlamba, 1 Sydenham avenue SchmeUau Hermann R.., Elmwood. 18 Hayne roa'i t Schmidt Gustave, Southacre, 8 Crystal Palace Park road Schofield Arthur, .A..R.C.A.,31 Kendall road t Schofield Sidney Charles Apps, 73 Byne road Scholinger Louis, 72 St. James's av * Schonlank Alfred, 160 Bromley rd Schrod Charles Justin, 27 Durban rd Scoles Walter, Glenahnond, 34: Fox Grove road Score Misses, 24 Wit'kham way, Parklangley" SCott Alfred Frank, The Firs, 2 Blakeney road i Scott Misses, 77 Wiverton road Scott Stanley W., 88 Croydon road Scott Thos. Edwd.,sen.28 Pelham rd Scott William, 13 Westfield road Scott. Robertson M:rs, The Haven, 37 Wickham road t Scourfield Mrs., Wynnstay, '17 Lawrie Park: road Scowen Charles, 9 Faversham road t Scrivens Percy, 42 Wiverton road * ScuttArth.Wm.,20Ravensbourne av Seager Jn. Renwick J.P., Mundendorrie, 132 Kings Hall road t Seal Enoch, 5 Morland road Seale Frank, 28 Blandford road tSeale John Richard, 149 Parish la Seal~ Philip, Homewood, 148 Blandford rO'ld Seaman Charles Knowles, 20 Ch~ffinch roaq tSear George B., Nethergate house, 24 St. John's road Searle Fredk. Hy., 56 Kings Hall rd Searle Sydney Crocker~ 56 The Avenue Sears Edwin Walter, 73 KingsHallTd Seal's Ernest Wm., 20 Rowden road Sedgwick William Francis Mason, 10~ Albemarle road Seeley Arthur Wm., 18 Oak Hill rd Seels 'Jiss, 22 r. Jackenzie road * Seifert Otto R., 5 Beckcnham gro * Selby H.J ..Tbe Vale, 26 May's Hill rd Semark Thomas Herbert, 145 Raven-:eroft road Senier Mrs., 8 Oak Hill road Seun Charles Herman, Erwood, 5 The Avenue SercombeWalt.Edwrd., 20 Bromley rd Sewter Albert Charles. 59 Arrol rd tSeymour Mrs., Dunkelcl, 41 Newlands park Shackel A1fred Jsph.,125Birkbeck rd *Sharland Hy. 118 Ravensbourne av Shakespea' e Sydney, 19 Arrol rqad Shamhrook CharlesJ.,4:6 Colesburg rd Sharlanu. Charles, Bonitholl, 52 "Wickham road * Sharland Henry, 2-! Shortlands rd Sharlock James, Bella Vista, 19 Southelld road Sharpe Ernest R., 4: The Avenue "Sharpe George Benjamin, 34 Hampden road Sharpe William, 135 Ravenscroft rd Shaw James, 91 Marlo,,, road Shaw John Wm., 8 Crescent road Shaw Mrs., The Ellers, 8 Perth road Shearburn Alan DHVil, 10 Allcrsmead road tSheed Alex F., 49 Lawrie Park rd Sheffield Mrs. Digby, 3 The A venue SheIlard Thomas Hy., 46 Sidney rd t Shelley Mrs., 16 Wivtrton road ShelmerdineHerbert, M.B., C.M.Edin., 2 Wickham way, Parklangle.v ShelyokeFrnk.Howard,13 Forster rd Shepherd Arth. Hy., 19 Monivea rd t Shepherd John, 62 Lennard road Shepherd Richd. fly., 12 Rowdenm Sheppard George, 56 Durban road Shepperd Alfd. H., 25 QilCcn's road Sherley-Price Henry, Pettislree, Southcnd road Sherman Arthur William, Rookwood, !J9 Clock House road t Sherwood Fredk. Jas., 28 Byne road Sherwood Geo. B, 18 Shaftcsbury rd Shilling Edwin Hy., IGf IBirkbeck rd tShillingWilliam Henry,48 Bynerd. Shipman George, 6f1Durban road. Shippey Alfred, 10 Faversham road tSbipway Henry M.,5H Byne road Shipway William, lli6 Mackenzie rd. Shirley Thomas, 7 Monivea road Shmvell John F., 78 Clock House rd Shrewsbury Fredk. Geo., 18 Arrol rd Shdmptoll Mrs., 4A, Samos road" ShuteI' John W. 8 Westfield road Siggs George Robert, 1li Villiers rd Silcock Edward, 88 mandford road t Silver Hugh William, :M.H.c.S.Eng., L.R.c.p.Lond.,L.i:'i.A .. Turret lodge, fI Newlands park ~im William A., 54 Queen's road Simcox Thos. Roland, 22 Birkbeck rd t Simmonds Alexander Hague, 7 Alexandra road Simmonds Richard.. 67 Birkbeek rd t Simmons Arth. win. 140 Vennerrd Simmons William, 25 J. Marlow road t Simons Alfred Lovell, Knightwick, 48 Crystal Palace Park road Simpson Albert, 3G Pelham road , Simpson Charles H., H Forster road Simpson Frederick Henry, Thornbury, 26 Southend road Simpson J. R. Barrick, Lorton, I The Knoll * Simpson Misses, Thoresby, 85 Bromley road Simpson Richard, 214 Mackenzie rd Simpson "William, Kelsey view, Court Downs road Sims Thomns,c.B., M.I.C.E., Heatherdene, 83 Albemarle road Sims William J., 21A, Samos road Sinclair Mrs., 15 Durban road Sindall Owen, 39 Clock House road Sinton Jas. Turnbull, 36 Blakeney rd Sippe Charles Henry, Eastwell, 4 Westgate road Sippe George, 29 Kelsey Park road Sher Thomas Ewin, Aspem, 55 Kings Hall road t Sjollema Peter, 122 Lennard road Skates George Robert, f)4 Durban rd Skef!gs Alfred, 15 Brackley road Skerry Rev. William Richard [BaptistJ, Beechcroft, 18 Cedars road Skinner James, 54 Ravenscroft road t Skinnel'LeonardJas., 25 Wivertoll rd Skinner Hiehard, 98 Barnmeao road Skill1ler "Walter r., 20 Samos road Skinner William, 20 Forster road Skipton Horace Pitt Kennedy, emden house, Braekley road Slade Alfred, 3 Kelsey square Slade L. G., 4 Westfield road Slee Herbert Hutton, I'~lm lodge, 57 .AIbmnarle road Sleeman Herbert C. , 162 Croydon rd Smalley Horace Brollks, 7 Shaftcsbury road Smallman Sir H. George, Elliott lodge, iHiAlbemarle road t Smallman William Robert, BG St. John's road Smallwood Arthur W., 20 The Avenue Smart Alfred Geo., 163 Birkbeck rd Smeath William George, Hayes Lane cottage, Hayes lane Smeaton Wm., 123 Copers Cope rd Smeed John Joseph, 116 Marlow rd Smith Albert Edward, 11 Villiers rd Smith Alfred Wellesley, "Valkyrie, 7 Killgf' Hall road Smith Arthur, 84 Durban road Smith Arth. Roberts,155 Birkbeekrd" Smith Charles Eastlake, Fairbank, 59 Crystal Palace Park road Smith Charles J"ames, Shenley, 20 Albemarle road Smith Edgar Percy, 72 Marlow rd i 8mith Franeis Edgar,53 Wiverton rd Smith Frederick, 48 Mackenzie road Smith Fredk., 1 Shaftesbury road Smith George, 8 Durban road t Smith George Fitzroy, Leamside, 16 Alexandra road Smith George Henry, 37 Allen road t Smith Gregory, 30 Byne road Smith Henry, 101 Mackenzie road Smith Henry J., 19 Belmont road tSmith Herbt. E., 51 Lawrie Pk. rd Smith Horace, Ivy Bank, 19 The Avenue Smith Hugh, 36 Clock House road Smith James, 31 Church Fields road Smith John Gilbert,17KentHouse rd Smith Miss, 24 Manor road Smith Miss,Sarum,57 Kent Hom;e rd Smith Mrs. E., 39 Kenrlall road Smith M~·s.James William, Cumberland house, 9 Capers Cope road Smith Mrs. W. H. 46 Kings Hall rd Smith Mrs. William, Charlton lodge, 9 Hayne road Smith Nathaniel J.,26 Rowden road Smith Samuel. Alfred, Denmead, 3 Ravenscroft road tSmith Scott, 64 Byne road Smith Sidney, 27 Cedars road Smith Sirine.v, 62 Mackenzie road Smith Thomas, 13 Arrol road Smith Thomas, 60 Kent House road Smith Vernon, 66 Queen's roado Smith Walter, 2;) J~:1vershamroad ! Smith Walter, St. Aubyn's,18 Wood. hastwick road Smith Walter James, Villette, 115 Lennarll road t Smith Walter Southwood, 9 Stuuland road t Smith WilIi ....m. 18 Byne road t Smith William. 88 Byntj rOR'l Smith William, 66 Durb III road Smith William, 1 Gwydol' road Smith William Cullingworth, 46 Arrol road Smith William George, 23 Wickham way. 'arklangley Smith Wil.iam .Hartin, 50 High st Smithson O:Hyald, 37 Kendall road Smyth Franc s Buxton, Highclerc, 18 Overbury avellue tSmyth George Daniel, 13 Byne rd Snead Harold, 53 Hamp Iton road Snead Wm. Dougla", 36 Queen s rd Snoo\well Edmund, 86 Belmont road Snow Aug. Hilmar, 18 Hampden av Sabey Edward, 20 Sidney road S .den Adol phus, 29 Allen road ~olli Stephen B., 16 Wickham way, :rarklangley t Solley Stephen Wallace, 45 Wiverton road Solomon Mrs., Hextable, 58 The Avenue Somerton Jn. Weaver,12Barnmead rd Somerville John Forbes, 43 Clock: House road Som'er Herbert, 29 Pelham road * Soost J. Henry.62 Ravensbourne aT I:louter Alfred, Copley dene, 29 Macl;:enzie road South Mrs. Mont.ague, Eversley, 12 Beckenhuill road . ~outhgitte Wm. Geo., 93 Mackenzie rd tSpackman Mrs., 18 Linden grove Spall Henry Richd., 106 Avenue rd tSp~rha'll Harry Haddon Wickes, 8 Bordp.r crescent Sparks Edmund Charles, lver, 32 Manor road Sp:uks William, Claremont, 3 Mackenzie road Spat~r li;rneflt Geo., 88 Barnmead rd Spears Mr A. William, Albion villa, 33 Kent House road Spelman Fre-le'ick WIlliam, 21 Macke'lzie !'Oad S pen('e Mrs., Chesterleigh, 65 Albemarle road Sl'ell~e P....I'cy J., 6 Forster road Spence 'rhos. Ralph, 214 Croydon rd Spence Wm. Robt ..14:n'Iackenzie rd Spencer Charles, 41 Durban road Spencer Thomas DaVId Beach, 20 Mackenzie road Spelllove·~penlove Frank, R.B.A., R.C.A., F.R.G.B., High street * Speyer Arthur A., Birchwood, Scott's lane Spong Frank, 17A, Samos road Spong Miss, Lynsted, 29 Bromley rd Spoonel' Philip Arthur, Rocklands, 45 Wickham road Sprague John, 11 Thayers Farm rd t::iprin~ Pa ..l, Maisonette, 43 Cryst!\l Palace Park road SpringbettSydne.y Arth.57Quef'n's rd Springett Herbert, M.R.C. V.B.L., 75 HIgh street Springthorpe Charles Oscar, 20 Hampden avenue Squires Chas. Tbomas, 2 Forster rd Stace-May Henry, Stanhope, 1 Barnmead road Stagg Mrs., Woodbury,46 The Avenue Stagg Roland, 69 Capers Cope road * Stahl Arthur, Felsted cottage, 11 Scott's avenue * Stahlschmidt A1lgnstus, -l: Beckenham grove Stainbank Edward B., 16 Elm road t Stalain Chas. Alfd., 196 Venner rd Stanuen Angus John ,29 Chaffinch rd . Standen Mrs., 210 Croydon road t Standing Wm. James. 60 Lennard rd Stanger Mrs., Clava, G Elm road Stapleford Geo. Downer, Esperanza, 42 Capers Cope road Starmer Chas.,93Marlow rd., Anerley t Starr George, 148 Venner road ·Stead James Lister, Banavie, 99 Bromley road Stebbing Sydney G., 11 Blakeneyav t Stebbing-Thos. Ed wd.,89Lennard rd Stedall Alfred, Binfield, 16 Hayne rd Stedman Edwin, 71 Church Fields rd Steed Frederick 0., 208 Croyuon rd tSteel Thomas Arthur, 76 Byne road Steel William, Springfield house, 57 Mackenzie road Steer Charles T" Sidney lodge, Beckenham road Steers Thomas, 176 .Mackenzie road tSteggles Bertie Fras"IS MossLea rd Steill Leonard, 64 Cromwell road * Steinberg Paul, St. Aubyns, 2-l: Beckellham grove Stembridge Samuel Eastman, Home cottage, 102 Beckenham road Stenning R. W., Cawood, 5 Tudor rd Stenning Edward, Taversham home, 8 Southellll road Stenning J. K., Chantlcrs,2Tudor rd Stenson James, 7 Belmont road Stephens Ernest Arthur, Lennard house, 2 Lennard road Stephens Ernest Owen, 17 Balgowan road Stephens Jn. Rohinson,12 Queen's rd Stephens Mrs., Prestinari, 10'Beckenham road Stephens Mrs. P. W., Tyringham, 42 Albemarle road Stephenson George, The Grange, Bromley road *Steven sF redk.,Pickerage,2 Scott's av Stevens Percy William, 77 Cedars rd Stevens Richard, J.P., Maywood, Beckenbam Place pk. Southend rd Stevens Thomas, 60 Rowden road Stevens Walter, 65 Thayers Farm rd Stevens Walter, Woodthorpe, 41 Southend road Stevens Walter Thos.,6 Manor view Steveuson Rev.· John George, B.A. [Congregational], ·76 The Avenue t Stevenson Ed wd.J as., 9 Linden gro Stevenson Henry Valentine, 136 Kings Hall road Stewart Andrew Arthur, 19 Shaftesbury road Stewart Donald, Corinnaville, 109 mock House road Stewart Frederick William, M.D., Pinewood, 11 Bcckenbam road Stewart Wallace Herbert, Clevedon, 94 Clock House road t Stewart William, 62 Byne road t Steytler R. P., 81 Venner road Stiff Arthur Edwd. 4 St. George's rd Still John Wm.,73 Thayers Farm rd Stilwcll George Robert Fabris ;M.B. Lond .. St:mmore ho.14 South end rd Stilwell'Miss, Lynwood, 16 Capers Copc road Stinson Henry, Widdicombe, 14 Overbury avenue StivenJohn, Beckenham Place park, Southf'nd road Stocker John Watson, Edenburst, 66 Croydon road Stocks J. W., 29 Wickham way, Parklangley Stockwell Francis Henry, 243 Beckenhamroad Stockwell George, The Ferns, 14 Aldersmead road Stoddart Jn.E.,Stowford,8Cedars rd Stokoe George P.:'22 Kendall road Stone Charles, 12 Durban roadtStone Henry Philip, 48 Thesiger rd t Stone Mrs. C., 15 Linden grove Stone Thomas, 108 Wiverton road Stone Thomas R., 74 Wivertonroad * Stone W. Bayford, M.A., Tenby, 62 Scott's lane t Stonham HoraceWalt., 89 Vennerrd Storrar Edward Lee, Foscote, 5 Oakwood avenue t Straffen Mrs., Killarney, 78 Lennard road Straker Charles H., 42 Queen's road Strand Frederick, 47 Sidney road Stratton Herhert Jn., 13 Belmont rd Stratton Mrs., 7 Mackenzie road Street J. P., 13 Malmains way. Parklangley Streeter Jn. Robt., 162 Birkbeck rd Strickland Harold Foster, F.R.C.S., The Limes. 4 Sonthend road Strike William, 22 Faversham road Strohmenger John, Coniston, 40 Crystal Palace Park road Strother John Henry, 51 Queen's rd t Stuart Fred. 59 Wi verton road Stubbersfield Felix W., 68 Bromley rd Stubbings John, 89 Chaffinch road Stubbs Hedley, -15 Sidney road Studd Isaac William, 64 Bromley rd Style Herbert Frederick, 138 Mackenzie road Sugden George, 263 Mackenzie road Sugden George, 1 Pelham road Sugg Percy Edwin, 14 Piquet road Sugg William D., 93 Birkbeck road t Sullivan Basil T., Laverstock villa, Newlands park Sumner Fredk., 45 Church Fields rd :j:Rurrage Edward John Rocke, 67 Crystal Palace Park road t~utherland George, 96 Byne rd Sutton Albert Clement, Penns bury, 3A, Blakeney road . t Sutton Alfred, 7 Linden grove Sutton Ernest Edgar, 102 EImers End road Sutton Frank, Kimberley, 20 Kings Hall road Sutton George, J.P., Home lodge, 56 Wickham road SuttouSamuel James, 36 Rowdenrd Sutton Wm. Thos.,48 Wickham road Swaab Henry Charles, 59 Allen road Swaabe Frederick, 32 Mackenzie rd Swain Thomas Edward, 2 Downs rd I Swales Arthur Goodma:i:i;'·!)7 Mackenzie road Swan Frederick, The Crescent, 20 Blakeney avenue Swann Frederick, 49 Wickham road t Swann James, 52 Lennard road Swanson William D.. 81 Cedars road Swanzy-Harley Jn., 201 King·s Hal1 rd Sweet Tom Henry 14 Kendall road Swift Major Hicharcl, 21 Malmains way, Parklangley Swinfen Eclward, We'1ted,.58 Kent House road Swinford Thomas, 23 Hampden road Swonriell Edmund, 68 Blandford td Sykes Joseph C., 25 Malmains way, Parklangley Syme James, Strathearn cottage, 76 Beckenham road Syme William, Banchory, 153 Mackenzie road t Symmons George Vincent, 108 Venner road Syrett Clarence Goullee, 22 Westfichl road T :j:Tallack F. H. Cass, HiddekeI, .9 Sydenham avenue Taliant Henri, Grange Wood, Copers Cope road :j:Tallentire Thomas, 5 Cator road Tanner Arthur Edwd.,22 Villiers rd * Tapp Arthur March, The Gables, 14 Kingswood r:lad Tapper Jn. Edwd., 1 Whitmore rd Tapping William Hy;, 92 Byne road Tate Edward, 12 Blakeney avenue t Tate Francis Edward,96 Venner rd Tatnall Henry, 24 Clock House road Tattam Hy.,Devonia; 5 Kemerton rd Tattersfield Jlr'Irs.A.,45ClockHouse rd Taylor Alfred, 36 Wickham way, Parklangley Taylor. Charles, 15 Chaffineh road Taylor Charles, Melbecks, 18 Albemarle road ! Taylor Edward, III Venner road t Taylor Ernest Charles, 84 Byne rd Taylor Frederick, 66 Mackenzie rd Taylor George Hardcastle, '193· Mackenzie road Taylor Hellry, 11 Gwydor road Taylor Jn. Clayton, 22 Hampden av Taylor Joseph Vernon, 146 Mackellzie road tTaylor Miss, 20 St. ,John's road t Taylor Miss R., 27 tit. John's road Taylor Miss R., 1 Westbourne road Taylor Percy, 103 Venner road Taylol' Samuel, Pembury, 36 Copers Cope road Taylor Sydnl:'yFI'anld 26 Venner rd tTaylt r Tom John, 38 Moss Lea rd Tedham Herbert,49 Wiverton road Tedman Charles John, Newlands, 76 Barnmead road Te;fer Mrs. J. B., 24 Bromley road Telling Henry Thomas, Winterdyne, 1 Lawn road Temple Mrs., 88 Kings Hall road Temple William, 24 Forster road Tennyson Mrs., Elmstone house, 22 Southend road Terry Frederick Archer, 2± Shaftesbury road Terry ,John, 108 Croydon road Terry Sidney Wm., 49 Bdmont road Terry Thom!ls, 17 Lindell grove ~'e'ltar Jn. Richard, 33 Queen s road Tett William Lewis, 78 Durban road t Thackeray Walter, 127 Venner rd Thatcher Arth. Jas.,74 Birkbeck road Theobald Frederick, Lyndhurst, 88 Marlow road "Thirkell Arthur, Courtfield, I J Beckenham grove Thirkell Claude, Chalfont, 20 South Eden park, Wickham road. Thomas Albt.Herbt.29 Blandford av * Thomas Edwin, 16 Church road Thomas James, 16 Downs road Thomas Jsph. Wm., 23 Kendall rd "Thomas Joseph William, F.I.C., F.e.s., Overdale, 6 Kingswood rd Thomas Michael O.W.12 Chaffinch rd Thomas Michael Cyril Wo1ferstan, 6 :Manor road Thomas Miss M.A.., 30 Bromley rd "'Thomas Mrs., Brudick, 116 Rnvensbourne avenue Thomas Rupert Wellington, 4 Styles . way, Parklangley Thomas William Ernest, 8 Kent House road Thompson Albt. Victor, 38 Sidney rd *Thowpson Bernard, 60 Ravensbournp. avenue tThompson Charles Herbert, 82 Byne road Th0mp~on Charh·s James, Kirkdale, 23 Brackley road Thompson H. Raymond, 29 Beckenham grove * Thompsoll Henry Frank, 52 Ravensbourne avenue t ThomI,son Herbert Jas., 12 Byne rd t Thompson John, 83 Byne road Thompson John, 48 Durban road Thompson John W., Dalchosnie, 2'7 Hayne road Thompson Leslie, Medendie, 17 Elm road Thoillpson Samuel, Gwynne, 93 Albemarle road Thompson Samuel, Lindifferon, 22 Rectory road Thompson Samuel, IOE) :Marlow road Thompson Walter G.,3 Whitmore rd Thompson Wm., 38 Ravenscroft rd ThomR Henry James. Hawthornden, 70 The Avenue Thomson Major J., Westwell, 13 Kings Hall road Th)mson Jesse, 11 Langley road Thorp Walter Edward, 6 Hayne rd t Thorpe A. E., 150 Parish lane Thorpe Arthur Frederic, 233 Mackenzie road t Thorpe Walter, 3 St. John's road Thorpe William Robert, 301 Beckenh!lm road Thrift Sam], Richd., 6 Belmont road ' Thrower Frank, 22A, Samos road t Thulborn J aIm, 76 Parish lane Thudby Mrs. William, Kent house, Kent House road Thurley Philip l'}dwarc1. 38 Kent House road Thurman Henry, 7 Pelbam road Tibbles William Jn., 74 Blandford road t Tiffin Walt., Dominique, 29 Cator rd t Till Ernest Walter, I Maitland rd Tillotson Frank, 17 Shafte~bllry rd Tillyard Mrs.Coningsby, 106 Beckenham road Tindley Francis, 43 Cedars road iTingley ·M:isges, 29 Linden grove Tipton Mrs., 2 Shaftesbury road t Titshall Percy, Thc Retreat, 20 Newlands park Todd Frederick, M.R.c.S.Eng., L.n.S. Eng., Sunnyside, 60 Croydon road Torlcl Geo .Anderson, 17 Faversham rd Tolhurst George, Rosslyu, 165 Copel's Cope road Tolhurst .Mrs., Glenbrook, 6 Copers Cope road Tolhurst Mrs., St.Albans,47Manor rd Tollden Brinley, 20A, Samos road Tom blin Dan Albert, 4: Villicrs road Tomkins Henry Jn., 29 Birkbeck rd t Tomkins Jas. Wm .. 134 Venner rd Tong Mrs., 124 Mackenzie road Tong Reginald W est,II8 Birkbeck rd * Toone Samuel, Bishopton, 26 Bromley grove Topple Joseph, 51 Kennall road. Torrens Miss, 69 Queen's road Tout William Henry, 94 Marlow rd t Tovery Edward, 35 Parish lane t Tovey Thomas, 4 Alexandra road tTo\.vell Aug, Chas., 136 Venner rd Town Jn. Amos, 99 Church Fields rd Townsend Fredk., 133 Birkbeck road Trafford Wilfred Broughton, :10 Cedars road 'frapnell Francis Cyril, M.B., B.C. camb., M.R.C.S., L.RC.P., Carlton, 23 Beckenham road Treagus Walter, 17 Durban road TreuillusMrs.Amelia, II3 Birkbeck rd Treleaven Norman .Jn., l Westfield rd Trembath Allan Edwd., 19 Westfield rd Trew Archibald G., 25 Mackenzie rd Trew Mrs., 17 Clock House road Trice Robert .Jn., 4] Kent House rd Trimmer Lieut.-Col. Augustus Richd., Parkstone, 22 Overbury avenue tr.L'ringham Mrs., 5 Alexandra road Tristram William Hy., 6 Perth road t Tubb Madame Kate, 128 Venner rd Tubbs Harry Leonard, 187 Mackenzie road l Tucker John Wm., 76 Wiverton rd rucker William C., 16 Barnmeacl rd Tucker WilliamEdward.,Hughendeu, 10 Oator· road Tnckwell Lieut. Charles, R.N., 5~ Belmont road *Tudor Edward So, Rosthwaite, 12 Bromley grove Tudl}r Rodolph, 85 Kings Hall road Turle Edgar R., A.M.LC.E., 12 Styles way, Parklangley 'rurle Fredk., 7 Thayers Farm road Turley Herbert Charles, :Murree, 26 Kings Hall road Turnbull Douglas, 41 Durban road Turner Alfred,3R St. James's avenue Turner Alfred Geo., 55 Mackenzie rd Turner J1Jrnest Harry, 54 KingRwood road Turner Fredk. Percy, 11 Cromwell rd iTurner George 0., 41 Cator road Turner Harry, 20 Arrol road rfumer James, 27 Linden grove 'furner John, 157 Bilkbeck road Turner 1VI> S., 16 Langley road. t Turmr Sydney Walt., 92 Venner rd Turner Thomas, Aldboro, 88 St. James's avenue Tuthill James,lAbbey lodge, Park rd Tweed Mrs., 23 Manor road Tween Geurge, 27 Church Fields rd t Twiss James, 99 Venner road * Tyler Arthur, 7 Church road Tylcr Harold W., A.MI.E.E.,F.R.G.S., 2 Manilr grove Tyrrell Herbert Leonard, H6 Crystal Palace Park road U Udy Hehard Harris, 207 Worsley BJidge road Umbers Ernest WM., no Belmont road t Umney William Francis, :M.n,Lond., . M.R.C.S.Eng., Eardley honse, 81 Lawrie Park road Underwood Walt., 42 Beckenham rd Dnna Harry, ii Samas road t Unihank MlT., 2L Wiverton road * Unwiu Edward, The Mount, 18 May's Hill road t Upfield 'fhomas Maynard, 6H Wiverton road Upton Lionel A., 8A, Samoa road Upton Thomas, 9 Villiers road * Uridge Isaac, 89 Bromley road Uridge Mrs. W., Tregaron,4: Beckenham road Uzzell Wm. Herbt., 38 Beckenham rd Uzzell ·Wm. James, 0.15 Arrol road v Vail Thomas, 80 Belmont road Vaile Rowland Wm. Thos., R!1 Allcn road * Valentine Algernon L. W., Culverlands, H Church foall ValIer Harry William, Fairlight, 10 Cromwell road Wanhouse John Marsh, St. Yalery, 162 Bromley road Vardill Ernest Wm.,101 Birkbeck rd t Vassie George, U Wivert on road Vellacott James R., Haslemere, 18 Kent House road Venables Ernst. Wm., 23 Faversham rd * Venning C. H., 1,e Snewth, 2! Bromley gi'Ove t Verbrugge Eugene, Mon Abri, 15 Alexandra. road Verner Hubert W., Kamesburgh, 28 Copers Cope road Vesper Tho,mas, 30 Queen's road Vesper Thomas Leonard, 70 St. James's avenue Vevers :Miss, Albemal'1e lodge, Albemarle road t Vian Herbert Edwin, 140 Parish la Vian William Collett, 3 The Knoll Vigor Harold Decimus, 19G Mackenzie road t Vince Charles, 178 Venner road Vincent Mrs., St.Heliers, Oakwooil av Vine George, ROA, Samos road Viney Walt. Ewart, 10 Westfield. rd Vining Norman Randall, 33 WICkham way, Parklangley t Virgo Henry, 42 Parish lane Virgo Sydney Albt., 81 Clock Ro. rd Voller Albert R., 51 Hampden road Voss Hermann, Holstein house, 19 Beckenham road 'W Waddington Clarence C., 64 Capers Cope road Waddington :Mrs., St. Helier, 79 Lennard road Wade Charles A.., Rufford house, 67 Bromley road Wagstaff Albt. Edwd.,34 Belmontrd t Wahler Mrs.,Engadine,87Lennard rd * Wailing George, 4: Valley road * Wailing Stephen, 6 Valley road Waite George, 3~ 'fhayers Farm rd Wakefield Mr,:., Grasmere, 21 Barnmeall road Wakefield Wm. Richard, 8 Thayers Farm road Wakeling Miss, 22 Clock House rd Wakenell Arthur Geo., 32 Durban rd Walder William, 31 Sidney road Walford Jacob William, Walmer longe, 162 Blandford road t Walker Arthur J., 71 Wi,erton rd Walker Frederick, Mardocks, 199 Kings Hall road tWalker Fredk. Chas., 93 Wiverton rd Wa,lker George, 386 Blandford road Walker H. S., 24 Elwill way, Parklangley . Walker Herbert, 60 Mackenzle road Walker JamE:s, 3 Byne road Walker Miss, 18 Bromley road Walker Mrs., 54 Cromwell road Walker Norman, Keniston, 1 Oakwood avenue Walker Robert R., Kirkstone, 16 Oakwood avenue Walker William, 11 ChurchFields rtl Walker Wm., 21 Kent House road Walker Wm. Peto, 7 West bourne rd Walkington Arthur Tom, 171 Birkbeck road r Wall Mrs., 170 Venne:, road . t Waller Andrew Chas. ,oO Theslger rd Wallington Mrs., 78 Cromwell road t Wallis Alex. James~ 32 Theslger rd Wallis James, 66 Pelham road t Walpole Geo., 2G Newlands park Walter Andre, 32 Rowden road Walters George, 215 Blandford road Walton Rev. William Heward Murray, B.A.. [curate St Christ Church], 22 St. George's road Walton Maurice Webster, 72 Belmont road Waneke Herman Fredrik, Hemmet, 2 The Knoll Wanostrocht Henry N. T., Keston view, 240 Mackenzie road Warcup Hy. Edwin, 7301 0ekHouse rd Ward Alfred, Ivydene, 21 Pelham rd Ward Alfred Ernest, 2l Park road Ward Fras. Geo., 90 Bellkenham rd Ward George, 130 Kent House road Wardle Rev.. Joseph [Congregational],Shirley view, 23 Langley rd Ware JaR. Kingston, 67 Durban ni Ware Thomas A., 42 Kings Hall rd Ware William, 28 Mackenzie road t Waring William .Jas., 155 Venner rd Warman Albt.Hy.116 Elmers End rd Warman Frank William, Annandale, 9 Kemertou road Warnet· Rev. Marmaduke, M.A., St. Barnabas vicarage, Oak Hill road Warren EdWin Barrett, Dunsdale, 3 Barnmead road Warwiek Henry, 19 Barnmead road t Warwieker Herbt., 19 Lennard rd Wass Edward Wm., 18 Wickham rd Waleff, Tho~. l!.:lon, 114 Mackenzie rd Watkins Edward Howard, Belwarcom, 66 St. James's avenue Watkins Frederick, 2 Westbourne rd Watkins Harry, 70 Durball road Watkins Harry, Melrose, 31 Kings Hall road Watkins Mrs., Strathmore lodge, 40 Mackenzie road Watkins Mrs. J.R., 31 Mackenzie rd Watson Andrew, 40 Beckenham rd Watson Frederick Ln;wrence, 33 Balgowan road Wa'son George Wm., 27 Kendall rd Watson Henry, 23 Blakeney road Watson Miss, 14 Birkbeek road Watson Mrs.. Manor Road house, 42 Manor. road Watson Thomas William,207 Blandford road * Watt George Edwin, 124 Ravensbourne avenue Watts Alaric Wm .. 212 Mackenzie rd Watts Charles T. if" ...31 queen's -road ... Watts Edwin Alfred, Camelot, 5 Kings Hall road Watts George Herbert, Oakhurst, 14 Kent House road Watts Henry, Kelham house, 13 Copers Cope road pVatts Miss,W Crystal PalaeePk. rd Watts Mrs., 27 Kent House road tWatts Mrs. Oathel'ine,55Lennard rd Watts Walter Wordsworth, 17 Hampden road t Watts William :Marshall, D.Sc., . Shirle,v, 174 Venner road t Wayte EdwardCharles,Bromsgrove, 22 Woodbastwick road t Weatheritt James, 85 Wiverton rd Weatherley O. Frederick, 2 Kings Hall road t Weatherley Miss, 21 Newlands pk Webb Arthur E., 116 Ravenscroft rd Webb Arthur Wellington, 15 Samos road, Anerley t Webh Benjamin T., 15 Maitland rd Webb Charles Sydney, 149 Copers Cope road Webb Henry J., 23 Barnmead road Webb MIS., 26 Villiers road Webb Tracy H.; 269 :Mackenzie road Webb William, The Beeches, 19 Rectory road Webber Frederick, 17 Monivea road Webber George, 225 Birkbeek road "TebbeI' Richard, 8 Samos road Wedekind Julius Edward, 3;) Beckenham road Wedekind Miss E., 305 Beckenham rd Wedlake-Lewis F,loyde, Rosslyn, 12 Aldersmead road t Weedoll Joseph, 143 Parish lane Weil George, Netherton, 10 Kings Hall road Weil Wm. Ernest, 25 Clock House rd Weir Mrs. R., Ribblesdale. 7 Alderslllead road Weisgerber Misses, 1 Cec1[1,l'sroad WeiRte Deidrich F ., 21 Aldersmead rd Welch Fred, 20 Villiers road Welch James Header, Brooklyn, 52 Kings Hall road Welford Horace, 35 Allen road, Weller Alfred Chas., 200 Birkbeck tel Weller. Arthur, .7 Moss Lea road. Weller Arthur, 14..1.,Wiverton road Wells A. J., lOlA, Birkbeck road Wells Harry, 14..1.,Samos road Wells Miss C., 19 Thayers Farm rd Wells Miss E., 17 Tha, ers Farm rd Wells Mrs., 158 Croydon road Wells Thomas Leonard, Thildonck, 30 Hayne roa:1 Wellstead J obn DetliIT, 161 Birkbeck road Wellsted Harold, :1:3 Birkbeck road Wenham F. R., G Shaftesbury road Wenman Thomas Henry, Brasted, 4: Langley road Wentworth George Oscar, 26 Bir~beck road Were James Winter, Wintel'sleigh, 1 Perth road Wescott Albert L., Fairoak, 26 Albemarle road Wescott William P., "Fairoak. 26 Albemarle road West Edward, 76 Church Fields rd West George Evelyn, Sunnyside, 213 Worsley Bridge road West Mrs., 28 Wickham road West Richard, 33 Bromley road West William, 50 Church Fields rd Westcott Francis Henry, St. Helens, 11 Barnmead road t Western Benjamin, 90 Wiverton road * Western George A., Ravensbourne, 10 Kingswood road t Westman Karl, 31 New1ands park t Weston Charles J.,T Wivertlln road Weston Thos., 107 Church Fields rd Wetherell Wilfrid, A.R.c.A.Lond., 37 Balgowan rd Whalley Percy Edward,33 Pelham rd Whalley Robert Walter, 16 South· Eden park, Wickham road Wharton Alfred, Crowhurst, 22 Kings Hall road Whayman Maurice, :1:9 Kendall road t Wheable Sydney Aug., 94 Byne rd Wheatley John Frederick, The Elms, 84 Lawrie Park road Wheeler Alexander, 47 Arrol road Wheeler Alfred, Fern cottage, 70 Ravenscroft road Wheeler Aubrey Mark, 45 Cedal's rd Wheeler Miss, 3 Manor road Wheeler Richard Lloyd, Radford house, 100 Lennard road pVhelan Mrs., 21 Byne road Wheldon Frdk. W.,69 ClockHouse rd Wheller Alfred Robt., 82 Durban rd Wbelpton EdwardSmlth,M ..A.,lI.R.C.s. Eng., L.R.c.p,Lond., Gonville house, 3 Beckenham road While Fredk. Herbert, i> Malmains way, Park langley Whitbread Alfd.1~ldwd.42 Durban rd Whitbread Fflk. Hy.,11 Hampden av White Sir Henry Arthur, C.v.o., 6 The Knoll While A. J., 10 St. George's road White Erlwin, 6..1., Samos road White Mrs., 8 Wickham road t White Stephen Jas., 23 Thesiger rd White Thomas Wm.,165 Birkbeck rd * White William, 5 Bromley grove t White William Fox, 4 Wiverton rd White William James, Thorncliffe, 29 Barnmeacl road White William Walt., 9 Gwydor rd Whitehead John, 67 ThayersFarm rd Whitehead Roht. Hy., 50 Barnmeild rd Whitehouile Mrs., 65 Queen's road t Whiteley Matthew, 18 Wi\'erton rd Whitpr JaB. Joshna, 10 Colesburg rd Whiter Walter', 40 Colesburg road Whiter Walt. Dudley,35 Harnpden rd Whithall James. 20 Fox Grove road * Whitlock Frank Wallace, 36 Shortlands road Whitloeke Fras. Oliver, 8 Kendall rd Whittaker Thomas,· St. Margareta, 32 King'S Hall road Whittingham 'rhos., 74 Mackenzie rd Whittingt',n Thomas, Bonaker, 52 Croydon road t Whitton Mrs., The Rowans, 6 Woodbastwick road t Whyte David, Summerfield, 5 Border crescent Wichers John Hom" 1) Elwill way, Parklangley Wickham Percy Edgar, Ormehurst, 3 Tudor road Widgery Alfred Douglas, 34: Kings Hall road Widgery James Herbert, Broad Mayne, Reddons road Widgery Mrs , 26 Mackenzie road WilLy Ernest John, 44 ClockHouse rd Wilcher Charles, 19 St. George's rd Wild Albert John, Bversley, 103 Clock House road t Wild ~]'s., St. Margaret's, U Cator road t Wild Ovid Frc{lk., 22 Wiverton rd Wildt Adolf Elllest, Villa Helen, 18 Aldersmead road Wilkes Mrs., 25 Kendall road Wilkins Edward, 12 Sidney roa,l Wilkins Mrs., -16 Durban l:'oad Wilkips Mrs .. 32 Sidney road Wilkinson Albert Wm., 26 Arrol nl Wilkinson Frederick Cbarles, Looe Rocks, Manor way Wilkinson Herbert, 76 Durban rd Wilkimon Herbert. 121 Marlow road Willcox Hobert M01-gan, Ravensleigh, :m The Avenue tWilles Walter William, Oakbrook, 39 Cator road Willett Henry, 5 Wickham road Williams Rev. Robert Packenham, 99 Mackenzie road Williams Alfred Thomas Charles, Marne, 19 Blakeney road Williams Arthnr, BrooklY!I, 127 Mackenzie road Williams Chas. Geo.,83 Mackenzie rd Williams Charles Hy., 10 Villiers rd Williams Francis Millwood, 3 Cromwell road Williams Fredk. Geo., 29 Marlow rd Williams George, 210 Birkbeck road Williams George, 11 Monivea road * Williams George H., 16 Ravensbourne avenue Williams Herbert, Eblana, 22 Alder,;. mead road Williams James Lawson, M.D.Edin., Holyrood house, 1 The Avenue Williams John, Chandos, 65 Mackenzie road WilliamsJn.Reginald, 12 Hampden rd Williams Mrs., 18 Blandford road Williams Mrs., 15 Downs road Williams Mrs., Northcot~, 4 Bl~keney road tWilliams Sidney James, 33 Cator rd * Williams Thomas Robert. Arnold lodge, 4 Church road Williams Wm. Alfd., 62 Birkbeck rd Williams Wm. Jn., 60 Blandford Td Williams Wm. Tom, 52 Cromwell rd Williamson Frederick W., 7 Westfield road Williamson James, Dulverton. 13S Copers Cope road Williamson Miss, 5H High street Williamson Mrs., 2 Fox Grove road Williamson Wm. Jn , 17 Pelham rd tWillis Arthur R., 8 Studhllld road Willis Thomas, 36 Church Fields rd Willmer Fredk. James, 20 Elm road Willmott Stanley John, Oakleigh, 12 Cromwell road Wills Alfred, 32 Barnmead road. t Wills ,Tames, 4 Morland road Wills Mark, 3 Pdham road Willsher Walter, 20 Oak Hill road Wilmore Ernest Geo., lHo Birkbeck rd Wilmott Arthur, 40 Queen's road Wilmott Hubert Ed win, 17 St. George's road Wilson Albt., Belvedere, 18 Pelham rd iWi1son Alexander Henry R., 222 Venner road Wilson Alfred, 45 Durban road Wilson Alfred Hugh,340akhill road "'Wilson Arth., 126 Ravensbourne av Wilson Arthur, 6 Samos road Wilson Bertie John, 2 Rowden rd Wilson Charles, 194 Birkbeck road Wn ..on Chas.Rt.:69 Church Fields rd l lWilson Comeliu" Wilcox, Woodside, Kingswood .;'oad WilSOll Ernest, Tilgate, 152 Blandford road t Wilson James Frederick, 50 Byne rd YV"ilson John, 18 Mackenzie road Wilson John Edwin, 185 Birkbeck rd Wilson Miss, 51c, High street Wilson Miss, 20 Pelham road t Wilson Mrs. A. 13 Sydenham aven Wilson Percy John, 26 Hampden rd Wilson Sydney J. Birkby, 7 Westgate road WEStIn ThoQ HCl'Lt., 1.) Wickham rd. tWilson William S., 69 Byne road Wiltshire M:rs.~ ~q Faversham road Wimble Charles, Thirlmere. 25 Sonthencl road Wimbush William, Xorth lodge, Langl' y court. Wickham road t Winch Alfred Jas., 4 Lennard road Windser Charles, 2 Kelsey square Winkley Major Frederick Stuart, Hazeldene, 51 Wickham road WinRer Frederick J., Endsleigh, 7] Kings Hall road Winter George, C'laverton, 37 Barnmead road . t Winter Sydlley, 12U Parish lane Winter Thos.,Glen Lynn, Gwydor rd WiFdom Sidney, 29 Hampden road ~Wise George, 100 Wiverton road Wiseman Arthur, 73 Cedars road t Wiseman Ouftrles, H9 Lennard road Wiseman Fredk. Wm. 189 Birkbeck rd Wiskin Mrs., Olovelly, 11 Cedars rd Witham-Wignall John Wignall, Hoseneatb, 26 The Avenue Witbam-Wignall Kenneth John, Roseneath, 26 The Avenue Withers George F., Ii Sidney road Withers Mrs.. 11 We.-tfield road Witt Mrs. E. 'M., 3U Bamos road t Wolff Emil, Bry"gdly, 7~ Lawrie Park road Woo(l Alfred Henry. 76 Belmont rd 'Yood E., 123 Birkbeck road Wood Frank, 21 St. James's avenue Wood Frank, Sunnyside, 61 Kings Hall road . tWood Frank Wm., 23 Maitland rd Wood Frederick, .Lyndenhurst, 62 Copers Cope road 'Wood George, 7;' High street t Wood George AU, ed, 1 Studland rd Wood James, Oakside, 13 Ravellscroft road Wood John, 150 Mackenzie road Wood John Charles, Lyndhurst, Manor way Wood Montague, 14 Chaffinch road Wood Mn,., 17 Church Fields road t Wood Mrs., 84 Wivnton road Wood Roland J. 2fJ Clock House rd Wood Thomas, 79 Birkbeck road Wood W. Howard, Homewood, 18 South Eden park, 'Wickham road Wood William Charles Henry, 24 Faversbam road Wood William Nicholson, Elmwood, 116 Bromley road Woodbdclge Miss, 31 Bromley road t Woodbridge William, Engledene, 122 Venner road Woodham~ Herbert, Delee, 118 Lennard road * Woodhouse Mrs. Hilary, Ingleside, 166 Bromley road Woodin Frederick, Dormans, 4 Stanley avenue Woodman :Mrs., 4!l Barnmead road Woods Alfred, 52 Thesiger road Woods Harold, 44 Rowden road Woodward Frederick William, 79 Clock House road Woolgar John; 12 King" Hall road Woolidge Arthur, 82 Wiverton road Wooller Jabez, 15 Balgowan road Woolley Leslie, 2A, Manor road Woolley Mrs., 13 Chaffinch road Woolley Mrs. T.Boyle, 33 Beckenham road tWootton Charles, 23 Bync road Wordingham Walter H. D., 18 St. James's avenue Wordley Harry, 219 Birkbcck road Warnell John, 200 Croydon road Wortley Mrs., 14 Manor road Wotton Alfred. 56' Queen's road Wlagg Wm. Edwin, 21 Linden gro Wright Arthur, 41 Clock House rd Wright Arthur, 43 Kendall road Wright Benjamin Robert, Laindcn, 2 Beckenham mad Wright Edmund Higham, Hunmallby, 147 Co~,ers Cope road Wright Edward Mounsteven, Lancarfe, 49 Albem:nle road Wright Edward Mounsteven, jun., H 0 ak Hill road Wright George. 12 Belmont road WriQ'ht Herbert John, Aclehurst, 171 Mackenzie road Wdght John Philip Kemble, Mabelford, 173 Mackellzie road Wright Joseph, 74 Cromwell road I. Wright William, 21 Bromley road Wright Wm. 'rhos., 97 Blandford r~ tWyatt John, 120 Parish lane Wylde Misses, 10 Cr.escentroad Wyman David, 7 Church Fields rd Wynn Miss, 29 Monivea road y Yarwood Charles, 8 Villiers road Yates James, 4 Tudor road Yates John Sumner, Frith End, 96 Barnmead road Yates Mrs., 139 Birkbeck road Yates Mrs. A. C., 12 Bedington road Yeats Wm. Edwd.,3 Clock House rd Yeo William J., 42 Clock House rd tYeoman Edwin, Penihurst, 4 Courtenay road Yeoman Percy Leonard, 11 Kent House road Youels Geo. Thos., 22 Oak Hill rd *Young Henry, Kings Norton, 2 Church road Young Hobert Hellyer, Deerhurst, 12 Kemerton road YoungThos. Anthony,73 Queen's rd Young Thomas McCubbin, M.B., 1I'.R.c.s. Edin.,G3 Copers Cope road Young William, Rodrlam, 52 Fox Grove ;oad tYol1nger RoH.Fras.,135 Venner nl Z t Zeal Arthur Thomas Parks, 11 Wiverton road * Zimmermann Charles, Kingswood house, Killg8wood road Zimmermann Max, The Pines, 40 Shortlands road * Zimmcrmann Mrs. Maurice, 22 Becketiham grove


Is ituate about a mile and a half east of Bromley, and for Local GC'vernment purposes is treated as one with that parish. It is in the rurasl deanery of Bromley and diocese of Rochester. St. George's church is a handsome modern building of stone. It has a chancel, nave, aisles, and transept, with stained glass windows, and accommodation for about 820. The spire was taken down in 1904 and rebuilt in 1!l06. The living is a vicarage in the gift of E. J. Wythes, Esq., of Copped Hall, Epping, Essex. The Hev. William Alexander Carroll, M.A., of Christ Church, Oxford, is the vicar, having heen appointed in 1898. Early in 1888 a Mission Church (in connection with St. George's) was erected in Nightingale Lane, Widmore, for the needs of the poor and populous district of 'rylney Road. It seats about 200. N.B.-The Private and Commercial Residents of Bickley will be found in the Bromley Private and Commercial Lists.

: ChislehUrst Postal District. St. George's Church,Bickley-Rev. William Alexallf1er Carroll, M.A., The Vicarage, 7 Bickley Park Road, vicar; Rev. Alfred Lewis. 5 Clarence road, Bickley, curate; Cecil E. Clark, organist. Times of Service: Sundays, Holy Communion 7 (second Sunday) and 8 a.m. and first and third Sundays 11.45; fourth Sunday 12 (cboral). Morning Prayer 11 a.m., with Holy Communion. Evening Service 6,30. Children's Service 3 p.m. Holy Baptism any Sunday or Saints' Days. Daily Services 9.30 a.m. [tnd 5.30 p.m., Wednesday and Friday mornings 11 a.m. Special Services in Lent.

St. Micllael's Church, ~iglltingale Lane, Widmore.-Rev. Alfred Lewis, in charge, 5 C1arence road. Matins 10.45 a.m. Evenson;; 6.30 p Ill. Holy Communion 7.30. Children's Service 3.15.

St. Augustine's Mission Church, South· borough Road.-Rev. John Henry Broad· head, Turpingt'Jll,:) Southborough, curate ill charge. rime, and Services: Holy Communion, last Sunday in month 8 8.m; Evening Service 6.30 p.m. Thursday, ::IfiEsionService and A.ddress 8.30 p.m.

Bickley & Widmore Schools (Tylney Road) H. J. Salter, head-master, Boys' School. Miss Harvey,mistress, Girls' School. Miss Laumann, mistress, Infants' School.

Widmore Wesleyan Church. Tylney Road, opened Feb. 11th, 1885. Rev. T. Stanley Penman, ~w The Avenue. Times of Ser· vke : Sunday, 11 a.m. and 6.30 p.m. Young Men's Bible Class, i.lp.m., conducted by Mr. Vincent; Women's Bible Class, 3 p.m., conducted by Miss Green; Tuesday, service, 7,30 p.m.; Class meetings, 3 &; 8.30 p.m.; Prayer meeting, Friday 8 p.m.; Wesley Guild, Wednesday 8 p.m.

The Bickley and Widmore Temperance and Band of Hope Society meets in the ·Wesleyan Church at 6.30 alternate Mondays. Membership 150.

Bickley &; Willmore Working Men's Club & Inlititute, Tylney road, Bickley-Samuel Hills Gilbert, hon. secretary.


Messrs ALKE & CO.,



N.B. - The Private and Commercial Residents of Bickley will be found in the Bromley Private and Commercial Lists. t Chislehurst Postal District.

Amesbury Road.

From Page Heath lane. Left Side. 1 Jones Jobn Philip 3 Benn Fred 5 Eke Frederick 7 Constable B. 9 StidwIlI Philip 11 Thompson John }3 Kennedy Miss, Linden 15 Westcott Henry 17 Wickenden Mrs. E. A. 19 Thomas Alfred Madoc 21 Redman Mrs. 23 Hayward Henry C. V. Right Hand Side. 2 Line Miss 4 Moyce Cecil D. 6 Wingfield Harry 8 Hayward Edward 18 tHme W. J. :W Gregory George F.

Avenue (The).

From 8 Olarenee Road. Right Side. 2 Brown Mrs. George 4 Goodwin Arthur 6 Wix Mrs., Gibson lodge 8 Rowsell Leonard Alfred Il Stacey Miss 16 Oldendorff Frederick 20 Penman Rev. T. Stanley [Wes.] 22 Hose Arthur S. 26 Nelson Percy R., Craig ROystOI~ Cross and return. 15 Clark William T. D. 13 Vann John Luxton 11 Moore Frank, Winfrith 9 Harmer Percy James 7 Kay Rev.Frederick William [curate of St. Luke's. Bromley common J 5 Hawke Banfield! professor of foreign languages Lamp POld Letta Box

Barfield Road.

From Hawthorne Road to Goss Hill. Stiven George 0., Barfield . Fulford James (lodge of) Barfield

Barmouth Villas.

See Clarence .A renlte.

Beaconsfield Road.

From Glarence Road. Right Side. Wynn Mrs., Lea Bank Pryce Edward John, Addlestone 6 Otway John. The Cottage Hook Ernest lYfaunce, Alton villa Left Side. Wimble Charles F., Aroso Impey Mrs., The Croft

Bickley Cottages.

See Blackbl'oolt lane.

Bickley Crescent.

Right Side. Ware Alfred, Ealing James George Edward, Eversley Allaston B., Lindore Henry Edward William, Agra Maddams Richard, Veutnor Legg Edwin, Kinver Smith W. H., builder. Clarence house Left Side. Walpole Ernest D., Fernleigh Co,ill John H., preston Fitch Harry, Bilston Marshall Henry, Hillsboro' Lister Robert A., Ashton villa Brand William F., Rosemead Day Albert A., Sydcot Shew bridge H. T., Ardmore Page Henry G., Braeside Murrin Edmund, Cleveland Eickley Park Road. left Side-from Southborough Road. Allen William, Red Lodge Wythe's Estate Office, E. A. Morgan, manager Hart George W., builder, estate office . ..... here is St. George's road ...... St. George's Church 7 Carroll Rev. Wm. AI~xander, M.A. [vicar of Bickley], Vicarage Pillar Letter Box 9 Chalmers Mrs. F., Fll.l'lants Hutld A. B. (lodge of) Farrants 11 McFarlane William, Elmhurst 13 Margetson John, Merevale Bignell George (lodge of) Merevale tHowland Henry Joseph, Woodbine cottage, station master Chislehurst station ...... here is Chislehurst Rail1vay Station Cross and return. 14 Saalfeld Alfred, The Elms ... here is Blackbrook lane
ADVERTISEMENTS. 539 Telephone: Established BROMLEY 1009. 1870.


2, Tylney Road, Bickley and Widmore Road, Bromley, KENT. COACH and MOTOR BODY BUILDER ESTIMATES GIVEN. 540 A

ADVERTSEMENTS. Fresh Country Butter : Delicious Cream. OVER 100 COWS KEPT. .special COWS for Nursery and Invards'


12 Holdron Henry Thomas, Boughton 10 Brown Hobert Allen, Sunnyside Maxted J. (lodge of) Sunnyside 8 Wain Mrs., Clare wood Green Wm. Lodge of) Clarewood 6 Woodford E. B., The Firs ...... here is St. Georges road . 4 Duncanson Misses, Nutwood Ford George (lodge of) N utwood 2 Smith D. Warres, Birkby house Craker C. W. R. (lodge of) Bukby house Batchelor George (stables of) Hirkby house Bickley Railway Station. St'" S01l-tltbol'ollgh Road.

Billet Cottages.

see Southborough.

Bird-in-Hand La. - PAGEHEATH LA.

Left Side. ...... here is Nightingale lant! Cross and return. 2 Prestige S. E., Park Riding 3 Beer Bernhard, Westwood

Blackbrook Lane.

From Bickley Pit. rd. to Southborough. Left Side. Joynson Edmund Hambro, Easthill ....... .... here is Barfield rd ., . ..... here is private road leading to . Bennett Herbert, Albyfield Dove Edward (lodge of) Albyfield


6 Morgan Edward 5 Southgate Charles Henry 4 Smith James 3 Pitcher William John 2 Miller Harold 1 GooJwin William Cross and return. ......... here is Oldfield road Holmei William, Bonnington Roberts Fredk. (lodge of) Bonnington Lamp Post Letter Box . ...... here is Hawthorne road .

Blenheim Road. - Southborough Road.

Right Side. Day Lewis Ford, Tantallon 6 Bilder James Thomas Jaques Mrs" St. Martin's Fairbarns C. P., White cottage Left Side. Treasure Hy. George Saml., Twertoll Mossman Thomas John, Kelvin Young Mrs., Dinedor Sofield Thomas Howard, St. Clair Polden Charles, Taormina J ohnsonPercivalEd wd.Thos., Monreale Blashtield Charles Frederick, Messina Webber John J., Wiyenhoe Greenyer Percy George R., Kenora Hunt Thomas, Elmstead Foxley Henry James, Westwootl Law Douglas P., Bushey Bessant William Richard, Ilderleigh Feldman Leopold. Lynn Hug-hes Arthur Benjamin, Nannerch Hibbert George Richard, Ballure Manby Basil Way, Berrywood Ruberson Ernst. Langhorne, Hazeldene Bell Ashton Clinton, Qucensmere Greenwood Herbert S., Trevena ....... .here 'is Sunningdale road ...... Whitehall Recreation Gounds

Burford Road .

From Southborough road . Meldrum Ronald, Winslow Buzzard Herbert George, Carlitos Hare Robert, Lyntun Schelbert Alois, Berwyn

Chislehurst Road.

left Side-from WidmoreRoadtt' EImAlcud . Lane. ......... here ia Shawjicld park ......... 9 Mumford Thomas 11 \1ackling Alfred 13 Dark Miss, dressmaker 15 Moore Thomas, watch repairer 17 Haynes Ronald 19 Mercer George 21 Tempest Perrcy, Crismill ............ here is Hillbrow ............ 31 Archer Mrs. 33 Clarke George Wm., motor engnr 35 Walter Miss E., Redlands Gibson- McLagan Archibald, Ennore 37 Cork Alfred P. Batten ~frs., The High Field Pilcher Stephen Leonard, Westleigh stables For continuation see Chislehurst Directory. ........ here is Ellllstead Lane ......... Cross and return. B~wn Edward Cotgreave, school, Bickley Hall ...... here is St. George's rd. 1vest ... Mason David Marshall, Ronakwood Matthews Joseph Bridges, K.C., Bickley court ............ here is Pines road ............ 4 Bevan Cosmo, Widmore court 2 Lendon Edward Cator, auctioneer, The Well Cottage

Claremont Road.

From 31 Southborouglt road. Left Side. Jones W. Prestige, Heathcot Sutton Samuel Henry, SOmbl'Set cot Dunk Mrs., Cedar cot Le Gros Clark V{, Pendower Reveirs H. A., Southview Jackson AlfreJ. Robert, Claremont Right Side. . Alker Howard V., M.A., Foxgrove Jarvis William Thomas, Holme

Clarence Avenue.

Frmn Clarence road. Left Side. 1 Relf Zebulon 3 Russell Edward Arthur 5 West George, Tembry 7 Mumford Charles Frederick 9 Marchant .Tames Frederick II Greaves Joseph. 13 Simmons Frederick 15 Page Maurice Right Side. 2 Artis Anthony 4 Thompson Richard Leonard 6 Hawkes Frank Horatio 8 Harris William Woodall Miss, Rosewood Hollingshead John, Scatswell Head Bertram, Braemar Rush James William, Clifton Cook Richard, Warwick Parkhouse Mrs., Kelfield Day George, Ambrose


8 Grayson Miss 7 Wilkinson Mrs. 6 Wheeler Alfred 5 Dunnett Alexander 4 Coulling Henry James, gardener 3 :Marston Charles 2 Landrey.r. W. 1 Ship B. G.

Clarence Road.

From Southlands road. Left Side. 1 & 2 Hurlbatt Charles, Arno lodge 3 Sinclair R. 5 Lewis Rev. Alfred [curate of Bickley] G Birnie Mrs. 7 nIakemore Mrs., Leigh villa ............ here is The Avenllt' ............ 9 McDonald Gordon 10 Hartley Mrs. Hose John W., St. James ...... here is Bear:onsjield road 11 Turpin Miss, Heathglen ......... here is Pageheathlane .... ..... Right Side. Holland Ernest W., Beverley Page Edward, Meadowview Vivash Jacob, Himalaya Hall A., Cranley Dabbs Frederick, Cuzco ......... lllTe is Clarence avenue ........ Doggett Frank, Wayside Down Charles, Lynton Swanson Clarence G., Cranberry Whitehead John, Cranham Cheyne W. Y., Sunnyside Hale Arthur, Durban cottage Tyler C., builder, Westbrook ...... here is Bickley Creseent ...... here is Southlands grove

Denbridge Road.

From Woodlands road, Bickley Park. Left Side. Levin Arthur Everard. The Croft Quennell Charles Henry Bourne, Four Beeches ......... here is Wells road Jones Mrs. James, Wantisden Thomson A. W., Ormidale Greeff Robert H., Arima Hight Side. Lamp Post Letter Box Lovell Edward Driver, Ardna McKewan William Henry, Wellsfield Grant Mrs., Boscobel Jackson Lionel J., The Vane


Left Side. d'Ornellas C., Northfield ...... here is Park Farm road Riqht Side. t Sanderson Mrs., Bullers wood t Erown Daniel, Bullers wood stables


t Andrews Walter James t W olsoncroft Herbert Walter t Harrold Mrs., South bank t Liebreich Frederick E., Logshill t Reid J. Christie, Hydeswood t Sergeant H. J., Hydeswood lodge t Bryan Wm. Booth, Elmstead Wood t Brockwp.ll Frederick, Elmstcad Wood (lodge) ...... here is Yester road, Sundridge avenue, . Southdl road. POI'continuat'ion see Chl;8lehur.~tDirectory.

Hawthorne Road.

Left Side-from Southborough Road. Sherwell Mrs., Ediacara 5 Gunn Wm. Cecil, The Red House 7 Powell Hy.R., F.R.a.S. South Lawn ......... here is St. George's road . Ely Horace, The White cottage RussellGeo.Percival,Bickley HRll farm ......... here is BlaJ/cbrook lane ......... Cross alld return. 14 West Misses, The Homestead 12 Douglas James, Dalmeny 10 Taylor John H .. Chastleton 8 Landon G. F., Thirlmere ......... here is St. George's road . 4 Mellor W. M., Hawthorne 2 Duff Daniel,' jun., Coombe Lea Highfield Road. From Park hill. Stoneham John Allen, Mundendorrie Jones Henry, Elmlea

Logshill Cottages.

See Elm8tead lane.

Oldfield Road.

From Southborough road. Left Side. 1 Lawson C}la~les S., Moorlands Francke .Max, Lingdale .... ,. ,.. here is St. Georpe's road ......... Purchase Jn., Highlands (lodge of) Cross and Return. Symington William, Oldfield Austen Henry G. (lodge of) .oldfield ......... here is Springfield road . 6 Douglas Mrs., Cheriton 4 McMillan James, The Retreat 2 Astle William George Devon, Hamilton lodge

Page Heath Lane.

From rIIneNon of Bickley Road 5' Bickley Park Road. Left Side. 22 White F. H., Gowrie 18 Mark Arthur ~hirley, Holne lodge 16 Payn Mrs., Oak Dell 14: Towse Sir JohnWrench,Sunnydene ......... here is Glw'{'lU!e road . 12 Rogers Charles Knight, (~raneton 10 Hermes Louis, Queda 8 Mathews & Lewis, surgeons Lewis Cecil Ernest Millington, ]If.."'., M.D., D.c.cambo, III.R.C.S. Eng., IdLe.p.Lond., physician & surgeon 6 Howes Phillip T. 4 Payne Martin T. 2 Vallings Harry Adolphus, Heath bank Cross and retul'l/. ......... here is Amesbury J·oail ......... Elsden Miss, Shirley Rait William, Clifton bank Sweeting S., Monkton Wall Letter Box ...... here is Bird-in-Hand lane . Napier Capt.George Samuel Frederick, Dial house WilSall Rev. Chas., M.A., Broadclyst

Page Heath VIllas.

From Page Heath Lane. 1 Sheldon Alfred lA Smith Henry 2 Hubble Edward 2A Tennant Mrs. 3 Coates Joseph 4 Lockyer Mrs. 5 Thomas George William 6A Dedman William Edward 6 Fairman John Taylor 7 White Thomas 7A Madey Leonard 8 Cook Ernest 8A Clymer Herbert Arthur Burbridge James Henry 10 Hutson Ernest lOA Brace Osborne 12 Thornton George 13 Read James 15 Sharp William 16 James Frederick 17 Layton Henry 18 Griffiths Mrs. 19 New Thomas 20 Andrews Richard, rustic builder

Park Hill - BICKLEY.

Soouthborough Road . Left Side. van del' Eeeck Ernest Will., Cedr' Lea Poppe Mrs. Edward, Ruthesay Campling John J. B .. Rebuha Lewisohn Claude, Kingsdown Right Side. Roberts A. Lines. Eulinya Bossey Miss O. M., Malham Fester Emil Charles, Tempcrley Newton Matthew H., Dover lodge ......... here is Hi(ll~field road . Jackson Alfred Robert, Larchfield

Pines Road.

Fl'oJn Biekley Rd. to Chi.~lehul'st Rd. Neighbour James De Wafll Emile, Pelham lodge

St. George's Road.

From Oldfield road. Right Side. Grossmith John L., The Grange Beady Herbert, The Grange stables Smith Sydney, Wyncroft ...... 1!CI'e 18 EIawthol'ue Road ...... ...... here is Bickley Pal'1t road ...... Butler Mrs. Percy, Woodlands Suckling Edwd. (lodge of) Woodlands Faulks Luke (stables of) Woodlands ...... here is Woodland road Waddington Richard, Halstow Everingtoll William Arnold, One Oak Left Side. ... ... here is Hawthorne road ...... here is Bickley Pal'kl' road...... Alstvn George Hay, Seremban ... ... here is Woodlands road Radford Guy, The Corner house Owen E. R., Northcourt St. George's Road WeEit. Prom, Ch'isleltUl'st Road.

Shawfield Park.

See Bromley.


Left Side-from Crown Lane. ..... here is footpath to Bickley , ...... here is Southborough road . 5 Tke Chequers, Henry Ranson [PH] White Charles, fly proprietor Chalmers Kenneth Edlmann, Blackbrook !) Hoare Joseph, Blackbrook farm ... here is footpatll to Oldfielchoad ." ......... here is Blackbrook lane . ... here is footpath to Orpington ... Bickley Hill Brickworks (Hoare Morgan, proprietors) Maller & Son. nurseries cross and return.


Whitehead Stephen 2 Osborn G. 3 Whitlock William George 4 Treman G. 5 Flowerday William 6 Downham John 7 Salmon James 8 Hutchinson 'William 9 Hall Frederick William 10 Pennels James 11 Archer Emanuel, Mead View 12 Sodiam Henry 38 Crooked Billet. Harry Aug.Smith 34 Knight William 32 Wilson Joseph Field C. & A. jobmasters Wall Letter box ...... here is Magpie Hall Lane . 30 Jewson Alt'red 20 Haxell Arthur Barron, Arncliffe 18 Musker Arthur, Yewhurst 14 Stenning Edgar H., Hilden 12 Brown Col. Frederick John, c.n., Halstead house 8 Gray William E., Draycott Boas Frederick S., M.A., Cranford 2 Broadhead Rev. In. Henry [curate in charge I)f St. Augustine's Mission church, Southborough], Turpington ............ here is Crown lane ............

Southborough Road

Right Side. From Bickley Park. 2 Cooper-Marsdin Rev. Canon Arthur Cooper, !lI.A., B. D. (Proctor in Convocation) Burgess Miss A., school, Springhurst Alexander George, coal merchant Alker & Co., house & estate agents Telephone Oall Office Pegg Nathaniel & Co. Limited, Civil Service coal merchants W. J. Laing, manager Bickley RaUway Station, George Pri yett. station master Telephone Call Office Smith W. H. & Son, hookstall Post, .llullc.'If Order ". Telcgraph Qfncr-J. T. Hilder, sub-postmaster Coal Co-operative Society Ltd., R. Maddams, reprtsentative ........... here is Cab Stand . Fire Alarm 8 Herbertson-Dawson H. D., Ardenhurst 10 Nicholls William, Southfield .. . ... here is Southlands GI'OPe, ..... , 12 Bowley Alfred, The Trellis 14 Ms.thews & Lewis, surgeons, Oriel 10 14 Mathews Sidney R. H., L.R.C.P., M.R.C.S., surgeon, Oriel lodge 18 Hamblin Arthur, The Rollies 20 Hodder.Williams Ernest, The Orchard 22 Theobald Hugh Whittard, Homefield Walt Letter BOJ: ......... hr~l·e is SOllthlands road . Carey Harold, Elmwood Burnie E. A'I Holmwood cottage Purcell John Poyntz, Crumlin Douglas William James, The White House ......... ·herB is Blcnheillt /'oad ,. Cork Reginald P., Capertee ......... hac is Burjord road . Garlant Herbert, The Coracle Bellamy Wm. Jas., The Sycamores {j2 Staples J., builder Mansfield Harry, Ivall Colyer Arth. Reginald,Edmonstone St. Augustine's .J.lIission ClLUrCIt Left Side. ...... here is Hamtllorne road . ......... here i.~Oldfield road . Taylor Seaton, The Laurels ............ Izere is Pal'k Hill . New Frederick William, Merinda 29 Bourne Alfred 31 Miller John Henry 33 Leishman Mrs. ......... here is Claremont road...... . Lamp Letter Box 35 Fischer George F., Appletreewick ........ here is Waldeqrave rd . 49 Kenny Mrs. E. Dennis, Yandilla 61 Knowles Charles William 63 Ranger Charles John Wall Letter Bow Belmont Boarding & Day School for Daughters of Gentlemen ( Mrs. Leishman, principal; Miss A. M. Porter, L,L.A., head mistress), Belmont, Southlands Grove. Left Side-from Southborough road. 1 Woodward Mrs. J. E., Berily ho Lee-Warner Lady, Glencairn 5 Gilby Alfred, Wixoe Carre-Smith Major Meredith, Holmdene rn14 NaslvH. Broughton, mining engnr 12 Walter Mrs., Ashlev 10 Edwards Mrs., Newton house Layman Mrs. Charles Noel, Thornton house 6 McKendrick Wm, P., The Cedars 4 Spicer The Misses, Summerfield 2 Wilks Jas. Herbert, Swallowfield Southlands Road. Left Side - from Southborough road, 248 Gosselin Rev. Charles Carteret :M.A. [vicar of St. Luke's, Brom~ ley common] 246 Hederstedt Henry Burdett, Twyford lodge 244 Clutton·Brock Henry Alan 242 Slipper Mrs, H. J., Elm Lodge 240 Bradshaw Mrs., Rostherne 238 Miller Mrs., Overfield ...... here is footpath to Walpole road ... 186 Waters Jesse,.carman ... Entrance to Whitehall Recreation Ground ......... 154 Wood John 152 Clymer Angustus George 150 Harris Charles 148 Skingle William 146 Bashford William 144 Hughesman Hobert 142 Kibble Charles Richard (For continuation of Southlands Road see Bromley Directory.) Cross and return. ...... here is Clarence road ......... Gordon James Hacker, Endsleigh Pedlar J. H., Clovelly Colmer William, Beaulieu Greves Arthur Edward, Fairhaven Neale Frederick James, Vermont Twort Walter George, South View Bullen Herbert E., Kelling Knott Ernest Frederick, Everslev Watson William, Rosedale Pitmlin Percival George,Homefield cot Kelleway William, Homefield stables

Springfield Road .

From Oldfield road. Right Side. Normanton Robert, Nunholm Powell Richard Charles, Springfield

Sunningdale Road.

From Blenheim road to Berford rd. Right Side. Lott Albert E., Beverley Townsend John, Timaru

Turpington Lane.

Southborollg h. [Letters through Bicklt>y.] 1 Potter Mrs. Furniss, Wha:rfemead 2 Perkins C, Vale Road. Off Woodlands road, Bickley Park. See Chisslehurst.

Waldegrave Road.

From 35 SoutltboTougIt 'road. Left Slde. Cave William T., Southbeeeh Thompson George H., Sefton Harrison Frank, Rovehurst Owen Howell, Dorchester Morrison Joho, Dunthorpe Right Side. Hookway Miss, Oak lodge

Wells Road.

From Denbridge road. Right Side. Bowater Maj. Frank H., Denbridge ho Left Side. Helliear Evelyn A.,arehtet.,Hildegarcle Bolton Felix D., Raimer

Woodlands Road.

From Pines road. Right Side. May John, Hadlow May Miss, Englefield Shurman ~arry (lodge of) Euglefield ...... here 'IS St. George's road Hawkins Charles, The Knoll Left Side. Andreae Mrs. Carlo, Crestalta Berger Harry, Oak Tree house Mansergh Walter L., Walcot Gutteridge Harold Cooke The Rydings Yarrow Mrs., The Spilln~y ... ... here is Dertbridge road Lalnp Post Lettel' Bow


IS a quiet little village is situated amidst refreshing green fields and exhibits at a glance symbols of rural life and rural quietness. It is in the Western Division of the County, hundred of Ruxley, lathe of Sutton - at - Hone, rural deanery of Bromley and diocese of Rochester, and is 161 miles from London, 8 from Sevenoaks, 6~ from Bromley, 3 from St. Mary Cray, and 22- from Orpington. The church, which is dedicated to St. Martin, is a flint and stone building, with tower, spire and five bells. The chancel of the church has undergone considerable alterations, under the direction of Mr. Topp, of Dever. The register dates from 1538. The living is a rectory ill the gift of All Souls College, Oxford, and is held by the Rev. Joseph J. Baddeley, M.A. and L.Th. of Durham University. A small red brick church 'has 1)een erected at Green Street Green. Rev. Leofric Octavius Brandon Cutler, B.A., has been curate in charge since 1913. There is a Congregational Mission Room at Pratt's Bot.tom. In the village is a Wesleyan Chapel. It is within the Sevenoaks Circuit and is served therefrom. Opposite this chapel is the Council School, which affords accommodation for 16S scholars; there are also schools at Pratt's Bottom and Green Street Green. .There is a railway station within easy distance of the village, which renders it accessible to all parts, especially to the great Metropolis. In 1894 a new estate was opened for building purposes. The area is ?,218 acres, and the rateable value £17,4:4:5 5s. The population at the census of 1911 was 1,792, being an increase of 270 on the census of 1901. The village now possesses a Parish Council.


:Money Order, Telegraph Office and Savings Bank. Sub·Postmaster, William Stacey. Letters arrive from Orpington at 7.30 a.m. and ].2;; and 5.4:) p.m.; despatched at 9.45 a.m., 2.20 and 8 p.m. Sunday-arrive at 8.1,; a.m., despatched at 10.45 a.m. No business between 2.30 and 7.15 p.m. on Wednesday. Letters should be addressed "r.helsfield, Orpington, Kent." BuIl's Head Wall Box cleared at 9.10 a.m. and 7.10 p.m., Sunday, 9.50 a.m. Well Hill Box-cleared 8.40a.m.; 7.35p.m., Sunday, 10 a.m. Bo Peep Box-cleared 8.45 a.m. ; 7.45 p,m., Sunday, 10.5a.m. Chelsfield Station Box -Cleared 8.20a.m. and 1.45and 8.0 p.m., Sunday, 9.10 a.m. Wall Box, Chang-anTang-Cleared at 7.45 a.m., 1.40 & 6.20 p.m., Sunday, 8.30a.m. Edith Road Box -cleared 8.25 a.m., 1.50 and 8.5 p.m., Sunday, 9.15 a.m.

POST OFFICE - Pratt's Bottom.

SuiJ-Poetmaster, George Osgood. Letters arrive at 7.40 a.m. & 6 p.m.; despatched at 9.20 a.m. & 7.30 p.m., Sundays, arrive 8.15 a.m.; dispatched 9.25 a.m. No business after 1 p.m. Thursdays


The Parish Church. Rector - Rev. Joseph J. Baddeley, M.A. Churchwardens-J!~. Norman and G. Osgood. Parish Clerk-Miss A. E. Verrells. Green Street G"een Church-Rev. Leofric Octavius Brandon Cutler, B.A., curate in charge. Pratt's Bottom Congregational Mission Room Rev. William Lewis, pastor, Derry Downs, St. Mary Cray. Wesleyan Chapel. Guardian -Arthur Thomas Waring, J.P. Overseers-George Osgood 111\d Joseph Wm. Rowley. Assistant Overseer-G. R. Tunstall. Registrar and Births &; Deaths-J. D. Higgins attends at Mrs. Neal's "shop on 1st & 3rd lIfonday in each month from 9 to 10 a.m. Collector of King's Taxes-William Frost Masters, Laro, Homefield rise, Orpington. Parish Council-A.Miller·Hallett(chairman), ..w. Fox, J. Rowley, A. T. Waring, J.P., Georgo Osgood, E. Norman, J. Dowler, A' Geere, O. Berens and J. Smith, George R. TlIDstaJJ (Clerk). Chelsfield Council School &; Pratt's Bottom Council School-Masters, George Butcher and G. R. Tunstall. Green Street Green Schools (mixed) - P. Pilbeam, master. Managers of Schools.-W. Fox, E. Norman, P. Bowen, J. Rowley, A. MUler· Hallett, and A. T. Waring, J.P. (chairman), E. Goldsack, 6 Clarendon road, Seven oaks, correspondent; C. D. Quint, school attendance officer. Charles Mddleton of Halstead, London and Knockholt carrierChelsfield, calls at Pratt's Bottom on Thursuays, for London, returning Fridays.


Those marked are in Shoreham 0rLulling & tont Parish,. marked thu.t t are in 0rPington Parish. For Green-Street-Green Names, see Farnborough. (Letters should be addressed Chelsfield, Orpington, Kent.]

Private Residents.

Arrow Caleb, Pratt's bottom Asprey George Edward, The Court 10. Baddeley Rev. Joseph J., M.A. t Beecroft Miss, Keston cottage Burgess Frank Butler A. Francis (H.M. Inspector of Schools), Cheh,tield house Capon Alfred,TheLimes,Pratt's bottom t Child Mrs., Chang an Tang t Cole Charles Whalley, Woodland cot Curwen Chs. The Grange, Pratt's bottom Dennis Stanley M., Cackets (letters through Cudbam) Hill Albert, Mount hall t Hince Misses, Silverdene t Hool, Inglenook t Kentish·Startup H., The Homestead * Lambert Herbert H., The Chesnuts, Well hill Longstaff Frederick Stephen, Hill view, Crown road Mason Henry Stuart,Red lodge (letters Orpillgton) Mason Mrs., Hewitts Miller-Hallett Alex., Goddington Morgan Miss M., Cross house t Ncwman C. 0., Normanton Norman Edward, Chelsfield bouse Riehford Hobert M., Stone house t Thomas Wm. Ernest, Holly cottage Chlrich Heinrich Sigismund, Bryntirion Waring Arthur Thomas,J.p., Woodlands Whitehead William, Rushmore hill, Pratt's bottom

Commercial. [Chelsfield]

Bailey Arthur Harry, Bull's Head, Pratt's bottom [PH] Bird Geo., fishmonger, Pratt's bottom Blackwell Hubert, blacksmith Burgess Frank, school attendance officer Butcher George, schoolmaster Charman John, White Hart, Bo Peep [PH] Clark Mrs. Elizabeth, shopkeeper, Pratt's bottom * CrowhurstWm.fruitgrower,Well hill Dougall Charles, farmer, Washness Ellis George William, china riveter, Pratt's bottom * Foreman Robert, fruit grower, Well hill * Foreman Wm.,fruit grower, Skeet hill Fox William, farmer. Holly croft Groom Mrs. Lucy, baker Harlow Thomas, fruit grower, Skeet hill Hathrill James, fruit grower. Osbornes Jarrett John, grocer, Pratt's bottom * Latter Mrs. Amy, fruit grower, Well hill Miller George & Sons, farmers, Court Lodge & Fairtrough farms Mills Frank, Five Bells, The Village * Moxham William, frUit grower, Well hill Neal Mrs. Fanny, grocer Osgood George, carriage & motor body builder~ & post office, Pratt's bottom Patullo D. L., farmer, Lilleys farm * Roe J., shopkeeper, Well hill Schwier Charles, farmer, Norsted manor Smallwood Thomas, baker Smith Henry, fruit grower, Well hill Smith James, builder Stacey Wm., stationer, and Post Office Stanley David Shaw, World'sEnd farm Staples George, station master Tunstall George R., assistant, overseer, clerk to parish council, and schoolmaster. Pratt's bottom VerrellR A. E. (Miss), parish clerk VerreUs Thomas, harness maker Walton A. T., nurseryman, Crown nursery Walton David William, blacksmith. Pratt's bottom Walton Thomas Walt., farmer, Juliens Brimstone's farm West Bros., contractors, Pratt's bottom West Jsph., shopkeeper, Pratt's bottom Wright George, Rock and Pountair Well hill * Young Charles EdwardI Kent Hounds. Well hill
ADVERTISEMENTS. CHISLEHURST, Bickley Park & the surrounding Districts. The most beautiful, healthy and convenient rural suburbs of London. IYJ:ESSRS .. DAVID J. CHATTEll & SONS (F. L. CHATTELL, F.S.I., F.A.I;; A. CORDON BIRD, P.A.S.I., F.A.I.), WHO have been established at Chislehurst for nearly 50 years, and have acquired an intimate knowledge of the value of Property in the neighbourhood, offer exceptional facilities to Owners or Occupiers having for disposal Residences, Lands, & c., at CUISLEUURST, BICKLEY, BROMLEY, ORPINGTON, and the surrounding localities, which will be personally inspected free of charge, and receive their best attention, together with all the publicity and advantages afforded by their CENTRAL LONDON OFFICES, long recognised as one of the best mediums for the Transfer of Properties in these districts. PROPERTIES REGISTERED FREE OF CHARCE. Applicants desirous of purchasing Residences or Building Land, or of Renting Furnished or Unfurnished Houses, are recommended to call upon or communicate with Messrs. David J. Chattell & Sons, at their Local Offices, close to Chislehurst Railway Station, where accurate particulars, revised from day to day, may be obtained, of nearly all the available properties in the neighbourhood. A lJcrsonal interview saves trouble to all parties and greatly facilitates busintJss. Valuations made for Mortgage, Probate, Finance Act and all other purposes. No. 29a, (Corner of) Lincoln's Inn Fields, London, And at 65~ CHISLEHURST ROAD~ NEAR LOWER CAMDEN, CHISLEHURST. N.B.---Mr. F. L. CHATTELL, F.S.I., F.A.I., is in constant attendance at the Chislehurst Office and will give special personal attention to alii Local; Business. T E )(LONDON OFFIOE), OENTRAL 6978. EL PHONES) (CHISLEHURST OFPIOE), BROMLEY 828. C


Is a delightfully situated on elevated ground in the midst of a thickly wooded tract. It is in the Western Division of the County, Hundred of Ruxley, lathe of Sutton - at - Hone, rural deanery of Bromley and diocese of Rochester, and is about 11 miles distant from London, 3 from Bromley, 2 from St. Mary Cray, and 8 from Dartford. Its beautiful Commons . form one of its principal attractions. Chislehurst Common and that part of St. Paul's Cray Common within the parish of Chis1ehursli contain together about 134 acres. The outlying portion of St. Paul's Cray Common contains about 48 acres. This total area of upwards of 180 acres lies at a general elevation of about 300 feet above the sea, and is covered with a thick growth of gorse, bracken, heath and bramble, interspersed with hawthorn and blackthorn and groves of silver birch and other trees. Since 1888 the Commons have heen governed by a Board. of Conservators with a view of preserving unimpaired their natural features and beauty. On the south sid.e of Chi81ehurst Commr·n is the West Kent Cricket Ground. Long before the days of railways, Chislehurst was a favourite place of residence of persons having business in London, and more than a hundred years ago many judges, bankers, East India directors and wealtby merchants had their country houses here. To this fact we owe the many fine old houses surrounded by ample and beautifully wooded grounds. In modern times the parish acquired considerable notoriety from having been for ten years the home of the exiled Imperial family of France. The Parish Church, dedi. cated to St. Nicholas, is built of flint and stone, and the structure dates from the year 1460, the font being the sole relic of the former Norman edifice. At the east end of the north aisle is the interesting Scadhury Chapel, containing many monuments of the families of Walsingham, Batenson and Townshend, who have held the manor of Scadbury SllCcessively since 1424: and that of Chislehurst since 158!. The Church was restored in 18!9, and to this date belong the south aisle, the vestry, south arcade of the nave, and the south wall of the chancel. The sanctuary and ambulatory were erected in 1896 by the parishioners to commemorate the Jubilee, as Rector, of the Rev. Francis Henry Murray, M.A. and Hon. Canon of Canterbury. In the chancel there is an ancient brass to Alan Porter, rector from 1446 to 1482, and the monuments to the families of Selwyn, Warwick, Tryon and Bertie are also of much interest. The shingled spire was erected in 1858, the former having been destroyed by fire in the previous year. There is a fine peal of ei~ht bells, replacing the former six. The pari.h register dates a~ far back ao! 1558, and is in :good condition. The living is a rectory, in the gift of the Bishop of Rochester, and is held by the Rev. James Edward Ie Strange Dawson, M.A. 'On the Common opposite to the Church are the schools originally founded in 1757. The present building was erected in 1867. The Village Hall, in Church lane, on the east of the Church, was erected in the same year. Christ Church, Camden, which was consecrated by the Archbishop of Canterbury in 1872, is in the gift of five trusteed. The Rev. George Henry P~le, M.A., is the vicar. There are Sunday Schools in connection with it. Tb.e Church of the Anuunciation at Chislellurst West· Was consecrated in ll'810, and constituted a separate Parish by the Ecclesia~tical Commissioners in 1876, under the title of "The Parish of the An'lUnciation." The patronage is in the hands of Keble College, Oxford, and the living is held ipy the Rev. Samuel EdwilrdBayard S3rle. Opoosite the Church is St. !Mary's Hall, el'ected in 1877. rhe Wesleyan Church is situated on the Common and was erected b 1358. There is achool in connection with the ,Church, which is used for Day and Sunday Schools. [:it.Michael's Orphanage was established 50 years ago by the .Misses Anderdon and is now one of the Homes belonging to the Church of England Waifs and Strays Society; it has accommodation for 40 boys and i" situated on the Common. On the extreme south side of the common is St. Mary's Catholic Church. When the late Emperor of the French took up his residence at Chisleburst, he became with the Empress and Household a regular attendant at this Church. At his death, he was interren within its sacred walls, a special chapel having been built to contain the tomb. This tomb, of IDas!!ive Aberdeen granite, was an offering of H.M. Queen Victoria. Many were the banners and wreaths, sent by grateful friends and admirers, which decorated the walls. In 1879 the remains of the Prince Imperial, who was killed in the Zulu War, were brought to this Church and deposited in a small sacristy by Monsignor Goddard, opening out on the north side. A beautiful reclining figure of the Prince has been erected in the Church, while the inhabitants of Chislehurst erected to his memory a very handsome Celtic Cross immediately facing Camden Place. The Church where the father and son were buried continues to be visited by numerous pilgrims from afar off. The bodies, however, were removed in 1889 to Farnborough, Hants, where a monumental Church has been built, which is served by the Benedictine Fathel's of the monastery close by. The Governesses' Benevolent Institution. situate on the left of the road leading from the Church to St. Paul's Cray Common, is a long, neat building, with lady superintendent's house in centre, and six houses on ,each side for ladies; the foundation stone was laid on March 4th, 1871, and-the building was opened in the early part of 1872. A District Church, St. John the Baptist, in connection with the Parish Church, is at Mill Place. It consists of two floors, the lower being used for a Sunday school and club rooms, and the other for Divine Service. Accommodation is afforded for 200 persons on this floor. The cost of the Church was about £1,800. Camden Place was originally the home of Camden, the historian, who died here in 1623. The present house was built by the celebrated Lord Camden, Lord Chancellor in 1766, who took his title from the name of this estate. In modem times it was for some years the residence of Napoleon III. and the Empress Eugenie, and is now used as the heaJ.-quarters of the Chislehurst Golf Club, which was inaugurated in 1894. Among other interesting houses may be mentioned Frognal, the seat of the Hon. Robert Mal'sham-Town:;hend,MA., l!'.R.G.S., l!'.G.s., F.B.A., D.L., J.P. Lord of the Manor of Chislehurst, built in early Stuart times, the residence of the celebrated Sir Philip Warwick during the Comm'mwealth and afterwards of the f>l.milyof Tryon. Sincs 17!8 it has been occupied by the family of Townshend. The Manor House, an interesting old Elizabethan house, although its name is modern and a misnomer, for 250 years the seat of the Ellis family and their descendants, is now occupied by Ion H. Perdicaris. Coopers, a fine Georgian house, which formerly belonged to the family of Stone, is now known as Tudor Hall. Hawkwood, formerly the seat of the Jenner family, now of Mrs. Edlmann. Foxbury, the fine modern residence of Mrs. Henry Tiarks, beautifully situated on the north-east side of the parish. At the rear of the Bickley Arms Hotel, in the Vhalk cliff at the foot of Chislehurst Hill, is the entrance to the Chislehurst Caves, one of the most interesting pre-historic artificial excavations in this c0!1ntry. They may be visited from the Hotel on payment of a small fee for guide and lighting. Until recently these caves have been inaccessible to the public, but a large portion of their extent is now lighted by electricity. Although many miles have been explored, their extreme limits have never yet been reached. The most ancient portion consists of a labyrinth of passages, about 12 feet wide, of fine workmanship, containing many apsidal recesses with chalk altars. These are reached from the cliff by a broad, straight gallery, 150 feet long, 10 to 12 feet high, 12 to 15 feet wide, narrowing to 7 feet at the roof. From this, extending to right and left, are passages of like character, opening again into others, so numerous that the visitor is fairly bewildered and loses all idea of the direction in which he is travelling. There are many Dene-holes in the hill above, which, penetrating to the Galleries, afford ample ventilation. A Fire Brigade is maintained by the Urban Council. The area of the whole parish is 2,791 acres and the rateable value £8:\742. The population at the census (1901) was 7,429, and in 1911 8,668. The railway stations are Chislehurst and Elmstead (S. E. & C. R.) 1 mile; Eltham 3 miles i Sidcup (North Kent Loop) 2! miles and Bickley (S. E. & C. R.) I! miles.

Chislehurst is now governed by an Urban District Council, one third of the members retiring annually in April.


Post, Money Order, Telegraph & Telephone Call Office. Post Office, Chislehurst-Mr. Joseph Osborn, sub-postmaster. Office open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. PARCELPOST Despatches to London and all parts *10.55 a.m .. 1.30, 3.30 & 8.0 p.m. Direct desratches to Bromley, 10.45 a.m., 1.30 & 5.30 p.m.; to Tonbridge, 10.411a.m. & 1.20 p.m.; 'anu to Orpington at to.55 a.m.. Deliveries at 7.10 a.m. and 2 & 7 p.m .. 'Lil:TTERs-'DespatcheB to London and all , ,parts at 8.45 &,10.55 a.m.: 1.00,3.30, '6.15, .,l9.15 & 10.15 p.m. Direct despatches to Bromley at 10.55 a.m. and 1.30&5.30 p.m.; to Orpington at 10.55 a.m. and to Ton· bridge 10.45 a.m. & 1.20 p.m. On Sundays only the mails marked t are des· patched. Honey Orders are 'granted and paid from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Postal Orders issued 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., and paid 8 a.m. to 8 p.m .. Open for Telegrams: 8.0 a.m. to '8.0 . p.m. , SlUldays-delivery 7.45 a.m., despatch at 9.15 p.m. SundayBTelpgrams 8.30 to 10.0 a.m . LOWER CAMDEN TowN-Sun OFFICE at :Mr. Ernest Holoran. Telegraph, Parcels Post and Money Order Office-Despatches 8.15 & 10 a.m., 12.30, 2.45, 5.30,8.15 & 9.30 p.m. Sundays 7.45 p.m. Telegraph business transacted 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Closed Sundays, Bank Holida,s & 1 p.m. Wednesdays ROYAL PARADE TOWN-SUB OFFICE, Telegraph, Parcels Post & Money Order Office. -Despatches 8.30 & 10.0 a.m., 12.30, 3.0, .5.15,8.15 & 9.45 p.m. Sundays 8.30 p.m. Olosed Sundar, Bank Holidays and 1 p.m. Wednesdays WHITE HORSE HILL TOWN-SL"BOFFICE, open 8.0 a.m. to 8.0 p.llI. For sale of Stamps and reception of Parcels; Postal Orders issued and paid 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Collections 8.15 and 10 a.m., 12.45, 3 and 8.45 p.m. Sundays 7.0 p.m. PILLAR Box, Kemnal Road, 8.30 & 10.15 a.m., 12.45, 3.15. 8.0 & 9.45p.m. Sundays, 7.0 p.m. OAKWOODW ALL BOX, cleared at 7.45 & 9.45 a.m., 12.15, 2.30, 8.0 and 9.0 p.m. Sundays, 6.45 p.m. WALL Box, Christ Church, Lubbock road, 8.0 & 10.0 a..m., 12.45, 2.45, 'l.15 & 9.15 p.m. Sundays 7.30 p.m. WALL BOx, Sundridge avenue, cleared at 8.0 & 9.45 a.m., 12 noon, 2.15, 8.0 & 9.15 p.m. Sundays 6.30 p.m. WALI: Box, Chislehurst St!J.tion, cleared at 5.45,8.15 & 10 a.m., 12.30, 2.30, 5.30, 8.0 & 9.30 p.m. Sundays 6.30 a.m. & 7.45 p.m. WALLBOX, Grange, 8.0 & 10.0 a.m., 12.30, 2.45, 5.0, 8.0& 9.30 p.m. Sundays 8.30 p.m. WALJ~Box, Station Hill, cleared at 8.15 & 10.15 a.m., 12.30,2.30,5.15,8.0 & [1.45p.m. Slmdays, 7.45 p.m. WALL Box at Southill Road, cleared at 8.0 & !l.45a.m., 12 noon, 2.15, 8.0, & !l.15 p.m. Sundays 6.45 p.m. WALLBox at Rectory, cleared at 8.15, !l.45 a.m., 12.15, 3.0, 5.15, 8.15 & !l.30 p.m. Sundays 8.15 p.m. WALL Box, Elmstead Lane, cleared at 8.15 a.m.,2.30 and 7.30p.m. SundaysR.45 a.m. WALL Box, Perry Street, 8.0 a.m., 2.30 p.m., 7.45 p.m. Sundays 6.45 p.m. WALL Box, Leesons, 8.15 a.m., 2.30 and 7.45 p.m. Sundays 8.15 a.m. WALL:Box, Green Lane, 8.0 & 10.15 a.m. 12.45, SO, 5.45 and 8.30 p.m. Sundays 7.15 p.m. WALL Box, Walden Road, 7.45- &'9.30 . a;m., 2.80 & 7.45 p.m. Sundays 6.45 p.m. WALJ~Box, Willow Grove, 8.30 & 9.30 a.m.: 12.30, 2.45, 7.45 & 9.0 p.m. Sundays, 7.0 p.m. PILLAR Box, Manor Park, 8.15·&' 9.45 a.m.; 12.15, 2.45, 8.0 and 9.30 p.m. Sundays 8.15 p.m. WALL BOX, Red Uill,S.O and 10.15 a.m.; 12.45, 3.0, liAr, & 8.30 p.m. Sundays 7.15 p.m. PILLAR Box, Shepherd's Green, cleared 8.0 & 10.15 a.1I1.; 12.30, '2.45,8.0 & !lA5 p.m. Sundays 7.0 p.m. WA1,LBox, The Cedars, 8.30 &: 10.15 a.m., 1.0, 3.0, 1i.30, 8.15 & !l.45 p.m. Sundays 8.0 p.m. WAI,I, Box, Tudor Hall, 8.15 & !l.45 am., 12.15, 3.0, 8.15 & [1.45p.m. Sundays 8.15 p.m. LA1IPBox. Kemnal manor, 8.-15a.m., 3 & & 8.15 p.m, SundaYR, 7.30 p.m.


St. Nicholas Church, Common Rev. Jame R Edward Ie Strange Dawson, M.A.,Rector; Rev. Basil Peter William. French, loLA., LT,.B.,Rev. Athole Evelyn Murray, 1>I.A., Assistant Curates; A. F. Nussey and E. Edwards, Churchwardens. Henry Kettel, 3 Crown lane, verger. Chw'ch oj the Annunciation, Chislehurst West -Rev. Samuel Edward Bayard Serle, Vicar; Rev. Ernest Thomas Finch, M.A.,4 Red hill, Curate. Churchwardens, Percy Shelley and Edmund Slade. George Parrott, 8 Alexander road, verger. Christ ChUI'ch,Lubbock Road-Rev. George Henry Pole, 1>!.A.,Vicar: Robert Whyte: J.P. and J. Herbert Wilks, Church. wardens; W. Waters, verger; Rev. J. Fredk. Johnson, :101.A, assista!?t preacher. Church S. John Baptist (Mission Church), Camden Hill-Served by St. Nicholas. St. Mary's Catholic Church,Crown Lane-Rev. Augmte M. Boone, M.A., Priest. Wesleyan Church, Chislehurst Common-Rev. George Marris, resident minister.


Council -Fredk. Richard Greenfield, master; Mrs. Greenfield, mistress. lnfants - Miss Elizabeth-Owen, mistress.- School, Church of the Annunciation - Boys', Henry E.. Pope, headmaster; Girls', Miss L. Mudd, headmistress. '- - - _ Infants - Miss lif. Buxton, headmistress. Wesleyan Day School,Willow Grove-W. Marriott, B.A., master. SOCIETIES, INSTITUTIONS, CLUBS, &e. Ancient Order oj Foresters (S.L.D.), Court, Lord Sydnry, No. 4305; held at the Crown Hotel, Chislehurst. Meeting nights, every first Wednesday. Secretary, G. W. French, 2fl Lincoln road, Sidcup. Buys' Club, Chislehurst West. Oamden Lawn Tennis Ground,Camden Pk.rd. Chislehurst Golf Olub, Camden Park-The Right Hon. Arthur James Balfour, M.P., president; Henry O'Brien, captain; Evan Edwards, secretary. Cltislelwrst Liberal .Association, Park Road Hall, Park road-Sir Corbet Woodall, knt., D.SC., J.P., president. Chislehurst Photographic Society, Crown lane- MiEsDawson, hon. sec, Coed-Bel Cottage Home, 3 Camden groveMiss Pinyon, matron. Conservative &: Unionist Club, Green lane- HUi!h Tindall. hon. sec.; A. Barker, assist. sec. Governessps' Institution, Manor Park roadMiss .Mary A. A. Edwards, lady supt. Hollington Convalescent Home, Chislehurst common-Miss Moil', matron. Independent Order of Oddjellotcs (:M.U.), St. Mary Cray District. Prince Impfrial Lodge, No. 6098; held at the "Queen's Head." Meeting nights, once a month (Tuesday). Secretary, H. S. Pinyon. (Est. 1875) Jfannill[! .And~rdon Almlhouses, Chislehurst West-Mi~s Andrew, lady supt. Park Road Hall-Park road. St. Barnabas' Orphanagt, Cbislehurst WestMiss Mabel Villiers, hon. lady supt. 8t. Gforge's HaU, Church lane St. John Ambulance Brigade (No. 21 Division)-T. Healey, supt.; W. Cooling, treasnrer; C Section, J. Allan, :M.B., C.M., hon. I'urgeon; S. H. White, hon. sec.; head quarters, St. Mary's hall, Chisle· hurst West. St. Joseph's Home, Cbislehurst Weiit-Misa Mabel Villiers, hon. lady supt. St. Mary Hall, Men's Club, and Sunday School, Chi~lehurst West. . S. Michael's Orphanage for Boys, Chislehurst common-Rev. E. de M. Rudolf, hon. sec. ; Miss Bennett, matron. St. Nicholas Boys' Olub, Church lane. St. Nicholas Men's Club, Church lane. Tunbridge Wells and South Eastern Counties Equitable Friendly Society-Riebd. Fifield, 11 Park road, local secretary. Village Hall -Church lane. Young Men's Christian Association-Queen's cottages-We Marriott, B.A., hone sec. PARISH OFFICERS, & c. Guardians-James Allan, :M.B.,.e.M.,Rev. E. B. Spurgin & Mrs. Vinson. Urba.n District Council--T. May J.P. (chairman), C. Dabner. A. Robinson (vice-chairman), J. Y. Johnson, P. W. Straus. H. Wise, W. H. :Murton, F. J. Knigbt, E. de A. Quincey, Dr. S. E. Price, .T. Bartlett, A. L. Sturge, A. 1. Sheene, A. Spooner, W. Lund and A. A. Willis. Clerk and Chief Assistant Overseer-John J. Brown. Surveyor and Engineer-W. J. Winter. Sanitary Impector and Pet/'oleum Inspector and Highway Surceyor-W. G. Powell. Treasw'er-H. R. Payne. Medical Offirer oj Health-J. S. Tew, M.D., B.S., D.p.n., Brook house, Tonbridge. Collector &: Finance Clerk-E. T. Chater. Overseers-E. T. Hatch, J. W. Eyles and F. J. Knight, sen. Registrar oj Births and Deaths-H. B. Hamlyn attends at the Council School every Friday from 12.30 to 1.30 p.m. Medical Officer &: Public Vllccinator No. 9 District, Bromley Union-Samuel Ernest Price, L.M.~.s.A.Lond., The Acacias, Red Hill, Chisleburst. Assessor &: Collector oj Taxes-W. F. Masters, Laro, 5 Homefield rise, Orpington, Metropolitan Water Board, Southern District -fl. E. Spencer, collector; attends at 77 Station road, Sidcup, Wednesdays, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.; Herbert Edward Stanley Hammond, 1 Orcharl1 villas, Percy street, Chislehurst, inspector (Kent District) Carriers to London-L. P. D. Co., Carter, Pater!on ancl PickfoTd~, Ltd., daily. Chislehurst and St. Paul's Cray Common Conservators. Office at Chilehurst National Schools; F. R. Greenfield, clerk. Fire Brigade Station, Chislehurst Common. Police Station, Chislehurst West-Inspector, Abraham S. K. Hoare. Chislehu1"st Electric Supply Station. Royal Parade-A. E. Darlington, resident engineer. ChisZehurst Cemetery &: Mortuary-Beaver- wood road. Post Office Telephone Call OJfee-59 Chislehurst road.


F .S.I., F .A.I., (ESTABLISHED UPWARDS OF A CENTURY), Auctioneers and SUI'veyors, Valuers, Estate, Land, Timber, House & Agricultural Agents, Market Square, BROMLEY (Opposite General Post Office); ALSO AT BECKENHAMJ KENT And 69, KING WILLIAM STREET, E.C. Tel. Nos.: Bromley, 222 Bromley j Beckenham, 234 Bromley j London, 509 Avenue. Auction Sales and Valuations of Freehold and Leasehold Properties, Furnitul'e, Farming Stock, & c. Collection of Rents and Tithes, and the Management of Estates undertaken on Moderate 'rerms. VALUATIONS MADE FOR PROBATE AND LEGACY DUTY. MORTGAGiES ARRANGED ON FREEHOLD & LEASEHOLD PROPERTIES. PROPE1.ClTY R.EGJ:STER PUBLISHED THE FIRST DAY OF EVERY MONTH; Also a. SEPA!U\TE LIST OF FARM.S AND COUNTRY ESTA.TES Bromley, Bickley, Beckenham, Chislehurst, A.ND WEST KENT GENERA.LLY. MESSRS. BAXTER PAYNE & LEPPER having through their Agency disposed of most of the Residences and Estates that have changed ownership, are enabled to Let or Sell Property of every description most advantageously by Public Auction or Private Contract.



Adelaide Road.

From Alexander road. Left Side. 1 Walton Archibald 2 Cox Albert 3 Shergold Charles 4 Burges Ed win 5 Pinyon Harry 6 Reakes George 7 Lester Harry 8 Tookey Walter9 Jones Ernest 10 Breese John Thomas 11 Pott William' Robert 12 Morris Sydney· 13 Treadwell James 14 Letts"William-Edwahl 15 HatchEsmead 16 Gilder William 17 Kiernan Charles Henry 18 Marsh Henry 19 Neves Thomas, jun. 20 Blundell Frederick George 21 Nicholls James 22 Bowman Thomas 23 Mann Frederick George 24 Jones James 25 KenwarrdJames Cross and Return. 26 Bennett John William 27 Mayhew Mrs. M. A .. 28 Cripps William .- ......... here is Edwards Road ......... 29 Adams Mrs. James 30 Wilmshurst Thomas. 31 Foster William Herbert Marchant 32 Weston William 33 Usherwood Albert George 34 Groombridge Thomas John 35 Mears John 36 Ward William Henry 37 Goodchild Reuben Sidney 38 Cox George 39 Porritt James 40 Sines James 41 Betts Mrs. 4-2 Knill George

Albany Road.

From West Chislehurst to Green lane. Right Side. 1 Turner Charles 2 Lash Alfred E. 3 Read Edward William 4 Green James Henry 5 Westaby John 6 Walden Samuel John 7 Hobbs Mrs. 8 Offer Alfred 9 Barrows Thomas William 10 Woodbury Henry 11 Dennis Doiley 12 Crouch Edward 13 Marston Ambrose 14 Cheetham A.rthur 15 Pott Frederick J. 16 Cripps Charles Ray 17 Brown Matthew 18 Sisson Frank 19 Parkin Mrs. 20 Cripps Isaac 20 Cripps C. & R., decorators 21 Sparks George 22 Roberts Frederick 23 Brewster Charles 24 Skinner Henry John 25 George David 26 Benge Benjamin 27 Franklin Mrs. 28 Rollison Mrs. 29 Dabner Mrs. 30 Piper George 31 Hims Richard 32 Dicker Mrs. 33 Sallis Albert 34 Thomas Walter 35 Humphrey Harry Cross and Return. 36 King Henry 37 Davis Mrs. 38 Paradine Harry 39 Milliner Thomas Henry 40 Ford Arthur 41 Payne William Hobert 42 H vder Miss 43 Head George 44 Wood William 45 Alexander J obn 46 Edwards William 48 Miles George 49 Gillard Samuel George 50 Diggens Mrs. 51 Haynes Robert 52 Harmer William Robert 53 Burden Alfred Charles 54 Newman Frederick 55 Lendon Mrs. 56 Squire Frederick Richard 57 Towner Leonard 58 Barrow William Jesse 59 Phillips Thomas 60 Woudger John Joseph 61 Allchorn William ...... here is Townshend Road 62 Oldman Edward John 63 Bunn Dan 64 Cope John 65 Rundall John Henry 66 Ince Charles 67 Ridgway William George 68 Beaton Archibald 69 Knight Mrs. 70 Wilby Mrs.

Alexander Road.

From Green lane to Adelaide road. 1 Bristol William 2 As~er Mrs. 3 Barber Thomas 4 Crouch George Edward 5 Brown Albert James 6 Broome William 7 Pankhurst Charles S. 8 Parrott George, verger of the Annunciation Church Bank Parade & Terraoe. See Wkite Horle kill.

Beaverwood Road.

From Perry street. Right Side. 1 Whitworth James John 2 Williams Miss S. J. .Bew Miss, Laney Massey John Manderson, Meadow cottage Chislehurst Urban District Council Depot Thomas Stingmore, caretaker Chislehurst Cemetery & Mortuary

Belmont Cottages.

See Green lane.

Belmont Terrace.

&e Green la,ne.

Bickley Terrace.

See Green lane.


Mayhew George, gardener to Mrs. Edlmann, Hawkwood Jolly Charles Wolfe William Meddings William Wood E. H., Thong farm Cleaver Ernest George Teesdale Frank ...... here is public footpath to Town Court and Southborough ......

Brickfleld Cottages.

See Wltite Horse hill.

Bromley Lane.

Prom Cltislekllrst Cornmon to Sheplwrd's Grefm. Right Side. Robinson Arthur, Bretaneby Burlington Parade.-RED HILL. Head Wm. A., smith (The Forge) 1 Bassett Benj~min, grocer 3 Ashfield Chas. Lewington,shoema. 4 Collin Miss E., draper 5 Lobb George, butcher 6 Fairs & Rusbridge, bakers 7 Squires Wm.,glass & china wareho. Branch of Bromley CO-opperatite Society Limztcd Wall Letter Box

Burlington Terrace.

From Cltislehu, West to Albany Road. 5 Bicknell Thomas 4 Barker Miss E., costumier 4 Barker Albert Richd , insur. agent 3 Eke Harrison 2 W orger George 1 Whitehead Alfred

Burlington Villas.

See Ol~i.~lelwr.gtwe~·t.

Calderwood Cottages.

See Holbrook lane.

Camden Grove.-ChisLEHuRST WEST.

1 Amies Frederick William 2 Cruttenden Frederick 3 Coed-Bel Cottage IIomc-Miss Pinyon, matron 4 Golder John 5 Petty Mrs. 5 Petty Miss Margaret, dressmaker 6 Goff John 7 Wise Harry 8 Ward George Edward 9 Miller. Hobert 11 Whitbread Henry James 12 Ford Charles 13 Bevan Frank Herbert 14 Levey Thomas 15 Sargeant James William 17 JoUy William 18 Evans Frederick James 19 White William Henry 20 Chapman Edwin Irving 21 Capel William 22 Scott William, decorator 23 Head Henry George 24 Mason Frederick Thomas 25 Goddard Mrs. E. 26 Beckington William Frederick

Camden Park.

Chislehurst Golf Club, Camden Place (Evan Edwards, sec.) Cam.den Park Road. Camden Hill to LowerCamden. Spicer Ernest Evan, Camden holt QuinceyBertram de Quincey,Avonhurst Timmis Mrs., Mountfield Haywood Mrs. Garnett, Derwent ho. Oampbell William, Bonchester Cross and Return. Oamden Lawn Tennis Gl'ound Chislehurst Golf Links

Camden Wood.-Yester road to Willow Grove.

Left Side. Quincey Edmund de Quincey,Oakwood IVall Letter Box Whyte Robert, J.P., Oakwocd ........ here is Walden road Cross and Return. Sinclair Edgecumbe, Luson house Dixon Robert, Camden wood Rodgers Thomas, coachman to Robert Dixon esq., Camden Wood stables Williamson Samuel T., Beechcroft Miles William E., Beechcroft lodge Parker Mrs. Archibald Bromhead Chas., Camden Wood stables Ransley Arthur, Great Wood lodge Andreae Herman A., Great wo


Carlisle Terrace.

See Green lane.

Chestnut Villas.

See Chislehnrst common.

Chislehurst Common.

From the Water Tomer. Lelliott Mrs .. Water Tower Potter Mrs., Water Tower ...... here is Summer Hill Villas . Martin's Bank, Limited, .Henry Reginald Payne, manager . Hardee Oscar, photographer, Summer Hill lodge .. here is J1lill place ............ Pembroke Percy James, Hawthorns McArthur William, Millfield Bowen Miss H. G., Leweston Hopgood William, Leweston lodge Wylde Johi1. Mavfield mil H. T .. Mayfield cottage Laurence Allan, Mayfield lodge Townend Mrs. Arthur P., Chipstead Alston George Robert, Rosemount Hail William, Rosemount cottage here is the West Kent Cricket Ground Murton Walter Herbert, The Briars Thornton Miss M., Old Crown cottage ......... here is Crown Lane ......... Nussey Antony Foxcroft, The Ivy ho. Tapsell Mrs. 'r. Mitcham John, Coffee Rooms Tod Nomian Pringle, Norman cottage Pedder Miss, Lysvold Rae :Mrs. John, Glenel1.v Skeffington-Thompson Miss, Glenelly Modey cottages4: Spence Miss 3 Dolan James Henry 2 Tomkinson Mrs. 1 Money Mrs. ...... here is Crown Lane ...... Edllllann Mrs . .F. G., Hawkwood ...... here is Botany Bay Lane and footpat to Southborough and Crofton. Streeter Mrs. K., Tudor Hall school Wall Letter Box

Rectory Place

5 Griffith Miss 4 Pro bart Mrs. 3 Ker Fox Lt.-Col. John Charles 2 Cobb Mrs. Hamilton 1 Adams Robert William 'rig e7" s cottages-- I Wright Alfred 2 Marks George 3 Brown Ezra Harold Fire Brigade Station ...... here is Manor Park road ..... Tiger's Head,~Robert Frank Hayden [PH] Field George, cab proprietor Francis R. H. M., Noke cottage Foster Miss, Rose cottage Sanderson Adam, Norman Cottage stables St. Nicholas Parish Chm'cn ............ here is Church rory . Merry Geo. William, White House Miller Geo. William Amos Miss, Athelney Pitt .Mrs., Beafield Bilbrougb Arthur,J.p.,Camden court li Potter A., Camden Court lodge o Mackenzie Thomas, Whinfield Mackenzie John A. P., Whinfield Greenfield Frederick Richard, The b School house Council Schools, Frederick Richard Greenfield, master; Mrs. Fredk. Richard Greenfield, mistress; r;:3 Miss Elizabeth Owen, infants Waller Mrs. White lodge Crown Inn, William Morton Carter [PH] Field George, jobmaster Egerton Herbert D., St.Michael'slo. St. Jlliclwel's Orphanaqe for Boys, Miss Bennett, matron ......... here is elWrch Row . ......... here is Royal Parade . Marshall Mrs. arthur, .Erpingham Barnes Miss, Roselawn Hindmarsh Stuart, Murray Downs 3 Nolloth Rev. Charles Frederick, M.A., D.Litt. Brenan Alexander Richard Micklethwait, n.A., n.D., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., physician & surgeon, Fairholm ........ here is Bromley Lane ......... Wadia. N. N., Sunnymead Thompson Richard H., Fairlight ........ here is A.shfield Lane ......... Tyndale Mrs., Meadowcroft ......... here is Kemnal road ........ Webster Mrs., Woodlands Webstel' cottages- .'!! 3 Marsh Percy James 2 Killick Thomas James 1 Perkins Arthur George Brown Haydn, physician, Oak cottage Bowen James F., Heathfield Spink Chas. F., Furzefield May Edward J., Lyneham Cuxson G. A: Pryce, Mead house Robb-Smith Alec, !II.B., C.M., physician & surgeon, Mead view ............ here is Green Lane ........... Ford Mrs., 1 Queen's villas Worth William J., Pond view Orpe Mrs., 2 Tarnside Hiscock Miss, I Tarnside ...... here is Chislehurst West ...... Hollington COllvalescent Home - Miss Moil', matron Woodger John Joseph, nurseryman, Clarendon nursery Solly H. Ernest, Sunnyways Jackson William, Clarendon Allan James, M.B., C.M., surgeon, Aldborough Constant Martin, Broad Oaks Marris Rev. George [Wesleyan], The Manse Wesleyan Methodist Chapel Chubb Sir Geo. Hayter, bart. J.P., Newland road Lund Frederick William, Oak lodge Hawes Gurney Travers, Rossmore Fletcher Edward H., Chevender ...... here is Wildemess crescent . ........ here is Camden park . Chislehurst Golf Links ...... here is Camden Park road ...... Willett William, The Cedars Wall Letter Bom ............ here is Camden hill ............ James Miss Elizabeth, beer retailer St. John the Baptist .Mission Church

Chislehurst Hill.

Left Side. Foat Walter, butcher


1 Radford Thomas, plumber, & c. 2 Emmans Henry 3 Baker Benjamin J. 4 Hinds Frederick William Whiteley john W.~ organ builder Fire Alarm ............ here is .MiU PLcwe.:: . Imperial Arms, Henry H, Boyan [PH] Smith Wm., coal, coke & wood mer.- Cassum Frederick Wm., boot maker Scott William, decorator (workshop) Holloway Francis T , 1 Florence viIs. Simmonds Wm. Jas., 2 Florence vils. Double James, 3 Florence villas George Hy., gardener, 4 Florence vils. Field Arthur, Coniston Austin Frederick Ernest, Charnwood Archer Wm. John. c.l'rl.G.,The Towers Maxwell.Lyte 'Walter, The Mount Dnncan David, Berlay mount Parker Josiah, Upwood Maddison A. J. S., Rodwold MacAskill Norman, The Garth Mens Edwin, Calder Heald Charles Eo, Ventnor Meyer-Braselmann William, Ivy bank Lawson Hugh, :M:.R.C.S.. L.R.C.P.L.,

Camden Rise

Lawson & Tallent, surgeons, Camden Rise Crombie Thos. Archibald, Woodlands Farrar Abraham, Old Hill house Cross and Return. Newick John Thos.,Oak Bank cottage ........ here is Lubbock road ...... Loane J., Ivy bridge

Chislehurst Road. - Continued from Bickley. Chislehurst Postal District.

Left Side. 43 Hunt Mrs., Sandfield 45 De Quincy Richard, Inglewood Walker Guy (The Lodge), Inglewood 47 Allen Mrs., Merlewood Gutteridge William (The Lodge), Merlewood ...... here is Goods Station, S. E. ~. a R. 49 Hart Mrs. Louisa C., confectioner 50 Thorne Ernest M., fruiterer & greengrocer 51 Batt Edwin J., tobacconist 53 Andrews Edwd. H., baker & confr. 55 Welford's Surrey Dairies Limited 57 Lowo R. A. & Co., builders & contractors ......... here is Lower Camden ...... 59 Thorn Ernest M .. grocer 59 Telephone Call Office 59 The Chislehurst Window Cleaning Co. 61 Prebble & Bone, pharmacists 63 Holoran Ernest, draper ,& post office Wall Letter Box 65 Chattell David J.& Sons,auctioneers & c. 65 Tyrrell Walter Cross and Return. Field Charles, The Shanty The Bickle.1f Ar11ts Hotel, George T. Belshaw Field George, fly proprietor ......... here is Station road.......... Patient Percy Jas., Bickley Hall lodge Brown Henry, Bickley Hall lodge Harris Walter, The Bush For continuation see Bickley.

Chislehurst Station.

Betn:een Lom. Ca1nden g- 8wnmer h7.. Chislehurst Station, S.E. & C. Railway, Hy. Joseph Howland,station master Smith W. H. & Son, booksellers Wall Letter Box CockereH G. J. & Co. (incorpGratcd with Rickett, Cockerell & Co.Lim.), coal merchants King Dennis, coffee stall

Chislehurst West.

Left-hand side frail! Common. Brigden Wm., miller and corn dealer Lash Williarn, carriage builder Hearll}ost, JJ(lney Ord6r,Telegraph?r Tl'leplwlI.e Call Ofice·-Joseph Oshorn, sub. postmaster LONDON COUNTY & WESTMINSTER BANK LIMITED-Arthur Vivian Faull, manaf.{er. See advertisement, page 279 Lee Harry, Bank huuse Invicta Cycle & Motor 00. Rider Thomas and Son, builders, & c. Miller Henry ......... here is Camden Grove ......... Tyrrell Charles, beer retailer Greengrass G. Limited, upholsterers Welford's Surrey Dairies Limited Pepper Jn. Thos. hairdresser and tbcnflt Murrells Percy W., picture frame ma. Keith Ben, butcher; Scotch & English meat only Dean Brothers, grocers J)antzic Place3 Rudd Frederick 1 Tookey Mrs. Staples William Bowman Leslie, bakery Cooling Geo., stationer & photographer BastableHarry John, fishmonger Flegg G. F. & Son, saddlers, & c. Pierce Joseph, greengrocer Police Station, Inspector Abraham S. K. Hoare Bayston H. C.. tailor & outfitter Rouch & Sons, drapers Prebble & Bone, pharmacists Bone A. Allan Wilson Thomas & Co., corn dealers,& c. ......... here is Willow Grove ......... Woodward William Henry, grocer Leter & Son, plumbers, Westbourne White Donglas Thomas, Girton house Church 'of the Annunciation Schools, Henry E. Pope, master St. John Ambulance Brigade, No. 21 Division, T. Healey, supt.; W. Cooling,- treasurer; C Section, J. Allan, M.B., e.M., hon. surgeon; S. H. White, hone sec., St. Mary's Boys' Club St. Mal'!Jllall St. Joseph·s Home, Miss Mabel Villiers, hone lady BUPt. St. Banabas' Orphanage, Miss Mabel Villiers, hone lady supt. Willis Miss, 1 Lamorna villas Christopher Geo., F.e.s., Thorncroft Pierce George, Burlington lodge Fleet Hy. Wm., 1 Burlington villas Bulley C. A., builder, decorator & undertaker, 2 Burlington villas Whitelegg & Page, nurserymen Cross and Return. ...... here is Burlington Parade ...... Serle Rev. Samuel Edward Bayard (vicar of the Annunciation Church], The Vicarage Manning Anrlerdon Almshouses, Miss Andrew, lady supt. Churclt of the Annunciation Welfield Place7 Cockett William 6 Brown Robert 5 Batchelor Alfred Edwin 4 Saunders Mrs. 3 Witten Arthur 2 Rodgers Thomas 1 Crane George ............ here is Park road ........... White & Bushell, ironmongers Fisher C. & W., dairy Dabner Charles, builder Buckler Claude Harold. bootmaker Crowe Mrs. E., tobacconist Tyler Frederick, hotClI valuer Rice Arthur A., cycle & motor maker Young & Worger, grocers ...... here are WebbA' &' Queen's cottages ...... Dawe Charles Thomas, confectioner Manns Robert Vicary, watchmaker Wise John, bootmaker Serre Achille Ltd. dyers & cleaners Field George, carriage proprietor & jobmaster Queen's Head Hotel, Frederick John Mayes [PH]

Church Lane.

Left side from Manor Park road. Greatheed Mrs., Wardley Brabant Miss, The Anchorage ......... here is Royal Parade ......... St. George's Hall Bowring Col. FrederickThomas Nelson Spratt., C.B., Hurstmead Bosworth Arthur Edwin, The Cottage Sicklemore Hugh G., Holly Brake ...... here is Shepherd's Green ...... Cross and Return. ......... here is Holbrook Lane ......... Wale Mrs. Pentlow Mrs. S. ~llotment Land . St. Nicholas ,;,lien's Club ...... here is Paul's Cray road ...... St. Nicholas Boys' Olub Village Ball

Church Row.

From Royal parade. Cobb Misses, confectioners Cldslehurst Urban District Council-W. J. Winter, surveyor & engineer ; John Brown, clerk & chief assistant overseer; E. T. Chatel', finance clerk & collector Lovell Walter, Rose cottage Davies Misses P. & F. drapers Edey Frank Harold, IJ.D.S.R.C.S. Eng., dental surgeon, Jasmine cottage . Walters William Henry,jobmaster, Ivy porch 10 Kemp John Edward Lambourne John Paterson Mhis, Achlian Duddlestone Miss, Lime villa 6 Dalton Miss, Richman cottage 4 Fox Thomas Percy Metcalfe Mrs., Barra Fox Miss Hamilton, kindergarten & preparatory school,St.Nicholas .lodge Church of St. Nicholas


Thornton Miss, Old Crown cottage 1 Allchorne Mrs. 2 Smetham Frederick A. 3 Kettel Henry, verger of St. Nicholas' Church 3 Kettel Miss Edith, dressmaker 4 Durling Henry Charles


7 Diaper George 6 Nelthorpe George 5 Glassup Thomas 4 Seal William Ernest 3 Steptoe Mrs. 2 Brown James 1 Dorrer Ernest Shadwell Mrs., Barn End Boone Rev. Auguste M., M.A. [Cath.J, The Presbytery St. Mary's Catholic Oltu'rc1t Cross and Return. Chislelt1trst P1LOt fl!Jrapllic Society Miss Dawson, hon. sec. Eugenie cottages5 Kentell John Bidney 4 Eyres Wright . 3 Day Abraham 2 French George, carpenter 1 Stockford Mrs.


4 Carnell Edward William 3 Austin Charles 2 Tve Edward 1 Dickens Mrs. J.

Dan tzic place.

See Chislelurst west.

Edwards Road.

From Green lane to .Adelaide road. Right Side. 1 Pilcher Harry 2 Ide George 3 Everist Thomas Henry 4 Durling Alfred James 5 Adams William 6 Haylock Arthur Joseph 7 Austin Charles 8 Chamberlain Alfred Richard

Elmstead Lane.-Continued from Bickley.

Right Side. Harrison Cecil R., Woodcote Levin Mrs., Elmstead manor Day Henry, The Gardens, Elmstead manor Bilbrough Kenneth, Elmstead grange Hobbs Alfred (lodge) Elmstead grange ......... here £s Walden road ...... Tillie Alexander, Elrnstead lodge Baker Jurnes Avis (lodge of) Elmstead lodge Fathers George,Elmstead lodge stables Cowl George, Elmstead court Pearce George Henry, Elmstead Court stables' Wall Ldter Box Phillips Richard C., Ehnstead cottage Corke Charles (lodge of) Elmstead cot. ......Footpath leading to Olt,tslelwl'st ... Mussett Charles William, Woodside Nevill Reginald C. R., Croft cottage CROSS and Return. Mackenzie Alexander, Keeper's lodge ...... here is Footpath to Mottingham ...... West Thomas Joseph, Upwey Norman Charles F., The Coppice Russell Charles R. M., Elmstead Spinney Walker Alfred, Elmstead Garth Bt/ll.~tead Station (S. E. & C. R.)- Robert Johnston Walker, inspector in charge

Eugenie Cottages.

See Crown lane

Florence Villas.

See Chisleltursl hill.


Pool's Cray Postal District. Marsham-Townshend, The Hon. Robert, M.A., F.R.G.S., F.G.S., F.8.A., D.L., J."P.

Frognal Villas.

See Orron lane.

Frogpool Cottages.

See Perrystred.

Gladys Cottages.

See Crown lane.

Goods Yard. - CmsLPmUIis'fROAD,

Sawkins William Thorpe George Wretham Mrs .. Best Edward William S. E. & C. R. COAL WHARVES. Cockerell G. J. & Co., coal merehants Kennard & Trill, coal merchants Lowe R. A. & Co., coal merchants Morris A1fredWilliam, coal merchant Smith William. coal, coke & wood merchant


Mawe' Fi~de.ric~ Henry, Helenslea McMillan Mrs., Chatham house ......... here is Birdcage Walk ......... Governesses' Institution . Sec .llanoI' Park J·oad

Green Lane.-Wm;or CmSLEHURST.

Left Side from Ollislehurst Common . Davis William, Newlyn Witten Arthur James, house decorator, Elsinore Copping Edward, Victoria cottage


1 Ledner John Thomas, decorator 2 White Mrs 3 Dawson Thomas 4 Bayman I~ewis 5 Davey Charles, saddler 6 Cheshire Mrs. E. 7 Denyer Harvey 8 Patterson James 9 Allan Misses S. &. M., basket mas. 10 Richardson James ............ here is Pa7,le road ..... . ........ here is Alemandel' road ......... Lovelock Alfred John, Sirhowy Reader Walter James, Sunnyside


1 Roberts Joseph 2 Broughton Walter James, tailor 3 Levitt Daniel 4 Fretten Edward William 5 Weeks John 6 Clark Mrs. 7 Greengrass John 8 Hoare A. Stanley K 9 Warren Richard J. Fry Henry, Runton Hunt Edward Alfred, Wokefield ......... here is Edwards road ......


2 Pott Mrs. 3 Margery William 3 Foster Miss Kate, district nurse 4 Cooper James Herbert' Constable Daniel, Woodside ...... here is Albany road .. ,.~ . Powell William George, Belmont villa Belmont Terrace1 England Francis 2 Cooper William John i3 Scott Albert Edward 4 Mallett Frederick, Belmont Hand laundry

Belmont Cottages

1 Wain Louis H. 2 Sheppard Mrs. Geo., hand lndry. 3 Kent Frederick John 4 Chapman Joseph William 5 Copp Arthur 6 Boothman Alfred

Belmont Terrace

5 Henningham Harry 6 Tindell Lawrence 7 Pain George Frederick 8 Smith William George Bundock William Howse Mrs. cross and Return.


6 Kermode Ernest Percival 5 Cripps Ray 4 Terrill Thomas 3 Elderfield Leonard 2 Elphinstone Hy., refreshment rms. 1 Donovltn Patrick Fisher E. & Sons,farmers,RedHill farm Turner Albert, Red Hill Farm cottage Coombes Arth., Red Hill Farm cottage Conservative & Unionist Club (Hugh Tindall, hon. liec.; A. Barker, assistant sec.) ......... here is Kemnal lane ......... ...... here is footpath to [(emnal road ... Wall Letter Box Cannon Joseph George, grocer and provision dealer Johnasn Mrs. Mary A., greengrocer


2 Levitt George Edward 3 Hooper Mrs. 4 Compton George, sign writer 5 Saunders Alfred 6 Martin William 7 Turner Thomas 8 Pott George 9 Maxlaw Mrs. 10 Lash Wm. Thos., carriage builder 11 1I'I:oors Charles 12 Griffiths Frank, bootmaker 13 Drage John 14 White Thomas Gilbert 15 Chaplin Mrs. is IJfead road ........... , Streatfeild .\1i,>s.Kingsnorth Herring-Cooper Mrs., Red lodge Slade J\1i~~es, St. Columb Hedderwick R. Sholto, Amhurst Kinder Miss, The Croft Moor Miss, Ardmore Bell Percy E., Holme·Green

Holbrook Cottages.

See Holbrook lane.

Holbrook Lane.-OHuRcH LANE.

Left Side.


1 Whitpley John William 2 Howes Miss 3 WaUs Laurence 4 Pearse Miss Postlethwaite Miss, TheHomestead Ducroz Arthur M. Heywood C. G. Right Side. Moreau Madame, Peter's lodge Say Harry John


Knott William Brittain John l!'urlong Brittain Alfred James Rideal Arthur Henry, M.D., C.M., physician & surgeon, Holbrook End

Kemnal Lane.

From (h'een lane. Left Side. Fry Thomas William, Belmont Xemnal Road. Right Side-Commencing from (Jhisleh'Urst Common. ............ here is Letter Box ............ Hawes A. Travers, J.P., Nizels White James, LL.D., South Home Lord Percy, Inglewood Nelson Horace Harrington, F.R,G.S., Kemnal Warren Bradley Fred, Kemnal Warren lodge Peckitt W. H., Wyvelsfield Eldridge William, Wyvelsfield lodge Tiarks Mrs. Henry, Foxbury Lyne John (the gardens of) Foxbury Pugh John, Foxbury lodge Post Letter Box Salmon John, North lodge, Foxbury Rosenthal J. H., Kemnal Manor Findlay Neil, Kemnal lodge, Kemnal Manor Corke Geoffrey, Garden cottage, Kemnal Manor ...... here is footpath to Sidcnp &' Pen'y street Cross and Return. ...... here is footpath to G,;,een Lane .. Hope Benjamin W., Foxbury cottage James Mrs., Holly Bowers Nicholson Charles, Holly Bowers lodge Ash worth Thomas, Kemnal Wood Payne Mrs., Selwood Webb Mrs., Southlaund Dominey John,chauffeur to Mrs. Webb, Southlaund lodge

Lamorna Villas.

See Chislehurst West.

Lower Camden.

Left Side - From Chlslehufst Road. 1 Clarke Charles Sanders 3 Robinsun Mrs. Al'thurJ., Fyrsbank 5 Humphry Chas.Hy.,)I,R.C.S,E ,srgn. 11 Hampton Miss, Alresford 13 Batten Thos.Hy.,solicitor,Foxdeane 15 Woolley B. J, Ayers Percy Casswell. Hatfield 19 Corke Wm. Richard, Langtons Evans Edward, Lindsay 25 Briggs William A .. Comberton 27 Murphy Williams, Kara 29 King Basil W., The Ferns 31 Kirby Frederick John, RuxIey 33 South Henry, Langmere 35 Fontain Octave 37 TredennickRev. John Magee, M.A., Glen-Avon Russell Henry, Little Mead 41 Wood-Jones Frederic. D.SC., M.B. Scott F. G., Sutherland cottage Cross and Return. 28 Dene Mervyn 26 Pearce Mrs. Yoell Henry, Ravensbrook cottage Hobinson Anthony. Stowcroft cotto 20 Quincey Miss, Stowcroft here is footpath to Christ Churclt and Lubbock road. Billing Charles, Glenthorne 16 Wiener Louis, Sid cottage Friedberger Hugo, Connaught 10.

Lubbock Road .

From Chislelhurst hill. Right Hand Side. Worskett Samuel A., Oakbank Isherwood Jsph. Wm.~Raggleswood Johnson Rev. John Frederick, M.A., preparatory school, St. Hugh's Gibson Edward G., Camden Hill Hose R. J., ()laverley Wall Letter Bore Freese Mrs., Granite lodge Fox Miss Hamilton, ladies' school, Coed-bel Fehr Frank Emil, Hatton house Moat Charles Andrew, Hatton 10. Straus Percy Weiller, Hatton cotto 22 Yeatmau .Johu 21 Carter John Henry 20 Grieve Richard WILLE'rT"S STABLES. 16 Simmonds James 15 Bartlett Charles William 14 Kemsley James Cross and Return. Oldendorff. Edwin Hugo, Beechbrook Bennett Mrs. Harry, Thorndale Pole Rev. George Henry, M.A., Christ Church vicarage Macduff Miss, Ravensbrook Gibson Edward H., Bankside Close Frederick, Kincraig Christ Church ...... here is footpath to Lower Camden. ...... Marum William E., Rosedale Tebb Mrs. Robert Palmer, Enderfield Harwood H. G., The Rookery Wood Peter Frederick, Camden lodge

Manor Park.

Right Side. -From Manor Park Road. Gerrish Thos., The Cottage, Manor 10 Allen Miss, Marion cottage Dalton James Harmer, The Oaks Johnson James Yate, Lepel Jackson Herbert J., Walpole White Richard, Harley Pillar Letter Box Harrild Horton, Wa1singham Taylor G. R., Walsingham lodge Hatto Herbert, Walsingham cottage Cross and Return . ... here is St. Paul's Cray r.omuzon.... Search Henry William, Manor Close Myers Ernest, Brackenside White Mrs.Arth.Fredk.,Cookham Dene Manor Park Road. Right Side-from the Common. Hicks Richard, Rectory cottages Tapsell William Herbert,Rectory cots. Dawson Rev. James Edward Ie Strange, M.A. [rector of Chislehurst], Rectory Perdicaris Ion H., Manor house Perrin Thomas, Manor House cottage Moffatt George, Manor House lodge Reed Henry, Manor Home stables Hadrill Henry John, Northwood Miller MISS E. E., Norheim Field Misses, PenrhOs Brown Haydn, physician, Manor lodge ......... here is J.llanor Park ......... ...... here is St. Paul's Gray road . Cross and Return. Harris Harry A. M., Goddillgton Wall Lettel' BOX Governesses' InstitutionEdwards Miss Mary A. A. (Lady Superintendent) 1 Haddan Miss 2 Pledge Mrs. 2 Onions Mrs. S Lansdell Miss 4 rott Miss 5 Rowbotham Miss 6 Johnson Miss 7 Aird Miss 8 Mann Miss 9 .Johnston Miss Mercy 10 Press Miss . 11 Sanders Miss 12 Weynton Miss ......... here is Church Lane ......

Marland Terrace &; Villas.

See Gl'een !t:tnl'.

Marlings Cottages.

See St. Pa1~l'8 G}'ay common.

Mead Road. - WEsT CmsLEHuRST.

Right Side-from Green Lane. .Janson Miss, Burstock Stephenson Miss, Randalls Hue- Williams Eric, Ashton Dalton Mrs .. Golden mead Wright H., Rose cottage McCall Chus. Home, Sweet Meadows Cross and Return. Arnstein Miss, Pennthorpe Tindall Henry Edward, Arnside Monro Hectur F., A bhey mead Waters Edgar Charles, Fernhurst Jull Alfred George, Lyncroft

Mill Place.-From SummerHill to Chislehurst Hill.

1 Austin William Henry 3 Parker George . 4 Gurr Henry 'r., chimney cleaner 6 James Mrs . 7 Levitt Ernest 8 Teasdale Robert Teasdale Mrs. 10 Teasdale Frederick 12 Smith Frederick 13 Smith Frederick Charles 14 Shepha.rd Henry John 16 Hood Mrs. Sarah, shopkeeper 17 Woodgate James 18 Carter Mrs. 19 Belsbam Harry 20 Ashby John Thomas 22 Simons ·Wm. 24 Mears Alfred 24AApplefor~ Henry ...... here are Cromwell Mews Piper "William, Cromwell mews 25 Skinner Stephen 26 Potter John 27 Skitmore Mrs. 27 Alrvin David William 28 Baker John 29 Mewes Arthur Edwin 30 Wretham Thomas 31 Ince Arthur William 32 Cox Mrs. 32 Wren Mrs. A., upholstress 33 Green Mrs. 34 Charlton William, shopkeeper 35 Radford Thos., plumber & gasfitter Mission Church. St. John the Baptist 36 Rushen Arthur 38 Wright William 39 Collins Mrs. 40 Wttlker Albert 42 Mole J oEeph, shopkeeper 43 EkeEdward 44 Oldman John William 45 North James 46 Hayden Walter 47 Smith William 48 Best Mrs. 55 French Mrs. 56 Hunt Mrs. 57 Oatlen Walter Marlow 58 Ford Mrs. 59 Holt Roger 60 Fairweather William

Morley Cottages.

See C1tisle7l1tl'st common.

Oak Cottages.

See Cldsleh1lr.~t Mll.

Orchard Cottages & Villas,

See Perry street.

Parade Cottages.

See Royal pamtle.


Left Side-from Green .Lane. Ill. Griffiths Frank, bootmaker 1 Wise Harry, butcher 2 Staples W., baker & confectioner 3 McLean William 4 Botting Clement 5 Clark Charles Levi 5 Naylor Georg-e, insurance agent 6 Sturt Newton 7 Adams Sam 8 Snow Richard 9 White Frederick 10 Crouch Misses 11 Barton Charles Joseph John 12 Sims Thomas 13 Tapsell Herbert 14 Sperring Harry 15 Arnup Mrs. 16 Crane George Henry 17 Brown Albert 18 Head William 19 Warren Frederick Frank 20 & 21 Malby John Griffin, oil & color stores ......... here is Queen's road ......... 23 rrill George 24 Mitchell Mrs. 25 Lambert George 26 White Henry S. Park Road Hall Cltislehurst Liberal Association, Sir Corbet W'oodalI, knt., D.SC., J.P., president White & Bushell, iron mongers (warehouse) . Cross and Return. 27 May John 28 Hatch John 29 Keep Daniel 30 Baldock Thomas 31 Cook Herbert, confectioner 32 Cook Herbert, hairdresser 32A Carrick Charles William, bootmaker & repairer 33 Lawrence Alfred Victor 34 Nash John, carman 35 Chislehurst Mineral Water Co., Line, Shaddock &00. 36 Swatton Harold Edgar 37 Warren Albert 38 Randall Mrs. 39 Hudgen Friend 40 Lltwrence Walter 41 Reed Mrs. 42 Whyatt David 43 Game Mrs. 44 Spain Owen Henry 45 Barber Richard 46 Diaper David John 47 Crowe Thomas. beer retailer

Perry Street.

Left Side-from Shepherd's Green to Frognal. Jamf's Mrs. Funnell Alfred Powell Charle;-; ~dward Cleverly Mrs. Sydney Anlls, Richard Eaton Box Proctor Ro bert Digweed William Keeble Arthur ...... here is Wall Letter Box Last Thomas, Homewood lodge ...... here is footpath to Sidcup ...... Alchorn Henry Aldous George Huggett George Latter George Moul Mrs. E., laundress Campkin Richard, Red house Bailey Mrs. Crouch John Catchpole Henry William, Beaverwood Cheesman James Fisher E. & Sons, farmers, Beaverwood .. .... here is Bearern'oord road ,..... The Westem .llIotor W(ll'1ts, mntor repairers & garage Baxter Robert Ford Pelham, Frogpool Plail Charles, Frogpool cottages Adams Edwin", Cross and Return . ...... here is footpath to Frognal ..... Hilder Thomas Paine, Cadlands Brown Benjamin T., Elmleigh here is footpath to St. Paul's Gray


1 Butler William Dennis 2 Rabbitt Charles 3 Funnell William Charles, hO.dectr. 4 Towner Jesse 5 Crouch George


1 Hammond HerbertEdward Stanley, inspector to Metropolitan Water Board, Kent district 2 Funnell Herbert Walter 3 Hammond Robert Goodwin 4 Keeble Alfred 5 Page Miss 6 Hyland Alfred Kennett Ernest, School house Ringer George, laundry, Rose cottage Brown John

Queen's Cottages -CHlsLEHURST WEST.

Right Side. 1 Saunders Albert 2 Cripps Jsph. Hy., chimney cleaner 3 Dean Frederick George 4 Jenkins Amos Young Men's Christian Associatioo, 'W. Marriott, B.A., hon. sec Left Side. Elderfield Mrs., Webb's cottage


Right Side-From 21 Park Road. 1 Luke Albert Edward 2 Palmer Joho Thomas 3 Day Frederick William 4 Miller Mrs. 5 Tulett Alfred Stephen 6 Goodhew Joseph 7 Mitchell William 8 Whiffin William Arthur 9 Cousin!! William John 10 Sharp Fred 11 Bishop Adolphus William ...... here are Queen's cottages ...... Cross and Return. 12 Streatfield George, carrier 13 Redrup Thomas 14 Streatfield Bernard Eustace 15 Eastland William 16 Shrubshall Frederick Norton 17 Farebrother John 18 Robinson Elijah 19 Eley William, coal dealer 20 Wolfe John 21 Watson James 2? Day George Frederick 23 Izard Wilham 24 White James Queen's Villas. See Okislell1trst common. Rectory Cottages. See Man0r Park road.

Rectory Place.

See Chislelwrst common.

Red Hill.

Right Side-From Chislehurst West. ......... here is Albany road 12 Young Knowler Edward 11 Woolley Horace Davis 10 Pudsey Mrs. 9 Keith Ben 8 Eyles John William 5 Price Samuel Ernest, L. If,S.S.A. Lond., surgeon & medical officer & public vaccinator NO.9 district, Bromley union, The Acacias 4 Finch Rev. Ernest Thomas, M.A. r curate of Annunciation Church] 3 Young Miss Phrebe 2 Beck John 1 Hart Harold Richard, South ville Jones William, Red Hill house Cross and Return. Morris Alfred William, carman Browning Alfred Kennard & Trill. coal merchants Wood Charles Richard, wood dealer Feltham C., builder, & c.

Royal Parade.

Right Side-from the Common. 1 Prebble & Bone, pharmacist.s 2 Welford's Surrey Dairies Limited· 3 Francis Frederick, hairdresser 4 Burton James Heury & Son, plumbers and sanitary engineers 5 URIDGE'S HIGH-CLASS STORES -Thomas Coffin, proprietor 6 Hcriven Misses S. & A., ladies' outfitters 7 Wise John, boot and shoe maker 8 Waters Edgar Charles & Son, printers and stationers, & post office Pillar Letter BO.r 9 Sibley John, saddle and harness rna. 10 Martin Arth., antique furniture dlr 11 Bastable Harry John, fishmonger Lidstone Limited, butchers CMsleh1tnt ElectritJ Supply Station-A. E.Darlington, resident engineer Pearson Miss Annie, Ivy cottage Urowhurst Miss, Wee Neste Lawson & Tallent, surg-eons Tallent .Tohn H., B.A., M.B., B.C., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. Whur Frederick Robert, tailor 15 Burton J ames Henry & Son, plumbers & c. (workshops) 16 Wells & Lee, i1rapers Atkins Walter, butcher Rabbitt Miss Lucy, confectioner Parad~ Cottag£-s1 Rayment Mrs. 2 Warren Mrs. 8 Booker George Field George, fly proprietor Bull's Ht'ad Hotel, Sidney Gore ......... here is Church Lane ......... ...... here is St. Paul's Cray road ...... Cross and Return. Blackford George, Abury Battle J. A. & Son. bakers Jull Alfred George, ironmonger & farrier, Sydney place Perkins Frederick, greeng-rocer Plummer Misses, Nutwood Molesworth Henry B., Clifton St. Mary's Villas. See Willow grove. St. Paul's Cray Common. Right Side-From Manor Park Road. Hodgkinson Com. Geo., R.N., Fairoaks Marriott R. :a., Wayside Panckridge Mrs., Bockleton Hoare Herbert James, Saxbys ...... here is footpath to l'own COllrt and Oro/ton Jacobs Arthur, Pets Wood Return. Cox William, ] Marlings cottages Barnett Thomas Chas.,2 .Marlings cots. Berens Mrs., Marlings Wall Letter RotlJ ...... herc is St. J.1Jar!! eray road . Brailbford Joseph, Leesons Dabner Arthur, baker here is footpath to St. PauL's em!! ........ here is Scadbury Park . Kenderdine C. II., Scadbury park Thornbury Robert, Lodge of Scadbury park SCADBUltY PARK COTTAGES. .Boorman Percy Smith Albert Dobbs James Ellis Ernest Morton Thomas, Holbrook Dodd Charles, Holbrook cottage ......... here is Holbrook La,ne .

St. Paul's Cray Road.

Right Side - From Royal Parade; Miles John, Rectory cottage French Rev. Basil Peter William, M.A., LL.B. [curate of Chislehurst], Clergy house Murray Rev. Athole E"elyn, M.A [curate of Chislehurst],Clergy house Hodsoll Percy, Clergy house Wall Letter Box .Bower Sir Alfred Louis, The Grange Parry Thomas Sydney, Warren house Blyth Samuel Francis Peter,Cleveland Janson Frederick Arthur, Crayfield Alston Mrs., Grange cottage ...... here is St. PauL's Cray common ... Cross and Return. Dobbing M~s., Calderwood Winch Arthu!, St. Meddens

Scadbury Park Cottages.

See St. Pattl's Gray common.

Shepherd's Green.-CHIsLEHUR'lT COMMON.

From Ashfield lane to Perry street . Left Side. Sturge Arthur Lloyd, Dolobran Foster Mrs. Richard, Homewood Sutton Ed wd. A. (lodge of) Homewood Right Side. Meers Ernest George Shelley Percy, Throwleigh George Stanley B., Redholm 3 Oliver Charles Ford James, 'fhe Crossways Pilla?' .LettCr Box Sex James, Farrington's cottage, Farrington Hancock Wm., Malthouse cotts. Farrington's Girls' School Limited -Miss A. H. Davies, head mistress Boosey Miss, Bettrington

Slade's Cottages.

See Green lane.

S. E. & C. R. Coal Wharves.

See Goods yard.

South Hill.

From Southill road. Sankey Charles Herbert, Wildcroft Teichmann Emil, Sitka Perkins E. (lodge) Sitka Ralph James, Sitka stables EtheringtonAmos(lodg~) Cranmore pI Southill Road.-Fum! YESTER ROAD . West Charles ·Wallis, Inchcape Edwards Hugh Owen, Brook hous~ Oswald W. W., Birchwood Adamson Alexander, St;. Andrews Clarke Boucher, Eldridge Lovatt .John Anthony Stratford, W oodburn Wall Letter Box Stoit N'0well Stanhope, Fairview· Private road to Elmstpad Grange and Cranmore Place Cross and Return. ............ here is South Hill . Pickering John F., Camden rid~e Summer Hill. Right Side-From Chislehurst. Station. Noad Thomas William, Avalon PowellRobt.Leonard,J.p., Heather Bank Lund William, Cromlix Tulley Charles, Cromlix stables Gall Charles, Cromlix cottage Wall Letter Box Bristow Mrs., Ravenshill Wooderson Charles Henry, The Lodge, Ravenshill Burles Herbert, Gardener's cottage, Ravenshill ........ here is the Water Tower ..... Cross and Return. ........ here are Summer Hill Villas ...... O'Brien Henry, Oakleigh King Mrs. H. J., Woodclyffe Bateman William, Woodclyffe cottage ...... here is Chislehurst Station S.E.R. ......

Summer Hill Villas.

From Chislehurst common. 1 Miller Harry, Grantham house 3 Birkett Louis 4 Dixon Mrs. 5 Edwards Evan ... ... entrance to Chislehurst hill ...... Anstruther Mrs Stewart, St. John's ho Sundridge Avenue. 56 Cocksedge John Thomas,Scott's 10. For remainder of na1nes see Sundridge .i11:en1te;Brantley.

Sydney Place.

See Royal parade.


See Chisleh1trst common.

Tiger's Cottages.

See Oldslekurst common,

Townshend Road.

From 61 Albany road. Left Side. 1 Pierce George Reginald 5 Reynolds Henry 7 Coffin William 9 Burley Percy 11 Staples Frederick Right Side. 2 Durling Louis . 4 Dawson John 6 Oddy Albert 8 Rabbitt Harry 10 England Charles 12 Rimell George


Bartlett E. Cecil, Reel house

Victoria Road.-WHITE HORSE liU.L.

Left Side. 1 Palmer William, jun. 2 Lofts Charles .. 3 Barnett Herbert Henry 4- Keeble Mrs. 5 Browning George Charles 7 Bayford William 9 Shepherd William Walter 11 Wiles Francis 12 Cowleard William Sidney 13 Spicer William 14 Honeysett William Henry 15 Warren Aaron 16 Sheen Michael 17 Cowleard Robert Cross and Return . 18 Giles Edward Simpson 19 Braddock Arthur 20 Dean Louis 22 Taylor William 23 Neves Thomas 24 Gr;1ver George 25 Fane Albert 26 Baker Charles 27 Hayley John 28 Cole Henry 29 Swain Harry Frederick 30 Green John


Right Side. Mclntyre Edgar, Storth Oa~s Wall Letter Box White Charles (lodge) Waratah Streetly Thomas (lodge) Waratah Cross and Return. Shrubsall George,J.p.,Elmstead Glade Welch Wm. John, Elmstead Glade 10 Dowrance John, Cranmore Place Salway Saml. Jn.(stables) Cranmore PI Suckling Albert Edward (lodgc}Cranmore Place Connell Thomas B., Walden Know Ie Richardson Wm.(lodge) WaldenKl10wle

Webster Cottages.

See Chislehurst common.

Wellfield Place.

See Chislehurst west.

White Horse Hill. -- Wl£sTUmsLEHURS'f.

...... here is footpath to Elmstead ...... 1 White IlOrseIIotd,Wm. Cawthorn 2 Whitehead Abraham 4 Barnard Frederick, grocer ......... here is Victoria road ......... 5 Bawtree Charles Frederick 6 Parris William 9 White John 10 Carrick Charles William, bootmaker &, repairer 11 Barker Sylvanus 12 Rouse Francis James 13 Seal Mrs. 14 Maxlow John William ]5 Perrett Herbert 16 Pearce Arthur 17 Wiffen Arthur 18 Groves George


1 Slythe Vernon George 2 Monk Harry William 19 Lettington Henry William 20 Jarrett John 21 Barber Thomas 22 Wathen Walter 23 & 24 Waters Mrs. 25 Harrington George 26 Brewster Mrs,· 27 Feltham Chas.,grocer,& Post Office Wall Letter Box 28 Brown Robert, sen. 29 McDonald John 30 Fanner Ernest 31 Monk Mrs. 32 Harland :Mrs; 33 Simmons William 34 Ker Mrs, laundress 35 Clark John 37 Grover Arthur 38 Newman Thomas Willianl 39 Creamer George 42 Hawley George 43 Wickens Thomas 44 Wright Ernest 45 Clark John 47 Elderfield Albert 48 Ansell William 50 Wotto George 51 Lindin Philip 52 Brown Thomas Crawford 54 Seals Joseph Henry 55 Crissell John Albert 56 Harland Richard Henry 57 Palmer James Dixon Frederick James, The lodge Line Harry, Hillside Cross and Return 58 Stockbridge Mrs. 59 James Albert 60 Perrett Frank 61 Honeysett James 62 Wood Mrs. 63 Armstrong James Charles 64 Marks George 65 Pearce George 67 Clark Thomas 68 Brett-Smith Robert 69 Milbourne Charles Henry Robert 70 Wright Percy Charles Eldridge 71 Adams William Bank tOl'raeo4 Benge Henry 3 Catlett Charles 2 Rayment James 1 Hewitt Frank Bank parallel Room William Fredk., confeetionr 2 Smith Thomas William·

Wilderness Crescent.

From Chislelhurst common. Right Side, Margetson Harold, Moorlands Cross and Return. Bennett Humphrey, Sel",yu lodge Dowater Frederick Wm., Copley Dene

Willett's Stables.

See Lubbock road.


Right Side-from West Chislehurst. BuIJey C. A" builder, decorator & undertaker (works) St. Mary's villas1 Dean Lewis William 2 Ransome Edward Charles 4 Pope Henry E. . Marriott William, B.A., School honse Wesleyan Schools, W. Marriott, B.A., master . McKewan Walter David. Bemony Tylor Mrs. Beck Miss Miu3aroon Mrs., I!'airfield Mawe Mrs., Willow Croft Klein Edward E., M.D., F.R.S., Lvndhurst ...... here are Willow Grove Villas ..... Wall Lette?' Bow Welfare Louis C., M.R.C. v.s., Blacklands Slade Edmund, Willowmead Addison James, apartments, Brcntor cross and Return. ...... here is footpath to Camden Park road Wilson Frank Talbot, Golf View Willow Grove Villas. Left Side - from Willow Grove. Wall Letter Box 1 Lewes E. A. 2 Bower Benjamin Arthur 4 Parker Miss D Pinkerton Mrs. G Turner Alfred Robert Cross and Return. Fellis William, Llywn Gwern cottage

Wood Road.

From Elmstead lall~. Wilton Villas. Spa OI'01vn lane. Yester Roac1,-Elmstead Lane to Cn.mden Wood. McCaul Giibert John, Creggandarroch Nichols William James, Lachine· Odling H. C., Ennismore Wall Letter Box ......... here is Lower Camden ......... ...... here is Camden Park road ...... Cross and Return . Woodall Sir Corbet, knt.,, J.P., Walden Toms Frands John, Walden lodge ......... here is South Hill·road .... .... Munro James Young, Glen-Druid ...... here is Sundridge Avenue ,.....


Addison James, apartments, Brentor, Willow grove Allan S. & M. (Missm;), basket makers, 9 Marland ter., Green la Allan James, M.B., C.M., surgeon, Aldborough, Chislehurst common Andrew Miss, lady supt. ManningAnderdon Almhouses, Chislehurst West Andrews Edward H., baker & confectioner, 53 Chislehurst hill Ashfield Chas. Lewington, shoema., 3 Burlington par.,ChisleburstWest Atkins Walter, butcher, Royal par Barker Albert Richard, insurance agent, 4 Burlington terrace Barker E. (Miss), costumier, 4 Burlington terrace Barnard Frederick, grocer, 4: White Horse hill Bassett Benj., gro., 1 Burlington par Bastable Harry John, fishmonger, etc., Chislehurst W est&11 Royal par Batt Edwin J., tobacconist, 51 Chislehurst road Batten Thomas Henry, solicitor, Foxdeane, 13 Lower Camden Bllttle J. A. & Son, bakeIs, Royal par Baystou H. C., tailor & outfitter, Chislehurst West Belshaw George T., The Bickley Arms Hotel, Chislehmst road [PH] Bowman Leslie, baker, Chislehurst West Box Richard Eaton, Sidney Arms, Perry street [PH] Boyall Henry H., IMperial Arlns, Chislehurst hill Boys' Club, Chislehurst West Brenan Alexander Richard Micklethwait,M,A .,M.D., M.R. C.S.,I..R. C.P., physician and surgeon, FairhoIm, Chislehurst common Brigden William, miller and corn dealer, Chislehurst West Brontley Co.opemti're S(lc'iety Ltd. ; branch, Burlingtol). parade Broughton Walter James, tailor, 2 Carlisle terrace, Green lane Brown Haydn, physician, Oak cottage, Chislehurst common & Manor lodge, Manor Park road Brown John J., clerk to Chislehurst Urban District Council & chief assistant overseer; offices, Church row Buckler Claude Harold, bootmaker, Chislehurst West Bulley C. A" builder, decorator & undertaker, 2 Burlington villas, Chislehurst West; works, Willow grove Burton James Hy. & Son, plumbers and sanitary engineers, 4 & 15 Royal parade; workshops, Royal parade Canlion Joseph Geo., grocer, Green la Carrick Charles William, bootmaker & repairer, 32A, Park road & 10 White Horse hill Carter William Morton, Crown inn, Chislebnrst common [PH] Cassum Frederick William, bootmaker, Chislehurst hill Cawthorn William, White Horse hotel, 1 White Horse hill Charlton Wm., shopkpr., 34 :Mill pI Chatel' E. T.. finance clerk & collector to Chislehurst Urban District Council; offices, Church row Chattell David J. & Sons, auctioneers, etc., 65 Chislehurst road Chislehm'st Cemetery tf .Mortuary, Beaverwood road Cltislehurst Common Conser~'ators (Frederick Richard Greenfield, clerk), School ho. Chislehurst com Chislehurst Electric Supply Station, Royal parade-A. E. Darlington, resident engineer Ckislehurst Golf Club, Camden place Evan Edwards, sec ChislchurstL'ibel'al .Association (Sir Corbet Woodall, knt., D.SC.. J.P., pJ;es.), Park Road hall, Park road Chislehurst Photographic Society (Miss Dawson, hon.sec.), Crown la Chislehurst Urban Disttriet Council (John J. Brown,clerk),Church row Chislehurst Urban Distnct Council Depot (Thomas Stingmore, caretaker), Be!l.verwood road Chislehurst Window CDleaning Co. (The), 59 Cbislehurst road Cobb Misses, confectnrs. Church row Cockerell G. J. & Co. (incorporated with Rickett, Cockerell & Co. Limited), coal merchants, Chislehurst station & S. E. & C. Goods yard, Chislehurst Coed-Bel Cottage Home (Miss .Pinyon, matron), 3 Camden grove Collin E. (Miss), draper, 4 Burlington parade Compton George, sign writer,4 Frognal villas, Green lane Conservative c! Unioni,~t Olub(Hugh Tindall, han. sec.; A. Barker, assistant'sec.), Grtelllane Cook Herbert, confectioller 31, & hairdresser 32, Park road Cooling George, photographer and stationp-r, Chisleburst West Cripps C. & R., decrtrs., 20 Albany rd Cripps Joseph Henry, chimney cleaner, 2 Queen's cottages Crowe Mrs. E., tobacconist, Chislehurst West Crowe Thos., beer retailr., 47 Park rd Dabner Arthur, baker, St. Paul's Cray common Dabner Chas. ,bldr., Chislehurst West Davey Charles, saddler, 5 Marland terrace, Green lane Davies Misses P. & F., drapers, Church row Dawe Charles Thomas, confectioner, Chislehurst West Dean Bros., gras" Chislehurst West Edey Frank Harold,L.D.S.R.c.s.Eng., dental surgeon (Jasmine cottage), Church row . Edwards Miss Mary A. A., lady superintendent Governesses' Institution, Manor Park road Eley William, coal dlr., 19 Queen's rd Elphinstone Henry, refreshment rooms,'2 Slade's cottages, Green la Fairs & Rusbridge, bakers, 6 Burlington parade, Chislehurst West Farrington's Girls' School Limited, Shepherd's green - Miss A. H. Davies, head mistress Feltham C., builder, etc., Bed hill, Cbisleburst West Feltham Charles, grocer, Post Office, 27 White Horse hill Field George, carriage proprietor & jobmaster, Chislehurst common; Chislehurst road; Chislehurst West & Royal parade Fisher C.& W., dairy,Chislehurst West Fisher E. & Sons, farmers, Beaverwood, Perry street . Fisher E. & Sons, farmers, Red Hill farm, Green lane :B'le!g G. F. & Son, saddlers & c. Chislehurst West Foat Walter, butcher, Chislehurst hill Foster 'Miss Kate, district nurse, 3 Bickley terrace, Green lane Fox Miss Hamilton, ladies' school, Coed-bel, Lubbock road; kindergarten & preparatory school, St. Nicholas lodge, Church row Francis :B~rdk.hairdrssr.,3 Royal par French George, ('arpenter, 2 Eugenie cottages, Crown lane Funnell William Charles, house decorator, 3 Orchard cotts., Perry st George Henry, gardener, 4: Florence villa", Chislehurst hill Gore Sidney, Bull's Head Hotel,- Royal parade [PH] Gm'ernesses' In.~t'itlltion. Manor Park road-Miss Mary A. A. Edwards, lady superintendent GreenfielrdFredk. Richard, Council School honse. Chislehnrst common Greenfield Mrs., Council School house, Chislehllrst common Greengrass G. Limited, upholsterers, Chislehurst West Griffiths Frank, bootmaker, 12 Frognal villas, Green lane Gurr Hy. T., chimney cleaner, 4 Mill pI Hammond Herbert Edward S., inspector to j\letropolitan Water Board, Kent district, 1 Orchard villas, Perry street . Hardee Oscar, photographer, Summer Hillloclge, Chislehurst com Hart Louisa C. (Mrs.), confectioner, 49 Chislehurst road Hayden Robert Frank, Tiger's Head, Chislehurst common Head William A., smith, The Forge, Burlington parade Hollington Concent Home (Miss Moil', matronvelen), Chislehurst common Holoran Ernest, draper,& post office, 63 Chislehurst road Hood Mrs. Sarah, shopkeeper,IG Mill place Howland Henry Joseph, station master, Chislelmrst station Humphry Charles Henry, M.n.c.s.E., surgeon, 5 Lower Oamden Invicta Cycle & Motor Co., Chislehurst West James Eliza beth (Miss), beer retailer, Chislehurst common Johnson Rev. John Freclerick, M.A., preparatory school, St. Hugh's, Lubbock road Johnson Mary A. (Mrs.), greengrocer,'Green hne Jull Alfred George, ironmongcr and farrier, Royal parade Keith Ben, butcher, Scotch & English meat only, Chislehurst West Kennard & Trill, coal merchants, Reel hill & S. E. & C. R. Coal wharves. Goods yard Ker Mrs.,laundress, 34 WhiteHorse hill Rettel Edith (Miss), dressmaker, 3 Crown lane Kettel Henry, verger of St. Nicholas church, 3 Crown lane King Dennis, coffee stal1, Chislehurst st~tion Lash William, carriage builder, Chislehurst West Lash William Thomas, carriage builder, 10 Frognal villas,Green la Lawson & Tallent,surgeons. Camden Rise, Chislehurst hill & Royal par Lawson Hugh, MR.C.S., L.R.C.P., surgn.,Camden Rise,Chislehurst hill Ledner John Thomas, decorator, 1 l\T:"trland terrflce, Green lane Lester & Son, plumbers, Westbourne, Chislehurst West. Lidstone Ltd. butchers, Royal par Line', Shaddock & Co., Chislehurst Mineral Water Co., 35 Park road, Chislehurst West I,obb Geo., butchr., 5 Burlington par LONDON COUNTY &. WESTMINSTER BANK LIMITED (Arthur Viv:ian Faull, manager), Chislehurst West.. See advertisement, page 279 LOWE R. A. & CO., builders & contractors, 57 Chislehurst road. & coal merchants, S. E. & C. R. Coal wharves, Goods yard Malby John Griffin, oil & color stores, 20 & 21 Park road Mallett Frederick, Helmont Hand laundry, 4 Belmont ter., Green la Manning-Ande'rdon Alrn87touses (Miss Andrew, lady superintendent), Chislehurst West Manns Robert Vi cary, watchmaker, Chislehurst West Martin Arthur, antique furniture. dealer, 10 Royal parade MARTIN'S BANK LIMITED, Chislehurst common-Henry Reginald Payne, manager Mayes Frederick John, Queen's IIearl Hotel, Chislehurst West Mayhew George, gardener to Mrs. Edlmann, Hawkwood, Botany Bay lane Mitcham John, Tea and Coffee Rooms, Common Mole Joseph, shopkeeper, 42 Mill pI Morris Alfred William, carman, Red hill & coal merchant, S. E. & C. R. Coal wharves, Goods yard Maul Mrs. E., laundress, Perry st Murrells Percy W., picture frame maker, Chislehurst West Nash John, carman, 34 Park road Naylor Geo., insur. l1geut, 5 Park rd Osborn Joseph, sub-postmaster, Head Post Office, Chislehurst West Parrott George, verger of the Annunciation Church, 8 Alexander rd Payne Henry Reginald, manager Martin's Bank Limited, & treaSlUer to Chislehurst Urban District Council, Chislehurst Common Pepper John Thomas, hairdresser, etc. Chislehurst W e~t Perkins Fredk., greengro., Royal par Petty Miss Margaret, dressmaker, 5 Camden grove Pierce Joseph, greengrocer, Chislehurst West Powell W. G., sanitary inspector, petroleum inspector & highway surveyor to Chislehurst Urban District Council; offices, Church row Prebble & Bonc, pharmacists, Chislchurst West; 1 Royal parade & 61 Chitilehurst road- ---. . -- --- Price Samuel Ernest, L.M.S.s.A.Lond., surgeon & medical officer & public vaccinator, No. !) district, Bromley union, The Acacias, 5 Red hill Rabbitt Miss Lucy, confr., Royal par Radford Thomas, plumber, 1 Oak cottages, Chislehurst hill and 18 Camden terrace, }fill place Rice Arthur A., cycle & motor maker, Chislehurst West Rideal Arthur Henry, M.D., c.M., physician & surgeon, Holbrook End, Holbrook lane Ridcr Thomas & Son, builders, etc., Chislehurst West Ringer Geo., Rose Cot. In dry ., Perry st Robb-Smith Alec, M.B., C.M., physician & surgeon, Mead view, Chislehurst common Room William Frederick, confr. 1 Bank parad~, White Horse hill Rouch & Sons, drprs. ,Chislehurst West St. BarnalJa.~ Orpllartage (Miss Mabel VillierR, bon. lady supt.), Chhilehnrst West St. John Ambulance Brigade (No. 21 Division) (T. Healey, supt.; W. Cooling, treas.; 0 Section, J. Allan, lII.B., c,M.,hon. surgeon; S. H. White. han. sec.) ; head quarters, St. Mary's hall, Chislehurst West St. Joseph'.~ Home (Mis;; M!j.bel Villiers, hon. lady supt.), Chisle. hurst West St. Michael's Orphanage for Boys (Miss Bennett, matron), Chislehurst common St Vicholas Boys' Club, Church la St. Nieholas JlIcn's Olllb, Church lane Scott William, «ecnrator, 22 Oamden grove; workshop, Chislehurst, hill Scriven Misses S. & A., ladies' out· fitters, 6 Royal parade Serre Achille Ltd., dyers & cleaners, Chislehurst West Sheppard George (M:rs.), laundry, 2 Belmont cottages, Green lane Sibley J n., harness ma., 9 Royal par Smith W. H. & Son, booksellers, Chislehurst station Smith' WilIiam,-coal, coke & wood merchant. Chislehurst. hill & S. E. & C. R. Goods yard, Chisleburst rd Squires William, glass and china warehouse, 7 Burlington parade Staples W.,baker & c0nfr., 2 Park rd Streatfield Geo.,carrier, 12 Queen's rd Streeter K. (Mrs.),Tudor Hall school, Chislehur8t common Thorn Ernest .M., grocer, 59 Chislehurst road & fruiterer & grelmgrocer, 50 Chislehurst road Tyler Frederick, hotel valuer, Chislehurst West Tyrrell Charlps, beer retailer, ChiRlehurst West Uridge's High-Class Stores (Thc, mas Coffin, proprietor), 5 Royal parade Walker Robert Johnston, in"pector in charge, Elmstead station, Elmstead lane Walters William Henry, jobmaster, Ivy porch, Church row Waters Edgar Charles & Son. printers & statioors.& post pffice.Royal par We{jlwd's SUrre!l IJairies Lil1tited, Chislehurst West; 2 Royal parade & 55 Chislehurst road Wells & I,ee, drapers, 16 Royal par Western Motor W0rk.~(rlte), motor repairers & garage, Perry street White & Bushell, irollmongers, Chislehurst West & warehouse, Park road Whitelegg & Page, nurserymen, Chislehurst West · Whiteley John W., organ builder, Chislehurst hill Whur Fredk. Robt., tailor, Royal pal' Wilson Thomas & Co., millers & corn dealers, Chislehurst West Wintf'r W.J.,surveyor and engineer to Chislehurst Urban DIstrict Council; offices, Church row Wise Harry, butcher, 1 Park road Wise John, boot and shoe maker, Chislehurst West and 7 Royal pal' Wood Cha!'.Richd.,wood d1l'.,Red I Wood E. R .. farmer, Thong farm, Botany Bay lane Woodger John Joseph, nurseryman, Clarendon nursery, Chislehurst common Woodward William Henry, grocer, Chislebmst West Wren Mr~.A., upholstress, 32 Mill pI Young & Worger, grocers, Chislehurst West Young Men's Christian Association (W. Marriott, B.A., hon. sec.), Queen's cottages


Adams Robert William, 1 Rectory place, Chislehurst common ,i,.-t~ Adamson Alexander, St. Andrews, Southill road Aird Miss, 7 Manor Park road Allan James, M.B., C.M;, Aldborough, Chislehurst common Allchorne Mrs., 1 Crown lane Allen Mrs., Merlewoocl. 47 Chislehurst road Alston George Robert, Rosemount, Chislehurst ('ommon Alston Mrs., Grange cottage, St. Paul's Cray road Amos Miss, Athelney, Chislehurst com Andreae Herman A., Great wood, Oamden wood Anstruther Mrs. Stewar~, St. John's house, Summer hill Archer William John, C.M.G., The Towers. ChislehurRt hill Arnstein Miss, Pennr harpe, Mead road Asbworth Thomas, Kemnal wood, Kemnal road Austin Frederick Ernest, Chamwood, Chislehurst bill Ayers Percy Oasswdl, Hatfield, Lower Camden Baker Benjamin J" 3 Oak cottages, Cbislehurst hill Barnes Miss, Rosela wn, Bartlett E. Cecil, Red house, Vale rd Bateman William, Wooddyffe cottage, Summer hill Batten Thomas Henry, Foxdeane, 13 Lower Camden Beck John, 2 Red hill Beck Miss, WilJ.ow':grave Bell Percy E.,Holme-Green, Green Jn. Bennett Humphrey, Selwyn lodge, Wilderness crescent Bennett Mrs. Harry, Thornda Ie, Lubbock road Berens ,Mrs., Marlings. St. Paul's Cray common Bew Miss, Lancy, Beaverwood road Bicknell Thomas, 5 Burlington tel' Bilbrough Arthur, J.p.,Camden court, Chislehurst common Bilbrough Kenneth, Elmstead Grange, Elmstead Jane Billing Charles, Glenthorne, Lower Camden Birkett Louis, 3 Summer Hill villas Blackford George, Abury, Royal par Blyth Samuel Francis, Cleeveland, St. Paul's Cray road Bone A. Allan, Chislehurst West Boone Rev. Auguste M., M..A. [Catholic J, Presbytery, Crown la Boosey Miss, Bettrington, Shepherd's green Bosworth Arthur Edwin, The Cottage, Church lane Bowater Frederick William, Copley Dene, Wilderness crescent Bowen James F'., Heathfield, Chislehurst common Bowen Miss H. G.. Leweston, Chislehurst common Buwer Sir Alfred Louis, The Grange, St. Paul's Cray road Bower Benjamin Anhur, 2 Willow Grove villas Bowring 001. }11rc(lerick Thos. Nelson Spratt- C.B. Hurstmead, Church la Brabant Miss, The Anchorage, Church lane Brailsford Joseph, Leesons, St. Paul's Cray common Drenan Alexander Richard Micklethwait, M.A., :i\LD., M.R.C.S. L.R.C. P., Fairholm, Chislehurst com Briggs William A., Comberton, 25 Lower Camden Bristow Mrs.,Ravenshill, Summer hill Brittain Alfred James, Calderwood cottages, Holbrook lane Brittain John Furlong, Calderwood cottages, Holbrook hne Brown Benj. T., Elmleigh, Perry st Brown Haydn, Oak cottage, Chislehurst common & Manor lodge, Manor Park road Brown Henry, Bickley Hall lodge, Chislehurst road . Brown Hobert, 6 Wellfield. place, . Chislehurst West Camphell William, Banchester, Camden Park road Campkin Richd., Red house, Perry st Carter John Henry, 21 Lublock rd Catchpole Henry William, Beaverwood, Perry street Christopher George, F.C.S. Thorncroft, Chislehurst West Chubb Sir George Hayter, bart., J.P., Newlands, Common Clark Mr8., 6 Carlisle ter., Grern Ia Clarke Boucher, Eldridge, Southill rd Clarke Chas. Sanders, l Lower Camden Close Fredk., Kincraig, Lubbock rd Cobb Mrs. Hamilton, 2 Rectory place, Chislehurst common Cocksedge John Thomas, Scott's lodge, 56 Sundridge avenue Connell Thomas B., Walden Knowle, Walden road Constable DanieI :Woodside, Green la Constant Martin, Broad Oaks, Chislehurst common Cooper William John, 2 Belmont terrace, Green lane Corkc William Richard, Langtons, 19 Lower Camden Cowl George, Elmstead court, Elmstead lane Crombie Thomas Archibald, W oodlands, Chislehurst hill CrowhurstMiss,WeeNeste, Royal par Cuxson G. .A. Pryce, Mead house, Chislehurst common Dalton James Harmer, The Oaks, Manor park Dalton Miss, Richman cottage, 6 Church row Dalton Mrs., Golden Mead, Mead rd Davies H., Clarendon, Chislehurst common Davies Miss A. H., Farrington's school, Shepherd's green Dawson Rev. James Edward Ie Strange, Jl,I.A. [rector of Chislehurst], The Rectory, Manor PIc. rd Dean Lewis William, 1 St. Mary's villa;;;, Willow grove Dene Mervyn, 28 Lower Camden Denyer Harvey, 7 .!\farland terrace, Green lane De Quincy Richard, Inglewood, 45 Cbislehnrst road Dewrance John, Cranmore place, Walden road Dixon Mrs., 4 Summer Hill villas Dixon Hobert, Camden wood Dobbing Mrs., Calderwood, St. Paul's Cray road Dolan James Henry, 3 Morley cottages, Chislehurst common Double James, B Florence. villas, Chislehurst hill Ducroz Arthur M., Holbrook lane Duddlestone .Miss, Lime villa. Church row Duncan David, Berlay mount, Chislehurst hill Durling Henry Charles, 4 Crown la Edey Frank Harold, L.D.S.R.C.S. ElJg. Jasmine cottage, Church row Edlmann Mrs. F. G., Hawkwood Edwards Evan.5 Summer Hill villas Edwards Hugl{ Owell', Brook house, Southill road Edwards Miss, Governesses' Instr tution, Manor Park road Egerton Herbert D., St. Michael's lodge, Chislehurst common Eke Harrison, 3 Burlington terrace Emmans Henry, 2 Oak cottages, Chislehurst hill EnglandFras.,lBelmont ter.Green la Evans Edwd., Lindsay,Low.Camden Eyles John William, 8 Red hill Farrar Abraham, Old Hill house, Chislehurst hill Fehr Frank Emil, Hatton house,Lubbock road Fellis William, Llywn Gwern cottage, Willow Grove villas Field Arth., ConistoD, Chislehurst hill Field Charles, The Shanty, Chislehurst road Field Misses, Penrhos, Manor Park rd Finch Rev. Ernest Thomas, M.A.[curate of Annunciation Church), 4 Red hill Fleet Henry William, 1 Burlington villas, Chislehurst W cst Fletcher Edward H., Chevender,Chislehurst common Fontain Octave, 35 Lower Camden Ford James, The Crossways, Shepherd's green Ford Mrs., 1 Queen's villas, Cbialehurst common Ford Pelham, Frogpool, Perry st Foster Miss, Rose cottage, Chislehurst common Foster Mrs. Richard, Homewood, Shepherd's green Fox Miss Hamilton, Coed-bel, Lubbock road & St. Nicholas lodge, Church row Fox Thomas Percy, 4 Church row Francis R. H. M., Noke cottage, Chislehurst common Freese Mrs., Granite 10..Lubbock rd French Rev.· Basil Peter William, M.A., LL.B. [curate of Chisle· hurst], Clergy house, St. Paul's Cray road Fretten Edward William, 4 Carlisle terrace, Green lane Friedberger Hugo, Connaught lodge, Lower Camden Fry Thos. Wm. Belmont, Kemnalla Gall Chas. Cromlix cot. Summer hill George Stanley B., Redholm, Shepherd's green . . . Gibson Edw:,!-l;d· G., Camden hm, Lubbock road ~i\3_sQn-Edwarli: :H., -Bankside, Lubbock road Greatheed Mrs., Wardley, Church la GreeIJ.grass John, 7 Carlisle terrace, Green lane Grieve Richard. 20 Lubbock road Griffith Miss, 5 Rectory place, Chislehurst common . Ha9.dan Miss, 1 Governess~s' lnstitution, Manor Park road . Hadrill· Henry John, Northwood, Manor Park road Hail William, Rosemount cottage, Chislehurst common Harrild Horton, Walsingham, Manor park Harris Harry A. M., Goddington, Manor Park road Harrison Oecil R., ·Woodcote, Elmstead lane Hart Harold Rd. South ville, 1 Red hill Harwood H. G., The Rookery, Lubbock road Hawes A. Travers, J.p.,Nizels, Kernnal road Hawes Gurney Travers, Rossmore. Chislehurst common . Haywood Mrs. Garnett, Derwent house, Camden Park road Heald Charles E., Ventnor, Chislehurst hill Henning-ham Harry, 5 Belmont terrace, Green lane Heywood C. G., Holbrook lane Herring-Cooper Mrs., Red lodge, Green lane Hicks Richard, Rectory cottages, Manor Park road Hilder, Thomas Paine, Cadlands, Perry street . Hindmarsh Stuart, Murray-·Downs, Chislehurst common Hinds Frederick William, 4 Oak cottages, Chislehurst hill Hiscock Miss, I Tarnside, Chislehurst common Hoare A. Stanley K., 8 Carlisleter,;, race, Green lane Hoare Herbert James, Saxbys Hobbs Alfred, (lodge) Elmstead , grange, Elm~~ead)ane,_ .._ Hodgkinson. Commander: George, R.N.; ·Fairoaks; ,St.Paul's Cray cuIA' I:Io~~QJJY~rcy, Clergy house, St.s: Paul's Cr!tY ro~q Holloway Francis T. 1 Florence villa, Chislehurst hill Hose R. J.,Claverley, Luhbock road Howes Miss, 2 Holbrook cottages, Holbrook lane Hue- Williams Eric, Ashton,Mead rd Humphry Charles Henry, M.R.C.S.E., 5 Lower Camden Hunt Edwd. Alfd. Wokefield, Green la Hunt Mrs., Sandfield, 43 Chislehurst rd Isherwood Joseph William, Raggleswood, Lubbock road Jackson Herbt.J., Walpole, Manor pk Jackson William, Clarendon, Chislehurst common Jacobs Arthur, Pets 'Wood James Mrs;,Holly Bowers, Kemnalrd Janson Frederick Arthur, Crayfield, St. Paul's Cray road Janson Miss, Burstcck, Mead road Johnson Rev. John Frederick, r,'LA., St. Hugh's, Lubbock road Johnson Jas. Yate, Lepel, Manor pk Johnson Miss, 6 Governesses' Institution, Manor Park road Johnston Miss Mercy, 9 Governesses' Institution. Manor Park road Jones Wm., Red Hill house, Red hill Jull Alfred Geo., Lyncroft, Mead rd Keith Ben, 9 Red hill Kemp John Edward, 10 Church row Kemsley James, 14 Willett's stables, Lubbock road Kenderdine C. H., Scadbury park, St. Paul's Cray common Kennett Ernest,' Scbool ho., Perry st Ker Fox Lieut.-Col. John Charles, 3 Rectory place, Chislehurst com Kinder MISS, The Croft, Green lane King Basil W., The Ferns, 29 Lower Camden King Mrs. H. J., Wooddyffe, Summer hill Kirby Frederick John, Ruxley, 31 Lower Camden Klein Edward E.,M.D., F.R.B., Lyndhurst, Willow grove Knott William, Calderwood cottages, Holbrook lane Lambourne John, Church row Lansdell Miss,3 Governesses' Institution, Manor Park road Lawson Hugh, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Camden Rise, Chislehurst hill Lee Harry,Hank hO.Chislehur8tWest Lelliott Mrs .. Water Tower, Chislehurst common I,evin Mrs., Elmstead manor, Elmstead lane Levitt Daniel, 3 Carlisle tel'. Green 1a Lewes E. A., 1 Willow Grove villas Lint' Harry, Hillside, High road Loane J., Ivy bridge, Chislehurst hill Lord Percy, In~lewood, Kemnal rd Lovatt, Jobn Anthony Stratford, Woodburn, Southill road Lovell Walter, Rose cot., Church row Lovelock Alfred John, Sirhowr, Green lane Lund Frederick William, Oak lodge, Chislehurst common Lund William, Cromlix, Summer bl McArthur Wm., Millfield, The Commn MacAE'kill Norman, The Garth, Chisleburst bill McCall Charles Home, Sweet Meadows, Mead road McCaul Gilbert John, Creggandarroch, Yester road Macduff Miss, Ravensurook, Lubboek road McIntyre Edgar, Storth Oaks, Walden road Mackenzie John A. P., Whinfield, Chislehurst common Mackenzie Thomas, Whinfieldl Chislehurst common McKewan Walter David, Remony, Willow grove McMillan Mrs., Chatham house, Gossbill road Maddison A. J. S., Rodwold, Chislehurst hill Mann Miss, 8 Governesses' Institution, Manor Park road Margery William, 3 Bickley terrace, Green lane . Margetson Harold, Moorlands, Wilderness crescent Marriott R. H., Wayside, St. Paul's Cray eommon Marriott William, B.A., School ho., Willow grove Marris Rev. George [Wesleyan], The Manse, Chislehurst common Marsh Percy James, 3 Webster cottages, Chislehurst common Marshall Mrs. Artbur, Erpingham, Common Marsbam-Townflhend Hon. Robert, M.A., F.R.G.S., F.G.S., F.S.A., D.L., J.P., Frognal, Foots Cray Masaroon Mrs., Fairfield,Willow gro Massey John Manderson, Meadow cottage, Beaverwood road Mawe Frederick Henry, Helenslea, Gosshill road Mawe Mrs. ,Willow Croft, Willow gro Maxwell-Lyte Walter, The Mount, Chislehurst hill May Edward J., Lyneham, Chislehur:5t common Meers Ernest George, Shepherd's grn Mens Edwin, Calder, Chislehurst hill Merry Geo. Wm. White Hous,;"Commn Metcalfe Mrs., Barra, Church row Meyer-Braselman William, Ivy bank. Cbislehurst hill Miller Geo. Wm. White House,Commn Miller Harry. Grantham house, 1 Summer Hill villas ~filler Henry, Chislehurst West Miller Miss E. -g., Norheim, Manor Park road Molesworth Hy. B.,Clifton,Royal par Money Mrs., 1 Morley cottages, Chislehurst common MonroHectorF.,Abbeymead,Mead rd Moor Miss, Ardmore, Green lane Moreau Madame, Peter's lodge. Holbrook lane Morum Wm.E., Rosedale Lubbock rd Morton Thomas,Holbrook, 8t. Paul's Cray common Munro James Young, Glen-Druid, Yester road Murphy Williams, Kara, 27 Lower Camden Murray Rev. Athole Evelyn, M.A. [curate of Chislehurst], Clergy house, St. Paul's Cray road Murton Walter Herbert, The Briars, Chislehurst common Mussett Charles William, Woodside, Elmstea.d lane . . . Myers Ernest, Brackenside. Manor pk Nelson Horace Harrington, F.R.G.S., Kemnal warren, Kemnal road Nevill Re.s-inald C. R., Croft cottage, Elmstead lane Nichols Wm. Jas., Lachine, Yester rd Noad Thos. Wm. Avalon, Summer hill N oUoth Rev. Charles Frederick, M.A., D.Litt., 3 Chislehurst common Norman Charles F., The Coppice, Elmstead lane Nussey Antony Foxcroft, The Ivy house, Common O'Brien Henry .Oakleigh,Summer hill Odling H. C., Ennismore, Yester rd Oldendorff Edwin Hugo, Beechbrook, Lubbock road Onions Mrs., 2 Governesses' Institution, Manor Park road Orpe Mrs., 2 Tarnside, Chislehurst com Oswald W.W ..Birchwood,Southill rd Panckridge Mrs., Bockleton, St. Paul's Cray common Parker Josiah, Upwood, Chislehurst hill Parker M.iss. 4: Willow Grove villas Parker Mrs. Archibald, Camden wood Parry Thomas Sydney, Warren house, St. Paul's Cray road Paterson Miss, Achlian, Church row Patient Percy James, Bickley Hall lodge, Chislehurst road Payne Henry Reginald, Bank house, Chislehurst common Payne Mrs., Sel \Yood, Kemnal road Pearse Miss, 4 Holbrook cottages, Holbrook lane Pearson Miss Annie, Ivy cottage, Royal parade Peckitt W.H., Wyvelsfield,Kemnal rd Pedder Miss, Lysvold, ChisJehurst common . Pembroke Percy James, Hawthorns, Chislehurst common Perdicaris Ion H., Manor house, Manor Park road Perkins Arthm George, 1 Wehater cottages, Chialehurst common Perrin Thomas, Manor House cottage, Manor Park road Phillips Richard Cobden, Elms~ad . cottage, Elmstead lane Pickering John F., Camden Ridge,Southill road Pierce George, Burlington lodge, ChislehurstWest Pinkerton Mrs. 5 Willow Grove vils Pitt Mrs., Seafield, Chislehurst" com Pledge Mrs., 2 Governesses' Institution, Manor Park road Plummer Mi~ses, Nu1wood, Royal parade Pole Rev. George Henry, M.A., Christ Church vicarage, Lubbock road Pope Henry E., 4 St. Mary's villas, Willow grove Postlethwaite Miss, The Homestearl, Holbrook lane Pott Miss, 4 Governesses' Institution, Manor Park road Pott Mrs.,2 Bickley ter., Green lane Potter A.~ Camden Court lodge, Chislehrirst common Potter Mrs., Water tower, Chislehurst common Powell Robert Leonard, J.p., Heatherbank, Summer hill Powell W. G., Belmont viJ., Green la PreRs Miss, 10 Governesses' Institution, Manor Park road Price Samuel Ernest, L.M.S.S.A., 'fhe Acacias. 5 Reel hill Probart 'Mrs., 4 Rectory place, Chislehurst common Pudsey :Mrs., 10 Red hill Quincey Bertram de Quincey, Avonhurst, Camden Park road Quincey Edmund de Quineey, Oakwood, Camden wou,l Quincey Mis~',Stowd'oft, 20 Lower Camden Rae MIS. John, Glcnelly, Chisleburst COllllllon Hampton Mi:,;s, Alresford, 11 Lower Camden . Hansomc Edward Charles, 2 St. Mar.r·~ villas, Willow groVl~ Hideal Arthur Henry, M.D., C.l'll., Holbrook end, Holbrook lane Robb.Smith Alec. M.B., C.M., Mead view, Chislehurst common Roberts Jsph .. 1 Carlisle ter. ,Green la Robinson" Arthur, Bretaneby, Bromley lane Robinson .Mrs. Arthur J., Fyrsbank, 3 Lower Camden Rodgers Thomas, 2 Well field place, Chislehurst West Rosentbal.J. H. Kemnal inanor, Kemnal 'road . Rowbotham niiss,5 Go-vernesses' Institution, Manor Park road Russell Charles R. M., Elmstead Spinney, Elmstead lane Russell Hy Little Mead, Low. Camden Sanders Miss. 11 Governesses' Instrtution. Manor Park road Sankey Charles Herbert, Wildcroft, South hill Say I-Lury John, Holbrook lane Scott Albert Edward, 3 Belmont terrace, Green lane Scott F. G., Sutherland cottage, Lower Camden Search Henry William, Manor Close, Manor park Serle Rev. Samuel Edward Bayard [vicar of the Annunciation Church], The Vicerage, Chislehurst West Shadwell Mrs., Barn End, Crown la Shelley Percy~ Throwleigh, Shepherd's Green Shrubsall George, J.P., Elmstead Glade, Walden road Sicklemore Hugh G., Holly brake, Church lane Simmonds William James.2 Florence villas, Chislehurst hill Sinclair Edgecumbe, Luson house, Camden wood Skeffing10n-Thompson Miss, Glenelly, Chislehurst common Slade Edmund, Willowmead, Willow grove Slade Misses, St. Columb, Green la Smetlmm Frederick A., 2 Crown la Solly H. Ernest, Sunny ways, Chisleburst com mOll , South Hy. Langmere, 33 Lower Camdn Spence Miss, 4 Morley cottages, Chi:,;lehurst common Spicer Ernest Evan, Camden holt, Oamden Park road . Spink Charles F., FurzefieldJ ChislehurEit common Staples William, Chislehuf!'it -West Stephenson Miss, Ranoalls, Mead rd Stott Nowell Stanhope, Fairview, Southill road Straus Percy Weiller ,Hatton cottage, Lubbock road Streatfeild Miss ,Kings north, Green Jn. Streeter Mrs. K., Tudor Hall school, Chislehurst common Sturge Arthur Lloyd, Dolobran, Shepherd's green Tallent John H., B.A., M.B., B.C., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Uoyal parade Tapsell Mrs. T.,Chislehurst common Tapsell William Herbert, Rectory cottages, Manor Park road Tebb Mrs. Robert Palmer, Emlerfield, Lubbock road Teichmann Emil, Sitka, Southill Thompson Richar,l H., Fairlight, Chislehurst common Thornton Miss, Old Crown cottage, Crown lane Thornton Miss'WI., Old Crown cottage, Chislehurst common Tiarks Mrs. Henry, Foxbury, Kemnal road Tillie Alexander, Elmstead lodge, Elmstead lane Timmis Mrs., Mountfield, Camden Park road Tindall Hy. Edwd. Arnside, Mead rd Tod Norman Pringle, Norman cottage, Chislehurst common Tomkinson Mrs., 2 Morley cottages, Chislehurst common Townend Mrs. Arthur P., Chipstead, Chislehurst common Tredennick Rev. John Magee, M.A.., Glen-Avon, 37 Lower Camden TurnerAlfd.Robt.6Willow Grove vils Tylor Mrs., Willow grove Tyndale Mrs., Meadowcroft, Chislehurst common Tyrrell Walter, 65 Chislehurst hill Villiers Miss, St. Barnabas' orphanage, Chislehurst west Villiers Miss, St. Joseph's home, Chislehurst West Wadia N. N., Sunnymead, Chisle. hurst common Walker Alfred, Elmstead Garth, Elmstead lane Walker Guy, The Lodge, Inglewood, Chislehurst hill Waller Mrs. White 1o.0hislehurst com Waters Edgar Charles, Fernhurst, Mead road Watts Laurence, 3 Holbrook cottages, Holbrook lane Webb Mrs., Houthlauno, Kemnal rd Webster Mrs., Woodlands, Common Weeks John, 5 Carlisle tel'. iGreen 10, Welfare Louis 0., M.R.c.Y.S., Blacklands, Willow grove Vl est Charles Wallis, Inchcape, Southi1l road West Thos. Jsph. Upwey ,Elmstead Ill. Weynton Miss, 12 Governesses' Institution, Manor Park ro~ul White Douglas Thomas, Girton house, Chislehurgt West White .James, LL.D., South Home, Kemnal road White Mrs. Arthur Frederick, Cookham Dene, Manor park White Richard, Harley, Manor park White 'fhomas Gilbert, 14 Frognal villas, Green lane Whitehead Alfred, 1 Burlington tel' Whiteley John William, 1 Holbrook cottages, Holbrook lane Whitworth Jas. Jn., l Beaverwoodrd Whyte Robt., J.P., Oakwood, Oamden wood Wiener Louis, Sid cot.16Low. Camden Willett William, The Cedars, Chislehurst common Williams Miss S.J .. 2 Beaverwoordrd Williamson Samuel Taylor, Beechcroft, Camden wood Willis Miss, 1 Lamorna villas, Chislehmst West Wilson Frank Talbot, Golf vie\y, Willow grove Winch Arthur, St. M:eddens, St. Paul's Cray road Witten Arthur, 3 Well field place, Chislehurst West Wood Peter Frederick, Oamden lodge. Lubbock road Wood-Jonel'! Frederic,, 111."8., 41 Lower Camden Woodall Sir Corbet, knt.,, J.P., Walden, Yester road Woolley B. J., 15 Lower Camden Woolley Horace Davis, 11 Red hill Worger Georgc,2 Burlington terrace Worskett Samuel A., Oakbank, Lubbock road Worth William J., Pond view, Chislcl1urst common Wright B., Rose cottage, Mead road Wylde John, Mayfield, Chislehurst common Yeatman John, 22 Lubbock road Young Knowler Edward, 12 Red hill Young Miss Phrebe, 3 Red hill

CUDHAM [Information]

Is a large but somewhat scattered village, situated 7 miles from Bromley, 7 from Sevenoaks, and 3f from Farnborough; in the Western Division of the county, hundred of Ruxley, lathe of Sutton-at.Hone, rural deanery of Beckenham and diocese of Rochester. The church, erected early in the 12th century, is dedicated to SS. Peter and Paul, and has undergone thorough restoration from the plans of Ewan Christian Esq., Architect, and an outlay of some £3,000 has been made. An entirely new steeple has lately been completed. Some interesting sepulchral monuments exist in the church. In tha churchyard are two very old yew trees, the stems of which are upwards of twenty-nine feet in circumference. The living, which is now held by the Rev. Harold Augustus Curtis, M.A., of Christ's College, Cambridge, is a vicarage, in the gift of Sampson Copestake, Esq. A small mission church (St. Mark's) has now been erected on the Aperfield estate. The services are conducted by the cura~e. There is Ii Baptist Chapel, near to the Westerham Road, built by Mr. William Wallis, in the year 1873; it is a very neat and commodious building, and will seat about 200 people; also one in South Street, erected 1!H2; there is also a small Wesleyan Chapel, in Cudham Street, supplied by the Sevcnoaks Circuit, and a new Chapel has been erected at· South Street. The population at the census (Un 1) was 1,604. The area is 5,849 acres, and the rateable value £7,173. The nearest railway stations :l,re Orpington, 4 miles, and Chelsfield, 3i- miles. The Village now possesses a Parish Council.


William Roberts, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive from Sevenoaks, at 6.50 a.m. and 1.35 p.m.; Sundays 6.50 a.m.; dis. patched at 2.30 and 6.30 p.m.; Sundays 10.30 a.m. The nearest Telegraph office is at DowDe Hill. Letters should be ad. dressed" Oudham, Sevenoaks," with the exception of those marked., which must be addressed ., WeBterham Hill, Kent," and those marked t, "Till Hayes, Kent." SUB-POST OFFICE, Westerham Hill.-E. D. Abraham, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive from Sevenoaks 6.25 a.m. and from Wester· ham at 12.15 and 7.5 p.m.; Sundays 6.25 a.m. (from Sevenoaks); dispatched 8.1\5 a.m. and 12.20 and 7.25 p.m.; Sunda.ys 10.30 a.m. SUB,POST, MONEY & TELEGRAPH & TELE· PHO~E (Trunk service) OFFICE, Biggin Hill.-Charles Smither, Bub·postmaster. Letters arrive from Sevenoaks at 7.15 a.m. and 1.10 p.m.(from Westerha.m); dispatched 8.15 a.m. and 12noon and 7.10 p.rn.; Sun. arrive at 7.10a.m.,dispatched at 10.IOa.m WALL Box, Jail Lane, cleared at 11.35 a.m. and 6.45 p.m.; Sundays 9.liO a.m. WALL BOX, Biggin Hill Green, cleared at 11.45 a.m. and 7 p.m. ; Sundays, 10 a.m. WALL Box, Leaves Green. cleared 10 a.m. and 3.50 and 6.liO p.m. ; Sundays, 9.10 a.m. WALL Box, Aperfield, cleared at 8.15 a.m. & 12noon & 7.10 p.m.; Sundays 10.10a.m. PILLAR Box, Horns Green. cleared at 2.40 and 6.30 p.m. ; Sundays 10.30 a.m. WALLBox, Grays, cleared at 7.40 a.m. anll 6.30 p.m. ; Sundays 7.40 a.m. PILLAR Box, Hawleys' corner, cleared at 9.5 a.m. & 12.45 & 7.25 p.m.; Sundays 10.35 a.m. PILLAR Box, Norhealls lane, cleared at 9.15 a.m. and 6.15 p.m.; Sundays 9.15 a.lll.


St. Peter and Paul - Services: Sunday 8.0 and 11 a.m. and 6.30 p.m. Vicar-Rev. Harold Augudus Curtis, M.A· Camb. St. Mark's Mission Church- Services: Sundays 8.0 and 11.0 a.m. and 6.30 p.m.; Curate, Rev. Herbert Humphrey Skinner, M.A. Baptist Chapel - Arthur R. leorbes, pastor. Services; Sunday 11 a.m. aUll 6.30 p.m. Baptist Cltapd, South street-Rev. John Smith, Brasted, Sevenoaks, pastor. Services: 11 a.m. and 6.30 p.m. Wesleyan Chapel, Cudham Street - Services: Sunday 11 a.m. and 6.0 p.m. Wesleyan Chapel, South street. Overseers - William Cowlard, sen., George Stone and C. Smither Assistctnt Overseer - Walter Crooks, School house, Jail lane. Guardian - Charles Smither, Biggin hill. Parish Clerk - William Cowlard, junr. Registrar 01 Births &: Deaths-J. D. Higgins attends at Mrs. Alfred Richards' cottage, Single street, on 1st & 3rd Thursdays in each month from 1 to 2 p.m. Parish Councillors-Daniel B. Milbank, W. Blundell, J. T. Drew, Arthur Tremaine, David Devine, William Cowlard,scn.George Stone, William Hallam, Charles Smither and Walter Crooks, School house, Jail lane (clerk) Assessor and Collector and King's Taxes-Wm. Frost Masters, Lara, ;; Homefield rise, Orpington. Commissioner to Administer Oaths-William F. Foster, Biggin Hill house, Biggin hill. Churchwardens - To Alwen & W. Blundell. Elementary School - Walter Crooks, master. Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Y.U., "Star of Friendship" Lodge, held at the Old Jail Inn. Estab.1858. Children's Convalescent Home (in connection with the Victoria Hospital for Children, Chelsea, Koonowla; H. G. Evered, sec.


Letters, etc., should be addressed Oudkaln, Sevenoaks, Kent, e:r;cepttkosemarked *, 1vkichare in Westerkam, Postal District, and those marked t to be addressed Leave.~Green, Keston, Kent.

Private Residents. [Cudham]

. Allen John, Sunbury villa * Bailey Rt. Jas., The Cot., Westerham hill * Bayes Arthur Cecil, Viewlands * Bellingham W. F. L., Aperfield villa * Bennett Herbert Graham, Burnham lodge, Biggin hill * Bogie James Robert, Hazelcroft * Bunker Miss, The Glen, Biggin hill * Bushnell Mrs. Sunningvale, f:unningvale avenue * Campbell Llewellyn, Whitecliff * Coke Seymour, Valley view, Biggin hill * Cooke Capt. Uriah, Trevose, London rd Cullingford James, Algoa cottage Curtis Rev. Harold Aug., M.A. [vicar] Dennis Stanley M., Cackets * Drake W., Southwood Driver Miss,HoIme bank, Horns green * Forbes Arth. Richard, I vywood cot. * Foster W m.F.,BigginHl.ho.,Biggin hill * Frappell Henry, Meadow croft, Westerham hill * Gee Alfred Benjamin, The Cedars Gill George Joseph, Brambletye, Horns green * Griffin Frederick, Cudham grange Howse Sir Hy. Greenway, Tower ho. t Johnson Frederick James, Summerhill, Leaves green t Kennedy C. Moore, Leaves green * Lambert Professor Carlton J., M.A.., F.R.A..B.,& c., Buckhurst lodge, Westerham hill * Lonsdale James R., Grays * Mason William, Hazelwood * Milbank Daniel B., Mill house, 'Yesterham hill Moxham Mrs., Hor,tye lodge -Newsholme Arthur M.D., F.R.C.P. Lond., The Gables, Arthur road Park Cecil. Wayside. Horns green Percival Mrs., The Firs, Horns green Riicker Edwd. Augustus,Cudham Hall Skinner Rev. Herbert Humphrey, M.A. [curate in charge, St. Mark's], Aperfield tStride Sydney W., Broadmoor house, Leaves green * Thornton Miss, The Cottage, 8unniogvale avenue * Wellings Mrs., Ashbourne * Whartoo Mrs., Hi~hclere * Woollett Mrs. A. E. Y'garn, Westerham hill

Commercial. [Cudham]

* Abbott S., baker ,Westerham hill * Abraham E. D., grocer, & post office, Westerham hill * Allchin & Co., domestic stores, Westerham hill . * Alwen Thomas, bricklayer * Armstead Harry, Black Horse, Biggin hill * Bateman John, shoemaker Beale A. & Co., fruit growrs., Biggin hill Beojafield S. A., dairy farmer, Little Portlands Blake George, carpenter, Biggio hill B1akeWm., farmer and fruit grower, Biggin hill * Blundell William, fruit grower, Grubb grounds Burkin John, fruit grower, Bury's irn Children's Convalescent Home (in connection with the Victoria Hospital for Children, Chelsea) (H. G. Evered, sec.), Koonowla * Chitty Mrs., shopkeeper, Biggin hill * Clark Jas., gro.& drapr., Westerham hill * Clarke James, fruit grower, Park cotto * Clarke James, fruit grower, Pimlico Cole Walter, plumber, Westerham hill Collins John, farmer, Burys farm Coombs James, fruit grower * Cowlard Richard,OldJ ail inn, & baker * Cowlard William, jun., parish clerk Crooks Walter, schoolmaster, assistant overseer & clerk to tbe Parish Council. Schnol house, Jail lane Dennis Stanley M., farmer, Cackets * Devine Wm.,fruit grower,Biggin bill Dewberry Samuel, farmer and fruit grower, Thrift * Drew John, fruit grower, Jail lane Durbin William, nurseryman, Clovelly, Horns green "'Foster W m, F solicitor & commissnr, for oatbs, Biggin Hill ho.,Biggin hill Fowden Jas., farmer, Horn Green farm t FriendGeo.,poultry frmr.,Leaves grn. * Gildersleve E., confr., Westerham hill * Haentjens Alphonse, tea gardens, Westerham hill ...Hallam William, fruit grower and bay dealer, Bavorstock house * Hallam Wm.,jun ..frmr., South St. frm. Handley William, stud greom, Grays * Hoffman HarryDrummond,M.A., M.B., B.c.camb.,physn. &: surgn.(surgery) Holland Albert, blacksmith t Horwood Mrs. Elizabeth. King's Anns, Leaves green [PH] t Hosegood F. S., farmer, Old house, Leaves green * Rutton Edward, horse breeder, Stud farm, South street Jackson James, carman * Kinnell Alex .. boanl res.,The Beacon Lewis John, fruit grower Machonachie A. W., farmer, Cudham Court, Uace & New Barns farms Marchant Wm .. farmer, Bomber's frm * MarkhamArth., fruit grower .Biggin hill * Nevard Wm. H .. The Salt Box Coffee Tavern Roberts William, draper and grocer, Cudham post office * Saunders William, poultry farm & refreshment caterer. Oak cottage, Biggin hill Smith Reuben, farmer & fruit grower, Costains * Smither Charles, Post 0ffice,Biggin hill * Standing T. butcher, Westerham hill "'StOlle George, Fox and Hounds, Westerham hill [PH] Stone William, farmer, Northheads farm * Temple Mrs. B., grocer, Biggin hill * Terry Jesse, estate agent, Biggin hill Tester George Edward, wheelwright, The Street * Tipping George, fruit grower, Jailla * Tremain John, farmer, fruit grower and blacksmith, Mead ho.,Biggin hill * Wallis Bertram,farmr. & frui t grower, Costains * Webster Charles, fruit grower, Old Harrow Wells Edgar, farmer, Skid hill (letters Whyteleafe, Surrey) * Westacott John, farmer, Cudham ldg * Wicking Mrs. general strs., Biggin hill Wood Charles, Blacksmiths' Arms. Cudham street . [PH] * Wood J ohu, farmer, Old Harrow cot Yeates George, builder, The Nook, Horns green Young John, farmer, Hostye farm


sone of the prettiest and most pleasantly situated villages to be fouud in Kent. It is in the Western Division of the county, hundred of Ruxley, lathe of Sutton-at-Hone, rural deanery of Beckenham and diocese of Rochester. The church~ dedicated to St. Mary the Virgin, is a neat building in the Gothic style of architecture. It was restored in 1872, at a cost of £1,540. A handsome stained glass East window, consisting of three lights, was added in 1874, two of the lights being given respectively by the Rev. J. B. InnE's and Mrs. George E. Forrest, the third being raised by subscription, and three others since, une by the Vicar, and the others by the Lubbock family, and J. M. Teesdale, Esq., late of Downe Hall. A handsome clock was erected in the tower in 1878. The Church contains various sepulchral memorials of the Petleys, lords of the manor from Edward III. to Henry VIII. whose once sumptuous mansion has been pulled down and a modern residence erected. In the churchyard is a yew tree computed to be 700 years old. The Churchyard was closed by Order in Council, and a new Cemetery, which is an extension of the Churchyard, was consecrated in 1897. Three new bells were added in 1903. making a peal of six bells, and a choir vestry was erected in 1904. The parish register dates as far back as 1538. The living is a vicarage, in the gift of J. W. Brodie-Innes, Esq., of Milton Brodie, Forres, N.B. The Rev. Alfred Alexander Gibson, M.A. camb., is vicar. There is a good organ, recently erected. There is also a Baptist Chapel and a Gospel room in the High street. The school has a small endowment. The nearest railway stations are Orpington (S. E. & C. R.), 3t miles; Bromley (S. E. & C. R.), 6 miles. An omnibus runs to Bromley three times daily, and a pair horse omnibus runs once daily to and from Orpington station. The population at the census (1911) was 64:9, being an increase of 39 on that of 1901. The area is 1,635 acres and the rateable value £4,468 5s. In the month of December, 1894, the first Parish Council was elected.


Willie James A.bbott. Postmaster. Open for telegrams from 8 ~.m. to 8 V.m Sundays, from 8.30 a.m. to 10 a.m. No business between 2.30 and 7 p.m. on Weds .Letters arrive from Orpington a.t 8.0 a..m. 8·nd 1.40 and 6.30 p.m., Sundays 8.5O a..m. ; despatched at 9.10 a.m. and 2.30 p.m. llond 81p.m., Sunda.yil 10 a..m.; Letter Boxes, Downe lodge, 9.5 a.m. 8nd 2.15 and 7.:' p.ln,., Sundays 9.35 a.m.: Luxted, 9 8.m. Ufd 2.10 and 7 p.m., Bunda,.. 9.aO a.m. ; Mill house, 9.15 a.m. and 2.30 and 8 p.m., Sundays 10 a.m. Letters should be addressed" Downe, Orpington, Kent." Vicar - Rev. Alfred Alexander Gibson, M.A. Parish (Clerk.t Sexton - John Palmer. Churchwardens - G. N. Murton & Donald C. Haldeman Overseers-F. Oapon and E. Jessup .'luis/ant Overseer-Arthur J. Ridge, Cross Ashes .. ASlu'or and Collector of King's Taxes - Wm. FrostM88ters, Laro, Homefield rise, Orpingtn Guardian - D. O. Haldeman. Registrar of Births and Deaths - J. D. Higgins attends at the Council Schools on 3rd Friday in each month from 12 noon to 1 p.m. Council Mixed Schools - Arthur J. Ridge, master; Miss Brlmelow, mistress; Miss L. Leng, infants' mistress. Parish Councillors.-F. Capon, Hugh N . Lubbock, E. Jessup. G. Sales, G. N. Murton, DonaldO. Haldeman (chairman), J. A. Snow; .Arth.J. Ridge, Cross Ashes (clerk).


Private Residents.

Avebury Lord, D.L., High Elms; 48 Grosvenor street, W.; 15 Lombard street, E.O.; Arthur's Club, S.W. ; London, & Kingsgate castle, Kingsgate, Kent Christie Sir William Henry Mahoney, K.C.B., D.SC., M.A., F.R.S., F.R.A.~., The Tower house Dudin Mrs., The White house Eigood Edg-ar John, B.C.L., M.A., J.P., Orange court Gibson Rev. Alfred Alexander, M.A., The Vicarage Gilbert Thomas Turner, The Laurels Haldeman Donald C., The Rookery Leng Mis~es, West End villas Lubbock The Hon. Norman, High Elms cottage (letters, Orpington) Lubbock Hugh Nevile, Gorringes May John, West End villas Morgan Mrs. W. A., Braeside Murton George N., PetIeys Nicholls Alfred H., West Hill villas Nightingale Miss Florence, The Laurels Sales George, North End lane Sivyer Thomas, Mill house Smith Misses, Downe court Sutherland Mrs. C. L., DowDe hall Teed Miss, Belcot TitTen Mrs., Dunedin Udall Frederick, West Hill villas Wade Mrs.; HUDstanton lodge Willis Miss, Downe house

Commercial. [Downe]

Abbott Willie James, post office baker confectioner Baugh W. E., plumber, High street Blake & Cmster, physicians & surgns Capon Frdk., jobmaster & frmr. Crowhill Chapman Miss Amy, shopkeeper Churchward Harold, saddler, High st Elder Robert G., refreshment rooms, Sunnyside . Ginn Geo. jun., greengro. & ncwsagnt Harvey Alfred, watchmaker Hill Alfred H., grocer & draper Jessup Edward, farmer, PetIey farm Lewis John, carpenter and builder Mantle A., shopkeeper, Luxted Mittell Alfred James, butcher Morrish Fred, farmer, High Elms farm (letters, Orpington) Osborne Arthur, butcher, Station road Palmer John, parish clerk & sexton Prentice Fredk. & Co., grocers & draprs Reeves William & Son, blacksmiths Ridge Arthur J., schoolmaster, clerk to Parish Council & assistant overseer, Cross Ashes Rixon Thomas Lewis, farmer, Luxted farm Samme Joseph Edward, George ~. Dragon, & grocer Sawyer Alfd., fruit grower, Lower Hook Sawyer Mrs., fruit grower, Farthing St Sawyer Mrs. L., baker & confectioner Snow Joshua Arthur, fruit grower Town John William, builder and undertaker, Laurel cottage Tremaine Albert, farmer, Mill Bush cot Vizard John, farmer, North End farm Wells Herbert, Queen's Head [PH] Wheatley Alfd. Jas., bootma. Station rd Willis Miss, ladies' school, Downe ho.


Is situated on the high road from London to Sevenoaks, 4t miles from Bromley; 14 from London; 3 from St. Mary Cray. It is in the Western Division of the county, hundred of Ruxley, lathe of Sutton-at-Hone, rural cleanery of Bromley and diocese of Rochester. The parish church is a very ancient structure, built of brick and flint, and was rebuilt in 1639. A new chancel was added during the ye'lr 1885, and an additional piece of Burial Ground was consecrated by the Bishop of Dover on the 23rd of November, 1886. The church is dedicated to St. Giles the Abbot. A new choir vestry was dedicated on the 23rd of November, 1903, having been built as a memorial to Queen Victoria. The lych gate was dedicated at the same time. In 1907 the large bell was recast, the roof of the church retiled, and during 1911 a ceiling was removed, and the old oak work is now seen. The living is a rectory and vicarage, in the gift of W. H. Dines. Esq., at present held by the Rev. Ebenezer Joseph We1eh, Lon. col. Div. and King's College, London. The register dates from 1558. There is a Baptist Chapel in the WeUbrook road, and another at Green-street-Green. The village hall (called the Parish Room) is in the centrd of the village. There are schools, under a Council, near the village. In 1908-!) new mixed scbools to accommodate 140 children were erected at Green-street-Green (within the parish of Chelsfield). The Police Station and the Bromley Union Workhouse are situate at Locksbottom. Motor omnibuses run at stated intervals between Farnborough and London. The population at the census (1891) was 1,283, antI in 1901,2,262, and ill 1911, ~,21O, including 65l officers antI inmate" of Bromley Union Workhouse, and 415 of St. Joseph's Home. The area is 1,411 acres, and the rateable value £18,090. The nearest railway stations are Orpington, It miles, and Bromley, ,1 miles. Letters should be addressed "By Orpington, Kent." The first Parish Council was elected in December, 1891-.


Miss Harriett Leigh Giles, Postmistress. Hours of business 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Sunday 8.S0 to 10 a.m. No half day closing- Letters arrive from London via Orpington station at 7.20 a.m., 1.45 and 5.20 p.m. Sundays 8 a.m. Despatched at 9.30 a.m., 3 lI.nd9.5 p.m. Sundays at 8 p.m.4 GREEN-STREET-GREEN POST & MONEY ORDEH & TELEGRAPH OFFICE. -Subpostmaster, Thomas Mussell. Open from 8 a.Ul. to 8 p.m.; close Wednesday a~ 3 p.m. Deliveries 7.45 a.m., 1.35 and 6 p.m. Sundays 8.20 a.m. Despatches 9.25 and 11.45 a.m., 2.10 and 7.40 p.m. Sundays 8 p.m. Letters should he addressed by Orpington, Kent


- Miss E. F. Jackson, Sub-postmistress. Deliveries commence 8.30 a.m. and 2.30 and 6.45 p.m. SundllYs 9.30 a.m. Despatches 9.5 a.m., 2.40 and 8.50 p.m. Sunday at 7.50 p.m. Wednesday close 1 p.m. CHELSFIELD LANE. Ralph Holgate, Sub· postmaster. Despatches at 8.30 a.m., 1.55 and 1.:10 p.m. Sundays 9.10 3.m. Wedn~sday close 1 p.m. WALL Box at Wellbrook cleared at 9.10 a.m., 2 and 8.55 p.m. Sunday 7.55 p.m WALL Box, New Estate, cleared at 8.45 a.m. and 6.45 p.m. Sundays 9 a.m. WALL Box, Cobden road, cleared at 9.30 a.m., 3 and 9 p.m. Sunday 8 p.m. Parish Church. Services: Holy Communion every Sunday at 8 a.m. and first and third Sundays mid-day ; Sunday, 11 a.m.and !l.30 p.m., Children's Service, 3 p.m. ; Wednesday, 8 p.m.; Friday, Mattins & Litany 11 a.m.; Holy days by announcement; Holy Baptism on afternoon of fourth Sun· day and at other times by appointment. Sunday School, Parish room 9..5 a.m. and at School, Green-street-Green, 3 p.m. Rector d: Vicar - Rev. Ebenezer Joseph Welch, Lon. col. Div., K.C.L. Churchwardens - Arthur N. Lubbock &; John H. Blandford. Beulah Baptist Chapel, Wellbrook road.- Times of service-11 a.m., 6.30 p.m; Wednesday evenings, .30 p.m. Baptist Chapel. Chelsfield lane.-Services: 11 a.m. and 6.30 p.m. Wednesday 7.30 p.m. The Iron Room (Plymouth Brethren).-Services 11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m. St. },/at'y's Church, Green street Green, served by Chelsfield clergy. Wesleyan Chapel and Sunday Schools, served by Bromley Circuit. Services 11 a.m. and 6.30 p.m. Pal'isl. Councillors.-J. M. Higgs (chairman), R. J. Griffin, J. E. Elsley, M. E. O. James, Thomas Paul, H. I. Wilson, E. Allnutt and J. W. Stow; Henry Barnes, Willow Bank, clerk. Bromley Union Workhouse, Locksbottom- Thomas Healey, master; Miss A. O. Vickery, matron i Charles Ed win Price, 1oI.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.p.Lond., medical officer Overseers-R. J. Griffin and M. E. O. James Assistant Overseer and Poor Rate CollectorHenry Barnes, Willow Bank. Farnborough Council School - Managers, Arthur Nevile Lubbock (chairman), J. W. Stow, J. M. Higgs, R. J. Griffin, J. H. Blandforll and A. L Hedges. Correspondent: Henry Barnes, Willow bank Council schools, Village-Boys', George Arthur Ledgard, master. Girls', Mrs. Margaret Josephine Ledl!'ard, mistress; Miss G. Stocks, mistress of infants. Green-street-Green. Mrs. Baines, mistress. Guardian-.J ohn M. Higgs. P,lrish Clerk-John Bradbery. Registmr of Bit·ths & Deaths-J. D. Higgins, attends at The Offices, Bromley Union Workhouse, on 1st & 3rd Fridays in each month from 10 to 11 a.m. Sanitary Inspector, No.2 district, Bromley Rural District Council-Andrew Dunlop, Asessor and Collector of Kings Taxes-Wm. Frost Masters, Laro, Homefield rise, Orpington. Police Station, Locksbottom. St..'ltioD Sergeant, Albert Boyse; Sergeants, John Langford, W. Ranson and Albert Barrett; Acting Sergeants, Charles Ward and John Williams.

Fire Brigade Station, opposite Orchard road. -Capt. Mr. O. G. Owen, Gladstone road, Farnborougb. Oarriers to London-Charles Middleton, from Halstead, passes .through Thursdays, reo turnin~ Fridays; E. Quennell, Carter, Paterson & Co., and Pickfords Ltd.

Conveyance -Motor Omnibuses - Farnborough to Sboreditch Church, via Bromley, Catford Lewisham and Deptford, every 8 minutes. First bus from Farnborough 7.53 a.m. ; last bus (for Shoreditch) 9.33 p.m. (for London Bridge) 10.44 p.m. Ancient Order of Forresters' (L. U.D.) Court Lord Farnborough, No. 4312; held at the Parish Room. Meeting night, second Tuesday in the month. Secretary, Charles ~cllry Pearson. Est. 1863.


Private Residents.

[For names in Tower road. Seveuoaks road and Tubbenden lane (Orpingtoll) see Orpington.) [Names marked thus'" arc iu Chelsfield Parish.] [Letters for Green-street-green residents should be addressed ..Green-street-green, Orpington "] . Abbott George, Lyndon Alrlerson C. H. M. A., Cumberland 10 Alderson Hope, Granville "'Anderson Mrs. D. P., Avoca,"Warren road Appleyard :B~rnest, Garfield :10 Aris H. H., MeadolYc"roft, Warren road, Green-street-green :10 Atkins A. N., Beech road, Greenstreet-green Baker Frederick, N etherby cottage Barnes Henry I Willow bank Barnes Walter, 1 Chester villas, Well brook road Bartlett J.Reginald, Orchardside Beare Archibald Thomas.The Gables Bell S. J., Wyndcroft Benson Rev. Wm.Jn.,:M:.A..,Merlwood Benson Thomas Pattison, Horham Blandford John Harland, Hill brow *Bourget Gustave, 2 The Beeches, Green-street-green Bower Theodore Herbert, The Manse *Brown Herbert F., St. Linus, Green-street-green Bruderer Arnold, Highlands Cal vel' John, Claremont Challen Arthur G., Hill croft Chartres Mrs., Brook house Cohen Adolphus, Beechwood, Green· street-green Collett Albert James, L.D.s.Eng., Tilhl.1rstow Cosens Frank, 2 Chester villas, Well.., brook road Craig Hobert, Elm villa * Cutler Hev. Leofric Octavius Brandon, B.A.. [curate in charge of Green-street-green], St. Mary's parsonage, New road, Greenstreet-green Dawson Palliser, The Larches~ Green -street- green * Doebbelin William, Woodland house, 'Warren road, Douse John Freeman, M.R.C.8., L.R.c.p.Lond., The Shrubbery" * Dowler Thomas, Grandview, New road, Green-street-green * Drury Mrs., Torfield, Warren road, Green-street-green Dunlop Andrew," Fernleigh, Wellbrook road Dunmall William, Hillcote * Dymott George Vivian, L.D.S. R.C.S.Eng., New road, Greenstreet-green Ellam Walter, Hill cottage Elsley James Edwin, The Cottage Feen George Fredk.,· March cottage * Firman Charles, Braeside," Green street-green * Firman Frederick, HiIlbrow,Green street-green Flower Leopold, Edenthorpe "'Follett George, Jasminum, Green street-green Forward Herbert W., Ely cottage *Forward Mrs., Fernleigh, Green. street-green Frost G. Allen, Tubbenden cottage "'Gardener Charles F., Maycroft, New road, Green-street-green ·Gardner Edward, Green-street-grn Garrett Alfred J., Primrose bank, Well brook road Giles Miss, Ellerslie, Hilda Vale road Hales Miss M., Wellbrook cottage "'Harris Albert J., Hilltop, Greenstreet-green Harwood George Samuel, Belmont "'Haslam Wilfred, Harbledown, Green-street-green Heather Bertram A., The Poplars, Green-street-green Hedges Arthur Leonard, Westfield *Higgs Misses, Lismore, Greenstreet-green HollingsworthThomas,Hilda Vale rd Horton Miss, Lanhill Hubbard Thomas Herbert, Lynton Hunt Mrs. F. Holdsworth, Topcliffe grange * Jones Evan, Oatlands, Greenstreet-green "'Keenan Patrick,Ballyhooly,Greenstreet-green Kendall-Barnes Henry, Borkwood (letters, Orpington) Kingsland Frederick Geo. ,Ebury vils Lacey Lewis, Hill crest "'Laird John, Warren house, Greenstreet-green Langton Hugh Gordon, Beaumont Lawrence C. E., Ivydene LedgardGeo.Arth.,Farnborough schl Lubbock Arthur Nevile, Bassets, Starts hill McComas Archibald, Feniton March Edward, Goddendene March Percival, Goddendene March Sydney, Goddendene Maughan George, Thirlmere,Greenstreet-green Meldrum Mrs .. Ardoch Miles Geo. Rchd.,The Limes,High st Miller Walter, Hildavale, Hilda Vale road Morgan Miss, The Red cottage, Wellbrook road "'Munyard Mrs., Frankfort, Warren road, Green-stl'eet-gre~n * Norris John, The Retreat, Green:' street-green Oliff William, Marsland Orr Mrs., Hazelwood Owen Miss, 1 Chester villas, Well brook road Paice Frank Watts, Mount Bank Parker Samuel, Gresham villa, New road, Green-street-green Paul T., Alma villa, Locksbottom * Penfold Egbert William, Penfaryl Oreen -street-green Plumbridge Arthur, Annetta Plumbridge Edward, Fleetwood Plumbridge Mrs.W. T., Wellclose viI Pratt Edwin A., Glinton . *Price Mrs., Holly cottage, Greenstreet-green Rich Richard, The Hawthorns Richardson Cha rles,EI Cerda,Greenstreet-green Rogers Gilbert P., Kingswinford "'Rowley Joseph William, M.S.A., Uplands, Green-street-green * Sams J. H., Beech road, Greenstreet-green Sharp Ernest Frederick, Camelot * Sollom .J. W., Eglinton, Greenstreet-green * Springett Mrs., Hawthorn cottage, Green-street-green . * Squire Henry Brinsmead, Hampton, Warren rd.Green-street-green * Summers Harry, Green-stl;eet-green * Suttley Benjamin, Henley, Greenstreet-green * Taylor Archibald, Meadview, Warren road, Green-street-green Taylor Arthur Stuart, Lansdowne *Taylor Charles Sebastian, Hillside, Green-street-green Thomas Sydney E., Kenmore Tile :Mrs., 'fubbendens farm (letters, Orpington) Townley Herbert Lionel, Ivanhoe Twitchell John Procter, Arenberg * Walker Joseph, Summerlea, Greenstreet-green "'Watson :Mrs., Uplands, Greenstreet-green Webster J. P. B.,Farnborough Mdge Welch Rev. Ebenezer Joseph, L.C.D., K.C.L. [rector & vicar of Faroborough & chaplain of Bromley Union], The Parsonage White Albert Henry, Stoneycroft * Whitmore Miss, Hillcrest, Chelsfield lane, Green-street-green Wilson George W. Purvis, Elmcroft Wilson Mrs. H., Eastnor

Commercial. [ Farnborough ]

Alderson Christopher, florist, Hilda Vale road * Appleby Robert, bootmaker, Greenstreet-green Ashby Henry, dining rooms, High st * Attw€lod Thomas Edward, chimney cleaner, Kingsley road, Greenstreet-green Bailey & Bennion,surgeons; surgery, High street & Ureen-street-green Baldwin Horace, tobacconist & confectioner, Church road Barnes Henry, clerk to the Parish Council, assistant overseer & poorrate collector, Willow bank Batchelor George, baker, Crofton road, Locksbottom * Baugh William Ernest, builder and plumber, Green-street-green Birchell Henry Joseph, The Woodman, High street Blake & Craster, physicians and surgeons, High street Bradbery John, parish clerk * Brice Francis S., domestic stores, Green -street-green * Brice H. W., photographer, Greenstreet-green Bromler Union Workhouse (Thomas Heal!~y,master; Miss A.C.Vickery, matron; Charles J~dwin Price, M.R.c.s.Eng., L.R.c.p.Lond., mejical officer), Locksbottom * Brooker Robert, insurance agent, Lazare road, Green-street-green Brooks Miss Marie E., shopkeeper, High street Bryant S. T., plumber, High street Butchers Mrs. Harriett, laundry * Cambridge John, bootmaker, Green street-green * Carter Stephen, fruiterer, Green street-green Cedars Laundry (The) (P. G. Rogers, proprietor) Cooling George, bootmaker, High st Crafter Herbert, draper, High street Craig Robert, road surveyor, Elm viI Curd Harry, turncock Metropolitan Water Board, Kent disL, Orchard road "Davey Nelson. butcher, Greenstreet-Green * Dawso: Joseph, farmer, Chelsfield hall, Green-street-green Denne Walter Geo., shopkpr. High st * Dewberry J., carman, Greenstreet-green Douse John Freeman M.R.C.B., L.R.e.p.Land., physician and surgeon, The Shrubbery; surgery, Green-street·green Doutch Hy. Jas., draper, High str~et *Dowler .lames, estate agent, Greenstreet·('repn Downing' George, smith DowRett C., domestic stores, Gladstone road Dunlop Andrew,, sanitary inspector to BromIey rural district (No.2 district), Fernleigh, Wellbrook road * Dymott George Vivian, L.n.S.R.C.S. Eng. dental surgeon, New road, Green-street-green Eade William, coffee honse, Greenstreet-green Edwards G.F., George and Dragon hotel Ellis Mrs. Rosina, blacksmith and wheel wright, Eyres Alfred, Rose and Crown, Greenstreet-green [PH] Fairbank Charles Ernest, hairdresser, High street . Farnborough Aviation Works (C Alderson), Hilda Vale road Forman W. Michl., gro., Palmerston rd Fuller Wm. James, baker, Orchard rd Garland M., confectioner Galtrey William, blacksmith, Crofton road, Locksbottom * Geere Albt., butchr. Green-street-grn Gibbs Thos. Henry, bootma. High st Giles Miss Harriett L., Post Telegraph Office Giles Percy, laundry, 4 Wellclose cots Goodchild Charles, The New Inn [PH] Goodchild Frederick, fruit grower Goodchild Robert James, greengrocer, High street Griffin Joseph, fruit grower & florist, Wellbrook lodge Griffin Richard Jas., market gardener * Grubb Jsph., lndry. Green-street-green * Halsey William Joseph, baker, Green-street-green Hambleton Edward Wm., clothier Healey Thomas, master of workhouse, Locksbottom Higgs John May, farmer, Farnborough Hall farm Hill's Domestic Stores, High street * Holgate Misses H. & M., drapers, Green-street-green * Holgate Ralph, grocer, and Post Office, Chelsfield lane, Greenstreet-green Hollingsworth Frederick, florist, Hilda Vale road Horwood William, farmer, Oak Brewery farm, Green-street-green Howe W., fishmonger, High street Jackson's, draper, and Post Office, Locksbottom John Madame Marcelle, costumier, March cottage Jones E. Haines, motor garage * Lamb John, confr.Green-street-grn Lambert Thomas, boot stores, Greenstreet green . LangfordJn.,police sergeant,Alma vI Lawrence William Ewart, nurseryman, The Limes Leach Thos., carman and contractor Leonard Brothers, cyclists' rest, Green-street-green Lewis Chas., genl. dlr., Locksbottom Lewry Wllliam Walter, gardener to A. N. Lubbock, Esq., Park view * Lord Joseph Percival, The Queen's Head, Green-street-green Martin Mrs. Thomas, shopkeeper, Green .Rtreet-green Martin William, refreshment rooms, Green-street-green Matthews W.& Son,butchers,High st Miles George Richd., lndry., High st Mills Thomas George, fruit grower, Locksbottom Monk Mark, gardener to A. Cohen, Esq Moran Thomas,newsagt., Locksbottm MunnsAlfd.carptr., Green -street-grn Mussell Thomas, general shopkeeper, Po.~t Office, Green-streetgreen Nay ler J. W .,gro. Green -street-green Neumann Mrs., draper & confectioner, High street Osgood Walter J., White Lion, Locks bottom [PH] Owen W. &: Sons, builders and undertakers * Partridge Robert, tea gardens, Wellhurst, Grl'en-street-green Pattenden Mrs. Eliza, beer retailer, Gre,:n -street-green * Paul & Denton, corn chandlers, Green-street-green Pearson Charles Henry, insurance agent, Green.street-green *Penfold E. W., motor garage, Green -street-green Phillips .Alfred, grocer, Crofton road, Locksbottom Pyrke Thomas, grocer, High street Rainey & Co., motor and cycle works, High street * Rowley Joseph William, .M.S.A., architect & surveyor, Uplands, Green-street-green Sawyer Jesse, florist, & c., High st Schwier Charles E., farmer, Greenstreet-green Seale Gerald Arthur, beer retailer, Locksbottom Sessions Robert, farmer, Broad view * Sims E. J., Spencer tea rooms, Shoobridge Ernest Wrn., grcr., High st * Skilton Sidney J., grocer, Greenstreet-green * Stacey James, coal dealer, Greenstreet-green Stanton Miss, diRtrict nurse, ! Carlyle villas Staples Edgar, fruit & potato salesman, The Orchard, Wellbrook ra Statley George James, insurance agent, Gladstone road Stow Joseph Watson, fruit grower, Two Elms Swindell Mrs ret. Locksbottom * Tilling Frank C., baker, Greenstreet-green Toms Edwin J., bail' dresser Vickery Miss A. C., matron of Bromley union Vizard Brothers, dairy, High street Wallis H. J. butcher, High street Weatherley W. G., jun., contractor Webb Hy., cyclists' rest. Sevenoaks rd Webb William, greengro., High st Wells F., carpenter, High street Wells Walter, confectioner, High st * Westbrook James, insurance agent, * Whitaker F., cycle maker, Greenstreet-green Whittington Maurice, ironmonger, High street Wickens William, baker, The Village Wisscnden Frederick, baker, High st Woods Geo. bootmaker, Locksbottom

FOOTS CRAY [Information]

Is a picturesque village on the high road from Maidstone to London. It is 5 miles from Bromley, 12 from London, 2~ from St. Mary Cray. It is-in the Western Division of the county, hundred of Ruxley, lathe of Sutton - at - Hone, rural deanery of Dartford and diocese of Rochester. The church, dedicated to All Saints, is a small picturesque structure (with shingled spire), supposed to be of great antiquity. The register dates from 1537. The living is a rectory, in the gift of the Lord Chancellor, and is held by the Rev. George Berens, M.A. The churchyard contains several interesting memorials, relating to former prominent inhabitants of the village. Underneath four noble looking limes, which completely shade it from the fierce rays of the summer's sun, is a large granite cro~s, which forms a conspicuous feature in the churchyard, and which is erected to the memory of the late Mr. Henry Denison Pender, who died at Foots Cray Place on January 13th, 1881, and Sir John and Lady Pender, and there is an unique tombstone made of iron. Near the Parish Church are the Schools, the tower of which contains a large clock, which was erected in celebration of the Jubilee of Queen Victoria, 1887. The Baptist Chapel is situated at Sidcup Hill. The population at the census (1911) was 8,494, being an increase of 1,574 uyer that of 1901. The area is 2,062 acres, and the rateable value £68,207. The nearest -railway stations from the Parish Church are Side up (North Kent Loop), It miles, and St. Mary Cray, 2~ miles.


George Tossell, Sub-Postmaster. Letters should be addressed Foots Cmy, Sidcup. Letters arrive through Sidcup at 8 a.m., 1.15 & 7.30 p.m. Sundays, 8.15 a.m. Box cleared for despatch at 8.30 and 10.45 a.m., 1, 4.15. 6.15 & 10 p.m. Sandays, 5 p.m. Money orders are grantrd and paid from 8 a m. till 8 p.m. Open for telegrams from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. WALL LETrER.Box, opposite Bigg's nursery' cleared at 8.30 and 10.45 a.m.; 1, 4.15, 6.15,8.15 and 10 p.m. Sundays, 8 p.m. WALL LETTEH Box, Foots Cray lane, cleared 8.30 & 10.45 a.m.; 1.15, 4.30, 6.15, 8 and 10 p.m. Sundays, 7.30 p.m.

Urban District Council-A. Dewey, J.P. (chairman), W. T. Kerr (vice-chairman), F. Baddeley, A. Blackman, Jas. Crombie, H. T. Evans, G. Goodes, W. Green, T. Knight, J. D. Milne, S. Osborne, J. F. Parker, J. C. Peace, J. C. Pillman, J.P., G. P. Hyder, A. Sharp and H. (;, Will. Offices at SWcup. Clerk .t Solicitor -A.. E. Leonard. Deputy Clerk .t Accountant-F. Booth, F.lno.S.'!'. Assistant Collector-S. Leaman. Engineer .t Sur-ceyor-W. A.. Farnham, A.M.I.C.B., F.B.I., A.K.I.K.E. Assistant Suyreyor - E. D. Alexander. Medical Otficer of Health - J. Scott Tew, M.D., Brook honse, ·Waterloo road, Tonbridge Elementary School - J. A. ·Winter, master. Infant School-.Miss Burrage.

Registrar of Births and Deaths-H. B. iIamlyn, The Willows, Selborne road, Sidcup; attends :Monday and Wednesday 9.30 to 11.3fJa.m. and Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 6 to 8 p.m.

Public Telephone Call Office, High street

Foots Cray Working Men's Club & Institute A. G. Hilder, hon. sec.

Fire Station (Vol.), Jubilee road.- Foreman, W. G. Tossell. Firemen, Tom King-. jun., E. Hose, jun., E. S. Liles and W. Waller. Resident Fireman, J. :Murphy.

lndependent Order of Oddfellows (St.M.C.D.), Lodge Flower of Kent. No. 4868; held at the Seven Stars, Suffolk road. Meeting nights every other Wednesday. A. J. New, sec.

Rector.-Rev. George Berens, liLA. Curate, Hugo Lee Harding, B.A., 19 Granville road, Sidcup Churchwardens - So J.Waring& A. H. Catt St. John the Baptist Church, Suffolk road. Baptist Chapel-Rev. George Wainwright, ;; Hamilton road, Sidcup London Town Mission Hall - Jubilee road. Guardian - Thomas Knight Overseers - J. T. Norris, W. T. Kerr & A. Sharp Sexton-Frank Nash.

Assessor k Collector of King's Taxes - William Frost :Masters, Laro, Homefield rise, Orpington

Metropolitan Water Board,Southern distl'ictH. E. Spencer. collector, attends at 77 Station road, Sidcup, wednesdays, 11 a.TI1. to 1 p.m


Private Residents.

Ballaru Herbert Edward, Dayscroft, Knoll road . Bartlett Richard L. W., Bangalore, Knoll road Bassett Alfred 0., Netherlade Bassett .John E., Brackenhurst Bassett R. G., Newlyn Baxter John, 4 May's villas Becker Hugo, Cray View place Berens Rev. George, lILA .. The Rectory Billing Percy Willimott, Southernhay Bunting John Joseph, Templemor,~ Burden William John, Hycroft Burgess Mrs., 5 May's villas Claughton Major Francis Arthur C., Brantingham Cox Charles William, Lyngwood, Knoll road Craven Freel, Humeston Cropp Miss, 1 Ursula lodges Cunnington Arth. Nelson, 8 May's vIs Dent H. Llewellyn,Brackley.Knoll rd Dawnton William Ernest, Hillside Dugon Alexander L., Erin Fletcher Miss, 2 Ursula lodges Folkarcl Percy, i May's villas Freeland Russell G., Studley lodge Goldby W. S., Homecroft Goldsmith Francis Thomas Wilberforce, St. Leonards Grahame Ralph Hamilton, Boy ton Green Harry Wyndham, Lynton Gundry Thomas, 3 Woodland villas Hammond William, Kingsbury Harding Rev. HugoLee, M.A. [curate] Hardy Frederick Johu, 6 May villas Hawes Alfred, 27 Jubilee road Heath G. W., Netherhall Hinchliffe Frederick James, Twysdens James Mrs., Ruxley Keddell Reginald Walden, Knoll road King Thomas F., Birchling, Cray road Knight Charles Thomas, Brandon Latta Alexander, Shanklin Layton Edward, Harford cot., Knoll rd Lindly George, Delrow, Knoll road Luard Mrs. H. R., Brooklyn, Knoll rd Lukie Miss, 5 Ursula lodges McCrory Jolin, Oakhurst M:aclagan Wm. F.,lIl.A., LL.B., Langton Marsham Townshend Hon. Hobert, M.A., F.R.G. S., F.G.S., F.S.A., D.L., J.P., Frognal Martin Edward Geo., Pilford, Knoll rd Moore Edward, Hazeldene, Knoll rd Morrill Thomas, Macao, Knoll road Mousley Hugh Reginald, II Woodland villas }CIunn Ellwal'c1, 9 May villas New Arthur George. The Lodge New .Tohn, Church cottage Pearce John William Ernest, ~r.A., Merton court Pillmfl.n Joseph Charles, J.P., The Cottage, Foots Cray lane Poole Mrs. Roland. The Old house Porter William. 5'Klloll road Purser Miss, 3 Ursnla lodges R'lyden Mrs. C., Woodland villa Reeve Jsph., The Homestead, Cmy rd Rogers Mrs., 7 May villas Saunders Miss, () Ursula lodges Sharpe William Henry, Havelock ho. Shea Charles Edward, The Elms Simmonus Henry, () "Voodland villas Simmonds Regillald C., Brant.wood Simmons Geo.Thomas, 2 Woodland viis Smallwood David, OI'erweald, Knoll rd Stampe Charles R., Ringwood Swallow George, Swiss cottage Tovey John, 10 May's villas Trevena William R. Torlands Trott Philip, Westgate, Knoll road Vine Harry Ernest, 5B Cray road Waring Samup-I J. Foots Cray place Williams John George, R May's villas Woodward Miss, 4 Ursula lodges

Commercial. [ Foots Cray ]

Andrews A., builder Arrow Francis William & Co., cycle & motor works Arthur Miss Nellie, draper Ashenden Frederick James, photographer, 3 Church road Ball Edward. shopkeeper, Cray road Banks Thomas, shopkeeper Beadle John C., coach builder & motor works Biggs Ernest .J.,nurseryman The Limes Bonner G. H., farm baiLff to S. J. Waring, Esq. Booker Percy George, nurseryman British Artificial Fibres Ltd. (The) Bromley Arthur, fishmonger Brooks Alfred Henry & Sons, basket makers, Suffelk street Browning Joseph, foreman, Brick works, Glen view Catt Brothers, grocers and drapers Chatfield Frederick L., bootmaker, 5 Cray buildings Cope Alfred J., Seven StarS Cunnington Mrs. A., plumber, 1 Cray buildings Dale M. L., ironmonger Dandridge William, bailiff to E. Vincent, fanner, Jubilee road DartneIl .Miss E., knittel', Jubilee road Eldon Thomas, refreshment rooms Epsom James, shopkeeper Foots Cray Brick 00., C. T. Knight, manager Freenfield C. R., newsagent Groombridge Geo., cycle ma., Church rd Hales George Thomas, coal merchant Heselden Albert,hairdresser,Church rd Hiseman John, insurance agent, 81 Cray road HoIlamby Mrs. Grace, nurse Hollamby James, shopkeeper Hope A. C., decorator, Alpington King Francis Levi, Earl,,?! illow King John Thomas, sieve and basket maker and refreshment rooms Lawrence C., boot repairer Mandy Walter, saddler and harness maker Mead Mrs. Matilda, shopkeeper Nash Frank, sexton Pankhurst William, bootmaker Panter G. T., nurseryman, Cray road Panter Mrs. Rosa Emma, laundry, Suffolk road Pearce John 'William Ernest, M.A., Merton Court school Rankin & DowntoD, joinrs. & cabinet lllas Riches Mrs. E., nurse, Alpington Rose Edwin James, shopkeeper Rowe Edmund Wilfred, pork butcher Rum bold Mrs. Mary ..tobacconist Saker Mrs.M., confectioner, Church rd Seager Mrs. E., shopkeeper Sinclair Frederick, butcher, Cray road Thomas Archibald Ernest, Red Lion Tompkins Joseph Septimus, butcher, Bridge house Tassell George, baker & confectioner, Post Office Tree G., basket & sieve maker Turner Ernest G .. grocer, draper & undertaker, Kent house Ville Harry Ernest, insurance supt., 53 Cray road Waghorn Charles, wood dealer WeIls Henry, nurseryman Whittington Charles Thomas, insurance agent, 15 Suffolk road Winter Amos, hairdresser Winter J. A., schoolmaster. School ho. Working Mens ~Club c5- Village Hall, A. G. Hilder, hon. sec. Young Frederick, imur. agt., Cray rd

GROVE PARK [ Information ]

Is situated about 2 miles from Bromley and 8 from London. It is a hamlet in the parish of Lee. There. is a good train service which renders it easy of access from all parts. The Bromley Direct Line, which was opened in January, 1878, has its junction with the main line here. Like most of the London suburbs, it is composed chiefly of villa residences, and, from the rapid progress which has taken place during the last few years, bids fair to become large and flourishing. In order to provide for the spiritual needs of this district the Church of St. Augustine has been erected in the Baring Road, the foundation stone being laid by the Earl of North brook, in May J 188G; it was consecrated in October of the same year. The church affords accommodation for about 280 worshippers. There is a Sunday School in connection with the church. A vicarage house was built in Baring Road in 1897. The living is in the gift of the Bishop of Rochester, and is at present held by the Rev. Samuel Luffman. Extensive sewerage works were constructed in 18!H, which materially tend to the comfort and health of the inhahitants. Fire Alar1ns.-Bariug Road (north enll); corner of C'hinbrook Road & Baring Road; corner of Fairfielil road & )furvels lane & The Avenue


Sub-Postmaster, Geo. S. Jordan. Postal Arrangements. Clearances (Letter & parcel collections with the exceptiou of 8.3n & 11.50 p.m. which letter col· lections only), 8.20, 9.5 & 10.45 a.m. aun 12 nOOll,2.10, 3.5'), 4.50, 7, 8, 8.30 and 11.50 p.m. Sundays 11,;,0 p.m. Open for Telegrams 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. except Thursday, closed at 1 p.m. Parcels Post-9.45 a.m. and 8.0 p.m. Pillar Box, Chillhrook Road. -Cleared at 9, 10.40 and 11.5·, a.m.; 2.5, 3.45, 4.5'3, 6.55, 7.5ll and 8.20 p.m.; 11.45 p.m. (except Sat.). Sundays 11.4.')p.m. Pillar Box, Baring Road-Cleared at 8.25, 9.10 and 10",0 a.m., 12.5, 2.15,3.5.3,4.55, 7, 8,8.35 and ~11.55 p.m. SI"l.!aysll.55 p.m. Wall Box, The Avenue - Cleared at 8.25, 9.15 awl 10.5;' a.m., 12.10, 2.20, 4, -'>, 7, 7.55,8.40 and 012 midnight. SundaY" 1:t midnight Lamp Letter Box, corner of Heather Road and Burnt Ash Hill -Cleared at 8.30,9.20 awl 11 a.m., 12.15,2.25, 4, 5, 7 an,l 8 p.m. and *12 midnight. Suuday 12 midnight. * Except Saturdays. Telephone Call Office, 2 Heather road.


St. Augustine's Church.-Vicar, Rev. Samuel Luffman. Holy Communion, Sunday R, 8 a.m., Matins, 11 a.m., Evensong, 6.30 p.m. Chihlren's service with Baptisms, 1st & 3rll 8un(I'1Y,3 p.m. Daily services, 8.30 a.m. ~rOI1(lay,Tue",Iar and "'·atur,lay, at 11 a.m. We(lnes,lay, Thnrsday and Frillay. Evensong, Werlnesday and Frhlay 5.30 p.m. Holy Days 7 a.m. & 11 Commissioners to .Administer Of/tils - Howard Charles Jones, J.P. Craythorne, Baring road, Grove park; Herbert W. R. Davis, Edena, Chin brook road

Private Residents.

Adkin Jn. Gibb, Claverdon~ Baring rd Adlam Harry, 16 Heather road Arnold J n. S., Fairlawn, Chinbrook rd Backhouse Thomas, Hillsborough, Fairfield road Barnard Cyril Frank, 13 Heather road Beale AHd. John. Savile ho.,Baring rd Bevington Stanley Alfred, The Haven. Grove Park road Beyer Louis Ferdinand Emil, Burghclere. Heather road Blake Henry, 10 Heather road Bold Frederick Jas.,Quiuta, Baring rd Borley Frederick, [) Amblecote road Bragg John, 17 Heather road Brewer Thomas, 1:'ortmadoc, Chinbrook road Brownfield Percy, llalesworth, Chinbrook road Buss George, iB Heather road Catchpole Edward A., Ravensdealle, Baring road Chapman Thomas Richard, Mcadow view, Heather road Cole Stewart, A.C.A., Tintern. Chillbroflk road . Coles Frederiek Slunley, Ellfil'1d house. Baring road . CoHman Jsph.,The Laurels, Baring rd Cook Hy. Geo., :Mautb), Chin brook rd Cordrey',Mrs., Beulah,' Chinbrook rd Cottell :Ernest Mark, Luptonville, Baring road Cottrell Harry Stell'lll't, S The Rise, Baring road Crichton Mrs., Burpham, Heather nl Croxford Albert James, Hassendean. Baring road . Dalton Arthur. Hollywood Chinbrook road' . , Dalton Henry Matthew, Burleigh, Chinbrook road Dalton Mrs .. Hillingdon.Chinbrook rd Dalton Walter, Dudley, Fairfield road Dalton William, Edgewater, Chinbrook road Dandridge Arthur, Inversnaid, Chinbrook road Davis Herbert W. R., Edena, Chinbrook road Day Thomas A .. 3 Heather road de B~rnales Horacio, Chile house, Barmg road Dennison Arthur Barnes Syndalc Baring road , Don~an Albt. ,Grayshott, Chinbrook rd DowlIng Ernest,Amberley, Heather rd Drane 'William Henry, 12 Heather rd Drew Edwin, Mayfield,Chinbrookroad Drew Horace, 12 Chinbrook road Drew Walter Alfred, 1 The Hise, Baring road Durbin Edwin Lloyd, In Heather rd East Henry, 4- Amblecote road Ellercamp Herbert McDonald Cornbrook, Baring road Emerson Charles, 6 The Rise, Baring rd mon Ernest L., The Croft, Fairfield rd Fawsitt Richard, Meredith house, The Avenue Fawsit;t William Edward, Aveyron, Banno road Flower-Ellis :-Ill'S., Springfield, Chinbrook road Forward Hobert Geo .. 22 Heather rd Frost Geo .. John, Ne~l'yn, Fairfield rd Fyfe Miss, Holmesdale, Chinbrook rd Gabb Hugh Oswyn, The Nook, Chinbrook road Gable James Tho~as, 30 Heather rd Gardner Miss, Mayfair ho., Baring rd. Gaskain Denis Hinton, The Grange, The Avenue Golding Mrs" (i HCitLher road Gooding Geo., The Limes, Baring rd Gorton Tom. 8 Heather road Green Stephen T .. Windermere, Chinbrook road Grew Chas. P., 7 The Rise Daring rd Gro11lld 'William, SL Cuthberts, Fairfield road Hadlow Wm., St. Vincent, Chillbrook rd Haines Geo. Wm.,UTheRise,Baring rd HancGck Henry Hallett, Woodcraft, Baring road. . Hanshard Ga pL Frededcl:, Stafford house. Baring road Harding Phillip, Hurtmoor, Chinbrook road Hards Jas., Oakleip;h, Chinhrook rd Harvey Arthur, Hill Crest, Baring rd. Harvey Charles, Beresford house, Baring road Ha.rvey Hezekiah, The Cinque Ports, ;38 Heather road Harwood Miss, Brakavil, The Avenue Hay Leslie, Fairmead, Baring road Hembry Claud BenjaMin Taylor, .Ar1icote , The Aveliue Henderson Andrew, Rnmtonga, The Avenue Hernuman Fredk. SUlIJl.,H-J.Heather rd Hilton John, Glengarriff, The Avellue Hodges Worral, Redcote, Haring road Hook Clifford M('lville, :l The Rise, Baring road Horrocks William, -J.Heather road Howlanclli'redel'ick, J B Heather road Hunt Percy Basil, 21 Heather road Irwin Thomas Kemplay, St. Agatha'~, Grove Park road Jackson Henry :M., :1:2 Heather road Jenks George Edward. Elm house, The Avenue Jewson Frederick William Fernsidc, Heather road Jones Ernest, Hillsidr. Baring road Jones Howard CharlC's, J.P., Craythorne, Bariug road Kennedy Frederick Alexander, Fredella: Chinorook road I\enwa~d Frederick Montague, Athelstan, Chinbrook road KiddIe Samuel. Oal.croft, The Avenue King Herbert, Melrose, Baring road Knight Tho::. .. Newnham, Heather rd Kruse Her,llUn, ThQ 'fuming, Gl'Oe Pllrk roadok road Lane' Edward Cour!nny, Bodinnick, Chinbrook l'!.'ad Lansdale Willi:J.m. :lI.n., Mn.c.!1.Eng., L.n.c.p.Lond., D.P.I1., Sunnydene. Barirg road Larkin Fred. G., L.It.C.l'.,ll.n.c 1.& 1,.:11., Oraven house. Chinbrook rOtHI Larkin R., M.B.wnd., L.ILC.p.,M.n.0.S., Oraven heuse. Chinbrook road Lea James, 18 Heather road Le Fore~tiel' Henry, Holmleigh, Baring road Leggatt James, St. Leonards, 22 Chinbrook roml Le May Wm, Hy., Hill Virw. Baring' rd Levinson Hedley, Glenacote, The Avenue Luffman ReI'. Samuel, Vicarage, Baring road Luxton John Henry, Dunheved, Chinbrook road MacKinney Valentine,T: Coopers lane MagerLeOllll.rI,Fu Iwood, Chinbrook rd Marartin William E., 15 Chinbrook road Mason Mrs., Homelands, The Avenue Maxwell Arthur Norman, Hurstville, Baring rO,ld Maxwell Stanley Ward, Pan borne, lruirfield road Maxwell William Harold, Casita, The Avenue Mayo Col. W.R., Folkedene, The Ayenue Middleton Geo.,~ The Ter., Baring rd. Miles John Oliver, The Cottage, The Avenue Mitchell Alfred, Brown Knoll, 40 Heather road Mitham Bertram, :3 Alllblecote road Morris Mrs., HiglJlanrls, Heather road Murray ,Tames Rtyles, 7 Heather road M:ytton Nathan, Wharton lodge, 2] Chin brook road Osborne Alfred, ~andburst,Fairfield rd Overall Edmund, Hazelmere, Chinbrook road Owpn Wilfrid, ,,\'i1vermil', Th.e Ayenue Pamflett J. J., FOlltinette, Chillbrook road Peacock George Tibbs, 1 Heather rd. Perrow William. 13 Heather road Peters Mis~; 6 Heather road Pinder Arthur, 4 Coopers lane Pinkham Herbert .Mansfield. ] 2 Amblecote road . Plumer Harry J..Lynlllonth. Baring rd Polden Jas. Jn., Pitlochry, Baring rd Pottcr WiIliam E, 11 Coopers lane Powell Arthur Hardwick. The Rise. Baring- road . Pragnell Sir George, DoL., Clovelly, The Avenue Price Miss, Holmesdale, Chinbrook rd. Proud Thomas, Parkfield, Baring rd. Rammell A. W., Crosby, Fairfield rd. Reeves Miss, Cranford, Baring road Ridrdel Erne~t, 1 Coopers Jane Riches Herbert George, Hi Coopers lane Rinck Johannes Jacobus, Roborough, Baring road Rundell Matthew Adkins, Cranmere, Baring road Rutley MisseF, Owlcy, Heather road Saunders Everard Home, M.ll.C.S., I'oR.C.P. (deputy inspector-general R.N. retd. ),Tsu-Shima,Chinbrook rd Saunders Stuart MelL, MoB.c.s.Eng., L.R.c.p.LOnd., Tsu-Shima, Chinbrook road Scholefield Percy Edward, Newbrook, Heather road Scott Malcolm Robert Charles, Heatherlea, Baring road Seager Edwin, 13 Coopers lane Searle Arth., Northcote ho.,Baring rd. Searle Herbert L., Shirley house, The Avenue Sedgwick Mrs .The Shrubbery, Baring rd Shortt Charles William, The Briars, Grove Park road Sinclair Henry Thomas. 9 Heuther rd. Smith Harold, Ronda, Cbinbrook road Smith Lawrence W., Westcombe, Fairfield road Smith Misses, Beechwood, Baring rd I Smith Walter Sidney, White lodge, Amblecote road Snelling Leonard Fowler, Burwood, Chin brook road Songhunt 'Wm. Jaso, 1 Amblecote rd. Spence Jn. H., The Gables, Baring rd Standring William Arnold, Dacre cottage, Fairfield road Steel R. Uatteliff, Hemingford house, Baring road Steele Francis Edward Marsllall, Sunbury, a Amblecote road Stirling Fredk. 8ydney, 11 Heather road Storey Mr~.. 14 Heather rODd Sturton Henry Graham, Lexden, Buring road SUIry Charles Samuel,a Heather road Tame Henry. 20 Heather road Taylor Al!i-ed Cecil, Ryecroft, Chillbrook road TaylorRobt., The Woodlands, Baring rd. Theobald Raymond Hedley, Chelmsford, Heather road Thomson Hubert E., Redcot, FIlirfield road Thomson 'WIlliam, M.V.O., Grove Park house. Chinbrook road Till William, 14 Coopers lane Tomlin James, Deering, Baring road. Touzeau Mrs. E. M., Tijuca, Baring rd Trehving Herbert, Barrom. Baring rd. Van Essen Eyerard Cecil, Echlinville, The Avenue Venner Wi!liam Herbert, King's Lea, Heather road Vignaux John Berchmans, Glenholt, Fairfield road Walker Bernard. Belmont, Chinbruok rd Warrens Edward Rodolphe, Ivy Dene, The Avenue Watson Cecil, Hoslin, Fairfield road Watson Henry George, 4 The Rise, Baring road Watson Mrs., Woodstock, Baring road Watscn William Tyndale, B.A., M.D., Roslin, Fairfield road Webb Henry, St. Fillians, The Avenue Westo Frederick' A. 11 Amblecote rd. Wheeler Gilbert "Villiam, Edington, Baring road Whitington George Thomas, 26 Heather road Wigzell John Alfred, 28 Heather rd. Wilson Fredk. Arth .. 13 Amblecote rd. Winnall William, Sunningdale. The Avenue Winsford William, 7 Amblecote road Wood Frank Ernest, Lynton, The Avenue Wootton Edward Albert, Brentor, Fairfield road Worters John Hnghman, Oaklands, Baring road Wright H. W., Ingleside, Baring road Wyatt George Frederick, Ospringe, Haring road Young Walt. Stuart,Eskdale,Baring rd

Commercial. [ Grove Park ]

Adams Ernest, dairy farmer, Durham farm, Marvels lane Atkinson Joseph, general shop, 5 The Parade, Marvels lane Backhouse & Co., builders, Fairfield rd Barnes James Bland, carman, 2 Claypit cottages, Marvels lane Bushnell Henry. confectioner, 1 The Parade. Marvels lane Dowden John, confectioner, Ii The Terrace, Baring road Durbin Albert, builder, & c., Baring rd Edgervater Tenwis Glub (grounrl), Ambleeote road Edwards & Sons Limited, dairymen, Baring road Ewens B. G., baker, 1 The Terrace, Baring road Floyd William, butcher, 8 '.rhe Parade, Marvels lane Ford Harry William, gro. Baring road Gardner Miss, Mayfair house .school for girls, Baring road Graham Miss Kate, dressmaker, 24: Heather road Grove Park Station, S. E. q' C. R., Herbt. Chas. Trigg, station master Grove Park IV0rk1loll,se, mdward Tyler, master Harris Frederick Davis. Baring Hall 1wtd, Baring road Harvey Hezekiah, insurance supt. The Cinque Ports, 38 Heather rd. Hawes Caleb. fruiterer & first., Baring rd Hind George, coal merchant, Grove Park Railway station Jones Howard Charles, J. P. solicitor & commissioner for oaths, Craythorne, Baring road Jordan George S., Post Office Larkin, Lansdale & Larkin, physicians & surgeons, Craven house, Chinbrook road &; Sunnydene, Baring road Larkin Fred. G.,T,.R.c.r., M.U.C.S.& L.)f., physician & surgeon, Craven house, Chinbrook road Larkin R., )I.B.Lond., L.R.C.P., lIt.R.C.S., physician & surgeon, Craven house, Chinbrook ro,ld National Society's [lostet for women -,tlldent,~ attending the{'tini-ng departmcnt fl.f' Goldsmith's College. New Ortl[;s (St. Michael's Hostel) (Miss Helen Powell, lady superintendent), Baring road Peacock George T., gardener, Heather road Peters Miss E., dressma., G Heather rd Price & Fyfe Misses, nursery, Chinbrook road Smith W. H. & Son, newsagents, Railway station . Smith Percy John, dairy, 2 Heather rd Spiers (Wallace) & Co. Limited, coa mers., Grove Park station, Baring rd Vincent & Radford, milliners and drapers, Baring road Winkworth William, farmer, Hope Farm dairy, Marvels lane

HAYES [ Informaation ]

THIS parish is situated about two miles from Bromley and twelve from J. London, and is in the l'nral deanery of Beckenham and diocese of Rochestpl'. The Church (free and open) is dedicated to St. Mary the Virgin. It contains some traces of Norman work, and the tower is of Early English date. The spire is covered with oak shingles. It was restored in 1857 by Sir George Gilbert Scott, architect, and a north aisle was added at the same time, the cost of which was raised by a grant and subscription. A i'outh aisle aud organ trausept were added iu 1878. The register dates from 15:H). The living is a rectory, in the gift of the Archbishop of Canterbury, and is held by the Rev. George Clowes, )I.A. of Trinity College, Cambridge. Hayes Plar,e, near the Church, the residence of Sir E. A, Hambro, K.C.V.O., D.L., J.P., formerly a seat of the family of Scott, was rebuilt by the Earl of Chatham, and Was the birthplace of his son, the Right Hon. William Pitt, and the house in which Lord Chatham himself died. The Common is under the management of a Board of Conservators, under the Commons Preservation Act. The population at the Census of 1911 was 922, being an increase of 84 ou that of 1901. The parish has an area of 1,472 acres, and the rateable value is £lO,Gi)Ii. There are omnibuses which run frequently during the day between Hayes and Bromley. There is a line from Hayes to Londou cia EImers End (S.E. & C.R.). Letters should be addressed" Hayes, Kent." There is a Postal Telegraph Office at Hayes Railway Station.


Hobert Pearce, Sub-Postmaster. Letters and parcels arrive from London ..4;; a.m. and 7 p.m., from Beckenham at 5.30 and 7.50 a.m. RilL! 4.25 p.m. (4.30 p.m. callers only), despatched at 8.15 a.m. aud 12 noon and ;j.O, 8.0 and 10 p.m. Sundays, despatched at 5.40 p.m. {letters only). Pillar Box at Hayes Station cleared at 7.1;; and 9.15 a.m., 4.35 & 8.20 p.m. Sunday collection 5.40 p.m. Pillar Box: at Plckhurst Green cleared at 7 & 8.45 a.m., 4.25 and 8.0 p.m. No Sun. liay collection Pillar Box, The Common, cleared at 9.15 a.Ul. and 4.30 antI 9.15 p.m. SUllClay4.15 p.llI. Rector - Rev. George Clowes, M. A. Curate - Rev. Leonard WOl',ley Coleman, B.A, Churchwardens-Huson Morrif & Reginald G. Barnes Organist-Sullivan D. T. Mortimer, A.H.C.O. Guaf'dian - James Russell. OL'erseers-Bilton Skinner, J. Lee-Warner, and ,TohnJoshua Harrod. £1.~sistantOvel'uel'-George f:ltonc. Se,l'ton- Hichard Stacey C01:sermtors of Hayes Cammrn-Sir Everard A. Hambro, K.C.Y.O.,D.L" .T.P., W. Harrod, T. D. Mann & J. Russell, James Railton, clerk. Registrar of Births, and Deaths - Charles Ernest Manger attends at Mr. 'rolld's house on 1st & 3rd Fridays in each mouth from 12.30 to 1.30 p.m. Elementary School (mL'Ced)-Wllliam Plant, lllJ.ster; Miss Morgan, mistress. Hayes m.tte Clu.b, Barnet wood-T, P. :.;tiles, see. CWTiel's to London Carter. Paterson & Co., Ltd" and Pickfords Ltd., daily. Parish Councollors's - Sir E. A. Hambro, [(.C.Y,O., D.L., ,J.P. (chairman), C. BIlek, W"illiam Harrod, T. D. Mann, G. A. Fulsher, James Rallton, Alfred H. Coppin & James Ru~ell. Clerk, William Plant,


Private Residents. [Hayes]

Alston Walter Thomas, the Village Ball Walter, Warren cottage Banham George, 1 Woodland cottages Barnes Reginald G., Fernlea Boord Alex. Edgar, The Oast house Boxall Noah, the Village Browne T. G. C. BfJrnhill (letters through Bromley) Carter Arthur, The Village Clowes Rev. George, M.A., the Bectory Coleman Bev. Leonard W orslev, B.A. (curate) . Coppin Alfred Harris, Ringwood cot Davies Mrs. Evan, Meadow path Devas Horace Geo., Hartfield Elliott Mrs. the Village English Mrs., Pickhurst lllanor Halls Edward, Bourne cottage Hambro Sir Everard Alexander, K.C.V,O., D.L., J.P., Hayes place Hambro Charles Eric, Pickhurst mead Hamlyn John Fredk. Sunnillgdale Harris William Birkbeck, White house, the Common Hawkings Wilfred, Greenways Hoskier Mrs. Herman, Coney Hill Knopp Benjamin, The Village Knowles Mrs., Hast Hill, Common Laidlaw Sir Robert, F,R.G.S., J.P., Warren house Lee-Warner John, Hawthorndene Legge Henry Bevington, The Nest Lewis Henry, the Village Mann Thos.Duncombe, Hayes Grove cot Masham Howard Robert, Alpha Meade Edward, Conway Morgan Miss, 5 Station road Morris Huson, Five Elms Morris Mrs., the Common Mortimer Sullivan D. T., A..H.O.O., Spilman's grove O'Brien Mrs. 2 Woodland cottages Pearce Robert, Glebe view Preston Mrs., Haye;; Court Railton James, Gadsden Shore Mrs., Meadow view Skinner Hilton, Ash lodge Smail John I., Warrenwood (West . Wickham parish) Smith Mrs. Bensted, Solway Bank Stuart Miss, Ivy cottage Taylor Charles Jn. Masters, Hayes cot Thomson John Alfred, "Wood~range, Station road ThompsonMisses,Goodrest, the Common Torrens Mrs" Baston milnor Torrens W. Matt, Prick ley wood Trevor Miss, Staples cottage West Misses, 6 Station road Wood Charles Fredk., Glebe house

Commercial. [Hayes]

Blake & Craster, surgeons Blick Charles, nurseryman, Station rd Blundell Nurse, district nurse Brockman Thomas, farm bailiff to Charles George, esq., Pickhulst fnn Churcher James Thomas,station mastr. Coal Co-operative Soccety Limited, Station road Collins Thomas, blacksmith Cirouch John, Common Ranger, Beckenham road Davey Edith M. (Mrs.), beer retailer Eagle Ernest George, The George Inn [PH] Fllrquhar William, gardener to Mrs. Preston Grandfield James, gardener to Sir E. A. Hambro, K.C.Y.O., D.L., J.P. Harrod William, grocer, & c., the Village JIaye.~ Rifle Club-'r. P. Sti]es~ sec., Barnet road Jones Edgar, carpenter Keech William, carpenter to Sir E. A. Hambro, K.C.V.O., D.L., J.P. Knights Mrs., tea house, Pleasant view Lawrence James William. coal merchant, Station road Marden Jas., farmer, Hayes Street farm Marden Thomas, fanner, Layhams, Coney Hall & Rowes farms (West Wickham parish) Mortimer Sullivan D. T., .A.R.C.a., professor of music & organist of St. Mary the Virgin Church, Spilman's grove Nicholls Alfred,. corn dealer, coal merchant & confectioner Pearce Robort, Post Office Plant William, schoolmaster & clerk to parish council Poynter & Co., ncwsagents Price Edwin, contractor, Station road Price Mrs. Elizabeth, cab proprietress, Station road Railton James, clerk to conservators of Hayes common Reader Mrs., dressmaker. St. Mary's cottages Hobjant Wm., bandmaster, the Village Sands Miss Frances J., butcher Stacey Richard, sexton UNION OF LONDON &. SMITHS BANK LIMITED; attendance on Fridays, 10 to 11.30 a.m. See advertisement, page 60 Village Club q' Readinq Rooms (Simon Hale Keech, hon. sec.) Warner Frank, boot maker <


Is in the 'Western Division of the county, hundred of Ruxley, lathe of Suttonat-Hone, rural deanery of Beckenham and diocese of Rochester. It is situated on the high road from London to Westerham, about 14 miles from London, 3 miles from Bromley, and 4 from Beckenham. The church, the name of which is not known, is situated some distance from the village, on the Westerham road. The Register dates from 154l. The interior was restored in 1877, when modern seats replaced the old square pews. In 1880 the church was extended to the westwarJ, and the gable end, which is surmounted by a stone bell-cot, contains a large west window. In the year 1883 a handsome porch and entrance doorway were adueu. During the year 1889 a peal of six bells was pInced in the belfry, the gift of th€: Countess of Derby. In the ancient churchyard rest the remains of Dinah Maria Craik, the celebrated authoress and the writer of ., John Halifax, Gentleman" -the ceremony of interment taking place in October, ISS!), in the presence of it large and dist.inguished assembly. A Church, dedicflted to St.. Audrey, and situated at the top of Hayes Common, was built in 1888 by the late Lord SackYiIle A. Cecil, who alw converted some adjacent buildings into a Heading Room, Gymnasium, ,(·c., for the benefit of the Parishioners of Keston and others. The Church, Clnb Room and adjacent premises have ~ince heen acquired by the pari~h. In Holwood Park is an ancient oak which has acquired some repute frolll the fact that it is mentioned in the late William Wilberforce's Diary, and uhderneath the friendly shelter of it the philanthropist and Pitt held discussions all the abolition of slavery. Numerous Roman remains have been found in the parish of Keston, and there is a fine British camp in Holwood Park. Holwood was for some time the residence of the celebrated Mr. William Pitt. There is a Wesleyan Chapel in the parIsh. An omnibus runs at stated intervals through Keston to Bromley. The population at the Census d911) was 986, being an increase of 154 on that of 1901. The area is 1,451 acres, and the rateable value £7,587. The nearest railway stations are Hayes (S. E. & C. R.) 1~ miles, Bromley (S. E. & C. R.) 3 miles and Orpington (S. E. & C. R.) 3 miles. Keston now possesses a Parish Council. A portion of Leaves Green is included within Reston pari~h, the remainder being in Uudham. Keston Common and Leaves Green are now under control of the Reston Parish Council, under a scheme s:,netioned by the Local Government Board.


Arthur Purdy, Snb. Postmaster. Hours of business 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Sundays 8.30 to 10 a,m. No half day closing. Letters arrive from Beckenham via Hayes 6.30, 9 a.m. & 8.25 p.m., Sundays 6.40 a.m., despatched at 7.30 and 10.30 a.m., 4.30, 7.30 and 9.30 p.m. Sunday, despatched at 5 p.m. WALL Box, near the Mark, cleared at 7.21> and 9.20 a.m., 4.20, 7.16 and 9.20 p.m. Sundays, 4.40 p.m. WALL BOX, Rectory, cleared at 10.16 a.m., 4.0, 7.0 and 9.0 p.m. Sundays, 9.20 a.m. Letters should be addressed Keston, Hayes, Kent Rector - Rev. Chas. Robt. Howan Stack, M.A. ChUrch wardens -Edward Joseph I'revit6 & C. T. Boosey Organist - F. G. Taylor, B.A· Overseers - G. F. Duck and T. Haslet.t. Assistant Overseel ~ Hy. Barnes, Fal'nburullgh. Commissioner to Administer Uaths-Arnold S. Munns. A.ssessol· and Collector of ]{illg's Taxes William :Frost :\fasters, Ll\ro, Homefield rise, Orpington. Sexton - Thomas Trimmer Guardian-William H. Haslet.t.. Registrar of Births and Deaths - J. D. Higgins attends at Mrs. Breckon's Laundry on 1st Friday in each month from 11.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. Parish Councillors - C. Moore Kennedy (chairman), George F. Duck, Thomas Haslett, Herbt. E. Bouch, J. McColm, Jim Dnnmall &; one vacancy. Clerk, F. G. Taylor, B.A. Church of England Schools -F. G. Taylor, B.A.., muster. Public Telephone Cail Office, at F. J. \Yells, baker & Post Office Keston Village Club, The Common independent Order of Oddfellows (M.U.),Lodge Star of Keston; held at the Red Cross Inn. Secretary, A. Irvine. Est. 1869. Conreyances - Motor omnibuses run through Keston to Bromley & London. Carriers to London -Carter, P:1terson & ; Co. Ltn. &; Pickforos Ltd., daily.


Private Residents. [Keston]

Anderson Mrs. Mary E., Hill house Anderson William Hugh, Bradfield Bates Harold Chadwick, 'Westwood, 'Yesterham road Bateson B. Ward, Oakdene, 'Westerham road Blundell Frederick, Holly lodge Boosey Charles Thomas, Knighton Bouch Frederick Carey, Oakwood Bouch Herbert E., Bankside Burrows Erne~t Pulley, Heatherside, Westerham road Carter Harold Purcy, A.C.L, C OIVa, Westerham road Carter Mrs., L.H.A.M, Westerhalll rd. Clark John Alex., Heathfield cottage Collingwood Alan Bertie, Redmays Craster Herbert Vaughan, Idt.C.l'., L.R.c.s.Edin., I,.P.p.s.olas. Keston ho Davis Alfred, Willow grange Derby Dowager Countess of, Holwood Dodgson Wm. Henley, Forest lodge Gainsford Mis:'\, Leafy grove Garrard Misses, Cam ps'ie , Westerham rd Goodwin Charles, The Limes Goymer Alfd., Grove cot., Westerham rd Haslett Thomas, Phcenix house Hawkings Wilfred, Greenways Hcasman William, Sunnyside Heffernan George Henry, 2 Lakes rd Heppenstall Bertie, Firwood, Westerham road Heppenstall T. H., Eveningside Herbert Ernest, l Keston vils, The Mark Hutchinson George Ernest, Crossways Kennedy Charles Moore, High house, Leaves green Lenox-Conyngham Mrs., Mill house Lovett Amos, Ravensbourne cottage, Westerham road Lynch-Watsou Harold, Sunningdale Lynch-White Herbert, Woodlands McColm James Felix, Olive's Mill ho. Mallam James C., Heathfield, Westerham road Marchant Frank, Woodside Masham Stanley G .. Hope villlt Munns Arnold S., Towerfields Nash Capt. Edward, It.A .. Holmbury Previte Edward Joseph, Fox Hill ho. Robertson John Craigie, Prior's (West Wickham parish) St. John Herbert, Hay tor Shen-,nti Owen Aubrey, Le'lfy Grove cot Slessor Paul, Pieldhead Stack Rev. Charles Robert H);yau, M.A., The Rectory Stack Mrs. E. H., Braemar Taylor Frederick George, B.A. Thl)mpson Miss H. B., Millfield, The Common Tilby Thomas Martin, Fabron Vigers C. Henry, Hollydale Wheeler-Bellnett John Wheeler, .J.P., Ravellsbourne Wooilward E. E. D., Birdholm Wright Henry .Tohn, Hollydale

Commercial. [ Keston ]

Akerman Mrs. A. 1., draper Andrews L. & R. K., bakers, 20 Prospect place August John Edward, grocer Baggott Miss Agnes, dressmaker Barker Fras. Chas., tea rms., Old cottage Blake & Cmster, surgeon", Keston ho. Borer James, refreshment caterer, The Common Borel' William,builder, Westerham rd Breckon Wfrs. W, laundress, ,Vesterham road Bryant John, wood dealer, Barnet cot Cairns J 9mes, farmer, Keston court & Blackne:,;s farm Capon Frederick, jobmastel' Carter Harold Percy, A.C.A., ehartered accountant, Corowa Cartel' Mrs. A. W., L.U.A.:.\I., teaeher of music, Somerleyton Carter Nurse Queen's nurse, l BLakes rd Chandler & Sons, butchers Cheel A. & Son, builders, Barnet cot Craster Herbert Vaughan, L.Re.p., r..R.c.s.Edin., L.F.p.s.Glas., physician & surgeon, Keston house Deacon James, tea gardens, Ivy cottage, The Common Douglas Henry W., cycle maker Duck George Francis, Fox Illn Dunmall Jim, wood dealer Faires Alfred, boot and shoe maker, Sheep Wash cottage Gascoigne Thos., bootma., Quiet Nook Hadden Henry, Red Cross Inn Haslett W. II., engineer and machinist, Phrenix house Haynes Mrs. Emily, caterer, The Mark Hills James, carpenter, Pad mill cotto Irvine Aaron, blacksmith Jone.~ II. .T._Vurgerie.~ Ltd.,Leafy gro J{r.~tonSupply Store.~-Mrs. M. A. E. Brown, proprietor Keston Village Olltb Lettington J., coal dealer, Hi Lakfls rd Martin B., lime burner , Munns Arnold S., solicitor & commissioner for oaths, Towerfields Nt-ves John, The Crown, Leaves green Payne Eo, saddler, 12 Lakes road Perry William, tailor, 2 Keston villas, The Mark Purdy Arthur, Post Office Quint Charles D., school attendance officer, 26 Lakes road Reuthe G., F.R.H.S., M.G.A.A.s., nurseryman, Fox hill nursery Rogers ,Valter, refreshment caterer, Haymond cottage B:'Lwyer Mrs., cab proprietol' & corn dealer. The Poplars Squires Geo. Wm .. builder, 1 Lakes rd Swatton E. & H.W., tea and fruit gdns Taylor Frederick George, B.A., schoolmaster s., clerk to Parish Council Trimmer Thomas, sexton Wells Frederick James, baker Wilson John J .. bailiff to the Dowager CounLes of Derhy, Holwood tum Winter Richd., cycle agt., 3! Lakes rd


Is a village situate about 9! miles from Bromley, 19j from London, 6 from Sevenoah, in the Western Division of the county, lathe of Sutton-atHone. The church, which is dedicated to St. Katharine, is an ancient building of chalk and flint. The Register dates from 1548. The living is a Rectory, in the gift of the Archbishop of Canterbury, and held by the Rev. F. Havard Jones, M.A., of Emanuel College, Cambridge. There are three chapels, one belonging to the Wesleyans, one to the United Methodists, and one Calvinist. The village hall is in Knockholt street. The population, taken at the census in 1911, was 942, being 7 less than in 1901. The area is 1,847 acres, and the rateable value £5,005. The nearest railway stations are Knockholt, 3 miles; Dunton Green and Chelsfield S.E.& C.R., 4:/miles. An omnibus runs to and from Knockholt station twice daily. Knockholt now possesses a Parish Coullcil. Letters should be addressed-"Knuckholt, l:ievenoaks." The Police Station, situated in Chevening Lane, was opened in 1896, and is under the jurisdiction of the North Sub-Division of Sevenoaks, Kent County Constabulary, and is in the Bromley Petty Sessional Division. The famous Knockholt Beeches, which are 700 feet above sea level, are about five minutes' walk from the Church. The air of Knockholt is very invigorating, and as a health resort the dis· trict is attracting much attention. Post Office - Miss llI. E. Forge, sub-post mistress. Letters arrive from Sevenoaks at 6.15 and 11.35 a.m. and 6.30 p.m., despatched at g.30 a.m. and 2.45 and 6.45 p.m. Sundays, arrive 6.15 a.m., despatched 10.50 a.m. Money Order, Savings Bank, Tele· graph and Telephone Office. Open for Telegrams from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Sundays, 8.30 to 10 a.m. Pillar Box - Marlborough mount, cleared at 8.15 a.m., 2.45 and 6.35 p.m. Sundays, 10.35 a.m. Royal Oak- S.30 a m. ani! 2.45 & 6.30 p.m. Sundays, 10.30 a.m. Park Corner-9.30 a.m., 3.10 and 7 p.m. Sundays, 10.50 a.m. Kn(>ckhoU Village-SA5 a.m., 2.45 &6.35 p.m. Sundays, 10.35 a.m. Rector - Rev. F. Havard Jones, M.A. Church wardens-A. W. Smithers, J.P. and W. J. Hammond. Sexton - George Bond. Wesleyan Methodist Chapel-services, 11 a.m. &6p.m. Overseers-A. Waterman and H. Bond. Assistant Overseel'-Garnet Waterman. Guardian-Henry Bond Registrar 01 Births & Deaths-J. D. Higgins attends at Mrs. Graham's, Sidney terrace, on 1st & 3rd Thursdays in ellcl1 month from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. Assessor J: Collector 01 King's Taxes-Wm. FrostMasters,Laro, Hometield rise, Orpingtn If:lementary School-Herbert A.Root, master; Mrs. Root, mistress; E. Beale & E. Hales, al"sistants. Police Btation - Chevening Lane. Sergeant. in-charge - W. G. Paramour. Parish CQuncillors-Messrs. Alfred Waldron Smithers, J.P. (chairman), Rev. F. H. Jones, u.A.(vice-chairmun),H. Bond, John Musson, Herbert Arthur Root, S. N. Can· stable and A. Bowen. Clerk-Garnet Waterman.


Private Residents.

Aldridge J., Little Burlings Brown Miss, Meadowbank Collins Arth1Ir, Burling'S Collins Daniel, Harrow cottage Davis Thomas J. E., Ivydene Durling Mrs., The Homestead Elliott Jahn 11sley, Parkside Fickus James, Balnalan Foster Mrs., Heath Glen Fox Charles Edmhd., Righmanswick Grist Charles Jamp.s, Elgin house Hammond Walter John, The Grange Home Charles, Highfield Hunter Charles Herbert, Ringfield Jones Rev. F. Havard, M.A., Rectory Lafone Henry, Court lodge O'Donnell H. D., Great Burlings Philpott John A., Beechwood Reynolds Mrs., Dunheved Shorland Alfred, Melrose Sim Chatterton, Portlands Singleton Thomas, rCullyherim Smith StephenFras., M.R.c.s, Glenthorne Smithers Alfred W., J.P., Homefield Smithers Langley, Ash grove Smithers Waldron, Mariner's lodge Sorensen Carl Godfrey, Fairmead Swanston F. A. Letts Green Thompson Archibald Hamilton James, Castle house Rural District Councillor -Henry Bowl. Carrier,. to London - Charles Middleton of Halstead, every Thursday, returning on Friday. Ancient Order of Foresters (L.U.D.), Court Perset'erance, No. 42f)9; held at the Elemen·tary Schools. Meeting night, second Tuesday in the month. Secretary, Alfred Bond. Independent Order Oddfel1ows, !.l.U.," Pride at the Hill, "",;24. Meeting night. every fourth Satnrday at Lodge House, ..Thrle Hartle Shoes Hotel." Secretary, J. T. Collins. DIRECTORY. Vavasseur Misses, Knockholt house Walker Lieut.-Col. Frowd, C.M.G., Scotts' lodge Wells Mrs. M. A., Razeldel1e

Commercial. [ Knockholt ]

Ball Benjamin. The Crown [PH] Blundell Douglas J R., corn & cualmer. Rmd Henry & Sons, builders Bond Aaron, fruit grower Bond George, sexton Bowen Wm.P.,frmr.,New Staples froadl. Chilton George, shopkeeper Clifford Amos, general stores Constable S1., farmer, Stonings farm Ede Brothers, bakers and grocers Flint James Thomas, chimney sweep and fruit grower Forge Miss M. E., Post Office Fuller William, fruit grower Gibson Alfred, Portlands, station omnibus Hammond Harry, coal merchant Hammond Mrs., The Royal Oak [PH] Hammond Mrs., shopkeeper Leigh Thomas, fruit grower Lewington Mrs . .Martha, beer retailer Lewis Robert, fruit grower Mitcham A., tailor Monsel lMrs.N.,Tl/,re~lI0rseSlwes Iwld Musson John, dairy farmer, Ivy farm Newton James, grocer Paramour W. G., sergeant in charge, Police Station, Chevening lane Ripley Albert, shoeing smith Smith Stephen Francis, )1. H.C.S., surgeon, Glenthorne Streeter Arthur Augustus, insur. agt. Tapsell Edwd., carpentr., & c.,Woodside Taylor Alfd., saddler and harness mao Walkling George, fruit grower, Haslett's farm Warman George W. The Han'ow Waterman Alfred, fruit grower and nurseryman, Hickmandias nurseries Waterman Garnet, farm bailiff to A. W. Smithers, J.P., & clerk to Parish Council assistant overseer, Oakwood Wells A.. & Son, bootmakers Wells R. C., fly proprietor & farmer Wisdom James. butcher Wood Arthur, baker


Is a hamlet situate about 10i miles S.E. of London, in the county of Kent aud the hundred of Blackheath. It was anciently called Mottingham from the Saxon words 1Jlodig, proud, and ham a dwellin~. The Church, dedicated to St. Andrew, was consecrated by the BIShop of Rochester on March 18th, 1880, and on the tithes heing recovered for the use of the parish an ecclesiastical district was assigned to it by Order of Council, in 1886. The district consists of 640 acres in Mottingham and 430 acres of St. John's parish, Eltham. The Church is an edifice of red brick with stone dressings, in the Gothic style, and consists of chancel, nave and transepts. About 400 people can be accommodated in the building. Both church and rectory were built under the auspices of the Rev. G. B. P. Viner, MA., of Trinity Univ., Toronto, Canada, the first rector of this newly constituted parish. The Rev. Edwald Rhys Jones, M.A., of Hertford College, Oxford, is the present rector. The parish possesses two Council schools. Among the buildings of interest is that known as Eltham College, which was at one time occupied by Earl Bathurst, Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain. In later years the house was known as Fairy Hall, then as the Royal Naval School, and is now occupied by the School for Sons of Missionaries. Besides the Church of St. Andrew there is a Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, situate in the High road. A parish room adjoining St. Andrew's Church was erected in 1896. The S. E. & C. Railway have a station within a convenient distance, known as Eltham and Mottingham, from which London is easily reached. The population at the 1911 census was 1,534. The area is 641 acres and the rateable value £13,600 lOs. Mottingham possesses a Parish Council.


Walter J. Brisley, Postmaster. Letters are despatched at 8 & 9.50 a.m., 1.20, 4.35, 6.30, 8.5 and *10 p.m.; closed at 1 p.m. Thursdays. Open for telegrams, from 8 a,m. to 8 p.m., but are not delivered. Mottingham House Wall Box, cleared at 8 and 9.35 a.m., l.l1, 4.20,6.20, 7.50, and *9.30 p.m. Sundays, 8.55 p.m. Eltham College Wall Box. cleared at 8 and 9.'10 a.m., ].10, 4.25,6.25, 1.55 and *9.45 p.m. Sundays, 9 p.m. West Park Wall Box, cleared at 8 and 9.40 a.m., 1.15, 4.30, 6.10, 8.0 and *[l.45 p.m. Sundays, 9.1) p.m. Railway Station Pillar Box cleared at 8 and 9.55 a.m., 1.25, 4.40, 6.(o, 8.10 and "'10 p.m. Sundays, [l.ll) p.m. * Except Saturdays. Mottingham Parish Council -Heathcote Le Oren Clarke, George Edwards (chairman), Walter Grant, Gilbert G. Floyd, Charles David lI!aeers, William Pollock, George Saward, Alfred Scriven, Henry MartinSnow j Alfred Scott (clerk). Guardian-Gilbert G. Floyd, Santa Inez, Court Farm lane. Rural Disll-ict Councillor - Gilbert G. Floyd, Santa Inez, Court Farm lane. Rector-Rev; Edward Rhys Jones, M.A.. Churchwardens-H. P. Atkins and Charles D. Maeers. Eltham College (School for Sons of Missionaries'), Grove Park road - Walter Brainerd Hayward, M.A., head master. School :Managers /0r .Moltinqham-George Edwards, esq. (chairman), W. Grant, esq., P. A. Leighton, esq., T. G. Cannon, esq.,H. ~. Le Cren Clarke, esq., N. H. T. Becker. esq. School corrspondent - G. F. Jessop, 82 Broad· liell! road, Catford Overseers- William Pollock aillI James Biggs. Assistant O!'erseer-George Hyde. Aloftingham Council Schools (Boys and Girls), High road-Thomas Wilham Toll, master. Jfottingham Council SchfJol (Infants), Dorset roa(l - lIIrs. Elizabeth Waters, mistress. I'I/Hic Telephone f.)nll Offices- Eltham and Mottinglium Railway Station; High road; 5 'rlie Pavement, High road and West park. St. Vincent's Orphanage (Catholic), Mottingham house, High rO:1l!-Sister-Superior, ill .?ra!"~c, Church Army (Incorporated) Women's 111- ebriate flome, Albert road; Miss Gay, hon. supt. London Playing Fields Society; ground, Grove Park road. London Central Young Mm's Christian Association Athletic Ground, Grove Park road. villas, Beaconsfield road Church of St. Andrew. - Rector- The Rev. Edward Rliys Jones, liLA. The Rectory; Holy Communion - 8 a.m. every Sunday; 12 o'clock noon first and third Sundays; Holy Communion, Thurs ilrtys, 8 a.m. ; Saints' Days, 8 a.m. Matins with sermon, SlludaY3 at 11 a.m. Eyensong with perman, Sundays at 6.30 p.m. Holy Baptisms: and Churchings at 3.45 p.m. on the first and third Sundays in the month. Children's Service every Sunday at 3 p.m. Wesleyan Methodist Chapel - High road. Brethren meeting Room - Portland road.


Letters through Eltham.

Albert Road.

Left Side - from High road. 1 Creamer Walter 2 Raggett Samuel 3 Chubb John Charles 4 Maggs Thomas 5 Ringer John 6 Sillwood James 7 Watterton William Henry 8 Collier Benjamin . 9 Wain William 10 Creamer Arthur 11 Orriss Hems ]2 Budd Mrs. ]3 Livermore George 14 Wain Joseph 15 Hodson Mrs. 16 Brill William, greengrocer Church Army (Incorporated) WoJ]/cn's Inebriatc Ifome (Mil'SGay, hon. supt.j

Andrew Villas.

See A1:ondale road.

Avondale Road.

Left Side - from High Road.


2 Hunt Frederick Thomas 3 Penberthy Thomas, estate agent 4 Singleton Mrs. 5 Pollock Mrs" Sherbourne 6 Green William A. T. 7 Scriven Alfred, Elmfield 8 Burroughs Alfred William, buildr. 9 Scott Alfred 10 Lisney Stanley John 11 Blake Frank Seymour 12 McConnachie Robert 13 Robertson Mrs. 14 Stevenson Alfred Jame.': 15 Hercus Mrs. 17 Hargrave Thomas 18 Locke Ralph Sampson 18 Souter Herbert C. 20 Johnston Frederick, Ernevillf

BeaConsfield road.

From 17a Portland road.


Moore Mis:s A., district nurse 2 Roberts Herbert Charles

Billington Villas.

See Portland crescent.

Clarence Road.

Right Side - from High Road. 16 Baillie Percy 14 Hobbs James Green 13 Carman Frank 12 Taylor George Thomas 11 Pinkney Benjamin James, teacher of shorthand 10 Walker Charles 9 Blake Charles Stanley 7 Butcher Thomas . 6 Stockbridge Joseph, farmer 5 Draper Miss 4 Roberts Archibald Davies Hugh Hoskins 1 Richards Mrs.

C1yst Villas.

see IJevon.yMrp road.

Cold Harbour Cottages.

See High road.

Court Farm Lane. - From High Road.

Right Side. Scoltock Joseph William 2 Dickson Mrs. 3 Tonge Joseph Edward, chartered accountant 4 Atkins Richard James ......... .. here is Cross road ............ 8iIlwood Thomas, Fairy cottuge Elsden Arthur Warner, WestCoombe Left Side. T011 Thomas 'William, Gwynfa Pooley Charles P,!tter, Cartref Palmer Tom Jeffery, The llllngalow ............ hcre is Dorset road ........... Floyd Gilbert G., Santa Inez Corby George Frederick, Court Farm

Court Road. - From High Road to Eltham.

Right Side. ,Jones Rev. Edward Rhys, M.A., The Rectory St. l!Ju{rew's Church Left side. Davidge William Robert, Glenwood Parish Frank, J,P., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.I'., physician & surgeon, Uourtlield Brrekstad Hane; Lien, vice-consul for Norway, Hill house Lepine Cecil II" Park house Hoar William, The Cottage ........... here is West park .

Cross Road. - GROVE PARK ROAD.

Stodart Mrs., Homelands . Dagnall Villas. See Portland crescent.

Devonshire Road.

Frum I£il/lt Road. Left Side. 1 Turner George, baker 2 Ford Frederick William 3 Collins Thomas 4 Males William 5 Mansfield William G Stevens William 7 Lovelock Henry William 8 Sloper Henry


1 Havment Edward 2 H~nt Harry W. 10 Hardwell :Mrs. 11 Tayler Mrs. 12 Wain David 13 Wadlow Mrs. 14 Lettington Richard 15 Atkins Arthur Return. Clark Mrs. G., The Red house Hunt T. & Sons, plumbers (workshops) 16 Jeal John 17 Chappell Mrs. 18 Holley Sidney Hunt, insur. agent 19 Barber Samuel 20 Haworth :Mrs. 21 Quadlillg Frederick John 22 Barber Charles 23 Biggenden J oha 24 Allen Frederick, bootmaker

Dorset Road.

From High road to Conl'tJifum lane. J[ott-ing1tam Council Sool, Infants ,Mrs. Elizh. Waters, mistress Harper NO.lhchch 2 Purcell Henry 3 Price Geo . 4: Walker Benjamin 5 'Warman James William (j :Foster George 7 Twyman William Gray Walker Stanley 8A 'Walker Harrv 8BStreatfieid Sydney ... ...... here is Portland ore."


1 Post Frank Herbert 3 Edwards Wallace 2 Myrtle Robert TholllUA 1 Kemp Arthur W. HEATH VILI1AS. 6 Dickson Frederick Joseph 5 Harris William 4 Percival James 3 Stearn Harry John William 2 Holnes~ Ambrose E. Summers Thomas William Cross and return, LEIGHTON VILLAS. Crouch William 2 Druitt William 3 Ayres Horace 4 Hunt Herbert Charles 5 Thackwray Henry 6 Udall Stewart LINSLADE VILLAS. 1 WIethven William Henry 2 Sutton James William' 3 Walkley George 4 Tebboth Herbert John 5 Tucker William Horace 6 Harrison Mrs. THE NOOKS. Buckle Harry Edward 2 Lettington .Albert Pollock William, builder !) Weeks Edward Stephen 10 Warman George 11 Ferris Mr!t. 12 Smith Arthur 13 Ingram Mrs. Barber Harry Lewis, carman, 2 Rose villas' Ridley Edward Jas., 1 Rose villas Ridley Mrs., dressma., 1 Rose viIs. Longley Edgar Spencer, gardener, Ardrene McCarthy Thomas, Camden villa Eltham & Mottingham Station. S. E. & C. R. Piercy Henry, station master Telephone Call Office Cockerell George J, & Co. (incorporated with Rickett, Cockerell & Co. Lim.), coal merchants Gower Harry, furniture remover Smith W. H. & Son-Horace Ayres, agent Tilling Thomas Limited, jobmasters Grove Park Road.-WEST PARK. Right Side -from High Road. Eltlw7nGollege( Soltool/orSons l!j --,lIi,~8ionarics) Walter Brainera Hayward, M.A., head master Lundon nmtml YOllil.fJ Jfen'.~ OlIriRthtn Assooiation A tllldic (jr(I1/1ld Hunot George, Aston Gifford Charles J., Rosslyn Lelean William A., Ithaca 8 Fowle Sydney 10 Howorth Henry Godfrey 14 Ingi'am Frederick James, Lynton Smith Albert Fredk., The Orchard Gellatly Alex. W., .The Moorings Ledger Percy Gilbert, Ingeborg Left Side. Leighton Patrick Alexander, M.D., ch.B.Edin., physician & surgeon, Lindley lodge Higgin Chas. Christopher, Clarendon Paterson Mrs .. Tower house J ackmanEd wd.Radclyffe, Woodside 25 & 27 Rhodes E. W., M.A. & Pearce B. W., M.A., school ............ here is Gross road . Lennon Playin.fJ Field.~ Soddy (ground)

Grove Villas.

See Beaeon~fidd road.

Harrow Villas.

See High road.

Heath Villas.

see Dorset road.

High Road.

IUgltt Sille-from EIU1stead Lane lo :Mottingham Lane. Napper WillilUn, Cold Harbour cotto Stocker John Ball, farmer, Cold Harbour farm Payne James, Cold Harbour cott. Castleton Arth. Thus., ,. Atkins Sydney. The Fit'S Holliday R. P., St. Margarets ............ here is Court road ............ Hyde George, smith and farrier Hudson Frederick, Rose cottage THE PAVEMENT. 6 Hawes Caleb, greengrocer 5 Telephone Call Office 4 Gerrish 'rhos., draper and outfitter 3 Loosley Misses M. & R., stationers 2 Butcher Thomas, grocer 1 Norman Albert Edward, dairy Mottingnmn Coucill Boys' and Girl. Schools. - Master: Thos. Wm. Toll ............ here is West park ...... Hyde Geo., coach builder, motor works Calder Mrs., Highfield ..... .here is footpath to Eltham ...... Clarke Heathcote Le Cren, Longden Rawlinson Ralph George ,Toynson, Roseland Wall Letter Box Brignan William Percy, The Cottage Edwards George, Cedar :Mount Edmeads Ernest, Mottingham farm cuts Young Jas., Motiingham farm cottages Norman Albert Edward, farmer, Mottingham farm Clarke Albert Edwin, The Hurst Lucas Chas. Phipps, The Elms Grace William GIlbert, Fairmount Becker Neill Herman r., Woodcraft Cross and Return. Page Saml. l'algrave, Mottingham Hall Woodman Sir Geo. Jsph., The Grange Cannon Thomas G., The Chantry Snow Henry Martin, Woodfalls St. VrJleent's Orphanage [Catholic], sister Superior in charge, Mottingham house Wall Letter Box ........ here is Grove Park road ...... ..... here is Court Farm lane ...... Atkinson Harold Quintin, The Quest Saward George,' Barncot Tindley Sidney William, Moormead Kitson George, Alvaston Holmes RichanlAnnesle.r,Snaresbrook Express Dairy Co. Limited Porcupine inn, A. C. Jenkins Pollock John, Corn merchant


4 Matthews Charles_Thos., boot dlr. 2 'Wadlow Henry, tailor 1 Akers Stephen, confectioner ....... here is MJeronsltil'e road......... Brilnd H erhert, beer retailer Loney WaIter,' butcher Hunt T. & Sons, plumbers 7 Buckle Forester 6 Joad Charles Maeers Chas. David, Linden cottage Waters Mrs., Varna villa Hyde Geo., Lyme villa Brittain John, Myrtle cottages Maeers Charles Albert, Myrtle villa ........... here is Dorset road ...... Huffey Christopher Frank, boot makr Hill Jesse, Burgoyne villa Wesleyan .Methodist Clwpel Hammond Miss, Sidmouth villa Salter John, Devonshire villa Bea, is Alfred, Fern cottage Clark Herbert. Luton house Chapman Miss Amelie H., milliner, Luton house ..... : ... here is Portland road .... ...... TIn, TmwAcE. 7 Brisley WalterJ., gro.,&P(J.~t 01fz'N 6 Paradise Mrs. 5 Burridge Mrs. 4 Welllllgton William 3 Huffey Mrs. 2 Mounce Mrs. 1 King Charles Mott Frederick, fly proprietor Wallis William James, butcher Mellin & Co., chemists Telephone Call Office ......... here is Clarence road Crapnell Misses, Melrose Dowse Capt. Benjamin, Killeen ......... here is Avondale road.......... , Lissen Niels S., Danehurst


4 Blake Arthur John 3 Green Frank B., Emsworth 2 Grant Walter, MelVille .James Ernest T., Flamstead HARROW VILLAS 2 Harwood Ernest 1 Angle Mrs. Agnes Kate


10 Griggs Mrs. !I Hattrill Thomas W. 8 Sly Ernest Edwin 7 Turner William John 6 Mander Mrs. M., tailor 5 Fairbrother Walter ............ here is Albert road ............ 4 Turner George, shopkeeper 3 Peters Arth, Thos. Jas. ,fried fish shop 2 Harler Abraham H" dealer in glamophones Prince of Wales, John Gilbert [PH] Cooper Charles, Farm house James Timothy, farmer, Model farm


Grigsby Walter Henry Berry William Almslwieses (Ironmongers' Company)

Hurndall Cottages.

See High road.

Ivinghoe Villas.

See Portland crescent.

Leighton Villas.

See 1Jorset road.

Linslade Villas.

See 1)orset road.

Mentmore Villas.

See IJors{it road.

Model Farm Cottages.

See High road.

Nottingham Terrace.

See High road.

Northall Villas.

See Portland crescent.

Pavement (The).

Sf'(' [-Fi.lI Ii. mad. Portland Cottages. See Portland road.

Portland Crescent.

From Dorset road. Right Side. }ylNGIIO}~ VILLAB. 1 Henrierson George 2 West Samuel 3 Knapp Charles 4: Little Howard B., teacher of mathematics 6 Crofts George Alfred D.WNALL VILLAS. 1 Mace Joseph 2 Tyler Morris 3 Hills William Thomas 4 Frost Daniel


2 Drawbridge Albert Francis 3 Frost John James 4: Fletcher Frederic Left Side. NORTIIALL VILLAS. Staughton Harry Brown Thomas Edmund 3 Hadlow Stanley "Frank 4: Dyer Ernest Edward 6 Small James 8 Booth William

Portland Road.

Left Side - from High Road. PORTT,,"ND CO'fTAGES. 1 Friend Thomas William 2 Carr Walter 9 JElJis :Mrs. Anne 1T.ribeck William 13 Clegg William Alfred,stone mason Handscombe Mrs., laundry, Fairfield cottage 16AStow Frederick George l7AMoors George. shopkeeper ... , .. here is Beaconsfield road ...... Cross and Return. .. .... here is Portland crescent 14 Wakeling Rober!; 15 Tyler Edward, chimney cleaner Hi Moors Joseph 17 Taylor James William 18 Gardner James Charles 19 Parsons Alfred 21 King Albert 22 Merry Frederick 23 King: John Staunton Wm. Goo., Campbell cot. Bret1~ren llfeetii/[{ RoolJI

Rose Villas.

See Dorset roarZ. The Nooks. See IJor.';ct road. The Terrace. See High road. WestPark.-I!'romHighRoatl toCourt Rd. Right Side. Pollock Will., builder and contractor Police l'elepllOne Call Officc [rhc remainder of this road is in Eltham parish.]

York Villas.

See High ·road.


Is situated on the branch road from Bexley to St. Mary Cray, about 14~ miles from London, 1 from Bexley, 3 from St. Mary Cray, l:tfrom Foots Cray, and 8 miles from Bromley, and is in the rural deanery of Dartford and diocese of Rochester. 'rhe church is a handsome building, and was rebuilt in I SiJ~; a new chancel being erected, and consecrated in May, 1871. There are six fine windows by Clayton & Bell, and some "cry beautiful old wood carving in the chancel; also a very fine monument to Lady Ellenborough by Sir Francis Chantrey. The living is a rectory, in the gift of Capt. n. A. Vansittart, and is held by the Rev. Canon H. W. Johnston, MA. In the village u,re three Jubilee houses. a notice at the side of one of which informs the stranger that they were' erected in thanksgiving for the Jubilee of George 3rd, in 18m); repaired as a thanksgiving offering for the conclusion of the Crimean Wal' and the Peace of 1856; repaired and improved by subscription from the parishioners in recognition of the Jubilee of Queen Victoria, I887. There are also five Almshouses adjacent to the Jubilee houses. Hard by these buildings are the Elmllentary schools. The population at the census in l~n 1 was 635. 'rhc area is 1.484 acres, and the rateable \'aluc £4.98fJ. The nearest railway stations are Bexley (North Kent Loop) It miles, and St. Mary Cray (S. K &; C. Railway), 3 miles. The village now posseses a Parish Council.


it A. Humphrey, suh-posmaster. Let!"l's via Sidcnp; Deliveries B.O allllll.:lO a.m., 2.30 and 8 p.m. Box cleared at 1".1!i :Iud 11.30 a Ill., 2.3'1allli 8.0 p.m. Sundays 7.45 a.m. Letter Box, Ruxley corupr, at 8.:30 & 10.30 a.m. & t, -1.15, ti, S.l.') & B.45 p.m. SUndays 7.4·} a.m. Letter Box, near Church cie:we,j at 8.15 ,\1; 11.30 a.m. & 2.30 and 8.0 p.m. :,;undays 7.45 a.m. Rcct0r-Rev.OHlloll Hugh 'N John~ton, ILL CUI'"t/!-Rev.'Albert Ellwarll Hall . Church wardens-- W. Bowman &:.r. E. Gunyoll Ol'erseel·s-H. A. Wh"tJey antI C. H. Sparks. .Assistaut Over,'ur et Coilec/ol' or' RffI-.vThomas Beeton, Corner house, Church Avenue. Sidcup. GllUl'iliall-- W'altpr Bowman. Parislt Cled.;--H . .\ Whatley. a~f/i.vtrar of /Jil'/k, .t. !katlt,-1T. B. Hallllyn attcnlls at Tile Village Hall on 1st and 3rd 8atnrd"ys in month, 10.15 to 11.15 a.m. Parish Council AlbeIt ,Tohn Henson, Ve~ey G. M, Holt (chairman), Miss Ella Friend, W. Petty, Frederick William Corke, H. A. Whatley allil Walter Bowman: George P.riter, clerk, Park house, Bromley. ElemimentrY School Mrs, Boyce', Infant &11001- Miss Al)ps. Metropolitalt Water Board, SUlllhfl'lIlii.vll'ictrr.E.Spenccr,collector,attends nt 77 Station M.:3illcup, ,VcdneSllays 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. CtlTier,! to London Pickforas Ltd. antI Carter, Paterson &; Co. Insurance agent Frederick William Corke.

Private Residents.

Marked thus * letters through Bexley.] Beavis Jn . Alfd.Faulkner, Manor Fm. ho Bowman Walter, Gnttons Campbell Donald, The Red house Corke George, The Bungalow Cutbill Arthur L., Ruxley cottage Ebner Philip, The Cottage, Huxley corller Friend Miss, Bower house Green Edward William. Dower hou~c Gunyon .J. E., Pear Tree cottage * Hall Rev. Albert Edward curate], ,,North Cray road "'Holt Vesey George Mackenzie, Mount Mascal Johnston Rev. Canon Hugh William, M.A. [rector, & rural dean of Dartford] Keep Renald, W oollet hall Metcalf John George, The Orchard North A. J., Vale Mascal Peace Mrs., TheMansion, North Cray pI. Spencer H. E .. The White house Windschuegl Charles, North Cray cot]


Boyce Mrs., Elementary school Yorke Frederick William, insurance agent, Cray bank Crawford George Wells, laundry Dunn Thomas, carpenter, builder and undertaker Henson Albert J., carpenter Hudson & Haines,farmers, Manor farm Humphrey Edward Albert, Post Office Oliver F. A., blacksmith Readhead William & Sons, dairy farmers, Mount Culver Smith Miss Emily, laundress Sparks Charles Henry, Red Cross Thwaites William, farmer, Clubbs farm Vinson Oswald, farmer, Ruxley Wells J. A., basket maker Whatley Hy. A., grocer & parish clerk


IS a village adjoining St. Mary Cray, about 6 miles from Bromley, 8 from Dartford, and 15 from London. It is in the Western Division of the County, hundred of Ruxley, and lathe of Sutton-at·Hone, rural deanery of Bromley and diocese of Rochester. The parish church (All Saints) is a very old building, with embattled tower, restored in the year 1872 at a cost of £2,000. It contains interesting examples of late Norman work, and in the porch is a tablet giving a list of the vicars from 1254. The living is a vicarage, in the gift of the Archbishop of Canterbury, and is held by the Rev. Thomas Graham Gilling-Lax, M.A. The register dates from the year 1560. There is also a new brick church (St. Andrew's) in the Lower Road, to accommodate those living in South Cray. At Crofton, the church of St. Paul's, erected at a cost of about £400, is a plain brick building, accommodating about 80 persons, and has been enlarged at the cost of £600. Both these missioIl.'l are served by the clergy from the parish church. In Chislehurst Road is a Primitive Methodist Chapel capable of seating about 100 persons. In the main street is a Baptist Chapel having seating accommodation. for 450 persons. At the back is a commodious hall, which is used for Sunday school, public meetings and lectures in connection with the chapel. There is also a Mission Hall of the same denomination at Fordcroft. St. Joseph's Orphanage (in the parish of Farnborough), a Roman Catholic institution, was founded in 1893 by Dr. Butt, Bishop of Southwark, for the education of 300 boys. It is a large building of brick and stone, standing in grounds of 60 acres. The Orphanage is under the management of the Presentation Brothers, and the Rev. P. J. Murphy is the superintendent. In addition to the ordinary school teaching, boys are taught music and the various trades. A new school adjoining (St. Ann's Orphanage) was founded by His Eminence Cardinal Francis Bourne, Archbishop of Westminster, for 200 girls, who are trained for domestic service. It was erected in 1900, and is managed by a community of Sisters of Mercy. The population of Orpington at the 1911 census was 5,036, a considerable increase having taken place owing to the development of the southern portion of the parish as a residential centre. The area is 3,477 acres. The rateable value is £36,404. There is a railway station about a mile to the south-west of the village, on the main Dover line (S. E. & C. Railway). The station on the S. E. & C. Railway at St. Mary Cray is nearest for those residing in South Cray. Letters for Orpington should be addressed "Orpington, Kent;" those addressed to persons living in South Cray, should be addressed "St. Mary Cray," not Orpington. The village possesses a Parish Council. The Village Hall, which is situated in the High Street, contains seating accommodation for 350 persons in the main hall, and is conveniently furnished with retiring rooms, and every convenience for concerts, ball~ and theatricals, professional touring companies giving frequent performances. There is a good Library connected with the build· ing, containing about 500 volumes. The F Company 4th Batt. Royal West Kent Regiment (Territorial Force) have their head quarters here. A cattle market is now held in the Lower Road on Wednesdays. A ncw fire station has been erected in Chi~lehurst Road. 'rhe Council Schools in Chislehurst and Wellington Roads have accommodation for nearly 1,000 children. A golf course, with club house, is sitllated at The Knoll, near the railway station. Post ({nd .1lol/l:Y Orders office. reI£'(Jl'aph Office and Savings Bank-;',lisi' Sarah Clements, Sub-postmistress. T,i::'.O. clcnrell at !I.Bl:1p.m. Orpington Postmm's So/'IiJ/!J aud Branch Office, Orpiugton station. Letters arrive from London at 1.0 a.m.,lg.15 and 6.45 p.m.; dcspatchedat9.50and 11.20 a.m., 12.20, 3.30, 6.0, 8.0 amI 9.30 p.m. Sundays arrive at 7.30 a.111.;despattched at !'.15 p.m. Open for Telegrams from8.0a.m. to 8.0 p.m. Sundays from 8.0 to 10.0 a.m. Letters should be addressed "Orpington, Kent,'· Letters from London for those marked (*), which are situate in South Cray, should be addressed "St. Mary Cray," not Orpington. ,. St. Joseph's Wall Box cleared at 8,4ii a.m. and 12.5, 2.10 & 8.25 p.m. Sun. 8.20 p.m. Crofton Wall Box cleared at 7.20 a.m., 1.20 anci 7.5 p.m. Sunuays 8 a.m. London road Wall Box cleared at 8.50 a.m., 12.10, 2.1.iallll8.30p.m. Sundays S.25p.11l. High Street Wall Rox cleared at !1.55allll 11.25 a.m., 12.1.;' B.3;\, 6.;\ alHl !l.35 p.m. Sundays 8.50p,m. Orpington Station Wall Box cleared at (LO, 10.0 an,] 11.2;\ a.m. lIlHI 12.30,3.40, .i.O, (j.l0 (for St. Mary Cray only 8.20) & 9.40 p.m. SUlluays ;.20 a.m. & 9.10 p.m. Village H'lll, c1eared at 9.fjOand 11.20 a.m., 12.11),3.30,6.0 &: 9.30 p.m. Snn. 8.45 p,m. Start's Rill, cleared at 8.23 a.m., 3.10 anll S.35 p.m. Sundays 7.50 p.m. The Knoll Wall Box, cleared at 7.20 ".m., 2.15 ami 7.30 p.m. Sunclays 8.0 a.m. Craven Estate Wall Box,clel\redat 7.15 a.m., l.1:>and ;.0 p.m. SUTlllayS 8.0 3.m. Goddington Lane Wall Box, cleared at !UiO a.m.,2.30 and 8.10 p.m. Snndays 10.50a.m. Tnbbenden Lane. cleareu at.9.30 a.m. and 3.0 and !l.0 p.m. Sundays 8.0 p.m. St. Johu's Road Wall Box, cleared at 8 a.m., 1.45 amI 7.30 p.m. Sundays 8.30 a.m. Lower Road Wall Box, cleared at 8.10 & 10.4;\ a.m., 1.15,4.15 & 8.15 p.m. Sun. 5,5 p.m. Poverest Road Wall Box, cleared at 8.15 'l.m., 3.15 find 7,lr, p.m. Sundays 8.1r, a.m. ,


J!MIl1Je!.,-W. JoneB, J.P. (chairman), J. T. C:recuslade, J. C. D. Jenkins, J. CulbertSOli, William :Mansfie1d, Henry Roper, George Eillridge, Rcv. Thomas Graham Gilling-Lax, M.A. alHl Mrs. virtue A. Edmerl. Clerk- E.G lllsack ,Gnl arcutlon rd.Sevenoaks School Attendana Officer-Frank Burgess, Chelfield. Chi.,l1LUl'st lioad Council Schools - Henry Boult, master; Mr B. Bonlt, mistress. Wellillyton Road Council Schools - J.Williams, master; Mis~Frances Ockenl1ell, mistress. Parish Councillors - Thomas Harlow (chairman), Messrs. George Eldridge, TlJomas C. Hoir, Jame~ Howartl, Henry .J. Jarman, Albert W. Taylor, John Wale, John CullJert80Tl,J. C. D. Jenkins, William Mansfield. n. ~L Glassup,Henry Roper,Edmund Yeates am] F. \Y. Austin; William Nelson (clerk). F'i reStat iOIl-Chitilehurst r11.,H.S.Hea th,ca pt. All Saints' Church, Village. - Rev. Thomas Graham Gilling·Lax, M.A., vicar; Rev. 1Harold Frederic Grafton Curgenven ,curate. John Culbertson a11l1 If. M. Glassup, church wardens. Thos. C. Mewes, parish clerk and verger. St. Andrew's Church - Lower Road. St. Paul's Churclt. - Crofton. . Bapti.~t Chapel-Village; TIev. George R, Y. 'Fearn, minister. Holy lllnocents, Catholic-Hev. ~[jchael Howard, priest. Sundays, MaEs7 & 9 a.m. ; TIos3ry,Sermon and Benediction 5.30 p. m. ; Holyl1ays, 1.Iass I & 9 a.m.; Benediction :.30p.m.; Weekdays. Mass 7 a.m.; Confessions, Thursday ;\ p.m.; Saturday 10 a.m. and 4 to G p.m. Primitive Methodist Church - Chiiehurst rd.; Rev. William Curry, Mayville, Bromley Common, minister. Services: Sunday, Sunday School Address at 3; Divine Worship at 11 a.m. &; 6.30 p.m. &; on Thursdays at 7.30p.m.; Fellowship,Tues at Sp.m Wesleyan Chapel-Crofton road. St. Ann's Orphanage lor Girls - Sisters of Mercy in charge. t. Joseph's Orphanage jor Boys - Rev. P. J. Murphy, superintendent. Baptist Mission Hall - Fordcroft. Village Hall-High Street,P. J. McRedmoud, caretaker. Orpington and Crays Charity Society - Hon. sec., Edward O.Kirlew; hon.treas ..Guilford E. Lewis, J.P.; agent, George Eldridge, Village hall. Crays and 0rpington Chess Club - The Library, St. Mary Cray - .T. W. Thomas, secretary. Orpington and District Constitutional Association-The Village Hall; chairman, Guilford E.Lewis, J.l'.; vice-chairman, Col. F. Scbletter, C.B.; han. treas., C. H. Kirby. Knoll GoljClub Limited (The) - Knoll risco Orpington Picture Palace - Lower road. Taril!' Rejorm League-Bon. sec. and treas., W. H. Figgesq, The Anchorage, Derry downs, St. Mary Cray. flel'ievi'llg and Vaccination Officer and Collector to Bromley Guardians, Reqistrar oj Births and Deaths, Or}1ington Sub-Disll'ict and Visitor undo' the "Children Act, 1908" jor the No. 3 Diat/'ict, Bromley Union-.Tolm Douglas Higgins, Corrie, Moorfield road (attcndancc ·Wed.& Sat. 9.30 to 11.30 a.m. & Mon. & Fri. :; to 7 p.m.). Sanitary Insptctur No.1 District, Bromley Rura District Council-Henry Nightingale, Aintree, Moorfielrd road. Overseers - H. M. Glassup, William Mansfield, J. C. D. Jenkins and 1. Wale. Guardians-Henry Roper and Th08. Harlow. Assessc, r anti Collector 0.' King's Ta.:res-"\Ym. Frost Masters, Laro, Homefield rise. Metropolitan Water road!, Kent DistrictH. E. SpPllccr, collector, attclHls at 77 Station rd. Siucup, Wed. 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Board oj Trade Lavo/lr BxchallfJ ~- Lower road; hours 10 j 0 12 a.m. & 2 to 4 p.m. ; Saturdays 12 a.m. to 2 p.m. Commisioners to Administer Oaths - Thomas W. Hicklin, Lynton, Tower road; John Henry Ho1g-e,Righstreet: GuilfordEdward Lewis, J.I', Pine Ridge, Righstreet; Cyril Herbert Kirby, Clmrcl.l Hill honse, Chnrch Hill road & George Hodhouse Reid, r,r,.n., Gravelly Croft. Crofton road. Carriers to London - Piekfords Ltd. ; Carter, Paterson &; Uo. Limited and London Parcels Delivery Co. Limited. Public Telephone Call Office, v-Ross House, High Street and Chelsfield Road. Royal West Kent Regiment (4th Bottalion) (T.F.) F Company -Capt. F. n. Carlisle, commanding; Sergeant-Imtructor , H. Wood.




Private Residents. [Orpington]

Letters from London for those marked (iCl), which are situate in SOllth Cray,shoulll he addressed " St. Mary Cray," not" OrpingtOll; those marked (t) are in Farnboro' parish but Orpington postal district. Albury Leonard Francis, St. John's road, Crofton Alden Henry, 5 Sea ward villas, Moorfield road Alexander Josias, Hawstcad, Crofton road Allan James, 1 Aynscomb end Allen Samuel Abraham, 3 Rothesay villas, Sevenoaks road Allen William S., Sunnyside, Tubbenden lane Aman Edward G., Inglenook, Station road Ashdown Charles. Kent villa, Moorfield road Austin Francis William, The Knoll Bailey Thomas William, M.R.C.S., L.R.c.p.Lond., High street Bannister Miss A. A., 3 The Boundary,Sevenoaksroad Barfoot Ernest B., Heathfield, Chislehurst road t Barnes Henry Kendal, Borkwood, Sevenoaks road Barnes Thos.,Anchusa,St. John's rd Bates Alfred William, F.C.A., Gipsy cottage, Crofton road Bath William, Stonyheath, St. John's road, Crofton Beales Henry Bertram. Lealholme, Church Hill road Beckett Charles Stevenson, L.D.S. Eng., Goodmead, High street Beeson Mrs., Rose cottage, Chislehurst road' Beken Mrs., Waverley, Hill view rd t Berens Cecil, Silverdell, Tower rd Bergholt E. Binckes, M.A., F.C.I,S., The Briars, Beaumont rd.Crofton * Bernhard Edward Ernest, North. fields, Chelsfield road Best Caleb, Sannox, Moorfield road Best Frederick, Chillthorne house Biggs Alfred L., Hollanden, Chislehurst road Birdseye Edward W., 1. Tavistock, Lucerne road t Blackwell Mrs., Hollycot,Tower rd Blake Richard, 4 Rothesay villas, Sevenoaks road Blockley Albert Joseph, Cobsden, Sevenoaks road t Bolton Mrs., The Hawthorns, 'rower road t Booth Frederick, 5 Rothesay vils., Sevenoaks road Booth Gilbert, New Town court, Crofton lane Bowers Mrs., High street Boyd Robert William, The Gables, Crofton road Bristow George Pettit, Warner cottage, High street Brodie Charles R, Hilden, Goddington lane Bromley S. R., 2 The Drive Broomfield Thomas, Rotherhurst, The Avenue t Brown Alfred, The Boundary Brown Harry M:., Buckland, Orchard grove Bull ,John, 1 Englaland, Orchard gro Bullock W. K., Kimberley, High st Burnham Walter Witt, East Glen, Oatfield road Burroughs Mrs., Ladywood, Scads hill Burrows Henry, 1 Seaward villas, Moorfield road BurtenBhaw Arthur, Insizwa, Crofton lane Butchart Peter, The Acorns, St. John's road, Crofton Butler A.H., Crofton hurst, Crofton la Caddick Frank, Inglehurst, St. John's road Caldwell Charles, 2 Aynscomb end Calver George, St. Omer, Stanley rd Calver Jn.,Northolme, Tubbenden la Card Ernest., Bradfield, Station approach Card Frederick George, Lynwood, Crofton lane CareyJ ohn,Ardilaum,Homefield rise t Carlill H., Langdale, Tower road Cawston E. H., The Mead, Crofton rd Chaldecott F. J., Homeleigh, Orchard grove Clarke Arthur Rush, Fernbank, Tubbenden lane Close Henry, The Red house, St. John's road Coath William John, St. Margaret's, Station road Coleman Frederick G. W., Hill View house, Hill View road Collins John, Minnehaha, Station rd CollisThos.Kenilworth, Sevenoaks rd Cooper Leslie G., 4 The Drive Cope Wm. Rd., Glenview,Stanley rd Copus George Frederick, Rockbourne, Keswick road Corbin Edward, Kildare, Station rd Court Richard, 1 1.'he Boundary, Sevenoaks road Cozens Arthur William, ~vebury, Orchard grove Crickmay John Hayter, Ilversden, Station road * Culbertson John, Avena, Albert rd Culpin James, 1 'Walnut terrace, High street Cumming Jas., Vitznau, Lucerne rd Curgen\Ten Rev. Harold Frederic Grafton [curate], Brodick, Homefield rise Curtis Arthur Leopold, M.B., C.M. Edin., Normanhurst, Sevenoaks rd Cuthbert Edwin, Amulree, Orchard grove Daive William James, 6 Rothesay villas, Sevenoaks road Daniells Mrs., 7 Seaward villas, Moorfield road Darby Edmund, Silverhow, Beaumont road, Crofton Darrell S. T., Wycheside, Station rd Darton Charles, Emsdale, Homefield rise DavisRobt.,Darrickwood, Crofton rd Dearden Arthur, 1 Orchard grove Dearden Jas., Wayside, Orchard gro Defries Misses R. & L., The Studio, St. John's road, Crofton Delves l\:Iiss,Lyn cot., Goddington la Dennis Horace, 2 Rothesay villas, Sevelloaks road Diver Frederick L., Fairview, Fairfield road, Crofton Dixon Albert Edward. Wooddene, St. John's road, Crofton t Driver :Miss, The Georgian house, Tower road Dromard Emile, Rosina,St. Kilda rd Eckenstein Ernest, Fern lodge, Church Hill road Edge Thos., Dormans, :Moorfield rd Edmed Edward Arthur, Cambria, Moorfield road Edmed John, Broomfield, High st Ely Alfred William, 4 Seaward villas, Moorfield road Evans Sir Murland de Grasse, bart. Oregon, Crofton road Evitt Captain Frederick Clifford, The Rosery, Moorfield road Evitt Mrs., Montclair, Seyenoaks road Fearn Rev. George R. Y. [Baptist], Laureston cottage, St. John's road, Crofton * Fearnley James Samuel, Grassmeade, Chelsfield road t Fincham Francis Warren Xavier, St. Winefrides, Seven oaks road Fooks Philip, The Cairn, Knoll rise * Forman William Henry, Cromwell cottage, Chelsfield road Foster Jas., Sunnyside, Moorfield nI Fulcher Charles George, Corner house, Sevenoaksr0ad Fuller Henry, Plaisance, Crofton la i"Fuller John Leslie, Newbury, Sevenoaks road Gammon Mrs., Totland, Station rd Gilbert Geo. D., 4 Aynscomb end Gilbert Richard John, Canterbury villa, High street t Gillham Edward,St.Ann's cottage, Sevenoaks road Gilling-Lax Rev. Thomas Graham, :M.A., Vicarage, Church Hill road Glanfield Chas., Clairville,Crofton rd tGlover Percy, Hobart, Towel' road Golding Harry Gp.orge, Beaumaris, St. George's road, Crofton Goodban John Francis, The Cottage, High street Gooding Charlea, 3 Boaumont road, Crofton Gore Henry, I Hurat villas, Moorfield road GOBSIn. Wm., Kairo, Sevenoaks rd Greene Cuthbert John, Mersea, Homefield rise Greenwood John, 6 Orchard grove t Griffin Thomas, 7 H,othesay villas, Sevenoaks road Griffiths B. H. P., Crofton holme, Crofton road Haines William Douglas, Windermere, High street Hall Mrs., Wilbet, Crofton road Hallam William Charles, Holmesdale, Holmcsdale road, Crofton Hamilton-Gordon Major Ernest Arthur, Ythanside, Outfield road Hampton Clarence L., Hill cottage, Station road HarbyJ.Malcolm,Benow,Stanley rd * Harlow Misses, Wyedown, CheIsfield road t HarrildFdk. ,Sherlies, Tu blJenden la Harris Albert Thomaa, Woodside, Crofton lane Harris Andrew Fraser, La Tournc, Crofton Harris GeorWl St. Pierre, A.R.I.B.A., Covert cover, Scads hill Harris Mrs., Fair Home,High street Harrison A. P., I The Drive Hartstone William C., 6 Seaward villas, Moorfield road Harvey Herbert Alexander, Broxbourne, Crofton lane Hawker Geo. Wm., 5 Aynscomb end Hawkins Jas., The Laurels, High st Hawkins Wm., Raby lo.,Lucerne rd Hayman Albert, Blenheim cottage, St. George's road Healy Frederick Thomas,Southside, St. George's road t Henry W. F., Vanbrugh, 'rowerrd t Hicklin Thos. W.,Lynton,Tower rd Higgins John Douglas, Corrie, Moorfield road Hodson Henry, Blenheim, St. George's road, Crofton Hoffman Robt., Scadbury, The Knoll Holroyd -Barron Dennett, Isleworth house, High street Hose Edgar G. S., Somerleyton, Goodmead road Hosmer Mrs., Alhyn, Moorfield road * Hought:m Robert, Waldenhurst t Howard Rev. Michael [Catholic], St. Ann's lodge. Sevenoaks road Howard Henry Blunt, Bark Hart, Church Hill road t Hughes William Kidson, St. Ives, Tower road Humphrey John Henry, 4 Walnut terrace, High street Hutchison Stanley, Gunyah, St.. Kilda road t lronside Allan, Beauchamp, Tower road t lronside Mrs., Lynstead, Tower rd Jarman Cecil, St. Cross, Orchard gro Jarman Henry John Buenavista, Lucerne road Jeal Miss, High street Johnson John, Bungaloo, Fairfield road. Crofton Jolley Frank A., Kingsgate, Beaumont road Jones Henry, The Croft, Beaumont road, Crofton Jones Sydney R., Logmore, Stanley road Jones Wm., J.P., Lynwood, Crofton * Jukes Mrs. J. 0., Ballymena, Chelsfield road Kingston Herbert, 2 Seaward villas, Moorfield road Kirby Cyril Herbert, Church Hill house, Church Hill road Kirlew Edward Oliver, M.A., B.C.L. aoxon., The Walnuts, High street Lamarque Walter Alvine, Kokine, Tubbenden lane Lansdell Clarrence Harvey, The Limes,' Chislehurst road Lappage William, Eynsford cottage, John's road, Crofton Lewis Gnilford E., J.P., Pineridge, High street Lirllow James, Lynwood cottages, Crofton lane Ling Geo., Mayfield cottage, High st Light Wm. Jas., 7 Aynseomb end Livermon E. G., London County & Westminster Bank, High street Locvenich Edward, The Lindens, Station road Lyster :Misses,Crofton grange, Crofon t Mackinder Hugh,Harecro£t, Sevenoaks road t Mackintosh Angus Charles, Fontineitf's, TOWPT road McRedmond P. J., 8 Aynseomb end Mansfield ViTm., Gwynfa, Brobfn hl Marks J., Woodthorpe, Station app Martin A. Robert, Moorhurst,Moorfield road Malon H. Stuart, Red lodge, Goddington lane Mason Stanley, Homecroft, Crofton road Mash-rs William Frost, Laro, Homefield rise Maunders Ch:ules Henry, Hillview, Lucerne road May Albert Spencer, Lancaster lodge, High street Michaelis Mrs., Tudor cottage, St. John's road Miles F.C .. Twithn.m, Homefield rise Miller-Halbtt Alexanc1pr, Goddington Hall, Scvenoaks ~oa(i --0 Mills William James Elmhurst Godrlington lane' , * Mithell Miss; Hazeldene, Chelsfie~d road Morcom Mrs. C. A., Elstree, Homefield rise Morris Charles, Hazell cottage, St. George's road, Crofton Morri~ Frank, Woodlands, Crofton rd Mossman Percy, Collingwood, Tower road Mortimer Leslie, Maryland, Crofton La t Murphy Rev. P. J. [Catholic], St. Joseph's Orphanage,Sevenoaks rd Neal Geo.,Woodside, St. George's rd Neck Edward, Derrynane, Homefield rise Neil Horace Ross, Rose cottage, Crofton lane Nelson George, M.ll.C.S., L.R.C.P. Lond., Wansbeck, St. John's road Nelson William, 8 Seaward villas, Moorfield road Newnham Frank,Hillside,Station rd Nichol Robert Rutherford, Fairmount, Broom hill Nicholls A. E.,Sandrock, Station rd Nicholls Horace .James, Homestock, St. Peter's road, Crofton NichollsMrs.,Oakdene,Goodmead rd Nobte Henry, St. Piran, Station rd Norman George Louis, Midhurst, St. John's road, Crofton Nuthall Col. Henry John, c.n., 8 Hill View road t Nuthall Robert, 1II.R.C.S.,L.R.C.P., The Homestead, Tower road Ogburn Percival Laurcston, Moorfield road Oliver Cecil, Cotswold, Oatfield rd Ottaway H. R., 9 Aynscomb end Parsons Dudley R. W., Fairlawn, Lucerne road Pattullo D. L., Yarrow, Station rd Pedley Samuel Edward, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., L.n.S., Maples, Goddingt,on lane Pcey. Jones Charles, Avonstowe, Crofton road PettittMarcus,Mount view, Goddington lane Phillips C. J., Ashcroft, Crofton la PhillipsJ n.S.,Sandycroft, Lucerne rd Phillips Vivian, Crofton court Pickering Alexander Henry, The Cottage, Lucerne road Plummer Francklin, 9 Rothesay villas. Sevenoaks road Poclmall Henry William, Pentre, Keswick road Presslee Harry, Bellevue, Homefield rise Price Charles Edwin, M.R.c.s.Eng., L.R.c.p.Lond., Whyteleafe, Station road Prince Frederick, Rothesay villas, Sevenoaks road Reedman Capt. Charles William, Corbie, Moorfield road Reid Geo. Rodhouse, LL.B.Gravelly. croft, Crofton road Renton Robert, M.n., Glenthorne, High street Revell Henry Bcllsham, 10 Aynscomb end Rigby .Mrs., 2 Walnut ter., High st Roberts Frederick, The Cottage, Orchard grove t Robertson Miss, The Georgian house, Tower road Robinson Henry Sanford, 8 Homefield rise Roche Louis Victor, Crofton lodge, Crofton lane Rogers William S., Dinton, St. John's road, Crofton Rogers Wm. Thos., 2 Beaumont rd Roper Henry, Gatton 10., High st t Ross John, Obsdale, Tower road Rowles Sidney, Kethro, St. John's road, Crofton Ruiz Fernando, Ruiloba, Orchard gro SampsonWm.,Rosslyn, Moorfield rd Saunders Charles William, 12 Aynscomb end Schletter' Col. Percy, C.B., The Priory, Church Hill road tScboolingLionel, Clovelly, Tower rd Schwartz Alfd.,Redclyffe,Station rd Scott Walter, The Corner house, Chislehurst road Shannon Robert A., L.R.C.P., L.M., L.R.C.S., L.S.A..,Crofton roaq Shepherd Allen, Taverny, St. John's road, Crofton Sheppard Mrs., Coniston, Beaumont road, Crofton Shorter Henry James Beckett, Cynthia, Homefield rise Shorter James William Beckett, Basings, Homefield rise Simpson John A., Staffa, Station rd Smart Edward Howard, Sealaber, Hill View road Smith A. Tennyson, M.D., M B., C.M., Shanklin, High street Smith Archibald, Thorpmead,Beaumont, Crofton road Smith Herbert, White cottage, Homefield rise Sothern Herbert W., Pentholme, Sevenoaks road Stacey Edward, Ivy cot., High st Stanford Thomas Henry, Canterbury villa, High street Straker Stanley,Heathwood, road Strauss Bernard Edwin,Crofton hall Stroud George, Woodlands, St. John's road, Crofton Strudwick William, Runswick, Homefield rise SwindlevT.W.,Ecc1eston, Station rel Sykes 'Ernest William, Addison lodge, High street Tagg Edmund James, Wood villa, Fairfield road, Crofton Tappenden Frederick, Broomhill cottage, Broomhill Taylor Albert William, Brendon, Moorfield road TaylorArth.,Fletton, Broxbourne rd Taylor William Richard, Lingfield, Knoll rise Temperlcy Frederick W., Gosforth, Station road Thomas John Warren, Devonshire house, Moorfield road Thompson Alfred, Beech view, Oatfield road Thompson Frederi c Percy,Braeside, Stanley road Thompson W., Ivy nook, St. George's road, Crofton Thorp James Frank, 3 Seaward villas, Moorfield road Titterton George,Dorfheim, High st Townsend Philip, Fairby, High st Turner Victor, 6 Homefield rise Tuson Henry James, Sunnydale, Crofton road Tuson Percy, Studland, Crofton rd Vickery Sydney, Normanhurst cottage, The Avenue t Vine Thos. John, Birr, Sevenoaks rd Vinson Mrs., Mayfield house, High st Vinson Ronald, Scads Hill house Virtue Herbert, The Firs, High st Walker Arthur H., Collingwood, Chislehurst road Walker Mrs. T. P., Bushey cottage, Chislehurst road Walker Theodore Claude, The Orchard, Fairfield road, Crofton Wallace Mrs., Arden, Homefield rise Waller John, Norwood lodge, St. George's road Walton Miss, Falkland 10., High st Ward Ernest Henry, The Gables, Goeldington lane Ware Harry, 3 Aynscomb end Watts Arth., Burnsall, Hill View rd WattsMrs.,Orchard ho.,Orchard gro Westbrook John Lynwood, Chislehurst road Weston Thomas Alfred, Floradale, John's road, Crofton Westwood Thomas Henry, Rosemont, St. John's road, Crofton White Edward, Carnwell house, St. George's road; Crofton White George, Starts Hill lodge, Crofton road Williams James William, 11 Aynscomb end Williams Percy M., Uleombe, St. John's road, Crofton t Williams Walter Albert, A.R.I.B.A., Copper Beeches, Tower road Wilson Leslie, 3 The Drive t Wilson Philip, M.A.., White lodge., Sevenoaks road Wiseley Capt. George J., Kingsburgh, Scads hill Wood Sergt. - Instructor' If., Lynwood villas Woods Bryan Athelstan, Tralee, Hill View road Wright Alfred, Lamorna, Keswick rd Writer Geo. Russell, 10 Ifomefld. rise Yeates Edmund,Highlands,Orchard grove Young Thos., 3 Walnut ter., High st Ziffer Alfred M., Alvi house, St. John's road, Crofton

Commercial. [Orpington]

Letters from London for those rnarkeu. e), which are 8itl1l1e in South Cray. Si!Olllrl be adrlre8sed "st. :Mtwy 0, "Yo" not" Orpington ;" tbose marked (r) are in Farnborough parisb but Orpington postal district. Abbitt J., coal dealer, High street Allen Samuel A., district foreman Metropolitan Water Board, Kent district, 3 Rothsay villas, Sevenoaks road Annetta Gilbert, baker & confectioner, High street Aplin Frederick J. J., The White Hart, High street [PH] Artis Anthony, house,land & estate agent, Station approach Austins, land agents & surveyors, Station approach Bailey & Bennion, physicians & surgeons, High street Bailey Thomas William, M.R.C.S., L.R.c.p.LOnd., physician & surgeon, High street * Barrett. Hy., 1ndry., Wellington rd Bartlett & Grel!ory, Rolicltors & commissioners for oaths. High st Bassett Edward, contractor. High st Bassett Stephen, carman, 23 Aynscomb angle BatC':i :'aml.. coal dlr .. Perry Hall rd Battiscombe & Smith, surgeons, High street Beckett Charles Stevenson, L.D.S. Eng., dental surgeon, Goodmead, High street * Bellmgham George, Bisii~g Sun, Anglesea road Best Caleb & Son, butchers, High st Betteridge Daniel, poultry farmer, Baldon Poultry farm, St.Peter·s rd Bidewell fly., genel 0.1smith,High st Bligh Francis, off licence, Bridge house, Crofton lane Board of Trade Labour Exchange, Lower road; hours 10 to 12 a.m. & 2 to 4 p.m. ; Sat. 12 to 2 p.m. t Bolton Mrs. Ada, masseuse, Tower rd Booth Mrs. M., florist, Station gates Boult Henry, schoolmaster, Chislehurst road Bowers Mrs. Ann. school, High st * Bridger James, beer ret .. Lower rd Brisley Wm., shopkpr., Poverest rd Bristow James, confectnr., High st Bruce Charles Leonard, newsagent, Chislehurst rd.& Station approach * BurgessW. G., auctionr., High at * Burgess W. G., Orpington Model laundry, Anglesea road Camp Ernest, insurance agent, 16 Ayncomb angle Cann Samuel Philip, confr., High st * Carlow Hy., news agt., Chelsfield rd Carlow Walter James, confectioner, 30 Aynscom bangle Carr Ernest, station master, Orpillgton, S. E. & C. R. Challen Alfred, gardener, Mayfield cottage, High street Champkins&Gray,outfitters, High st * Chapman Misses Mary & Fanny, laundresses, Anglesea road Cherrill Franh:, butcher, High street * Chark Frank, coal mer., Lower road * Clarke Wm., grocer, Wellington rd Clements Misses Sarah & Matilda, ft1ncy repository, Post Office, High street * Colll'Y Charles. supper bar, Kcntrd t Coak William H. Limited, poultry farm, Tubbendens lane Cooper Mrs. Annie, tbccnst., High st Cornish Frt'dk., confr., Anglesea rd Crafter Arthur, outfitter, High st Cros~ JJhn. builder, Broom hill Curtis Arthur Leopold, M.B., C.M. Edin., Burgeon, Norman 1:Jurst, Sevenoaks road Danns & Co.Cash Chemists, High st Dash Geo. Wm., bootma., High st Davies E. D., stationer, Moorfield rd * DeanLouis Alfd., beerret., Kent rd * Denton Saml., shopkpr ..8 Albert rd * Ditrolio Antonio, registered lodging house, Poverest road * Double Geo., butcher, Wellington rd * Driscoll Cornelius, shopkeeper, Bridge road, Fordcroft t Driver & Robertson Misses, school, The Georgian house, Tower road Eastman, Pierce & Eastman & Co., auctioneers, estate agents & surveyors, Station gates Edmed John and Son, grocer.3and drapers, High street Elton Edward Jn., butcher, High st Embleton Mrs. M.A., grocer, New rd Epsom & Martin, motor engineers, Chislehurst road * Farnell Joseph James, bootmaker, Albert road Farr!lnts Francis S.,chemist, High st Foster James, fly proprietor, High st * Fryer Jabez Thomas, baker, Wellington road Fulcher Charles George, architect & surveyor, Station gates * Gale Saml., pawnbroker, Kent row Gayfer William Duncan, watch maker, High street GeorgeChas.,Orpington poultry frm Gilbert Mrs. Alice, costumier, Canterbury villas, High street Glassup Horace Mumphord, R.P., A.R.s.I., builder & decoratr., High st * Goodenough Miss, grocer, Bridge road, Fordcroft * Goodhew Albert, foreman Metropolitan Water Board, Kent district, Bridge road, Fordcroft Goodwin James, grocer, High street * Greenslade Thos , tailr., Chelsfield rd Grimsley H. G., baker & confectioner, Wellington road * Grout Thomas. confctnr., Lower rd t Halfer Company Limited, color merohants, Sevenoaks road Harlow Thos., fruit grower,Skeet hill Harris George St, Pierre, A.R.I.B.A., arohitect and surveyor, Covert corner, Scads hill * Harris James, chimney sweep, St. Andrew's cottages, Lower road Hawkes Joseph, marine store dealer, Anglesea road * Heath George William, builder, 21 Anglesea road * Heath Percy, hoot repairer, Wellington road Hedgecock T. W., undertaker, Rogs house, High street & Chelsfield rd Heugh Miss M..A., nurse, 17 Elmfield road Higgins John Douglas, relieving & vaccination officer & collector to Bromley Guardians, registrar of births &, deaths. Orpington subdistrict & visitor under the Children Act 1908 for the No. 3 district, Bromley union, Corrie, Moorfield road Higgs Caleb Walter, coal & corn merchant, High street Higgs Mrs., farmer, Crofton Pound farm, Crofton road Hill Joseph, tobacconist, Crofton rd * Hislop Horace, bootmaker, Wellington road Hoar Thos.Cowley,cycle ma.,High at Hodge John Henry, solicitor & commissioner for oaths, High street Hodges Arthur Frank, greengrocer, Kent road Hodsall Frank S., dairyman, farmer and miller, Orpington Mill dairy, High street Howard Henry Blunt, barrister·atlaw, Bark Hart, Church Hill rd Howard James, builder, High street Howes MissesM. &A.,confectioners, High street * Hudson Thomas, farmer, Poverest Humphreys H. T., grocer, High st Hutchinson Thomas, photographer, 6 Aynscombend Irvin John, dental surgery, 2 Aynscomb end * Jenkins John Charles Darke, butcher, Lower road Jennings John Geo., The Cricketers, Chislehurst road [PH] Kebby Charles, hairdresser, High st Keech Miss M.,shopkeep0r, Chidehurst road Kemsley M:.& A., farmers, Town court, Crofton * Kimber William, wardrobe dealer, Wellington road King Brothers, dairymen, High st Knoll Go(r Clu1J (Orpington) Ltd., Knoll rise Knowler James N., bootmaker, Moorfield road Langridge Charles Herbert, gravel merchant, Lower road Lansdell Clarence H., draper, High st. & house furnshr.,Chislehurst rd Large Robert, plumber & builder, High street * Larking Miss Sophia, upholstrcss, 4 Bridge road, Fordcroft Lewis Guilford Edward, J.P., solicrtor & commissioner for oaths, Pine ridge, High street Ling 8amuel, pig breeder, Ramsden * Lintott Jas. E., bootma., Kent rd LONDON COUNTY & WESTMINSTER BANK LIMITED ( Arthur Vivian Faull, manager; E. G. Livermore, resident clerk), High st. See advertisement, page 27U Luck Hy. Wm., gro., Chislehurst rd McDowellJ. & R., wardrobe dealer, Chislehurst road McDowell James, marine store dlr., Chislehurst road * Mace Percy, confr., Wellington rd Manning Edgar A., corn dealer, Chislehurst road * Martin Albert Robert, coal dealer, Moorfield road & Station yard MARTINS BANK LIMITED (attendance from Chislehurst Mon. & Wed. 11 to 3 & Sat. 10 to 12), High street Masters William Frost, collector of King's taxes, Laro, Homefield rise May W., gardener, High street Metropolitan Water Board, Kent District Water Works-Fredk. Puckey Mewes Thomas C., assurance agent & parish clerk & verger, Riverhead lodge, High street Michaelis Maurice George, Crofton farm, Crofton lane Miles F. C., builders' merchant, High stred & Station yard Mitchell Arthur James, fruiterer, High street r.1UD!:::"S DINING & TEA ROOMS, tobacco & confectionery, minerals & ices, The Cyclists' rest, Chislehurst road Murrells Charles, domestic stores, High street Myra Madame, milliner,Moorfield rd * Nelson James & Sons, Limited, butchers, Chelsfield road Nelson Wm.,clerk to Parish Council, S Seaward villas, Moorfield road Nightingale Henry, sanitary inspector for No. 1 district, Bromley Rural District Council, Aintree, Moorfield road t Nuthall Robert, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., home for nerve patients, The Homestead, Tower road Orpington Picture Palace, Lower rd Page John, hairdresser, High street Parker Homce, tobacconist, Chislehurst road * Puvne Alfred, assistant insurance Sl~Pt. Cherry orchard, Lower road * Paync Arth., bootma.,Wellington rd Pearl Henry, grocer, Perry Hall rd Pearson James, beer retlr., High st Pipe Brothers, drapers, High street Price Charles Edwin, MR.C.s.Eng., L.R.c.p.Lond., physician & surgeon, Whyteleafe, Station road Reid George Rodhouse, LL.B., solr citor & commissioner for oaths, Gravelly croft, Crofton road Relph L., chimney clnr.,Wiltshire rd Renton Robert, M.B., physician & surgeon, Glenthorne, High street Richards George B., Maxwell hotel, Station road [PH] Rittman C. E., dairyman, High at Royal West Kent Regiment (4th Battalion) (Territorial Force) (F Co.) (Capt. F. B. Carlisle, com· manding; Sergeant Instructor, H. Wood) * Rudland Mrs. Susan, grocer, Wellington road Ryder Edward, Northumberland nurseries, Goddington lane t St. Ann's Orphanage (or Girls [Catholic] (Sisters of Mercy, in charge), Sevenoaks road t St. Joseph's Orphanans .for Boys [Catholic] (Rev. P. J. Murphy, supt.), Seven oaks road Salmon Brothers, firewood dealers, Chislehurst road Scott Benjamin, greengrocer, High st Seeley F. G., The Artichoke, High st *Shadc Chas., shopkpr. Poverost. rd Shannon Robert A., L.R.C.P., L.lII., L.R.C.S., L.S.A., surgn., Crofton rd * Slow Mark, shopkpr., Anglesea rd * Smith & Milroy Ltd., machinists, High street Smith W. H. & Sons, ncwsagents, Railway station Smith A. Tennyson, M.D., M.B., C.M., physn. and surgn. Shanklin ,High st * Smith George Saml., confr., Kent d Somerford & Son, builders, High st Stapley Wm.A.,ironmongr., High st * Steeden A., tailor, Anglesea road Stemp Ernest E., window cleaner, Wiltshire road Stemp Geo., greengro., Moorfield rd Stott & Co., stationers, High street Stringer Thomas, baker, High street Summers Henry, boot and shoe maker, High street * Taylor William Richard, builder & plumber, Anglesea road & High st * Terry Alfd., insur.agt., Anglesea rd ThomasJ ohn Warren, private school, Devonshire house, M.oorfield road Thorne Edwin Richard, undertaker, High street Thorne Mrs. Mary, dress ma., High st * Tiekner James Harry, Each Tree, Wellington road Tile Charles, farmer, Tubbenden la * Toovey Fredk., shopkpr., Lower rd Town & Sales, dress makers, The Birches, High street Townsend John, baker, High street Townsend Jn., buteher,Chislehurst rd Townsend Philip, printer, High at Treasure Brothers, builders and contractors, Crofton works, Crofton rd Tremain Frederick, furnishing ironmonger, High street Turner A. J., dyer, High street * Turner Albt.,grngro., Wellington rd Tyler Richd.,watchma.,Moorfield rd Tyrer Frank A., coal and coke merchant, Station gates Victor Motor Works, Station gates Vinson Ronald, farmer and hop grower, Court Lodge farm Wale Harry George, wheelwright and smith, High street * Walker Frederick, butcher, 2 Bridge road, Fordcroft Walton Miss, private nursing home, Falkland lodge, High street Waterman ·Walter, beer ret., High st Weeden W., jobmaster, High street Welfare L. C., M.R.C.V.S., veterinary surgeon, High street (calls daily) Weller M., art needlework and stationer; depot, High street * Welstead Jamps, wood dealer, Wellington road White James, fruit grower, Shanklin cottage, Crofton road Whitebread Joseph, grocer, High st * Whitehcad Stanley Lome, beer retailer, Kent road * Whiting Harry Lawrence, insuranee agent, 19 Poverest road Wiles C. A., upholsterer, High st t Williams W. A., A.R.l.n.A., architect, Copper Beeches, Tower road Wood W. R., fishmonger, High st Woodgate John, farmer, Crofton Old farm, Crofton lane World's Stores Ltd., gros., High st Yeates Edmund, harness maker, Chislehurst road Yeates Leonard, hosier,Moorfield rd Young Thos., blacksmith and farrier, Priory forge, Aynscomb angle
TELEPHONES :-SHORTLANDS-BROMLEY, 331. TOOTING-P.O. WIMBLEDON, 215. CATFORD-LEE GREEN, 1087. HOLLOWAY-HORNSEY, 960. . SMALLBON E'S STORES FOR HIGH-CLASS GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, Wines, Spirits and Beers. CROSSE & BLACKWELL'S . . . PICKLES, SOU ps, SOUP TABLETS, POTTED MEATS, MALT VINEGAR, JAMS, JELLIFS, AND MARMALADE ARE ALWAYS KEPT IN STOCK AT Sl.VJ:ALLBONE"§ STORES .. 65, 77 & 79, BECKENHAM LANE, A'tD=m SHOBTLANDS, KENT. Coal Depot: RAVENSBOURNE STATION, S. E. & C. Rly. BRANCHES: 189, Rushey Creen, Catford, S.E. ; 86, Ennersdale Road, Hither Creen, S.E.; 135 & 153, Franciscan Road, Tooting Common, S.W.; 13, Bedford Hill, 76, Hearnville Road and 62 & 62a, Tantallon Road, Balham, S.W.; 96, St. John's Road, Upper Holloway, N. Orders collected and Goods promptly delivered by own Carts in Shortlands, Bromley, Beckenham and vicinity daily. POST CARDS AND ORDERS BY TELEPHONE RECEIVE IMMEDIATE ATTENTION.


N.B. - Shortlands Private and Commercial Residents are included in Beckenham Private and COIUUlerciallists respectively, and marked with *. Letters to be addressed "Shortlands, Kent." SHORTLANDS is a purely residential neighbourhood, situate midway between Bromley and Beckenham, though for most parochial pur· poses identified with Beckenham. It is in the rural deanery of Bromley and diocese of Rochester. It was known as Clay Hill till some fifty years ago, and it is since that date (1863) that its houses, almost without exception, have sprung up. There is station on the South Eastern and Chatham Railway, and a line to London via Nunhead, opened 1892, has given Shortlands a greater importance. St. Mary's Church was built by the family of the late W. A. Wilkini'>on, Esq.; the living is ill the gift of Miss E. M. Wilkinson, and is held by the Rev. Herbert Theodore Knight, M.A., of Exeter Uollege, Oxford. The church was enlarged during the year 1888. Shortlands was the birth-place of Grote (born 1794, died 1861). The Metropolitan Water Board have a pumping station here. The Fire station is in Station road. Post, Telegraph and Money Order Office, 94 Beckcllham lane, Shortlallds. F. J. Barnett, Sub-Postmaster. Letters de· spatched at 5.25, II, 10.15 and 10.55 a.m. and 12.15, 1.55, 4.10, 5.55,8 and 9.t5 p.m. Sundays, 5.50 p.m. Open for telegrams from l:la.m. to 8 p.m. Sundays & Ballk Holida ..s clOsed. Pillar Boxes. - Bromley Road: 5.30,8,30,9.50, 10.30 and 11.45a.m.and 1.30, 3.45, 5.30, 7.30 and 9.20 p.m. Sundays, 5.2.j p.m.- Heckenham Grove: 5.40, 8.40, 9.55. 10.35 and 11.50 a.m. and 1.35, 3.liO,5.35, 7.35 and 9.10 p.m. Sundays, 5.30 p.m. -Kingswood Road (Pillar Letter Box): 5.50, 8.1')0,10.5 & 10.45a.m. and 12.5, 1.45, 4, 5.45, 7.45 and 9 p.m. Sundays 5.40 p.m.- Kingswood Road (WaIl Letter Hox) : 5.55, 8.55, 10.10 and 10.50 a.m. and 12.10, ViO, 4.5, 5.50, 7.;jO and 9.5 p.m. Sunday~, 5.45 p.m.- Scott's Lane (Pi! ar Letter Box): 5.g, 8.45 and 10.30 a.m. and 1 30, 4, 5.30 ailll 8.4'i p.m. SUI day, 5.3" p.m.- Shortlands Railway Station ( oN all Lett~r Hox) : 5.30, fl, 10.15 and 10.55 a.m. and 12.15, 1.5'>,4.10,5.55.8 and !J.25p.m. sundays, 5.50 p.IJJ.-Shortlallds Grove: 5.45, 8.45, 10 and 10.10 a.m., 12 noon and 1.40, 3.55, 5.40, 7.40 and 9.5 p.m. Slmdays, 5.35 p.m. Ravensbourne Avenue (lamp post): 8.20, 9.40 and 11.35 a.m. and 1.20 4, ii.20, 7.20 and 8.40 p.m. Sundays, 5.20 p.m. Commislioners to Administer Oaths-James Robert Cardew-Smith, Hiidenhurst, 5 Park Hill road; Henry Hughes, Glengowan, 8 Park Hill road Public Telephone Cull Offices, ShortlandsRail· way station and Shortlands Post Office j{etropolttan Water BOllrd, Kent District, Valley road, Shortlands-~Athur Page, el1gineer in charge Shortlands Fire Station, Station road, Short lands-Frederick Charles Ellis. fireman ill charge; FireAlurm, BromllIY rd.Shortlands Shortland. ~ Valley Working Men's Club, 9 Shortlands viIIas, Station rd.-Harry Coles, sec. .Beckenhllm Ladies' (Joll Club, Ravensbourne avenue, Shortlands-Miss Byron, Wye· field, 4 The Knoll, Beckenham, hon. sec. Valley Lawn Tennis Club; ground, Ravensbourne avenue


St. Mary's Church. - Rev. Herbert Theodore Knight, M.A., ~t. Mary's vicarage, Kingswood road, vicar; Rev. Mansel Reginald Peaco~k, M.A., 16 Valley road, curate; E. W. Maples and R. J. Morrish, church wardens; M. Kingston, 18 Queen's Mead road, Bromley, organist.-Times of Service: Litany 7.45 a.m.; on 2nd Sunday at noon also; Matins and t::ermon 11 a.m. ; Sundays, Holy Communion at 8 a.m,; 011 2nd Sunday 7 a.m.; and 1st and 3rd Sunday 12 noon. E~cnsong and Sermon 6.30 p.m.; Week Days, Matins at 10 a.m.; Litany, Friday at 11.45 a,m.; Saints' Days, Holy Communion 7.20 a.m. or if Friday 7.30 a.m, antl12 noon St. Mary's Church Mission Room, Ridley road (in counection with St. Mary's).- Sunday Services: Mission Service at 7 p.m. St. Mary', Parish Room, Valley road . Shortlands Congregational Church Rev. Arthur Edward Abel, 39 Baring road, Lee, minister. Sunday Services: 11 a.m, and 6.30 p.m; Sunday School, 3 p.m. Meeting for Women, Monday 3 o'clock; Service, Thursday 7.30 p.m.; alternatE' Mondays, Band of Hope at 1.30 o'clock
A. MOORE, R.P.C., BUILDER 4lJeco'Cato 23, Brornley Cardens, BROMLEY. Kitcheners overhauled and repaired at shortest notice. Boilers cleaned out by contract or otherwise. PLUMBING &. HOT WATER WORK A SPECIALITY. ESTIMATES given for Alterations and Decorative Work of any description. Sanitary Surveys and Cleaning by Contract. write for Prospectus. Competent Workmen and best materials only employed. Charges moderate. STOVES, RANGES, DRAINS, ELECTRIC BELLS, Etc.( A TRIAL EARNESTLY SOLICITED .. SHORTLANDS S

SHORTLANDS & DISTRICT House and Estate Agency Offices. And 56. East Street, BROMLEY.


Auctioneers, Surveyors, Valuers and Estate Agents, Opposite Railway Station (S. E. & C. RJ, SHORTLANDS, Kent. Phone-1595 and 338 BRODILEY. Rents Collected and Property efficiently managed. Valuations for Estate Duty and other purposes. Mortgages arranged on approved Secul'ities. Businesses Sold. Assessment Appeals. ~ HOUSE HUNTERS are invite.d to zend 'for .Free List oi" all available Properties to Let or 'for Sale in the Neighbourhood


N.B.- Shortlands Private and Commercial Residents are included in Beckenham Private and Commercial lists respectively, and marked with *. Letters to be addressed Shortlands, Kent.

Beckenham Grove.

Left hand-From Shortlands Road. Christopherson Rev. Canon Brian, :M.A. 11 Seifert Otto R. 11 Thirkell Arthur, Courtfie,ld 13 Garrard Edward Joseph 15 Beard Miss, The Cottage 17 Hale William A., Lyndhurst 19 Maw George, M.H.C.R., L.R.C.P. Land., physician & surgeon, Coningsby 25 Reynolds Daniel, Morden lodge 27 Johnson Mrs. G. W. M. 29 Thompson H. Raymond ......... here is Scott's Lane ..... Cross and Return. 24 Steinberg Paul. St. A ubyns 22 Zimmermann Mrs. Maurice Pillar Letter Box ......... here is Park Hill Road ...... 16 Peacock Mrs., Nervion 12 Gill Frank 10 Ogilvie Mrs. 8 France Arthur J. 6 Lewis James W. 4 Stahlschmidt Augustus

Beckenham Lane, Shortlands.

See Beckenham Lane, Bromley, page 155.

Bromley Gardens.

See Bromley Street Directory.

Bromley Grove.

Left Hand Side - From Shortlands road. 1 Grose Fr'ls. 'Wellington, Cambria 5 White William 7 Grantham Augustus G. Thornbury 9 Harwood Benjamin H. CrOSS and return. 26 Toone Samuel, Bis H., Le Snewth 22 MacCallum J. Rae 20 Graves Boydell 18 Reall Alfred vYiIliam 14 Bavlis Stannard. Cullendeall 12 Tu'dor Edwilrd S .. Ro"thwuite 10 Ponder Mrs. L. M.. Holmwood 8 Peacocke W. Tully, Lynton 4 Irvine Samuel 2 Fletcher Halold S., Woodlands

Bromley Road.

Left Hand Side-from Shortlands Station. ...... here is Shortlands road ....... 172 Knight Jfl's. liO Rawlefl Gilbert 168 Gray Geurge, Fiona 166 Woodhouse Mrs Hilary, Ingleside 162 VlInhouse Jobn Marsh, St. Valery 160 Schonlank Alfred ...... here is Park Hill road . ......... here is ...,'cott'.,'a.l'en({c ......... 158 Klaber Albert, Shortlands bouse Ball James Robert, (lodge of) Shortland~ house i56 Parham Joseph Henry, Fransfield 154 Kimpton Franl, Egerkn . Higncote 152 Mansell Ernest William, Holmcroft 150 Doust Challes Henry Fire Alarm. ......... here is Scott's Lane F0r continuation see Beckenham DirectorY· cross and return. ...... here is iJown's Bridge Road ..... 81 Gingell John. The Elms 83 Adams Mrs. Thomas, The Oaks 85 Simpson Misses. Thuresby 87 Austin 'Naiter George ......... here is Albemarle Road ....... , 89 Uridge Isaac !11 GaUlltlett Mayur Frederic IVaN Lettf'?, Rux 93 Klinkhardt Julius, The Homestead 95 .larrnaill William A, thnr. Clovelly 97 McClellan Cupt .Ferdinand Ewing 99 Stead James Li"ter. Ban»vie 101 Galbraith William Hugh James IOn Bryant James H" nurseryman & florist, Shortlands nurseries IJuwrellce James WID., coal mer.

Church Road.

Left hand Side-From Kings Wood Road. 20 Muirhead Alexander, D.SC., F.R.S., The Lodge 18 Hawke John Anthony. Hazelwood 16 Thomas Edwin 14 Valentine Algernon L. W., Culverlands 12 Davit'S Rev. John Ossian [Congregationull 10 Dowling Gt'orge 8 Tomlin A, thur J. 6 Carter Arnuld, solicitor 4 Williams Thos Robert, Arnold 10 2 Young Heury, Norton ......... here is Shortlands road ......... CrOSs and return. 1 Addiscott Francis 5 Daffield Frederick H., St. Oswald's 7 Ty leI' Arthur

Den Road.

Right Side - From Kingswood Road to Shortlauds Road. Burlgett Henry Brogden, Hazeldene Martin Henry, Hazeldene stables Cross and return. Larson Lars, Veryl Coppice Joslin George, Woodside stables

Hayes lane SCOTT'S LANE.

For Names see Beckenham Directory

Kingswood Road.

Left Side - From Valley Road. ...... here is 1.1fay's Hill road Wall Letter Box Knight Rev. Herbert Theodore. M.A, [vicar of St. Mary's, Shortlands], St. Mary's Vicarage St. MarY's Church 3 Scargill-Bird Samuel Robert ......... herc is SOllthillIill road ...... Zimmermann Chas., Kingswood ho. 11 Tinkler Joseph, Kingswood cot Cross and return. 14: Tapp Arthur March, The Gables Porter I., (stables of) The Gables Wilson Cornelius Wilcox, Woodside Pillar Letter Box ............ here is Den road ............ Roper Thomas Frederic, Oak lodge 10 Western George A., Ravensbourne 8 Cook William Wilson, Oakhurst 6 Thomas Joseph William, F.r.e., F.e.S., Overdale .... '.... here is CltUrClt road Arter-Bourne Mrs., Lascelles FawellMrs., Mayfield Drysdale A. T., Chiculda

May's Hill Road.

Left Side - From Shortlands Road. 1 Pierson William Edward, Libiola 3 Fry Charles R., Little Holt ;; Mudge Miss, Fairbank 7 Cochrane Mrs. FitzRoy ......... here is Kingswood road ......... 11 Loch August, Lochhnrst ......... here is Valley road ...... Cross and return. 26 Selby H. J.. The VaIn 24 Atkinson Ernest George 22 Churchill .John, Fircroft 18 Unwin Edward, The Mount 16 Harvey :Mrs.. Kingswood 14 Panter Ch:ls. E., The Hawthorns ......... here is KingsWood road ......... () DeirHeI H. L. 4 :Mac Leay Mrs. M.

Oakwood Avenue - SCOTT'S LANE.

For Names soe Beckenham Directory.

Park Hill Road.

Left Side - From Bromley Road. 8 Hughes Henry, Glengowan 6 Johns Andrew, Glencoe 4 Earnshaw A. J., Tantallon 2 Hodgson Henry Hill, Escote Cross and return. Pillar Letter Box Baker Charles Edmund, Park Hill lodge 1 Baker Evelyn,solr.,Park Hill lodge 5 Cardew-Smith James Robert, solicitor & commissioner for oaths, Hildenhurst 7 Housden Robert, Heronden 9 Salkeld Mrs., Melmerby Harding James A., Castlerae Eglington William, Park hill ho.

Ravensbourne Avenue.

Right Side-from Beckeuham Lane . 2 l'ltnnmer George Alfred 10 Filby Edmund, Fernbank 12 Ennor Henry M., Easthorpe 14 Barnes Francis, Haslemere 16 Williams George H. 18 Marl' Edward, Marleigh 20 Scutt Arthur William 22 Cattermole John ·W. 24 Hennah Mrs. B. 28 Dawson Henry John 30 Goodway Cephas Clifford Bryant .James D., nurseryman & florist Valley Lawn Tennis Ol1tb (ground) 48 Ingoldby Mrs. 39 Bispham Charles 52 Thompson Heury Frank 5G Lamb Henry 58 Bride Arthur John, Crofton 60 Thompson Bernard 62 Soost J. HenrY 64 Daley Mrs. J ..C. G6 Belcher Harold H. 68 Bidder S. G. 70 Pratt Sidney Samuel Lamp post Letter Box 88 Martin Harry L. 90 Barry Frederick Herbert 92 Ashby Herbert Charles 94 Marler J ohll Henry Beckenham Ladies Golf Club Miss Byron, hon. sec, 108 Read Alfred William 110 Hawkins Percy W. 112 Farquhar Misses, Cavenham 116 Thomas Mrs., Brodick 118 Sharland Henry 124 Watt George Edwin 126 Wilson Arthur 128 Hamilton Mrs. E. A. 130 Critchley Jas. ~idney, Hosegarth 132 De Buriatte Edgar 134 Hands Edgar F. V. ......... here is Farnaby road ...... Cross and return. ...... here is Crab Hill leading to Ravensbourne Station S. E. & C.Ry. ...... here is Down's Hill ......

Scott's Avenue.

Left-hand Side-From Bromley Road to Scott's Lane. 1 Hellyer Raymond S. 3 Peery Richard G. 5 Cobb Henry Frederick, Gar.ston 7 Bayley William A., Bryutirion 9 Grant Alexander B., Cranleigh 11 Stahl Arthur, Felsted cottage 13 Bluen Louis, The Knoll 15 Albrecht Aken, Fonthill 17 Norgate Rev. Theodore Tracey, L.Th., F.R.G.S., F.R.Hist.s. 19 Blanch Herbert 27 Medcalf Edward F., Nokhroy 29 Catterson Robert Edward 31 Price Harrv 33 Herbert OWen, Trimley 35 Clark Alfred Norwell W. 41 Howard Edgar, Waxham Cross over and return. 26 Hewlett Vivian C., !{p,nilworth 24 Rayment Miss, Romsdal 14 Frttnkis George 4 Creswick Paul, The Haven 2 Steven~ Frederick, Pickerage

Scott's Lane

Left Side - From romley Road to Shorllands Road & Hayes Lane. ...... here is Scott's avenue ...... 1 Bowtell Ebenezer Gad 3 Beatson Mrs. 5 Maddox Percy, The Hollies ...... here are Beckenham and Bromley groves 7 Bathurst Miss, Bcachieigh 7A Bailey Octavius ...... here io Shortlands ...... 9 Speyer Arthur A., Birchwood 11 Oakes Alfred William D., Knockwood 13 Miles Matthew, Netherfield ...... here is Shortlands road ....... Cross and returm. ............ here is Hayes lane ............ Pillar Letter Box 82 Robertson David, Belsize 80 RogersFrederick Howard,Wavency 78 Reichwaid Ii;dward Ernest, Merok 76 Cobb Mrs. Romney 74 Perkins William, Normandie 72 Lord John Goodsir, M.A., Lucania 70 Cobb Frank, St. Margaret's ..... here is Stanley avenue ......... 62 Stone W. Bayford, M.A., Tenby 60 Uowen George, Heathfield 58 Lovell Egertoll Charles, Massilia ..... here is Oakwood avenue ......

Shortlands Grove.

Left Side - From Shortlunds road to Scott's lane. Brown Miss, Brantwood 3 Brown E. J erard, Coniston 5 Berry Charles William 9 Reitmeyer Oalburn Robert 11 Maples: K William, LL.D. 13 Neal Miss, Holly lodge 15 Morrish Reginald Jas., Pinewood 17 Burls Sir Edwin Grant-, knt., e.S.I., Thornlea If) Elliott Mrs. M. C., Mellifont Cross and return. 14 Lloyd Mrs., Oakfield 12 Lucas Rev. Canon W. H., I1I.A., Aspenden 6 Kendall Misses, school for girls, .Raymont fj Kendall John George, Raymont Pillar Lettfr Box

Shortlands Road.

Left Hand Side - From Bromley road. Shortlands Station, S. JiJ. 9' C R. Telelphone Call Office WIIll Letter Box Smith W. H. & Son, bookstall Bowles Frederick, station master, Ivynook ......... here is Valley road ...... Hawke Edwarn. D. H., physician & surgeon, Tohrulla ...... here is May's lli1l road ..... Courtnay Willittlll.Hurland lo.(stahles) ...... here is Church road ...... 7 Gray Alexander 13 Elli~ Misses. Sf. Ives 15 Hillyer Mrs., LvnCloft 17 Hastings Juhn. Twyneham 19 D\ kes Alfred Herbt" St. Swithin's 21 Martin Miss L. R. 25 Ayden Mr~. ............ here is Dell road Cross and return. 52 Clements Albert Charles, The Curner house 8 Ransom Peter A., The Cottage 42 D,"nce Alexander H., Durley Deue 40 Zimmerl/lann Max. The Pines 38 Clark Charles Douglas,jun.,Achray ...... here is Shortlands grove . Pillar Letter box 36 Whitlock Flank Wallace ......... here is Broley grove ......... ...... here is Beckenham Grove ...... 32 Lf'on rd P. D. 30 Knowlps Frank 28 Heathcote· Hacker :Mrs, 21 Agar Hubert 21 B, all Huward E. 22 P.:nt1and ~liss, Elmhurst 20 Dillun Ed waru Weutworth 18 Moure George John. Thornhurst U Abel James -I: Harwuu,1 .Joseph 2 Ashton Jo~eph Percy, Ashleigh

Shortlands Villas.

See Station road. Stanley A venue-Seo'fT'" LANE. For Names see Beckenham Directory.

Station Road,

From Beckenham Lane. (/(]blll(Jn'.~ SI,elter Shortlands Fire Station Frederick Charles Ellis, fireman in charge ......... here is "J1art-i/l.'.~ road ......... Shortlands Tavern, Ned Maynard [PH] SHORTLANDS VILAS. 1 Rrynolds Mrs, lauudry 2 Pt'nllicott Francis Edwd., carman 3 Rhodes William 4 ;-;lIli,h .Joseph 5 Green John n (ireen George 7 Kenward George, laundry 9 Shortlulid" T"nlll"lJ Wol'1til/!J Jlen',¥ ('lllh--Har~y Coles, sec. 10 Burt Mrs. E .. laundry ...... here is fclueen's l11ead road ...... Valley Road. left hand Bide From Hhortlf111ds RO[lll. Sf. ,1/((}'I/',\' PfTri.¥/1 UIIOIII Loch Rudolf, Torrington Punch Miss May thorn Netropolitan Wafer Board, Kent tlisf}'id-Engineer in charge. Arthur P,lge ...... here is footbridge to QUt'lm'8 J1Iearlrrl. Cross and return. ......... here are JJa:Irs IIiZZl'oard,~" Kingsw:ood road..... , ... 20 Eden Charles 16 Peacock Rev. Mansel Reginald, 1I1 A. [curate of St. Mary, Shortlands] 12 Fry Huhert Gerald. Trenton 8 Hull Miss, Sunnyside 6 Wailing Stephen 4: Wailing George


Isa village, s 14 miles from London, 5 from Bromley, 10 from Scvcuoab and about 7 from Dartford, in the North Western Division of the county, hundred of Ruxley, lathe of Sutton-at-Hone, rural deanery of Bromley and diocese of Roche8ter. The High Street is a long and narrow thoroughfare, which is rather picturesque to the eye. The church of St. Mary is a very ancient edifice. buut of stones and flints, and has a tower with spire, cont",ining a dock and six bells. It was restored at a cost of £1,500. The register dates from 1549. The living is in the gift of the Bishop of Rochester, and is held by the Rev. E. Ball, A.K.C. The Temple, built for the Congregationalists as a place of worship by the late W. Joynson, Esq., is a noble looking building, seating 900 persons. The Rev. W. Lewis, formerly of Portsea, is the pastor, having been appointed in 1888. There is also a Romali. Catholic Church in the village, erected in 1SU5. The Mission was originally founded by Monsignor Goddard, and is dedicated to St. Joseph. The church affords accommodation for over 200 ,~oriihippers. The Rev. Francis Ellis is in charge of the mission. There is an excellent Volunteer Fire Brigade, under the superintendence of Mr. H. S. H£'uth. The Literary Institute and Reading Room is near the Temple Church, and was enlarged in 1887 in recognition of Queen Victoria's Jubilee. The Police Station is in the High Street. The population at the census (1911) was 1,857. The area is 2,028 acres; the rateable value £2a,735. There is a station on the S. E. & C. Railway, situ!J,te at the north end of the village. The large paper mills of Messrs. W. Joynson & Son adjoin the railway and give employment to about 700 persons. New nnd commodious Sunday Schools are situated at the side of the Temple, having been built at a cost of £3,300. The Council Endowed Schools were rebuilt in l!HO. St. Mary Cray possesses a Parish Council. The following charities a.rc available for residents in St. Mary eray :-- Withen's Educational Foundation, providing for exhibitions in schools other than elementary; Governors, Sir William Hart Dyke, bart., E. Vinson, ,J.P., C.c., .J. C. Pillman, J.P.,c.c., Rev. E. Ball, A.K.C. (elt-officio), J. Goodwin, Atherton Berens and George Ogburn; Clerk, Thomas Beeton, Corner house, Church avenue, Sidcup. Hart &. Manning, Pension Charity; Hon. Clerk, C. E. Clarke. Moyser's Charity and Sparrow's Charity j Hon. Chairman, Rev. E. Ball, A.X:.C


Albert Moore, Sub-Postmaster. Letters delivered at 7.15 a.m., 2.15 and 6.45 p.m. Sundays 7.30 a.m. Despatched at 9.30 a.m., 11.4.5, 2.20, 5.55, 9.15 and 9.50 p.m.; Sundays 0.30 p.m. Parcel Post Despatches 10.30 a.m. 2.10 and 8 p.m. Letter and Parcel Post 10 Bromles direct, 2.30 p.m. Letter amI Parcel Post to Orpington direct, 10.30 a.m. and 9.1.3p.m. Open for Telegrams from 8.0 a.m. to 8 p.m. Sundays from 8.30 to 10.0 a.m. Belgrave Sub-Office-Alfred J. Sheene, sub· postmaster; collections 8.30 and 10.45a.m., 1.15,4.30 and 8.30 p.m. :';ullliays 5 p.m. PILLAr Box at Hockenden, cleared at 8.10 l1.m., :3.50aud 7.40 p.m. Sundays 8.10 a.m. PILLAR Box at Birchwood, cleared l1t 8 a.m. 3.45 and 7.30 p.m. Sundays 8 a.m. WALL Box at Derry Downs, cleared at 9 a.m., and 2.45 and 7 p.m. Sundays 8 a.m. WALL Box at Kevil1ton, cleared at 7.30 a.m., 3.1.'jand 7.50 p.m. Sundays 7.30 a.m. PILLAR Box at Railway Station, cleared at 8.25 and 11.1& a.m., 1.3;;, 3.0 and 8.25 p.m. Sundays 5.W p.m. PTLLAR .Box in Church Wall, cleared at 9.0 a.m. and 11.30, 2.0, 5.GO and !UO p.m. Sundays at 5.55 p.m. WALL Box, Lower Road, cleared at 8.0 & 10.45 a.m., 1.15, 4.1,3 & 8.15 p.m. Sun· days 5 p.m. WALL BOx, Catholic Church, cleared at 8.3u and 11.0 a.m. and 1.15, 4.30, 8.30 al111 9.30 p.m. Sundays 5 p.m. Public Telephone (exchange and public call olllce)-Viaduct House, High street, Police Station - High Street, William Childs, sergeant-in-charge. District Councillors-R.H.Strouts & Atherton Berens. Guardians-R. H. Strouts & Attcrton Berens. Overseers-F. Stanger, H. S. Heath and Henry Taylor. Assistant Overseer and Collector of RatesThomas Beeton, Corner house, Church avenue, Sidcup. Assessor and Collector and King's Taxes William :b'rost Jl.!asters,Laro, Homefield rise, Orpington, Metropolitan Water Board (Kent district)- H. E. Spencer, collector, attends at 77 Station road, Sidcup, Weullesdays 11 a.lU. to 1p.m. Relieving Officer and Registrm' of Births and Deaths-John DouglaR Higgins, Corrie, Moorfield road, Orpington. Council Schools - A. W. Webster, B.SC. (ECOn.) Lond., master; W. G, Rushton, F.R.H.f'., assistant master. Catholic Schools.-Miss Lilian O'Brien. Parish Counci1-J. Goodwin (chairman), Geo. :Matclmm, E. H. Joynson, Frank Stanger, H. S. Heath, G. Dow, A. Berens, G. Ogburn and J. Jones. Clerk, Thomas Beeton, Corner house, Church .av. Sidcup.


St. IlIai'll.' Church - Rev. E. Ball, A.K.C. viear; Rev. Jn. Thomas Cook, B.A.curate; Ralph Beard, clerk & ~exton. The Temple Congregational Church-Minister, Rev. W. Lewis. Roman Catholic Church Priest, Rev. Francis Ellis. Railway Station (S. E. & C.), W. J. Davis, station master. . Literary Institute awl. Reading Rooms-Mrs. E. Packman. librarian; William Botting, secretary. Open from 10 a.m. till 10 p.m. daily, Sundays excepted. Crays and Orpington Liberal and Radical Association-High street. Volunteer nre Brigade-H. S. Heath, Capt.; eugine house, Station road, opposite the lUacl.: Boy. Hose carts at Chelsfield, Pratt's Bottom, Green·Street-Green and North Cray. Keys kept I1t poliee station. Carriers to London - Pickfords Ltd., Carter, Paterson and Co. and London Parcel Delivery 00.


Ancient Order of Forester's - Court "Foresters Glory," No. 2242, held at the Blue Anchor. Secretary, F. Smallwood, High street, St. Paul's Cray. Juvenile Foresters - George Dow, Secretary. Ancient Order of Shepherds-Held at the Five Bells. Secretary, F. Smallwood, High street. St, Paul's Cray. . Odd Fellows·-"Pride of Kent Lodge," No.2764v, Beech Tree, Wellington Road. Secretary, Alfred Sheene, Belgrave Post Office, High st. Odd Fellows (Female) -William Bennett, Sec. Odd Fellows (Juvenile )-George Eldridge. Sec. Sons and the Phcenix-" Rose of Sharon Lodge," meets at Temple Sunday Schools monthly; W. H. Davis, Secretary,


The Parish Councillors constitute the Cemetery Committee, which meets in the Board Room at the Cemetery, at 8.30p.m., on the 2nd ~monday in the first month of each quarter. Chairman, G. Ogburn. Clerk and Registrar - Thomas Beeton, Corner house, Church avenue, Sidcup. Superintendent - George Bennett. Cemetery-Star Lane. ,501lt;/ Suburban Ras Co.-- Wilfred Yastell ,sec


Private Residents.

Arthur Charles, Sennocke cottage, Derry Downs Ball Rev. E., A.K.C., The Vicarage Barrett Alfred 'William, Rosemount, Derry Downs Battiscombe Christophel' George, M.B., C.M.,Rowlands Bennion John Menlove, M.A., M.D. camb., M.R.C.S.Eng.,L.R.C.p.Lond. Sandlings, High street Berens Atherton, Childs, Kevington Berens Richard B., J.P., Kevington Boorne John Henry, Snmmer's wood, Derry Downs Brenchley Thomas W., Crayville, Derry Downs Brewer George, Wlelrose, Derry Downs Brooker MRs, Spring hall Buster William Lane, Rosecroft cottage, High street Clark Frederick William, Cyprus villa, Derry Downs Clarke Mr8., Orpington house Cook Hev. John Thomas, B.A. [curate], 3 Bath villas, High st Cooper Ernest,Thelvies, Dcrry Downs Cooper Fdk., Myrtlc vil.,DerryDowns Dad swellHy., Pinewood, Derry Downs Delapre Madame, Waldenhurst Dolan Mrs., Fern lodge, Derry Downs Ellis Rev. Francis [Catholic], The Presbytery Epsom Henry William, Hawkhurst, Derry Downs Evans James, Sunnymead, Derry Downs Fearnley Ray, The Hayes, Derry Downs Figg Rd. The Hollies, Hockenden Figgess Thomas, The Anchorage, Derry Downs Fulcher Mrs., The Cottage, Kent rd Gason Chas., l~ash vils., Derry Down Hall William Henderson, Springfield, Derry Downs Harris Miss, Claremont house, Derry Do wns HasweilF .R., TheMount, Derry Downs Hawes Leonard, Lyndon cottage, Derry Downs Higgins Samuel, Belgrave viI., Derry Downs Higgs Caleb Walt., Rosecroft, High st Hutchins Mrs. Danehurst, Derry Downs Ingarfill Geo., Locksley, Derry Downs James Louis Edward, Hughenden, Derry Downs Lancaster George W., The Rookery, High street Lane Edwin, Lynton, Derry Downs Lane William Richard, Westwood, Derry Downs Lewis Rev. William [Congregational], Parsonage, Derry Downs Marsh James, Viaduct ho., High st Mervin Moses, Kentho., High street Miller F. L., Little Hockenden Marum John Samuel, Ellerslie, Derry Downs Nott Alfl'ed, Park villa, Derry Downs Ogburn George, The Elms, High st Phillips Miss, Gisborne, Derry Downs Rickard Elisba, North bank, Derry Downs Sunders John Gower, Effingham 10 Shadwell Miss, Ivyuenc. Derry Downs Smallwood Robert. Mill house Smith William Richard. Elmdene, Derry Downs Snelling Miss, Iddc~lei:!'h, Derry Downs Spearing John King, Ho!-'e villa, Derry Downs Spearing William .James, Hurstclale, Derry Downs Strachan Herbert, Glenwood, Derry Downs Street Geo .. Beech vil. Derry Downs Strouts Robert H., Belgrave place, High Rtreet Stubbs William, Oranbrook house, High street Swain Mrs., Oakdenc, Derry Downs Tapsell Wm., Hawthol'llC: villa, Derry Downs Thompsen William, The Cottage, High street Thompson William, Lime villa, Derry Downs Vel del' 3IrB.2 .Nash vils. Derry Down Wehster A. W., B.SC., Ellestree, Derry Downs Weller M.n;., Morvem;tow, Derry Downs Wilkinson Harry, Hockenden lodge Williams Henry, Fernside, Derry DOwns Wright CharIes Frederick John, Melilla. Derry Downs Wycherl~y Sidney, Holly lodge, Derry Downs


Artificial Teeth Co., High street Bailey & Bennion, Burgeons, Sandlings, High street Baird J., farmer, Little Hockenden Battiscombe &, Bmil h, snrgeons, Rowlands Beard Ralph, clerk & sexton Bell Mrs. E., dining rooms, High st Beer Walter, plumber and ironmonger, High street Bennion John Menlove, M.A., M.l? camb., 1.LR.c.S.Eng. ,L.R.c.p.Lond. physician & surgeon, Sandlings, High street Bingley A1fred John. grocer, High st. B1ackman Albert, boot rerr.High s1, Boyce Fred, hairdresser, High street Briggs Fred. clothier, High street, BrOwning William. printcr, Broadway Burton Ernest, confectnr., High st. Chatfio-·lcl Ambrose, boot stores~ High street Childs William, Sergeant in charge, Police stlltion, High street CLARKE! E. &. SON LIMITED, printers, stationers, bookbinders,& :c.. High street Cleaver Hy. Thos ..grocer. Birchwood Cleaver Thomas, butcher, High st. Clifton William John, beer retailer, High street Coleman Frederick, boot & shoe maker, Mearlow road Chantlel' C. W., nurseryman, Cockmannings Cook W. & Rons, poultry hreeders & exhibitors. Orpington house Cooney F., dining rooms, High street Court Frederick, tobacconist, High st Cracknell JII., watchmaker, High st Crawley Thos., fishmonger, High "t Crays & Orpington Liberal & Radical Association, High street Urowhurst Fredk. C., market gardener Crowburst Miss Kate. teacher of music. The Farm Davis W. J., station master, St. Mary Cray station Dewberry Geo., shopkeeper, High sf. Dispatch Boot Repairing & Leather Co., High street Dow Geo., bee keeper, Chelsfield Ia Driscoll C., confectioner, High st Ellard Mrs. Mary Ann. col1fr., High st. Elmes Frederick, Nurseryman, High st Esdaile Fredk. Jas., draper, High st. FiggeBs Herbert, farmer, Hockendcn Gilbert Richard, sign writer, High at Goodenouth Chas., confctnr., High st Goodwin Jas, grocer, & c., High st. Haines Mrs., farmer. Crouch farm Harlow Thos., Derry Downs nurseries Harman Francis, tobacconist & ;onfectioner, High street Harman .r. H., butcher, Birchwood Harris A. Rowland, Sheepcote farm Harris Henry Thos., tailor, High st. Harrison Mrs., dining rooms, High si Hearn Bl·OS., tobacconists, High st Heath H. S., dispensing chemist, High street Higgs Caleb Walter, coal & corn merchant, High street Hoar Thomas Cowley, cycle maker, The Broad way Hook Arthur, cycle maker, High st Hulbert Mrs. Ethel, draper, High st International Tea Company's Stores, Limited, High street Jackson Hy.,frmr.,Upper Hockellden James A. E., confectioner, High st Jones John, fishmonger, Broadway Joynson Wm. & Son, paper manufrs Keyes John, shopkeeper, Broadway Langley Arthur, Black Boy, High st Laslett Daniel John, beer retailer, Birchwood Laslett William, tobacconist & confectioner. High street Lemon Mrs. Caroline, wheelwright, Star lane & High street Linegar Geo., hairdresser, Broadway London Central Meat Co. Limited, High street McDowell James, wardrobe dealer, High street McWhirter Robt., Bull Inn ,Birch wood [PH] MARTIN'S BANK LIMITED, High street; attendance from Chislehurst, Tues. and Friday, 11 to 3 May Stanley, flumer, Manor farm Mayatt William, clothier, High st Mitchell Miss Florence. drpr., High st Moore Albert, Post Office, High st. Ogburn G. & Son, fancy leather dealers & stationers, High street Phillips Frlmk, butcher, High street' Plummer Elwin, greengro., High st. Police Station William Childs, sergeant-in-cbarge, High street Prentice Thomas, Red Lion, High st [PH] Rankin Charles William, hairdresser, High Street Redhead Frdk. J. , photogrphr., High st Russell Mrs.Esther, confctnr., Higb st Sanders Frederick 'WiIliam, insurance agt. Garden vi]. Derry Downs Savage Mrs. Bessie. baker & confectioner, High street Srh wereI' David, watchma. & c., High st. Sbecne Alfred J .. stationer & printer, & post office, High street Shipp Herbert, butcher, High street Shoebridge Geo. E., bootma., High st. Simmons Mr;'l., confr., Birchwood Singer Sewing Machine Co. Limited; depot, High street Slade William, greengrocer, High 8t Smith George Mence, oil & colourman, High street . Spoonel' Horace, butcher, High st Stanger Frank ,family grocer, draper, clothier, & c., High st. & Broadway Strout" Frank, butcher, High street Taylor William Page. faniler & contlactor, Clydc vil.,Derry Downs Telephone Exchange (& raIl office), Viaduct bouse, High street The Golden Tea Pot, grocers, 'rile Broadway Tyrrell John, statiollcr, High 8treel Vanll & Co., drapers, High street Ward Charles, coufectioner, High st Webster A. W., schoolmaster, Council Endowed schools, High street Weeden William, jobmaster, High st West Herbert, secondhand furniture dealer, High street Whitebread Jn., baker, The Broad way Whittle Jn. Fras.,blacksmith, High st. Zilken Peter, Five Bells, High street [PH]


Isa small VIllage adjoining St. Mary Cray and Foots Cray. It is about 5k miles from Bromley, 14 from Lond0n and G~ from Darlford, in the Western Division of the county, hundred of Ruxley, lathe of Sutton-at-Hone, rural deanery of Bromley and diocese of Rochester. The church of St. Paulinus is an ancient edifice, built of stone and flint, having a square tower and shingle spiTe. The register dates from 1;')72. The living is a rectory, in the gift of the Hon. Robert Marsham-Townshend, and is held by the Rev. K Holroyde, M.A. The Schools are situate next to the Parish Church. The Wesleyan Chapel, situate opposite Messrs. Joynson's mills, is convenient for both the inhabitants of this parish and that of St. Mary Cray. A Cottage Hospital is situate in Sandy Lane, and is available for Chislehurst, St. Mary Cray, Orpington, St. Paul's Cray, Foots Cr~_y, North Cray, and surraunding Parishes. T11e nearest railway station is St .. Mary Cray, about half a mile from the village. The population at the census in 1911 was 1,467. The area is 1,652 acres, and the rateable value £8, 12~). The parish now possesses a Parish Council.


Arthur Webster, Suo·l'ostmaster. Letters arrive 8.0 a.m., 2.30 & 7 p.m.; lieE- patched 8.50 & ll..1,j a.m. & 1.50, 5.30 & 9 p.m. Sundays 5.40 p.m. Open for Telegrams from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. LETTER Box, in wall at Mill, cleared at 8.50, 11.45 a.m. am 1.50, 5.35 & n p.m. Sundays 5.45 p.m.


Consulting Physician.-Sir James Reid, G.O.V.O., K.C.B., M.D., F.R.C. P. Consulting Surgeons.-Sir William H.Bennett, K.C.V.O., F.It.C.S., Phineas S. Abraham, )I.D.,, Arnold Lawson,F.R.c.S.,F.J. ~rcCann, M.D., )I.n., Harold S. B'lrwell, M.B.Lond., F.R.c.s.Eng. & W. Ironside Bruce, M.D.Aberd. Acting ~Medical Officers.-C. G. Dattiscombe, M.B., C.M:.(St. Mary Cray); G. W. Davis, M.D., B.s.Durh., M.It.C.f1.& J. Crombie, M.13.,C.M.Edin. (Sidcup); J. M. Belluion, M.A., M.D.Camb., llI.R.C.s.Eng., L.n.C.p. Lond. (St. Mary Cray); James Allan, M.B., C.M.,H. Lawson, :IoI.H.C.f1.,LoIt.C.P. &: J. II. Tallent, B.A., M.B., B.C., ), L.n.C.p. (Chislehurst); A.Tennyson Smith, M.D.,M.B., C.M.& T. W. Bailey,, f,.H.C.r.Lond. (Orpiugton). Surgeon -Denlist.-E. F. Smith, L.n.f1. Hon. Sees. & Treasurers.-E. H. Joynson & C. G. Battiscombe, M.n., C.1of. Matron. - Miss E. ::',1.Hunter. Visiting Days.-Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays, from to 4. Rector - Rev. Elkanah Holroyde, M.A. Guardian and Rural District Councillor Thomas May Registrar of Births and Deaths.- H. B. Hamlyn, attends at Mr. Marjoram's house, Cray road, on 2nd and 4th Saturday in month 11 a.m. to 12 noon . Elementary School - Edwd.Paine, A.c.p. master Overseers-To H. Nash & Arthur Ellis Oxley. Assistant Overseer &; Collector and Rates Thomas Beeton, Corner house, Church Avenue, Sidcup Assessor &; Collector and King's Tctxes- William Frost Masters, Laro, HomefiPld rise, Orpington Metropolitan Water Board (Kent district)- H. E. Spencer, collector; attends at 77 Station road, Sidcup, Wednesdays, 11 a.m. to 1 p m. Parish Councillors-Rev. Canon E. W.Chap- man, M.A. (chairman), Thomas May (vicechairman), Messrs. R. J. Bateman, E. Paine, F. Smallwoon, J. Dormer, G. Neill. W. G. Nash, T. H. Nash and T. Palmer; Thomas Beeton, clerk, Corner house, Church avenue, Sidcup Carrier.~ to London-Pickfords Ltd. & Carter, Paterson & 00. & London Parcels Delivery 00. eyery day.

Private [ St Mary Cray ].

Letters through Chislehurst. Ashbee Robert Dougla!', eraylands Barham Ernest, River view * Berens Mrs. R., Mallings Chapman Hev. Canon E. ,V., M.A., Paul's Cray hill Clark William, Oak cottage Holroyde Rev. Elkanab ,M.A. ,Rector~' Hunter Miss E. M., The Hospital, Sandy lane * James'Mrs. Stanley, Ruxley Marsden Robert, River view Mills Waller Waterfall, Elm bank Nash Thomas Henry, Garland hill· Nash William G., Crayfield Rees Daniel, The Cottage Sinclair Miss A., 2 The Villas Stancliff Gifford. Holly lodge Stanger Frank, Riverdale Ty1er Andrew, 1 The Villas

Commercial. [ St Mary Cray ]

Ashenden Mrs., dining rooms Blinkhorn Hcrbt., farmer, Garland hill Bradshaw John, farmer, Home farm Brett Mrs. Ellen Emma, shopkeeper Co-operative Stores, A. Tyler, mngr. Corke William R. c031 merchant Cousin Louis Arthur, Blne Anchor [PH] II(llltc Counties Public House Trust Co. Lilllited,Tlw Bull Inn, Thomas Hobby, manager Hunter Miss E. M., matron, Chislehurst & Cray Valley Hospital, Sandy lane May &. 'vinson, farmers, Grey's farm May rrhos., farmer, Chalk pit falm Mitchell Edward, Old Star Inn [PH] Nash William, paper manufacturer Paille Euwald, A.O~P., schoolmaster, St. Paul's Cray Elementary school Sheldon A. & Co., brick makers Smallwood Frederick, baker Smith Frederiek, fruiterer and greengrocer South Subltrban Ga.~ OJ., Wilfred , Vastell, sec Tapsell Mrs. Mary, The Homestead tea rooms Thwaites Wm., farmer, Chubb's farm Tickner William, greengrocer Uden William, sexton Watts Miss Rose, confectioner Watson Richard George, insurance agent, 19 Station road Webster Arthur, grocer and general supply stores, Post 0 (h't'e


Is situated on the borders of Surrey, about {miles from Croydon, -l milell from Bromley, 3 miles from Beckenham and 12 miles from London, with a station on the South Eastern and Chatham Railway. It is in the Western Diyision of the county, hundred of Ruxley, lathe of Sutton-at-Hone. The name Wickham is probably derived from the Anglo. Saxon words Wie,. a street or way, and Ham, a dwelling. In liU7, according to Hasted's account, there were in West Wickham about seventy houses. and about tWf'nty acres of waste land. The Common of West 'Wickham, which adjoins Hayes Common, is now undAr the management of the City of London, having been con:mitted to their charge in the year 1892. A few years before an attempt had been made to enclose it, and to prevent this a fund was raised for the purp0:Je of the extinction of the Lord of the Manor's rights over it, which objt:ct was successfully attained. The church, which is dedicated to St. John the Baptist, was rehuiit in 1487, and was enlarged and the north aisle built in 1844; the seats were re-arranged and the organ chambers built in 1898; it is of stone and flint with square tower, and has a peal of five bells, The register dates from 1558. The living is a rectory, and in the gift of Lt,-Cot. Sir H. A.H.Farnaby Lennard, Bart.,D.L., J.P., of Wickham Court, and is he.ld by the Rev. H. Bertie Roberts, )I.A. Wickham Uourt has been in the possession of the family of the present owner since the latter end of the reign of Queen Elizabeth, when Sir William Heydon sold the manor and estate to John Lennard, Esquire, of Chevening, who also possessed Knole at Sevenoaks, The house is a square building with octagonal towers at each corner, which formerly terminated pyramidically above the roof, but are now flat. The wans are an embattled with machicolations over the doorway. The present pvrch was built about the time of Charles I. In the dining hall there is an original full length portrait of Sir Walter Raleigh and his son, and some American stags' heads. From these facts it is llurmised that SODle of the family accompanied Sir Walter on one or more of his expeditionI'! to America. The 1ire dogs in the drawing-room are very beautiful, bearing the ROjal Arms of England enamelled on copper in blue and white. A large number of palreolithic and neolit.hic flint implements have been found at Bowes ]i'arm in this parisht by MI'. George Clinch. A Mission Church wa£ some years ago built in the village by the late Lewis Loyd, Esq. There is also a Lecture Hall, with class and club rooms adjoining. In September, 1887, the foundation stone of a now chapel for Independents was laid by Mr. E. F. Duncanson. Tho building will seat 120 persons, and the estimated cost was £315. The trustees are the minister and officers of the Bromley Congregational Chapel. The area is ;:"UI1 acres, aud the rateable value £11,460. The population, as taken at the census in 1!Hl, was 1,102. West Wickham now possesses a Parish Council.


Mrs. Kate Bishop, Sub Postmistress. Letters arrive from Beckenham at 5.10 from Loudon, 7.20 a.m., 4 & 7 p.m.; Sundays :i 10 a.m. Deliveries COmmCll lCat 6.0 and s a.m .. lI1ll17.15 p.m. Sundays 7 a.m. ~),::~patched,at 8.3·5 a.~.;. and 12.5, 5 and '.,J;) p.m. Sundays at ;).;)0 p.m. Wickham Court Wall Box, cleared at 6.20 and R.20 a.m. and -1.25p.m. Sundays 7.30 a.m. Grosvcnor Road Wall Box, cleared at 7.30 and 11.30 a.m. and 4.30 and 7.15 p.m. Sundays 7.15 a.m. Wickham Green Wall Box, cleared at 8 & 9.30 a.m. &4.45 and 7.30 p.m. Sundays 6 p.m. Letters should be addresscd "West Wickham, Kent." Rutor-Rev. H. Bertie Roberts, M.A. CIl/'(rte-Rev. Frank Reginald Jas. Easton M.A. Churchwardens - Arthur Gripper & William Henry Blake, 101. D. O/'gQ1lists-E. Edney and Fred Terry. Wel'8eers-G. L. Sparrow and James W. Lawrence. Assitant Overseer - Henry Barne~, ·Willow Bank, Farnborough Serton - Joscph Durling. Congregational Chapel-Service by minister! from Bromley Parish Councillors - Lieut.·Col. Sir Henry A. H.F. Lennard, Bart ..D.J,., J.P. (cbairmau), R. TomlJling, G. W. Bird, John Yatel'. Dr. Blake, J. Killick, A.. Gurney Preston. Geo. Sparrow, Rev. H. Bertie Hoberts, M.A. and H. J. Plant (clerk) Guardian - Lieut.-CoI.Sir H. A. H.F. Lennard, Bart. Regististar of Births and Deaths - Charles Ernest Manger attends at the Parish Room Sussex: road, on 1st and 3rd Friday in month 11 a.m. to 12 noon. Station Master . Vacant. Mopolitan Water Board (Kent District)- Pumping station, Addingtun road. Elementary School (mixed)-H. J. Plant, master . Ancient Order 01 Poresten, Court Prince of Wales, No. 5100, held at the Slcani meet- ing' night, third TueRday-Charles Watts, sec. National Deposit Friendly Society - H. J. Plant, district sec., held at the class room monthly. West Wickham Rifle Club -President, Colonel O. W. Sherrard; vice-president, Field Marshal Earl Roberts, V.C., K.G.; H. .Jenner, sec.


Private Residents.

Andrews William Henry, High street Baylis Alfred, Oaklands, Hawes lane Belbin J n. B., :Ferndale, Grosvenor rd Bell John Hope, Wynyard. Hawes Ill. Bellringer Arthur Edward, Parkstone, Grosvenor road Benson Albt. Sml. Ellerslie. Grosvenor rd. Bird George William, Manor house Blake 'William Henry, M D" :'I.It.C.S. Rng.,r,.R.c.l'.Lond., L.S A.,Bedford 10. Bliss Ernest, Oak lodge, 'Wickham rd. BowditchC.F., Wyncroft ,Grosvenor rd. Bowman Mrs.,EnnerdaJe, Grosvenor rd BrookeEdwd.,Northwold, Grosvenor rd Brown F. W. B.. Homestead, Hawes Ill. Bllttifant Geo. 1..I., Yaverland,Hawes la Causton F. A., Atherton. Grosvenor rd. Chillingworth Joseph C., 'Wentworth, Grosvenor road Crittall Miss, The Elm house Davies John, Llanberis, Hawes lane Dickinson Walter Reginald, Gayles, Grosvenor road Easton Rey. Frank Reginald James, M.A. [curate], The Rectory Edwards Mrs., The Nest Evans C.E. Orchardleigh, Grosvenor rd Forsythe Robert, Ardllli; Hawes lane Gripper Arthur B., Laurel cottage llurnall Charles Wallace Leonce, Nethercroft., Grosvenor road Kershaw George Bertram Ingleside, Grosvenor road Lake Miss, Elmeswell, Hawes lane Lawrence James W., Grosvenor villas, Grosvenor road Layman Percy A., Parkview, Wickham road Lennard Lieut.-Col. Sir Henry Arthur Hallam Farnaby, Bart., D.L., J.P., Wickham court Lennard Miss, Oak gate McAndrew Mrs., Wickham house Mellin G.L ,BurrellMead,Wickham rd Mellin Mrs., Wickham hall Moule .Misses, The Hollies, Hawes la Nind J n. Randall Thos., Stramshalllo Normrrnton Miss, Arden, Wickham rd O'Callaghan William Fetherstc,n· haugh, Hunswiek house Paeke Mrs., Hawes Down Pasmorc Mrs., St. 01ayes, Grosvenor rd Pownc Ernest Lyseombe, Trcyona, Hawes lane Pratt Mrs., Rosemead, Grosvenor road Rickwood :Frederick Henry, Belmont, Grosyenor road Roberts Rey. H. Bertie, ~J.A., Rectory Rolt James, The Croft Sarson Mrs., Orlestone, GrosyerJor rd Shaw "Villiam, :Fowey, Hawes lane Sherrard CoLC.W. ( late R.E.), Rayenswood Springate Edgar,Ribbon cot. High st Stoner George Henry, Cot leigh Taylor Christopher Douglas, :Lansdowne, Hawes lane Thomasset Mrs., Springfield Tredgold William Stanger, Field lodge, Hawes lane Usherwood John F., M.A.oxon., Afton bank, Hawes lane White William Hodgson, Woodlands, Hawes lane White Mrs.,Rosemont, Grosvenor road Willis Arthur, The Bung-alow, Wickham road Wilson William Henry~ G1encoin, Grosvenor road


Barbourn James, farmer, Court farm Bassett Henry, Tlte Wheatsheaf Bishop Mrs. Kate, Post Office Blake &; Craster, physicians & surgeons, Bedford lodge Chalk V. B., butcher, Wickham st. Chapman Misses, laundry. High street Cooper Miss Jane, blacksmith, Wickham street Coote Mrs. M. A., dairy farmer, Whitegate farm Couchman Mrs. Phrebe Elizabeth, laundress, Croft cottage, High street Durling Joseph, sexton Durling Walter Harry, beer retailer Edwards Hugh H., refreshment house Gasson Mrs., lanndry, High street Gasson P. J .. bootmaker, High street Gibbons Joseph, carpenter Gundry Mrs. E., draper, High street Hills Edward, butcher, High street Hunt Frederick, grocer, High street Impey John, carman, High street Judd Miss Amy, dress rna. Oakley vil. Kershaw George Bertram, civil eng-ineer. Ingleside, Grosvenor road Killick James, carpenter and under ta~er, The Village Lawrence James William, coal mer. Loder Richard, farmer LONDON COUNTY &. WESTMINSTER BANK LIMITED (Frederick A. Hunt, manager), High street. See advertisement, page 279 Long Henry, gardener to Mrs. Melliu Marden Thomas, farmer, Layhams, Coney Hall & Rowes farms Metropolitan Water Board (Ktmt district); pumping station, Addington road Mid-Kent Nurseries Peters Walter, baker, High street Plant H. J., clerk to Parish Council & school master Playsted William N., carpenter and joiner, Alder house Quilter Fdk. Jas. Wm., Railway Hotel [PH] Skirlner Harry Roland, butcher,High st Smith Herbert George, confectioner Sparrow George, coach builder & wheelwright . Steel Edwin Geo .poltry farm, Pond ho Stock George, farmer Stockbridge Charles William, grocer Tanner Herbert Parker, newsagcnt Thomas Fredk. Wm., Tlw Swan 1rm Tombling & Nottle, builders Treadwell Richard, farmer,Hawes fnn West Kent Elcctric Co. Lttl. ( local off.) Williams Wm. bootmaker, The Village Woolman Thomas', laundry Yates John, cyclists' rest




BllO~fIJEY, KEX'!'. AUCTIONEERS & VALUERS. BAXTER, PAYNE & LEPPER, opposite G. P. O. East st. Bromley Carter. Law & Leech,56 East street, Bromley & at Shortlands Mortloek Walter. 2 Bvne road & Tower ho. VeUIler rd.·Beckenham


HART PEHCY E. (& general), ij8A, Beckenham lane, Bromley


See Certificated Bailiif.


Davies Chas. & son, 48 East st. Bromly MAUNDER W. LIMITED, 1 & 2 Market square, Bromley


LLOYDS BANK LIMITED (U. Adams, managcr),BB Widmore road,Bromley. See advertisement, page 255 LONDON CITY &. MIDLAND BANK LIMITED (John Albert Evans, manager), High street, Market square, Bromley & (Frank Fletcher, manager) 2H Heekenham road (corner of Mackenzie road), Beckenham. See advertisement, page 52 LONDON COUNTY & WESTMINSTER BANK LIMITED (Arthur Vivian Faull, mallager), 141 High street, Bromley; (William Isaac Hawkins, manager) 25 High street, Beckenham; (Arthur Vivian Faull, manager) Chislehurst West & High street, Orpington & (Frederick A. Hunt, mauagel'), High Street, West Wickham. See advertisement, page 279 LONDON & PROVINCIAL BANK LIMITED (Charles W. Gribble, manager), 16 & 18 High street, Beckenham. See advertisement, page 463 LONDON & SOUTH WESTERN BANK LIMITED; branches, 13 Kirkdale, Sydenham; 1 London road, Forest Hill j 113A, Anerley road, Anerley & 191 Rushey green, Catford; draw on head office, 170 Fenchurch street E C. See adverti~ement, page 296 UNION OF LONDON &. SMITHS BANK LIMITED (THE) (Arthur Frederic Hobbins, manager), 33 High street, Bromley & at Hayes (Fridays, 10 to 11.30 a.m.). Sec advertisement, page 60


Rone Wm. Hy. 13 Vale cots.Bromley


Clarke E. & ~on Limited, 53 High street, Bromley & High street, St. Mary Cray. Tel. 414: Bromley TAYLORS LBIITED, 119 Ewart road, Forest Hill S E. Telephone 392 Sydenham


:-:;ims& Son, 115 Acre lane, Brixton, London S W. Manufacturers of sun blind:;, venetians, spring rollers & c. Senel for estimates


Clarke Eo & ; Son Limited, 53 High street, Bromley & High street, St. Mrary Cray. Tel. 414: Bromley

BOOKSELLER. Last George H. (new & secondhand), 29 The Broadway, Bromley


Beckwith Bertram R (& repairer), 113 Southlands rd. Bromley com Munday Harry (& repairer), 11 Weston grove, Bromley Randall H. E. Limited, 8 Aberdeen buildings, High street, Bromley


Fremlin Brothers; stores & bottling depot,54:A, Dingwall road, Croydon


ARNAUD J. C. & SON, 149 High street, Bromley Bragg Henry Frederick, 15 Scott's road, Bromley GLASSUP H. M:. R.P., A.R.San.I. (& plumber & gasfitter), High street, Orpington. Tel. Cray 22 Graham L. & Son (& undertakers), 45 Stanley road, Bromley Hall Harry, 67 Beckenham lane, Shortlands Henham T. & Son, 39 Beckenham lane, Shortlands Moore Alfred H.P.C. 23 Bromley gardens, Bromley Newbery James,47 We:;t st. Bromley PALIN MILBIRT, 25 Lansdowne road &; ;)3 Farwig lane, Bromley Pensotti Chas. 77 Park end, Bromley Prior Richard, 10 Johnson road, Bromley common RIDER THOMAS &. SON, Chislehurst West. Chislehurst TYLER CHARLES, Westbrook, Clarence road, Bickley


HAYCRAFT & SON LIMITED, Broadway, Deptford & 199 & 201 Lewisham High road


DARBY BROTHERS (&. monumental masons), Tweedy road & Station .yard, Bromley north


Atkins Walter, Royal par.Chislehrst Beckett John, 51 & 53 Oakley road, South Bromley Keith Ben, Chislehurst West, Chislehurst


PATENT STEAM CARPET BEATING CO. LIMITED, carpets beaten in any weather. Carpets freed from dust by Compressed Air. Works: 196 York road, King's cross N; T N 127 North; T A Eradicate, Camroad, London; Camberwell Station road S E; T N 1226 Hop; Thornton heath, Croydon; T N 1005 Croydon; Latimer road Notting hill w; T N 5380 Paddingtou ; 370 King's road, Chelsea s w ; T N 544 Kensington; West End lane, HampRtead N w; T N 1311 Paddington ; 186 & 188 High street, Homerton N E; T N 391 Dalston; Ashdown rd. Kingston; TN 194:1 Kingston; Quaggy works, Lee green S E : T N 39 Lee Green; Totteridge green, Finchley; T N 491 Barnet; & Gunnersbury lane, Acton w; T N 149 Raling


OIby Hugh E. (& builders' merchant), 311 & 313 High street, Lewisham


Mortlock Walter, 2 Byne rd. & Tower house, Venner road, Beckenham


Huekstepp Albert George, 3 Brightfield road, Lee Green COACH BUILDERS. Hailey C. & Son, Walter's yard, High street, Bromley


Eley William, 19 Queen's road· & S.E. & C.R. Coal wharves, Goods yard, Chislehurst Kennard & Trill, Red hill & S.E. & C.R. Coal wharves, Goods yard, Chislehurst Marke William (late Thomas Mersh), 4 East street & Bromley (North) Railway Station yard (S. E.& C.R) Roberts Fredk. 31 College rd. Bromley


DAWSING MADAME, 7 The Parade, Widmore road, Bromley SPIRELLA CORSET PARLOUR (Madame Clifford), 19 Church road, Bromley


Haylett Madame Maud, 4 Aberdeen buildings, High street, Bromley Jardine .Madame (& dress maker), 60 Dingwall road, Croydon


CREAMERY (TRE) (G. Trenholm, manager), 8 Widmore rd. Bromley. Telepbone No. 251 Bromley


Medhurst ]r. Limited, H, 45,46,47, 48,49,50 & 51 High street, Bromley


costume & mantle makers, milliners, ladies' & children's outfitters, boots & shoes, 153, 155, 157, 159, 161 & 163 Lewisham High road, New Cross S E. Open Thursdays till 8 p.m. ; Fridays till 9 p.m. Closed at 1 p. m. on Saturdays WRIGHT BCOTHERS, High street: Bromley


Day & Co. 5 Brccknock road N W EASTMAN &. SON (DYERS &. CLEANERS) LTD. The London Dyers &. Chemical Cleaners. By SPECIAL ApPOIX'r~mNr PODGER H. & SONS LIMITED, 216 &, 218 Homesdale road, Bromley PULLARS' DYE WORKS, PERTH (H. Mundy, agent), 23 East street, Bromley. Te1ephonc No. 921 ~bllard, Fendt & Co. Post Office bUIldings, , 1 East street, Bromley


THE GRAND HALL CA. E. Corrick. manager), High street, Bromley. Telephone 896 Bromley


Weeks George & Sons, 61 High street, Bromley


Leversuch Christophel' Edward, 2 Pembroke road, Rickley 'rUTT H. & SONS, 25 Market square, Bromley


Bryant James B. The Nurseries, 109 Bromley road & Ravensbourne avenue, Shortland


Melhulsh William Limited, 2 Camberwell green, Camberwell S E


Knell Wm. 38 Chatterton rd. Bromley Pearcey W. H. & Sons (wholesale & retail), 3 The Broadway, Bromley


Humenton James & Sons, 35 & 37 East street, Bromley SOUTH LONDON PANTECHNICON CO. LIMITED, 37 to 45 Station road & 1 Denmark bin, Cambelwell S E. r. A .. , Dismantling, London;" T. N. 2024 Hop TAYLOR'S DEPOSITORY, 1 St. George's road, Southwark, London S E. Removing & warehousing, charges low. Estimates free. Telephone No. 272 Hop. See advertisement facing page 496


KRANTZ ISADORE (& ladies' tailor),18 The Broadway, Bromley


HAYCRAFT & SON LIMITED, Broadway, Deptford & 199 & 201 Lewisham High road


WEEKS GEORGE &. SONS, 61 High street, Bromley


Riley George William, Norwood road, Herne Hill, London S E Sycamore Works Co. (The), 88 Warple road, Wimbledon


DAVIS ALFRED, Sivada, 1 Salisbury road, Bromley common


Gillman & Butt (& shirt tailors), 28 The Broadway, Bromley


MATHEWS FRANK, Bud in Hand, 3 Bickley road, Bromley. Telephone No. 1806 [PH] Bromley


BATCHELAR & SON LIMITED, 11 Widmore road, Bromley SUMNER DANIEL (& upholsterer), 72 Bromley road, Beckenham


Alker & Co. Railway station, Southborough road, Bickley BAXTER, PAYNE & LEPPER, opposite G. P. O. East st. Bromley Carter, Law & Leech, 56 East street, Bromley & at Shortlands


Jones Wm. Hy. 52 Tylney rd. Bromley Pearl Life Assurance Co. (Francis Dean, district supt.), 33 East street, Bromley Phanix Assurance Co. Limited (Harradine & Ayling, agents), 97 High street, Bromley Prudential Assurance Co. Limited (George Palmer li.C.I.B. & A. agent), Aberdeen, Station road, Bromley Ware Alfred, Ealing. Bickley crescent, Bickley


HAYCRAFT & SON LIMITED, Broadway, Deptford & 199 & 201 Lewisham High road WEEKS GEORGE & SONS (retail), 61 High street, Bromley White & Bushell, Chislehurst West, Chislehurst


Medhurst F. Limited, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50 & 51 High st. Bromley


Griffin Mrs. C. L. 78 College road, Bromley Medhurst F. Limited, 44, 45, 46,47, 48, 49, 50 & 51 High st. Bromley


MILLER M. (high Class), 64 Tweedy road, Bromley


Belmont Hand Laundry (Frederick Mallett), 4 Bp]mont terrace, Green lane, Chislehurst BELMONT HAND LAUNDRY (THE) (Grubey & Townsend), 34 Addison road, BlOmley COllimon BLOOMFIELD LAUNDRY, Bromley common BROMLEY MODEL LAUNDRY LIMITED, 8 Marlborough road, Bromley common CHAPMAN HAND LAUNDRY (Misses Chapman, proprietresses), Anglesea road, St. Mary Cray. Open air drying ground CLARENCE SANITARY LAUNDRY (THE) (Mrs. A. Belleini), 95 & 97 Maple road, Penge COPPING MRS. H. 7 Bickley road, Bromley COMPLETE HAND LAUNDRY (THE) (E. W. Dray), 61 Cowper road, Bromley common. Open air drying ground Farmer Mrs. (hand), 2 Bourne road, Bromley Forest Hill Sanitary Laundry, 65 & 67 Malbam road, Forest Hill GETHING GEORGE C. 32 Pope road, Bromley common GRESHAM LAUNDRY, Lower Gravel road, Bromley common. Telephone 757 Bromley LONDON &. PROVINCIAL STEAM LAUNDRY CO. LIMITED (William Thomas Sale, sec.); chief office & works, 154 Battersea Park road s w; braneh laundries, Green lane, Penge & Kilburn lane W ORPINGTON MODEL LAUNDRY, Anglesea ho. St. Mary Cray, Kent PUBLIC HALLS FAMILY LAUNDRY, Burnt Ash hill, Lee (adjoining station). Tel. No. 395 Lee Green Shallard, Fendt & Co. Post Office buildings, 4 East street, Bromley Shortlands Laundry (Mrs. E. Burt), 10 Station road, Shortlands TRIGG EDWARD & SONS, 23 Elliott road & HA, The Broadway, Bromley Victoria Hand Laundry (Arthur BeaIts), 33 Pope road, Bromley common


HAYCRAFT &. SON LIMITED, Broadway, Deptford & 199 & 201 Lewisham High road


Fa wsitt Frederick,21 Market square, Bromley


HAYCRAFT &. SON LIMITED, Broadway, Deptford & 199 & 201 Lewisham High road Weeks George & Sons, 61 High street, Bromley


Wallis John Limited, Flour mills, Lewisham


Medhursi F. Limited, 44,45,46,47, 48, 49, 50 & 51 High st. Bromley WRIGHT BROTHERS, High street, Bromley


Hoare & Sons, Charlton Works, Shooter's Hill road & Plumstead. Tel. No. 430 Woolwich. Estab.1810


Invicta Motor & Cycle Co. Chislehurst West, Chislehurst


BROADWAY MOTOR WORKS (A ..J. M. Ingram, proprietor), Bromley, Kent. Tel. No. 959 Bromlev BROMLEY CENTRAL GARAGE 21 West street, Bromley. Telephone 955 Bromley BROMLEY MOTOR &. ENGINEERING WORKS &. GARAGE (R. E. Anthony A.M.I.l'II.E.), Masons hill, Bromley. Telephone 961 Bromley WESTERN MOTOR WORKS (THE) (repairers & accessories), Perry street, Chislehurst. Telephone No. 160 Sidcup. Telegrams, Motors, Chislehurst"


Medhurst F. Limited, 44,45,46, 47, 48,49,50 & 51 High st. Bromley


THE KENTISH MERCURY (estab. lished 1833; certified sale 23,500 weekly); printing & publishing offices, 6 to 14 Blackheath road, Grflenwieh. Telephone Nos. 1 & 1152 New Cross


Cole & Moody, 69 & 71 Wickham road, Beckenham Foreman A. & C The Nurseries, Lower Gravel road, Bromley common Pocock George William, The Nursery, Bromley WHlTELI£GG & PAGE. The Nurserie~, Chislehurst West. Tel. No. 1332 Bromley


Elmer Nurse, l1 The Broadway, High street, Bromley Errington Nurse (certificated), 4A, Howmrd road, Bromley


BROMLEY NURSES' CO-OPERATION (Misses Larkins), Greta, 7 Blyth road, Bromley. Telephone :No. Bromley 231


John 80n ~. W.Limited, 47 & 49 Lee High road, Lewisham Olby Hugh E.(& builders' merchant), Bll & 313 High street, Lewisham


Harris A.lbert Thomas,27 The Broadway, High street, Bromley


Johnson R. W. Ltd. (glass & color), 47 & 49 Lee High road, Lewisham


Pfeil Christopher Ferdinand, 20 The Broadway, High street, Bromley


MORLEY ROBERT & CO. 108 High street, Lewi~ham. 'felephone No. 1137 Lee Green


MORLEY ROB!RT & CO. lOS High street, Lewisham. Telephone No. 1137 Lee Green


Chapple H. O. 33 The Broadway, Bromley (two doors from Bromley South station) Longhorn Frederick Jame~, 79 Masons hill, Bromley. Specialist in high-class work. Estab. 1905


WRIGHT SAMUEL & CO. LIMITED, Crown Works, Andre street & 112 Amhurst rdad, I-Iac~ney N E. Telephone No. 412 Dalston


Poole A. H. & t:lons (gas & hot water fitters), 44 Homesllale rd.Bromley PLUMBERS & GASFITTERS. BURTON JAMES HENRY & SON (& hot water enginers), 4 & 15 Royal parade, Chislelmrst HAYCRAFT & SON LIMITED, Broadway, Deptford & 199 & 201 Lewisham High roaq Knott Martin A. 120n, Southlands road, Brumley common


Riley George William, Norwood road, Heme Hill, London S E


Clarke E. & Son Limited, 53 High street, Bromley & High street, St Mary Cray. Tel. 414 Bromley West Kent Printing Works cr. U. ; 48 hours), Wa1ter's yard, High street, Bromley


BROMLEY COLLEGE OF MUSIC (Ernest B. )10ss A.G.S.M & Miss Beatrice E. Youngman A.G.S.M directors), York house, 6 High st. Bromley. Tel. Bromley 1577 REGISTRY OFFICE FOR SERVANTS. Mackness Misses,53 High st. Bromley


BARTLETT ALFRED J. 97 Beckenham lane, Bromley & opposite ROWLAND FRED J. LTD. t;edilea works, Bromley common. Telephone No. 1168 Bromley


Riley George William, Norwood road, Herne Hill, London S E


BUME!TED D. & 00. LTD. 39A,King William street E c; G. W. Railway station. Acton w; Midland Railway goods station, St. Pancras N w; L. & S. W. Railway station, Nine Elms lane, Wandsworth road s w & G. E. Railway station, Devonshire strf'f't E. Telegrams, ., Bumsted, Cannon, London." Telephone Nos. 802 Bank, 6844 Oentral & 162 Chiswick


HAYCRAFT & SON LIMITED, Broadway, Deptford & 199 & 201 Lewisham High road Palmer Edward Richard, 17 'Wickham road, Beckenham Weeks George & Sons, 61 High street, Bromley


Havelock House School (prepratory for boys) (Miss Bay, principal), 82 London road, Bromley.' A dancing class in connection with the school is held at Bromley Gymnastic Hall (Miss Rlsie Hyne, certificated teacher)


Lowrence Frederick (passage,freight & insurance), 112 & 113 High street, Bromley. Telephone No. Bromlcy ·120


Dean J. .Putney S w. Te1. 2:"14 1318 Putney·


Medhurst F. Limited, 44,45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50 & G1 High st. Bromley


Holroyde William Frederick (& commissioner for oaths), 75 Hayes road, Bromley Weller William G. (& commissioner for oaths), Victoria chambers, 43 High street, Bromley


Olarke E. & Son Limite:l, 53 High street, Bromley & 4 High street, St. Mary Cray. Tel. 414 Bromley


Heller Leonard, 10 Manor Park parade, Lee High road, Lewishqlll


BAXTER, PAYNE & LEPPER, opposite G. P. O. East st. Bromley Carter, Law & Leech, 56 East street, Bromley & at Shortlands


Barber Robert, 44 East st. Bromley Greenslade Thomas (& breeches maker, motorists' uniforms, liveries & c.), Chelsfield. rd. St. Mary Cray Krantz Morris (ladies' tailor & furrier), 10 Wetherby terrace, South Kensington MILLER M. (high-class ladies' tailor & habit maker), 64 Twecdy road, Bromley


Marshall Mark (& fencing contractor), Farwig lane, Bromley STEWART JOHN, Peckham wharf, Canal head, High street, Peckham S E & at 3 Drayton park N & High road, Carshalton


Romary A. E. (& athletic outfitter), 18 East street, Bromley

TYPEWRITERS. TAYLOR'S TYPEWRITER CO. LTD. 74 Chancery lane we. All makes of machines sold, hired or repaired. MS. typed. Telephone No. ·1881 Holborn


Bashford James E. (specialist in repairs), 5A, Eest street, Bromley


CHAPPELL FRANCIS & SONS, 25 High street, Bromley; 75 Southlands road. Bromley common & 45 Stanley road, Bromley common. Telephone 1720 Bromley Limebeer Arth. 58 Pope rd. Bromley LONDON NECROPOLIS CO. & general undertakers), 121 Westminster Bridge road S E. Telephone No. 839 Hop. Telegraphic address, "Necropolo, London"


Jarman B. W. 24 Chatterton road, Bromley common Payne Harry, 39 West street & 76 Tweedy road, Bromley. Telephone 1565 Bromley

VERMIN EXTERMINATOR. Bunting Edward, 31 Elliott road, Bromley common


Kendall's Wardrobe Agency, 27 College road, Bromley


Bristow Richard George, 5 North street, Bromley Kirby George Edward, 38 East street, Bromley


Chislehurst WiDflow Cleaning Co. 59 Chislehurst road, Chislehurst. Telephone H57 Bromley Connell J. M. 21 Park end, Bromley Sherrill Brothers, 16 Heathfield road, Bromley. Tel. 1457 Bromley

WINE, SPIRIT & BOTTLED BEER MERCHANTS. Pamphilon G. & Son, 58 High street, Bromley Rushbrook Ernest, 43 & 45 Homesdale road, Bromley


Elliott John, 78 Chatterton road, Bromley


, 82 & 108 High road, Lee S E


Alexandra Palace & Park, MUi1wcllHm.-Open Kensington Palace, Kensington Palace garJens, free to the public, under the management of W.-State Apartments open every day except Trustees, who reserve the right to charge for Wed., Christmas Day &: Good Friday; week !l.dmissionon 14 days during the year. dflYs,from 1st April to 30th Rept. 10 a.m. till Bethnal Green Museum (branch of the Victoria & 6 p.m. From 1st Uct. tiIl3lst March, 10a.m. till Albert), Vambridge road, N.E.-Mon., Thurs. & 1p.m. On Sundays the hour of opening is 2 p.m. Sat., free from 10 to 10; Tues., Wed. & Fri., free '{~w.-l'he Royal tlutauic u-arueus, open daily, from 10 to 4, IIor 6 p.m., according to season; free. Gardens: week days, 12 to sunsllt (May Sun. from 2 to 4,5,(i or 7 p.m. according to season. 15th to Oct. 15th, 10 to sunset) Sundays, 1 to sunset; Bank Holidays, 10to sun~et. Howes: Bridgewater House, rJIcveland square, S.W. {town 1 to 6 p.m, except when sun sets before 6 resitlence of the Earl of ElIe~mere).-Admission p.m. Closed on Christmas Day. to collection of picture, by letter of introductIOn. King's College Museum, 160, Strand, w.e. which should be forwarded to th" Earl's private (Anatomical, Architectural. Natural History & : secretary when applying for permit. Physicnl Science).-Daily from 10to 4. Admit. British, Great Russell street, Bloomsbury, W.O.·- tance only by permission of the Authorities. The Exhibition Galleries of the British Museum Lambeth Palace, Lambeth, S.E.-Oan only be visit· are open to the public free as under: Week-days, cd by special permission. Library open Mon.. from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. (in Jan., Feb., Nov. & Wed., Thurs. & Fri. from 10 a.m. till 4 p.m. Dec. after 4 p.m. &:in March, Sept. & Oct. after & forenoon of Tues,; from May to July (both 5 p.m. only certain of the Galleries remain open); inclu-ive) till 5 p.m.; closed during certa,in the Galleries are also open on Sunday afternoons, periods of the year. the hours of admission being 2 to 4 p.m. in LeIghton House Collection, 12 Holland Park road, Jan., Feb., Nov. & Dec.; 2 to 5 p.m. in Oct. ; W.-Open free Sat. ; other days by ticket, Is. 2 to 5.30 p.m. in March & Sept. ; 2 to 6 p.m. Hours, 11 a.m. to flask: cia,,!!,}Sunoays. in April, May, June, Jnly & Aug. The Reading L:>ndon Museum, Stafford House, St. James's Room of the Musenm is opcn to ti k, t holders Palace, S.'W. ; open to th pu ')lic on every day in every week day from 9 a.Ill. to 7 p.m, l'h~ theye,r,xcept Wed.. Xmas Day & Good Friday; Museum is closed on Good Friday, Christmas house of olJening on werk days, Mon. 12 noon: Day & on any Fast or Thanksgiving day~ othor liays, 10 a.m.; Sundays, 2 p.m.; hours of ordered by Authority. The Reading Room if. closing, Jan. 4 p.m.; F,-b. 430 p.m.; Mar. 5 also closed for cleaning purposes during the first p.m.; April to Sept. 6 p.m. ; Oct. 5 p.m.; Nov. four week days of March & Sept. & Dec. p.m, Carlyle's House Memorial Trust, 24, Cheyne row Madame Tussaud's Exhibition, Marylebone road.- Chelsea, S.W.-Open from 10 till sunset: closed Open from 10 to 10. Admi~sion Is.; children on Sunday. Admission, Is.; Saturdays,6d. half-price. F:xtra rooms, 6d. Chelsea Hospital, Chelsea Embankment, S.W.- Museum of Practical Geology, 28to 32, Jermyn st. AdmIssion free daily to grounds, great hall & S.W.-Open free every day, from 10to 5 summer chapel. &10to 4 in winter: ~10n.&:"at.l0 a.m.tolO p.m.; Corporation of London Art Gallen'", Guiloht\ll, &open free on Sun.afternoom from2p.m. t07p.m. E.C.-Free. J\[arch to Sept. 10 to I); Oct. to in summer: the rest of the year 2 p.m. till dusk. reb. 10to 4. .'{ational Gallery, Trafalgar sqnare, W.C.-J\lon., Donaldson Museum, Royal College of Music, Tues., Wed. & Sat. free, & after 11 a.m. on Prince Consort road, South Kensington, S.W. :'\tudent~' dg,ys(Thurs. & Fri. 6d.). Open from Dulwich Gallery, Dulwich College, S.E.-Free Ha m. to 6 p.m. or: free days during the months every week day from 10 till 4, I) or 6 p.m. ac- of May, June, July & Aug. ; other months closed cording to season, & on Sundays 2 to 5 or 6 p.m. earlier, according to season. B'oundling Hospital Picture Gallery, Guildford N"ational Gallery of British Art (Tate Gallery), st., W.e·-Open on :Mon., from 10a.ill. to 3 p.m. Grosvenor road, S.W.-Open frer. ]',ion., Thurs., Guildhall, E.C.-Antiquities ,open daily fromMarch Pri. &:Rat.. & after 11 a.m. on Students' dl1Ys 1st to Sept. 30th, between the hours of 10 & Ii; (Tues. & Wed., 6d.). Open from 10 a.m. to 6 & from Oct. 1st to the last day in February, p.m. on fret' day~ during the months of April. between the hours of 10 & 4. Admission free. May, June, July, Aug. & Sept. & 011Sun. from Hampton Court, -Gardens & splendid collection April to October inclusive, from 2 to 6 p.m.; of pictures; daily except Fn. "';. Xmas Day. other months closed earlier. according to season. Hours, 2 to 6 Summer: 2 to 1 Winter. Free. National Portrait Galiery, St. Martin's place, Health Exlubition (Institute of Hygiene), 34, Charing Cross.-Open free on Mon., Tues" Wed. Devonshire st., Portland pl., W.-Open nail.y & Sat., 10 to 4 or 6, according to srason; from 10a.m. tillll p.m.; Sat., 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Snndays free,2.30to 5.30in summer or until dusk EIorniman Museum & Library, London r'):ld, in winter: Students' daYF, Thnrs. & Fri., from Forest Hill - The Museum, weekdays, April to 10 to 4 or 5, an admission fee of 6d. is oharged. Sept. 11 :t.m. to 8 p.m.: Oct. to March, 11 :t.m. ~atural History (branch of the Bntish Museum), to u p.m.; Sundays, :tIl the year round, 3 to 9 (Jromwell road, fouth Kensington, S.W.-open p.m.; closed only on Christm:ts Day. The daily, free, including Sunday afternoons. Hefer"nce Library, week days, all the year Painter Stainers' Hall, 9, Little Trinity lane, E.O. rounll, 1L :t.m. to 9 p.m.; Sundays, 3 to 9 Parke's "'Iuseum (Royal Sanitary Institute), 90, p.m.; closed Chrbtmns Dny, Good Friday & Bnckingham Palace road,S. W.-Open free, daily, Bank Holidays. 9.30 to 5.30; all Mondays 9.30 to 8. Imperial Institute, Imperial Institute road, Soutb Public Record Office, Chancery lane, W.O.-The Kensington, S.W.-Permanent Exhibition of Museum, containing Domesday Book, is open the.Colonies, India & c. Admission free. (Sat. & Sun. excepted) from 2 to 4 p.m. Royal Academy of Arts, Burlington House, Piccadilly. W.- Exhibition of works by living artists, 1st Mon. in May to middle of August, from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.: arimj~si"n 1r. Eveni' g Exhibition, last week, frC'm7.30 to 1O.f0, arlmi,,- si"n 6d. JJ:xhibitlOll of works by old masters & deceased British artists 10 we~ks from 1st Mon. in Jan. from 9 a.m. till dusk; admiasion Is. Gibson (Sculpture) Gallery & Diploma Ualleries every rlav, 11 ti114, free. Royal Architectural Museum, 18, Tufton street Westminster, S.W.-Open 10 to 4. Royal Botanic Society of London, Inner Circle, Regent's Park, N. W. ; admission daily, from !' till sunset, by orders from the Fellows; by payment on Mon. & Sat. Royal College of Surgeons' Museum, 39 to 43, Lincoln's Inn Fields, W.O.-Mon., Tues., Wed. & Thurs. 10 to 4 from 1st Nov. to last day of Feb. ; & from 10 till 5 from 1st March till 31st Aug. & during Oct.; admission by Members' Order. Closed during Sept. Royal Hospital, Greenwich, S.E.-Painted Hall open dally except Friday from 10 a.m.; closeE 1st Nov. to 15th Feb. 4 p.m. : 16th Feb. to 14th Mar. 5 p.m. ; 15th Mar. to 15th Sept. at 6 p.m. &: 16th Sept. to 31st Oct. lit fj p.m. Sundays, open at 2 p.m.: closes same time as week days. The Chapel & the Royal Naval Museum are open every day excepting Sun.& Fri. during the Flamehours. Royal Institute of Painters in Water Colors, Wi" Piccadilly, W.-Exhil.JitioliS are held from March to May inclusive. Admi~sion Is. Royal Institute of Oil Painters, 195, Piccadilly, W. -Exhibition from Oct. 7th to Dec. lOth. .Admission Is. Royal Society of .Arts, IS & 19, John street, .Adelphi, W.e.-10 a.m. to 3 p.m. ; Sat. 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Royal Society of Painters 111 Water ('olors. 5A, Pall Mall East,S.W -Spring & Winter Exhibitions,ls. Royal Society of Painter-Etchers & Engravers, 5A, Pall Mall East, S. W. . Royal United Service Institution Museum, Whitehall, S.W. (Armour & Naval & Military Modell' & Relics; Rubens' ceiling).-Open daily from 10 to 5. Admission 6d. ; sailors, soldiers & policemen in uniform free . Science Museum, South Kensington.-Entrances in Exhibition road & Imperial Institute road. The cSollections illustrate the prinClples of Science and also their application to industtial purposes. There are four divisions. Open dailJ except Good Friday & Christmas Day; frOID 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. on Mon., Thurs. & Sat. ; on Tues., Wed. & Fri from 10 a.m. till 4 p.m. in Jan., Nov. & Dec.; till 5 p.m. in Feb. & Ort. ; & until 6 p.m. from March to Sept. inclusive. On Sun. (the Museum only) from 2 p.m. till 4 p.m. in Jan., Nov. & Dec.; till f> p.m. in Feb. & Oct.; till 6 p.m. in March, April & Eept. ; &- until 7 p.m. in ]lIay, June, July & August. Admission free, except to the Library. loane's (Sir John) Museum,13 Lincoln's Inn Fields. W.O,-Antiquities, Pictures & Sculptures. Open free from 10.30 a.m. till 5 p.m. on Tues .. Wed., Thurs. & Fri. in March, April, May; .Tune. July & Aug. & on Thurs. & Fri. Oct. & Nov. ; on other days by application to the curator. Tennant Gallery, 34, Queen Anne's gate, S.W.- Free; Wed. & Sat. 2 to 6. Tower of London, E.C. (Armouries & CrOWn Jewels).-Open free Mon. & Sat.; all Bad .Holidays, the day set apart for celebrating the King's Birthday, Accession Day, Coronation Day, Queen Mary's Birthday, Prince of Wales' Birthday, Faster Tuesday & Whit-Tuesday, when free tickets are issued: on other days a charge ot tid. each person for Armouries 6z 6d. for the Crown Jewels is made; children undel 7 free; Schools 6z Church Choirp half-price. Rours, Ie to 5 Oct. to April & 10 to 6 May to Sept. Universlty College Museuml. University of London), Gower st. w.e. (Egyptian, Botanical, Geological Medical, Flaxman gallery).-Open daily from 9 to 5 ; Sat. 9 to 1 prlmission by application). Veterinary College (Royall Museum, Gt. College st. Camden Town, N.W. (Veterinary Art). Victoria & Albert Museum, South Kensington.- A Museum of ornamental & decorative art. Entrances in Cromwell road & in Exhibition road. The Museum contains nine Departments, a Library & the Department of Circulation, Open daily except Good Friday & Christmas Day. Free on Mon., Thurs. & Sat. 10 a.m till 10 p.m. to all Departments except Library, for which a ticket is required, which may be ob· tained at the entrance; adIDi~sion 6d. or by ticket on Tues .. Wed. & Fri. (students' days) from 10 a.m. till 4: p.m. in Jan., Nov. & Dec. ; till 5 p.m. in Feb. & Oct. & until 6 p.m. from March til Sept. inclusive. The Indian Section is situated in the Imperial Institute road. No charge is ever made for admission to this section, which is open every day during the same hours as the main building. On Sun. the Indian Section and all the Departments of the Museum, with the exception of the Library awl the Circulation Department, are open free from 2 till 4 p.m. in Jan., Nov; & Dec. ; till 5 p.m. in Feb. & Oct. ; till 6 p.m. in March,April & Sept. & until 7 p.ID. in May, June, July & Aug. Wallace Collection, Hertford House, Manchester square, W.-Admission free except on Tues. & Fri. when 6d. is charged. Hours of opening, Mon. 12 noon; Tues., Wed., Thurs., Fri., Sat. 10 a.m.: Sun. 2 p.m. Hours of closing, Jan. 4 p.m., Feu. 4.30 p.m., March 5 p.m., April to Sept. 6 p.m., Oct. 5 p.m., Nov. & Dec. 4 p.m. Closed on Good Friday. christmas Eve & Christmas Day. Windsor Castle.- When th! King is notin residence the State Apartments are open· Mon., Wed., Thurs. & Sat. from 11 to .\ April to Sept. ; 11 to 4, Oct. ; '{- 11 to 3 Nov. to March. The charge for adrdssion on .Wed, Thurs. & Sat. Is.; children 6d.; on Mon. & Bank Holidays, free. Woolwich Arsenal.-.Admission to the works in the Royal Arsanal ra' be procured by an order from the War Office, Whitehall, or from the Chief Supt. of Ordnance Factories, Royal Arsonal, obtained by written or personal application. Foreigners are limited only by an order from the Secretary of State for War, obtained through the intervention of their own Ambassador, through the Foreign office. Vioitors are admitted on Tues. & Thurs. only between 10 & 11.30 a.m. & 2 & 4.30 p.m. Woolwich Rotunda, Royal Military Repository, Woolwich Common (Artillery, Armoury & Mechaniclll).-Open to pu blic on week days from 1st April to ~oth Sel t. from 10 a.m. to 12.45 p.m. & from 2 till 5 p.m.; Sun. 2 to 5 p.m.; 1st Oct. to 3ht :March 10 a m. to 12.45 p.m. & 2 to 4 p.m. ; Sun. 2 to 4 p m. Zoological Gardem, Outer Circle, Regent's Park, N. W.-Mnl. Gd., from 9 a.m. to sunset; other days Is.; Sun. only by order from a Fellow. [ end of viable printed text ]


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